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Confinement policies in Bolivia are the set of measures aimed at avoiding the
spread of the virus that produces the Covid-19 disease in this country, it was declared
on March 21 and to take effect from Sunday March 22, 2020.
3 They had previously
arranged other restrictive measures or semi-quarantine
4 which included a series of measures
restrictive movement of people, adjustments to work schedules, suspension of classes to
school and university level, cutting and redefining work schedules, restrictions on
meetings and concentrations, among other measures determined at the level of the central
State and
autonomous governments at the departmental and municipal levels.
In this way, Oruro became the first city in Bolivia to adopt measures of
movement restriction and curfew, later the measure acquired scope
after the issuance of a departmental law in this regard.
On March 13, before the confirmation of 7 positive cases, the Autonomous Municipal
of Oruro (GAMO) announced a series of restriction measures set forth in the municipal law
declaration of red alert that came into force as of March 16, 2020 with a
duration of 14 days until March 31, 2020, in a joint effort to prevent the
virus spreads throughout the territory of the department, since the majority of cases
identified correspond to inhabitants of this department of Bolivia.
On Tuesday, April 14 at 3:50 p.m., Bolivia extends its quarantine until April 30, according to
communicated President Jeanine Áñez, after a meeting with her Cabinet of Ministers that took
lasted for more than six hours.
The determination arises from the projections that anticipate that the country will reach its
highest peak
high number of Covid-19 infections in the next two weeks, so it is required that the
isolation is more strictly enforced.
On Wednesday, April 29 at 1:48 p.m., President Jeanine Áñez announced that the quarantine
total will remain in the country until May 10 and that, from May 11, its
flexibility in certain cities and departments, based on risk assessments
that health authorities do.
As of May 11, a "dynamic" quarantine begins, according to evaluations that
The Ministry of Health will carry out every 7 days, the work will be under strict standards of
biosecurity. The dynamic quarantine does not mean that the measure has ended, but that
there are
new standards to be met. In the medium and moderate quarantine, the population will be able
to return to
work under specific rules. The municipal government shall regulate the operation of
markets and public transport. In the rigid quarantine, the current ones will continue
restrictions on movement, work, businesses closed, that is, it will be strict. In the
medium quarantine, you can work six hours a day, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., you can drive
motorcycles and bicycles for work purposes and people will be able to go out to squares until
5:00 p.m. The
minors and adults can go out one hour a day around their houses. The
supply centers will open from 6:00 to 15:00. In the case of moderate quarantine, attention
in supply centers it will be from 6:00 to 18:00, people will be able to work eight hours, from
to 4:00 p.m. and there will be restrictions on the exit of vehicles by license plate number,
children will be able to
go out around their homes. No one will be allowed to remain in public spaces from 19:00 to
5 o'clock. Those under 18 and over 65 can leave from 6:00 to 12:00. Until 31
Regardless of the quarantine category, border closures are maintained in May
air, land and river, except for Bolivians who must return to the country. Besides, the
suspension of national and international flights, temporary suspension of classes, events
sporting events, church gatherings and cultural events. You should also continue with
social distance of one and a half meters between people, use of chinstraps, hand washing and
compliance with biosafety protocols.

2020, the black hole of

statistics in Bolivia
Inaccurate figures on violence against women in Bolivia are
owe this year, in part, to the isolation of women and their children
and the insufficiency of human and financial resources to
deal with complaints and emergencies. But generally women
they are reluctant to report their partners.
In times of pandemic, many public servants
are engaged in surveillance and citizen control, and the
municipal services are closed, notes the Ombudsman's Office
Pueblo in a report to the Committee for the Elimination of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW),
at the 78th session of the United Nations in July
In that report, the Ombudsman's Office observes the delay in the
approval of the community strategy for the prevention of
violence in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Strategy
National Prevention of Violence against girls, boys,
adolescents, and the lack of a gender approach in the management guide
of Covid-19 of the Ministry of Health.
In the aforementioned document, the Ombudsman's Office warns of the
absence of the State in intermediate cities and rural areas and the
shortage of state agents, who work with little
equipment and high procedural burden, he indicates.
Thus, there is a gap between reality and
records. Obviously, they are incomplete reports due to a
number of factors, one of which is decisive. Simply him
State does not have agents of information, prevention and attention to
violence against women in large rural areas and
semi-rural part of the country
Another variable reiterated in national and international reports:
where those services exist - preferably in areas
urban and peripheral - women do not dare to denounce.
In this regard, the government media consulted the
analyst and lawyer Porfirio Machado, who spoke about the reasons
of the silence of the victims: “No law that is going to be modified or
be more drastic will solve this problem as long as you don't have
adequate education, prevention from homes,
school, college, university, in the neighborhood. have taken out
wonderfully overnight laws, let us remember, in
the MAS government, I think that in the 14 years it has been done (many
regulations) in criminal matters, what has been resolved?
For the jurist, the incorrect application of laws 348 and
1173 favors bureaucracy, delay and mistreatment in
judicial environments.
This year, until September 21, 125
femicides and almost 24,000 crimes linked to Comprehensive Law 348
to guarantee women a life free from violence,
according to data from the State Attorney General's Office.
On January 12, twelve femicides had already occurred. Of the same
way, the first weekend of August (the dynamic stage of
quarantine), five women perished at the hands of their partners.
According to Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of the UN
Women, in the world, less than 10% of the victims of some
form of intimate partner violence files a complaint with
police. “Current circumstances further complicate the
possibility of denouncing, which includes the limitations of the
women and girls to access telephones and hotlines and
disruption of public services such as the police, justice and
social services”, said the UN women’s main authority,
on April 6.
Bolivia is not the exception, even worse, it is in the extreme
of the rule, even being among the six out of ten countries
with laws to prosecute crimes based on sex and/or gender. The law
integral 348 identifies 16 forms of violence against women.
However, the underreporting of crimes against women is not
prevents international organizations such as UN Women or
the Gender Equality Observatory of Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC) request emergency measures from the government of
Jeanine Añez to curb femicides and prevent the increase in
crimes against women, children and youth.

We were able to live more as a family, we were able to have more communication, all the
They took advantage of the time to play cards... board games, do Zumba and exercise.
Encapsulation helped us get to know each other better as a family.
It was a stage in which we had happy moments and also hard ones, for not knowing what

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