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Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................1

Table of Figures.................................................................................................................................1

Revision History................................................................................................................................1

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................

1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................................

1.2 Intended Audience..................................................................................................................

1.3 Product Scope..........................................................................................................................

1.4 References...............................................................................................................................1

2. Overall Description........................................................................................................................3

2.1 User Objectives..........................................................................................................................3

2.2 Product Functions......................................................................................................................3

2.3 Operating Environment..............................................................................................................3

2.4 Similar System Information.........................................................................................................3

2.5 User Characteristics.....................................................................................................................5

2.6 Design and Implementation Constraints....................................................................................5

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies.................................................................................................6

3. Functional Requirements................................................................................................................7

3.1 System Requirements.................................................................................................................7

3.2 Use Cases....................................................................................................................................9

4. External Interface Requirements..................................................................................................14

4.1 User Interfaces.........................................................................................................................14

4.2 Hardware Interfaces.................................................................................................................15

4.3 Software Interfaces...................................................................................................................15

5. Nonfunctional Requirements........................................................................................................15
5.1 Performance Requirements......................................................................................................15

5.2 Software Quality Attributes.......................................................................................................15

6. Diagrams........................................................................................................................................16

6.1 Activity Diagram.........................................................................................................................16

7. Operational Scenario.....................................................................................................................20

7.1 Successful Scenario....................................................................................................................20

7.2 User Manual..............................................................................................................................20

Appendix A: Glossary........................................................................................................................26

Appendix B: Analysis Models............................................................................................................26

1. Introduction

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) details the descriptions of the requirements of our
software application, known as Table Reservation System, in order to capture the needs and desires of
the customer. This SRS establishes an agreed upon set of requirements for the development of Table
Reservation System.

1.2Intended Audience

The intended audience for this document is Dr. Lidia Morrison, the members of group (Rasika Dravid,
Anjali Mutha, Isha Chopde, Sanjana Raj and Smaran) and the customer. This document will provide a
clear understanding of the Table Reservation System to the customer and Dr. Lidia Morrison while
providing a guideline for the members of group to develop the system. To gain an overall understanding
of the system, proceed to read from the beginning of the document to the end concentrating on section
The intended audience of system are common people who are willing to book a table at restaurants.
The system allows users to reserve a table in restaurant by displaying the physical locations of the

1.3Product Scope

Table Reservation System is a software that allows a user to reserve a table in restaurants by displaying
the layout of the actual tables in the restaurant. This software gives the user great convenience to book
a table according to their wish. It displays all the available kinds of locations in a restaurant and gives the
choice of reserving a table in the available tables. This provides great convenience because most of the
available reservation systems do not show the physical layouts (look and location) of the tables.



1.5User Objectives

The user is provided with available restaurants in a selected city and is allowed to select one of the
restaurants. Then the user can select a table based on the location and the theme desired, by providing
the user details and the number of people accompanying him/her.

1.6Product Functions

The primary function of the Table Reservation System is to provide a convenient table booking system
for the users. The system is designed to generate a token when a restaurant and a table in it is booked.
The user has to select a city, then a restaurant and a table & tables for the generation of a token. The
system provides a reservation summary with all the user-given details and the token for the reserved

The following is a list of functions of Table Reservation System:

 The Table Reservation System displays available restaurants in selected city.

 The user is allowed to input the number of people going to dine at the restaurant.
 The system displays physical layouts of the tables in different kinds of locations in the selected
 Once all the user details are provided, the system generates a token for the reserved table.

1.7Operating Environment

table Reservation System is a web-based application. It makes the reservation process very simple and
user friendly. As it’s a web-based application, it is easily accessible to everyone.

1.8Similar System Information

There are many reservation systems available in the market like movie-ticket booking system, hotel
reservation system and many other similar systems. But, there is no application where the physical
layouts of the tables in a restaurant are displayed. It is a unique kind of application that gives the user a
great choice of tables by providing look and locations of the available tables. Up to some extent, some
available reservation systems are referred which will be listed in the references.

1.9User Characteristics

Anyone with access to internet can access our application and can book a table in the available

1.10 Design and Implementation Constraints

The system can be accessed on all latest browsers irrespective of operating system. The interface of the
system requires mouse and keyboard to enter the details. The system will be limited to only few
restaurants in few cities. The system generates a token and is valid for few hours within which the user
has to visit the restaurant.

1.11 Assumptions and Dependencies

This SRS assumes that the reader has a minimum knowledge of using a browser and ability to navigate
and operate the device in which the browser is used. This document will not discuss the requirements of
the browser or its usability. This document will solely focus on the application of the Table Reservation

2. Functional Requirements

2.1System Requirements
1. When user enters the URL, System shall display a webpage that requests the location of the

a. Description As user enters the URL on the browser, the application prompts to enter the location
where he wishes to go in restaurants.

b. Pre-Condition None

c. Post-Condition Displays available restaurants in that location.

d. Risks None.

2. After selecting location, System shall display a webpage with available restaurants in the selected city.

a. Description As user selects the location, the application displays the available restaurants in that city.

b. Pre-Condition User should select the area where he wishes to find the restaurants.

c. Post-Condition None.

d. Risks None.

3. System shall display the price range of each restaurant.

a. Description As user selects the location, the application displays the available restaurants in that city
with different price ranges.

b. Pre-Condition User should select the area where he wishes to find the restaurants.

c. Post-Condition None.

d. Risks None.

4. After the list of restaurants are displayed, System shall allow the user to select one of the restaurants
by clicking its image.

a. Description As user selects the location, the application displays the available restaurants in that city
with different price ranges user should be able to select the restaurant

b. Pre-Condition User should select the area where he wishes to find the restaurants.

c. Post-Condition Selected Restaurant Webpage

d. Risks None.

5. After selecting the restaurants, System shall display the details of the selected restaurant and shall
allow the user to book a reservation via Book Now option.
a. Description As user selects the preferred restaurant, the application displays the offers or deals of
restaurants and can book a table using Book Now option.

b. Pre-Condition User should select the preferred restaurant.

c. Post-Condition Web Page displays the booking form.

d. Risks None.

6. After clicking on Book Now Option, System shall request the user to enter the details for booking

a. Description Software as user selects Book Now option application should ask for user details like no.
of people accompanying, type of location, preferred time and date for selected restaurant.

b. Pre-Condition User should click on Book Now option

c. Post-Condition Physical Layout of the tables is displayed.

d. Risks None.

7. After entering the information, System shall display the physical layout of the tables for the selected
type of location.

a. Description As user enters the details, the physical layout of the tables in a restaurant is displayed

b. Pre-Condition User should fill the details for reservation

c. Post-Condition User Information Details page is displayed

d. Risks None.

8. After selecting the location of table, System shall request the user to enter the details

a. Description As user selects the location of the table, he is redirected to a page to fill in the details like
Name, Contact, Email and Special requests.

e. Pre-Condition User selects the physical location of table

f. Post-Condition Summary of reservation is displayed.

g. Risks None.

9. After entering details, System should display the selected date and time and allow user toConfirm the

a. Description

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