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148 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

2. Kirdina, S. (2000).  Institutsionalnyye matritsy i razvitie Rossii [Institutional matrixes and development of Russia].  Moscow:
TEIS, 213.
3. North, D. (1990).  Institutions, institutional change and economic performance.  Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. press.
4. Polanyi, K. (1977).  The livelihood of man.  New York: Acad. press.
5. Degtyarev, A., Malikov, R. & Grishin, K. (2014). Institutsionalnya konfiguratsiya regionalnoy delovoy sredy. Parametry
proektirovaniya [Institutional configuration of the regional business environment. Design parameters].   Voprosy ekonomiki
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6. Malikov, R. & Grishin, K. (2014). Modelirovanie parametrov razvitiya institutsionalnoy konfiguratsii regionanoy delovoy sredy
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7. Oleynik, A. O. (2010). O prirode i prichinakh administrativnoy renty: osobennosti vedeniya biznesa v rossiyskom regione
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8. Polishchuk, L. (2013). Autsorsing institutov [Outsourcing of institutes].  Voprosy ekonomiki [Questions of economy],  9, 40-65.
9. Polterovich, V. (2006). Strategii institutsionalnykh reform. Perspektivnyye trayektorii [Strategy of institutional reforms.
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10. Polterovich, V. (2011). Regionalnyye instituty modernizatsii [Regional institutes of modernization].   Ekonomicheskaya
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11. Solodilova, N., Malikov, R. & Grishin, K. (2014). Generatsiya blagopriyatnoy institutsionalnoye konfiguratsii regional-
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Information about the authors:
Solodilova Natalia Zinovyevna (Ufa, Russia) — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of the Ufa State University of
Economics and Service (145, Chernyshevsky St., 450078 Ufa, Russia; e-mail:
Malikov Rustam Ilkamovich (Ufa, Russia) — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Economics and
Management, Ufa State University of Economics and Service (145, Chernyshevsky St., 450078 Ufa, Russia; e-mail: MalikovRI@
Grishin Konstantin Evgenevich (Ufa, Russia) — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Economics and
Management, Ufa State University of Economics and Service (145, Chernyshevsky St., 450078 Ufa, Russia; e-mail: grishin2472@

doi 10.17059/2015-2-12
UDC 330.15
S. N. Bobylev а), O. V. Kudryavtseva а), Ye. Yu. Yakovleva а)
Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article is dedicated to transforming the economy of Russian regions to a green economy, which is an
essential factor for the sustainable development. This is important not only for Russia but the whole world
because our country has the great natural capital and provides important environmental services that sup-
port the planet biosphere. Based on the analysis of economic, social and ecological statistical data and
Human Development Index (HDI) we have shown that the development of Russian Federal Districts is very
unbalanced and each Russian region has its own way to new economic model. For instance, it is necessary
to increase the well-being in the North Caucasus Federal District, it is important to reach higher life expec-
tancy at birth in the Siberian and the Far Eastern Districts. It is necessary to move from the «brown» economy

© Bobylev S. N., Kudryavtseva O. V., Yakovleva Ye. Yu. Text. 2015.


S. N. Bobylev, O. V. Kudryavtseva, Ye. Yu. Yakovleva 149

to a green one by using the human capital (building a knowledge economy), by applying Best Available
Technologies (Techniques), by investing in efficiency of use of natural resources and by increasing energy ef-
ficiency. The transition to a green economy will help to achieve social equity and the development of human
potential; it helps to move from the exploitation of non-renewable natural capital to renewable human capi-
tal. All these socio-economic measures should give decoupling effect, make risks lower, reduce the exploita-
tion of natural capital, stop the environmental degradation and prevent the ecological crisis. Transition to
the green economic model has to be accompanied by new economic development indicators, which take into
account social and environmental factors.
Keywords: green economy, sustainable development, green growth, human development index (HDI), human
capital, low-carbon economy, social equity, energy efficiency, best available technologies, decoupling.

Basic features of new economy In what follows we will consider these features
The evident need to develop and implement by means of the global and Russian situation.
a new economic model for the world and in spe- Growing environmental constraints have led to
cific countries runs like a thread through the out- the recognition, in both theory and practice, that
come document of the Rio +20 Conference, enti- the world needs a new type of economic devel-
tled “The Future We Want” and speeches by lead- opment, a way forward in the economy based on
ers of the participating countries. The new model green principles. The outlines of what is needed
proposed is that of the green economy. This term are made clear in initiatives by the United Nations
is supplemented by a long series of definitions of Environment Programme (UNEP) for the tran-
the new economy, which are already used in re- sition to a green economy and the green growth
search work and international documents: the programmes of OECD countries (2008–2012) [1; 2;
knowledge-based economy (an economy based 3; 4; 5; 6].
on knowledge); the innovation economy; the sci- The green economy is defined by UNEP as an
ence-intensive economy; the information econ- economy, which improves the well-being of peo-
omy; the socially-oriented economy; the postin- ple and enables social justice while reducing en-
dustrial economy, information economy, hap- vironmental risks and environmental degrada-
piness economics, etc. Regardless of the for- tion. [6] The key features of such an economy are
mal definition, the proposed transformation of the efficient use of natural resources, preservation
the traditional economic model is based on: pri- and increase of natural capital, reduction of pol-
oritizing of human potential/ capital, knowledge lution, low carbon emissions, preventing the loss
and information; deep structural and technolog- of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and the
ical changes; and compliance with environmen- growth of income and employment. The priority
tal constraints. We give a general definition of the feature of growth in the green economy is a radi-
new economy as the “sustainable economy” in the cal increase of energy efficiency. Hence, the broad
unity of all its economic, social and environmental currency, which has been obtained by the term
aspects. Given the need for a transition to sustain- “low-carbon economy”.
ability, it is obvious that the future of the econ- The green economy is not a substitute for the
omy must be green, based on knowledge, and on concept of sustainable development. But it is in-
social and technological innovation, etc. The dif- creasingly recognized that the achievement of
ferent definitions of the new economy all agree on sustainability depends almost entirely on shaping
its main outline. Basic features, which should be the “right” kind of economy. In past decades, hu-
inherent in the new economy, include: manity has created new wealth on the basis of an
— Environmental sustainability, greening of anti-environmental “brown” economy.
the economy. The emergence of a new economic model
— Social orientation. worldwide and in specific countries is increas-
— Maximum structural and territorial coverage. ingly evident, and the global crisis has contributed
— Putting a higher value on natural goods. to the search for paths to a green economy. Many
— Emphasis on knowledge. nations are working on anti-crisis programmes,
— Reducing risks (including environmental which include a major environmental component.
risks). Examples include the EU’s 20 : 20 : 20 plan (for im-
— Innovation. provement of energy efficiency and the share of
— Energy efficiency/low-carbon economy. renewable energy by 20 % and reduction of green-
— Sustainable consumption and production. house gas emissions by 20 %, all to be achieved be-
— New approaches to measuring progress. fore 2020), US programmes to reduce greenhouse


150 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

Table 1
Main sustainable development indicators for Federal districts of Russia, 2013
Gross Emissions Fresh water Deviation Infant Natural
The Morbidity
regional of air consumption of life mortality population
Federal Unemploy- rate, per
income (GRI) pollutants, per capita expectancy rate, per growth,
districts ment rate, 1000
per capita, thousand per years, from mean 1000 per 1000
percent people
rubles tons cubic meters value, years newborns people
Central 489 708,3 3,3 1569,96 253,35 720,9 1,17 7,6 –2,3
406 026,2 4,3 2316,89 676,78 856,6 0,49 6,2 –1,2
Southern 253 152,3 6,5 716,36 509,03 723,2 1 7,9 –0,6
142 102,8 13 141,28 647,23 687,1 3,19 12,2 9,2
Volga 288 054,8 4,9 2547,90 286,09 873,6 –0,7 7,5 –0,6
Ural 626 119,2 5,7 4569,27 290,09 834,4 –0,7 7,4 2,7
Siberian 287 026,9 7,2 5815,77 378,28 869,1 –2,13 8,5 1,5
450 126,2 6,5 769,12 276,53 832,8 –2,95 11 1,3
Sources: estimated by authors, based on statistics in Federal State Statistics Service: and [9].

gas emissions, etc. Countries of the G20 are allo- almost all Russian Districts, more than a half of
cating nearly 16 % or USD 522 billion to green in- the urban population lives in cities with high and
vestments out of a total USD 3.3 trillion package very high levels of air pollution (the largest share
of government measures to stimulate the econ- is in the Far Eastern District 62 %). In the North
omy. [7] Caucasus region, only 10 % of the population lives
Along with environmental priorities, the con- in cities with low air quality, but, as we saw, it is
cept of the green economy gives much attention accompanied by a low level of economic develop-
to the issue of social justice. The essence of the ment. [9]
problem is clearly highlighted in the title of the One of the most important components of life
Global UNDP Human Development Report 2011: quality is health. According to morbidity rate about
“Sustainability and Equity: A Better Future for 80 % of people in Russia, annually have newly di-
All”. [8] The issue of social justice has many as- agnosed diseases. The highest level of this rate is
pects: equality within and between generations, in the Volga District (873.6 people per 1000) and
between rich and poor countries, in the distribu- the lowest (but not low) is in the North Caucasus
tion of income within countries, etc. Inequalities District (687.1 people per 1000). According to aver-
in consumption are also very pronounced inside age life expectancy, the most prosperous situation
some countries, including Russia, where the in- is in the North Caucasus District. Acute problems
come gap between rich and poor is widening with health and longevity are in the Siberian and
(Table 1). Far Eastern Districts. This problem is compounded
As Table 1 shows, the Urals Federal District is by the negative natural population growth in the
the leader in GRP per capita, in the Central and half of Russian Districts; the most acute situation
Far Eastern Districts this indicator is significantly is in the Central District (Table 1).
lower. GRP per capita in the South and North Compensating for natural resource use and
Caucasus Districts is 2.5–4.4 times lower than overcoming their limitation and exhaustibility
in the Ural District. The highest unemployment through the accumulation of knowledge is fun-
rate is in the North Caucasus District, it is almost damental to the future economy and its sustain-
twice higher than in Siberian District (the second ability. 1 Humanity has to shift from development
place). These economic indicators are consistent based on the use of natural resources to develop-
with one very important social indicator — infant ment based on the application of its most pow-
mortality rate. In the North Caucasus District, the erful renewable resource, which is knowledge. As
infant mortality rate is 1.5 times higher than in T.Sakayya has said: “The only economic goods,
other regions. which mankind will have in abundance and which
Ecological problems influencing the people will not have to be used sparingly, are human skills
and the environment include emissions of air pol- and knowledge.” [11].
lutants. The Siberian and the Ural Districts are the
regions with the highest levels of emissions. In 1
The theme of the knowledge economy was central to the [10].


S. N. Bobylev, O. V. Kudryavtseva, Ye. Yu. Yakovleva 151

Reduction of risks in the new economy is closely view of the priority of health for the development
related to the process of accumulation of knowl- process).
edge. These risks can be very diverse — from the One of the main reasons for negative environ-
financial risks, which led to the economic shocks mental impact from economic activity is the hid-
in the world economy after 2008, to social risks denness (latency) of many environmental prob-
associated with growth of the income gap, failure lems: the traditional market simply does not see
of the mechanism of social lift, etc. The principal them. A modern economy cannot accurately gauge
feature of the new, green economy is a significant the benefits and damage that it produces for the
reduction of risks to the environment and its deg- economy and the environmental price of its op-
radation. At present human knowledge of the laws erations, it cannot put environmental issues into
of nature and environmental risks remain insuffi- figures and represent them in economic terms to
cient, and the global economic model remains en- government, business and society. Outstanding
vironmentally maladjusted. The severe environ- environmental and economic problems include:
mental crisis now being experienced by our planet the absence of valuation of the majority of natural
is a result of these factors. goods; underestimation of environmental dam-
New nature-intensive megaprojects with un- age; diffusion of benefits; inadequate reflection of
clear environmental outcomes should be viewed the time factor (short-sightedness of the market);
with extreme caution. The huge oil disaster in the and public goods.
Gulf of Mexico in 2010 showed the environmen- A critical problem for specific economic deci-
tal risk of offshore projects, and future plans for sion-making, preventing optimal functioning of
Russian energy production on Sakhalin Island and the market, is undervaluation or lack of any val-
in the Barents and Kara Seas should be considered uation for many natural resources and services.
in that light. Global climate change may affect the There are no markets for many natural goods, and
projected new energy production sites in various the harsh rule of any economy is: “What has no
regions of the world, including the permafrost re- price, no economic evaluation, does not exist for
gions of Siberia and the Far East. the economy and is not taken into account in eco-
Adequate economic valuation of the environ- nomic decision-making.” If an attempt is made to
ment in the process of economic decision-making include natural capital in the decision-making, it
is an important aspect of the new economy. There becomes apparent that only one of its functions —
is a clear need to place a higher value on natural that of resource provision — is in fact included in
goods (resources and services) in economic theory the market system, while the others (regulatory,
and practice. [12] The world is increasingly aware cultural, aesthetic, etc.) are effectively outside
of the limitations of equating natural capital the market. The theory says unequivocally: un-
with natural resources, and successful economic dervaluation or lack of any valuation entails that
growth requires that other functions of natural goods/resources are used and consumed in exces-
capital should be recognized. Hence an attempt to sive amounts (over-used), which inevitably leads
take the economic significance of all the compo- to their degradation and depletion.
nents of natural capital into account, in both the- A consequence of the failure of the modern
ory and in practice, reviewing their ability to gen- economy to adequately value natural goods is the
erate income and benefits, as befits any form of underestimation of environmental damage or, in
capital. In general terms, four functions of natural the language of economics, of negative external-
capital can be distinguished: ities. Many conservation measures would have
1) The resource function (providing resources been unnecessary if the exact external costs from
for the production of goods and services). the operation of polluting industries had been
2) Regulative environmental services (absorp- known, since a “polluter pays” principle could
tion of pollution and waste, regulation of climate have imposed additional payments on businesses
and water regimes, etc.). that pollute the environment.
3) Functions associated with aesthetic, ethical, The latent (hidden) nature of environmental
moral, cultural and historical aspects of man’s re- problems is also manifest when benefits from the
lationship with nature (“spiritual” environmental operation of many environment systems are un-
services). derestimated or even ignored due to the diffusion
4) Ensuring that human beings and the envi- (dispersion) of these benefits. The market econ-
ronment remain in good health (this feature is omy cannot take account of the mechanisms of
still new to economics and, to a certain extent, it many positive natural effects. The economic ben-
is a derivative of the first three functions of nat- efits of ecosystems are often dispersed over large
ural capital, but it can be treated separately in areas — the entire planet in many cases — and a


152 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

huge share of these benefits are manifested and tainability is GDP 1 — the most classic and widely
consumed far from the system that created them. used economic indicator in the world. Until now,
For example, the existence of a local ecosystem the vast majority of countries, including Russia,
such as a wetlands — of little evident value to the have measured their development success by the
owner — proves extremely beneficial over large value of this indicator. But, GDP, which began to
territories due to its function in preventing fires be applied at the beginning of the 1950s, is only
and floods, and treating water [13]. So the conser- suited as a measure of traditional industrial econ-
vation of wetlands provides “off-market” values to omies. By contrast, the growth of GDP in coun-
various beneficiaries, who may be at a distance of tries with large natural capital through expansion
tens, hundreds or thousands of miles from the ac- of their resource sector is of dubious value. The
tual wetland habitats. Russia experienced this to easiest way to achieve such growth is by over-ex-
the full in recent years, when fires caused enor- ploitation of hydrocarbon and coal fields, forests,
mous economic damage. And wetlands have im- land, etc. In particular, Russia’s favorable GDP be-
portant economic benefits for the world commu- fore the crisis was largely based on the depletion
nity because they bind greenhouse gas emissions. of natural capital and shift of the Russian econ-
Another example: if all the ecosystem functions omy to a raw-materials export model.
of forests (water regulation, carbon sequestration, The Rio +20 Conference criticised excessive
air purification, flood prevention, etc.) are taken reliance on GDP for assessing progress. The UN
into account, the value of wood in living trees is Statistics Commission has now developed new ap-
3–5 greater than its value as timber. proaches to greening of the System of National
The mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol for pre- Accounts, proposing new approaches to global
venting global climate change represent an impor- environmental accounting, which cover the most
tant precedent for adequate measurement of the important aspects of resource efficiency and envi-
value of nature’s benefits, both for economic the- ronmental damage. [16]
ory and for practical action. By agreeing to estab- Appropriate indicators are needed to carry out
lish a new global market for greenhouse gas emis- monitoring and judge whether movement towards
sions, the countries of the world agreed, in effect, a green economy is taking place or whether the
to trade fresh air. Each ton of greenhouse gases “brown” economy is being perpetuated. Work in
now has its own specific price based on supply and at least two directions is required: to develop sus-
demand and the cost of reducing the emission of tainable development indicators and to achieve
these gases. It is highly important that the mecha- the effect known as “decoupling” (see Fig. 1, 2, 3) 2.
nism gives a valuation to the regulatory functions/ We exclude the year 2009 because of the nega-
ecosystem services of forest and agricultural land tive economic growth, but the whole tendency was
in binding greenhouse gas emissions. taken in account in the index for 2010. Our esti-
mates (Figures 1 and 2) show that there is “decou-
Measurement of green economy
pling” effect in water consumption and air pollu-
How is progress toward a green economy — the tion. That means that the rates of growth in wa-
rate of greening of sectors and activities — to be ter consumption and air pollution were lower than
measured? The first step is to change the views of the rate of DRP growth in all Russian Districts for
the vast majority of politicians, businessmen and 14 years (from 2000 till 2013).
scientists on the issue of development, which cur- Figure 3 shows that there is no decoupling ef-
rently remain tied to such mottos as “economic fect in waste management till now. The amount
growth is the key to progress,” “growth first, and of waste produced is growing faster than GRP in
then the solution of environmental problems”, etc. all Russian Districts. In 2013, there was some im-
Such mottos had remained unchallenged until re- provement in Russia as a whole, but in Central,
cently. In the existing economic stereotypes, eco- Ural, Southern and North Caucasus Districts the
nomic growth is usually identified with increase situation became worse.
of gross domestic product (GDP), the maximiza- Another widespread aggregate indicator is the
tion of profits, cash flows and other financial in- Human Development Index (HDI). Primarily it
dicators, while the quality of growth and its costs shows the social aspect of sustainable develop-
(environmental and social) are usually ignored. ment. HDI is based on three indicators: life ex-
Use in the decision-making process of economic pectancy at birth, level of educational attainment
and financial measures that do not fully reflect the
real economic, social, and ecological processes, is 1
For more detailed discussion of issues connected with the de-
largely what led to the global crisis. The prime ex- sign of sustainable development indicators, see: [14], [15].
ample of an indicator that fails the test of sus- 2
The metrics of decoupling see [17, pp. 111-113].


S. N. Bobylev, O. V. Kudryavtseva, Ye. Yu. Yakovleva 153

and standard of living. The last one is measured as als, the contribution of environmental pollution
GDP per capita and is based on purchasing power in the mortality rate can reach up to 20 %.
parity (PPP). Environmentally caused morbidity and mortal-
The longevity (life expectancy at birth) essen- ity are relevant for many Russian regions with ad-
tially depends on the environmental situation. verse environmental conditions. The increase of
According to the estimates of medical profession- pollution and environmental degradation, imba-

Fig. 1. Decupling index for fresh water consumption

Fig. 2. Decupling index for air pollution


154 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

Fig. 3. Decupling index for waste production

Table 2
Ranking of Russian Federal Districts on HDI, 2013
Gross regional income Life expectancy Literacy rate, Share of students in
Federal Districts HDI
(GRI) per capita, rubles at birth, years percent the age 7–24, percent
Central 489 708,3 71,93 99,81 0,77 0,85
Northwestern 406 026,2 71,25 99,79 0,76 0,83
Southern 253 152,3 71,76 99,62 0,73 0,80
North Caucasus 142 102,8 73,95 99,17 0,59 0,77
Volga 288 054,8 70,06 99,64 0,77 0,81
Ural 626 119,2 70,06 99,72 0,78 0,85
Siberian 287 026,9 68,63 99,62 0,76 0,80
Far Eastern 450 126,2 67,81 99,74 0,77 0,82
Sources: estimated by authors, based on [17, p. 40-42].

lance of the biosphere are determined by the «raw» In Table 2 you can find ranking of Russian
economic growth, which leads to a deterioration Federal Districts on HDI. Components of the
in human health and limits opportunities for fur- Index show the advantages and disadvantages of
ther human development /capital. The economic Russian federal districts in the field of human de-
costs for the health of the Russian population re- velopment [18].
lated to air and water pollution are not less than As one can see the Ural District is ahead of
4–6 % of GDP. In some Russian regions environ- the Central District in GRP per capita, but in the
mentally caused health damage can reach 10 % of Central District the life expectancy at birth and
GRP, especially in the Ural regions. the level of educational attainment are higher. As
HDI is calculated annually since 1990 in the a result, the Central and Ural Districts have the
UN Development Programme (UNDP) and is in- same level of HDP (0.85). Despite the highest life
cluded in the Human Development Report of the expectancy at birth in the North Caucasus District,
United Nations Development Programme. Now it has the lowest level of GRP per capita and the
more than 100 countries are publishing these re- lowest level of educational attainment, and this
ports using the HDI.


S. N. Bobylev, O. V. Kudryavtseva, Ye. Yu. Yakovleva 155

resulted in the lowest level of HDP for the North ing the country’s development trajectory in the
Caucasus District (0.77). medium and long term, and also in speeches by
An important issue is the territorial and struc- the Russian President and Prime Minister of the
tural-technological scale of the green economy. Russian Federation, are for movement away from
The green economy can only succeed if it is global. raw material dependence. This is also the cen-
Greening in a limited area (in the developed coun- tral objective in the green-economy concept. The
tries, for example) cannot ultimately be successful task has a central place in main Government doc-
without transformation of the world’s major econ- uments: the Concept for Russia’s Long-Term
omies. Developed countries alone — for all the ef- Development (2008); the draft Strategy for Long-
fectiveness of their own efforts to shift to a low Term Development (the “Strategy 2020”) (2012);
carbon economy — will be unable to prevent de- Principles of State Policy in Environmental
struction of the global climate system unless there Development up to 2030, approved by the
is coordination with the largest emitters of green- President of the Russian Federation (2012); etc.
house gases, which are China, India and Russia. For example, although the latter document does
The issue of the structural and technological not use the term green economy, the strategic goal
scope of the green economy is also controversial, of Government environmental policy up to 2030 is
and much confusion attaches to it at present. The proclaimed as being: “the solution of socio-eco-
green economy is often understood to refer only nomic tasks, ensuring environmentally-oriented
to green business, which covers the production of growth of the economy” 1. In this context, the term
various types of pollution control equipment, uti- “environmentally-oriented growth’ largely coin-
lization of secondary resources and waste, the pro- cides with the term green growth.
vision of environmental services, etc. In this case, A key goal of the green economy is energy effi-
the green economy is a part of the “big” economy. ciency, and this is a particular priority for Russia.
But, clearly, peaceful co-existence of such a green It is set out in the Energy Strategy of Russia up
economy with the natural-resource “brown” econ- to 2030 (2010), the Presidential Decree “On im-
omy is hardly possible. The green transforma- proving energy and environmental efficiency”
tion has to extend to the whole economy, and the (2008) and the Law on Energy Efficiency (2009).
greening process can only be effective in the long Development priorities for green sectors of the
run if it includes the macro level. The issue of en- economy have been reflected in existing long-
ergy efficiency and the low-carbon principle are of term programmes for specific resources.
central importance for the new economy. Russia can play a crucial role in the forma-
The transition to a green economy will happen tion of the new global green economy. It can do
differently in different countries, because it de- so by virtue of its huge natural capital and ecosys-
pends on the specifics of the natural, human and tem services, which contribute to the sustainabil-
physical capital of each country, its level of devel- ity of the biosphere and provide economic bene-
opment, socio-economic priorities, and the level fits to all mankind. Russia’s vast areas untouched
of environmental culture. The final document of by economic activity, its colossal forest and wet-
the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, “The Future lands, freshwater, biodiversity potential — all of
We Want” (2012), stresses that each country can these make a major contribution to shaping the
choose the approach to transition to a green econ- new global economy. As Dmitry Medvedev said at
omy, which best suits its national plans, strategies the Rio +20 Conference, Russia is an environmen-
and sustainable development priorities. A rigid set tal donor to the world. The country must play a
of rules is not desirable. more active role in greening of the global econ-
omy, from which it can obtain economic benefit
Green economy and Russian policy
by “capitalizing” its status as an environmental
The concept of the green economy is essen- donor. These opportunities are also discussed in
tially new for Russia and is hardly ever used in of- the Concept for Russia’s Long-Term Development
ficial documents. However, national targets, which (2008). In this regard, it is highly important for
have been set for the next 10–20 years, largely Russia to coordinate national efforts with those
correspond to the objectives of transition to such of international organizations, particularly in
an economy. This is reflected in the general pol- the framework of the WTO, which Russia joined
icy for the use of resources and protection of the in 2012, and to integrate the principles of inter-
environment in the future, and in legal and eco- 1
Public policy framework in the area of environmental de-
nomic instruments, which are available. The main
velopment of Russia for the period up to 2030. Internet site
task of the Russian economy at the present stage, of the President of Russia [site]. URL:
as reflected in the principle documents describ- acts/15177 (accessed date: 20.10.2014).


156 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

national agreements in the country’s own legal by leading experts for the period up to 2020, takes
framework and economic decision-making. much account of social factors, but has little to
To achieve its environmental objectives, Russia say about the environment. The strategy is also
must radically change the trend towards commod- based on the traditional paradigm of GDP. The
ity exports, which has enormous inertia power cur- new economy should focus on qualitative rather
rently. It is becoming increasingly clear, as con- than quantitative development. Instead of striving
firmed by the economic crisis, that Russia’s eco- to increase production and consumption of natu-
nomic model based on the export of raw materials ral resources, with increasing impact on the en-
has exhausted itself. Environmental sustainability vironment, Russia should make better use of the
has become an important feature of the new model raw materials, which are already drawn into the
for the national economy. [11] “Unsustainable” economic cycle. Russia has huge potential for sav-
aspects of Russia’s current development trajec- ing natural resources by means of modernization.
tory are confirmed by: the exhaustion of natu- The pursuit of quantitative indicators, whether of
ral capital as a factor of economic growth; struc- value (GDP, etc.) or volume (amounts of oil, gas,
tural shifts in the economy; the increasing relative metals, etc.), is mistaken. Quantitative indicators
share of natural-resource exploiting and polluting should take second place to the social and envi-
industries; the growth of environmental risks due ronmental quality of growth.
to the high physical wear of equipment; high lev- In order to attain stability the future economy
els of environment intensity; dominance of natu- should have the following key features:
ral resources in exports; environmental imbalance — Economic strategies / programmes / plans
in investment policy, leading to an increase in dis- should include aspects expounded in UN and
parities between natural-resource sectors and the OECD documents on the green economy and
processing, manufacturing and infrastructure sec- growth, and on the low-carbon economy 1.
tors of the economy; impact of environmental — Acknowledgement of the importance of en-
pollution on human health; etc. vironmental living conditions of the population
The development of unsustainable trends is and maintaining decent environmental living
largely due to the natural-resource-intensive re- conditions.
structuring of the economy in the 1990s towards — Priority development of knowledge-inten-
raw-material and polluting sectors, and worsen- sive, high-tech manufacturing and infrastructure
ing of the “environmental quality” of plant and industries with minimal impact on the environ-
machinery, which was accompanied by the decline ment, typical of the knowledge economy.
of resource-sparing and high-tech industries. The — Reduced share of the raw materials sector in
Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the economy.
the result of these trends as “a large-scale de-in- — The radical increase in the efficiency of nat-
dustrialization”. [19] High energy prices, particu- ural resource use and resource savings, enabling
larly the huge increase in prices for oil and raw the major reduction of natural resource expend-
materials in the 2000s, contributed to making the iture and pollution per unit of end-product (re-
structure of the Russian economy more “heavy”. duction of environmental intensity and pollution
Energy and metallurgy (ferrous and non-fer- intensity).
rous), which have the largest impact on the en- — Less pollution of the environment.
vironment of any industrial sectors, currently ac- Transition to sustainable development re-
count for more than half of Russian industry. The quires compensation of Russia’s natural capital
share of industries that have relatively little im- depletion by the growth of investment in human
pact on the environment, notably machine-build- and physical (man-made) capital. Key steps in-
ing, declined in the same period. The crisis exac- clude a drastic increase of investment in science,
erbated Russia’s environmentally negative struc- education, public health, innovative development,
tural changes, since export-oriented raw material and the development of special funds (similar to
industries, survived best, helped by Government the Fund for Future Generations), which are used
support. The Russian economy is becoming in- in many countries around the world.
creasingly dependent on commodity exports. The most important goal of economic pol-
Unfortunately, the new environmental and icy, supported by Government, business and so-
economic realities are not taken into sufficient ac- ciety, should be a transition to sustainable de-
count by documents on Russia’s long-term eco- velopment in the entirety of its economic, social
nomic development. For example, the generally and environmental components. The priority for
constructive and ambitious Strategy 2020 (2012),
developed for the Russian Government Federation 1
See, for example [1; 2; 3; 6].


S. N. Bobylev, O. V. Kudryavtseva, Ye. Yu. Yakovleva 157

achievement of the green economy and the green- part of the market for output from new fields with
ing of economic policy can be summarized: Do their infrastructure and pipelines by making them
not maximize levels of use of natural resources, unprofitable, as is already happening to some ex-
since they are limited, and their rapid consump- tent in the gas market due to increased global pro-
tion leads to additional pressure on ecosystems, duction of shale gas. We must hold back from the
depletion of natural capital and environmental rapid development of capital-intensive new fields.
pollution. Existing, outdated and resource-inten- Growth in levels of final output can instead be
sive technologies also lead to over-consumption, achieved by enhanced recovery techniques, equip-
the loss of natural resources and increased pollu- ment upgrades and deeper processing of raw mate-
tion. Technological modernization of the Russian rials, including for export.
economy and its structure could release 30–50 % The priority of macroeconomic steps, which de-
of all the natural resources, which are now used termine economic development, economic growth
inefficiently and wasted while increasing the final and well-being of the population, is evident to de-
results of production processes. Production lev- cision-makers in today’s economy. But the envi-
els and the territories used for development of en- ronmental consequences of economic policy are re-
ergy resources and minerals, as well as areas used ceiving insufficient attention in Russia. In the tran-
for farming, and rates of deforestation, etc., can be sition to a green economy, measures of economic
stabilized. As made clear by the Energy Strategy of policy need to deliver environmental gains (or
the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, be at least environmentally neutral), achieving a
almost half of the energy now consumed in Russia “win-win” situation on economic and environmen-
could be saved by the installation of fairly simple tal fronts. This amounts to a “fusion” of macroeco-
energy-saving technologies. nomic and environmental policies. At the national
Investments are needed to improve the use of level, examples of this fusion include: adjustment
natural resources that are already being developed of fiscal policy (heavier taxation of resource use
and to protect the environment through moderni- and pollution); reform and the reduction of subsi-
zation of the economy, support for innovation, re- dies that lead to degradation of natural resources
placement of resource-intensive technologies by and the environment; the introduction of new mar-
technologies that are resource-sparing and ener- ket instruments; transition to green public pro-
gy-efficient (best available technologies), deepen- curement; improvement of environmental stand-
ing and diversification of raw material processing, ards and ensuring that they are applied; environ-
etc. This will improve the well-being of the popu- mental insurance; the creation of new green jobs
lation, increase GDP by 2–3 times at the present and associated re-training of employees from the
level of raw material extraction and use of natural “brown” economy. All of this can improve the com-
capital, and reduce levels of pollution. petitiveness of the green economy. A classic exam-
This is the high road to the creation in Russia ple of the “win-win” approach would be radically
of a new, green economy: by investing in re- improved energy efficiency (by 40 % up to 2020),
source-saving restructuring of the economy, rad- which can provide huge economic benefits as well
ically changing the technology base and reducing as environmental dividends.
environment intensity, the costs that are needed Environmental “rules of the game”, set by
to counter the negative environmental effects of Government for the economy, encourage private
economic development can be minimized now and business to recognize and use genuine opportuni-
in the future. ties offered by the transition to a green economy
The conditions for transition to a green econ- in a number of key sectors, and to react to the re-
omy, as formulated in the documents of interna- form of public policy and price signals by increas-
tional organizations, highlight the need to limit ing financing and investment in greening of the
costs in sectors that deplete natural capital. [1; 2; 3; economy.
6] Russia should not rush ahead in the near future Greening of public procurement could give a
with high-cost mega-projects to exploit new natu- major boost to the green economy. Procurement
ral resources, particular energy resources, with un- accounts for a significant proportion of total gov-
predictable consequences for the environment and ernment spending in both developed and develop-
the human population (at offshore zones and the ing countries, and sustainable public procurement
permafrost zone, where transport infrastructure is techniques can generate high and long-term de-
lacking, etc.). Such caution is justified not only by mand for green products and services, encourag-
environmental considerations, but also by purely ing private and public companies to make longer-
economic logic: swings and falls in world market term investments in innovation, and manufactur-
prices for raw materials may cut off a significant ers to carry out economies of scale, reducing their


158 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

Table 3
Depreciation of fixed assets, percent
Federal Districts 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Russian Federation 45,3 47,1 47,9 47,7 48,2
Central 40 43,8 44,9 44,4 45,6
Northwestern 44,5 45,4 45,4 44,1 43,9
Southern 44 44,6 45 45,3 42,6
North Caucasus 43,7 44 44,5 44,8 44,8
Volga 51,2 52,6 49,8 53,7 53,7
Ural 52,1 52,8 56,3 53,4 55,1
Siberian 45,2 45,8 46,5 46,5 47,5
Far Eastern 40,6 42,2 43,5 45,5 45,1
Sources: estimated by authors, based on statistics in Federal State Statistical Services:

costs. This in turn can contribute to the wider com- the growth of environmental risks can have po-
mercialization of green products and services, cre- tential benefits, which should be exploited: 1) the
ating the conditions for sustainable consumption. possibility of significantly reducing natural re-
Payments for ecosystem services, which are be- source use and pollution per unit of production by
ing implemented in several countries can expand deployment of best-available technology; and 2)
the market and raise the valuation of natural re- a technology “leap” that enables radical improve-
sources and services. An approach similar to that ment in the use of natural capital.
used in the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms should be The concept of best-available technology has
extended to all kinds of natural resources and ser- already proven its high environmental and eco-
vices, not just those that are already “in the mar- nomic efficiency in the European Union. In Russia,
ket”. Payments for ecosystem services offer new the Ministry of Natural Resources has prepared
development prospects for Russia, due to its huge a law for large-scale implementation of these
natural capital. technologies, which will serve as a new regula-
As well as economic means of regulation, the tory basis in environmental protection and help
Government should also make greater use of le- to put economic incentives in place. In 2014, the
gal and institutional mechanisms in the field of law «About making amendments to the Federal
natural resource use and conservation. Ensuring «Environmental Protection Act» and to some
the execution and implementation in practice of Russian legislative acts» was adopted by the State
Russia’s extensive environmental legislation is Duma and signed by the Russian President. These
particularly important for progress towards the amendments should lead to radical technological
green economy. shifts in the Russian economy towards the intro-
Innovation, science and technology develop- duction of best available technologies.
ment, information technology, new materials, Russia’s accession to the WTO presents new
products and technologies, etc., can reduce con- challenges for the Russian economy. Despite the
sumption of natural resources and the amount undoubted advantages of membership, there is a
of pollution per unit of production and services risk that it will strengthen the raw materials export
by several times. Modernization through the re- model, which contradicts the goals of moderniza-
newal of fixed assets in the industry offers huge tion and greening of the economy. Clearly, for the
potential for transition to a green economy. Old global market, and for multinational and foreign
equipment cannot make efficient use of natural companies operating in Russia, the country’s nat-
resources and lead to the growth of pollution. As ural-resource industries are the prime attraction.
much as half of Russian industrial fixed assets are This refers particularly to energy resources, which
full depreciated and in need of replacement. Over are highly competitive goods. It would be foolish
the past five years, the depreciation of fixed as- to expect substantial foreign investments in high-
sets in the Ural and Volga Districts had the highest tech industries and machine-building in Russia
level, and it was higher than 50 % share of all fixed since foreign companies have no interest in creat-
assets. In 2013, the «lowest» rate of the depreci- ing more competition.
ation of fixed assets was in the Southern District
but it accounts for 42.6 %. This means that even
in this district fixed assets were crucially depre- Accumulated economic, social and environ-
ciated (Table 3). The aging of physical capital and mental problems dictate the need for a new econo-


S. N. Bobylev, O. V. Kudryavtseva, Ye. Yu. Yakovleva 159

my in Russia and worldwide. The final document at the country’s present level of production and
of the Rio+20 Conference outlined the contours of use of natural resources, by deploying the huge
a green economy, which is the basis for sustaina- amounts of raw materials, which would be saved, in
ble development. The transition to a green econ- the domestic economy and for export. This would
omy will happen differently in different countries, greatly improve the well-being, and the social and
because it depends on specifics of the natural, hu- environmental quality of life of the Russian pop-
man and physical capital of each country, its level ulation. This is the main direction to the creation
of development and socio-economic priorities, as of a green economy in Russia and her regions. It
well as the environmental culture of each society. requires investment in a new, resource-sparing
Each Russian district also will have its own way to structure of the economy and radical technology
new economic model. upgrade, greening the economy and reducing its
The chief task of the Russian economy at the environment intensity, thereby conserving natu-
present time, as reflected in the main documents ral capital and minimizing the cost of remedying
on the country’s medium- and long-term devel- negative environmental impacts now and in the
opment, is to move away from the raw-material future.
model. This is also the central task in the concept The effectiveness of state regulation of the
of the green economy. In Russia modernization of extraction and use of resources and protection
the economy and transition to the green economy of the environment needs to be strengthened.
largely coincide. This “win-win” policy should be a Economic and legal instruments should be used
guiding principle of Russia’s socio-economic and to encourage and compel publicly owned and pri-
environmental policy in the next 10–20 years. In vate companies to improve their resource effi-
particular, the country needs to improve radically ciency through modernization and innovation,
its energy efficiency since this will have a huge en- to prevent wastage of raw materials, and to ade-
vironmental impact. quately compensate for damage inflicted on soci-
Modernization and structural-technological ety and the environment.
changes could increase Russia’s GDP by 2–3 times
The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 14-06-00075
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vozmozhnostey: luchsheye budushcheye dlya vsekh [Sustainability and equity: a better future for all]. PROON [UNDP].
9.   Gosudarstvennyy doklad «Ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [State report “On the state and
environmental protection in Russian Federation”].  (2013). 463.
10.  Doklad o razvitii chelovecheskogo potentsiala v RF 2003 [Report on Human Development in the Russian Federation 2003]. 
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160 Социально-экономические проблемы региона

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[A report of the working group on decoupling to the international resource panel].  (2011). UNEP, 154.
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Information about the authors:
Bobylev Sergey Nikolayevich (Moscow, Russia) — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics, Lomonosov
Moscow State University (MSU, Faculty of Economics, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory; e-mail: snbobylev@
Kudryavtseva Olga Vladimirovna (Moscow, Russia) — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics,
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, Faculty of Economics, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory; e-mail:
Yakovleva Yekaterina Yuryevna (Moscow, Russia) — PhD Student, Department of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State
University (MSU, Faculty of Economics, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory; e-mail: e.u.yakovleva@gmail.

doi 10.17059/2015-2-13
UDC 330.341.1:62; 339.924
JEL: 032 Management of Technological Innovation and R&D
F. M. Dnishev a), F. G. Alzhanova a), G. Zh. Alibekova b)
Institute of Economics of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
New Economic University named after T. Ryskulov, Almaty



The aim of the research is to study the Triple Helix model feasibility in developing innovations and us-
ing cluster approach in Kazakhstan. There are possible points of the emergence of clusters in Kazakhstan.
However, there are a lot of constraining factors. First of all, institutional and social factors: the culture of
business, unfair competition, low trust of economic agents to each other and to power institutes, low psy-
chological readiness for cooperation of the enterprises of various branches and regions, poor development of
chambers of commerce, and industrial associations. For the time being, the majority of regions of Kazakhstan
are characterized by a limited set of high technology industrial branches, and a sharp shortage of universi-
ties generating innovation and research institutes. The research results show that the open innovation model
is realized in a limited scale that does not allow to export innovations into external markets, to participate in
global technology chains and international research networks. At the same time, some interaction schemes
and preconditions for the development of the Triple Helix model are emerging. However, in general, the inno-
vation policy is not systemic; it does not unite actions in the sphere of science and technology, education, in-
dustry, and regional initiatives. As the result of the research, some policy implications are given. For the de-
velopment of clusters in Kazakhstan, it is desirable to use such a way, as integration into global cluster net-
works. It is necessary to make use of foreign experience at which various specialized state agencies become
participants of clusters. It is necessary to focus not only on science but also industry, which should play the
central role in the innovation process.
Keywords: cluster, triple helix model, innovation, technology, science, industry, development

Kazakhstan. This finds support in national strate-

gies and programs, and current practical measures.
Nowadays, innovations have been announced In 2005 году the Program on formation and
as an important priority of economic policy in development of the national innovation system
in 2005–2015 is proved (in 2010 it was substituted
by the State program of forced industrial — inno-
© Dnishev F. M., Alzhanova F. G., Alibekova G. Zh. Text. 2015. vative development). The patent legislation has


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