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Based on A Day in the Life of Jose Santos - priorities in life and the workplace


More Inactive (ie. Not Gyming/doing Muay Thai anymore.) 2 1

Sleeping less 3 1
Eating less healthy 4 1
Controlling my ADHD 2 2
Being very spontaneous 4 4
Increase in responsibilities 3 1

More Inactive

Physical activities has always been my past time to help deal with my ADHD ever since the
pandemic, I have decided to bulk up near the star of the semester, this is an issue because it has
taken a toll on my overall endurance and physical strength.This would prove very problematic in
some instances for example going up 8 flight of stairs would have me heaving a bit
comparatively that would not have been a problem before.

Sleeping Less

Ever since the start of school I constantly have trouble keeping a steady sleep schedule. This is
an issue because I do not feel as well rested and energetic as I used to be. Sleeping less has made
me less motivated to be active in physical activities.

Eating less healthy

Eating a balanced diet is beneficial for any human being, due to a bulk in my diet curve it is
easily more convenient to eat meals like hamburgers, kebabs, pastries and other protein but also
fat filled/ sugar rich foods. Eating in bulk is only a small issue because even if there are slight
drawbacks the rewards would exponentially be much better after starting my cut phase on the
second week of October.
Controlling My ADHD

Even though My ADHD was a problem before it has been much easier to control but now I have
noticed a slight increase of situational spikes of boredom, and how much I get distracted. This
has caused me to become a little more forgetful than usual since I get distracted more often.

Being very spontaneous

Lately I have been more spontaneous with how I plan things since the start of class, while this
lifestyle works it can be a bit tiring after a while. This causes stress build up at times which is not
good in high quantities.

Increase in responsibility

Due to me making a 3D printing business it has become more complicated to balance with work
and other things in life. Though it is more complicated to balance more responsibilities, I feel
that it is necessary in order to challenge my capacity to improve as a person.


For my criteria I mostly used the circumstances I was in currently and judged how important
they are and will be in the future or how urgent I have to improve or remove in my lifestyle.
With the motive of being able to improve myself for my goals as a person or in looks.

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