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EE201/282- Network Analysis

Tutorial – 1
DC Circuit Analysis and Two Terminal Resistors
1. For the two-terminal resistors given by the v-i characteristics shown in Fig. Q-1, state
whether each one is
(i) linear or nonlinear.
(ii) voltage-controlled and/or current-controlled,
(iii) passive or active,
(iv) bilateral or nonbilateral.

i i
i i i i

v v v v v
non non non
non li li
vc cc vc nor cc vc
cc vc/cc
pa ac ac pa
ac ac
bi non non bi
non bi
Fig. Q1

2. The equations below specify the characteristics of some resistors. Indicate whether
they are
(i) linear or nonlinear,
(ii) time-varying or time-invariant,
(iii) voltage-controlled or current-controlled.
(iv) passive or active
(v) bilateral or nonbilateral.
a) v +10i = 0 (e) i = tanh v
b) v = (cos 2t)i + 3 (f) i -+ 3v = 10
c) i = exp(-v) (g) i = 2 +cos t
d) v = i (h) i= v + (cos2t)v/|v|

3. Suppose that the nonlinear resistor R has a characteristic specified by the equation
v=20i+ i2 + 2i3
a) Express v as a sum of sinusoids, given i(t) = cost + 2 cost
b) If  = 22 what frequencies are present in v?

4. Use graphic series and parallel addition to find and plot the driving-point
characteristics of the one-port shown in Fig. Q-4.

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

Fig. Q-4

5. (a) Draw the driving-point characteristics for the two circuits shown in Fig. Q-5 a and
b. The two nonlinear resistors are described by the v-i characteristics shown in Fig.
Q-5 c and d respectively.
(b) Will the driving-point characteristic obtained in (a) change if the terminals of R1
turned around? Explain.

Fig. Q-5

6. Repeat Prob. 5(a) with the terminals of R2, turned around.

7. Use graphic addition to find the driving-point characteristic of the circuit shown in
Fig. Q-7

Fig. Q-7
8. Repeat Prob. 7 for the circuit shown in Fig. Q-8.

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

Fig. Q-8
a) Draw the v-i characteristics of an ideal diode. Draw the i-v characteristics of its
dual. Hence draw the dual circuit of an ideal diode?
b) Draw the v-i characteristics of circuits shown in Fig. Q-9. What are their dual

Fig. Q-9

10. Find the dual circuits for the circuits shown in Fig. Q-10.

Fig. Q-10

11. Plot the v-i characteristics for the circuits shown in Fig. Q-11 (a). Assume the zener
diodes are described by the v-i characteristic in Fig. Q-11 (b) with EZ = 10 V.

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

Fig. Q-11

(a) (b)

12. For the circuit shown in Fig. Q-12

a) Determine the driving-point characteristic of the one-port 1-1’, that is, the
equation describing the one-port in terms of the port voltage and the port
b) Plot the characteristic in the v-i plane.
c) Determine an equivalent one-port which consists of one independent current
source and one linear resistor.
d) Determine the dual one-port of the above.

Fig. Q-12

a) Plot the driving-point characteristic of the one-port shown in Fig, Q-13(a).
b) A current source i, is connected to the above one-port as shown in Fig. Q_13(b).
Determine the port voltage v for
(i) is=2A
(ii) is = 1 A
(iii) is = 1/2 A

Fig. Q-13

14. Use graphic series and parallel addition to find the driving-point characteristics of the
circuits shown in Fig. Q.14.

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

Fig. Q-14

15. Using only concave resistors. convex resistors. and at most one linear resistor and
one dc source. synthesize the driving-pint characteristics shown in Fig. Q-15

Fig. Q-15

a) The piecewise-linear v-i characteristic in Fig. Q-16(a) can be described by

Specify the coefficients ao, a1, b1, b2, I1, and I2.
b) Specify the parameters R,, R,, R,, I,, and I, in Fig. Q-16(b) so that the driving-point
characteristic of the one-port N is given by Fig. Q-16(a)

Fig. Q-16

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

17. The zener-diode circuit shown in Fig. Q-17 functions as an inexpensive voltage
regulator which maintains a constant output voltage when the load resistance R,
andlor power supply voltage E change within a prescribed range.
a) Assuming an ideal zener-diode v-i characteristic with E, = 5 V (see Fig. Q-11), find
(by the graphic method) the driving-point characteristic of the one-port N.
b) Using the driving-point characteristic from (a), find the output voltage v, when RL
= 2 k  and RL = 500 , respectively.
c) If E can vary by 25 percent, specify the allowable range of RL in order to maintain
a constant 5 V output voltage.

Fig. Q-17

18. Consider the circuit shoun in Fig. Q-18(a) . where the tunnel diode and the pn-
junction diode are modeled by the piecewise-linear characteristics in Fig. Q-18(b)
and (c). respectively. Use the load-line method to find the voltage v1 and the current
i2 at each operating point of the circuit.

Fig. Q-18

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

19. For the circuit shown in Fig. Q-19 plot the transfer characttristic v2 as a function of is.


Fig. Q-19

KML 2020 - Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya

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