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Advanced - 入伍当兵(E2011)

A: 哈哈,笑死我了。这条微博太精辟了。

hāhā, xiào sǐ wǒ le。 zhè tiáo wēibó tài jīngpì le。

Ha ha, that's hilarious. This Weibo is right on target.

B: 什么内容?说出来让大家乐乐。

shénme nèiróng? shuō chūlai ràng dàjiā lèle。

What's it about? Entertain us.

A: 法律规定:男人22岁才能结婚,可是18岁就能当兵。这说明了3个问题

fǎlǜ guīdìng: nánrén èrshíèr suì cái néng jiéhūn, kěshì shíbā suì jiù
néng dāng bīng。 zhè shuōmíng le sān gè wèntí: yī shì shārén bǐ
zuò zhàngfu róngyì; èr shì guò rìzi bǐ dǎzhàng nán; sān shì nǚrén
bǐ dírén gèng nán duìfu。

The law stipulates that men can't get married until they're 22 but
they can join the army at 18. This raises three issues: first, that killing
people is easier than becoming a husband, second, that it's harder to
live your life than fight in wars, and third, that it's harder to run into a
woman than an enemy.

B: 靠,哪个哥们儿写的?这不就是我苦难的生活吗?

kào, nǎge gēmenr xiě de? zhè bù jiùshì wǒ kǔnàn de shēnghuó


Dang, who wrote that? That's just how difficult my life is.

C: 瞧瞧,瞧瞧,做男人多难啊!你们女人应该多体谅男人。

qiáo qiao, qiáo qiao, zuò nánrén duō nán a! nǐmen nǚrén yīnggāi
duō tǐliàng nánrén。

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See how tough it is being a man? You women should be more
considerate towards us.

D: 切,你们又没当过兵,有什么资格抱怨?

qiē, nǐmen yòu méi dāng guò bīng, yǒu shénme zīge bàoyuàn?

Ha, you guys haven't served in the military, either. What right do you
have to complain?

B: 谁说的,我高中毕业当了两年兵,还是炮兵呢。

shéishuōde, wǒ gāozhōng bìyè dāng le liǎng nián bīng, háishì

pàobīng ne。

Says who? I was a soldier, an artilleryman, for two years after I

graduated from high school.

A: 哦?你还当过兵?没看出来。我们国家不是不用每个人都要当兵的吗?

ǒ? nǐ hái dāng guò bīng? méi kàn chūlai。 wǒmen guójiā bùshì
bùyòng měi ge rén dōu yào dāng bīng de ma?

Really? You served in the military? I couldn't tell. Our country doesn't
require people to serve in the military, does it?

B: 是不用,但每个人都有义务服兵役。如果国家要你你就必须去。但我可

shì bùyòng, dàn měi ge rén dōu yǒu yìwu fú bīngyì。 rúguǒ guójiā
yào nǐ nǐ jiù bìxū qù。 dàn wǒ kěshì zhǔdòng yāoqiú de。“ cānjūn
bàoguó, wúshàng guāngróng”, dāngnián gēmenr wǒ jiùshì
chòngzhe zhè jīncàncàn de biāoyǔ, tóunǎo yī rè, jiù tián le cānjūn

It doesn't, but every person has an obligation to serve. If your

country needs you, then you have to go. However, I actively enlisted.
"There is no greater honor than enlisting in the army to protect one's
country." It was because of that golden slogan during those years
that I suddenly had the urge to sign my enlistment papers.

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A: 后悔啦?

hòuhuǐ la?

Did you regret it?

B: 当时有点。不过现在回头想想在部队呆的那两年,是一段很珍贵的记忆

dāngshí yǒudiǎnr。 bùguò xiànzài huítóu xiǎng xiang zài bùduì dāi de
nà liǎng nián, shì yī duàn hěn zhēnguì de jìyì。 nà shì wǒ dì yī cì guò
jítǐ shēnghuó, nàme duō rén měitiān shēnghuó xùnliàn zàiyīqǐ。

I did at the time. But I have very fond memories looking back now on
those two years I spent with the army. That was the first time that I'd
lived as part of a team, the first time I'd lived and trained with so
many people on a daily basis.

C: 还都是男人,哈哈!

hái dōushì nánrén, hāhā!

And they were all men, ha ha!

D: 哎,当兵打仗是不是每个男人的梦想啊?

ái, dāng bīng dǎzhàng shìbushì měige nánrén de mèngxiǎng a?

Hey, isn't fighting in a battle every man's dream?

C: 哎!梦想是丰满的,现实是骨感的。所以梦里想想就算了,真的跑去当

āi! mèngxiǎng shì fēngmǎn de, xiànshí shì gǔgǎn de。 suǒyǐ
mènglǐ xiǎngxiang jiù suànle, zhēnde pǎo qù dāng bīng de yě méi jǐ
ge。 bùduì de tiáojiàn zěnme hǎo gēn jiālǐ de bǐ, tāmen jiùshì yào
yòng jiānkù de tiáojiàn móliàn nǐ de yìzhì。

Ha! People have plenty of dreams but in reality people take action on
very few. People are content to think about such dreams, but there

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are very few who will actually go enlist. The conditions within the
army can't be compared with those of having a family, so they use
harsh training to temper your will.

B: 我就是这么过来的,开始的时候真不适应,又不能当逃兵,想死的心都

wǒ jiùshì zhème guòlai de, kāishǐ de shíhou zhēn bù shìyìng, yòu

bù néng dāng táobīng, xiǎng sǐ de xīn dōu yǒu。

That's how I came over. In the beginning I really wasn't used to it and
also couldn't desert. I really wanted to die.

A: 你们算幸福了,还有的选。要是生在韩国和朝鲜,不管你是普通老百姓

nǐmen suàn xìngfú le, hái yǒudexuǎn。 yàoshì shēng zài Hánguó hé
Cháoxiǎn, bùguǎn nǐ shì pǔtōnglǎobǎixìng háishì dà míngxīng,
fánshì dádào yīdìng niánlíng de nánxìng, dōuyào rùwǔ dāng bīng。
jiù lián zǒngtǒng de érzi yě shì yīshìtóngrén。

You guys are lucky; you still get to choose. If you were born in North
or South Korea, as a man you'd have to enlist in the military at a
certain age whether you were a normal person or a famous celebrity.
Even the president's son is treated the same way without exception.

B: 那你怎么不说一些西方国家,像美国,英国啦,他们当兵还有钱拿,多

nà nǐ zěnme bù shuō yīxiē xīfāng guójiā, xiàng Měiguó, Yīngguó

la, tāmen dāng bīng hái yǒu qián ná, duō shuǎng a!

Then why don't you mention Western countries like America and
England? They get paid for serving in the military. It's great!

A: 资本主义国家嘛,什么都跟钱挂钩,连军人都职业化了。听说工资还不

zīběnzhǔyì guójiā ma, shénme dōu gēn qián , lián jūnrén dōu
zhíyèhuà le。 tīngshuō gōngzī hái bù dī ne, tuìwǔ yǐhòu zhèngfǔ hái

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huì gěi tāmen tígōng gōngzuò jīhuì。

Everything's tied to money in capitalist countries; even military

service has become a profession. I've heard that not only is the salary
pretty high, but the government will also provide you with job
opportunities after you've served.

C: 得了吧,条件再诱人,我也不去。一会儿阿富汗,一会儿伊拉克,我有

déleba, tiáojiàn zài yòurén, wǒ yě bu qù。 yīhuǐr A1fùhàn, yīhuǐr

Yīlākè, wǒ yǒu jǐ ge nǎodài a, jīng de qǐ nàme zhēteng。

Forget it. I wouldn't go no matter how enticing the benefits were.

One moment Afghanistan, the next moment Iraq. How could I
endure so much torture as only one person?

D: 一看你就是贪生怕死的人。要是打仗,你肯定第一个当逃兵。

yī kàn nǐ jiù shì tānshēngpàsǐ de rén。 yàoshì dǎzhàng, nǐ kěndìng

dì yī ge dāng táobīng。

I can tell that you're a real coward. If there was a battle, you'd be the
first deserter.

Key Vocabulary

精辟 jīngpì penetrating, incisive

对付 duìfu to tackle
体谅 tǐliàng to be considerate
义务 yìwù duty
服兵役 fú bīngyì to serve in the military
报国 bàoguó to protect one's country
丰满 fēngmǎn plump, prosperous
骨感 gǔgǎn skinny

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磨练 móliàn to temper
逃兵 táobīng deserter
入伍 rùwǔ to enlist in the military
当兵 dāng bīng to become a soldier
一视同仁 yīshìtóngrén to be treated equally
without exception
挂钩 guàgōu to be linked
职业化 zhíyèhuà to professionalize
退伍 tuìwǔ to demobilize
诱人 yòurén enticing
贪生怕死 tānshēngpàsǐ 'afraid to risk one's life,

Supplementary Vocabulary

报效祖国 bàoxiào zǔguó to serve one's

叛徒 pàntú traitor
汉奸 hànjiān traitor to China
军训 jūnxùn military training

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