MODULE 1 ''Simple Present'' QUIZ

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Simple Present Quiz



Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh SMPK PENABUR JAKARTA

Simple Present Quiz

Choose the best answer!

1. Man : What do you do?

Woman : I __ at a tech company.
A. works
B. work
C. workies
D. works

2. Man : Do you like your job?

Woman : No, I __
A. does
B. do
C. don’t
D. doesn’t

3. Rosie : Do you wash your clothes yourself?

Adit : No, My brother __ my clothes.
A. wash
B. washed
C. had washed
D. washes

4. Clara : What __ your mother bring for you?

Mark  : She always brings chocolates for me.
A. do
B. don’t
C. does
D. doesn’t

5. Ardhi : __ your parents let you go to bed late?

Teguh : No, they don‘t
A. Are
B. Does
C. Do
D. Is

6. Kartika : __ Jim and Joe __ the flowers every day?

Rafi : No, they don‘t
A. Does / water
B. Do / water
C. Are / water
D. Do / water
Simple Present Quiz

7. Ronald : When do they catch the bus to work?

Hans : They __ the bus to work at eight o'clock every day.
A. catch
B. are catch
C. catches
D. catching

8. Angel : Does Susan spend a lot of time surfing the net every day?
Mary : No, Susan __ a lot of time surfing the net every day.
A. spend
B. doesn't spend
C. don't spends
D. doesn't spends

9. I think the boys __ the answer.

A. know
B. knows
C. knowing
D. known

10. John and Paul __ eat breakfast on school days.

A. doesn't
B. not
C. do
D. don't

11. We __ to Spain every summer.

A. fly
B. flies
C. flys
D. flyes

12. Edward : How many books __ your brother read in a year?

Daniel : He reads a lot of books
A. does
B. were
C. are
D. do

13. Andy : How many students __ English?

Tom : Well, All of students speak English fluently.
A. speaks
B. are speaking
C. does speak
Simple Present Quiz

D. speak

14. Edward : What __ for breakfast?

Jason : I usually eat eggs and toast for breakfast.
A. do you eat
B. are you eat
C. does your friend eat
D. do you are eat

15. Thomas : __ you always wear the same uniform everyday?

Evelyn : No, I don’t. We have different uniforms.
A. Are
B. Does
C. Do
D. Is

Don’t wish it were easier; wish

you were better.

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