Vortaro Bazala Angla-Ido

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A adventure aventuro
adverb adverbo
almost preske
alone sola, -e
appearance (appearing)
a, an (no indefinite article)
abandon abandonar advertise reklamar along (alongside) alonge appearance (aspect)
able (capable) kapabla advise konsilar (ulo ad ulu) alphabet alfabeto aspekto
able, be (to do something) aeroplane aeroplano already ja applaud aplaudar
povar affable afabla also anke apple pomo
about (around) cirkum affair afero; evento; alternative alternativa, -o apply (put on) aplikar,
(prep.), -e (adv.) koncerno although quankam -esar
about (concerning) pri afford povar pagar o donar always sempre apply (put to use) uzar,
above super (prep.), -e afraid of, be amateur amatoro utiligar, (fig.) aplikar
(adv.) (apprehension) timar (tr.) ambiguous ambigua approve aprobar
abroad exterlande afraid, be (fear) pavorar among inter approximate (adj.)
absence absenteso (intr.) amount (quantity) quanto proxima
absent absenta afraid, be (regret) regretar amuse amuzar April aprilo
absolute absoluta (tr.) ancient antiqua, tre apt apta
absorb absorbar (tr) after (behind) dop (prep.), anciena area areo
absurd absurda -e (adv.), dop ke (conj.) and ed, e argue (give reasons)
accept aceptar after (in time) pos (prep.), anger iraco, -igar argumentar (intr.)
accident (mishap) acidento -e (adv.), pos ke (conj.) angle (n.) angulo argue (quarrel) disputar
accompany akompanar afternoon posdimezo angry iracoza (intr.)
according to segun afterwards pose, plu tarde angry, be iracar (kontre) arise (get up) levar su,
accuse akuzar again ankore un foyo, animal animalo staceskar
accustomed, be kustumar ankorfoye ankle maleolo arm (of body) brakio
(intr.) against kontre announce anuncar around cirkum (prep.), -e
acknowledge agnoskar age evo annoy (bother) vexar (adv.)
across (the other side of ) ago ante nun anorak anorako arrange (make
trans agree (be in agreement, be another (person) altru preparations for) aranjar
act agar (tr./intr.), -o of the same opinion) another (adj.) altra arrange (put into order)
act (a role) plear konkordar (intr.) answer (reply) respondar ordinar
active aktiva agree (consent to (ad), -o, -izar arrive arivar
actor aktoro something) konsentar answer (solution) solvo art arto
actual (real) reala, fakta (intr.) ant formiko article (newspaper,
adapt adaptar (tr.); agreeable agreabla, anticipate anticipar grammar) artiklo
adaptar su plezanta anxious about, be suciar article (thing) kozo
add (join) adjuntar ahead avane (tr.) as ... as tam ... kam (e.g.,
add (numbers) adicionar ahead of avan any (at all) irga tam facila kam Ido)
additional (extra) plusa aim at (an object or any (some) ula as (being) kom (e.g., as an
address (on letter etc) target) vizar (tr./intr.), -o anybody irgu expert she knows = kom
adreso aim (camera, gun, etc) anything (at all) irgo experto el savas)
adjacent apuda apuntar anything (something) ulo as (in comparison) quale
adjective adjektivo aim (purpose) skopo anywhere irgaloke (e.g., granda quale baleno)
admire admirar air aero apart aparta, -e as (in the manner) quale
admit (acknowledge) airplane (US) aeroplano apartment apartamento (e.g., as you wish = quale
agnoskar alike simila apologise expresar regreto; vu deziras)
admit (let in) admisar alive vivanta exkuzar su as (like) quale
adopt adoptar all omna (adj.), omno (n.), apparatus aparato as (since) nam
adult adulta, -o omni (pron.) appear aparar ashamed, be shamar
advance avancar (tr./intr.) allow (let) lasar appear (look) aspektar ask for demandar
advantage avantajo allow (permit) permisar appear (seem) semblar ask (question) questionar

asleep dormanta (bone, male, ...) blame (condemn) blamar, brosilo
asleep, fall dormeskar beach plajo -o brush (v.) brosar
assert (state as a fact) bean fabo blame (fault) kulpo build konstruktar
asertar bear (support) suportar blind (sightless) blinda, -o bulky grosa
astonish astonar beard barbo block (material) bloko bungle fushar
at (the price of ) po beat (defeat) vinkar blood sango burn brular (tr./intr.), -uro
at least adminime beat (hit) batar, -o blow (be windy) ventar bury enterigar
at most admaxime beautiful bela (intr.) bus autobuso
at (beside) apud beauty beleso blow, blow upon suflar business (commerce)
at (in) en because pro ke (tr./intr.) komerco
at (with) che (ulu) because of pro blue blua business (firm) firmo
attack atakar, -o become divenar board (plank) planko, -izar busy okupata
attain atingar bed (for sleep) lito boat batelo but ma
attempt (endeavour) bedroom dormo-chambro body korpo butter butro
esforcar beer biro boil boliar, -igar button butono
attempt (try out) probar, before (in front of ) avan bone osto buy komprar
-o (prep.) book libro by means of per
attend (be at) asistar before (previous to) ante border bordo by (before) ante
attention to, pay atencar (prep.), -e (adv.), ante ke bore (weary) tedar by (by means of ) per
(tr.) (conj.) born, be naskar by (done by) da
attract atraktar beg (beseech) pregar borrow pruntar by (near) proxim
August agosto begin komencar (tr./intr.) botch fushar (tr.)
aunt onklino
author autoro
beginning komenco
behave kondutar
both amba, -e
bother (annoy) vexar
cabbage kaulo
autumn autuno behaviour konduto bottle (n.) botelo
cake kuko
avoid evitar behind dop bottom (backside) sedo
calculate kalkular
away fore believe kredar bottom (lowest (of several
call (ask to come) vokar
bell klosho levels)) infra
calm kalma
B belong apartenar
below sub (prep.), sube
bottom (lowest part, e.g.,
of a vase or well) fundo
camera kamero
back (adverb) dope; retro can (be able) povas
(adv.) bottom (underside of an
back (of body, hand, book, can (tin) buxeto metala
bench benko object) kulo
etc) dorso cancel efacar
beneath sub (prep.), -e boulder roko
bad mala capable kapabla
(adv.) boundary limito
bag sako, -eto car automobilo
bent (curved) kurva, -igita bow (bend) flexar, -o
bake bakar, -esar cardboard kartono
berry bero bowl bolo
ball bulo care about suciar (tr.)
beside apud box (container) buxo
ball (air-filled) baloneto, care for (nurse) flegar
besides (prep.) exter, ultre boy puerulo
balono care of, take sorgar
best maxim bona, -e brake freno, -agar
ball-point pen bul-plumo care (attention) sorgo
betray trahizar branch brancho
band (strip, stripe) bendo care (concern) sucio
better plu bona, -e brave (adj.) brava
bank (financial) banko care (protection) protekto
between inter bread pano
bank (of a river) rivo careful sorgema
beyond (on the other side break ruptar, -esar, -o
bar (for drinking) drinkeyo carriage (railway) vagono
of ) trans breakfast (n.)
bar (the way) barar carrot karoto
beyond (past) preter matin-repasto
base (n.) bazo carry portar
bicycle biciklo, -agar breathe respirar (tr./intr.)
base (support one thing case (container) buxo,
big granda brick briko
with another) apogar kesto, kofro, (suffix) -uyo
bill (invoice) fakturo bridge ponto
basin baseno case (instance) kazo
bind ligar bright brilanta, lumeganta,
bath (n.) balnuyo cash (coin) moneto
bird ucelo lumoza
bath(e) balnar (tr.) cat kato
birth (being born) nasko bring (ad)portar
bathroom balno-chambro catch (capture) kaptar
birthday naskodio bring forth produktar
battery (elec., milit.) catch (seize) sizar
biscuit bisquito bring up edukar
baterio cattle bovi, bovaro
bit (piece) peco, peceto broad larja
battle bataliar (intr.), -o cause (of an event) kauzo
bite mordar, -o brother fratulo
bay (of sea) bayo cause (v.) igar, efektigar
bitter bitra brown bruna
be esar cautious prudenta,
black nigra brush (for brushing)
be (well, ill, etc) standar pre-sorgema

ceiling plafono clear (evident) evidenta confuse (in one’s mind) crawl (creep) reptar
celebrate celebrar clench klemar konfundar crazy (mad) fola
centre centro clever habila confuse (someone) create krear
certain (a certain) certena climb klimar (tr./intr.), -o konfundigar creep (crawl) reptar
certain (sure) certa clock horlojo congratulate gratular cross (n.) kruco
certainly certe close to proxim conjunction (in grammar crowd turbo
chain kateno close (nearby) proxima, -e or astronomy) konjunciono cruel kruela
chair stulo close (v.) klozar, -esar connect konektar, -esar crush (squeeze) aplastar
chance (likelihood) chanco cloth (piece of ) tuko conscience koncienco (tr.)
chance (risk) risko cloth (woven fabric) stofo consent konsentar cry (cry out) kriar, -o
chance (unknown element) clothes vesti consider konsiderar cry (weep) plorar
hazardo cloud nubo consist konsistar cultivate (soil, mind etc)
change chanjar (tr./intr.), club (society) klubo constitute (compose) kultivar
-o coast (shore) rivo (marala), konstitucar cup taso
change (in amount) variar mar-bordo consult konsultar cupboard armoro
(tr./intr.), -o coat (covering) kovrajo consume (use up) current (existing now)
chapter (of a book) coat (overcoat) surtuto konsumar aktuala
chapitro coffee kafeo contact (be in touch) curve kurvo, -eskar, -igar
character (quality) coin moneto(peco) kontaktar (kun), -o curved (adj.) kurva
karaktero coincide koincidar contain kontenar cushion kuseno
charge (a price) demandar, cold (adj.) kolda content(ed) kontenta custom kustumo
postular (preco); preco collect kolektar, -esar content(s) kontenajo customer kompranto,
postulata color (US) koloro, -izar continue durar (intr.), kliento
charm charmar, -o colour koloro, -izar -igar cut off (for)tranchar
chase chasar, -o combine kombinar, -esar continuous kontinua cut through tranchar, -o
cheap chipa come venar contrary kontrea, -ajo cut (make a cut in) sekar,
cheat (swindle) fraudar comfort (n.) komforto control (regulate) regular, -o
check (test) kontrolar, -o comfortable komfortoza -o
check (US) (bank’s) cheko
cheese fromajo
comic (adj.) komika;
converse konversar
convince konvinkar
daily diala, -e, omnadia, -e
chemise kamizo comma komo cook koquar, -isto
damage (harm in any way)
cheque cheko command imperar cookie (US) bisquito
nocar, -o
chest of drawers komodo comment on komentar cool (adj.) koldeta
damage (physical)
chief chefo, -a (tr.) cool (v.) koldigar
domajar, -o
chief (main) precipua commerce komerco copy (imitate) imitar
dance dansar, -o
child (7 to 15 years old) common (belonging to copy (make a copy of )
danger danjero
puero several) komuna kopiar, -uro
dare (be bold enough)
child (less than 7 years old) common (ordinary) copy (specimen) exemplero
infanto ordinara corner (n.) angulo
dark (adj.) tenebroza
child (son or daughter) filio communicate komunikar correct (right, proper)
dark(ness) tenebro
chin mentono companion kompano justa
dash (written) streko
choice (n.) selekto, -ajo; company (business or correct (without error)
date (calendar) dato
alternativo military) kompanio korekta, -igar
daughter filiino
choose selektar compare komparar (tr.) correspond (all senses)
day (24 hours) dio
church (building) kirko complain plendar korespondar
day (daytime) jorno
circle cirklo complaint plendo cost kustar, -o
day-dream revar, -o
circular (round) ronda complete kompleta, -igar costume kostumo
dead mortinta; senviva
circumstance cirkonstanco complicate komplikar cottage dometo (rurala)
dear (beloved) kara
city granda (od compose kompozar cotton kotono
dear (costly) chera
importanta) urbo concern (relate to) count (add up) kontar (tr.)
death morto
city (US) urbo koncernar, -o country (land) lando
debt (owing) debo
claim (assert) asertar concerning (about) pri country (not town) ruro
debt (thing owed) debajo
claim (lay claim to) concrete (building courage kurajo
deceive trompar
pretendar material) betono cousin kuzo
December decembro
class (all senses) klaso condition (state) stando cover kovrar, -ilo
decide decidar (tr./intr.)
clean neta, -igar condition (stipulation) cow bovino
decrease diminutar
clear (adj.) klara stipulo craft (trade) mestiero
(tr./intr.), -o

deep profunda How are you?) endeavor (US) esforcar, -o express (by words or
defeat (overcome) vinkar, do (something) facar (tr.) endeavour esforcar, -o symbols) expresar
-o doctor (physician) mediko enemy enemiko extend extensar (tr.)
defend defensar dog hundo energy energio extinguish extingar
define definar door pordo engine mashino, motoro extreme extrema
defy (challenge) defiar double duopla, -igar, -eskar engineer injenioro eye okulo
degree (measure or doubt dubitar (pri), -o enjoy juar
academic) grado
deliver (goods, etc) livrar
down (ad)infre (adv.), infre
di (prep.)
enough (after an adj.) sat
(e.g., good enough = sat
face (front of head) vizajo
demand postular, -o draw (as with a pencil) bona)
fact fakto
demolish demolisar desegnar enough (before a noun) sat
factory fabrikerio
demonstrate demonstrar dream sonjar, -o multa
fail faliar (tr./intr.)
dense densa drink drinkar, -ajo enter enirar
fair (just) yusta
depart departar (de) drive (incite) incitar entertain amuzar
fair (passable) pasabla
department fako drive (travel in a vehicle) enthusiasm entuziasmo
faithful fidela
depend dependar vehar, -igar enthusiastic entuziasmoza
fall falar, -o
derive derivar (tr.) drop (fall) falar (intr.), -o, entire (whole) tota
fall down falar
descend (go down) lasar falar (tr.) entrance (place) enireyo
fall (season) (US) autuno
decensar (tr./intr.) drop (of liquid) guto envelope (of a letter)
false (fake) falsa
describe deskriptar drown dronar (tr.), -esar kuverto
false (untrue) ne-vera
desert (wilderness) dezerto dry sika, -igar, -eskar envy envidiar, -o
fame famo
deserve meritar due to pro equal egala, -o, -esar
familiar familiara
desire dezirar, -o during dum erase efacar
family familio
despite malgre dust polvo, -izar; erode erodar (tr.)
famous famoza
destroy destruktar senpolvigar escape eskapar (intr.), -o
far (distant) distanta
detail detalo esteem estimar
farm (till land) kultivar
determine (fix) determinar
develop developar, -esar
E even (adv.) mem
evening vespero
each (adj.) singla fast (quick) rapida, -e
die (v.) mortar every omna
each (pron.) singlu fat (adj.) grosa
differ diferar everyone omnu
ear orelo fat (n.) graso
difficult desfacila everything omno
early frua father patro
direct (control) direktar everywhere omnube,
earn ganar (per laboro, faucet (US) robineto
direct (not indirect) direta omnaloke
servo, konduto od ago) fault (defect) defekto
direction (control) direkto, exact exakta
earth tero fault (failing) kulpo
-ado exaggerate exajerar
east esto, -ala fault (mistake) eroro
direction (line) direciono examine (test someone)
easy facila favour favorar, -o
dirt (mud, mire) fango examenar
eat manjar fear (by reason) timar, -o
dirty sordida example exemplo
edge (border) bordo fear (instinctive) pavorar,
disappear desaparar excavate exkavar
edit redaktar -o
disappoint deceptar exceed ecesar
educate edukar feather plumo
discomfort jenar, -o except eceptar, kun ecepto
effect efekto, -igar February februaro
discover deskovrar di
effect (result) rezulto feed nutrar su, nutrar, -ajo
discuss diskutar excess eceso, -ajo
effective efikiva feel (a sensation) sentar
dish (container) plado exchange kambiar, -o
effort (exertion) esforco feel (by touching) palpar
distance (measure) disto excite ecitar
egg ovo female femina, -o; (suffix)
distant fora excuse (oneself ) exkuzar
eight ok -ino
distract distraktar (su)
elastic elastika, -o fence (n.) fenco
distribute distributar exist existar
elect (by vote to a position) ferocious feroca
district distrikto expect expektar
elektar fetch querar
dive plunjar, -o expense spenso
electric(al) elektrala few poka
diverge divergar expensive chera
electricity elektro field (ground) agro
divide dividar, -esar experience experiencar, -o
elevate elevar fight kombatar, -o
do again (repeat) iterar expert experta, -o
emphasize emfazar find trovar, -ajo
do not ne explain explikar
employ (people) employar finger (n.) fingro
do (act) agar (tr./intr.) explode explozar (intr.),
empty vakua, -igar finish finar (tr./intr.), -o
do (be well or ill) standar -igar
enclose inkluzar fire fairo
(e.g., Quale vu standas? = explore explorar
end fino (tr./intr.), -ar firm (adj.) ferma

firm (n.) firmo form (shape) (n.) formo god deo help helpar, -o
first unesma, -e form (shape) (v.) formacar gold oro her el(u), elua, ad el(u)
fish (n.) fisho former antea good bona, -eso herd trupo
fish (v.) peskar (tr./intr.) forward (adj.) avana goods vari, komercaji here hike
fit (in a good state) en bona foundation (base) govern guvernar hers elua
stando fundamento grade grado, -izar herself (pron.) su
fit (in size and shape) fitar four quar grandfather avulo hesitate hezitar
(en, sur) fragile frajila grandmother avino hide (v.) celar (tr.), celar
fit (suitable) konvenanta, free (of cost) gratuita, -e grandparent avo su
apta free (unconstrained) libera grass (plant) herbo high alta, -e
fit (suit) konvenar freeze frostar (intr.), -igar grateful gratitudema hill kolino
five kin frequent ofta gratitude gratitudo him il(u), ad il(u)
fix (decide) decidar fresh fresha gray (US) griza himself (pron.) su
fix (in place) fixigar Friday venerdio great (big) granda hinder (hamper) impedar
fixed fixa, ferma, stabila friend amiko green verda hire (engage) engajar (ulu)
flame flamo frighten (scare) pavorigar greet salutar hire (hire out) lugar
flat (apartment) frighten (terrify) terorigar grey griza hire (take on hire) lokacar
apartamento frivolous frivola ground (earth) tero (ulo de ulu)
flat (even surface) plata, -o from (out of ) ek group grupo his ilua
flat (level) plana, -o from (starting from) de grow (larger) kreskar history historio
flavor (US) saporo front of, in avan (intr.), -igar hit frapar, -o
flavour saporo front (adj.) avana; (fig.) guard (in general) gardar, hit (collide with) shokar
flesh karno frontala -o, -isto hobby hobio
float flotacar (intr.), -igar front (fore part) avano; guess divinar, -o hold tenar, -o
flood inundar, -o (fig.) fronto guest gasto hold (contain) kontenar
floor (of a room) fruit frukto guide guidar, -anto hole truo
planko-sulo fry fritar (tr./intr.) guilty kulpanta, kulpoza holiday vakanco
floor (storey) etajo full plena gun (firearm) pafilo hollow (cavity) kava, -o,
flour farino fun amuzo -ajo
flow fluar, -o
flower floro, -ifar
funny drola
furious furioza
H home hemo
honest honesta
hair (of head) haro, -aro
fluctuate fluktuar furniture, piece of moblo honor (US) honoro, -izar
half duimo, -a, -e
fluid fluida, -o futile vana honour honoro, -izar
hall (large room) halo
fly (v.) flugar (intr.) future futuro hook hoko
halt haltar, -o, -igar, -eyo
fog nebulo hope esperar, -o
hamper impedar
fold (n.) faldo, -uro
fold (v.) faldar (tr.), -esar
G hand (n.) manuo
horse kavalo
hospital hospitalo
gain ganar, -o hang pendar (tr./intr.),
follow sequar hot varmega
game (play) ludo, -ajo -igar
food manjajo, nutrivo hotel hotelo
garden gardeno happen eventar
fool (n.) stulto hour (60 minutes) horo
gas gaso happy felica
foolish stulta; absurda; house domo
gate pordo (en fenco o harbor (US) portuo
naiva how quale
muro) harbour portuo
foot (of a leg) pedo how many quanta
gather (collect) kolektar hard (not easy) desfacila
football (game) futbalo how much quanta
gay (merry) gaya hard (not soft) harda
for (in order to, on behalf however (conj.) tamen
general (adj.) generala hat chapelo
of ) por human homo, -a, -ala
generous jeneroza have havar
forbid interdiktar humble humila
gentle *milda, lejera, dolca he il, ilu
force (mechanical) forco humor (US) (temper,
get (acquire) aquirar head (of body) kapo
forehead fronto mood) humoro
get (fetch) querar healthy sana
foreign stranjera, humor (US) (wit) humuro
gift donaco, -ajo heap amaso, -igar
exterlanda humour (temper, mood)
girl puerino hear audar
forest foresto humoro
give donar heart kordio
forget obliviar humour (wit) humuro
give in (yield) cedar heat (v.) varmigar
forgive pardonar hundred cent
glad joyoza heat (warmth) varmeso
fork (pitchfork) forko hunger hungrar, -o
glass (material) vitro heaven cielo
fork (table) forketo hurry hastar (intr.), -o
glass (tumbler) glaso heavy grava, pezoza
form (compose) konstitucar hurt (be in pain) dolorar
go (v.) irar heed egardar

husband spozulo island insulo last (endure) durar like (v.) prizar
it ol, olu last (in time or space) lasta limit limito, -izar
I it’s ol es
its olua
late tarda, -e
laugh ridar, -o
line lineo
liquid liquida, -o
I me
itself (pron.) su law (a law) lego list listo, (en)listigar
ice glacio
lazy indolenta listen, listen to askoltar
ice-cream krem-glaciajo
idea ideo J lead (bring along) duktar
lead (guide) guidar
little (small quantity of )
if se jacket (man’s) vestono
January januaro leaf (of plant or book) folio little (small) mikra
ignore ignorar
jar jaro lean (incline) inklinar live in (inhabit) habitar
ill (unwell) malada
jealous jaluza (tr./intr.) (tr.)
imagine imaginar
jewel juvelo leap saltar (intr.), -o live (be alive) vivar
imitate imitar
join (place in contact) learn (commit to memory) live (dwell) rezidar
immediately quik
juntar, -uro lernar lock (for security) seruro
impede impedar
joke jokar, -o least (adj.) minim multa; lodge (live somewhere
important importanta
journey voyajo minim importanta temporarily) lojar
in en
joy joyo least (before an adjective) long longa, -e
in front of avan
judge (general sense) minim look after sorgar
in order that por ke
judikar, -anto leather ledro look, look at regardar
in spite of malgre
juice suko leave (behind) livar (tr.)
incite incitar
July julio leave (depart) departar lorry kamiono
incline inklinar (tr./intr.)
jump saltar (intr.), -o leave (in a certain state) lose perdar
include inkluzar
June junio livar loud (of voice, sound) lauta
income revenuo
just (fair) yusta left (opposite of right) love amar, -o
increase augmentar
just (just now) jus sinistra, -o low basa
(tr./intr.), -o
leg gambo luck (chance) hazardo
indeed ya
industry industrio K lend prestar (ulo ad ulu)
less (adj.) min multa
luck (good luck) fortuno
lucky fortunoza
infant infanteto keep (retain) retenar
less (before an adjective) luggage bagajo
influence influar, -o key (of lock, etc) klefo
min lunch dejunar, -o
inform informar kill mortigar
lessen diminutar (tr./intr.)
inn albergo kill (slay, murder) ocidar
inner interna kind (adj.) benigna
kind (sort) sorto
lesson leciono
let in (admit) admisar,
insect insekto machine mashino
lasar enirar
insert insertar kiss kisar, -o mad (angry) iracoza
let (allow) lasar
inside (adj./adv.) interna, knee genuo mad (crazy) fola
letter (correspondence)
-e kneel genu-pozar madam siorino
inside (prep.) en, interne di knife kultelo mail posto, -aji, -ala
letter (of alphabet) litero
insist insistar (intr.) knock frapar, -o mail (US) (v.) enpostigar
level (flat) plana, -igar
inspect inspektar knot (in cord, etc) nodo, main precipua
library biblioteko
instant (n.) instanto -ifar, -igar make (something) facar
lie (be situated) situesar
instead of vice know (be acquainted with) make (cause to be) igar
lie (on something) jacar
instruct (teach) instruktar konocar make (compel) koaktar
lie (tell an untruth)
(ulu) know (by learning) savar make (do) facar
mentiar, -o
instrument instrumento knowledge savo, -ajo male maskula, -o; (suffix)
life vivo
insult insultar, -o -ulo
intelligent inteligenta L lift (lift up) levar, -o
light (a lamp, fire, etc)
man (human) homo
intend intencar (tr.) labour laborar, -o man (male adult) viro
interest interesar, -o lack (be in want of ) indijar manage (administer)
light (illumination) lumo
interested in interesata pri (tr.) administrar
light (in weight or force)
international internaciona lack (be wanting) mankar manage (control) direktar
into aden (intr.), -o manner maniero
like (in the manner of )
introduce introduktar lake lago manufacture fabrikar
quale (e.g., she sings like a
invent inventar lamp lampo many multa
bird = el kantas quale ucelo)
invite invitar land (country) lando map (n.) mapo
like (similar to) quala (e.g.,
invoice fakturo land (ground) tero March marto
a cat like Tom = kato quala
iron (metal) fero language (tongue) linguo march marchar, -o, -ado,
is esas, es large granda -igar

mark (token or stamp) mirror spegulo neck kolo odor (US) odoro
marko mis- mis- (e.g., misaudar, need bezonar, -o odour odoro
market merkato misuzo) neglect neglijar, -o of (concerning) pri
marry (others) mariajar miss, Miss (n.) damzelo, neighbor (US) vicino of (origin, derivation,
marry (someone) Dlo neighbour vicino quantity) de
mariajesar kun mistake (error) eroro neither ... nor nek ... nek of (out of, made of ) ek
mass (body of matter) maso mister siorulo never nultempe of (possession or
mass (large quantity) misunderstand new nova association) di
amaso miskomprenar newspaper jurnalo off (from) de
material materio, -ala mix (n.) mixo, -uro next sequanta, apuda, offer ofrar, -o, -ajo
matter (material) materio mix (v.) mixar, -esar venonta, *nexta office (business place)
matter (v.) importar mixture mixo, -uro night nokto kontoro
May mayo modern moderna nine non office (function, duty) ofico
may (adv.) forsan modest modesta no (before a noun) nula officer (commanding)
may (v.) darfas moment (of time) instanto no (not) ne oficiro
maybe forsan Monday lundio no (opposite of yes) no official (adj.) oficala
me me money pekunio no-one nulu official (n.) oficisto, -ero
meal repasto month monato nobody nulu often ofte
mean (signify) signifikar mood humoro noise bruiso oil oleo, -izar
meaning senco, signifiko moon luno none (nobody) nulu old (not new) anciena
means moyeno more (adj.) plu multa none (nothing) nulo old (not young) olda
meanwhile dume more (before an adjective) nor nek omit omisar
measure mezurar, -ilo plu normal normala on account of pro
meat karno morning matino north nordo, -ala on top supre
medicine (for illness) most (adj.) maxim multa nose nazo on (at the time of ) lor
medikamento most (before an adjective) not ne (e.g., lor vua lasta vizito)
medicine (science, maxim note notar, -o on (concerning) pri
profession) medicino mother matro nothing nulo on (misc. meanings) ye
meet renkontrar motor motoro notice (v.) remarkar on (upon) sur
meet (come together) motorcar automobilo noun substantivo once (one time) unfoye
kunvenar mountain monto November novembro one (1) un
meeting renkontro; mouth (also fig.) boko now nun one (pronoun) on, onu
kunveno move movar (tr./intr.), -o nowhere nulaloke, en nula onion onyono
melt fuzar, -esar much multa, -e loko only (adj.) nura
member membro; (suffix) mud fango nuance nuanco only (prep.) nur
-ano murder ocidar, -o number (for identification) onto ad sur
memory memoro, -ajo, music muziko numero (e.g., numero di open apertar (tr.), -ita
-habileso must (as an obligation) domo, di klefo) opinion opiniono
mend reparar (tr.), -o devas number (quantity) nombro oppose opozar
mention mencionar, -o must (from necessity) (e.g., la nombro di personi or od, o
merry gaya, joyoza mustas esas 18) order (command) imperar,
message mesajo, my mea nurse flegar, -isto -o
komunikajo nylon nilono order (goods etc)
metal metalo
N komendar, -o
meter (US) (measure;
poetic) metro
nail (metal) klovo, -agar O ordinary ordinara
organise organizar
naive naiva o’clock kloko, -i
method metodo other altra, -o, -u
name (n.) nomo obey obediar
metre (measure; poetic) ought devas (e.g., hodie ni
narrate naracar object to (v.) objecionar
metro devas studiar)
narrative naraco object (n.) objekto
middle meza, -o our(s) nia
narrow streta objection objeciono
mile milio out of ek
nation naciono observe observar
milk (n.) lakto outside exter, -a, -e, -ajo
nature naturo obstacle obstaklo
million miliono oven forno
nature (character) obtain obtenar
mind (n.) mento over (above) super, -e
karaktero occasion okaziono
minus minus over (across) trans
near proxim, -e occupy okupar
minute (of time or angle) over (during) dum
nearly preske October oktobro
minuto over (finished) finita
necessary necesa odd (strange) stranja

overcoat surtuto place (space for one to presar rare rara
owe debar occupy) plaso pretend (make it seem) ratio proporciono
own (adj.) propra plan (of action) projeto, sembligar raw (untreated) kruda
own (possess) proprietar programo prevent (forestall) reach (attain) atingar (tr.),
own, his/ her/ its/ their plan (v.) projetar preventar -o; atingo-disto
sua plane (flat surface) plano previous antea read lektar
plant (botanical) planto price preco ready pronta
P plant (set to grow)
pride (self-respect) fiereso
print imprimar, -uro
real reala
reason (motive) motivo
packet paketo
plate (dish) plado private (adj.) privata receive recevar
page (of a book, etc) pagino
play (an instrument, a probable probabla recent recenta
pain doloro, -izar
role) plear problem problemo recommend (commend)
paint (coat with paint, etc)
play (game, sport) ludar produce produktar, -uro rekomendar
indutar; farbizar
(per), -o profession (occupational) red reda
paint (n.) farbo
please (adv.) bonvole, profesiono reflect (all senses) reflektar
paint (pictures) piktar
voluntez, me pregas, *pliz profit (n.) profito (tr./intr.)
pair paro
please (v.) plezar progress progresar, -o refuse (v.) refuzar
pale (adj.) pala
pleasure plezuro prohibit interdiktar region regiono
pants (US) pantalono
pluck (fruits, flowers, etc) promise promisar (ulo, o register (n.) registro
paper papero
koliar facar ulo), -o regret regretar, -o
parcel (package) pako
plus plus prompt (adj.) quika, relate to relatar, -igar
pardon pardonar, -o
pocket posho rapida remarkable remarkinda
parent genitoro
pocket book (US) burso proof (n.) pruvo remember memorar
park (n.) parko
point (dot, etc) punto proportion proporciono rent (from someone)
part (not all) parto
poison (n.) veneno proposal propozo lokacar
particular (specific)
pole (of wood, etc) stango propose propozar repair reparar, -o, -uro
policeman policisto protect protektar repeat (an action) iterar,
pass pasar, -o, -igar
policing polico proud fiera -o, -esar
passable (fair) pasabla
polite polita prove pruvar repeat (say again) repetar,
patience pacienteso
poor (needy) povra, povri provide (someone with -o
patient (adj.) pacienta
poor (not good) ne-bona something) provizar (ulu replace (A with B)
patient (n.) kuracato
poor (pitiable) kompatinda per ulo) remplasigar (A per B)
pause pauzar, -o
popular populara prudent prudenta replace (put back in place)
pay pagar (ulu, ulo), -ajo
port (sea or air) portuo public publika, -o ri-pozar
peace paco
position (place) loko, publish (a book, etc) editar replace (take the place of )
pen plumo
situeso puddle flako remplasar
pencil krayono
possess posedar pull tirar, -o reply respondar, -o, -izar
people (a people) populo
possible posibla punish punisar request demandar, -o
people (persons) personi
post (postal service) posto pure pura reside rezidar
perfect perfekta, -igar
postage stamp postmarko purpose skopo resign (give up tenure)
perhaps forsan
pot poto purse burso demisionar (de)
period periodo
potato terpomo push pulsar, -o resist rezistar
permanent permananta
pour (pour out) varsar (tr.) put pozar respect respektar, -o
permit permisar;
powder (dust) polvo puzzle (riddle or problem) rest (remain) restar, -ajo
practice praktiko enigmato rest (repose) repozar, -o
person persono
practice (US) praktikar, -o restrain (hold back)
persuade persuadar
photograph fotografar,
practise praktikar
praise laudar, -o
Q represar
result rezultar, -o, -ajo
-uro quantity quanto, -eso
pray pregar quarrel disputar (intr.), -o return (come back)
physician mediko
precise preciza question questionar, -o retrovenar
picture imajo
prefer preferar quick rapida return (give back)
piece peco
prepare preparar quiet (tranquil) tranquila retrodonar
pig porko
present (adj.) prezenta, return (go back) retroirar
pipe (tube) tubo
pit (hole in ground) foso
present (gift) donacajo
R revenue revenuo
rice rizo
pity kompatar, -o rain pluvar, -o
present (v.) prizentar rich richa
place (locality) loko raise (lift) levar
press (apply pressure) ride (horse, etc) kavalkar,
place (put) pozar rapid rapida

-o sea maro show montrar, -o some (vague amount)
right (correct) korekta, -e search, search for serchar show (indicate) indikar kelka, -o
right (legal or moral) yuro (tr.), -o shut klozar, -esar somebody ulu
right (not left) dextra, -e, season (n.) sezono sick (ill) malada someone ulu
-o seat (for sitting on) sidilo side (geometrical) latero, something ulo
right (proper) justa, -e second (2nd) duesma -ala somewhere ulaloke
right (suitable) apta, -e second (of time or angle) side (not front or back) son filiulo
ripe matura sekundo flanko song kansono
rise (ascend) acensar, -o secret sekreta, -ajo sign signo soon balde
rise (increase) augmentar see (with eyes) vidar silk silko sort (kind) sorto
rise (lift) levo, levesar, seek serchar silver arjento, -a, -ea sound sonar, -o, -igar
levar su seem semblar, aspektar similar simila soup supo
river rivero seize sizar simple simpla south sudo, -ala
river (large) fluvio seldom rare since (because) pro ke, nam sow (v.) semar
road voyo select selektar since (from the time of ) de space (expanse) spaco
rob spoliar sell vendar pos (prep.), pose (adv.) speak parolar
rock (boulder) roko semi- (prefix) mi- (e.g., sincere sincera special (particular)
role rolo mi-cirklo) sing kantar partikulara
roll (along) rular send sendar sink (v.) sinkar (tr./intr.) spend (pay out) spensar
(tr./intr.), -o sentence (gram.) frazo sister fratino sphere sfero
roof tekto sentiment (mental feeling) sit (be sitting) sidar splendid splendida
room chambro sentimento sit (sit down) sideskar split fendar (tr.)
room (space) spaco separate (adj.) aparta site situar, -eyo spoon kuliero
rope kordo separate (v.) separar, sitting room salono sport sporto
rough (basic) ruda -esar, dividar, apartigar situation situeso spot (place) loko
round ronda, -o September septembro six sis spouse spozo
row (line) rango, serio series serio size grandeso spread (apply) indutar
rub frotar serious (grave) grava skin (on a person or spread (disperse) difuzar
rubbish (refuse) eskombro serious (not trivial) serioza animal) pelo (tr.), -esar, -o
rule (to follow) regulo serve (be of service to) skirt (garment) jupo spring (season) printempo
run (on foot) kurar, -o servar sky cielo square (open public place)
rush (hurry) hastar, -o seven sep sleep dormar, -o placo
several plura, -i slide glitar, -eyo square (shape; product)
S severe severa
shade ombro
slip glitar, -o
slow lenta, -igar
quadrata, -o
squash (v.) aplastar (tr.)
sack sako
shadow ombro small mikra, -e squeeze kompresar, -o
sad trista
shake (tremble) tremar smell (have a scent) odorar stair grado
safe (secure) sekura
shame (emotion) shamo (intr.), -o staircase eskalero
safe (without danger)
shame (v.) shamo, -igar smell (use sense of smell) stamp (for postage)
shape (form) formo; flarar (tr.) postmarko, -izar
salad salado
formacar smile ridetar, -o stand up staceskar
salary salario
sharp (keen-edged) akuta smoke fumar (tr./intr.), -o, stand (be upright) stacar
same sama
she el, elu -uro star (all senses) stelo
sand sablo
sheep mutono, -i smooth (to the touch) start komencar (tr./intr.),
sandwich sandwicho
shine brilar glata, -igar -o
satisfy (fulfil) satisfacar
ship (n.) navo snow nivar, -(ur)o state (condition) stando
Saturday saturdio
shirt kamizo so (to such an extent) tante state (political) stato
save (from danger) salvar
shock (mental or physical) society (association) station (railway) staciono
say dicar
shokar, -o societo stay (remain) restar, -o
scarcely apene, apen
shoe shuo society (community) socio steal furtar
scare pavorigar, -o
shoot (with a firearm) sock kalzeto steam vaporo, -ifar, -izar
scatter dispersar, -esar
pafar (ad) soft (not hard) mola steel stalo, -a
scheme (plan of action)
shop butiko soil (n.) sulo steep (adj.) eskarpa
shore rivo soldier soldato step (of stairs) grado
school skolo
short (not long) kurta solid solida, -o step (take a pace) pazar, -o
science cienco
shoulder shultro solve solvar stern (adj.) severa
scrape (off ) skrapar
shout klamar, -o some (indeterminate) ula stick (of wood, etc) bastono
scream (cry out) kriar, -o

stick (paste (together)) suggest sugestar than kam to (a destination) ad, a
(kun-)glutinar (tr./intr.) suitable apta, konvenanta thank dankar to (in order to) por (+
stiff (rigid) rigida summer somero, -ala thank you danko, me/ni infinitivo)
still (yet) ankore, ankor summit somito dankas to (until) til
stipulate stipular (tr.) sun suno that (adj.) ita, ta today hodie
stocking kalzo Sunday sundio that (conj.) ke together kune
stone (material) petro supply (someone) provizar that (of that kind) tala tolerate tolerar
stone (pebble) stono supply (something) that (pron.) ito, to tomato tomato
stop (cease) cesar, -o furnisar that (who, which) qua, tomorrow morge, -o
stop (stop moving) haltar support (prop up) apogar, quo, qui tongue lango
(intr.), -o, -igar -o the la too (+ adj.) tro
storm (with thunder and suppose supozar (tr.) their(s) lia too (also) anke
lightning) sturmo sure (certain) certa, sen them li tool utensilo
story (imaginary) rakonto dubito themselves (pron.) su tooth dento
story (narrative) naraco surface surfaco then (after that) pose top supra, -o, -ajo
straight (not curved) surprise (astonish) then (at that time) lore topic temo
rekta, -e, -o astonar, -o there (at that place) ibe total (adj.) tota
strain (pull tight) tensar, -o surprise (take unawares) thereafter pose, pos ta touch tushar, -o
strange stranja surprizar, -o tempo tour (n.) turo
stream (river) rivero, -eto surround cirkondar therefore do, konseque tour (v.) facar turo
street strado suspect suspektar, -ito these (adj.) ica, ca towards (in the direction
stress (emphasise) swallow (gulp) glutar, -o these (pron.) ici, ci of ) vers
emfazar, -o sweet dolca, -ajo they li, (ili, eli, oli) town urbo
stretch (extend) extensar sweet (confectionery) thick (dense) densa toy ludilo
(tr.), -o bonbono thick (fat) grosa trade (craft) mestiero
stretch (strain) tensar (tr.) swim natar, -(ad)o thick (not thin) dika trade (deal) komercar
strike (collide with) shokar thin (not thick) dina, -igar, (intr.), -o
strike (hit) frapar, -o
strip (n.) bendo
T -eskar
thing kozo, (suffix) -ajo
train (railway) treno
translate tradukar
table (furniture) tablo
strive (endeavour) esforcar think pensar transport transportar, -o
tail kaudo
stroke (written mark) thirst durstar, -o trap kaptar, -ilo
take prenar
streko this (adj.) ica, ca travel voyajar, -o
take care of sorgar
stroll (walk) promenar, -o this (pron.) ico, co treat (behave toward or
take (carry) portar
strong forta those (adj.) ita, ta deal with) traktar
take (lead) duktar
struggle (contend) luktar, those (pron.) iti, ti treat (medically) kuracar
tale (imaginary) rakonto
-o thought penso, -ajo tree arboro
talk (speak) parolar, -ado
student ((university, etc) thousand mil tremble tremar, -o
tall alta, longa
studento thread filo, -izar trouble (disturb) trublar,
tap (valve) robineto
student (in general) three tri -o
task tasko
studianto through tra trousers pantalono
taste (have a flavour)
study studiar, -(ad)o, -eyo through (by means of ) per truck (lorry) kamiono
saporar (intr.), -o
subject subjekto through (during) dum true (not false) vera
taste (sense the taste of )
subject (topic) temo throw jetar trust fidar (ad), -o
gustar (tr.)
subscribe to (a periodical, thunder tondrar, -o tube tubo
tea teo
etc) abonar Thursday jovdio Tuesday mardio
teach (someone) instruktar
succeed (be successful) ticket (for entrance, etc) turn, turn around turnar
sucesar bilieto (tr./intr.), -o
teach (something) docar
success suceso, -ero tie (fasten) ligar, -o, -ilo twist tordar (tr.), -o, -uro
(ulo, ad ulu)
such as quala, -e tight (taut) tensita, deslaxa two du
tear (from eye) lakrimo
such (of such a kind) tala time tempo type (n., all senses) tipo
tear (rend) lacerar (tr.),
such (so great or much) time (occasion) foyo (e.g.,
-esar, -uro
tanta, -e
suck, suck on sugar
tell (say) dicar (ulo, ad
the first time = la unesma
ulu) ugly leda
sudden subita tire (v.) fatigar (tr.), -esar
tempt tentar uncle onklulo
suffer sufrar (de, pro) tired fatigita
ten dek under (prep.) sub
suffice suficar title (of a book, article,
terror teroro, -ajo, -igo underneath (prep.) sub
sugar sukro person, etc) titulo
text texto understand komprenar

unite unionar (tr.), -esar wake (awaken) vekar what sort of quala wish dezirar, -o, -ajo
unless ecepte ke, sen ke (intr.), -igar what (that which) to quo, with (by means of ) per
until (conj.) til ke walk marchar, -o ta qua (e.g., skribar per plumo)
until (prep.) til wall muro wheel (n.) roto with (in the company of )
unwell malada wallet burso when kande, kand kun
upon sur want dezirar, -o, -ajo whenever irgakande without sen
urgent urjanta want to volar (tr.) where ube woman muliero
us ni war milito wherever irgube wood (material) ligno
use uzar, -o warm varma, -igar whether ka, kad wood (trees) bosko
useful utila warn avertar which (plural) qui wool lano

V wash lavar (tr.), -o

wash (oneself ) lavar su
which (sing.) qua
which (thing) quo
word vorto
work laborar (intr.), -igar,
vain (as in vanity) waste (squander) disipar, whichever irge qua -o, -ajo
vanitatoza -o, -ajo while (although) quankam work (function) funcionar
vain (futile) vana water (n.) aquo while (conj.) dum ke work (literary, artistic, etc)
vain, in vane wave (undulation) ondo white blanka, -o, -ajo, -eso verko
valid valida way (route) voyo who (plural) qui world mondo, -ala
valley valo we ni who (sing.) qua worse plu mala, -e
valuable (adj.) valoroza weak febla whole tota, -o worst maxim mala, -e
valuable (n.) valorajo weapon armo wholly (entirely) tote, worth valoro
value (n.) valoro wear (clothes, etc) portar, komplete worth, be valorar (tr.)
vanity (conceit) vanitato *werar wholly (without exception) wound vundar, -uro
vanity (futility) vaneso weary (tire) fatigar, -ita sen ecepto wrestle luktar (intr.), -o
various diversa weather vetero whom quan, quin write skribar
vary variar (tr./intr.) Wednesday merkurdio whose di qua, di quo, di wrong (not right) ne-justa,
vast vasta week semano qui -e
vegetable (n.) legumo
vehicle veturo, vehilo
weep plorar
weigh (have weight of )
why pro quo
wide (not narrow) larja X YZ
verb verbo pezar (intr.) width larjeso year yaro
very much tre multe, weight pezo, -ajo wife spozino yellow flava
(suffix) -eg- welcome (n.) acepto wild (in its natural state) yes yes
very (adv.) tre kordiala, bonveno sovaja yesterday hiere
village vilajo welcome (v.) aceptar will (want to) volar (tr.), -o yet (already) ja
violence violento kordiale, bonvenigar win (gain victory) vinkar yet (still) ankore
violent violentoza, -ema well (adv. of good) bone win (gain) ganar, -o yet (until now) til nun
visit vizitar, -o well (healthy) sana wind (n.) vento you (familiar form) tu
voice (n.) voco west westo, -ala window fenestro you (plural) vi
voyage voyajar, -o wet humida, -eso, -igar, wing (also fig.) alo you (sing.) vu
young (adj.) yuna
W ne-sika
what qua, quo
winter vintro, -ala
wire metal-filo; metal-kordo your(s) (familiar form) tua
wage(s) pagajo, salario what kind of quala wise saja your(s) (plural) via
wait vartar (tr.), -o your(s) (sing.) vua


A -ag- (suf.) (see list of

ankore, ankor (adv.) still,
armor.o cupboard
art.o art
a (= ad) (prep.) to
-ab- (verbal suffix: see ag.ar (tr./intr.) to do, act ankor.foy.e again artikl.o article (newspaper,
grammar) agnosk.ar to acknowledge, anorak.o anorak etc; grammar)
abandon.ar to abandon, admit ante (prep.) before (of asert.ar to assert (make an
forsake agost.o August time), earlier than assertion, state as a fact)
abon.ar to subscribe to (a agr.o field, piece of ground ante.a former, previous asist.ar (tr.) to attend (be
periodical, etc.) agreabl.a agreeable, anticip.ar to anticipate present at)
absent.a absent pleasant antiqu.a antique, ancient, askolt.ar (tr.) to listen to
absolut.a absolute, -aj- (suf.) (see list of of a former epoch aspekt.ar to look (like),
unrestricted suffixes) anunc.ar to announce appear (have an
absorb.ar to absorb; (fig.) akompan.ar to accompany apar.ar to appear appearance)
engross (also mus.), escort aparat.o apparatus aston.ar to astonish,
absurd.a absurd, aktiv.a active apart.a apart, separate amaze
preposterous aktor.o actor, actress apartament.o apartment, atak.ar to attack
acend.ar to light (a lamp, aktual.a existing now, flat atenc.ar to pay attention
a fire), set alight; (fig.) current, actual aparten.ar to belong to, heed
inflame (passion) akut.a sharp, acute (also apene, apen (adv.) ating.ar to attain, reach
acens.ar (tr./intr.) to go fig. of sound, pain, hardly, scarcely -atr- (suf.) (see list of
up, ascend, mount sickness, accent) apert.ar (tr.) to open suffixes)
acept.ar to accept; receive akuz.ar to accuse aplast.ar to crush, squash; atrakt.ar to attract, draw
(a guest) al (= a la) to the (fig.) oppress aud.ar to hear
-ach- (suf.) (see list of -al- (suf.) (see list of aplaud.ar to applaud audac.ar (tr.) to dare, be
suffixes) suffixes) aplik.ar to apply (also so bold as
acident.o accident (good or al.o wing (also fig. of fig.), lay on augment.ar (tr./intr.) to
bad; also philos.); mishap aeroplane, army, building, apog.ar (tr.) to support, increase, augment
ad (= a) (prep.) to windmill, etc.) prop (up); base (one thing autobus.o bus (vehicle)
-ad- (suf.) (see list of alberg.o inn on another) automobil.o car,
suffixes) alfabet.o alphabet april.o April motor-car, automobile
ad.en into alonge alongside, along aprob.ar (tr.) to approve autor.o author; (fig.)
ad.junt.ar to add, join alt.a high (dimension, of creator
(something to something sound or pressure), tall apt.a apt, suitable autun.o autumn, (US) fall
else) alternativ.o alternative apud (prep.) next to, (season)
ad.vok.ar to hail, call (to) altr.a other, another beside av.o grandparent
adapt.ar (tr.) to adapt altr.u another person apud.a adjacent avan (prep.) in front of,
adicion.ar (tr.) to add am.ar to love, like very apunt.ar (tr.) to aim at ahead of, before (in space)
(numbers) much (with a camera, gun etc.) avanc.ar (tr./intr.) to
adjektiv.o adjective am.o love aqu.o water advance (in space or time)
administr.ar to amas.o mass, pile, heap aquir.ar to acquire, get avantaj.o advantage
administer, manage amator.o amateur -ar- (suf.) (see list of avar.a miserly, avaricious
admir.ar to admire amb.a both suffixes) aventur.o adventure
admis.ar to admit (let in) ambigu.a ambiguous aranj.ar to arrange avert.ar (tr.) to give notice
adopt.ar to adopt amik.o friend arbor.o tree; axletree, to or apprise (of a future
(opinion, belief, child); amuz.ar to amuse, shaft (revolving rod) event or possibility), warn
agree upon entertain arbust.o shrub, small bush
adres.o address (on letter
an (prep.) at, on (indicates
contiguity, juxtaposition)
ardu.a rugged; arduous,
bagaj.o luggage, baggage
adult.a adult -an- (suf.) (see list of are.o area, extent of surface
bak.ar (tr.) to bake
adverb.o adverb suffixes) argument.ar (intr.) to
bald.e (adv.) soon
aer.o air ancien.a old (opposite of argue (a case, using reason)
baln.ar (tr.) to bathe
aeroplan.o aeroplane, new) -ari- (suf.) (see list of
balon.o ball (hollow,
(US) airplane angl.a English suffixes)
air-filled); balloon
afabl.a affable, amiable angul.o angle, corner ariv.ar to arrive
bank.o bank (financial)
afer.o affair, matter; animal.o animal arjent.o silver
bar.ar to bar, stop up (a
business anke, ank (adv.) also arm.o weapon, arm
way, a route)

barb.o beard braki.o arm (anat.; fig.) chip.a cheap, inexpensive job)
bas.a low (dimension, branch.o branch (also ci these (pron.) demolis.ar to demolish
sound or pressure) geom., geneal.) ciel.o sky; heaven demonstr.ar (tr.) to
basen.o basin (pan; brav.a brave cienc.o science demonstrate (show by
catchment area of river; brik.o brick cirkl.o circle reason; make evident)
geol.) bril.ar (intr.) to shine cirkond.ar to surround dens.a dense, crowded;
baston.o stick, staff; bros.ar to brush cirkonstanc.o thick (of a liquid)
cudgel; cue; pole bruis.ar (intr.) to make a circumstance dent.o tooth (also fig.)
bat.ar to beat, strike noise cirkum (prep.) about, depart.ar (de) to depart
repeatedly brul.ar (tr./intr.) to burn around (intr.)
batali.ar (intr.) to battle (also fig.) co (= ico) this (thing) depend.ar (de; di) to
batel.o boat brun.a brown depend (be influenced or
bateri.o battery (elec.;
bul.o ball
burs.o purse; wallet, (US)
D determined; rely on for
da (prep.) by (indicates the
bay.o bay (of sea) pocket book deriv.ar to derive (gram.,
doer of an action)
baz.o base (lowest part); butik.o shop, store math., etc)
dal (= da la) by the
(fig.) basis, foundation buton.o button des- (pref.) (see list of
(indicating doer)
bel.a fine, beautiful, butr.o butter prefixes)
damzel.o miss, maid
handsome bux.o box des.apar.ar to disappear
(unmarried woman)
bend.o strip, stripe, band des.facil.a difficult
danjer.o danger, peril,
benign.a kind, benign;
mild (of medicines,
C jeopardy
des.kovr.ar to discover,
ca (=ica) this (adj.) dank.ar to thank
diseases) desegn.ar to draw (sketch)
ced.ar (tr.) to cede, yield, dans.ar (tr./intr.) to
benk.o bench (long seat) deskript.ar to describe
give up dance
ber.o berry destrukt.ar to destroy
cel.ar (tr.) to hide, darf.ar to be permitted,
beton.o concrete (building detal.o detail
conceal, secrete may
material) determin.ar to determine,
celebr.ar to celebrate, dat.o date (calendar)
bezon.ar to need ascertain definitely, settle
commemorate de (prep.) from (indicating
bibliotek.o library conclusively
cent hundred starting point, origin or
(establishment); book-case dev.ar to be obliged, have
centr.o centre, (US) center derivation); of (where an
bicikl.o bicycle a duty
(also fig.) amount is indicated; e.g.
biliet.o ticket, pass, dev.as ought, should, must
cert.a certain, sure ’peco de pano’, ’glaso de
written order (as an obligation)
certen.a a certain, a aquo’)
bir.o beer dev.o obligation, duty
particular de.pos (prep.) since
bisquit.o biscuit, (US) develop.ar (tr.) to develop
ces.ar (tr./intr.) to cease de.o God, (a) god
cookie dextr.a right (opposite of
chambr.o room, chamber; deb.ar to owe (something
bitr.a bitter (lit. & fig.) left)
house (of parliament) to someone), be under
blam.ar to blame dezert.a deserted, desert
chanc.o chance, (good or obligation
blank.a white; (fig.) blank dezert.o desert, wilderness
bad) luck, likelihood decembr.o December
blind.a blind dezir.ar to desire
chanj.ar (tr./intr.) to decens.ar (tr./intr.) to
blok.o block, lump di (prep.) of (indicates
change descend, go down, move
blu.a blue possession or association)
chapel.o hat (with a brim) down
bok.o mouth; opening, di.o day (of 24 hours)
chapitr.o chapter (of a decept.ar to disappoint
entrance (volcano, harbour, dic.ar to say, tell
book) decid.ar to decide, settle
etc) difer.ar to differ
charm.ar to charm, delight defekt.o defect, flaw
bol.o bowl difuz.ar (tr.) to disperse,
chas.ar to chase; hunt defens.ar to defend
boli.ar (intr.) to boil spread, diffuse
che (prep.) at, in, to defi.ar to defy, challenge,
bon.a good dik.a thick
(someone in his or her dare
bon.ven.ig.ar to welcome dil (= di la) of the
house, home or place), with defin.ar to define, state the
bonbon.o sweet diminut.ar (tr./intr.) to
(a people, in respect of their meaning of
(confection) lessen, decrease, diminish
customs) dejun.ar to (have) lunch
bord.o border, edge, brink, din.a thin (lean)
chef.a chief, leading dek ten
brim direcion.o direction
chef.o leader, chief, head del (= de la) from the
bosk.o (a) wood (trees) (two-way), bearing (both
chek.o cheque, (US) check demand.ar (tr.) to ask for
botel.o bottle ways)
(financial) demand.o request
bov.o bull (bovulo) or cow direkt.ar to direct,
cher.a costly, dear, demision.ar to resign
(bovino) manage, conduct
expensive (from a position, office or

diret.a direct (opposite of dum ke (konj.) while, en.ir.ar to enter exakt.a accurate, exact
indirect) whilst en.ter.ig.ar to bury, inter (faithful to the facts),
diret.e directly, straight dum.e (adv.) meanwhile, -end- (suf.) (see list of faithful (of a copy)
(adv.) meantime suffixes) examen.ar to examine
dis- (prep.) (see list of dur.ar to last, continue, enemik.o enemy, foe (test someone)
prefixes) endure energi.o energy exempl.o example
disip.ar to squander, durst.ar to thirst engaj.ar to engage, hire exempler.o copy (of a
waste, dissipate (someone), enlist (someone, book, newspaper, etc)
diskut.ar to discuss
dispers.ar (tr.) to scatter,
E milit.)
enigmat.o puzzle, enigma
exist.ar to exist
exkav.ar to excavate
e (= ed) and
disperse entuziasm.ar to enthuse exkluz.ar to exclude, debar
-e- (suf.) (see list of
disput.ar (intr.) to (intr.), be enthusiastic exkuz.ar to excuse (seek
quarrel, have a dispute entuziasm.o enthusiasm pardon for)
-ebl- (suf.) (see list of
dist.ar to be at a distance envidi.ar to envy, be exkuz.ar su to apologise
dist.o distance envious of expekt.ar to expect
ecept.ar to leave out,
distrakt.ar to distract, -er- (suf.) (see list of experienc.ar to experience
except, exclude
divert attention of; (fig.) suffixes) expert.a expert (adj.)
eces.ar to exceed, be
amuse -eri- (suf.) (see list of explik.ar to explain
distribut.ar to apportion, suffixes) explor.ar to investigate,
ecit.ar to excite, arouse
distribute, dispense erod.ar (tr.) to erode examine, explore,
ed (= e) and
distrikt.o district (area of eror.ar to err, be mistaken reconnoitre, (US)
-ed- (suf.) (see list of
jurisdiction) es (= es.as) am, is, are reconnoiter
diven.ar to become, get -es- (suf.) (see list of exploz.ar (intr.) to
edit.ar to publish (print
(intr.) suffixes) explode
and sell)
diverg.ar to diverge es.ar to be expres.ar to express (an
eduk.ar to educate, bring
divers.a various, sundry, esforc.ar to strive, idea, thought, feeling etc)
up (people); rear, raise
diverse endeavour, (US) endeavor extens.ar (tr.) to extend,
(animals, plants)
divid.ar (tr.) to divide -esk- (suf.) (see list of stretch, spread
efac.ar to erase, efface
divin.ar to guess suffixes) exter (prep.) outside, (US)
(also fig.)
doc.ar to teach eskaler.o staircase, stairs outside of; besides
efekt.o effect
(something) eskap.ar (tr./intr.) to exter.land.a foreign,
efik.ar to be effectual
dolc.a sweet, pleasant escape (from), evade external (abroad)
efik.iv.a effective,
dolor.ar (intr.) to feel (someone or something) exting.ar (tr./intr.) to
pain, hurt eskarp.a steep (of slopes) extinguish, put out, quench
-eg- (suf.) (see list of
dom.o house (dwelling; eskombr.o rubbish, refuse (also fig.)
building for a specific -esm- (suf.) (see list of extrem.a extreme, utmost
egal.a equal
purpose) suffixes) -ey- (suf.) (see list of
egal.es.o equality
domaj.ar to damage, esper.ar (tr./intr.) to suffixes)
egard.ar to pay regard to,
harm, impair, spoil hope (for)
take into account
don.ar to give (general
ek (prep.) out of (from),
est.o east
estim.ar to esteem, hold in
out from fab.o bean
donac.ar to give (as a high regard
el (= elu) (pron.) she, her fabrik.ar to manufacture
gift), donate -et- (suf.) (see list of
elastik.a elastic, springy fac.ar to make (an object);
dop (prep.) behind suffixes)
elekt.ar to elect (someone do (an act)
dorm.ar to sleep etaj.o storey, floor (of a
by vote) facil.a easy (to do)
dors.o back (of body, hand building); tier
elektr.o electricity fair.o fire (also fig.)
etc) ev.ar (tr./intr.) to be
elev.ar to elevate, raise fak.o (anything portioned
drink.ar to drink (some length of time) old,
and set up off ) compartment, branch,
drol.a funny, humorous be aged (some length of
elu (pron.) she, her department, speciality, stall
dron.ar (tr.) to drown time)
elu.a her (possessive), hers (in a stable)
du two ev.o age
-em- (suf.) (see list of fakt.o fact
du.esm.a second (adj.) event.ar to happen, occur,
suffixes) faktur.o invoice, bill
du.im.o half (n.) come about
emfaz.ar to emphasize, fal.ar to fall, fall down
du.opl.a double (adj.) evident.a obvious, evident
stress fald.ar (tr.) to fold
dubit.ar (intr.) to doubt evit.ar to avoid, evade,
employ.ar to employ fali.ar (tr./intr.) to fail,
dukt.ar to lead shun, obviate
(someone) miss (an aim); (com.)
dum (prep.) during exajer.ar to exaggerate
en (prep.) in become insolvent

fals.a false, spurious flu.ar to flow front.o forehead; (fig.) grand.a big, large, great
fam.o fame flug.ar (intr.) to fly front gras.o fat, grease
famili.o family (also bot., fluid.a fluid frost.ar (intr.) to freeze grat.ar to scrape (against),
zool.), kin fluktu.ar to move to and frot.ar (tr.) to rub scratch (lightly)
familiar.a familiar fro, fluctuate, waver (also fru.a early (adj.) gratitud.ar (ulu pri ulo)
fang.o mud, mire fig.) frukt.o fruit (also fig.) to be grateful to
farb.o paint fluvi.o (large) river fum.ar (tr./intr.) to smoke gratitud.oza grateful
farin.o flour (flowing into the sea) funcion.ar to function (all gratuit.a free (of cost),
fatig.ar (tr.) to tire, fol.a crazy, mad; (fig.) senses), act (as) gratuitous
fatigue, weary foolish fund.o bottom, lowest part gratul.ar to congratulate
favor.ar to favour foli.o leaf (plant or book), (of something hollow, of a grav.a heavy; (fig.)
febl.a weak, feeble, feint sheet (paper etc) vase, of a well, of a sea); weighty, momentous, grave;
februar.o February for (prep.) away from, far (fig.) background (accent) grave
felic.a happy (of a person) from fundament.o foundation, griz.a grey, (US) gray
femin.a female, feminine for.a remote, distant that on which anything gros.a bulky, fat, gross,
fenc.o fence for.e (far) away rests, (fig.) basis thick
fend.ar (tr.) to split, slit forc.o force (mechanical) furi.ar to be enraged or grup.o group; clump (of
fenestr.o window forest.o forest furious trees); flock (of sheep)
fer.o iron fork.o pitchfork or similar furnis.ar to furnish, guid.ar to guide
ferm.a firm, steady (also fork (also fig.) provide or supply gust.ar (tr.) to taste
fig.) fork.et.o (table) fork (something to someone) (something)
feroc.a ferocious form.o shape, form, furt.ar to steal, thieve gut.o drop (of liquid)
fid.ar (intr.) (ad ulu od conformation, (fig.) mode, fush.ar (tr.) to botch, guvern.ar to govern (child,
ulo) to trust, have faith, appearance bungle ship, in politics, grammar,
have confidence formac.ar to shape, form futbal.o football (game) machinery, etc), rule
fidel.a faithful, true, trusty formik.o ant futur.a future directly
fier.a proud forn.o oven; kiln futur.o future (also the
fil.o thread; yarn;
(metal-fil.o) wire
forsan (adv.) perhaps,
fuz.ar (tr.) to melt
ha! ha!, ah!
fili.o child (son or fort.a strong (also fig.)
habil.a clever, skilful,
fili.in.o daughter
fortun.o good luck, good
G adroit
gamb.o leg habit.ar to inhabit, live in
fili.ul.o son fortun.oz.a lucky,
gan.ar to gain, earn, win (permanently)
fin.ar (tr./intr.) to end, fortunate
gard.ar to guard (persons); hal.o very large room, hall
finish fos.o pit, hole (in the
tend (animals) halt.ar (intr.) to halt, stop
fingr.o finger; (ped-fingr.o) ground)
garden.o garden (in travel or movement)
toe fotograf.ar to photograph
gas.o gas har.o (a single) hair (of a
firm.o firm (commercial) foy.o time (in counting),
gast.o guest person’s head)
fish.o fish occasion (in repetition),
gay.a merry, gay, cheerful har.ar.o hair (collectively,
f it.ar (intr.) to fit; suit (as turn
gener.al.a general (adj.), on a person’s head)
to shape or size) frajil.a fragile
generic hard.a hard (not soft)
fix.a fixed (of a star, look, frap.ar to strike, hit,
genitor.o parent hast.ar (intr.) to hurry,
idea, etc) knock, slap
genu.o knee hasten
flak.o puddle, small pool frat.o brother or sister,
glaci.o ice hav.ar to have (something)
flam.o flame sibling
glas.o (drinking) glass, hazard.o chance
flank.o side (as distinct frat.in.o sister
tumbler occurrence, (hap)hazard
from front or back), breast frat.ul.o brother
glat.a smooth, sleek help.ar to help, assist, aid
(of ship), flank (of army) fraud.ar to defraud, cheat
glit.ar to glide, slide, slip hem.o home
flar.ar to scent, smell (an fraz.o sentence (gram.),
glut.ar to swallow, gulp herb.o herbaceous plant,
odour, an object) phrase (mus.)
down (also fig.) herb (bot.); (fig.) grass
flav.a yellow fren.o brake
glutin.ar (tr./intr.) to hezit.ar to hesitate, falter
fleg.ar to nurse, care for (a fresh.a fresh
stick, paste, glue (together) hier.e yesterday
child, a sick person) frit.ar (tr.) to fry
grad.o step (of stairs); hik.e here
flex.ar (tr./intr.) to bend, frivol.a (of a person)
rank, grade; degree hispan.a Spanish
bow frivolous; (of a thing)
(temperature etc); degree histori.o history
flor.o flower, bloom trifling, pointless
(academic); size (of shoes ho.di.e today, this day
flotac.ar (intr.) to float fromaj.o cheese
etc) hobi.o hobby

hok.o hook imprim.ar to print (a interior, inside not legal sense), deem
hom.o human, man book, paper, etc) introdukt.ar to introduce juli.o July
(human being) -in- (suf.) (see list of (someone or something) juni.o June
honest.a honest suffixes) inund.ar (tr.) to flood, junt.ar (tr.) to join (place
honor.o honour, (US) incit.ar to incite, urge on overflow one thing in contact with
honor -ind- (suf.) (see list of invent.ar to invent another)
hor.o hour suffixes) invit.ar to invite jup.o skirt; kilt
horloj.o clock, timepiece indij.ar to lack, be in want ips.a selfsame, myself, jurnal.o newspaper,
hospital.o hospital of yourself, himself, herself, gazette, journal
hotel.o hotel indik.ar to indicate, point itself, ourselves, yourselves, jus (adv.) just, just now
humid.a humid, damp, out, denote themselves (used for (e.g. il jus arivis = he’s just
moist indolent.a lazy, indolent, emphasis immediately after arrived)
humil.a humble, meek slothful a pronoun) just.a right, proper, correct
humor.o temper, mood, industri.o industry ir.ar to go (be on one’s (of measure, time, word,
humour, (US) humor (state indut.ar to coat (with way) thought etc)
of mind) paint, plaster etc), paint (a irac.ar (kontre) to be angry juvel.o jewel
humur.o humour, (US) wall etc) irg.a any (whatever)
humor (appreciation of the
comic or ludicrous)
infant.o infant (child under
7 years of age)
irg.o anything (whatever)
irg.u anyone at all
ka, kad whether, if; (also
hund.o dog influ.ar to influence irg.ube wherever
used at the beginning of a
hungr.ar to be hungry inform.ar to inform irga.lok.e anywhere
sentence to turn it into a
(also fig.) infr.a lowest, bottom (of irge.kande whenever, no
different levels) matter when
kafe.o coffee (substance or
I infr.e (adv.) at the bottom
or lowest part
-ism- (suf.) (see list of
ibe (adv.) there kalkul.ar to calculate
injenior.o engineer -ist- (suf.) (see list of
ica (= ca) this (adj.) kalm.a calm (of objects;
inklin.ar (tr./intr.) to suffixes)
ici (= ci) these (pron.), fig. of persons), still, placid
incline (phys., mental), ita (= ta) that, those (adj.)
these things kalz.o stocking
lean; be disposed iter.ar to do again, repeat
ico (= co) this (pron.), this kam (adv.) than, as, to (in
inkluz.ar to include, (an action), iterate
thing comparison)
enclose, inclose iti (= ti) those (pron.),
-id- (suf.) (see list of kambi.ar to exchange
insekt.o insect those ones
suffixes) (money, goods), barter
insert.ar to insert ito (= to) that (pron.),
ide.o idea kamer.o camera
insist.ar to insist, be that thing
-ig- (suf.) (see list of kamion.o lorry, dray, (US)
insistent -iv- (suf.) (see list of
suffixes) truck
inspekt.ar to inspect, suffixes)
ig.ar to make, cause, render kamiz.o shirt; chemise
examine, oversee -iz- (suf.) (see list of
ignor.ar to ignore, kande, kand when
instant.o instant, moment suffixes)
disregard, refuse to kanson.o (a) song
(of time)
acknowledge kant.ar to sing
il (= ilu) he, him
instrukt.ar to teach
(someone), instruct
J kap.o head (anat. & fig.)
-il- (suf.) (see list of ja already kapabl.a capable, able
instrument.o instrument
suffixes) jac.ar to lie (on something) kapt.ar to capture, catch
insul.o island, isle
ilu he, him jaluz.a jealous kar.a dear (showing
insult.ar to insult
ilu.a his januar.o January affection)
inteligent.a intelligent
-im- (suf.) (see list of jar.o jar (container) karakter.o character
intenc.ar to intend, have
suffixes) jen.ar to discomfort, (distinctive quality)
in view
imagin.ar to imagine incommode, inconvenience karn.o flesh; meat
intenc.o intent, intention
imaj.o picture, image, jeneroz.a generous karot.o carrot (plant &
intens.a intense
visual representation jet.ar to throw root)
inter (prep.) between;
imit.ar to imitate jok.ar to joke, jest, banter karton.o cardboard
imped.ar to impede, jorn.o daytime, day kat.o cat
hamper, hinder (opposite of night) katen.o chain (pr. & fig.)
imper.ar to order (e.g. jovdi.o Thursday kaud.o tail (also fig.)
interdikt.ar to prohibit,
that something be done), joy.ar to be joyful, be glad kaul.o cabbage
command joy.o joy kauz.o cause (of an event)
interes.ar to interest
import.ar to matter, be ju.ar to enjoy kav.a hollow, sunken
intern.a internal, inner,
important judik.ar to judge (general, kaval.o horse; (in chess)

knight komend.ar to order concordant kred.ar to believe
kavalk.ar to ride (as on a (goods, etc) konoc.ar to know (be (someone, something)
horse) koment.ar (tr.) to acquainted with) kresk.ar (intr.) to grow
kaz.o case (all senses: jur., comment on konsent.ar to agree (to kri.ar (intr.) to scream,
gram., med. & general, komerc.ar (intr.) to trade, something or with cry out
except casing) deal someone), consent kruc.o cross
ke (konj.) that (see also: komerc.o trade, commerce konsider.ar to consider, krud.a raw, uncooked;
dum ke, pro ke, etc) komfort.o comfort think carefully about crude, unworked (also fig.)
kelk.a some (of), a few komik.a comic, ludicrous konsil.ar to advise, counsel kruel.a cruel
(of), a little (of) komod.o chest of drawers, konsist.ar (ek, ye) to kuk.o cake
kin five commode (of drawers) consist, be composed (of ) kul.o bottom (of an object)
kirk.o church (building) kompan.o companion konstituc.ar to constitute, kulier.o spoon
kis.ar to kiss kompani.o company form kulp.ar to be at fault,
klam.ar (tr.) to shout, (business, military) konstrukt.ar to build, commit a fault, fail in one’s
exclaim kompar.ar (tr.) to construct duty
klar.a clear (to sight or compare konsult.ar to consult kultel.o knife
hearing), (fig.) plain, kompat.ar (tr./intr.) to (someone or something) kultiv.ar to cultivate (soil,
evident pity, commiserate (with), be konsum.ar to consume, plants, the mind, the arts,
klas.o class (all senses) compassionate use up, wear out, expend etc), till
klef.o key (for a lock; also kompat.o pity, kont.ar (tr.) to count (add kun (prep.) with (in
fig.) compassion, mercy up) company with)
klem.ar to tighten, clench komplet.a complete kontakt.ar (kun) to be in kun.e together
(e.g., screw, knot, brake, komplik.ar to complicate touch, have contact kun.ven.ar to meet, come
joint, hand) kompoz.ar to put konten.ar to contain, hold together
klim.ar to climb (up) together, compound (make kontent.a contented, kur.ar to run
klok.o (of time) o’clock, by combining parts), satisfied kurac.ar to treat
hour on the clock compose (not in printing) kontinu.a continuous (medically)
klosh.o bell (also anything kompr.ar to buy, purchase kontor.o bureau, office kuraj.ar ? to be
bell-shaped) kompren.ar to understand kontre (prep.) against, courageous
klov.o nail (metal) kompres.ar to squeeze, contrary to, versus kurt.a short, brief
kloz.ar (tr.) to shut, close compress kontrol.ar to check, verify kurv.a curved, bent
klub.o club (social) komun.a common konven.ar (intr/imp) kusen.o cushion, pillow
koakt.ar to compel, force, (pertaining to several), joint (intr.) to suit, be fitting; kush.ar (tr.) to lay down
coerce komunik.ar (tr./intr.) to (also impers.) be to rest, put to bed
koincid.ar (kun) to communicate, impart; be appropriate kush.ar su to lie down to
coincide (in form or in connected by passage konvers.ar to converse rest, go to bed
time) koncern.ar to relate or konvink.ar to convince kust.ar (tr.) to cost, be
kol.o neck (anat. & fig.) belong to, concern (relate kopi.ar to copy, make a bought for
kold.a cold (pr. & fig.) to) copy of kustum.ar (tr.) to be
kolekt.ar (tr.) to collect, koncern.o concern, affair koqu.ar (tr.) to cook accustomed to, be used to
gather together koncienc.o conscience kord.o line, string, cord, kustum.o custom, habit
koli.ar (tr.) to pluck kondut.ar to behave (in rope; (geom.) chord kuz.o cousin
(fruits, flowers, etc) some manner), conduct kordi.o heart (also fig.)
kolin.o hill
kolor.o colour, (US) color
kondut.o behaviour,
korekt.a correct, right
korespond.ar to
la the
kom (prep.) as (being), in conduct correspond (relate or
labor.ar (tr./intr.) to
the capacity of (e.g. ’la konekt.ar to connect (one conform in character;
work (intr.), work (earth,
arboro komencis kom thing with another, communicate by letter)
iron, wood, etc)
semino’ = the tree began as mechanically or electrically) korp.o body (entire
lacer.ar (tr.) to tear, rip;
a seed) konfund.ar (... kun; ad) physical being; main part)
kom.o comma (in text) to confuse (things in one’s kostum.o costume, dress,
lag.o lake
kombat.ar (tr./intr.) to mind), muddle (in one’s garb
lakrim.o tear
fight mind) koton.o cotton
lakt.o milk
kombin.ar (tr.) to konjuncion.o conjunction kovr.ar to cover
lamp.o lamp
combine (gram., astr.) koz.o thing
lan.o wool
komenc.ar (tr./intr.) to konkord.ar (intr.) to krayon.o pencil, crayon
land.o a country, a land
begin, start, commence agree, be in agreement, be kre.ar to create
lang.o tongue (anat. &

tech.) lor.e then, at that time me.a my, mine shuffle (cards)
larj.a broad, wide lu he, she, it (common medicin.o medicine mobl.o piece of furniture
las.ar to let, allow; leave gender form) (science, profession) modern.a modern
(behind) lu.a his, her, hers, its medik.o physician, doctor modest.a modest (not
last.a last (in time or lud.ar (intr.) (per) to play (of medicine) pretentious or ostentatious;
space) (in a game or sport) medikament.o medicine not presumptuous)
later.o side (geom., archit.) lug.ar to let, rent (out), (for an illness) mol.a soft, yielding easily
laud.ar to praise, laud hire (out) mem (adv.) even, still (e.g. to pressure; tender, mellow
laut.a loud (voice or lukt.ar (intr.) (kontre) to ’mem hundi natas’ = even monat.o month
sound) wrestle; (fig.) struggle, dogs swim) mond.o world
lav.ar (tr.) to wash; strive membr.o member (of a monet.o coin, cash, change
launder lum.ar (intr.) to shine, club, society, etc); limb mont.o mountain, mount
lecion.o lesson, lecture give light (also fig.) (arm or leg) montr.ar (tr.) to show
led.a ugly lum.o light memor.ar (tr.) to mord.ar to bite (also fig.)
ledr.o leather lun.o moon remember, recollect morg.e tomorrow
leg.o law (natural, moral, lundi.o Monday mencion.ar to mention mort.ar to die (also fig.,
social, legislative) ment.o mind (n.) e.g. of fire, of a movement)
legum.o vegetable
lejer.a light (in weight or
M menti.ar to lie (tell an
motiv.o motive, reason;
ma but
force); (fig.) not severe menton.o chin motor.o motor
mal.a bad; evil
lekt.ar to read merit.ar to deserve, merit mov.ar (tr./intr.) to move,
malad.a sick, ill, unwell
lent.a slow merkat.o market (public set in motion, propel
maleol.o ankle
lern.ar to learn place for selling; also fig.) moyen.o means (through
malgre (prep.) despite, in
letr.o letter merkurdi.o Wednesday which something is done)
spite of, notwithstanding
(correspondence) mesaj.o message mulier.o woman
malgre ke although, even
lev.ar to lift (up), raise mestier.o trade, craft, mult.a many, much
li they, them occupation (manual) mur.o wall
manier.o manner, way of
li.a their, theirs metal.o metal must.ar to have to (from
behaving or of doing
liber.a free (from metod.o method necessity)
restraint), at liberty metr.o metre (measure; must.as must (from need)
manj.ar to eat, (fig.)
libr.o book poetic) muton.o sheep
lig.ar to tie, fasten, bind mez.a middle (adj.), muzik.ar (intr.) to play
mank.ar (intr.) to be
lign.o wood (the material) median music
lacking, be missing
limit.o limit, bound(s) mez.o middle (n.), midst muzik.o music
manu.o hand
line.o line (geom., writing, mezur.ar to measure;
map.o map
genealogy, etc)
lingu.o language
mar.o sea
(land) survey
mi- (pref.) semi-, hemi-,
march.ar (intr.) to walk, nacion.o nation
liquid.a liquid demi-
step, tread; march naiv.a naive
list.o list mikr.a small, little
mardi.o Tuesday nam (konj.) for, since
lit.o bed (for sleeping; also mil thousand
mariaj.ar (tr.) to unite in (conj.), seeing that
fig. of a river etc) mili.o mile
wedlock, marry (others) narac.ar to narrate, tell
liter.o letter (of the milion.o million
mark.o mark, token, stamp (something that happened)
alphabet) milit.ar (intr.) (por,
mart.o March narac.o narrative, story,
liv.ar (tr.) to leave, depart kontre) to make war, (fig.)
mas.o mass (body of account
from (a place or person), militate
matter) nask.ar (intr.) to be born
quit milit.o war
mashin.o machine, engine nat.ar to swim
livr.ar to deliver (goods, min (adv.) less (preceding
maskul.a male, masculine natur.o nature (all senses)
etc) an adjective or adverb)
materi.o material, matter, nav.o ship; nave (of a
loj.ar (intr.) to lodge, live minim (adv.) least
stuff (also fig.) church)
(at a stated place) (preceding an adjective or
matin.o morning, forenoon naz.o nose
lok.o place, locality, spot adverb)
matr.o mother ne (adv.) not
lokac.ar to hire, rent minus (prep.) minus
matur.a mature, ripe ne- (pref.) non- (see list of
long.a long (of time or minut.o minute (of time or
maxim (adv.) most prefixes)
space), tall angle)
(preceding an adjective or nebul.o fog
lor (prep.) at the time of mis- (pref.) mis- (see list of
adverb) neces.a necessary
(an event), at the same prefixes)
may.o May neglij.ar to neglect
time as mix.ar (tr.) to mix, blend;
me I, me nek ... nek neither ... nor

net.a clean, spotless; (of obstakl.o obstacle, opoz.ar to put (someone pec.o piece; lump (e.g. of
price) net, nett hindrance, impediment or something) in opposition, sugar)
ni we, us (also fig.) set opposite ped.o foot (anat. & fig.);
ni.a our, ours obten.ar to obtain, get or.o gold paw; foot (of verse)
nigr.a black ocid.ar to slay, kill with ordin.ar to put in order, pekuni.o money, cash
nilon.o nylon violence arrange (in proper order) pel.o skin; hide (on the
niv.ar (imp.) to snow od (= o) (konj.) or ordinar.a ordinary, body)
no no (opposite of yes) od ... od (= o ... o) (konj.) common pend.ar (tr./intr.) to hang
noc.ar (tr.) to harm, injure either ... or orel.o ear (up, down), dangle
nod.o knot (in string, etc; odor.ar (intr.) to smell ost.o bone pens.ar (tr./intr.) to think
unit of speed) (have a smell or scent) ov.o egg per (prep.) by means of,
nokt.o night odor.o smell, scent, odour, -oz- (suf.) -ful, -ous (see by, with (some means);
nom.o name (US) odor list of suffixes) (arith.) multiplied by
nombr.o number ofic.o office (position, perd.ar to lose
(indicating quantity; gram.)
non nine
function), post, duty
ofic.al.a official
P (something), lose out
perfekt.a perfect
pac.o peace
nord.o north oficir.o officer (military, period.o period
pacient.a patient (adj.)
norm.o norm naval; of an order) perman.ar to be
paf.ar to shoot (with a
not.ar to note down, set ofr.ar to offer, proffer permanent, exist
down in writing oft.a repeated, frequent indefinitely
pag.ar (ulu ye ulo, ulo ad
nov.a new oft.e often perman.ant.a permanent
ulu) to pay (someone or
novembr.o November ok eight permis.ar to permit, allow
something), pay for
nuanc.o nuance (of tone, okazion.o occasion, person.o person (also
(something; also fig.)
meaning, colour etc) opportunity gram.)
pagin.o page (of a book
nub.o cloud oktobr.o October persuad.ar to persuade
nul.a no (adj.), not any okul.o eye pesk.ar to fish, angle
pak.o bundle, package,
nul.o nothing okup.ar to occupy petr.o stone (material)
nul.temp.e never ol (= olu) (pron.) it pez.ar (intr.) to weigh
pak.et.o packet
nul.u no-one, nobody old.a old (opposite of (have a certain weight)
pal.a pale, pallid
numer.o number young) pikt.ar to paint (pictures)
palp.ar to feel (by touch),
(indicating order or ole.o oil pikt.ur.o painting,
feel about
succession (not quantity); oli (pron.) they (those (painted) picture
pan.o bread
e.g. the number of a house things) plac.o square (in a town),
pantalon.o (long) trousers,
or room) olu (pron.) it place, piazza
(US) pants
nun (adv.) now olu.a its plad.o plate (dish to eat
paper.o paper
nur (adv) only (adv.) ombr.o shadow, shade off )
par.o pair, couple
nur.a sole omis.ar to omit plafon.o ceiling
pardon.ar to forgive,
nutr.ar to nourish, feed omn.a all, every (collective plaj.o beach
pardon (s-o. or s-t.)
nutr.iv.o nourishment, sense) plan.a flat, level, plane
park.o park (n.)
food omn.i all, everybody plank.o plank, board
parol.ar (intr.) (pri) to
(collectively) plant.o plant (bot.)
speak, talk
O omn.o everything
omn.u everyone
part.o part, portion; part
plantac.ar to plant (seeds
etc in the ground)
o (= od) (konj.) or (in games, music etc)
on (= onu) (pron.) one plas.o place (for a person
o ... o (= od ... od) (konj.) partikular.a particular,
(someone), they (as used or thing), space for one
either ... or special, peculiar, specific
loosely) plat.a (having an) even or
obedi.ar (tr.) to obey pas.ar (tr./intr.) to pass
ond.o wave, swell (of flat (surface); (fig.) dull,
objecion.ar (tr.) to object (one’s life, time etc), pass
water, also fig.) flat
to, adduce as an objection (through, above, etc.)
onkl.o uncle or aunt ple.ar to play (a musical
to or reason against pasabl.a passable, fair,
onkl.in.o aunt instrument, role in a play,
objekt.o object (tangible middling, mediocre
onkl.ul.o uncle etc)
or visible; focus of thought patr.o father
onu (pron.) one (someone) plen.a full
or feelings) pauz.ar to pause
onu.a one’s plend.ar to complain;
oblivi.ar to forget pavor.ar (tr./intr.) to be
onyon.o onion (jur.) lodge a complaint
observ.ar to observe, (instinctively or
opinion.ar to opine, hold plez.ar (tr./intr.) to
watch carefully emotionally) afraid (of)
an opinion please, be pleasing
obskur.a obscure (all paz.ar to step, stride
opinion.o opinion plezur.o pleasure
senses) paz.o step, pace

plor.ar to cry, weep practice, exercise; observe promen.ar to (go for a) qui who, which (plural,
plu (adv.) more (before an (a rule etc) walk, stroll interrog. & rel.)
adj. or adv.) prec.o price, charge (lit. & promis.ar to promise quik (adv.) immediately.
plum.o feather, plume; pen fig.) (something (to someone); to at once
(for writing), quill precipu.a main, principal do something) quo what, which (sing.;
plunj.ar (intr.) to dive, preciz.a precise (not used pront.a ready, prepared interrog. & rel.; used as an
plunge of a person), exact, strictly proporcion.o proportion, interrog. refers to
plur.a several defined or determined (e.g., ratio something indefinite, e.g.
plus further(more), in preciza nombro) propoz.ar to propose ’quo eventis?’ = what
addition; plus (arith.) prefer.ar to prefer (like (offer for consideration); happened?)
plus.a additional, extra better) propound; move (a
pluv.ar (imp.) to rain
po (prep.) for, at the price
preg.ar (tr.) to pray; beg
(s-o. for s-t.), beseech
propr.a own, proper,
rakont.ar (tr.) to tell (a
of, in exchange for; per pren.ar to take, take hold belonging (to)
tale, a story)
pok.a few, little of propriet.ar to own
rakont.o tale, story
polic.o maintenance of prepar.ar to prepare protekt.ar to protect
rang.o row, tier, range;
public order and security, pres.ar to press proviz.ar to provide (s-o.
policing preske (adv.) almost, with s-t.), supply
rapid.a fast, quick, rapid
polit.a polite, civil (in nearly proxim (prep.) near (to),
rar.a rare, unusual,
manner) prest.ar to lend (s-t. to close to (in time or space)
polv.o dust, powder s-o.), loan prudent.a prudent,
rar.e seldom, rarely
pom.o apple pretend.ar (tr.) to claim cautious
real.a real, actual
pont.o bridge; culvert; (lay claim to) prunt.ar to borrow
recent.a recent
gangplank, gangway (nav.) preter (prep.) past, pruv.ar to prove (truth or
recev.ar to receive
popul.o people (of a town, beyond validity)
red.a red
country etc), population prevent.ar to prevent publik.a public
redakt.ar to edit (a
popular.a popular prezent.a present (here or puer.o child (over 7 years
newspaper, journal etc)
por (prep.) for, on behalf of now) of age)
reflekt.ar (tr./intr.) to
pord.o door; gate; doorway pri (prep.) about, puer.in.o girl
reflect (phys., mental,
pork.o pig concerning, re puer.ul.o boy
port.ar to carry, bear, printemp.o spring(time) puls.ar to push, thrust,
refuz.ar to refuse, decline
take, bring (of person, privat.a private (adj.) impel; beat (e.g., heart),
regard.ar to regard (look
vehicle, wind, water etc); priz.ar to appreciate, prize, throb, pulsate
at attentively)
wear (clothes, watch etc) value punis.ar to punish
region.o region (all senses)
portu.o port (sea or air), prizent.ar to present, set punt.o point (geom., typo.,
registr.o register, record
harbour, (US) harbor or place before games); full stop, (US)
book; account book
pos (prep.) after (in time) pro (prep.) because of, period (punctuation)
regret.ar to regret, be
pos.di.mez.o afternoon owing to, out of, on account pur.a pure
sorry about
posed.ar to possess of
regul.ar to regulate (tech.
posh.o pocket
posibl.a possible
pro ke (konj.) because
pro quo why
Q & fig.)
qua (pron.) who, what, reklam.ar (tr.) to
post.o postal service, post, prob.ar to try out,
which (refers to a definite advertise
mail attempt, test (something);
person or thing, sing., rekomend.ar to
postul.ar to demand, assay
interrog. & rel.) recommend, commend
require, exact (something probabl.a likely, probable
quadrat.a square (geom., rekt.a straight (not curved
from someone) problem.o problem
arith.) or crooked)
pot.o pot, jug, pan (for produkt.ar to produce,
qual.a what sort of, what relat.ar (tr.) to relate to;
holding something or for bring forth
kind of, what a, like be connected to (by
cooking) profesion.o profession
qual.e how, as business etc)
pov.ar to be able (to do (occupational)
quankam (konj.) although, remark.ar (tr.) to notice
something) profit.ar (tr.) to profit
though remplas.ar to replace (take
pov.as can (v.) from, benefit from
quant.a how much, how or be in the place of )
povr.a poor, needy profit.o profit, benefit
many (adj.) renkontr.ar to meet,
poz.ar to place, put, set, profund.a deep, profound;
quar four encounter
lay down (lit. & fig.) (fig.) abstruse
quer.ar to fetch repar.ar to mend, repair,
praktik.ar to practise, projet.ar (tr.) to plan,
question.ar to question restore
(US) practice, put in form a project of
(s-o.) repast.ar (intr.) to have a

meal, eat (a meal) rul.ar (tr./intr.) to roll, appear (to be) left-hand, (nav.) port
repast.o meal roll along; roll (of a ship) sempr.e (adv.) always sink.ar (tr./intr.) to sink,
repet.ar (tr.) to tell or say rupt.ar (tr./intr.) to sen (prep.) without settle, subside
again, repeat (something break, snap, rupture senc.o sense, meaning sior.o sir (or madam)
said) rur.o country (as opposed send.ar to send, cause to sior.in.o Mrs, Miss,
repoz.ar to rest (take a to town) go madam, lady (woman)
rest), repose sent.ar to feel (a sior.ul.o Mr, sir, gentleman
repres.ar to restrain, hold
back, check, suppress,
S sensation)
sentiment.o sentiment,
sis six
sabl.o sand
repress mental feeling, emotional situ.ar to site, place,
saj.a wise, sensible
rept.ar to crawl, creep attitude locate, seat
sak.o sack, bag, pouch
(also fig.) sep seven siz.ar to seize, grab; (fig.)
(also anat. & bot.)
respekt.ar to respect separ.ar (tr.) to separate, grasp (e.g. an opportunity)
salad.o salad
respir.ar (tr./intr.) to part skol.o school (educational
salari.ar to pay salary or
breathe, respire septembr.o September establishment; group of
wages to
respond.ar (tr./intr.) to sequ.ar to follow (lit. & disciples)
salari.o salary, wage(s)
reply, answer, respond fig.) skop.o aim, objective,
salon.o drawing room,
rest.ar to remain, stay serch.ar to seek, look for, purpose, goal, target
parlour, (US) parlor
reten.ar to keep (back), search for skrap.ar to scrape (off),
salt.ar (intr.) to leap,
retain, withhold; (arith.) seri.o series, row, file, abrade
jump, bound
carry queue skrib.ar to write, write out
salut.ar to greet, salute
retro (adv.) backwards, serioz.a serious, grave (not soci.o society (in general),
salut.o greeting, salute
back frivolous, not trivial) community (people in a
salv.ar to save (from
retro- (pref.) re- serur.o lock (for fastening) locality)
danger etc), rescue; salvage
(indicating return; see list serv.ar (tr./intr.) to serve, soci.et.o society (club)
sam.a same
of prefixes) be of service to sol.a alone
san.a healthy, well; (fig.)
rev.ar to day-dream sever.a severe, stern, soldat.o soldier
revenu.o revenue; income harsh, strict solid.a solid (not liquid;
sandwich.o sandwich
rezid.ar to reside, dwell, sezon.o season (of the geom.); (fig.) firm, sound
sang.o blood
live year) solv.ar to solve (a problem
sapor.ar (intr.) to taste
rezist.ar to resist, stand sfer.o sphere etc); loosen (of a solute)
(have a certain taste)
firm against, not yield to, sham.ar (intr.) to be somer.o summer
sapor.o flavour, (US)
withstand ashamed somit.o summit (highest
flavor, taste
rezult.ar (de) to result, be sham.o shame (the point)
satisfac.ar to fulfil or
the consequence emotion) son.ar (intr.) to sound
satisfy (a duty, expectation,
rich.a rich (lit. & fig.) shok.ar to strike against; (emit a sound), strike (of a
promise); discharge (an
rid.ar to laugh shock (mentally) clock)
rid.et.ar to smile shok.o shock (physical or sonj.ar to dream (while
saturdi.o Saturday
rigid.a rigid, stiff, inflexible mental), impact asleep)
sav.ar to know (by
(lit. & fig.) shu.o shoe sordid.a dirty, sordid,
learning), have a knowledge
risk.ar (tr.) to risk, shultr.o shoulder soiled; (fig.) nasty, foul
of, know how (to do s-t.)
hazard, venture sid.ar to sit (be sitting); sorg.ar to take care of,
se (konj.) if
riv.o shore, coast (by a (fig.) lie, reside (of things) look after
sed.o bottom (of the body),
sea); bank (of a river) sign.o sign (natural or sort.o sort, kind
river.o river, (large) stream artificial), mark (indication) sovaj.a wild, savage
segun (prep.) according to
riz.o rice signifik.ar to mean, signify (untamed); (fig.) fierce
sek.ar to make a cut in, cut
robinet.o tap, cock, (US) sik.a dry (adj.) spac.o space
partially through; section
faucet, spigot silk.o silk spec.o species; (fig.) kind
(divide into sections)
rok.o (a) rock, boulder simil.a similar, like, alike spegul.o mirror
sekret.a secret
rol.o role (theat. & gen.), simpl.a simple, spens.ar to spend, expend
sekund.o second (of time
part, character uncomplicated, not (money, effort etc)
or angle)
rond.a round (adj.) complex; plain, unadorned splendid.a splendid,
sekur.a safe, secure
rot.o wheel sincer.a sincere magnificent
selekt.ar to choose, select
rud.a rough (of things, singl.a each spoli.ar to rob, plunder,
sem.ar to sow (lit. & fig.),
persons, manners), singl.u each one (person), loot, despoil, pillage
scatter seeds
uncouth, rude (lacking each (pron.) sport.o sport
seman.o week
refinement) sinistr.a left (adj.), spoz.o spouse
sembl.ar (intr.) to seem,

spoz.in.o wife checkers) tense (of a verb); tempo side of, beyond, across
spoz.ul.o husband sufr.ar (tr./intr.) (de, pro) (mus.) transport.ar to transport,
stac.ar (intr.) to stand to suffer (from), be afflicted ten.ar to hold convey
(upright) (with) tenebr.o (the) dark, tre (adv.) very
stacion.o station (place, sug.ar to suck darkness, gloom trem.ar (pro, de) to
building) sugest.ar to suggest, tens.ar (tr.) to strain tremble, shake, shiver;
stal.o steel intimate (draw taut), stretch, tense flutter (of wings); quaver
stand.ar to be (well, ill suk.o juice (also fig.); cock (a gun); (music); flicker (light)
etc; e.g., quale vu standas? sukr.o sugar wind up (a clock) tren.o train (railway)
= how are you?) sul.o soil tent.ar to tempt, entice tri three
stand.o state (of being), sun.o sun ter.o earth; Earth trist.a sad, doleful (of
condition sundi.o Sunday ter.pom.o potato persons or things)
stat.o state (political) sup.o soup teror.ar (intr.) to be tro (adv.) too (followed by
stel.o star (all senses) super (prep.) over, above terrified, be (badly) an adjective or adverb)
stipul.ar (tr.) to stipulate (also fig.) frightened tromp.ar to deceive
stof.o fabric, cloth, stuff suport.ar to support (lit., teror.o terror, fright trov.ar to find, come across
ston.o pebble, small stone fig.), bear the weight of text.o text tru.o hole
strad.o street supoz.ar to suppose, ti (= iti) those (pron.), trubl.ar to disturb, trouble
stranj.a strange, odd assume (take for granted) those ones trup.o band (company of
stranjer.a foreign, not supr.a top (highest up in til (prep.) until, till (in people having a common
native; (fig.) extraneous space or degree) time); to, up to, as far as purpose), troup; herd, flock
strek.o dash (written), supr.e on top, on high, (in space) tu thou, you (familiar form
stroke; (geom.) straight line aloft; (fig.) upstairs tim.ar to fear (for a of ’you’, like French ’tu’,
stret.a narrow sur (prep.) on, upon, on reason), be apprehensive German ’du’)
student.o student, top of; (arith.) divided by tip.o type (print., med., tu.a thy, thine, your (see
undergraduate surfac.o surface, outside; nat. hist.); conceptual ’tu’)
studi.ar (tr./intr.) to (fig.) appearance model having traits tub.o tube, pipe
study (s-t., about s-t.) surpriz.ar to surprise, take characteristic of a group tuk.o (piece of) cloth
stul.o chair (seat with a unawares tir.ar to pull, draw, tug; tur.o tour
back) surtut.o overcoat, draw (of chimneys) turb.o crowd, throng
stult.a foolish, silly greatcoat titul.o title (of a book, turn.ar (tr./intr.) to turn
stult.o fool suspekt.ar to suspect, article, person, etc) (around an axis), turn
sturm.o storm (with distrust to (= ito) that (pron.), that around
thunder & lightning) thing tush.ar to touch
su (reflex. pron., 3rd
person, sing. or plur.)
T toler.ar to tolerate, put up
with, endure
ta (= ita) that, those (adj.)
herself, himself, itself,
oneself, themselves
tabl.o table (furniture)
tomat.o tomato
tondr.ar (imp/intr) to
tal.a such (of that kind), ube (adv.) where
su.a her own, his own, its thunder (also fig.)
such like ucel.o bird
own, one’s own, their own tondr.o thunder
tal.e so, in such a manner, ul.a any, some
sub (prep.) under, beneath, tord.ar to twist, wring,
thus (indeterminite)
below contort; sprain; warp (wood)
tam ... kam as ... as (e.g., ul.a.lok.e somewhere
subit.a sudden tot.a whole, entire
tam granda kam) ul.o something
subjekt.o subject (gram., tra (prep.) through
tamen (konj.) however, ul.u anyone, someone
log.) traduk.ar (de ... ad) to
nevertheless ultr.e (prep.) besides
substantiv.o noun translate (from one
tant.a so much, so many un one (1)
suces.ar to succeed (be language to another)
tant.e so (followed by an un.esm.a first
successful) trahiz.ar to betray
adjective or adverb) un.foy.e one time, once
suci.ar (tr.) to be trakt.ar to deal with,
tard.a late, tardy union.ar (tr.) to unite
concerned or anxious about, behave toward, treat,
tas.o cup (join together in purpose)
care about handle (a person or subject)
task.o task, job urb.o town, (US) city
sud.o south tranch.ar to cut through,
te.o tea (leaves; infusion) urj.ar to be urgent
sufic.ar to suffice, be cut off; carve, cut up
ted.ar to bore; (fig.) weary utensil.o tool, implement,
sufficient tranquil.a still, tranquil,
tekt.o roof; top (of car or utensil
sufl.ar (tr./intr.) to blow, quiet (physically or
carriage) util.a useful
blow upon; prompt mentally)
tem.o topic, subject, theme uz.ar to use, employ (make
(theatre); huff (draughts, trans (prep.) on the other
temp.o time (duration); use of )

V fly)
vek.ar (intr.) to wake,
vice (prep.) instead of
vicin.a neighbouring, (US)
vok.ar (tr./intr.) to call
(for attention or ask to
vagon.o railway carriage,
car (railway) awaken (emerge from sleep) neighboring come), summons
vakanc.ar to have (or, be vek.ig.ar (tr.) to rouse, vicin.o neighbour, (US) vol.ar (tr.) to want (to),
on) a holiday or (US) wake neighbor have a will (to)
vacation ven.ar to come vid.ar to see vort.o word (written or
vaku.a empty, void, vend.ar to sell vilaj.o village spoken)
vacuous venen.o poison, venom vink.ar to conquer, defeat, voy.o way, road, track,
val.o valley, vale, dale (also fig.) overcome (an enemy, route
valid.a valid venerdi.o Friday competitor or obstacle), win voyaj.ar (intr.) to travel,
valor.ar (tr.) to be worth, vent.o wind vintr.o winter voyage
be equal in value to ver.a true (not false) violent.ar (tr.) to use vu you (sing.)
van.a futile, fruitless, vain verb.o verb violence on vu.a your(s) (sing.)
vanitat.o vanity (conceit) verd.a green violent.o violence; force (in vund.ar to wound
verk.o work (literary, law)
vapor.o steam, vapour,
(US) vapor artistic etc)
vers (prep.) toward(s), in
vir.o man (male adult
var.o ware, commodity; west.o west ya indeed,
(vari) goods the direction of vitr.o glass (the material) truly (used for emphasis)
vari.ar (tr./intr.) to vary, vesper.o evening viv.ar (tr./intr.) to live, be yar.o year
change (in amount or vest.o garment, item of alive ye (prep.) at, by
intensity) clothing viv.o life (preposition used when no
varm.a warm (also fig.) veston.o jacket (man’s) viz.ar (tr./intr.) to aim at other fits the meaning)
vars.ar (tr.) to pour (out); veter.o weather (a target, etc); take aim yen here is/are, there is/are
spill; shed (blood, etc) vetur.o vehicle (wheeled) vizaj.o face (of a person), (e.g., ’yen la ucelo!’)
vart.ar to await, wait for vex.ar to annoy, irritate, visage yes yes
vast.a vast, extensive vex vizit.ar to visit yun.a young (adj.)
veh.ar to go or travel in a vi you (plural) voc.o voice (also gram.); yur.o right (legal or moral)
vehicle (ride, sail, drive or vi.a your(s) (plural) (fig.) expression of opinion yust.a just, fair, equitable

parentheses meaning indicators
comma synonyms and near-synonyms separator
semi-colon different meanings separator
US US usage n. noun
adj. adjective prep. preposition
adv. adverb pron. pronoun
conj. conjunction tr. transitive
fig. figurative(ly) tr./intr. transitive or intransitive
intr. intransitive v. verb


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