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Randell Chapman

SBU 541.75

Org Talent and Leadership Development

Dr. C. Giunta
“What do I want to be when I grow up?”  If a survey was taken of little kids, most of

them could say careers they know from television, rescue or medical.  Their career could be

policeman, fireman, doctor, lawyer, and even the President of the United States.  Some children

could also say careers their mothers and fathers have.  The careers children talk about focus on

what they are familiar with in their own lives.  When the children grow older, they find new

hobbies, likes and dislikes that would shape their minds.  The careers change to something


My life would be the same as one of those kids.  I don’t remember what I said I wanted to

be.  I know what I am thriving for would not be on the mind of a child unless they have a parent

or family member pushing them toward the direction.  I have two plans I would like to strive

for.  Plan A is to become the Quality Assurance Manager.  Plan B would be to become an

Administrator of an assisted living home.  These are two different careers.  Both plans require

years of training and leadership.  The plans require a faithful team to be successful.  

I had the chance to take the Clifton 5 Strengths finder.  The five top strengths I have are:

1. Harmony

2. Includer

3. Consistency

4. Learner

5. Analytical (Gallup, 2022)

The top five strengths are important in the plans I plan on pursuing.  To be successful in the

plans, I will need to have a cooperative workforce.  I need everybody involved.  Data needs to be

collective continually.  We need to continue to grow with new knowledge.  And we need to

know all the information to know the next process.  When I expand on Plan A and Plan B, you
will see how every one of my strengths will be utilized.  The path for Plan A will be a path of

Floor Supervisor, Quality Coordinator and Quality Assurance Manager.  Plan B will be a path of

Sales/Marketing, Business Office Manager, and Administrator.    

Introduction of Plan A

My current title of my job is a Tool and Die Journeyman machinist.  I am currently

manufacturing products for customers in the specification they require.  I started my career as a

machinist in May 2007.  I did not know anything about manufacturing.  My company has been

very supportive with my education.  During my 15 years, they taught me how to become a

machinist.  In 2011, my company sent me to technological school for my Journeymen papers.  I

learned all the machines within the manufacturing plant.  I became a trainer/coach for new

employees.  I helped management with new production processes.  I became a respected person

which the management could count on.  My next step in my career is to become the Floor


Short Term: Floor Supervisor (1-2 years)

Company: General Carbide

Floor Supervisor is the foundation for future opportunities in the company.  The floor

supervisor is a coach, safety advisor, and information gathered for the managers on the shop

floor.  They make the decisions on which job the production workers to work on.  In many other

places, they are considered the team lead.  When the plant manager needs a status update on a

job, the floor supervisor should already know the information. The floor supervisor should know

where the parts are, how long it is going to be, what the next steps needed and how long that

would take.  The floor supervisor should also give a shipping date for the job.
The floor supervisor responsibilities also include gathering information so the production

worker to complete the job in a timely manner.  It is the floor supervisor responsibility to receive

all products from other plants and vendors.  They will also print out customers' prints and the

quality worksheets.  The floor supervisor will also move the job from one area to another when

the job requires it.  

A floor supervisor also needs to be a coach to the production workers.  He needs to listen

to their working needs.  He has to be a Mentor Manager (Pulver, pg 65).  To get the best out of

your own employees, the supervisor needs to have the trust in your employees.  As a supervisor,

they should also give the trust and respect to your employees.  The supervisor does not need to

be connected on a personal level.  The supervisor just needs to be understanding of the

employees (Pulver, pg 65)  The supervisor cannot be afraid to share negative news with the

managers or the production workers of a job.  

The floor supervisor also needs to be knowledgeable on safety processes and maintain

safety in the workplace.  They are required to routinely watch if the employees are also

practicing safety awareness.  The supervisor should be aware of any safety infractions or if

somebody gets hurt.  They are to report the incident to the safety director and plant manager.  

To become a floor supervisor of a manufacturing company, a person would need to have

years of experience in the manufacturing style of the company.  They should have a high school

diploma or equivalent to one.  Most of the floor supervisors are employees with experience

within the company.  They are hired from an internal workforce.  The plant manager would

choose who the floor supervisor is from potential candidates.  The floor supervisor should be

experienced, trusted, and have a hard work ethic.  The position is a demanding position which

requires a strong mental mind.  They will be answering questions and receiving complaints from
upper management such as sales, plant managers, quality and ownership (pending the size of the

company)  The pay for a floor supervisor averages $25-$30 an hour.  The average work week of

a floor supervisor is 40+ hours.  The floor supervisor needs to have good communication skills

with upper management such as Plant Manager, Quality Manager, Sales and Finance


Tactical: Quality Coordinator (2-3 years)

Company: General Carbide

Quality Coordinator is responsible for maintaining quality parts entering and leaving the

production plant.  Unlike the floor supervisor, The position reports to the Quality Assurance

Manager.  They are to maintain the quality management system.

Quality of a part in a manufacturing company is essential for a company's success.  QC,

(Quality Coordinator), is responsible for inspection.  They are to examine, calibrate and record

all the measuring equipment daily.  They need to schedule all equipment for recertification when

needed.  QC would contact all the outside vendors for proper calibration equipment verification. 

They are required to ensure all verifications of equipment meet the ISO9001 specifications.  QC

would also maintain a working relationship with the floor supervisor to ensure the measuring

equipment used by the production workers are calibrated and pass all necessary requirements.

QC also would also lead MRB (Material Review Board) meetings.  The MRB meetings

would have the floor supervisor, sales manager, plant manager, quality assurance manager, and

inspection manager.  The MRB meeting would discuss the current scrap (products out of

customers specifications) and how to prevent it happening again.  QC would ask questions to

find the root cause of the scrap.  They would record the information into the company’s system

and create a corrective action for future use.

QC records all RMA (Return Material Authorization).  RMA are products sent to the customers

outside of specs and returned to the company.  They are to find a correction solution with the

floor supervisor.  QC would record the root cause and proceed to make the corrective action to

fixing the issue.  

QC would also execute internal audits.  The internal audits would ensure the employees

are aware of the quality policies.  They are to ensure production workers continue to use the

quality policy of “WE CAN” and know what it means.  WE CAN stands for

W: Work together as a cohesive team

E: Exceed our customers expectations for quality and performance
C: Continually Improve our Products and Processes
A: Always deliver on time
N: No defects
(General, 2022)

QC should have good communication skills with others within the company.  The success

of a company is the quality of the products being sold.  QC needs to continue to analyst the data

to continue to improve processes for a great part.  They need to continue to learn about new

procedures and communicate to the floor supervisor.  They need to analyze all quality issues and

assist the production team to solve quality problems.  The pay for a QC $20-$24 per hour.

Strategic: Quality Assurance Manager (3 years or more)

Company: General Carbide

Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) oversees all components of the Quality Management

System (QMS).  They are responsible for communicating with other managing departments

about quality issues.  They monitor all quality activities and report the results with the company

president.  QAM creates quality processes of manufacturing parts through communication with

production workers and management.  QMA would hold meetings to ensure quality processes

are being held correctly.  If the quality process is not correct, the QAM would record the issue
and make the correct adjustments.  QAM should also encourage others for quality.  He should

coach others to encourage quality.  

QAM is responsible for all QC, perform inspection, final inspection, and hiring for

quality control.  QAM is responsible for coaching employees on new processes.  They would

work with the floor supervisor to meet all quality standards for training and development.  QAM

follows up with the QC on the reports of the daily calibration sheets, quality control sheets and

RMA’s.  QAM attends all meetings within the company.  

QAM sets up yearly appointments with a representative of ISO 9001.  They are to

maintain a working and professional relationship with the ISO 9001 auditor.  QAM ensures all

the requirements are met for passing.  QAM follows up and records training for all employees,

ensures all tools are calibrated and paperwork is processed.  QAM ensures all employees know

the quality policy of WE CAN.  

QAM records all of the company’s scrap (internal and vendors) and credit from

customers.  QAm would report the financials to the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating

officer and President of the company.  QAM would send any report of all issues pertaining to

areas in question to its management.  QAM needs to follow what Werner wrote about task

Analysis.  QAM needs to follow the 5 step process when following up a quality correction.  They

need to 1) Create an overall Job description, 2) Identify the task, 3) Identify what it would take to

do the task, 4) How can it benefit, and 5) Training needed for the task.  (Werner, pg 115-118).  It

is not the responsibility of QAM to know the production issues.  QAM needs to ask the questions

to the plant managers and floor supervisor for the correct action.  QAM would record the

information and continue to follow up when necessary.  

The requirements to be a QAM is to possess a bachelor’s degree in Business.  There are

certifications for quality assurance.  QAM should be a leader, communicator, analyst, and

learner.  The salary for a QAM is $63,700-$165,000 in Pennsylvania.  It depends on the size of

the company.  The average is $112,630. 

Evaluation of progress

The direction of Plan A is to build a more responsibility, trust, and leadership. The

beginning of Plan A is the floor supervisor. When I become the floor supervisor, it would create

the foundation of trust among the employees and managers. It would help me understand all the

processes in the company as well as lead a team. I would be involved in nonconformity issues.

It would involve face to face interaction with production crew and upper management. It would

require me to create time management and develop patience. When I become the floor

supervisor, it would strengthen my opportunities in the SWOT. Floor supervisor will work with

the QC to maintain the working area is certified. The responsibilities of a floor supervisor is

greater than a Quality Coordinator (QC). The QC is the introduction to becoming the Quality

Assurance Manager (QAM). When learning the foundation of QC, then the transition of QAM

would be easier. In quality control, I would be able build the relationships with other members

of management. I can display the consistently of my job to become the QAM. The QAM leads

all the manufacturing process. In manufacturing, quality parts are the key to success of the


Introduction of PLAN B:
I have always wanted to help people. I am a firm believer we should help the less

fortunate. My wife is very passionate of the care of others. Her job as a nurse requires her to

work as assistant living homes. I would listen to her descriptions of facilities. I looked into my

heart and found I want to help. I want to lead as an example of the training toward to become an

administrator for people who cannot take care of themselves. For me to reach the goal for

Administrator, it would be beneficial to learn and understand how an assistant living facility

operates. The beginning will be a sales/marketing manager. The next steps would be the

business operating manager. The third would be the administrator.

Short Term: Area Director of Sales/Marketing, Healthcare

Company: Northland Heights Assistant Living

The purpose of sales/marketing in an assistant living facility is to fill the facility with

people who cannot take care of themselves medically. There are several different ways to

achieve this goal. First, a salesperson could contact a local hospital social service. When talking

to local social service, the salesperson would explain the benefits to staying at the facility.

Another way to sell the facility would be receiving an inquiry. Once a salesperson receives the

inquiry, they can do a home visit or offer for the family to visit the facility.

The director of sales (DOS) reports to the facility Administrators, the Area Director, the

Vice President of Operations, and healthcare personal. The salesperson will have daily quotes to

achieve. They will need to reach the expected quota every month to secure the monthly budget.

The salesperson needs to continue training on different operating systems such as CRM, R3M,

weekly sales dashboard and yearly sales and marketing. The DOS need to stay up to date on the

current marketing trends. DOS need to have leadership, teamwork, attention to details, listening
skills, communication. DOS position requires travel. DOS will need to have knowledge of the

local area of Northland Heights.

DOS is also responsible for maintaining any sales team member. If the sales team failed

to reach the months quota, the DOS needs to coach them to success. Some techniques of

coaching would involve team building, new marketing direction, and individual encouragement.

Sales is a very hard job. There is a lot of turnovers in sales. When hiring a potential employee, a

DOS needs to hire the right person, not the convenient person. (Pulver, pg 39). A new

salesperson can hurt themselves mentally without the proper sales training.

The education for DOS minimum of 2 years of experience in healthcare sales. They need

to have a strong sense of understanding of all aspects of healthcare. The average salary of a

$75,000 with opportunity of monthly bonuses.

Tactical: Business Office Manager

Company: Northland Heights Assistant living

The assistant living home cannot operate unless there is a person doing the finance. The

Business Manager is responsible for the financial operations. They oversee all accounts

receivable, account payable and collections. They have the hard task of asking people for money

to pay their loved one bills. They are responsible for imputing data for payroll, admissions, and

billing. They are accountable for residents’ insurance and trust funds. The Business Manager

also is responsible for securing supplies and equipment for the facility. The business manager

also sits in interviews for potential personnel. Business Manager participates in all meetings that

has any financial involvement. They are in constant contact with the Administrator for the daily

budget of the facility.

There isn’t any leadership requirement for this position. The position has needs to have a

strong work ethic. They need to have attention to detail and analytical skills. Business Manager

will face difficult situations involving money when collecting money. Business manager must

have good communication skills.

The education for a business manager is to have bachelor’s degree in accounting or

finance. They should have knowledge of payroll, billing, or collections. They must have a 3-

year work experience including one year of leadership in a health-related finance or billing

collections. The average pay for a Business Administration is $65,000 to $70,000

Strategic: Administration

Company: Northland Heights Assistant Living

Administrator in the state of Pennsylvania must contain a license in the respected field.

Before a person could obtain certified license, they would need to qualify by one of the

following: Accepting a master’s degree from an accredited college, a bachelor’s degree and

complete a board approve 120-hour program, 2-year college level study with 120-hour board

approve program, a registered nurse with a completion of 120-hour board approve program or a

high school diploma with a completion of 120-hour board approve program (PA Gov, 2022).

The responsibility of an assistant living Administrator is the daily operation of the

facility. They oversee everything in the facility. They are involved in staff supervision, public

relations/marketing, budgeting for the facility, and training of new staff member.

The Administrator should have strong communication and leadership skills.

Administrators work hand to hand with the business manager. They have daily meetings with

management teams daily. The Administrator should have a good respectful relationship with the
support staff. The Administrator would evaluate the management team for a short term/long

term goal.

The Administrator is required to follow all local, state, and federal laws when

maintaining the facility. They would need to have continue education on new regulations. They

must have a minimum of 60 hours training over the next two-year period. The Administrator

must also follow all guideline in the parent company, The Hamister Group, Inc handbook.

The qualifications for the position at Hamister Group, Inc are a bachelor’s degree with a

major or minor in health care administration, qualification requirements from state, local and

federal laws, and experience in assistant living care. The preferred qualification is a master’s

degree from a credited university or college and a demonstration of knowledge of leadership and

business. The average salary for an Administrator for an assistant living home 119,840. (US,


Evaluation of Plan B

The process to become an Administrator could be a long difficult road. The path of

sales/marketing and business leads to the understanding of how the financial element works in

the facility. Just like plan A, there is a building from one to another to succeed in the final role.

Plan B involves a lot of good communication skills. Plan B also involves a lot of confidence in

the product. When I am a salesman, I must be passionate in the facility. If I am not passionate,

the facility will not gain residents. As a result, the facility would not reach budget. The result of

not reaching budget could mean resident would not get the care they need. If I was evaluating

myself in the position, I would measure myself with how the budget is growing. The growing

budget would display economic growth for care of the resident.

My focus for plan B is to provide the maximize care for its residents. The first step

would be sale the facility to grow the budget. The next step would be able to understand and

manage the budget. And the third step is over seeing how the budget is being handled for the

care of the residents.


In conclusion, plan A and plan B build on each other to the success of the tactical term.

In plan A, the accomplishments would equal to the success of the company through quality and

leadership. Plan B success would be the care of residents and growth of the facility. These two

plans can be obtained. Plan A can be obtained by my working knowledge of manufacturing. I

have been working for General Carbide for the last 16 years. I help with the current floor

supervisor. I am valued for my knowledge and work ethic. In the past, I had the opportunity to

work side by side with the current Quality Assurance Manager. He is very helpful and

encouraging of my education. I know working under him would being me knowledge and


Plan B would be tough road to conquer. I would have to utilize my education to gain

success. I need to rely on my wife contacts to get my foot into the door. However, I would rely

on my strengths to overcome the obstacles. I look forward to finding out what my plan will be.

There is always the possibility of a Plan C.


 51-1011.00 - first-line supervisors of production and operating workers. O*NET OnLine.

(n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
 Quality. General Carbide. (2021, April 28). Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
 Floor Supervisor Work Instructions, General Carbide. (2021, March 22).
 Quality Coordinator Work Instructions, General Carbide. (2021, March 22)
 Quality Assurance Manager Work Instructions, General Carbide. (2020, April 24)
 Area Director of Sales Position Profile, Hamister Group, LLC. (2022)
 Business Office Manager Position Profile, Hamister Group, LLC (2020, February, 11)
 Administration Profile Position, Hamister Group, LLC. (2018, May)
 ISO 9000 family - quality management. ISO. (2020, March 11). Retrieved November 13,
2022, from
 Nursing home administrator licensure requirements snapshot. Pennsylvania Department
of State. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2022, March 31). 11-9111 medical and health services
managers. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved November 13, 2022, from
 Pulver, C. (2021). I Love It Here:  How Great Leaders Create Organizations Their People
Never Want to Leave. Page Two Books
 Werner, J. (2022, 8th edition). Human Resource Development: Talent Development.
 Gallup Strengthsfinder, (2022), Top five Strengthsfinder







 Appendixes






 ANALYTICAL  INCLUDER (including people who

should not be involve in projects)








VENN Diagram Plan A


Quality solution Feedback

Assessments Recorder
Problem solving Process creator

Quality Fact finder
Coordinator Consistency
SBU541 Individual Development Plan

Short Term Quality
Floor Strategic
Supervisor Quality
General Assurance
Carbide Manager
Year 2024 2026 General
Randell 2028

Short Term
Northland Heights: Tactical
Assistant Living Business Office
Facility Manager Strategic
Year 2025 Northland Heights: Administrator
Assistant Living Northland Heights:
Facility Assistant living Facility
Year 2028
Year 2026

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