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Agriculture, forest and fishing 3.

2% (GDP)

14,6% Of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Construction 7.5% (GDP)

Mining and electricity 7.2% (GDP)

Primary sector

Agriculture 6

Workforce (millions of inhabitants) Construction 4.4

extractive activities 0.4

Accommodation and food services activities 2,3% (GDP)

Transportation 9,4% (GDP)

Manufacturing 16.9% (GDP) 25,5 % Of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Secondary Sector

Trade 17,6% (GDP)

Manufacturing 8.8 Workforce (millions of inhabitants)

Economic sectors in Mexico

59,2% Of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Education, consulting services, and research and development

2.4 Workforce (millions of inhabitants)
Quaternary sector
Professional, financial and corporate services 23,1% (GDP)

0,7 % Of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Social and other services 8,8% (GDP)

Tertiary sector

Education and Healthcare 4.7

Personal services 5.8

Tourism 3.8

Workforce (millions of inhabitants)

Trade 9.9

Transportation 2.8

Professional services 3.6

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