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Republic of the Philippines

, Region 02-Cagayan Valley
Turayong, Cauayan City, Isabela Philippines 3305
Telefax: (078)-652-1614 email address:



1 x 1 ID

Teacher II
Cauayan City National High School

I. Context and Rationale

Writing is one of the best ways that students learn in science. When

students explain what they have seen and why they think this occurs in writing,

they are forced to clarify their thoughts and organize these ideas in a way that

others can understand. Physics is perceived as a difficult subject and perhaps

one of the hardest subjects in the realm of science because it’s a combination

of mathematics and science. With this, students’ interest, attitude, and

performance towards learning physics is affected.

Physics is basic for understanding the complexities of modern technology,

and essential for technological advancement of a nation. This aspect of science

is making significant contribution to many of the inventions that are shaping

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 1

modern day, and has helped to explain many of the events being encountered

in everyday life. Despite its importance, physics remains the least favored

science subject among students generally. Compared to other science

subjects, only a few students choose to study physics at O-level and,

subsequently, at higher degrees (Erinosho, 2013).

The study of Lumintac (2014) revealed that students have a negative

attitude towards Physics subject, and their academic achievement of the

subject is found to be fair or low. Further, a significant relationship was

established between the students’ attitude toward Physics and their academic

achievement. It is concluded that their low level of academic achievement in

Physics is the result of their negative attitude towards the subject. Hence,

students’ negative attitude to the subject influences low academic


In an international surveys like the 2003 Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the Philippines ranked 43rd out of 46

countries in Science. In 2008, even with only the science high schools

participating in the Advanced Mathematics and Science category, the

Philippines ranked lowest among 10 countries. Furthermore, they reiterated

that teaching preparation of public school teachers in science is also a factor in


As per observation, interview and encounter by the researcher, majority of

the Grade 12 STEM students of Cauayan City National High School perceived

Physics as a difficult subject thus their attitude and views towards this influence

their understanding and learning of the course. Students’ also got low scores in

the tests administered by the teacher. Students’ difficulties stem from physics

concepts, the way in which the physics course is being taught, and physics

problems that are sometimes very vague. Also, students’ lack the ability to

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 2

have reviews of the previous lessons. As if they learn the concept at the

moment and forget these as days passed by.

The researcher also finds difficulty in facilitating the teaching-learning

process in the said subject because of the presented scenario. Having

students’ views about their difficulties in physics can provide valuable

information to the teacher preparing the course curriculum and employ the

curriculum in a way that lessens students’ difficulties of understanding and

learning of physics. This is the very reason why the researcher is so motivated

to conduct this study to determine the effects of Interactive Science Notebook

on the academic motivation and performance of STEM students in General

Physics 1. The results of the study will only be true or generalized to the

selected group and may vary if applied to other group of students.

II. Action Research Questions

This study aims to determine the effect of Interactive Science Notebook on

the academic motivation and performance of Grade 12 STEM students in

General Physics 1 at Cauayan City National High School.

The study specifically seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What is the effect of the interactive science notebook on the students’

academic motivation?

2. What are the pretest and posttest results of the control group and

experimental group before and after the implementation of Project


3. Is there a significant difference on the pretest and posttest results of the

control group and experimental group before and after the

implementation of the Project ISN?

4. What is the effect size of Project ISN to the academic performance of

the participants?

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 3

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

With the presented scenario, the researcher opted to create an

intervention to enhance the Grade 12 STEM students’ academic motivation

and performance in General Physics 1 at Cauayan City National High School.

The intervention will be named PROJECT ISN (Interactive Science

Notebook). The intervention will be administered to the experimental group

covering only the following topics: work, energy, and energy conservation;

center of mass, momentum, impulse, and collision; rational equilibrium and

rotational dynamics; and gravity which are included in the Second Quarter,

Academic Year 2018-2019.

Since the researcher have proven that there is really a difficulty in the

subject as manifested by students’ low scores in the tests administered

previously, students’ lacking ability to review the previous lessons, students’

negative attitude towards the subject, the identified innovation/strategy

(Interactive Science Notebooks) can be used to strengthen students’ learning

of curriculum (the input) through increased student participation (the output).

They can be used in class daily to promote student learning in physics and

prove to be successful to help sort, categorize, and implement the new

knowledge creatively.

Interactive science notebooks are important for many reasons. It enhances

students’ skills in writing/recording information, figures, and data. A second

reason for maintaining an interactive science notebook is that it provides a

ready reference for the subject, as well as a resource to consult for review.

Keeping a notebook also enhances students’ writing skills, therefore

connecting science with other areas of the curriculum. The notebook, beginning

with the first lesson of the unit and continuing to its conclusion, can be used to

assess the growth of students’ understanding as well as their ability to

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 4

summarize and express their thoughts and feelings. Students will think as a

scientist, record as a scientist, and reflect as a scientist.

A large-size notebook should be used by the students under the

experimental group. This notebook should be creatively covered by the

learners with respect to the theme ISN in Physics. This should be covered with

plastic so that it would be durable and lasting. This notebook allows for the

information being discussed to be compartmentalized into chunks of

information creatively.

The students will be using the Cornell-Note-Taking System. The Cornell

method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes. The

student divides the paper into two columns: the note-taking column (usually on

the right) is twice the size of the questions/key word column (on the left). The

student should leave five to seven lines, or about 2 inches at the bottom of the

page for the summary part. (Pauk 2014)

Students will follow the steps in accomplishing the notebook:

1. Record. During the lecture, students will use the note-taking column to

record the lecture using telegraphic sentences.

2. Questions. As soon after class as possible, students will formulate

questions based on the notes in the right-hand column (note-taking area).

Writing questions helps to clarify meanings, reveal relationships, establish

continuity, and strengthen memory. Also, the writing of questions sets up a

perfect stage for exam-studying later. Questions will be written on the left-hand

column (cue column).

3. Recite. Students will cover the note-taking column with a sheet of paper.

Then, looking at the questions or cue-words in the question and cue column

only, say aloud, in their own words, the answers to the questions, facts, or

ideas indicated by the cue-words.

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 5

4. Reflect. Students will reflect on the material by asking themselves

questions, for example: “What’s the significance of these facts? What principle

are they based on? How can I apply them? How do they fit in with what I

already know? What’s beyond them? Spend at least ten minutes every week

reviewing all your previous notes. If you do, you’ll retain a great deal for current

use, as well as, for the exam.

5. Review. Students will spend at least ten minutes every week reviewing all

the previous notes.

Every week, students are going to submit their ISN. The teacher will check

their output using a particular rubrics and will give feedback on their output.

IV. Action Research Methods

The researcher will utilize the True-Experimental research design,

specifically the Pretest - Post-test Only Design wherein the subjects are

randomly assigned to either the experimental or the control group. Both groups

are pretested for the independent variable. The experimental group receives

the treatment (ISN) and both groups are post-tested to examine the effects of

manipulating the independent variable on the dependent variable.

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The participants will be the Grade 12 STEM students of Cauayan City

National High School. They will be the chosen respondents since they are

the only one belonging to a strand offering the subject, General Physics 1

and since problems or issues were identified on their part. Hence, their


There are two sections of STEM and they are heterogeneously divided.

Researcher will randomly choose which one is experimental group and

control group. There will be 30 participants for the experimental group and

30 participants for the control group which will be chosen by means of

randomization (utilizing a computer assisted random sequencing).

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 6

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will make use of different assessment tools before,

during, and after the introduction of the intervention to really measure its


In the Pre-Experimental Stage, the researcher will administer a pretest

which includes topics on: work, energy, and energy conservation; center of

mass, momentum, impulse, and collision; rational equilibrium and rotational

dynamics; and gravity. This is to assess the performance of the control

group and experimental group before the implementation of the intervention.

The pretest with Table of Specifications consists of 40 items will be based

on the learning competencies indicated in the curriculum guide of General

Physics 1.

For the Experimental Stage, the first step the researcher will do is to

mentor the participants in the experimental group on how to

make/accomplish the Interactive Science Notebook. Participants of the

experimental group are going to accomplish the ISN for every topic the

researcher will introduce while the participants of the control group will do

the traditional way. This activity will cover four (4) concepts. Collection of the

ISN will be done on a weekly basis. Observation and interview will also be

conducted by the researcher during this stage.

After the intervention, the researcher will administer a posttest parallel

to the pretest that will be administered to the students. An adopted

questionnaire on academic motivation will also be utilized to determine the

effects of the intervention to the students’ motivation on Physics. The

Physics Motivation Questionnaire II (PMQ-II) was made by Glynn (2011) of

the University of Georgia.

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 7

c. Ethical Issues

The researcher will observe the proper Standard Operating Procedure

in conducting research. A letter seeking the permission and approval to

conduct the study will be given to the school head and the schools division

superintendent prior to the conduct of the study. Once approved, the

researcher will distribute consent forms to the parents since the participants

are minors. The researcher must seek the approval/consent of the learners’

parent/s or guardian. They must be informed of the research objectives and

the reason why the researcher is conducting such.

d. Data Analysis Plan

To analyze the effects of the Interactive Science Notebook on the

learners’ academic motivation, the researcher will make use of Likert scale

and mean scores.

The scores of both the pretest and posttest will be taken and these

data will be tallied, and will be statistically treated using the mean and

standard deviation.

Paired sample t-test will be used to find out the significant difference in

the scores of the control group and experimental group before and after the

introduction of the intervention.

Eta squared will be used to determine the effect of the intervention to

the performance of the Grade 12-B STEM Students.

All data gathered will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS) or the Microsoft ware (Excel).

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 8

Strategies Progr Activities Task Materials Physical Financi Time/
am al Period
Orientation >Conduct >Talk to the Participan June,
/ an Principal ts 2018
Briefing orientation about the Research
to the plan er
respondents Classroo
about the m
research >Bond >30
Paper/Ph June,
n of
>Prepare a otocopy 2018
consent Participan
letter to the tsResearc
letter to be
parents her
signed by
the parents.

Administrat >Administer >Prepare a >Test Participan >600 July, 2018

ion of Pre pretest to 30-item papers tsResearc
test both groups pretest her
>Reproduc m
e the test

and check
the test

Orientation >Conduct >Serve As >Blue Research >3,000 July, 2018

on how to an facilitator in Book er
make the orientation making the Participan
ISN to ISN tsClassro
experimenta om
l group on
how to
the ISN

Implement >Teach the >Use of >Material Research >7,000 July to

ation/ control ISN by the s to be er August,
Observatio group with students used for Participan 2018
n the the ISN ts
traditional >Checking Classroo
approach of ISN m
and the use
of ISN for
for the
l group
Interview >Conduct >Interview/ >Recorde Research Septembe
an interview Group r/ Camera er r, 2018
about the Discussion Participan
effect of ISN ts
on the

Administrat Administer >Prepare a >Test Research >600 Septembe

ion of Post posttest to 30-item Papers er r, 2018
Test both groups posttest Participan

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template 9

>Reproduc >Questio om >1,200
e the test nnaire

and check
the test
Data Collection of >Collate the >Laptop Research Septembe
Collation, Data data, er r, 2018
Analysis, scores, and Statisticia
Interpretati responses n
on, and during
Presentatio interview
n Data
Analysis and
interpret the
data with
the help of
Data statistician

Completion Printing/ >Print the Ink Research >1, 000 October,

Reprinting output er 2018

the final

P 13,
430. 00

VI. Cost Estimates

Particulars Quantity Amount

-Reproduction of the Consent 30 copies x 1.00 P 30. 00


-Blue Book/Record Book 30 pieces x P 3, 000. 00


-Questionnaire 60 x 20.00 P 1, 200. 00

-Pre Test 60 x 10.00 P 600. 00

-Post Test 60 x 10.00 P 600. 00

Materials for the ISN

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

-Colored Papers (Assorted colors) 10 reams x 250.00 P 2, 500. 00

-Scissors 30 pcs x 20.00 P 600. 00

-Glue 30 pcs x 30. 00 P 900. 00

-Coloring Materials 30 pcs x 50. 00 P 1, 500. 00

-Marker 30 pcs x 50. 00 P 1, 500. 00

-Printing and Re-printing Ink P 100. 00

-Final Printing/Final Copy Printing P 400. 00

-Binding Reproduction and P 500. 00



P 13, 430. 00

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

The researcher believes that this study will contribute to the achievement

of learning outcomes and improvement of teaching-learning processes. The

results of the study will be disseminated through the following mechanisms:

1. Learning Action Cells.

2. School Research Journal

3. In-Service Training

4. Division, Region, and National Research Fora

VIII. References

DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017. Research Management Guidelines.

Johnson, S. (2013). What is the Impact of Interactive Science Notebooks on Student
Success in Science? Montana State University. Bozeman,
Linette, R. (2014). Seven reasons to use Interactive Notebooks. the curriculum.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED482720). Retrieved June 29,
2010, from

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

Erinosho, S. (2013). How Do Students Perceive the Difficulty of Physics in
Secondary School? An Exploratory Study in Nigeria. International Journal
for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue
Volume 3 Issue 3, 2013.
Pauk, W. (2014). How to Study in College. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Silva, J et al. (2014). The Effect of Interactive Science Notebook on Students’
Achievement and 21st Century Skills. Education Dissertations. 65. Western
Connecticut State University,

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
Schools Division of Cauayan City


Turayong, Cauayan City, Isabela

General Physics 1
Academic Year 2018-2019

Name: ________________________ Score: ___________

DIRECTION. Choose the letter of your best answer from the given choices. Write
your answer on the space provided. (30 pts)

_____1. Which form of energy does the flowing water possess?

A. Potential
B. Electrical
C. Gravitational
D. Kinetic

_____2. A body of mass 2 kg is dropped from a height of 1 m. What is the kinetic

energy as it touches the ground?
A. 19.6 N B. 19.6 J C. 19.6 kg D. 19.6 m

_____3. Power is a measure of the ___________.

A. rate of change of momentum
B. change of energy
C. force which produces motion
D. rate of change of energy

_____4. A 40-newton object is released from a height of 10m. Just before it hits the
ground, its kinetic energy, in joules is ______.
A. 400 B. 3920 C. 2800 D. 4000

_____5. What happens to the kinetic energy of a moving object if the net work done
is positive?
A. The kinetic energy increases
B. The kinetic energy decreases
C. The kinetic energy remains the same
D. The kinetic energy is zero

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

_____6. An object is thrown straight up. Which of the following is true about the sign
of work done by the gravitational force while the object moves up and then
A. Work is positive on the way up, work is positive on the way down
B. Work is negative on the way up, work is negative on the way down
C. Work is negative on the way up, work is positive on the way down
D. Work is positive on the way up, work is negative on the way down

_____7. Why doesn’t the principle of mechanical energy conservation hold in

situations when frictional forces are present?
A. Kinetic energy is not completely converted to a form of potential energy.
B. Potential energy is completely converted to a form of gravitational energy.
C. Chemical energy is not completely converted to electrical energy.
D. Kinetic energy is completely converted to a form of gravitational energy.

_____8. If air resistance is negligible, the sum total of potential and kinetic energies
of a freely falling body ___________.
A. becomes zero
B. decreases
C. increases
D. remains the same

_____9. Statement related to center of gravity that is incorrect is:

A. The center of gravity of an object is defined as point through which its
whole weight appears to act.
B. The center of gravity is sometimes confused with center of mass.
C. The center of gravity always lies inside object.
D. For an object placed in a uniform gravitational field, center of gravity
coincides with center of mass.

_____10. A boxer quickly learns to move his head backward when he sees he is
going to receive a jab to the head. What does this head motion
A. It increases the momentum and decreases the force
B. It increases the contact time which decreases the force
C. It decreases the contact time which decreases the force
D. It causes confusion on the opponent.

_____11. Which form of energy does the flowing water possess?

A. Potential
B. Electrical
C. Gravitational
D. Kinetic

_____12. A ball collides with a second ball at rest. After the collision, the first ball
comes to rest and the second ball moves off at the speed of the first ball. In
this collision
A. total momentum is not conserved.
B. total momentum is conserved but total kinetic energy is not conserved.
C. total momentum is not conserved but total kinetic energy is conserved.
D. total momentum and total kinetic energy are conserved and the masses
are equal

_____13. A freight car of mass 20,000 kg moves along a frictionless level railroad
track with a constant speed of 15 m/s. What is the momentum of the car?

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

A. 30,000 kg·m/s
B. 3,000 kg·m/s
C.300,000 kg·m/s
D. 3,000,000 kg·m/s

_____14. A 10 kg object moves at a constant velocity 2 m/s to the right and collides
with a 4 kg object moving at a velocity 5 m/s to the left. Which of the
following statements is correct?
A. The total momentum before and after the collision is 20 kg·m/s
B. The total momentum before and after the collision is 10 kg·m/s
C. The total momentum before and after the collision is 30 kg·m/s
D. The total momentum before and after the collision is zero

_____15. What happens to the kinetic energy of a moving object if the net work done
is positive?
A. The kinetic energy increases
B. The kinetic energy decreases
C. The kinetic energy remains the same
D. The kinetic energy is zero

_____16. A big truck collides inelastically with a small car. Which of the following
statements is true?
A. The truck experiences the greater magnitude of impulse during the
B. The car experiences the greater magnitude of impulse during the collision
C. They experience the same magnitude of impulse during the collision
D. The impulse of each object is zero during the collision

_____17. The definition of the law of conservation of momentum is:

A. In the absence of an external force, the momentum of a system remains
B. The momentum of a system can never change.
C. In the presence of an external force, the momentum of a system remains
D. Ft=Δ(mv)

_____18. Which object has the greatest momentum?

A. An 18-wheeler tractor trailer at rest.
B. An average mass person walking.
C. A sports car driving on the highway.
D. A baseball thrown by a professional pitcher

_____19. What is the effect on an object of an unbalanced torque?

A. The object will have a linear acceleration
B. The object will experience an angular acceleration
C. The object will begin to twist
D. The object will flex or bow

_____20. Angular momentum is ________.

A. the sum of moment of inertia and angular velocity.
B. the square root of angular velocity.
C. the difference of angular velocity and momentum.
D. the product of moment of inertia and angular velocity

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

_____21. An ice skater is spinning fast with her arms tight against her body. When
she extends her arms, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. She increases her moment of inertia.
B. She decreases her angular velocity
C. Her moment of inertia remains constant
D. Her total angular momentum will remain constant.
E. She will spin slower.

_____22. Which would be harder to stop, a moving bowling ball, or a moving

A. The bowling ball
B. The baseball
C. Both objects are difficult to stop
D. Depends on the velocity of each object
E. Neither object is difficult to stop

_____23. What does the moment of inertia describe?

A. The average position of mass in an extended object
B. How the mass of an object is distributed about a rotational axis
C. How a force can rotate an object
D. The tendency of an object to move in a straight line
E. The linear acceleration of an object.

_____24. A 10 kg object moves at a constant velocity 2 m/s to the right and collides
with a 4 kg object moving at a velocity 5 m/s to the left. Which of the
following statements is correct?
A. The total momentum before and after the collision is 20 kg·m/s
B. The total momentum before and after the collision is 10 kg·m/s
C. The total momentum before and after the collision is 30 kg·m/s
D. The total momentum before and after the collision is zero

_____25. Newton’s law of gravitation can be applied to the Earth-Moon system.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A. The value of G at the surface of the Moon is the same as that at the
surface of the Earth.
B. The gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon is proportional to
the square of the separation of the Earth and the Moon.
C. The gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon is proportional to
the mass of the Moon.
D. The orbital time of the Moon about the Earth is independent of the mass of
the Moon

_____26. Gravitational force between two spheres of masses 1000 kg kept 0.001 km
apart is:
A. 10.446 * 10-5 N
B. 6.673 * 10-5 N
C. 12.684 * 10-5 N
D. 5.334 * 10-5 N

_____27. Newton reasoned that the gravitational attraction between Earth and the
moon must be ________.
A. reduced by distance
B. independent of distance
C. directly proportional to distance
D. the same at all distances

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

_____28. The force of gravitation between two bodies in the universe does not
depend on _____.
A. the distance between them
B. the product of their masses
C. the sum of their masses
D. the gravitational constant

_____29. When an object is thrown up, the force of gravity _____.

A. is opposite to the direction of motion
B. is in the same direction as the direction of motion
C. becomes zero at the highest point
D. increases as it rises up.

_____30. A 4-kilogram cat is resting on top of a bookshelf that is 2 meters high. What
is the cat’s gravitational potential energy relative to the floor if the
acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2?
A. 6J
B. 20J
C. 8J
D. 78J

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by:


General Physics 1 Teacher Subject Group Head, STEM SHS Coordinator

Recommending Approval: Approved:


SHS Assistant School Principal II Secondary School Principal IV

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Schools Division of Cauayan City


Turayong, Cauayan City, Isabela

Physics Motivation Questionnaire II (PMQ-II)

Direction: In order to better understand what you think and how you feel about your
Physics subject after the intervention (Project ISN), please respond to each of the
following statements using the scale below:

4=Always 3=Often 2=Sometimes 1=Rarely 0=Never

Statements 4 3 2 1 0
1 The Physics concepts I learn is relevant to
my life.
2 I like to do better than other students on
Physics tests.
3 Learning Physics is interesting.
4 Getting a good Physics grade is important to
5 I put enough effort into learning Physics.
6 I use strategies to learn Physics well.
7 Learning Physics will help me get a good job.
8 It is important that I get an "A" in Physics.
9 I am confident I will do well on Physics tests.
10 Knowing Physics will give me a career
11 I spend a lot of time learning Physics.
12 Learning Physics makes my life more
13 Understanding Physics will benefit me in my
14 I am confident I will do well on Physics labs
and projects.
15 I believe I can master Physics knowledge
and skills.
16 I prepare well for Physics tests and labs.
17 I am curious about discoveries in Physics.

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

18 I believe I can earn a grade of “A” in Physics.
19 I enjoy learning Physics.
20 I think about the grade I will get in Physics.
21 I am sure I can understand Physics.
22 I study hard to learn Physics.
23 My career will involve Physics.
24 Scoring high on Physics tests and labs
matters to me.
25 I will use Physics problem-solving skills in my


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
Schools Division of Cauayan City


Turayong, Cauayan City, Isabela



Your INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK will increase your understanding of

General Physics 1 by:

 Using writing as a process for discovery and synthesis of inquiry.

1. Modeling many enduring functions of scientists – recording information and

data, creating experimental diagrams, forming associations and connections
to other learning and asking thoughtful questions.

2. Improving your ability to organize ideas and information to provide a study

reference for each unit as well as a resource to consult for tests.

3. Demonstrating to your teacher and your parents your organizational skills,

understanding of science concepts and ability to express thoughts and
feelings in a variety of ways.

4. Deepening of science skilled acquired in prior years by application to your

current year of science study.


1. An 8-1/2 x 13-inch notebook of AT LEAST 100 pages; bound-style

composition notebook preferred. DO NOT RIP OUT ANY PAGES, you will
need all of them! Bring your notebook to class each day.

2. Handouts and other teacher-provided pages MUST BE glued or taped in

place so that any writing on the page is clearly visible.

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

3. Organized in the same manner: Right side for input only: lecture notes, labs
and worksheets. Left side for output only: drawings, reflections, associations,
“choice” assignments.

4. Pages must be numbered consecutively, do not skip pages, each page titled
and dated.

5. A Table of Contents will be kept in front of the notebook.

6. This Handout Guide will be glued to the front of the notebook after being
signed by you and your parent/guardian.
7. There will be a notebook quiz and/or collection and grading of notebooks
every after the chapter/unit. Grades will be assigned following the rubric on
this handout. Glue the rubric to the inside back cover of your notebook.

8. Staying current with notebook entries is vital to your success in this course. If
you are absent, copy the right side entries from another student, complete the
left side on your own and be sure to update your table of contents.

Student: I understand the purposes of the Interactive Science Notebook and will try
my best to keep my notebook up-to-date and complete.

Student’s Name____________________________________________(print)
Signed__________________________(signature) date_________________

Parents: I have read the above information. I understand the purposes of the
Interactive Science Notebook and will encourage and monitor my student’s
completion of notebook work. I will support make up time before and after school as

Parent’s Name:_____________________________________________(print)
Signed__________________________ (signature) date ________________

Source: paragon

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Schools Division of Cauayan City


Turayong, Cauayan City, Isabela

Interactive Science Notebook in General Physics 1

Grading Rubric

Your notebook will be collected about once a week for grading according to the
following rubric:

Grade Indicators Work, Center of Rational

Energy, and mass, Equilibrium Gravity
Energy Momentum, and
Conservation Impulse, rotational
and dynamics
100%  Notebook contents are
neatly completed, all
pages are numbered,
titled and dated.
 Right-side/left-side
topics are correct and
contents are organized
according to class
 Table of Contents
reflects ALL entries to
 Right-side notes go
BEYOND basic
 Left side shows

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

DEPTH scientific thought
and effort.

90%  Notebook contents are

neatly completed, all
pages are numbered,
titled and dated.
 Right-side/left-side
topics are correct and
contents are organized
according to class
 Table of Contents
reflects all entries to
 Right side notes largely
MEET requirements and
some go beyond.
 Left side shows IN-
DEPTH thought and

85%  Notebook contents are

complete (at least 90%),
pages numbered, titled
and dated.
 Right-side/left-side
topics are correct and
organized with no more
than 2 assignments
incorrectly placed.
 Table of Contents
reflects 90% of all
entries up to date.
 Right side notes meet
 Left side shows a basic
understanding of content
topics, shows some
thought and effort.

75%  Notebook contents are

legible, complete (at
least 80%), pages
numbered, titled and
 Right-side/left-side
topics are correct and
organized with no more
than 4 assignments
incorrectly placed.
 Table of contents
reflects at least 80% of
all entries to date.
 Right side notes nearly
meet minimum
 Left side shows a limited

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

understanding of content
topics, limited thought
and effort.

65%  Notebook contents are

sloppy or incomplete
(50%), many pages are
not numbered, titled or
 Right-side/left-side is
inconsistent and
contents are
unorganized with more
than 5 assignments
incorrectly placed.
 Table of contents shows
limited attempts at
keeping entries up to
 Right side contents
 Left side shows only a
superficial understanding
and/or some
inaccuracies, little
thought or effort.

55%  Notebook turned in but

too incomplete to score
 Majority of pages are
missing or incomplete.
 Dating and labeling of
pages is inconsistent.
 Right side contents
incomplete and missing.
 Left side shows minimal
understanding, not
neatly written, minimal

0%  Notebook not turned in.

 No evidence of work
 Notebook has
inappropriate content or
words written on the
cover or pages.


FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

FM-SGO-RES-003 Rev. 00 Action Research Proposal Template

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