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1. Tundra and Ice. and survive harsh winters.

 Found around the Arctic Circle, •Carnivores include wolves, lynxes,

north of the tree line. Northern wolverines, weasels, mink, and sable.
Russia and Siberia. Smaller areas Omnivorous bears are also found.
occur in the Southern Hemisphere  Birds are either adapted to feeding
on sub-Antarctic islands. in taiga, such as crossbill, or as a
 Smaller areas occur in the Southern summer migrants feeding on the
Hemisphere on sub Antarctic islands. vast seasonal swarms of insects.
Alpine tundra occurs above the tree line 3. Temperate Forests:
on high mountains, including those of • There are four basic types of
the tropics. temperate forests:
 It is the most continuous of biomes • 1. Mixed forests of conifers and
and the easiest to define. Winter broad-leaved deciduous trees
temperatures are minus 57 degrees • 2. Mixed forests of conifers and
centigrade or lower. There is always a broad-leaved evergreens
permanent layer of frozen soil • 3. Broad-leaved forests almost
underneath- the permafrost. entirely of deciduous trees and
Tundra • 4. the broad-leaved forest consisting
 Many birds migrate there from the almost entirely of evergreens. This
south in summer, feeding on the occurs much of Florida, and also
large insect populations in the those of northeast of Mexico and Japan.
tundra during the season.  All these regions have very high
Carnivores are Arctic fox, wolves, rainfall, and the dripping forest have
hawks, and owls. been termed “temperate
2. Taiga rainforest”.
 Taiga (Northern Coniferous Forests)  The fauna includes bears, wild boar,
Form an almost unbroken belt across badgers, squirrels, woodchucks, many
Northern North America and Eurasia- insectivores and rodents. Predators
and is one of the most extensive include wolves and wild cats, red foxes
biomes. and owls. Large herbivores are the deer.
 Its northern margin, being the Arctic The biome is extremely rich in bird
tree-line, but its southern limit is species, especially woodpeckers,
less definite. Taiga is also found on titmice, warblers, and finches.
high mountains in lower latitudes, 4. Tropical Forest
such as the southern Rockies.  This occurs between the Tropic of
 The soil is mostly frozen to a depth Cancer and Capricorn in areas where
of about 2 meters. Thick snow cover temperatures and light intensity are
can keep soil temperature as high as always high and rainfall is greater than
-7 degrees centigrade 200 cm a year( and at least 12 cm in the
 Trees are almost evergreen conifers, driest month). Because of these, there
able to photosynthesize all years and to is great variety of trees. In some parts
resist drought with their needle-shaped of the Brazilian rain forest, there are as
waxy leaves. many as 300 species of trees in 2 sq. m.
 The most important large herbivores  The canopy is extremely dense, the light
are deer, more species live here than intensity below may be as low as 1% of
in any other biomes. Rodents are that above, and thus only a few
plentiful and can burrow under snow extremely shade-tolerant plants can
survive there.
 The crown of trees is covered with climate). And in areas with less rain
epiphytes- plants that use the trees only than grassland.
for support and are not parasites.  The vegetation is sclerophyllous
 Lianas-vines rooted in the ground but (hard leaf scrub of low growing
with leaves and woody plants, mainly evergreen,
flowers in the canopy are also with hard thick waxy leaves-
characteristic. adaptations to drought.
5. Temperate grassland  It occurs mainly in the countries fringing
 This occurs in region where rainfall is the Mediterranean basis, but also in
intermediate between those of desert northwest Mexico and California.
and of temperate forest, and where  There are ground squirrels, deer, elk,
there is a fairly long dry season.
Temperate grassland as many local mountain lions and wolves are the
names- the prairies of North America,
the steppes of Eurasia, the pampas of
8. Dessert
South America, and the veld of South
 These are areas experiencing extreme
drought. A good definition is those
 But the dominant plants in all of them
areas where rainfall is less than 25 cm
are the grasses, the most widespread
per year, or if higher, is mostly lost
and successful group of land plants.
immediately by evaporation. Deserts
 The dominant animals are large grazing
can be divided into:
mammals, vast herds of bison and
1. Hot deserts (such as the Sahara)
prong-horn, antelope, wild horse and
with very high temperatures, often over
wild ass.
50 degrees C., and low night
6. Tropical grassland or savannah
temperatures below 20 degrees C and
 is a term applied to any tropical
 2. Cold deserts (such as the Gobi Desert
vegetation ranging from pure grassland
of Mongolia with very severe winters
to woodland with much grasses. It
and long periods of cold winters.
covers a wild belt on either side of the
Equator between the Tropics of Cancer Isolating Mechanisms
and Capricorn.  Interbreeding is the process which
 The climate is very warm, and there is holds
always very warm, and there is a long individuals together in populations, and
dry season, and thus the plants often populations together in races and
have drought resisting features. The species.
grass is much longer than that of the The process leads to gene exchange.
temperate grassland.  Populations and population systems are
 The dominant animals are large grazing reproductive communities tied together
mammals, the savannah having the by bonds of genealogical relationship
greatest variety, and burrowing rodents  Mating is not random, however,
are also found. Large carnivores such as between individuals belonging to
lions and hyenas prey on the grasses. different species.
7. Chaparral  Barriers to interbreeding and to gene
 This occurs where there are mild wet exchange exist within and between the
winters and pronounced summer larger population systems. These
droughts (known as Mediterranean barriers are referred to as isolating
not well coadapted structurally; therefore
interspecific pollination or copulation is
The Components of Isolation unsuccessful-mechanical isolation
The three main factors that bring about B. The barrier to gene exchange
isolation are: operates inside the bodies of the
1. spatial distance organisms after the gametes come
2. the nature of environment and together. The block results from the
3. the reproductive characteristics of the unsuccessful interaction between the
organisms gametophytes, gametes, chromosomes,
1. Spatial isolation – Gene exchange between
or genes of the different population
population systems is reduced or prevented by
systems – internal reproductive
the distance between them.
a. The populations live in different territories- isolation.
allopatric geographical isolation. a. In animals and plants with internal
2.Environmental isolation- Gene exchange fertilization, cross insemination or
between the sympatric but ecologically
pollination takes place between
differentiated is limited by the availability
members of different population
suitable for the growth and subsistence of their
hybrid progeny, that is by environmental systems, but fails to lead to the production of
selection against the hybrids and hybrid hybrid progeny—incompatibility
b. The populations live in different habitats in
the same region being neighborly sympatric-
ecological isolation. The hybrid is formed but is more or less
3. Gene exchange is restricted or blocked by inviable- hybrid inviability.
genotypically controlled differences in the • i. The F1 hybrid grows to maturity but either
reproductive habits and fertility relationships of its sex organs or its gametes are abortive and
the individual organisms belonging to different non-functional –hybrid sterility.
population systems- reproductive isolation. • j. The hybrid produces F2 or backcross
A. The barrier to gene exchange lies outside the progeny which, however, consist partly or
bodies of the organisms and is effective prior to
entirely of inviable or sterile individuals-
fertilization. The interbreeding
hybrid breakdown.
between individual members of different
population systems is blocked by their
external phenotypic characteristics, by the
structural, physiological or behavioral
differences between them ---external
reproductive isolation.

a. The male and female reproductive organs,

the flower parts or genitalia, of individual
members of different population systems are
not well coadapted structurally; therefore
interspecific pollination or copulation is
unsuccessful-mechanical isolation
b. The male and female reproductive organs,
the flower parts or genitalia, of individual
members of different population systems are

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