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Detailed Lesson Plan EIM 7

I. Objectives

A. Content standard

-The learners demonstrate understanding on hazard and risk.

-The learners differentiate between hazard and risks.

B. Performance standard

- The learners apply procedures for controlling hazard and risk

- The learners will apply correctly in wearing proper PPE in accordance with organizations OHS

C. Learning competencies

-The learners identify hazard and risk

- The learners control hazard and risk and practice Occupational Health and Safety.

At the end of 2 hour lecture discussion, the grade 7 students are expected to:

With at least 75% proficiency level in.

1.Demonstrate understanding on basic workplace hazard.

2. Apply proper wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

Reference: Curriculum Guide exploratory course on Electrical Installation and Maintenance

Instructional materials: Visual aid, Marker, Cards

Values Integration: Obedience and Cooperation

III. Procedure
Teacher Activities Student activities

A. Preliminary Activities


Good morning class Good morning sir


Mr. Charlie kindly lead the prayer Classmates let us pray, in the name of the father, and
the son, and the holy spirit . Amen...

Before you take your seats kindly pick up the trash of

paper and arrange your chairs properly. (Students starts picking the trash)

How are you today?

Okay that's good to hear. Are you comfortable with Students: we're fine sir
the seats you seated?
Students: Yes sir
Classroom Rules

"Before we proceed, let me remind you once again of

our rules during the discussion. I want you to read the Students: Yes sir
following classroom rules."

1. Please wear mask all the time.

2. Maintain social distancing

3. Keep all personal electronics away.

4. Be responsible for your own learning

6. Respect all the teachers and students.

5. Raise your hand if you have some questions "Are we

clear class?" "Okay, very

Checking of attendance

Is there any absent from the class Mr. Monitor

Okay that's good to hear

Class monitor. none sir
Passing of assignments

And before I forget kindly pass your assignment to

the front, without standing and making unnecessary
Students passing their assignments


Class do you still remember what we had tackled


What was our topic yesterday Ms. Abby

Very good Abby Students: Yes sir

Okay we talk about basic maintainance of electrical

tools and equipment.

How to maintain electrical tools and equipment clean

Abby: Our topic yesterday sir, is all about the basic
maintainance of electrical tools and equipment.
Very Good, Mr. Al

Al: So in order to maintain electrical tools and

equipment clean we must store it correctly and we
must follow the 5'S principle.

What Are those 5S Mr. Dantie ? Dantie: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and
Very good class, it seems like you really understood
yesterdays lesson


So moving on. Today we will be having another lesson

in EIM 7.
Students: yes sir
Are you excited?

You should be excited

But before that let's have first an activity. I have here a

pictures. I will distribute 10 picture each row and each
row will choose 10 representative.

Direction. Paste the picture in table A if you think the

picture shows safety procedures and table B if not.
This is a race

The first to post the picture correctly on its table will

have 25 points, second will have 20 points, third will
have 15 points and the fourth will have 10 points.

Am I clear?

(The representative will form horizontal line at the

Students: Yes sir
Ready set go!

(Representatives starts pasting the pictures in the

B. Lesson Proper board)

So I have prepare another activity for you

Activity: think and explain

Direction. I will divide you in 5 groups and choose one

representative. I will send you two pictures each group
and explain it, if it is safety or hazard.

I am clear?

Students: Yes sir


Collaboration. -10

Content. -10

Presentation. -10

Total. -30
Starts performing the activity

The activities you have performed earlier are related to

our lesson today

Now who has an idea of what will be our topic today?

Anyone from group 1 or group 2?

Yes Bella?
Very good Bella it could be

Who has any another idea?

None? Bella: It is all about hazard and risk sir

So our lesson for today is all about occupational health

and safety procedures

And here are our learning objectives for us to be guided

through out the discussion.


At the end of the discussion the students shall able to;

a. Demonstrate understanding on basic workplace


b. Apply proper wearing of Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE).

So, who has any idea about occupational health and

safety procedures or what it is all about?


Yes Candy?

Candy: For me sir, I think it is all about the safety in the

workplace And in order to have a safety we should
always wear personal protective equipment (ppe) if we
are in the workplace to avoid risk and hazard.
Very good answer Candy, because occupational health
and safety procedures it deals with all aspects of health
and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on
primary prevention of hazard.

So what are some common hazard when we are

installing electrical installation?

Okay Darna?
Darna: The common hazard in installing electrical
Very good Darna, because when we are installing
installation sir, is electric shock and burns from contact
electrical circuit that is the common hazard that we face
with live parts
like electric shock, contact with live parts and some
minor injuries. That's why we must wear appropriate
personal protective equipment (PPE)

So, who can give me example of PPE?

Yes, Andrey?

Very good Andrey. Wearing appropriate PPE can

minimize the risk and hazard in our workplace, because Andrey: Example of personal protective equipment sir,
it helps to minimize exposure to hazards that cause is helmet, goggles and boots
serious workplace injuries and illnesses.

Aside from PPE what are some ways to avoid the risk
and hazard?


Yes Jessa?
Jessa:For me sir, It is also useful to minimize the risk if
Okay very good answer jessa, because in occupational
we remove or eliminate the hazard completely from the
health and safety procedures it is also about the idea on
workplace and Pay attention to signage
how we will minimize the risk and hazard, not only
wearing PPE but also setting risk management
standards based on acceptable safe practices and legal

So, how can you minimize the risk your workplace?


Yes Dexter? Dexter: We can minimize the risk and hazard in the
workplace if we are wearing appropriate PPE and
Very good Dexter setting risk management standards.

When you are installing a circuit what would be the

proper PPE that you must wear?


Yes, abby?
Abby: gloves,helmet, and jacket
Very good Abby

What are the basic hazard that we encounter when we

are installing electrical installation?

Yes Al?

Very good Al Al: Electric shock and burns from live wire contact sir

So, before we move on to our next activity, is there any

questions? Clarifications? Or violent reactions?


Okay, thank you


Since we are done discussing the occupational health

and safety procedures. I will give you an activity

Direction: In a bond paper draw a symbol that indicates

safety rules and regulations.

Rubrics : content-10

neatness -5

Total= 15

Test I.

Get 1/4 sheet of paper

Direction: Read and analyze the statement below. Write

S if the statement shows safety and H if it is hazard.

S 1. Wearing gloves in installing electrical circuit.

H 2. Listening music while installing a circuit

H 3. Installing on a wet floor.

H 4. Working on a high voltage area

S 5. Analyzing warning signs

II. Essay.

Why is it important to wear appropriate personal

protective equipment (PPE)?

Rubrics:. Content-5




Have an advance study what is emergency

preparedness plan.

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