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CP Panayiotopoulos

A Clinical Guide to

Epileptic Syndromes
and their Treatment

Revised Second Edition

Based on the ILAE classifications
and practice parameter guidelines

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data:
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-84996-160-8
Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted
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Springer Science+Business Media
© Springer Healthcare Ltd 2010
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To my wife Thalia
she is a beautiful woman
my muse
the flower, the smile and the angel in my life

I am grateful to the following eminent experts who have frequently provided me with valuable advice over the last
10 years during the preparation of my books on epilepsies:

Adachi, N. Livingston, J.H.

Akanuma, N. Martinovic, Z.
Benbadis, S. Mole, S.
Berg, A. Morrow, J.I.
Berkovic, S.F. Moshe, S.L.
Blumenfeld, H. Nordli, D.R., Jr.
Boyd, S.G. Oguni, H.
Caraballo, R.H. Ohtahara, S.
Covanis, A. Patsalos, P.
Crawford, P. Plouin, P.
Eeg-Olofsson, O. Sander, J.W.A.S.
Dravet, C. Scott, R.C.
Duncan, J.S. Shorvon, S.D.
Engel, J., Jr. Sisodiya, S.M.
Fejerman, N. Stephenson, J.B.P.
Ferrie, C.D. Thomas, P.
Galanopoulou, A.S. Tomson, T.
Genton, P. Vajda, F.J.E.
Grünewald, R.A. Vigevano, F.
Hirsch, E. Walker, M.C.
Jallon, P. Watanabe, K.
Kanazawa, O. Whitehouse, W.
Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenite, D.G.A. Wilkins, A.
Koutroumanidis, M. Yoshinaga, H.
Kuzniecky, R. Zifkin, B.G.
Kwan, P. Zuberi, S.M.

The continuing assistance of S. Sanders and S. Rowlinson, both expert EEG technologists, is, as always, greatly
I would also like to thank Ian Stoneham, Publisher, and his team, particularly Hannah Cole and Nadine Lemmens,
Editors, and Keith Baker, Designer; their professionalism, dedication and enthusiasm have made this a better
book and enabled me to continue updating it to just a few weeks before publication in December 2009. They
have been a pleasure for an author to work with.


Preface ................................................................................................................ xiii

Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... xiv
1 General aspects of epilepsies ................................................................................1
What is epilepsy? Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 2
Comment on the new ILAE definition .................................................................................................... 2
Other formal definitions of epilepsy ....................................................................................................... 2
Making the correct diagnosis in epilepsies ................................................................................................. 3
Medical history ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Laboratory diagnostic procedures......................................................................................................... 4
Differential diagnosis ............................................................................................................................. 5
Epilepsy or epilepsies.......................................................................................................................... 10
The ILAE classification of epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes ....................................................... 11
On classifications: concepts,clarifications and difficulties in reaching a consensus in the
classification of epileptic seizures and syndromes .............................................................................. 13
Author’s clarifications on the ILAE terminology and classifications ....................................................... 15
Epidemiology of epilepsies ...................................................................................................................... 16
Incidence and prevalence of epilepsies ............................................................................................... 16
Mortality and epilepsies....................................................................................................................... 17
References .............................................................................................................................................. 18

2 Epileptic seizures and their classification ............................................................21

The definition of epileptic seizures ........................................................................................................... 21
Other useful or ILAE seizure-related terminology...................................................................................... 24
Classification of epileptic seizures ............................................................................................................ 24
Epileptic seizures in accordance with the 1981 ILEA classification ...................................................... 24
Seizure classification in the new ILAE Task Force reports .................................................................... 28
Debate on the distinction between generalised and focal seizures ...................................................... 31
Generalised epileptic seizures ................................................................................................................. 32
Generalised tonic–clonic seizures........................................................................................................ 32
Generalised tonic seizures .................................................................................................................. 43
Generalised clonic seizures ................................................................................................................. 44
Epileptic spasms................................................................................................................................. 45
Myoclonus .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Atonic seizures ................................................................................................................................... 50
Typical absence seizures..................................................................................................................... 51
Atypical absence seizures ................................................................................................................... 55

vi Contents

Focal epileptic seizures............................................................................................................................ 57

ILAE terminology and classification of focal seizures ........................................................................... 57
Reflex epileptic seizures ......................................................................................................................... 61
References .............................................................................................................................................. 61

3 Status epilepticus .................................................................................................65

Definition and classification...................................................................................................................... 65
Generalised tonic–clonic status epilepticus .............................................................................................. 67
Physiological stages of GTC-SE.......................................................................................................... 68
Epidemiology of GTC-SE .................................................................................................................... 70
Aetiology ............................................................................................................................................ 70
Differential diagnosis ........................................................................................................................... 71
Prognosis ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Generalised tonic status epilepticus......................................................................................................... 71
Generalised myoclonic status epilepticus ................................................................................................ 71
Idiopathic myoclonic SE...................................................................................................................... 72
Symptomatic/cryptogenic myoclonic SE ............................................................................................. 72
Absence status epilepticus ...................................................................................................................... 72
Typical absence (idiopathic absence) SE ............................................................................................. 73
Atypical absence SE ........................................................................................................................... 76
Obtundation SE .................................................................................................................................. 76
Situation-related and de novo absence SE ......................................................................................... 77
Focal status epilepticus ........................................................................................................................... 77
Epilepsia partialis continua .................................................................................................................. 77
Supplementary motor area SE ............................................................................................................ 77
Aura continua ..................................................................................................................................... 78
Dyscognitive focal (psychomotor, complex partial) SE ......................................................................... 78
Hippocampal SE................................................................................................................................. 79
Focal SE of frontal lobe origin ............................................................................................................. 81
Focal SE of occipital lobe origin .......................................................................................................... 81
Focal SE of parietal lobe origin ............................................................................................................ 81
Autonomic SE..................................................................................................................................... 81
Opercular SE ...................................................................................................................................... 82
Management of status epilepticus ........................................................................................................... 82
Management of GTC-SE and other convulsive SE .............................................................................. 82
Absence SE ........................................................................................................................................ 86
Focal simple and complex SE ............................................................................................................. 86
Antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of status epilepticus ..................................................................... 87
References .............................................................................................................................................. 92

4 Imitators of epileptic seizures ..............................................................................97

Main types of epileptic seizures and their imitators .................................................................................. 98
Generalised tonic–clonic seizures........................................................................................................ 98
Epileptic myoclonic jerks ................................................................................................................... 100
Contents vii

Absence seizures ............................................................................................................................. 100

Tonic seizures ................................................................................................................................... 101
Epileptic spasms............................................................................................................................... 101
Epileptic drop attacks ...................................................................................................................... 101
Focal epileptic seizures .................................................................................................................... 101
Syncopal attacks imitating epileptic seizures ......................................................................................... 102
Neurally mediated syncope ............................................................................................................... 102
Cardiogenic syncopes ...................................................................................................................... 105
Syncopal attacks provoking epileptic seizures: Anoxic epileptic seizures ........................................... 106
Epileptic seizures imitating syncope .................................................................................................. 106
Psychogenic NEPEs imitating epileptic seizures .................................................................................... 106
Convulsive psychogenic status epilepticus........................................................................................ 107
Suffocation in Munchausen syndrome by proxy ................................................................................ 108
Panic attacks .................................................................................................................................... 108
Hyperventilation syndrome ................................................................................................................ 108
Management of PNEPEs .................................................................................................................. 109
Non-epileptic paroxysmal movement disorders imitating epileptic seizures ............................................ 109
Tics, compulsions, stereotypies and mannerisms ............................................................................. 110
Tremor .............................................................................................................................................. 110
Non-epileptic movement disorders in neonates and infants imitating seizures ................................... 110
Other non-epileptic paroxysmal movement disorders ........................................................................ 114
Non-epileptic severe amnesic and confusional attacks imitating
epileptic seizures ................................................................................................................................... 115
Transient global amnesia................................................................................................................... 116
Psychogenic (dissociative) fugues ..................................................................................................... 116
Prolonged confusional states ............................................................................................................ 116
Non-epileptic staring spells, childhood preoccupation and daydreaming........................................... 117
NEPEs occurring during sleep and sleep disorders................................................................................ 117
Sleep-related non-epileptic movement disorders .............................................................................. 118
Sleep-related non-epileptic behavioural and other disorders ............................................................. 120
Narcolepsy ....................................................................................................................................... 121
Sleep apnoea ................................................................................................................................... 123
Sleep disorders in the elderly ............................................................................................................ 123
Subjective non-epileptic paroxysmal symptoms imitating simple focal seizures...................................... 123
Visual, auditory, somatosensory, olfactory, gustatory and autonomic paroxysmal
symptoms imitating simple focal seizures .......................................................................................... 123
Cyclic vomiting, paroxysmal vertigo or motion sickness .................................................................... 124
Migraine, migralepsy, basilar migraine with EEG occipital paroxysms and
diagnostic errors ................................................................................................................................... 125
Visual aura of migraine ...................................................................................................................... 126
Visual seizures .................................................................................................................................. 129
Cerebrovascular NEPEs imitating epileptic seizures ............................................................................... 130
References ............................................................................................................................................ 130
viii Contents

5 Epileptic syndromes and their classification ......................................................135

ILAE definitions of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes and clarifications
of terminology ....................................................................................................................................... 135
Epileptic syndrome ........................................................................................................................... 136
Epilepsy disease ............................................................................................................................... 136
Idiopathic epilepsy syndrome ............................................................................................................ 136
Symptomatic epilepsy syndrome ...................................................................................................... 137
Cryptogenic or probably symptomatic epilepsy syndrome ................................................................ 137
Benign epilepsy syndrome ................................................................................................................ 138
Genetic epilepsy ............................................................................................................................... 139
The ILAE 1989 classification of epileptic syndromes .............................................................................. 139
Localisation-related (focal) epilepsies and syndromes ....................................................................... 140
Generalised epilepsies and syndromes ............................................................................................. 141
Epilepsies and syndromes undetermined as to whether they are focal
or generalised ................................................................................................................................... 141
Special syndromes ........................................................................................................................... 143
Syndromic classification of the new diagnostic ILAE scheme ................................................................. 143
References ............................................................................................................................................ 146

6 EEG and brain imaging .......................................................................................147

EEG in the diagnosis and management of epilepsies ............................................................................. 147
The value of routine inter-ictal or ictal EEGs in epilepsies ................................................................... 147
Sources of error in EEGs................................................................................................................... 150
Physiological activators of EEG abnormalities ................................................................................... 152
Video-EEG recording should be made routine clinical practice .......................................................... 155
The role of EEG technologists ........................................................................................................... 155
The significance of the EEG after the first afebrile seizure .................................................................. 155
Value of EEG in stopping AED treatment ........................................................................................... 155
Improving the EEG contribution to the diagnosis of epilepsies ........................................................... 156
Illustrative cases of good EEG practice ............................................................................................. 157
Brain imaging in the diagnosis and management of epilepsies............................................................... 159
Recommendations for neuroimaging of patients with epilepsy .......................................................... 164
Functional neuroimaging in clinical practice ....................................................................................... 164
Magnetoencephalography ................................................................................................................ 168
References ............................................................................................................................................ 170

7 Principles of therapy in the epilepsies ...............................................................173

AED prophylactic treatment ................................................................................................................... 173
Clarifications on terminology of AED treatment.................................................................................. 176
Choosing the best AED option .......................................................................................................... 177
Newest generation AEDs licensed in the treatment of focal epilepsies: lacosamide
and eslicarbazepine .......................................................................................................................... 184
Newly diagnosed epilepsy................................................................................................................. 185
Monotherapy .................................................................................................................................... 186
Rational polytherapy ......................................................................................................................... 187
Contents ix

Total AED withdrawal ........................................................................................................................ 188

Generic versus brand or generic to generic AED prescribing ............................................................ 189
Evidence for AED treatment recommendations in clinical practice ..................................................... 190
Therapeutic drug monitoring ............................................................................................................. 193
Considerations of adverse antiepileptic drug reactions in the treatment of epilepsies ........................ 197
Principles of management in women with epilepsies ............................................................................. 204
Oral hormonal contraception and AEDs ............................................................................................ 204
Pregnancy ........................................................................................................................................ 205
Teratogenicity ................................................................................................................................... 205
Breastfeeding and AEDs ................................................................................................................... 214
Principles of AED therapy in women of childbearing age in clinical practice ....................................... 215
Principles of management in the elderly with epileptic seizures .............................................................. 219
Difficulties in diagnosing epileptic seizures in the elderly .................................................................... 219
Frequency of seizures and their severity in the elderly ....................................................................... 220
EEG and other investigative procedures in the elderly ....................................................................... 220
Physiological and other changes in the elderly that may affect AEDs ................................................. 221
Principles of AED treatment in the elderly .......................................................................................... 221
Surgery for epilepsies ............................................................................................................................ 223
Criteria for surgical referral ................................................................................................................ 223
Strategy of a surgical work-up .......................................................................................................... 224
Types of surgical procedures ............................................................................................................ 224
Vagus nerve stimulation ......................................................................................................................... 226
Ketogenic diet ....................................................................................................................................... 228
Corticosteroids in the treatment of childhood epilepsies ........................................................................ 229
References ............................................................................................................................................ 229

8 Neonatal epileptic seizures and neonatal epileptic syndromes ..........................237

Neonatal epileptic seizures .................................................................................................................... 237
Neonatal epileptic syndromes................................................................................................................ 247
Benign familial neonatal seizures ........................................................................................................... 248
Benign neonatal seizures (non-familial) .................................................................................................. 250
Early myoclonic encephalopathy ........................................................................................................... 252
Ohtahara syndrome............................................................................................................................... 254
References ............................................................................................................................................ 257

9 Idiopathic epileptic seizures and syndromes in infancy .....................................259

Febrile seizures ..................................................................................................................................... 259
Epilepsy with febrile seizures plus .......................................................................................................... 265
Benign infantile seizures ........................................................................................................................ 267
Myoclonic epilepsy in infancy................................................................................................................. 269
References ........................................................................................................................................... 271
x Contents

10 Epileptic encephalopathies in infancy and early childhood ................................275

West syndrome ..................................................................................................................................... 276
Dravet syndrome ................................................................................................................................... 283
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.................................................................................................................... 287
Landau–Kleffner syndrome .................................................................................................................... 303
Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-wave during sleep ............................................... 309
Myoclonic encephalopathy in non-progressive disorders ....................................................................... 313
Atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood.......................................................................................... 315
Hypothalamic epilepsy .......................................................................................................................... 317
References ............................................................................................................................................ 321

11 Severe neocortical epileptic syndromes in infancy and childhood .....................327

Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome ..................................................................................................... 327
Migrating focal seizures of infancy ......................................................................................................... 332
Hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia epilepsy ..................................................................................................... 333
References ............................................................................................................................................ 335

12 Benign childhood focal seizures and related epileptic syndromes .....................339

Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes .......................................................................... 340
Panayiotopoulos syndrome .................................................................................................................. 347
Idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut.................................................................................. 357
Other phenotypes of BCSSS ................................................................................................................. 363
Benign childhood seizures with affective symptoms .......................................................................... 363
Benign childhood epilepsy with parietal spikes and frequent ESESs.................................................. 364
Benign childhood focal seizures associated with frontal or midline spikes ......................................... 364
Benign infantile focal epilepsy with midline spikes and waves
during sleep ...................................................................................................................................... 364
Benign childhood seizure susceptibility syndrome: a unified concept ..................................................... 365
Febrile seizures and BCSSS ............................................................................................................. 366
Benign (isolated) focal seizures of adolescence ..................................................................................... 367
Management of benign childhood focal seizures .................................................................................. 368
References ............................................................................................................................................ 371

13 Idiopathic generalised epilepsies .......................................................................377

Syndromes of IGE recognised by the ILAE ............................................................................................ 378
Epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures ............................................................................................... 378
Childhood absence epilepsy.................................................................................................................. 383
Epilepsy with myoclonic absences ........................................................................................................ 388
Juvenile absence epilepsy ..................................................................................................................... 391
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy................................................................................................................... 394
Epilepsy with GTCSs only..................................................................................................................... 401
Contents xi

Other probable syndromes of IGE to consider ....................................................................................... 404

IGE with absences of early childhood .................................................................................................... 404
Perioral myoclonia with absences .......................................................................................................... 405
IGE with phantom absences.................................................................................................................. 407
Autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus and epilepsy ............................................................... 410
AED treatment of IGEs .......................................................................................................................... 411
References ............................................................................................................................................ 416

14 Familial (autosomal dominant) focal epilepsies ..................................................423

Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy .............................................................................. 426
Familial (autosomal dominant) temporal lobe epilepsy ............................................................................ 428
Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy ................................................................................................... 428
Familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy .................................................................................................... 430
Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci ................................................................................................. 431
Other possible familial (autosomal dominant) focal epilepsies not yet recognised ................................... 432
Autosomal dominant rolandic epilepsy and speech dyspraxia ........................................................... 432
Focal epilepsy with pericentral spikes ............................................................................................... 432
References ............................................................................................................................................ 433

15 Symptomatic and cryptogenic (probably symptomatic) focal epilepsies ............435

Temporal lobe epilepsies ....................................................................................................................... 436
Mesial TLE with hippocampal sclerosis .................................................................................................. 445
MTLE defined by specific aetiologies other than hippocampal sclerosis ................................................. 454
Lateral temporal lobe epilepsy ............................................................................................................... 454
Frontal lobe epilepsies ........................................................................................................................... 456
Epilepsia partialis continua of Kozhevnikov ............................................................................................ 462
Parietal lobe epilepsies .......................................................................................................................... 468
Occipital lobe epilepsies ....................................................................................................................... 473
AED therapy of focal epilepsies ............................................................................................................. 482
References ............................................................................................................................................ 489

16 Reflex seizures and related epileptic syndromes ..............................................497

Visually induced seizures and epilepsies ................................................................................................ 500
Photosensitivity, epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes................................................................... 500
Idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy .................................................................................... 509
Jeavons syndrome ................................................................................................................................ 513
Pattern-sensitive epilepsy ...................................................................................................................... 517
Fixation-off sensitivity............................................................................................................................. 520
Complex reflex epilepsies ...................................................................................................................... 522
Seizures induced by thinking and praxis ................................................................................................ 522
Primary (idiopathic) reading epilepsy ...................................................................................................... 522
Startle seizures ...................................................................................................................................... 524
xii Contents

Hot water epilepsy ............................................................................................................................... 526

References ............................................................................................................................................ 528

17 Diseases frequently associated with epileptic seizures .....................................533

Progressive myoclonic epilepsies .......................................................................................................... 535
Unverricht disease ................................................................................................................................. 536
Lafora disease ....................................................................................................................................... 540
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses .............................................................................................................. 542
Sialidoses (type I and II) ......................................................................................................................... 547
Myoclonic epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibres ........................................................................... 549
Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ...................................................................................................... 551
Angelman syndrome ............................................................................................................................. 552
Management of myoclonus .................................................................................................................. 555
References ............................................................................................................................................ 559

18 Pharmacopoeia ...................................................................................................565
Acetazolamide ...................................................................................................................................... 566
Benzodiazepines ................................................................................................................................... 567
Carbamazepine .................................................................................................................................... 568
Clobazam ............................................................................................................................................. 571
Clonazepam .......................................................................................................................................... 573
Eslicarbazepine acetate ......................................................................................................................... 574
Ethosuximide ........................................................................................................................................ 576
Felbamate ............................................................................................................................................. 577
Gabapentin ........................................................................................................................................... 579
Lacosamide .......................................................................................................................................... 581
Lamotrigine ........................................................................................................................................... 582
Levetiracetam ....................................................................................................................................... 587
Oxycarbazepine .................................................................................................................................... 590
Phenobarbital ....................................................................................................................................... 593
Phenytoin .............................................................................................................................................. 594
Pregabalin ............................................................................................................................................. 596
Rufinamide ............................................................................................................................................ 597
Stiripentol .............................................................................................................................................. 599
Sulthiame .............................................................................................................................................. 600
Tiagabine .............................................................................................................................................. 601
Topiramate ............................................................................................................................................ 602
Valproate ............................................................................................................................................... 605
Vigabatrin .............................................................................................................................................. 609
Zonisamide ........................................................................................................................................... 611
References ............................................................................................................................................ 613

Index ...................................................................................................................621
preface to the second edition

It has been 5 years since the first edition of this book disorders that imitate epileptic seizures and the
was published. I have been encouraged to write a new diseases frequently associated with epileptic seizures,
edition by the success of the first, which sold over in particular progressive myoclonic epilepsies. Some
10,000 copies and received excellent reviews. Even clinically useful sections from my previous, more
more rewarding than this has been the feedback specialist-orientated book, ‘The Epilepsies: Seizures,
from physicians who have been using the book in Syndromes and Management’, have also been added
the environment for which it was written: the clinic. and properly modified to suit the intended audience.
It is gratifying that patients and their families have With regards to classification, particular emphasis has
also found it useful and recommend it in dedicated been given to the new ILAE report and I have provided
websites as a reliable source of information. A particu- further evidence-based proposals for consideration.
larly reassuring aspect is that proposals made in the The refreshing impact of Peter Wolf, President of the
previous edition have been adopted by the ILAE Task ILAE, Anne Berg, Chair of the ILAE Classification
Force in their latest report, published in 2006. Committee, Phil Schwartzkroin and Simon Shorvon,
This second edition has been systematically Editors-in-Chief of Epilepsia is felt and appreciated.
updated to include the most recent advances in The most difficult parts to prepare were the sections
clinical epileptology. It has been written with the on anti-epileptic drugs. My recommendations are
same principles and aims in mind as its predecessor evidence-based, drawing on laborious and in-depth
and remains a relatively concise book, the main assessment of clinical trials, meta-analyses, formal
purpose of which is to promote proper diagnosis guidelines and the best clinical evidence from
and appropriate management of epileptic seizures eminent practising physicians. This approach has
and syndromes. It is evidenced-based, achieved by been verified because much of the advice offered
integrating years of clinical experience with the best in the previous edition has since been confirmed in
available external evidence from clinical research. subsequent controlled trials and in clinical practice.
The opening chapters concentrate on the definitions I am confident that my updated recommendations
and general aspects of epilepsies, describe epileptic in this book will prove just as reliable and useful.
seizures and status epilepticus, detail the imitators Realistically, I have to accept that there may be some
of epileptic seizures, provide advice on the optimal unintentional errors and I regret any such instances. I
use of EEG and brain imaging in the diagnosis of would welcome these being brought to my attention
epilepsies and offer insights into the principles of along with any comments and suggestions for the
management. The subsequent chapters are devoted improvement of future editions or reprints.
to the epileptic syndromes, which are organised Finally, new practices are emerging that allow for
according to age at onset and their main category the proper diagnosis and treatment of patients with
in the ILAE classification. The presentation of each epileptic seizures. As in all other areas of medicine,
syndrome follows a common format: classification, diagnostic precision is a prerequisite for meaningful
demographic data, clinical manifestations, aetiology, management in the epilepsies, and I wish that this text
diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis, will help advance and disseminate this knowledge.
prognosis and management.
Following the advice and recommendations of C P Panayiotopoulos MD PhD FRCP
reviewers and colleagues, I have included new
chapters dedicated to the non-epileptic paroxysmal London, 28th June 2007

preface to the revised second edition

It is rewarding that the second edition of A Clinical adverse reactions that have emerged since the first
Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment publication. Again, the recommendations made
published in 2007 appears to be fulfilling its purpose aim to be of practical use and to follow as truly as
as a concise book promoting the accurate diagnosis possible the principles of evidence-based medicine.
and appropriate management of epilepsies. Like New sections have been added on the principles
its predecessor, it has received excellent reviews of pharmacological management in women and
and has been widely used and cited by readers, the elderly, and on psychological, behavioural and
including seasoned and novice physicians, and cardiac adverse effects of AEDs. The recent ILAE
other healthcare professionals, as well as patients position paper on therapeutic drug monitoring is
and their families. also extensively covered.
With the first print run now sold out, I felt that This revision has also been updated to include
the time was ripe to revise rather than to reprint significant advances, reports, reviews and debates;
the second edition. This is mandated by the need new citations up to a few weeks before publication
to update with information on emerging therapies, have been added.
important recent publications and new guidelines The goal of this book, as with all previous editions,
and ILAE proposals. is to encourage the accurate syndromic diagnosis of
This book is mainly based on the ILAE the epilepsies. To some extent this has now been
classifications and practice parameter guidelines. A achieved, as all current formal recommendations and
new ILAE report on classification and terminology guidelines make clear that a syndromic diagnosis is a
that is currently under consultation is an important prerequisite for appropriate management and good
document for consideration and reflection as it clinical practice. However, there are still uncertainties
contains the thoughts of the leading authorities over the precise features and boundaries for each
in the epilepsies. Regarding practice parameters, epileptic syndrome and a lack of terminological
the American Academy of Neurology and the precision, which this revised edition addresses.
American Epilepsy Society have published a three Overall, this book remains a guide for practising
part evidence-based review focusing on pregnancy physicians on how best to diagnose the epileptic
in women with epilepsy. These new proposals and syndromes and achieve optimal management.
guidelines are discussed extensively in this revision.
The sections concerning therapy have been C P Panayiotopoulos MD PhD FRCP
expanded to include newly licensed AEDs, new
indications for previously approved drugs and London, 2nd December 2009


AAN-AES American Academy of Neurology– EFS+ epilepsy with febrile seizures plus
American Epilepsy Society EGTCSA epilepsy with GTCS on awakening
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone EM-AS epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizure
ADCME autosomal dominant cortical tremor, eMC electronic Medicines Compendium
myoclonus and epilepsy EMEA European Medicines Agency
ADNFLE autosomal dominant nocturnal EMG electromyography
frontal lobe epilepsy EPC epilepsia partialis continua
ADR adverse drug reaction ERG electroretinogram
AED anti-epileptic drug ESES extreme somatosensory evoked spike
AHS anticonvulsant hypersensitivity EURAP European and International Registry
syndrome of Antiepileptic Drugs in Pregnancy
APEC atypical benign partial epilepsy of EUROCAT European Surveillance of Congenital
childhood Anomalies
BCECTS benign childhood epilepsy with FDA US Food & Drug Administration
centrotemporal spike FDG [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose
BCSSS benign childhood seizure FLAIR fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
susceptibility syndrome FLTLE familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy
BOLD blood oxygen level dependent fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
CAE childhood absence epilepsy FMTLE familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate FMZ [11C]flumazenil
CI confidence interval FOS fixation-off sensitivity
CNS central nervous system FS+ febrile seizures plus
CONSERT Consolidated Standards for Reporting GABA Gamma-aminobutyric acid
of Trials GABA-T GABA-transaminase
CRMP collapsin response mediator protein GEFS+ generalised epilepsy with febrile
CSE convulsive status epilepticus seizures plus
CSF cerebrospinal fluid GEPR genetically epilepsy-prone rat
CSTB cystatin B GnRH gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
CSWS continuous spike-and-wave during sleep GPSWD generalised polyspike–wave discharge
CT computed tomography GSWD generalised spike–wave discharges
CTS centrotemporal spike GTCS generalised tonic–clonic seizure
CVS cyclic vomiting syndrome GTC-SE generalised tonic–clonic status
CYP cytochrome P450 epilepticus
DMS Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of HLA human leukocyte antigen
Mental Disorders HR hazard ratio
DRPLA dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy IBE International Bureau of Epilepsy
EBM evidence-based medicine ICOE-G idiopathic childhood occipital
ECG electocardiogram epilepsy of Gastaut
EEG electroencephalogram IGE idiopathic generalised epilepsy

Abbreviations xvi

IL interleukin PET positron emission tomography

ILAE International League Against Epilepsy PGTCS primarily generalised tonic–clonic
IM intramuscular seizure
IPOE idiopathic photosensitive occipital PI package insert
lobe epilepsy PIL patient information leaflet
IPS intermittent photic stimulation PLED pseudoperiodic lateralised
IQ intelligence quotient epileptiform discharge
IV intravenous PMA perioral myoclonia with absences
JAE juvenile absence epilepsy PME progressive myoclonic epilepsy
JME juvenile myoclonic epilepsy PNEPE psychogenic non-epileptic
LGI leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated paroxysmal event
LKS Landau–Kleffner syndrome PPR photoparoxysmal response
LTLE lateral temporal lobe epilepsy MAE PPT palmitoyl-protein thioesterase
epilepsy with myoclonic absences PS Panayiotopoulos syndrome
MCM major congenital malformation RBD REM sleep behaviour disorder
MDVU Movement Disorders Virtual RCT randomised controlled trial
University REM rapid eye movement
MEG magnetoencephalography SE status epilepticus
MEI myoclonic epilepsy in infancy SGTCS secondarily generalised tonic–clonic
MELAS mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, seizure
lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes SMA supplementary motor area
MERRF myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red SmPC Summary of Product Characteristics
fibers SMR standardised mortality ratio
MRI magnetic resonance imaging SPECT single photon emission computed
MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy tomography
MSA multiple source analysis SSEP somatosensory evoked potential
MSI magnetic source imaging SUDEP sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
MSLT multiple sleep latency test SV2A synaptic vesicle protein 2A
mtDNA mitochondrial DNA SWI spike–wave index
MTLE mesial temporal lobe epilepsy TAS typical absence seizures
MTLE-HS mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with TDM therapeutic drug monitoring
hippocampal sclerosis TLE temporal lobe epilepsy
nAChR neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine TPP tripeptidyl-peptidase
receptor UGT uridine diphosphate
NCL neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis glucuronosyltransferase
NEPE non-epileptic paroxysmal event VDU visual display unit
NMDA N-methyl D-aspartate VEP visual evoked potential
NREM non-rapid eye movement VER visual evoked response
OPS occipital seizures precipitated by VGSC voltage gated sodium channel
photic stimuli VNS vagus nerve stimulation
PAS periodic acid–Schiff WEMOVE Worldwide Education and Awareness
PCR polymerase chain reaction for Movement Disorders
PEHO progressive encephalopathy with WHO World Health Organisation
edema, hypsarrhythmia and optic

General aspects of epilepsies

Epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes have high syndrome related and differs markedly between the
prevalence and incidence rates affecting all ages and various syndromes, thereby emphasising the need
all races of both sexes. They constitute an important for accurate diagnosis. The benefits of syndromic
part of the everyday clinical practice of general and diagnosis over seizure/symptom diagnosis, or an
specialist health care professionals. inclusive diagnosis such as ‘epilepsy’, far outweigh
any morbidity from miscategorisation that may arise
Patients with epileptic seizures and their families are
in difficult cases.
entitled to diagnosis, prognosis and management that
are specific and precise. Unspecified diagnosis in epilepsies commonly results in
avoidable morbidity and sometimes mortality.
Medical diagnosis is the identification of a disease
by investigation of its symptoms and history, which
provides a solid basis for the treatment and prognosis Important reminder
of the individual patient.
Traditional medical teaching and attitudes to the
Accurate diagnosis is the golden rule in medicine
diagnosis and management of epilepsies often differ
and epilepsies should not be an exception to
from those applied in other medical conditions. This
this. Current practice that limits the diagnosis to
should be corrected.
‘epilepsy’ or ‘seizures’ is unsatisfactory to the patient
Physicians who rightly seek bedside confirmation of
and physician alike, and may result in avoidable mor-
muscle fatigability in a patient with a clear-cut history
bidity and mortality. Such a non-specific diagnostic
of myasthenia gravis, should also request to view the
label fails to provide guidance on important items seizures, which if frequent can be easily captured even
such as severity of disease, prognosis, short- and by mobile phones.
long-term therapeutic decisions, and genetics Physicians who rightly emphasise the differential
(research and counselling), which are all factors diagnosis between spinal muscular atrophies and
that crucially affect personal, family and social life, limb girdle muscular dystrophy should give the same
education and career choices of patients. emphasis to the differentiation between absence seizures
‘Epilepsy’ is not a single disease entity. Epilepsies are of idiopathic generalised epilepsies and complex focal
many syndromes and diseases that have a multitude seizures.
of different manifestations and causes. Epileptic Major paediatric journals that often emphasise a rare
syndromes and diseases are now largely well defined disease should at least give the same space to highlight-
and easy to diagnose. Defining the type of epilepsy ing the fact that childhood autonomic status epilepticus
should be considered mandatory because it offers the is a common and costly cause of misdiagnosis and
best guide to both management and prognosis. The mismanagement, adversely affecting thousands of
short- and long-term management of epilepsies is children around the world (see page 81).

2 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

What is epilepsy? Definitions

The definition of epilepsies should be simple, brief, nent, continuing or enduring without marked
precise and unambiguous. However, this is not the change in status or condition or place.
case and there is no consensus. Second: Most patients do not have at least one of the
The newly proposed ILAE definition is: preconditions ‘cognitive, psychological and social
Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain characterised by an
consequences’ attached to epilepsy.
enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures
Third: Why is the singular ‘epilepsy’ preferred to the
and by the neurobiological, cognitive, psychological
plural ‘epilepsies’? This contradicts the facts and
I quote from the same report ‘Epilepsy is not one
and social consequences of this condition.1
condition, but is a diverse family of disorders, having
This definition of epilepsy ‘requires the occurrence in common an abnormally increased predisposition
of at least one epileptic seizure’ with the pre- to seizures… Some writers prefer the plural term,
condition that this is ‘in association with an “the epilepsies,” but we will use the singular phrase
enduring disturbance of the brain capable of giving while recognizing this diversity’.1
rise to other seizures’.1 It would not require ‘at least Certainly, there must be a better definition of
two seizures’ or that the seizure be ‘unprovoked’, what epilepsies are. The following would be my
which were prerequisites of previous definitions of proposal:
Epilepsies are disorders of the brain with a clinically
The central concept in [this] definition is an enduring manifested liability to epileptic seizures.
alteration in the brain that increases the likelihood of
future seizures… A single epileptic seizure due to an
enduring epileptogenic abnormality that increases the Other formal
likelihood of future seizures would indicate epilepsy,
and a single epileptic seizure in a normal brain would definitions of epilepsy
not.1 Epileptic disorder: A chronic neurological condition
This definition also proposes that part of the epilep- characterised by recurrent epileptic seizures.3
tic condition can involve behavioural disturbances, Epilepsies: Those conditions involving chronic
psychological consequences for the patient and for recurrent epileptic seizures that can be considered
the family, and social stigma, exclusion, restrictions, to be epileptic disorders.3
overprotection and isolation. Epilepsy: A condition characterised by recurrent
(two or more) epileptic seizures, unprovoked by any
immediate identified cause (operational definition
Comment on the for epidemiological purposes).4,5 Multiple seizures
occurring in a 24-h period are considered as a single
new ILAE definition event. An episode of status epilepticus is considered
This proposal has been rightly criticised by eminent to be a single event. People who have had only
epileptologists2 with whom I share the following febrile seizures or only neonatal seizures, as herein
concerns. defined, are excluded from this category.4,5 Author’s
First: What is ‘enduring’ and how long does this last? note: in this definition the type of ‘epileptic seizures’
This word ‘enduring’ has created the same questions is not defined, but this probably refers to generalised
and problems when used in the definition of status tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs).
epilepticus. Enduring (adj.) = lasting, continuing, ‘Active’ epilepsy: A prevalent case of active epilepsy
durable, unceasing, abiding, imperishable; perma- is defined as a person with epilepsy who has had at
General Aspects of Epilepsies 3

least one epileptic seizure in the previous 5 years, receiving AED treatment at the time of ascertain-
regardless of anti-epileptic drug (AED) treatment. ment.4,5
A case under treatment is someone with the correct Epilepsy in remission without treatment: A prevalent
diagnosis of epilepsy receiving (or having received) case of epilepsy with no seizures for 5 years and
AEDs on prevalence day.4,5 not receiving AED treatment at the time of ascertain-
Epilepsy in remission with treatment: A prevalent ment.4,5
case of epilepsy with no seizures for 5 years and

Making the correct diagnosis in epilepsies

The assessment of a patient referred for epileptic and up to normality. The medical history should
seizures should follow the same approach as any include:
other disorder: t details of the paroxysmal events (not only the most
t medical history dramatic ones) as they have been experienced by
t physical examination (and developmental assess- the patient and witnesses
ment in children) t the circumstances under which the paroxysmal
t presumptive diagnosis events occurred
t differential diagnosis t timing and circadian distribution
t comprehensive investigative procedures t position (standing, sitting or lying)
t final diagnosis (which could be definite, probable, t leisure or occupation (at rest or during exercise)
possible or undiagnosed) t possible triggering, precipitating or facilitating
t management (including that of the family). factors
t personal and family medical history.
Circadian distribution (on awakening, nocturnal
Medical history and diurnal) and precipitating factors (flickering
The diagnosis of epileptic or non-epileptic seizures lights, sleep deprivation, alcohol indulgence, stress
is almost always based solely on the clinical history, and reading) often provide invaluable clues for the
which should be obtained in an expert way, often correct diagnosis and may also prompt the appro-
requiring lengthy interrogation(s) of the patient and priate EEG procedure.
witnesses. Children also (if verbal) have a surprising
insight into their illnesses. In certain cultures Useful clinical note
children are often left outside the consultation
process by overprotective parents, and this should The presence or absence of a single symptom is not
be approached with sensitivity. sufficiently diagnostic of a particular disease and may
be misleading.
Inadequate history is the most common reason for
The clinical diagnosis is often easy and secured only
if individual elements of clinical events are meaningfully
In taking the medical history, every piece of synthesised with regard to quantity, quality, location,
information should be patiently gathered in order onset, chronological sequence, development, speed of
to synthesise the whole pattern of these transient progress and duration.
events from the time that they started to their end,
4 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Lengthy medical interviews may seem to be ‘luxury’ Videotaping the clinical events is the only practical
medicine, but this is by far outweighed by the benefits means of demonstrating and objectively documen-
to patients, their families and their physicians. ting the symptoms of paroxysmal disorders. Genuine
Constraints on the physicians’ time should not be epileptic seizures or non-epileptic paroxysmal events
an excuse for allowing misdiagnosis and mismanage- (NEPEs) are often frequent and sometimes predic-
ment to occur. With experience the time taken for an table. They can be recorded by relatives or friends
appropriate medical history is significantly shortened. and sometimes by the patients themselves. Today
Personally, I devote more time to eliciting the events this is easier with the availability of digital recording
preceding a GTCS than detailing what happened and mobile phones.
during the convulsive phase (if I am satisfied that this
was a genuine GTCS), and directing the witnesses to
portray what they saw rather than allocating time to Laboratory
endless descriptions of how they felt and what they diagnostic procedures
did (although I fully respect this).
Laboratory procedures (blood and urine tests,
A second interview frequently provides more
ECG, EEG, brain imaging and others such as
observations and recollections after learning what is
metabolic or toxicology screening, CSF analysis,
desired during the initial consultation.
molecular genetic testing) should be appropriately
prioritised and tailored to the particular clinical
Useful recommended practice problem and individual patient. The aim is to
obtain supplementary evidence of the clinical
Asking the patient/guardian to complete a purposely
suspicion, which may provide definite diagnosis of a
designed questionnaire, which should be made available
specific disorder. Investigative procedures are more
prior to consultation, has many advantages:
demanding in children than in adults, or in those
in whom seizures are the presenting symptom of a
of the type of information needed and allows them
disease than in those where the underlying disease
time to collect such information
has already been established.
The EEG, the most significant investigative
communication during a time-limited and often
procedure in the diagnosis of epilepsies, is often
emotionally loaded interview
misunderstood, undermined and misused. Brain
imaging, another top diagnostic procedure, provides
case prior to the consultation.
in vivo visualisation of structural causes of epilepsy
such as hippocampal sclerosis, malformations of
‘That’s it!’ phenomenon6 brain development and tumours, as well as other
It is often necessary for the physician to imitate brain diseases.
and demonstrate physically or, when in doubt, Blood, urine and sometimes CSF studies have an
show video-taped examples of different epileptic important role in the evaluation of the child with
or non-epileptic seizures to patients and witnesses. epilepsy.7
‘That’s it’ is their common reaction for the presen- Genetic testing has become available for a growing
tation that closely resembles the events under number of hereditary disorders associated with
investigation. epileptic seizures (see Chapters 14 and 17).
The significance and the role of the EEG and
Home-made video recordings brain imaging in the diagnosis and management of
Sometimes the diagnosis is easy, based on clinical epilepsies is outlined in Chapter 6. Other laboratory
history alone. Home-made video recording should procedures are discussed when appropriate in the
be routinely requested if diagnosis is uncertain. relevant chapters.
General Aspects of Epilepsies 5

Differential diagnosis epileptologists repeatedly have great difficulties in

reaching an unequivocal diagnosis for reasons such
Misdiagnosis in epilepsies, when considering their
as atypical seizure presentations, inadequate historical
dimensions and consequences, is a colossal and
data or overlapping symptom manifestations.
costly medical problem. Common disorders and
The differentiation between seizures and other
even normal phenomena may imitate epileptic
causes of transient neurological disturbance and
seizures and, conversely, certain types of epileptic
collapse is epitomised by the familiar theme ‘fits,
seizures may imitate symptoms of other diseases.
Misdiagnosis has serious repercussions. Patients faints and funny turns’.6,8 Distinguishing epileptic
with non-epileptic disorders incorrectly diagnosed as (fits) from paroxysmal symptoms of non-epileptic
having epileptic seizures are likely to be mistreated disorders, particularly syncopal (faints) or psycho-
with AEDs and also denied specific and possibly genic attacks (funny turns), should be a core skill
life-saving treatment (Figure 1.1). Similarly, patients of all trained physicians as detailed in any medical
with epileptic seizures erroneously diagnosed as textbook. However, this is often simplistic and
migraine, encephalitis or other NEPEs are likely to frequently perpetuates certain myths such as that
be mismanaged with inappropriate treatments and urinary incontinence or postsyncopal confusion
also deprived of specific therapies (Figure 1.2). are rare in syncopes (Figure 1.1) or tongue biting
It should also be emphasised that serious and and injuries are exceptional features in psycho-
adverse consequences to patient management often genic non-epileptic seizures, as further detailed in
arise from misdiagnosing one type of epileptic seizure Chapter 4.
for another, or one type of epileptic syndrome for NEPEs that have been misdiagnosed as epileptic
another. seizures affect as many as 20–30% of patients
There are three important steps to take in order diagnosed with epilepsy; these patients have often
to make a correct specific diagnosis, which will received treatment for epilepsy for many years
determine prognosis and management: or have been admitted to tertiary care epilepsy
1. First step: are the paroxysmal events epileptic
units.9–11 The problem is complicated by the fact
that approximately 30% of patients with genuine
2. Second step: what type of epileptic seizures?
epileptic seizures also suffer from non-epileptic,
3. Third step: what is their cause and what is the
mainly psychogenic seizures. In one study, the
epileptic syndrome or disease?
mean time lapse between the first attack and the
First step: Are the correct diagnosis of non-epileptic seizures was over
paroxysmal events epileptic seizures? 9 years.12 In financial terms the annual cost of such a
The first step towards the correct diagnosis of misdiagnosis was estimated at US$4 billion.13
epilepsies is to establish whether a paroxysmal clinical NEPEs14–16 are common and are numerous episodic
event was actually an epileptic seizure or a non- clinical manifestations of diverse aetiologies that
epileptic paroxysmal event (NEPE). The differential mimic or look like, but are not, epileptic seizures.
diagnosis includes all causes of episodic impairment These imitators of epileptic seizures are detailed in
of awareness, aberrations of mental function, falls, Chapter 4.
sensory/motor phenomena and generalised convulsive
movements, which are common presenting symptoms Epileptic seizures
of epileptic seizures. This is often easy for physicians imitating non-epileptic attacks
adequately trained in the recognition of the various Epileptic seizures may imitate syncope, psychogenic
forms of epileptic seizures, who are able to obtain attacks, migraine, sleep disorders or sinister acute
a clear history of the events from the patient and brain insults. Their diagnosis is also demanding, as
witnesses. However, even the most experienced documented by the fact that, until recently:
6 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Man aged 34 with video-EEG/ECG-documented potentially

life-threatening cardiogenic syncopes imitating epileptic convulsive seizures

F p2–F4




F p1–F3





150 μV
3 sec Feeling unwell Eyes roll upwards Head falls backwards

Floppy and unresponsive Snorting breaths Recovers position

Remained confused with automatisms and cried for 4 min

Figure 1.1 A 34-year-old man was referred for routine EEG because of ‘two episodes of GTCSs in the last 2 months. The
first occurred on his way home after work. He does not recall events until waking in the ambulance with the paramedics
telling him that he had a seizure. He had no memory of the preceding 20 minutes. He did bite his tongue but there was no
incontinence… This is likely to be generalised epilepsy… Treatment with valproate was initiated’. In accordance with our
policy this was a video-EEG (page 155). A few minutes after the start of the recording he developed sinus bradycardia and
then ventricular standstill for 9 s with one escape ectopic beat as documented with ECG (bottom trace). Clinically, at the
oblique arrow the technician asked him if he felt okay and he said no. At the first vertical black arrow his eyes rolled slowly
upwards to the extreme. At the red arrow, his head dropped backwards and he became flaccid and unresponsive. Some
recovery started at the double-headed arrows when he took two snorting breaths. At the second black arrow, he resumed
his position as before the syncope. Afterwards he was confused, he could not answer questions and, when asked again what
happened to him, he was distressed and cried. He did not come back to normal until after more than 4 min from the start of
the syncope. A cardiac pacemaker has been implanted and the patient remained well in the next 6 months of follow-up.
General Aspects of Epilepsies 7

Cardiac asystole as an ictal symptom of right-sided temporal lobe seizures

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7


100 μV
2 sec Onset of ictal electrical discharge


Onset of ictal electrical discharge

100 μV

1 sec

Figure 1.2 One day prior to this video-EEG a 60-year-old man said he felt unwell, went for a walk, but half an hour later became
confused with repetitive questioning about his orientation and when the next meeting was to take place. On examination he
was globally amnesic with a period of retrograde amnesia for about 1 month, which gradually shortened as he recovered
after about 2 to 3 hours. His past medical history at that stage was thought to be unremarkable. He was known to have
high cholesterol. There was a strong family history of early ischaemic heart disease. Physical and thorough neurological and
cardiological examinations were normal. All relevant blood tests, ECG and brain MRI were normal. It was the video-EEG that
established the diagnosis. He had three focal epileptic seizures with onset from the right temporal areas. The most severe
one started with a rising epigastric sensation, which he retrospectively recalled as the same feeling that he had experienced
the previous day. This led to almost immediate complete cardiac asystole for 26 s. During this seizure he became pale,
lost consciousness and had a number of myoclonic jerks. He recovered without immediate need for cardiac resuscitation.
The patient was treated with an appropriate AED and permanent cardiac pacemaker. He is well at follow up 6 months later.
Figure courtesy of Dr Michael Koutroumanidis, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsies, St. Thomas’ Hospital, UK.
Patient history courtesy of Dr Paul Holmes, Department of Neurology, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK.

t frontal seizures from the supplementary sensori- disorders or hypoglycaemia, until more salient
motor area were considered to be sleep disorders seizure features appear with the development of
(see page 459) complex focal seizures and secondarily GTCSs (see
t ictus emeticus and autonomic status epilepticus, page 451).
common in children, were dismissed as non-
epileptic events or misdiagnosed as migraine or Second step: What
encephalitis (see page 355) type of epileptic seizures?
t visual seizures were confused with basilar Having established that a paroxysmal event is
migraine or migraine with visual aura (see page genuinely epileptic, the next, but not the final, step
125). is to define the type of seizure(s).
There are numerous types of epileptic seizures, as
Simple focal seizures of epigastric aura and ‘panic detailed in Chapter 2. Their features may be minor
attacks’ are unlikely to raise suspicion of epilepsy or dramatic, brief or long, frequent or sparse, or
either by the patient or by the general physician (see singular. Clinical manifestations of seizures range
Figures 1.2 and page 15.4). These patients are often from the dramatic events of a GTCS to the mild
investigated for gastroenterological and psychological myoclonic flickering of the eyelids or a focal numb-
8 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

ness of the thumb and mouth. The same patient the brain or predisposing medical disease. However,
may suffer from different types of minor and major simply diagnosing ‘epilepsy’ or ‘seizures’ is insufficient.
seizures, independently or evolving from one to Aetiology and syndromic diagnosis of epilepsies provides
the other. Even if frequent, minor seizures are a firm foundation for short- and long-term therapeutic
unlikely to raise concerns and promote a medical decisions and enables natural history, inheritance,
consultation. Conversely, a major seizure such as a treatment efficacy and prognosis of epilepsies to
GTCS invariably draws medical attention. be studied scientifically. Chapter 5 discusses the
Minor seizures are more important than major ones
classification of the epileptic syndromes.19
for diagnostic procedures, correct diagnosis and Imprecise syndromic diagnosis commonly results in
appropriate management strategies.17 avoidable morbidity and sometimes mortility.20

A single GTCS does not require medication, but Important features of a syndrome include:
if the patient also has other, even minor, seizures, t the type of seizures, their localisation and fre-
treatment is usually mandatory (Figure 1.3). Simi- quency
larly, it may be unwise to advise the withdrawal of t the chronological sequence of the events
medication for a patient with minor seizures even if t circadian distribution
free of convulsive seizures for many years. t precipitating factors
Minor seizures should be thoroughly sought during t age at onset
the clinical evaluation (Figure 1.3). Patients are unlikely t mode of inheritance
to report minor seizures because they do not appreciate t physical and mental symptoms and signs
that these are epileptic events or their significance. t response to treatment
Minor seizures may go unnoticed for many years or be t prognosis.
ignored as normal variations in a person’s life. It is the
physician’s responsibility to detect and evaluate them. Although some symptoms predominate and may
Patients may often suffer many minor seizures long indicate the underlying disease, no single symptom
before the reported ‘first seizure’ or long after what is or sign can be considered entirely pathognomonic.
considered to be their ‘last seizure’.17 The process of differential diagnosis requires close
scrutiny of the clinical data before a list of possible
diagnoses can be drawn up and the final diagnosis
Useful reminder
reached. It should be realised that some epilep-
Approximately three-quarters (74%) of patients with sies are easy to diagnose and some more difficult,
‘newly identified unprovoked seizures’ (mainly GTCSs) but this is not unusual in medicine. Molecular
had experienced multiple seizure episodes before their genetics is already providing decisive discoveries
first medical contact.18 Yet, studies on the prognosis and in the identification of epilepsies (see Chapters 14
treatment of the ‘first seizure’ mainly refer to a GTCS, and 17).
although this may not be the first seizure in the patient’s A syndromic diagnosis of epilepsies is now a basic
life. recommendation of good clinical practice.10

The delay in the general acceptance of this concept

Third step: What is their has led to significant time and resources being lost
cause and what is the and patient safety being jeopardised. Just for the
epileptic syndrome or disease? few readers who may still doubt the significance of
Having established that a paroxysmal event is epi- the syndromic diagnosis of epilepsies, I refer again
leptic, the next step is to establish an aetiological and to the arguments utilised and emphasised on many
syndromic diagnosis. The diagnosis by the non-specialist occasions in the near past,20–22 and to previous
is often limited to excluding structural abnormalities of editions of this book.
General Aspects of Epilepsies 9

Video-EEG of a 16-year-old girl referred

because of a ‘first generalised tonic–clonic seizure’

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




200 μV
‘Four’ She recalls 4 33 34 35 34
1 sec

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7





Figure 1.3 This girl had her first GTCS in the morning on her way to school for examinations. She suddenly became vague
and nearly simultaneously fell on the ground with generalised convulsions. On questioning by the EEG technologist, it was
revealed that 1 year before the GTCS she had mild jerks of the fingers in the morning interpreted as clumsiness. The EEG
had generalised discharges of 3–4 Hz spike/multispike and slow wave. The girl recalled the number shouted to her during the
discharge. However, breath counting during hyperventilation was disturbed during a similar discharge (annotated numbers).
In addition, there were photoparoxysmal discharges. Brief frontal asymmetrical bursts of polyspikes or spike and slow
wave could be erroneously interpreted as ‘frontal lobe epilepsy with secondary bilateral synchrony’. On clinical and EEG
grounds the diagnosis of JME was established and appropriate treatment was initiated because she had many more seizures
(myoclonic jerks) prior and in addition to the single GTCS.
10 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The results to be expected from the syndromic Epilepsy or epilepsies?

diagnosis of epilepsies can be compared to the
advances that have accrued from the widespread The danger from a unified diagnosis of ‘epilepsy’
acceptance of syndromic diagnosis of other medical or a symptom diagnosis of ‘seizures’ is exemplified
disorders such as neuromuscular diseases.20 If by common epileptic syndromes such as benign
diagnosed on a few symptoms alone, distinction childhood focal seizures, juvenile myoclonic
epilepsy (JME) and hippocampal epilepsy, which
would be impossible even among the broad
comprise more than a third of all epilepsies. They
categories of muscular dystrophies, inflammatory
are entirely different in presentation, causes,
myopathies and motor neurone diseases, which
investigative procedures, short- and long-term
all manifest with muscle weakness and muscle
treatment strategies, and prognosis.
atrophy. Similarly, in epilepsies, if diagnosed on
Benign childhood focal seizures are specific for
a few symptoms alone, distinction would often
children, manifest with focal seizures that may be
be impossible even among the broad categories of
solitary, remit within a few years of onset and may
focal and generalised, idiopathic and symptomatic
or may not require a short course of AED treatment,
epilepsies that all manifest with seizures.20 Despite
usually with carbamezapine.
the occasional occurrence of ‘overlap syndromes’,
JME is a lifelong idiopathic generalised epilepsy (IGE)
syndromic classification allows the scientific analysis
syndrome that mainly manifests with myoclonic jerks
of the underlying disease processes and their
and primarily GTCSs on awakening. Management of
specific clinicopathological features and genetics,
JME differs from standard medical practice for ‘the
and provides a framework for clinical trials aimed at
treatment of epilepsy’ in several important respects.
optimising treatment.23
Recommendations not to treat after the first seizure
Some parts of the current ILAE classification19,24
are usually inappropriate, many AEDs such as
remain contentious and some syndromes are ill or
carbamazepine and phenytoin worsen JME, and
broadly defined and require further clarification.20–22
withdrawal of appropriate AEDs after 2–3 years of
There are patients whose clinical and EEG features do
being seizure free is inappropriate because relapses
not appear to fit neatly into any recognised category
are inevitable.
or erroneously appear to evolve from one syndrome
Hippocampal epilepsy is a focal epileptic disorder of
to another. Some may represent new or ‘overlap’
defined pathology that can be documented in vivo
syndromes, others may be unusual or atypical
with high-resolution MRI in almost all patients. AED
forms of known syndromes or cases where clinical
treatment may be ineffective, whereas neurosurgical
history is misleading. However, many syndromes are
treatment offers excellent and sustained benefit.
common, well characterised and easily diagnosed.20
Even the most sceptical physicians, among those
An epilepsy syndrome can be diagnosed in most, even
who doubt the clinical or practical significance
first-seizure, patients.25 In one study, a generalised or
of the syndromic diagnosis of epilepsies, have to
focal epilepsy syndrome was clinically diagnosed in
accept that benign childhood focal epilepsies,
about half (47%) the patients. The addition of EEG
JME and hippocampal epilepsy have nothing in
data enabled a diagnosis for about three-quarters common other than the fact that they may all be
(77%) of the patients.25 complicated by GTCSs, which are primarily GTCSs
Parents and patients often use the wide information in JME and secondarily GTCSs in benign childhood
provided on the internet to formulate their own opinion focal epilepsies and hippocampal epilepsy.
about diagnosis and management. They are entitled Furthermore, the short- and long-term treatment
and should be encouraged to do so, in order to develop strategies are entirely different for each disorder:
their awareness as part of their partnership with their benign childhood focal seizures may or may not
healthcare professionals. Ultimately, they are the require medication for a few years, appropriate
decision-makers. AED treatment is lifelong in JME, and neuro-
General Aspects of Epilepsies 11

surgery may be life saving for patients with hippo- or generalised, post-traumatic or genetically
campal type epilepsy. What is an effective drug for determined, static, reversible or progressive, or
one type (carbamazepine for focal seizures) may whether the underlying cause is in the muscle, nerve
be contra-indicated for another type of epilepsy or spinal cord, and is treatable or untreatable.
(carbamazepine monotherapy in JME). The treatment of epilepsies will change, but their
It should not be difficult to distinguish an correct diagnosis will always be the golden rule. We
intelligent child with benign focal seizures or should discourage RCTs that lump all patients with
childhood absence epilepsy from a child with any type of seizures as a ‘universe of epilepsy’ or
Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen, Lennox–Gastaut, Down recommendations such as ‘start with valproate and
or Sturge–Weber syndrome, or a child with severe if this does not work change it to carbamazepine’
post-traumatic cerebral damage, brain anoxia or or ‘an EEG is not needed after the first seizure
progressive myoclonic epilepsy of Unverricht or
because treatment is after the second seizure’ (not
Lafora disease. Diagnosis of all these children as
even specifying the type of seizure and the need to
simply having epilepsy just because they have
enquire specifically about minor fits).
seizures offers no more benefit than a diagnosis
Significant progress is expected if emphasis is
of a febrile illness irrespective of cause, which
directed at ‘how to diagnose the epilepsies’ rather
may be a mild viral illness, bacterial meningitis or
than the current theme of ‘how to treat epilepsy’.
malignancy. Describing all these children as simply
having epilepsy just because they have seizures is Inappropriate generalisations in terminology, diagnosis
medically as unacceptable as a diagnosis of muscle and treatment is the single most important factor in the
atrophy, irrespective of whether it is localised mismanagement in epilepsies.

The ILAE classification of epileptic seizures and

epileptic syndromes
Outstanding achievements in the scientific and social outline of 10 different aspects of epilepsy during this
aspects of epilepsies in the last 100 years should period, including the clinical concept of epilepsy,
be largely attributed to the leaders and committee EEG, brain imaging, drug treatment and surgery.27
members of the ILAE. Two publications this year The ILAE standardised classification and terminology
marked the 100th anniversary of the ILAE and for epileptic seizures and syndromes provides
Epilepsia, its official journal. Both publications are a fundamental framework for organising and
masterfully written by eminent epileptologists and differentiating the epilepsies. This categorisation is
ILAE protagonists. They are essential reading because essential in clinical practice, randomised controlled trials
they are part of the history of every one of us involved (RCTs) of AEDs and other therapies, epidemiology and
in the diagnosis and management of epilepsies. research into these disorders. The efforts of the ILAE
The book International League Against Epilepsy to devise classifications of the epilepsies has greatly
1909–2009: A Centenary History26 is a painstaking improved communication among epileptologists and
and comprehensive history of the ILAE, including influenced both basic and clinical research.
numerous illustrations of our past and present The Classification of Epileptic Seizures (1981)28 and Classi-
mentors. The March 2009 edition of Epilepsia, titled fication of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes (1989)19
History of epilepsy 1909–2009, provides an excellent are still the current valid formal ILAE classifications.
12 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

These classifications were made through lengthy are not a replacement for the 1981 Classification
and thorough assessments of the clinical, EEG, of Epileptic Seizures28 and the 1989 Classification
imaging, neurosurgical, neuropathological and other of Epilepsies.19
data then available. The Commissions explained
their procedures and their reasoning behind their Recommended sources of ILAE
decisions at length. Further, they provided a brief information and classification
definition of each epileptic seizure28 and epileptic
A recommended source of information is the ILAE website
syndrome.19 A dictionary of epilepsies had been
( The ILAE glossary and most
published earlier in 1973.29
epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes can be found
Subsequent advances in the clinical-EEG
manifestations of epileptic seizures and syndromes,
The newest report of the ILAE Commission on Classification
videoEEG information, functional and structural
and Terminology is posted at http://www.ilae-epilepsy.
imaging, investigative procedures and genetics
org/Visitors/Centre/ctf/ctfoverview.cfm and the ILAE
mandated a thorough and realistic revision of
member comments on this are available at http://www.
these classifications. Since 1997, members of
the ILAE Task Force and the Commission on
The currently valid reports of the Classification of Epileptic
Classification and Terminology have invested
Seizures (1981)28 Epileptic Syndromes (1989)19 are
tremendous work and time to incorporate these
available free of charge on the Epilepsia website.
advances and introduce scientific principles and
standards into the classification of the epilepsies The ILAE Task Force on Classification and
– a challenging and difficult task. The subsequent Terminology (Chair: Jerome Engel, Jr. 1997–2005)
recommendations and reports24,30,31 given below produced a report in 2001 as A Proposed Diagnostic

Proposed ILAE Task Force diagnostic scheme for people

with epileptic seizures and with epilepsy24

Axis 1 involves a detailed description of ictal phenomenology using the glossary of descriptive ictal
terminology. This can be extremely valuable for older patients with focal epilepsy who are being evaluated for
surgical resection, but is not likely to be necessary in infants and young children, so it is optional

Axis 2 is the diagnosis of specific seizure type(s) that are detailed in Chapter 2

Axis 3 is the diagnosis of a specific syndrome as detailed in Chapter 5 and all other relevant chapters
in this book. About half of these syndromes occur in infancy and early childhood, most of which are

Axis 4 is an aetiological diagnosis of ‘diseases frequently associated with epileptic seizures’ (see Chapter
17) or with epilepsy syndromes when possible, genetic defects (see Chapter 14) or specific pathological
substrates for symptomatic focal epilepsies (see Chapter 15)

Axis 5 is an optional assessment of impairment taken from the WHO International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICIDH-2) classification. This axis is intended for application in older patients (see chapter
7, page 219)

Table 1.1 Reproduced with permission from Engel (2000).24

General Aspects of Epilepsies 13

Scheme for People with Epileptic Seizures and be found at

with Epilepsy,24 and this was updated and revised Centre/ctf/ctfcomments.cfm.
in 2006.30 A glossary of descriptive terminology for These newer ILAE proposals concentrate
ictal semiology has also been published.3 mainly on terminological and taxonomic issues.
Table 1.1 shows the proposed ILAE diagnostic A significant drawback of these reports is that
scheme to be used in the description of individual recognized epileptic seizures and epileptic
patients with epileptic seizures, syndromes and seizures are listed by name only. There is no
diseases for diagnostic studies and therapeutic definition or brief description of what each of
strategies.24 It takes into consideration the these should be in accordance with the advances
following: made since 1981.
t some patients cannot be given a recognised The attempts to provide a new classification for
syndromic diagnosis epileptic seizures and syndromes is to be continued
t seizure types and syndromes change as new
by the newly appointed ILAE Commission on
information is obtained
Classification and Terminology (Chair: Ingrid E.
t complete and detailed descriptions of ictal
Scheffer, 2009–2011).
phenomenology are not always necessary
t multiple classification schemes can, and
should, be designed for specific purposes (e.g. On classifications: concepts,
communication and teaching, therapeutic
trials, epidemiological investigations, selection clarifications and difficulties
of surgical candidates, basic research, genetic in reaching a consensus in
The subsequent ILAE Commission on Classification the classification of epileptic
and Terminology (Chair: Anne Berg, 2005–2009) seizures and syndromes
have made their report, “Revised terminology
and concepts for organization of the Epilepsies”, The different methodologies, approaches, targets and
available online on the ILAE website.31 This report philosophies on classifications and their relevance to
is an important document for consideration epilepsies have been authoritatively discussed in a
and reflection as it contains the thoughts of the multiauthor editorial in Epilepsia (January 2003)
leading authorities in the epilepsies. The authors entitled Cabbages and Kings in the classification of
should also be commended for their openness seizures and the epilepsies.32,33 More recently, a series
by establishing a forum for constructive debate of important essays appeared in Epilepsy Research
with invitation for comments from ILAE member (2007) that provides an excellent insight into what
national chapters. Therefore, the report is not at its has been achieved so far and what is expected from
final form and it may be premature to discuss it at future developments and proposals.34–36
any length in this revision of the Guide (see page
15). Also, this is not a new classification: “rather Gardeners and botanists
we have provided new terminology and concepts Classifications in epileptological literature are often
which better reflect the current understanding of compared to the classification of plants for botanists
these issues. A guiding principle has been to strive and gardeners.28,32 The botanists, like all scientists,
for clarity and simplicity so that terms refer to need a systematic taxonomy based on scientific
single qualities and are not a mixture of different principles, whereas the gardeners, like all practising
concepts and dimensions”.31 My own comments physicians, need a practical scheme that they can
in response to the Commission’s invitation can use in their daily work.
14 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

There are two ways of investigating diseases, and biology, there is an operationalized definition of the
two kinds of classification corresponding thereto, end point (a species). There is no such definition of
the empirical and the scientific. The former is to be a syndrome. (2) There are rules and criteria for the
illustrated by the way in which a gardener classifies type of evidence and how it is evaluated to determine
plants, the latter by the way in which a botanist whether an entity does or does not represent a
classifies them. The former is, strictly speaking, only separate species. There are currently no such rules
an arrangement. The gardener arranges his plants or criteria for epilepsy syndromes. (3) There is an
as they are fit for food, for ornament, etc. One of underlying model (evolution) that generates the
his classifications of ornamental plants is into trees, diversity among species. With the possible and
shrubs, and flowers. His object is the direct application only partial exception of the idiopathic generalized
of knowledge to utilitarian purposes. It is, so to epilepsies, there are no models to explain the
speak, practical. The other kind of classification (the diversity among the epilepsies.35
classification properly socalled) is rather for the better
Therefore, and in view of the difficulties with
organization of existing knowledge, and for discovering
finding a scientifically correct classification for
the relations of new facts; its principles are methodical
botanists in epilepsies, the new ILAE proposals and
guides to further investigation. It is of great utilitarian
reports mainly focus on terminological changes,
value, but not directly.
aiming to “characterize seizures and epilepsies
John Hughlings Jackson (1874)37 in dimensions that should represent useful,
In this sense, the currently valid classification of natural classes”.31 This may require significant
epileptic seizures (1981)28 and epileptic syndromes compromises that they may not serve either the
(1989)19 should be considered as pragmatic tools botanists or the gardeners.
for gardeners, in accordance with which the ILAE Finally, although new approaches need to be
Commission28 quotes Jackson: investigated, we should not suddenly abandon the
Plainly enough, such an arrangement goes by what work that has been done up until now. Not only
is most superficial or striking. The advantages of it did it inaugurate the field, but it also represents the
are obvious. It facilitates the identification and the observations of extraordinarily astute individuals
application of knowledge to utilitarian purposes, who, in all likelihood have identified some very
but it must not be trusted as a natural classification. solid, biologically real entities, which, as they are
However much of it may be further elaborated, put to the test will hold up under scrutiny. The
it makes not even an approach to a scientific evidence in support of this is the utility of the current
classification. syndromic classification especially for epilepsy in
infancy and childhood. While we would like to do
John Hughlings Jackson (1874)37
even better, we need to avoid doing worse. Ideally,
The quest for a scientific classification of epilepsies the botanists’ scientific classification and a gardeners’
useful for botanists has been a key point of attention pragmatic arrangement are not incompatible, but
in the newer ILAE reports.24,30,31 Such a classification, there may be points when they seem worlds apart.
applying the methods used in biology to determine For any endeavor, such as this, but especially one
separate species, is a noble and legitimate target but that represents such a major departure from previous
it appears to be very elusive. practice, it will be essential to remain open-minded
Phylogenetic systematics could provide an initial and self-critical at every stage. We will inevitably make
model worth studying in this context. While the mistakes despite our best efforts not to. A willingness
classification of species cannot be directly applied and ability to recognize those errors and respond to
to the classification of epilepsy syndromes, three them accordingly is essential. This is the essence of
general points can be appreciated. (1) In evolutionary scientific inquiry.35
General Aspects of Epilepsies 15

Author’s clarifications on (and often genetic) evidence are separated and

intermixed with a number of heterogeneous
the ILAE terminology and epilepsies in this age-related sequence. Further,
classifications some electroclinical syndromes have a small
range of age of onset (and indeed months or few
The intentions of this book from its first edition were
years before complete remission), while in other
to promote and disseminate knowledge based on
syndromes the range of onset expands for many
the ILAE classifications. This required a significant
effort to study and understand these classifications,
t That the differences between generalised and focal
including their minor details. In doing so, I also
(partial) seizures are not as sharp as was initially
made and continue to make some suggestions on
thought is not new and was certainly known by
how these can be improved by pointing out matters
the authors of the 1981 and 1989 seizure and
that may be unclear or appear conflicting within the
syndrome classifications (see also Chapter 2,
same text, purpose, principle or reasoning. The aim
page 31–32). Similarities and overlaps between
was and always is to inform readers and to assist
the pathophysiological or genetic aspects of
the ILAE Commissions in their noble and difficult
goal of achieving their best for the benefit of patients generalised and focal seizures/syndromes are
with epilepsies and health care professionals. These significant but this should not distract us from
suggestions, reasoning and documentations can be the fact that their differences are of much greater
found in nearly all the chapters that follow. They magnitude. It is by emphasising their differences
should be considered as part of a healthy debate and that the possibility of therapeutic disasters such
not as a sterile criticism. Key points that I wish to as prescribing carbamazepine in absence seizures
emphasise here are: has been minimised. Abandoning the term
t That deep rooted terms in epileptology generalised epileptic syndromes is an example
(generalised epileptic syndromes, complex focal of how existing evidence may be interpreted in
seizures, benign epileptic syndromes) and diametrically different ways; it is reversing the
medicine (disease, idiopathic, cryptogenic) previous, also unsatisfactory, ILAE proposal that
have been misunderstood or misused is correct juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, juvenile absence
but the answer to this would be to better define epilepsy and idiopathic generalized epilepsy
and clarify their meaning instead of eliminating with GTCS only are a syndrome of IGE of
them. New terms introduced to replace them adolescence.38 Abandoning generalized epilepsies
may not be easier to comprehend or to apply and also creates the paradox that syndromes such as
are equally vulnerable to misunderstanding and “epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures
misuse. Terms need to be redefined when new only” are not classified as generalised epilepsy
information arrives, not abandoned or replaced though by name it manifests exclusively with
every time that something new comes to light. GTCS. The same applies to childhood absence
t That epileptogenicity and its evolution have epilepsy and other IGEs that may be evidenced
significant differences from neonates to the only with generalised seizures.
elderly is well known. However, age at onset We should also not lose sight of that fact that we
is an unsafe criterion to accept as the primary still are very much behind in precisely defining
organisational factor for the electro-clinical universally recognized epileptic seizures such
syndromes. It creates significant problems and as typical absence seizures and syndromes
frequently defies previous efforts for a relatively such as childhood absence epilepsy that are
homogeneous categorisation of epilepsies, which still cited, sometimes erroneously, as per their
is often achievable. Syndromes that are likely original brief definitions of the 1981 and 1989
to be linked together on vast electro-clinical classifications.39,40
16 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Splitters and lumpers Related to differentiation is the debate about lumping

In the past significant emphasis was given to the together what may or may not be similar forms of
differences between two main schools of thought epilepsy or splitting apart groups that may represent
in the classification and clinical management of minor variations of the same form of epilepsy.
epilepsies: splitters and lumpers. This may now be Ideally any method for classifying the epilepsies
of historical interest only and serve as an illustrative should require identification and measurement of all
example of how time and resources can be lost potentially relevant characteristics (be they phenotypic
in debating straightforward matters such as the characteristics, gene mutations, etc.) and appropriate
usefulness of the syndromic diagnosis of epilepsies analyses to determine which characteristics truly define
(see pages 8–10). and differentiate between ‘syndromes’. Implicitly, one
The ‘splitters’ try to identify specific epileptic syndromes must be prepared to split before one can lump. Thus we
while recognising the existence of borderline cases. The must always be on guard against unwittingly lumping
‘lumpers’ do not recognise specific syndromes within because we are unaware of certain characteristics on
the spectrum of epilepsies. which we should have split.41

Epidemiology of epilepsies
Epileptic seizures affect 1–2% of the population the number of patients with active epilepsy at any
and 4% of children42 in those developed countries given time (prevalence date) per 1000 people. A
where they have been studied.43 Incidence and short-lived disease such as rolandic epilepsy can
prevalence rates vary largely according to how have a high annual incidence but a low prevalence.
‘epilepsy’ is defined and whether neonatal, febrile Conversely, a lifelong disease such as Lennox–
and single or provoked seizures are included. Gastaut syndrome has a low annual incidence but
Cases can be missed because people sometimes a high prevalence.
conceal their condition, do not consult physicians The incidence rate of epilepsy is age related.
or discontinue treatment. Despite methodological The highest incidence rate (ranging from 100 to
shortcomings, it appears that in developed countries, 233 per 100,000) is observed in children younger
6–7% of children will suffer at least one or more than 1 year, with a peak in the first week of life.
epileptic seizures (provoked or unprovoked) and Subsequently, this declines in early childhood to
this is probably double in resource-poor countries around 60/100,000, plateaus in adolescents and
(7–15% of children). adults to around 30–40/100,000 and rises again in
elderly people to 100–170/100,000 after the age of
65 years.
Incidence and Higher incidence rates have been found in resource-
prevalence of epilepsies poor countries. An apparent decline of the incidence
of epilepsies in recent studies may be attributed
The incidence and prevalence of epilepsy (Figure to better diagnosis, improved prenatal care and
1.4) are different measures of a disease’s occurrence. decreased exposure of children to risk factors, such
Incidence refers to the number of newly diagnosed as severe head trauma and CNS infections.
patients with at least two unprovoked seizures in Cumulative incidence is much higher than inci-
1 year per 100,000 people. Prevalence refers to dence data because this is the cumulative risk of
General Aspects of Epilepsies 17


0–1 1–9 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 >70

Figure 1.4 Reproduced

with permission from Jallon

incidence over many years. This is estimated to Mortality and epilepsies

be 0.8% of active epilepsy by age 14 or 15 years.
In Rochester, Minnesota, the incidence up to Epilepsy is associated with an increased risk of
age 20 years is 4% for all convulsive disorders, mortality.46–52 The standardised mortality ratio
1% for active epilepsy and 2% for all non-febrile (SMR), i.e. the ratio of the number of deaths in a
seizures.44 population with epilepsy to that in a reference-
The prevalence rate increases with age (2.3/1000 matched population, is two to three times greater
at age 7 years to 4–6/1000 at age 10–15 years). than that in the general population.46,47 This excess
Rates tend to be higher in boys than in girls is mainly related to associated or underlying disease
(sex ratio of boys to girls: 1.2–1.5). Higher rates and less often directly attributable to epilepsy, as with
from 8/1000 (Ecuador) to more than 50/1000 sudden unexpected death (SUDEP), which mainly
(Panama) have been reported in some studies occurs in the context of a generalized tonic clonic
conducted in resource-poor countries, not only seizure. The SMR is more elevated in patients with
in relation to some methodological problems but symptomatic epilepsies. SUDEP incidence varies and
also in relation to some specific risk factors such is less than 1/1000 person-years among prevalent
as neurocysticercosis in Latin America and non- cases in the community and approximately 1/250
Muslim countries in Africa. person-years in specialist centres.51 In children, the
Taking into account the mean values of incidence SMR is six-times greater than in a reference-matched
and prevalence, we could expect that, in Europe, population. However, death from epilepsy is uncom-
about 0.9 million children and adolescents would mon in children without a neurological disorder that
have active epilepsy (prevalence 4.5–5.0/1000), is sufficiently severe to cause functional neurologi-
with 130,000 new cases per year (incidence rate cal deficit. In addition, in children, SUDEP is rare
70/100,000).45 The corresponding numbers in the (1–2/10,000 patient-years).52 A “must-read” review
USA (incidence and prevalence are similar to those on SUDEP by Lina Nashef and Philippe Ryvlin has
of Europe) are 1.4 million with active epilepsy just been published.53
and 210,000 new cases per year. Focal epilepsies Normal children with epilepsy do not have an
are more frequent (about 70%) than generalised increased risk of death compared with the general
epilepsies (Figure 1.5). population.52
18 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Figure 1.5 Reproduced

with permission from Jallon

CG020, 2004. Last accessed

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Epileptic seizures
and their classification
Epileptic seizures are numerous and diverse in their presentation, pathophysiology, age relationships,
prevalence and triggering factors (Tables 2.1–2.3).

The definition of epileptic seizures

Epileptic seizures are transient paroxysmal events, decided that a paroxysmal event is an epileptic
characterised by clinical symptoms, signs or both, seizure and not something else:1
which are generated by abnormal excessive and 1. transient, with an onset and termination of
synchronous electrical discharges of brain networks. usually brief duration
The most recent formal definition of epileptic 2. clinical manifestations
seizures reflects consensus discussions held by 3. ictogenesis due to abnormal enhanced
representatives of the ILAE and the IBE (2005).1 synchrony in the brain
An epileptic seizure is a transient occurrence of signs Mode of onset and termination: An epileptic seizure
and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or is ‘transient’, demarcated in time, with a start and
finish of usually brief duration. In practice, onset
synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.1
and termination are assessed by clinical and EEG
Other ILAE definitions are:
changes. However, it should be realised that an ictal
Epileptic seizure: Manifestation(s) of epileptic
electrical discharge may start in a set of neurones
(excessive and/or hypersynchronous), usually self-
and networks before it becomes evident on surface
limited activity of neurones in the brain.2
EEG (either in the same or different brain locations)
Epileptic seizure: A clinical manifestation presumed
and clinical manifestations appear. Furthermore,
to result from an abnormal and excessive discharge clinical changes may be more apparent than EEG
of a set of neurones in the brain. The clinical changes or vice versa and there may be a significant
manifestation consists of a sudden and transitory time lag between their onsets (on video EEG), with
abnormal phenomena, which may include alterations the EEG changes often appearing first (Figures 1.2,
of consciousness, or motor, sensory, autonomic 12.3, 12.5). There are plenty of illustrative cases in
or psychic events perceived by the patient or an this book emphasising that some epileptic seizures,
observer.3,4 such as hypermotor seizures, may manifest with
All three essential elements of the definition of severe clinical symptoms and/or signs but without
an epileptic seizure should be present before it is visible changes in surface EEG (Figure 15.8).

22 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Conversely severe ictal EEG abnormalities may be and responsiveness. An epileptic seizure may affect
associated only with subtle clinical manifestations only one or many brain functions with a varying
that may not be apparent to the observer (Figure degree of severity and a shifting sequence. Symptoms
15.4) and/or the patient, such as phantom may be entirely subjective or objective or both. They
absences. These facts are even more striking when may be so mild that they are barely perceived by the
one attempts to determine precisely the onset of patient, observer or recording device or very severe
clinical and EEG ictal events. and massive.
See also onset of focal versus generalised seizures Seizure semiology depends on location of onset in the
on pages 33 and 57. brain, patterns of propagation, maturity of the brain,
Termination of an epileptic seizure is often confounding disease processes, sleep–wake cycle,
less evident than is the onset, because EEG and medications and a variety of other factors.1
clinical post-ictal abnormalities can blur its end.
Detailed specification of subjective and objective
The duration of a seizure varies significantly from
clinical phenomena during an epileptic seizure
seconds or minutes (usually 1–3 min) to lengthy
is difficult because of the wide range of possible
periods of status epilepticus, when self-sustaining
manifestations.1 Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 show
processes prevail over self-terminating mechanisms
the classification of seizures according to their
(see chapter 3, page 65).
predominant symptoms and localisations.
Clinical manifestations: Clinical symptoms and signs
Motor manifestations may be clonic, tonic, myoclonic,
are an essential part of defining an epileptic seizure.
dystonic, atonic or hypermotor and may be limited
‘Ictal-like’ EEG-only patterns are not defined as
to a small group of muscles or involve the entire
epileptic seizures.
voluntary musculature.
Sensory manifestations can affect the somatosensory,
Subclinical and/or electrographic
auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory or vestibular
senses. Again, they may be entirely localised or widely
‘EEG only’ ictal patterns that resemble those seen spread, and may occur alone or in combination with
during epileptic seizures, but not perceived subjectively other sensory or other manifestations.
or objectively either by the patient or by the observer, Autonomic manifestations of any type are often
are not defined as epileptic seizures.1 They are called encountered in seizures, whether focal or generalised,
‘subclinical’ or ‘electrographic’ seizures, which manifest in adults or children, and they are implicated in
with paroxysmal rhythmic epileptiform discharges that occurrences of sudden death. They are sometimes the
evolve in time and space in the absence of objective most difficult symptoms and signs to detect without,
and subjective clinical manifestations. However, it is for example, ictal ECG or polygraphic recordings
often difficult to determine the lack of subtle clinical (see neonates and figures 1.2; 8.1; 12.5). They
manifestations during ‘ictal-like’ EEG paroxysms and usually appear together with symptoms from other
their boundaries with truly ictal seizures (see for example modalities but they may also occur alone for brief or
phantom absence seizures or electrographic seizures in
lengthy periods (see autonomic status epilepticus in
neonates and comatose patients).
Panayiotopoulos syndrome, page 347).
Effects on cognition, perception, attention, emotion,
An epileptogenic discharge may start in or invade memory, execution, praxis, speech, consciousness,
any cortical or subcortical brain area and network. awareness, responsiveness, behaviour, psychology and
Therefore any type of function controlled by the other related functions are common, may occur alone
affected brain regions may be disturbed, producing or in combination, and may appear as the first ictal
abnormal symptoms and signs that may be sensory, symptom or occur later in the course of a seizure.
motor, autonomic, cognitive, behavioural, mnemonic These symptoms are often referred with various
or psychological and/or affect alertness, awareness terms that need to be clarified. ‘Complex internal
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 23

sensations’,1 ‘dreamy states’, ‘psychic or mental ganglion or the fifth cranial nerve, but would not
symptoms’, ‘intellectual aura’ and ‘experiential be considered an epileptic seizure. Nor would
phenomena’ are the terms most commonly used to hyperactive spinal reflexes resulting in an excessive
denote symptoms of seizures that uniquely relate discharge of anterior horn cells and tonic stiffening
to the patient’s personality, identity, experience, of a limb”.1
emotion, thought and memory. These terms are not The book Epileptic Seizures, edited by Hans Luders
necessarily synonymous, because they are used in and Soheyl Noachtar, is highly recommended for its
the relevant literature to encompass either limited in-depth insight into pathophysiology and clinical
or much wider ictal manifestations (see Chapter semiology.9
15 page 438). Dyscognitive is a term that is widely
used to denote impairment of cognition, which is
Impairment of consciousness,
the process of knowing, including aspects such as unresponsiveness, awareness
awareness, perception, reasoning and judgement
(see chapter 3 page 78). “Memory distortions There is no precise definition of ‘consciousness’ and
can be either negative or positive, in the sense of therefore ‘impairment of consciousness’ cannot be
interruption of memory formation or retrieval as exactly defined either. Components of consciousness
a negative symptom, or intrusion of inappropriate include perception, cognition, memory, affect,
memories as a positive symptom.”1 “Emotional state and voluntary motility. In epileptic seizures ‘loss or
is difficult to specify but must be considered in the impairment of consciousness’ often reveals that only
definition, because some seizures manifest as fear, some components of consciousness are impaired.
elation, satisfaction, anxiety or other subjective Responsiveness and awareness are frequently disturbed
sensations that cannot be ascribed to the primary
during ictal ‘impairment of consciousness’ but to a
senses”.1 For ‘impairment of consciousness’, see blue
varying degree of severity, and in some seizures the
box on this page.
patient may be entirely responsive but unaware (amnesic)
Ictogenesis: This is the most difficult element of the
of the events or vice versa. Further, unresponsiveness
definition of an epileptic seizure to assess in practice
may be due to aphasia, inability to perform voluntary
because the electrical discharge may not be visible
movements, ictal or postictal amnesia (sometimes with
even in long EEG recordings and some patients
preservation of memory during the ictus itself), or to
may have consistently normal EEGs. “Nevertheless,
diversion of attention by a hallucinated experience.5,6
the definition assumes that such an abnormal
See also ‘altered content of consciousness’ in fully alert
electrical discharge could be ascertained under ideal
patients with absence status epilepticus (page 73).
circumstances....Without the electrical discharge
Impaired consciousness according to the 1981
criteria, many other clinical events that are not
epileptic seizures would meet the other definition ILAE report is the inability to respond normally to

criteria”.1 Consider for example the galaxy of clinical exogenous stimuli by virtue of altered awareness and/or

imitators of epileptic seizures in listed chapter 4, responsiveness. Aberrations of behaviour (automatisms)

such as migraine with aura, that may be clinically may occur in patients with impaired consciousness.7
near-identical to epileptic seizures but without a The precise brain mechanisms for control of
causative relation to ictogenesis. Further, “definition consciousness are not fully understood but emerging
of an epileptic seizure becomes operationally data show that conscious information processing
difficult without ascribing it to the brain. Trigeminal depends on the activation of certain networks in the brain
neuralgia, for example, can result from an abnormal and that the impairment of consciousness is related to
enhanced synchrony of neurones in the trigeminal abnormal activity in these systems.8
24 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Other useful or ILAE seizure-related terminology

Aura: A subjective ictal phenomenon that, in a given epileptic seizure as detected by clinical means. Ictal
patient, may precede an observable seizure; if alone, symptoms may happen long after the onset of the
it constitutes a sensory seizure.2 electrical discharges and may appear from areas that
Prodrome: A preictal phenomenon, i.e. a subjective are different from the epileptogenic zone.
or objective clinical alteration (e.g. unlocalised Epileptogenic zone or focus: the brain region that
sensation or agitation), that heralds the onset of an corresponds with the onset of ictogenesis as detected
epileptic seizure but does not form part of it.2 with surface and more accurately invasive EEG (see
Ictus: A sudden neurological occurrence, such as a also page 224). This frequently extends beyond the
structural lesion visualised on neuroimaging (called
stroke or an epileptic seizure.2
epileptogenic lesion) or the epileptogenic cortical area
Ictal: The seizure period or events due to a seizure.
generating inter-ictal spikes (called irritative zone).
Inter-ictal: The interval between seizures.2
Post-ictal: A transient clinical abnormality of CNS
Important clinical notes
function that appears or becomes accentuated when
clinical signs of the ictus have ended.2 Prodrome should not be confused with aura
Single or isolated seizure: One or more epileptic Aura is not synonymous with prodrome; aura is a seizure
seizures occurring in a 24 hour period.3,4 itself, and is brief, lasting seconds or minutes. Prodrome
Symptomatogenic zone: the brain region that is a non-epileptic symptom preceding the onset of an
corresponds with the ictal symptoms and signs of an epileptic seizure by several hours (page 99).10

Classification of epileptic seizures

Epileptic seizures in III. Unclassified epileptic seizures, which cannot be

classified because of inadequate or incomplete
accordance with the data and some that defy classification in hitherto
1981 ILAE classification11 described categories. This includes some neonatal
seizures, e.g. rhythmic eye movements, chewing
The currently valid ILAE Classification of Epileptic
and swimming movements.11
Seizures was made in 1981.11 This is an updated version
IV. Prolonged or repetitive seizures (status epilepticus).
of the classification proposed by Gastaut in 1970,12
with a full description of each seizure in his classic ‘Focal seizures’ are synonymous and exchangeable

book13 and the WHO dictionary of epilepsies.10 with, but preferred to, ‘partial seizures’.14

The 1981 ILAE seizure classification is based on The dichotomy between focal and generalised sei-
clinical and EEG (ictal and inter-ictal) manifestations zures was considered to be necessary ‘because an
(Tables 2.1 and 2.2). Seizures are principally divided abnormal paroxysmal discharge of cerebral neurones
into the following types: may be localised (partial seizures) or simultaneously
I. Partial (focal or local) seizures (with great vari- affect the whole cerebral cortex from onset to
ation in clinical expression and severity). termination (generalised seizures)’.11
II. Generalised seizures (tonic, clonic or tonic–clonic, See page 31 for the recent debate on this
myoclonic and typical or atypical absences). dichotomy.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 25

ILAE classification of partial (focal, local) seizures

Clinical seizure type EEG seizure EEG inter-ictal

type expression
A. Simple partial seizures (consciousness not impaired) Local contralateral Local
1. With motor signs discharge contralateral
a. Focal motor without march starting over the discharge
b. Focal motor with march (jacksonian) corresponding
c. Versive area of cortical
d. Postural representation
e. Phonatory (vocalisation or arrest of speech) (not always
2. With somatosensory or special-sensory symptoms (simple recorded on the
hallucinations, e.g. tingling, light flashes, buzzing) scalp)
a. Somatosensory
b. Visual
c. Auditory
d. Olfactory
e. Gustatory
f. Vertiginous
3. With autonomic symptoms or signs (including epigastric sensation,
pallor, sweating, flushing, piloerection and pupillary dilation)
4. With psychic symptoms (disturbance of higher cerebral function). These
symptoms rarely occur without impairment of consciousness and are
much more commonly experienced as complex partial seizures
a. Dysphasic
b. Dysmnesic (e.g. déjà vu)
c. Cognitive (e.g. dreamy states, distortions of time sense)
d. Affective (e.g. fear, anger)
e. Illusions (e.g. macropsia)
f. Structured hallucinations (e.g. music, scenes)
B. Complex partial seizures (with impairment of consciousness; Unilateral or, Unilateral
may sometimes begin with simple symptomatology) frequently, bilateral or bilateral,
1. Simple partial onset followed by impairment of consciousness discharge, generally
a. With simple partial features (A1 to A4) followed by impaired diffuse or focal asynchronous
consciousness in temporal or focus; usually in
b. With automatisms frontotemporal the temporal or
2. With impairment of consciousness at onset regions frontal regions
a. With impairment of consciousness only
b. With automatisms
C. Partial seizures evolving to secondarily generalised seizures
(this may be generalised tonic–clonic, tonic or clonic) (above
discharges become secondarily and rapidly generalised)
1. Simple partial seizures (A) evolving to generalised seizure
2. Complex partial (B) evolving to generalised seizure
3. Simple partial seizures evolving to complex partial seizures evolving to
generalised seizure

Table 2.1 Adapted with permission from the Commission of Classification and Terminology of the ILAE (1981).11
26 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

ILAE classification of generalised seizures (convulsive and non-convulsive)

Clinical seizure type EEG seizure EEG inter-ictal

type expression
A1. Absence seizures Usually regular and Background activity usually
a. Impairment of consciousness only symmetrical 3 Hz, but may normal, although paroxysmal
b. With mild clonic components be 2–4 Hz spike–slow- activity (such as spikes or
c. With atonic components wave complexes and may spike–slow-wave complexes)
d. With tonic components have polyspike–slow-wave may occur. This activity
e. With automatisms complexes. Abnormalities is usually regular and
f. With autonomic components are bilateral symmetrical
(b–f may be used alone or in combination)
A2. Atypical absence seizures EEG more heterogeneous, Background usually
May have: may include irregular abnormal paroxysmal
a. Changes in tone that are more spike–wave complexes, fast activity (such as spikes or
pronounced than in A1 activity or other paroxysmal spike–slow-wave complexes)
b. Onset and/or cessation that is not actions. Abnormalities are frequently irregular and
abrupt bilateral but often irregular symmetrical
and asymmetrical
B. Myoclonic seizures Polyspike and wave or Same as ictal
Myoclonic jerks (single or multiple) sometimes spike and wave
or sharp and slow waves
C. Clonic seizures Fast activity (10 cycles/s) Spike and wave or polyspike
and slow waves or and wave discharges
occasional spike–wave
D. Tonic seizures Low-voltage, fast activity or Polyspike and wave or spike
a fast rhythm 9–10 cycles/s, and wave or, sometimes,
decreasing in frequency sharp- and slow-wave
and increasing in amplitude discharges
during tonic phase.
Interrupted by slow waves
during clonic phase
E. Tonic–clonic seizures Rhythm at 10 cycles/s Polyspike and waves
decreasing in frequency or spike and wave or,
and increasing in amplitude sometimes, sharp- and slow-
during tonic phase. wave discharges
Interrupted by slow waves
during clonic phase
F. Atonic seizures (astatic) Polyspikes and wave or Polyspikes and slow wave
flattening or low-voltage fast
Combinations of the above may occur,
e.g. B and F, B and D

Table 2.2 Adapted with permission from the Commission of Classification and Terminology of the ILAE (1981).11
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 27

Partial (or focal) seizures (Table 2.1)

Important note
Partial (focal) seizures are those in which, in general,
the first clinical and EEG changes indicate initial The terminology of primarily

activation of a system of neurones limited to a part of and secondarily generalised seizures

11 The terms primarily and secondarily GTCSs should not
one cerebral hemisphere.
be confused with the now obsolete terms of primary (=
Partial seizures are further subclassified chiefly on idiopathic) and secondary (= symptomatic or crypto-
the basis of (1) whether or not consciousness is genic) epilepsy, which either have not been used or
impaired during the attack and (2) whether or not have been rightly abandoned by the ILAE and most
progression to generalised convulsions occurs. physicians. These terms are also not used in the current
A. Simple partial seizures (when consciousness is not ILAE glossary.2 Idiopathic (from the Greek words idios
impaired). = self, own and personal, and pathic = suffer; see also
B. Complex partial seizures (when consciousness is pathology and pathological)16 usually refers to genetically

impaired). Impairment of consciousness may be determined aetiology.7 In the USA idiopathic is tradition-

the first clinical sign or simple partial seizures may ally considered to signify cases of unknown aetiology
and pathogenesis, which is the reason why American
evolve into complex partial seizures.
physicians prefer the term ‘primary’ to ‘idiopathic’.17 Of
A partial seizure may not terminate, but instead
the dictionary definitions of ‘primary’, the following are
progress to a generalised motor seizure.
relevant to its use in the classification of epilepsies:
C. Partial seizures (simple or complex) evolving to
1. Preceding all others in time: earliest, first, initial,
secondarily generalised (tonic–clonic or tonic or clonic) maiden, original, pioneer, prime, primordial. This
seizures. definition would apply to primarily GTCSs (PGTCSs).
2. Not derived from something else: original, prime, primitive.
Generalised seizures (Table 2.2) This definition would apply to idiopathic GTCSs.
Generalised seizures are those in which the first In ILAE classifications and guidelines, as well as other
clinical changes indicate initial involvement of both formal recommendations, the frequency and inconsis-
hemispheres. Consciousness may be impaired and this tency with which the words primary and primarily,

impairment may be the initial manifestation. Motor secondary and secondarily are used are confusing; for
instance, why use ‘primary reading epilepsy’ instead of
manifestations are bilateral. The ictal EEG patterns
‘idiopathic reading epilepsy’?
initially are bilateral and presumably reflect neuronal
A major issue is that the term ‘primary GTCS’, which
discharge, which is widespread in both hemispheres.11
etymologically means and implies ‘idiopathic GTCS’,
Generalised seizures may be convulsive or non- is in fact used for GTCSs of idiopathic, symptomatic
convulsive and vary considerably: mild or severe and cryptogenic epilepsies, particularly in randomised
myoclonic jerks, inconspicuous or severe typical controlled trials of AEDs (see pages 190–193).18
and atypical absences and generalised clonic, tonic Another issue to clarify is that the PI and SmPC of an
or tonic–clonic convulsions.11 AED may indicate that it is licensed for focal epileptic

In this11 and the newer7,14 ILAE epileptic seizure seizures with or without “secondary generalisation”,

classifications, there is a main “distinction between meaning secondarily GTCS only. Tonic, clonic or absence
seizures and possibly epileptic spasms may also result
seizures that are generalized from the beginning
from secondarily generalisation (Table 2.1 and 2.3).
and those that are partial or focal at onset and
become generalized secondarily”,11 with significant 1. Generalised-onset seizures. They are often called
differences in their epileptogenesis, clinical and EEG primarily or primary generalised seizures, although
features, aetiology and management. this is not a formal term used in the ILAE nomen-
28 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

clature. ‘Generalised-onset seizures’ are synony- this ‘inappropriately created the impression that
mous with ‘generalised epileptic seizures’ in the impairment of consciousness had certain mecha-
ILAE classifications. nistic implications related to limbic system involve-
2. Focal-onset generalised seizures (is synonymous ment’ (Figure 2.1) and that ‘complex partial seizures’
to ‘secondarily generalised seizures’ used in the ILAE has been erroneously used as a synonym of ‘temporal
terminology). They are partial (focal) at onset but lobe epilepsy’.7 Although these are correct, there
do not remain localised. They spread and trigger a are significant practical reasons (medicolegal cases,
generalised epileptic seizure. driving and job-related performance) for distin-
A significant and continuing problem of confusion guishing seizures with or without impairment of
may result from the inappropriate use of the terms consciousness. Therefore, I keep using the terms
‘primary’ or ‘secondary’ for the characterisation ‘simple’ and ‘complex’ focal seizures in this book,
of epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes (see while emphasising that (1) ictal impairment of
important note in chapter 5 page 140).15 In idiopathic consciousness is a symptom of either neocortical or
generalised epileptic syndromes, seizures are likely to limbic seizures and (2) complex focal seizures may
be of generalised onset, whereas in cryptogenic and originate from any cerebral lobe and therefore they
symptomatic syndromes, generalised seizures are likely are not synonymous with temporal lobe epilepsy.
to be of focal onset (see important note on page 27).
The newest ILAE report proposes to abandon
The ILAE classification of generalised-onset seizures
the terms simple and complex partial seizures and
is presented in Table 2.2 with the following broad
their distinction.19 An added argument is that “the
distinction based on impairment of consciousness...
A1. absence seizures
was impossible to define in a precise scientific
A2. atypical absence seizures
manner”.19 However, ‘impairment of consciousness’
B. myoclonic seizures
is also a defining symptom of other seizures such as
C. clonic seizures
absence seizures. Therefore, it needs to be defined
D. tonic seizures
and clarified (see important clinical note on page 23)
E. tonic–clonic seizures
F. atonic seizures (astatic). even if ‘complex partial seizures’ are eliminated from
our glossary.
II. The scheme introduced the terms ‘self-limited seizure
Seizure classification types’ for brief seizures and ‘continuous seizure types’
for status epilepticus.7 These terms were unlikely
in the new ILAE
to find any support and they were not used in the
Task Force reports7,14 first edition of this book. Also, ‘continuous seizure
Table 2.3 lists the various types of epileptic seizures types’ is etymologically incorrect because ‘status
approved in the recent ILAE report,7,14 which varies epilepticus’ is sometimes self-limited (see examples
little from the original ILAE seizure classification.11 of absence, autonomic or febrile status epilepticus)
Significant changes in the ILAE Task Force reports and often discontinuous (see examples of myoclonic
are: or complex focal status epilepticus). The terms ‘self-
I. The old term ‘focal’ is reintroduced to replace ‘partial’ limited’ and ‘continuous’ seizure are both rightly
and ‘localisation-related’ epileptic seizures, which is an abandoned in the new ILAE report.
understandable and welcomed change. III. The ILAE Task Force has also introduced the term
However, this new scheme abandons the division ‘epileptic seizure type’, which ‘represents a unique
of focal seizures into ‘simple’ (without impairment diagnostic entity or natural class which ought to be
of consciousness) and ‘complex’ (with impair- defined on the basis of a distinct pathophysiology
ment of consciousness).7 The reason given is that and anatomical substrate’.14
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 29

Epileptic seizures

I. Generalised onset
A. Seizures with tonic and/or clonic manifestations
1. Tonic–clonic seizures
2. Clonic seizures
3. Tonic seizures
B. Absences
1. Typical absences
2. Atypical absences
3. Myoclonic absences
C. Myoclonic seizure types
1. Myoclonic seizures
2. Myoclonic–astatic seizures
3. Eyelid myoclonia
D. Epileptic spasms
E. Atonic seizures

II. Focal onset (partial)

A. Local
1. Neocortical
a. without local spread
i. focal clonic seizures
ii. focal myoclonic seizures
iii. inhibitory motor seizures
iv. focal sensory seizures with elementary symptoms
v. aphasic seizures
b. with local spread
i. jacksonian march seizures
ii. focal (asymmetrical) tonic seizures
iii. focal sensory seizures with experiential symptoms
2. Hippocampal and parahippocampal
B. With ipsilateral propagation to:
1. Neocortical areas (includes hemiclonic seizures)
2. Limbic areas (includes gelastic seizures)
C. With contralateral spread to:
1. Neocortical areas (hyperkinetic seizures)
2. Limbic areas (dyscognitive seizures with or without automatisms [psychomotor])
D. Secondarily generalised
1. Tonic–clonic seizures
2. Absence seizures
3. Epileptic spasms (unverified)

III. Neonatal seizures

Table 2.3 Reproduced with permission from Engel (2006).14

30 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Figure 2.1

The following criteria were used to select specific discharge of the neocortex represents the same
seizure types as possibly unique diagnostic entities, epileptogenic mechanism, regardless of the area
for further hypothesis testing: of neocortex stimulated and the behavioural signs
t Pathophysiological mechanisms: Including electro- and symptoms elicited. Other brain structures
physiological features, neural networks, neuro- and networks should be included (e.g. thalamic
transmitter evidence if known (e.g. increased reticular nucleus for absence seizures versus
excitation and decreased inhibition for general- brain stem for GTCSs).
ised tonic–clonic and some neocortical seizures t Response to AEDs: Selective responsiveness to
versus increased excitation and increased inhi- or exacerbation associated with specific drugs
bition, leading to hypersynchronisation for can suggest a specific mechanism of seizure
absences and some hippocampal seizures). generation.
t Neuronal substrates: For these purposes, the neo- t Ictal EEG patterns: Specific ictal EEG patterns can
cortex is considered a single substrate regardless be necessary diagnostic features of specific seizure
of exact location and function subserved, unless types (e.g. 3 Hz for absences). These should
specific pathophysiological mechanisms differ. reflect specific pathophysiological mechanisms
Thus, focal clonic movements caused by an and anatomical substrates.
epileptogenic abnormality in precentral cortex are t Propagation patterns and post-ictal features: Patterns
not, in any essential way, different from unformed of propagation, or lack of propagation, and post-
visual hallucinations caused by the same type of ictal features, or lack of them, help to define
epileptogenic abnormality in the calcarine cortex pathophysiological mechanisms and anatomical
if the pathophysiological mechanisms are the substrates (e.g. typical absences have no post-
same, just as electrical stimulation induced after ictal dysfunction; contralateral propagation is
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 31

slow for hippocampal seizures versus fast for may arise independently in either hemisphere (e.g,
neocortical seizures; some seizures are strictly bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy or benign
local, others more widespread). epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes).19
The newest ILAE report makes no reference to “epileptic Focal seizures does not necessarily imply that the
seizure type”.19 Therefore, it is assumed that this is no epileptogenic region is limited to a small circumscribed
longer considered to be a diagnostic entity or natural area, nor does generalised seizures imply that the
class. entire brain is involved in initiation of the epileptogenic

Debate on the distinction

Important clarification
between generalised and
In all previous and new ILAE classification the dichotomy
focal seizures between focal and generalised epileptic seizures is
The dichotomy between generalised and focal sei- maintained. A significant deviation has occurred in the
zures is rightly maintained in all ILAE classifications newest ILAE report in that although the distinction is
and their distinction has immense practical maintained for epileptic seizures, it is stated that “for
implications for the evaluation and management epilepsies, recent electro-clinical, imaging and genetic data
of patients. However, there has recently been do not support such a simple dichotomy”.19 Abolishing
significant debate on whether the differences between the distinction between focal and generalised epileptic
generalised and focal (partial) seizures are as sharp syndromes creates significant problems of clinical and
as was initially thought. This is well clarified in the diagnostic significance, as detailed in Chapter 1, page 15.
newest ILAE report, which maintains the dichotomy
between generalised and focal seizures.19 The ILAE Task Force in justifying the decision to
Generalised epileptic seizures are now considered to maintain the distinction between generalised and
originate at some point within, and rapidly engage, focal seizures states:
bilaterally distributed networks. Such bilateral
Although the dichotomy of focal (partial) vs. generalized
networks can include cortical and subcortical
has been criticized, and we have recommended in an
structures, but do not necessarily include the entire
earlier report that these terms should eventually be
cortex. Although individual seizure onsets can appear
discarded because no seizures or syndromes are truly
localised, the location and lateralisation are not
generalized, nor is it likely that many, if any, seizures or
consistent from one seizure to another. Generalised
syndromes are due to a discretely focal epileptogenic
seizures can be asymmetric. 19
process, the Core Group has recognized the value of
Focal epileptic seizures are now considered to originate
distinguishing epileptic seizures that begin in a part
primarily within networks limited to one cerebral
hemisphere. These may be discretely localised or of one hemisphere, from those that appear to begin in
more widely distributed. Some lesions in subcortical both hemispheres at the same time. The Core Group,
structures may produce focal seizures (e.g. however, has been unable to come up with simple
hypothalamic hamartomas). For each seizure type, terms to describe these two situations. Given the
ictal onset is consistent from one seizure to another prevalent usage, and the therapeutic implications, of
with preferential propagation patterns, which can the terms ‘focal’ and ‘generalized,’ we have decided to
involve the contralateral hemisphere. In some cases, retain them, with the understanding that the former
however, there is more than one epileptogenic does not necessarily imply that the epileptogenic region
network, and more than one seizure type, but each is limited to a small circumscribed area, nor does the
individual seizure type has a consistent site of onset. latter imply that the entire brain is involved in initiation
This also applies to cases in which focal seizures of the epileptogenic process.14
32 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The comments of Peter Wolf should also be to something else that we may have to abandon
considered:17 again when new information emerges.Both
The definition of generalised is very simple and pathophysiological and clinical factors render it
straightforward. There are, however, serious problems important to retain the distinction between the focal
with the term which the two subsequent commissions and generalised epileptic seizures and syndromes.
did not pay sufficient attention to. When generalised All seizures “start somewhere”, but there are
seizures are defined as those where the first changes significant pathophysiological, clinical, EEG and
indicate bilateral involvement, the concept of therapeutic differences between focal and generalised
secondary generalisation which also is included in seizures:
the 1981 seizure classification becomes meaningless, t Pathophysiologically, generalised seizures
and a contradiction in itself. Then, in an unexplained start within specific regions that rapidly
way, secondary generalisation is not considered in
engage bilaterally distributed networks while
the same way as bilateral spread of seizure activity
focal seizures begin in other brain areas that
which would seem logical. In complex partial
engage localised and unilateral network of
seizures there is often bilateral involvement, but this
seizure type is not considered as generalised but as
t Clinically, focal seizures start with symptoms
partial. Both localisation-related and ‘generalised’
idiopathic epilepsies are about to be understood as and signs that can be ascribed to specific brain
related variants of system disorders of the brain, with locations while generalised seizures do not
an ictogenesis making pathological use of existing (unless they are secondarily generalised).
functional anatomic networks.17 t EEG, interictal and ictal patterns are
predominantly different between focal and
The explanations given above for the use and
boundaries of the terms generalised and focal generalised seizures as illustrated on many
epileptic seizures would be more than sufficient occasions in this book
and the same applies to the distinction between t Pharmacologically, certain AEDs beneficial for
generalised and focal epileptic syndromes (see focal seizures may have deleterious effects on
important clarification in blue box on page 32 generalised seizures
and chapter 1, page 15). It would be premature The main types of generalised and focal seizures are
and confusing to discard or change these terms described below.

Generalised epileptic seizures

Generalised epilepsy (JME). Almost all focal epilepsies manifest
with secondarily (focal-onset) GTCSs (SGTCSs).
tonic–clonic seizures10,20 The ILAE2 glossary provides the following defi-
A GTCS is the most dramatic seizure type. It is a nitions for GTCSs.
symptom of many idiopathic, cryptogenic or symp- Generalised tonic–clonic seizure (synonym: bilateral
tomatic epilepsies. GTCSs occur in all ages except tonic–clonic seizure [formerly ‘grand mal’ seizure]).
neonates.21 Examples of GTCSs in children include Noun; bilateral symmetrical tonic contraction, then
most febrile seizures and GTCSs in idiopathic gener- bilateral clonic contractions of somatic muscles
alised epilepsies (IGEs), such as juvenile myoclonic usually associated with autonomic phenomena.2
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 33

Generalised-onset tonic–clonic seizures (= PGTCSs) are Onset of GTCS proper

generalised from the onset without warning other At the start of a GTCS, the eyes immediately open and
than by a series of myoclonic jerks or absences that remain open during the whole period of the attack
often herald GTCSs (Figure 2.2). This contrasts with (Figure 2.4). A GTCS may start with asymmetrical lat-
SGTCSs of focal epilepsies in which seizures of focal eral tonic deviation of the head and eyes. This is of
onset do not remain localised but spread and trigger little practical diagnostic significance because it may
a GTCS (Figure 12.3).25 occur in both PGTCSs and SGTCSs, and may be con-
Secondarily generalised tonic–clonic seizures are often tralateral or ipsilateral to the epileptic focus in SGTCSs.
preceded by an aura, motor sensory or other symp- Brief symmetrical or asymmetrical clonic movements
toms of focal seizures. may also occur at the start of a PGTCS or SGTCS, and
The differentiation of PGTCSs from SGTCSs is immediately before the tonic phase. Asymmetrical
of immense clinical significance and is usually easy clonic jerks are more common in SGTCSs and may
using clinical, EEG and MRI findings (Table 2.4). In last for 3–21 s.25 However, lateralisation of SGTCSs
addition, single photon emission CT (SPECT) shows is more likely when head turning is forceful and
increased thalamic cerebral flow only after PGTCSs.24 prolonged, usually in a clonic motion with the chin
Investigation of symptoms and precipitating factors pointing upwards, and eye version to the same side
immediately before the onset of a GTCS is a crucial as the head version allows.26 The ‘sign 4’ (extension of
part of the history taking, with significant diagnostic the elbow on the side contralateral to the epileptogenic
and management implications. focus and with elbow flexion of the ipsilateral side;
Figure 2.5) may also be of lateralising significance
Epidemiology of GTCS when it occurs at the onset of a GTCS.27
PGTCSs are the most serious type of seizures in IGE.
Tonic phase of GTCSs
Their prevalence, frequency and prognosis markedly
The tonic phase is a 10–20 s sustained contraction
depend on the syndrome of IGE (see chapter 13).
of all skeletal muscles, producing a succession of
SGTCSs occur in around 90% of patients with
characteristic body postures. It usually consists of an
focal epilepsies with marked variability in their
initial brief phase of tonic flexion forwards, followed
occurrence, frequency, severity and prognosis (see
by a longer one of tonic extension backwards. In
for example chapters 12, 14 and 15).
tonic flexion, the arms are in elevation, abduction
Clinical manifestations and external rotation, with semiflexion of the elbows;
A GTCS, whether a PGTCS or SGTCS, manifests with: the body is dorsiflexed, and the lower limbs are less
t loss of consciousness from onset to the late phase involved, but there may be flexion, abduction and
of recovery external rotation of the thighs and legs. This converts
t generalised tonic–clonic convulsions
into tonic ventriflexion of the neck and trunk with
t significant autonomic disturbances.
extension of the limbs. The tonic extension phase is
The depiction of GTCSs in this chapter is largely heralded by forced closure of the previously widely
taken from the classic text of Gastaut and Broughton,7 open mouth, which often causes tongue biting. The
which has not been surpassed (Figure 2.3). More ‘epileptic cry’, a high, pinched, loud scream occurring
at this stage, is caused by the tonic contraction of
recent contributions have been made with video-
thoracic abdominal muscles, which forcibly emit air
EEG analyses of PGTCSs and SGTCSs.
across the tightly closed vocal cords. The semiflexed
Ictal events preceding the onset of a GTCS arms slowly lower in adduction until the forearms are
These differ between the PGTCSs and SGTCSs; e.g. crossed in front of the chest. Their subsequent posture
clusters of myoclonic jerks or absences or absence is of extension and pronation at the elbow, with the
status epilepticus precede and herald PGTCSs in fists clenched and wrists extended, or with the fingers
IGEs, whereas SGTCSs develop from focal seizures. extended and wrists flexed. The legs are in extension,
34 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Video-EEG recording of a 23-year-old woman with IGE: numerous

typical absences occurred on awakening and one progressed to a GTCS

A Typical absence seizure evolving to a GTCS

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




Eyes closed Rhythmic semi-opening and closing of eyes

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




Eyes slowly open widely Onset of tonic phase in flexion

150 μV
Prolonged epileptic cry
1 sec

200 μV
5 sec
Clonic convulsions with gradual decrease
Epileptic cry in force and rate

Absence Tonic phase Vibratory phase Clonic phase End Coma

Figure 2.2 Video-EEG recording of a 23-year-old woman with IGE. Numerous typical absences occurred on awakening,
and one progressed to a GTCS (see details in Panayiotopoulos22). (A,B) Continuous recording from onset of the absence
seizure to just before the onset of the vibratory phase of the GTCS. (C) The various phases of the whole seizure from onset
to termination (duration approximately 1 min).
Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos (2000).22

adduction and external rotation. Feet and big toes are appears to be responsible for the cyanosis that results
also in extension (spontaneous Babinski sign). Tonic from inadequate alveolar ventilation. The tonic phase
contraction of the diaphragm and chest wall muscles may be brief for 1–3 s, or last longer for 20 s.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 35

Differentiation of primarily versus secondarily GTCS

Primarily GTCS Secondarily GTCS

GTCS in patients who also have other clinically evident seizures About 90% About 90%
Typical absences About 40% None
Myoclonic jerks About 60% None
Focal seizures None About 90%
GTCS in patients without other clinically evident seizures* About 10% About 10%
Precipitating factors >60% <10%
Consistently on awakening Common Uncommon
Family history of similar epilepsies Common Uncommon
EEG in untreated patients
Generalised discharges About 80% Exceptional
Focal abnormalities alone About 10% About 60%
Generalised discharges and focal abnormalities About 30% Exceptional
High-resolution brain imaging
Focal abnormalities Exceptional About 60%
Normal By definition About 40%

Table 2.4 *It is these patients, who make up about 10% of each category, that constitute the main problem in the differential
diagnosis between primarily and secondarily GTCS. However, other features, such as precipitating factors, circadian
distribution, EEG and brain imaging, are often of diagnostic significance.

Intermediate transitory Recovery phase of GTCSs

(vibratory) phase of GTCSs Immediate post-ictal phase of GTCSs (comatose or stertorous
The tonic phase ends gradually with fine clonus phase): Recovery starts with the cessation of clonic
(vibratory tremor) initially superimposing on domi- convulsions, although the patient remains in a coma,
nant tonic rigidity. The clonus is of waxing amplitude is unresponsive and markedly hypotonic. Respiration
and waning frequency from 8 Hz down to 4 Hz. is restored with a deep inspiration, followed by usually
Distal muscles are affected before the proximal and noisy deep breathing associated with the secretion of
facial masticatory muscles. frothy and bloodstained saliva. Urinary incontinence
Clonic phase of GTCSs occurs only at this stage (Figure 2.4). Faecal
This is characterised by continuously repetitive, incontinence or ejaculation is rare. Skin resistance
massive, symmetrical and synchronous flexor clonic and blood pressure return progressively to pre-seizure
convulsions of the facial, trunk and limb muscula- levels; the patient becomes pale.
ture. They last for 30 s to 1–2 min with progressively Then, 5–8 s later, there may be a new phase of
decreasing force, amplitude and frequency (to 1 Hz). tonic contraction that mainly affects the facial and
They may finally restrict only in the facial muscles or masticatory muscles: teeth are tightly clenched,
end with a massive clonic convulsion. The tongue is and the limbs and trunk (when involved) take a
often bitten repeatedly during this clonic phase and decerebrate-like posture. Autonomic abnormalities
each convulsion may produce an epileptic cry. Towards include mydriasis, tachycardia, sometimes with
the end of the clonic phase, the clonic convulsions marked cardiac arrhythmia, and intense tachypnoea.
may become asynchronous and asymmetrical, and This state is associated with hypometabolism pre-
side-to-side head and eye movements may also occur. dominating in cortical structures.46 It is of variable
Contraction of the bladder sphincter blocks urinary duration, from seconds to 3 or 4 min, or it may not
incontinence until the end of the clonic phase. occur. The patient remains unconscious throughout
36 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Schematic representation of a GTCS




180 210
120 25
160 200
100 23
80 140 190
60 120 170
40 100 150
20 80 130
0 15

extinction recuperation
pre-ictal ictal post-ictal

0 1 2 3
Time (minutes)

Cystogram measuring intravesicular pressure (cm H2O) Respirations per minute (rpm)
Heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) Blood pressure (mmHg)

Figure 2.3 Modified with permission from the classic monograph of Gastaut and Broughton (1972).10

this post-ictal state. Pupillary and cutaneous reflexes complete retrograde amnesia. The usual duration
are absent, deep tendon reflexes are often exag- of the late post-ictal phase (not including the sleep
gerated and the Babinski sign is elicited in half the period) is 2–10 min.
patients. Unilateral pyramidal signs indicate SGTCSs Upon full recovery, the patients are totally amnesic of
of contralateral cortical onset. what happened during the GTCS and most of the post-
Late post-ictal phase of GTCSs: This period of recovery ictal state. However, they are aware that something
is characterised by a gradual return to normality. happened to them mainly because of the memory gap,
Autonomic nervous system function normalises and aching muscles and traumas.
pupillary, cutaneous and tendon reflexes reappear,
but muscle atonia persists. Reactivity to pain stimuli Autonomic changes of GTCS
returns. Cognitive functions also return to normal, Significant autonomic changes occur from the
but confusion and automatisms may initially be onset of a GTCS; they reach their peak at the end
marked (post-ictal epileptic automatisms). The of the tonic phase and progressively improve with
patient is extremely tired and drowsy and goes the onset of the clonic phase. Some continue in the
into a deep and lengthy sleep if left undisturbed. immediate post-ictal phase and return to baseline
On awakening the patient feels exhausted, usually normal function in the late post-ictal phase (see
complaining of severe throbbing headache and with Figure 2.3 for their sequence). Apnoea is prolonged,
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 37

Onset and sequence of a GTCS

Pre-ictal: In this example the patient is relaxing in bed and

eyes are closed

Initial stage of tonic phase in flexion

The eyes open immediately after

the onset and remain open during
the whole period of a GTCS. They
usually close post-ictally.
Asymmetrical postures may occur
both in PGTCS and SGTCS

Second stage of tonic phase in extension

Immediate post-ictal stage with urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence occurs in the immediate post-ictal

stage and not during the convulsions

Figure 2.4
38 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

starting immediately after the epileptic cry, and hypoxia is apparent in the convulsive stages, whereas
lasts throughout the entire tonic and clonic phases pallor becomes apparent in the immediate post-ictal
and, occasionally, into the initial post-ictal period. phase. Piloerection is common. Glandular hyperse-
Heart rate and blood pressure increase markedly cretion produces marked sweating, hypersalivation
to double their pre-seizure values (Figure 2.3). and tracheobronchial secretions.
Bladder (intravesicular) pressure increases sixfold,
Post-ictal metabolic and hormonal changes28
but urinary incontinence is prevented during the
Post-ictal metabolic and hormonal changes occurring
convulsions because of tonic contraction of the
immediately after a GTCS last for approximately
bladder sphincter muscles.
1 hour. The most consistent changes are lactic
Urinary incontinence occurs only in the immediate post- acidosis and the elevation of prolactin and serum
ictal phase (Figure 2.4) because of relaxation of the creatine kinase levels. Rise of prolactin peaks 20 min
urinary sphincter muscles. It does not occur earlier in post-ictally to 5–30 times the baseline levels and
the attack. remains significantly elevated for 1 hour.29

It may be doubted whether they [the loss of urine and

Important note
faeces] are due to epileptic spasm; they may occur after
the fit and be due to loss of control. Serum prolactin levels are normal in GTC status epilep-
John Hughlings Jackson (1878)3 ticus.29
Pupils dilate in the tonic phase and become
unresponsive to light. Hippus (rhythmic pupillary Variants of GTCS
contraction and dilatation) occurs in the clonic It should be emphasised that GTCSs often vary in
phase. Unvarying pupil dilatation occurs again in severity, duration of the tonic and clonic phases,
the immediate post-ictal phase. Skin-colour changes and duration and symptoms of the recovery period.
are profound. Cyanosis caused by apnoea-induced Either the clonic or tonic phase may predominate,

The ‘sign 4’ position

Figure 2.5
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 39

recovery may be very slow or relatively fast, and tracheobronchial secretions or vomiting. It occurs
post-ictal symptoms may be severe or relatively mild. in the post-ictal rather than the ictal phase (when
The tonic phase may be brief followed by lengthy oral secretions are not usually increased and there
clonic convulsions. In children the tonic phase may is cessation of respiratory movements) of a GTCS.
be longer than the clonic phase. These variants of The risk for aspiration pneumonia is higher in
GTCS are sometimes difficult to differentiate from a institutionalised patients and those with swallowing
genuine tonic or clonic seizure.10 difficulties, increased oral secretions,30 lowered
resistance to infection or depressed airway reflexes
Complications of GTCSs28
from drug or alcohol abuse.
The complications of a GTCS are either from a direct
effect of the GTCS manifestations on the body or by Positioning the patient in a lateral decubitus position in
accidents occurring as a result. Trauma of differing the immediate post-ictal phase significantly decreases
types and severity is the most likely complication. the risk of aspiration.30
Skin lesions, aspiration pneumonia, pulmonary Pulmonary oedema is rare, but potentially life
oedema and death may occur. threatening if untreated. It is usually misdiagnosed
Oral lacerations involving the tongue, lip and cheek as aspiration pneumonia. Its exact pathophysiology
occur probably in one out of ten GTCSs.20 These are is unknown. Pulmonary oedema usually resolves
more often unilateral than bilateral. rapidly with oxygen, independent of diuretic use.
Placing an object in the patient’s mouth to prevent It is associated with high mortality mainly of older
tongue biting is erroneous and causes more harm than patients.
good. Mouth closure is so forceful that it can amputate Death: Accidental (falls, drowning) and non-acci-
a finger placed between the teeth or break the teeth if dental deaths (aspiration, pulmonary oedema, cardiac
the object is metallic. arrhythmias, cardiac asystole) may occur during and
immediately after a GTCS. Furthermore, the risk of
Craniocerebral trauma is caused by falls. Severe burns
may occur while cooking or when falling into a fire. sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is
Stress fractures as a direct consequence of a GTCS significantly higher in patients with GTCS than in
without direct trauma occur in 0.3% of cases and patients with other types of seizure.31
are more common in elderly people. They mainly
Ictal EEG of GTCSs10,28
affect the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and are
In routine EEGs the electrical signature of GTCSs is
usually asymptomatic. More serious fractures may
usually masked by muscle artefacts in all derivations,
occur. Vertebral compression and other fractures are
except those from the vertex. Accurate EEG descrip-
the main complications during epilepsy monitoring
tion has been mainly derived from patients who
when AEDs are withdrawn.
were pharmacologically paralysed at the time of the
An astute orthopaedic surgeon referred a young patient GTCS.10
to me with recurrent dislocation of the shoulder during The ictal EEG discharges of GTCSs are diffuse and
sleep. He was not known to have epileptic seizures but generalised with approximately synchronous and
EEG confirmed the diagnosis of IGE. symmetrical amplitude on the corresponding areas
Skin abrasions and lacerations are caused by external of both sides.
trauma during a GTCS. Skin petechial haemorrhages The patterns of PGTCSs and SGTCSs are virtually
over the face, neck and chest, as well as conjunctival indistinguishable from the onset of the tonic phase
haemorrhage, are due to capillary bleeding. to the end of the seizure. GTCSs during sleep have
Aspiration pneumonia is an uncommon (around EEG patterns that are virtually identical to those of
4 of 1600 patients)30 but potentially life-threatening a diurnal attack; they interrupt the electrical activity
complication caused by the aspiration of saliva, of the ongoing sleep.
40 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Tonic phase: The ictal EEG onset of the GTCSs is Aetiology of GTCS
marked by a brief (1–3 s) period of flattening or Any structural or functional brain abnormality can
with low-voltage fast rhythmic activity at about generate a GTCS, which may be a one-off event or
20 Hz or fast spiking. This gradually becomes more a cause of epilepsy with recurrent GTCSs. GTCSs
synchronised, increases in amplitude and slows in occur:
frequency to a sustained 10 Hz rhythm (‘epileptic t in nearly all types of focal or generalised epileptic
recruiting rhythm’ is the preferred term of Gastaut). syndromes (idiopathic, symptomatic and crypto-
See Figure 2.2. genic)
Intermediate phase and clonic phase: Slow waves of t are the most common type of ‘situation-related
increasing amplitude and decreasing frequency epileptic seizures’, acute symptomatic seizures
superimpose and gradually rhythmically interrupt and often occur in ‘diseases frequently associated
the 10 Hz fast rhythms of the tonic phase. Finally, with epileptic seizures or syndromes’.
the EEG assumes a pattern of repetitive, high-ampli-
GTCSs in epileptic syndromes
tude polyspike–slow-wave complexes that increase
PGTCSs are the most serious seizure type of IGEs,
in amplitude and slow down to 1 Hz. The clonic
and SGTCSs are the most serious seizure type of focal
convulsions correspond to the polyspikes, whereas
(idiopathic, symptomatic or cryptogenic) epilepsies.
the periodic muscle atonia corresponds to the slow
waves. See Figures 2.2 and 12.3. GTCSs in ‘situation-related epileptic
The post-ictal period is characterised by diffuse back- seizures’ and acute symptomatic seizures
ground suppression (flat or isoelectric EEG) or PGTCSs and SGTCSs are the most common types
a burst-suppression or triphasic wave pattern of among the situation-related epileptic seizures,13
several seconds to 2 or 3 min (longer in children). such as febrile seizures (see Chapter 5), which are a
This is followed by diffuse slow waves that gradually separate category of acute symptomatic seizures.
increase in frequency and amplitude. The periods Acute (provoked, occasional, reactive) symptomatic
of coma and confusion and the return to normality seizures are epileptic seizures that occur in close
correlate fairly well with dominant delta activity, theta temporal association with a transient CNS insult or
activity and the return of a normal alpha rhythm after transient systemic disturbance.32,33
several minutes. See Figures 2.2 and 12.3. These seizures are presumed to be an acute
Surface electromyography (EMG) shows sustained and manifestation of the insult. The definition of ‘close’
continuous muscle contraction at around 50 Hz, varies with the insult.32,22
which corresponds to the tonic phase of GTCSs Most of the acute symptomatic seizures are PGTCSs
and is concurrent with the EEG recruiting rhythms. or SGTCSs, and their major causes are:
This is followed by repetitive EMG bursts–EMG t structural CNS lesions due to any type of
paucity at the frequency of the slow waves of the infection, brain trauma, cerebrovascular disease,
intermediate phase and spike–wave complexes of primary or metastatic CNS tumour
the clonic phase. The EMG bursts correspond to t metabolic or toxic systemic dysfunction, such
the clonic convulsions. Each slow wave is associated as acute toxic insults due to poisoning or drug
with decrease, then abolition, of muscle tone. See overdose, alcohol or drug withdrawal, eclampsia,
Figure 2.2. metabolic disorders or an electrolyte imbalance
The variants of tonic–clonic seizures have the EEG (such as uraemia, hyponatraemia, hypocalcaemia,
patterns expected based on clinical grounds. Those ketoacidosis and hypoglycaemia).
with relatively prolonged tonic or clonic phases have In certain brain disorders, such as encephalopathies,
correspondingly longer periods of recruiting rhythm there is a combination of metabolic dysfunction and
or polyspike–wave discharges. structural abnormalities.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 41

Each type of acute symptomatic seizure has age, How should we regard hemi-seizures that manifest
gender and time period patterns that reflect the unilaterally in the immature brain owing to poor
occurrence of the underlying cause. Meningitis, myelinisation of the corpus callosum? In this case, the
encephalitis, dehydration and toxic encephalopathy disorder is bilateral, but the onset is clearly unilateral.
predominate in children. Stroke, brain haemorrhage, Do these only occur in infants, or do they also occur
infection, trauma and degenerative disease, such as in children and adults? In some infants, hemi-seizures
dementia, are the main causes in the elderly.34 have focal onset.
The aetiological spectrum of acute symptomatic Some experimental evidence suggests that the
seizures in resource-poor countries (CNS infections, mechanisms of ictal initiation could be different for
dehydration and acute diarrhoea account for a some or even all of these subtypes of GTCSs, and
that there may even be more than one mechanism of
significant number of cases) is different35 from that
initiation within each of the subtypes.14
described in developed countries (cerebrovascular
disorders predominate).
The pathophysiology of
the various stages of GTCSs
Gastaut attributed ‘the entire GTCS to be a diffuse
The pathophysiology of GTCSs is not precisely
subcortical reticular discharge which leads to activa-
known, as also indicated by the ILAE Core Group
tion of inhibitory systems and, at the end of the seizure,
report,14 which raises more questions than answers:
to a transient post-ictal state of cortical depression’.10
GTCSs involve brain stem, possibly prefrontal, and
basal ganglia mechanisms. Ictal initiation of primarily Theories of the synchronous and bilateral
bilateral events are predominantly disinhibitory, but nature of generalised discharges associated
other mechanisms are responsible for ictal evolution with absence seizures and GTCSs (Figure 2.6)
to the clonic phase, involving gradual periodic intro- The centrencephalic, corticoreticular and cortical
duction of seizure-suppressing mechanisms. Several
theories that have been proposed explain the
synchronous and bilateral nature of the generalised
discrete types might be identified – future investigation
discharges associated with absence seizures, GTCSs
is needed to determine which of these types represent
and loss of consciousness. The analysis of these theo-
unique phenomena:
ries by their main protagonists can be found in the
t reactive GTCSs (acutely provoked seizures)
classic book The Physiopathogenesis of the Epilepsies.36
t GTCSs of idiopathic epilepsies
See also more recent reviews in the literature.37,38
t GTCSs of symptomatic epilepsies
Animal and human data suggest that the various
t GTCSs evolving from myoclonic seizures (e.g.
types of generalised epileptic seizures involve selec-
clonic–tonic–clonic seizures in JME and epilepsy
tive networks (while sparing others) that engage
with myoclonic–astatic seizures)
in abnormally synchronous and high-frequency
t GTCSs evolving from absence seizures. neuronal oscillation.
And several questions can be raised: The pathophysiology of absence seizures is better
Do patients with idiopathic focal epilepsies have understood than that for any other type of generalised
primarily as well as secondarily seizures? Some data seizures (Figure 2.6).38–41 It appears that the gener-
suggest that GTCSs in benign childhood epilepsy with alised discharges of spikes and waves associated
centrotemporal spikes are secondarily, although some with absence are generated and sustained by highly
patients with this condition may have PGTCSs as well. synchronised abnormal oscillations between thalamic
What are clonic–tonic–clonic seizures? Are GTCSs and cortical networks, which mainly involve neo-
that evolve from myoclonic seizures the only form, or cortical pyramidal cells of predominantly mesial
are there also true clonic–tonic–clonic seizures (as may frontal cerebral cortex, the reticular thalamic nucleus
be seen in forms of progressive myoclonus epilepsy)? and the relay nuclei of the thalamus. Neither the cortex
42 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

nor the thalamus alone can sustain these discharges, of sustained burst firing. Thus, the generation of
indicating that both structures are involved in their absences is due to a predominance of inhibitory
generation. However, their primary neurocellular activity (mainly GABAB), in contrast to generalised
and neurochemical abnormality is still debated, with or focal convulsive seizures in which an excess of
evidence and arguments for the primary role of either excitatory activity is present.44
the cortex42 or the thalamus.43 More recently, it has The pathophysiology of GTCSs is different to that of
been suggested that seizure activity from an epileptic absence seizures, but there may be a similar interplay
focus within the perioral region of the somatosensory of oscillations in networks intensely involving, not
cortex generalises rapidly over the cortex. During the whole brain homogeneously, but rather the focal
the first cycles of the seizure, the cortex drives the bilateral regions most intensely, especially the frontal
thalamus, whereas thereafter the cortex and thalamus and parietal association cortex, thalamus, basal ganglia
drive each other, thus amplifying and maintaining and brain stem.40,51,52 Some other cortical regions
the rhythmic discharge.37 appear to be relatively spared, or at least less intensely
The basic intrinsic neuronal mechanisms involve involved.47 The cerebellum may also play a role in
low-threshold T-type calcium currents. GABAB GTCS termination and post-ictal suppression.53
receptors play the most prominent role by eliciting In mammals, there are two sets of convulsive
the long-standing hyperpolarisation needed to drive seizure circuitry: the forebrain and brain-stem seizure
low-threshold calcium channels for the initiation circuitry. In humans, focal seizures correspond with

Theories of the generation of generalised

discharges associated with absence seizures and GTCSs


A. Centrencephalic theory45,46 B. Corticoreticular theory47,48



Generation of
absence seizures50

C. Secondary bilateral synchrony theory47 D. Cortical focus theory49

Figure 2.6 CTN, corticothalamic neurones; RTN, reticular thalamic nucleus; RBRF, rostral brain-stem reticular formation.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 43

those of the forebrain circuitry, GTCSs with those of inconspicuous or violent. Concurrent autonomic
the brain-stem circuitry and SGTCSs with forebrain manifestations including apnoea may be prominent.
seizures that secondarily evoke brain-stem seizures.54 Consciousness is impaired. Focal and asymmetric
The clinical and electrophysiological manifestations signs of head or eye deviation may occur. In Lennox–
of GTCSs (including initiation, continuation and Gastaut syndrome, tonic seizures occur more often
termination) in humans closely resemble generalised during slow non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
brain-stem seizures in genetically epilepsy-prone (hundreds of times in some patients) than in states of
rats (GEPR) and Papio papio.54 wakefulness; they do not occur during REM sleep.
Advanced functional neuroimaging techniques Tonic seizures are descriptively classified as:
have been used in the study of spontaneous GTCSs Axial tonic seizures affect the facial, neck, trunk,
of patients with epilepsy51,55 or GTCSs induced by paraspinal, respiratory and abdominal muscles, either
electrotherapy in psychiatric patients.51 On the basis alone or in combination. Symptoms include raising the
of their findings, Blumenfeld, et al51 proposed a head from a pillow, elevation of the eyebrows, opening
model in which GTCSs involve the cortical regions of the eyes, upward deviation of the eyeballs, opening
of seizure onset and selective bilateral regions of of the mouth and stretching of the lips to a fixed smile.
seizure propagation. Corresponding subcortical An ‘epileptic cry’ is common at the onset of attacks.
networks are also involved, whereas other cortical Axorhizomelic tonic seizures are axial seizures that
regions may be relatively spared or even inhibited also involve the proximal (rhizomelic) muscles of
during seizures. The behavioural manifestations the upper and less often the lower limbs. Elevation
of GTCSs can be explained by selective abnormal and abduction or adduction of the upper limbs and
regional cortical excitation and inhibition, together shoulders occur together with the other symptoms
with the involvement of brain-stem networks.51 of axial tonic seizures.
Global tonic seizures are axorhizomelic seizures that also
involve the distal part of the limbs. The arms are forced
Generalised tonic seizures upwards, abducted and semiflexed with clenched fists.
The lower limbs are forced into triple flexion at the hip,
Generalised tonic seizures are convulsive attacks
knee and ankle or into extension. Global tonic seizures
of sustained muscular contractions only, without
often cause forceful falls and injuries.
clonic components. They usually last a few seconds
Tonic seizures are precipitated/facilitated by sleep.
(>2 s to 10 s) but sometimes minutes and thus Startle-induced tonic seizures may be of focal origin.
they are of longer duration than myoclonic jerks
(under a tenth of a second) and epileptic spasms Aetiology
(0.2–2 s). The tonic seizures differ from the tonic The aetiology of generalised tonic seizures is mainly
convulsions of GTCS, which occur in continuity symptomatic. Tonic seizures are the most common
with the subsequent clonic convulsions. In addition, type of seizure (80–100%) in Lennox-Gastaut
the mechanism responsible is probably different to syndrome. They are exceptional or do not occur in
that of the tonic phase of GTCS. epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures or IGE.
Prevalence is high, because generalised tonic seizures
frequently occur in a variety of common epileptic Diagnostic tests
syndromes affecting neonates, infants and children. Interictal EEG is grossly abnormal with frequent runs
Aetiology: The aetiology of generalised tonic seizures of fast rhythms and spikes mainly in non-REM sleep
is mainly symptomatic. and also slow spike–wave discharges.
Ictal EEG comprises low-voltage accelerating fast
Clinical manifestations paroxysmal activity that may be: (a) very rapid (20
Tonic seizures usually have an abrupt onset, may ± 5 Hz) and progressively increasing in amplitude
be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and may be from low to 50–100 μV; and (b) rhythmic discharge
44 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

of around 10 Hz similar to that of the tonic phase of According to the ILAE Task Force,14 generalised
GTCS. Generalised tonic seizures usually correlate with clonic seizures are: “fast rhythmic events (1–2 Hz),
the burst component of the burst-suppression pattern. associated, or not, with impaired consciousness”
Brain imaging and other tests are necessary, because and proposes that their “mechanisms are different
most tonic seizures are symptomatic. from those of the clonic phase of GTCS. In the latter,
the clonic phase represents the phasing in of seizure-
Differential diagnosis suppressing mechanisms, whereas in clonic seizures,
Generalised tonic seizures should be differentiated the repetitive discharges appear to be due primarily
from epileptic spasms, myoclonic attacks, other to rhythmic excitatory discharges.”14
seizures manifesting with combined tonic, clonic Prevalence: Isolated generalised clonic seizures
and other symptoms, and focal tonic seizures. (without the preceding tonic phase of GTCS, or the
Conditions that may mimic tonic seizures include clonic-absence or clonic/tonic complex) are rare. They
hyperekplexia, dystonia and repetitive sleep starts in are reported in neonates and infants (but are often of
neurologically impaired patients, and benign non- focal onset), progressive myoclonic epilepsies (but
epileptic myoclonus in infancy. may be myoclonic jerks with rhythmic or pseudo-
rhythmic occurrence) and hemiconvulsions (which
Management are not generalised seizures).
Treatment with any AED is often disappointing (see
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome). Callosotomy may be Clinical manifestations
the last resort. Clonic seizures may cause:
t repetitive rhythmic flexion and extension
t repetitive rhythmic contraction and relaxation of
Generalised clonic seizures the affected muscles.
Generalised clonic seizures, by definition, manifest In neonates and infants, generalised clonic seizures
with bilateral rhythmic clonic convulsions only. Their may appear as more or less rhythmically repeated,
duration varies from minutes to hours but each clonic bilateral clonic contractions, distributed more or less
event lasts < 100 ms at a rate of 1–3 Hz (Figure 12.3). regularly throughout the entire body and associated
The generalised clonic seizures differ from the clonic with loss of consciousness and massive autonomic
convulsions of GTCS, which occur in continuity symptoms and signs. Clonic seizures are associated
with the preceding tonic convulsions. They also with the loss, or severe impairment, of consciousness.
differ from other types of seizure that manifest with Exceptionally, bilateral clonic convulsions of the
tonic components mixed with myoclonus (e.g. eyelid upper extremities may occur without clouding of
myoclonia) or absence (e.g. myoclonic absence seizures consciousness; however, in these cases, there are
in which the myoclonic component is rhythmic at no EEG generalised spike–wave discharges and the
2.5–4.5 Hz, is clonic rather than myoclonic and has seizures originate in the supplementary motor area.
a tonic component). The mechanisms responsible Also, some children with benign myoclonic epilepsy
for generalised clonic seizures (rhythmic excitatory of infancy may have generalised clonic seizures
discharges) are probably different from those in exclusively during sleep or on awakening, which are
the clonic phase of GTCS (phasing in of seizure- prolonged (up to 15–20 min) and can cause cyanosis
suppressing mechanisms). Clonic seizures should without loss of consciousness.
also be distinguished from myoclonic seizures; clonic
seizures are rhythmic at 1–5 Hz, whereas myoclonic Aetiology
seizures are singular or irregular recurrent events. The aetiology is usually symptomatic. Generalised
Thus, the ILAE defines clonic seizures as ‘rhythmic clonic seizures alone are not specific to any
myoclonus’ at a frequency of about 2–3 Hz.11 syndrome.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 45

Diagnostic tests may also occur in older children with epileptic

Interictal EEG can range from normal to grossly encephalopathies (see Chapter 10).
abnormal. Epileptic spasms are usually symmetrical and may
Ictal EEG: Each clonic convulsion corresponds to a involve widespread muscle groups or only the neck
generalised discharge of spike and multiple spikes (bobbing of the head or grimacing), abdomen (mild
or, more rarely, a mixture of rapid rhythms and slow bending) or shoulders (a shrug-like movement).
waves. Lateralising features may occur. Subtle epileptic
Brain imaging and other tests are needed to detect the spasms may appear as episodes of yawning, gasping,
facial grimacing, isolated eye movements and
underlying pathology.
transient focal motor activity. The more common
Differential diagnosis form manifests with moderate flexion of the hips,
The main problem is to differentiate clonic seizures the upper trunk and the head. The arms are almost
from myoclonic seizures and from seizures manifesting always involved, being abducted, elevated and in a
semi-flexed position. The force is usually violent but
with clonic convulsions in continuity or together with
may also be mild or intermediate. Falls are common.
tonic, absence and myoclonic manifestations. In early
Alteration and pauses of respiration during the
childhood and the epileptic encephalopathies, GTCS
spasms are common (60%) while changes in heart
may appear only as generalised clonic convulsions,
rate are rare. The end of the attack is often followed
in which the preceding tonic phase is brief and
by a cry or laughter. Post-ictally, there may be a brief
(< 90 s) arrest of motion and responsiveness. On rare
occasions, this ‘arrest’ constitutes the entire seizure.
Epileptic spasms usually occur in clusters, often on
Pure generalised clonic seizures probably require
AEDs that are suitable for generalised seizures.
Spasms may be flexor, more often flexor-extensor and
Phenobarbital may be preferred in neonates.
less frequently extensor (see West syndrome page 276).

Epileptic spasms are precipitated by the half-awake

Epileptic spasms56,57 state before sleep or after waking, sudden loud noises,
Synonyms: infantile spasms, salaam spasms. tactile stimulation and feeding, but not by light.
Epileptic spasms are seizures that may be
generalised, focal, or of unclear onset.19
Epileptic spasms may be idiopathic or cryptogenic,
Epileptic spasms are sudden and brief bilateral tonic
but is mainly symptomatic. Epileptic spasms are seen
contractions of the axial and proximal limb muscles
in West syndrome and young children with epileptic
with abrupt onset and termination (Figure 10.1). They
encephalopathies. Reversible causes include drugs
usually last for around 1 s (range 0.2–2 s) and thus they such as theophylline and ketotifen.
are of longer duration than myoclonic jerks (<0.1 s) but
of shorter duration than tonic seizures (usually 2–10 s) Diagnostic tests
(Figure 2.8). Interictal EEG shows hypsarrhythmia, modified
Prevalence of epileptic spasms must be higher than hypsarrhythmia or the slow waves of the epileptic
that of West syndrome (which is around 0.5/1000 encephalopathies.
babies), because they also have other aetiologies. The ictal EEG is heterogeneous. The most common
pattern is an electrodecremental event. A high
Clinical manifestations amplitude, biphasic, slow wave or spike and wave
The most common and characteristic form of epileptic activity may occur.58,59
spasms is with West syndrome but epileptic spasms Brain imaging and other tests are usually necessary.
46 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Differential diagnosis t rhythmic, arrhythmic or oscillatory (often resem-

Includes exaggerated startle responses, ‘colic and bling a very fast tremor)
abdominal pain’, non-epileptic episodic disorders, t spontaneous, reflex (photic, acoustic, somatosen-
gastro-oesophageal reflux and benign myoclonus of sory, reading) or action (movement or intention
early infancy or Fejerman syndrome (See Chapter 4). to move) induced
t related to sleep, awakening or alert stages
Management t brief bursts or repetitive and continuous for
Treatment comprises vigabatrin, adrenocorticorti- hours and sometimes for days.
cotrophic hormone and corticosteroids. See also
West syndrome (Chapter 10, page 283). Classification of myoclonus62–66
Myoclonus may be:
t a normal (physiological) phenomenon such as
Myoclonus hiccups (singultus) or hypnagogic jerks (sleep
There is no generally accepted, precise definition of
t an abnormal (epileptic or non-epileptic) symp-
‘myoclonus’ and there is a long-standing source of
tom of a wide range of different disorders with
confusion and debate about the term and concept
regard to aetiology, semiology, nosology, patho-
of epileptic and non-epileptic ‘myoclonus’.60–62
physiology and prognosis.
‘Myoclonus’ is a descriptive term for heterogeneous
The two main classification systems of myoclonus
phenomena such as ‘sudden brief jerk caused by
are based on aetiology (Table 2.5) and physiology
involuntary muscle activity’, ‘quick muscle regular
(Table 2.6).
or irregular jerks’, ‘a sudden brief, shock-like
muscle contraction arising from the central nervous Epileptic myoclonus
system’, and ‘abrupt, jerky, involuntary movements There are various definitions of what epileptic myo-
unassociated with loss of consciousness’. clonus is: ‘myoclonus is termed epileptic when it
Myoclonus is probably best defined as sudden jerks occurs in combination with cortical epileptiform
typically lasting 10–50 ms, with the duration of discharges. In some cases, the latter may be demon-
movements rarely longer than 100 ms (Figure 2.7).63 strated only by the technique of back-averaging’64 or
The ILAE definition for myoclonus2,14 is: ‘myoclonus is epileptic, when generated in the cortex,
Myoclonic (adj.); myoclonus (noun): sudden, brief and non-epileptic, when generated in subcortical
(<100 ms), involuntary, single or multiple contraction(s) structures’. Others prefer indirect definitions such as
of muscles(s) or muscle groups of variable topography ‘epileptic myoclonus is the presence of myoclonus in
(axial, proximal limb, distal).2 the setting of epilepsy’62 or ‘myoclonic seizures are
epileptic seizures in which the motor as well as the
main manifestation is myoclonus’.62
Description of myoclonus
I propose the following definition of epileptic
Myoclonic jerks are shock-like, irregular and often
myoclonus, which is in compliance with the current
arrhythmic, unidirectional, clonic, twitching move-
ILAE definition of an epileptic seizure:
ments that are singular or occur in irregular clusters.
They are of variable amplitude, force, location, Epileptic myoclonus is a transient (<100 ms)
duration, precipitating factors and circadian distri- involuntary single or multiple muscle jerk due to
bution. abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity
Myoclonic jerks may be: in the brain.1
t focal, segmental, multifocal or generalised Myoclonic seizures are briefer than tonic seizures
t mild, causing minor and inconspicuous flick- and epileptic spasms (Figure 2.7). According to the
ering, or massive with traumatic falls recent ILAE report:14
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 47

Myoclonus versus clonic, tonic, atonic seizures and epileptic spasms

Positive myoclonus
<100 msec

300 msec

Negative myoclonus
<500 msec

300 msec

Positive-negative myoclonus
<500 msec

300 msec

Clonic seizures
<100 msec at 2–3 Hz

400 msec

Epileptic spasms
0.2–2 sec

600 msec

Tonic seizures
2–10 sec

1 sec

Atonic seizures
1–2 sec

500 msec

Figure 2.7 Illustrative EMG presentation of positive and negative myoclonus, clonic, tonic and atonic seizures and epileptic
Reproduced with permission from Panayiotopoulos (2006).23

The distinction between myoclonic seizures and clonic also occur. The slowly rhythmic events of subacute
seizures is not clear. Classically, clonic seizures are rapid sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) used to be considered
rhythmically-recurrent events, whereas myoclonic epileptic myoclonus but are more accurately epileptic
seizures are single, or irregularly recurrent events. spasms, those with biPEDs (bilaterally synchronous
The prototype of generalized myoclonic seizures are periodic laterilizing epileptiform discharges) in coma-
those occurring with JME. These are typically bilateral tose patients also are not necessarily epileptic, and
and symmetrical, but localized reflex myoclonus can their cause is usually not clearly defined. Differential
48 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

diagnosis between myoclonic and clonic seizures can t one component of an epileptic attack combining
be difficult because a single jerk can be a fragment of a in continuity with another type of seizure such as
clonic seizure. myoclonic–atonic seizures, myoclonic absence
Working groups will be convened to specifically seizures, myoclonic tonic–clonic seizures.
evaluate myoclonic epileptic phenomena, including Epileptic myoclonus is commonly accompanied by
generalised EEG discharges of mainly polyspikes,
negative myoclonus and atonic seizures, compare them
as in the generalised epilepsies. However, the ictal
with non-epileptic myoclonic phenomena, and develop
EEG may show focal abnormalities only (idiopathic
uniform criteria and terminology for these diagnoses.14
reading epilepsy) or be entirely normal, requiring
The epileptic myoclonus may be: documentation with jerk-locked back-averaging
t generalised such as myoclonic jerks in JME techniques.
(Figure 2.8) The cause of epileptic myoclonus may be idiopathic,
t segmental such as eyelid myoclonia in Jeavons cryptogenic or symptomatic.
Epileptic negative myoclonus2,64,68
t focal such as epilepsia partialis continua (EPC)
Most myoclonic jerks are caused by abrupt muscle
of Kozhevnikov or jaw myoclonus of idiopathic contraction (positive myoclonus), but similar jerks are
reading epilepsy sometimes caused by sudden cessation of muscle
t the only manifestation of an epileptic seizure, as contraction associated with a silent period in the
in the above examples ongoing EMG activity (negative myoclonus).

Aetiological classification of myoclonus,

including its multiple and heterogeneous causes62,65



Symptomatic causes are more common and include post-hypoxia, toxic–metabolic disorders, reactions to
drugs, storage disease and neurodegenerative disorders

Table 2.5

Physiological classification of myoclonus

based on presumed locations of its generators63,66


Table 2.6 *Some authorities also consider thalamocortical and reticular reflex myoclonus as belonging in this classification
(see page 46).
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 49

Epileptic negative myoclonus, focal or generalised, and the motor cortex, probably depending on aetiol-
is a motor symptom characterised by abrupt and ogy.64 It occurs in heterogeneous epileptic disorders
brief (<500 ms) stoppage of muscular activity, not of idiopathic, cryptogenic and mainly symptomatic
preceded by any enhancement of EMG activity origin. Patients may manifest with positive and
(Figure 2.7).68 negative myoclonus in various proportions, either
Negative myoclonus of cortical origin may be independently or in combination.63 When both
associated with an EEG spike or spike–wave forms of myoclonus occur in combination, the abrupt
complex but it is often difficult to establish exactly increase in muscle discharge (positive myoclonus)
the temporal and spatial relationship between the often precedes the onset of the silent period (negative
EMG silent period and the associated EEG spike on myoclonus), but occasionally follows its offset.63 In
conventional EEG/EMG recordings. these cases it is often difficult to determine precisely
Epileptic negative myoclonus may originate from whether the EEG spike is directly related to the
various brain areas, including the premotor cortex activated or inhibited EMG phase.

ILAE classification
of epileptic myoclonus
Violent myoclonic jerks of the hands
The ILAE classifies myoclonic seizures among gener-
associated with typical EEG manifestations
alised epileptic seizures (that simultaneously affect
both cerebral hemispheres):11 ‘myoclonic seizures:
includes massive bilateral myoclonus, eyelid myo-
clonia, myoclonic–atonic seizures, myoclonic absence
seizures, negative myoclonus’. Also, in tonic–clonic
C4–A2 seizures they ‘include variations beginning with
a clonic or myoclonic phase’.11 However, it is also
recognised that other types of myoclonus are focal;
for example, EPC or reading epilepsy.7
P3–A1 The new ILAE report11 gives the following descrip-
tion for some types of myoclonic-related epileptic
O1–A1 Myoclonic–atonic seizures: These are characterised by
F p2–A2
a myoclonic–atonic sequence. Symmetrical myo-
clonic jerks of the arms or irregular twitching of the
F p1–A1
face precedes the more or less pronounced loss of
F8–A2 tone.2,69,70
Myoclonic–astatic seizures: These seizures occur typi-
cally in epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures.
There is a question about whether the astatic
T3–A1 component is an atonic seizure.14
Eyelid myoclonia: The degree to which these recurrent
events (5 or 6 Hz) are associated with impairment of
T5–A1 consciousness has not been adequately documen-
150 μV
ted, but should be. In some patients they can be
1 sec
provoked by eye closure. Nonetheless, the seizure
Figure 2.8 Figure reproduced with permission from type does exist as a unique entity.14 See, however,
Panayiotopoulos, et al (1994).67 Chapter 16, page 514.
50 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Pathophysiological pine (see Chapter 12).73,74 In these situations,

categorisation of epileptic myoclonus atypical myoclonic status epilepticus may occur
The ILAE Commission on Pediatric Epilepsy and consists of continuous unilateral or bilateral
categorised epileptic myoclonus, pathophysiolog- contractions of the mouth, tongue or eyelids,
ically, into:64 positive or negative subtle perioral or other
t cortical myoclonus myoclonia, dysarthria, anarthria or speech arrest,
– spontaneous cortical myoclonus63 difficulties in swallowing, buccofacial apraxia
– reflex cortical myoclonus63 and hypersalivation
– EPC63
t epileptic encephalopathies and congenital non-
t thalamocortical myoclonus
progressive encephalopathy of various causes
t reticular reflex myoclonus
(see Chapter 10)64
t negative myoclonus.
t progressive myoclonic epilepsies (see Chapter
Cortical myoclonus may be focal or multifocal.
Patients with cortical myoclonus commonly have
t EPC (see Chapter 15).
both positive and negative myoclonus, together
or independently. Cortical myoclonus is usually
more severe than myoclonus of other categories,
Atonic seizures69,70,75,76
and patients with cortical myoclonus often develop
generalised convulsive seizures. Atonic seizure: A sudden loss or diminution of muscle
Myoclonus in progressive encephalopathies is tone without an apparent preceding myoclonic or tonic
of the cortical type, and EPC is a distinct form of event, lasting approximately 1 or 2 s, involving the
cortical myoclonus. head, trunk, jaw or limb musculature (Figure 2.7).2
Thalamocortical myoclonus occurs in: Atonic seizures are not synonymous with astatic
t IGEs such as benign myoclonic epilepsy of seizures, which are defined as follows:
infancy and JME71 Astatic seizure (synonym: drop attack): A loss of erect
t myoclonic absence seizures where a combination posture that results from an atonic, myoclonic or
of positive and negative myoclonus exists; tonic mechanism.2,69
the muscle jerk is associated with the positive Thus, an atonic seizure could also be called an
component of a spike that precedes its negative astatic seizure, but not all astatic seizures are atonic
transient, whereas negative myoclonus follows as they may also be myoclonic or tonic-astatic.
the spike by 100 ms, and its onset is before the Furthermore, atonic seizures are not akinetic seizures.
onset of the slow wave In akinetic seizures there is an inability to perform
t Dravet syndrome
voluntary movements that is not caused by loss of
t myoclonic–astatic epilepsy.
consciousness (as, for example, in absence seizures)
or by loss of muscle tone (as in atonic seizures).
Myoclonus and epileptic syndromes64
Epileptic myoclonus is a common symptom in the Atonic seizures often occur in continuation with a
following epileptic syndromes: preceding myoclonic seizure, so-called myoclonic–
t IGEs (see Chapter 13)71,72 atonic seizures (see page 49).
t idiopathic focal epilepsies:72 idiopathic reading Some atonic seizures may manifest solely with
epilepsy is a characteristic syndrome with focal atonic symptoms. In others, there is a brief myoclonic
jaw myoclonus (see Chapter 17) or tonic component preceding the atonic manifest-
t in idiopathic focal epilepsies such as rolandic ations. When these events are very short, they have
epilepsy and Panayiotopoulos syndrome, posi- been referred to as negative myoclonus. Also, a
tive and negative myoclonus may occur in either number of seizure types, such as typical and atypical
atypical evolutions or be induced by carbamaze- absences, often manifest with atonic symptoms.14
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 51

Atonic seizures often occur in epilepsies with and may include any agent suitable for generalised
onset before the age of 5 years and predominate in epilepsies. Corpus callosotomy may be the only choice
‘epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures’ or epileptic for devastating atonic seizures with traumatic falls.
encephalopathies such as Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.

Clinical manifestations77 Typical absence seizures39,71,78

The manifestations of atonic seizures range from
Typical absences (previously known as petit mal) are
falls to only head nodding. Recovery is usually
brief (lasting seconds) generalised epileptic seizures
immediate, occurring within 1–2 s.
of abrupt onset and abrupt termination. They have
In falls from the standing position, the patient
two essential components:
suddenly flexes at the waist and knees, followed by
1. a clinical component manifesting with impair-
further knee flexion, and then drops straight down
and lands on the buttocks. When sitting, the patient ment of consciousness (absence)
falls forward or backward depending on the position 2. an EEG component manifesting with general-
of the centre of gravity. Consciousness is usually ised spike–slow-wave discharges of 3 or 4 Hz
intact. However, longer atonic seizures with loss of (>2.5 Hz).11,78
consciousness do occur; the patient falls down and The absence seizures are fundamentally different and
remains mute and motionless. pharmacologically unique compared with any other
type of seizure, which also makes their treatment
Aetiology different.78
Aetiology may be idiopathic, cryptogenic and
The term ‘typical’ is used not to characterise them
symptomatic. They predominate in ‘epilepsy
as ‘classic’, but to differentiate them from ‘atypical’
with myoclonic–atonic seizures’ or epileptic
absence seizures.
encephalopathies such as Lennox–Gastaut
syndrome. Atonic seizures also result from acquired The clinical and EEG manifestations of typical
central nervous system insults, including those of absences are extensive and syndrome related
childhood cancer with uncontrolled seizures. (Figure 2.9).
Impairment of consciousness may be severe, mod-
Diagnostic tests erate, mild or inconspicuous (and special cognitive
Interictal EEG is usually very abnormal, as in the testing may be required to detect it). It is often
epileptic encephalopathies. Ictal EEG reveals brief associated with other concomitant symptoms, such
generalised 2–3 Hz spikes/polyspikes and slow waves. as myoclonia, automatisms or autonomic distur-
Atonic seizures associate with the slow wave and show bances. Myoclonia may be rhythmic or random, mild
sudden interruptions of EMG acivity in the affected or severe, regional (mouth or eyes) or widespread
musculature (EMG silence). Brain imaging and other (head, limbs and trunk).
testing is as for the epileptic encephalopathies.
Typical absences are predominantly spontaneous,
although they are precipitated by hyperventilation
Differential diagnosis
in around 90% of untreated patients. Other specific
The main difficulty is in differentiating atonic seizures
from other types of seizure that may cause falls. modes of precipitation include photic, pattern, video
This often requires polygraphic neurophysiological games and thinking (reflex absences).
techniques. The ictal EEG consists of generalised discharges
with repetitive and rhythmic 3 or 4 Hz single or mul-
Management tiple spike–slow-wave complexes. These generalised
Atonic seizures are very difficult to control. AED spike–wave discharges (GSWD) may be brief
treatment usually involves rational polytherapy (sometimes <3 s) or long (≥30 s), and continuous
52 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Examples from video-EEG-recorded generalised discharges of

3-Hz spikes or polyspikes and waves of typical absence seizures
Childhood absence epilepsy

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

200 μV
1 sec
Juvenile absence epilepsy

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

150 μV
1 sec
Symptomatic myoclonic absence epilepsy

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

100 μV
1 sec

Phantom absences Absences with single myoclonic jerks

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

200 μV
1 sec

IGEs of undefined classification Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

150 μV 200 μV
1 sec 1 sec

Figure 2.9 These seven patients had different syndromes of idiopathic and symptomatic absence epilepsies. Note that
the GSWD may be brief or prolonged, with or without polyspikes and of regular or irregular sequence. Also, note that the
intradischarge frequency of the spike–wave complexes may show marked diversity. Although there are significant variations
between different syndromes, the GSWD is not itself pathognomonic of any syndrome. The syndromic diagnosis requires
homogenous clustering of symptoms and signs.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 53

or fragmented. The intradischarge frequency of the with a blank stare. If the patient is speaking, speech
spike–wave may be relatively constant or may vary. is slowed or interrupted; if walking, he or she stands
Typical absence seizures in IGE syndromes: Typical transfixed. Usually the patient will be unresponsive
absences are severe in childhood absence epilepsy when spoken to. Attacks are often aborted by
(CAE) and juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE), but auditory or sensory stimulation.
mild or inconspicuous in other syndromes, such In less severe absences, the patient may not stop his
as JME. They may occur alone or in combination or her activities, although reaction time and speech
with other types of generalised seizures. IGEs with may slow down.
absences may remit with age or be lifelong. In their mildest form, absences may be
Typical absence status epilepticus occurs in inconspicuous to the patient and imperceptible to
about a third of patients who have typical absence the observer (phantom absences), as disclosed by
seizures.79 video-EEG recordings showing errors and delays
during breath counting or other cognitive tests
Clinical manifestations11,39,78 during hyperventilation.
The clinical manifestations of typical absence seizures Absence with clonic or myoclonic components: During
vary significantly between patients. Impairment of the absence, as described above, clonic motor
consciousness may be the only clinical symptom, manifestations, rhythmic or arrhythmic and singular
but it is often combined with other manifestations. or repetitive, are particularly frequent at the onset.
Typical absences are categorised as: They may be continuous. They may also occur at
t simple absences with impairment of conscious-
any other stage of the seizure. The most common
ness only manifestations are clonic jerking of the eyelids,
t complex absences when impairment of con-
eyebrows and eyeballs, together or independently,
sciousness combines with other ictal motor
as well as random or repetitive eye closures. Fast
flickering of the eyelids is probably the most common
Complex absences are far more frequent than simple
ictal clinical manifestation, and may occur during
absences in children. Simple absences are more
brief GSWD without discernible impairment of
common in adults. The same patient may have both
consciousness. Myoclonias at the corner of the mouth
simple and complex absences.
and jerking of the jaw are less common. Myoclonic
Absence with impairment of consciousness only: The
jerks of the head, body and limbs may be singular or
classic80 and ILAE11 descriptions refer to absence sei-
rhythmical and repetitive, and they may be mild or
zures with severe impairment of consciousness, such
violent. In some patients with absence seizures, single
as CAE and JAE:
myoclonic jerks of the head and, less often, of the
Transient loss of consciousness without conspicuous limbs may occur during the progression of ictus.
convulsions. A patient stops for a moment whatever In the so-called myoclonic absences, the myo-
he or she is doing, very often turns pale, may drop clonic components of these seizures are rhythmic
whatever is in the hand… There may be a slight stoop (2.5–4.5 Hz) clonic rather than myoclonic and have
forward, or a slight quivering of the eyelids… The a tonic component. “The seizure type should be
attack usually lasts only a few seconds. The return of called something else, but there is no agreement on
the consciousness may be sudden and the patient after another name at this time.”14
the momentary lapse, may be in just the same state Absence with atonic components: Diminution of
as before the attack, may even continue a sentence or muscle tone is usual when absences are severe.
action which was commenced before it came on, and This manifests with drooping of the head and,
suspended during the occurrence.80 occasionally, slumping of the trunk, dropping of
The hallmark of severe absence seizures is a sudden the arms and relaxation of the grip. Rarely, tone is
onset and interruption of ongoing activities, often sufficiently diminished to cause falls.
54 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Absence with tonic components: Tonic seizures alone and stable in the initial phase (first 3 s), and slows
do not occur in IGEs. However, tonic muscular down towards the terminal phase (last 3 s).81 The
contractions are common concomitant manifesta- intradischarge relationship between spike/polyspike
tions during typical absence seizures. They mainly and slow wave frequently varies. The GSWD are
affect facial and neck muscles symmetrically or often of higher amplitude in the anterior regions.
asymmetrically. The eyes and head may be drawn Duration of the discharges commonly varies from
backwards (retropulsion) or to one side, and the 3 s to 30 s.
trunk may arch. The background inter-ictal EEG is usually normal.
Absence with automatisms: Automatisms are common Paroxysmal activity (such as spikes or spike–wave
in typical absences when consciousness is suf- complexes) may occur. Focal spike abnormalities
ficiently impaired, and they are more likely to occur and asymmetrical onset of the ictal 3 to 4 Hz spike–
4–6 s after the onset of GSWD. They do not occur wave discharges are common.
in mild absence seizures irrespective of duration,
as, for example, in absence status epilepticus. Auto- Pathophysiology of absence seizures
matisms of typical absence seizures are simple and See page 41 and Figure 2.6 for the pathophysiology
void of behavioural changes. They vary in location of absence seizures.
and character from seizure to seizure. Perioral auto- The ILAE Task Force Core Group14 considers that:
matisms, such as lip licking, smacking, swallowing
Although the pyknoleptic manifestations of typical
or ‘mute’ speech movements, are the most common.
absences in CAE have been suggested to differ by
Scratching, fumbling with clothes and other limb
shorter duration from the longer-duration, less
automatisms are also common. Automatisms can be
frequent absences of JAE, based upon what we
evoked; passive movements, postural repositioning
currently know, it seems likely that they do not
or other stimuli can change their pattern and
represent two mechanisms, but merely the evolution
Absence with autonomic components: Autonomic com- of a single mechanism as the brain matures.
ponents consist of pallor and, less frequently, flush- Phantom absences also are likely to be a result of
ing, sweating, dilatation of the pupils and urinary brain maturation. A working group will be convened
incontinence. to study whether absences of CAE and JAE represent
Absences with focal motor components, hallucinations two seizure types or a spectrum of the same
and other manifestations of neocortical or limbic seizure type, and to better define associated motor
symptomatology: During a typical absence seizure, components.14
patients frequently manifest with concomitant
Diagnosing absences
focal motor components (tonic or clonic)
imitating focal motor seizures. Hallucinations
and differential diagnosis
and other manifestations such as concurrent The brief duration of absence seizures, with abrupt
epigastric sensations82 may occur; these are, in onset and abrupt termination of ictal symptoms,
particular, more apparent during absence status daily frequency and almost invariable provocation
epilepticus.78 by hyperventilation, makes the diagnosis easy.
The differential diagnosis of typical absence
Electroencephalography seizures with severe impairment of consciousness
The ictal EEG is characteristic with regular and in children is relatively straightforward. The
symmetrical 3 or 4 Hz GSWD (Figure 2.9). The absences may be missed if mild or void of myoclonic
intradischarge spike–wave frequency varies from components. Automatisms, such as lip smacking or
onset to termination. It is usually faster and unstable licking, swallowing, fumbling or aimless walking,
in the opening phase (first 1 s), becomes more regular are common and should not be taken as evidence
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 55

Differential diagnosis of typical absences from complex focal seizures

Typical absences Complex focal seizures

Clinical criteria
Duration <30 s As a rule Exceptional
Duration >1 min Exceptional As a rule
Non-convulsive status epilepticus Frequent Rare
Daily frequency As a rule Rare
Simple automatisms Frequent Frequent
Complex behavioural automatisms Exceptional Frequent
Simple and complex hallucinations or illusions Exceptional Frequent
Bilateral facial myoclonic jerks or eyelid closures Frequent Exceptional
Evolving to other focal seizure manifestations Never Frequent
Sudden onset and termination As a rule Frequent
Post-ictal symptoms Never Frequent
Reproduced by hyperventilation As a rule Exceptional
Elicited by photic stimulation Frequent Exceptional

EEG criteria
Ictal generalised 3 to 4 Hz spike and wave Exclusive Never
Inter-ictal generalised discharges Frequent Exceptional
Inter-ictal focal abnormalities of slow waves Rare Frequent
Normal EEG in untreated state Exceptional Frequent

Table 2.7 The primary differences are shown in red.

of complex partial (focal) seizures, which require t clinical symptoms of mild-to-severe impairment
entirely different management. of consciousness (absence), often significant
The EEG or, ideally, video-EEG can confirm the changes in tone with hypotonia and atonia, mild
diagnosis of typical absence seizures in more than tonic or autonomic alterations
90% of untreated patients, mainly during hyper- t EEG discharges of slow spike–wave (1–2.5 Hz),
ventilation. If not, the diagnosis of absences should which are often irregular and heterogeneous and
be questioned.
may be mixed with fast rhythms.11,78,84 They also
The differentiation of typical absences from complex
innvade limbic areas.85
focal seizures may be more difficult when the motor
Their duration, determined by EEG changes rather
components of the absence are asymmetrical and in
adults in whom absences are often misdiagnosed as than clinical manifestations, ranges from 5–10 s
temporal lobe seizures (Table 2.7).83 to minutes. A patient may have few or numerous
atypical absences each day.
Atypical absences occur only in the context of mainly
Atypical absence seizures10,84 severe symptomatic or cryptogenic epilepsies of chil-
Atypical absences are generalised epileptic seizures dren with learning difficulties, who also suffer from
of inconspicuous start and termination with the frequent seizures of other types. They are common in
following: Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, epileptic encephalopathy
56 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

with continuous spike and waves during sleep, and t in atypical absences, onset and termination are
epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures. not as abrupt as in typical absences, and changes
The differentiation of typical from atypical absence in tone are more pronounced
seizures is shown in Table 2.8: t the ictal EEG of atypical absence has slow
t patients with atypical absences usually have (<2.5 Hz) GSWD. These are heterogeneous, often
learning disabilities and also suffer from frequent asymmetrical, and may include irregular spike–
seizures of other types, such as atonic, tonic and wave complexes and other paroxysmal activity.
myoclonic seizures Background inter-ictal EEG is usually abnormal.

Clinical tip

In practical terms, a child suspected of typical absences should be asked to overbreathe for 3 min, counting his or her
breaths while standing with hands extended in front. Hyperventilation will provoke an absence in more than 90% of those
with typical absences. This procedure should preferably be videotaped to document the clinical manifestations. It may reveal
features favouring a specific epileptic syndrome and, therefore, may determine the long-term prognosis and management.
Video-EEG documentation may be particularly useful if absences prove resistant to treatment, if other seizures develop or
for future genetic counselling. Focal spike abnormalities and asymmetrical onset of the ictal GSWD are common and may
be a cause of misdiagnosis, particularly in resistant cases. If video-EEG is not available, documentation of absences using a
camcorder or modern digital means of recording is recommended.

Main differences between atypical and typical absence seizures

Clinical and EEG features Atypical absences Typical absences

Onset and termination Usually gradual Abrupt

Responsiveness Decreased but not abolished Varies from mild to severe
Changes in tone Usually pronounced Usually mild
Duration Usually long sometimes for minutes Usually brief; exceptionally >30−40 s
Post-ictal recovery Cognitive impairment may persist Immediately
Inter-ictal EEG Background often abnormal with Background usually normal
frequent discharges of various types sometimes with typical IGE
and combinations discharges
Ictal EEG Slow (<2.5 Hz) spike and wave Fast (>2.5 Hz) spike and slow wave
Normal neurological and Exceptional As a rule
mental state
Other types of seizure Commonly atonic and tonic Depend on IGE syndrome
seizures of symptomatic generalised (myoclonic jerks, GTCS or both)
Prognosis Commonly bad Commonly good

Table 2.8
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 57

Focal epileptic seizures9–11,86–88

Focal epileptic seizures emanate from an epileptogenic t Ictal EEG always starts from a localised area of the
focus anywhere within cortical and sometimes corresponding region of epileptogenicity; this may
subcortical brain regions, leading to localisable and be on the right on one occasion or on the left on
asymmetric semiology. ‘Epileptogenic focus’ or zone another occasion in the same patient
refers to a specific network within a circumscribed brain t Ictal clinical symptoms may appear shortly after the
area, from which seizures are initiated; it can range in EEG onsets in rolandic and ICOE-G seizures or after
size from small to large or be widely distributed within a significant delay in PS.
one cerebral hemisphere (see page 24). This also applies t The symptomatogenic zone appears to correspond to
when focal seizures arise independently in either the epileptogenic zone in rolandic epilepsy (sensory-
hemisphere because of regional epileptogenicity, as for motor symptomatology of the rolandic cortex)
example in rolandic epilepsy (see below and chapter and the ICOE-G (occipital lobe symptomatology),
12). Focal seizures may remain entirely localised within while the autonomic clinical manifestations of PS
the initial epileptogenic focus or propagate and spread are likely to be generated by variable and widely
to involve (a) networks in other localisations within spread epileptogenic foci acting upon a temporarily
the same and/or contralateral hemisphere and (b) hyperexcitable central autonomic network.
widespread networks of larger parts of the brain that t Ictal clinical symptoms may be subtle and entirely
are involved in the initiation of generalised seizures localised (elementary visual hallucinations of
(secondarily or focal-onset generalised seizures. ICOE-G, hemifacial sensory-motor symptoms of
Ictal symptoms, particularly at onset, are determined by rolandic epilepsy), or may spread to involve other
localisation and not aetiology. brain regions within the same or contralateral
In practice, onset of focal seizures is determined by hemisphere, occasionally initiating a secondarily
clinical and EEG manifestations (see page 22). Brain GTCS.
localisation can be identified from (a) an insightful t Symptomatic focal epileptic seizures may manifest
clinical history and (b) skilful assessment of interictal with identical clinical semiology, as exemplified by
and ictal EEG changes. This is often easy but in the visual seizures of ICOE-G and other occipital
other cases can prove very difficult. Furthermore, epilepsies of structural cause.
(a) clinical manifestations may be very subtle in the Focal epileptic seizures and syndromes have
presence of marked EEG changes and vice versa; (b) been extensively reviewed with regard to clinical
the syptomatogenic zone may not be concordant with manifestations, diagnostic procedures and management
the epileptogenic zone; and (c) onset of ictogenesis in a two-volume issue of “The educational kit on
may be from clinically silent localisations. epilepsies”. This publication includes numerous EEG
Let us consider benign childhood focal seizures, which and brain imaging illustrations as well as live video-EEG
are also a good example of regional epileptogenicity (see recordings of patients with focal seizures.87,88
also Chapter 12).89
t Interictal EEGs are disproportionally severe in
relation to clinical manifestations
ILAE terminology and
t Epileptogenicity involves bilateral regional cortical classification of focal
areas which are bi-rolandic in rolandic epilepsy,
bi-occipital in idiopathic childhood occipital
epilepsy of Gastaut (ICOE-G) and multifocal (bi- The terminology and classification of focal seizures
frontal, bi-parietal, bi-occipital and bi-temporal) in of the ILAE proposals has been described above and
Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS). it is given in tables 2.1 and 2.3.
58 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The ILAE Core Group considers that:14 tition. Localisation to the primary motor
(I). The anatomical substrates of a substantial cortex is implied.
number of focal seizure manifestations has now ii. Focal myoclonic seizures most likely consist
been sufficiently established to include this of many types. These events, including
information in their description (see Table 2.3). multifocal myoclonus, will be discussed
(II). As focal seizures represent dynamic events by the ILAE working group on myoclonus.
that usually involve propagation, and clinical There is no unanimity of opinion as to
manifestations can reflect discharges at the site whether the myoclonic events in pro-
of ictal onset, and/or sites of propagation, the gressive myoclonic epilepsy, which have
organisation of focal seizures in their report no EEG correlate, are epileptic. At least in
takes into account the various patterns of ictal Lafora disease, there is evidence to suggest
propagation (see Table 2.3). a cortical site of initiation.
(III). A number of factors will need to be iii. Inhibitory motor seizures are not a unique sei-
investigated in order to develop more definitive zure type. The clinical manifestation merely
criteria for distinguishing between different types represents the function of the involved
of focal seizures. These include: cortex, just as focal motor seizures and un-
t Factors that might distinguish between focal formed visual hallucinations reflect seizures
seizures due to discretely localised lesions, as in precentral gyrus and calcarine cortex.
occur with focal symptomatic epilepsy, and iv. Focal sensory seizures with elementary (vis-
focal seizures due to more distributed network ual, somatosensory, vestibular, olfactory,
disturbances, as might occur with some focal gustatory or auditory) symptoms manifest
idiopathic epilepsies (e.g. those responsible themselves as a variety of sensory phenom-
for the transverse dipole of the centrotemporal ena that can be produced by activation of
spikes of rolandic epilepsy), or even in IGEs. primary sensory cortices.
t Maturational factors. v. Aphasic seizures can consist of inability
t Modes of precipitation, as in reflex seizures. to speak when Broca’s area is principally
t Pathology, i.e. focal seizures due to various involved, or more complex disturbances
malformations of cortical development may be of speech production or reception when
different from each other and from those due to other language cortical areas are principally
other lesions. involved.
t Pathophysiological mechanisms (see pathophysi- b. With local spread
ology below).14 i. Jacksonian march seizures refers to the clini-
The ILAE Core Group14 provides the following infor- cal manifestations of the slow ephaptic
mation for the focal seizures listed in Table 2.3 with propagation of epileptic discharge along
regard to the factors influencing seizure-induced the motor cortex, although similar pro-
progressive disturbances in neuronal function and gression can sometimes be seen in other
structure at the site of, and downstream from, ictal primary cortical areas as well.
onset: ii. Focal (asymmetrical) tonic seizures can be
Focal onset (partial) seizures associated with seizure origin from prac-
A. Local tically anywhere in the neocortex. In their
1. Neocortical purest form, focal tonic seizures are seen
a. Without local spread in the explosive motor seizures of supple-
i. Focal clonic seizures are brief focal motor mentary motor area origin.
events that are distinguished from focal iii. Focal sensory seizures with experiential
myoclonic seizures by their rhythmic repe- symptoms are those with complex, usually
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 59

formed, distorted and/or multimodal, sen- necessarily involve limbic areas. This new term,
sory symptoms implying seizure initiation as well as the term ‘psychomotor’, conforms
in association cortices, such as the more to the original intent of the term ‘complex
temporo-parieto-occipital junction, with partial seizures’ in the 1970 ILAE Classification
connections to multiple sensory areas. of Epileptic Seizures. It is implied that mesial
2. Hippocampal and parahippocampal seizures temporal limbic areas and their immediate
almost always require local spread for clinical connections are involved in the clinical mani-
manifestation, which may involve insula, amyg- festations, although seizures may have been
dala, hypothalamus and other limbic structures initiated elsewhere.
(Figure 2.1). Autonomic features such as a D. Secondarily generalised
sensation of epigastric rising is common, as well 1. Tonic–clonic seizures that are secondarily general-
as emotional experiences such as fear, dysmne- ised probably consist of multiple types and may
sias, focal sensory seizures with olfactory or involve different pathophysiological mechanisms
gustatory symptoms, and vague bilateral sensory and anatomical substrates, at least initially, than
phenomena such as tingling. GTCSs with generalised onset.
B. With ipsilateral propagation to: 2. Absence seizures can rarely represent propagation
1. Neocortical areas (includes hemiclonic seizures) from localised cortical areas, usually in the frontal
a. Same manifestations as A.1.a and A.1.b. lobe. There may be a continuum between these
b. Hemiclonic seizures occur early in development events and generalised atypical absences.
before myelinisation of the corpus callosum 3. Although epileptic spasms can occur in infants with
and do not necessarily have localising value. focal lesions, the mechanism by which these
They can alternately affect both hemispheres, generalised events are generated is unknown.
as in Dravet syndrome and ischaemic encepha-
lopathy, or only one hemisphere in the case of Epidemiology
focal disturbances. In population-based studies, focal seizures
2. Limbic areas predominate with a median incidence of 30.4
a. Same manifestations as A.2. cases/100,000 population/year compared with
b. Gelastic seizures are clearly unique ictal events an incidence of generalised seizures of 19.6
when they are initiated in relation to structural cases/100,000 population/ year. Also, focal seizures
abnormalities of the hypothalamus, which predominate in prevalence studies 55–60% (adults)
are usually hamartomas. The mechanism is and 36–66% (children).
unknown, but initiation, at least, is distinct
from gelastic seizures arising from other areas, Clinical manifestations
such as mesial temporal lobe and cingulate. The clinical manifestations of focal epileptic seizures
C. With contralateral spread to: are detailed in chapters 11, 12, 14 and 15, within
1. Neocortical areas (hyperkinetic seizures): also refer- focal epileptic syndromes and according to their site
red to by some as hypermotor seizures, involve of origin and aetiology. It should also be noted that
bilateral forceful limb movements, sometimes semiology, particularly at onset, is determined by
with vocalisations. Frontal lobes are implicated localisation and not by cause.
in these behaviours.
2. Limbic areas: dyscognitive seizures with or without Aetiology
automatisms (psychomotor) are not exactly This may be symptomatic (21.7% of all epilepsies),
synonymous with the current term ‘complex cryptogenic (21.8%) or idiopathic (9.1%) (Figure
partial seizures’, which were defined on the 1.5). In children it is much more common for focal
basis of impaired consciousness only and do not epileptic seizures to be idiopathic than symptomatic.
60 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

In the elderly, nearly all newly identified epileptic Diagnostic procedures

seizures are focal from a symptomatic cause. EEG and neuroimaging remain the cornerstones of
investigation in the focal epilepsies, as detailed in
Pathophysiology14,90–92 chapter 7 and in the discussion of the individual
Focal epileptogenesis is a multistep process. An focal epileptic syndromes. In view of the high
initial precipitating injury may predispose to the incidence of symptomatic epilepsies, a high
development of the first seizure. During the latent
resolution structural MRI scan on a scanner with
phase, structural and functional changes occur that
a field strength of at least 1.5 Tesla should now be
may ultimately lead to spontaneously recurrent
considered standard practice. Other appropriate
epileptic seizures in some patients over the course of
tests have been described in page 4 and these
days to years. At each step of the process, biological
include molecular testing when genetic focal epi-
and age- or gender-specific factors, and genetic, epi-
lepsies are suspected (Chapter 14). More elaborate
genetic or comorbid conditions, may interfere and
diagnostic procedures including functional
modify the course of epileptogenesis.90
neuroimaging, advanced MRI technologies,
Neocortical91 and limbic (mainly hippocampal)92
invasive EEG and magnetoencephalography are
seizures have some important differences in their
pathophysiology. This reflects anatomical, functional used to investigate patients with focal epileptic
and phylogenetic disparities between them, as well as seizures that may benefit from neurosurgical
all other factors involved in ictogenesis from elements interventions (page 222).
within the neurones, synapses, interconnections
and their modifications by age, exogenous and
This largely depends on aetiology and syndromic
endogenous influences and causes of disease. These
diagnosis. It varies from purely benign and age-
are beyond the remit of this clinical book.
As the ILAE Task Force emphasised:14 limited (see examples in chapter 12) to very severe
“Hypersynchronous ictal onsets most commonly and progressive (Chapter 15).
occur in hippocampus while low voltage fast ictal
onsets, most commonly occur in the neocortex.
When focal epileptic seizures have been unequi-
These electrophysiological features clearly reflect
vocally diagnosed, the decision of whether they need
different pathophysiological mechanisms of seizure
initiation, which may not be absolutely correlated treatment depends on the underlying aetiology and
with location, and there may be other ictal onset syndrome and on factors relating to the individual.
patterns indicative of other initiating mechanisms AED is the mainstay of treatment when the risk of
that have not yet been well described.14 Also there recurrence is high. Currently there are more AEDs
are differences in neurophysiological properties for the treatment of focal than generalised epilepsies
and anatomical connections unique to specific areas (see Tables 7.1 and 7.12). These should be used
of cortex, e.g. those that cause brief and clustered according to the principles detailed in chapter 7
seizures with little or no postictal disturbances and chapter 15.
and nocturnal predilection typical of some frontal Surgical treatment is a life saving option for many
areas, compared with longer, less frequent events patients with pharmaco-resistant focal epilepsy and
with profound postictal disturbances in other this should be recommended as soon as possible
areas, and those that cause fast distant propagation (Page 222).
from some areas and localised, slower propagation Socio-psychological support is part of good clinical
in others.”14 practice in the management of all epilepsies.
Epileptic Seizures and their Classification 61

Reflex epileptic seizures

Reflex epileptic seizures and related syndromes are In response to the same specific stimulus, the
detailed in Chapter 16. same patient may have absences, myoclonic jerks
They are consistently precipitated by environmental and GTCSs alone, or in various combinations.
or internal stimuli and are differentiated from Usually, absences and myoclonic jerks precede the
spontaneous epileptic attacks in which precipitating occurrence of GTCSs. Patients may have reflex and
factors cannot be identified. In individual patients, spontaneous seizures.
the precipitating stimuli are usually limited to a Focal seizures are exclusively seen in certain types
single specific stimulus or a limited number of of reflex focal epilepsy, such as visual seizures of
closely related stimuli. photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy or complex
Reflex seizures have a prevalence of 4–7% among focal temporal lobe seizures of musicogenic
patients with epilepsies and may be of the same types epilepsy.
as the spontaneous focal or generalised seizures: The role of the EEG is fundamental in establish-
t generalised, primarily or secondarily ing the precipitating stimulus in reflex epilepsies,
t focal, simple or complex. because it allows subclinico-EEGs, or minor clinical
Visually induced seizures and epilepsies are the most ictal events, to be reproduced on demand by appli-
common among reflex epilepsies. cation of the appropriate stimulus.

12. Gastaut H. Clinical and electroencephalographical classification of

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seizures in 20 patients. Brain 1989;112 Pt 4:1039–56. 2010:(in press).

Status epilepticus
Status epilepticus (SE) is a broad term comprising Definition and classification
all types of epileptic seizures that fail to stop at their
usual time course and that last for over 30 min The definition and classification of SE has been the
subject of significant and still unresolved debate
(Table 3.1).1
within and outside the ILAE. In part, this reflects the
The duration of an epileptic seizure is the
varied entities included in the term of SE.
result of a balance between pathophysiologically
The following are proposed definitions of SE:
determined self-initiating, self-sustaining and self-
terminating mechanisms. Any seizure that fails to A condition characterised by epileptic seizures that are
stop at its usual time course becomes unlikely to sufficiently prolonged or repeated at sufficiently brief
stop spontaneously and enters into SE because its intervals so as to produce an unvarying and enduring
self-sustaining processes are unopposed by self- epileptic condition.
terminating mechanisms. WHO (1973)15
All types of seizure listed in Table 2.1 can enter into
A seizure (that) persists for a sufficient length of time
SE. Tonic–clonic SE represents a severe form of SE,
or is repeated frequently enough that recovery between
whereas absence SE is at the opposite mild extreme. attacks does not occur.
The classical monograph by Shorvon on all types ILAE Commission (1981)16
of SE in all ages is highly recommended reading.2
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus is the theme of A seizure that shows no clinical signs of arresting after a
a newly published multi-author book edited by duration encompassing the great majority of seizures of
Kaplan and Drisdane.3 The proceedings of the first that type in most patients or recurrent seizures without
London colloquium on status epilepticus were inter-ictal resumption of baseline central nervous
published in 2008 in Epilepsia.4 Animal models of system function.
SE are exhaustively covered in the recent book edited ILAE glossary (2001)17
by Pitkänen, Schwartzkroin and Moshé.5 A number
A condition in which epileptic activity persists for
of expert multi-author recent reviews of SE have also
30 minutes or more, causing a wide spectrum of
been published.6–11 The diagnostic assessment of the
clinical symptoms, and with a highly variable patho-
child with SE has been the subject of an evidence-
physiological, anatomical and aetiological basis.
based review of the Quality Standards Subcommittee Shorvon (1994)2
of the American Academy of Neurology and
the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology My definition would be:
Society.12 The European Federation of Neurological An epileptic seizure that exceeds its usual time course
Societies has issued a guideline on the management and becomes unlikely to end spontaneously because
of SE13; see also the consensus statement on the drug self-sustaining processes prevail over self-terminating
treatment of status epilepticus in Europe.14 mechanisms.

66 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Status epilepticus

ILAE Task Force 2001 ILAE Task Force 2006

Continuous seizure types I. Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC)
Generalised status epilepticus A. As occurs with Rasmussen syndrome
A. Generalised tonic–clonic status epilepticus B. As occurs with focal lesions
B. Clonic status epilepticus C. As a component of inborn errors of metabolism
C. Absence status epilepticus II. Supplementary motor area (SMA) status
D. Tonic status epilepticus epilepticus
E. Myoclonic status epilepticus III. Aura continua
Focal status epilepticus IV. Dyscognitive focal (psychomotor, complex
A. Epilepsia partialis continua of Kozhevnikov partial) status epilepticus
B. Aura continua A. Mesial temporal status epilepticus
C. Limbic status epilepticus (psychomotor status) B. Neocortical status epilepticus
D. Hemiconvulsive status with hemiparesis V. Tonic–clonic status epilepticus
VI. Absence status epilepticus
A. Typical and atypical absence status epilepticus
B. Myoclonic absence status epilepticus
VII. Myoclonic status epilepticus
VIII. Tonic status epilepticus
IX. Subtle status epilepticus

Table 3.1 Adapted with permission from Engel (2001)20 and Engel (2006)1 of the ILAE Task Force on Classification and
Terminology. See also

In this definition I consider that SE may not terminate (GTC-SE), for example, is known to cause significant
either because self-sustaining processes accelerate duration-related neuronal damage, systemic and
or become stronger over self-terminating processes, metabolic disturbances, and endangers the patient’s
or that the natural homeostatic seizure-suppressing life. The 30-min duration required in the operational
mechanisms responsible for seizure termination are not definition of SE is meant to demarcate the point at
activated or are weak. This is different to the view of the which compensatory mechanisms that prevent brain
ILAE Core Group that ‘SE mechanistically represents the damage break down in GTC-SE. Conversely, absence
failure of the natural homeostatic seizure-suppressing SE may not cause any significant disturbances,
mechanisms responsible for seizure termination’.1 although it often ends with a GTCS.
There are two main reasons for debate on SE. First, Traditionally, SE has been divided into:
the time length of the transitional point from a seizure t convulsive SE
to the onset of SE is unknown. This is likely to be t non-convulsive SE.
different in epileptic seizures that are customarily However, this is not correct. Non-convulsive SE is
short for seconds such as in typical absence seizures, a term that has been rightly discarded in the new
or long for minutes such as in the autonomic ILAE diagnostic scheme, because it encompasses
seizures of Panayiotopoulos syndrome. Second, the heterogeneous conditions, which may be focal such
pathophysiology of SE, its effect on the brain and as limbic SE, or generalised such as absence SE.1,18
the risk to the patient differs significantly among Furthermore, convulsive elements and particularly
different types of SE. Generalised tonic–clonic SE myoclonic jerks are common and may predominate
Status Epilepticus 67

in generalised non-convulsive SE as, for example, in treatment of convulsive and non-convulsive SE is

eyelid or perioral SE. If the term ‘non-convulsive’ is the same irrespective of cause.21–26
used, the distinction between ‘focal non-convulsive Author’s note: See important note on page 27 for an
SE’ and ‘generalised non-convulsive SE’ should be explanation of the problems associated with the term
made for clinical and management purposes. ‘primary GTCS’ instead of ‘generalised-onset GTCS’.
Generalised convulsive epileptic seizures are The 2001 ILAE diagnostic scheme20 considered SE
broadly divided into: to be a ‘continuous seizure’ (Table 3.1) with two
t primarily or secondarily generalised tonic–clonic main categories:
seizures (GTCSs) t generalised SE
t primarily or secondarily generalised clonic seizures t focal SE.
t primarily or secondarily tonic seizures The new 2006 report of the ILAE Core Group1 rightly
t generalised myoclonic seizures. abolishes this previously preferred term ‘continuous
Similarly, convulsive SE reflects the above seizure seizure’ (SE may also stop spontaneously or be
classification: discontinuous; there was nothing wrong with the
t primarily or secondarily GTC-SE term ‘status epilepticus’), it provides a list of types
t primarily or secondarily clonic SE of SE and avoids characterising them as focal or
t primarily or secondarily tonic SE generalised. This list is provided in Table 3.1.
t generalised myoclonic SE. In regard to the pathophysiology of SE, the ILAE1
Furthermore, to comply with seizure and syndrome considers that the mechanisms involved in the initi-
ation and spread of the various types of SE are emerging,
classification, convulsive SE may be ‘situation
although they are still speculative.27 In general, they
related’19 and ‘not requiring the diagnosis of epi-
are similar to those of self-limited epileptic seizures,
lepsy’,20 such as febrile convulsive SE, or caused by
but additional factors that need to be considered in
the introduction or withdrawal of certain drugs,
determining criteria for classification include:
intoxication or electrolyte or metabolic disturbances. t different mechanisms that can prevent seizure
Acute symptomatic convulsive SE may also be caused termination, e.g. mechanisms that prevent active
by severe brain anoxia or other brain damage. inhibition, desynchronisation of hypersynchron-
Convulsive SE, whether primarily or secondarily ous discharges and depolarisation block
and irrespective of cause, appear to have the same t progressive features that contribute to subsequent
pathophysiology, effect on brain and body, and functional and structural brain disturbances
management requirements for termination. The t maturational factors.1

Generalised tonic–clonic status epilepticus

A GTC seizure becomes a GTC-SE when it enters duration of at least 30 min is arbitrary and is set
into a self-perpetuating, self-sustaining process because usually after this time compensatory
that fails to terminate spontaneously. When exactly mechanisms break down, and brain damage and
this transition occurs has not yet been precisely pharmacoresistance occur.24,27 However, converg-
determined. ing evidence indicates that a GTCS of more than
GTC-SE consists of continuing GTCSs or a 5–10 min is already an early stage of GTC-SE
series of GTCSs between which consciousness and has the same pathophysiology, risks and
is not regained and that lasts at least 30 min. The management requirements as longer GTCSs of up
68 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

to 30 min.28 For this reason, rescue therapy should Subtle SE refers to an end stage of prolonged GTC-
start 5 min after the initiation of a GTCS, accepting SE characterised by focal or multifocal myoclonic
that a few of these GTCSs would have stopped movements, coma and PLEDs against a slow,
spontaneously without the use of medication.27–30 low-voltage background on EEG. The myoclonic
The modified proposed definition for GTC-SE is: movements reflect severe brain damage caused by
Generalised, convulsive SE in adults and older
prolonged SE and may not be epileptic in nature.1
children (>5 years old) refers to 5 min or less of
(1) continuous seizures or (2) two or more discrete
seizures between which there is incomplete recovery
of consciousness.28 stages of GTC-SE2,13,34–41
GTC-SE can be an acute symptomatic event, The stages of GTC-SE reflect pathophysiology,
primarily GTC-SE in idiopathic or symptomatic brain and body effects, risks and management. The
generalised epilepsies, and commonly secondarily transition from one stage to another is not clearly
GTC-SE in focal epilepsies.1 Occasionally, the demarcated in time and these probably constitute a
manifestations of GTC-SE can be unilateral.1 continuum.
The convulsions of GTCSs are usually violent The physiological changes of GTC-SE can be divided
but their intensity lessens and fades with time, into two phases. In the initial phase 1 (compen-
transforming to a continuous tonic state. This is satory phase), compensatory mechanisms prevent
followed by irregular continuous jerking, which may cerebral damage. This is followed after about 30 min
becomes subtle and consists of only small-amplitude by phase 2 (refractory phase) where compensatory
clonic or myoclonic twitching of the face, hands mechanisms break down with an increasing risk of
or feet, or nystagmoid eye jerks. Some patients brain damage as the status progresses.
continue with electrographic GTC-SE without con-
spicuous repetitive motor activity (electroclinical Compensatory phase
or electromechanical dissociation). Subtle GTC-SE The compensatory phase of GTC-SE probably begins
is more likely to last longer than overt GTC-SE. after 5–7 min from the onset of a GTCS (impending
Comatose patients often have subtle GTC-SE from GTC-SE) and lasts for around 30 min. In this phase,
onset.31 systemic, autonomic and cerebral physiological
The ictal EEG32,33 follows five patterns, which changes are prominent (Figure 2.3) but homeostatic
occur in a predictable sequence during the course compensatory mechanisms are adequate to meet the
of GTC-SE: metabolic demands and prevent brain damage from
1. distinct typical features of a GTCS with hypoxia or metabolic aberrations.2,24
generalised low amplitude, fast activity in the The major physiological changes are related to the
tonic phase followed by repetitive generalised greatly increased cerebral blood flow and metabo-
polyspike–wave discharges (GPSWD) of the lism, massive autonomic activity and cardiovascular
clonic phase with a repetition rate gradually changes (Figure 2.3 and Chapter 2). Significant
slowing from 4 Hz to 1 Hz or less (see page 39 sympathetic nervous system overdrive results in an
and Figures 2.2 and 12.3) increase in heart rate, blood pressure and glucose
2. merging seizures with EEG rhythms of waxing levels. Arterial pH sometimes decreases to less than 7
and waning amplitude and frequency (in 25% of patients) mainly because of lactic acidosis
3. continuous ictal activity and partly due to respiratory acidosis (rise of carbon
4. continuous ictal activity punctuated by low dioxide tension). The core body temperature steadily
voltage ‘flat periods’ rises and prolonged hyperthermia of above 40ºC may
5. pseudoperiodic lateralised epileptiform dis- ensue. Other sympathetic autonomic changes involve
charges (PLEDs) on a ‘flat’ background.33 profound sweating, hypersalivation, mydriasis and
Status Epilepticus 69

bronchial or other hypersecretion. Homeostatic During this stage, the greatly increased cerebral
mechanisms to compensate for these changes involve metabolic demands cannot be fully met, resulting
a massive increase in cerebral blood flow with in hypoxia and altered cerebral and systemic
maintained delivery of glucose to active cerebral metabolic patterns. Autonomic changes persist
tissue. The blood–brain barrier and neuronal integrity and cardiorespiratory functions may progressively
are intact with little risk of brain damage. However, fail to maintain homeostasis. These changes do not
cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension and cardiovascular necessarily occur in all cases. Their type and extent
compromise may cause pulmonary oedema. depends on aetiology, clinical circumstances and the
Treatment at this stage is usually successful and methods of treatment employed.
prevents associated morbidity and mortality of Cerebral autoregulation fails. Cerebral blood flow
GTC-SE. becomes dependent on systemic blood pressure and
Impending GTC-SE is the earliest part of the there is a depletion of energy states and a reduction
compensatory phase of GTC-SE. It is defined as of brain oxygen, glucose and lactate. Intracranial
either continuous or intermittent GTCSs lasting less hypertension and cerebral oedema ensue.
than 5 min, without full recovery of consciousness Systemic and metabolic changes involve hypo-
between seizures.27,29,30 This definition attempts to glycaemia, hyponatraemia, hypokalaemia or hyper-
recognise: kalaemia, metabolic and respiratory acidosis, hepatic
t the transitional/transformation period from an and renal dysfunction, consumptive or disseminated
isolated GTCS to GTC-SE, or in other words the intravascular coagulopathy, multi-organ failure,
period that self-terminating mechanisms fail to rhabdomyolysis, myoglobulinuria and leucocytosis.
stop a GTCS that then enters the self-sustaining Autonomic and cardiovascular changes involve
processes of GTC-SE.27,29,30 systemic hypoxia, falling blood pressure and cardiac
t that patients with a GCTS of greater than 5-min output, respiratory and cardiac impairment (pul-
duration should receive rescue treatment, accep- monary oedema, pulmonary embolism, respiratory
ting that a few would have had a GTCS that collapse, cardiac failure, dysrhythmia), and hyper-
would have stopped spontaneously without pyrexia.
treatment. In more than 10% of patients treated for GTC-SE,
The reason for using the 5-min criterion is that clinical manifestations stop or only become subtle
self-terminating GTCSs last between 1 and 4 min while electrical seizures continue.43 During pro-
in children (in adults 53–62 s ± SD 14 s) and do longed GTC-SE both the convulsions and the
not require emergency ‘rescue’ treatment.27,29,30 EEG features become less florid (subtle GTC-SE),
Conversely, approximately 95% of GTCSs that although the prognosis is worse than in any other
are still ongoing at 7 min will continue for at least stage of GTC-SE.33
30 min.42 Therefore, it is likely that a seizure that
lasts 5–7 min is pathophysiologically similar to one Pharmacoresistance in GTC-SE
that lasts 30 min and could be considered to be SE, Pharmacoresistance develops during GTC-SE. It
thus requiring treatment to prevent intractable SE is progressive and time-dependent. The efficacy of
and its consequences (i.e. brain damage and epilep- benzodiazepines decreases by 20 times within the
togenesis).27,29,30 first 30 min of GTC-SE,44 while phenytoin and
phenobarbital both lose potency more slowly; they
Refractory stage of never become totally ineffective but high, sometimes
GTC-SE (established GTC-SE) toxic, doses are required. By contrast, N-methyl-D-
The refractory stage or established GTC-SE starts aspartate (NMDA) blockers remain highly efficient
approximately 30 min after the onset of the at stopping GTC-SE, even when administered late
compensatory phase,2,24 although this time may vary.28 in its course.27
70 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Cerebral damage and epileptogenesis9 per year; febrile convulsive SE is the most common.46
The cerebral damage in GTC-SE is either: A high incidence of 86 per 100,000 per year in the
t indirect, i.e. by systemic and metabolic distur- elderly has been found. Patients with neurological
bances such as hypoxia, hypoglycaemia or intra- abnormalities are at higher risk. GTC-SE is relatively
cranial hypertension rare in idiopathic generalised epilepsies (IGEs) when
t direct, i.e. due to the excitotoxic effect of elec- compared to other, mainly symptomatic epilepsies
trical seizure discharges, which result in a calcium or epileptic encephalopathies.8
influx into neurones, and a cascade of events that
result in necrosis and apoptosis.
Direct cerebral damage is the more common of the
two.27,39,40 The aetiology of convulsive SE is similar to that of
Epileptogenesis is common after many types of convulsive epileptic seizures (GTCS, tonic or clonic).
GTC-SE in several animal species and at different It may be acute symptomatic, febrile, idiopathic,
ages, but its exact dimension in humans has not yet cryptogenic or symptomatic (Table 3.2).
been determined.27 Acute symptomatic convulsive SE is more difficult
to control and is associated with higher morbidity
and mortality. This, like acute symptomatic sei-
Epidemiology zures, ‘occurs in close temporal association with a
transient CNS insult and is presumed to be an acute
of GTC-SE8,29,45 manifestation of the insult’. The most common causes
The overall incidence of GTC-SE (30-min duration) are CNS infections, metabolic and toxic disturbances,
ranges from 6.1 to 41 per 100,000 population per alcohol abuse, brain tumour, head injury, hypoxia/
year.8 In childhood this is 18–27 per 100,000 children anoxia and cerebrovascular events. In patients with

Aetiology of GTC-SE

t &
common cause



t $




Table 3.2
Status Epilepticus 71

established epilepsy, the abrupt withdrawal of anti- Prognosis29,51,52

epileptic drugs (AEDs) is a main cause of GTC-SE.
Mortality of GTC-SE is high but it has declined in
the last 30 years from 11% to around 5%. Almost
Differential diagnosis all deaths in childhood have been in the context of
neurological insults (acute symptomatic GTC-SE)
Considering the dramatic and typical features of
or progressive neurological disease. GTC-SE is
GTC-SE, it may sound strange that any other condition
associated with the development of up to 6%
can be misdiagnosed as GTC-SE. However, convulsive
cognitive deficits, speech and neurological deficits.
psychogenic SE (also referred to as convulsive
However, mortality of refractory GTC-SE remains
pseudo-SE) is common in patients with psychogenic
high at around 20%.53
non-epileptic events and it is often misdiagnosed
There is some evidence that GTC-SE, especially
as genuine and life-threatening GTC-SE.47–50 These
febrile GTC-SE, might cause hippocampal injury,
patients frequently have multiple episodes of ‘status’
although its role in the development of mesial
and receive intensive care unit management. They
temporal sclerosis is unknown.30 Conversely, pre-
usually have a history of other unexplained illnesses
existing developmental hippocampal abnormality
and deliberate self-poisoning. Episodes of iatrogenic
may predispose individuals to having a febrile
drug-induced respiratory arrest may occur.47–50 convulsive SE.54
Remember that serum prolactin levels are normal in The management of status epilepticus is detailed in
GTC-SE (see page 38). pages 82–91.

Generalised tonic status epilepticus

Generalised tonic SE55 mainly occur in the context continue at brief intervals for hours. In symptomatic
of symptomatic epilepsies, particularly epileptic generalised epilepsy the duration of the SE can be
encephalopathies (see Chapter 10); pathophysiology, much longer.1
risk to the brain, and patient and management
requirements may not be particularly different from Whether generalised tonic SE occurs in patients with
GTC-SE. pure forms of IGEs is debatable. Such cases may
Characteristically, when the patient is lying down, the be rare, badly treated with inappropriate AEDs56
neck is flexed, and the arms are flexed at the elbow and or an overlap between idiopathic, cryptogenic and
slightly elevated. The tonic spasms are brief and can symptomatic generalised epilepsies.

Generalised myoclonic status epilepticus

According to the ILAE Task Force: most often seen in patients with insufficiently controlled

Myoclonic SE consists of irregular, usually bilateral or juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Dravet syndrome, and in
generalised myoclonic jerking without interference nonprogressive myoclonic epilepsy in infancy, particularly
with consciousness. Duration may be up to hours. It is Angelman syndrome. In myoclonic–astatic epilepsy, it pre-
72 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

dominates in the extremities of the upper limbs and or superimposed on absence seizures. Idiopathic
around the mouth, the areas most represented in the myoclonic SE often terminates with a GTCS.
precentral gyrus.1

However, myoclonic SE is probably best defined Symptomatic/cryptogenic

as lengthy, continuous or discontinuous clusters of myoclonic SE
epileptic myoclonus lasting for more than 30 min
This type of myoclonic SE is commonly encountered
with or without impairment of consciousness.
Like the myoclonic epileptic seizures, myoclonic in progressive myoclonus epilepsies, epilepsy with
SE can be: myoclonic–astatic seizures (the symptomatic forms)
t generalised or focal myoclonic SE and Dravet syndrome. Myoclonic status in non-
t idiopathic, cryptogenic or symptomatic myo- progressive (fixed) encephalopathies is considered
clonic SE. to be a syndrome in the ILAE report, and is listed
Generalised myoclonic SE may not have the same under the name ‘myoclonic encephalopathy in
pathophysiology and significance as that of other forms non-progressive disorders’ (see Chapter 10, page
of convulsive SE, which is probably the reason why this 313).1,57–60
is not considered a type of convulsive SE (Table 3.1). Negative myoclonic SE consists of bursts of discontin-
‘Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) of Kozhevnikov’ uous negative myoclonic seizures and drops that may
is a form of focal myoclonic SE (see page 462). persist for days or months. Negative myoclonus may
produce frequent jerks due to the ineffective attempt
Idiopathic myoclonic SE to oppose gravity between the repeat episodes of loss
of tone. However, when the patient lies down, there
Myoclonic SE in IGEs usually results from violation
is no jerk, and the motor phenomenon is purely
of precipitating factors and the inappropriate use negative. The EEG shows continuous spike–waves
of AEDs. It is more common in JME (mainly limb in non-REM sleep.61,62
jerks) where consciousness is usually unaffected. Acute symptomatic myoclonic SE after prolonged anoxia
Myoclonic SE of perioral myoclonia with absences, or other severe metabolic insults consists of very
Jeavons syndrome (the idiopathic form of eyelid brief, sudden movements of restricted parts of the
myoclonia with absences), epilepsy with myoclonic body that may be triggered by external stimuli, such
absences or Doose syndrome (the idiopathic as mechanical ventilation. Myoclonic SE of nearly
form of epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures) continuous myoclonus may appear several hours
usually manifests with myoclonic jerks intermixed after cardiac arrest and lasts for many days.63–65

Absence status epilepticus

Absence SE is defined as a prolonged, more than Impairment of consciousness may be mild or severe
30 min, generalised non-convulsive seizure of and associated with other, mainly motor, disturbances,
impairment of the content of consciousness (absence) including:
and EEG slow generalised spike–wave discharges t mild clonic jerks of eyelids, corner of the mouth
(GSWD) or GPSWD.18,66,67 or other muscles
Status Epilepticus 73

t atonic components leading to drooping of the Typical absence

head, slumping of the trunk, dropping of the
arms and relaxation of the grip (idiopathic absence) SE
t tonic muscular contraction causing head retro- IGEs manifest with three types of generalised SE
pulsion or arching of the trunk (i.e. absence, myoclonic and GTC-SE) corresponding
t automatisms ranging from lip licking and to its three types of generalised epileptic seizures
swallowing to clothes fumbling or aimless (typical absences, myoclonic jerks and GTCSs,
walking respectively). Absence SE is probably the most
t autonomic components such as pallor and less common and the most likely to escape diagnosis or
frequently flushing, sweating, dilatation of pupils be misdiagnosed.2,67–69
and urinary incontinence. With the possible exception of childhood absence
The above symptoms may be continuous or repetitive epilepsy, all IGEs with typical absences may manifest
but the patient does not fully recover in-between with typical absence SE either as a spontaneous
before the cessation of the seizure. expression of their natural course or provoked
The ictal EEG is characteristic with usually by external factors or inappropriate treatment
regular and symmetrical slow GSWD or manoeuvres.
GPSWD of 1–4 Hz. The background inter-ictal
EEG may be normal or abnormal, and is often Impairment of consciousness,
associated with brief or long runs of paroxysmal memory and higher cognitive functions
1–4 Hz GPSWD, polyspike discharges and focal The cardinal symptom shared by all cases of typical
spike or slow-wave abnormalities characterising absence SE is altered content of consciousness of
the underlying epileptic syndrome. a usually fully alert patient. Memory and higher
Absence SE is broadly divided into: cognitive intellectual functions such as abstract
t typical absence SE of mainly IGEs (idiopathic thinking, computation and personal awareness are
absence SE) the main areas of disturbance. This varies from very
t atypical absence SE of symptomatic and crypto- mild to very severe with the intermediate states of
genic generalised epilepsies. severity occurring more often.
Furthermore, to comply with seizure and syn- Mild impairment is experienced as a state of slow
drome classification, absence SE may be ‘situation reaction, behaviour and mental functioning:
related’19 and ‘not requiring the diagnosis of
My mind slows down, able to understand but takes
epilepsy’,20 and may be caused by the introduction
longer to formulate answers.
or withdrawal of certain drugs, intoxication,
I become slow but can communicate verbally with
or electrolyte or metabolic disturbances. Acute
symptomatic absence SE may also be caused by others.

severe brain anoxia or other brain damage. Slow down in my behaviour, muddling with words.

It should be emphasised that absence SE, like the Like in a trance, missing pieces of conversation.
absence seizures, is not one but many types of a
Moderate and severe impairment of consciousness
prolonged absence seizure. Although the common
manifest with varying degrees of confusion, global
symptom of all types of absence SE is impair-
disorientation and inappropriate behaviour:
ment of cognition, this is often associated with other
Confused, cannot recognise people other than close
clinical manifestations such as myoclonic jerks,
relatives, disorientated in time and place, very quiet.
eyelid or perioral myoclonia, which are syndrome
related. Disturbed, vague, uncooperative, confused.
74 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

From video-EEG of IGE with phantom absences, absence status epilepticus and GTCSs













100 μV
1 sec













100 μV
1 sec

Figure 3.1 From video-EEG of a highly intelligent woman, aged 76 years, with phantom absences, absence SE and GTCSs. She
had her first overt seizure at age 30 years. She was moderately confused for 12 hours prior to a GTCS. Since then she had between
one and three similar episodes every year. She was misdiagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy and was on primidone and sulthiame
for nearly 40 years. Retrospectively, she admits to brief episodes of mild impairment of cognition. ‘The absences lasted a couple
of seconds; the other state [absence status] was much longer, for 24 hours or more… They may be linked I suppose’. No further
seizures of any type occurred in the next 11 years of follow-up on monotherapy with valproate 1000 mg daily. (A) Absence SE. There
was continuous slow GSWD mainly at 3 Hz. Note also slower or faster components and some topographic variability of the discharge.
The patient was fully alert, attentive and cooperative. Movements and speech were normal. There were no abnormal ictal symptoms
other than severe global memory deficit and global diminution of content of consciousness. She was unable to remember her name,
how many children she had, date and location. She could not perform simple calculations but could repeat up to five numbers given
to her. She could read text correctly and she rightly wrote her address, although she could not remember it on verbal questioning. She
did not know where she was but, given the choice between various locations, she correctly recognised that she was in the hospital.
This absence SE was successfully terminated with intravenous administration of diazepam. (B) Inter-ictal video-EEG showing brief
3 Hz GPSWD lasting 2 or 3 s without apparent clinical manifestations.
Status Epilepticus 75

Markedly confused, goes into a dreamy state, able typical absence status, and vary in degree and
to formulate some monolectic answers to simple severity. They are most likely to occur in syndromes
questions, puts trousers over pyjamas. manifesting with similar myoclonic phenomena
Confused, makes coffee twice, fades away mentally during brief absences (see descriptions in the
and physically, disoriented in time and place. relevant sections of individual IGE syndromes).
Usually, the patient is alert, attentive and co- GTCSs associated
operative. Verbal functioning is relatively well with idiopathic absence SE
preserved but this is often slow with stereotypic Ending with a GTCS is probably the rule irrespec-
and usually monosyllabic or monolectic answers. tive of syndrome. However, this occurs in only
Movement and co-ordination are intact; rarely, the a third of episodes of absence SE if left untreated.
patient may become completely unresponsive. The remining attacks of absence SE may terminate
spontaneously without GTCS. It is exceptional for
Behavioural abnormalities
GTCSs to precede or intersperse with typical absence
and experiential phenomena
SE. It is also exceptional for more than one GTCS to
Although the most common behavioural changes
occur following an absence SE.
refer to daily activities disturbed by the impairment
of consciousness, some patients become depressed,
Duration and frequency
agitated and occasionally hostile and aggressive. More
of idiopathic absence SE
common than usually appreciated are experiential
This usually lasts for an average of 3 or 4 hours, rarely
and other complex internal sensations such as:
the minimum of 30 min. It often exceeds a duration
Sensation of viewing the word through a different of 6–10 hours and occasionally continues for 2–10
medium and a feeling of not being in the same world days. Frequency also varies from once in a life-time to
as everyone else. Uncontrollable rush of thoughts. A an average of 10–20 or catamenial. This depends on
feeling of fear of losing control of my mind. treatment strategies and syndromic classification.
A feeling of closeness.
Post-ictal state
A funny feeling that I cannot elaborate.
Amnesia of the event is exceptional. Usually the patient
A strange feeling of not being myself. is aware of what happens during the absence SE, some
Edgy, worried and uncomfortable.
are able to write down their experiences even when
in SE, others have a patchy recollection of the events,
My character changes completely, I become extremely
usually missing the last part prior to GTCSs. Following
snappy, have a severe headache.
a GTCS the patient feels tired, has a headache and is
Weird. confused for a varying duration of time.
Simple gestural and ambulatory automatisms,
autonomic behaviour and fugue-like states may
Age at onset and sex
It is rare for absence SE in IGEs to start during the first
occur in 20% of the patients who also have severe
decade of life. Other types of seizure such as absences,
impairment of consciousness:
myoclonic jerks and GTCSs may predate the first
Replies yes to any question and fumbles with his occurrence of absence SE by many years. Mean age at
onset of absence SE is 29 years with a range of 9–56.57
Absence SE may be the first overt type of seizures.
Myoclonic jerks in
idiopathic absence SE Precipitating factors
Segmental, usually eyelid or perioral and less often Inappropriate or discontinuation of anti-absence
limb, myoclonic jerks frequently occur during medication is the most common precipitant of
76 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

idiopathic absence SE. Sleep deprivation, stress and and the EEG abnormalities are more variable than
excess of alcohol consumption, either alone or more those of typical absence SE.
usually combined, are common precipitating factors. Atypical absence SE occurs mainly in children with
Some patients may have catamenial precipitation. In symptomatic or cryptogenic generalised epilepsies who
others this mainly starts upon awakening. also have a plethora of other types of frequent seizures
such as atypical absences, tonic and atonic seizures,
Differential diagnosis myoclonic jerks and GTCSs. Most of them also have
Idiopathic absence SE is commonly unrecognised or moderate or severe learning and physical handicaps.
misdiagnosed. It is surprising how often physicians In addition, inter-ictal EEG is often very abnormal
are deceived by the general good appearance, with slow background and frequent brief or long runs
alertness and co-operation of the patient, who may of slow GSWD/GPSWD, paroxysmal fast activity and
also be aware of the impaired mental state during paroxysms of polyspikes. It is often difficult to define
absence SE. Basic testing of memory and higher the boundaries (i.e. the onset and termination) of
cognitive functions are essential for diagnosis. atypical absence SE because these children frequently
It is important to remember that more than half have alterations of behaviour and alertness as well as
of the patients are aware of the situation when long inter-ictal slow-spike and slow-wave discharges.
entering or during absence SE, which is of great Additional discriminating features of atypical
practical significance regarding termination of this absence SE are:
state and prevention of the impending GTCS by self- t gradual onset and offset
administered appropriate medication. t level of consciousness and other co-existent
Idiopathic absence SE is easy to diagnose provided types of seizure tend to fluctuate sometimes for
that the associated IGE with typical absences (often weeks with little distinction between ictal and
combined with myoclonic jerks and GTCSs) is correctly inter-ictal phases
identified. The most common misdiagnosis is because t their initiation or termination with a GTCS is
absences are not recognised or are misdiagnosed as exceptional
complex focal seizures (Table 6.1). A previous or a new t incontinence is common.
EEG invariably shows generalised discharges in IGEs.
It may be normal or show specific focal spikes in partial
epilepsies, mainly temporal lobe epilepsy. Obtundation SE
In the generalised symptomatic epilepsies, there Obtundation SE is a term used to describe various
is overlap with focal SE due to lesions of certain forms of non-convulsive SE characterised by
frontal lobe areas.1 fluctuating obtundation (a reduced level of alertness
The differentiation of typical (idiopathic) absence or consciousness), with low-amplitude, fragmentary,
status from atypical (usually symptomatic or possibly segmental and erratic myoclonic jerks of the face and
symptomatic) absence status is also easy (see atypical limbs and sometimes tonic manifestations.70 Duration
absence SE below). is usually extremely lengthy for several hours or days.
GTCSs can initiate, occur or terminate obtundation
SE. Ictal EEG shows a mixture of irregular, arrhythmic,
Atypical absence SE diffuse and focal spike–wave discharges. Focal
Atypical absence status is clinically characterised by obtundation SE occurs more rarely.71
fluctuating impairment of consciousness, often with Obtundation SE occurs in severe myoclonic
other ictal symptoms such as repeated serial tonic or epilepsies such as Dravet syndrome and ‘myoclonic
atonic seizures and segmental or generalised jerks. encephalopathy in non-progressive disorders’.
The ictal EEG pattern is of slow, less than 2.5 Hz, Obtundation SE is a symptomatic form of myo-
GSWD or GPSWD activity. Both the clinical patterns clonic SE rather than atypical absence SE.
Status Epilepticus 77

Situation-related from an epilepsy disorder.72,73 The best-documented

examples are of drug induction and drug with-
and de novo absence SE drawal (mainly benzodiazepine withdrawal). De novo
Absence SE may be induced by drugs, and absence SE is often misdiagnosed as a psychotic state
electrolyte and metabolic disturbances in mainly or dementia.
middle-aged or elderly patients who do not suffer

Focal status epilepticus

Any type of focal epileptic seizure can sometimes A. As occurs with Rasmussen syndrome. EPC in this
exceed its usual duration and last for over 30 min, subacute lateralized encephalitis of unknown
thus constituting, by definition, a focal SE. There- cause (half the cases show the clinical expression
fore, focal SE can exist in as many different types of this encephalitis) combines focal myoclonus and
as focal epileptic seizures. These may remain simple focal seizures affecting various areas of the same
without impairment of consciousness or complex hemisphere, with or without clear EEG correlation
with impairment of consciousness. They may remain of the myoclonic jerks, and at times persistence of
entirely localised or progress to more complex the jerks in sleep. There is progressive slowing of
symptomatology and to secondarily generalised epi- the background EEG activity on the affected side.
leptic seizures or secondarily generalised SE. The B. As occurs with focal lesions. Various dysplastic, vascular,
various forms of focal SE are detailed in the relevant or tumor lesions produce EPC lasting a few days, weeks,
chapters of this book. Of the long list of focal SE, or months before the patient returns to baseline. EPC
the ones that have attracted attention from the ILAE is also seen with nonketotic hyperglycemia. The jerks
Task Force1 are: affect the same area as the focal seizures, and have an
t epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) EEG correlate; they do not persist in sleep.
t supplementary motor area (SMA) SE C. As a component of inborn errors of metabolism.
t aura continua Various conditions affecting energy metabolism,
t dyscognitive focal (psychomotor, complex par- namely, Alpers disease or myoclonus epilepsy with
tial) SE, subdivided into: ragged-red fibers (MERRF), produce uni- and then
– mesial temporal lobe SE bilateral rhythmic jerks that persist in sleep, with
– neocortical SE EEG correlates.1

Epilepsia partialis continua1 Supplementary motor area SE1

EPC is a typical example of symptomatic focal According to the ILEA Task Force1 report:
myoclonic SE as detailed in Chapter 15 (see page Frequently repeated seizures from the SMA usually
462). According to the ILEA Task Force1 report: present as a type of focal SE with preserved
EPC of Kozhevnikov is a combination of focal seizures consciousness and individual tonic motor seizures
with continuous twitching in the same area. The clinical occurring every few minutes throughout the night.
and EEG features permit distinction of three conditions Another type of SMA SE consists of secondarily
that correlate with aetiology: generalized seizures that evolve into repetitive
78 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

asymmetrical tonic motor seizures with profound Neocortical SE: Focal SE originating in various
impairment of consciousness.1 neocortical regions can present with a wide variety
See details in Chapters 14 and 15. of unpredictable clinical patterns. SE from some
frontal foci can resemble absence status or generalized
tonic–clonic status. It can present as repetitive discrete
Aura continua1 behavioural seizures. To some extent, this type of
The term ‘aura continua’ is not found in the recent SE can reflect the neocortical region of origin. For
ILAE glossary of epilepsy terminology17 and I would example, occipital SE might present with experiential
agree with others that ‘this term is an appropriate unexplained blindness, whereas dysphasia or aphasia
clinical description for a subtype of simple partial could represent focal status in language cortex.1
According to the ILEA Task Force report:1 Clarifications on nomenclature
Aura continua is a rare but well-described manifestation In this book I use the term complex focal SE (limbic,
of focal epilepsy. The symptoms depend on the locali- mesial temporal or neocortical) in concordance
zation. The attacks are usually without impairment of with the seizure classification. Psychomotor SE
consciousness. The symptoms wax and wane, often for may be used as a synonym. I would discourage
hours, and may be associated with a motor component, the use of the term dyscognitive, however, which
depending on the spread. Dysaesthesia, painful sensa- I consider confusing because this type of SE mani-
tions and visual changes are examples. Limbic aura fests with various mental aberrations at various
continua is the most common clinical pattern. Fear, an combinations and degrees of predominance. Other
epigastric rising sensation, or other features may recur than dyscognitive (impairment of cognition that
every few minutes for many hours or for more than is the process of knowing, including aspects such
a day without going on to seizures, with impairment as awareness, perception, reasoning and judgement),
of awareness. Electrographic correlation is variable. symptoms include ideational (impairment of thoughts),
Diagnosis must be entertained, particularly in patients dysmnesic (impairment of memory), affective
with well-established epilepsy.1 (emotional impairment) and behavioural changes.
Wiesel has extensively reviewed aura continua.75 According to the ILAE glossary,17 “the term
The term ‘aura continua’ is restricted to subjective dyscognitive describes events in which: (1) distur-
feelings without visible motor phenomena. Symp- bance of cognition is the prominent or most apparent
toms excluded are simple focal SE with motor feature, and (2a) two or more of the following
phenomena or any other objective phenomena such components are involved or (2b) contributions of
as aphasia. such components remain undetermined. Otherwise,
use more specific terms such as ‘mnemonic
experiential seizure’ or ‘hallucinatory experiential
Dyscognitive seizure.’
focal (psychomotor, “Components of cognition include:
t perception (symbolic conception of sensory
complex partial) SE1
According to the ILEA Task Force1 (Table 3.1): t attention (appropriate selection of a principal
Mesial temporal SE: Focal SE predominantly involving perception or task)
mesial limbic structures consists of serial dyscognitive t emotion (appropriate affective significance of a
focal ictal events without return of clear consciousness perception)
in-between. Onset can be limited to one side or can t memory (ability to store and retrieve percepts or
alternate between hemispheres.1 concepts)
Status Epilepticus 79

t executive function (anticipation, selection, Prevalence

monitoring of consequences, initiation of motor Complex focal SE may be a lot more common than
activity including praxis, speech).”17 was initially thought.69
According to the semiological classification of SE by
Luders, et al,76 dyscognitive is: Aetiology and prognosis
Complex focal SE may be acutely symptomatic (i.e.
A new term describing status episodes interfering mainly
cerebral trauma and infections, cerebrovascular acci-
with the cognitive sphere... For practical purposes, we
dents and ischaemia, metabolic) or occur in patients
distinguish three different types of dyscognitive SE
with focal epilepsies of mainly temporal lobe origin.
according to its predominant clinical feature. Status
Acutely precipitated complex focal SE and complex
episodes which cannot be clearly assigned to one of the
focal SE in the setting of a person with epilepsy
categories [dialeptic, delirious and aphasic] should be
should be considered as two separate conditions.69
simply termed ‘dyscognitive status’.76
Complex focal SE in someone with focal epilepsy
Furthermore, in this classification of Luders et al., is probably a relatively benign condition that does
‘dyscognitive’ SE may be focal or generalised.76 not cause adverse systemic consequences, although
prolonged memory deficits may occur.82 Patients
Clinical manifestations commonly have repeated episodes, which may
Complex focal SE (limbic or neocortical) is respond to oral benzodiazepines.83
characterised by continuous or rapidly recurring Conversely, complex focal SE in the setting of an
complex focal (psychomotor) seizures that may acute medical illness has high mortality and morbidity,
involve temporal or extratemporal regions, most which probably relates to the underlying cause.84
frequently the limbic regions.69,75,77,78 Cyclic distur-
bance of consciousness is characteristic of limbic SE Differential diagnosis
of temporal lobe origin. The diagnosis of complex Complex focal SE is often misdiagnosed as abnormal or
focal SE of frontal lobe origin remains a challenge.79 strangebehaviour,psychologicaldisorder,toxicormetabolic
In a third of cases, a frontal lesion is revealed.80,81 encephalopathy, or global amnesia. If this is recognised as an
However, according to Wieser: epileptic SE, the main differential diagnosis is from absence
SE (Table 2.7). A previous history of complex focal
With the exception of a few cases with prolonged
seizures or an inter-ictal EEG with focal spikes are
discharges in the anterior cingulate gyrus associated
important diagnostic features of complex focal SE.
with confusion and emotional and autonomous signs
Conversely, a history of IGEs and absences with
and symptoms and a few cases with cacosmia from
3 Hz GSPWD are typical of absence SE. Ictal EEG
frontal orbital cortices, little evidence exists on the
offers a definitive diagnosis (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). In
existence of isolated limbic SE in areas other than the
the absence of readily available EEG, rapid recovery
temporal lobe.75
after appropriate administration of a benzodiazepine
Symptoms at the beginning depend on the favours SE.
epileptogenic site of origin. Initial symptoms of See Chapter 4 for imitators of epilepsy.
neocortical onsets include somatosensory, visual and
auditory hallucinations. Initial symptoms of limbic
onset include usually complex internal sensations, Hippocampal SE69,75,77,85
autonomic and other manifestations of limbic Synonym: limbic mesial temporal lobe complex focal
seizures (see Chapter 15). SE.
Complex focal SE (usually of temporolimbic The term hippocampal SE (understanding that
origin) may present with features similar to post- this also involves parahippocampal regions) is in
ictal twilight states.75 agreement with the seizure terminology:
80 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Video-EEG of a 43-year-old man during

complex focal status epilepticus of frontal lobe origin

'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 

15:30 15:40 15:50 15:58

150 MV
3 sec

Figure 3.2 He was confused, disorientated in time and place, with bizarre behaviour, laughing and making inappropriate
jokes. Note: (1) the frequent, but irregular, appearance of sharp–slow-wave complexes, which are mainly localised in the
bifrontal electrodes with left-sided preponderance; (2) the relative preservation of alpha activity; and (3) brief discontinuation
of the ictal discharge. The numbers show the actual time of the recording.

Hippocampal and parahippocampal seizures almost 2. continuous or type II (continuous ongoing

always require local spread for clinical manifestation, complex focal seizures with a twilight state).
which may involve insula, amygdala, hypothalamus, These forms most likely represent a continuum.86
and other limbic structures. Autonomic features such Consciousness is impaired and often fluctuates
as a sensation of epigastric rising is common, as well as (cycles) from mild to severe between a continuous
emotional experiences such as fear, dysmnesias, focal twilight state with partial and amnestic respon-
sensory seizures with olfactory or gustatory symptoms, siveness and an arrest reaction with motionless
and vague bilateral sensory phenomena such as tingling.1 stare, complete unresponsiveness and stereotyped
automatisms. Patients are usually responsive but
Clinical manifestations8,75,77,85 responsiveness also fluctuates significantly in the
The typical pattern of hippocampal SE is of fluctu- same episode of SE and in-between attacks and
ating waxing–waning impairment of consciousness, patients. Frank stupor or catatonic states are rare.
behavioural, affective and memory aberrations, Memory of the event is usually impaired. Complete
and complex internal sensations, often with auto- amnesia is common, which is also the reason that
matisms. Onset is usually with the symptomatology this SE may be misdiagnosed as global amnesia.87
of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (see Chapter 15) Behavioural changes, irritability, fear, panic and
characteristic of the habitual focal seizures of each anxiety are common and these also fluctuate.
patient. Automatisms, as with complex focal seizures, mainly
There are two clinical forms: occur when consciousness is severely impaired.
1. discontinuous or type I (clusters of complex Hallucinations (olfactory and gustatory), as with
focal seizures without recovery of consciousness the habitual seizures of the patient, may be present
in-between the attacks) (aura continua).74
Status Epilepticus 81

Autonomic symptoms of all types are common (see It is difficult to differentiate frontal from idiopathic
Chapter 15, page 443).77,88 absence SE without an EEG (Figures 3.1 and 3.2).

Inter-ictal EEG is as described for hippocampal Focal SE of
epilepsy (see page 451). occipital lobe origin
Ictal EEG shows continuous or discontinuous focal
discharges like those of complex focal hippocampal Visual seizures develop rapidly, within seconds, and
seizures (Figure 15.4). They are mainly localised in they are usually brief, lasting from a few seconds
the temporal or frontotemporal electrodes. Unilateral, to 1–3 min, rarely longer.90–92 Exceptionally, they
bilateral or secondarily generalised discharges are can last for 20–150 min, sometimes constituting
frequent; these may be repetitive patterns with focal visual SE without other ictal symptoms.93–96
irregular or rhythmic spikes without clear-cut seizure Occasionally, ictal blindness may last for hours or
days (SE amauroticus).97,98
discharges or temporal theta and delta activity
without clear-cut epileptiform features.89
Focal SE of
Focal SE of frontal lobe origin parietal lobe origin
Focal SE of frontal lobe origin is of undetermined The duration of parietal lobe seizures varies from
prevalence.79,80 In addition to EPC and SE of the a few seconds to 1 or 2 min. Prolonged isolated
SMA, other types include: sensory auras comparable to EPC, but without any
t focal simple motor SE, which manifests with motor manifestations, have been reported99,100 and
continuous focal motor clonic hemiconvulsions this condition may be misdiagnosed as non-epileptic
of lips, eyelids, hand or foot psychogenic seizures.101
t frontal lobe complex SE, which manifests with
prolonged impairment of consciousness and
inappropriate behaviours (Figure 3.2). Autonomic SE
In frontal lobe complex SE, symptoms fluctuate in Autonomic SE is the most common after febrile
intensity and severity over time. Concurrent turning SE in otherwise normal children; it has distinctive
of the head and focal jerking may occur. It commonly clinical manifestations and has been documented
ends with GTCS. Ictal EEG shows repetitive fronto- with video-EEG recordings.102,103
polar, frontocentral and frontotemporal epileptiform A major problem is that autonomic SE is frequently
discharges with unilateral emphasis. There may be misdiagnosed as symptoms of non-epileptic disorders
two types of frontal lobe complex SE.80 The first, more such as encephalitis.102–104 Yet, autonomic SE has not
common type manifests with mood disturbances with been recognised in any ILAE classification scheme,
affective disinhibition or affective indifference, which including the recent report of the Core Group.1
are associated with subtle impairment of cognitive
functions without overt confusion. The EEG shows a Definition103
unilateral frontal ictal pattern and normal background Autonomic SE is an autonomic seizure that lasts
activity. In the second type, impaired consciousness for more than 30 min, or a series of such seizures
is associated with bilateral, asymmetric frontal EEG over a 30-min period without full recovery between
discharges on an abnormal background. The response seizures.
to intravenous benzodiazepines is poor, whereas A fuller definition is:
intravenous phenytoin successfully controls seizures Autonomic SE is a condition lasting 30 min and
in most patients.80 characterised by epileptic activity causing altered
82 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

autonomic function of any type at seizure onset or in which aversion of the eyes and/or head. There then follows
manifestations consistent with altered autonomic function a prolonged period characterised by fluctuating
are prominent (quantitatively dominant or clinically consciousness, interspersed with retching and
important) even if not present at seizure onset.103 vomiting with continuing pallor, mydriasis, etc. In a
third of the cases, autonomic SE ends with hemi or
Clinical manifestations generalised convulsions.
Autonomic SE is mainly childhood related, as first Other details and EEG findings are provided in
described by Panayiotopoulos,105 and occurs in 40% Chapter 12.
of children with Panayiotopoulos syndrome (see
Figure 12.5). This type of SE, particularly with ictus
emeticus, has not been described in adults.102,105,106
Opercular SE
In a typical presentation of autonomic SE in Opercular SE usually occurs in atypical evolutions of
Panayiotopoulos syndrome, the child, if awake, rolandic epilepsy or exceptionally it may be induced
begins to complain of feeling sick. Initially, he or by carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine or lamotrigine.
she is fully aware and responsive. Retching and/ This SE may last for hours to months. It consists
or vomiting frequently follow and these emetic of continuous unilateral or bilateral contractions of
symptoms are often accompanied by other autonomic the mouth, tongue or eyelids, positive or negative
features, such as pallor, tachycardia/bradycardia, subtle perioral or other myoclonus, dysarthria,
mydriasis and thermoregulatory disturbances. At speech arrest, difficulties in swallowing, buccofacial
this stage, it is unlikely that on-lookers will suspect apraxia and hypersalivation. These are often associ-
an epileptic seizure. After a variable time, awareness ated with EEG continuous spikes and waves during
and responsiveness become impaired, often with sleep (page 309).

Management of status epilepticus

Management of GTC-SE and Control of overt and electrical seizures is imperative.

The risk of brain damage increases progressively if

other convulsive SE continuous GTC-SE persists for more than 30 min
An episode of GTC-SE or other form of convulsive and particularly after 1 or 2 hours.
SE (CSE) is a medical emergency and should be
properly and promptly managed in order to reduce Out of hospital management
morbidity and mortality.4,14,24,107–125 The mortality Considering that convulsive SE should be terminated
associated with GTC-SE is around 10%, increasing as soon as possible, out of hospital treatment108,126
to more than 20% when it becomes refractory. is an important part of the optimal management
of CSE. Appropriate administration of available
The longer the GTC-SE lasts, the harder it is to treat and
medications may prevent an impending GTC-SE or
the greater the morbidity and mortality.
terminate a GTC-SE at its crucial initial stages. The
The aim of treatment is early termination of GTC- therapeutic window for most effective treatment with
SE in order to prevent neuronal damage caused by benzodiazepines may have already passed by the time
systemic and metabolic disturbances and by the direct that hospital treatment starts, which is usually more
excitotoxic effect of electrical seizure discharges. than 20 min after the onset of GTC-SE. It is during
Status Epilepticus 83

this window that the patient, family caregivers and (otherwise it smells and tastes very unpleasant) and
ambulance paramedics can play a significant role in the should be swirled around the mouth for 4 or 5 min
management of CSE. They can safely and accurately and then spat out, although it is harmless if swallowed.
administer drugs by buccal, rectal, nasal and other non- However, some authors argue that keeping the solution
invasive routes if appropriately instructed and if proper in the buccal pouch may be difficult to achieve in a
“rescue medications” are available for emergency use.126 convulsive emergency and that place¬ment of an object
The home management of febrile seizures by parents or fingers in the mouth of a patient having a seizure
is a good example of this, particularly considering that runs counter to standard first aid advice.126
febrile convulsive SE is the commonest amongst such Intranasal midazolam (0.2 mg/Kg in children and
emergencies in childhood.127 5 mg in adults) is already recommended in some
Patients, including older children and teenagers, consensus guidelines for out of hospital treatment of
frequently know when a GTC-SE is about to start status epilepticus.14,128 The drug should be delivered
and can prevent it happening by self-administration to both nostrils to increase absorption surface
of available medications. This is often the case with area. Intranasal administration of drugs may cause
secondarily GTCS, which may occur after clusters of considerable but transient discomfort and often
focal seizures that can alert the patient and relatives. result in leakage out of the nose thus delaying or
The same applies for patients with absence or decreasing absorption.126
myoclonic status epilepticus. For any of these medications a repeat dose can be
Clinical studies have shown that pre-hospital given at least 10 min after the first dose.
treatment with non-invasive administration of rescue
See more details in the forthcoming section on AEDs
benzodiazepines shortens the duration of SE and
recommended for the treatment of status epilepticus.
reduces the likelihood of recurrent seizures with no
increased risk of complications related to therapy.126 In Hospital emergency management of
particularly, respiratory or circulatory complications are GTC-SE
absent or minimal in the active treatment groups.126 Emergency management of GTC-SE should be in
Rectal diazepam and buccal or intranasal midazolam accordance with established and well-publicised
are first line options.14 Because of the inconvenience protocols (Table 3.3).107–125 Most protocols are
and often embarrassment of administering rectal similar, with differences usually concerning the
medications, buccal and intranasal routes are recommended drug dosage and less often the
currently preferred. drugs used or the treatment order. Following
Rectal diazepam (0.5 mg/ kg for children and 10–20 mg any of these protocols results in appropriate and
for adults ) has been used for many years and is still the rapid management of GTC-SE and hence reduces
preferred benzodiazepine. It has the most rapid and morbidity and mortality.24
consistent absorption of all the benzodiazepines from
this route of administration. It has a near-intravenous
Recommended useful treatment
efficacy, stopping recurrent seizures in around 70% of protocols for SE in websites
patients.125 Suppositories or intramuscular diazepam
are not useful because absorption is very slow. In addition to protocols found in the cited reports and
Buccal midazolam (0.4–0.5 mg/kg in children and 10– SFWJFXT PUIFSVTFGVMQSPUPDPMTBSFUIPTFPGUIF/FX4PVUI
20 mg in adults) is gaining wide acceptance as “a safe 8BMFT IUUQXXXIFBMUIOTXHPWBVQPMJDJFTQE
and more effective choice” for terminating prolonged PD2006_023.html accessed 7 September 2009) and
seizures in the home.108,122 It is more convenient and the Starship Children’s Hospital in New Zealand (http://
more socially acceptable and is preferred by parents XXXTUBSTIJQPSHO[$MJOJDBM(VJEFMJOF1%'T
to rectal diazepam. Midazolam drawn up from an $POWVMTJPOT4UBUVT&QJMFQUJDVTQEG 
injectable formulation is dissolved with peppermint accessed 7 September 2009).
84 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

General emergency management or discontinuation of AED medication. Patients with

Initial and immediate general emergency management de novo GTC-SE are more demanding to diagnose
of a patient with CSE is vital. This includes standard because of the numerous potential aetiological
measures applicable to any acute medical situation. factors. Acute symptomatic seizures are the most
t Assess and support airway. Insert nasal airway, common and their various causes should be
begin nasal oxygen or intubate if needed considered (infections, metabolic disorders, toxicity,
t Assess and support cardiorespiratory function, alcohol and other drugs) as listed in Table 3.2.
which is often compromised. Check blood
Non-epileptic psychogenic convulsive SE is common
pressure, monitor ECG and respiration
and should be considered, particularly in drug-resistant
t Establish intravenous line containing isotonic
saline at a low infusion rate. Administer glucose
(50 ml of 50% solution) and/or intravenous Emergency investigations:129 Blood should be taken
thiamine (250–500 mg) if alcohol abuse or in order to evaluate blood gases, glucose, renal
impaired nutrition is suspected and liver function, calcium and magnesium, full
t Check temperature frequently. Hyperthermia blood count (including platelets), blood clotting
(which occurs in 28–79% of patients in CSE) is and AED drug levels; 5ml of serum and 50ml of
often a manifestation of CSE rather than evidence urine samples should be saved for future analysis,
of an infection and should be appropriately including toxicology, especially if the cause of the
treated. status epilepticus is uncertain. A chest radiograph
t Send sample serum for emergency investigations to evaluate the possibility of aspiration should
(see below) such as evaluation of electrolytes, be carried out. Other investigations depend on
blood urea nitrogen, glucose level, complete blood the clinical circumstances and may include brain
cell count, toxic drug screen, and AED levels. imaging, lumbar puncture and EEG.
Arterial-blood gas monitoring is especially useful Monitoring of vital signs:129 Regular neurological
because of the frequent occurrence of profound observations and measurements of pulse, blood
metabolic acidosis or respiratory acidosis and pressure, temperature, ECG, biochemistry, blood
hypoxia requiring immediate treatment. gases, clotting, blood count and drug levels should
Other concurrent life threatening conditions such as be carried out. Patients require the full range of
haemorrhage should be indentified and treated. An intensive therapy unit facilities and care should be
acute symptomatic aetiology such as meningitis or shared between anaesthetist and neurologist.
nonketotic hyperglycaemia requires specific treatment.
Diagnostic procedures and investigations to Pharmacological treatment of GTC-SE
determine the cause of CSE must be carried out Administration of drugs to terminate GTC-SE should
without delaying the drug treatment needed to stop start as soon as possible and in parallel with the other
seizures. emergency assessments of the patients as outlined
General measures should be instituted along with above.
antiepileptic drug therapy. Drug treatment of GTC-SE in the hospital setting
Diagnosis: Establish by fast-track history taking and can be divided into the following three stages when
examination that the patient suffers from genuine intravenous access has been established (Table 3.3):
GTC-SE and determine the likely aetiology (Table 1. In the early stage of GTC-SE (first 30 min, preferably
3.2). GTC-SE is easy to diagnose if the patient has first 10 min), treatment comprises intravenous
a history of epileptic seizures or status epilepticus administration of a fast-acting benzodiazepine.
and/or if the current event has been preceded by Diazepam is the traditional drug but now lorazepam
clusters of brief seizures. Significant clues are also is the first choice.24 Midazolam infusion is becoming
provided by precipitating factors and recent changes increasingly popular as an effective and well-tolerated
Status Epilepticus 85

therapeutic option. The use of paraldehyde has is also included in some protocols. If these are
significantly declined and only rectal administration ineffective, subanaesthetic doses of phenobarbital
is recommended in the UK.108 are used. If seizures are not controlled at this stage
2. In the stage of established GTC-SE (from 10–30 to the patient enters refractory SE.
60–90 min), first-line drug options are intravenous 3. Refractory GTC-SE (>60–90 min) requires general
phenytoin or fosphenytoin. Intravenous valproate anaesthesia and a continuous infusion of AEDs,

Staging and order of drug administration in GTC-SE*

Stage 1: stage of early SE (0–10/30 min); drugs in order of preference

If after 10 minutes of first drug administration seizures continue a second dose can be given


If seizures continue after 30 min proceed to stage 2

Stage 2: stage of established SE (10/30–60/90 min)

If seizures continue after 30–90 min proceed to stage 3

Stage 3: stage of refractory SE (>60/90 min)14



Table 3.3 *The doses cited in this table have been derived from the study of various protocols recommended for the treatment
of SE. Because of considerable variations between protocols and recommendations, doses and rates of drug administration
should be verified according to the local settings, age and particular circumstances of the patient. IV, intravenous; PE,
phenytoin equivalents.
86 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

such as propofol, thiopental or midazolam, with Therefore, advice to the patient regarding therapeutic
concomitant and continuous EEG monitoring of options for self-administration of drugs is imperative.
seizure or EEG background suppression. Medication Benzodiazepines – mainly diazepam, lorazepam or
is usually titrated to the EEG burst-suppression midazolam – are the most effective agents.
pattern, maintained for 12–48 hours, and then slowly
This is similar to the management of myoclonic or
withdrawn while the patient is observed and the
myoclonic-absence and other forms of the so-called
EEG is monitored for seizures. If seizures recur, the
non-convulsive focal SE.3,67,121,131–135
process is repeated at progressively longer intervals.
Despite these measures, the mortality of refractory
GTC-SE is more than 20% from underlying illness, Self-administration of medication
cardiovascular collapse, or medical complications.53 This is the same as in the out of hospital management
Surgical intervention is the last and desperate of CSE (page 82). Rectal diazepam, or buccal/
resort in medically refractory convulsive status intranasal midazolam administered as soon as
epilepticus and can sometimes be successful when the first symptoms appear, may stop absence SE
the aetiology is focal. 129 and prevent an impending GTCS (see page 86).
Buccal or intranasal routes of administration are
When intravenous access cannot be established, acute
more convenient and less traumatising than rectal
management employs all approaches described in the
preparations, particularly in adults.
out-of-hospital treatment. Rectal diazepam or buccal/
Other less effective options are an oral bolus dose
intranasal midazolam (though intramuscular midazolam
of valproate (usually twice the daily prophylactic
may also be appropriate) should be administered,
dose). Oral clonazepam (1–4 mg) at the onset of
repeating every 10 minutes for a maximal 3 times until
generalised non-convulsive SE is a preferred option
intravenous access is achieved.108
for patients with mainly myoclonic jerks.
Other AEDs that are available in parenteral forms
This helps me to go to sleep and when I wake up I am
and which may be used for the control of SE
include valproate and the more recently developed
For more details, see the forthcoming section on Hospital management
AEDs for status epilepticus. With intravenous administration of any type of
the benzodiazepines discussed above (Table 3.3),
absence SE usually stops abruptly. The problem is
Absence SE that this condition is not recognised and the patients
Absence SE3,18,67,121,131–135 occurs in 10–20% of cases of are not believed when they seek such treatment,
IGE and in as many as 50% of cases of some syndromes even when they produce a relevant letter from their
of IGE, such as those manifesting with phantom treating physician that clearly explains their situation
absences or perioral myoclonia. Nearly all patients are and the need for urgent attention.
fully aware of this epileptic status and know that it may She started doing the same silly things. I recognised it.
inevitably lead to a GTCS, although it is avoidable: The doctor told me that she is ok. No, no I said, she is

It is the same feeling of ‘slowing down’, ‘uncontrollable going to have the fit.

rush of thoughts’, ‘losing control of my mind’, ‘taking me

much longer to formulate my response, which occasionally
is inappropriate and bumbled. Then I know that I will have Focal simple and complex SE
the fit. If I can, I just go in a private place and wait for it’. The treatment of focal SE follows the same principles
This stage is unlikely to be considered as a genuine SE by and emergency drug administration as for absence
the physicians in accident and emergency departments. SE described above.3,121,131–135 It has been reported
Status Epilepticus 87

that rectal diazepam terminated focal SE in 88% equally effective at terminating seizures with no
of 67patients.2 Patients with simple focal SE should significant differences in reported ADRs. However,
be advised and provided self-administration rescue with lorazepam there are fewer seizure recurrences
medication. and fewer repeat doses are needed. Midazolam
is emerging as a first line AED in out of hospital
treatment of status epilepticus.
Antiepileptic drugs in Diazepam is highly lipid-soluble and rapidly crosses
the treatment of status the blood-brain barrier; its antiepileptic effect occurs
within 3 min but it does not last more than 30 min.
This is because diazepam is quickly re-distributed
to other parts of the body due to its marked
Benzodiazepines108,110,136-139 lipophilia and high degree of plasma protein binding
Of the benzodiazepines, diazepam, lorazepam, (90–99%). Thus, non-effective concentrations of
midazolam and clonazepam have potent fast-acting diazepam occur within about 20 min of intravenous
efficacy in terminating seizures and are therefore
administration.12,13 Repeated dosing with diazepam
the first-line drugs used for the initial emergency
results in saturation of lipid stores and high levels of
treatment of status epilepticus (Table 3.3). They are
active drug, with an attendant risk of respiratory and
GABAergic drugs promoting neuronal inhibition by
circulatory depression. Saturated lipid stores would
binding at the GABAA receptor (see Pharmacopoeia).
release the drug for at least as long as 30 hours,
There are two clinically important matters to
which is the half-elimination life of diazepam.
Metabolism and elimination of diazepam in the
a. During status epilepticus, the number of active
neonate are markedly slower than in children and
GABAA receptors progressively decreases with
adults. In the elderly and in patients with impaired
time and they become less effective.
hepatic and renal function, elimination is prolonged
b. Benzodiazepines at higher concentrations also
by a factor of 2 to 4.
inhibit sustained repetitive neuronal firing, as
The intravenous diazepam dose is 10–20 mg (adult)
with carbamazepine and phenytoin
Adverse effects of intravenous benzodiazepines or 0.25–0.5 mg/kg (child) at a rate not exceeding
include respiratory and circulatory collapse (in 5 mg/min.
3–10% of patients), hypotension (in <2%), and The rectal diazepam dose is 10–20 mg (adults) or
impaired consciousness (in 20–60%).140 Especially 0.5 mg/kg (child).
in older subjects, infusion speed should be slowed Rectal diazepam is quickly absorbed from the
and accompanied by gentle fluid expansion. rectal mucosa and reaches the brain within 5–10
Currently, the main benzodiazepines and their min in children (10–15 min in adults); maximum
route of administration for the treatment of status plasma concentration is achieved within 17
epilepticus are: min. Absorption is 100% compared with that of
t Lorazepam in intravenous administration intravenous diazepam. Stesolid® in Europe and
t Diazepam in rectal administration Diastat® in USA are proprietary formulations for
t Midazolam in buccal, intanasal and less direct rectal administration of diazepam. Stesolid®
frequently in intramuscular and intravenous rectal tubes are enemas containing 5 or 10 mg ready-
administration made liquid diazepam. Diastat® is a prefilled, unit-
Intravenous diazepam has been the first-line option dose, diazepam rectal gel delivery system containing
in the acute therapy of SE for many years,141 though 5 mg/ml diazepam.
recently lorazepam has been preferred.111 In both Intramuscular diazepam is of no benefit in the
premonitory and established CSE, both drugs are treatment of status epilepticus because absorption
88 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

is erratic and peak plasma concentrations are lower when other routes of administration cannot be
even than those following oral administration. used
Lorazepam has become the first line intravenous t Its buccal and intranasal use has been successful
treatment of CSE, although it does not have an in effectively stopping ongoing seizures; it has
FDA approval for this indication. Its efficacy may be become first line option in at-home management
as good as that of diazepam but existing evidence of status epilepticus
indicates that (a) it has longer duration of action, thus t Its intravenous application has stopped seizures
reducing the likehood of recurrent seizures and (b) that have been resistant to other benzodiazepines
it probably causes fewer adverse reactions, including and to phenytoin.
cardirespiratory depression, than diazepam in the Midazolam at pH 4 has an open ring, which makes
treatment of GTC-SE.14,108,109,111,116 it water soluble, but at physiological pH the ring
Lorazepam is less lipid-soluble than diazepam. closes, thus making midazolam highly lipid-soluble
Effective brain concentrations after intravenous and allowing rapid cerebral penetration.
lorazepam are achieved within the first 5 min and Midazolam has an extremely short duration of
last for at least 12 hours (range 8 to 48 hours). action with an elimination half-life of 2 hours (range
Intravenous lorazepam dose is 4 mg (adult) or 1.5–2.5 hours); therefore there is a high recurrence
0.1 mg/kg (child) in intravenous slow bolus not rate of seizures.
exceeding 2mg/min. Buccal midazolam (10–20 mg in adults; 0.4–0.5 mg/
Repeat doses of lorazepam have been associated Kg in children) is rapidly absorbed with fast onset of
with tachyphylaxis (rapidly decreasing response effect within 5–10 min.
following its initial administration) but this is of no Intranasal midazolam (5 mg in adults; 0.2 mg/Kg in
practical significance, as the relevant protocols for children) reaches maximum plasma concentration
the treatment of GTC-SE indicate that a second line faster (in around 14 min) than other benzodiazepine
AED should be administered instead when 2 (or at formulations for intranasal administration (clonazepam
most 3) doses of lorazepam have failed. takes 17 min, diazepam and lorazepam over 30 min).128
Experience with other than intravenous routes Intramuscular midazolam has a rapid onset of effect,
of administration of lorazepam is limited, though within 10 or 15 min.126 Conversely, intramuscular
there are indications that both rectal and intranasal lorazepam and diazepam are very slow in reaching
lorazepam are effective.107 maximum plasma concentrations, averaging an hour
Intramuscular lorazepam is of no benefit because or more.126
absorption is slow. Clonazepam:2,136,139,144 Though effective and of
Formulations of lorazepam may contain benzyl particular importance in the treatment of myoclonic
alcohol, which is contraindicated in infants and status epilepticus, the use of clonazepam has
young children up to 3 years old. significantly declined in recent years, mainly because
Midazolam, the first water-soluble benzodiazepine, of sedative and other ADRs.144 A major problem
is increasingly being used in the treatment of associated with intravenous clonazepam is excessive
SE and has several advantages over the other bronchial secretions that may result in obstructive
benzodiazepines:108,142,143 hypopnoea and aggravate respiratory depression.
t It is water soluble while most of the other The dose of intravenous clonazepam is 1–2 mg (adult)
benzodiazepines and effective drugs, such as or 0.01–0.03 mg/kg (child) at a rate not exceeding 1 mg
phenytoin, need to be dissolved in propylene /min.
glycol or benzyl alcohol, which may be harmful, Clonazepam is completely absorbed after oral
particularly in infants143 administration, reaching peak plasma concentrations
t It is the only benzodiazepine that can reliably be within 1–4 hours. Its elimination half-life is around
given intramuscularly, thus making it very useful 30 hours (range 20–60 hours).
Status Epilepticus 89

Phenytoin sodium2,108,137,140,145 tissue damage). The ‘purple glove’ syndrome

Phenytoin sodium is recommended for the treatment of manifests with pain, oedema and discolouration
established status epilepticus if benzodiazepines have in the distribution of a glove at the intravenous
failed. Around half of the patients who do not respond injection site and occurs in up to 6% of patients.
to the initial benzodiazepine alone will respond to Elderly patients are particularly at risk. Although
subsequently given intravenous phenytoin. resolution of symptoms may be spontaneous,
The parenteral preparation of phenytoin sodium is skin necrosis and limb ischemia have occurred
a hydroalcoholic mixture of 40% propylene glycol, and required invasive interventions such as
10% alcohol, and 50% water with the pH adjusted fasciotomies, skin grafting and amputation.146
to 12, necessary to provide 50 mg/ml solution of Intramuscular phenytoin is of no use in CSE
phenytoin sodium. Propylene glycol can be harmful because its absorption is even slower than after oral
in neonates, young children and slow metabolisers administration.
of the substance.
Phenytoin is highly protein-bound; only its free Important clinical note
portion is metabolically active. Effective levels of
intravenous phenytoin are reached within 10 to 30 min Patients on oral phenytoin treatment when this is
temporarily not feasible
and its elimination half-life ranges from 10–15 hours.
Phenytoin should be given as a bolus of 1 g (adult)
or 15–20 mg/kg (child) at 25–50 mg/min (1 mg/kg/
of phenytoin. The drop is caused by slower absorption
min) under ECG and blood pressure monitoring.
Because of the dangers of precipitation, it should not
be given through the same line as other medication
and should not be given with glucose solutions. It
administered intramuscularly to maintain the plasma
should be followed by an injection of sterile saline
through the same needle or intravenous catheter to
avoid local venous irritation due to the alkalinity
of the solution. Continuous infusion should be
avoided. Most adult patients may need more than 1
g of phenytoin; an additional 10 mg/kg may be given
Intravenous administration may be the preferred route
to reach plasma levels of approximately 25–30 mg/l.
In neonates, the drug should be administered at a
rate not exceeding 1–3 mg/kg/min.
Problems with phenytoin include (a) difficulty
in maintaining therapeutic plasma levels because Fosphenytoin
of multiple drug interactions and its saturable Fosphenytoin is an aqueous parenteral phosphate
pharmacokinetics of hepatic metabolism and protein ester prodrug of phenytoin developed in order
binding and (b) ADRs in intravenous phenytoin to avoid the local complications associated with
administration. These include: parenteral phenytoin.108,110,147 Fosphenytoin is
t cardiac arrhythmias, QT prolongation, hypotension extensively plasma protein bound (95%–99%),
and less often respiratory depression that may be and this binding is saturable – the percent bound
reduced by slower infusion rates; hence blood decreases as total fosphenytoin concentrations
pressure and ECG monitoring is needed. increase. Fosphenytoin is rapidly and completely
t severe tissue reactions that may occur with and converted, mainly by phosphatises, to phenytoin,
without extravasation of phenytoin into adja- which is its active metabolite. The conversion half-
cent tissue (patient discomfort, vein irritation/ life of fosphenytoin to phenytoin is approximately
90 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

15 min. Conversion time is unaffected by plasma reasons, phenobarbital is recommended as a third-

concentrations but can be affected by low albumin line AED in CSE only when benzodiazepines and
states. Fosphenytoin displaces phenytoin from phenytoin fail. Respiratory and blood-pressure
protein binding sites. support should be immediately available.
Fosphenytoin is measured and labelled in The parenteral preparation of phenobarbital sodium
phenytoin equivalents to avoid the need to perform usually consists of 200 mg active substance in a
molecular weight-based adjustments when mixture of 90% propylene glycol and 10% water.
converting between fosphenytoin and phenytoin The dose of intravenous phenobarbital in CSE is
sodium doses. For every mmol of fosphenytoin 10–20 mg/kg (adult) or 15–20 mg/kg (child) at a
administered, one mmol of phenytoin is produced. maximal rate of 100 mg/min and a total dose for adults
A vial containing 75 mg/ml fosphenytoin sodium no more than 1g. Peak concentrations are reached
is equivalent to 50 mg/ml phenytoin sodium after within 20–40 min of completion and elimination
administration. half-life is around 100 hours. A maintenance dose of
The dose of intravenous fosphenytoin in CSE is 1–5 mg/kg is given at 24 and for 48 hours after the
15–20 mg/kg of phenytoin equivalent administered loading dose.
at a maximal rate of 150 mg/min of phenytoin Phenobarbital sodium is still a first line AED for
equivalent. Accounting for conversion time, peak neonatal seizures (see page 246) and in resource-
concentrations are reached within 10 min of poor countries.149
completion. Despite this rapid administration, it Intramuscular and oral phenobarbital have similar
is unclear whether fosphenytoin controls seizures rates of absorption and distribution; peak plasma
faster than phenytoin. levels are reached within 4 hours with 80–100%
Regarding ADRs, fosphenytoin is fulfilling its bioavailability. They are suitable only for patients
promise of avoiding the local tissue reactions on oral phenobarbital who have failed to take their
associated with phenytoin use, but otherwise medication.
probably has the same ADRs as phenytoin, including
cardiovascular ADRs. Fosphenytoin is contra- Paraldehyde
indicated in patients with sinus bradycardia, sino- Paraldehyde, a cyclic trimer of acetaldehyde
atrial block, second and third degree A-V block, and molecules, is an old CNS depressant used as anti-
Adams-Stokes syndrome. epileptic, hypnotic and sedative drug. Its use for
The role of intramuscular fosphenytoin is unclear, the treatment of status epilepticus started in 1924,
but peak concentrations occur at approximately when it significantly reduced CSE-associated
30 min post dose and plasma concentrations mortality.
are lower (but more sustainable) than those Paraldehyde is particularly useful in the absence
following intravenous administration. In general, of resuscitation facilities or for patients in whom
intramuscular fosphenytoin generates systemic respiration is compromised because, unlike benzo-
phenytoin concentrations that are similar to diazepines and phenobarbital, it does not cause
those following administration of oral phenytoin respiratory depression. Currently, in the UK only
sodium, thus allowing essentially interchangeable rectal paraldehyde is recommended for status
use. epilepticus if benzodiazepines fail. Its effectiveness
has been confirmed in a recent prospective audit
Phenobarbital sodium report in the management of acute, including
Phenobarbital sodium2,108,110,137,148 has equivalent prolonged, tonic-clonic convulsions.150 Rectal
efficacy to phenytoin. It is handicapped by its paraldehyde terminated the convulsion in 33
depressant effect on respiration and consciousness (62.3%) of the 53 episodes. There was no recorded
and a high risk of hypotension (34%).148 For these respiratory depression in any episode.150
Status Epilepticus 91

A probable consensus is that paraldehyde should control studies and numerous case reports it has
be given as an alternative to diazepam in children shown equal or better efficacy than phenytoin
in whom it is already known to be effective, or or diazepam with fewer ADRs. In particular,
when intravenous access has not been established respiratory and circulatory depression were very
and rectal benzodiazepines have failed. The only uncommon even at high infusion rates. However,
acceptable route is rectal, as above.142 Intramuscular valproate does have other ADRs, as detailed in the
or intravenous administration often causes local Pharmacopoeia.
tissue damage and sterile abscesses as well as other Valproate is usually given at intravenous infusion
complications.108,142 Intravenous administration of 25–30 mg/kg over 2–15 min or at 3–6mg/kg/
can also cause pulmonary edema, circulatory min. According to manufacturers, administration
collapse and other complications. Orally, it can be in adults is by intravenous injection (over 3–5
irritating to the throat and stomach. min) of 400–800 mg (up to 10 mg/kg), followed
For rectal use, a pre-mixed solution comprising 1:1 by intravenous infusion up to a maximum of 2.5 g
paraldehyde liquid with olive oil is often used. The daily; in children under 12 years 20–30 mg/kg daily
dose prescribed is 0.8 ml/kg (0.4 ml/kg paraldehyde is usually administered, which may be increased
with 0.4 ml/kg of olive oil). provided plasma concentrations are monitored
Paraldehyde is not available in the USA. (with doses above 40 mg/kg daily, clinical chemistry
and haematological parameters should also be
Valproate, levetiracetam and monitored).
lacosamide Treatment efficacy with valproate is time-dependent
There is an increasing body of evidence14,108,151–153 – that is, the earlier it is given, the more likely it is to
that some AEDs available in parenteral formulations terminate the seizures.154
suitable for intravenous administration are good Levetiracetam has been available in parenteral
treatment options for status epilepticus. In particular, formulations since 1993. Its use in status epilepticus
valproate and levetiracetam are considered to be first of various types and severities and in different
class agents, although they do not have approved patient age groups (including neonates) has been
licensed indications for this purpose; valproate is reported in over 150 cases, as recently reviewed and
already included in some national guidelines as an assessed.153,155–159 The evidence so far indicates that
agent to treat status epilepticus. levetiracetam has a significant role to play in the
Their use is mainly based on case series that describe treatment of status epilepticus because of its efficacy,
impressive efficacy with usually minimal ADRs. relatively safe profile, lack of clinically significant
Publication bias is expected because favourable drug interactions and lack of sedative effects.
results are more likely to be reported. However, However, the results are sometimes conflicting with
commercially sponsored RCTs are unlikely to be regard to the type of status epilepticus most likely to
carried out because of the lack of incentives and the respond to levetiracetam.
high morbidity and mortality associated with CSE Levetiracetam 1000–2000 mg (adults) or 15 to
in general. 70 mg/kg (median 30 mg/kg) diluted with at least
Both valproate and levetiracetam can be given 100 ml of infusion fluid is given over 15 min. It may
by relatively rapid infusion rates, have a broad also be administered in slow bolus.
therapeutic spectrum, can be used in all age groups, Lacosamide is the newest AED available in
show low protein binding and linear kinetics, are parenteral formulation and there are already a
non-sedative and have a relatively safe profile with few case reports demonstrating its effectiveness
regard to respiratory and circulatory adverse effects. in the treatment of status epilepticus.160,161 Any
Valproate has been available in parenteral conclusions regarding its use would be entirely
formulations since 1993. In unblind randomised premature at this time.
92 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

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119. Treiman DM. Importance of early recognition and treatment of 145. Walker M. Status epilepticus: an evidence based guide. BMJ
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2007;48 Suppl 8:99-102. incidence of the purple glove syndrome. Epilepsia 2001;42:1156-9.
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147. Fischer JH, Patel TV, Fischer PA. Fosphenytoin: clinical 154. Olsen KB, Tauboll E, Gjerstad L. Valproate is an effective, well-
pharmacokinetics and comparative advantages in the acute treatment tolerated drug for treatment of status epilepticus/serial attacks in
of seizures. Clin Pharmacokinet 2003;42:33-58. adults. Acta Neurol Scand Suppl 2007;187:51-4.
148. Treiman DM, Meyers PD, Walton NY et al. A comparison of four 155. Berning S, Boesebeck F, van BA, Kellinghaus C. Intravenous
treatments for generalized convulsive status epilepticus. Veterans levetiracetam as treatment for status epilepticus. J Neurol 2009.
Affairs Status Epilepticus Cooperative Study Group. N Engl J Med 156. Eue S, Grumbt M, Muller M, Schulze A. Two years of experience in
1998;339:792-8. the treatment of status epilepticus with intravenous levetiracetam.
149. Kokwaro GO, Ogutu BR, Muchohi SN, Otieno GO, Newton CR. Epilepsy Behav 2009;15:467-9.
Pharmacokinetics and clinical effect of phenobarbital in children 157. Gallentine WB, Hunnicutt AS, Husain AM. Levetiracetam in children
with severe falciparum malaria and convulsions. Br J Clin Pharmacol with refractory status epilepticus. Epilepsy Behav 2009;14:215-8.
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paraldehyde in the management of acute and prolonged tonic-clonic Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009;80:689-92.
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151. Trinka E. The use of valproate and new antiepileptic drugs in status the treatment of benzodiazepine refractory status epilepticus. J Neurol
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152. Wheless JW, Treiman DM. The role of the newer antiepileptic drugs 160. Kellinghaus C, Berning S, Besselmann M. Intravenous lacosamide as
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Epilepsia 2008;49 Suppl 9:63-73. in press.

Imitators of
epileptic seizures
‘Non-epileptic seizures’ or ‘non-epileptic paroxysmal
disorders’ are the currently preferred descriptive
Author’s note to junior physicians
names for the common and numerous, diverse In the process of making a diagnosis be prepared to
paroxysmal clinical events that mimic or look like challenge yourself with complicated cases and enrich your
but are not epileptic seizures.1–3
knowledge through the discussion of cases with other
The ILAE4,5 defines the imitators of epileptic sei-
colleagues and reading about possible seizure imitators
zures as:
other than the epileptic disorders. The classic book by
Clinical manifestations presumed to be unrelated Adams and Victor, Principles of Neurology, now in its eight
to an abnormal and excessive discharge of a set of edition, is the best place to start with your reading.9
neurons of the brain including (a) disturbances in There are also excellent and reliable website sources of
brain function (vertigo or dizziness, syncope, sleep information such as PubMed, WEMOVE and GeneTests.
and movement disorders, transient global amnesia, The Bookshelf of the National Center for Biotechnology
migraine, enuresis); and (b) pseudoseizures (non- Information provides free of charge a growing collection of
epileptic sudden behavioural episodes presumed to biomedical books that can be easily searched and used
be of psychogenic origin; these may coexist with true (
epileptic seizures). Amongst these books, Imitators of Epilepsy3 is an
I use the term non-epileptic paroxysmal events excellent and relevant read. The Merck Manuals, a
(NEPEs) or imitators of epileptic seizures to also series of healthcare books for medical professionals
include normal paroxysmal behaviours that are and consumers, are now freely available in enhanced
neither seizures nor disorders. NEPEs occur at any online versions (;
age, but their highest incidence is seen in childhood, these have been appropriately updated and contain
particularly during the first years of life. photographs, and audio and video materials.
NEPEs misdiagnosed as epileptic seizures affect as There is always something new to learn and find.
many as 20–30% of patients diagnosed with, and It is not shameful not to know the answer, nor is it
often treated for many years for, epilepsy or admitted embarrassing to ask other colleagues.
to tertiary care epilepsy units.6–8 The problem is No-one, even the most expert, knows everything.
complicated by the fact that approximately 30% of Making a personal database and recording unclassified
patients with genuine epileptic seizures also suffer or strange cases that elude diagnosis is a very useful and
from non-epileptic, mainly psychogenic, seizures. rewarding learning exercise. Some of these cases may
NEPEs are divided into two groups: cluster either into a well-described syndrome unknown
t physiological or organic NEPEs to you or constitute a new unrecognised syndrome that
t psychogenic NEPEs. you may be the first to describe.

98 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The physiological or organic NEPEs are a broad Video and video-EEG illustrations of epileptic sei-
spectrum of episodic manifestations ranging from zures and NEPEs can be found in the CD companion
normal phenomena, such as hypnagogic jerks, of references10–12.
hallucinations or illusions, to a galaxy of abnormal
paroxysmal symptoms of a variety of brain and Useful clinical note
systemic disorders. The differential diagnosis is much
Diagnosis may be elusive even after the most assiduous
more demanding in neonates, babies, toddlers and
application of clinical methods, even for astute experts.
young children in whom there are many different
When a definite diagnosis is not possible:
causes and seizure imitators of normal and abnormal
behaviours and symptoms.
The assessment of a patient referred for epilepsy
should follow the same approach as any other additional information by clinical history, progress and
disorder (see page 3). tests
The clinical diagnosis is often easy and secured only if t EJTDVTTPSSFGFSUIFQBUJFOUUPBOPUIFSDPMMFBHVFGPSB
individual elements of clinical events are meaningfully second opinion
synthesised with regard to quantity, quality, location, t BWPJEJOJUJBUJOHUSFBUNFOUCVUJGUIFQBSPYZTNBMFWFOUT
onset, chronological sequence, development, speed of are potentially dangerous and epileptic seizures are

progress and duration. the most likely diagnosis, anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)
may be started (but always be prepared to modify
An inadequate history is the most common reason for
diagnosis and treatment).

Main types of epileptic

seizures and their imitators

Generalised GTCSs and less often vice versa? There are four main
reasons for this:
tonic–clonic seizures 1. The patient is amnesic of the ictal events,
although other symptoms preceding a GTCS
Generalised tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs), because
are often of diagnostic value.
of their dramatic features, are the main reason for
2. The events have not been adequately witnessed,
referral for medical consultation. This first demands
although the physical and mental consequences
careful exclusion of syncope, psychogenic non-
of a GTCS are often of diagnostic value.
epileptic seizures and other NEPEs. Once an 3. The events, even when adequately witnessed
unequivocal diagnosis of genuine epileptic GTCS and identified, are abbreviated in diagnostic
has been established, the main differential diagnosis terms (tonic–clonic seizures or grand mal
is between primarily GTCS (PGTCS) and secondarily or syncope or pseudoseizure) rather than
GTCS (SGTCS) (Table 2.4). describing in detail what had happened.
Considering their dramatic and stereotypical 4. Previous minor paroxysmal events (which
features, GTCSs should not be difficult to diagnose. may be focal or generalised seizures) are not
So, why are NEPEs so frequently misdiagnosed as detected.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 99

The medical training in GTCSs and epilepsies in Of the numerous imitators of epileptic seizures,
general is largely inadequate (see lessons to be the syncope and convulsive NEPEs are detailed in
learned below). this chapter because they are the most likely of the
That psychogenic convulsive status epilepticus can imitators to be misdiagnosed as GTCSs. Suspicion
be mistaken by physicians as genuine GTCS status of nocturnal GTCSs (if not witnessed by a room-
epilepticus – a misdiagnosis that may have avoidable or bed-partner) is usually raised by symptoms and
and grave consequences – is of concern for all those signs that result from the direct or indirect impact of
involved. GTCSs on patients (injury, muscle pains, bedwetting,
confusion), which are usually apparent when the
patient wakes up.
Lessons to be learned
Symptoms preceding SGTCSs have as many
Tutorials on differential diagnosis of GTCSs imitators as focal epileptic seizures.
For educational purposes I often present to junior
colleagues a video-recorded convulsive NEPE with a Prodromes (non-epileptic)
symptoms in the accident and emergency department. Prodrome is a non-epileptic, subjective or objective
The video shows a middle-aged man who, while sitting clinical alteration preceding the onset of an epileptic
in the company of others, slowly takes his glasses off, seizure by several hours. This can take the form of
places them on the table and immediately, smoothly a headache, changes in mood or behaviour, sleep
slips to the floor where he stretches out, apparently disturbances, light-headedness, anxiety and difficulty
unconscious and with eyes closed, hands crossed in concentrating before the attack. Prodrome should
on the front of his chest and legs cycling rather than not be confused with aura, which is a brief seizure
convulsing. itself. Prodromes are most probably symptoms
The attendants are allowed to see the video many of systemic or metabolic disturbances that are the
times, in slow motion if they wish, before giving their causative or precipitating factors of the following
diagnosis and what they are likely to put down in his seizure (i.e. hypoglycaemia, premenstrual period).
medical notes. Almost all the attendants consider this Prodromes are attributed to a pre-ictal increase of
a genuine GTCS, although some made the remark that excitability of an epileptogenic focus or of the entire
this was a SGTCS in order to explain why the patient brain,14 but there is no proof for this.
removed his glasses before the convulsions. More than
For almost all the patients whom I have seen with a
80% would put the diagnostic term GTCS down in the
diagnosis of prodrome, it was either an epileptic seizure
patient notes, without describing the sequence of the
itself (prolonged or clusters of brief, focal or generalised)
events, although some would make a remark that there
was no tongue biting or urinary incontinence. None of or a symptom of a metabolic or electrolyte disturbance

the attendants considered the diagnostic significance that caused the GTCS.

of the patient having his eyes closed during the whole The following quote was taken from a medical
event, which alone would exclude the possibility of a report of a patient with phantom absences, GTCSs
GTCS.13 All attendants knew that a GTCS manifests with and absence status epilepticus:
tonic–clonic convulsions and their sequences, but more
This man has GTCSs from 16 years of age. Interestingly,
than half had not seen a genuine GTCS, even though
each of his GTCSs is preceded by a prodrome of half an
this should be a routine video teaching material in every
hour to 12 hours of mental slowing down during which
medical school. The tutorial ends with the presentation
he makes some effort to formulate his response, which
and analysis of a video-recorded genuine GTCS.
occassionally is inappropriate and bumbled.
100 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ictal events encephalopathy of infants; myoclonus is nearly

preceding the onset of a GTCS continuous, erratic and movement-induced
These differ between PGTCSs and SGTCSs; for (action myoclonus)
example, clusters of myoclonic jerks precede and t benign neonatal sleep myoclonus (see page 112)
herald PGTCSs in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy t normal startle responses or hyperekplexia (see
(JME), whereas SGTCSs develop from focal seizures page 113)
(see Chapter 2). t psychogenic myoclonus, which is usually
segmental or generalised, and usually worsens
with exposure to stress or anxiety
Epileptic myoclonic jerks t toxic or drug-induced myoclonus.
There are many types of epileptic myoclonic jerks Non-epileptic, non-myoclonic phenomena include:
that may manifest as: t tremor (see page 110)
t the only manifestation of an epileptic seizure t tics (see page 110)
t one component of an epileptic attack occurring t involuntary movements (page 114).
in continuity with another type of seizure, such
as myoclonic–atonic seizures, myoclonic absence Diagnostic tips
seizures or myoclonic tonic–clonic seizures.
Furthermore, in some epileptic syndromes, myo- Myoclonic NEPEs frequently occur during any stage of
clonic jerks may be: sleep.
t the predominant, but rarely the only type of Myoclonic jerks consistently or exclusively occurring
epileptic seizure in the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep are
t infrequent or inconspicuous unlikely to be epileptic.
t concurrent with genuine non-epileptic myo- Conversely, myoclonic jerks predominantly occurring
clonus or myoclonic-like jerks. upon awakening are probably of epileptic origin.
Frequently, epileptic myoclonic jerks are not reported
by the patient and not detected by the physicians. A
typical example of this is JME (see Chapter 13).
Absence seizures
The yield of detecting myoclonic jerks increases
significantly by questions such as ‘do you spill your Absence seizures with severe impairment of
morning tea easily?’, ‘do you become unduly clumsy consciousness should not be difficult to diagnose.
in the morning?’ and ‘do you have sudden rigors?’, However, these (including absence status epilep-
and mainly by physical demonstrations of what the ticus) are often misdiagnosed as NEPEs, and include
myoclonic jerks look like (videos may be much more episodes of daydreaming, preoccupation, manner-
useful for this). isms, drug-induced abnormal mental states, organic
If hypnagogic jerks are reported then it is certain that confusional states, prodromes of GTCS or transient
the concept of myoclonic jerks has been understood. global amnesia. NEPEs of vacant spells frequently
occur in children with learning difficulties such as
Epileptic myoclonus should be distinguished from
Rett or Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.
normal myoclonic jerks, such as hypnagogic myoclo-
If there is uncertainty as to the nature of the attacks, an
nus (page 118), non-epileptic (subcortical) myoclo-
EEG is mandatory. A normal EEG with appropriately
nus and non-epileptic, non-myoclonic phenomena.
performed hyperventilation makes absence seizures
Non-epileptic (subcortical) myoclonus includes:
(but not complex focal seizures) improbable.
t essential myoclonus
t opsoclonus–myoclonus syndrome (Kinsbourne An EEG is the most appropriate test to differentiate
syndrome), dancing eyes syndrome or myoclonic absence epileptic seizures from NEPEs.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 101

Tonic seizures drug-induced) the most likely to cause diagnostic

problems are drop attacks associated with:
Tonic seizures of epileptic encephalopathies are t colloid cysts of the third ventricle
sometimes inconspicuous and occur predominantly t neurological conditions of lower limb muscle
or only during sleep. Imitators of tonic seizures weakness with sudden give-way weakness leading
are NEPEs that cause sustained increase in muscle to falls without impairment of awareness
contraction such as: t vertebrobasilar insufficiency (see page 130)
t tonic spasms of multiple sclerosis, which rarely t carotid sinus hypersensitivity (see page 104).
may be a presenting symptom Drop attacks in the elderly are associated with high
t dystonic symptoms of paroxysmal movement levels of morbidity; diagnoses are achievable in the
disorders (see page 109) majority of cases and these are unlikely to be of
t tonic reflex seizures of early infancy (page 111) epileptic origin.23
t gastro-oesophageal reflux attacks (see page 112) Idiopathic drop attacks without a detectable
t occupational spasms such as writer’s spasm. cause manifest with sudden fall without loss of
consciousness and with instantaneous recovery,
although injury may occur. They are more common
Epileptic spasms
in middle-aged women.
The epileptic spasms should be easy to diagnose
because of the unique characteristic features of each
attack and because of their serial and unprovoked Focal epileptic seizures
clustering. However, parents and physicians often There is a myriad of normal and abnormal NEPEs that
miss this.15 Erroneous diagnoses include exaggerated imitate focal epileptic seizures. These vary according
startle responses or ‘colic and abdominal pain’, non- to the type of focal epileptic seizure (Tables 2.1 and
epileptic episodic disorders and gastro-oesophageal 2.3). Typical examples of NEPEs imitating focal
reflux.15 Benign myoclonus of early infancy (Fejerman epileptic seizures are:
syndrome or benign non-epileptic infantile t the migraine auras (page 126), déjà vu and other
spasms)16–18 is not an epileptic condition, but may experiential phenomena of normal people
cause diagnostic problems because of a similar age at t hallucinations of psychiatric patients, drug-
onset and similar spasms (see page 112). related olfactory and other hallucinations
t transient paraesthesias of peripheral neuropathies,
paroxysmal movement disorders and parasomnias.
Epileptic drop attacks Conversely, focal epileptic seizures may be mis-
Epileptic drop attacks (synonyms: sudden falls, astatic diagnosed as NEPEs:
seizures) are due to loss of erect posture that results t visual occipital seizures are commonly considered
from an atonic, myoclonic or tonic mechanism.19,20 to be visual aura of migraines
Falls may be due to atonic, myoclonic, myoclonic– t hypermotor seizures are a typical example of
atonic or tonic seizures. They are common in mistaking epileptic seizures for NEPEs; so-called
epileptic encephalopathies (see Chapter 10). Convul- ‘paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia’ or ‘hypnogenic
sions and loss of consciousness may not occur or paroxysmal dystonia’ is frontal lobe epilepsy
may not be apparent. Falls may also occur in focal t autonomic seizures of childhood are another
epilepsies.21,22 disturbing example of erroneous diagnoses as
Of the imitators of epileptic astatic seizures (i.e. encephalitis, migraine, syncope, cyclic vomiting
syncopes, movement disorders, brain-stem, otolo- syndrome (CVS) or gastroenteritis.24
gical causes like in Meniere diseases, spinal or lower The differential diagnosis of focal seizures is detailed
limb abnormalities, cataplexy, periodic paralysis, in the relevant chapters of this book.
102 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Syncopal attacks imitating epileptic seizures

Syncopes are among the most common non-epileptic unventilated, crowded places, or after drug or alcohol
attacks misdiagnosed as epileptic seizures, including use) or increased vagal tone (e.g. bloody, terrifying,
GTCSs.1,25–39 or obnoxious scenes, and painful stimuli).
A syncope is defined as a loss of consciousness and Cerebral hypoperfusion most commonly results from
postural tone caused by cerebral hypoperfusion with conditions that decrease venous return (e.g. reflex-
spontaneous recovery.38 There is an abrupt cutting off mediated vasomotor instability) or disorders that
of the energy substrates to the cerebral cortex, usually decrease cardiac output, such as primary cardiac
through a sudden decrease in cerebral perfusion by disorders.
oxygenated blood.31 If cerebral perfusion/oxygen- In general, syncopes are categorised into:
ation is cut off for a period of 8–10 s, then a clinical t neurally mediated syncopes (neurocardiogenic or
picture comprising loss of consciousness and postural reflex-mediated syncope) that are usually benign
tone, pallor and sweating, brief (lasting seconds) t cardiogenic syncopes from either cardiac rhythm
extensor stiffening or spasms, and a few irregular or structural cardiac disorders, which are
myoclonic jerks of the limbs may occur. The whole potentially life threatening.
episode is brief, usually lasting less than 10 s. There Autonomic disturbances may also lead to cerebral
is a great variety in the amplitude of the myoclonic hypoperfusion and fainting as with orthostatic
jerks, the degree of stiffening and the recovery time syncope.
after syncope.31 In differentiating syncopes from GTCSs, textbooks usu-
Cerebral syncope is defined as a syncope that results ally emphasise the characteristics of typical syncopes
from derangement of cerebral autoregulation leading that are listed in Table 4.1.
to cerebral vasoconstriction with resultant cerebral Based on a proper synthesis of the quality and
hypoxia in the absence of systemic hypotension. chronological order of the clustering of these symp-
Convulsive syncope is a term used for any type of toms, the differential diagnosis of syncopes from
syncope manifesting with convulsive movements. GTCSs is rarely a problem. However, there are
Prodromal warning symptoms (presyncope) are com- important points to consider and these are listed in
monly present but sometimes these are only recalled Table 4.2.
when syncope is reproduced, as in the head-up tilt
test. They develop over 1–5 min and include light
headedness, nausea, a feeling of warmth, sweating, Neurally mediated syncope
palpitation, greying or blacking of vision, muffled Examples of neurally mediated or non-cardiogenic
hearing and feeling distant. At this stage a syncope syncopes include:
may be averted by lying down in a horizontal t vasovagal syncope (simple faint) – variants of
position with the head down and legs up. Lack of which may include reflex anoxic seizures (reflex
prodromal symptoms, such as in a tussive syncope, asystolic syncope) and cyanotic breath-holding
are explained by the rapidly developing cerebral attacks (of prolonged expiratory apnoea) in
hypoperfusion. infants and children
The setting and stimulus are the most important t situation-related syncope caused by increased
identifiable factors/precipitants in allowing the intrathoracic pressure, as a result of, for example,
presumptive diagnosis of syncope. Simple faints or cough (tussive syncope), Valsalva manoeuvres,
vasovagal syncope most often occur upon getting up or straining to void (micturition syncope) or
quickly or after prolonged standing, particularly if defecate
associated with peripheral vasodilatation (e.g. hot, t carotid sinus syncope.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 103

Commonly emphasised clinical manifestations of syncope

t 1
food, unpleasant circumstances, venipuncture


Table 4.1

Clinical features of syncopes not emphasised in their differentiation from epileptic seizures

t $
extension, more complex movements and automatisms such as lip licking, chewing or fumbling
t 7
scenes involving landscapes, familiar situations or people) and, less often, auditory hallucinations (rushing
and roaring sounds, traffic and machine noises, and talking and screaming human voices, but never
intelligible speech) are frequent (60%) in both convulsive and non-convulsive syncope40

vertiginous, visual or somatosensory experiences occur both in neurally mediated and cardiogenic syncope41
t 1
seizures with or without secondarily GTCSs
t $
even close to the severity of that after a GTCS
t &
upward turning of the eyes early in its course, which may be followed by lateral eye deviation42,43

Table 4.2

Vasovagal syncope vasovagal syncopes varies considerably from one to

Vasovagal syncope is the most common and familiar two during a lifetime to as common as more than
form of neurally mediated syncope, and results from once a day.
a combination of excessive vagal tone, abnormal
catecholamine response to stress, venous pooling Reflex anoxic seizures
during an upright stance and impaired cardiac Reflex anoxic seizures (synonyms: pallid breath-holding
filling. Episodes may begin in infancy, sometimes attacks, pallid infantile syncope) are reflex asystolic
with reflex anoxic seizures, and thereafter are seen syncopes in young children. An unexpected bump
at all ages, although it predominates in otherwise to the head, an occasional fright or seeing blood
normal children and adolescents. The frequency of triggers a neurally mediated vagal discharge leading
104 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

to severe bradycardia, asystole, syncope and anoxic the temporary decrease in venous return after
seizure. The child falls unconscious, white as a sheet standing.
and looks dead. Syncope occurs within seconds or minutes of
becoming upright, especially when rising and after
Useful clinical note meals. Unlike with reflex vasovagal syncope, the
skin stays warm, the pulse rate is unchanged despite
Breath-holding attacks in children the fall in blood pressure, and sweating is absent.
In children, there are two main types of so-called ‘breath- Assuming a horizontal position results in complete
IPMEJOHBUUBDLT recovery. Causes include autonomic dysfunction,
t DZBOPUJD PS CMVF CSFBUIIPMEJOH BUUBDLT QSPMPOHFE cardiovascular disorders and drugs. Orthostatic
expiratory apnoea usually without syncope) syncope secondary to autonomic failure is rare in
t QBMMJE PS XIJUF CSFBUIIPMEJOH BUUBDLT SFnFY BOPYJD childhood. Dopamine B-decarboxylase deficiency is
seizures, which are reflex asystolic syncopes). a possibility in such a clinical situation.
Stephenson and Zuberi because it erroneously implies a Syncopes induced
voluntary action to obtain gains or a behavioural disorder; by Valsalva manoeuvre
psychological disorders in those afflicted do not differ During a Valsalva manoeuvre (powerful effort to
from those in control children.37 In contrast to voluntary exhale against a closed glottis) increased intrathoracic
breath holding that occurs during inspiration, cyanotic pressure limits the venous return to the heart and
breath-holding attacks occur during expiration.
increases vagal tone, resulting in decreased cardiac
The cyanotic or blue breath-holding attacks, which
outflow and syncope.
are more common than the pallid forms, are purely
Rarely, patients may have self-induced syncope
respiratory consisting of prolonged expiratory apnoea
by Valsalva manoeuvre. This particularly occurs in
children with learning disabilities and Rett syndrome.
without any change in cardiac rate or rhythm. Attacks of
The anoxic attacks may be severe.
prolonged expiratory apnoea have similar triggers to reflex
anoxic seizures, but they usually occur when the child
Micturition syncope
has reasons to suddenly become angry or frustrated or
Micturition syncope is a reflex-mediated situational
fearful. The child stops breathing and becomes cyanotic
syncope usually occurring in men while standing for
until spontaneous recovery with a deep breath.
nighttime micturition.
Mixed breath-holding of expiratory apnoea and a
Several mechanisms act in concert:
degree of bradycardia or cardiac asystole occur.37
t postural – standing on leaving a warm bed
causing hypotension
t straining – Valsalva manoeuvre increasing an
Clarification on terminology
already high nocturnal vagal tone, causing brady-
seizures). t emptying bladder – abrupt decrease in stimulus
t "OPYJDFQJMFQUJDTFJ[VSFTBSFFQJMFQUJDTFJ[VSFTDBVTFE to bladder stretch receptors causing reflex vaso-
by syncopes. dilatation and hypotension.
Carotid sinus syncope
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is a common cause of
unexplained falls in elderly people of over 50 years
Orthostatic syncope of age.44,45 The incidence steeply increases with age.
Orthostatic syncope (autonomic failure) results from Activation of one or both carotid sinuses causes
failure of normal mechanisms to compensate for peripheral vasodilation, hypotension and syncope
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 105

in people with carotid sinus hypersensitivity. Clinical arrhythmias. Aortic stenosis and hypertrophic
attacks of syncope or falls without definite loss of cardiomyopathy is especially prone to episodes
consciousness are attributed to carotid sinus pressure of sudden collapse with loss of awareness during
by head turning or tight collars. Some patients may exercise. Sometimes ventricular tachyarrhythmias
suffer from orthostatic hypotension but usually there is occur with normal QT intervals.
no evidence of sympathetic or parasympathetic failure.
The long QT syndrome
Diagnostic carotid sinus massage may be positive in
Of various cardiogenic syncopes, the long QT
asymptomatic elderly patients45 and carries a risk of
syndrome is of particular significance because it
prolonged asystole, transient or permanent neurological
may be associated with convulsive syncopes that
deficit, stroke and sudden death.
cause unexplained sudden death in a young person
and closely imitate GTCSs. It is often of autosomal
dominant inheritance with mutations in genes
Cardiogenic syncopes encoding potassium or sodium channels, depending
Cardiogenic syncopes result from either rhythm on lineage. The mechanism of the syncope is a
(e.g. tachyarrhythmias or bradyarrhythmias) or ventricular tachyarrhythmia, normally torsades de
structural (e.g. aortic or mitral stenosis, intracardiac pointes triggered by fear or fright, particularly during
tumours, cardiomyopathy, ischaemic heart disease) exercise (especially when that exercise is emotionally
cardiac disorders. Cardiogenic syncopes are poten- charged) and during sleep.
tially life threatening and may be treatable. Mor- The ECG is diagnostic. Genetic testing is available.
bidity and mortality is up to 50% within the first A 33-year-old apparently normal man had, over a period
3 years following the initial attack, and it is cause- of 6 months, three unwitnessed rather severe falls due
dependent. to loss of consciousness that resulted in head trauma.
Palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, All of them occurred while cycling or jogging in days that
extreme fatigue or other features of cardiovascular he recalls were particularly intense. EEG was normal but
insufficiency occur with other presyncopal symptoms a synchronous ECG showed long QT syndrome, verified
of simple faints. Cardiac syncopes occur from any with appropriate cardiological evaluation.
posture (e.g. arrhythmogenic syncope is common in Brugada syndrome, characterised by ST-segment
bed), and during periods of high exertion or emotion. abnormalities, is another genetic ion channelopathy
Anoxic seizures precipitated by exercise require the (SCN5A mutation) that may imitate epileptic attacks
urgent exclusion of cardiac causes, although most and other causes of sudden death. Genetic testing is
turn out to be neurally mediated syncopes. available.
In tachyarrhythmias, a heart rate of more than
150–180 beats/min prevents adequate ventricular
Useful note
filling. In bradyarrhythmias, a heart rate of less than
30–35 beats/min prevents adequate cardiac output. A proper ECG should be obtained in any patients
Attacks due to transient complete heart block are suspected or newly diagnosed with epilepsy.
abrupt and short with rapid loss of consciousness. Misdiagnosis of cardiac diseases as epilepsy is common
Lack of cardiac output may be due to short episodes and often difficult to recognise on clinical information
of ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. Prolongation alone. Therefore a proper ECG is mandatory for this
of the QT interval may lead to such events. Attacks crucial differentiation.
may be preceded by palpitations, extreme fatigue or Also consider that the adverse cardiac effects of some
presyncopal features. Mitral valve prolapse and aortic AEDs may have fatal consequences for patients with
stenosis may present with episodic loss of awareness conditions such as long QT or Brugada syndrome and
due to fluctuating cardiac output or associated other disorders of cardiac conductivity.
106 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Syncopes induced by drugs combination of syncope and epileptic seizure has

and electrolyte abnormalities been called an anoxic epileptic seizure (do not confuse
Drugs and electrolyte abnormalities are common with reflex anoxic seizure, which is a syncope). Of
causes of syncope secondarily to cardiac rhythm anoxic epileptic seizures documented with home
changes or autonomic disturbances. Some exam- video recordings, examples include a neurally
ples include beta-blockers, quinidine, calcium mediated syncope inducing a long, clonic epileptic
channel blockers, digoxin, hypomagnesaemia and seizure with some features of myoclonic absence,
hypokalaemia. and a compulsive Valsalva manoeuvre in an older
autistic child provoking a vibratory tonic epileptic
Syncopal attacks
provoking epileptic seizures: Epileptic seizures
Anoxic epileptic seizures imitating syncope
Occasionally, but likely more often than is reported, Epileptic seizures may manifest with syncopal-
true epileptic seizures are triggered by non- like attacks (see ictal syncope in Panayiotopoulos
epileptic syncopes in children and adults.39,46 This syndrome, page 349).

Psychogenic NEPEs imitating epileptic seizures

Psychogenic NEPEs (PNEPEs) or psychogenic non- Munchausen syndrome, are sometimes difficult to
epileptic seizures are among the most common recur- diagnose and prove.
rent paroxysmal seizure-imitating events that result According to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic
from a variety of psychological disturbances.2,6,47–49 and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)51
Their synonym ‘pseudoseizures’ is discouraged psychological causes of physical symptoms are
because it is considered prejudicial. PNEPEs are not categorised as:
‘pseudo’ in that they are extremely real episodes and t somatoform disorders
t factitious disorders
‘pseudo’ implies a disparaging element for the event.
t malingering.
Similar to epileptic seizures, PNEPEs can be very
Somatoform disorders are the unconscious production
troublesome to a person’s life and have their own
of physical symptoms due to psychological factors,
which means that the symptoms are not under
Patients with PNEPEs often experience severe
voluntary control. Patients with somatoform dis-
depression, anxiety, emotional stress, rage, fear and orders are not faking illness; they sincerely believe
panic, in addition to other mental disturbances. that they have a serious physical problem. Specific
Conversion disorder is the most common cause somatoform disorders include:
of PNEPEs.50 Other causes, with natural histories t somatisation disorder
and treatments different from those of conversion t conversion disorder
disorder, include anxiety, dissociative, deper- t pain disorder
sonalisation, somatisation, panic and psychotic t hypochondriasis
disorders.2,6,47–49 Factitious PNEPEs, including t body dysmorphic disorder.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 107

Somatisation disorder is a relatively rare disorder that epileptic seizures, such as those of mesial frontal
is associated with high medical resource utilisation. lobe origin, masquerade as psychogenic-like attacks
In factitious disorders and malingering there is a (page 459).
conscious production of physical symptoms, in Table 4.3 provides some key diagnostic clues for
which individuals present with an illness that recognising convulsive PNEPEs.
is deliberately produced or falsified. However,
in factitious disorders patients intentionally act
physically or mentally ill due to psychological fac- Convulsive psychogenic
tors of pathological needs without obvious benefits.
status epilepticus
Conversely, in malingering, patients fake an illness
for a clear motive and benefit such as financial gain. Convulsive psychogenic status epilepticus (commonly
Somatoform PNEPEs are much more common than referred to as convulsive pseudostatus epilepticus) is
malingering and factitious disorders. common in patients with PNEPEs and it is often mis-
PNEPEs, including staring spells,52,53 are often diagnosed as genuine and life-threatening convulsive
extremely difficult to differentiate from epileptic status epilepticus.57–60 These patients frequently have
seizures2,6,47–49,54 and, conversely, certain types of multiple episodes of ‘status’ and receive intensive

Diagnostic clues for convulsive psychogenic

non-epileptic events (the more common of the PNEPEs)


t $

convulsive-like movements, often with pelvic thrusts, flailing and tremors. These may be interrupted or
resistant to restraint, and imitate seizures from the supplementary somatosensory area and are not GTCSs
t &
and syncopes, where the eyes are invariably open)
t "
infrequently in post-ictal confusion after a GTCS)
t 5
non-epileptic seizure (this symptom is not unusual in patients with epileptic seizures)
t 1
partial motor responses is common and may be helpful in the diagnosis of PNEPEs56

t #
 FMMFJOEJGGFSFODF Paradoxical lack of concern about the seizures, which contrasts to the emotional
distress and behaviours exhibited during the attacks

Table 4.3
108 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

care unit management. They usually have a history of Suffocation

other unexplained illness and deliberate self-poison-
ing. Episodes of anticonvulsant-induced respiratory in Munchausen
arrest may occur.57–60 syndrome by proxy37,63–66
Intentional suffocation of an infant is an uncommon
Diagnostic traps
but severe event. In this situation, an adult, usually
At least one of the usual signs associated with a GTCS the mother, suffering from Munchausen syndrome
(tongue biting, falling or incontinence) is reported by about by proxy repeatedly suffocates the infant by either
a third of the patients with non-epileptic seizures.61 pressing a hand or some other material over the
An ictal EEG is not always abnormal during epileptic infant’s mouth or presses the infant’s face against the
seizures. adult’s chest, with a resultant syncope and anoxic
seizure. The evolution is much longer than the usual
Psychogenic non-epileptic syncope (synonyms: psycho- anoxic seizures, but a definitive diagnosis requires
genic pseudosyncope, hysterical fainting) is a term unequivocal covert video-recording evidence.
used to include NEPEs with clinical manifestations
of psychogenic origin that mimic syncope.62 Patients
suffer frequently recurrent syncopal-like episodes Panic attacks67–69
of ‘limp, motionless fainting’ with eyes closed, Panic attacks are of abrupt onset, manifesting with
unresponsiveness and a normal EEG, including an intense sense of extreme fear often with conco-
normal alpha rhythm. This is often associated with mitant symptoms of trembling, shortness of breath,
complaints of vertigo and with greater reported heart palpitations, chest pain, sweating, dizziness,
disability. The condition may be underdiagnosed hyperventilation, paraesthesias, nausea or vomiting,
and often remains misdiagnosed for many years. or sensations of choking. Panic attacks are actually a
Patients may go through lengthy and sometimes fight-or-flight response occurring out of context or as
invasive diagnostic procedures. The psychogenic a response to minimal provocative factors. Patients
non-epileptic syncope can be easily elicited by suffer from panic, other anxiety disorders or phobias.
induction.62 Psychogenic non-epileptic panic attacks should
mainly be differentiated from simple focal seizures of
Useful clinical notes mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (see Figure 15.4).

Look at the eyes and make the diagnosis

When eyes are closed during a paroxysmal event of Hyperventilation
convulsions with loss of consciousness, the probability
(almost a certainty) is that this is a PNEPE. Eyes remain
open or become open, if not previously open, during Hyperventilation syndrome is defined as:
GTCSs and syncopes.
A syndrome, characterized by a variety of somatic symptoms
Try to passively open the eyes
induced by physiologically inappropriate hyperventilation
and make the diagnosis
and usually reproduced by voluntary hyperventilation.70
The eyes may be closed in post-ictal states of epileptic Hyperventilation is defined as breathing in excess of the
seizures or other causes of organic impairment of metabolic needs of the body, eliminating more carbon
consciousness. In these cases the eyes can usually dioxide than is produced and, consequently, resulting
be passively opened without resistance as opposed to in respiratory alkalosis and an elevated blood pH.
PNEPEs where attempts to passively open the eyes are Hyperventilation may have organic or physiological
met with resistance or tightening of the eyelids. causes, but the syndrome of hyperventilation is
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 109

usually associated with emotional triggers and symptoms is usually sufficient to terminate the episode.
thoracic breathing tendency. Physically compressing the upper thorax and having the
Hyperventilation syndrome is a frequent disorder patient exhale maximally decreases hyperinflation of the
probably affecting 6% of the population, mainly lungs. Instructing the patient to breathe abdominally,
aged 15–55 years old. Women are seven times more using the diaphragm more than the chest wall, often leads
frequently affected than men. It occurs in acute (1% to improvement in subjective dyspnoea and eventually
of cases) and chronic forms. corrects many of the associated symptoms.
The acute forms of hyperventilation syndrome manifest
with agitation, hyperpnoea, tachypnoea and dyspnoea,
chest pain, dizziness, palpitations, carpopedal Management of PNEPEs
spasm, paraesthesia, generalised weakness, a sense PNEPEs need urgent and skilful treatment, which is
of suffocation and syncope. An emotionally stressful often successful, particularly if they are recognised and
precipitating event can often be identified. Symptoms managed during the early stages.2,6,49,74,75 The role of the
may be unilateral. The chest pain is often relieved physician is not just simply to announce to the patient:
rather than provoked by exercise. ECG abnormalities
‘You do not suffer from epileptic seizures’. At this stage,
may occur and include prolonged QT interval, ST
the patient requires a thorough and tactful explana-
depression or elevation, and T-wave inversion.
tion of what this new diagnosis of PNEPE means
The chronic hyperventilation syndrome presents with a
and the appropriate management procedures. These
galaxy of multi-system symptoms without any clini-
patients have been allowed to believe for many years
cally apparent hyperventilatory respiratory pattern.
that they suffered from ‘epilepsy’ that was intractable
Hypocapnoea and respiratory alkalosis develop
to medication. Their reaction and that of their family to
rapidly upon the onset of hyperventilation and
a new diagnosis of ‘psychogenic seizures’ (also taking
can be maintained by nearly imperceptible hyper-
into consideration the negative social implications and
ventilation, such as by taking an occasional deep
attitudes to this term) should be thoroughly considered.
breath or frequent sighs interspersed with normal
Patients’ understanding and reactions to a diagnosis of
respirations, usually with thoracic muscle use.
these non-epileptic attacks are important factors that
The therapeutic approach includes psychological
should contribute to the development of more tailored
counselling, breathing exercises, physiotherapy and
treatment approaches.76
relaxation. Techniques of rebreathing into a paper bag
are discouraged by some experts because significant Sensitivity to the patient, the use of a multidisciplinary
hypoxia and death have been reported in patients with team and the recognition that PNEPEs are as
organic causes of hyperventilation. Simple reassurance devastating as medically refractory epilepsy are critical
and an explanation of how hyperventilation produces the to a successful treatment outcome.6

Non-epileptic paroxysmal movement

disorders imitating epileptic seizures
Non-epileptic paroxysmal movement disorders of org/) is a highly recommended website source for
whatever cause are common imitators of epileptic excellent reviews, glossaries, and slide and video
seizures and vice versa. presentations for medical educational purposes.
’WE MOVE’ (Worldwide Education and Aware- It also hosts the MDVU site (Movement Disorders
ness for Movement Disorders; www.wemove. Virtual University;
110 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Paroxysmal movement disorders are neurological Stereotypies are repetitive, stereotyped, purposeless
disorders characterised by abrupt, transient episodes movements that may be made by normal children
of abnormal involuntary movement, such as chorea, when they are bored, excited or engrossed in an
athetosis, dystonia and/or ballismus (paroxysmal activity. Stereotypies are often associated with
dyskinesias) or impaired coordination of voluntary attention-deficit disorder, developmental delay or
actions and other associated findings (paroxysmal autism. They may consist of hand flapping, clapping,
ataxias). Depending upon the specific disorder, epi- slapping, fluttering, rocking or facial movements.
sodes may be precipitated or worsened by different These children are not necessarily aware that they
factors. For example: are making the movements. In some cases, these
t in those with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia, movements can be voluntarily suppressed.
episodes may be triggered by sudden voluntary Mannerisms are normal voluntary phenomena; i.e.
movements the particular movement accompaniments that
t in non-kinesigenic dyskinesia, episodes occur people develop while performing certain move-
spontaneously and may be worsened by caffeine or ments or gestures. They may appear abnormal,
alcohol consumption, stress, fatigue or other factors particularly if the mannerism involves unusual or
t in patients with paroxysmal kinesigenic ataxias, unnecessary postures. The subjects can modify them
episodes may be triggered by sudden voluntary by command.
movements or postural changes.
These disorders may be familial, appear to occur
randomly for unknown reasons, or occur secondary Tremor
to other underlying conditions or disorders.
In tremor the contraction is bidirectional, affects agonist
and antagonist muscles alternatively, and is more rhythmic
Tics, compulsions, than myoclonus; however, the phenomenological
border between tremor and myoclonus is sometimes
stereotypies and mannerisms unclear (e.g. recently some authorities have categorised
Tics are intermittent, repeated, stereotyped move- palatal myoclonus as tremor rather than myoclonus,77
ments or sounds that may occur in an infrequent and further, in some neurodegenerative disorders, the
or almost continuous manner. Tics may be ‘simple’, initial stages of action in myoclonus may in fact be small
such as a cough, grunt, facial twitch or shoulder amplitude tremor).77
shrug, or ‘complex’, such as a word, phrase or a
stereotyped sequence of movements. Tics are often
made worse by stress, upset or demand for mental Non-epileptic movement
concentration. Tics last more than 200 ms with a disorders in neonates and
frequency that may be altered voluntarily.
Tics are not voluntary movements, although they
infants imitating seizures
may be incorporated into an apparently voluntary Non-epileptic movement disorders in neonates and
gesture to avoid embarrassment. infants may be misdiagnosed as epileptic seizures.
Tic disorders frequently occur in association with The description of the following conditions are
compulsions and attention-deficit disorder. based on a recent review by Vigevano78 with video
Compulsions are complex behaviours that respond to a presentations of these events.
psychological need, such as hand washing due to a fear
of germs. The actions ‘feel’ voluntary, but the patient Jitteriness78
may describe a sense of fear or impending doom if the Jitteriness manifests with involuntary rhythmic
action is not performed. Compulsions are frequently movements of rapid alternating contraction of agon-
associated with obsessions, tics or Tourette’s syndrome. ist and antagonist muscles at 4 or 5 Hz with equal
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 111

intensity. It may be symmetrical or asymmetrical, Benign paroxysmal torticollis78

involves mainly limbs and commonly occurs in This consists of lateral head deviation sometimes
the first days or months of age. Jitteriness may be associated with trunk torsion and paroxysmal
spontaneous, or is stimulus-triggered and mainly crying. It may alternate from side to side. It ranges
occurs when the child cries. It can be terminated from several seconds to hours in duration. Attacks
by passive flexion of the affected limb. Jitteriness tends are often accompanied by vomiting, pallor, and
to remit within the fourth and fifth months of life. ataxia, settling spontaneously within hours or days.
Jitteriness occurs in normal children but is more Onset is generally in early infancy, and attacks may
frequent in those with perinatal ischaemic encepha- be frequent but remit before the age of 2 years.
lopathy or preterm babies with dyselectrolytaemia Some patients may later develop paroxysmal vertigo,
or hypoglycaemia. Children whose mothers have migraine and transient episodic ataxia.
taken sedatives during pregnancy are vulnerable.
Hypertonia, hyperexcitability and persistence of Rhythmic behavioural movements78
primitive reflexes can be observed. Normal children, especially when feeling pleasure
and joy, may manifest rhythmic movements of the
Tonic reflex seizures of early infancy79 head and neck. These start, with a variable frequency,
This is an episodic benign movement disorder of around the age of 1 year and remit by the age of 2
healthy, mainly male babies aged between 2 and or 3 years (see also rhythmic movements in sleep,
3 months. Attacks manifest with tonic contraction page 120).
with extension of four limbs, apnoea and cyano-
Self-gratification disorder80
sis, without loss of consciousness. They last for
Gratification disorder, otherwise called infantile
3–10 s. They are triggered by movement or tactile
masturbation, is an important consideration in
stimulation and occur only when the child is awake
the differential diagnosis of epilepsy and other
and held in a vertical position by an adult. Ictal and
paroxysmal events in early childhood. Median age
inter-ictal EEG are normal. Spontaneous remission
at onset is 10 months (range: 3 months to 5 years)
occurs within 2 months of onset.
with several episodes per week. There may be
direct genital stimulation but other manoeuvres,
Alternating hemiplegia78
particularly involving flexion and adduction of
This is a very rare and severe disease of unkown aetiology.
the thighs, may achieve the same effect. Types of
It starts in the first few months of age. Episodes of
behaviour manifested include dystonic posturing,
hemiplegia have a duration ranging from a few minutes
grunting, rocking, eidetic imagery and sweating.
to several hours. They are often preceded by other
Cyanosis, lip smacking, staring, shaking, pallor,
paroxysmal manifestations, such as short periods of
giggling and appearing frightened/in discomfort are
muscle hypertonia or monocular nystagmus. Hemiplegia also reported. Infantile masturbation takes place in
alternates from one to the other side but may also affect a variety of situations and is particularly common
both sides simultaneously. The attack begins with a devia- in car seats. The children can usually be distracted
tion of the head towards the hemiplegic side of the during the episodes, often appearing annoyed, and
body and progresses to hemiplegia, causing difficulty may quickly resume the activity. The diagnosis can
with swallowing and breathing. Attacks last for hours or usually be secured by taking a detailed history. Video
sometimesseveraldays,andrecurwithafrequencyofmore recordings, usually easily obtained, are very helpful.
than one attack per month. The baby shows full recovery
after sleep. Children develop severe motor and mental Gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants
deficits. Epileptic seizures may appear in late infancy. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is the passage of
Brain imaging is normal. EEG shows unilateral slow gastric contents into the oesophagus. This is a nor-
waves. Anti-migraine and AEDs prove to be ineffective. mal physiological process including regurgitation
112 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

(passage of gastric contents up to the mouth). It myoclonic seizures or sometimes as infantile

peaks between 1 and 4 months of age, and usually spasms. The myoclonus occurs during non-rapid
resolves by 6–12 months of age. eye movement (NREM) sleep in otherwise normal
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is a pathological neonates.81–83 It mainly affects the distal parts of the
process in infants manifested by poor weight gain, upper extremities. The lower limbs and axial muscles
signs of oesophagitis, persistent respiratory symptoms are less often involved. The myoclonic jerks –
and neurobehavioural changes. These are unlikely to synchronous or asynchronous, unilateral or bilateral,
imitate epileptic seizures. However, in infants some mild or violent – are fast and usually last for 10–20 s.
gastro-oesophageal reflux attacks may sometimes Occasionally they may occur in repetitive clusters of
impose diagnostic problems.39 Babies cannot com- 2 or 3 s for 30 min or longer imitating myoclonic
plain of heartburn, but they may cry and have status epilepticus or a series of epileptic fits. The
disturbed sleep. There may be significant vomiting myoclonic jerks may get worse by gentle restraint.
with poor weight gain and risk of aspiration. Approxi- They abruptly stop when the child is awakened.
mately 85% of infants vomit during the first week Sleep is not disturbed.
of life and another 10% have symptoms by 6 weeks There are no other clinical manifestations like those
of age. Symptoms abate without treatment in 60% accompanying neonatal seizures, such as apnoea,
of infants by 2 years of age, as these infants begin autonomic disturbances, automatisms, eye deviation,
to assume an upright position and eat solid foods. oral–buccal–lingual movements or crying.
Reflux may cause wheeze and cough. In premature Neurological mental state and development are
babies it can cause apnoea and bradycardia. normal.
Sandifer syndrome manifests with brief (about Aetiology: This is unknown and the condition does
1–3 min) NEPEs of dystonic posturing associated with not appear to be familial. The myoclonus is likely to
gastro-oesophageal reflux; hiatal hernia is common. be generated in the brain stem.
The attacks consist of sudden torticollis, with arching Diagnostic procedures: The diagnosis is based on clini-
of the back and rigid opisthotonic posturing, mainly cal features. All relevant laboratory studies, including
involving the neck, back and upper extremities. During sleep EEG during the myoclonus, are normal.
the attack, the infant may become very quiet or, less Differential diagnosis: Benign neonatal sleep myo-
commonly, become very distressed and uncomfort- clonus should be easy to differentiate from relevant
able. Agitation is most commonly observed as the epileptic disorders in this age group by its occurrence
dystonic posturing abates. Sandifer syndrome occurs in normal neonates and only during sleep. When in
from infancy to early childhood with a peak at age doubt, a normal sleep EEG during the myoclonus is
18–36 months. Children with severe mental impair- confirmatory of this non-epileptic condition.
ment or spasticity may experience Sandifer syndrome Prognosis: The prognosis is excellent with the myo-
in late childhood to adolescence. Sandifer syndrome clonus commonly remitting by the age of 2–7 months.
is most commonly mistaken for seizures. However, Management: There is no need for any treatment,
NEPEs of Sandifer syndrome occur within 1 hour of although minute doses of clonazepam before bed are
feeding, often following an imposed change of posture often beneficial. Other AEDs are contraindicated.
and the babies frequently have a history of vomiting,
failure to thrive and repeated chest infections. The EEG Benign non-epileptic
is normal. A barium oesophagogram, oesophagoscopy myoclonus of early infancy (Fejerman
or a pH probe may demonstrate the reflux. syndrome)
This syndrome, which has recently been thoroughly
Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus re-assessed,16 is a paroxysmal non-epileptic move-
Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus is a common non- ment disorder of otherwise healthy infants who have
epileptic condition misdiagnosed as epileptic normal EEG and development. The name “Fejerman
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 113

syndrome” has been proposed17 to replace various Hyperekplexia

unsatisfactory descriptive terms such as “benign Hyperekplexia (synonym: familial startle disease) is the
non-epileptic infantile spasms” or “shuddering first human disease shown to result from mutations
attacks”.18,84,85 within a neurotransmitter gene.86,87
Demographic data: Peak age at onset is from 1–12 (peak Demographic data: Onset ranges from intra-uterine
at 6) months. Boys slightly predominate (59%). life or birth, to later at any time from the neonatal
Clinical manifestations: The attacks are sudden and brief period to adulthood. Both sexes are equally affected.
(1–2 s) and consist of spasms or tonic contractions It is a rare disorder. Only approximately 150 cases
(38%), shuddering (35%), myoclonus (23%), atonia have been reported.
or negative myoclonus, combined (9%). They affect Clinical manifestations: Clinically, hyperekplexia is
the head and neck, upper limbs and trunk muscles. characterised by:
They are usually symmetrical and in flexion. Less t pathological and excessive startle responses
frequently, there may be flexion, abduction or to unexpected auditory or tactile stimuli (e.g.
adduction of the elbows and knees and extension or sudden noise, movement or touch)
elevation of the arms. They do not involve localised t severe generalised stiffness (i.e. hypertonia in
muscle groups and there are no focal or lateralising
flexion, which disappears in sleep).
features. The attacks are often repeated at frequent and
The startle response is characterised by a sudden
brief intervals several times a day but not necessarily
generalised muscular rigidity and resistance to
every day; 40% occur in clusters. The intensity varies
habituation. In babies, the muscle stiffening often
from mild attacks, which are most usual, to severe
causes respiratory impairment and apnoea that
attacks mimicking infantile spasms, which occur less
may be fatal. In older patients, the startle response
frequently. Attacks mainly occur while the babies are
causes frequent falls, like a log, without loss of
awake but in 15% of babies they occur both while
awake and during sleep. Excitement, fear, anger,
If an unborn baby is affected the mother may first
frustration or the need to move the bowels or to void
notice abnormal intra-uterine movements. In neo-
are precipitating factors.
nates, apnoea and sluggish feeding efforts occur as
Aetiology: Fejerman syndrome is of unknown aetiology.
Non-epileptic paroxysmal movements may result a consequence of episodic extreme stiffening during
from an exaggeration of physiological myoclonus.18 the first 24 hour of life. After the first 24 hours,
Diagnostic procedures: The diagnosis is based on surviving infants exhibit the hyperekplexic startle
clinical features. All relevant laboratory studies response to nose tapping, which is a useful diagnostic
including sleep- and awake-stage EEGs during the test (see page 114).
spasms, are normal. Clinical phenotypic expression varies from mild to
Differential diagnosis: The main differential diagnosis very severe forms.
is from epileptic spasms that may share similar The minor forms manifest with excessive but often
clinical features. A normal ictal and inter-ictal EEG in mild startle responses, but without hypertonia. In
benign non-epileptic infantile spasms is of decisive infancy these are facilitated by febrile illness, whereas
significance. in adults these are facilitated by emotional stress.
Prognosis: Fejerman syndrome has a good prognosis, In the major forms affected neonates have hypertonia
with spontaneous remission usually occuring by age and marked startle responses that result in falls.
2 or 3 years. There is no increase in the incidence of There is no impairment of consciousness, but the
epilepsy or developmental delay. patient remains temporarily stiff after the attack.
Management: There is no convincing evidence of Sleep episodic shaking of the limbs (nocturnal or
any beneficial treatment. AEDs are unnecessary and sleep myoclonus) resembling generalised clonus or
potentially harmful.18 repetitive myoclonus is often prominent, lasting for
114 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

minutes with no impairment of consciousness. The respiration. Affected families are advised to seek
jerks are spontaneous arousal reactions. genetic counselling.
Neurologically, there is generalised muscle hyper-
tonia–stiffness, hence the term stiff baby syndrome (which
is probably the same disease as hyperekplexia).88 Gait Other non-epileptic
may be unstable, insecure and puppet-like. Brain-stem paroxysmal
and tendon reflexes are exaggerated.
Umbilical and inguinal hernias, presumably due to movement disorders
increased intra-abdominal pressure, are common.
Aetiology: Hyperekplexia is usually inherited as an Familial paroxysmal
autosomal dominant and less often recessive trait. dystonic choreoathetosis
It is due to mutations within the GLRA1 gene on Familial paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis (synon-
chromosome 5q31-33, which encodes the alpha 1 yms: paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia, paroxysmal
subunit of the glycine receptor.89–91 The minor form non-kinesigenic dystonia [Mount-Reback syndrome])
of hyperekplexia is usually sporadic and seldom due is a non-epileptic hyperkinetic movement disorder
to a genetic defect in the GLRA1 gene.87 linked to chromosome 2q35. It is characterised by
Diagnostic procedures: The nose tap test is the most attacks of involuntary chorea, dystonia and ballism
useful test. Tapping the tip of the nose of an unaffected with onset in childhood.94–96 Attacks typically last
baby will elicit either a blink response or no response, from half an hour to several hours (with no signs
but in hyperekplexia there is a distinct startle response, of abnormality between attacks) and may occur
which is repeated each time the nose is tapped. several times each week. There is no impairment
The EEG of startle responses in hyperekplexia is of consciousness and the EEG is normal during
normal.92 A slowing of background activity with the episodes. Attacks are precipitated by a variety
eventual flattening may occur, but this corresponds of factors, including caffeine, alcohol and emotion.
to the phase of apnoea, bradycardia and cyanosis.92 Contrary to frontal lobe seizures, attacks in familial
Differential diagnosis: Hyperekplexia in the neonatal paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis can be relieved
period may be misdiagnosed as one of the following by short periods of sleep in most subjects.
disorders: congenital stiffman syndrome, startle epi-
lepsy, myoclonic seizures, neonatal tetany, cerebral Non-epileptic paroxysmal
palsy or drug (phenothiazine) toxicity. Accurate kinesigenic choreoathetosis97–100
recognition of hyperekplexia in a newborn is Non-epileptic paroxysmal kinesigenic choreo-
important in order to initiate early and appropriate athetosis is characterised by recurrent, brief attacks of
treatment, which may be life saving. involuntary movements induced by sudden voluntary
Prognosis: This is generally good in treated patients. movements. The involuntary movements combine
Untreated infants experience recurring apnoea until tonic, dystonic and choreoathetoid features on one
1 year of age. The exaggerated startle response persists or both sides. They are often associated with dysarth-
to adulthood. Hypertonia gradually improves during ria, upwards gaze and sensory aura. Consciousness
the course of the first and second year of life and is entirely intact. Their duration is usually 10–30 s
tone is usually almost normal by the age of 3 years. and no more than 3 min. The EEG during the attacks
Hypertonia may recur in adult life. is normal. There may be tens of attacks per day in
Management: There is a dramatic response to clonaz- more than half of patients. Onset is in the mid-teens
epam (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/day).93 A simple manoeuvre to with a range of 5–16 years. Most patients respond
terminate the startle response is forcibly flexing the well to AEDs, such as carbamazepine, phenytoin or
baby by pressing the head towards the knees. This phenobarbital.101 In nearly all patients, spontaneous
may be life saving when prolonged stiffness impedes remissions occur between 20 and 30 years of age.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 115

Paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis is distinct Attacks are diurnal and may occur several times per day.
from reflex epilepsy. However, patients may have a The EEG is frequently abnormal and patients may also
history of benign infantile seizures between the ages have seizures. Episodic ataxia type 1 is a rare, autosomal
of 3 and 8 months.102,103 There are no differences in dominant, potassium channelopathy caused by different
the clinical presentation of cases with and without point mutations in the the voltage-gated potassium
infantile seizures.102 In addition, there may be a channel gene KCNA1 on chromosome 12p13.106,107
family history of epileptic seizures in 8% of cases. A 19-year-old intelligent woman was erroneously diagnosed
Non-epileptic paroxysmal choreoathetosis may as having epileptic seizures. She had brief, for less than 1
also be induced by exercise. min, episodes of ataxia and dysarthria since approximately
A 9-year-old child was referred for a second EEG because of the age of 10 years. She has three types of attacks:
a ‘history of left-sided focal motor seizures, which recently r 5IFNPTUDPNNPOUZQFJTJOIFSMFHT4IFGFFMTUIJT
increased. Previous EEG showed non-specific paroxysmal coming and then her legs ‘cannot obey her any more’.
abnormalities’. Intelligent history taking and application r 5IFTFDPOEUZQFJTSFTUSJDUFEJOUIFVQQFSFYUSFNJUJFT
of ‘seizure’ provocation by the EEG technologist allowed Again, she feels this coming soon before marked
a definite diagnosis of exercise-induced paroxysmal cerebellar type of symptoms in the hands.
choreoathetosis. After establishing by history taking that r 5IFUIJSEUZQFBSFDMFBSDVUBUUBDLTPGEZTBSUISJB4IF
the events were induced by exercise, the child was asked can initially be understood, but later within seconds
to exercise and this induced three typical attacks which her speech is incomprehensible.
were video-EEG recorded. These were brief (under 2 min) In some occasions, there is a successive progression of the
episodes of asymmetrical dystonia, choreoathetosis and symptoms from the legs to the arms and to the speech. The
ballistic movements. latter episodes are longer, for up to a maximum of 5 min.
Paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis, paroxysmal On no occasion was there impairment of consciousness
exercise-induced choreoathetosis/dystonia and benign or inability to recognise her surroundings or to understand
infantile seizures map to the same region on chromo- people talking to her. Over the years, these episodes
some 16, suggesting that they may be allelic disorders. appeared to become more frequent (two per week), more
apparent and longer in duration. In addition, she started
Episodic ataxia type 1 having episodes of marked positional tremor and attacks
Of the various types of episodic ataxias,104,105 only type of periorbital and perioral myokymia.
1 may cause problems for differential diagnosis. In Series of EEG were abnormal with bursts of sharp–slow-
episodic ataxia type 1, patients suffer from brief attacks waves bilaterally in the mid-temporal regions. Brain MRI
of ataxia and dysarthria, lasting seconds to minutes, was normal. Molecular analysis revealed the first trunca-
often associated with continuous inter-attack myokymia. tion to be reported in the KCNA1 gene (C1249T).107

Non-epileptic severe amnesic and

confusional attacks imitating epileptic seizures
Non-epileptic severe amnesic attacks and lengthy Transient epileptic amnesia refers to transient global
confusional episodes may be misdiagnosed as amnesia of ictal or post-ictal epileptic origin. This
epileptic seizures or non-convulsive status epilepticus is usually briefer and more frequent than transient
(focal or generalised). global amnesia and patients frequently have com-
116 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

plaints of ‘memory gaps’ in their medical history; Transient global amnesia should be differentiated
these ‘gaps’ are usually caused by complex focal from epileptic seizures, drug intoxication and psy-
seizures. Pure amnestic epileptic seizures sometimes chogenic fugue.
occur in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy but Transient global amnesia of any cause is attributed
they never represent the only type of seizure in these to transient dysfunction in limbic–hippocampal
patients.108 circuits (or in the basal forebrain cholinergic inputs
Pure amnestic seizures are defined as seizures during to that circuitry). It can be considered a model for
which the only clinical manifestation is the patients’ a focal transient perturbation of memory circuits in
inability to retain in their memory what occurs the temporomesial region.
during the seizure coupled with the preservation of
other cognitive functions and the ability to interact
normally with their physical and social environment.
It is postulated that they result from selective and (dissociative) fugues
usually bilateral ictal inactivation of mesial temporal
Psychogenic (dissociative) fugues consist of an
structures without isocortical involvement. In most
inability to recall some or all of one’s past combined
instances pure amnestic seizures can be distinguished
with either loss of identity or the formation of a
from episodes of transient global amnesia on clinical
new identity. They result from trauma or stress.
grounds.108 They often manifest with sudden, unexpected,
purposeful travel away from home. Diagnosis is
based on medical history after ruling out other
Transient global
causes of amnesia. The incidence of dissociative
amnesia109–111 fugue increases in connection with wars, accidents
Transient global amnesia is a clinical syndrome and natural disasters. Fugues are often mistaken for
characterised by a sudden, short-term profound malingering, because fugues may remove the person
deficit of anterograde and often retrograde memory from accountability for his actions, absolve him
without any other focal neurological signs or of certain responsibilities or reduce his exposure
symptoms. Patients may repeatedly ask questions to hazardous situations. However, fugues are
spontaneous, unplanned and not faked. Most fugues
concerning transpiring events and appear agitated
are brief and self-limited. Impairment after the fugue
and confused. Personal identity, attention, visual-
ends is usually mild and short-lived.
spatial skills and social skills are retained. Symptoms
typically last less than 24 hours (median 4 hours).
As the attack resolves, the amnesia improves, but the Prolonged
patient has complete or severe permanent amnesia
of intra-attack events. confusional states
Transient global amnesia usually affects middle- Prolonged confusional states of acute encephalop-
aged or elderly men. In men, they occur more athy have many causes such as diabetic ketoacidosis,
frequently after a physical precipitating event. In hypoglycaemia, respiratory, renal or hepatic failure,
women, episodes are mainly associated with an hyperpyrexia, sepsis and drug poisoning. They may be
emotional precipitating event, a history of anxiety the predominant features of encephalitis, meningitis,
and a pathological personality. In younger patients, head injury and cerebrovascular accidents. Some
a history of headaches may constitute an important disorders such as porphyria and urea cycle enzyme
risk factor. The cause is unclear; a history of migraine defects may present with acute, periodic, short-lived
is common in younger patients. No link is found exacerbations of their symptomatology. Drug abuse
with vascular risk factors. is a common cause of confusional episodes.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 117

Non-epileptic staring spells, Diagnostic clues for staring

childhood preoccupation
During a spell of unresponsiveness, documenting an
and daydreaming52,55,112–114 increase in heart rate of more than 30% over baseline
Staring spells are a frequent epileptic or non-epileptic has a positive predictive value of 97% in favour of an
manifestation.52 epileptic event rather than a PNEPE.53
Non-epileptic staring spells are at the borderline of
the PNEPEs and are more accurately described as Preoccupation implies that the person is concentrating
(normal) episodes of behavioural inattention that are on something tangible and identifiable, such as a
misinterpreted by an over-vigilant adult.55 Children television program or an arithmetical calculation.
frequently experience these benign non-epileptic Daydreaming implies the person is concentrating on
staring spells, and this ‘over-vigilance’ is particularly something in his or her mind and usually occurs
likely to occur when the child also has or has had when the child is obviously bored. In both, the child
seizures. stares ahead, seemingly blankly, and is more or less
Non-epileptic staring spells, especially in younger unresponsive. Colour changes, myoclonic phenom-
children, can take the form of prolonged staring ena and changes in muscle tone do not happen.
without other features or as inattentiveness with the However, automatisms may occur. Usually the child
eyes closed.52 drifts in and out of the attack, although some may
The main features that suggest non-epileptic events ‘snap out’ of it. In nearly all cases, the episodes can
include:113 be interrupted.
t the events do not interrupt play Inattention or daydreaming was the final diagnosis
t they are first noticed by a professional such as in 10% of children and adolescents with PNEPEs
a schoolteacher, speech therapist, occupational assessed in an epilepsy monitoring unit.115
therapist or physician (rather than by a parent) Daydreams and childhood preoccupations are
t the staring spell is ‘interruptable’ by external especially difficult to differentiate from atypical
stimuli. absences in children with learning difficulties; the
Factors associated with an epileptic aetiology tendency for the child to drift in and out of the attack
include twitches of the arms or legs, loss of urine may be very similar. The circumstances of when the
and upwards eye movement.113 attacks occur may help.

NEPEs occurring during

sleep and sleep disorders116–122
Sleep and the epilepsies have reciprocal relation- Some patients with nocturnal seizures become
ships.123–129 Sleep accentuates certain types of epilep- aware of an epileptic seizure because of its adverse
tic seizures, some of which exclusively occur during effects through injury or post-ictal manifestations.
sleep (nocturnal epilepsy),130 as well as certain types Symptoms such as tongue biting, newly onset bed-
of epileptiform EEG abnormalities (e.g. benign focal wetting, unexplained body bruises, confusion or joint
spikes of children). Conversely, epileptic seizures dislocations, alone but particularly in combination,
adversely affect sleep quality and architecture. discovered upon awakening are highly suggestive of
118 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

GTCSs. These symptoms may be the reason for why sleep walking disorder and many others not listed in
patients first seek medical attention. the DSM-IV that are detailed in this section.
Paroxysmal sleep disorders are abnormal episodic Parasomnias are grouped into four different
phenomena occurring during sleep. The wide- categories according to the sleep-state during which
spread utilisation of videopolysomnography has they usually occur:
contributed to the identification of a variety of 1. arising from deep sleep (stage III/IV sleep)
previously unrecognised sleep disorders and to the 2. associated with REM sleep
better characterisation of already known clinical 3. sleep–wake transition
entities. Diagnosis is made on the basis of medical 4. other parasomnias non-state sleep-dependent.
history and confirmed with videopolysomnography.
Treatment is successful in the majority of cases.
Paroxysmal sleep disorders can cause injuries,
Sleep-related non-epileptic
psychological distress and other deficits from frequent
sleep interruption. They may be misdiagnosed and movement disorders118
inappropriately treated as epileptic seizures or
psychiatric disorders because of sometimes bizarre Hypnagogic myoclonic
and hazardous manifestations. Diagnosis is further jerks (sleep starts)
complicated by the fact that medical and psychiatric
When dropping off to sleep at night one may occasion-
disorders and various medications can precipitate
ally experience a sudden, momentarily rather alarming
or aggravate parasomnias.131 Misdiagnosis is more
jerk of the whole or a part of the body, sometimes
likely in children and the elderly.
accompanied by a vivid sensory experience... The jerks
seem to occur, with widely varying frequencies, in
Classification of sleep disorders
nearly every normal person.
According to DSM-IV, sleep disorders may be either
Ian Oswald (1959)133
primary (unrelated to any other disorder – medical
or psychological) or secondary (the result of physical Sleep starts (synonyms: hypnic jerks, hypnagogic jerks,
illness, psychological disorders, or drug or alcohol and predormital myoclonus) are normal phenomena
use).51 occurring only at the onset of sleep. They usually
The primary sleep disorders are categorised as: manifest with jerks of the body, but legs are more
t dyssomnias, which pertain to the amount, quality likely to be affected than arms. A sharp cry may
or timing of sleep also occur and there may be concomitant flashes
t parasomnias, which pertain to abnormal of sensory manifestations; visual hallucinations or
behavioural or physiological events that occur dreams, and a feeling of falling.
during sleep. The frequency and intensity of sleep starts vary.
Dyssomnias include primary insomnia (i.e. sleep- They may be single jerks but more often occur in
onset insomnia, sleep-maintenance insomnia and clusters. They sometimes are very frequent, intense
terminal insomnia), primary hypersomnia, narco- and repetitive, and may cause bruises of the feet
lepsy, breathing-related sleep disorder (sleep apnoea) by being kicked against the bed, or lead to a bed
and circadian rhythm sleep disorder (delayed partner being hurt. This may prevent the individuals
sleep phase type, jet lag type, shift work type and from falling asleep, although sometimes it is only the
unspecified type). bed partner who experiences these effects. In most
Parasomnias are undesirable physical phenomena people, they only occur from time to time.
accompanying sleep that involve skeletal muscle Sleep starts affect all ages and both men and
activity or autonomic nervous system changes, or women. Adults are more likely to complain about
both.132 Parasomnias include nightmare, sleep terror, frequent or intense jerks.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 119

Sleep starts are often exacerbated by fatigue, emo- Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus
tional stress, sleep deprivation and high intake of Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus is described on
caffeine or other stimulants. page 112.

Useful clinical note Facio-mandibular myoclonus118,141

Facio-mandibular myoclonus during sleep may
The significance of hypnagogic jerks cause nocturnal tongue biting and bleeding, which
in history-taking for epileptic seizures and may lead to suspicions of nocturnal GTCS. Electromy-
particularly JME ography (EMG) activity starts in the masseters and
Patients and witnesses do not usually report myoclonic spreads to orbicularis oris and oculi muscles. It
jerks. The yield of detected myoclonic jerks increases mimics sleep bruxism and may be familial.
significantly with a physical demonstration of myoclonic
jerks (videos may also be very useful). If hypnagogic Restless legs syndrome and
jerks are reported then it is certain that the concept of periodic limb movement disorder142–145
myoclonic jerks has been understood.
Restless legs syndrome and the periodic limb
movement disorder are distinguishable but over-
lapping diseases. Both feature periodic nocturnal
Nocturnal myoclonus134 involuntary limb movements that can cause sleep
Nocturnal myoclonus and nocturnal myoclonic disruption, but each has distinct clinical features
activity is slightly higher in men than in women that are relevant to the diagnosis and management
and correlates with increasing age. Myoclonic activ- of the patient.
ity occurs most frequently during stage II of sleep. Periodic limb movements of sleep manifest with brief
The resulting sleep disturbance is usually minimal. 0.5–5 s repetitive flexions of the extremities and
Only about 10% of the events relate to EEG occur at regular intervals of 10–60 s or in clusters
arousals.134 over many minutes which progressively decline
throughout the night. They often lead to brief
Fragmentary hypnic myoclonus135–137 arousals or repeated full awakenings. They can occur
Excessive fragmentary hypnic myoclonus of as an isolated phenomenon, but are frequently part
sleep consists of high amounts of brief twitch-like of the restless legs syndrome or other sleep disorders,
movements occurring asynchronously and asym- although they also occur in normal individuals. They
metrically throughout the body, limbs and face. It are age related; they occur in less than 1% of young
occurs in all stages of sleep but with a somewhat adults and nearly half of the elderly population.
lower frequency in slow-wave sleep and a significantly Restless legs syndrome is a sensorimotor disorder that
lower rate in the first hour after onset compared occurs in 1–5% of the population.146,147 Manifestations
to later hours. Almost all patients are male. It also mainly consist of unpleasant sensations experienced
occurs in association with other sleep disorders such predominantly in the legs and rarely in the arms.
as periodic limb movements, narcolepsy, intermittent The symptoms occur only at rest and become
hypersomnia and rarely insomnia. more pronounced in the evening or at night. In
addition, the patients suffer from a strong urge to
Propriospinal myoclonus138–140 move the limbs, typically manifested by walking
This consists of recurrent axial jerks or unpleasant around, which leads to complete but only temporary
sensorimotor symptoms that occur in drowsiness and relief of the symptoms. Most of the patients have
often prevent sleep. The jerks are slower and more periodic limb movements during sleep and relaxed
focal than the sleep starts. Propriospinal myoclonus wakefulness. Pharmacological treatments are mainly
is rarely caused by spinal cord disease. with dopamine agonists and benzodiazepines.
120 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Rhythmic movements in sleep tion; they occur frequently in childhood and atten-
Rhythmic movements in sleep, also known as jactatio uate in adolescence. They can persist into or begin in
capitis nocturna, may be the same disorder as ‘rhythmic adulthood with more severe and persisting forms.
behavioural movements’ (see page 111). Rhythmic Sleepwalking and night terrors may be genetically
movements such as head banging or body rocking determined in children while adults show high
occur just before sleep onset and persist into light sleep. levels of psychopathology. Additional sleep disorders
Rhythmic movements are repeated about every 2 s in include sleep-disordered breathing and restless legs
long clusters and may be associated with chanting or syndrome.149
other vocalisations. This is more common in children, Attacks may be eliminated by passively awakening
especially infants, but may persist into adulthood. the patient just prior to the habitual time of the
Children and patients with learning disabilities events. Trying to awaken the patient during the
often exhibit body rocking when awake or asleep. attacks is pointless.
Patients with daytime dyskinesias may occasionally
exhibit similar movements during overnight sleep, Night terrors are not nightmares
usually in the setting of brief arousals.
Sleepwalking and night terrors 119,148,149 there are no dreams.
Sleepwalking (somnambulism) and night terrors Nightmares occur during, and are the result of, a dream

(pavor nocturnus) are part of the same nosologic JO3&.TMFFQ5IFTMFFQFSSFUBJOTBWJWJENFNPSZPGUIF

continuum caused by a sudden partial arousal from dream.

stage III and IV of NREM sleep (NREM arousal para-

Sleep talking is another parasomnia that may be
somnias). They usually occur during the first episode
confused with complex focal seizures. Episodes are
of slow-wave sleep, within the first 2 hours of sleep
usually brief, infrequent and may be spontaneous or
onset and the timing is often stereotyped. They are induced by conversation.
characterised by agitation and unresponsiveness to
external stimuli. They are usually brief, lasting for Paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia
1 or 2 min but may also go on for much longer. (hypnogenic paroxysmal dystonia)
Patients are unable to fully awaken, are difficult to This is frontal lobe epilepsy of the supplementary
comfort and have no memory of the event the next motor area (see Chapters 14 and 15) and not a sleep
day. The episodes seem to occur in cycles. They disorder.
may happen every night for several weeks and then
disappear for months.
In pavor nocturnus the patient manifests intense Sleep-related
fright with screaming and moaning together with non-epileptic behavioural
marked tachycardia, rapid respiration and sweating.
In somnabulism, the patient walks around, often and other disorders
performing complex automatic activities. Injuries
and occasionally death may occur. Brief, abortive Sleep drunkenness151,152
episodes are the most common, involving sitting up ‘Sleep drunkenness’ refers to a failure of attaining full
in bed with fidgeting and shuffling, as seen with the alertness after awakening, usually from deep sleep.
complex focal seizures. The patient appears disorientated, ataxic, dysarthric
EEG during these events shows a mixture of slow and may manifest with complex automatic,
and alpha activity.150 sometimes aggressive and homicidal, behaviours,
Benign forms of NREM arousal parasomnias have as with narcolepsy. This mainly occurs in patients
high prevalence of around 10–15% of the popula- with hypersomnia or after severe sleep deprivation.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 121

It may be misdiagnosed as post-ictal confusion or Lewy bodies. A third of patients injure themselves and
focal complex seizure. two-thirds assault their bed partners. Dream content
mostly involves aggressiveness,160 usually as a defence
Bruxism153–156 mechanism against attack.159
Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching) occurs at any EEG may show coincidental inter-ictal epileptiform
sleep stage but mainly in stage II of NREM sleep. It activity of sporadic, frontotemporal sharp waves in
may also occur during the daytime. It is common in a quarter of patients.164 This may also occur in REM
children, especially those with learning disabilities, and sleep, although rarely. Such EEG abnormalities may
psychiatric patients. Dental occlusive appliances are reinforce an erroneous diagnosis of nocturnal focal
usually an effective treatment. Episodes of bruxism are seizures.
usually more prolonged and more frequent than focal Neuroimaging is unlikely to reveal underlying
seizures, and there are no associated features of other disorders not suspected clinically. Small doses of
motor phenomena, vocalisation or confusional arousal. clonazepam 0.5–1 mg (or melatonin as an alternative)
at bedtime are highly effective.162
Hypermotor epileptic seizures may be mistaken for
(nocturnal expiratory groaning)
RBD. However, the lack of dream recall, the stereo-
This is a rare form of parasomnia of exclusively
typed movements and occasional SGTCS of hyper-
expiratory groaning during sleep that occurs in
motor seizures are useful as distinguishing features.
clusters of approximately 30 s each. It happens in
young people during the second part of the night in Sleep-related eating disorder165
REM and stage II of NREM sleep.157
Some patients have abnormal compulsory nocturnal
eating episodes that may be associated with
Nocturnal enuresis
sleepwalking, somniloquy, restless legs syndrome
Nocturnal enuresis is a very common problem in
and periodic limb movements during sleep. Eating
children and has varying aetiologies.158 A genetic
always occurs after complete awakenings from NREM
component is likely. For the idiopathic (primary)
sleep and exceptionally from REM sleep. During the
nocturnal enuresis there may be two subtypes: those
eating episodes patients are fully alert and EEG shows
with a functional bladder disorder and those with a
maturational delay in nocturnal arginine-vasopressin alpha activity. Most patients manifest with recurring
secretion. Whether in some children nocturnal chewing and swallowing movements (resembling
enuresis is a sleep disorder has been debated. the rhythmic masticatory-muscle activity in patients
with bruxism) during sleep, which in half of the
REM sleep behaviour disorder159–162 events is associated with EEG arousals.165
REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) manifests
with attacks of vigorous and often dangerous motor Sudden infant death syndrome (Cot
activity in response to vivid dreaming in association death)166
with intermittent loss of REM sleep skeletal muscle Sudden and unexpected death of an infant during
atonia. The patients act out their dreams. sleep and without post-mortem abnormal findings
RBD is more prevalent in elderly (mean age 60 years) is a rare and tragic event. It occurs mainly between
males (87%) but is also reported in children with 10 and 12 weeks of age. An epileptic seizure may
autism.163 Its prevalence in the general population sometimes be the actual cause.
is estimated to be around 0.5%.161 RBD may be
idiopathic (60%) or strongly associated with alpha-
synucleinopathies,161 often heralding the clinical onset
of neurodegenerative disease, especially Parkinson’s Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder with frequent
disease, multiple system atrophy and dementia with episodes of REM-sleep that occur inappropriately
122 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

before NREM sleep. In wakefulness, REM periods or more common than auditory, vestibular or
fragments of REM occur throughout the day. somatosensory hallucinations. They may occur
together or precede sleep paralysis.
Demographic data The patients are fully aware of cataplexy, sleep
Narcolepsy usually begins in childhood173 with a paralysis and hallucinations.
higher incidence in adolescence (16–30 years). All patients with narcolepsy have hypersomnia but
Prevalence is 0.05% in Caucasians and three times only around 70% also develop cataplexy; sleep paralysis
higher in Japanese. and hypnagogic hallucination occur in a third.
The clinical picture of narcolepsy is further
Clinical manifestations complicated by intense fatigue, memory problems
Narcolepsy manifests with the tetrad of: and visual problems, frequent sleep arousals and
1. Hypersomnia (excessive and irresistible daytime other sleep disorders, as well as the psychological
sleepiness), which includes the following: and social consequences of having narcolepsy.
daytime sleep attacks, which may occur with or
without warning; persistent drowsiness, which Aetiology175
may continue for prolonged periods of time; Narcolepsy is familial in 10% of cases. Mutations
and ‘microsleeps’, or fleeting moments of sleep. in the region of chromosome 6 controlling the HLA
Sleep attacks may happen while standing, eating, antigen immune complex are found in 90–100%
driving or during a conversation. Episodes of of patients, but these also occur in as many as 50%
automatic behaviour (performing a task without of people without narcolepsy. Narcolepsy has been
conscious awareness of doing it) and amnesia are attributed to a deficiency of the peptide neurotrans-
common, as in all other cases of hypersomnia. mitter hypocretin produced in the hypothalamus.
Their duration ranges from seconds to 15–30 A dog model of narcolepsy exhibits a mutation on
min and they usually end with a sudden burst of chromosome 12 that disrupts the processing of
irrelevant words. hypocretin. No such mutations were found in human
2. Cataplexy, which consists of a sudden loss of narcolepsy but hypocretin levels are profoundly
voluntary muscle control, triggered by strong depressed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and a specific
emotions such as laughter, surprise, fear or reduction in hypocretin-containing neurones has
anger. The attacks mainly affect facial and leg been described. One hypothesis concerning the
muscles (e.g. sagging, nodding, buckling knees, pathophysiology of narcolepsy proposes that the
muddled speech), they may be experienced as HLA subtype resulting from the mutation on chromo-
mild weakness only and can last for seconds or some 6 increases the susceptibility of hypocretin-
15–30 min. Total body collapse may occur with containing brain neurones to immune attack.
full preservation of consciousness. Cataplexy is Because hypocretin may normally participate in the
sometimes instantaneous with no time to prepare maintenance of wakefulness, the loss of neurones
for safety, and thus serious injury can occur. that release this peptide might allow inappropriate
3. Sleep paralysis, which is a brief (seconds to usually occurrence of REM sleep in contrast to its normal
10 min), temporary inability to move that occurs cyclic appearance after NREM sleep.
on falling asleep (hypnagogic) and less often on
awakening. Diagnostic procedures
Cataplexy and sleep paralysis are related to the Overnight polysomnography is often diagnostic and
muscle atonia of REM. may also reveal other underlying sleep disorders.
4. Hallucinations, which appear as vivid, realistic, The multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) measures
often frightening ‘dreams of REM’ occur upon sleep onset and how quickly REM sleep occurs. A
falling asleep (hypnagogic) and less often blood genetic test has been developed that measures
upon awakening. Visual hallucinations are certain antigens often found in people who have a
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 123

predisposition to narcolepsy. Positive results suggest effect on excessive daytime sleepiness and disturbed
but do not prove narcolepsy. nocturnal sleep.

Differential diagnosis
Narcolepsy should be differentiated from other Sleep apnoea
causes of hypersomnia. Cataplexy is almost unique Patients with sleep apnoea usually present with day-
to narcolepsy but the presence of cataplexy is not time hypersomnia, and apnoeic episodes may cause
required for a diagnosis of narcolepsy. episodic grunting, flailing about or other restless
Cataplectic attacks may be misdiagnosed as atonic activity that appears to mimic nocturnal epilepsy.
seizures, other types of epileptic falls or syncope. Occasionally the resultant hypoxia leads itself to
Episodes of automatic behaviour may be confused symptomatic epileptic seizures.
with complex focal seizures. Apnoeic attacks in neonates, whether while awake
Isolated episodes of sleep paralysis, cataplectic or asleep, are difficult to differentiate from epileptic
attacks and hallucinations can occur frequently in seizures.
normal people.

Sleep disorders in the elderly
Narcolepsy is a life-long disorder with no signs of Sleep undergoes significant changes with ageing and
remission or improvement. these are so profound that it is difficult to separate
normal from disease.176 Sleep disorders are estimated
Management167,174 to affect nearly 50% of older individuals. These are
Modafinil is the first-line pharmacological treatment mostly sleep-disordered breathing, periodic limb
of excessive daytime sleepiness and irresistible movements in sleep and restless legs syndrome,
episodes of sleep in association with behavioural morning headaches, circadian rhythm disorders,
measures. Sodium oxybate is the first-line treatment excessive daytime sleepiness, RBD, obstructive sleep
of cataplexy and appears to also have a beneficial apnoea and insomnia.177

Subjective non-epileptic paroxysmal

symptoms imitating simple focal seizures

Visual, auditory, those occurring in simple focal epileptic seizures.

These are subjective sensations, simple or complex
somatosensory, visual hallucinations or illusions that may be:
olfactory, gustatory and t normal experiences of healthy people
t caused by a variety of abnormalities located in
autonomic paroxysmal the peripheral sensory organs or in the CNS
symptoms imitating t of multiple aetiologies (drugs or various brain,
psychiatric and systemic disorders).
simple focal seizures178 Thus, the differential diagnosis of these paroxysmal
There is a galaxy of subjective paroxysmal symptoms symptoms is extensive, spanning numerous normal
that may imitate, and in some cases are identical to, phenomena, intoxication, and neurological, systemic
124 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and psychiatric disorders. Diagnosis is possible and vomiting, drooling, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and
usually straightforward if the symptoms are analysed classical headache, photophobia and phonophobia,
and synthesised in a meaningful manner with regard but rarely visual disturbances. EEG may show
to their various parameters and characteristics (quality, only focal slowing at the time of episodes. On rare
quantity, time and duration of appearance), develop- occasions focal spikes and waves also appear; these
ment, stereotype, recurrence, precipitating factors, may be a coincidental finding because of the high
other concurrent symptoms, diseases, drug use, age prevalence of functional spikes in children or they
and so forth. Long-term recurrent isolated subjective may indicate misdiagnosis.
sensations without any other symptoms are unlikely CVS affects young children aged 3–9 years and
to be epileptic seizures, because at some time they resolves during adolescence. A third of patients later
would have progressed to more apparent ictal seizure develop migraine headaches.
manifestations. Visual symptoms of paroxysmal Prevalence may be about 2% of school-aged
occurrence are probably among the most common children, although clinically many may be missed or
imitators of epileptic seizures.179–183 The example of their symptoms are mild. The vomiting appears to be
visual aura of migraine versus visual occipital seizures triggered by a variety of physical and psychological
has been emphasised on page 125. stresses.
The diagnosis of CVS requires exclusionary lab-
oratory testing because it can mimic many surgical,
Cyclic vomiting, paroxysmal neurological, endocrine, metabolic or renal disorders.
vertigo and motion sickness CVS bears considerable similarities to abdominal
migraine and to migraine headaches ‘though their
Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS), paroxysmal
precise relation and overlap cannot be definitely
vertigo and motion sickness are unlikely to
settled until validated laboratory markers become
be misdiagnosed as epilepsy. However, some
children who are assumed to have CVS or motion
The pathogenesis of CVS is unknown but there are
sickness may actually be suffering from autonomic
seizures or autonomic status epilepticus of now several tenable mechanisms such as migraine,
Panayiotopoulos syndrome in which emetic symp- metabolic, neuroendocrine and gastrointestinal.185
toms are usually prominent and sometimes occur There may also be specific subgroups that have
while, and are probably facilitated by, travelling.24,184 different mechanisms.185
CVS is considered to originate in the brain and
Cyclic vomiting syndrome184–187 various mechanisms, probably inter-related, are
CVS has the following characteristics: speculated:
t it is specific to childhood (3–9 years) t corticotrophin-releasing factor, which may be
t vomiting usually starts in sleep and may last for the primary mediator of vomiting in CVS186
many hours t mitochondrial DNA mutations and disordered
t emetic symptoms are the first to appear but respiratory chain function186
these are often associated with other autonomic t defects in the regulation of cellular mechanisms
manifestations. such as cAMP or ion channels in cells at critical
CVS is an idiopathic non-epileptic disorder of locations in the emetic pathway (e.g. nucleus
unknown aetiology characterised by periodic clusters tractus solitarius, area postrema)
of episodic vomiting, often 6–12 times per hour. t defects in intrinsic pathways (e.g. opioid
The pattern is stereotypical within individuals and neurones) that may modulate the brain-stem
typified by a rapid onset during the night or early emetic mechanisms.187
morning, rapid denouement and associated symp- Treatment options are improving at present and
toms of pallor, lethargy, anorexia, nausea, retching, serotonergic agents have shown the most promise.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 125

Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo typical vestibular attack including nystagmus, nausea,
Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo is the most frequent vomiting and diaphoresis. The age at onset is usually
cause of vertigo in adults and manifests with brief 1–5 years old. It has been related to migraine and
episodes of spinning vertigo precipitated by movement some experts consider it as a precursor of migraine.
such as bending over, turning in bed, looking up or
Motion sickness
driving. Nausea can be a prominent feature or absent.
Motion sickness is a common response to real and
Attacks may be very frequent and the disorder, perceived movement in the environment.188–192 It
although benign, may be disabling. It is a disease of occurs while travelling via any form of transport.
the semicircular canal and occurs when freely floating Children aged between 4 and 10 years are particularly
otoconia enter one or more of the semicircular canals vulnerable. Girls are more susceptible than boys.
and move under the influence of gravity. It is rarely Symptoms begin with epigastric discomfort, which
observed in individuals younger than 35 years without is usually accompanied by increased salivation,
a history of antecedent head trauma. The Epley eructation and a feeling of bodily warmth. With
manoeuvre for repositioning the displaced otoconia is sustained exposure to the triggering stimulus,
a simple technique that often has therapeutic efficacy. symptoms progress to nausea, pallor, sweating
and, eventually, retching or vomiting. A variant of
Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood motion sickness may exist that lacks gastrointestinal
Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood is the most complaints and is instead characterised by drowsi-
common cause of vertigo in children without any ness, headache, apathy, depression and generalised
detectable ear disease or hearing loss. It manifests with discomfort.

Migraine, migralepsy, basilar migraine with

EEG occipital paroxysms and diagnostic errors
Migraine with aura may be misdiagnosed as epilepsy and common. It is not. The problem is that occipital
but, far more frequently, epileptic seizures are seizures are not appropriately differentiated from
misdiagnosed as migraine.193–195 As a result, visual migraine and therefore, they are often erroneously
occipital lobe seizures (misdiagnosed as visual aura diagnosed as migraine.
of migraine and SGTCSs) are erroneously attributed Seizures may be triggered by a migrainous event or
to the migraine effect on the brain (hence the caused by a migraine–stroke but this is rare. There
inappropriate term ‘migralepsy’).196 should be no doubt that cerebral infarcts due to
Migraine and epilepsy are the most common severe migraine can be responsible for symptomatic
neurological disorders. Prevalence of migraine is seizures. Also, there should be no reason why
probably around 6% for men and three times more epileptic seizures, so vulnerable to extrinsic and
frequent in women. Epilepsy is around 0.5% and intrinsic precipitating factors, could not also be
equally affects men and women. If a relationship susceptible to cortical changes introduced by
existed between them, this would be obvious in migraine. Thus a migrainous attack may also be
our everyday neurological practice. It would not be able to trigger epileptic seizures in susceptible
revealed only through obscure and complicated cases individuals. However, both these cases are rare.
with bizarre symptomatology. It would be simple In my opinion, the most common reason for their
126 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

association is through the coincidence of two of The visual aura of migraine with aura and acephalgic
the most common neurological disorders and an migraine are adequately studied and illustrated in
erroneous interpretation of epileptic seizures as all relevant textbooks and publications. In one of
migraine or, less often, vice versa. The emerging and the most detailed nosographic analyses198 migraine
more realistic concept of occipital seizures triggering visual aura:
migrainous headache needs consideration and Started as a flickering, uncoloured, zigzag line in the
exploration. More importantly, patients with daily centre of the visual field and affected the central vision.
visual seizures that may progress to convulsions It gradually progressed over >4 min usually lasting
merit a precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment <30 min towards the periphery of one hemifield and
probably with carbamazepine. Most of these patients often left a scotoma. The total duration of visual auras
with visual seizures are misdiagnosed as migraine was 60 min. Only four patients had exclusively acute
with aura, basilar migraine, acephalgic migraine onset visual aura.198
or migralepsy simply because physicians are not
Furthermore, migraine visual aura has the following
properly informed of differential diagnostic criteria.
As a result, diagnosis, appropriate investigations
t it rarely has a daily frequency
and treatment may be delayed for years. There are
t non-visual ictal occipital symptoms such as eye
numerous published reports of such a misdiagnosis.
and head deviation, and eyelid repetitive closures
Such high errors of diagnosis are unjustifiable because
do not occur
visual epileptic seizures are distinctly different from
t it is debatable and probably exceptional to
visual auras of migraine (Figure 4.1).194,195
progress to non-visual epileptic seizures.
Based on the results of my studies, my thesis
Less typical features of migraine visual aura such as
is that visual aura of migraine is entirely different
spots, circles and beads with or without colours may
from the visual seizures when all their components
be experienced during the migraine visual aura but
are considered together (Table 4.4). Visual seizures
usually they are not dominant. More importantly,
and visual aura of migraine may imitate each other
clustering of other symptoms, as above, betray their
but their true identity cannot easily escape clinical
migraine nature.
Although brief duration is significant, there are Basilar migraine
many more clinical manifestations to differentiate Basilar migraine of Bickerstaff199,200 is characterised by
visual seizures from visual aura of migraine transient and fully reversible symptoms, indicating
(Table 4.4). focal dysfunction of the brain stem, the occipital
lobes or both, followed by headache.201 Common
Visual aura of migraine neurological symptoms include visual manifestations,
dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus, ataxia, bilateral
I was startled by a singular shadowy appearance weakness and dysaesthesia, diplopia, dysarthria and
at the outside corner of the field of vision of the left decreased hearing.
eye. It gradually advanced into the field of view and Visual symptoms mainly consist of dimming of
then appeared to be a pattern in straight-lined angular vision, blindness, tunnel vision, hemianopia and
forms, very much in general aspects like the drawing scotomata. Elementary visual hallucinations are
of a fortification, with salient and re-entering angles, usually bilateral, described as ‘teichopsia’, ‘flashes or
bastions, and ravelins with some suspicion of faint lines blobs of light’, ‘coloured figures’ or ‘dysmorphopsia’.
of colour between the dark lines. Aura symptoms develop gradually over 4 min and
Sir JFW Herschel (1866)197 last for less than 30 min to up to 1 hour.
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 127

Schematic illustration of elementary visual hallucinations of

visual occipital lobe epileptic seizures (left) and visual aura of migraine (right)

Figure 4.1 Adapted with permission from Panayiotopoulos (2006).196

Impairment or loss of consciousness without of symptoms encountered in epilepsy and

convulsions may occur in a quarter of patients migraine’.202,203 Intercalated seizures denote epileptic
between the aura and the headache phase. seizures that occur between the migrainous aura and
The loss of consciousness is described as curiously slow the headache phase of migraine.204
in onset – never abrupt, and never causing the patient I would discourage the use of the term migralepsy.
to fall or to be injured. A dreamlike state sometimes According to a recent review, most reported cases of
precedes impairment of consciousness. The degree of so-called migralepsy are likely to be genuine occipital
impairment of consciousness was never profound but the seizures imitating migraine aura.194,195 Of the most
patients were never unrousable; on vigorous stimulation influential cases that I have detailed,194,195 two of the
they could be aroused to co-operate but they returned to three ‘migralepsy’ patients,202 one ‘basilar migraine
unconsciousness when the stimulation ceased.200 and epilepsy case’205 and one ‘juvenile migraine with
epilepsy’ boy,206 all had symptoms of visual seizures
Attacks of basilar migraine are usually infrequent and
– as defined in this book – that were interpreted
over the years they may cease or become replaced by
as migraine aura. The ‘juvenile migraine’ patient of
common migraine with or without aura.201
Barlow206 with symptomatic occipital epilepsy may
be indicative:
Migralepsy This boy at age 13 years ‘While ski-ing… saw blue to
Migralepsy – migra(ine) and (epi)lepsy – is a term the right associated with blurred vision that lasted for a
used to denote ‘a seizure that may be a composite few seconds’ after which he vomited, became confused
128 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Differential diagnosis of occipital seizures from migraine with aura or basilar migraine

Occipital epilepsy Migraine with aura Basilar migraine

Visual hallucinations
Duration for seconds to 1 min Exclusive None None
Duration for 1–3 min Frequent 3BSF 3BSF
Duration for 4–30 min 3BSF As a rule As a rule
Daily in frequency As a rule 3BSF None
Mainly coloured circular patterns As a rule 3BSF Exceptional
Mainly achromatic or black and white Exceptional As a rule 3BSF
linear patterns
Moving to the opposite side of the visual field Exclusive None None
Expanding from the centre to the periphery 3BSF As a rule Frequent
of a visual hemifield
Evolving to blindness 3BSF 3BSF As a rule
Evolving to tonic deviation of eyes Exclusive None None
Evolving to impairment of consciousness Frequent 3BSF Frequent
without convulsions
Evolving to impairment of consciousness Frequent Exceptional 3BSF
with convulsions
Associated with post-ictal/post-critical Frequent As a rule Frequent

Blindness and hemianopia

Without other preceding or following symptoms Frequent None Frequent
Brain-stem symptoms None None Exclusive
Post-ictal/post-critical vomiting 3BSF Frequent Frequent
Post-ictal/post-critical severe headache Frequent As a rule Frequent

Table 4.4 Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos (1999).195

for 30 min, followed by a severe throbbing headache. although this was often the initial erroneous diagnosis
Subsequently he had occasional ‘episodes of similar on referral.195 Conversely, post-ictal headache and
visual disturbance’ diagnosed as juvenile migraine other migraine-like symptoms frequently occurred
successfully treated with phenytoin. An arteriovenous after occipital seizures. However, an incontrovertible
malformation was found in the left occipital lobe. ‘Visual diagnosis may be difficult in some equivocal cases:
scotomata accompanied by flashing lights that only
A 38-year-old man, who while working with the
occasionally were followed by headache’ continued
computer, saw flashing light in between his eyes. They
were moving for a few centimetres upwards and to the
None of the 1550 patients I have studied had any right repetitively. Gradually, the intensity of the light and
evidence of seizures developing from migraine aura, the area increased in the next 30 min obscuring his
Imitators of Epileptic Seizures 129

vision. This ended with a GTCS as he was entering the are considered as a visual aura of migraine, thus
examination room of his general practitioner where he limiting their prognostic significance with regard to
went walking for help. He had never experienced similar the continuation of treatment.195 The following are
symptoms, seizures or migraine in the past. MRI was quotes from medical referrals of patients with visual
normal. EEG showed minor non-specific abnormalities. seizures:
This patient has visual migraine-like disturbances, such
as teichopsias.
Visual seizures Scintillating scotoma or sparkling scotoma of migraine.

They commenced with the appearance of several Migrainous aura before the fit.
small spheres, white in the centre with an interme-
diate zone of blue and outside this a ring of red,
Diagnostic tips
immediately to the left of the point at which the
patient gazed; from here they moved either at a Factors contributing to error
uniform rate or in jerks to the left and downwards... in the diagnosis of visual seizures
In all attacks the eyes deviated towards the left and The major contributory factor to error is that the
the head turned in the same direction as soon as the description of visual hallucinations is often abbreviated
visual spectra appeared. in terms such as fortification spectrum, teichopsia,
G. Holmes (1927)207 scintillating scotoma, phosphenes and their variations.208
The elementary hallucinations of visual epileptic Their meaning does not always represent the actual
seizures are detailed in the relevant section of descriptions, which should be meticulously requested.
occipital lobe epilepsy (see Chapter 15, page 474, Erroneously, they are frequently unquestionably equated
and Table 4.4).194,195 Briefly, elementary visual with migraine.
hallucinations of visual seizures are mainly coloured
and circular, develop fast (within seconds) and are
of brief duration (Figure 4.1). They often appear Diagnostic tips
in the periphery of a temporal visual hemifield,
As a rule, brief (<1 min), elementary visual hallucinations
becoming larger and multiplying in the course of the
that develop rapidly within seconds, with coloured
seizure, frequently moving horizontally towards the
and circular patterns and daily frequency are probably
other side. They are fundamentally different to the
pathognomonic of visual seizures, despite the severe
visual aura of migraine with which they are often
headache and vomiting that may follow. EEGs may
be normal, show non-specific abnormalities, or reveal
Differentiating visual mandatory because it may detect a structural lesion
seizures from migraine requiring early attention and management.
The misdiagnosis of visual seizures as migraine
appears to be high, although their differentiation There are two main reasons that visual seizures are
should not be difficult.193–196 Occipital seizures misdiagnosed as migraine.193–195 First, visual seizures
manifesting with elementary visual hallucinations, are not examined in a comprehensive manner; instead
blindness and headache, alone or in combination, they are abbreviated to terms such as ‘scintillating
may imitate migraine, which is the reason why they scotoma’ or ‘teichopsia’, which often do not represent
are often mistaken for migraine with aura, acephalgic the actual description of the patients. Second, their
or basilar migraine (Table 4.4 and Figure 4.1)194,195 differential diagnostic criteria have only recently
Even lesional occipital epilepsy is often misdiagnosed been adequately studied and addressed.194,195,208 The
as migraine and, on many occasions, visual seizures diagnosis of visual seizures may comfortably rely on
130 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

clinical criteria only; other investigative procedures

Note of caution
are essential, but even ictal EEG may not identify a
third or more of cases. A recent population-based, case–control study
concluded that children with migraine with aura have
Misconceptions a substantial increased risk of developing subse-
quent epilepsy (odds ratio, 8.1; 95% CI, 2.7–24.3).213
There is a misconception that there is a syndrome Migraine without aura did not increase the risk for
PG ACBTJMBS NJHSBJOF XJUI &&( PDDJQJUBM QBSPYZTNT  epilepsy. The diagnosis was made on clinical grounds.
which is perpetuated in every relevant publication However, considering the differential diagnostic
BOE UFYUCPPL UP EBUF 3FUSPTQFDUJWF BOBMZTJT PG problems and the frequency by which epilepsy is mis-
cases described as ‘basilar migraine with occipital diagnosed as migraine, I would like to raise this note
QBSPYZTNT209–212 showed that these patients genuinely of caution for such a conclusion and its important
suffer from idiopathic occipital epilepsy.193,195,212 consequences.

Cerebrovascular NEPEs
imitating epileptic seizures
Cerebrovascular disease is a common cause of epi- such as paraesthesiae occur. Furthermore, transient
leptic seizures, particularly in the elderly. However, ischaemic attacks are not usually stereotyped or
with the exception of vertebrobasilar falls and tran- repeated with the frequency of epileptic seizures,
sient ischaemic attacks, cerebrovascular accidents are and there are usually associated features to suggest
unlikely to be misdiagnosed as epileptic seizures. vascular disease.
Transient ischaemic attacks are brief episodes of Falls in vertebrobasilar insufficency are of sudden onset
neurological dysfunction caused by focal brain or often with other concurrent features of brain-stem
retinal ischaemia, with clinical symptoms typically ischaemia such as diplopia, vertigo and bilateral
lasting less than 1 hour, and without evidence of motor-sensory symptoms. They commonly affect
acute infarction. Symptoms are usually negative elderly people, with evidence of vascular disease and
phenomena of blindness, paresis or other deficits. cervical spondylosis. They are usually precipitated
The difficulty, therefore, in their differentiation by head turning or neck extension resulting in the
from focal seizures arises when positive phenomena distortion of vertebral arteries.

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Epileptic syndromes
and their classification
This chapter provides the classification of epileptic syndromes as reported by the relevant ILAE Commission.
Individual syndromes, comments on their classification and personal views are detailed in Chapters 8–17
of this book.

The most important milestone in modern epileptol- the original proposal of 1985.4 It originates from a
ogy has been the recognition of epileptic syndromes meeting in the Centre Saint-Paul, Marseilles, France,
and diseases, most of which are well defined and in July 1983 and was the basis of the book Epileptic
easy to diagnose (see Chapter 1). The concept Syndromes in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence, also
of epilepsies as specific syndromes is old (see, for known as Guide Bleu, which is now in an updated
example, pyknolepsy, described by Addie in 1924, fourth edition.5
which even today is used synonymously with The 1989 ILAE classification has been widely
childhood absence epilepsy)1 and the first attempt accepted, is universally employed and will remain
to formalise them in an international classification formally recognised ‘until, a clearly better classifi-
was published in 1970.2 cation [is] devised, although some modifications are
The currently valid 1989 ILAE syndromic anticipated’.6
classification of epilepsies3 is almost the same as

ILAE definitions of epilepsies and epileptic

syndromes and clarifications of terminology
Definitions and terminology relating to epilepsies terminology is a significant part of the newest report
and epileptic syndromes3 have been the subject of a of the ILAE Commission.8 Therefore, it is important to
continuing process of discussion and debate through present key definitions and terminology “as is” in the
the various ILAE proposals, leading to a number of ILAE publications. Comments are also made in order
changes, clarifications and replacements3,4,6–8. There to assist the Commission and readers by providing
is also considerable concern that certain terminology an insight into how these are perceived by a clinical
is “imprecise, misused or misunderstood”.8 Revised epileptologist. See also Chapter 1 pages xxx.

136 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Epileptic syndrome (syndrome, to run together) is well defined and

widely used in medicine, probably from the times
An epileptic syndrome is “an epileptic disorder of Galen.9 The definition of syndrome in current
characterised by a cluster of signs and symptoms medical dictionaries is also relevant: “a distinct group
customarily occurring together; these include such of symptoms and signs which, associated together,
items as the type of seizure, aetiology, anatomy, form a characteristic clinical picture or entity”, while
precipitating factors, age of onset, severity, “a disease has common aetiology and prognosis
chronicity, diurnal and circadian cycling, and
despite individual modifications”.10
sometimes prognosis. However, in contradistinction
to a disease, a syndrome does not necessarily have a
common aetiology and prognosis.”3 Epilepsy disease
An epilepsy syndrome is “a complex of signs and
Epilepsy disease: “A pathological condition with
symptoms that define a unique epilepsy condition.
a single, specific, welldefined aetiology. Thus,
This must involve more than just the seizure type;
progressive myoclonus epilepsy is a syndrome, but
thus, for instance, frontal lobe seizures per se do not
constitute a syndrome [changed concept].”7 Unverricht–Lundborg is a disease [new concept]”.7
An “epilepsy syndrome, more precisely an electro- Comment: “Disease” is clearly differentiated from
clinical syndrome” is “a complex of clinical features, “syndrome” in any medical dictionary and in the ILAE
signs and symptoms that together define a classifications (see above definitions). It is therefore
distinctive, recognizable clinical disorder. These surprising to read in the newer ILAE report
often become the focus of treatment trials as well “Disease versus syndrome: Although there is
as of genetic, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging reason to distinguish the concepts of disease and
investigations. Use of the term ‘syndrome,’ and syndrome, these terms are not consistently used in
more precisely ‘electro-clinical syndrome,’ will medicine. Ultimately, it was decided not to insist
be restricted to a group of clinical entities that are on the disease-syndrome distinction in referring to
reliably identified by a cluster of electro-clinical the epilepsies at this time, although either or both
and developmental characteristics. These are largely terms may be used depending on the context and
but not exclusively genetic in origin, and tend custom.”8
to have a strong relationship to developmental Of note also is that “Progressive myoclonus epilepsy”
aspects of the brain. These are distinctive disorders is not a syndrome but a group of heterogeneous
identifiable on the basis of a typical age onset, genetic diseases such as Lafora and Unverricht-
specific EEG characteristics, seizure types, and often Lundborg disease (detailed in chapter 17). Also,
other features which, when taken together, permit relevant to the discussion on classification by age (see
a specific diagnosis. The diagnosis in turn often page 15), the various progressive myoclonic episodes
has implications for treatment, management, and may start at any age from infancy to adulthood.
prognosis. The term for these entities is ‘Electro-
clinical Syndromes.’ While ultimately common
usage will likely shorten the term again to ‘syndrome’
Idiopathic epilepsy syndrome
alone, this is still specifically defined to mean entities Idiopathic epilepsies are “defined by age-related
that can be considered electro-clinical syndromes. onset, clinical and electroencephalographic
It would be inappropriate to refer to, for example, characteristics, and a presumed genetic etiology.
epilepsy with a frontal lobe focus and not otherwise There is no underlying cause other than a possible
specified as a ‘syndrome.’”8 hereditary predisposition. Idiopathic epilepsies and
Comment: It is apparent that the definition of an syndromes are described as disorders ‘not preceded
epileptic syndrome does not differ significantly or occasioned by another,’ according to the Oxford
between the ILAE proposals. Further, “syndrome” English Dictionary.”3
Epileptic Syndromes and their Classification 137

Idiopathic epilepsy syndrome: “A syndrome that is Symptomatic epilepsy syndrome: “A syndrome in

only epilepsy, with no underlying structural brain which the epileptic seizures are the result of one
lesion or other neurological signs or symptoms. or more identifiable structural lesions of the brain
These are presumed to be genetic and are usually (unchanged term)”.7
age dependent [unchanged term]”.7 Comment: It is true that “symptomatic” may not be
Comment: The word ‘idiopathic’ comes from the Greek the best term to characterise these epilepsies; other
words idios (meaning self, own and personal) and synonyms such as “lesional” and “structural” have been
pathic (meaning suffer), as explained in the important proposed. “Epilepsy is symptomatic of something”.8
note on page 23.11 Idiopathic is not synonymous with See also use of the word in “symptomatic treatment”,
benign. There are some idiopathic epilepsies that have “symptomatic relief” and so on. However, this term has
a bad prognosis or lifelong duration and, conversely, now been well established and with further clarification
there are symptomatic epilepsies with a few seizures of its meaning it may continue to serve its purpose. If it
that may not even require treatment. Also, idiopathic is “substituted for the concept of a poor prognosis for
is not synonymous with pharmaco-responsive; even seizure control”,this is incorrect; this should also be
within the same syndrome (idiopathic or otherwise) clarified and will be easily understood. 8
some patients are pharmaco-responsive while others
are pharmaco-resistant.
Idiopathic is not and should not be equated with Cryptogenic or probably
prognostic outcome and response to treatment,
symptomatic epilepsy
though this is usually better than in symptomatic
and cryptogenic epilepsies. syndrome
Despite all these clarifications and the unequivocal Cryptogenic epilepsies “are presumed to be
meaning of what an idiopathic epileptic syndrome symptomatic, but the aetiology is not known. The
is, the new ILAE Commmision8 proposes to
term cryptogenic refers to a disorder whose cause
abandon this term with the following justification:
is hidden or occult. The cryptogenic epilepsies are
“The term idiopathic, however, is also used to
also age related but often do not have well-defined
convey the idea of a highly pharmaco-responsive
electro- clinical characteristics”.3
form of epilepsy. Many, although not all, of the
Probably symptomatic epilepsy syndrome: “This
traditional ‘idiopathic’ epilepsies also spontaneously
is synonymous with, but preferred to, the term
remit during a predictable age range (a separate
‘cryptogenic’, used for defining syndromes that are
quality or dimension) and were generally thought
believed to be symptomatic but no aetiology has
to be unaccompanied by other consequences or
been identified [new term]”.7
disabilities, although this is clearly not the case as a
Comment: The number of cryptogenic epilepsies
variety of subtle cognitive and behavioral disorders
is decreasing in favour of the symptomatic ones
are seen in association with these forms of epilepsies.8
with the use of high-resolution MRI, which
Cause is no longer equated with prognosis, and the
identifies previously undetected structural brain
implication that “idiopathic” implies “benign” is
abnormalities. However, as Peter Wolf has pointed
intentionally discarded.”8
out, “some cryptogenic conditions may also turn out
to be idiopathic, and this could be true even for the
Symptomatic epilepsy one well-known case where, at the syndrome level,
the aetiology remains unclarified but a specific,
syndrome ‘idiopathic’ pathogenesis may still be revealed, i.e.
Symptomatic epilepsies and syndromes “are considered mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal
the consequence of a known or suspected disorder sclerosis”. Cryptogenic is the preferred term in this
of the central nervous system”.3 book.
138 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Despite all these clarifications and the unequivocal word “epilepsy” and to differentiate them from the
meaning of what cryptogenic epilepsies are (at least most severe forms of epilepsies such as “epileptic
in the original classification of 1989)3, the new ILAE encephalopathies” and “catastrophic epilepsies”.
Commission proposes to abandon this term with the Benign in medicine indicates conditions that are not
following justification: “cryptogenic” was defined in recurrent, progressive or malignant, have little or
1989 as meaning ‘presumed symptomatic’ apparently no detrimental consequences, are associated with a
in the sense of ‘lesional’. It is, however, from among favourable prognosis for recovery and are generally
these ‘cryptogenic’ epilepsies that syndromes such not life-threatening. See also benign tumours.
as autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe With all these in mind, it may be difficult to
epilepsy and autosomal dominant partial epilepsy understand the reasoning that the term benign
with auditory features have been discovered.”8 epileptic syndrome should be abandoned: “With
The latter is absolutely consistent with the view our increasing awareness, however, of the cognitive
that cryptogenic is a general term that includes and behavioural comorbidities, psychiatric
“syndromes of causes that are hidden or occult”. disorders, migraine, and even sudden death that
“Idiopathic” and “cryptogenic” refer to epilepsies that
may accompany any form of epilepsy, the term
their cause is not definitely known. The only difference
“benign” itself seems inappropriate as it may lead
from the newly proposed group of “epilepsies of
to false hopes and unrealistic expectations.”8 This is
unknown aetiology”8 is that idiopathic are more likely to
the most worrying statement; it is unjustified and
be of genetic and cryptogenic of symptomatic cause.
particularly discouraging to those of us who have
When certain aetiology is found, these syndromes are
campaigned for years that, on evidence, a significant
not any more idiopathic, cryptogenic or unknown; they
number of patients, in particular children, have
are re-classified appropriately as symptomatic, genetic
a form of epilepsy (or just one or a few epileptic
or other syndromic categorisations.
seizures) that is entirely benign with few or no
detrimental consequences, as documented with long
term prospective studies over the last 50 years (see
relevant syndromes with the prefix “benign” detailed
Benign epilepsy syndrome
in this book). The main consequences for the vast
Benign epilepsy syndrome: “A syndrome characterised majority of these patients and their families are
by epileptic seizures that are easily treated or require psychosocial, resulting from erroneously unifying
no treatment and remit without sequelae [clarified them in a single diagnostic entity, “epilepsy”. Many
concept].”7 patients with “benign” epilepsies do as well and
Benign: “The names of many syndromes contain the sometimes better than those with febrile seizures,
word ‘benign.’ Two key features of ‘benign’ epilepsy which is an example of “benignity” despite the fact
syndromes are that they a) involve seizures which that some patients with febrile seizures may not
are self-limited in that spontaneous remission, do well (see complex febrile seizures). Another
regardless of treatment, occurs at an expected age alternative is to classify them as “Conditions with
and is the anticipated outcome in the vast majority epileptic seizures that are traditionally not diagnosed
of cases, b) the consequences, if any, of the seizures as a form of epilepsy per se” with benign neonatal
are generally not disabling over the course of the seizures and febrile seizures.
active seizure disorder. This does not preclude an Proposed terms such as “pharmaco-responsive”
increased risk of subtle to moderate cognitive and may be more problematic than “benign” because
behavioral disorders prior to, during, or extending (a) at least one third of these children do not need
beyond the active phase of the seizures.”8 pharmacological treatment and (b) patients with the
Comment: The prefix “benign” in a number of epileptic same syndrome may be “pharmaco-responsive” or
syndromes is to contrast them from the stigmatising “pharmaco-resistant”.
Epileptic Syndromes and their Classification 139

“Self-limited” may be better but this also applies to a no knowledge to support specific environmental
significant number of other unrelated epilepsies and influences as causes of or contributors to these
this term has also been used to define epileptic seizures forms of epilepsy.... It is possible that the genetic
(see “self-limited epileptic seizures” in reference 6). defect may have other effects in addition to the
That benign and idiopathic are not synonymous seizures but, as best we can tell, these other effects
have been unequivocally clarified above (see are not interposed between the genetic effect and
idiopathic epilepsy syndrome). the seizures”.8
Comment: Genetic epilepsies are the best example
of how the classification of epilepsies could
Genetic epilepsy be expanded in order to take advantage of the
“The concept of genetic epilepsy is that the epilepsy tremendous advances made in recent years.
is, as best as understood, the direct result of a known Nobody could do this better that the current ILAE
or presumed genetic defect(s) in which seizures are Commission, which includes the protagonists of this
the core symptom of the disorder. The knowledge progress.12,13 The familial autosomal dominant focal
regarding the genetic contributions may derive epilepsies constitute chapter 14 in this book based
from specific molecular genetic studies that have on their recognition by the ILAE Task Force.6,7 The
been well replicated and even become the basis of same may apply to other genetic epilepsies as they
diagnostic tests (e.g. SCN1A and Dravet syndrome) are definitely discovered to be such, as in the case
or the central role of a genetic component may rely of Dravet syndrome. For other epilepsies thought to
on evidence from appropriately designed family have a genetic element, such as childhood absence
studies. Designation of the fundamental nature epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and rolandic
of the disorder as being genetic does not exclude epilepsy, we may have to wait until more concrete
the possibility that environmental factors (outside evidence emerges. Until then, they can be nested in
the individual) may contribute to the expression their corresponding grouping of IGEs and benign
of disease. At the present time, there is virtually childhood focal epilepsies.

The ILAE 1989 classification of epileptic

The currently valid 1989 syndromic classification epilepsies) from those that are idiopathic (or ‘primary’)
of the ILAE (Table 5.1) uses two fundamentally and those that are cryptogenic.
different divisions to shape four major classes of The four major classes of syndromes are:3
epileptic syndromes.3 1. localisation-related (focal, local and partial)
The first division separates epilepsies with generalised epilepsies and syndromes
seizures (generalised epilepsies) from epilepsies with 2. generalised epilepsies and syndromes
partial seizures (localisation related, partial or focal 3. epilepsies and syndromes that are undetermined
epilepsies). as to whether they are focal or generalised
The second division is aetiological and separates epilep- 4. special syndromes.
sies of known aetiology (symptomatic or ‘secondary’
140 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Clarification on primary/primarily and
1.3. cryptogenic.
secondary/secondarily seizures or syndromes
Idiopathic localisation-related epilepsies are child-
There is significant confusion about the words
hood epilepsies with focal seizures and focal
EEG abnormalities. They are age related, with no
‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ as adjuncts to seizures or
demonstrable anatomical lesions and are subject
syndromes (see also Chapter 2, page 23).
to spontaneous remission. Clinically, patients have
In syndromes, primary is synonymous with idiopathic
neither a neurological nor intellectual deficit, nor a
and secondary is synonymous with symptomatic
history of antecedent illness, although frequently they
epileptic syndromes.
have a family history of benign epilepsy. The seizures
In seizures, primary denotes seizures that are
are usually brief and rare, but may be frequent early
generalised from onset (primarily generalised seizures),
in the course of the disorder. The seizure patterns may
whereas secondary denotes generalised seizures that
vary from case to case, but usually remain constant in
are generated from a cortical focus (secondarily or
the same child. The EEG is characterised by normal
focal-onset generalised seizures).
background activity and localised high-voltage
In this book the terms ‘primary/primarily’ and
repetitive spikes, which are sometimes independently
‘secondary/secondarily’ are used only in relation to
multi-focal. Brief bursts of generalised spikes and
seizures. In syndromes, only the terms ‘idiopathic’,
waves can occur. Focal abnormalities are increased by
‘symptomatic’ and ‘cryptogenic’ are used.
sleep and have no change in morphology.3
Symptomatic localisation-related epilepsies: Apart
from the rare conditions of the Kozhevnikov–
Localisation-related (focal) Rasmussen syndrome and focal reflex epilepsies, the
epilepsies and syndromes symptomatic category comprises syndromes of great
individual variability, based mainly on seizure types
Localisation-related (focal) epilepsies and syndromes and other clinical features, as well as anatomical
are epileptic disorders in which seizure semiology localisation and aetiology – as far as these are known.
or findings at investigation disclose localised seizure The seizure types refer to the ILAE classification.
origins. This includes not only patients with small, Inferences about anatomical localisation must
circumscribed, constant epileptogenic lesions be drawn carefully. The scalp EEG (both inter-
(anatomical or functional), i.e. true focal epilepsies, ictal and ictal) may be misleading and even local
but also patients with less well-defined lesions, morphological findings detected by neuroimaging
whose seizures may originate from variable loci. In techniques are not necessarily concordant with an
most symptomatic localisation-related epilepsies, the epileptogenic lesion.
epileptogenic lesions can be traced to one part of a Seizure symptomatology and, sometimes, additional
cerebral hemisphere, but in idiopathic age-related clinical features often provide important clues. The
epilepsies with focal seizures corresponding regions first sign or symptom of a seizure is often the most
of both hemispheres may be functionally involved.3 important indicator of the site of origin of seizure
The breakdown of the classification is as follows: discharge, whereas the subsequent sequence of ictal
1. localisation-related (focal, local and partial) events can reflect its further propagation through the
epilepsies and syndromes: brain. This sequence can, however, still be of high
1.1. idiopathic localising importance. One must bear in mind that a
1.2. symptomatic seizure may start in a clinically silent region, so that
   tUFNQPSBMMPCFFQJMFQTJFT the first clinical event occurs only after spread to a site
   tGSPOUBMMPCFFQJMFQTJFT more or less distant from the locus of initial discharge.
Epileptic Syndromes and their Classification 141

The tentative descriptions of syndromes related to generalised fast rhythms. Focal abnormalities may
anatomical localisations are based on data that include be associated with any of the above. There are
findings in studies with depth electrodes.3 clinical, neuropsychological and neuroradiological
signs of a usually diffuse, specific or non-specific
Generalised epilepsies Symptomatic generalised epilepsies of specific aetiologies
and syndromes are ‘only diseases in which epileptic seizures are
the presenting or a prominent feature’.3 These
Generalised epilepsies and syndromes are epileptic diseases often have epileptic features that resemble
disorders with generalised seizures, i.e. seizures ‘symptomatic generalised epilepsies without specific
in which the first clinical changes indicate initial aetiology’, appearing at similar ages, and include
involvement of both hemispheres. The ictal diseases such as Aicardi syndrome, lissencephaly–
encephalographic patterns are initially bilateral.3 The pachygyria, Sturge–Weber syndrome, hypothalamic
breakdown of the classification is as follows: hamartomas, disorders of inborn error of metabolism,
2. generalised epilepsies and syndromes:
Lafora disease and others.
2.1. idiopathic
Author’s note: Many of these ‘symptomatic generalised
2.2. cryptogenic
epilepsies’ are focal rather than generalised (see
2.3. symptomatic:
relevant chapters).
2.3.1. non-specific aetiology
2.3.2. specific syndrome.
Idiopathic generalised epilepsies (IGEs) are forms Epilepsies and syndromes
of generalised epilepsies in which all seizures are
initially generalised with an EEG expression that is undetermined as to whether
a generalised, bilateral, synchronous, symmetrical they are focal or generalised
discharge (as described in the seizure classification
of the corresponding type). The patient usually has The ILAE suggests two reasons as to why it may not
a normal inter-ictal state, with no neurological or be possible to determine whether seizures are focal
neuroradiological signs. In general, inter-ictal EEGs or generalised:
show normal background activity and generalised 1. The patient has both focal and generalised
discharges, such as spikes, polyspikes, spikes and seizures together or in succession (e.g. focal
waves, and polyspikes and waves of about 3 Hz. seizures plus absences) and has both focal
The discharges are increased by slow sleep. The and generalised EEG seizure discharges (e.g.
various syndromes of IGEs differ mainly in age of temporal lobe spike focus plus independent
onset.3 bilateral spike and wave discharges).3
Symptomatic generalised epilepsies, occurring most 2. There are no positive signs of either focal or
often in infancy and childhood, are characterised by generalised seizure onset. The most common
generalised seizures with clinical and EEG features reasons for this are that the seizures occur
that differ from those of the IGEs. There may be only during sleep, the patient recalls no aura and
one type, but more often there are several types, ancillary investigations including EEG are not
including myoclonic jerks, tonic seizures, atonic revealing.3
seizures and atypical absences. EEG expression is Therefore, epilepsies and syndromes undetermined
bilateral but less rhythmic than in the IGEs and is as to whether they are focal or generalised may be:
more or less asymmetrical. Inter-ictal EEG abnor- 3.1. With both generalised and focal seizures
malities differ from IGEs, appearing as suppression 3.2. With no unequivocal generalised or focal
bursts, hypsarrhythmia, slow spikes and waves or features.
142 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Syndromic classification of the ILAE 19893

1. Localisation-related (focal, local, partial) epilepsies and syndromes

1.1 Idiopathic (with age-related onset)

At present, the following syndromes are established, but more may be identified in the future:
1.2 Symptomatic

1.3 Cryptogenic
Cryptogenic epilepsies are presumed to be symptomatic and the aetiology is unknown. This category

2. Generalised epilepsies and syndromes

2.1 Idiopathic (with age-related onset – listed in order of age)




2.2 Cryptogenic or symptomatic (in order of age)

2.3 Symptomatic
2.3.2 Specific syndromes
diseases in which seizures are a presenting or predominant feature

Table 5.1 Continued on facing page.

Epileptic Syndromes and their Classification 143

Syndromic classification of the ILAE (continued)

3. Epilepsies and syndromes undetermined whether focal or generalised


findings do not permit classifications as clearly generalised or localisation related, e.g. many cases of

4. Special syndromes
4.1 Situation-related seizures (Gelegenheitsanfälle)
drugs, eclampsia, non-ketotic hyperglycaemia

Table 5.1 Continued from previous page. Table modified with permission from the Commission on Classification and
Terminology of the ILAE (1981).3

Special syndromes Epilepsies with seizures precipitated by

specific modes of activation
These manifest with situation-related seizures
These are characterised by reflex seizures that
(Gelegenheitsanfälle) such as:3
t febrile seizures
are consistently related to specific modes of
t isolated seizures or isolated status epilepticus precipitations, as detailed in Table 16.2 and Chapter
t seizures occurring only when there is an acute 16. Reflex seizures could be focal or generalised,
metabolic or toxic event due to factors such as idiopathic, cryptogenic or symptomatic. Also,
alcohol, drugs, eclampsia and non-ketotic hyper- seizures occur spontaneously in most patients with
glycaemia. reflex epilepsies.3

Syndromic classification of
the new diagnostic ILAE scheme6,7
There are significant differences in the syndromic ‘Seizures not requiring a diagnosis of epilepsy’
classification between the 1989 ILAE classifica- are probably synonymous with ‘situation-related
tion and the ILAE Task Force reports that are detailed seizures’ (Tables 5.1 and 5.2). ‘Diseases frequently
in the individual syndromes of the relevant chapters associated with epileptic seizures or syndromes’
in this book. (detailed in Chapter 17) are probably synonymous
144 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Epileptic syndromes in the ILAE Task Force report

Report of 20017 Report of 2006†,6

Idiopathic focal epilepsies in infancy Neonatal period


Early onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy



recognised as a syndrome
Familial (autosomal dominant) focal epilepsies

Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy

'BNJMJBMUFNQPSBMMPCFFQJMFQTZ non-familial forms are combined


epilepsies disorders (3) – now recognised as a syndrome
t .FTJBMUFNQPSBMMPCFFQJMFQTZXJUIIJQQPDBNQBM Early onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy

aetiologies Epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures (3)
t .JHSBUJOHQBSUJBMTFJ[VSFTPGFBSMZJOGBODZ Epilepsy with myoclonic absences (2)
Idiopathic generalised epilepsies -FOOPYo(BTUBVUTZOESPNF 

#FOJHONZPDMPOJDFQJMFQTZJOJOGBODZ Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spikes

Epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures
Childhood absence epilepsy combined
Epilepsy with myoclonic absences Childhood absence epilepsy (3)



Table 5.2 Continued on facing page. *Syndromes in development. †The epilepsy syndromes listed were individually discussed
by the Core Group and rated on a score of 1 to 3 (3 being the most clearly and reproducibly defined) regarding the certainty
with which the group believed each syndrome represented a unique diagnostic entity.
Epileptic Syndromes and their Classification 145

Epileptic syndromes in the ILAE Task Force report (continued)

Report of 20017 Report of 2006†,6

Reflex epilepsies Less specific age relationship

*EJPQBUIJDQIPUPTFOTJUJWFPDDJQJUBMMPCFFQJMFQTZ Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy



sclerosis (2) – probably more than one syndrome
Epileptic encephalopathies
Early myoclonic encephalopathy
Gelastic seizures with hypothalamic hamartoma (3)
0IUBIBSBTZOESPNF – probably a disease
8FTUTZOESPNF Special epilepsy conditions
%SBWFUTZOESPNF QSFWJPVTMZLOPXOBTTFWFSF Symptomatic focal epilepsies not otherwise specified
myoclonic epilepsy in infancy)
Epilepsy with GTCSs only – unable to agree on any
-BOEBVo,MFGGOFSTZOESPNF constitute syndromes):



Progressive myoclonus epilepsies

Seizures not necessarily requiring a diagnosis generalised syndrome)
#FOJHOOFPOBUBMTFJ[VSFT recognised as a syndrome

'FCSJMFTFJ[VSFT Conditions with epileptic seizures that do not

require a diagnosis of epilepsy

Alcohol-withdrawal seizures

Drug or other chemically induced seizures

Categories that might be considered in future
Immediate and early post-traumatic seizures classification systems
Single seizures or isolated clusters of seizures Autosomal dominant epilepsies
Epileptic encephalopathies
Idiopathic generalised epilepsies
Idiopathic focal epilepsies

Table 5.2 Continued. *Syndromes in development. †The epilepsy syndromes listed were individually discussed by the
Core Group and rated on a score of 1 to 3 (3 being the most clearly and reproducibly defined) regarding the certainty
with which the group believed each syndrome represented a unique diagnostic entity. EGTCSW, epilepsy with GTCSs on
awakening. Table adapted with permission from Engel (2007)7 and Engel (2006).6
146 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Useful definitions: age-related stages of development

Neonate (baby, newborn): 0–4 weeks (first 28 days of life of a full term baby)
children as anything from under 12 to under 18
Teenage (adolescence and puberty): 12–18 years

Table 5.2 lists the accepted epilepsy syndromes by focal seizures, epileptic encephalopathies and so
the ILAE Task Force in their reports of 20017 and on).
2006.6 Note that the group classification is by age at The principle of classification of electro-clinical
onset in the most recent 2006 report, thus avoiding syndromes and other epilepsies by age at onset as the
previous grouping by aetiology (e.g. idiopathic, primary organisational factor (Table 5.2)6,8 creates
symptomatic and cryptogenic) or likehood of significant problems and is highly contentious (see
relations between syndromes (IGE, benign childhood Chapter 1, page 15).

7. Engel J, Jr. A proposed diagnostic scheme for people with epileptic

References seizures and with epilepsy: Report of the ILEA Task Force on
1. Adie WJ. Pyknolepsy: a form of epilepsy occurring in children Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2001;42:796–803.
8. Berg AT, Berkovic SF, Brodie MJ et al. Revised terminology
with a good prognosis. Brain 1924;47:96–102.
and concepts for organization of the Epilepsies: Report of the
2. Merlis JK. Proposal for an international classification of the
Commission on classification and terminology. International
epilepsies. Epilepsia 1970;11:114–9. League against Epilepsy; 2009.
3. Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International Visitors/Centre/ctf/ctfoverview.cfm. Last accessed 4 October 2009.
League Against Epilepsy. Proposal for revised classification of 9. Pryse-Phillips W. Companion to clinical neurology. Oxford: Oxford
epilepsies and epileptic syndromes. Epilepsia 1989;30:389–99. University Press, 2009.
4. Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International 10. Critchley M. Butterworths Medical Dictionary. London:
League Against Epilepsy. Proposal for classification of epilepsy and Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd, 1986.
epileptic syndromes. Epilepsia 1985;26:268–78. 11. Wolf P. Basic principles of the ILAE syndrome classification.
Epilepsy Res 2006;70 Suppl:20–6.
5. Roger J, Bureau M, Dravet C, Genton P, Tassinari CA, Wolf P, et al.
12. Reid CA, Berkovic SF, Petrou S. Mechanisms of human inherited
Epileptic syndromes in infancy, childhood and adolescence, fourth epilepsies. Prog Neurobiol 2009;87:41-57.
edition. Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext, 2005. 13. Helbig I, Scheffer IE, Mulley JC, Berkovic SF. Navigating the
6. Engel J, Jr. Report of the ILAE Classification Core Group. Epilepsia channels and beyond: unravelling the genetics of the epilepsies.
2006;47:1558–68. Lancet Neurol 2008;7:231-45.

EEG and brain imaging

EEG in the diagnosis
and management of epilepsies
The EEG, which is entirely harmless and relatively normal or has non-specific diffuse or paroxysmal
inexpensive, is the most important investigative abnormalities (Table 6.2). These cases may need an
tool in the diagnosis and management of epilepsies. EEG to be performed during sleep and awakening,
However, for the EEG to provide accurate assess- but again it may not reveal specific features in about
ments, it must be properly performed by experienced 10% of patients. However, even a normal EEG in
technologists and carefully studied and interpreted an untreated patient may be useful because it may
in the context of a well-described clinical setting by exclude some of the above conditions where a
experienced physicians. normal EEG is remotely unlikely (Table 6.2).
More than half the patients currently referred for An EEG in patients with chronic epilepsies or those
a routine EEG are suspected of suffering from or do who are on appropriate anti-epileptic drug (AED)
suffer from epilepsies. The EEG is indispensable in medication may be uninformative or misleading.
the correct diagnosis of the type of epileptic seizure Obtaining previous medical and EEG reports is
or syndrome that these patients may have. essential.
The EEG is an integral part of the diagnostic A request for an EEG should describe the clinical
process in epilepsies. In this sense, it is mandatory problem well, and the EEG technologist should also
for all patients with epileptic seizures, and there is obtain and supplement the relevant clinical infor-
more than enough justification for performing an mation.
EEG after the first seizure or in patients suspected of
having epilepsy. That the patient may not need treat-
ment is not a convincing argument against such a The value of routine inter-ictal
practice. The prime aim in medicine is the diagnosis, or ictal EEGs in epilepsies
which determines the prognosis and management
strategies. The use of the EEG in epilepsies is overvalued
by some and undervalued by others. The truth is
The role of the EEG is to help the physician establish an
somewhere in between.
accurate diagnosis (Table 6.1).1–6

In many epileptic conditions, the EEG may spe- Reasons why the EEG
cifically confirm or specifically direct the physician should not be undervalued
towards the correct diagnosis (Table 6.2 and Figure An EEG is the only available investigative tool for
6.1). In others, it may not be helpful because it is recording and evaluating the paroxysmal discharges

148 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Recommendations for the appropriate use of EEG in the diagnosis of epilepsies

Use EEG (in qualified EEG departments):*

t 5

Do not use EEG:




First ask for standard routine EEG in wakefulness:

If diagnosis or classification is still unclear, use:



Table 6.1 *Always describe the clinical problem well in the referral form.

EEG sensitivity and specificity



An EEG is unlikely to be normal in untreated:


A single EEG is more likely to be normal (80%) than abnormal in:

t .

Some patients with well-documented epileptic seizures may have persistently normal inter-ictal EEGs

Table 6.2

The significance of EEG in the diagnosis of epilepsies:

EEG of four patients with epileptic seizures
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
1 sec
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
1 sec
1 sec

Figure 6.1 (A) Ictal EEG of a 4-year-old boy who had frequent brief episodes of ‘panic’ without impairment of consciousness
or convulsive features. The resting EEG was normal but a ‘panic’ attack was video-EEG recorded with ictal EEG changes of
2 min on the right, mainly involving the right temporal regions. The child accurately answered all questions and communicated
well with the technologist during the ictus. This EEG unequivocally established the diagnosis and dictated the appropriate
management. MRI showed right hippocampal sclerosis. (B) Video-EEG of a child aged 8 years with frequent episodes of
‘blanks and day dreaming’ for 2 years. Frequent typical absence seizures were recorded and appropriate treatment was
initiated with complete control of seizures. (C) Inter-ictal EEG of a 5-year-old girl 2 days after a prolonged autonomic status
epilepticus who was treated for suspected encephalitis (see case 47 in Panayiotopoulos7). EEG showed scattered right
central and bi-occipital spikes. The diagnosis of Panayiotopoulos syndrome was established and the child was discharged.
(D) Video-EEG of a 32-year-old man with three to four GTCSs every year from age 16 (see case 1 in Panayiotopoulos8). All
GTCSs were preceded by absence status diagnosed as ‘prodrome’ or ‘temporal lobe aura’. Treatment included inappropriate
use of phenytoin and even vigabatrin. Brief generalised discharges of 3 to 4 Hz spike/polyspikes and slow-waves were
recorded during hyperventilation. These were associated with brief rhythmic myoclonic jerks of the eyelids (which would be
impossible to detect without video) and minor errors in breath counting. The correct diagnosis of IGE with phantom absences
was established and treatment changed to valproate. No further seizures occurred in the next 5 years of follow-up.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

of cerebral neurones that cause seizures. It is often

with the help of an EEG that a clinical diagnosis is
Useful reminder
confirmed, rejected, questioned or documented. $POWFOUJPOBM&&(AFQJMFQUPHFOJDBCOPSNBMJUJFTPGGPDBM
The seizure and epileptic syndrome classifications TQJLFT PDDVS JO o PG OPSNBM DIJMESFO 5BCMF 

are based on combined clinico-EEG manifestations. BOE UIFJS QSFWBMFODF JT NVDI IJHIFS JO DIJMESFO XJUI
Epileptic syndromes, the most important advance OFVSPEFWFMPQNFOUBM BCOPSNBMJUJFT  FWFO JG UIFZ EP OPU
of recent epileptology, were mainly identified because IBWFFQJMFQUJDTFJ[VSFT
of their EEG manifestations. Focal and general- $POWFSTFMZ &&(TPGTZNQUPNBUJDFQJMFQTJFT DFSFCSP
ised epilepsies are often difficult to differentiate WBTDVMBSEJTFBTF PMEFSQBUJFOUT GBTUHSPXJOHUVNPVST

without an EEG, even by the most experienced BSF DPNNPOMZ WPJE PG DPOWFOUJPOBM AFQJMFQUPHFOJD
It is the EEG that will often document, beyond BSFTFFO
any doubt, the epileptic or non-epileptic nature of
paroxysmal events. The EEG is the most powerful
investigative tool in neonatal seizures.
Sources of error in EEGs
Reasons why the EEG Even the most reliable investigative tools in medicine
should not be overvalued cannot escape severe errors because of poor
The EEG is oversensitive in conditions such as technical quality (equipment, personnel or both),
benign childhood seizure susceptibility syndrome interpretation by poorly qualified physicians or both
and of no value in other conditions such as frontal (Figure 6.2). A competent report should not only
epilepsies. On rare occasions, even ictal events may describe the EEG abnormality accurately, but also
be undetected in a surface EEG (some frontal seizures provide its significance and meaning in accordance
are a typical example of this situation). with a well-described clinical setting.9
Patients with mainly focal epilepsies may have a Failing to achieve this leads to severe errors and
series of normal EEGs, and the EEG localisation erroneous criticism such as ‘a routine inter-ictal EEG
is not always in agreement with ictal intracranial is one of the most abused investigations in clinical
recordings. More than 40% of patients with epileptic medicine and is unquestionably responsible for great
disorders may have one normal inter-ictal EEG, human suffering’.10 Anything in medicine, clinical or
although this percentage falls dramatically to 8% laboratory, may be harmful if misinterpreted. Raising
with a series of EEGs and appropriate activating standards, not abandoning the service, is the proper
procedures, particularly sleep.5 response (Figure 6.2).6,11
Severely ‘epileptogenic’ EEGs may be recorded That a patient with a brain tumour may not
from patients with infrequent or controlled clinical have clinical signs does not invalidate the clinical
seizures and vice versa. The EEG abnormalities often examination and the same is true for the EEG.
do not reflect the actual severity of the epileptic The main cause of concern and suffering is that
disorder. physicians, including a few epilepsy authorities,
More than 10% of normal people may have non- have misunderstood the EEG, its value and its
specific EEG abnormalities and approximately 1% limitations.
may have ‘epileptiform paroxysmal activity’ without Provided that the EEG is technically correct, the
seizures.1 The prevalence of these abnormalities is following are, in my opinion, the most important
higher in children (2–4% of normal children have factors of error listed in order of significance.
functional spikes) and in patients with non-epileptic 1. The single most significant source of error is that the
neurological or medical disorders, or neurological EEG is often interpreted out of the clinical context. There
deficits.9 are two reasons for this. First, the referring physician

The use and misuse of the EEG


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




˜7 *14
1 sec


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




˜7 *14
1 sec

Figure 6.2 Two girls with similar EEG abnormalities of generalised spike/polyspike–slow-wave discharges either spontaneous
or elicited by intermittent photic stimulation (IPS). (A) shows proper use of the EEG. This girl gave a clear-cut history of two
seizures that, on clinical grounds, had all the elements of focal motor seizures. Her eyes turned to the left, followed by her
head and she ‘could not bring them back to normal’ for 2 min. The EEG clearly documented that she had generalised not
focal epilepsy. (B) shows misuse of the EEG. A 26-year-old woman with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy had onset of seizures at
the age of 13 years. These consisted of brief absences with eyelid jerking. Her first EEG documented the epileptic nature of
the attacks, but the reporting physician and the EEG technologist considered the discharges as artefacts produced by the
concurrent eyelid jerking. The EEG was erroneously reported as normal.

provides inadequate information about the events 2. Non-specific EEG abnormalities are overemphasised
(‘patient with loss of consciousness or grand mal without suggesting any means of clarifying their
seizures’, ‘black-outs: epilepsy?’ and ‘unexplained significance, e.g. with a sleep-deprived EEG or after
aggressiveness: temporal lobe epilepsy [TLE]?’) and obtaining more clinical data.
often fails to mention other medical conditions or 3. EEG changes, whether developmentally (age) related
drugs that may significantly affect the EEG and its or induced by physiological drowsiness or sleep and
interpretation. Second, the reporting clinical neuro- hyperventilation, are significant and impossible for
physiologist prefers a convenient but rather unhelpful non-specialists to evaluate. EEGs in infants and
and uncommitted abbreviation of the factual report children are even more complex and demanding.
(‘normal EEG’, ‘an abnormal EEG with generalised 4. Non-epileptic episodic transients, such as benign
discharges of frontal origin’, etc). epileptiform transients of sleep, 6 and 14 positive
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

spikes per second, and rhythmic mid-temporal

Best clinical practice
discharges, may often be misinterpreted as evidence
5. Previous EEG recordings and results are lost, JOEVDFE TMFFQ TIPVME CF SFTFSWFE POMZ GPS VODPPQ
destroyed or not sought. EEGs that are recorded at the FSBUJWFQBUJFOUT

initial stages of the disease, and particularly before t 5IF &&( SFDPSEJOH TIPVME DPOUJOVF UP JODMVEF UIF
treatment, are significant not only at first medical BXBLFOJOHTUBUF 'JHVSF

presentation, but also in the re-evaluation of patients
and diseases. Partial sleep deprivation is practical, more natural,
6. The EEG may be altered by drugs (such as neuro- less disturbing and more rewarding than all-night
leptics or AEDs) or coexisting medical conditions sleep deprivation. If properly performed, more than
(migraine, electrolyte disturbances, cerebrovascular 90% of patients (including infants and children) go
disease or a previous head injury). to sleep and allow a good EEG recording in sleep
and awakening.13
Patients are asked to sleep 1 or 2 hours later and
Physiological activators wake up 1 or 2 hours earlier than their routine
practice and remain awake until their appointment
of EEG abnormalities
time, which is after their lunch hour (around 11.30 a.
Activating procedures are intended to improve the m. for children and 1.30 p.m. for adults).
EEG diagnostic yield by inducing or enhancing epi- This timing does not, however, need to be so rigid
leptogenic paroxysms. Intermittent photic stimu- but can be adjusted to each patient’s sleep habits.
lation (IPS) and hyperventilation are routinely Some patients find it easy and others difficult to go
applied in awake-stage EEGs. Drowsiness, sleep to sleep. Patients or their parents should be told
and awakening are also very important activating that the aim of this procedure is to obtain a natural
procedures. sleep.
The EEG is performed in a darkened and quiet
Drowsiness, sleep and awakening recording room, usually after application of the EEG
An EEG in drowsiness, sleep and awakening electrodes. However, it is often useful for infants
is important for the purposes of increasing the and children to go to sleep in their parents’ arms
diagnostic yield of specific epileptiform patterns. It in a darkened and quiet waiting room before the
is particularly useful in patients who produce a nor- EEG. The recording is for 30–60 min, depending
mal routine awake EEG or in those whose seizures on the depth of sleep and EEG abnormalities.
are consistently associated with these physiological Subsequently, the patient is awakened and the EEG
stages. continues, including a recording of hyperventilation
To achieve sleep for the purpose of obtaining an and IPS. This last phase on awakening lasts for about
EEG during sleep, EEG departments have different 15 min, also depending on EEG inter-ictal and ictal
practices: abnormalities. Ideally, the whole procedure should
t sleep deprivation (partial or all night) be performed with video-EEG, particularly when
t drug-induced sleep. minor or major seizures are expected on clinical or
The best practice is to perform a sleep EEG that is previous EEG grounds.
as close as possible to the natural state and habits All-night sleep deprivation is usually required by most
of the patient, and thereby achieve best results with EEG departments. The EEG is performed the next
minimal risk to the patient and minimal discomfort morning with the aim of obtaining a 30- to 40-min
to the patient and their family. recording during sleep. As soon as this is achieved,

Eyelid myoclonic status epilepticus on awakening in Jeavons syndrome

















1 sec

Figure 6.3 The video-EEG was after partial sleep deprivation. The sleep EEG was of good organisation with a few brief
generalised discharges that were not associated with clinical manifestations. Repetitive brief seizures started immediately
after awakening from 30 min of sleep and lasted for 35 min. Each seizure had a duration of 2–8 s and consisted of violent
tonic spasm of the eyelids, eyeballs and head, which were consistently deviated to the left with little interruption of speech.
The patient was able to communicate well during the whole episode with entirely intact cognition and speech in between
the discharges, which because of their length may constitute discontinuous eyelid myoclonic status epilepticus. All clinical
and EEG eye-closure-related abnormalities were eliminated when she wore underwater goggles covered with opaque tape
(bottom right).

the recording is stopped and the patient awakened t may induce seizures in susceptible individuals,
and allowed to go home. particularly after leaving the EEG department
This is unsatisfactory because all-night sleep depri- in the awakening period; patients with juvenile
vation: myoclonic epilepsy are particularly vulnerable
t is inconvenient for the patient and often the because seizures mainly occur on awakening
whole family after sleep deprivation.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Furthermore, sleep is achieved in only half the Breath counting is powerful in detecting transient
patients when the EEG is recorded in the morning, cognitive abnormalities because of the simultaneous
even after all-night sleep deprivation.14 testing of attention, concentration, memory, sequen-
Drug-induced sleep is also applied in some depart- tial precision and language function. The patient’s
ments either routinely or for children who are performance during breath counting acts as its own
uncooperative. Currently, chloral hydrate or, more control.
recently, melatonin is given to the patient before or
during electrode placement with the aim of obtaining Intermittent photic stimulation
a sleep EEG, after which the same procedure as IPS is primarily for the detection of photosensitive
above is followed. There is no requirement for an patients and is less important with regard to other
EEG on awakening. However, sleep-inducing drugs parameters such as asymmetrical photic following.15
may interfere with normal patterns and patients are An untreated photosensitive patient is unlikely to
often drowsy during the rest of the day. They may have a normal EEG during IPS. Conversely, photo-
also have a seizure on awakening. paroxysmal responses may occur in more than 1%
of healthy individuals. The IPS application should
Hyperventilation comply with the recommended guidelines and avoid
Hyperventilation is a standard procedure in a rou- the induction of a seizure (see Chapter 16).
tine EEG. The patient is instructed to breathe deeply
rather than quickly at a rate of 20 deep breaths per Other forms of appropriate
min for 3 min. Young children are encouraged to activation of reflex seizures
hyperventilate by asking them to blow on a brightly Other forms of appropriate activation should be used
coloured pinwheel or a balloon. Infants often hyper- for patients suspected of having reflex seizures such
ventilate while sobbing. as reading, pattern, musicogenic, proprioceptive and
Hyperventilation is the most powerful activating noogenic epilepsy. Their detection is of significance
procedure for eliciting absence seizures and general- with regard to diagnosis and management. The
ised spike–wave discharges in more than 90% of avoidance of precipitating factors may be all that is
patients who have idiopathic generalised epilepsy needed in certain patients with reflex seizures.
(IGE) with absences (see Chapter 13).
The significance of breath counting during hyperventilation: Useful recommendations
Generalised spike/polyspike–wave discharges are often
associated clinically with impairment of conscious-
ness, which can be evaluated with breath counting.
This is easily performed by any patient who can
count irrespective of age and intelligence. The patient

counts each breath at its expiration phase loudly and
consecutively. This allows an accurate identification
of even mild transient cognitive impairment during
generalised discharges, manifested as slurring of the
speech, cessation, delay, hesitation, errors in counting

with repetitions and counting out of sequence. Mild to
moderate impairment of cognition is easily missed by
the routine testing of a verbal test stimulus (a phrase,
number or rhyme) during the discharge, which the
patient is asked to recall (recall or not recall, all or
none fashion) (Figure 1.3).

Video-EEG recording t An EEG technologist spends 15–20 min preparing

the patient for the recording, which may be
should be made valuably used to obtain information about such
routine clinical practice things as minor seizures, precipitating factors
and the circadian distribution, and other aspects
Video-EEG recording is the only means of reaching
of the particular individual. The interpretation of
an incontrovertible diagnosis if clinical events occur
the EEG depends on a patient’s clinical history,
during the recording.13,16,17 These may be incidental
which is often poor or missing.
or predictable based on circadian distribution and
t Currently, non-medical health professionals, such
triggering stimuli. Video-EEG machines are relatively
as nurses, are rightly involved in the management
inexpensive nowadays because of advances in digital
of epilepsies.
compression and storage technology.
A well-qualified EEG technologist is expected, and
An EEG discharge is of great diagnostic and
should be trained, to have a thorough knowledge of
management significance if it is associated with clin-
seizures and epileptic syndromes.18 In my department
ical manifestations. However, these symptoms may
the EEG technologists often provide me with the
be minor and escape recognition without video
correct syndromic diagnosis of our patients based
recordings. Video-EEG recordings are particularly
on such a dual approach. Even interpretation of a
important in the identification of absences, which
normal EEG may be significantly different according
are easily elicited by hyperventilation, myoclonic
jerks or focal seizures, as well as psychogenic or to clinical information (see the illustrative cases on
other non-epileptic seizures, particularly those of pages 139–141).
the hyperventilation syndrome (see Chapter 4).3
Seizures or other paroxysmal events may occur at
The significance of the EEG
any stage during the EEG. Therefore, it is advisable
to start and continue video recording during the after the first afebrile seizure
whole procedure of an EEG. Vasovagal attacks often A routine EEG recording is an evidence-based stan-
occur during EEG electrode placement. Psychogenic dard recommendation of the diagnostic evaluation
or fraudulent non-epileptic seizures often happen at of a child after a first afebrile seizure,19 although in
the end of an EEG recording, during the removal of the UK, this is not an essential requirement.20 The
the electrodes, particularly when the patient is told main practical reasons for this recommendation are
that the EEG is normal.
listed in Table 6.3.

The role of EEG technologists Value of EEG in

The principal responsibility of EEG technologists
stopping AED treatment
is a competent EEG recording and a factual report.
However, their role should be more than this, when When considering stopping AEDs, an EEG is
considering the following: often requested in order to assess risks of seizure
t Currently, about 70% of EEG referrals are for recurrence. It is an abnormal and not a normal EEG
epileptic disorders. that is of value in these circumstances.
t Referrals commonly come from general paedia- A normal EEG is of no value because the patient
tricians or general physicians who may not may still have active epilepsy and high risk of
be familiar with the syndromic diagnosis of relapse (Table 6.3). In addition, AEDs effective in
epilepsies. IGEs usually suppress generalised discharges and
t Information in the request form is usually inade- photosensitivity; focal spikes are less affected. Most
quate. patients with IGE who receive valproate may have a
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Reasons for recommending an EEG after a first non-febrile epileptic seizure

t "
t $
the EEG
t 5
and appropriate clinical recommendations
t "
than a normal EEG

Table 6.3

normal EEG despite a high risk of relapse on valpro- physician and supplemented by the EEG personnel
ate withdrawal. Conversely, certain AEDs such as (technologists or clinical neurophysiologists).13,18
carbamazepine may enhance generalised discharges, Qualified EEG technologists provide a technically
and their effect in suppressing focal epileptiform almost-perfect EEG tailored to the needs of the
discharges is weak. particular patient and the particular clinical problem.
An abnormal EEG is of absolute value if ictal events Qualified clinical neurophysiologists have extensive
occur. Electrical and/or clinical seizures such as knowledge about the following features of the EEG
absences, myoclonic jerks and focal seizures docu- and how to deal with them:
ment active epilepsy. They indicate the need for t the EEG age-related developmental changes and
continuing AED treatment and that the current limits of normality
medication is ineffective. t the EEG normal physiological rhythms and their
An abnormal EEG is of probable value if significant variants during drowsiness, sleep, awakening,
inter-ictal epileptiform paroxysms occur. General- hyperventilation and photic stimulation
ised, more than focal, abnormalities usually predict t the distinction of EEG normal variant patterns
a recurrence of seizures. Frequent generalised dis- from inter-ictal seizure-related or ictal discharges
charges and photoparoxysmal responses would have t the specificity and the limits of an EEG (normal
a high chance of relapse. Conversely, functional or abnormal) in relation to a particular seizure or
spikes of childhood have no predictive value, even syndrome diagnosis
if abundant. t non-specific abnormality and its significance to
the particular question
t the frequency by which certain ‘epileptiform’
Improving the EEG abnormalities are seen in the general population
contribution to the of neonates, children, adolescents and adults
t the influence of AEDs, other medications and
diagnosis of epilepsies concurrent or co-morbid diseases on the EEG.
The EEG should be performed only by qualified All this knowledge of the reporting physician should
certified technologists and evaluated only by be reflected in the EEG report, the purpose of which
qualified certified clinical neurophysiologists. The is to relate to the particular clinical problem and assist
EEG should be interpreted within the overall clinical the clinical specialist in diagnosis and management.
context, which should be supplied by the referring Otherwise, a conclusion simply stating that the EEG

is normal or abnormal (with or without epileptiform bizarre movements, which ‘sounds like pseudo-
abnormalities) is entirely meaningless. seizures’.
Conversely, the referring physician should provide Conclusion: The routine awake EEG is normal.
precise information with regard to history and However, in view of the history that the paroxysmal
medical state (including possible medications) of events occurred mainly during sleep, the technologist
the patient. allowed time for the patient to go to sleep, during
which several of his habitual attacks were recorded
with video-EEG recording. These were typical hyper-
Illustrative cases motor epileptic seizures, thus documenting the
of good EEG practice diagnosis of mesial frontal lobe epilepsy (supple-
mentary sensorimotor epilepsy).
Normal routine EEGs Case 6.4
The following cases are examples of normal routine The normal EEG of a 50-year-old man with ‘GTCSs
EEGs, where the clinical information requires a new, from age 12 years, but on remission for 10 years.
appropriately tailored EEG. Stop anti-epileptic medication?’
Conclusion: The EEG is within normal limits.
Case 6.1
However, stopping medication is not recommended
The normal routine EEG of a teenager with a
because, according to the information provided to
single generalised tonic–clonic seizure (GTCS) on
the EEG technologist, the patient continues having
awakening after significant sleep deprivation, fatigue
brief seizures, consisting of unilateral multicoloured
and unaccustomed alcohol consumption.
and spherical visual hallucinations lasting for a few
Conclusion: The EEG is normal but, because the
seconds to 1 min, often progressing to deviation of the
patient’s seizure occurred on awakening after signifi-
eyes and head. They are identical to those occurring
cant precipitating factors, we have arranged an EEG
before his GTCSs. The patient suffers from occipital
after partial sleep deprivation.
epilepsy with visual seizures and secondarily GTCSs,
The EEG was normal again, but after awakening
there were brief (1–2 s), asymptomatic, generalised a situation frequently misdiagnosed as migralepsy.
discharges of spikes and waves of 3 or 4 Hz during Despite this report, medication was discontinued.
hyperventilation. These were consistent with the Two months later, the patient had a GTCS at work
clinical impression of a low threshold to IGE. The and lost his job.
patient was advised about precipitating factors and
Abnormal EEGs
no drug treatment was given.
The following cases are examples of patients with
Case 6.2 abnormal EEGs, showing that the reporting physician
The normal routine EEG of an 8-year-old child with may make a significant contribution to the correct
a GTCS during sleep. diagnosis and management.
Conclusion: The routine awake EEG is normal, but,
Case 6.5
because this is a child with a nocturnal convulsive
An EEG with brief generalised discharges of spikes
seizure, a sleep EEG is indicated.
and waves in a 30-year-old man referred because of
The sleep EEG showed centrotemporal spikes, thus
a first GTCS.
documenting the diagnosis of rolandic epilepsy and
Conclusion: The EEG is of good organisation with a
securing an excellent prognosis.
well-formed alpha rhythm. It is abnormal because
Case 6.3 of brief generalised discharges of small spikes and
The normal ictal and inter-ictal EEG of a 20-year- waves of 3 or 4 Hz, which are facilitated by hyper-
old man referred for frequent brief clusters of ventilation. These are not associated with any ictal
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

clinical manifestations tested with video-EEG recor- Opinion: The EEG abnormality is mild but definite,
ding and breath counting. although it does not show conventional epileptogenic
Opinion: The EEG abnormality indicates a low features. However, because the abnormality is strictly
threshold to IGE. This is consistent with the clinical unilateral, a high-resolution MRI is indicated. This
information that the recent GTCS occurred in the is also mandated because, according to the infor-
morning after sleep deprivation and alcohol con- mation gathered by our EEG technologist, the recent
sumption. The patient is not aware of absences or convulsive episode was preceded by an ascending
myoclonic jerks. There is a remote possibility that epigastric sensation and fear, which had also occurred
these abnormalities are due to frontal lesions21 or in isolation several times over the previous 2 years.
subependymal heterotopia (a distinct neuronal These raise the possibility of hippocampal epilepsy.
migration disorder associated with epilepsy).22 This MRI confirmed left hippocampal sclerosis, and a
may indicate the need for high-resolution MRI, sleep-stage EEG showed a clear-cut sharp-and-slow-
although I expect it to be normal. wave focus in the left anterior temporal electrode.
Comment: This patient may not need any drug
Case 6.8
treatment, but he should be advised about
An EEG with occipital spikes from a 6-year-old child
precipitating factors.
referred because of ‘a prolonged episode of loss of
The MRI was normal and the patient did not have
consciousness with convulsions’.
any other seizures in the next 10 years of follow-up.
Conclusion: The EEG is of good organisation with a
Case 6.6 well-formed alpha rhythm, which is often interrupted
A 35-year-old woman was referred because of by clusters of high-amplitude, bioccipital, sharp-
prolonged confusional premenstrual episodes. and-slow waves.
Conclusion: The EEG is of good organisation with Opinion: The EEG abnormality of occipital spikes
a well-formed alpha rhythm. It is suspiciously but is often associated with benign seizures in this age
not definitely abnormal because of a brief and incon- group. From the clinical description, this child may
spicuous generalised burst of larval spikes and theta suffer from ‘Panayiotopoulos syndrome’, whereby
waves. seizures are often solitary or infrequent. However,
Opinion: The EEG abnormality is mild and not occipital paroxysms may also occur in 1% of normal
conclusive. We organised an EEG during her vulner- children and even more frequently in children with
able premenstrual period because the confusional congenital visual abnormalities (strabismus and
episodes may be non-convulsive status epilepticus. amblyopia) and other conditions with or without
This was performed and showed definite and seizures.
frequent generalised discharges of spikes/polyspikes Comment: ‘This EEG should be interpreted in
and slow waves of 3 or 4 Hz associated with impair- accordance with the clinical manifestations of this
ment of consciousness and eyelid flickering. No child. In particular, was the event nocturnal or
further confusional episodes occurred after treatment diurnal? What were the symptoms that preceded the
with valproate. convulsions and what was their duration? Did he
have autonomic disturbances, vomiting or eye devi-
Case 6.7 ation? Is this a normal child with normal vision and
A 17-year-old man was referred because of a ‘single development? Please let me know, as treatment may
episode of loss of consciousness and convulsions. not be needed.’
Epilepsy?’ Analysis of the clinical history documented that
Conclusion: The EEG is of good organisation with a the child had two typical autonomic seizures of
well-formed alpha rhythm. It is abnormal because of Panayiotopoulos syndrome.
brief runs of monomorphic theta waves around the There are numerous similar examples of this type of
left anterior temporal regions. communication between electroencephalographers

and clinicians being essential for a better diagnosis and who may also be on various medications. In
and management of patients with epilepsies. The these cases it is often important to admit that ‘the
problems become even more complicated and EEG, although abnormal, may be misleading in
demanding in the interpretation of EEGs of patients view of the migraine, cerebrovascular, psychiatric
referred for possible epileptic seizures who also or previous head injuries of the patient. The EEG
suffer from co-morbid conditions, such as migraine, abnormality cannot be taken as evidence for or
psychiatric diseases or cerebrovascular insufficiency, against epilepsy’.

Brain imaging in the diagnosis

and management of epilepsies
Modern structural and functional brain imaging MRI is greatly superior to X-ray CT in terms of
methodologies have made a colossal impact on its sensitivity and specificity for identifying subtle
the diagnosis and management of epilepsies.23–46 abnormalities. Even when CT reveals an epileptogenic
High levels of anatomical and metabolic data lesion, MRI often adds new and important data in
are now provided with different brain imaging terms of characterising the nature and extent of
techniques. The combination of appropriate new the underlying pathology and of identifying other
imaging techniques has led to greater insights into lesions.
the pathophysiology underlying symptomatic epi- The principal role of MRI is in the definition of
lepsy and can contribute greatly to the elucidation the structural abnormalities that underlie seizure
of the basic mechanisms of the various forms of disorders. Identification of a structural lesion often
epilepsies. Investigations of larger, more homoge- indicates the site of seizure onset.
neous genetic disorders, and longitudinal rather
than cross-sectional neuroimaging studies, have Clinical note
advanced our knowledge about the cause and effect
of epilepsies.39 Suboptimal MRI application in clinical practice
This section is based on the recommendations of the $VSSFOULOPXMFEHFJTTUJMMOPUCFJOHPQUJNBMMZBQQMJFEJO
ILAE for the neuroimaging of people with epilepsy DMJOJDBMQSBDUJDF FHBTUVEZJO(FSNBOZTIPXFEUIBU 
in general,23 the neuroimaging of people with JO QBUJFOUT XJUI GPDBM TFJ[VSFT XIP IBE VOSFNBSLBCMF
intractable seizures in their pre-surgical evaluation24 .3JNBHFTBUHFOFSBMIPTQJUBMT BGPDBMMFTJPOXBTGPVOE
and the functional neuroimaging.25 JO  PG DBTFT XIFO UIFZ MBUFS VOEFSXFOU .3* BU B
Magnetic resonance imaging
MRI is the most superior of all structural imaging Hippocampal sclerosis may be reliably identified
tools.23,24 Optimal MRI scanning allows in vivo (Figure 6.4), whereas quantitative studies are use-
visualisation of structural causes of epilepsies ful for research and, in equivocal cases, clinical
and its sensitivity is increasing with technological purposes. A range of malformations of cortical
improvements. MRI abnormalities are identified in development may be determined (Figures 6.5–6.7).
80% of patients with refractory focal seizures and The proportion of cryptogenic cases of epilepsy has
20% of patients with single unprovoked seizures or been decreased with improvements in MRI hardware,
epilepsy in remission. signal acquisition techniques and post-processing
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Coronal (A) and axial (B) T1-weighted MRI

scan showing right hippocampal sclerosis (arrows)


Figure 6.4 Courtesy of Dr. Rod C. Scott, Institute of Child Health, London, UK.

methodologies (Figure 6.8). Automated voxel-based of cortical abnormalities. In contrast, white matter
analysis can identify subtle changes in the neocortex disorders are recognised better, because the normal
over time that are not evident on visual inspection.47 signal of myelin (which varies according to age)
White-matter tracts, including connections of and the topography of the brain are well known.
eloquent areas, can be visualised with tractography In such young patients, MRI may not reveal lesions
and thus reduce the risks of surgery.48 and scans may have to be repeated again after 1 or
Both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images 2 years.23
should be obtained, with slices being as thin as It should, however, be emphasised that certain
possible. Three-dimensional volume acquisition is lesions such as focal cortical dysplasia are not always
preferable, but coronal as well as axial slices should identified with conventional MRI and may be more
be obtained in all cases. Gadolinium contrast easily identified on a fluid-attenuated inversion
enhancement is not necessary in routine cases, but recovery (FLAIR) sequence by reconstructing
may be helpful in selected cases if the non-contrast- the imaging data set in curvilinear planes and by
enhanced MRI is not definitive. Myelination is quantitative assessment of the signal and texture
incomplete in the first 2 years of life, resulting in (Figure 6.9).29,50 A FLAIR sequence increases the
a poor contrast between white and grey matter conspicuousness of lesions (Figure 6.9) that may
and, thus, producing difficulties in the detection not otherwise be identified and should be part of

Examples of malformations of cortical development documented with MRI


Figure 6.5 (A,B) Axial T1-weighted MRI scan showing bilateral schizencephaly (arrows). (C) Coronal T1-weighted MRI scan showing
right focal cortical dysplasia (arrows). (D) Axial T1-weighted MRI scan showing bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (arrows).
Courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, UK.

Posterior agyria–pachygyria with

polymicrogyria documented with MRI scan in two brothers


Figure 6.6 Axial T2-weighted MRI scans from the older (A,B) and younger (C,D) brothers. There is marked posterior agyria–
pachygyria with areas of polymicrogyria mainly in the parietal cortex.
Reproduced with permission from Ferrie, et al (1995).49

a standard MRI protocol for patients with epilepsy. ratios. T2-weighted relaxometry also quantitates
Other sequences, such as T2, may reveal abnor- hippocampal abnormalities and may show evidence
malities such as small cavernous angiomas. of bilateral disease.23
In addition to careful qualitative evaluation of
the hippocampus, quantitative assessment can be X-ray computed tomography
useful. Hippocampal volumetry requires absolute X-ray CT can detect gross structural lesions, but will
volumes corrected for the intracranial volume, miss many small mass lesions, including tumours,
which must be compared with appropriate controls vascular malformations, hippocampal sclerosis and
from the same laboratory, as well as side-to-side most malformations of cortical development.23 A
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Small malformations of cortical development documented with MRI


Figure 6.7 (A) Coronal T2-weighted MRI scan showing frontal focal cortical dysplasia (arrow). (B) Coronal T1-weighted MRI
showing nodular subependymal heterotopia in the inferior lateral wall of the right lateral ventricle (arrow).
Figure A courtesy of Dr. Rod C. Scott, Institute of Child Health, London, UK.
Figure B reproduced with permission from Duncan (1997).26

negative CT scan conveys little information, and so particularly if there is a need to have ready access to
CT should not be relied on and usually does not need the patient during the scan.23
to be performed when MRI is available. Occasionally,
CT may be useful as a complementary imaging Functional neuroimaging
technique in the detection of cortical calcifications, Functional neuroimaging has been used for local-
particularly in patients with congenital or acquired ising cerebral dysfunction, predominantly through
infections (e.g. cysticercosis) or tumours such as disturbances in an individual’s metabolism or blood
oligodendrogliomas.23 flow. The techniques available include SPECT, PET
If MRI is not readily available or cannot be and functional MRI (fMRI). Functional brain imaging
performed for technical reasons (e.g. a patient who is currently supplementary to MRI, principally in
has a cardiac pacemaker or a cochlear implant) then the evaluation of neurosurgical candidates. SPECT
a scan is an appropriate initial investigation. It is also and PET are inadequate for the assessment of brain
useful in the acute situation of seizures developing structure.23
in the context of a neurological insult, such as head Conventional isotope brain scans do not provide
injury, intracranial haemorrhage or encephalitis, sufficient information about the brain structure to

Magnetisation transfer ratio maps – axial images




Figure 6.8 Magnetisation transfer ratio maps for 30 control subjects (A D), patients with normal conventional MRI and left
temporal lobe epilepsy (B), and right temporal lobe epilepsy (E). Statistical analysis showing areas of a significantly reduced
magnetisation transfer ratio in patient groups (C) and (F).
Courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, UK.

Series of coronal MRI scans showing increased lesion conspicuity with FLAIR


Figure 6.9 The patient’s left is on the right of the images. The patient is a 50-year-old man with a 25-year history of focal
motor seizures involving the right hand. The T1-weighted (C), T2-weighted (A) and proton-density (B) images were read as
normal. On the FLAIR scan (D) it is evident that there is an area of increased signal in the brain parenchyma in the left primary
sensorimotor cortex (arrow).
Courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, UK.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

identify many lesions associated with seizures and t focal or secondarily generalised seizures and
their use is not recommended.23 apparently generalised seizures that do not remit
with AED treatment
t the development of progressive neurological or
Recommendations neuropsychological deficits.
for neuroimaging of Scans must be interpreted in the context of the entire

patients with epilepsy23 clinical situation. A specialist in neuroimaging, who has

training and expertise in the neuroimaging of epilepsy,
The aim of neuroimaging is: must review the images.23
1. to identify underlying pathologies such as
tumours, granulomas, vascular malformations,
traumatic lesions or strokes that merit specific Functional neuroimaging
2. to aid the formulation of syndromic and in clinical practice25
aetiological diagnoses, and thereby provide an The Neuroimaging Subcommission of the ILAE
accurate prognosis for patients. has assessed the roles of PET, SPECT, MR-based
functional imaging methods of fMRI and magnetic
Ideal practice resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in clinical practice
In the non-acute situation the ideal practice is to and research.25 The following conclusions have been
obtain structural neuroimaging with MRI in all reached.25
patients with epilepsy, except in those with a definite
electroclinical diagnosis of IGE or benign childhood Functional MRI
focal epilepsy.23 There is no currently approved or universally
MRI is particularly indicated in patients with one accepted clinical indication for fMRI.25 However, this
or more of the following: situation is changing and in many epilepsy surgery
t onset of seizures at any age with evidence of focal centres fMRI of the blood oxygen level-dependent
onset in the medical history or on the EEG (BOLD) contrast is being used to localise the primary
t onset of unclassified or apparently generalised motor cortex, the functional anatomy of memory
seizures in the first year of life or in adulthood tasks, predict deficits after temporal lobe resection
t evidence of a focal fixed deficit on neurological and lateralise language function (Figure 6.10).53
or neuropsychological examination Furthermore, continuous and simultaneous recor-
t difficulty in obtaining control of seizures with ding of EEG and fMRI (EEG–fMRI) is now possible
first-line AED treatment after the introduction of methods for removing
t loss of control of seizures with AEDs or a change the artefact on the EEG trace caused by fMRI
in the seizure pattern that may imply a progressive acquisition. EEG–fMRI can visualise the BOLD
underlying lesion. response to inter-ictal epileptic activity and assist in
identifying targets for surgical treatment. Clinically,
Minimum standards these methods will aid EEG interpretation and
Appropriate minimum standards vary between understanding of the pathophysiological basis of
different countries and societies, according to eco- epileptic activity.29,54,55
nomic and geographical factors and the system for
providing health care.23 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
CT is an alternative procedure if MRI is not available MRS has been evaluated primarily in TLE. Proton
or cannot be performed for technical reasons. MRS provides a useful lateralisation of metabolic
An MRI is essential in a patient with: dysfunction. Sensitivity is of the order of 90%, but

fMRI scan showing an area of cerebral activation in relation to right-hand

movement that is anterior to structural lesion (dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour)



<o >










Figure 6.10 Courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, UK.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

bilateral temporal abnormalities are common and recording ictal onsets in temporal and extratemporal
abnormalities may be reversible. MRS may be useful epilepsies. However, caution is needed because
in patients who have otherwise normal MRI studies. the ictal onset zone may be at the border of the
Phosphate (35P)-MRS has moderate sensitivity for hypometabolic area and not at the most hypo-
lateralisation, based on abnormal elevations of metabolic area. FDG-PET may have a useful role in
inorganic phosphate, although abnormalities of pH apparently generalised epilepsies in trying to define
have been controversial and so cannot be considered a focal abnormality and when resection may be
to be reliable for this. MRS has been reported to be contemplated. For practical purposes, the clinical
useful in extratemporal epilepsies, but the present and research uses of 15O-labelled water (H215O)-PET
limitation of spatial coverage limits its clinical for mapping areas of cerebral activation have been
utility.25 It is evident from studies of malformation of superseded by fMRI.25
cortical development that metabolic derangements
are frequently more extensive than the structural PET with specific ligands
lesion seen on MRI.56 There are no proven indications for ligand PET in
clinical epileptological practice. A role that is being
Single photon emission CT evaluated is in the pre-surgical evaluation of patients
SPECT with cerebral blood flow agents is useful with refractory focal seizures. In patients with mesial
for supporting the localisation of focal epilepsy TLE and negative MRI, [11C]flumazenil (FMZ)-PET
when it is performed in a carefully monitored may have some advantages over FDG-PET, offering
ictal (Figure 6.11) or early post-ictal examination more precise localisation of the epileptogenic region,
compared with an inter-ictal scan. This may be used but it does not appear to be superior for lateralisation.
as part of pre-surgical evaluation and help to guide In MRI-negative patients with neocortical seizures,
the placement of intracranial electrodes if other data, the identification of focal abnormalities using FMZ-
including structural imaging, are equivocal or not PET may be useful for guiding the placement of
concordant. In apparently generalised epilepsies, intracranial EEG electrodes.25 However, caution is
ictal SPECT may be helpful to identify a focal needed because the ictal onset zone may be at the
component.25 Recent developments allow patients to border of the area of abnormal binding and not at
inject the isotope themselves at the first warning of the area of maximal abnormality. Co-registration
a seizure, thus increasing the possibility of capturing with high-quality MRI is essential (Figure 6.13).
a seizure, as well as reducing the interval between
seizure onset and trapping of the tracer in the Co-registration of SPECT/PET with MRI
brain.57 The co-registration of post-ictal SPECT images
with a patient’s MRI improves the anatomical
PET with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose determination of the abnormalities of cerebral
and 15O-labelled water blood flow.58 The objectivity and accuracy of data
Inter-ictal [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET interpretation are enhanced with co-registration
may have a role in determining the lateralisation of of inter-ictal with either ictal or post-ictal SPECT
temporal lobe epilepsy, without intracranial EEG images, resulting in an ‘ictal difference image’ that
recording of seizures, in patients in whom concor- may be co-registered with the individual’s MRI. The
dance of MRI, EEG and other data are not good co-registration of PET images with high-resolution
(Figure 6.12). This role has decreased with the wider MRI structural images from the same individual
availability of high-quality MRI. In patients with has practical value in the anatomical interpretation
normal or equivocal MRI or discordance between of functional abnormalities in PET, with account
MRI and other data, such that intracranial electrodes being taken for potential partial volume artefacts.
are required, FDG-PET may be useful for planning Together with an MR image, PET images with
the sites of intracranial electrode placement for different tracers, e.g. FDG and FMZ, can be co-

Ictal SPECT in a child with right hippocampal epilepsy



Figure 6.11 Coronal

(A) and axial (B) 99mTc
show increased perfusion
in the right anterior
temporal lobe (arrows).
Courtesy of Dr. Rod C.
Scott, Institute of Child
Health, London, UK.

Axial inter-ictal FDG-PET images in three patients with left mesial temporal
sclerosis: all had a left anterior temporal lobectomy and became free of seizures


Figure 6.12 (A) Unilateral glucose hypometabolism in a 22-year-old male. FDG uptake is reduced in mesial temporal lobe
structures and the tip and anterior portion of the temporal neocortex in the left hemisphere. (B) Bilateral asymmetrical
glucose hypometabolism in a 19-year-old male. Reduction of FDG uptake is observed in both temporal areas, being more
remarkable in the left hemisphere. (C) Equivocal symmetrical glucose metabolism in a 34-year-old female. There was no
laterality in FDG uptake. Semi-quantitative analysis with regions-of-interest methods showed that the asymmetry indices of
the mesial and lateral temporal areas were within normal range.
Courtesy of Dr. Nozomi Akanuma, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine, UK.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

registered, which enables a direct comparison of cortical areas with a great degree of accuracy,
the location, pattern and extent of each abnormality generating maps with high spatial and temporal
(Figure 6.13). resolution (Figure 6.14).
The primary advantage of MEG over EEG is that
magnetic fields are not altered by the skull and
Magnetoencephalography59–67 other surrounding brain structures, thus permitting
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a promising non- greater accuracy as a result of the minimal distortion
invasive and non-hazardous technology of functional of the signal. This allows for more usable and reliable
brain mapping that is still in development. It is used localisation of brain function. However, MEG is
to identify both normal and abnormal brain function better at detecting superficial rather than deep mesial
‘in action’. MEG records externally, from the scalp, temporal lobe epileptogenic foci.
the weak magnetic forces generated by neuronal MEG is usually performed with simultaneous EEG
electrical activity of the brain. It provides localised recording. Superimposing MEG with CT and MR

Coronal and axial views of structural and functional

neuroimages of a 21-year-old male with right mesial temporal
sclerosis; a right anterior temporal lobectomy rendered him free of seizures




Figure 6.13 FDG-PET and FMZ-PET images were co-registered with a T1-weighted MRI scan. The T1-weighted MRI scan
demonstrates hippocampal atrophy on the right. FDG uptake is reduced in the corresponding region extending to the
ipsilateral lateral temporal cortex and parietal area. In contrast, the reduction in GABAA receptor binding is fairly restricted
within the right mesial temporal lobe structures.
Courtesy of Dr. Nozomi Akanuma, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine, UK.

MEG images of a girl aged 10 years with

frequent rotatory seizures to the left; brain MRI was normal

Figure 6.14 (A) Inter-ictal MEG showed right frontal dipole sources (yellow dots). (B) MEG analysis of the ictal onset also
revealed slightly backward right frontal dipole sources (red dots). (C) Supperimposed ictal and inter-ictal images. Dipole
sources of somatosensory evoked fields-N20 (blue dots).
Courtesy of Dr. Osamu Kanazawa, Department of Psychiatry, Saitama Medical University, Saitama, Japan.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

scans produce functional/anatomical images of the may be able to provide necessary information with-
brain, referred to as magnetic source imaging (MSI). out having to use invasive EEG studies.
The most thoroughly studied clinical applications Localisation of the ‘eloquent’ brain areas, such as
of MEG/MSI are to detect and localise: sensorimotor regions, is critical for their preservation
t epileptogenic foci during any type of brain surgery. MEG/MSI is used to
t eloquent cortices.
map the exact location of the normally functioning
areas near the lesion that should be avoided in
The exact localisation of the epileptogenic area is crucial
planning surgical resection, thus minimising post-
for screening of surgical candidates and surgical plan-
operative significant neurological deficits. Such
ning. MSI has principally been investigated as an
use might also obviate the need for other forms of
alternative to invasive pre-surgical monitoring when invasive mapping techniques.
there is no concordance of clinical, EEG and MRI MEG and MSI are very expensive and availability is
findings. Furthermore, in patients who have had low. Under most health insurance policies MEG and
past brain surgery, the electrical field measured by MSI are approved as investigational procedures for
EEG may be distorted by the changes in scalp and neurosurgery patients but not for routine evaluation
brain anatomy. If further surgery is needed, MEG of a seizure disorder.

15. Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenite DG, Guerrini R, Binnie CD, Genton P. Visual

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Principles of therapy
in the epilepsies
The traditional aim of therapy in epilepsies is total neurosurgical interventions, other pharmacological
freedom from seizures with no clinically significant or non-pharmacological treatments.
adverse effects. This has now been broadened to A prerequisite for any treatment is that the patient truly
include optimal outcomes of health-related quality suffers epileptic seizures; a quarter of patients treated
of life with regard to physical, mental, educational, for ‘epilepsy’ do not suffer genuine epileptic seizures.1,2
social and psychological functioning of the patient. Correct seizure and often syndrome diagnosis is a
The mainstay of treatment is usually with anti- precondition for the success of therapeutic decisions
epileptic drugs (AEDs) in continuous prophylactic because the choice of AED primarily depends on
schemes. However, AEDs are ineffective for about seizure type, whereas length of treatment is mainly
20% of patients. These patients are candidates for determined by syndrome type.

AED prophylactic treatment

AED treatment is the mainstay of the management of identification of ADRs, although sometimes difficult,
epilepsies. The laudable aim is freedom from seizures is a crucial part of the management.
with minimal, if any, adverse drug reactions (ADRs). This
is achieved in about 50–70% of patients with a single, Useful information
appropriately selected AED at target therapeutic doses.
This seizure-free rate varies significantly with seizure The ‘package insert’ (FDA in the USA) and the ‘summary
type and epileptic syndrome. Polytherapy should be of product characteristics’ (EMEA in the EU) are the most
avoided if possible, but it is inevitable in about 30–50% complete single sources of information on a drug. The
of patients who fail to respond to single-drug therapy. package insert can be obtained from http://dailymed.nlm.
Freedom of seizures should not be pursued at any cost The summary of package
and, in particular, at the expense of ADRs. characteristics can be obtained in any European language

There is no point in treating epilepsy at the expense of from

drug-induced disease. htm. In UK these are also available from http://emc.
For some patients, a few minor and often harmless
seizures may be allowed to occur instead of increas-
ing the number of AEDs or their doses, which may The drug treatment of epilepsies requires thorough
jeopardise the quality of life of the patient. The knowledge of the AEDs with regard to seizure-specific

174 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Efficacy of main AEDs in seizure types

AED Focal seizures Secondarily Primarily Myoclonic Absence

(simple or complex) GTCSs GTCSs jerks seizures

Carbamazepine Effective Effective Effective –† –†

Clobazam‡ Effective Effective Effective? Effective? Effective?
Clonazepam¶ Effective? Effective? Ineffective? Effective Effective
Eslicarbazepine Effective Effective Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ethosuximide – – – Effective?§ Effective
Gabapentin Effective Effective – –¶¶ May exaggerate
Lacosamide Effective Effective Unknown Unknown Unknown
Lamotrigine Effective Effective Effective May Effective
Levetiracetam Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective††
Oxcarbazepine Effective Effective Effective –‡‡ –‡‡
Phenobarbital Effective Effective Effective Effective –
Phenytoin Effective Effective Effective – –
Pregabalin Effective Effective – Exaggerates –
Tiagabine Effective Effective – – Exaggerates
Topiramate Effective Effective Effective Effective? Effective?
Valproate Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective
Vigabatrin Effective Effective – – Exaggerates
§§ §§
Zonisamide Effective Effective Effective? Effective? Effective?§§

Table 7.1 This table is based predominantly on information obtained from the SmPCs3–19 and PIs (see Useful Information
on page 173). AEDs in blue are, in general, contraindicated for the treatment of idiopathic generalised epilepsies. However,
carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine and phenytoin may be used in the rare pure forms of primarily generalised tonic–clonic
seizures (GTCSs). –, the cited AED is not indicated for this seizure type, either because it is not licensed or it is ineffective
or may exaggerate the seizure. †According to the SmPC ‘carbamazepine is not usually effective in absences and myoclonic
seizures. Moreover, anecdotal evidence suggests that seizure exacerbation may occur in patients with atypical absences’.
However, many observational reports have shown the deteriorating effect of carbamazepine in these types of seizure.20–25

Clobazam is licensed only as adjunctive therapy in ‘epilepsy’. Its efficacy is not the same as that of clonazepam. It may
be more efficacious in focal than generalised epilepsies.26–28 ¶Clonazepam is licensed for any type of epileptic seizure, but
it is mainly used as one of the most efficacious AEDs in myoclonic jerks. It may not suppress GTCSs of juvenile myoclonic
epilepsy and patients may be deprived of the warning jerks, which herald the onset of GTCS.29 §Ethosuximide may be effective
in negative myoclonus.30 **Lamotrigine may aggravate myoclonic jerks in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and some progressive
myoclonic epilepsies.25,31–34 ††The effect of levetiracetam on absences is not well documented, although clinical series have
shown a significant beneficial effect in childhood and juvenile absence epilepsy.35,36 ‡‡Oxcarbazepine, like carbamazepine,
may aggravate myoclonic jerks37 and absence seizures.38,39 ¶¶Myoclonus is a treatment-emergent type of seizure in patients
with focal seizures treated with pregabalin as an adjunctive medication40 or even in non-epileptic patients receiving this drug
for pain relief.41 Gabapentin may have a similar promyoclonic effect.24,42 This may signify the need for extreme caution in
the use of pregabalin and gabapentin in epilepsies with myoclonus. §§Zonisamide, although licensed for focal seizures only,
appears to be a broad-spectrum AED.43
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 175

Main adverse reactions of AEDs, which may sometimes be serious and rarely life threatening

AED Main adverse reactions Life threatening

Carbamazepine Idiosyncratic (rash), sedation, headache, ataxia, nystagmus, diplopia, AHS†, hepatic failure,
tremor, impotence, hyponatraemia, cardiac arrhythmia* haematological
Clobazam Severe sedation, fatigue, drowsiness, behavioural and cognitive No
impairment, restlessness, aggressiveness, hypersalivation and coordination
disturbances. Tolerance and withdrawal syndrome
Clonazepam As for clobazam No
Eslicarbazepine Idiosyncratic (rash), dizziness, somnolence, headache, ataxia, inattention, No
diplopia, tremor, nausea, vomiting, hyponatraemia, PR prolongation in ECG
Ethosuximide Idiosyncratic (rash), gastrointestinal disturbances, anorexia, weight loss, AHS†, renal and hepatic
drowsiness, photophobia, headache failure, haematological
Gabapentin Weight gain, peripheral oedema, behavioural changes, impotence, viral Acute pancreatitis,
infection* hepatitis, Stevens–
Johnson syndrome,
acute renal failure‡
Lacosamide Dizziness, headache, diplopia, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, PR No
prolongation in ECG
Lamotrigine Idiosyncratic (rash), tics, insomnia, dizziness, diplopia, headache, ataxia, AHS†, hepatic failure,
asthenia* haematological
Levetiracetam Irritability, behavioural and psychotic changes, asthenia, dizziness, Hepatic failure, hepatitis‡
somnolence, headache*
Oxcarbazepine Idiosyncratic (rash), headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, somnolence, AHS†, haematological
ataxia and diplopia, hyponatraemia*
Phenobarbital Idiosyncratic (rash), severe drowsiness, sedation, impairment of cognition AHS†, hepatic failure,
and concentration, hyperkinesia and agitation in children, shoulder–hand haematological
Phenytoin Idiosyncratic (rash), ataxia, drowsiness, lethargy, sedation, encephalopathy, AHS†, hepatic failure,
gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, dysmorphism, rickets, osteomalacia haematological
Pregabalin Weight gain, myoclonus, dizziness, somnolence, ataxia, confusion* Renal failure, congestive
heart failure, AHS†,‡
Tiagabine Stupor or spike–wave stupor, weakness* Status epilepticus
Topiramate Somnolence, anorexia, fatigue, nervousness, difficulty with concentration/ Hepatic failure,
attention, memory impairment, psychomotor slowing, metabolic acidosis, anhidrosis
weight loss, language dysfunction, renal calculi, acute angle-closure
glaucoma and other ocular abnormalities, paraesthesiae*
Valproate Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, weight gain, tremor, hair loss, hormonal in Hepatic and pancreatic
women* failure
Vigabatrin Irreversible visual field defects, fatigue, weight gain No
Zonisamide Idiosyncratic, drowsiness, anorexia, irritability, photosensitivity, weight loss, AHS†, anhidrosis
renal calculi*

Table 7.2 This table is based predominantly on information obtained from the SmPCs3–19 and PIs (see Useful Information on page 173).
It is an assessment of common ADRs and/or those of clinical importance. It is not an exhaustive list of all ADRs; for these, readers
should refer to the relevant chapters of this book and, mainly, to the SmPC or PI of each AED. For more details, see “Considerations
of adverse antiepileptic drug reactions in the treatment of epilepsies” (page 197) and the pharmacopoeia (Chapter 18). *FDA warning
for suicidal ideation (see page 198). †AHS, anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome. ‡Post-marketing experience.
176 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

efficacy, acute and chronic ADRs, pharmacokinetics, conditions of starvation, options are frequently limited
doses and titration, drug interactions and contra- to the older AEDs, which are often life-saving agents.
indications. This information is widely available in
books, journal reviews, manufacturers’ prescribing
information and credible internet sources. Clarifications on
As with all drugs, AEDs may be therapeutic when terminology of AED treatment
appropriately used (Table 7.1), but they also possess
toxic properties (Table 7.2). A balance between the Efficacy is not synonymous with effectiveness.
therapeutic and toxic effects of an AED is a primary Efficacy is the ability of a medication to produce a
responsibility and the crux of epilepsy management. clinically measurable beneficial effect aiming at
This treatment goal cannot be achieved satisfactorily seizure freedom.44 It is a relative term defined by the
without a thorough evaluation of the patient’s seizures, designers of a study, but is usually a specific effect of
medical history, possible co-medication for other a treatment. A drug can be highly efficacious yet not
diseases and the individual patient’s circumstances. very clinically useful; i.e., not clinically effective.
Patients and parents should be well informed about There is no formal definition or the exact limits of the
the purpose of AED medication, and its efficacy, term ‘spectrum of efficacy’. In clinical practice, broad
ADRs and possible length of treatment. Otherwise, spectrum AEDs are those that are efficacious in all or
there are failures in compliance, disenchantment most of focal and generalised epileptic seizures, while
and breaking down of patient/physician trust. narrow spectrum refers to those with efficacy in one
Special groups of patients with epileptic disorders or few types of either focal or generalised seizures.
require particular attention and management. Effectiveness, in contrast to efficacy, is meant to be a more
Children, elderly people, women (particularly of pragmatic measure that addresses the utility of a drug
childbearing age) and patients with mental, physical as it is actually employed in practice.44,45 Effectiveness
and other comorbidities are vulnerable and their encompasses both AED efficacy and tolerability, as
treatment is more demanding. A special section on reflected in retention on treatment.44 Effectiveness
women (page 204) and the elderly (page 219) has encompasses many potential components including
been added in this revision. tolerability, cognition, mood or quality of life.
Tolerability involves the incidence, severity and
Key points of AED treatment impact of ADRs.44
Thus, an AED efficacious in controlling seizures
t 5IF BJN PG "&% USFBUNFOU JT UP BDIJFWF TFJ[VSF may not be effective because of high incidence or
freedom without ADRs. severe ADRs as, for example, with vigabatrin in focal
t 5IFmSTUPQUJPO"&%JTUIFNPTUMJLFMZUPCFFGmDBDJPVT seizures because of irreversible visual field defects
and the most unlikely to cause ADRs. (see page 191) or felbamate, which has not been
t 5IFDPSSFDU"&%EPTFJTUIFTNBMMFTUPOFUIBUBDIJFWFT licensed by the EMEA because of a high incidence of
seizure control without ADRs. aplastic anaemia and hepatic failure.
t "O "&% BQQSPQSJBUF GPS POF UZQF PG TFJ[VSF NBZ CF ADRs are not synonymous with adverse drug effects or
deleterious for another type. side effects.
According to the International Conference on Harm-
efficacy, but often at the cost of ADRs.
onisation of Definitions and Standards:
tolerability limits.
ADR is a response to a drug which is noxious and
unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used
Cost should not be an issue in medicine, but with most for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease, or
of the global population living in poverty and often in for modification of physiological function. The phrase
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 177

‘responses to a medicinal product’ means that a causal Seizure specificity

relationship between a medicinal product and an The first-choice AED should primarily be in accord
adverse event is at least a possibility. with the seizure type. Some AEDs may be very
An adverse event is any untoward medical occurrence in a efficacious in some epileptic seizures and syndromes,
patient administered a medicinal product and which does but contraindicated in others (Table 7.1). Carbama-
not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this zepine, for example, is a first-choice AED in focal
treatment. An adverse event can therefore be any unfavorable seizures but should be avoided in idiopathic general-
and unintended sign (for example, an abnormal laboratory ised epilepsies (IGEs).
finding), symptom, or disease temporally associated with
the use of a medicinal product, whether or not considered Strength of efficacy
related to this medicinal product. The more efficacious a drug the more likely it is to
control seizures. Seizure-free status is the ultimate,
often achievable, goal of treatment. That an AED
may achieve more than 50% seizure reduction is not
Choosing the the best option, although this is a common outcome
measurement in randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
best AED option
The ideal profile of a first-choice AED in the pro- Spectrum of efficacy
phylactic treatment of epilepsies is determined by a This is significant in the treatment of patients when
number of factors (Table 7.3). the differentiation between focal and generalised epi-
The importance of these factors varies significantly leptic seizures cannot be certain. In such cases broad-
spectrum AEDs are recommended (Table 7.1), which
according to whether the AED is used in mono-
are those that are efficacious in a wide range of focal and
therapy or polytherapy.
generalised epileptic seizures, and include valproate,
levetiracetam, lamotrigine, topiramate and zonisamide.

Properties of AEDs to Useful clinical notes

consider in prioritising their use
Women are more sensitive than men to specific ADRs

t 4BGFUZ polycystic ovarian syndrome.

severe and life threatening) t "&%T UIBU BSF BTTPDJBUFE XJUI JODSFBTFE SJTL PG
t 1IBSNBDPLJOFUJDT teratogenicity (pregnancy category D).
t %SVHoESVHJOUFSBDUJPOT pregnancy (enzyme inducers and lamotrigine).
t 4QFFEPGUJUSBUJPO UJNFOFFEFEUPSFBDI Children are more susceptible than adults to
effective dose) specific ADRs
Table 7.3 Factors highlighted in red are of particular impairment.
importance in polytherapy (see page 187). t 5PQJSBNBUFBOE[POJTBNJEFIZQPIJESPTJT BOIJESPTJT

178 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Safety, tolerability and adverse reactions valproate in babies and women of childbearing age.
These vary significantly between AEDs (Table 7.2) In children, documented or potential ADRs on
Adverse drug reactions may outweigh any growth, height and weight should be meticulously
beneficial effect achieved by reduction of the considered. Treatment-emergent weight changes
seizures. Currently, with so many efficacious AEDs, should also be a significant concern (Table 7.4).
it is possible to avoid those with significant ADRs
and particularly those associated with sometimes Clinical pharmacokinetics47–49
fatal ADRs, teratogenicity or significant impairment Pharmacokinetics is the study of the time course of
of quality of life. Carbamazepine, lamotrigine, a drug and its metabolites in humans. Absorption,
oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and distribution, metabolism and excretion are the
zonisamide are associated with frequent idio- primary parameters of pharmacokinetics and these
syncratic reactions and anticonvulsant hyper- significantly influence efficacy, ADRs and interactions
sensitivity syndrome (AHS), which may be fatal. with hormones and other drugs. AEDs with high
Women, children and elderly patients are more pharmacokinetic profile scores should be preferred
vulnerable to ADRs from certain AEDs; for example, (Table 7.5).47–49 Most commonly used AEDs are

Main AEDs that are likely to affect body weight

The risks of obesity are emphasised routinely in the media in the USA, UK and other industrialised countries
where obesity has become epidemic
Patients, particularly women (e.g. see increased risk for polycystic ovarian syndrome), should be informed of
the following AEDs that are likely to cause weight gain:
Significant weight loss, which can be relentless, may be caused by:
Note: Levetiracetam may be associated with a decrease46 or increase of body weight

Table 7.4 This table is based predominantly on information obtained from the SmPCs7,10,14,16–19 and PIs (see Useful Information on
page 173).

Pharmacokinetic profile rating of AEDs

Lacosamide (96), levetiracetam (96), vigabatrin (96), gabapentin (89), pregabalin (89)

Topiramate (79), ethosuximide (77), oxcarbazepine (77), lamotrigine (73)

Tiagabine (67), zonisamide (67), phenobarbital (57), valproate (52), carbamazepine (50), phenytoin (50)

Table 7.5 Numbers in parenthesis are the scores derived from a semi-quantitative rating system based on 16 pharmacokinetic
parameters. The maximum possible score is 100.48,49
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 179

eliminated through hepatic metabolism catalysed by with some controlled-release formulations such as
cytochrome P450 (CYP) and uridine diphosphate that of carbamazepine, which has a more variable
glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes (Table 7.6). bioavailability than the conventional forms. Major
Hepatic enzyme modifiers have low priority over metabolic pathways and elimination of AEDs are
others, particularly in patients who are receiving important to consider, particularly in patients with
co-medications. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors any type of hepatic or renal impairment (Table 7.8).
(Table 7.7), such as topiramate, reduce urinary citrate Hepatic enzyme induction and inhibition
excretion and increase urinary pH, resulting in an Hepatic enzyme induction stimulate the production
increased risk of metabolic acidosis (which increases and increase the amount of CYP enzymes (Table 7.6).
the risk for nephrolithiasis and osteomalacia/osteo- This, in turn, increases the rate of metabolism of drugs
porosis, and reduces growth rates in children). metabolised by the CYP enzymes, thus resulting in
Different formulations of the same AED may have lower plasma concentrations. Conversely, hepatic
different bioavailability, which explains the loss of enzyme inducers may increase the bioavailability of
efficacy or emerging signs of toxicity when switching drugs that require metabolism for their activation. The
from one preparation to another. This is also the case effect of hepatic induction, unlike hepatic inhibition,

AEDs that are hepatic enzyme inducers and/or inhibitors

AED Enzyme induced Enzyme inhibited

Carbamazepine CYP2C, CYP3A, CYP1A2, –

microsomal epoxide hydrolases, UGTs
Lamotrigine UGTs –
Oxcarbazepine CYP3A4, UGTs CYP2C19
Phenobarbital CYP2C, CYP3A, microsomal epoxide –
hydrolases, UGTs
Phenytoin CYP2C, CYP3A, microsomal epoxide –
hydrolases, UGTs
Topiramate Dose-dependent enzyme inducer CYP2C19
CYP3A4, B-oxidation
Valproate – CYP2C9, microsomal epoxide hydrolases, UGTs

CYP (cytochrome P450 system) is a superfamily of isoenzymes that are responsible for the oxidative
metabolism of many drugs, exogenous compounds and endogenous substrates. They are located in the
membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mainly of the liver. CYP enzymes are classified into families
(designated by the first Arabic number), subfamilies (designated by the capital letter after the Arabic number)
UGTs (uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases) are a superfamily of enzymes that are responsible for
the formation of hydrophilic drug metabolites, which are mainly excreted via renal or biliary routes. They
catalyse the glucuronidation of drugs and endogenous substrates. They are located in the endoplasmic
reticulum of cells in the liver, kidneys and other organs, including the brain. Glucuronidation, mainly hepatic
glucuronidation, represents one of the main detoxification pathways in humans

Table 7.6
180 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

metabolites; for example, induction may increase

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
metabolite concentrations and enhance toxicity
Acetazolamide without elevation of the parent drug.
Sulthiame Enzyme inducers, by speeding up the elimination
Topiramate of other substances that are metabolised in the liver,
have significant disadvantages:
t Drug–drug interactions make them undesirable
Table 7.7 in polytherapy.
t Some hormones critical to sexual function are
metabolised in the liver and levels of these
Major metabolic and hormonal substances may be reduced. Thus, long
elimination pathways of AEDs
use of hepatic enzyme inducers can lead to sig-
Hepatic nificant changes in sex hormones in women and
may potentially result in long-term endocrine
Carbamazepine Phenobarbital
Clobazam Phenytoin
effects in children. Furthermore, CYP3A4 enzyme
Clonazepam Tiagabine inducers increase clearance of oestrogen and also
Ethosuximide Topiramate of the progestational component of hormonal
Lamotrigine Valproate contraception, thus decreasing their plasma
Oxcarbazepine Zonisamide levels and effectiveness.
Renal t Increased metabolism of vitamin D, which is
metabolised through the liver, may result in
Gabapentin Pregabalin hypocalcaemia, osteomalacia (rickets in children)
Lacosamide Vigabatrin
and osteoporosis. It is reasonable to advise taking
calcium and vitamin D supplements.
Table 7.8

Useful clinical notes

persists for several days following the withdrawal of
AEDs that are carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
the enzyme inducer drug.
Avoid concomitant administration of carbonic anhydrase
Useful clinical notes inhibitors because of the increased risk of:
For AEDs that are eliminated renally (Table 7.8), either
completely unchanged (e.g. gabapentin, pregabalin
exposure to warm environments
and vigabatrin) or mainly unchanged (e.g. lacosamide,
levetiracetam and topiramate), the pharmacokinetic
Do not use them with anticholinergic drugs or a keto-
variability is small and usually predictable. However, the genic diet.
dose-dependent absorption of gabapentin increases Diseases or therapies that predispose to acidosis, such
its pharmacokinetic variability. Interactions with other as renal disease, severe respiratory disorders, status
drugs can affect their plasma concentration markedly, epilepticus, diarrhoea, surgery, ketogenic diet or certain
and individual factors such as age, pregnancy and renal drugs, may add to the bicarbonate-lowering effects of
function will contribute to the pharmacokinetic variability carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
of all renally eliminated AEDs. Manifestations of acute or chronic metabolic acidosis
may include hyperventilation, non-specific symptoms
If the affected drug has an active metabolite the
impact of an inducer may be reduced, but this
including cardiac arrhythmias or stupor.
depends on the subsequent metabolism of the
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 181

Hepatic enzyme inhibition usually occurs because of

competition at the enzyme site.
Useful clinical notes
In enzyme inhibition, the added drug inhibits or Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
blocks drug-metabolising enzymes, which in turn interactions as exemplified by lamotrigine
decreases the rate of metabolism of the other drug, Lamotrigine demands significant clinical attention in
causing higher plasma concentrations.
polytherapy, hormonal contraception and pregnancy.
Lamotrigine is metabolised predominantly in the liver
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
by glucuronic acid conjugation. The major metabolite is
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Table 7.7) reduce uri-
an inactive 2-N-glucuronide conjugate. UGT1A4 is the
nary citrate excretion and increase urinary pH. They
major enzyme responsible for N-glucuronidation of lamo-
need particular attention in clinical practice because they
trigine. Lamotrigine is a weak UGT enzyme inducer.
may induce hyperchloraemic, non-anion gap, metabolic
Lamotrigine dose and titration schemes are different
acidosis (i.e. decreased plasma bicarbonate below the
normal reference range in the absence of respiratory in co-medication with valproate or enzyme inducers.

alkalosis). Chronic, untreated metabolic acidosis may: The reason for this is that valproate is a potent inhibitor

t increase the risk of nephrolithiasis or nephro- of UGT-dependent metabolism of lamotrigine, whereas

calcinosis enzyme-inducer AEDs are potent inducers of UGT-

t result in osteomalacia (rickets in children) and/or dependent metabolism of lamotrigine.

osteoporosis with an increased risk for fractures Lamotrigine undergoes important changes in

t reduce growth rates in children and eventually conjunction with initiation or withdrawal of hormonal

decrease the maximal height achieved. contraception and before, during and after pregnancy.

The effect of topiramate and zonisamide on growth The reason for this is that pregnancy and hormonal

and bone-related sequelae is unknown and has not contraception significantly lower (by more than half)

been systematically investigated. lamotrigine levels. Patients may suffer breakthrough

seizures mainly during the first trimester of pregnancy (if
Pharmacodynamics lamotrigine levels are not corrected) or have toxic effects
Pharmacodynamics refers to the biochemical and post partum (if lamotrigine levels had been adjusted
physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms during pregnancy but not after delivery).50
of action. They may be additive, synergistic or Lamotrigine also has significant pharmacodynamic inter-
antagonistic. They may be beneficial, detrimental or actions with valproate that are beneficial (increased thera-
both, as exemplified by lamotrigine combined with peutic efficacy),51 although they may also be detrimental as
valproate (increased therapeutic efficacy but also result of an increased risk of ADRs52 and teratogenicity.53
increased risk of ADRs and teratogenicity).
Mechanisms of action
Drug–drug interactions Mechanisms of action vary significantly among
These refer to phamacokinetic and pharmacodynamic AEDs (Table 7.9)54–57 and they have not been fully
changes that occur through concomitant use of drugs elucidated for most of them. The main mechanisms
(Table 7.6). They are frequent causes of therapeutic of action of the available AEDs are thought to be:
failures and ADRs. Most AEDs are associated with a t blockade of voltage-dependent ion channels (K+,
wide range of drug interactions, including hepatic Na+ and Ca2+ channels)
enzyme induction and inhibition, and protein-binding t increasing the activity of the inhibitory GABA-
displacement. Anticipation of induction or inhibition ergic system
interactions and careful clinical monitoring may t decreasing the activity of the excitatory glutamat-
alleviate potential problems. Occasionally, drug–drug ergic system.
interactions may be beneficial (increased effectiveness, The mechanism of action of levetiracetam – modu-
reduced risk of unwanted adverse reactions or both). lating the function of the synaptic vesicle 2A protein
182 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

AEDs: main mechanisms of actions

Blocking voltage-dependent Na+ channels (Na+)

Multiple, mainly or including blocking voltage-dependent Na+ channels
t 1IFOPCBSCJUBM Na+, Ca2+, 'GABA, glutamate)
t 5PQJSBNBUF Na+, Ca2+, 'GABA, glutamate)
t 7BMQSPBUF Na+, Ca2+, 'GABA, glutamate)
t ;POJTBNJEF Na+, Ca2+)
Increasing GABA inhibition ('GABA)
t $MPCB[BN ("#"A)
t $MPOB[FQBN ("#"A)


Blocking T-type Ca2+ channels (Ca2+)
Modifying Ca2+ channels and neurotransmitter release
Novel: binding to synaptic vesicle protein SV2A
Novel: (1) selectively enhancing slow inactivation voltage-gated Na+ channels; (2) may be binding to collapsin
response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2)*

Table 7.9 Based on data taken from the SmPCs3–19 and PIs (see Useful Information on page 173) and references.54–57
*More recent experiments did not confirm binding of lacosamide with CRMP-2.

(SV2A) – is likely to be distinct from that of all other titration may mean more seizures (which may also
AEDs58. Lacosamide also has novel mechanisms of be hazardous) and be more difficult for patients to
action (see Figure 7.1 and page 184). follow (compliance may be lessened). Starting with
In clinical practice, knowledge about the mechanism of small doses and a slow titration rate is mandated
action is significant particularly in the treatment of seiz- for lamotrigine (increased risk of skin rash) and
ure types with known pathophysiology; for example, pri- topiramate (increased risk of cognitive impairment),
marily GABA-ergic AEDs such as tiagabine and vigabatrin which need 6–8 weeks in order to reach reasonable
are contraindicated in absence seizures that are facilitated therapeutic levels. It is of less concern in others, such
by GABAB activation. Furthermore, in polytherapy, as gabapentin and levetiracetam (Table 7.10)
combining AEDs with the same action is ill-advised
because their combination is unlikely to have a better Need for less laboratory testing
success and more likely to have additive ADRs.59,60 and other monitoring (Table 7.11)
Patients on AEDs may need laboratory testing and
Need for as little titration as possible other monitoring for: (1) the detection of ADRs
AEDs of fast titration should have priority over associated with certain AEDs, such as oxcarbazepine
those demanding slower titration (Table 7.10). Slow or valproate; and (2) therapeutic drug monitoring
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 183

Titration of AEDs: the recommendation of ‘start low and go slow’ is AED dependent

AEDs that do not need slow titration; AEDs that need very slow titration
the first dose may be therapeutic7,10 of 6–8 weeks to reach therapeutic dose9,12,16
Gabapentin* Lamotrigine
Levetiracetam* Phenobarbital

Table 7.10 All other AEDs need slow titration of approximately 4 weeks. *Results from studies on adjunctive therapy.7,10 †Slow
titration may be needed when used as adjunctive therapy.10

Need for laboratory testing and TDM

Minimal Maximal
Clobazam Carbamazepine (haematological toxicity, hyponatraemia, TDM)
Clonazepam Lamotrigine (idiosyncratic reactions, TDM)
Gabapentin Oxcarbazepine (hyponatraemia)
Lacosamide Phenytoin (haematological and liver toxicity, TDM)
Levetiracetam Topiramate (metabolic acidosis, TDM)
Pregabalin Valproate (hepatotoxicity)
Tiagabine Zonisamide (metabolic acidosis, TDM)

Table 7.11 TDM, therapeutic drug monitoring.

(TDM), as for lamotrigine in pregnancy and hormonal oxcarbazepine. In large doses, some AEDs may need
contraception, and carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, to be given three times daily to avoid ADRs associated
lamotrigine, topiramate and zonisamide in co-medi- with high peak plasma concentrations.
cation when polytherapy is needed or for co-morbid Patient-friendly formulations are particularly impor-
disorders. More laboratory testing may also mean less tant for children or adults who may have difficulties in
compliance, more expense and more uncomfortable swallowing tablets or capsules, some of which may be
situations for patients. very large.
Parenteral formulations are significant when oral
Frequency of administration administration is temporarily not feasible (Table
and ease of use 15.3). Levetiracetam and lacosamide are the only
AEDs that need dosing more than twice a day are not newer AEDs with oral and parenteral formulations.
practical for patient use and may lessen compliance.
The frequency of administration is often determined by Useful clinical note
the plasma half-life. Most AEDs are given twice daily.
Phenytoin and phenobarbital are the more advan- Dosing of AEDs in children
tageous, needing one dose per day before sleep. Doses Young children metabolise AEDs more rapidly than
three-times per day may be needed for gabapentin BEVMUTBOEUIFSFGPSFSFRVJSFNPSFGSFRVFOUEPTJOHBOEB
and sometimes for carbamazepine, pregabalin and higher amount per kilogram of body weight.
184 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Cost of treatment trials that evaluated the efficacy, safety and tolerability
Cost is often a significant factor, particularly in of lacosamide (200, 400 and 600 mg/day given in
resource-poor countries and when medication is two divided doses) in a total of over 1300 adults with
not freely provided by national health systems or uncontrolled focal seizures. Patients in these trials
personal health insurance. All newer AEDs are very were taking at least one to three AEDs and many of
expensive in relation to older generation AEDs. the patients had previously tried at least seven AEDs.
Across these studies significantly greater than 50%
responder rates and reductions in median seizure
Newest generation AEDs frequency were seen versus placebo. Lacosamide was
also generally well tolerated with the most common
licensed in the treatment of
adverse events of lacosamide (10% and greater than
focal epilepsies: lacosamide placebo) reported in these trials including dizziness,
and eslicarbazepine nausea, diplopia and headache.61
Lacosamide selectively enhances slow inactivation
Despite the explosion of new therapeutic options in the of voltage-gated sodium channels, resulting in
last 15 years, there is still a great need for new AEDs stabilisation of hyperexcitable physiological neuronal
for improving seizure control and the quality of life of excitability (Figure 7.1). In addition, it may bind with
patients with treatment-resistant epilepsies. collapsin response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2), a
Lacosamide (Vimpat®) is the first of the newest AEDs protein mainly expressed in the central nervous system
to be licensed for prescribing this year by the EMEA and involved in neuronal differentiation and axonal
and FDA. Lacosamide is indicated for the adjunctive outgrowth.61
treatment of focal seizures with or without secondarily The evidence so far is that lacosamide has proven
generalised tonic–clonic seizures in patients with efficacy and long retention rates in difficult to treat
epilepsy aged 16 years (17 years in the USA) and patients.61 It is particularly important in adjunctive
older.8 The indication has been granted for the oral AED therapy because of minimal drug to drug
tablet, oral syrup and intravenous formulations.8 interactions, good safety and tolerability, parenteral
This decision is supported by data from three formulations and novel mechanism/s of action
multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical different than any other AED co-medication.61

Mechanism of action of lacosamide

A. Activation gate B. C. D.

Inactivation gate

Figure 7.1 (A) Voltage gated sodium channel (B) activated VGSC (C) traditional fast inactivation as with most
AEDs and (D) slow inactivation as with lacosamide.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 185

Eslicarbazepine (Exalief® and Zebinix®) acetate, a determined by how long before the onset of treatment
derivative of carbamazepine, is the second AED a diagnosis of seizures has been established.
licensed this year (April 2009) by the EMEA (it is not ‘Newly diagnosed epilepsy’ is not synonymous with
yet approved by FDA) as adjunctive therapy in adults ‘new-onset epilepsy’ with which it is incorrectly
(≥ 18 years of age) with focal seizures with or without equated. Many patients have onset of seizures several
secondarily GTCS. It was developed with the intention years before seeking medical attention.
to have no auto-induction and less interaction potential
with other drugs than its parent drug carbamazepine by The management of patients with newly diagnosed
preventing the formation of toxic epoxide metabolites epilepsy demands a precise diagnosis of both seizures
such as carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide. However, this and syndrome. Unifying them as a single thera-
promise does not appear to have been fulfilled because peutic category62 discourages diagnostic precision
eslicarbazepine acetate is associated with significant and encourages the use of inappropriate AED trial
interactions with drugs eliminated by metabolism strategies (see Table 7.1).
through CYP3A4 (carbamazepine, phenytoin,
Starting AED treatment
phenobarbital, topiramate) or conjugation through the
in newly diagnosed epilepsy
UDP-glucuronyltransferases (lamotrigine) and with
The decision to start AED treatment needs to be
oral hormonal contraception. Such interactions make
thoroughly considered. It should not be a knee-
the use of an AED problematic in adjunctive therapy
jerk reaction to a crisis about a dramatic convulsive
and particularly when taken concomitantly with drugs
event that may not even be an epileptic seizure.
of the same mechanism of action (carbamazepine,
Starting an AED often implies continuous daily
lamotrigine, phenytoin). Of benefit is that the rate of
medication for many years, which is sometimes
rash (1.1%) and hyponatraemia (less than 1%) with
life-long. Therefore, this should be strictly initiated
eslicarbazepine acetate is less than with carbamazepine
in those with an unacceptably high rate of seizure
and oxcarbazepine.
recurrence or high risk of seizure injury. Some
patients do not need prophylactic treatment, as
in febrile and benign childhood focal seizures. In
Newly diagnosed epilepsy
others the avoidance of precipitating factors may be
‘Newly diagnosed epilepsy’ (or newly identified sufficiently prophylactic, as in some reflex seizures
epilepsy) is a general term for encompassing all or in individuals with a low threshold to seizures.
types of epilepsy that are newly identified and firmly For those in need of prophylactic treatment, the
diagnosed by physicians irrespective of cause and first-choice AED should primarily be in accordance
prognosis. It includes any patient of any age with with the seizure type (Table 7.1). AEDs beneficial
any form of seizure who seeks medical attention for for focal epilepsy may be detrimental for IGEs
the first time because of paroxysmal events that are (Table 7.1). Even among IGEs, an AED beneficial
diagnosed as epileptic seizures. Newly diagnosed in one type may be ineffective or aggravate another
epilepsy is not a diagnostic or therapeutic entity. Its seizure type (Table 7.1).
purpose should be to emphasise that these patients Before starting prophylactic anti-epileptic medi-
require meticulous medical support with regard cation in a patient with newly diagnosed seizures, a
to diagnosis and treatment, which is thoroughly physician should be confident of the following:
demanding. At this stage of first confirmation of 1. The patient unequivocally has epileptic seizures.
diagnosis, medical decisions may affect the rest of This requires definite exclusion of any imitators of
the patient’s life and often the lives of their families. epileptic seizures.
Social and psychological support for the impact that 2. The epileptic seizures of the patient need treatment.
such a diagnosis may have is a significant aspect of This requires precise diagnosis of the epileptic
proper management. AED efficacy and ADRs are not syndrome and the type of seizures, their frequency
186 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and severity, their likelihood of relapse or

Useful clinical notes
remission, precipitating factors and the patient/
family concerns and understanding of the risks Steps from titration to maintenance AED dose
versus benefits of the AED. Hard and fast rules are t &YQMBJOBOEHJWFJOXSJUJOHUIFSFDPNNFOEFEEPTFUP
not always applicable. be used and the rate of escalation of the AED.
3. The most appropriate AED is selected for this t "MMPXUIFQBUJFOUUPTFMGSFHVMBUFUIFSBUFPGEPTFBOE
particular patient with this particular type of seizure(s). time escalation in terms of both the dose of and the
The appropriate AED is that which is the most time intervals for taking the AED.
likely of all others to be truly prophylactic as mono- t 5IF mSTU EPTF UFTU EPTF
therapy (single-drug treatment) for the seizures of before sleep. If ADRs cause significant discomfort the
the patient without causing undue ADRs (Tables 7.1 test dose should be decreased to half and tried again
and 7.2). Carefully consider and exclude AEDs that the next night.
may worsen or be ineffective in this particular type t 5IF QBUJFOU TIPVME CF BU MJCFSUZ UP QSPMPOH UIF
of seizures. escalation time and reduce the escalation dose to suit
An AED is contraindicated not only when it exaggerates his or her own reaction to the AED.
seizures, but also when it is ineffective in controlling t 8BSO UIBU BOZ UZQF PG JEJPTZODSBUJD SFBDUJPOT TVDI
the seizures that it is supposed to treat. It may cause as rash (even if mild) should be reported immediately
unnecessary ADRs and deprive the patient of the so as to prevent more serious and sometimes life-
therapeutic effect that could be provided by another threatening events.
are usually dose related and should not discourage
4. The starting dose and titration of the selected
escalation unless they interfere with the patient’s daily
drug should be in accordance with the appropriate
recommendations, the age and, primarily, the par-
ticular needs of the treated patient.
escalation, this should be the maintenance dose
All these should be thoroughly explained to the
(irrespective of whether this is smaller than the
patient/guardian and it should be ensured that this
recommended dose).
is well understood.
The following should also be taken into considera-
tion in deciding how to start and escalate the selected
AED: Monotherapy
t patients, particularly with newly identified Patients should be treated with a single AED (mono-
epilepsy, respond to their first-ever AED at low therapy) because of better efficacy, minimisation of
dosage and are prone to develop ADRs (biolog- ADRs and drug interactions, and improved compliance.
ical, cognitive or behavioural), which in 15% of Monotherapy with an appropriately selected AED at an
them lead to AED discontinuation appropriate target dose achieves complete control of
t some patients develop ADRs easily even at an seizures in 50–70% of patients. In one study, almost half
AED dose below the minimal limit of the target the newly diagnosed patients of any type (symptomatic
(therapeutic) range, whereas others are resistant or idiopathic) became seizure free on their first-ever
to AEDs even at the maximum limit of the target AED, with more than 90% doing so at modest dosing.63
range If seizures continue, titrating to the limit of tolerability
t even for patients with the same type of seizures will achieve additional seizure control in about 20% of
and the same AED, seizure control may be patients, but be aware of the increased risk of ADRs.
achieved with a drug concentration below, within The selected AED should be considered as a failure
or above the target range. if unacceptable ADRs occur, seizures continue or
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 187

new treatment-emergent seizures appear. In any of continuing disturbing myoclonic jerks or small doses
these events, another AED that fulfils therapeutic of lamotrigine for continuing serious absences may be
expectations for success should be initiated. The more beneficial than increasing the dose of valproate.
first AED should be gradually withdrawn so as to Rational polytherapy is often needed for 30–50% of
re-establish monotherapy. Switching between AEDs patients who are unsatisfactorily controlled with a single
must be carried out cautiously, slowly withdrawing AED. This is much higher in patients with symptomatic
the first drug only after the second drug has reached focal epilepsies than in patients with IGEs. A recent study
an adequate therapeutic dosage. showed that the chance to become seizure free declines
by 75% after every 3 lifetime used AEDs, leaving up
Important practical note to 16.6% of patients uncontrolled after failure of three
previous AEDs.64 Similarly, the chance to be a 50%
Non-compliance or failing to understand and follow responder also declines by 50% after every 2 lifetime
the instructions for AED treatment is a major cause of used AEDs.64 Almost all epileptic encephalopathies
therapeutic failure. This can often be improved with the require polytherapy. Initially, a second drug is added to
use of AED-dispenser systems, which are widely available the agent, which showed better efficacy and tolerability
through pharmacies. These usually come in small boxes in monotherapy. The choice of a second or sometimes
for a weekly or longer supply of each individual patient’s a third drug depends on many factors such as efficacy,
tablets or capsules to be taken at the time and date ADRs, interactions with other drugs, mode of action
shown. These are useful even for patients who comply and the need for laboratory testing (Table 7.3).
well, but who often may be uncertain whether or not The addition of an AED to other AEDs that have
they have taken their medication. partially or totally failed or have made the situation
worse is a formidable task for a physician, especially
when faced with a disappointed and frustrated
Rational polytherapy patient. Polytherapy with more than three drugs is
discouraged because adverse reactions become more
Polytherapy (combination, adjunctive or ‘add-on’ ther- prominent, with little if any seizure improvement.
apy) should be considered only when attempts at Polytherapy can be irrational and hazardous if a diag-
monotherapy with an AED have not resulted in nosis is incorrect and AED indications/contraindications
freedom from seizures. If trials of combination ther- are violated.
apy do not bring about worthwhile benefits, treat- The decision for polytherapy should first scrutinise
ment should revert to the regimen (monotherapy the possible/probable reasons why the monotherapy
or polytherapy) that has proved most acceptable to failed. These should thoroughly examine the follow-
the patient in terms of providing the best balance ing possibilities, which often require re-evaluation
between effectiveness in reducing seizure frequency of diagnosis (genuine epileptic seizures? what type
and the tolerability of ADRs. of seizures?):
The risks of polytherapy include t the patient does not suffer from epileptic seizures
t more ADRs t the patient has both genuine epileptic and non-
t frequent unwanted interactions with other drugs, epileptic seizures
t an increased risk of teratogenicity, t the patient has focal and no generalised seizures
t inability to evaluate the efficacy and ADRs of or vice versa
individual AED agents, and t the AED used as monotherapy was not suitable for
t poor compliance. the particular type of seizures in this patient because
However, polytherapy is infrequently more desir- of contraindications (tiagabine or carbamazepine in
able than monotherapy; for example, in JME patients absences or myoclonic jerks, and lamotrigine in
on valproate, adding small doses of clonazepam for myoclonic epilepsies), weak efficacy (valproate or
188 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

gabapentin in focal seizures) or total ineffectiveness channel blocker AED combined with another that
(gabapentin in primarily GTCSs) increases the GABA-ergic neurotransmission or
t non-compliance, which varies from unwillingness that has multiple mechanisms is generally more
to take medication to occasionally forgetting or effective than a combination of two sodium channel
missing the AED dose; violation of particularly blockers.66 An AED is unlikely to have better success
eminent seizure-precipitating factors such as photic and more likely to have additive ADRs if added to
stimulation, sleep deprivation and alcohol or drug another AED with the same mechanism of action.66
abuse. Lacosamide and levetiracetam appear to have novel
The ideal profile of an AED for polytherapeutic modes of action.61,67
purposes includes all the factors that are important
for monotherapy (Table 7.3), but with particular Converting from
emphasis on the following points. polytherapy to monotherapy
Strength of efficacy which may be increased or Evidence from studies with older and newer AEDs
weakened by pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- shows that a significant number of patients can be
dynamic interactions. converted successfully from polytherapy to mono-
Safety and tolerability (Table 7.2), which are often therapy without losing seizure control and, in
worsened by pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- some cases, with improved seizure control. In these
dynamic interactions. cases the AED that appears, after careful considera-
Interactions with other AEDs, whether pharmacokinetic, tion, to be the least effective is gradually withdrawn.
pharmacodynamic or both, are particularly unwanted ‘Gradually’ sometimes means in steps of weeks or
in polytherapy (Tables 7.6 and 7.7). Raising the months. This should be particularly slow for certain
levels of concomitant AEDs and pharmacodynamic AEDs, such as phenobarbital and benzodiazepines,
interactions may lead to toxic effects. Conversely, in order to avoid withdrawal seizures.
decreasing their levels may increase and worsen sei-
zures causing a vicious cycle in clinical management.
With the exception of lacosamide, levetiracetam and
Total AED withdrawal
gabapentin, all other newer AEDs exhibit sometimes Consideration of total withdrawal of AEDs is needed
complex, undesirable, drug–drug interactions. Of in the following patients:
the newer AEDs, lamotrigine is probably the worst t patients who do not suffer from epileptic seizures
of all. Lamotrigine: t patients suffering from age-related and age-
t requires different dosage and titration schemes limited epileptic syndromes who have reached
when combined with hepatic enzyme inducers an appropriate age of remission
and when combined with valproate t patients who are seizure free for more than
t pharmacodynamic interactions enhance toxicity 3–5 years, provided that they do not suffer
and teratogenicity (although pharmacodynamic from epileptic syndromes requiring long-term
interactions have a beneficial effect on efficacy) treatment such as JME.
t its levels lower more than half during pregnancy Discontinuation of AEDs should be extremely
or hormonal contraception. slow, in small doses and in long steps of weeks or
Different mechanisms of action in relation to other months. The rate of relapse increases with a faster
concurrent AEDs (Table 7.8). Anti-epileptic drug–drug rate of AED discontinuation. Furthermore, with fast
interactions may be purely additive, antagonistic discontinuation of AEDs there is a risk of seizures
or synergistic. AEDs with the same mechanism that are directly related to the withdrawal effects of
of action would be expected to be additive, while certain AEDs (phenobarbital and benzodiazepines).
combining AEDs with different mechanisms of Before AED withdrawal, there is a need for a
action may have synergistic effects.65 A sodium thorough re-evaluation of the patient. The presence
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 189

of even minor and infrequent seizures specifies active development lifeline of a drug and can encompass a
disease. Conversely, the occurrence of such seizures wide range of claims. Exclusivity is a term describing
in the process of AED discontinuation mandates marketing rights granted upon approval of a drug and
restoration of AED medication. can run concurrently with a patent or not. Exclusivity
Over-medication in terms of the number of AEDs was designed to promote a balance between new
and doses and length of exposure is undesirable but drug innovation and generic drug competition.
common. Treatment should be reviewed at regular Generic AEDs are usually introduced after patents and
intervals to ensure that patients are not maintained exclusivity have been expired with the single aim to
for long periods on drugs that are ineffective, poorly reduce the cost of the medication.
tolerated or not needed, and that concordance with There is considerable concern amongst physicians
prescribed medication is maintained. and patients about the efficacy and safety of brand to
generic AED substitution or vice versa and also from one
A normal EEG does not mean that AED withdrawal is
to another generic drug of different manufacturers.68–76
safe. Conversely, ictal EEG abnormalities associated
These concerns have been reasonably raised
with clinical manifestations (e.g. jerks or absences) is a
because of well documented breakthrough seizures,
definite indicator for continuing proper AED treatment.
emergency treated epilepsy-events and toxicity as
a result of such substitutions. These unwanted and
preventable adverse effects are well documented from
Generic versus brand or the time of Epanutin® to phenytoin77 and Mysoline®
generic to generic AED to primidone substitutions.
Substitution from one to another AED of the
same active substance is safe only when these are
A patient who is stabilised with an AED in terms of of therapeutic equivalence: “Drug products are
seizure control and minimal ADRs should remain in the considered to be therapeutic equivalents … if they
same brand or the particular generic product, which are can be expected to have the same clinical effect
not interchangeable without risks. and safety profile when administered to patients
under the conditions specified in the labeling.”
When an AED is first prescribed, this can be a brand
However, even when the generic product is from a
or a generic product providing that the latter has
reliable source (something that is beyond the role of
been truly tested in regard to the credibility of its
prescribing physicians) there may be problems with
manufacturers and bioequivalence with the brand
their therapeutic equivalence particularly in terms of
product. Titration and maintenance should be with
bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profiles.
the same AED product.
AEDs are particularly vulnerable in these changes,
It is unreasonable to switch from one to another AED, either because most have a narrow reference concentration
from an expensive branded AED to a cheaper bioequivalent index between drug levels that are therapeutic and
generic product or vice versa. It is unnecessary and may those that may cause ADRs.
impose significant risk to the patient. It is because of these problems that formal
When such substitution is attempted the patient recommendations worldwide uniformly warn
should be well informed of possible consequences, against such substitutions of AEDs (see citations in
such as seizure relapse or ADRs. reference):69
Prescriptions should clearly indicate the type of AED “Changing the formulation or brand of any AED
formulation to be used even for generic products. is not recommended because different preparations
AEDs are first licensed and used with their brand may vary in bioavailability or have different
name and this is protected by granted patents and pharmacokinetic profiles and, thus, increased
exclusivity. Patents are granted anywhere along the potential for reduced effect or excessive side-
190 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

effects.” (National Institute for Health and Clinical Clinicians need advice – they always have, but with
Excellence-UK).2 the multiplicity of therapies now available, this need
“For AEDs, small variations in concentrations between is pressing.79
name-brands and their generic equivalents can cause Recommendations and guidelines should be clear
toxic effects and/or seizures when taken by patients with for each AED: what priority and for what type
epilepsy. The AAN believes that the authorities should of seizures they are effective, potentially useful,
give complete physician autonomy in prescribing ineffective, contraindicated or harmful. Ideally, these
AEDs.” (American Academy of Neurology).75 recommendations should be based on unequivocal
In regard to the implications of changing AED documentation but often this is limited to probable,
formulations for TDM the recent ILAE position possible or purely anecdotal evidence.
paper recommends:78
(a) When an AED formulation is changed, e.g., when Evidence-based recommendations
switching to/from generic formulations, measuring Evidence-based medicine (EBM),80,81 which was
the plasma concentration of the AED before and introduced in 1991, is a welcome healthcare practice
after the change may help in identifying potential that is based on integrating the knowledge gained
alterations in steady-state drug concentrations from the best available research evidence and clinical
resulting from differences in bioavailability. expertise with patients’ values and circumstances.
(b) When patients are switched to a formulation with EBM is defined as ‘the conscientious, explicit, and
modified-release characteristics (for example, judicious use of current best evidence in making
from an immediate-release to a sustained-release decisions about the care of individual patients’ and
formulations), or when dosing schedule is the practice of EBM means ‘integrating individual
changed (for example, from twice daily to once clinical expertise with the best available external
daily administration), interpretation of TDM clinical evidence from systematic research’.80
data should also take into account the expected In therapy, EBM aims to treat patients according to
variation in diurnal drug concentration profile. the best available evidence and its purpose is to protect
In some instances, collection of two or more patients from treatments based on untested ideas.
blood samples at different intervals after drug The way to test which treatment is best is usually by
intake may be desirable to fully assess the appropriate RCTs, which are typically double-blind. In
concentration profile change. many instances when solid evidence is lacking or not
directly applicable to a given patient, EBM endorses
lower levels of evidence (e.g. ongoing importance of
Evidence for AED fundamental clinical skills, sound clinical reasoning,
treatment recommendations accumulated experience and common sense).
Problems with RCTs include:
in clinical practice t bad quality; the Consolidated Standards for
In clinical practice a physician faces a colossal task not Reporting of Trials (CONSERT) statement was
only to make the correct diagnosis for a patient but developed in an attempt to combat this problem
also to correctly identify which is the best AED option t designs for regulatory purposes and of no clinical
for both the patient and their particular type of seizure relevance
and syndrome. However, such judgement requires t their high cost, which often makes RCTs unap-
huge, extensive, continually updated and multilevel proachable or limited
knowledge, which even expert clinical epileptologists t their misuse by special interest groups.81
may not have. Therefore, it is fundamental for Approximately a fifth of drugs approved by regulatory
physicians to be informed about the best existing authorities are subsequently withdrawn due to post-
evidence for AED treatment in clinical practice. marketing evidence of imposing health risk.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 191

The results of EBM often clash with the agenda of of them is regarded as the single drug of choice for
special interest groups… We need to alert clinicians all patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy’62 despite
and patients to studies showing that reviews sponsored established documentation that these are two different
by the industry almost always favour the sponsor’s AEDs with different indications and contraindications
product, whereas those that aren’t sponsored by such in partial and generalised epilepsies.
companies do not. We also need to provide patients Another, more recent RCT unifies all patients
and the general public with the tools to enable them to (normal or neurodevelopmentally impaired children,
understand and evaluate systematic reviews.81 women, men and elderly) with all types of seizures.
The problems with RCTs in epilepsies are similar to The physician’s intention to treat with carbamazepine
those of other treatments and I quote protagonists or valproate is the only differentiating question in
of RCTs: the quest of what is the best AED treatment.84
We have also seen some disasters. Numerous RCTs
These studies are almost always sponsored by the
showed that vigabatrin was a relatively safe drug
pharmaceutical company that manufactures the newer
with a relatively benign adverse-effect profile. A RCT
drug, and almost always conclude that the newer drug
in 1999 found vigabatrin ‘less effective but better
is equally as effective but better tolerated than the
tolerated than carbamazepine in patients with partial
established drug.82
epilepsies’.86 This was 2 years after the first report
Unfortunately, methodological problems, including small of vigabatrin-emergent irreversible peripheral visual
sample size, questionable selection of patients, titration field defects,87 which occur in 40% of the patients
schedules, dose and dose form, and short duration of receiving vigabatrin and ended its use in epilepsies
study, have limited the acceptance of the results.82 other than the West syndrome.
Rating classification schemes for RCTs have the sole These issues with RCTs may compromise purely
purpose of eliminating bias in studies. They do not evidence-based recommendations88 and for multiple
address whether the study results are clinically valid.83 reasons there are significant difficulties in extrapo-
lating data from RCTs to clinical practice.89 This is
Results were potentially confounded by errors in seizure
well reflected in the discrepancies between guidelines
classification and failure to measure seizures other than
derived from the same data.79,90 Partly as a result, such
tonic clonic during follow-up.84
influential recommendations may mislead physicians
Misclassification of patients may have confounded the in the appropriate use of newer AEDs and inadvertently
results… The age distribution of adults classified as having perpetuate suboptimal practice in new clinical trials.
generalized seizures indicated that significant numbers of
One striking result of the increasing plethora of guide-
patients may have had their seizures misclassified.85
lines is the apparent paradox that recommendations
Diagnostic uncertainties and methodological pres- differ from one guideline to another, although each
sures confound the analysis of these studies. usually purports to use the same evidence base and to
The school of clinical epileptology that I follow may exhibit scientific objectivity.79
find some RCTs unacceptable both in their methodology
and in their proposals on the use of AEDs in clinical Furthermore, in some of these formal recom-
practice for the principal reason that they examine mendations there is a conspicuous bias in favour of
AED response in a unified definition of ‘epilepsy’ the newer AEDs. A formal guideline emphasises that:
irrespective of the type of epileptic seizures or patient The older AEDs as a class have complex pharmaco-
group. Children’s epilepsies and management differ kinetics. Four of the six AEDs available prior to
from adults in many respects. Women of childbearing 1990 (phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital and
age mandate a different approach. primidone) are hepatic enzyme inducers. Induction not
One RCT62 promotes the detrimental, indiscriminate only complicates combination AED therapy but also
use of carbamazepine and valproate because ‘neither changes internal hormonal milieu in possibly important
192 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

ways. Intrinsic compounds, such as sex steroids and optimal therapy can differ in different syndromes and
vitamin D, are hypermetabolised. This can lead to in different clinical settings.
reproductive dysfunction and osteopenia. Enzyme- On medicolegal aspects Shorvon also emphasises:79
inducing AEDs produce important interactions with
Guidelines are not regulations but often are treated as
many commonly used medications, such as warfarin,
oral contraceptives, calcium channel antagonists and
chemotherapeutic agents, to name a few. Valproate, in Tailoring therapy to individual patients, whether within
contrast, is a potent hepatic inhibitor. There is controversy or outwith a guideline recommendation, remains a
about the impact of valproate on the hormonal milieu prerogative that doctors should not sacrifice.
and inhibition leads to important drug interactions
with AEDs as well as other classes. The newer agents Poverty of reliable RCTs in epilepsies
are involved in many fewer drug interactions. Many of The 2006 ILAE report44 is the most authoritative
the newer agents have little if any effect on the CYP450 evidence-based review and analysis of the efficacy
enzyme system and other metabolic pathways.91 and effectiveness of AEDs as initial monotherapy
for epileptic seizures, although myoclonic seizures
However, such a generalisation, although correct if
have not been assessed. It also reviews evidence-
older and newer AEDs are considered as two different
based AED efficacy and effectiveness as initial
‘classes’, is inadequate without specifying that certain
monotherapy in JME, childhood absence epilepsy
newer AEDs have similar or even worse drug–drug
and rolandic epilepsy. The analysis applied a rating
interactions in comparison with certain older AEDs.
scale of evidence of class I (best) to class IV (worst)
Newer AEDs are not innocent. All newer AEDs but
to potentially relevant reports from 1940 until July
levetiracetam (characterised as ideal),92,93 lacosamide,
2005. The level of evidence for the conclusions was
pregabalin, and gabapentin sometimes exhibit
also graded from A (a high degree of reliability) to F
complex undesirable drug–drug interactions.
(a low degree of reliability).
A recent editorial by Simon Shorvon in Epilepsia – We
The ILAE report concluded that:
live in the age of the clinical guideline – should be read by
all physicians.79 It is the most objective, wise and brave It is clear that an alarming lack of well-designed, properly
paper published on these important issues as evident conducted epilepsy RCTs exist… the absence of rigorous
by the following extracts79 with which I fully agree: comprehensive adverse effects data makes it impossible to
develop an evidence-based guideline aimed at identifying
An avalanche of guidelines risks burying the clinician in a
the overall optimal recommended initial monotherapy
white snow of double-talk and humbug, and is not wholly
AED. There is an especially alarming lack of well-
in the best interests either of medicine or of patients.
designed, properly conducted RCTs for patients with
Political interference, personal ego and prejudice are generalized seizures/epilepsies and for children in general.
common in guideline committees. The majority of relevant existing RCTs have significant
Commercially funded systematic reviews are prone to methodologic problems that limit their applicability to
bias in favour of the sponsor and have been shown to this guideline’s clinically relevant main question.44
score badly on scientific validity. The following recommendations were made:
Other inherent limitations further reduce the practical Multicenter, multinational efforts are needed to design,
value of clinical guidelines. One (obvious) issue is the conduct and analyze future clinically relevant RCTs that
fact that knowledge advances: time is no friend to the can answer the many outstanding questions identified
clinical guideline. in this guideline. The ultimate choice of an AED for any
The blanket advice of many restrictive guidelines, individual patient with newly diagnosed or untreated
based on a limited number of RCTs that are narrow epilepsy should include consideration of the strength
in their scope, almost invariably ignores the fact that of the efficacy and effectiveness evidence for each
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 193

AED along with other variables such as the AED safety t expert physicians’ experiences of the clinical use
and tolerability profile, pharmacokinetic properties, of AEDs, which were obtained through critical
formulations, and expense. When selecting a patient’s discussions or personal correspondence with them
AED, physicians and patients should consider all relevant t pathophysiology of seizures and mechanisms of
variables and not just efficacy and effectiveness.44 actions in animal models as supportive rather
than conclusive evidence of clinical usefulness.
Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evidence
It is reassuring that important conclusions made in
alone and only for RCTs published before July 2005,
my previous publications proved to be correct, in
recommendations at levels A and B were possible for:
particular with respect to the following recommen-
t adults with newly diagnosed or untreated focal
seizures: carbamazepine (A), phenytoin (A) and
t valproate is the superior AED for generalised
valproate (B)
epilepsies but its use as monotherapy in focal
t children with newly diagnosed or untreated focal
epilepsies is unwise
seizures: oxcarbazepine (A)
t vigabatrin and tiagabine are pro-absence AEDs
t elderly with newly diagnosed or untreated focal
that induce rather than treat absence epilepsies
seizures: lamotrigine (A) and gabapentin (A) t gabapentin has the least efficacy of the newer
t adults with GTCSs: none has reached level A or B
AEDs in focal epilepsies and is ineffective in IGEs
t children with GTCSs: none has reached level A or B t pregabalin does not appear to have a promising
t children with absence seizures: none has reached profile as an AED
level A or B t lamotrigine may not be appropriate for mono-
t rolandic epilepsy: none has reached level A or B therapy in JME (it may aggravate myoclonic
t JME: none has reached level A or B. jerks), where its beneficial effect is mainly seen
when combined with valproate
Note t levetiracetam is a very effective broad-spectrum
newer AED in focal94 and generalised95 epilep-
Levetiracetam has not been considered in the above
sies; it is the only one of the newer AEDs licensed
recommendation because the relevant RCT of Brodie for myoclonic seizures of JME.
et al94 has only recently been published. The results
of this class 1 with A level of evidence RCT earned
levetiracetam approval as a first-line monotherapy in the Therapeutic drug monitoring
treatment of focal epilepsy.
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), in which
plasma concentrations of AEDs are measured, can
Evidence-based recommendations in
have a valuable role in guiding patient management
this book
provided that concentrations are measured with a
The recommendations made in this book are based
clear indication and are interpreted critically, taking
on a thorough review of the efficacy, tolerability,
into account the whole clinical context.78
safety and interactions, and other essential param-
eters involved in the choice of AEDs (Tables 7.3 and
Useful recommendation
7.12). The following sources were used:
t evidence-based reports, RCTs, reviews and expert The recent ILAE position paper of 200878 is a practice
assessments and guidelines of AED treatment in guideline for TDM and is highly recommended for further
children and adults reading and citations. It also provides pharmacokinetic
t post-marketing open studies, and observational details, interactions with other AEDs, and reference
and case reports that appeared in full papers or ranges for each AED and discusses the role of TDM in
abstract forms children and the elderly and during pregnancy.
194 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Pragmatic recommendations for AED treatment with older

and newer AEDs for epileptic seizures and main epileptic syndromes

Seizures/syndromes First-line AEDs* Second-line AEDs*

(in order of priority) (in order of priority)

Focal (simple Carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital Clobazam, valproate,

and complex) seizures Levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, Lacosamide, gabapentin,
with or without topiramate zonisamide, pregabalin, tiagabine
secondarily GTCSs
Primarily GTCSs only Valproate, phenobarbital, phenytoin Carbamazepine
Levetiracetam, lamotrigine, topiramate Oxcarbazepine
Myoclonic seizures only Clonazepam, valproate, phenobarbital Phenytoin, ethosuximide
Levetiracetam Topiramate, zonisamide
Absence seizures only Valproate, ethosuximide Clonazepam
(typical and atypical) Lamotrigine Levetiracetam, zonisamide, topiramate
Negative myoclonic and Ethosuxide, valproate Clonazepam
atonic seizures Levetiracetam Zonisamide, topiramate
Tonic seizures Valproate, phenytoin, phenobarbital Clonazepam, clobazam
Topiramate, lamotrigine Zonisamide
Benign childhood Carbamazepine, valproate, sulthiame,
focal seizures clobazam
and syndromes Levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine Gabapentin, lacosamide, zonisamide
All symptomatic and Carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital Clobazam, valproate
cryptogenic syndromes Levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, Lacosamide, gabapentin,
of focal epilepsies topiramate zonisamide, pregabalin, tiagabine
Childhood absence Ethosuxide, valproate Clonazepam
epilepsy Lamotrigine
Juvenile absence Valproate, ethosuximide Clonazepam
epilepsy Lamotrigine Levetiracetam, zonisamide, topiramate
Juvenile myoclonic Valproate, phenobarbital Clonazepam, ethosuximide
epilepsy Levetiracetam, topiramate Zonisamide, lamotrigine
Photosensitive and Valproate Clonazepam
other reflex seizures Levetiracetam Lamotrigine
Lennox–Gastaut Valproate Clobazam, clonazepam,
syndrome and other Lamotrigine, levetiracetam, rufinamide, ethosuximide, phenytoin
epileptic encephalopathies topiramide, zonisamide Felbamate, stiripentol (Dravet
(AEDs largely depend on syndrome only)
predominant seizure type)

Table 7.12 *Older AEDs are shown in roman; newer AEDs are shown in blue italics. The table is only indicative of AEDs to use
in each of the epileptic seizures or syndromes. Priority depends on AED properties, whether monotherapy or polytherapy is
used, and the needs of individual patients, as detailed in this book. In choosing an AED from this table, the order of priority
is between the first in the list of older or newer AEDs in the middle column.

Reference ranges which laboratories can quote The “reference range” of an AED is a statistical
and which clinicians can use as a guide are not standard of the AED concentration. It is derived
synonymous with therapeutic ranges.78 from population studies and indicates the level
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 195

at which most patients achieve optimal seizure

Useful practical note
control. It specifies a lower limit below which
a therapeutic response is relatively unlikely to TDM: rule of thumb for individual patients
occur, and an upper limit above which toxicity The level is ‘therapeutic’ when, and only when, the
is relatively likely to occur.78,95 Concentrations patient is free of seizures and free of ADRs regardless
lying within the reference range are not “normal” PGOVNCFSTJO5%.5IFEPTFPGBO"&%JTBEFRVBUFJG
because the “normal” concentration of a drug in a seizures are controlled and if ADRs are not present or
living organism is zero. these are mild. The dose is high if intolerable adverse
Reference range is the optimal drug concentration range reactions are present irrespective of seizure control.
at which most patients achieve the desired therapeutic
Routine TDM measures the total (free and protein-
effect with no undesirable side effects.
bound) plasma concentration of an AED in a blood
Reference range is a useful guideline, but effective sample. The values provided do not discriminate
AED maintenance dosing should be based between the amount of the protein bound drug and
mainly on clinical criteria because the inter- that which is free (unbound) and pharmacologically
patient variability is considerable. Many patients active.78 Thus, monitoring free plasma concentrations
can achieve therapeutic benefit at plasma drug is useful in clinical settings when protein binding
concentrations outside these ranges. Some patients is altered, such as in hypoalbuminemia (e.g. in
are well controlled below the low range-limit, pregnancy, in old age, and in liver disease, renal
whereas others achieve seizure freedom above disease, and many other pathological conditions),
the upper range-limit. Some patients are free in conditions associated with accumulation of
of adverse reactions even at ‘toxic’ target levels, endogenous displacing agents (e.g., uraemia), and
whereas others may develop adverse reactions that following administration of drugs which compete
are unacceptable for them at trough levels, which for plasma protein binding sites. Phenytoin and
are just measurable. Thus, concentrations lying valproate are highly protein-bound and consequently
within the reference range may not necessarily susceptible to variable binding.
be “therapeutic”, “effective”, or “optimal” and Saliva TDM is rarely used in clinical practice
therefore it is recommended that these adjectives because samples are often contaminated in the
not be used when reporting the results.78 The mouth, thereby making the results unreliable.
correct reporting terminology should be “The Advantages of saliva TDM of AEDs as an alternative
result lies within/above/below the reference to plasma TDM include:
range”.78 It is because of these reasons that the t collection is simple and non-invasive
term therapeutic range has been introduced. t it can be especially useful in patients with disabilities
The “therapeutic range” is defined as the range of and is preferred by children and their parents
drug concentrations that is associated with the t for most AEDs, measured concentrations
best achievable response in a given person, and reflect the free (pharmacologically relevant)
therefore can only be determined for the specific concentration in blood.
individual. Disadvantages of saliva TDM include:
t the difficulty in measuring concentrations that
Plasma and saliva TDM may be lower than total plasma concentration
Serum or plasma represents the matrix of t the possibility of contamination and unreliable
choice for TDM, and although they can be used results due to the presence of drug residues in
interchangeably it is preferable to use one or the the mouth or leakage of drug-rich exudate,
other.78 Saliva is a matrix of increasing utility, but particularly in patients with gingivitis. To
only for some AEDs. minimise contamination from drug residues,
196 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

saliva sampling is best done before the next dose comparisons to assess potential causes for a
and after a good wash of the mouth change in drug response, for example if seizures
AEDs for which there are substantial data suggesting recur, in pregnancy or in patients in need of
useful correlations between saliva concentrations and polytherapy or other medications
free plasma concentrations include carbamazepine, t for evaluating potential causes for lack or loss of
ethosuximide, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, efficacy
oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, primidone, topiramate, t for evaluating potential causes for toxicity
and vigabatrin. For drugs with pK values close to t to assess compliance, particularly in patients with
physiological pH (e.g., valproate and phenobarbital), uncontrolled seizures or breakthrough seizures
salivary concentrations can be highly variable or
t to guide dosage adjustment in situations associated
erratic; saliva TDM should not be used for these
with increased pharmacokinetic variability (e.g.,
children, the elderly, patients with associated
Clinical applications diseases, drug formulation changes) when a
Monitoring the plasma levels of AEDs is useful in potentially important pharmacokinetic change
clinical practice for maximising seizure control is anticipated (e.g., in pregnancy, or when an
and minimising adverse reactions, provided interacting drug is added or removed)
that it is selectively and appropriately used in t to guide dose adjustments for AEDs with dose-
response to a patient-specific pharmacokinetic or dependent pharmacokinetics, particularly
pharmacodynamic issue or problem.78,97,98 phenytoin.
Of the older AEDs, phenytoin, phenobarbital TDM is complicated in polytherapy because it is
and carbamazepine are more likely to necessitate unlikely that the reference range is the same when
TDM; valproate has a number of peculiarities and an AED is taken alone or in combination with other
variability. The usefulness of TDM has been initially AEDs; for example, the toxicity from carbamazepine
questioned for most of the newer AEDs because a or valproate appears at higher plasma levels when
wide range of plasma concentrations are associated these AEDs are used in monotherapy than when
with clinical efficacy and no useful or considerable they are used in combination.
overlap is reported between ‘concentration–effect’
and ‘concentration–toxicity’. This view has been
Useful clinical note
recently revised, particularly in women, because
plasma concentrations of some newer AEDs are Regularly repeating TDM in patients who are controlled
significantly influenced by hormonal contraception and with no sign of adverse reactions ‘just to make sure
and pregnancy (see forthcoming section of the that everything is ok’ is totally discouraged.
management of women with epilepsy). In co-
Trough AED plasma levels are important with regard to
medication also enzyme-inducers significantly affect
efficacy, whereas peak AED plasma levels are important
plasma levels of lamotrigine and topiramate levels.99
with regard to toxicity.
Current tentative reference ranges for each of the
In treatment with carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine,
newer AEDs have been reported and these are stated
diplopia is a sign of exceeding the drug dosage,
in the pharmacopoeia and in references.78,94,100
irrespective of TDM levels.
Solid evidence for the usefulness of TDM in improving
clinical outcome is scarce and debated.78,101
Time of sampling
In clinical practice TDM is recommended:78,100
t for establishing ‘baseline’ effective concentrations Sampling time and a meticulous dosage history
(therapeutic range) in patients who have is imperative for proper TDM utility in clinical
been successfully stabilised, enabling future practice.78
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 197

Sampling should be done at steady state, which occurs at Despite their significance, identifying ADRs is often
4–5 half-lives after starting treatment or a dose change. neglected because of time constraints, confounding
Half-life values and other pharmacokinetic parameters factors and the multiplicity of potential symptoms.
of AEDs can be found in the Pharmacopeia of this Patients may also be reluctant to report them or
book (Chapter 18) and in the recent ILAE position they may confuse them with a consequence of their
paper.78 Patient noncompliance within a period of illness.
3–4 half-lives before the blood sample is drawn can ADRs may be minor or severe, transient or
significantly affect the plasma concentration and cause progressive, reversible or irrevesrible, known,
misinterpretation of the result. Plasma concentration unknown or suspected. They vary significantly
may be underestimated when blood sampling is taken between AEDs and with dose, length of exposure,
before a drug steady-state plasma is reached. Conversely, individual susceptibility, age, sex and comorbitidies.
it may be overestimated when blood sampling is taken Emphasis is given to ADRs associated with use
before auto-induction of carbamazepine is complete.78 of older AEDs, though ADRs may also be highly
For AEDs with a long half-life (e.g. ethosuximide, significant with the use of newer AEDs. They
phenobarbital, phenytoin) timing is not important are more likely to occur with polytherapy than
because fluctuations in plasma concentration are monotherapy.
negligible in the course of a day; samples can be Patients, particularly with newly identified epilepsy,
collected at any time. are prone to develop ADRs (biological, cognitive or
For AEDs with a short half-life (e.g. carbamazepine, behavioural), which in 15% of cases lead to AED
gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, pregabalin, discontinuation. Some patients develop ADRs readily
topiramate, valproate) it is important to standardise
even at an AED dose below the minimal limit of the
sampling time in relation to dose. For these AEDs
reference (therapeutic) range, while others are resistant
it is recommended that blood samples are obtained
to ADRs even at the maximum limit of that range.
before the first dose when the concentration is at its
trough (which is useful for assessing ineffectiveness) ADRs may be very common (≥1/10 per patient
and/or at a time of expected peak concentrations exposed to an AED), common (≥1/100 to <1/10) or
(which is useful for assessing toxicity). uncommon (≥1/1000 to <1/100).
ADR associated with each AEDs and their particular
Useful clinical note effects in children, women and elderly are frequently
emphasised in this book and are also detailed in the
There is no point to attempt TDM before a time interval Pharmacopoeia (Chapter 18).
of 4–5 half-lives of starting treatment or a dose change.
TDM is useful for assessing ineffectiveness when the Life-threatening ADRs
AED plasma concentration is at its trough (before the These are the most dreadful of all ADRs and carry a
next dose) black box warning in their package inserts.
TDM is useful for assessing toxicity at times of expected Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS),
peak concentrations though rare, is the most common potentially fatal
ADR linked with AEDs, occurring at a rate of
1000–10000 exposures.102–109 Carbamazepine,
felbamate, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin,
Considerations of adverse phenobarbital and zonisamide are associated with
antiepileptic drug reactions frequent idiosyncratic reactions and anticonvulsant
hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS). The main clinical
in the treatment of epilepsies manifestations of AHS consist of skin rashes, fever,
Adverse drug reactions (Table 7.2) should be tender lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, and hepatic
thoroughly sought in patients treated with AEDs. and other systemic organ involvement. Diagnosis
198 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

is primarily based on the recognition of clinical Suicidal ideation that may lead to suicide has also
symptoms. attracted significant attention recently with another
The appearance of a rash is an early indicator that alert issued by FDA111. This was based on pooled
mandates the immediate discontinuation of the analyses of 199 clinical trials of eleven AEDs
responsible agent because it may progress to AHS (carbamazepine, felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine,
and Stevens–Johnson syndrome. levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, pregabalin, tiagabine,
The underlying mechanisms of AHS are thought topiramate, valproate and zonisamide) used as
to have at least three components: (a) deficiency or mono- and adjunctive therapies. Patients who were
abnormality of the epoxide hydroxylase enzyme that randomised to receive one of the AEDs had almost
detoxifies the metabolites of aromatic amine AEDs, twice the risk of suicidal behaviour or ideation
(b) reactivation of herpes-type viruses, and (c) (0.43%) compared to patients randomised to receive
ethnic predisposition with certain human leukocyte placebo (0.24%). This risk was generally consistent
antigen subtypes.103 To reflect recent advances in among the eleven drugs, was observed as early as
pharmacogenetics, the FDA has issued an alarm one week after starting AED and throughout the
on dangerous or even fatal skin reactions (Stevens observed duration of AED treatment and was higher
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis) in the clinical trials for epilepsy compared to trials
that can be caused by carbamazepine, which are for psychiatric or other conditions.
significantly more common in patients with the The increased risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior was
leukocyte antigen subtype HLA-B*1502. This generally consistent among the eleven drugs with varying
particular human leukocyte antigen allele occurs mechanisms of action and across a range of indications.
almost exclusively in patients with ancestry across This observation suggests that the risk applies to all
broad areas of Asia, including South Asian Indians. antiepileptic drugs used for any indication. All patients
Genetic tests for HLA-B*1502 are already available. who are currently taking or starting on any AED for any
There is usually a high degree (40–80%) of cross- indication should be monitored for notable changes in
sensitivity for AHS between AEDs. Thus, patients behaviour that could indicate the emergence or worsening
with a history of AHS should avoid use of AEDs of suicidal thoughts or behavior or depression.111
which have the potential to cause AHS. Also, there is However, the problem of suicide and depression
an increased risk of AHS amongst family members of in epilepsies, which both have a high incidence, is
patients with AHS. AHS is nore common in children complicated by a number of factors such as pre-
than adults. existing psychopathology, social, personal, family
AEDs that are unlikely to cause AHS are and occupational difficulties, teenage onset, and
benzodiazepines, levetiracetam and valproate (but others that have been recently detailed.112–116 There
the latter has been associated with increasing the is no evidence that one AED is more prone than
AHS risk of lamotrigine).9 another AED to cause suicidal ideation and suicide.
Other life threatening ADRs to AEDs and their
preferential occurrence in age groups or women Common CNS-related ADRs
are detailed in the description of each one of the CNS-related ADRs are common and primarily affect
AEDs and the relevant sections. These include vigilance (somnolence, sedation), cognition, the
valproate-related hepatic and pancreatic failure in brain stem and vestibulocerebellar system (leading
young children, topiramate and zonisamide-related to dizziness, vertigo, incoordination, ataxia, diplopia
anhidosis and so forth. Little is known about the or nystagmus), the extrapyramidal system (causing
cardiac ADRs of AEDs though these may also be chorea and dystonia, parkinsonism or tremor), or
potentially fatal, particularly in elderly and patients the psychiatric and psychological state of the patient
with pre-existing cardiological abnormalities (see (leading to anxiety, depression, psychosis, and
page 200). psychological and behavioural disturbances).117,118
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 199

Headache and fatigue are among the commoner study attempting to determine the relative prevalence
CNS-related ADRs of AEDs. and predictors of subjective cognitive impairment in
Most of the common CNS ADRs such as sedation, adult outpatients with epilepsy taking commonly
dizziness, incoordination and fatigue are often dose used AEDs (carbamazepine, clobazam, gabapentin,
related and occur early after the introduction of an lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, pheny-
AED. They are reversible, improve with time and can be toin, topiramate, valproate and zonisamide), overall
lessened with slow titration. However, others, such as 320 of 1694 (18.9%) patients experienced cogni-
phenytoin-induced ataxia, appear with long use and are tive ADRs to AEDs at any point.119 The average rate
progressive if the responsible agent is not withdrawn. of such ADRs for a given AED was 16.6%, with
The sedative effect of most older generation AEDs such 12.8% leading to dosage change or discontinuation
as phenobarbital and benzodiazepines are well known. (intolerability). The highest rate of intolerable ADRs
A meta-analysis of the most frequent treatment- was attributed to topiramate (21.5% intolerability)
emergent CNS ADRs of some new AEDs in adult followed by zonisamide (14.9%), oxcarbazepine
patients118 showed significant association of: (11.6%), levetiracetam (10.4%), carbamazepine
t somnolence with gabapentin, levetiracetam, (9.9%), lamotrigine (8.9%), valproate (8.3%) and
pregabalin , topiramate and zonisamide gabapentin (7.3%).
t dizziness with gabapentin, lamotrigine, pregabalin, Rates of intolerable ADRs were lower in
topiramate and zonisamide monotherapy than polytherapy. The highest rate
t ataxia with lamotrigine and pregabalin of intolerable cognitive impairment attributed to
t diplopia with lamotrigine AEDs in monotherapy was seen with topiramate
t fatigue with pregabalin and topiramate (11.1%), and was significantly higher than that of
t cognitive impairment with topiramate carbamazepine (1.5%) or valproate (0.0%).119
Cognitive impairment is common in epilepsies as Significant predictors of ADRs with AEDs are
the result of the seizures, their underlying cause older age, female gender, focal epilepsy, and
and ADRs to AEDs.119–123 Cognitive impairment is presence of CNS infection, chronic obstructive
often of more concern and more debilitating than pulmonary disease, or other comorbid conditions.
the actual seizures with a severe impact on quality Interestingly, the presence/history of static
of life. AEDs may affect any domain of cognition encephalopathy was negatively correlated with
(intelligence, language, visuoperceptual, verbal such ADRs.119
and nonverbal memory, or executive function) and
To minimise the risk of drug-induced cognitive
influence the functional ability of the patient in
dysfunction, “topiramate should be lowest on the
communication, verbal fluency, problem solving,
list followed by zonisamide and phenytoin, whereas
memory, psychomotor speed and dexterity.
lamotrigine, levetiracetam, gabapentin, valproate
Cognitive ADRs are well known for the older AEDs;
and carbamazepine should be higher on the
it is because of these the use of phenobarbital has been 119
list”. Avoidance of phenobarbital is a well known
practically prohibited in industrialised countries and
recommendation, which may now be updated to
particularly the UK. Carbamazepine and valproate
include topiramate and zonisamide.
are considered to be better than phenytoin in this
respect but worse than most of the newer AEDs in
RCTs. The relative incidence of cognitive ADRs to Behavioural and psychiatric ADRs to
newer AEDs are not well known, primarily because AED124–131
of the scarcity of comparative large-scale studies, Patients treated with any AED for any indication should be
though topiramate and zonisamide have been asso- monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression,
ciated with significant diffuse cognitive as well as suicidal thoughts or behavior, and/or any unusual changes
specific ADRs on language and memory. In a recent in mood or behavior. (FDA warning for all AEDs)111
200 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Evaluating the psychiatric and behavioural Another paradox is what is known as forced
ADRs of AEDs is complicated by several factors normalisation (or alternative psychosis). This is the
including the relatively high rate of psychiatric rare occurrence of psychotic symptoms when the
comorbidities in epilepsies, the lack of reliable face EEG is normalised and seizures have significantly
to face comparisons and the variety of quality and reduced or undergone remission in some patients
methods used to assess the occurrence and severity treated with AEDs for intractable epilepsies.134
of psychiatric symptoms with AEDs.124 It is possible Paranoid psychosis or episodes of major depression
that such ADRs are related to the epilepsy itself, to are the most frequent manifestations. Forced
clinical characteristics of more vulnerable patients normalisation has been reported following the use of
and some particular properties of the AED itself various AEDs, including phenytoin, carbamazepine,
either alone in monotherapy or in combination ethosuximide, lamotrigine and levetiracetam.
with another AED.125,132 This is another significant area in which there are more
A current expert opinion is that most psychiatric unknowns than knowns and where clinical practice
ADRs primarily occur with rapid titration and high is influenced by reputation rather than concrete
doses for most AEDs.124 However, such events may evidence.
happen at any dose, specifically with barbiturates,
topiramate, levetiracetam and zonisamide. With Non-CNS ADRs of AEDs
the latter AEDs, psychiatric ADRs seem not to occur ADRs affecting organs outside the CNS are less
at random but they are most likely to affect patients common and less predictable than those affecting the
with an inherent vulnerability to psychiatric CNS system but are equally important to recognise
disorders who have a personal or family history of because of their impact on physical health and
psychiatric illness. In a recent report,125 the risk of the brain. They affect any body system, including
depressive illness associated with topiramate was the cardiovascular, integumentary, hematopoetic,
fivefold higher in patients who underwent rapid hepatic and digestive, renal, metabolic, endocrine,
titration and this was increased to 23.3-fold in and peripheral nervous systems. They are sometimes
patients with a history of depression. difficult to differentiate from other diseases prior
The paradox is that AEDs are commonly utilised to attributing them to a specific AED medication. I
for nonepileptic psychiatric disorders, though there have seen many patients investigated invasively and
is, in general, a paucity of published RCTs.133 The treated for symptoms typical of ADRs to AEDs prior
overall view is that lamotrigine has antidepressant to their recognition as such and their remission
properties; carbamazepine, valproate, lamotrigine, after withdrawal of the offensive agent.
and oxcarbazepine have mood stabilising properties; Non-CNS ADRs to AEDs may occur soon after
and gabapentin, pregabalin, and tiagabine have the introduction of an AED but they may also
anxiolytic benefits. Barbiturates, topiramate, and happen at a slow and progressive pace during
possibly phenytoin may precipitate or exacerbate chronic AED treatment. Non-CNS ADRs may
depression. Underlying depression and anxiety also be inconspicuous for many years before they
symptoms may be exacerbated by levetiracetam, become manifest, sometimes with horrendous
while psychotic symptoms have rarely been reported consequences.
with topiramate, levetiracetam, and zonisamide.133
However, this contradicts firstly with the FDA view Adverse cardiac effects of AEDs
that “there is no evidence that one AED is more There is a conspicuous poverty of information and
prone than another AED to cause suicidal ideation recommendations on cardiac ADRs of AEDs and
and depression”111 and secondly with the finding their effect on the electrocardiogram (ECG).
that “well-defined DSM-IV disorders are more The situation may now change in view of the
frequent with topiramate than levetiracetam”.125 increasing number of studies on SUDEP and the
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 201

attention now given to cardiac function when tachyarrhythmias. Torsades is a polymorphic ventricular
assessing drug safety during the regulatory process, tachyarrhythmia that can degenerate into ventricular
particularly with respect to ventricular repolarisation fibrillation, leading to sudden death. Patients with the
as reflected in the prolongation of the ECG QT long QT syndrome may suffer torsades and sudden
interval (see Useful Information box on the next death. Long QT syndrome is an ion channelopathy
page). Premarketing investigation of the safety of that may imitate epileptic seizures (see page 105); not
a new pharmaceutical agent now includes rigorous all carriers of mutated ion channel genes will manifest
characterisation of its effects on the QT/QTc interval QT/QTc interval prolongation and polymorphisms can
labelled “Thorough QT/QTc Study”. affect ion channels, leading to an increased sensitivity
The QT interval represents the duration of ventricular to drugs that affect ventricular repolarisation.
depolarisation and subsequent repolarisation, QT prolongation is a rare adverse effect that is seen
and is measured from the beginning of the QRS with many psychotropic drugs including tricyclic
complex to the end of the T wave (see Figure 7.2). antidepressants (with whom carbamazepine is
Prolongation of the QT/QTc interval indicates delay chemically related).135 There are no AEDs in the
in cardiac repolarisation, which is associated with long list of drugs implicated in long QT,136 though
increased susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias such carbamazepine and phenytoin have been cited in
as torsade de pointes (torsades) and other ventricular some reports.137

Reading an ECG

P–R interval Q–T interval

PR interval
represents the
delay in the AV
P-wave represents
represents ventricular
atrial repolarisation


1 mm = 0.1 mV
QRS duration S–T interval
1 mm = 0.04 s
QRS complex Represents the time period
represents ventricular between
depolarisation ventricular depolarisation
and repolarisation

Figure 7.2 The surface ECG represents the different electrophysiological events occurring during normal cardiac conduction.
5 mm = 0.2 s and 0.5 mV.
202 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

how much shortening of QT/QTc is required before

Useful information
it might be considered a safety issue.138,141
Recent regulatory requirements for cardiac safety The PR interval extends from the onset of atrial
of drugs depolarisation (beginning of the P wave) and ends
The regulatory concerns regarding cardiac safety at the onset of the QRS complex (beginning of
of drugs is addressed with the introduction of the ventricular depolarisation) and represents the time
International Conference on Harmonisation topic E 14 the impulse takes to reach the ventricles from the
OPXSFRVJSFECZCPUI'%" sinus node. The normal values of PR interval are
( between 0.12 to 0.20 s.
Guidances/UCM129357.pdf) and EMEA (http://www. Prolongation of the PR interval of more than ). 0.20 s (first-degree atrioventricular block) is
5IF *$)& SFRVJSFT B UIPSPVHI QSFNBSLFUJOH usually asymptomatic and frequently encountered
investigation of the safety of a new pharmaceutical in clinical practice.142 Adverse events with first
agent that should include rigorous characterisation of its degree atrioventricular block include syncope
effects on the QT/QTc interval. and bradycardia, which are usually considered of
good prognosis. AEDs that are implicated in the
Also, questions have been recently raised regarding
prolongation of PR interval are carbamazepine,
the safety and proarrhythmic consequences of drugs
eslicarbazepine acetate, lacosamide, and pregabalin.
that shorten the QT interval.138 QT shortening has
Also “a small increase in PR (0.005 seconds)” has
been reported for primidone,139,140 lamotrigine and
been reported in a RCT with lamotrigine.143
rufinamide.141 As with QT/QTc prolongation, there
are genetic syndromes and pharmaceutical agents The newest AEDs, including eslicarbazepine acetate,
which cause shortening of QT/QTc. However, lacosamide and rufinamide, have been tested after the
currently it is unclear whether QT/QTc shortening implementation of ICH-E14, which may explain why an
is a suitable biomarker for cardiac arrhythmias and effect on ECG has been shown in all of these, in contrast

ECG changes and cardiac adverse reactions of AEDs

AED Adverse cardiac reactions to AEDs as cited in the SmPCs

Carbamazepine Cardiac conduction disorders, hypertension or hypotension, bradycardia,

arrhythmia, atrioventricular block with syncope, circulatory collapse,
congestive heart failure, aggravation of coronary artery disease,
thrombophlebitis, thrombo-embolism (e.g. pulmonary embolism)
Eslicarbazepine acetate PR prolongation
Gabapentin Palpitations
Lacosamide PR prolongation
Pregabalin Tachycardia, atrioventricular block first degree, sinus tachycardia, sinus
arrhythmia, sinus bradycardia, congestive heart failure
Rufinamide Shortening of the QT interval
Lamotrigine, levetiracetam, None is reported in the SmPCs
phenytoin,topiramate, valproate,

Table 7.14 Effects of AEDs on ECGs and cardiac ADRs as cited in SmPCs.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 203

with most other AEDs, which were approved before the was that “clinically significant ECG changes are not
ICH-E14 requirements came into force (Table 7.14). common during treatment with either of these drugs
Despite their significance in clinical practice, no in elderly patients with no pre-existing significant AV
recommendations on the ECG and cardiac effects of conduction defects” and that the ECG changes were
AEDs are made, even in formal guidelines, including minor and comparable in the two groups. Target
those from the National Institute for Health and maintenance doses were relatively low (400 mg/day
Clinical Excellence (which only states that ECG for carbamazepine and 100 mg/day for lamotrigine).
is recommended when a diagnosis of epilepsy is Nearly 20% of the patients’ ECGs were “nonevaluable
due to incomplete ECG data” despite the fact that
suspected)2 and the AES/AAN.144,145
“the highest quality ECG recording equipment had
Neurologists treating patients with epilepsies have
to be used, and that a repeat ECG could be obtained
little information on the possible adverse effects of
immediately if the quality of the recording was deemed
AEDs on cardiac conduction. A common practice is
inadequate”.148 No ECG results are reported in the final
to refer those patients with a known or suspected
RCT report of this study.148
cardiac or ECG abnormality to a cardiologist when
There is little information on the effect of AEDs in
the diagnosis of epilepsy is uncertain or when
patients with cardiac co-morbidities or those also
these ‘vulnerable’ patients need AED treatment,
taking other medications or substances that affect
particularly with carbamazepine.
the ECG (including alcohol). Indeed, such patients
I find it difficult to draw any firm conclusions from
may be included in RCTs of AEDs and may affect the
the actual documentation for AEDs (old and new) results one way or the other depending on how many
on ECG changes and cardiac abnormalities; most are are in the active drug and placebo groups. Another
anecdotal, hypothetical (based on their mode of action), point is that the active drug may have a synergistic
or based on animal data, case reports or series of case effect with other AEDs (such as carbamazepine),
reports. The only relevant review, which just refers to which may affect the ECG in add-on RCTs.
carbamazepine and phenytoin, was published 10 years Most studies of the ECG/cardiac ADRs of AEDs
ago.146 Even in RCTs, ECG methodology, assessment point out those drugs that inhibit voltage-gated
and results are often unclear. The best one can usually sodium channels, such as phenytoin, carbamazepine
find is the observation that “ECG changes were not of and lamotrigine. Also, particular attention has been
clinical significance”. The ECG and cardiac effects of drawn to drugs (including AEDs)149 that inhibit the
AEDs in neonates and infants are even more difficult rapid component of the cardiac delayed rectifier
to assess. This is reflected even in the carbamazepine potassium ion current (Ikr) expressed by the human
publications (the AED in which ECG/cardiac effects hERG gene, because this may increase the risk of
are most discussed) as cited by Saetre et al.147 In one cardiac arrhythmia and SUDEP.150–153 The IKr is
recent report purposely designed to compare effects of also of major importance for embryonic cardiac
lamotrigine with carbamazepine in newly diagnosed repolarisation and therefore AEDs that affect the IKr
elderly patients with epilepsy,147,148 the main conclusion may increase teratogenicity.154
204 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Principles of management in women with

In medicine, the differences between male and seizure recurrence. The ultimate decision should be
female extend beyond the reproductive hormones taken by a well-informed patient.
and organs. Certain diseases affect women
exclusively or predominantly, and there can be
significant differences between the sexes in the Oral hormonal contraception
expression of the same medical problem, and in the and AEDs179–181
response and adverse reactions to drugs.
The way in which epilepsies affect many aspects of a Many AEDs interact with oral hormonal contraception
woman’s life differs from how they affect men. Women with two main consequences:
are predisposed towards certain seizure disorders, t contraceptive failure leading to an unplanned
and antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can affect physical pregnancy
appearance, the menstrual cycle, contraception, t deterioration of seizure control.

fertility, pregnancy, the unborn baby and the

Effect of AEDs on oral hormonal
menopause. There is a significant lack of knowledge
about and even misunderstanding of many of these
The most commonly used current oral hormonal
issues that are specific to women. These topics have
contraceptives contain 20–35 μg of ethinyloestradiol
been detailed by expert authors in Epilepsies in girls
and less than 1 mg of progestogen. The major part of
and women (2008), which I co-edited with Pamela
the oestrogen compound is hydroxylated to inactive
Crawford and Torbjörn Tomson,155 and in “The XX
metabolites by the hepatic CYP3A4 enzyme or directly
factor. Treating Women with Antiepileptic Drugs” by Jim
conjugated. Hepatic enzyme inducers (see Table
Morrow.156 This chapter deals only with the clinical
7.6) accelerate hepatic elimination of oral hormonal
implications and demands of AED treatment in
contraception, which may lead to contraceptive
women of childbearing age. These issues have also
failure. Intramenstrual bleeding is an indicator of
been addressed by a recent practice parameter of
contraceptive failure, but does not always occur. There
the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and the
is no substantial risk of contraceptive failure with AEDs
American Epilepsy Society (AES), which is a three-
other than the hepatic enzyme-inducing drugs.
part evidence-based review focusing on pregnancy in
Women taking hepatic enzyme-inducing AEDs who
women with epilepsy,157–159 by an Italian consensus
require contraception should be advised to use:
conference on epilepsy and pregnancy, labour and
t high-dose preparations containing at least 50 μg
the puerperium,160 and by other excellent, recently
or more of the oestrogen compound
published reviews.161–178
t barrier or other methods of contraception.
The decision to start AED treatment and the choice Progesterone-only contraception is not an option,
of AEDs in women with epilepsy requires careful because of high failure rates.
assessment of individual risk in terms of both seizures During treatment with lamotrigine, the
and adverse (short- or long-term) drug reactions in the levonorgestrel (synthetic progestogen) component
patient and her offspring. The main challenge is to offer of the oral contraceptive is reduced by about
her an accurate and holistic estimate of the individual 18%, but this interaction is considered to have
risks. Stopping AED medication is equally challenging no clinical significance; the pharmacokinetics of
and often necessary, although it may involve risks of ethinyloestradiol are unaffected.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 205

Effect of oral hormonal contraception but significant, increase in the risk of major congenital
on AEDs malformations (MCM) (Tables 7.14 and 7.15). The
The main AED affected by oral contraception following statements are as close to reality as I could
is lamotrigine. Increased glucuronidation of assess through an extensive review of the literature,
lamotrigine, largely by the progestogen component which is often unclear. The risk of MCM is:
of oral hormonal contraception, leads to increased t probably no different or only slightly higher than
elimination of lamotrigine and therefore a decrease the background rate (around 1–2%, see below) in
in plasma levels of more than 50%. In the pill- women with epilepsy who are not taking AEDs
free period, plasma lamotrigine levels increase t probably less than twice the background rate with
rapidly by 25–50%, which may lead to seizure commonly used AEDs (other than valproate) as
deterioration and toxicity (see page 181), but with monotherapy, although the relative risk may vary
minor, if any, risk of contraceptive failure. The with individual AEDs
effect of oral hormonal contraception on other t certainly increased with valproate monotherapy
currently used AEDs that undergo glucuronidation to 3–5 times the background rate
is probably of no clinical significance. t likely to be high with topiramate, though the
relevant studies are still inadequate
t certainly higher with polytherapy than mono-
Pregnancy therapy; valproate is a significant contributor to
the high risk of MCM in polytherapy, particularly
The outlook for pregnant women with epilepsy and their
in combination with lamotrigine (10%)
offspring is excellent. The risks to mothers and their
t likely to be dose dependent, at least for valproate
babies are small and often preventable. Overall, 95% of
and lamotrigine (i.e. the higher the plasma AED
women with epilepsy have uncomplicated pregnancies
concentration, the higher the relative risk of MCM).
and deliver normal babies. This rate can be significantly
improved with proper management; any serious harm Teratogenicity, teratogenesis and teratogenic (teras
to the baby or mother, particularly if it is avoidable, is = monster) are terms that should be discouraged as
too much for the family that is affected. inaccurate and derogatory. The expansion of this term to
‘cognitive teratogenesis’ as adopted by the AAN/AES158
AED treatment during pregnancy is considered
is even more inappropriate.
necessary for most women with epilepsy, because
uncontrolled maternal convulsive seizures pose a The reported incidence of MCM varies significantly
greater risk to the fetus than the use of AEDs and by around 20-fold, mainly because of methodological
may also harm the mother.161,182 It is also important to differences and deficiencies. Earlier studies usually rely
remember that the concentration of AEDs may change on small numbers of recruited patients and lack statisti-
significantly during pregnancy and the puerperium cal power. To understand the extent of the difficulties,
resulting in an increase in seizures or toxicity.183,184 a total of 722 drug-exposed pregnancies is needed to
Prescribing AEDs for women with epilepsy may be identify a seven-fold increase in the rate of occurrence
influenced by marketing and publishing practices of a specific abnormality, such as spina bifida, with a
that are more likely to favour the newer AEDs. frequency of 1 in 1000187 or if drug A has a 3% risk
Recent studies have not indicated any increased risk for MCM and drug B doubles the risk to 6%, then 750
of obstetric complications in women with epilepsy. patients on monotherapy are needed in each group to
reach p < 0.05 at 80% power. Several large prospective
pregnancy registries throughout the world are collecting
Teratogenicity data on AED-related MCM and other pregnancy-
It is generally accepted that AED treatment during the related outcomes in women with epilepsy.163 However,
first trimester of pregnancy is associated with a small, even these registries have important methodological
206 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

differences in recruitment, ascertainment, inclusion/ chromosomal anomalies.188 Some use the higher rate
exclusion criteria, malformation classification and of 3.2%189 determined by the Metropolitan Atlanta
follow-up that may influence the results and prevent Congenital Defects Program,190 but this population-
meaningful pooling of data.177 based registry uses active case identification from
multiple sources, undertakes direct chart review
Useful clarification on of potential cases and includes all malformations
pregnancy C and D categorisation identified up to the age of 5 years.191
of AEDs
Commonly used older generation AEDs
Category D drugs are those drugs for which teratogenicity and major congenital malformations
was seen in both animal and human pregnancies; Valproate is definitely associated with an elevated
phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate are category risk for MCM (tables 7.14 and 7.15), including a 10-
D drugs. Category C drugs have demonstrated fold increase in spina bifida aperta (1–2% of infants
teratogenicity in animals, but the risk in humans is not exposed). The risk is dose-related, particularly at
known. However, this categorisation may be misleading doses of more than 1000 mg/day. Polytherapy with
if it is not understood that it is based on changing valproate and any other AED is highly teratogenic
evidence and that most of the newer AEDs have not been and appears to be even worse in combination
assessed. For example, carbamazepine is a class D drug with lamotrigine (1 of 10 infants exposed).189,192
UIPVHIUIFSJTLPG.$.NBZCFFRVBMPSMFTTUIBOUIBU Considering that valproate is possibly also associated
with lamotrigine or topiramate. with cognitive impairment of infants exposed to this
It may be too early to draw definite conclusions for the drug during pregnancy,193 it should be avoided in
new-generation AEDs, all of which are classified as women with epilepsy of childbearing age. This is not
category C, with the exception of lamotrigine, which a setback for women with focal epilepsies as there
is downgraded to category D in Australia.185 Also, with are many other AEDs that are more effective and less
the exception of topiramate and vigabatrin, the newer teratogenic than valproate; valproate should never
AEDs do not appear to be teratogenic in animals when have been promoted as equivalent to carbamazepine
administered in subtoxic doses.186 for the treatment of women with focal seizures (see
Chapter 15, page 484). The real problem is for
Background rate of MCM is generally considered to women with generalised epilepsies such as JME in
be 1–2%, but reports vary. The Active Malformation whom very few other AEDs are effective; alternatives
Surveillance Program at Brigham and Women’s are probably restricted to levetiracetam (most likely
Hospital in Boston, USA, estimates the background to be effective and less likely to be teratogenic)
rate to be 1.6% after exclusion of genetic and and lamotrigine (most popular but associated with

MCM rates after exposure to commonly used older AEDs178

AED Range (%) Mean ± SD (%)

Carbamazepine 1.4–11.4 4.9 ± 1.5

Phenobarbital 2.8–16.7 7.0 ± 4.2

Phenytoin 0.0–16.0 5.0 ± 3.0

Valproate 5.7–17.4 10.9 ± 3.9

Table 7.14
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 207

significant problems to be considered in women to valproate (Tables 7.14 and 7.15).158 However,
with epilepsy and worsening of myoclonic seizures). both drugs have also been implicated as possibly
Some authorities also consider that small doses of causing cognitive impairment in exposed infants,158
valproate may be recommended in some women of though this was based on a few class II and III studies
childbearing age with uncontrolled primarily GTCS and has not been replicated in a more recent study
and JME. (see cognitive teratogenesis below).193 Nevertheless,
phenytoin should be avoided in women with
Avoid entirely valproate polytherapy in any combination
epilepsy, because of aesthetic and other ADRs.194
and particularly with lamotrigine. The risks are high and
Clonazepam and clobazam. There is no evidence of a
outweigh any benefits.
significant increase in teratogenicity in women with
Carbamazepine is classified as a pregnancy category epilepsy receiving monotherapy with clonazepam or
D drug, but recent evidence indicates that the rate clobazam.195–198
of MCM is not a significant concern in relation to
other AEDs (Tables 7.14 and 7.15).158 Therefore, the Commonly used new generation of
previously emphasised194 association of carbamazepine broad spectrum AEDs and major
with a significant increase in spina bifida aperta congenital malformations
(0.5%)has to be reassessed. Carbamazepine probably The risks for MCM with most new generation AEDs
does not increase poor cognitive outcomes compared have not been assessed. Based on existing evidence,
to unexposed controls.158 the risks associated with three of the more widely used
Phenobarbital and phenytoin are considered to have broad spectrum AEDs – lamotrigine, levetiracetam
definite, but relatively low, teratogenicity in relation and topiramate (Table 7.15) – are as follows.

MCM in the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register

Number of women with epilepsy MCM (%) 95% CI

No exposure to AEDs 445 2.2 1.2–4.1

Exposure to AEDs 5475 3.9 3.4–7.2
Monotherapy 4276 3.4 2.9–4.9
Polytherapy (> 130 AED combinations) 1199 5.8 4.6–7.2
Polytherapy with valproate* 451 8.6 6.4–11.6
Polytherapy with carbamazepine 526 4.9 3.4–7.1
Polytherapy with lamotrigine 644 5.3 3.8–7.3
Polytherapy with levetiracetam 229 3.9 2.1–7.3
Polytherapy with topiramate 162 8.6 5.2–14.0
Monotherapy with valproate 1097 5.8 4.5–7.4
Monotherapy with carbamazepine 1444 2.4 1.7–3.3
Monotherapy with lamotrigne 1524 2.4 1.7–3.3
Monotherapy with levetiracetam 177 0 0.0–2.3
Monotherapy with topiramate 92 4.8 1.9–7.6

Table 7.15 *Polytherapy with valproate had a significantly higher rate of MCM (8.6%) than regimens without valproate (odds
ratio 2.3; 95% CI 1.4–3.7). Monotherapy data updated to November 2009; all others are up to July 2009. Data courtesy of Dr Jim
Morrow and the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register. For recent monotherapy data from the North American AED register (which
do not differ significantly from those of the UK) please see
208 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Lamotrigine. Significant differences in the risk for MCM and indicates a lack of information reaching those
have been reported by two of the largest pregnancy prescribing AEDs for women; the messages either do
registries, though the rate of MCM was similar not get through or are unclear.
(2.3–2.4%).187,192,199 The UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy
Lamotrigine has been downgraded to pregnancy
Register noted a positive dose-response relationship
category D by the Australian regulatory administra-
for MCMs with lamotrigine (p = 0.006) with a MCM
rate of 5.4% (95% CI 3.3–8.7%) for total daily doses
of more than 200 mg. This MCM rate was similar to Levetiracetam. The number of women treated with
that in those receiving valproate at a dose of 1000 mg levetiracetam in pregnancy registries is still too small
or less (5.1%; 95% CI 3.5–7.3). While there was a to draw definite conclusions, but the data from
trend towards lamotrigine being associated with fewer the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register are very
MCMs than valproate, the differences were minimised encouraging (Table 7.15).202 Not a single MCM has
in those infants exposed to a dose of lamotrigine of been seen in the offspring of 133 women receiving
more than 200 mg each day.192 The North American levetiracetam monotherapy (95% CI 0.0–2.8) and
AED pregnancy registry reported a 10.4-fold increase the risk of MCM was relatively small (3.9%) in 229
(95% CI 4.3–24.9) in isolated cleft palate or cleft lip women receiving polytherapy with levetiracetam
deformity,187 but this has not been confirmed in the and other AEDs (95% CI 2.1–7.3).
UK199 and the European Surveillance of Congenital Topiramate. The use of topiramate in women of
Anomalies (EUROCAT) registers.200 childbearing age is uncertain but in my assessment
The international lamotrigine pregnancy registry it should probably not be given to this group of
concluded that “the risk of all major birth defects patients unless absolutely necessary. This is because
after first trimester exposure to lamotrigine topiramate is (a) teratogenic in animals even at
monotherapy (2.9%) was similar to that in the subtoxic doses (equivalent to 0.2–10 times the
general population”,189 but this was considered therapeutic doses recommended in humans)186,203
to be an overestimate by other authorities, who and (b) has serious ADRs that are likely to affect
suggested that a more accurate conclusion may the fetus, because of the extensive transplacental
be “the risk for major malformations associated transfer of the drug. Preliminary results may indicate
with first trimester exposure to lamotrigine is only that such precautions are justified.203,204 In the UK
about twice that of the general population... when Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register (Table 7.15),
similar definitions, inclusions and case identification the MCM rate in 79 women receiving topiramate
strategies are used”.191 Furthermore, it would be monotherapy was 3.8% (95% CI 1.3–10.6) and in
even more difficult to assess the risks of MCM with 162 women receiving polytherapy was 8.6% (95%
lamotrigine precisely without TDM, if the finding of CI 5.2–14). The rate of MCM was even higher
a dose-related effect192 is replicated, because of the (9.8%) in one report of 41 live births from 52
significant decrease in plasma levels of lamotrigine pregnancies during topiramate treatment (29 on
(nearly by 50%) in the first trimester of pregnancy. monotherapy and and 23 on polytherapy);203 this
In polytherapy with lamotrigine and other AEDs, finding has, however, been undermined by statistical
the risk of MCM is 5.3% (95% CI 3.8–7.3) (Table deficiencies.205 However, animal studies are not
7.15) and this doubles to around 10% in combination certain predictors of human teratogenicity and the
with valproate.189,192 numbers of women studied are still small and need
Alarmingly, lamotrigine and valproate is the most to be statistically verified in pregnancy registries.
frequently used AED combination in pregnancy At the risk of being overcautious, it may be too
according to the recent EURAP report, 201
despite the dangerous to wait for the outcome in thousands of
fact that it may harm 1 in 10 exposed babies. This is women receiving topiramate in order to validate the
twice the frequency seen with any other combination teratogenic potential of this drug.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 209

Oxcarbazepine. There is practically no evidence of t Valproate monotherapy during the first trimester
the teratogenic potential with oxcarbazepine, though possibly increases the risk of MCMs in the
preliminary results indicate that this may not be offspring of women with epilepsy.
significant.176 However, oxcarbazepine is associated t Valproate used in polytherapy probably increases
with an increase in seizure frequency during the risk of MCMs in the offspring of women with
pregnancy, probably because of the significant 26– epilepsy.
38% decrease in levels of its active monohydroxy t Carbamazepine probably does not substantially
derivative.206 increase the risk of MCMs in the offspring of
women with epilepsy.
Clarifications and limitations of t There is insufficient evidence to determine
the AAN/AES report whether lamotrigine or other specific AEDs
increase the risk of MCMs in the offspring of
The AAN/AES review is a laudable endeavour by women with epilepsy.
leaders in the field to provide us with an evidence-based
assessment of this important and difficult topic. However, Foetal anticonvulsant syndrome and
such reports have significant limitations in clinical practice minor anomalies
as detailed in “evidence based recommendations” Many reports associate intrauterine exposure to a
(pages 190–193). In this occasion, the AAN/AES report specific AED with a cluster of foetal abnormalities
has the following drawbacks: constituting a specific foetal anticonvulsant syndrome
(a) It is already outdated, because the assessed evidence (e.g. phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate foetal
was published from December 2005 through to February anticonvulsant syndrome).207 The foetal anticonvulsant
2008. More recent evidence-based reports cited in this syndrome manifests with various abnormalities
book have not been included, although some of them including intrauterine growth retardation, MCM,
that contradict or reinforce the AAN/AES conclusions cognitive and behavioural impairment, and a
XPVME QSPCBCMZ SFRVJSF BO "EEFOEVN "O FYBNQMF PG number of minor anomalies such as craniofacial
this is detailed in the next page of the section “Post-natal dysmorphisms (hypertelorism, flat nasal ridge,
cognitive effects of foetal exposure to AEDs.” low-set ears, microcephaly, short neck) and digital
(b) Evidence of “an increased risk of isolated oral clefts anomalies (hypoplasia of the distal phalanges or nails).
in infants born to mothers exposed to lamotrigine Though some of these features are more prominent
monotherapy in the first trimester of pregnancy” was not in association with one AED compared with another,
considered, despite the warnings from the manufacturer it is now generally accepted that the separation of
issued in April 2006, which prompted its degrading to the various syndromes of embryo-foetal exposure to
category pregnancy D by the Australian authorities.185 AEDs is not as clear-cut as previously thought; genetic
Nor did the report consider other data on levetiracetam factors contribute more than individual AEDs to the
and topiramate reviewed in this book. foetal anticonvulsant syndrome. Minor anomalies are
difficult to evaluate prospectively and may occur in
The AAN/AES assessments of AED- isolation from other features.
related MCMs The finding that some MCMs occur more frequently
The recent AAN/AES assessments made the following following exposure to a specific AED also needs to be
key conclusions.158 viewed in context. MCMs seen more frequently with
t AEDs taken during the first trimester probably valproate, such as neural tube defects, can also occur
increase the risk of MCMs in the offspring of following exposure to other AEDs, demonstrating
women with epilepsy, but it cannot be determined that this is not an AED-specific MCM.
if the increased risk is imparted by all AEDs, or Like other teratogens, AEDs produce a pattern of MCMs
only one or some AEDs. with overlap among the individual AEDs.158
210 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Post-natal cognitive effects of foetal t Valproate is probably associated with poor cognitive
exposure to AEDs outcomes compared with unexposed controls.
There is significant uncertainty about the effect of t Phenytoin is possibly associated with poor cognitive
epilepsy and AED therapy on cognition in children outcomes compared with unexposed controls (the
born to mothers with epilepsy.178 In the conclusions results are, however, conflicting; see below193).
of the AAN/AES practice parameter,158 first, I am t Phenobarbital is possibly associated with poor
discouraged by the term ‘cognitive teratogenesis’, cognitive outcomes in the male offspring of women
which is derogatory and inaccurate, and secondly, with epilepsy compared with unexposed controls
I, like others,178 caution that their recommendations (the results are, however, conflicting; see below193).
may not precisely represent the true dimension of t Cognitive outcomes are probably reduced in children
this problem and its route (see blue box, page 209). exposed to valproate during pregnancy compared
By the nature of an evidence-based assessment, the with carbamazepine and possibly phenytoin.
AAN/AES conclusions come mainly from class II It is difficult to assess how severely cognition is
and III studies, the confounding factors have not impaired in these children, but the differences, though
been analysed, the recommendations are probable significant, may not be extreme. A recent interim report
or possible, and older AEDs have mainly been of a prospective, observational, multicentre study
examined although more should now be known in the USA and UK detailed the cognitive outcomes
about the newer AEDs with increasing numbers of in 309 children at 3 years of age.193 Contrary to the
mothers participating in the pregnancy registries. conclusions of the AES/AAN practice parameters,
there were no significant differences between children
The influence of AEDs with a high rate of adverse
exposed to phenytoin (IQ 98), carbamazepine (IQ
cognitive impairment (e.g. topiramate)119 may be of
99) or lamotrigine (IQ 101). However, valproate
particular concern (see page 199).
was associated with a significantly lower IQ (92).
In the AAN/AES practice parameter,158 the outcome
The association between valproate use and IQ was
measure was an assessment of the child’s intelligence
dose dependent. Children’s IQs were significantly
quotient (IQ) at age 2 years or older. Because maternal
related to maternal IQs among children exposed to
IQ is an important influence on child IQ, studies
carbamazepine, lamotrigine or phenytoin, but not
were downgraded if they did not control for maternal
among those exposed to valproate.
IQ. It was also assumed that the cognitive risk was
related to AED exposure throughout pregnancy and Children with intrauterine exposure to high doses of

was not confined to the first trimester. The main valproate may suffer cognitive impairment, but it would

conclusions of this AAN/AES report are: be speculative to state anything further until prospective

1. Cognition is probably not reduced in children studies including the newer AEDs are carried out. Such
studies also need to consider a significant number
of women with epilepsy who are not exposed to
of confounding factors, including the occurrence of
AEDs in utero.
convulsive seizures that appear to cause cognitive
2. There is insufficient evidence to determine
impairment of the infant (see page 213).
whether the children of women with epilepsy
taking AEDs in general are at increased risk for
reduced cognition. Change in seizure frequency and status
t Cognitive outcomes are probably reduced in epilepticus during pregnancy
children exposed to AED polytherapy compared In most women with epilepsy, seizure frequency
with monotherapy in utero. in pregnancy is similar to that before pregnancy.
t Carbamazepine probably does not increase poor Existing findings do not suggest a great increase in
cognitive outcomes compared with unexposed the frequency of seizures or status epilepticus during
controls. pregnancy or an increased risk of seizure relapse during
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 211

Change in seizures during pregnancy.

Analysis of data from five studies (n=537) described by the AAN/AES159

Range (%) Mean±SD

Seizures unchanged 54–80 69 ± 12

Seizures decreased 0.3–24 12 ± 7
Seizures increased 14–32 19 ± 7
Seizure-free rate in 948 women previously seizure-free for > 9 months 74–92 84 ± 8

Table 7.16

pregnancy for women who are seizure-free.159 This is in seizure frequency.208 According to unconfirmed
another compelling reason to strive for improvement reports, seizure deterioration is higher in focal
and possibly seizure freedom in women with epilepsy epilepsies than in generalised epilepsies.209
who are planning pregnancy.159 Status epilepticus. There is insufficient evidence
Significant progress has been made in our to support or refute an increased risk of status
understanding of the factors that may predict seizure epilepticus in pregnancy.159 However, its prevalence
deterioration or improvement, and recurrence is probably very low, ranging from 0–0.6%, which
or remission, though they have not been fully approximates to an annual prevalence of 0.5-1.6%
elucidated. In most patients (69%), epilepsy largely for convulsive and non-convulsive status epilepticus
follows the same pattern as before pregnancy (Table in patients with various types of epilepsy.210,211
7.16).159 Furthermore, most women (84%) who are
Seizure deterioration in pregnancy
seizure-free for at least 9 months before pregnancy
due to changes in plasma AED
do not experience any recurrences (Table 7.16).
In the minority of women whose epilepsy changes
during pregnancy, what happens in the various Seizure deterioration in pregnancy can often be
types of seizures (particularly GTCS, which are the attributed to poor compliance, an inappropriate
most severe and may harm the unborn baby) and reduction in AED therapy either by the patient or her
syndromes is largely unknown. Seizure frequency physician, a pregnancy-related fall in plasma drug
and severity may even vary between different concentrations, sleep deprivation, fatigue, hormonal
pregnancies in the same patient. I have seen extreme changes or psychological factors. Patients often decide

cases of tremendous deterioration or improvement themselves to reduce or stop AED medication as a

during pregnancy, as well as some exceptional cases result of media concerns.

in which GTCS occurred only during pregnancy. An important factor in seizure deterioration is
Some studies indicate that changes are more likely inadequate plasma levels of AEDs either because of
to occur during the first and the third trimesters, non-compliance (often compounded by vomiting)
and that seizure frequency tends to revert to pre- or, primarily, because of the multiple physiological
pregnancy levels after delivery. Using the first changes occurring during pregnancy that influence
trimester as a reference, seizure control remains drug disposition, including increased volume of
unchanged throughout pregnancy in 64% of distribution, increased renal elimination, altered
women, 93% of whom are seizure-free during the hepatic enzyme activity, and a decline in plasma protein
entire pregnancy. For those with a change in seizure concentrations.170,183 A decrease in plasma albumin
frequency, 17% have an increase and 16% a decrease and protein binding, and the displacement of AEDs
212 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

by endogenous compounds, lead to an alteration in the second trimester and 12% in the third trimester
the ratio of total to free drug, which is particularly (one class I study).
important for highly protein-bound drugs.183 Phenytoin. Pregnancy probably causes an increase
For many AEDs, significant increases in clearance in the clearance and a decrease in plasma levels of
and therefore decreases in plasma levels are charac- phenytoin during pregnancy (one class I study).
teristic during pregnancy.157,170,209 There is docu- Oxcarbazepine. Pregnancy possibly causes a decrease
mented evidence of significant increases in the in the level of the active monohydroxy derivative of
clearance of lamotrigine and phenytoin during preg- oxcarbazepine (two class III studies).
nancy. The clearance of phenobarbital, the active Levetiracetam. Pregnancy possibly causes a decrease
monohydroxy derivative of oxcarbazepine and leve- in plasma levels of levetiracetam (one Class II
tiracetam also increases during pregnancy.157,170,183,206 study).
Women taking lamotrigine have been best studied Phenobarbital, valproate, primidone and ethosuximide.
in this regard. The pronounced decline in plasma Evidence of a change in clearance or plasma
concentrations of lamotrigine during pregnancy has levels of phenobarbital, valproate, primidone or
been shown to be associated with a deterioration in ethosuximide during pregnancy is insufficient to
seizure frequency in more than 50% of patients, such reach a conclusion.
that patients often require dose adjustments172,212 Therapeutic drug monitoring in pregnancy has
or additional AEDs.208 In the Australian pregnancy been formally recommended as invaluable in
registry, the control of convulsive seizures was pregnant women with epilepsy because of the
significantly worse with lamotrigine than with significant AEDs changes during pregnancy and the
valproate (during the entire pregnancy) or puerperium.78,157,184,213
carbamazepine (during the second and the third This is particularly recommended for:
trimester).212 Oxcarbazepine is the only other t lamotrigine, carbamazepine and phenytoin (level
AED associated with poorer seizure control.206,208 B evidence)157
Focal epilepsy, polytherapy and oxcarbazepine t levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine (as mono-
monotherapy were independently associated with an hydroxy derivative) (level C evidence)157
increase in seizure frequency in the second and third t highly protein-bound drugs; free drug con-
trimester compared with the first trimester.208 In centrations should be measured for phenobarbital,
the most recent report, 8 of 11 women experienced phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate and
seizure deterioration during the pregnancy, five of primidone.157, 184,213
whom had previously been seizure free. In seven Current published guidelines recommend that the
women (about 50%), seizure frequency at least ideal AED concentration should be established for
doubled during pregnancy, and there was a trend each patient before conception and that monitoring
towards a correlation between seizure deterioration of AED concentrations should be performed during
and the decrease in the plasma concentration of the each trimester and in the last month of pregnancy.78
monohydroxy derivative (MHD).206 Some authors recommend at least monthly
The AAN/AES157 has assessed the changes that monitoring of AED concentrations, especially for
occur during pregnancy for each AED, as follows: lamotrigine.172
Lamotrigine. Pregnancy probably increases the Clinical context of TDM: There is significant evidence
clearance and decreases plasma levels of lamotrigine to support active monitoring of AED levels during
during pregnancy. The decrease in plasma level is pregnancy. This is especially true for lamotrigine and
associated with an increase in seizure frequency (one oxcarbazepine, as changes in levels were associated with
class I and two class II studies). an increase in seizure frequency.206,212 In pueprerium,
Carbamazepine. Pregnancy probably causes a small there is an increase risk of toxicity if levels of certain
decrease in plasma levels of carbamazepine: 9% in AEDs had been adjusted during pregnancy but not
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 213

after delivery (see page 181).Unfortunately, there are or poor compliance (but this is not certain as the case
no clear data on the timing of the return to the pre- histories were often incomplete).215
pregnancy pharmacokinetic state post-partum. One The harmful effects of seizures on the unborn baby
study214 demonstrated that an empiric post-partum also arise from accidental injury, or the hypoxic and
taper schedule of lamotrigine reduced the occurrence of other effects of the seizure on the mother or directly
post-partum toxicity, but more systematic information on the fetus (e.g. lactic acidosis, bradycardia). Foetal
is needed for all AEDs regarding their pharmacokinetic fatalities may rarely occur during status epilepticus;
alterations in order to determine the management of only one foetus died in 12 pregnancies of women
AED dosing in the post-partum period.157 with convulsive status epilepticus, but fortunately
TDM should be individualised for each patient with the
with no maternal mortality.208 The number of
aim of maintaining a level at which seizure control was
stillbirths is not increased among women who are
good. It is expected that such TDM in pregnancy and
adequately treated for epilepsy during pregnancy.
purperium will improve seizure control but this is not
Seizures during pregnancy are not linked to an
increased risk for anatomical malformations in the
infant, though one report found a 12.3% malformation
Excesses or undue reliance on TDM outside their clinical rate in women experiencing seizures during the first
context is discouraged. (See the section on TDM on trimester compared with 4% in women who did not
page 193.) (details and other citations in reference 216). However,
maternal GTCS during pregnancy are associated with
Effect of seizures on mother and the cognitive deficits,182 which is another important
unborn baby reason for providing adequate AED treatment.
Labour and delivery. The risk of seizures is particularly
GTCS may cause severe harm to both mother and her
high during labour and delivery, and the risk is higher
unborn baby, but may be preventable with appropriate
in those who had seizures earlier in pregnancy;209
1–2% of women will have a GTCS during labour
The harmful effects of seizures, and particularly GTCS, and a further 1–2% will have a GTCS within the
are multiple, and may be severe or even fatal, and next 24 hours. Women at risk of seizures should be
may be accidental (falls, drowning) or non-accidental managed in specialised obstetric units with facilities
(aspiration, pulmonary oedema, cardiac arrhythmias, for maternal and neonatal resuscitation.
cardiac asystole). Furthermore, the risk of sudden
unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is significantly Obstetric and other pregnancy-related
higher in patients with GTCS than in patients with complications
other types of seizure. Pregnancy is a particularly Obstetric and other pregnancy-related complications
vulnerable period, both for the woman and her unborn in women with epilepsy are few and probably
baby. In pregnancy, a GTCS imposes an increased risk not significantly different from those in a control
of damage or death to the mother and her unborn population.159 For women taking AEDs, there is
baby. Other types of seizure that may be harmful are probably no substantially increased risk (>2 times
those associated with autonomic disturbances and expected) of caesarean delivery or late pregnancy
cardiac asystole. The consequences of convulsive status bleeding, and probably no moderately increased risk
epilepticus are much worse than those of brief seizures. (>1.5 times expected) of premature contractions or
A study in the UK found that the odds for maternal premature labour and delivery. There is possibly
death were approximately 10 times higher for women a substantially increased risk of premature
with epilepsy than for the general population.215 Case contractions and premature labour and delivery
histories have suggested that these extra deaths were during pregnancy for women who smoke. There is
due to GTCS that occurred mainly after stopping AEDs insufficient evidence to support or refute an increase
214 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

in the risk for pre-eclampsia, pregnancy-related folic acid supplementation and recommended that,
hypertension or spontaneous abortion.159 although there are still insufficient data, “there is no
evidence of harm and no reason to suspect that it
Adverse perinatal outcomes would not be effective in this group”.157
According to the AAN/AES evidence-based review,159
The current recommendation is that all women of
neonates of women taking AEDs:
childbearing potential, with or without epilepsy, should
t probably have an increased risk of being small
take a folic acid supplement of at least 0.4 mg/day (higher
for gestational age (defined as birth weight below
doses have also been recommended) before conception
the tenth percentile for the study population
(usually starting from when they stop contraception)
when adjusted for gestational age and gender) of
and during at least the first trimester of pregnancy (until
about twice the expected rate
the end of the 12th week of pregnancy).
t possibly have an increased risk of 1-minute Apgar
scores below of about twice the expected rate. Foods with high folic acid content include green
There is probably no substantially increased risk leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach and spring greens),
of perinatal death in neonates born to women with broccoli, fortified breakfast cereals and brown rice.
epilepsy. For other perinatal outcomes, such as For women on AEDs, some authorities recommend
respiratory distress, intrauterine growth retardation bigger doses of folic acid. However, a recent class 1
and admission to a neonatal intensive care unit, data study of the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy register found
were inadequate to draw conclusions. no statistical differences in either MCM or neural tube
The infants of women taking enzyme-inducing AEDs defects between women with epilepsy who received
are at potential but probably small risk for haemorrhagic folic acid before conception and those who did not.217
disease.159 It has therefore been recommended that The authors concluded that the increased risk of MCM
the mother takes oral phytomenadione (vitamin K1) in women taking AEDs probably occurs through
10–20 mg/day for at least 1 month before delivery mechanisms other than folic acid metabolism.217
and/or that the infant receives vitamin K1 0.5–1
mg intramuscularly at birth. However, there is no
consensus amongst guidelines and recommendations Breastfeeding and AEDs
on these matters and the risks involved.
Breastfeeding is the ideal way of providing young
Folic acid supplementation for the infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth
prevention of major congenital and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed,
malformations provided they have accurate information, and the
Low folate levels are associated with an increased support of their family and the healthcare system.
risk of spontaneous abortion and MCMs, including Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced
neural tube defects, which is why official health at the end of pregnancy, is recommended as the perfect
guidelines recommend folic acid supplementation food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated
for all women in the general population who might within the first hour after birth. Exclusive breastfeeding
become pregnant. This may prevent neural tube is recommended up to 6 months of age.
defects in the 72% of women at high risk of giving
World Health Organization (WHO)
birth to children with such abnormalities. Whether
folic acid supplementation would also reduce AED- These WHO recommendations also apply to women
related MCM in children of women who are taking with epilepsy who are not taking AEDs. However,
AEDs, some of which may have folic acid-antagonist for women taking AEDs, the usual advice is that “the
properties, is debatable.157,217 The AAN/AES assessed benefits of breastfeeding must be weighed against the
that the risk of AED-related MCMs in the offspring potential risks of exposing the infant to medications”.
of women with epilepsy is possibly reduced by So how can this balance between benefit and risk
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 215

be assessed, and how can a physician be certain There is no threshold level of passive exposure to
about the advice to give the mother with so many AEDs that has been established to impart a clinically
unknowns? There is no way to determine whether important risk to the fetus or neonate. The panel of
indirect exposure to maternally ingested AEDs has the AAN/AES stipulated that an AED transfer rate of
symptomatic effects on the newborn, as there are 0.6 (neonatal:maternal plasma concentration ratio or
no controlled studies comparing the newborns of a milk:maternal concentration ratio) was potentially
women taking AEDs with those of women not taking clinically important, together with any trend of
AEDs. A drug that is safe for use during pregnancy increasing plasma concentrations in the neonate by
may not be safe for the nursing infant.157 25% over the evaluation period (generally 3 days up
Most AEDs pass into breast milk and some do so in to 1 month).157
significant quantities (Table 7.17). Medications that are Table 7.18 lists AEDs according to whether or not
highly protein bound, that have large molecular weights they are considered appropriate for breastfeeding by
or that are poorly lipid-soluble do not tend to enter the the WHO and the American Academy of Paediatrics.
breast milk in clinically important quantities. However, However, even these recommendations may be
it is clinically important to appreciate that, in the early debated. For example, many authorities warn of the
post-partum period, large gaps between the mammary potential for fatal hepatotoxicity with valproate in
alveolar cells allow many medications to pass through children under 2 years of age.
this milk that may not be able to enter mature milk; Breastfeeding may be particularly problematic in
these gaps close by the second week of lactation. t premature or otherwise compromised infants
The nursing infant’s drug exposure depends on the that may require altered dosing to avoid drug
concentration of the drug in the breast milk and the accumulation and toxicity220
amount of breast milk consumed by the infant. The t infants of women receiving AED polytherapy.
pharmacological activity of the medication depends on
its absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination, Useful note
which may differ in the newborn from that in children
and adults, and can also vary with different drugs.218 It t 5IFJOGBOUT"&%FYQPTVSFDBOCFMJNJUFECZBWPJEJOH
is for these reasons that the amount of AED in the breast breastfeeding during periods of peak maternal plasma
milk is not always proportional to the infant/maternal drug concentration.
plasma concentration (Table 7.17). For example, though t " CSFBTUGFFEJOH NPUIFS TIPVME OFWFS TUPQ IFS
the concentration of phenobarbital in the maternal milk medication abruptly, as she may have seizures and
is 30–50% of that in the maternal plasma, plasma levels the baby may experience drug withdrawal.
in the infant are high (Table 7.17); the converse is true t 4JHOTPG"&%XJUIESBXBMJOUIFCBCZJODMVEFJODSFBTFE
for levetiracetam. A single dose of phenobarbital may irritability, insomnia, sweating and seizures.
persist for days in an infant, because of the slow rate
of barbiturate metabolism in this age group, and may
cause lethargy, sleepiness or irritability and agitation. Principles of AED therapy in
On the other hand, an infant who is not breast fed,
but whose mother was taking phenobarbital during women of childbearing age in
pregnancy, may experience withdrawal symptoms. clinical practice
Furthermore, repeated administration of a drug such as
lamotrigine via breast milk may lead to accumulation Finding the balance between optimal therapy to control
in the infant.219 Probably any drug whose concentration seizures and the avoidance of adverse effects or other
in breast milk is close to 100% that in the maternal harm to the woman and her offspring is the crux of proper
plasma can be problematic; however, further data are management. Women should be made fully aware of all
needed to confirm this. aspects of AED treatment and be able to make informed
216 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

AED placental transfer, and amounts in the maternal milk and the infant


Placental transfer157
Probably potentially clinically important Carbamazepine, levetiracetam, phenobarbital,
amounts phenytoin, primidone, and valproate
Possibly potentially clinically important amounts Gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine and topiramate

Amounts in maternal milk in relation to plasma levels218

Levels higher or approaching maternal Ethosuximide, gabapentin, levetiracetam, topiramate,
plasma level and zonisamide
Levels 50–80% of maternal plasma level Lamotrigine, primidone and oxcarbazepine
Levels < 50% of maternal plasma level Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin and valproate

Plasma levels in breastfed infant218

< 20% of maternal levels Carbamazepine, gabapentin, levetiracetam,
oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, topiramate and valproate
> 50% of maternal levels Ethosuximide and phenobarbital
20–50% of maternal levels Lamotrigine

Table 7.17

Recommendations on AEDs for breastfeeding women*

Recommendation AED

Yes Carbamazepine, ethosuximide, phenytoin and valproate

Yes with caution Clobazam, clonazepam, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine,
topiramate and vigabatrin
No Felbamate
No consensus Phenobarbital

Table 7.18 *Based on information from Johannessen and Tomson (2008)218

decisions. Ultimately, the patient is the decision-maker for contraception and pregnancy should be thoroughly
and the physician the provider of information. discussed with the patient, who should also preferably
The basic principles of AED treatment in all patients, as be provided with written information.
described on pages 173–184, also apply to women, but
priority should be given to AEDs that are most likely Commencing AED therapy in women of
to control seizures and less likely to adversely interfere childbearing age with newly diagnosed
with the particular needs of women of childbearing focal epilepsy
age. Efforts should be made to avoid AEDs that may AEDs for monotherapy in focal epilepsies are listed in
be harmful to women and their offspring. All aspects Table 15.3, which also indicates those drugs that do
of the management of epilepsy and the implications not interact with hormonal contraception. Additional
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 217

information regarding teratogenic potential is given Oxcarbazepine is still difficult to assess precisely and
in Tables 7.14 and 7.15. It may be easier to first to ascertain whether it is better than carbamazepine as
exclude AEDs that score worse than others in the list initially promoted. Its decrease plasma concentration
in Table 15.3. These are: during pregnancy has been associated with seizure
Valproate is first in the list of unwanted AEDs in deterioration (see page 212).
women with focal epilepsies for two reasons. Firstly, Lamotrigine has been extensively promoted as the most
it poses significant risks in pregnancy, leads to weight women-friendly AED and the number of prescriptions
gain and has hormonal effects. Secondly, valproate for women is rising (see page 208). However, recent
is not as effective as other AEDs in focal seizures of evidence indicates that its use is associated with
any type. European epileptologists, including myself, significant problems, including interactions with
were using valproate effectively as the superior AED hormonal contraception and pregnancy that may
for generalised epilepsies; we were not recommending cause an increase of seizures or toxicity, and its
it as a first line option in focal epilepsies, for which teratogenic potential has not been yet elucidated, with
carbamazepine was preferred. Unfortunately, this some class 1 and 2 studies reporting a dose-related
clinical practice was spoiled by subsequent ‘evidence- effect on MCM (for further details see page 205).176
based’ reports and meta-analyses that found valproate Adjunctive treatment with lamotrigine and valproate
to be “as effective as carbamazepine” particularly in the is one of the most teratogenic combinations.
UK. This resulted in the widespread use of valproate Levetiracetam is more effective than lamotrigine
with detrimental effects at least in those women with and class 1 studies indicate that it has very low
focal epilepsy that were treated with the drug (see teratogenic potential (Table 7.15), but this needs to
page 484). be replicated when a larger number of women are
Phenytoin has numerous ADRs and mainly aesthetic recruited in the pregnancy registries. It is unknown
changes, such as gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism whether its reduced plasma concentration during
and dysmorphia. It is an enzyme inducer and it has pregnancy is of clinical significance (i.e. whether
been implicated in the so-called ‘foetal phenytoin levetiracetam, like lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine,
syndrome’ (though this is now under examination). may be associated with seizure deterioration in
Phenobarbital is scarcely used today in industrialised women during pregnancy).
countries, mainly because of its sedative effects. It is
less teratogenic than valproate and it is still a useful Commencing AED therapy in women of
AED in countries with poor resources. childbearing age with newly diagnosed
Gabapentin is of very low efficacy, is associated generalised epilepsy
with weight gain and has still unexplored effects in Valproate is unequivocally the most effective AED in
pregnancy. generalised epilepsies, so what is the best option for
Topiramate has high efficacy, but is seriously hindered women of childbearing age for whom valproate is now
by numerous ADRs that may also affect the foetus practically impossible to prescribe? In the past, and
and the newborn of women with epilepsy. before the introduction of newer broad-spectrum AEDs,
when valproate was the only option for the treatment
Therefore, the first choice in the treatment of women with
of generalised epilepsies, we used to inform the patient
focal seizures is between carbamazepine, lamotrigine,
thoroughly about the pros (best option for protection
levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine.
against generalised seizures) and cons (worse option
Carbamazepine still remains one of the most effective with regard to teratogenicity and spina bifida) of this
AEDs and appears to be relatively safe for women. drug. We now have the advantage of having lamotrigine
It is an enzyme inducer, but its reputation as a and levetiracetam as other options, but we have to
pregnancy category D drug has been partly restored detail the pros and cons of each. Lamotrigine is not as
in recent evidence-based studies (Table 7.15). innocuous in women as we initially thought; GTCS may
218 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

worsen during pregnancy in women on this drug and it possible scenario for the physician is having to make
often aggravates myoclonic jerks (see Pharmacopoeia, appropriate decisions for women with generalised
page 582). Currently, levetiracetam appears to be the epilepsies who are controlled on valproate. This
best substitute for valproate in the treatment of women is because of the uncertainties with regard to
with generalised epilepsies, though the verdict is still possible relapses that may occur when another
open. AED is substituted, which may not be a problem
for women with focal epilepsies as explained above.
Preconception In generalised epilepsies, the attempt to switch to
The preconception period is important to establish levetiracetam (or as a second option to lamotrigine)
optimal seizure control with the most appropriate should be made with caution, because of the
pregnancy-friendly AED. possibility of seizure recurrence, particularly with
Optimisation of AED therapy involves: lamotrigine. Women with JME should be informed
(a) re-evaluation of the diagnosis using the same that lamotrigine is not as effective as valproate and
steps listed on pages 5–10: are the paroxysmal levetiracetam and also carries an increased risk of
events epileptic; what type of seizures are aggravating myoclonic seizures. If valproate is to be
they; what causes them; and which epileptic maintained, attempts should be made to reduce it to
syndrome is it? a minimal dosage, possibly divided into 3–4 daily
(b) assessment of the frequency and severity of doses.
seizures before and after AED therapy, as well Women who are controlled on AED polytherapy
as possible precipitating factors and circadian should, if possible, be converted to monotherapy or
distribution to two AEDs by slowly withdrawing the AEDs that
(c) recording the course and outcome of previous are undesirable in women. Again the patient should
pregnancies if there were any be warned of the possibility of relapse.
(d) consideration of whether current AED therapy For women who are not controlled on AEDs, the
is optimal for the patient and the infant, or situation is exactly the same as for any other patient
whether changes are needed, which is probably who seeks control of seizures, but women-friendly
the case in the women taking valproate and/or AEDs should be given priority.
polytherapy. Folic acid should be prescribed before and
Some women are determined to avoid any AED- throughout the first trimester (see page 214).
induced risks to their babies and stop taking their It is common for women to become pregnant while
medication from the time that they prepare to taking AEDs without preconception advice.
conceive. Withdrawal of AED before pregnancy
The role of the physician is to assess the situation
might be considered if the woman:
regarding seizures and ADRs, inform the patient and
t is free of seizures for more than 2 years, though
request appropriate tests for the mother and foetus.
relapse is possible particularly in syndromes
The possible teratogenic effect of AEDs has been
such as JME, which often relapse on AED
exerted by the end of the first trimester, but cognitive
or other effects on the fetus may occur throughout
t does not have GTCS or seizures that may result
the pregnancy.
in injury, though these may appear in well-
controlled syndromes after AED withdrawal Any changes to AED treatment should be made before

t the potential consequences of seizure recurrence conception.

is thoroughly informed of. Follow-up of women with epilepsy during

For women in whom seizures are controlled by pregnancy and after delivery should be meticulous
monotherapy with any AED other than valproate, and requires good communication between the
there is probably no need for any change. The worse treating physician, the obstetrician and midwife in
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 219

addition to expert prenatal screening and TDM of diagnosed by ultrasonography, but their severity is
AEDs that are affected by pregnancy and carry the difficult to assess prenatally.
possibility of seizure relapse, such as lamotrigine Women with epileptic seizures should be reassured that
and oxcarbazepine. Almost all neural tube defects they can have happy families with healthy children like
can be detected by week 20 using high resolution any other woman. Their pregnancies may carry some
ultrasonography. Routine screening for α-fetoprotein definite risks, but these are small and can be minimised
in amniotic fluid probably provides little additional through proper management before, during and after
value.221 Most of the other MCM can also be pregnancy.

Principles of management in the elderly with

epileptic seizures
In the last decade, increasing attention has been paid to disorders. Cerebrovasular disease prevails, (30–
improving the management of the elderly with epileptic 40%) followed by metabolic disturbances, trauma,
seizures,who have many unmet needs. 222–226 central nervous system infections, space-occupying
(a) The global elderly population is constantly lesions and others.225 Acute (provoked, occasional)
increasing and the average life expectancy symptomatic seizures are common (see pages 40–
is 78–82 years in the USA, European Union, 41). Conversely, elderly patients with pre-existing
Japan and Australia (with women living 2–3 epilepsy often experience an improvement in or
years longer than men); one-tenth of the world remission of seizures, as for example with many
population is over the age of 60 years. IGEs such as JME.
(b) The prevalence and incidence of epilepsy Focal seizures are the predominant or exclusive
increases sharply in this population (Figure seizure type with or without secondarily GTCS in
1.4)225 and epilepsy is the third most common the elderly. Extratemporal focal seizures are more
neurological condition after cerebrovascular common than in younger patients. GTCS are also
disease and dementia. predominantly of focal onset.
(c) Diagnosis is challenging, because co-morbid
disorders may imitate epilepsy.
(d) When choosing an AED, it is important to Difficulties in diagnosing
consider the significant pharmacokinetic epileptic seizures in the
changes that occur in the elderly as well as co-
medications for other co-morbidities.
(e) The elderly are particularly vulnerable to ADRs Epileptic seizures are often unrecognised or mistaken
of AEDs, which are often poorly communicated for non-epileptic paroxysmal events in the elderly.226
and assessed. Their manifestations commonly mimic the symptoms
The proceedings of an expert International Geriatric of cerebrovascular disease or are considered ‘natural’
Epilepsy Symposium were recently published in a phenomena associated with the ageing process. An
supplement of Epilepsy Research (2006).227 epileptic fall, for example, is more likely to be attributed
The increase in the incidence and prevalence of to cerebral ischaemia, loss of balance or be accidental.
epileptic seizures in the elderly is due to co-morbid An epileptic complex focal seizure with impairment
220 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

of consciousness is more likely to be considered EEG and other investigative

cerebrovascular or an event of an age-related memory
deficit. The diagnostic difficulties are even greater procedures in the elderly
when the patient also has symptoms of cerebrovacular
Requests for investigative procedures in the elderly
disease, dementia or cardiac problems.
should be limited to those that are absolutely necessary.
Social isolation, lack of witnesses and the difficulty
Otherwise, the patient may suffer unnecessary discomfort.
or inability of the elderly to describe their symptoms
False-positive EEG and brain MRI results are common.
are factors that are compounded in the misdiagnosis
of epileptic seizures in the elderly. Elderly patients require the same care and
diagnostic precision as younger people. Therefore,
the diagnostic procedures are universally the same.
Frequency of seizures and However, considering that the elderly are often
fragile, diagnostic procedures should be limited
their severity in the elderly
to those that are absolutely necessary.
It is generally accepted that seizures in the elderly
are usually infrequent and easily controlled with Useful clinical advice
AEDs, which is also my experience. This view has
been validated in a recent study of newly diagnosed The overenthusiastic approach – “Let us do this test as
elderly patients with epilepsy, which showed that well not to miss that remote possibility” – is discouraged,
84% of patients achieved seizure freedom with particularly as ‘this test’ may be invasive, extremely
proper management and that this was statistically unpleasant and intolerable to an elderly person in
significant when compared with newly diagnosed addition to the extra burden of transport from home to
younger populations (p < 0.001).228 Further, in RCTs the hospital.
a patient with a “minimum of one seizure (>60%
with two or more seizures) during the 3 months Diagnosis should mainly rely on clinical
preceding enrolment is considered representative of assessment. Blood tests often identify problems
patients with new-onset geriatric epilepsy”.44 such as metabolic or drug-induced toxicity
The majority of focal seizures may not be severe, without the need for further tests.
but the effect of convulsive seizures when they EEG and brain imaging, the two main investigative
occur in an already vulnerable and sometimes procedures in the epilepsies, are significantly affected
disabled elderly individual may be devastating. by age and therefore false-positive results are high
Post-ictal confusion may be particularly severe in the elderly. EEG background abnormalities are
and lengthy (lasting for days) compared with that common in the elderly and this is the rule rather than
in younger individuals. The prevalence of status exception, particularly in those with cerebrovasular
epilepticus is almost twice that in the general disease and dementia, and those taking psychotropic
population and the mortality (38–50%) is the drugs. Sharp waves and other paroxysmal or
highest of any age group.223 Convulsive status focal abnormalities are not of the same diagnostic
epilepticus commonly manifests in the acute significance as in younger populations. It is because
state of a cerebral insult (see acute symptomatic of all these factors that my EEG reports for an elderly
seizures). Focal symptomatic non-convulsive person referred for possible epileptic seizures include
status epilepticus and less commonly absence the following comment:
status epilepticus are widely misdiagnosed in any “The EEG is abnormal. However, the reason for this
age group, but probably more so in the elderly and its clinical significance are uncertain. It cannot be
even if it is protracted for days.229 Absence status taken as evidence for or against epileptic seizures. Such
epilepticus in the elderly mainly occurs de novo EEG abnormalities in patients of this age are common.
after benzodiazepine withdrawal.230 Conversely, elderly patients with definite epileptic seizures
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 221

may not have the classical spikes or other EEG markers of than to derive any benefits from ill-advised AED
epileptogenicity that we assess in younger people.” prescribing.
However, rarely EEG may capture ictal events and Seizures are predominantly focal with or without
EEG is of the utmost importance in patients with secondarily GTCS. Therefore, the choice is between
suspected non-convulsive status epilepticus. AEDs listed in Tables 7.19 and 15.3 that are licensed
for the treatment of focal epilepsies in adults and the
elderly. Broad-spectrum AEDs are needed for the few
Physiological and other cases of elderly patients with generalised or a mixed
changes in the elderly that type of seizures.
Elderly patients respond well to lower doses and they are
may affect AEDs particularly sensitive to ADRs. Co-morbidity and co-
AED pharmacokinetics may be affected in the medication is prominent. Therefore, ‘start very low and
elderly, because ageing is associated with significant go very slow’ and other procedures of titration detailed
physiological and other changes.78,222,231 in the useful clinical notes (see page 186) are particularly
(a) Bioavailability may be reduced because of a valuable in the AED treatment of the elderly. Small doses,
decline in the ability to absorb the drug; this usually half the recommended initial and maintenance
may particularly affect gabapentin. dose for adults, may often be therapeutic. ADRs that
(b) Free fractions of protein-bound AEDs may are common, often severe and underdiagnosed or
increase significantly (which may not show in misdiagnosed may be avoidable by selecting the right
TDM) and cause toxicity. AED (Table 7.19) and using very small doses.
(c) Plasma levels of enzyme-inducing AEDs Excellent pharmacokinetics, minimal interactions
(Table 7.6) may increase significantly and the with other drugs and negligible ADRs are the
elimination half-life may be prolonged because optimal factors in choosing an AED for the elderly
of the declining efficiency of the P450 system, (Table 7.19). An ability to achieve a therapeutic
decreasing liver volume and slowing of blood effect without titration, parenteral formulations and
flow. Hepatic glucoronidation is less affected. ease of swallowing are also desirable attributes.234
(d) For most AEDs that are metabolised and excreted Polypharmacy is discouraged because ADRs and
by the kidneys, the clearance of unbound drug drug–drug interactions are more likely than true
is decreased by an average of 20–40% in the seizure benefit. Patients starting treatment two or
elderly.231 more years after their first seizure are less likely
(e) Plasma levels of AEDs that are primarily to achieve seizure control than patients in whom
excreted in the urine (Table 7.8) may increase treatment was initiated earlier.228
significantly because of declining renal function In RCTs in adults (including a variable number
and lower glomerular filtration rate. of the elderly), all AEDs licensed for monotherapy
The elderly usually have a narrower therapeutic window; for focal epilepsy (Table 7.19 and 15.3) have
that is, the maximum tolerated AED concentration is shown approximately equal efficacy (see page
closer to the lowest therapeutic concentration.232 191). In the elderly, there is a paucity of class I
and class II RCTs.44,235 Only gabapentin236 and
lamotrigine233,236,237 have been adequately tested
Principles of AED treatment in face-to-face comparisons with carbamazepine.
Although these drugs had similar efficacy,
in the elderly carbamazepine was less well tolerated. Whether the
AED treatment of the elderly is significantly different results would be different at different doses, different
than that of younger adult patients. Elderly patients titration scheme and different methodology is the
are more likely to suffer from drug-induced disease usual question in these RCTs (see page 190).
222 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Significant clinical note

The key recommendation in the treatment of the elderly is to avoid AEDs with:

than good (seizure improvement is often achieved with small doses of relatively ADR-free AEDs)
Small doses, usually half the recommended initial and maintenance dose for adults, may often be therapeutic.
Little information is available on the use and the effect of AEDs in elderly who have co-morbid cardiological disorders (see
page 200).

AEDs licensed for monotherapy in focal seizures with and without secondarily GTCSs:
comparison of priorities that are important in the treatment of elderly with epilepsy*

Tolerability Pharmaco- Significant Titration Need for Parenteral

kinetics (% of drug–drug laboratory formulation
perfect score)† interactions tests ‡

Carbamazepine Medium Inferior (50) Yes Slow Maximal (1 and 2) No

Lamotrigine Excellent Moderate (73) Yes Very slow Maximal (1 and 2) No
Levetiracetam Excellent Superior (96) Not clinically Fast Minimal Yes
Gabapentin Excellent Superior (89) Not clinically Fast Minimal No
Oxcarbazepine Medium Moderate (77) Yes Slow Maximal (1 and 2) No
Phenobarbital Poor Inferior (57) Yes Slow Maximal (1 and 2) Yes
Phenytoin Poor Inferior (50) Yes Slow Maximal (1 and 2) Yes
Topiramate Poor Moderate (79) Yes Very slow Maximal (1 and 2) No
Valproate Poor Inferior (52) Yes Slow Maximal (1) Yes

Table 7.19 Desirable properties are in red. *All AEDs in this table are lisenced for elderly patients in monotherapy of focal
seizures. In RCTs, none of the newer AEDs showed better efficacy than carbamazepine but they were better tolerated;
gabapentin has shown worse efficacy in clinical practice. For more information, see summary of product characteristics and
Table 7.2. For other details and citations see Table 15.3. †The % of perfect score is based on a customised rating system of
16 parameters to evaluate the pharmacokinetic profile of AEDs developed by Patsalos.233 ‡ (1) Monitoring for adverse drug
reactions; (2) therapeutic drug monitoring.

Surgery for epilepsies

The surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy surgical techniques. The outcome from current
has become increasingly more valuable and often surgical methods has improved dramatically.238–240
life-saving due to major advances in structural and Paediatric surgical outcomes have become similar to
functional neuroimaging, EEG monitoring and those reported for adults.241,242
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 223

Early surgical intervention, when successful, might resistant epilepsy) or suffer from surgically
also prevent or reverse the disabling psychosocial remediable syndromes
consequences of uncontrolled seizures during critical t have a reasonable chance of benefitting from
periods of development. surgery.
Despite this progress, surgery in epilepsies is Paediatric referrals differ from that of adults in two
underused and referrals are often delayed or not important respects.242 First, seizures in childhood
made.238,243 The reasons for this delay include the may be associated with developmental arrest or
fears of the patients and physicians about surgery regression, especially in children younger than
and undue reliance on newer AEDs and vagus nerve 2 years. Second, focal epilepsy in childhood is often
stimulation (VNS) in patients who had failed to associated with age-specific aetiologies such as
respond to appropriate medical treatment for years. Sturge–Weber or Landau–Kleffner syndrome, hemi-
The applications and outcomes of surgical interventions spheric and other malformations of brain develop-
in certain types of intractable seizures and epileptic ment. Currently, no pre-operative clinical variables
syndromes are detailed in the relevant chapters of this predict seizure outcome in the paediatric surgical
book. This section refers to general aspects of surgery in population.242 Developmental delay or psychiatric
epilepsies. This topic has recently been covered in over morbidity are not contraindicated for paediatric
300 pages in one of the best books on the treatment of epilepsy surgery.242
epilepsies – The Treatment of Epilepsy.244
Drug-resistant epilepsy for
Surgical treatment for epilepsy need not be a last resort. the purposes of surgical referral
Often, successful surgery, particularly in children, is Intractable epilepsy is defined in many ways.240,247
too late to reverse the crippling psychological and Drug-resistant epilepsy for the purposes of surgical
social consequences of repeated epileptic seizures referral is defined by an inadequate response to a
during developmental ages that are critical for the minimum of two first-line AEDs, either as mono-
acquisition of interpersonal and vocational skills. therapy or in combination, as appropriate to the
These patients, even if they remain seizure-free, are epileptic syndrome. The recommended duration
permanently disabled.238 is at least 2 years of treatment in adults; however,
A new classification of outcome with respect to this may be too long for children when considering
epileptic seizures following epilepsy surgery has the consequences of continuing seizures on their
been issued by the ILAE Commission.245 More
recently, the ILAE Subcommission for Paediatric
The concept of surgically
Epilepsy Surgery has published a consensus
remediable epileptic syndromes
statement on the unique features of paediatric
This concept was introduced in order to promote
epilepsy patients that justifies dedicated resources
early surgical intervention for certain forms of
and specialty paediatric surgical centres; guidelines epilepsy with well-defined pathophysiological sub-
for physicians for when to initiate the referral strates that are known to have a poor prognosis
process for children with refractory epilepsy; and after failure of a few AEDs and an excellent surgical
recommendations on presurgical evaluation and prognosis.248
post-operative assessments.242 The following are the main surgically remediable
epileptic syndromes:
t mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal
Criteria for surgical referral sclerosis (hippocampal epilepsy)
A candidate for epilepsy surgery must: t certain temporal or extratemporal neocortical
t have failed to attain adequate seizure control symptomatic focal syndromes with discrete easily
with adequate trials of antiepileptic drugs (drug- resectable structural lesions
224 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

t epilepsies of infants and small children that can 2. Palliative (or functional) with the purpose of
be treated with hemispherectomy. reducing the intensity and/or the frequency of a
certain seizure type (callosotomy and multiple
subpial transections).
Strategy of a surgical work-up
Curative (definitive) surgery
A pre-surgical evaluation and surgery should be
Curative surgery physically removes seizure-produc-
carried out in specialised centres for these proce-
ing brain tissue and carries a significant chance of
dures, which usually differ in children and adults.
producing complete, or at least 90%, improvement
A pre-surgical evaluation of candidates for surgery
in seizures.
t an accurate diagnosis based on a meticulous ictal Focal resective procedure (lesionectomy)
and inter-ictal clinical history This is the most common, important and rewarding
t neuroradiological investigations and particularly of all surgical treatments for focal epilepsies. The
high-resolution MRI, often supplemented with aim is to resect the total irritative zone to a sufficient
functional brain imaging extent to lead to the elimination of seizures.
t neurophysiological identification of the epilepto- Hippocampal epilepsy benefits most from this
genic brain region procedure (see page 445). A class 1 RCT of surgery
for hippocampal epilepsy found that 64% of those
t neuropsychological evaluation to reveal possible
who received surgery were free of disabling seizures
cognitive and linguistic deficits and to predict
compared with 8% in the group randomised to
the effect of cortical resection
continued AED medical therapy. Quality of life and
t quality of life and psychiatric assessment.
social function significantly improved in the patients
Subsequently, a decision is taken on the most
who were operated on; morbidity was infrequent
appropriate surgical strategy and the potential
and there was no mortality.238
outcome is estimated. Complications are rare, probably less than 1%
Resective surgery is most likely to be successful if or 2% overall, and vary with the experience of the
the findings from different modalities are concordant surgical team rather than the procedure.
with regard to epileptogenic localisation. Other temporal and extratemporal epilepsies benefit
from resective surgery, which also produces excellent
Useful warning to patients results (see the surgical treatment of relevant focal
epilepsies). In these cases the discreteness of the
Patients referred to specialised surgery centres should lesion and its relationship to eloquent cortical areas
be warned of the following: are major determinants of surgical management and
t FWBMVBUJPO QSPDFEVSFT BSF PGUFO MFOHUIZ  MBTUJOH GPS Often surgical problems may be difficult, needing
months complex investigative tools such as functional MRI
t UIFZNBZOPUCFTVJUBCMFGPSTVSHFSZ (fMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), invasive
recording and operating with neuronavigation and
possibly intra-operative MRI.239 The most difficult
part is to define exactly the whole area of the irritative
Types of surgical procedures
brain tissue, because this frequently extends beyond
Surgery can be one of two types: the structural lesion visualised on neuroimaging or
1. Curative (or definitive), aiming at suppression the epileptogenic cortical area generating inter-ictal
of the epileptogenic focus through a resective or spikes. Where there is no discrete lesion (cryptogenic
disconnective surgical procedure. focal epilepsies), fMRI and both acute and chronic
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 225

electrophysiological recordings may be helpful in of epileptic encephalopathies (see Chapter 10).

determining the extent of the resection. A favourable outcome, from a greater than 50%
In hypothalamic epilepsy, resective epilepsy has now reduction to occasional complete cessation of
improved, but it still has high risks. Several different these seizures, is obtained in 60–80% of patients.
approaches have been used successfully, but Improvements (40–80%) have also been reported
their relative efficacy and safety have not yet been in symptomatic tonic seizures and less often
established (see page 317).242 secondary GTCSs according to the extension of the
section. These are cases of symptomatic secondarily
Cerebral hemispherectomy generalised epilepsy with EEG bifrontal epileptic
Cerebral hemispherectomy for intractable seizures foci and secondary bilateral synchrony. Global
has evolved over the past 50 years and current behavioural and intellectual improvement may occur,
operations focus less on brain resection and more particularly if surgery is performed early. Other types
on disconnection. The main indications are drug- of seizures are not indicated for callosotomy, even
resistant seizures secondary to gross unilateral hemi- though some improvement may be observed.
spherical pathology with severe contralateral (to the Despite improvements and modifications of corpus
lesion) neurological deficit, including hemianopia. callosotomy with sequential radiofrequency lesions
Common conditions for which hemispherectomy and stereotactic radiosurgery, morbidity is relatively
is recommended include Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen high and there is a tendency for seizures to return
syndrome (page 327), hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia after 2 years. More severe focal seizures may occur
syndrome (page 333), hemimegaloencephaly and postoperatively.
miscellaneous hemispherical residual atrophic or
other lesions, including Sturge–Weber disease.242 Multiple subpial transections
The structural and functional integrity of the other Multiple subpial transection is an ingenious
hemisphere should be appropriately verified. surgical technique invented by Morrell250,251 for
Seizure outcome is excellent with three-quarters drug-resistant focal epilepsies involving eloquent
(58–78%) of patients becoming seizure free, and it is motor-, sensory- or language-important cortex
generally perceived that behaviour and intellectual and Landau–Kleffner syndrome. This technique
performance improve in these patients. Outcome eliminates the capacity of cortical tissue to generate
is related to the completeness of disconnection seizures while preserving the normal cortical
and less so to aetiology, although those with physiological function.
The rationale of the technique is based on the
malformations of cortical development appear to
observation that horizontal fibres of the cortex
do worse than others. The surgical mortality rate
facilitate the propagation of epileptic discharge,
is low (0–6%).
whereas the vertical fibres subserve function.
Palliative (functional) surgery249 Thus, surgical division of the tangential fibres
Palliative surgery is designed to improve seizures by at regular intervals in a cortical epileptogenic
modification of the neuronal pathways responsible area would permanently disrupt side-to-side,
for their generation and spreading. Its purpose is to intracortical, synchronising, neuronal networks
reduce the intensity and frequency of certain seizure and curtail the epileptic discharges. Function is
types. It rarely (3–5%) results in freedom from preserved because these right-angle cuts to the
seizures. pial surface should not disrupt cortex–subcortical,
input–output interactions.
Corpus callosotomy The success of the technique depends on selection
Corpus callosotomy, surgical division of the corpus of cases with severe epileptogenic abnormality that
callosum, is the only procedure for devastating atonic can be demonstrated to be unilateral in origin despite
seizures with traumatic falls (atonic drop attacks) a bilateral electrographic manifestation.
226 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)

VNS252–256 is an invasive non-pharmacological lead breakage (0.1%), and aesthetic complications
treatment licensed for use as an adjunctive therapy from the incisions (prevalence unknown).
in reducing the frequency of seizures in adults and Perioperative adverse reactions: pain (29%), coughing
adolescents over 12 years of age with focal seizures (14%), voice alteration (13%), chest pain (12%) and
which are resistant to AEDs. It is also licensed for nausea (10%).
treatment-resistant depression. During treatment: hoarseness (37%), throat pain
(11%), coughing (7%), dyspnoea (6%), paraesthesiae
Efficacy (6%), muscle pain (6%) and discomfort in the face
Systematic reviews of the current evidence for the effects or neck when the stimulator is activated. All are
of VNS in drug-resistant focal seizures have concluded related to the intensity of stimulation, can often be
that this is an effective and well-tolerated treatment.253 reduced by adjusting the generator’s programme and
In general, a third of the patients show more than 50% may habituate in most individuals.
reduction in seizure frequency (but seizure freedom There are no apparent effects of VNS on vagally
is conspicuously extremely rare), a third show a medicated visceral functions or AED plasma concen-
30–50% seizure reduction and a third show no trations. No adverse cognitive or systemic effects are
response.257 Concomitant AEDs may be reduced, but I reported with the use of the implanted vagus nerve
am not aware of any reports of patients where all drugs stimulator.
were withdrawn, thereby using VNS as monotherapy.
All patients stay on at least one medication in addition Technical aspects
to the VNS. Improvements in various quality-of-life The VNS device (manufactured by Cyberonics, Inc.;
measurements during treatment with VNS have consists of a small, battery-
been reported.258 In practice VNS has been used powered, electrical pulse generator implanted
for a variety of drug-resistant epilepsies, including under the skin of the left chest. This is linked to
young children with epileptic encephalopathies, but the stimulating spring-shaped electrodes that are
the results are often conflicting, ranging from good wrapped around the main trunk of the left vagus
to no effect. In one of the best-controlled studies, 16 nerve via an under-the-skin insulated cable.
children with epileptic encephalopathies were treated The pulse generator is individually programmed
with VNS and followed up for 3 years.259 There were to stimulate the left vagus nerve automatically at
significant fluctuations in effectiveness, but at the end varying frequencies, typically for 30 s every 5 min,
of the study all children were no better than their pre- through a computer and a hand-held ‘wand’. The
VNS baselines with regard to seizures and parameters frequency is adjusted to the patient’s needs.
of quality of life.260 This contradicts the idea based on The treating physician makes readjustments to the
anecdotal evidence that seizure control and quality- programming and stimulus output.
of-life benefits with VNS treatment increase over time, In addition, the patient or carer can activate extra-
and that improvement may not be immediate but stimulation at pre-programmed settings through a
happens over 18–24 months of treatment. magnet passed over the generator. This is to shorten
or terminate a seizure as soon as possible after its
Adverse reactions onset. Keeping the magnet over the generator turns
Surgery-related complications: infection (3%), which off the stimulation.
may demand the removal of the device (1%), vocal
cord dysfunction (hoarseness and dysphagia) (1%), Surgical procedure and cost
facial nerve palsy, Horner’s syndrome, bradycardia and, The implantation of the VNS therapeutic device is
exceptionally, asystole (0.1%), wound haematoma and a surgical procedure requiring general anaesthesia.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 227

It is usually performed by an experienced neuro- In clinical practice, the opinion of expert paediatric
surgeon and it takes approximately 1 or 2 hours. The and adult epileptologists that I share is far less
generator is inserted in the hollow below the clavicle enthusiastic:
through an incision in the left axilla. The electrodes A few patients may improve.
are inserted through an incision in the left side of the
Some patients have less hospital admissions.
neck. Patients usually go home the same day that the
I would try it in patients who had failed AED therapy
VNS device is implanted.
and are not suitable for operation but I would not give
The cost is substantial. In addition to the cost of
great hopes to the patients who may also have to meet
hospitalisation and the operation, the cost of the
a significant cost.
VNS device is approximately US$15,600. The battery
lasts between 3 and 5 years (10 years in the current An expensive and useless exercise in epileptic

versions) and is replaced by a small operation under encephalopathies.

local anaesthesia. A replacement VNS device with The truth may be somewhere between these views.
new battery is US$11,600. VNS may have a place in drug-resistant epilepsies
that are not amicable to surgery.
What is the place of VNS In a recent study, concurrent (ketogenic or modified
in the treatment of epilepsies? Atkins) diet and VNS treatment for medically drug-
Reports fulfilling the requirements of evidence-based resistant childhood epilepsy appeared synergistic
medicine conclude that VNS is effective in drug- and yielded rapid ‘benefits’.261
resistant focal epilepsies (when multiple polytherapy
has failed) and may improve the quality of life. Useful note
Similar studies on the effect of VNS in epileptic
Environmental precautions for those
encephalopathies have been disappointing.
treated with VNS
Reports from uncontrolled studies, case reports and
Strong magnets such as those used in MRI, loudspeakers
their reviews are also in favour of VNS in a number
and hair clippers may interfere with the stimulator or the
of drug-resistant epileptic disorders including epileptic
electrode leads. Body MRI is contraindicated, whereas
encephalopathies. Of 129 children from 12 centres in head MRI should be done with only transmit-and-receive
the USA, 72 had a 12-month follow-up or more, with head coils. In general, ‘avoid areas where pacemaker
all 129 having follow-up for at least 6 months. Overall, warning signs are posted’.
only one child was seizure free and 43% demonstrated The magnet provided for manual stimulation may
greater than 50% improvement, but 43% had no change damage credit cards, mobile phones, computer disks,
in seizure frequency.242 Some data were promising with televisions and other items affected by strong magnetic
regard to drop attacks, but the role of VNS versus fields. Care should be taken to store the magnet away
callosotomy requires further evaluation.242 GSPNUIFTFUZQFTPGFRVJQNFOU
228 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet262–272 is undergoing a mini- seizures by increasing the cerebral energy reserves
renaissance in drug-resistant childhood epilepsies in the brain, thus promoting neuronal stability.
and particularly epileptic encephalopathies. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate,
The ketogenic diet and related dietary treatments low-protein regimen. The ketogenic ratio
have been recently reviewed.273 (fat :carbohydrate plus protein) ranges from 2:1 to a
maximum of 5:1. The constituents are customised to
Indications and efficacy meet the patient’s needs and preferences. The diet is
Large observational studies, some prospective, a radical medical therapy and nutritional well-being
and one RCT,272 are consistent in showing that is a constant concern. The diet is usually started as
the ketogenic diet is a relatively safe and effective an inpatient. It should be initiated, supervised and
treatment in infants and children with drug-resistant monitored by a nutrition support team who also
epilepsies. The diet is particularly effective for instruct family members on the maintenance of
epileptic spasms and epilepsies with myoclonic the diet at home. Traditionally, children starting on
the ketogenic diet were made to fast for 1 or 2 days
seizures. Overall, estimates indicate that complete
until ketosis was seen. They were then started on a
cessation of all seizures occurs in 16% of patients,
third of the calories for 24 hours, then two-thirds of
a greater than 90% reduction in seizures occurs in
the calories for the next 24 hours, and finally were
32%, and a greater than 50% reduction in seizures
advanced to a full diet. This fasting period is often a
occurs in 56%.262 Half the children will continue on
difficult time for young children and their families,
the diet for at least 1 year; 40–50% of those starting and is probably not needed.275
the diet will have a greater than 50% reduction in
seizures after 12 months. Most parents also report The Atkins diet
improvements in their child’s behaviour and function, The popular Atkins diet has recently been used in
particularly with respect to attention/alertness, the treatment of epileptic encephalopathies as a
activity level and socialisation.263 A concomitant less restrictive alternative therapy to the ketogenic
reduction in AEDs is often possible. The ketogenic diet.276–278
diet is first-line therapy for the treatment of seizures
Adverse effects of the ketogenic diet
due to glucose transporter protein deficiency.274
The ketogenic diet is generally well tolerated and
over 94% of patients have maintained appropriate
Rationale and types of ketogenic diet
growth parameters.8 Nephrolithiasis has been
The ketogenic diet as an effective treatment of drug-
reported in 5–8% of children. Other adverse events
resistant epilepsies was introduced in 1921 as a way
have included a reduced quantity of bone mass
of duplicating and prolonging the beneficial effects (requiring vitamin D supplementation), gastritis,
that fasting appeared to have on seizure control. ulcerative colitis, alteration of mentation and
Hence, this diet mimics the changes of starvation. hyperlipidaemia. Altered concentrations of AEDs
Neurones use ketone bodies rather than glucose may cause toxicity. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
as a metabolic substrate. The mechanism of action (Table 7.7) should be avoided. When possible,
of the diet remains unknown, and it is difficult to valproate should also be avoided. The diet may be
assess which biochemical parameters should be lethal for patients with rare disorders of cerebral
monitored as adjustments are made to the diet. It energy metabolisms such as pyruvate carboxylase
has been suggested that chronic ketosis may control deficiency.
Principles of Therapy in the Epilepsies 229

Corticosteroids in the
treatment of childhood epilepsies
Corticosteroids are sometimes used to treat severe With ACTH, dose regimens vary from 20 IU/day to
forms of childhood epilepsies in an attempt to reduce 150 IU/m2 per day. Efficacy and tolerability of natural
seizures and improve behaviour, cognitive function, ACTH is considered to be better than its synthetic
motor function or any combination of these.279–281 Their analogue tetracosactide (tetracosactrin).
mechanism of action is unknown, the evidence base Prednisone is usually given at 1, 2 or 3 mg/kg per
for their use is weak (except for epileptic spasms) and day. Other corticosteroids include oral hydrocorti-
their potential ADRs are considerable. Corticosteroid sone, betamethasone and dexamethasone (sometimes
treatment is clinically beneficial only in the treatment also intravenously).
of West syndrome, epileptic encephalopathy with Corticosteroids have been given in short courses of
continuous spike-and-wave during sleep (which a few weeks or longer courses lasting many months.
includes Landau–Kleffner syndrome) and possibly Both non-tapered and tapered regimens have been
Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome (see relevant advocated.
chapters). For all other drug-resistant epilepsies,
corticosteroid treatment is usually a somewhat Adverse effects and
desperate move when other therapies have failed, and monitoring of corticosteroid treatment
it is usually administered during periods when control Corticosteroid treatment is associated with
of seizures is particularly problematic. Corticosteroids significant adverse effects, particularly when used
are also sometimes used for children with protracted at high doses and over prolonged periods. Some of
and frequent episodes of status epilepticus, mainly in these may be fatal. Of more concern are electrolyte
epileptic encephalopathies. It is important to clearly disturbances, glucose intolerance, hypertension,
define the purpose of such treatment before its start. increased susceptibility to infections, particularly
to certain viral infections such as varicella, and
Preparation, doses and osteoporosis, myopathy and cardiomyopathy.
regimens of corticosteroids Treatment is also associated with an increase in
A variety of preparations are available. Oral the ventricular and extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid
prednisone or intramuscular adrenocorticotrophic spaces, which is apparent on brain imaging and
hormone (ACTH) are the most commonly used. usually reversible.

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Neonatal epileptic
seizures and neonatal
epileptic syndromes

Neonatal epileptic seizures

Neonatal epileptic seizures occur from birth to Although the components of neonatal seizures can be
the end of the neonatal period.1–9 This is the most described in terms of the seizure types itemized in the
vulnerable of all the other periods of life for the list of epileptic seizures [Table 2.3], they often display
development of epileptic seizures, particularly in the unique organizational features. Therefore, a study group
first 1 or 2 days from birth. Neonatal seizures differ will be created to more completely define and charac-
from those of older children and adults. They may terize the various types of neonatal seizures.11
be short-lived events lasting for just a few days, but
they often signify serious malfunction or damage of
Useful definitions
the immature brain, and constitute a neurological
emergency that demands urgent diagnosis and t 5IFOFPOBUBMQFSJPEJTEFmOFEBTUIFmSTUEBZTPG
management. Most neonatal seizures are acute (pro- MJGFPGBGVMMUFSNJOGBOU
voked, occasional, reactive) symptomatic seizures t /FPOBUBMTFJ[VSFTBSFUIPTFUIBUPDDVSGSPNCJSUIUP
caused by an acute illness such as hypoxic–ischaemic UIFFOEPGUIFOFPOBUBMQFSJPE
encephalopathy, stroke or infection. Seizures are t (FTUBUJPOBM BHF JT EFmOFE BT UIF EVSBUJPO PG
the most common and important sign of acute QSFHOBODZ
neonatal encephalopathy; they are a major risk for t $ISPOPMPHJDBMBHFJTUIFBDUVBMAMFHBMBHFPGUIFJOGBOU
death or subsequent neurological disability and, GSPNUIFUJNFPGCJSUI
by themselves, may contribute to an adverse neuro- t $PODFQUJPOBM BHF JT UIF DPNCJOFE HFTUBUJPOBM BOE
developmental outcome. DISPOPMPHJDBMBHFT
on classification
and terminology Demographic data
The ILAE Commission (1989)10 broadly classifies The prevalence of neonatal seizures is approximately
the neonatal seizures among ‘epilepsies and synd- 1.5% and overall incidence approximately 3/1000
romes undetermined as to whether they are focal live births. The incidence in pre-term infants is very
or generalised’ under the subheading ‘with both high (57–132/1000 live births). Of neonatal seizures
generalised and focal seizures’. The new ILAE report 80% occur in the first 1 or 2 days during the first
states the following: week of life.


Clinical manifestations behaviours and reactions. Subtle seizures manifest

with the following:
Neonatal seizures are paroxysmal, repetitive and t ocular movements, which range from random
stereotypical events. They are usually clinically and roving eye movements to sustained conjugate
subtle, inconspicuous and difficult to recognise from tonic deviation with or without jerking. Eyelid
the normal behaviours of the inter-ictal periods or blinking or fluttering, eyes rolling up, eye
physiological phenomena. There is no recognisable opening, fixation of a gaze or nystagmus may
post-ictal state. Generalised tonic–clonic seizures occur alone or with other ictal manifestations
(GTCSs) are exceptional or may not occur.12 t oral–buccal–lingual movements (sucking, chew-
The most widely used scheme is by Volpe13 and ing, smacking and tongue protrusions)
constitutes five main types of neonatal seizure: t progression movements (rowing, swimming,
1. subtle seizures (50%) pedalling, bicycling, thrashing or struggling
2. tonic seizures (5%) movements)
3. clonic seizures (25%) t complex purposeless movements (sudden arousal
4. myoclonic seizures (20%) with episodic limb hyperactivity and crying).14
5. non-paroxysmal repetitive behaviours.
In another scheme by Mizrahi,2,5 neonatal seizures Motor seizures
are classified as follows: Clonic seizures are rhythmic jerks that may localise in
t focal clonic a small part of the face or limbs, axial muscles and
t focal tonic the diaphragm, or be multifocal or hemiconvulsive.
t generalised tonic Multifocal clonic seizures may migrate to other body
t myoclonic parts or other limbs. Todd’s paresis follows prolonged
t spasms hemiconvulsions.
t motor automatisms (which include ocular Tonic seizures manifest with sustained contraction of
signs, and oral–buccal–lingual, progression and facial, limb, axial and other muscles. They may be
complex purposeless movements). focal, multifocal or generalised, symmetrical or asym-
Almost a quarter of infants experience several seizure metrical. Truncal or limb tonic extensions imitate
types and the same seizure may manifest with subtle, decerebrate or decorticate posturing. These occur
clonic, myoclonic, autonomic or other symptoms particularly in pre-term infants and have a poor
(Figure 8.1). prognosis because they frequently accompany intra-
Recently, Scher9 has proposed a multi-dimensional ventricular haemorrhage.
classification scheme for neonatal seizures that will Myoclonic seizures are rapid, single or arrhythmic
help strategise specific therapeutic interventions repetitive jerks. They may affect a finger, a limb or the
in order to optimise neurological outcome and whole body. They may mimic Moro reflex and startling
anticipate later neurological morbidities, including responses. They are more frequently in pre-term than
epilepsy risk. This scheme combines epileptic and in full-term infants indicating, if massive, major brain
non-epileptic seizure descriptions that capture time- injury and poor prognosis.15 However, healthy pre-
specific and brain region-specific mechanisms for term and, although rarely, full-term neonates may
seizures. have abundant myoclonic movements during sleep.
Neonates have cortical, reticular and segmental types
Subtle seizures of myoclonus, similar to adult forms.16
Subtle seizures are far more common than other Spasms producing flexion or extension similar to
types of neonatal seizures. They are described those of West syndrome are rare. They are slower
as subtle because the clinical manifestations than myoclonic and clonic seizures and faster than
are frequently overlooked. They imitate normal tonic seizures (Figures 2.8 and 8.2).

Ictal EEG patterns in a 2-day-old boy with right middle cerebral artery thrombosis

A 'Q 


 ' [
 $ [
˜7 "QOPFB 4B0

B 'Q 


 ' [
 $ [


C 'Q 

 ' [
 $ [


Figure 8.1 (A,B) Apnoeic, myoclonic, clonic and subtle seizure of motor automatisms associated with various ictal EEG patterns
and locations. (C) ‘Electroclinical dissociation’: the electrical discharge is not associated with apparent clinical manifestations.

Tonic seizure with generalised flattening of the EEG



'Q  o 5 




'Q  o 5 






Figure 8.2 Reproduced with permission from Plouin (2006).8

Autonomic ictal manifestations myoclonic symptoms may be non-epileptic seizures.

Autonomic ictal manifestations commonly occur These show clinical similarities to reflex behaviours
with motor manifestations in 37% of subtle seizures. of the neonates, but are not associated with ictal
These are paroxysmal changes of heart rate, respir- EEG discharges and commonly correlate with
ation and systemic blood pressure. Apnoea, as diffuse abnormal brain processes such as hypoxic–
an isolated seizure phenomenon unaccompanied ischaemic encephalopathy and a poor short-term
by other clinical epileptic features, is probably outcome. They are considered as exaggerated reflex
exceptional.17 Salivation and pupillary changes are behaviours due to abnormal release of brain-stem
common. tonic mechanisms from cortical control – hence, the
term ‘brain-stem release phenomena’:
Duration of neonatal seizures They most typically occur in neonates with clinical and
The duration of neonatal seizures is usually brief EEG evidence of forebrain depression that may release
(10 s to 1–2 min) and repetitive with a median of brain stem facilitatory centres for generating reflex
8 min in between each seizure. Longer seizures and behaviours without cortical inhibition.2,5
status epilepticus develop more readily at this age,
but convulsive neonatal status epilepticus is not as
severe as that of older infants and children.
Non-epileptic neonatal seizures The aetiology of neonatal epileptic seizures is
Kellaway and Mizrahi2,5 proposed that many of the extensive and diverse (Table 8.1). Severe causes
subtle seizures, generalised tonic posturing and some predominate. The prevalence and significance of

Main causes of neonatal seizures

Hypoxia–ischaemia +++++++

Haemorrhage and intracerebral infarction ++++

Trauma ++++
Infections ++++












Malformations of cerebral development +++
Neurocutaneous syndromes ++++
Drug withdrawal and toxic +++
Inadvertent injections of local anaesthetics during delivery +
Idiopathic benign neonatal seizures (familial and non-familial) +

Table 8.1

aetiological factors are continually changing and are should initiate urgent and appropriate clinical
uneven between developed and resource-poor coun- and laboratory evaluation for the aetiological
tries, depending on available improved neonatal cause (Table 8.1) and treatment. Family and pre-
and obstetric care. In most cases, the neonate may natal history is important. A thorough physical
present with a combination of different neurological examination of the neonate should be coupled with
disturbances, each of which can cause seizures. urgent and comprehensive biochemical tests for
Hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy is by far the most correctable metabolic disturbances. Although rare,
common cause – probably 80% of neonatal seizures. more severe inborn errors of metabolism should be
Brain damage due to prenatal distress and malformations considered for diagnosis and treatment.
of cortical development is being recognised more
frequently. Brain imaging
Intracranial haemorrhage and infarction, stroke and Cranial ultrasonography and brain imaging with CT
prenatal and neonatal infections are common. and preferably MRI20 should be used for the detection
Acute metabolic disturbances such as electrolyte and of structural abnormalities, such as malformations
glucose abnormalities have been minimised because of of cortical development, intracranial haemorrhage,
improved neonatal intensive care and awareness of hydrocephalus and cerebral infarction.
nutritional hazards. Late hypocalcaemia is virtually Cranial ultrasonography is the main imaging modality
eliminated, whereas electrolytic derangement and of mainly pre-term neonates. It is limited in resolution
hypoglycaemia are now rare. and the type of lesions that it can identify.
Inborn errors of metabolism such as urea cycle CT brain scans are now of high resolution and can
disorders are rare. be generated within seconds. They can accurately
Pyridoxine dependency, with seizures in the first days detect haemorrhage, infarction, gross malformations,
of life (reversible with treatment), is exceptional. and ventricular and other pathological conditions.
Exogenous causes of neonatal convulsions may be Sensitivity is low in malformations of cortical
iatrogenic or due to drug withdrawal in babies born development.
to mothers on drugs. MRI is the superior modality. MRI interpretation should
take into consideration the normal developmental
Pathophysiology and maturational states of neonates and infants. In
The increased risk to seizures of neonates may be due infants younger than 6 months, cortical abnormalities
to a combination of factors specific to the developing are detected with T2-weighted images, whereas
brain that enhance excitation and diminish inhibi- T1-weighted ones are needed for the evaluation of
tion. There is an unequal distribution of anticon- brain maturation.20
vulsant and proconvulsant neurotransmitters and
networks18,19 (see also individual neonatal epileptic Electroencephalography
syndromes). The neonatal EEG is the most useful EEG
application.2,5,21–23 Well-trained technologists and
physicians are required. Polygraphic studies with
Diagnostic procedures simultaneous video-EEG recording are essential.24–26
Only 10% of neonates suspected of having seizures
Neonatal seizures represent one of the very few
have EEG confirmation: clonic movements have
emergencies in the newborn. Abnormal, repetitive
the highest yield of 44%, but only 17% for ‘subtle’
and stereotypical behaviours of neonates should
be suspected and evaluated as possible seizures.
Polygraphic video-EEG recording of suspected Inter-ictal EEG
events is probably mandatory for an incontrovertible Inter-ictal EEG epileptogenic spikes or sharp–slow-
seizure diagnosis. Confirmation of neonatal seizures wave foci are not reliable markers in this age but

certain inter-ictal EEG patterns may have diagnostic frequency, amplitude and morphology in the course
significance (Figures 8.3 and 8.4). These are:2,5 of the same or subsequent seizures. Conversely,
t electrocerebral inactivity of a flat or almost-flat they may remain virtually unchanged from onset to
EEG of severe brain damage termination. The background EEG may be normal
t the burst-suppression pattern of neonatal or abnormal.
epileptic encephalopathies (Figure 8.5) Focal EEG ictal discharges usually associate with
t theta pointu alternant of benign neonatal subtle, clonic or tonic seizures. The most common
convulsions (Figure 8.4) locations in order of prevalence are centrotemporal,
t persistently focal sharp or slow waves in localised occipital, midline (Cz) and temporal regions. Frontal
lesions localisations are exceptional. The same infant may
t quasi-periodic focal or multifocal pattern in have unifocal or multifocal ictal discharges, which
neonatal herpes simplex encephalitis27 may be simultaneous, develop one from another or
t periodic complexes in glycine encephalopathy6 occur independently in different brain sites. Clinical
t inter-hemispheric or intra-hemispheric abnor- or EEG jacksonian march is not seen. Consistently
malities. focal EEG paroxysms are highly correlated with focal
Background EEG activity, mainly in serial EEGs, brain lesions. Seizures that lack or have an inconstant
often provides objective evidence of the degree and relationship with EEG discharges correlate with
severity of the underlying cause. diffuse pathological conditions.

Important note ‘Zips’ is a descriptive term that I coined for a common

ictal EEG pattern in neonates, which consists of local-
Burst-suppression pattern ised episodic rapid spikes of accelerating and decel-
5IF CVSTUTVQQSFTTJPO QBUUFSO JT SFMBUJWFMZ GSFRVFOU JO erating speed that look like zips (Figure 8.3). Zips may
UIFOFPOBUBMQFSJPE*UJTBTTPDJBUFEXJUIIFUFSPHFOFPVT be associated with subtle and focal clonic and tonic
TFJ[VSFTBOEDBOCFJOEVDFECZESVHT *UJTDPNNPO seizures or remain clinically silent. Zips of subtle seizures
JOOFPOBUBMJTDIBFNJDFODFQIBMPQBUIZ XIFSFJUJTVTVBMMZ are often multifocal and of shifting localisation.
Generalised ictal discharges are more likely to occur
with myoclonic jerks and neonatal spasms.
NZPDMPOJDFODFQIBMPQBUIZ Electroclinical dissociation
or decoupling response
Ictal EEG Only a fifth (21%) of electrical ictal EEG patterns
Ictal EEG patterns vary significantly even in the same associate with distinctive clinical manifestations
neonate and the same EEG recording (Figure 8.1). (electroclinical seizures). All others are occult, i.e.
Ictal EEG paroxysms consist of repetitive waves they are clinically silent or subclinical (electrical or
with a predominant beta, alpha, theta and delta electrographic seizures).31
range, or a mixture of all, which may accelerate or Electrographic or electrical seizures, namely EEG
decelerate in speed or both (Figures 8.1 and 8.3). electrical seizure activity without apparent clinical
They consist of spikes, and sharp, saw-tooth or manifestations, are more common after initiation of
sinusoidal waves (monomorphic or polymorphic), anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs). This is because AEDs
ranging in amplitude from very low to very high. may suppress the clinical manifestations of seizures
The patterns may be synchronous or asynchronous, but not the EEG ictal discharge. This phenomenon is
focal or multifocal and, less frequently, generalised. named the ‘decoupling response’2,5 or ‘electroclinical
They may appear and disappear suddenly or build dissociation’.32 Electroclinical dissociation may arise
up from accelerating localised repetitive waves. Ictal from foci not consistently reflected in surface elec-
discharges may gradually or abruptly change in trodes. Neonates with electrographic seizures do

not differ from those with exclusively electroclinical the electrographic group.33 Movements of the limbs
seizures with regard to aetiology or outcome, occur at a statistically significant higher rate during
although the background EEG is more abnormal in electroclinical seizures. Electrographic seizures,

Zip-like electrical discharges

'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 

 '  o 5 

 5  o 5 


'Q  o ' 

 '  o 5 

 5  o 5 






Figure 8.3 (A,B) Continuous recording in a neonate with severe brain hypoxia. Zip-like discharges consist of high-frequency
rapid spikes of accelerating and decelerating speed. They start from various locations, terminating in one while continuing in
another EEG derivation. (C) Amplification of zips with high sensitivity in T6–O2 derivation. Note that the zips look like, but are
not, muscle artefacts, which may also occur when zips are associated with motor seizure manifestations.

similar to electroclinical seizures, are also associated will stop when the limb is restrained or repositioned.
with disturbed cerebral metabolism.34 Conversely, clonic seizures are mainly focal, usually
have a rate of 3 or 4 Hz or slower, decelerate in the
Electrical seizure patterns
progress of the attack and are not interrupted by
of usually poor prognosis2,5
passive movements.
Alpha seizure discharges are characterised by sustained
Abnormal behaviours: Among abnormal behaviours
and rhythmic activity of 12 Hz and 20–70 μV in the
of neonates with CNS disorders are episodic and
centrotemporal regions.
repetitive oral–buccal–lingual movements. These are
Electrical seizure activity of the depressed brain is of
often reproducible with tactile or other stimuli and
low voltage, long duration, highly localised on one
are interrupted by restraint. Conversely, neonatal
side and with little tendency to spread.
seizures persist despite restraint and they are rarely
Stimulus-evoked electrographic or electroclinical patterns
stimulus sensitive.
elicited by tactile or painful stimulation, usually occur
Non-epileptic movement disorders: Neonatal seizures
in pre-term neonates or neonates with significant
should be differentiated from benign neonatal sleep
diffuse or multifocal brain damage.35 Most cases die
myoclonus, hyperekplexia and other non-epileptic
or have significant neurological handicaps.
movement disorders (see Chapter 4).
Post-ictal EEG Significant impairment of vital signs, which may be
Post-ictal EEG usually returns to the pre-ictal state periodic, is mainly due to non-neurological causes.
immediately (Figure 8.1). Transient slowing or Changes in respiration, the heart rate and blood pres-
depression of EEG activity may occur after frequent sure rarely occur as sole manifestations of neonatal
or prolonged seizures. seizures.
Inborn errors of metabolism manifest with neonatal
subtle seizures or abnormal movements that may not
Differential diagnosis be genuine epileptic seizures. Their identity is often
revealed by other associated significant symptoms,
Neonatal seizures often impose significant difficulties
such as peculiar odours, protein intolerance, acido-
in their recognition and differentiation from normal
sis, alkalosis, lethargy or stupor. In most cases,
or abnormal behaviours of the pre-term and full-
pregnancy, labour and delivery are normal. Food
term neonate.24,37 These have been detailed in
intolerance may be the earliest indication of a
Chapter 4, and numerous video examples of non-
systemic abnormality. If untreated, metabolic dis-
epileptic paroxysmal events (NEPEs) can be seen in
orders commonly lead to lethargy, coma and death.
the CD companion of reference37.
In surviving infants weight loss, poor growth and
As a rule, any suspicious repetitive and stereotypical failure to thrive are common.
events should be considered as possible seizures
requiring confirmation by video-EEG recording.

Normal behaviours: Among normal behaviours Prognosis

neonates may stretch, exhibit spontaneous sucking This is cause-dependent because the main factor that
movements and have random and non-specific determines outcome is the underlying cause and
movements of the limbs. Intense physiological myo- not the seizures themselves. Despite high mortality
clonus may occur during rapid eye movement (REM) (about 15% in developed and 40% in resource-
sleep. Jitteriness or tremulousness of the extremities poor countries) and morbidity rates (about 30% in
or facial muscles are frequent in normal or abnormal developed countries), half the neonates with seizures
neonates. achieve a normal or near-normal state. A third of
Tremor has a symmetrical ‘to and fro’ motion, is faster the survivors develop epilepsy.36 Table 8.2 provides
than clonic seizures, mainly affects all four limbs and indicators of good, bad or intermediate prognosis.

Indicators of prognosis

Indicators of bad prognosis

t &
Indicators of good prognosis

Indicators of intermediate or guarded prognosis

Table 8.2

Management 4,5,7,38 The severity of the seizures appears to be a stronger

predictor of the success of treatment than the
Management demands accurate aetiological assigned AED. Mild seizures or seizures decreasing in
diagnosis and treatment of the cause of the seizures.
severity before treatment are more likely to respond
The principles of general medical management and
regardless of the treatment assignment.
cardiovascular and respiratory stabilisation should
be early and appropriately applied. Cardiorespiratory
Clinical note
symptoms may result from the underlying disease,
seizures and anti-epileptic medication. Facts and requirements for the treatment of
Neonatal seizures of metabolic disturbances need neonatal epileptic seizures
correction of the underlying cause and not anti- /FPOBUBM TFJ[VSFT IBWF B IJHI QSFWBMFODF BOE UIFJS
epileptic medication. A trial of pyridoxine may be SFTQPOTFUP"&%TJTMJLFMZUPCFEJGGFSFOUUPUIBUPGPUIFS
empirical with significant practice variations among UIFJSNFEJDBMKVEHFNFOUBOEAUSJBMTCZTVDDFTTBOEFSSPS
physicians. First phenobarbital and then phenytoin XJUIPGGMBCFMVTFTPGCPUIUIFOFXFSBOEPMEFS"&%T
doses are followed by a maintenance scheme for a BHFOUT JTTFMGFWJEFOU
variable period.

Phenobarbital and phenytoin are equally effective. If either made different dosing recommendations. Respondents
drug is given alone, the seizures are controlled in less considered both agents to be efficacious in the majority
than half of neonates. An RCT of phenobarbital versus of cases; adverse effects were recognized more
placebo in a homogeneous group of newborns at high frequently with topiramate.40 Lamotrigine is also used.41
risk of developing early, subclinical, EEG-detected, neo- Maintenance treatment: This may not be needed or
natal seizures has been designed.7 This study is intended may be brief because the active seizure period in
to ‘affirm or refute the common practice of pheno- neonates is usually short. Less than 15% of infants
barbital as the first-line treatment of neonatal seizures’.7 with neonatal seizures will have recurrent seizures
Fosphenytoin is an attractive alternative to phenytoin after the newborn period.42 A normal EEG and other
because of its lesser potential for adverse reactions predictors of good outcome may encourage early
at the infusion site and the facility for intramuscular discontinuation of treatment. The current trend is to
administration. withdraw the AED 2 weeks after the last seizure.
Intravenous benzodiazepines such as diazepam,
lorazepam, clonazepam and midazolam are used, Do electrographic (electrical)
particularly in Europe, for acute neonatal seizures, seizures need treatment?
although in a recent controlled study the results with There is a significant difference of opinion as to
benzodiazepines as second-line treatment were not whether EEG electrical seizure activity that may
encouraging.39 persist despite drug control of clinical seizures needs
Primidone, valproate, lidocaine, carbamazepine, and more vigorous treatment. Electrical seizures may be
paraldehyde are also used mainly as adjunctive AEDs highly resistant to drug treatment and attempts to
if others fail (paraldehyde is now no longer available eliminate them may require high doses of usually
in the USA). multiple drugs, with significant adverse reactions
Newer AEDs are not licensed in the treatment of neonatal such as CNS or respiratory depression and systemic
seizures. However, a recent survey in the USA showed hypotension. The risks should be weighed against
that 73% of paediatric neurologists recommended one the benefits while also remembering that these will
or both of levetiracetam (47%) and topiramate (55%) and eventually subside.

Neonatal epileptic syndromes

Despite the high prevalence of neonatal seizures, most recent ILAE report of 2006, the recognised
epileptic syndromes in neonates are rare. The following epileptic symdromes in the neonatal period are
four syndromes have been recognised by the currently (Table 5.2):11
valid 1989 ILAE classification (Table 5.1):10 t benign familial neonatal seizures: this may be
1. benign neonatal familial convulsions a disease and not a syndrome (level 3 recom-
2. benign neonatal convulsions mendation of confidence).
3. early myoclonic encephalopathy t early myoclonic encephalopathy: although this
4. early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with may be different from Ohtahara syndrome, the
suppression burst. clinical distinction can be difficult (level 3 recom-
These four neonatal syndromes were retained (with mendation of confidence).
some modifications in their names) in the ILAE t Ohtahara syndrome: (level 3 recommendation of
Task Force diagnostic scheme (Table 5.2).42 In the confidence).

t Benign neonatal seizures (non-familial) are cate- ‘idiopathic generalised epilepsies (age related)’;10
gorised among ‘conditions with epileptic seizures the new ILAE reports abandon the name con-
that do not require a diagnosis of epilepsy’ as vulsions, using instead seizures11,43
proposed in the first edition of this book. t ‘early myoclonic encephalopathy’ and ‘Ohtahara
syndrome’ as ‘generalised symptomatic epilep-
sies of non-specific aetiology (age related)’;10
Clarifications on the new ILAE reports classify them as ‘epileptic
classification encephalopathies (in which the epileptiform
abnormalities may contribute to progressive
The 1989 ILAE classification considers: dysfunction)’ (see Chapter 10).11,43
t ‘benign familial neonatal convulsions’ and
‘benign neonatal convulsions (non-familial)’ as

Benign familial neonatal seizures

Benign familial neonatal seizures are a rare autosomal post-ictal state is brief and inter-ictally the neonates
dominant channelopathy characterised by frequent are normal.
brief seizures within the first days of life.44–49 Pure clonic or focal seizures are considered to be

Demographic data
Onset is commonly in the first week of life, mainly
on the second or third day. Affected pre-term babies These seizures are, as mentioned earlier, an
develop seizures later.50 A third of patients have autosomal dominant channelopathy with a high
seizure onset as late as age 3 months.51 Boys and girls degree (about 85%) of penetrance. Most affected
are equally affected. The syndrome appears to be families have mutations (conventional, deletions or
rare but may be under-recognised or not reported. duplications) in the voltage-gated potassium channel
subunit gene KCNQ2 on chromosome 20q 13.3.53 A
The incidence is 14.4/100,000 live births.50
small proportion of families have mutations in the
associated gene KCNQ3 on chromosome 8q.24.54–56
Clinical manifestations KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 form a heteromeric potassium
channel that determines the M-current, which
Seizures mainly occur in otherwise normal neonates influences the resting membrane potential. Mutations
after a normal pregnancy and delivery, and with no in either KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 can produce the same
precipitating factors. Seizures are brief, of 1 or 2 min phenotype. Genetic mutations are unknown in some
duration, and may be as frequent as 20–30 per day. families with benign familial neonatal seizures.
Most seizures start with tonic motor activity and Mutations in the sodium channel subunit gene
posturing with apnoea, followed by vocalisations, SCN2A appear specific to ‘benign familial neonatal–
ocular symptoms, other autonomic features, motor infantile seizures’, which is a newly described,
automatisms, chewing and focal or generalised clonic clinically intermediate variant between benign famil-
movements.45,52 The clonic components of the later ial neonatal seizures and benign familial infantile
phase are usually asymmetrical and unilateral. The seizures (see page 268).57

Diagnostic procedures Differential diagnosis

All relevant biochemical, haematological and meta- A family history of similar convulsions, a prerequisite
bolic screening and brain imaging are normal. for the diagnosis of benign familial neonatal seizures,
eliminates the possibility of other diseases. However,
Genetic testing other causes of neonatal seizures should be excluded.
Identification of a KCNQ2, KCNQ3, or SCN2A Despite artificially similar names,3,43 benign familial
mutation can prevent unnecessary investigations neonatal seizures are entirely different from benign
and diagnostic uncertainties in these patients. neonatal seizures (non-familial) (Table 8.3).
However, currently, testing for these genes is
not routinely available in clinical practice and is
expensive because of their size and the distributions Prognosis
of mutations.
Seizures remit between 1 and 6 months from onset
Electroencephalography and in 68% during the first 6 weeks. However,
The inter-ictal EEG may be normal or discontinuous, 10–14% may later develop other types of febrile (5%)
have focal or multifocal abnormalities or have a or afebrile seizures. Afebrile seizures are probably
theta pointu alternant pattern (Figure 8.4). The heterogeneous. Idiopathic generalised seizures are
inter-ictal EEG is of limited value, although it more common and there have also been accounts
may exclude other causes of serious neonatal of rolandic seizures. The subsequent risk of afebrile
seizures. seizures depends on whether other affected relatives
The ictal EEG commonly starts with a synchronous developed a seizure disorder later in life.58,59 Learning
and bilateral flattening of 5–19 s coinciding with disabilities (around 2.5%) are not significantly different
apnoea and tonic motor activity. This is followed by from the expected rate for the general population.60
bilateral and often asymmetrical discharges of spikes A recent study found that in four (40%) of ten
and sharp waves with a duration of 1 or 2 min, families at least one affected individual showed
which coincide with vocalisations, chewing and delayed psychomotor development or mental retar-
focal or generalised clonic activity.45,48 dation.49 Three of the four mutations were familial,

Benign (non-familial) neonatal seizures versus benign familial neonatal seizures

Benign (non-familial) neonatal seizures Benign familial neonatal seizures





Table 8.3

while the fourth mutation was de novo. Mutations cation. The use of AEDs does not influence the
associated with an unfavourable outcome tended eventual outcome. Prolonged seizures may be
to be located within the functionally critical S5/S6 shortened or terminated with benzodiazepines
regions of the KCNQ2 gene.49 and phenytoin.
Deaths during neonatal seizures are exceptional The family’s reaction to and their fears about
but have been reported.61 this inherited disease, as well as means of
appropriate consultations in order to reduce the
magnitude of their fears, should be appropriately
Management considered. 62
There is no consensus over treatment. Convulsions
usually remit spontaneously without medi-

Benign neonatal seizures (non-familial)

Benign neonatal seizures (non-familial)48,63–65 con- than girls. The prevalence is 7% of neonatal seizures,
stitute a short-lived and self-limited benign epileptic but this has declined significantly in recent years.48
syndrome. They manifest with a single lengthy
episode of repetitive clonic seizures, which constitute
clonic status epilepticus. Clinical manifestations
There is a one-off event of a repetitive lengthy seizure
that constitutes clonic status epilepticus, which occurs
Clarifications in otherwise normal full-term neonates. This event
on classification consists of successive unilateral clonic convulsions
affecting the face and limbs. Convulsions may change
In the 1989 ILAE classification, benign neonatal
sides and also may less often be bilateral. Apnoea is
seizures (non-familial) were classified as idiopathic
a common concomitant, occurring in a third of these
generalised epilepsies (age related).10 However,
clonic fits. Each seizure lasts for 1–3 min, repeating
many authors have emphasised that this is a
at frequent intervals and cumulating in discontinuous
predominantly focal (and not generalised) seizure
or continuous clonic status epilepticus. The whole
syndrome.66 This syndrome belongs to the category
seizure–status event lasts from between 2 hours and 3
of ‘conditions with epileptic seizures that do not
days, with a median of about 20 hours. It does not recur.
require a diagnosis of epilepsy’.11,43
Tonic seizures are incompatible with this syndrome.
Recently, this syndrome has been renamed ‘benign
idiopathic neonatal seizures’.44
Demographic data This is probably environmental, which would explain
its significant periodic variations in prevalence.
The age at onset is characteristically between days 1 and
Benign neonatal seizures (non-familial) have been
7 of life. It is far more common (90%) between days
attributed to:
4 and 6, for which the syndrome’s synonym ‘fifth day
t acute zinc deficiency detected in the cerebro-
fits’ was coined.63 Boys (62%) are affected slightly more
spinal fluid of affected neonates

Inter-ictal EEG in a neonate with benign neonatal seizures (non-familial)




5  o ' Q 






Figure 8.4 The theta pointu alternant pattern is usually associated with a good prognosis. It consists of runs of a dominant theta-
wave activity of 4–7 Hz mixed with sharp waves, often of alternating sides. It is not reactive to various stimuli. It may occur on
awake and sleep EEGs, and may persist for 12 days after the cessation of convulsions. However, the theta pointu alternant pattern
is not specific because it may be recorded in other conditions such as hypocalcaemia, meningitis and subarachnoid haemorrhage,
and in neonatal encephalopathies including hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy and benign familial neonatal seizures.
Reproduced with permission from Plouin (1992).68

t viral illness, mainly rotavirus localised and then generalised. The duration of the
t type of feeding. ictal discharges is 1–3 min and this may be followed
There is no genetic background. by subclinical discharges for many hours.
This syndrome provides firm evidence that even
prolonged seizures in early life may not produce
hippocampal damage in the absence of other Differential diagnosis
complicating factors.67 The diagnosis can be made only after other causes of
neonatal seizures have been excluded. The aetiologies
of neonatal seizures with favourable outcomes include
Diagnostic procedures late hypocalcaemia, subarachnoid haemorrhage
By definition all tests other than the EEG are normal.48 and certain meningitides (Table 8.2).48,68 There are
significant differences between benign neonatal
Electroencephalography48 seizures (non-familial) and benign familial neonatal
The inter-ictal EEG shows a ‘theta pointu alternant seizures despite the artificially similar names3,43 and the
pattern’ in half the cases (Figure 8.4). The other half fact that they have a similar age at onset (Table 8.3).
show focal or multifocal, non-specific abnormalities
or a discontinuous pattern, or it may be normal in Diagnostic tips
about 10%.
In follow-up studies, centrotemporal spikes are t "TJOHMFFQJTPEFPGSFQFUJUJWFDMPOJDTFJ[VSFTUIBUBSF
found at a later age in otherwise asymptomatic cases. NBJOMZVOJMBUFSBM PGUFOPGBMUFSOBUJOHTJEFTBOEMBTUJOH
The ictal EEG consists of rhythmic spikes or slow GPSBSPVOEIPVSTJOBGVMMUFSNOFPOBUF XIJDIXBT
waves mainly in the rolandic regions, although they OPSNBMVQUPUIBUTUBHF
can also localise anywhere else.48,68 The EEG ictal t "MM SFMFWBOU JOWFTUJHBUJPOT  FYDFQU UIF &&(  BSF
paroxysms may be unilateral, generalised or at first OPSNBM

Prognosis Management
The prognosis is commonly excellent with normal Convulsions usually remit spontaneously without
development and no recurrence of seizures. Minor medication. Prolonged seizures may be shortened
psychomotor deficits and occasional febrile or or terminated with intravenous administration
afebrile seizures (0.5%) have been reported. In only of benzodiazepines and phenytoin. These AEDs
one study did afebrile seizures or developmental should be discontinued soon after the seizures
delay occur in half the patients and there was a subside.
single case of sudden infant death.69

Early myoclonic encephalopathy

Early myoclonic encephalopathy is a dreadful but birth. The term ‘erratic’ is because the myoclonias
fortunately rare epileptic encephalopathy of the first shift typically from one part of the body to another
days and weeks of life.28,70–74 in a random and asynchronous fashion. Erratic
myoclonus affects the face or limbs. It is often
restricted in a finger, a toe, the eyebrows, eyelids or
Clarifications lips, occurring in the same muscle group and often
on classification migrating elsewhere, usually in an asynchronous and
asymmetrical fashion. Myoclonias are brief, single
Early myoclonic encephalopathy is classified among or repetitive, very frequent and almost continuous.
other epileptic encephalopathies (see Chapter 10).43 It is exceptional for a baby with early myoclonic
encephalopathy to have mild and infrequent jerks.
Massive, usually bisynchronous axial, myoclonic
Demographic data
jerks may start from the onset of the disease or occur
Early myoclonic encephalopathy usually starts in the later, often interspersed with erratic myoclonias.
first days of life, sometimes immediately after birth. More For definitions of myoclonus, myoclonic and other
than 60% start before 10 days of age and rarely after the seizures, see Chapter 2.
second month. Boys and girls are affected equally. The Simple focal seizures, often clinically inconspicuous,
prevalence and incidence are unknown. There are about manifest with eye deviation or autonomic symptoms
80 reported cases, but this may be an underestimation such as flushing of the face or apnoea. Focal clonic
because neonates with such a severe disease and early seizures affect any part of the body. Asymmetrical
death may escape clinico-EEG diagnosis. tonic posturing also occurs.
Tonic seizures occur frequently and usually appear in
the first month of life. They manifest with truncal
Clinical manifestations tonic contraction, which usually also involves the
The syndrome manifests with a triad of intractable limbs. They occur during wakefulness and sleep.
seizures. Erratic myoclonus appears first, followed Genuine tonic epileptic spasms are rare and generally
by simple focal seizures and later by tonic epileptic appear later. They usually develop within 2–4 months
(infantile) spasms. of the onset of myoclonias, they are solitary or occur
Erratic or fragmentary myoclonus is the defining seizure in clusters, and are more frequent during alert stages
type that may sometimes appear immediately after than sleep stages.

Psychomotor development may be abnormal from the sion pattern had full recovery after administration
onset of seizures or arrests and deteriorates rapidly of pyridoxine.75 Lesional brain abnormalities are rare.
afterwards. There may be marked truncal hypotonia,
limb hypertonia, disconjugate eye movements, Pathophysiology
dyspnoea, or opisthotonic or decerebrate posturing. Most probably, early myoclonic encephalopathy and
All patients have bilateral pyramidal signs. Practically, Ohtahara syndrome are the earliest forms of epileptic
there is no trace of intelligent activity. Patients are encephalopathies as detailed in Chapter 10. Spreafico,
unable to follow moving objects with their eyes. et al76 proposed a common neuropathological basis
irrespective of aetiology. Numerous large spiny neurones,
scattered in the white matter along the axons of the cortical
Aetiology gyri, represent interstitial cells of neocortical histogenesis
Early myoclonic encephalopathy is a multi-factorial that failed to follow their natural programming to die at
disease with a high incidence of familial cases.30,73 the end of gestation or soon after birth.76
In some families there is an autosomal recessive
inheritance. Inborn errors of metabolism are the most
common causes, which also explains the high incidence
Diagnostic procedures
of siblings with this disorder. These inborn errors of These are the same as those for neonatal seizures,
metabolism include non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia, attempting to find an aetiological cause. Brain imaging is
propionic aciduria, methylmalonic acidaemia, usually normal at the onset of the disease but progressive
D-glyceric acidaemia, sulphite and xanthine oxidase cortical and periventricular atrophy often develop.
deficiency, Menkes’ disease and Zellweger syndrome, Malformations of cortical development are very rare.
and molybdenum co-factor deficiency.73 When considering the relatively high rate of
A case with a clinical picture of early myoclonic inborn errors of metabolism and mainly non-ketotic
encephalopathy and an atypical burst-suppres- hyperglycinaemia, a thorough metabolic screening

The burst-suppression pattern in a neonate with severe hypoxic encephalopathy



 ' [
 $ [

Figure 8.5

is mandatory. This should include serum levels of Prognosis

amino acids and particularly glycine and glycerol
metabolites, organic acids and amino acids in the Early myoclonic encephalopathy is one of the most
cerebrospinal fluid. dreadful diseases. More than half the patients die
within weeks or months of onset and the others
Electroencephalography develop permanent severe mental and neurological
Inter-ictal EEG consists of a repetitive burst- deficits.
suppression pattern without physiological rhythms
(Figure 8.5). The bursts of high-amplitude spikes
and sharp-and-slow waves last for 1–5 s and alternate
with periods of a flat or almost flat EEG, lasting There is no effective treatment. Adrenocorticotrophic
3–10 s. In most cases the burst-suppression pattern hormone (ACTH) therapy and AEDs (clonazepam,
becomes more apparent during deep sleep and may nitrazepam, valproate, phenobarbital and others)
not occur in the EEG of wakefulness.73 The burst- are of no benefit. Patients with non-ketotic hyper-
suppression pattern may appear late at 1–5 months glycinaemia may benefit from a reduction in dietary
of age in some cases and characteristically persists protein and administration of sodium benzoate
for a prolonged period.77 120 mg/kg daily, although the outcome is commonly
Erratic myoclonias usually do not have an ictal very poor.81
EEG expression and may follow the bursts. A trial with pyridoxine is justifiable.75
The burst-suppression pattern evolves to atypical
hypsarrhythmia or multifocal spikes and sharp waves Diagnostic tips
3 or 4 months from onset of the disease. However,
this EEG state of atypical hypsarrhythmia is transient 5IFEJBHOPTJTPGFBSMZNZPDMPOJDFODFQIBMPQBUIZTIPVME
and returns to the burst-suppression pattern, which CFTVTQFDUFEXJUI
The main differential diagnosis of early myoclonic
encephalopathy is from Ohtahara syndrome (see
Table 8.4).30,78–80

Ohtahara syndrome
Synonym: early infantile epileptic encephalopathy Clarifications
with suppression burst.
Ohtahara syndrome is a rare and devastating form on classification
of severe epileptic encephalopathy of very early Ohtahara syndrome is classified among other
life.72,73,79,80,82–84 epileptic encephalopathies (see Chapter 10).43

Demographic data Pathophysiology

Ohtahara syndrome is likely to be the earliest age-
Onset is mainly around the first 10 days of life,
related specific epileptic reaction of the developing
sometimes within the uterus or up to 3 months after
brain to heterogeneous insults, similar to those of other
birth. There may be a slight male predominance.
epileptic encephalopathies that occur at a later brain
There are about 100 reported cases but this may
maturity age (see Chapter 10). This is supported by the
be an underestimation because many newborn
fact that between 2 and 6 months of age, the clinico-
babies with such a severe disease and early death
EEG features often change to those of West syndrome
may escape clinico-EEG diagnosis. According to one
and later to those of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.
report ‘attacks of cerebral spasms occur in 1.5–5 per
There may be a dysfunction of the catecholaminergic
1000 newborn post-partum’.85
and serotoninergic systems, which could be responsible
for this type of neonatal epileptic encephalopathy.86
Clinical manifestations
Ohtahara syndrome manifests with clinico- Diagnostic procedures
EEG features of mainly tonic spasms and burst-
These are the same as for neonatal seizures, involv-
suppression EEG patterns that consistently occur in ing attempts at detecting an aetiological cause and
the sleeping and waking states. possible treatment. Brain imaging usually shows
Tonic spasms usually consist of a forward tonic severe abnormalities and malformations of cortical
flexion lasting 1–10 s, which is singular or in long development. Metabolic screening is mandatory if
clusters 10–300 times every 24 h. They may be brain imaging is normal.
generalised and symmetrical or lateralised. They
occur in both the awake and sleep stages. Less often, Electroencephalography
a third of the neonates may have erratic focal motor The EEG burst-suppression pattern has a pseudo-
clonic seizures or hemiconvulsions. Alternating rhythmic periodicity, is continuous during wake-
hemiconvulsions or GTCSs are exceptional. fulness and sleep, appears at the onset of the disease
Myoclonic seizures are rare. Erratic myoclonias are and disappears within the first 6 months of life.
not featured. The bursts consist of high-amplitude slow waves
mixed with spikes lasting for 2–6 s. The suppression
period of a flat or almost-flat EEG lasts for 3–5 s. The
Aetiology interval between the onsets of two successive bursts
The most common cause is malformations of is in the range of 5–10 s.
cerebral development such as hemimegaloencephaly, Tonic spasms of variable duration are concomitant
porencephaly, Aicardi syndrome, olivary–dentate with the burst phase.82 Tonic spasms may also occur
dysplasia, agenesis of mamillary bodies, linear seba- with the following EEG features:
ceous nevus syndrome, cerebral dysgenesis and focal t diffuse desynchronisation with disappearance
cortical dysplasia.73 Mutations within the aristaless- of burst-suppression activity when tonic spasms
related homeobox gene have been recently identified cluster at intervals of 5–10 s
in two cases of Ohtahara syndrome. Rarely, other t a pattern in which the burst-suppression pattern
lesional brain or metabolic disorders may also be becomes more frequent and diffuse, and of higher
responsible.30,73 There are no familial cases. amplitude compared with the inter-ictal pattern.
In neuropathological studies, patients with There is an age-related evolution of clinical and EEG
Ohtahara syndrome had the most severe lesions in patterns from Ohtahara syndrome, first to West syn-
comparison with early myoclonic encephalopathy drome and then to Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. On the
and West syndrome.86 EEG, a characteristic development is the gradual disap-

Ohtahara syndrome versus early myoclonic encephalopathy

Ohtahara syndrome Early myoclonic encephalopathy



Table 8.4

pearance of the burst-suppression pattern and the

emergence of hypsarrhythmia within 3–6 months of
Diagnostic tips
onset. This may again progress later to the slow spike– t 5POJDTFJ[VSFTEVSJOHUIFBXBLFBOETMFFQTUBHFTJOUIF
Some survivors may show highly localised or PG0IUBIBSBTZOESPNF
entirely unilateral spikes and these patients may t "O &&( CVSTUTVQQSFTTJPO QBUUFSO XJUI B QTFVEP
frequently have severe focal seizures. Multifocal SIZUINJDBQQFBSBODFPDDVSSJOHEVSJOHUIFBXBLFBOE
spikes are frequent, whereas an EEG void of spikes is TMFFQTUBHFT
rather exceptional. Asymmetrical burst-suppression
patterns are more likely to develop spike foci and
less likely to progress to hypsarrhythmia. According to Ohtahara, et al87 patients with burst-
suppression patterns that evolve to hypsarrhythmia
and then to slow spike–wave EEGs have the worst
Differential diagnosis prognosis and a high mortality rate. Conversely,
patients who develop spike foci have fewer seizures
The main differential diagnosis is from early myo-
and less mortality despite severe psychomotor
clonic encephalopathy (Table 8.4).30,78–80

Prognosis Management
This is a devastating syndrome associated with high
There is no effective treatment. ACTH therapy and
mortality and morbidity. Half the patients die within
any type of AEDs are of no benefit. Newer drugs
weeks or months of onset and the others soon develop
have not been properly tested. Zonisamide and
permanent severe mental and neurological deficits. In
vigabatrin had some beneficial effect in single case
survivors, the clinical and EEG patterns change to
reports. Neurosurgery in focal cerebral dysplasia is
those of West syndrome within a few months of onset
sometimes beneficial.89
and may also change to those of Lennox–Gastaut
syndrome if patients reach the age of 2 or 3 years.

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Idiopathic epileptic
seizures and
syndromes in infancy
Idiopathic epileptic seizures and syndromes in infancy are important to recognise because they are age
related and age limited. They do not occur in adults, are of excellent prognosis and anti-epileptic drug
(AED) treatment is often unnecessary.

The infantile (in-fans = unable to speak) period is t epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (EFS+; see
arbitrarily defined from 4 weeks (end of neonatal page 213)
period) to 1.5 years (start of early childhood period) t benign (familial and non-familial) infantile
of life. seizures (see page 215)
Febrile seizures are categorised among ‘conditions t myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (MEI; see page 217)
with epileptic seizures that do not require a diagnosis (the word ‘benign’ was recently removed from
of epilepsy’.1–3 the previous name ‘benign myoclonic epilepsy in
The following are idiopathic epileptic syndromes infancy’ because, according to the ILAE report,
with onset in infancy (Table 5.2):1–3 ‘this is not benign in some infants’).3

Febrile seizures
Febrile seizures4–11 (a term preferred to febrile zures’,1 which is synonymous with ‘conditions with
convulsions) are due to an age-related (6 months epileptic seizures that do not require a diagnosis of
to 5 years) and predominantly genetic benign epilepsy’ of the ILAE Task Force.2 According to the
susceptibility to epileptic fits, precipitated by fever new ILAE report, and with which I fully agree:
without evidence of intracranial infection or other Febrile seizures: Classically, the seizures that constitute
cause. Children who have suffered a previous non- this condition consist of two forms: simple and
febrile seizure are excluded. complex; however, many different types undoubtedly
exist. This condition may eventually be understood to
encompass many different entities.3
Seizures with fever in children who have suffered
on classification a previous non-febrile seizure are excluded12 and
The 1989 classification of the ILAE categorised the term ‘febrile seizures’ should be limited to an
febrile seizures among the ‘situation-related sei- epileptic seizure precipitated by fever arising from

260 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

infection outside the nervous system in a child, support the view that cases of alleged vaccine
aged from 6 months to 5 years, who is otherwise encephalopathy could in fact be a genetically
neurologically normal13 (although the latter is not determined epileptic encephalopathy that arose
applicable in complex febrile seizures). de novo; SCN1A mutations were identified in 11 of
Febrile status epilepticus of longer than 30 min is 14 patients with alleged vaccine encephalopathy.21
either one long-lasting seizure or a series of shorter
seizures where the infant fails to regain consciousness Seizures
inter-ictally.14–17 Generalised tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs) are by far
the most common seizure type (80%). Tonic (13%),
atonic (3%), unilateral or focal onset tonic–clonic
Demographic data seizures (4%) may occur in the remaining 20%.
By definition, onset is strictly between 6 months Rarely there may be only staring accompanied by
and 5 years of age (peak at 18–22 months).4,5,13 Boys stiffness or floppiness, rhythmic jerking movements
slightly (60%) predominate. Prevalence is about without prior stiffening, focal stiffness or jerking.
3% of children, but this is higher in certain ethnic Febrile seizures with myoclonic jerks only (febrile
groups (e.g. 7% for Japanese). The annual inci- myoclonic seizures) have a similar age of onset to
dence rate is 460/100,000 children in the age group other febrile seizures.22–24
0–4 years.18 Repetitive seizures in the same febrile illness occur
in 16% of patients.
As a result of different prognostic implications,
Clinical manifestations febrile seizures are categorised into simple and
complex febrile seizures (Table 9.1).
One minute he was a little boy with a cold and
Simple febrile seizures (70% of all) have strict inclusion
slight fever, lying on the sofa feeling miserable and
the next his body was madly convulsing… It was very
t they occur in neurologically healthy children
aged between 6 months and 5 years
From an internet description by a father
t the seizures are brief (<15 min) and general-
A rectal temperature level of at least 38°C (others ised
propose 38.5°C) may be more important than a t they happen only once during a 24-hour period
rapid rise of fever.19 The majority (78%) of febrile of a febrile illness.4,5
seizures occur within the first day of the onset of Complex febrile seizures (also known as ‘complicated’
fever;7 they may occur before the fever is noticed or or ‘atypical’) are:
late in the course of a febrile illness. t prolonged (8%), lasting >15 min
The causes of fever vary and include upper res- t repetitive (11–16%) in clusters of two or more
piratory tract infection or pharyngitis (38%), otitis within 24 hours
media (23%), pneumonia (15%), gastroenteritis t focal at onset or occur in children with perinatal
(7%), roseola infantum (5%) and non-infectious psychomotor deficits (3.5–7%). These also
illness (12%). Viral diseases are more common, include those with the exceptional Todd’s post-
probably reflecting their higher prevalence in chil- ictal paresis (0.4%).
dren. A particular association with influenza A has
A third of all febrile seizures may have one, two or all
been emphasised.20
three of these complicating factors.14,25–27
Seizures occurring soon after immunisation with
diphtheria/pertussis/measles and tetanus vaccines Post-ictal symptoms other than drowsiness are
are due to fever and not to an adverse effect of rare and should raise the suspicion of another
the vaccine. Furthermore, recent findings strongly diagnosis.
Idiopathic Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes in Infancy 261

Simple febrile seizures versus complex febrile seizures

Simple febrile seizures Complex febrile seizures

Prevalence among febrile seizures 70% 30%
Neurologically normal Inclusion criterion Included but not necessary
With neurodevelopmental abnormalities Exclusion criterion 3.5–7% of all febrile seizures*
Age range 6 months to 5 years 6 months to 5 years
Duration <15 min <15 min Included but not necessary*
Duration >15 min or febrile status epilepticus Exclusion criterion 8% of all febrile seizures*
Once in a 24-hour period of a febrile illness Inclusion criterion Included but not necessary
Repetitive in clusters of two or more in Exclusion criterion 11–16% of all febrile
a 24-hour period of a febrile illness seizures*
Generalised-onset tonic–clonic seizures Inclusion criterion Included but not necessary
(80% of all febrile seizures)
Focal onset or focal epileptic seizures Exclusion criterion 4% of all focal seizures*
Post-ictal hemiparesis Exclusion criterion 0.4% of all febrile seizures*
Risk of subsequent epilepsy Low (1%) High (6–49%)

Table 9.1 *A third of all febrile seizures may have one or all of these complicating factors.

Risk factors of a first febrile seizure Aetiology

The risk of a first febrile seizure is approximately
Febrile seizures are often familial with a genetic
30% if a child has two or more of the following
predisposition.30–32 Children with siblings or parents
independent factors:28,29
who have a history of febrile seizures are at a four- to
t a first- or second-degree relative with febrile
fivefold higher risk than the general population. Boys
t a delayed neonatal discharge of >28 days of age
are more susceptible than girls. Concordance rate
t parental reports of slow development
is as high as 70% in monozygotic and 20% in dizy-
t day-care attendance.
gotic twins. The mode of inheritance is unknown,
although this is probably polygenic. Autosomal
Risk factors for recurrence recessive inheritance is unlikely because an excess of
Half the children will have one (32%), two (15%) parents is affected and the risk to siblings is less than
or more (7%) recurrent seizures after a first febrile 25%.14 Autosomal dominant inheritance is rare but
seizure. Half of those with a second febrile seizure well documented.
will suffer at least one additional recurrence. No definitive gene or locus for common febrile
Recurrences are more likely when: seizures has yet been established. In rare autosomal
t the first febrile seizure occurs in the first year of dominant kindreds of febrile seizures at least five
life, during a short and low-grade febrile illness, different genetic loci were identified: 8q13-21,33
or is complex 19p13.3 and 19q13.1,34,35 5q14-q15,36 6q22-q2437
t there is a family history of febrile seizures in first- and 21q22.38 Furthermore, genetic defects have been
degree relatives identified in the syndrome of epilepsy with febrile
t there are persistent neurological abnormalities. seizures plus (EFS+), which is characterised by
262 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

heterogeneous phenotypes of focal and generalised Electroencephalography

epileptic seizures (see page 213). An EEG is not needed.47 It is more likely to be
normal or show non-specific abnormalities that
Pathophysiology may be overemphasised by inexperienced neuro-
The pathophysiology of febrile seizures is unknown. physiologists. An EEG also does not have any
They constitute a specific response to fever irre- predictive value for either the risk of recurrence of
spective of cause. febrile seizures or the development of epilepsy.47
Evidence suggests the involvement of various
sodium channels, GABAA receptors and additional Important clinical note
auxiliary proteins in the pathogenesis of FS+ and even
in simple febrile seizures.30,32,39,40 A rare inherited The investigations done on a child with a simple or
cause – a mutation in the GABAA receptor subunit complex seizure during a febrile illness should be
GABRG2 gene – has been recently shown to cause directed by the degree of illness and the suspected
a temperature-dependent intracellular trafficking underlying infection.11 Meningitis should be thoroughly
defect.41 considered and appropriately diagnosed or ruled out
Circulating toxins and immune reaction products on clinical grounds and probably with a lumbar puncture,
and viral or bacterial invasion of the CNS have particularly in children under 2 years of age with or
been implicated, together with a relative lack of without meningism that show features of being unwell for
myelination in the immature brain and increased a few days, vomiting, drowsiness, petechiae, decreased
oxygen consumption during the febrile episode. feeding, complex febrile seizures and, in particular,
Immaturity of thermoregulatory mechanisms and a febrile status epilepticus.11,44–46 Lumbar puncture may be
limited capacity to increase cellular energy metabo- mandatory in children who have a convulsion with fever
lism at elevated temperatures have been suggested in their first year of life (although this is still debatable).
as contributory factors.
The central histaminergic neuronal system may be
involved in the inhibition of the seizures associated Differential diagnosis
with febrile illnesses in childhood. Children in
whom the histamine levels in cerebrospinal fluid do Of immense clinical importance is the distinction
not rise during febrile illnesses may be susceptible to of febrile seizures from ‘convulsions with fever’
febrile seizures.42 such as in meningoencephalitis, and metabolic or
A specific association between acute human herpes- neurodegenerative diseases.
virus 6 infection (roseola infantum) and febrile A high index of suspicion for acute bacterial meningitis
seizures has been postulated.43 in the child with febrile convulsive status epilepticus is
paramount. The classical symptoms and signs of acute
bacterial meningitis may be absent in febrile convulsive
Diagnostic procedures status epilepticus.46

The main concern is to correctly diagnose ‘febrile ‘Febrile seizures’ should be clearly distinguished
seizures’ as opposed to ‘seizures with fever’, such from ‘seizures with fever’, which are acute symp-
as acute symptomatic febrile seizures and those tomatic febrile seizures caused by pyogenic or viral
occurring in the context of pre-existing epilepsy. meningitis, herpes simplex encephalitis, other acute
Febrile seizures do not require any investigations encephalitides, cerebral palsy with intercurrent
if the diagnosis is certain. The EEG and brain infection and metabolic or neurodegenerative
imaging are unhelpful and should therefore be dis- disease with a seizure precipitated by fever. Children
couraged. who have a prolonged seizure or who have not
Idiopathic Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes in Infancy 263

completely recovered within 1 hour should be with 1.4% for the general population.51 The rates
suspected of having one of these conditions and are similar irrespective of the type of treatment for
investigated accordingly.13 febrile seizures.52
Another main diagnostic issue is whether a first Non-febrile seizures, if these occur, are of any type
febrile seizure is a genuine febrile seizure or FS+ or but generalised are more common than focal.51
the first manifestation of another genetically deter- Generalised non-febrile seizures tend to occur in
mined epileptic syndrome (see prognosis below). children with frequent, brief, generalised febrile
‘Atypical febrile seizures’ is a common misdiagnosis seizures and when there is a positive family history
of Panayiotopoulos syndrome (see Chapter 12). of non-febrile seizures.
The occurrence of non-febrile generalised convul- Focal non-febrile seizures are likely in children
sive seizures in association with viral gastroenteritis, with prolonged lateralised febrile seizures (20%),
without dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, earlier onset and persisting neurological abnormali-
have recently attracted interest both within48,49 and ties.51 The estimated risk of developing temporal
outside of Asia.50 This constitutes a benign condition; lobe epilepsy (TLE) subsequent to prolonged febrile
investigations may not be necessary and prognosis seizures is negligible, probably 1/75,000 children
is excellent. per year.53,54 Conversely, a third of patients with
hippocampal epilepsy have a previous history of
prolonged febrile seizures (see mesial TLE with
Prognosis hippocampal sclerosis, page 385).55
Overall, children with febrile seizures have a sixfold Predisposition to both febrile seizures and other
excess (3%) of subsequent non-febrile seizures non-febrile epileptic syndromes is well documented.
and epilepsy compared with controls.25,26,51 Simple Febrile seizures precede the onset of various forms of
febrile seizures (70%) have only a twofold excess epilepsies in 10–15% of children54,56 (see individual
(1%). Significant risk factors for later epilepsy are syndromes of idiopathic generalised epilepsy [IGE]
shown in Table 9.2. such as myoclonic epilepsy in infancy, benign
Non-febrile seizures start a few months to 30 years childhood focal seizures such as rolandic and
after the first one, but 85% start within 4 years. The Panayiotopoulos syndrome, and other more severe
risk is 2% by age 5, 4.5% by age 10, 5.5% by age forms of epilepsies such as Dravet syndrome).
15 and 7% by age 25.51 Conversely, children with Also, pre-existing developmental hippocampal
no risk factors have a 2.4% chance of developing abnormality may predispose individuals to having
non-febrile seizures by the age of 25 years compared prolonged febrile seizures.57

Significant risk factors for later epilepsy

Significant risk factors for later epilepsy are:


The risk after complex febrile seizures is:


Table 9.2
264 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Intellectual and behavioural outcome Midazolam administered by buccal (0.4–0.5 mg/kg)

Children with febrile seizures perform as well as other or intranasal (0.2 mg/kg) application has superior
children in terms of their academic progress, intellect efficacy to diazepam61,62 and is becoming the drug
and behaviour.58 The subsequent psychomotor of choice for terminating prolonged seizures in the
development of children who were normal before home (page 80).63,64
the onset of febrile seizures remains normal.58,59 Treatment of the fever and, mainly, the underlying
If psychomotor deficits, learning difficulties and illness is also important. Antipyretic treatment
behavioural problems are found in children with during febrile illnesses does not reduce the
febrile seizures, these are not related to the seizures, recurrence rate and cannot be recommended other
but probably reflect the overall developmental status than to make the child more comfortable and avoid
of the child.60 dehydration. Paracetamol is more widely used than
ibuprofen, whereas aspirin is avoided because it
has been associated with the development of Reye
Management syndrome.
This is based mainly on the recent recommendations Physical methods of reducing the fever such as
of the American Academy of Pediatrics.4,5 sponging with tepid water, fanning and cold bathing
have a quicker but shorter effect than antipyretics.
Acute management of However, they are likely to cause discomfort and are
a child with a febrile seizure not usually recommended in the UK.13
Control of the seizures is paramount. Long-lasting
febrile convulsive seizures (>10 min) or status
Prophylactic management
epilepticus (>30 min) is a genuine paediatric
emergency that demands appropriate and vigorous The best treatment for children with a first febrile seizure

treatment, similar to non-febrile convulsive status is education and reassurance for the parents.65

epilepticus (Chapter 3).17,52 Early, usually parental, Simple febrile seizures do not need prophylactic
treatment is more effective than late emergency treatment. The risks are small and the potential
treatment.52 The parents of children with recurrent side effects of drugs appear to outweigh the
seizures should be advised to place the child on his benefits.
or her side or stomach on a protected surface and Prophylactic treatment may be desired if a child
administer a preparation of rectal benzodiazepine. has one or, mainly, a combination of the following
In an emergency facility, the child’s airway should features:
be kept clear, oxygenation maintained, and intra- t complex febrile seizures
venous or rectal benzodiazepines given to halt the t neurological abnormalities
seizure (Table 3.3). t age <1 year
Diazepam intravenously at a dose of 0.25–0.5 mg/ t frequent recurrences.
kg, or in rectal preparations at a dose of 0.5 mg/ Prophylactic treatment may be continuous or
kg, is probably the first choice (page 79). Rectal intermittent at the time of a febrile illness. Neither of
absorption of liquid diazepam is very rapid; it these may be needed for most children with febrile
reaches the brain within minutes and has an almost seizures, who almost invariably do well.
intravenous efficacy. A disadvantage of diazepam is Continuous treatment consists of daily administration
its short duration of action. of, mainly, phenobarbital (which at a blood level
Lorazepam administered intravenously (0.1 mg/kg), of 15 μg/ml can effectively reduce the risk of recur-
which is less likely to cause respiratory depression and rences) and, less often, valproate (fatal hepatitis
probably has a longer duration of action than diazepam, in this age group or pancreatitis make valproate
is often preferred in medical facilities (page 80). probably unacceptable). Carbamazepine and pheny-
Idiopathic Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes in Infancy 265

toin are ineffective in the prevention of febrile Supportive family management

seizures.4,5 A total of 47% of parents thought that their child
Intermittent treatment at the time of a febrile illness, was dying during the initial febrile seizure.66
mainly with rectal or oral diazepam, is an alternative The parents of young children should have general
to continuous medication (again a debatable issue). information provided by the family doctor about
There is a small reduction in the recurrence risk fever and febrile seizures. Parents who have watched
with a dose of diazepam 0.3 mg/kg, although a their child during a fit need specific information in
third of children will have significant side effects of order to avoid long-term reactions.67,68
somnolence or ataxia. Supportive family management includes education
These recommendations need updating with about febrile seizures and providing specific
regard to the AEDs used; for example, many physi- instructions about antipyretic and anti-epileptic
cians are, rightly, reluctant to prescribe pheno- prophylaxis and emergency procedures for possible
barbital. subsequent seizures.

Epilepsy with febrile seizures plus

Synonyms: generalised epilepsy with FS+ or auto- ‘febrile seizures plus as an epileptic condition that is
somal dominant epilepsy with FS+. part of the familial syndrome known as EFS+. The
‘Febrile seizures plus’ is a term to denote childhood- latter is broader than a single generalised syndrome and
onset febrile seizures, which (unlike the typical may be a useful category for future classifications.’3
febrile seizures) start earlier (from less than 6 months The name EFS+ is preferred to the other synonyms
with a mean of 1 year) than the classical febrile because (1) the spectrum of the syndrome includes
seizures. They are often multiple and continue diverse types of focal and generalised seizures77 and
beyond the age of 5 years, usually remitting by mid- (2) autosomal dominant inheritance in EFS+ might
childhood (median 11 years). Individuals with FS+ be rare, and most of EFS+ display a complex pattern
may also have additional non-febrile seizures. In of inheritance.74
some children with FS+, seizures with fever occur
beyond age 5 years, whereas in others, all seizures
beyond age 5 years are non-febrile.69–75 Demographic data
Epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (EFS+)39,40,69–75 is the The age at onset, from the first months of life to
most important familial epileptic syndrome because childhood, varies considerably between individuals,
it links febrile seizures with various other epileptic even individuals of the same family. As a rule, FS+
seizures and syndromes, and documents genetic usually start 6 months earlier than the classical
relationships between the benign and severe and the
febrile seizures. Both sexes are equally affected. The
focal and generalised epileptic disorders.
prevalence is unknown, but may be high considering
the increasing numbers of publications and the very
Clarifications broad spectrum of EFS+.

on classification
EFS+, described by Berkovic and his associates,69–75
Clinical manifestations
was initially recognised by the ILAE as a syndrome in The syndrome of EFS+ is characterised by hetero-
development.2 Now, the new ILAE report recognises geneous clinical phenotypes. By definition, in all
266 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

families some patients have FS+, which are often cal phenotypes of EFS+. There is a possibility of
preceded by classical febrile seizures. simultaneous involvement of multiple genes for
Typical febrile seizures and FS+ are the most the seizure phenotypes.74 To produce the different
common clinical phenotypes that may occur alone seizure types observed in families with EFS+, seizure
(75% of affected patients) or in combination with predisposition determined by the EFS+ genes could
other types of seizures, including: be modified by other genes and/or environmental
t brief non-febrile generalised convulsions factors.81
t other generalised seizures, such as absences,
myoclonic jerks, tonic seizures and, more
frequently, myoclonic–atonic seizures
Diagnostic procedures
t focal seizures of mainly frontal or temporal lobe Brain MRI is normal. The EEG findings are diverse
origin may occur78 in approximately 13% of and depend on the clinical phenotype.73 Half of
affected individuals,79 and these focal seizures the patients have normal EEGs. The most common
may dominate in some members of affected EEG abnormality is sparse and brief generalised
families.77 polyspike–wave discharges (GPSWD) or generalised
EFS+ shows marked genetic and phenotypic spike–slow-wave discharges (GSWD) that might
heterogeneity. There are extreme intra- and inter- require sleep EEGs for their detection. In patients
familial clinical variations with regard to seizure with focal seizures, the EEG shows focal sharp
type, seizure frequency, severity and prognosis. waves, which are mainly localised in the frontal and
Within the EFS+ spectrum, more severe syndrome temporal regions.77,79
phenotypes can occur including Dravet syndrome, In EM-AS and Dravet syndrome the EEG abnor-
epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures (EM-ASs) malities are severe, as described in the relevant
and TLE.80,81 chapters.

Aetiology Differential diagnosis

EFS+ is a purely genetic disorder with profound The main diagnostic issue is whether a first febrile
heterogeneity. Inheritance was considered generally seizure is a classical febrile seizure or FS+; however,
autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance,76 they are usually impossible to differentiate initially.
but this may not be the only situation.82 In fact more It is only when at least two febrile seizures occur
recent studies indicate that autosomal dominant outside the age range of classical febrile seizures (i.e.
inheritance is rare. A more complex pattern of earlier than 6 months or later than 5 years) that a
inheritance is emerging.74 diagnosis of FS+ is certain.
EFS+ is genetically heterogeneous with two Distinguishing features of the EFS+ syndrome are
loci described on chromosome 19q (GEFS+) and the persistence of febrile seizures beyond the age of
chromosome 2q (GEFS2). Mutations were found 5 years, the occurrence of non-febrile seizures and
in the SCN1A, SCN1B and SCN2A genes (en- family history.
coding the A1, A2 and B1 voltage-gated sodium Absences, when they are present, are usually
channel subunits) and the GABRG2 gene (GABAA- brief, mild and easily distinguishable from the
receptor G2-subunit).83 More recent studies have severe absences of childhood or juvenile absence
indicated that mutations of SCN1A, SCN2A, epilepsy.
SCN1B and GABRG2 in patients with EFS+ are The evolution to severe phenotypes such as EM-AS
rare.79 or Dravet syndrome84 be comes apparent only with
There may be many mechanisms by which the emergence of non-febrile seizures compatible
sodium channel alterations cause the various clini- with these disorders.
Idiopathic Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes in Infancy 267

Prognosis Management
Overall, EFS+ was initially considered benign and Repetitive febrile seizures or FS+ may require
self-limited.76,84 Non-febrile seizures occur in about prophylactic treatment (see Chapter 7). Treatment
a quarter of patients and these are usually infrequent of more severe phenotypes has been described in the
and often remit by mid-childhood (a median of relevant sections.
11 years). However, this overall good prognosis is
now reconsidered, particularly since the inclusion of
Dravet syndrome84 and EM-AS, among EFS+.

Benign infantile seizures

Synonym: Watanabe–Vigevano syndrome. the sporadic form, but more girls are reported in the
Benign infantile seizures, familial and non- familial cases. Only small numbers, about 100 of all
familial,85–93 constitute a benign age-related idio- types, have been reported so far but this may increase
pathic syndrome of infancy. The seizures are focal with improved awareness of the condition.
and the infants are otherwise normal. Watanabe
described the non-familial forms85 and Vigevano the
familial forms.86 Clinical manifestations
Seizures characteristically occur in clusters of five
to ten per day for 1–3 days and may recur after
Considerations 1–3 months. A third of patients have single isolated
on classification seizures 10–15 days before the clusters occur.
The seizures are focal, predominantly diurnal and
The ILAE diagnostic scheme initially recognised two
brief (0.5–3 min). Longer seizures (3–6 min) occur
types of benign infantile seizures (familial and non-
at the beginning of the clusters and in the familial
familial) (Table 5.2).2 However, as I have previously
proposed,94 these are now unified in one syndrome
The seizures manifest with motor arrest, impair-
in the new ILAE report:3
ment of consciousness with decreased responsive-
The familial and non-familial forms of benign infantile ness, staring, eye and head deviation, and mild
seizures are identical except for the family history. unilateral clonic convulsions. Simple automatisms
Consequently, the sporadic form cannot be considered are frequent. Alternating from one side to the other
a separate syndrome, and both should be combined is common. The seizures may progress to hemi-
into a single syndrome, unless subsequent information convulsions or generalised convulsions.
indicates otherwise.3

Demographic data The familial form is most probably autosomal
Age at onset is from 3 to 20 months with a peak at 5 or dominant with genetic heterogeneity. Linkage has
6 months. The familial form mostly starts between 4 been found to chromosomes 19q12-13.1,95 2q2496
and 7 months. Boys and girls are equally affected in and 16p12-q12.97
268 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Benign familial infantile seizures do not appear to Familial hemiplegic migraine and benign familial
have genetic links with benign neonatal seizures, infantile seizures103 partially cosegregate in some
although these may also prove to be channel- rare families with novel missense mutations in the
opathies. ATP1A2 Na+/K+-ATPase pump gene on chromosome
Of significant genetic interest is the description of 1q23.104
familial forms with seizure onset in the intermediate The sporadic cases of benign infantile seizures may
age (1–3 months) between benign neonatal and be identical to the familial ones, but with reduced
infantile seizures, as well as familial infantile expressivity, or they may be due to exogenous factors
convulsions in families with choreoathetosis98,99 or such as rotavirus infections.105
hemiplegic migraine.
Benign familial neonatal–infantile seizures100 is an
autosomal dominant disorder starting between the Diagnostic procedures
ages of 2 days and 7 months with non-febrile focal All relevant tests applied for infantile seizures are
seizures of mainly posterior onsets, which remit by normal. However, they are needed, particularly for
12 months. The disorder is a sodium channelopathy the sporadic cases, in order to exclude symptomatic
caused by mutations in the sodium channel subunit infantile seizures.
gene SCN2A.100 No such mutations were found in ten
families with benign familial infantile seizures.100 Electroencephalography
Familial infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis are an The inter-ictal EEG is normal. The ictal EEG dem-
autosomal dominant disorder with benign infantile onstrates focal discharges of fast activity mixed with
seizures together with variably expressed paroxysmal spikes that usually spread to neighbouring areas or
choreoathetosis.97–99,101,102 the whole brain (Figure 9.1).105–107 Onset may be

Benign infantile seizures (non-familial)

F p2–F8
F p1–F7



100 μV Onset End

1 sec

Figure 9.1 An ictal EEG of a seizure in an 8-week-old baby who, at this age, had three focal seizures of right-sided convulsions
involving the face and upper limbs (see case 17.2 in Panayiotopoulos107). Brain MRI was normal. The inter-ictal EEG was
normal. Subsequent EEGs were normal and treatment stopped at age 10 months. He was well until the age of 7 years when
he started having typical rolandic seizures. One year later, he developed epilepsy with continuous spikes and waves during
slow-wave sleep (Figure 10.12). The arrows mark the onset and termination of the seizure. Note the ictal EEG onset with focal
left-sided fast spikes of low amplitude.
Idiopathic Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes in Infancy 269

frontal, temporal, parietal or occipital, and may vary untreated cases there can be isolated or brief clusters
in location and side between seizures of the same of seizures within this period.

Differential diagnosis In the active seizure period, AED treatment is usually
This may be difficult in the sporadic form, which effective. Complete seizure control is achieved in
requires a long follow-up before such a diagnosis almost all cases. Recurrences after 1 or 2 months may
can be established. Other syndromes with familial occur in a third of patients, but these are also easily
benign infantile seizures should be considered. controlled by drug dose adjustments. AEDs are usually
withdrawn after 1–3 years with no relapses. Watanabe
mainly used carbamazepine, whereas Vigevano used
Prognosis valproate or phenobarbital. Benzodiazepines or
Prognosis is usually good.108,109 Seizures remit within phenobarbital are insufficient for the cessation of
1 to 2 years of onset. Development is normal. In clustered seizures.110

Myoclonic epilepsy in infancy

Myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (MEI)111–123 is probably Demographic data
the earliest form of an age-dependent IGE syndrome and
is manifested mainly or exclusively by just myoclonic Onset is between 6 months and 3 years, but in a
jerks. The jerks may be spontaneous, reflex or both. few infants it may start earlier (4 months) or later
(4 to 5 years). Boys are twice as likely to be affected
as girls. The prevalence may be around 1% or 2%
Clarifications of all epilepsies starting before the age of 3 years.117
This syndrome is based on retrospective studies and
on classification single case reports of approximately 100 patients,
The recent report of the ILAE Classification Core sometimes heterogeneous and including those with
Group deleted the word ‘benign’ from benign stimulus-elicited (reflex) myoclonic jerks.117
MEI ‘because this is not benign in some infants’.3
However, this may be premature without defining
exactly what this syndrome is and particu- Clinical manifestations
larly whether those with reflex myoclonic jerks Myoclonic seizures are the predominant and often
(reflex MEI) are truly separate from those with the only type of fits in MEI. They mainly affect the
spontaneous myoclonic jerks only. Furthermore, head, eyeballs, upper extremities and the diaphragm
it should be the majority rather than a ‘few cases’ (Figure 9.2). The jerks are brief and singular or clusters
that determine the overall features and prognosis. that vary in frequency and violence. They manifest
Even the most benign medical conditions may clinically with head nodding and, more rarely, flexion
infrequently develop to an unfavourable prognosis or extension of the body. The upper limbs usually
(e.g. seasonal viral flu). fling upwards and outwards, whereas the eyeballs may
270 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

A typical patient with MEI with myoclonic jerks only and excellent prognosis

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




500 μV
1 sec

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

150 μV Massive jerk of head/shoulders with vocalisation (grunt)
1 sec

Figure 9.2 At age 3 years, this girl developed frequent and violent myoclonic jerks mainly in the head and shoulders with
grunting noises. She was referred for a routine EEG 6 weeks from the onset of the jerks. On the basis of the history, the EEG
technician applied video-EEG recording and deliberately extended the recording for clinical events. Two electroclinical seizures
were captured, one of which is shown in this figure. Clinically, the first symptom was a sudden jerk of the head and shoulders
backwards. This coincided with a giant (approximately 1 mV) spike or multispike–slow-wave followed by rhythmic slow activity
at around 3–5 Hz, together with some random spikes and slow waves. The whole discharge lasted for approximately 5–7 s. The
seizures stopped only when clonazepam was added to valproate (valproate was probably not needed). Subsequent serial EEGs
were normal. At age 6 years she was no longer on medication, had developed well, was free of seizures and had a normal EEG.
Idiopathic Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes in Infancy 271

roll upwards. A brief yell, probably resulting from the history of epilepsy or febrile seizures is present in
contraction of the diaphragm, sometimes accompanies 30% of cases.
the jerks. Falls may occur in the rare event that the lower Familial MEI with autosomal recessive inheritance
limbs are affected. Myoclonic jerks may sometimes be and linkage to chromosome 16p13 has been reported
very mild and inconspicuous. in one family, but in this case myoclonic seizures
Consciousness is commonly intact, but clusters of persisted into adulthood and all patients developed
jerks may be associated with mild clouding. GTCSs in their early teens.128
Myoclonic seizures are usually spontaneous, occurring
randomly in alert stages and exaggerated by drowsiness
and NREM sleep. In some patients they tend to cluster Diagnostic procedures
on awakening or during the first hours of sleep. Reflex All tests other than EEGs are normal. The inter-ictal
myoclonic jerks are sometimes prominent. Patients EEG is normal. Spontaneous, inter-ictal GPSWD
may have spontaneous or reflex-only jerks, or both. without associated jerks are exceptional.
The duration of the jerks is usually brief (1 or 2 s). The ictal EEG during jerks shows GPSWD or GSWD
Some children have marked clusters of generalised with a duration of 1–3 s (Figure 9.2). Frequently,
clonic seizures, exclusively during sleep or on awak- ictal EEG discharges are limited to the rolandic and
ening, which are prolonged by up to 15–20 min and vertex regions.121
can cause cyanosis without loss of consciousness.112 Drowsiness and early stages of sleep exaggerate
Other types of seizures: A fifth of patients have the EEG discharges that may occur with or without
simple, brief and infrequent febrile seizures, usually jerks. EEG generalised discharges of mainly multiple
preceding the onset of myoclonias. spikes with jerks are often stimulus evoked by photic
A fifth of the patients may develop infrequent stimulation or unexpected acoustic or tactile stimuli.
GTCSs, usually in their early teens. These occur in the awake or sleep stages.
Non-febrile seizures of uncertain categorisation,
before the onset of myoclonic seizures or during the
clinical course of the disease, have been reported.113 Differential diagnosis
In one report, 6 of 11 children also had non- MEI should be differentiated from non-epileptic
epileptic myoclonus.124 conditions such as hypnagogic jerks and Fejerman
syndrome (benign non-epileptic myoclonus, page
Precipitating factors 94). Hypnagogic jerks do not occur in waking
A fifth of patients have clinical and EEG photo- states and the EEG is normal. Benign non-epileptic
sensitivity.111,116,122,123,125 In 10% the myoclonic myoclonus resembles epileptic spasms rather than
jerks are predominantly or exclusively elicited by the myoclonic jerks of MEI.
unexpected acoustic or tactile stimuli, and these It should not be difficult to differentiate MEI from
may be of a better prognosis.111,116,126,127 Single jerks epileptic encephalopathies such as West, Dravet or
or clusters of two to eight symmetrical limb jerks, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome with multiform seizures,
mainly of the arms, are elicited by sudden noise or severe EEG abnormalities and often neurodevelop-
tactile stimuli when either awake or asleep. Startle is mental deficits.
important. If expected the stimulus is ineffective.111

Aetiology Remission usually occurs between 6 months and
MEI is probably the earliest form of an IGE. There is 5 years of onset. Patients with jerks provoked by
no evidence that it is linked with juvenile myoclonic auditory or tactile stimuli have a better prognosis,
epilepsy or indeed any other type of IGE. A family and the jerks are easily controlled with AEDs and
272 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

avoidance of precipitating factors. Conversely, EEG to control. Patients with auditory and somatosen-
photosensitivity may persist many years after clinical sory evoked myoclonus may not require treatment
remission. or withdrawal from AEDs may be initiated after
In general, 10–20% of patients with MEI develop 1 year.
infrequent GTCSs in their early teens when medi- With valproate, 80% of patients become seizure
cation has been withdrawn. free. However, no other suitable AEDs have been tried
Psychomotor development is often normal, in this condition. This should include monotherapy
but 10–20% of children may later develop mild with small doses of:
(usually) cognitive, behavioural or motor deficits, t clonazepam, which is more effective than
particularly if untreated. valproate in controlling myoclonic jerks
t levetiracetam, which is the most potent new
anti-myoclonic drug and which also signifi-
Management cantly suppresses photosensitivity).
The response to AED treatment is usually excellent. AED withdrawal should be slow.
Patients with photosensitivity are more difficult

16. Verity CM, Ross EM, Golding J. Outcome of childhood status

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kinesigenic choreoathetosis: From first discovery in 1892 to genetic 124. Rossi PG, Parmeggiani A, Posar A, Santi A, Santucci M. Benign
linkage with benign familial infantile convulsions. Epilepsy Res myoclonic epilepsy: long-term follow-up of 11 new cases. Brain Dev
2006;70 Suppl:174–84. 1997;19:473–9.
103. Terwindt GM, Ophoff RA, Lindhout D, Haan J, Halley DJ, 125. Shahar E, Barak S, Andraus J, Kramer U. Primary generalized epilepsy
Sandkuijl LA, et al. Partial cosegregation of familial hemiplegic during infancy and early childhood. J Child Neurol 2004;19:170–4.
migraine and a benign familial infantile epileptic syndrome. Epilepsia 126. Kurian MA, King MD. An unusual case of benign reflex myoclonic
1997;38:915–21. epilepsy of infancy. Neuropediatrics 2003;34:152–5.
104. Vanmolkot KR, Kors EE, Hottenga JJ, Terwindt GM, Haan J, 127. Zafeiriou D, Vargiami E, Kontopoulos E. Reflex myoclonic epilepsy in
Hoefnagels WA, et al. Novel mutations in the Na+, K+-ATPase pump infancy: a benign age-dependent idiopathic startle epilepsy. Epileptic
gene ATP1A2 associated with familial hemiplegic migraine and benign Disord 2003;5:121–2.
familial infantile convulsions. Ann Neurol 2003;54:360–6. 128. de Falco FA, Majello L, Santangelo R, Stabile M, Bricarelli FD, Zara F.
105. Imai K, Otani K, Yanagihara K, Li Z, Futagi Y, Ono J, et al. Ictal video- Familial infantile myoclonic epilepsy: clinical features in a large kindred
EEG recording of three partial seizures in a patient with the benign with autosomal recessive inheritance. Epilepsia 2001;42:1541–8.
Epileptic ten
encephalopathies in
infancy and early childhood
Epileptic encephalopathies are severe brain disorders adolescence but often with serious neurocognitive
in which the epileptic electrical discharges may residuals.
contribute to progressive psychomotor dysfunc- The aetiopathophysiology of these syndromes has
tion.1–14 They start at an early age and manifest not been fully elucidated. It may be multiple and not
with electrographic EEG paroxysmal activity that is necessarily the same for all. The major determinant is
often aggressive; seizures that are commonly multi- the brain functional and structural immaturity, with a
form and intractable; cognitive, behavioural and ‘cause–effect’ interaction between abnormal electrical
neurological deficits that may be relentless; and discharges generated by and modifying/acting upon
sometimes early death. neuronal circuits that are in development.
The concept of ‘epileptic encephalopathies’ is based The following are syndromes of epileptic encepha-
on the assumption that aggressive ictal (seizure) lopathies with onset in the neonatal period, infancy
and electrical (electrographic) epileptogenic activity and early childhood:17
during brain maturation is the main causative factor t early myoclonic encephalopathy (see Chapter 8)
of progressive cognitive and neuropsychological t Ohtahara syndrome (see Chapter 8)
deterioration or regression.15,16 Conversely, this t West syndrome
deleterious epileptic activity is a specific age-related t Dravet syndrome (‘severe myoclonic epilepsy in
brain reaction of excessive neocortical excitability infancy’)1,17,18
to different pathological conditions, which are focal t Lennox–Gastaut syndrome
or diffuse, of symptomatic or idiopathic cause. t ‘epileptic encephalopathy with continuous
This age-related epileptogenic reaction is peculiar spike-and-wave during sleep (CSWS) including
to the immature brain and varies significantly in Landau–Kleffner syndrome (LKS)’
accordance with the stage of brain maturity at the t myoclonic encephalopathy in non-progressive
time that this occurs. Thus, EEG demonstrates disorders.
primarily burst-suppression patterns in the neo- I have also included hypothalamic epilepsy (page
natal period, hypsarrhythmia in infancy and slow 317) in this section because a number of authorities
generalised spike–wave discharges (GSWD) in early consider it to be a form of epileptic encephalopathy
childhood. With advancing age, the seizure and with progressive severe seizures and cognitive and
electrographic epileptogenic features may evolve behavioural decline.19,20
from one to another age-related stage; i.e. from In addition, I have also included atypical benign
burst-suppression to hypsarrhythmia and then to partial epilepsy of childhood (APEC) for reasons
slow GSWD. All epileptic encephalopathies have detailed on page 315, even though this is not a
a tendency to abate, discontinue or even stop in recognised epileptic syndrome.

276 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Clarifications considered as a single entity called ‘epileptic

encephalopathy with CSWS including LKS’
on classification (see page 303).
There are two changes in the new ILAE report of the 2. In addition, the new report now considers that
Core Group17 in comparison to the ILAE diagnostic there is sufficient evidence to support ‘myoclonic
scheme:1 status in non-progressive encephalopathies’ as a
1. LKS and ‘epilepsy with continuous spike and syndrome, which it has called ‘myoclonic enceph-
waves during slow-wave sleep (CSWS)’ are now alopathy in non-progressive disorders’.

West syndrome
West syndrome is an age-related specific epileptic Clinical manifestations
encephalopathy resulting from multiple and diverse
causes. It is characterised by a unique type of seizure These bobbings… they come on whether sitting or
called epileptic (infantile) spasms (Figure 10.1) lying; just before they come on he is all alive and in
and gross EEG abnormalities of hypsarrhythmia motion… and then all of a sudden down goes his head
(Figure 10.2).13,21–46 An expert consensus on West and upwards his knees; he then appears frightened and
syndrome was published in November 2004.46 screams out.
W. J. West (1841)48

Clarifications on West syndrome usually starts insidiously with mild

epileptic spasms occurring two or three times in
classification succession. The full-blown features develop in a few
The 1989 ILAE Commission18 categorises West weeks with spasms typically occurring in clusters
syndrome among the ‘generalised cryptogenic or of 1–30 per day, with each cluster having 20–150
symptomatic epilepsies (age related)’. The 2001 attacks. Usually the intensity of spasms in a given
ILAE diagnostic scheme1 classifies West syndrome cluster will peak gradually but, towards the end of
among the ‘epileptic encephalopathies’ and prefers a cluster, the interval between spasms lengthens
‘epileptic spasms’ to ‘infantile spasms’: and their severity decreases until they gradually
cease, often leaving the child exhausted. Rarely,
West syndrome is commonly used synonymously with
patients manifest with single rather than clusters of
infantile spasms. However, officially infantile spasms
refer to a type of seizures (preferably called ‘epileptic
The epileptic spasms are clusters of sudden, brief
spasms’), which are common but not exclusive for West
(0.2–2 s), bilateral tonic contractions of the axial and
limb muscles. They are slower than myoclonic jerks
and faster than tonic seizures (Figure 2.7). They may
involve widespread muscle groups or be fragmented,
Demographic data involving flexion of the neck only (bobbing of the
Onset is between 3 and 12 months (peak at 5 months) head), abdomen (mild bending) or just the shoulders
in 90% of cases. Males (60–70%) predominate. (a shrug-like movement). The force is usually
Incidence is 3–5 per 10,000 live births. violent, but it may also be mild or intermediate.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 277

Epileptic spasms of a child with Down syndrome who developed West syndrome

A 7-month-old baby with Down syndrome and epileptic spasms

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




200 μV
Massive flexor spasm (salaam spasm)
1 sec

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




200 μV
1 sec Minor spasm – flexion of legs only

Figure 10.1 From a video-EEG recording of a 7-month-old baby with Down syndrome who developed West syndrome. There
were numerous major (A) or minor (B) epileptic spasms.
278 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The spasm is often followed by motionlessness and contralateral cerebral lesions of symptomatic West
diminished responsiveness lasting up to 90 s. On syndrome.
rare occasions this ‘arrest’ effect constitutes the entire The epileptic spasms predominantly occur on
seizure. Alteration and pauses of respiration during arousal and in alert states, less often during non-rapid
the spasms are common (60%), whereas changes in eye movement (NREM) sleep (3%) and exceptionally
heart rate are rare. A cry or laughter often follows the during REM sleep.6,40 The twilight state, just before
end of the attacks. sleep or just after waking, often acts as a precipitating
Each infant has more than one type of spasm, factor. Sudden loud noises or tactile stimulation,
which may also be influenced by body positions: but not photic stimulation, may precipitate epileptic
spasms. Feeding may also provoke the spasms.
Spasms may be flexor, more often flexor extensor and
Other seizure types: In symptomatic cases, focal seizures
less frequently extensor.
with lateralised motor behaviours occur frequently.
Flexor spasms are common (40% of all) and are well These may generate secondarily epileptic spasms in
expressed by the synonyms ‘salaam spasms’, ‘jack- infants with focal cerebral lesions and a poor response
knife spasms’, ‘spasmes en flexion’, ‘grusse krampfe’ to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).
and ‘blitz, nick and salaam krampfe’ (lightning, Drop attacks (tonic, atonic or both) may be the first
nodding and salaam spasms). There is abrupt flexion manifestation of West syndrome with late onset.
of the neck and the trunk, the arms raise forwards Developmental delay, mild or severe, predates the
or sideways sometimes with flexion at the elbows, onset of spasms in about two-thirds of cases. In the
and the legs are elevated with flexion at the hips and other third, the infants are normal before the onset
knees. of epileptic spasms. Deterioration of psychomotor
Extensor spasms are less frequent, constituting development usually occurs with the onset of
approximately a fifth of all epileptic spasms, mani- epileptic spasms and affects head control, reaching
festing with sudden backwards movements of the for objects and eye tracking. Axial hypotonia, lack
head, hyperextension of the body, and extension of hand grasping or eye contact may have a negative
and abduction of the limbs similar to the Moro prognostic significance.
Flexor–extensor spasms are the most common spasms Clinical note
(constituting half of epileptic spasms), and combine
Reversible causes for epileptic spasms
sudden contraction of both flexor and extensor
Drugs such as theophylline57 or anti-allergic agents of
muscles with flexion of the neck, trunk and arms,
histamine H1-receptor antagonists, particularly ketotifen,58
but extension of the legs.
may induce epileptic spasms and hypsarrhythmia that
Epileptic spasms are usually symmetrical, although
are entirely reversible upon drug withdrawal.
1–30% may have lateralising features with the head
Pyridoxine dependency, which is treatable, can in rare
or eyes turned to one side or one limb consistently
instances present with epileptic spasms. This is most
moving more vigorously.49–51 Eye deviation or likely when other seizure types have occurred before the
nystagmoid movements occur in 60% of epileptic onset of spasms.46
spasms and may be an isolated ictal symptom.
Subtle epileptic spasms may appear as episodes
of yawning, gasping, facial grimacing, isolated eye
movements and transient focal motor activity.46 Aetiology
There is no aetiological or prognostic significance The aetiology is multiple and diverse. Aetiologically,
to the frequency, violence or flexion–extension of West syndrome is classified, in order of prevalence,
epileptic spasms. However, asymmetrical, lateralised as symptomatic (about 80% of all) due to discern-
or unilateral spasms are highly correlated with ible organic insults, and cryptogenic or idiopathic
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 279

Main causes of symptomatic West syndrome

t 1
of cases) of symptomatic West syndrome
t )

and this is significant because of a better response to vigabatrin
t 0
syndrome, agyria, pachygyria and laminar heterotopia, hemimegaloencephaly and focal cortical dysplasia,
bilateral peri-sylvian microgyria, porencephaly and their variations
regard to seizures
t $
adenovirus and pertussis), bacterial (meningococcus and pneumococcus), protozoan (toxoplasmosis) and
others, are a significant cause of epileptic spasms. The outcome of epileptic spasms in these children is
very poor, signifying the importance of prevention and early treatment of the causative agent

Table 10.1

(5–30%). The prevalence of these broad aetiological or a twin pregnancy, familial occurrence is low at 4%
groups varies significantly in accordance with the or 5% of cases.52 A familial idiopathic West syndrome
methodological investigations. has been described.53 In rare families, West syndrome
Symptomatic West syndrome is by far the most common. occurs in an X-linked recessive mode exclusively
Several pre-, peri- and postnatal insults are responsible in male offspring from asymptomatic mothers.
(Table 10.1), and range widely from hypoxia–ischaemia, X-linked cases are associated with alanine expansion
infections, trauma and intracranial haemorrhage, to mutations of the aristaless-related gene localised to
malformations of cortical development, neurocutaneous the chromosomal region Xp21.3-Xp22.54–56
diseases, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities and,
less often, inborn errors of metabolism.
Probably symptomatic (cryptogenic) West syndrome may Diagnostic procedures
have a prevalence of 10–15%. With improved tech- A thorough clinical neurodevelopment assessment
nology, their prevalence is declining as their causes and ophthalmological and ultraviolet skin
are increasingly being documented. examination may reveal the underlying cause in
Idiopathic West syndrome, with normal pre-morbid symptomatic cases, including tuberous sclerosis
development and possible hereditary predisposition and Aicardi syndrome. Laboratory screening for
such as a family history of epilepsy, febrile seizures or electrolyte, metabolic or other disturbances are
EEG genetic patterns, constitutes 5–30% of all cases. usually normal. Infectious diseases may be apparent
Idiopathic West syndrome may have a good prognosis from clinical presentation and infants with suspected
with regard to seizures and psychomotor development. infection should have the appropriate investigations,
Genetic factors in West syndrome: unless the aetiology is including a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination.
a specific genetic disorder, such as tuberous sclerosis, Infants with frequent vomiting, lethargy, failure to
280 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

thrive, peculiar odours and unexplained neurolog- amplitude discharges of spikes/polyspikes and slow
ical findings should have urine and serum amino waves, which are more synchronous than in the
acid screening and serum ammonia, organic acid, awake-stage EEG. These discharges are separated by
lactate, pyruvate and liver function tests. Most low-amplitude EEG activity that may contain sleep
paediatricians rightly recommend these neuro- spindles. This sleep EEG pattern may be seen in
metabolic tests in all cases unless an alternative some infants with a relatively normal awake EEG,
cause is clear. Chromosome analysis may lead to a mainly at the onset of epileptic spasms.
specific diagnosis in infants with unexplained West
Certain inter-ictal EEG patterns may contribute to an
aetiological diagnosis
Brain CT scan and, more specifically, MRI are
indicated. These should be performed before steroid Symmetrical hypsarrhythmia is most likely to
treatment, which may lead to apparent atrophy occur in idiopathic and cryptogenic cases. Asym-
on the CT or MRI scan. Positron emission tomog- metrical and unilateral hypsarrhythmias almost
raphy (PET) of brain glucose metabolism is highly always indicate ipsilateral brain structural lesions.
sensitive in detecting focal cortical abnormalities in Consistently focal slow waves indicate localised
patients with West syndrome, even when the CT or lesions. These become more apparent with intra-
MRI scan are normal.59 Bilateral hypometabolism venous diazepam, which reduces the amount of
of the temporal lobes, even in the absence of hypsarrhythmia.
abnormal CT and MRI scans, has a bad prognostic Lissencephaly and Aicardi syndrome may have
significance.36 relative specific EEG patterns with frequent burst-
suppression activity. West syndrome of tuberous
Electroencephalography21,28,38,60,61 sclerosis rarely has a typical hypsarrhythmic appear-
Hypsarrhythmia (hypsos = high) is the archetypal ance, whereas spike foci with secondary bilateral
inter-ictal EEG pattern and occurs in two-thirds of synchrony in sleep are frequent.
patients. This EEG pattern is one of anarchy, being a Progress of hypsarrhythmic EEG patterns with age: The
chaotic mixture of giant abnormal, arrhythmic and chaotic hypsarrhythmic pattern of West syndrome
asynchronous biological brain electrical activity of gradually becomes more organised, fragmented and
slow and sharp waves, multi-focal spikes and poly- disappears with age. By age 2 and 4 years, this may
spikes. As a result of their high amplitude, individual be replaced by the slow GSWD pattern of Lennox–
components and localisation are impossible to Gastaut syndrome. Multi-focal independent spike
detect at routine sensitivity recordings of 100 μV/cm EEG patterns appear first, followed by generalised
(Figure 10.2). There are no recognisable normal spike discharges from where the slow GSWD of
rhythms. Lennox–Gastaut syndrome emerges.62
Asymmetrical and other patterns of modified or
atypical hypsarrhythmia occur in a third of cases. Ictal EEG
Various EEG features have traditionally been Ictal EEG patterns are variable with at least 11 dif-
labelled as modified or atypical hypsarrhythmia. ferent types, lasting for 0.5 s to 2 min. The most
Their presence depends on the stage of West common and more characteristic pattern in 72% of
syndrome at which the EEG is performed. It may the attacks is a brief duration (1–5 s; Figure 10.1),
depend on treatment and as an aggregate variable, it and it consists of (1) a high-voltage, generalised slow
probably has little practical prognostic significance wave, (2) episodic, low-amplitude fast activity and
in randomised studies.46 (3) marked diffuse attenuation of EEG electrical
REM sleep shows relative EEG normalisation. In activity (electrodecremental ictal EEG pattern). A
NREM sleep, hypsarrhythmia becomes fragmented high-amplitude, biphasic, slow-wave or spike-and-
and presents with discontinuous, repetitive, high- wave activity may occur.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 281

Typical hypsarrhythmic pattern seen at standard and reduced sensitivity

A Hypsarrhythmia at conventional EEG sensitivity

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




100 μV
1 sec

B Same EEG sample at reduced EEG sensitivity

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




300 μV

1 sec

Figure 10.2 Same typical hypsarrhythmic pattern seen at standard (A) and reduced (B) sensitivity.
282 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Differential diagnosis mainly with ACTH and corticosteroids. It is less

often due to seizures.
West syndrome should be easy to diagnose because Of patients with West syndrome, 60% develop
of the unique characteristic features of each attack other types of seizure that are usually resistant to
and because of the serial and unprovoked clustering. treatment. Lennox–Gastaut type and complex focal
However, parents and physicians often miss this.29 seizures are the most common.
Erroneous diagnoses include exaggerated startle Half of the patients have permanent motor disabilities,
responses or ‘colic and abdominal pain’, non- and two-thirds have, usually severe, cognitive and
epileptic episodic disorders and gastro-oesophageal psychological impairment.22,72–75 Autistic behaviour,
reflux.29 hyperkinetic syndrome and psychiatric disorders
Benign myoclonus of early infancy (benign non-epileptic may even be seen in otherwise normal patients with a
infantile spasms or Fejeman syndrome)63–65 is not previous history of epileptic spasms.
an epileptic condition, but may cause diagnostic Only about 5–12% of patients have normal mental
problems because of a similar age at onset and similar and motor development.
spasms (see page 112). A normal EEG is of decisive However, prognosis is determined almost exclu-
significance in the differential diagnosis. sively by the causative factors and their severity.
Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus66–68 (see page 112) The epileptic spasms themselves and their response
is another non-epileptic condition that may be to treatment may not be of significant prognostic
mistaken as epileptic spasms, although myoclonic significance.
jerks and not spasms are the main symptom and
they occur only during sleep. The EEG is normal. Diagnostic tips
Sandifer syndrome of gastro-oesophageal reflux (see
page 112) may also be confused with epileptic spasms. Recognition of epileptic (infantile) spasms is easy due to
Head cocking, torticollis, abnormal dystonic pos- the characteristics of the individual attacks and mainly
turing of the body and mainly opisthotonus may their clustering, often on arousal.
imitate epileptic spasms. However, these spells often On a practical level it is necessary to ask the parents
occur in relation to feeds and the babies usually to demonstrate and imitate the attacks physically rather
have a history of vomiting, a failure to thrive and than merely to describe them. If in doubt, demonstrating

respiratory symptoms. Hiatus hernia is common and or showing a video with typical attacks is often conclusive:

the EEG is normal. the ‘that’s it’ phenomenon (see page 4).

West syndrome is also easily differentiated from #FOJHO QIFOPNFOB TVDI BT B .PSP SFnFY  BUUBDLT

other benign or severe forms or epilepsies of this age of colic or even attempts to sit up may be a cause of

group because of the unique presentation of epileptic confusion that can be avoided by remembering that
epileptic spasms occur in clusters. Singular events are
spasms that differs significantly from myoclonic jerks
and tonic seizures.
The consensus is that idiopathic and cryptogenic
West syndrome have a significantly better prognosis
than symptomatic cases, with 15–30% of patients
West syndrome is a serious epileptic encephalopathy. achieving relative normality. More optimistic is the
The following conclusions probably give a fair view that the seizures cease and development is
account of the overall prognosis irrespective of normal in all patients who fulfil the following strict
cause.22,43,52,69–77 inclusion criteria of idiopathic West syndrome:32,78
Mortality has fallen to about 5% in developed t normal development before, during and after the
countries because of improved medical care. Deaths active seizure period, with preservation of visual
may be due to the underlying cause and treatment function
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 283

t normal functional and structural brain imaging of these medications.44,45 However, no treatment has
or other symptomatic causes been conclusively shown to improve the long-term
t symmetrical epileptic spasms and EEG intellectual development of these infants.
hypsarrhythmia. Lamotrigine, levetiracetam, nitrazepam, pyridoxine,
Additional helpful criteria of the idiopathic West sulthiame, topiramate, valproate and zonisamide are
syndrome are: also used as adjunctive medications when ACTH
t a family history of other forms of idiopathic and vigabatrin fail.
epilepsy or febrile seizures There is no firm evidence of a beneficial treatment
t EEG genetic traits, such as photoparoxysmal effect with long-term pyridoxine use in West syn-
responses or spike–wave discharges or rolandic drome. Customarily, children in whom the aetiology
spikes of West syndrome cannot be definitely established
t an EEG-identifiable basic activity and sleep receive an intravenous infusion of 100–200 mg of
spindles despite a hypsarrhythmic pattern pyridoxine during EEG monitoring. Infants with
t absence of focal inter-ictal EEG slow-wave pyridoxine dependency, which is rarely the cause of
abnormalities even after intravenous diazepam epileptic spasms, usually improve within minutes.46
t reappearance of hypsarrhythmia between con- However, intravenous pyridoxine is associated with
secutive spasms of a cluster a risk of apnoea and may not be associated with
t spontaneous remissions in untreated patients, rapid resolution of the hypsarrhythmia.46
which occur frequently.79 Resective neurosurgery may be the desperate
solution in intractable cases with localised structural
lesions. However, this is still in the provisional stage
Management provided for hopeless cases that may need multi-lobar
An American Academy of Neurology practice resection or hemispherectomy.80,81 Persistent spasms
parameter report on the drug treatment of West not amenable to focal surgery and patients who suffer
syndrome has recently been published.44 from drop attacks may benefit from total callosotomy,
ACTH and less often corticosteroids or vigabatrin are whereas anterior callosotomy is ineffective.82
the drugs of choice, controlling the epileptic spasms Vagus nerve stimulation is not recommended by
in two-thirds of patients within days of initiating any the ILAE.83

Dravet syndrome
Synonym: severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy. and classified it among ‘epilepsies and syndromes
Dravet syndrome84–92 is a rare progressive epileptic undetermined as to whether they are focal or
encephalopathy that is genetically determined. generalised’.18 ‘Dravet syndrome’ is the eponymous
term introduced by the ILAE Task Force.1,17

Demographic data
on classification Onset is always within the first year of life, with a
The 1989 ILAE classification used the descriptive peak age at 5 months, affecting previously normal
nomenclature ‘severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy’ children. Twice as many boys are affected. The
284 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

prevalence is approximately 3–6% of epilepsies Various forms of febrile and non-febrile convulsive
starting before the age of 3 years. The incidence is seizures, myoclonic jerks, atypical absences and
approximately 1 per 30,000 infants.93 complex focal seizures occur on a daily basis and
frequently evolve to status epilepticus.
Myoclonic seizures usually appear 1 or 2 years after
Clinical manifestations onset but may also occur at a much earlier age or
Dravet syndrome is characterised by a tetrad of even before febrile convulsions. They affect facial
seizures, which is seen in more than half of cases: muscles, limbs and axial muscles causing flexion or
t early infantile febrile clonic convulsions extension and often falls. They often occur several
t myoclonic jerks times per day and may cluster in myoclonic status
t atypical absences epilepticus. However, other patients may have jerks
t complex focal seizures. only hours or days before a convulsive seizure.
Convulsive, myoclonic or absence status epilepticus Myoclonic jerks are usually violent but they may also
are frequent. be mild and inconspicuous. They usually disappear
Not all of the seizures may occur; a fifth of patients during stages III and IV of sleep.
may not have myoclonic jerks.84,93–95 Tonic seizures Atypical absence seizures (in 40–93% of patients)
are exceptional if they do occur. are short (5 or 6 s) with moderate impairment of
consciousness and often with myoclonic jerks.
Diagnostic pitfalls Focal seizures (almost half of patients) present with
atonic or adversive components, autonomic phe-
Note that: nomena (pallor and peri-oral cyanosis) and automa-
t OPUBMMQBUJFOUTEFWFMPQNZPDMPOJDKFSLT tisms. They occasionally progress to generalised
t OPUBMMQBUJFOUTEFWFMPQBCTFODFTFJ[VSFT Status epilepticus: Myoclonic, atypical absence, com-
There are three periods of evolution with Dravet plex focal and convulsive status epilepticus, either
syndrome. alone or in combination, are common and frequent.
The first period is relatively mild (the pre-seismic period), These various types of status epilepticus may last for
it lasts for 2 weeks to 6 months and manifests mainly hours or days and may be facilitated or precipitated
with febrile clonic convulsions intermixed with by photic stimulation, eye-closure or fixation on
some tonic components. These are mainly unilateral patterns.
and less often generalised. They are usually long Absence status epilepticus of decreased responsive-
(10 min) progressing to convulsive status epilepticus ness often combines with unsteadiness, dribbling,
in about a quarter of cases. frank ataxia and with erratic small myoclonias, some-
In three-quarters of patients seizures are usually times associated with hypertonia. Complex focal and
provoked by hyperthermia of around 38°C, minor rarely simple focal status epilepticus occur. Episodes
infections, immunisations or hot baths. The remain- of EEG GSWD interspersed with erratic small
ing one-quarter of patients have non-febrile convul- myoclonic jerks may persist for hours or days.
sive seizures. Isolated episodes of focal myoclonic Cognitive and neurological deterioration is variable
jerking and, more rarely, focal seizures may predate but usually severe. It develops between the second
or appear just before the febrile convulsions. and sixth years and remains stable later. Neurological
These seizures recur frequently within 6–8 weeks deficits consist of ataxia, pyramidal symptoms and
and later may also be non-febrile. paroxysmal movements.96
The second period is relentlessly aggressive (the seismic The third period is static (the post-seismic period). The
period) with the emergence of other multiple-seizure seizures may improve, but serious mental and neuro-
types and severe neurocognitive deterioration. logical abnormalities are irreversible.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 285

The relentless worsening and progression of the Phenotypes with complete (myoclonic seizures and/
symptoms usually comes to a halt at around the age or atypical absences) or incomplete (only segmental
of 11 or 12 years. This marks the post-seismic period myoclonias) seizure semiology show no difference
where seizures improve but do not stop. in the type or rate of SCN1A gene mutations. The
Convulsive seizures, less dramatic and less frequent, differences may be attributed to other genetic
occur mainly at the end of the night and are often mechanisms.104 The mutant channels show
precipitated by fever. Some diurnal seizures may remarkably attenuated or barely detectable inward
manifest with clonic convulsions of a limb or the sodium currents.99
face, followed by hypotonia and sleep. Febrile status More recently, the phenotypic spectrum of SCN1A
epilepticus may continue in adolescence. gene defects has been broadened to include ‘intrac-
Myoclonic attacks and atypical absence status table childhood epilepsy with GTCSs’101 and other
epilepticus tend to decrease but they are still borderline cases of Dravet syndrome.86 Other
exacerbated by fever. sodium channel genes or modifying genes may be
Cognitive and neurological deficits and signs persist involved in the pathogenesis of Dravet syndrome,86
without worsening. as suggested by the findings of (1) a family with
an individual with Dravet syndrome in whom a
Seizure-precipitating factors third GABAA-receptor G2-subunit mutation was
Hyperthermia (febrile illnesses, warm environment, found;105 (2) a family in which the proband and
hot baths) is a frequent precipitating factor, the healthy father shared the same mutation of the
particularly at onset of seizures, but this may continue SCN1A gene;86 and (3) families with definite Dravet
in adolescence (‘febrile seizures plus’). Photic and syndrome who do not carry the mutant for the
pattern stimulation, movements and eye closure SCN1A gene.106 Dravet syndrome is likely to result
precipitate GSWD, myoclonic jerks and absence from the cumulative effects or interaction of a few
seizures. A quarter of patients have self-induced or several genes, of which the EFS+ gene is merely
seizures by hand waving or pattern stimulation. one player.103

Aetiology Diagnostic procedures

Dravet syndrome is mostly genetically determined, The general consensus is that there is no metabolic
but the mode of inheritance is unknown. Approxi- abnormality. Tissue biopsies are normal. Other causes
mately half of patients have a family history of various of progressive myoclonus should be excluded.
epileptic syndromes (including idiopathic gener- Genetic testing: a severe SCN1A gene defect, if
alised epilepsy) and mainly febrile seizures. Rarely, present, is strongly supportive but not diagnostic
siblings or twins may suffer from this syndrome. of Dravet syndrome.86 No mutations are found in a
A recent breakthrough discovery is that Dravet syn- relatively high percentage of typical cases and some
drome is related and may be the severest phenotype patients have copy number variations in SCN1A
of the ‘epilepsy with febrile seizures plus’ (EFS+) which are not detectable by conventional sequencing.
spectrum (see page 265). Mutations in the voltage- Their detection requires the application of specific
gated sodium channel gene SCN1A were found techniques, such as multiplex ligation-dependent
in a high percentage (range 35–100%) of patients probe amplification or equivalent technologies.107
with Dravet syndrome.86,97–101 Most cases of Dravet Brain CT and MRI scans are either normal or show
syndrome arise from de novo mutations (missense, mild cerebral or cerebellar atrophy. Functioning
frame shift and nonsense) of the SCN1A gene.101–104 brain imaging may be normal or show focal hypo-
Inherited SCN1A gene mutations appear to associate perfusion and hypometabolism, even when the MRI
with mild phenotypes in most family members.101,103 is normal.87,88
286 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Electroencephalography epilepticus, with GTCSs remaining the predominant

The EEG shows a similar progression to that of seizure type. Cognitive decline is usual and neuro-
the clinical state, from normal to severely abnor- logical deficits may develop.101 Borderline cases
mal.84,97,108–111 have clinical features similar to those of core Dravet
The inter-ictal EEG may initially be normal, but syndrome, but are not necessarily consistent with all
20% show generalised photoparoxysmal responses. the accepted criteria for such a diagnosis.84,86,109
The ‘theta pointu alternant pattern’ may be seen Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is easily differentiated
(Figure 8.4). Within 1 year the EEG becomes very because of the predominance of tonic seizures,
abnormal in two-thirds of patients. The background frequent pre-existing neurological abnormalities and
progressively deteriorates with diffuse theta and delta absence of febrile convulsions.
waves. Brief asymmetrical paroxysms of polyspike/ In ‘epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures (EM-AS)’ of
spike–slow-wave discharges (GPSWD) usually domi- Doose (see page 378),3 focal seizures and focal EEG
nate the EEG. These may not be recorded in 10–15% abnormalities do not usually occur.
of patients. Focal and mainly multi-focal abnormal- Myoclonic epilepsy in infancy has only brief myoclonic
ities of sharp or slow spike-waves are frequent. EEG seizures (see page 269), febrile convulsions are
paroxysmal abnormalities are facilitated by sleep. milder and the EEG is markedly different from
Photoparoxysmal discharges occur in 40% of Dravet syndrome.
patients but persist in less than 5%. Eye closure and Progressive myoclonic epilepsies33 may have similar
pattern stimulation may also induce generalised features, although at this age they may run a different
discharges and myoclonic jerks.5,9,23,24 course (Chapter 17).87,88,108
The ictal EEG varies according to the type of
seizure. Myoclonic jerks are often but not always
associated with GPSWD. Atypical absences occur Prognosis
with irregular slow GSWD. Focal seizures show focal This is a severe epileptic encephalopathy disorder
ictal discharges, frequently with localised episodic with marked mental and neurological deficits.
fast activity and rapid spikes. All but a few exceptional cases have a sinister
prognosis.87,88,108 Early death occurs in 15% of
patients. Probably less than 10% of patients preserve
Differential diagnosis some communicative skills.
The sequence of polymorphic seizures, their resis-
tance to treatment and the progression to mental and Diagnostic tips
neurological deterioration are characteristic of Dravet
syndrome. An early diagnosis of Dravet syndrome Febrile seizures in Dravet syndrome
can be reliably made using clinical criteria from the Paediatricians should maintain a high index of suspicion
second or third seizure in the first year of life. for Dravet syndrome if the febrile seizures are:
At the initial pre-seismic period, febrile seizures t QSPMPOHFECFZPOEPSNJO
are the most apparent diagnosis to differentiate (see t VOJMBUFSBM
diagnostic tips box). t NBJOMZDMPOJD
Difficulties may exist in differentiating Dravet t GSFRVFOU
syndrome from ‘intractable childhood epilepsy with t QSFDJQJUBUFECZMPXGFWFS PGUFO¡$
GTCSs’.101,112 This is an entity recognised primarily in t PGFBSMZPOTFU CFGPSFZFBSPGBHF

Japanese literature101 and may be the same disorder t DPODVSSFOUXJUIOPOGFCSJMFTFJ[VSFT
as the ‘severe IGE of infancy with GTCSs’ described The diagnosis is nearly certain if intractable myoclonic
by Doose.112 Patients develop febrile seizures by KFSLTBOENFOUBMEFUFSJPSBUJPOBQQFBSXJUIJOPSZFBST
1 year of age, often recurring in clusters or status from onset.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 287

Management useful.84 Stiripentol has been recently licensed in 2009

to use in conjunction with clobazam and valproate
Seizures are intractable. Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) as adjunctive therapy for refractory GTCS in Dravet
may reduce them but do not control them and it is syndrome. Lamotrigine is contraindicated.117
doubtful if they affect the outcome.87,88,108 Valproate, A ketogenic diet is beneficial, starting as early as
benzodiazepines, melatonin,113 phenobarbital (in con- possible.118
vulsive seizures), ethosuximide (in absence and myo- Long, generalised or unilateral convulsions should be
clonic seizures) and bromides are temporarily beneficial. prevented by early treatment of infectious diseases and
Carbamazepine and phenytoin are contraindicated. Of hyperthermia and avoidance of precipitating factors.
the newer AEDs, topiramate,114 stiripentol,115 zonisamide Status epilepticus is treated as in any other similar
and mainly levetiracetam116 have been found to be condition (see Chapter 3).

Lennox–Gastaut syndrome
Lennox–Gastaut5,119–124 syndrome is a childhood relationship to other forms of epilepsy, especially
epileptic encephalopathy characterised by the triad of: those that feature myoclonic seizures, remains a
t polymorphic intractable seizures that are mainly subject of dispute. Only the more typical syndromes
tonic, atonic and atypical absence seizures are reasonably well defined, but many patients are
t cognitive and behavioural abnormalities impossible to include in a definite category.126,127
t EEG with paroxysms of fast activity and slow There is hardly another field in paediatric epileptology
(<2.5 Hz) GSWD. presenting such terminological uncertainty and confusion
as is to be found in the domain of epileptic syndromes
with generalised minor seizures of early childhood.125
Clarifications The so-called ‘myoclonic variant Lennox–Gastaut
on classification syndrome’ is probably a mistaken diagnosis of EM-AS.126
Similarly, other myoclonic epilepsies with brief seizures
There is no consensus of what Lennox–Gastaut
reported as intermediate cases between EM-AS and
syndrome is (see Table 10.2 for the inclusion criteria).
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome most likely reflect the
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome was categorised among the
undefined boundaries of the current definitions.
generalised cryptogenic or symptomatic epilepsies in
Focal epilepsies with secondary bilateral synchrony
the 1989 classification,18 but the ILAE Task Force now
has been another major cause of confusion. Of
classifies it among the epileptic encephalopathies.1,17
Gastaut’s original cases, 60%, when re-evaluated,
Lennox–Gastaut and other syndromes such as
were suffering from epilepsy with secondary
EM-AS (see page 378) have undefined boundaries
bilateral synchrony and did not have paroxysms of
resulting in what appears as ‘an overlap of
fast rhythms during sleep.128
To emphasise the diversity of opinion over Lennox–
The epilepsies described under the headings of Lennox– Gastaut syndrome, I take the example of two studies
Gastaut syndrome and of myoclonic epilepsies raise from the same country (USA) published in the
one of the most controversial problems of childhood same journal (Epilepsia).129,130 In one of them129 the
epileptology… There is still considerable confusion inclusion criteria were:
surrounding the concept of the Lennox–Gastaut t the onset of multiple seizure types before the age
syndrome, so the definition of the syndrome and its of 11 years
288 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Inclusion criteria for Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

These are not well defined but most authorities demand the following triad:
t "
absences are one of the mandatory seizure type. Others prefer tonic seizures. Myoclonic seizures are not
t (
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome
Age at onset, abnormal or normal brain imaging and causative factors are usually not considered important.
Accordingly, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome may even start in adult life

Table 10.2

t at least one seizure type resulting in falls Onset may be insidious with symptoms appearing
t an EEG demonstrating slow GSWD (<2.5 Hz). anew for no obvious reason in cryptogenic cases. Pre-
In the other study130 the criteria were: vious psychomotor deficits are apparent in symptom-
t multiple seizures (two or more) with one being atic cases. Cognitive and behavioural abnormalities
tonic seizures are present before seizure onset in 20–60% of cases.
t slow GSWD (at least in one EEG) Half of the cases of West syndrome and other infan-
t age at onset of any time. tile epileptic encephalopathies progress to Lennox–
Mental handicap was not used as a diagnostic Gastaut syndrome. Conversely, 10–30% of patients
criterion in either of them.129,130 with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome developed from
West syndrome or other epileptic encephalopathies,
although the transition phase is difficult to evaluate.
Demographic data Focal and generalised seizures are also common
Onset is between 1 and 7 years with a peak at predecessors.
3–5 years. Boys (60%) present slightly more than Tonic seizures are the most common (approximately
girls. The incidence is low at 2.8 per 10,000 live 80–100%) and probably the most characteristic
births.131 However, because of its intractable nature, seizure type in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (see
the prevalence is relatively high at about 5–10% of Figures 10.3–10.5). These are usually symmetrical,
children with seizures.124 commonly brief (2–10 s) and of variable severity
from inconspicuous to violent. Descriptively, tonic
seizures are axial, axorhizomelic and global tonic
Clinical manifestations124 seizures (see page 39).132
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is characterised by poly- A series of tonic seizures, reminiscent of epileptic
morphic seizures and neuropsychological decline. spasms but of longer duration, may occur, particularly
The most characteristic seizures are tonic fits, when Lennox–Gastaut syndrome develops from
atypical absences and atonic seizures, in that order. West syndrome.
Myoclonic jerks occur in 11–28% of patients alone Concurrent autonomic manifestations may occa-
or in combination with other seizures. However, sionally be the prominent symptom of the attacks.
myoclonic jerks do not predominate in the ‘pure’ Tonic seizures occur in wakefulness and more often
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. during NREM sleep. Some patients may have hundreds
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 289

Samples from a video-EEG of a 10-year-old girl with

severe symptomatic Lennox–Gastaut syndrome from age 6 months

A Inter-ictal EEG

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




200 μV
1 sec

B Ictal EEG

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




300 μV
1 sec Tonic seizure starting with screaming out and episodic nystagmus

Figure 10.3 This girl had a marked neuronal migration deficit in the right hemisphere and her seizures were multiform and intrac-
table to any medication. (A) A grossly abnormal inter-ictal EEG with continuous, high-amplitude, sharp–slow-waves or spike–
slow-waves. These were multi-focal right or left, mainly frontal but also midline or posterior. (B) A tonic seizure started clinically
with a scream (black arrow) and episodic nystagmus (red arrows show the eye movement artefacts of the nystagmus). The ictal
EEG consisted of an abrupt onset of flattening, which lasted for 25 s, followed by high-amplitude, generalised, sharp and slow
waves at approximately 1 Hz. The EEG returned to its pre-ictal state after about 1 min from the onset of the seizure. Despite
unilateral structural abnormalities, the inter-ictal, ictal and post-ictal EEG abnormalities were not consistently lateralised.
290 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

From a video-EEG of a child with Lennox–Gastaut

syndrome due to malformations of cortical development133



F p2–F4




F p1–F3




100 μV Tonic opening of the eyes – mild facial spasm Head moves to the left Eyes close again
1 sec

Figure 10.4 A tonic seizure presenting with mild clinical symptoms occurs during marked paroxysmal fast activity. Turning of
the head and symmetrical flattening of the EEG follow. His older brother also had the same disease (Figure 6.6).

From a video-EEG of a young man aged 17 years with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

Man aged 17 years with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




100 μV Slight tonic eyelid opening Slight tonic eyelid opening

1 sec

Figure 10.5 EEG fast paroxysms are associated with inconspicuous manifestations of tonic seizures (slight tonic eyelid
opening) that would be impossible to detect without video-EEG recording.

of them during sleep. They do not occur during REM Atypical absence seizures (Figures 10.6 and 10.7)
sleep. In early onset Lennox–Gastaut syndrome clus- occur in two-thirds of patients. There is ‘clouding’
ters of tonic spasms frequently occur on awakening. rather than loss of consciousness with gradual onset
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 291

Video-EEG sample of a classical and lengthy atypical absence seizure

F p2–F8




F p1–F7








400 μV
Stares Head nodding Chewing
1 sec

Continuing EEG recording

Stares Head nodding Chewing

Figure 10.6 Boy, aged 11 years, with severe learning difficulties and frequent multiform seizures of Lennox–Gastaut. The
ictal symptoms fluctuated and consisted of staring, head nodding and automatisms. The ictal discharge consisted of slow
GSWD at 2–2.5 Hz.

and gradual termination. The patients may continue The main differences between atypical and typical
with their activity, although slower and often with absence seizures are shown in Table 2.8.
mistakes. Impairment of their cognition may be so Atonic seizures consist of sudden, brief (1 or 2 s) and
mild that it can be clinically undetectable. Selective severe loss of postural tone. They occur in almost
impairment of higher cortical functions with half of patients. They are frequent and involve the
maintained responsiveness may occur. whole body or only the head.
Changes in tone and myoclonic jerks may be very
The trunk and head slump forwards and the knees
pronounced. Often, there is loss of trunk or head
postural tone, facial muscle or neck muscle stiffening,
eyelid or perioral myoclonus, random jerks of the Generalised loss of postural tone causes a lightning-
head or limbs, and head nodding. like fall. Atonic seizures are the most frequent cause
292 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

A video-EEG sample from a lengthy recording to assess whether this 9-year-old girl
with severe symptomatic Lennox–Gastaut syndrome was in atypical status epilepticus

Girl aged 9 years with severe mental retardation and multiform seizures

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F4




F p1–F3




300 μV Infusion tube inserted

2 sec

Figure 10.7 The EEG consisted of very-long slow GSWD at approximately 2 Hz. As a result of very severe learning disabilities,
it was impossible to find any convincing differences in her behaviour and reactivity during or without EEG discharges. The
discharge stopped simultaneously when the infusion tube was inserted before administering diazepam intravenously.

of falls resulting in severe injuries to the nose or spasm) in these otherwise atonic seizures. In addi-
teeth. tion, myoclonic jerks may precede or less often inter-
The patient collapses on the floor irresistibly without sperse with the atonic manifestations.
impairment of consciousness and then immediately Myoclonic jerks occur in 11–28% of patients. They
stands up again. are very brief, shock-like, muscle contractions that
may be isolated or repeated in a saccadic manner,
Longer atonic seizures lasting from 30 s to up to 1
usually for only a few seconds. The jerks are generally
or 2 min are rare.
bilateral and symmetrical (massive myoclonus) and
The patient remains on the floor unable to stand up. preferentially involve the axial flexor muscles and
In brief and milder attacks there is only head nodding the abductors of the arms. They may cause falls.
or sagging at the knees. Epileptic falls (drop attacks) may be the result of
Atonic seizures always alternate with tonic fits and various types of seizures such as tonic (which are the
atypical absences in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. most common), atonic, myoclonic–atonic and, more
There may be a predominant tonic component (axial rarely, myoclonic seizures. These are often difficult
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 293

to differentiate clinically without polygraphic recor- Pathophysiology

ding.134 The falls result in recurrent injury. Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is a non-specific, age-
Non-convulsive status epilepticus featuring all types of dependent, diffuse epileptic encephalopathy of
seizures such as atypical absences, tonic and atonic fits unknown pathophysiology.124
and myoclonic jerks occur in half the patients. They The electrographic abnormalities are probably a
are often of very long duration (days to weeks), exhibit severely abnormal response of the maturing brain in
resistance to treatment and are repetitive. Depending early childhood to a diffuse, or occasionally localised,
on the predominant seizure type, status epilepticus in brain damage. The response may be similar to that of
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome may be one of the following infants developing West syndrome but at a different
though these are often of mixed types: age of maturation. The electrical discharges are
t absence status epilepticus, a mild and less often thought to reflect excessive neocortical excitability
severe confusional state that can last for days or and arise from neuronal networks and oscillations
weeks peculiar to the immature brain. Secondary bilateral
t tonic status epilepticus, which is more often seen synchrony may be the main pathophysiological
in adolescents than in children mechanism in a third of cases of typical Lennox–
t myoclonic status epilepticus, which is rare, Gastaut syndrome.135 Secondary bilateral synchrony
occurring when the myoclonic jerks are the refers to bilateral and synchronous EEG discharges
dominant seizure type generated by a unilateral cortical focus (Figure 2.7).
t mixed tonic and absence status, which is probably Contrary to secondary bilateral synchrony, primary
more common. It consists of a repetitive uninter- bilateral synchrony manifests with more rapid
rupted or discontinuous series of brief tonic symmetrical and synchronous GSWD caused by a
seizures alternating with atypical absences. There generalised epileptic process independent of any
is usually profound impairment of consciousness focal hemispheric lesion (Figure 2.7).
or stupor, mixed with serial tonic attacks and The pathophysiology of the development cognitive and
sometimes with myoclonic–atonic falls. behavioural abnormalities is thought to be similar to
any other type of epileptic encephalopathy. Abun-
dant epileptogenic abnormalities of slow GSWD
Aetiology and fast rhythms/rapid spikes play a pivotal role
The aetiology is extensive and diverse. Symptomatic in the development of cognitive and behavioural
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome due to severe and, less impairment by altering brain connectivity and
often, mild brain disorders of any type is by far the neurotransmission of the maturing brain. A reason
most common, probably accounting for 70% of all for this may be that these electrical discharges divert
cases. The pre-, peri- and postnatal causes are similar the brain from normal developmental processes
to those responsible for West syndrome (Table 10.1), towards seizure-preventing mechanisms.12 AEDs,
but Aicardi syndrome and lissencephaly, which sleep disruption and social isolation are significant
are common in West syndrome, are rare causes in contributing factors.12
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. Malformations of cortical
development are increasingly identified as a common
cause of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (Figures 6.6 and
Diagnostic procedures
10.4). Focal cortical dysplasia can produce a typical A thorough clinical neurodevelopmental assessment,
or an incomplete form of the syndrome. ophthalmological and ultraviolet skin examination
A third of all Lennox–Gastaut syndrome cases occur may reveal the underlying cause, particularly in
with no antecedent history or evidence of brain symptomatic cases. The cause may already be known
pathology (idiopathic or cryptogenic cases). There is in those who develop Lennox–Gastaut from West
no evidence of a genetic predisposition. syndrome. Biochemical, haematological, metabolic
294 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and other relevant screenings are rarely abnormal Sleep activates paroxysmal abnormalities.
depending on the cause. Ictal EEG: atypical absences are associated with slow
Brain imaging with high-resolution MRI and PET (<2.5 Hz) GSWD (Figures 10.6 and 10.7).
is abnormal in nearly all patients.136–139 Two-thirds Tonic seizures have accelerating fast paroxysmal
of patients have abnormal MRI, which are needed activity, which is bilateral and often predominates
for the detection of subtle focal lesions. Functional in the anterior regions and the vertex (Figures 10.4,
brain imaging is highly sensitive in detecting focal 10.5 and 10.9). This may be of two types:132
cortical abnormalities in almost a third of patients, 1. very rapid (20±5 Hz) and initially of low ampli-
even when the MRI is normal.136–139 tude, progressively increasing to 50–100 μV
2. a more ample and less rapid rhythmic discharge
Electroencephalography 61,124,140–142 at 10 Hz, identical to that of the tonic phase
The inter-ictal EEG features at onset may consist of an of the GTCSs (epileptic recruiting rhythm),
abnormal background with or without slow GSWD. except that it may be of high amplitude from
The background abnormalities are found in almost the onset.66
all cases from the onset of seizures. They consist of Flattening of all EEG activity alone or in combination
a slow and fragmented alpha rhythm, an excess of with fast paroxysms is also common (Figures 10.3
diffuse slow waves and EEG disorganisation. Focal and 10.4). Fast ictal paroxysms may be preceded by
slow-wave abnormalities typically occur in symptom- slow GSWD or EEG suppression.
atic cases. Atonic attacks occur with generalised polyspikes,
Commonly, EEGs of abnormal background contain slow GSWD and accelerating fast paroxysms alone
paroxysms of fast rhythms characterising tonic or in combination.132
seizures and slow (<2.5 Hz) GSWD characterising Myoclonic attacks have mainly generalised dis-
atypical absences (Figures 10.7 and 10.8). These charges of polyspikes with or without slow waves
EEG patterns may be clinically silent (inter-ictal) and fast rhythms.
or manifest with inconspicuous or violent seizures A combination of clinical manifestations and ictal
(ictal). EEG patterns is common (Figure 10.8). Massive
Episodic abnormalities are frequent and mainly myoclonus, atonic seizures and myoclonic–atonic
consist of (1) slow (<2.5 Hz ) GSWD and (2) parox- seizures mainly consist of a mixture of slow spike–
ysms of fast activity or rhythmic rapid spikes, wave, polyspikes and decremental events.
which are characteristic features occurring almost Post-ictally, there is diffuse slowing or slow GSWD
exclusively during NREM sleep.5 instead of EEG flattening.
Multiple independent spike foci mainly occur in the
transition from West to Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.
The EEG patterns differ among individuals and Differential diagnosis
change from day to day and even from moment to
There are a number of epileptic and non-epileptic
conditions that should be differentiated from
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (Table 10.3). However,
Useful clarification recognition of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome in a
child is relatively easy because of the characteristic
An EEG with multi-focal independent spike foci is not a
multiple seizure types, pre-existing or developing
specific diagnostic feature. Although most of the reports
impairment of cognition and behaviour, and EEG
emphasise their association with severe childhood
epilepsies and Lennox–Gastaut syndrome,8,143 multiple
The main differential diagnostic problem is between
independent spike foci are a main EEG feature of
idiopathic Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and EM-AS
Panayiotopoulos syndrome (page 347).
(see Table 10.4). This is relatively easy in typical
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 295

A video-EEG-recorded seizure of the same patient depicted in Figure 10.4


F p2–F4




F p1–F3




F p2–F8




F p1–F7




Opening of the eyes – staring

400 μV
2 msec Eyes down – deep breathing

Onset of the seizure Swallowing – lip smacking

Eyes closing and opening End of the seizure

Closes eyes

Figure 10.8 Note that the ictal discharge contains features of tonic (episodic fast activity) and absence (slow spike–waves)
seizures. The annotated clinical manifestations were mild.
296 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ictal fast paroxysms of various frequencies in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

F p2–F4


F p1–F3


100 μV
1 sec

F p2–F4


F p1–F3


Figure 10.9

presentations (Table 10.4), but many patients present when the onset is before 3 years of age, and frequent
with overlapping features.126,144 seizures and status epilepticus occur. Other prog-
nostic factors are provided in Table 10.5.

Prognosis Diagnostic tips

The prognosis is appalling: 5%
Recognition of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is easy due
die; 80–90% continue having seizures in adult life;
to the characteristics of the multiple seizure types,
and almost all (85–92%) have severely impaired
pre-existing or developing impairment of cognitive func-
cognition and behaviour. Many patients are finally
tioning, and behavioural abnormalities.
institutionalised. A patient achieving a normal
Differential diagnosis may be problematic between
mental and motor development is a rarity.
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and EM-AS of Doose
Cognitive impairment is more likely to develop
(Table 10.4).
in symptomatic or West syndrome-related cases,
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 297

Non-epileptic and epileptic conditions to differentiate from Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

Non-epileptic conditions
Epileptic syndromes

Table 10.3

Lennox–Gastaut syndrome versus EM-AS of Doose

Lennox–Gastaut syndrome EM-AS of Doose

Main seizures Tonic, atonic and atypical Myoclonic, atonic and
absences myoclonic–atonic
Tonic seizures Common and characteristic; Probably an exclusion criterion
diurnal and nocturnal (nocturnal tonic seizures are
accepted by some authors)
Tonic drop attacks Common Incompatible
Atypical absences Common; they also occur Uncommon; they usually
independently of other seizures accompany myoclonic or atonic
Developmental abnormalities Common Exceptional, if any
before onset of seizures
Aetiology Symptomatic or possibly Idiopathic1 (although symptomatic
symptomatic (idiopathic cases are or possibly symptomatic cases are
accepted by some authorities) included in the 1989 ILAE
Genetic predisposition None Common
Development from West syndrome Common Incompatible
EEG background Abnormal by rule Usually normal, particularly at onset
EEG episodic fast activity Common and often characteristic Exceptional and mainly in sleep
and rapid spikes
Prognosis Commonly bad Commonly relatively good

Table 10.4
298 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Prognostic factors in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

Worse prognosis is associated with:


A better prognosis may be indicated for patients who have:


Table 10.5

Management 120,122–124,149–152 AED treatment

AED treatment of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is largely
My 13-year-old daughter has Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.
empirical and the few RCTs have failed to make
She is on Sabril, Lamictal and Frisium. It seems multiple
any significant breakthrough in the evidence-based
drug therapies work best for these children. I have found
recommendations. Avoiding AEDs that may worsen
the best control is when the drug level or types are
seizures, cognition and behaviour is an important
changed. The initial control is good usually reducing the
aspect of management.
seizures for a month or so, but they then start up again.
Hence, we are always juggling the doses up and down. Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is highly resistant to
From an internet description by a mother antiepileptic medication, often requiring rational
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome requires a multi- polytherapy that is rarely successful. Only a few
disciplinary approach to management that is RCTs have been performed and many of the AED
demanding and often frustrating for the family and treatment recommendations have little or no
the treating health care professionals and can only evidence-based support. Tonic attacks, which may
be supportive and palliative. A management strategy be life threatening and can be numerous during
should include the following elements: sleep, are the most difficult to treat, while atypical
t treatment of epileptic seizures with appropriate absences and myoclonic and atonic seizures are
medications and nonpharmacological methods more amenable to treatment. As a rule, multiple
t treatment of behavioural and cognitive problems medications lead to patients suffering from sedation
with appropriate educational programmes and other adverse effects. Often this causes a vicious
t physical therapy for the patient’s physical dis- cycle, with sedation increasing the incidence of
abilities seizures. Another problem is that some AEDs
t family support. beneficial in controlling one type of seizure may
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 299

aggravate other types of seizure. More than three an effective AED against tonic seizures, particularly
AEDs are probably unacceptable. in combination with valproate.151 However,
The beneficial effects of drugs are often transient, carbamazepine probably aggravates all other types of
lasting at best around 4 months. AEDs are usually used seizure in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and therefore
in combinations according to the predominant seizure it should be used with caution.
type. In regard to seizure severity, patients may have Ethosuximide is very effective in atypical absence
spontaneous good and bad days or weeks, but a seizure- seizures, negative myoclonus and atonic seizures
free state cannot be achieved. A realistic aim of AED with falls (see page 576).155,156
treatment in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is to:120,150 Phenobarbital and primidone may control convulsive
t minimise the number of serious and disabling seizures, but often aggravate absences and are
seizures such as drop attacks. associated with serious cognitive, behavioural and
t minimise the number of daytime seizures sedative ADRs.
t prevent and treat prolonged convulsive seizures
and non-convulsive status epilepticus. Newer AEDs
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in Lennox–
Older AEDs Gastaut syndrome are scarce and do not provide
Valproate is the preferred first-line AED in most unquestionable evidence regarding the best AEDs
recommendations because it has beneficial efficacy for particular types of seizures in this syndrome.
in all types of seizure.120,150–152 Uncontrolled studies Specific limitations of current RCTs include:
found a greater than 50% improvement in seizure t most RCTs use short-term assessments, but
control in 55% of patients with drop attacks and we know that the beneficial effects of AEDs in
in 25–30% of patients with atypical absences and Lennox–Gastaut syndrome are often transient,
myoclonic seizures.120 Lower responder rates were lasting for a few weeks; this may also explain the
reported for tonic and tonic–clonic seizures.120 high percentage of placebo responders
Younger children, particularly those on polytherapy, t efficacy measures rely on observers’ counts
are at greater risk of hepatic failure and acute of seizures, although we know that these are
haemorrhagic pancreatitis. unreliable, particularly for absences, myoclonic
Clonazepam,120 clobazam,153 and nitrazepam154 are jerks and nocturnal tonic seizures, which may be
mainly effective in myoclonic jerks and tonic attacks.150 numerous and clinically undetectable. Most RCTs
Nitrazepam has been widely used from the Marseilles use a reduction in drop attacks as the primary
school of Gastaut.151 Clobazam has been recently re- outcome variable, but, again, whether these drop
assessed in a RCT as an effective adjunctive therapy attacks are atonic or tonic seizures is not defined.
for drop seizures in patients with Lennox–Gastaut Objective video EEG monitoring of seizures has
syndrome.153 Higher doses (target 1.0 mg/kg/day) were not been used in any of these RCTs. We have found
more effective than lower doses (target 0.25 mg/kg/day). that less than 30% of tonic seizures documented in
Other seizure types were also reduced. Also, clobazam long video-EEG monitoring have been identified
is not as sedative and does not induce as much drooling by specialised personnel in a dedicated in-patient
as the other benzodiazepines. hospital (unpublished study).
Phenytoin may reduce tonic and vibratory tonic t all RCTs so far have studied the effect of an AED
seizures and it is used for the treatment of tonic as adjunctive treatment, usually with valproate;
status epilepticus.151 thus we do not know whether the results would
Carbamazepine is an excellent AED in focal seizures, be the same in combination with another AED or
but may exacerbate other types of generalised in monotherapy
seizures such as absences and myoclonic jerks. The t there are no head-to-head comparisons of AEDs
Marseilles school considers carbamazepine to be in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome
300 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

t RCTs examined mixed populations of children The many cognitive, behavioural and physical side
and adults, despite the likelihood of response and effects, such as oligohydrosis, may outweigh the
ADRs having significant age-related differences benefits of topiramate treatment.
Seven RCTs are for add-on treatment with Rufinamide is a new AED licensed for the treatment of
lamotrigine, topiramate, felbamate and rufinamide Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (see pharmacopoeia).149–
in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and these have been In a RCT of add-on treatment of Lennox–Gastaut
recently reviewed.120,149–152 The Cochrane review149 syndrome,162 the rufinamide group had, compared
assessed that each of the 7 existing RCTs looked at with placebo, a greater median percentage reduction
different populations, assessed different therapies in total seizure frequency (32.7% vs 11.7%, p=0.0015)
and considered different outcomes. Therefore, a and in the frequency of drop attacks (p<0.0001), a
meta-analysis was impossible to perform and the greater improvement in seizure severity (p=0.0041)
authors concluded that “the optimum treatment for and a higher 50% responder rate for total seizures
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome remains uncertain and no (p=0.0045) and tonic-atonic seizures (p=0.002).
study to date has shown any one drug to be highly Somnolence and vomiting were the main ADRs.
efficacious; rufinamide, lamotrigine, topiramate and Levetiracetam has not been assessed in RCTs for Lennox–
felbamate may be helpful as add-on therapy”.149 Gastaut syndrome. Small studies have shown that it is
Felbamate significantly reduced all seizures compared effective for all types of seizures except, probably, tonic
with placebo (–19% vs +4%; p=0.002), including seizures.163,164 Levetiracetam is relatively safe and does
drop attacks and GTCS.120,149,150,152,157 The effect on not interact with other AEDs in polytherapy.
atypical absences was not reported. As felbamate Vigabatrin is probably efficacious in Lennox–Gastaut
syndrome, though it may exacerbate absences and
can cause fatal side effects it is now only available for
myoclonic jerks.150 In one study vigabatrin added to
specific cases. It should be used with caution and for no
monotherapy with valproate had a beneficial effect
longer than 2 months if there is no clear response (see
in 85% of children, who experienced a 50–100%
seizure reduction.165 However, the risk of irreversible
Lamotrigine significantly reduced all seizures compared
visual field defects may be too high. As with West
with placebo (–32% vs –9%; p=0.02), including drop
syndrome, it may be patients with Lennox–Gastaut
attacks and GTCS.149,158,159 These results have been
syndrome of cortical dysplasia who benefit most
confirmed in case series and other small studies.150 The
from vigabatrin, but this has not been tested.
effect of treatment on tonic, atonic, myoclonic or partial
Zonisamide has been also considered as a useful AED
seizures was not reported in the two RCTs.149,158,159
in the treatment of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.166 In a
Lamotrigine efficacy may be at its best in combin-
recent study of 62 patients maintained on zonisamide
ation with valproate because of their beneficial add-on medication for for at least 12 months 3 became
pharmacokinetic interactions (page 181). The major free of seizures, 29 had reduction in seizure frequency
ADR of lamotrigine is a skin rash that may be very and 24 (38.7%) had no seizure reduction. Oligohydrosis
severe and life threatening (page 197). Children and other major ADRs could be a problem.166
receiving lamotrigine in comedication with valproate
have a higher risk of skin rash, anticonvulsant
Management tips
hypersensitivity syndrome and hepatic failure.
Topiramate significantly reduced the frequency of drop With increasing seizures, reduction may be a better
attacks and tonic clonic seizures but not of overall option than increase in AEDs.
seizures (–21% vs –9%,NS).160 In addition, small trials Evaluate the predominant, severe and disabling seizure
have confirmed the efficacy of topiramate in drop attacks type in preparation for selection of the next AED and
and tonic clonic seizures. A complete loss of the efficacy withdrawal of the current ineffective drug.
of topiramate was seen by 30 months,161 which is a typical Any AED change, whether addition or removal, may be
pattern with therapy for Lennox–Gastaut syndrome temporarily beneficial.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 301

Gastaut syndrome, particularly at onset (as for West

Treatments for Lennox–Gastaut syndrome)151 and in periods of marked seizure
exaggeration.124,150 Given their long-term adverse
First-line drugs (in order of priority) effects, they should not be tried more than once
t 7BMQSPBUFBMMTFJ[VSFT or twice in the course of the disease and only at
t -BNPUSJHJOF BMM CVU NZPDMPOJD TFJ[VSFT -BDLT times of desperation.124 They are also used to treat
sedative effects and is particularly useful as an add- episodes of nonconvulsive status epilepticus not
on to valproate. responding to conventional AEDs.150,151
t $MPCB[BN QSPCBCMZ BMM UZQFT PG TFJ[VSFT -FTT Intravenous immunoglobulin was found to be useful
sedative than other benzodiazepines. in a few case reports and sometimes improvement
t 3VmOBNJEFQSPCBCMZBMMTFJ[VSFTCVUIBTOPUZFUCFFO was evident after the first dose.150 It may be tried
widely used in clinical practice. at times of seizure exacerbations not responding to
t ;POJTBNJEFQSPCBCMZBMMTFJ[VSFT other medications. Intravenous immunoglobulin is
t -FWFUJSBDFUBNQSPCBCMZBMMCVUUPOJDTFJ[VSFT costly and administration is inconvenient but it does
t 5PQJSBNBUFQSPCBCMZBMMTFJ[VSFTCVUXJUINBOZBOE not interfere with other drugs and is usually well
serious adverse reactions. tolerated.
t $MPOB[FQBNNBJOMZNZPDMPOJDKFSLT Amantadine, tryptophane, flumazenil, imipramine and
t 1IFOZUPJOUPOJDTFJ[VSFT other non-epileptic drugs have had limited success
t 'FMCBNBUF QSPCBCMZ BMM TFJ[VSFT CVU XJUI TFSJPVT  in some patients and they may even exacerbate
sometimes fatal, adverse reactions. seizures.

Second-line drugs Non-pharmacological treatments

t &UIPTVYJNJEFBCTFODFTBOEOFHBUJWFNZPDMPOVT The ketogenic diet is undergoing a mini-renaissance
t $BSCBNB[FQJOF GPDBM TFJ[VSFT  TFDPOEBSJMZ (5$4T in epileptic encephalopathies (see page 228)
and probably tonic seizures in combination with including the Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.120,167–169
valproate. In a recent report,167 the effect of a ketogenic diet
t $PSUJDPTUFSPJETBOE"$5)JGTFJ[VSFTXPSTFOBOEJO was studied in a blinded randomised cross over
periods of status epilepticus. study in 20 children with intractable Lennox–
t *OUSBWFOPVT JNNVOPHMPCVMJOT QSPCBCMZ XPSUI USZJOH Gastaut syndrome. The patients fasted for 36
in patients for whom other treatments are of little hours and then were randomised to receive the
benefit. classic ketogenic diet in conjunction with a
solution containing either 60 g/day of glucose to
Non-pharmacological treatments
negate the ketosis or saccharin. A crossover to the
ketogenic diet with the alternate solution occurred
following the sixth day and a repeat fast. After
but expectations should be kept low.
administration of the solution, there was moderate
evidence of a reduction in parent-reported
Drop attacks are more responsive to felbamate,
seizures between the glucose and saccharin arms,
lamotrigine, rufinamide, and topiramate; vagus nerve
with a median difference of 1.5 seizures per day
stimulation and corpus callosotomy are surgical options.
(p=0.07). There was no reduction in the number
of EEG-identified events, with a median reduction
Hormonal and of 7 events per day (p=0.33). Ketosis was not
other non-AED treatment completely eliminated in the glucose-added
Corticosteroids and ACTH may be helpful arm.167 A supplementary study168 attempted to
particularly in idiopathic/cryptogenic Lennox– clarify whether the effectiveness of the ketogenic
302 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

diet could be explained by a placebo effect or by of status epilepticus is detailed in chapter 3 (page
parental expectations and commitment. In this 82).
study, the additional glucose did not significantly Intravenous benzodiazepines may, rarely, induce tonic
alter the frequency of EEG-assessed events, but
status epilepticus.
did decrease the frequency of parent-reported
“drop” seizures (P=0.07). Fasting had substantial
Treatment-induced aggravation of
effects on both drop attacks and EEG-assessed
events. The diet remained effective in decreasing
seizures, cognition and behaviour
seizures at 12 days, 6 months, and 12 months.168 Treatment-induced aggravation of seizures,
The popular Atkins diet may be a less restrictive cognition and behaviour is a major problem
alternative when appropriately modified.170 with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. It is much more
Vagus nerve stimulation in childhood epileptic common than reported and may be a significant
encephalopathies, including Lennox–Gastaut syn- cause of the bad prognosis of Lennox–Gastaut
drome, has been found to be effective, particularly syndrome. The effect is difficult to detect and
in tonic and atonic seizures, and to improve often assumed to be a spontaneous fluctuation or
the quality of life of these patients.120,150,171–172 part of the progress of the disease, and is hard
It has been assessed to be as good as corpus to attribute to a specific treatment, particularly if
callosotomy.172 However, the results of another the treatment concerned has improved other types
promising study report when follow-up of seizure. Parents often value highly a treatment
assessments were made suggests that caution may that improves major seizures at the cost of adverse
be warranted.173 effects.
Neurosurgery: Corpus callosotomy is the only Gabapentin is contraindicated because it worsens
surgical procedure for devastating atonic seizures seizures. However, any one of the AEDs cited in
with traumatic falls (drop attacks).151,152 Resective the above section has the potential to aggravate
neurosurgery is appropriate in the few cases with seizures, cognition and behaviour or to have
distinctively localised epileptogenic lesions.174 other serious physical consequences. Seizures
may also be increased by sedative AEDs that affect
Treatment of status epilepticus in alertness.
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome120,150,151
Finding the right balance of risk versus benefit of any
Episodes of non-convulsive status epilepticus are is
treatment and for each individual patient is probably
common and may last for hours to weeks; attempts
more demanding in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome than for
should be made to prevent these as much as possible.
any other condition.
Home-administered benzodiazepines are the first
option in treating impending or established non-
convulsive status epilepticus. Midazolam (buccal Attention to seizure precipitants
or nasal) and diazepam (rectal) are preferred; some Detection and prevention of seizure facilitating factors
authorities also recommend oral intake of relatively are part of the appropriate management of Lennox–
high doses of clonazepam, clobazam or nitrazepam, Gastaut syndrome.151 Intercurrent febrile illnesses,
although these are not of proven efficacy by oral vomiting, changes in treatment regimens, sedation
administration. Hospital management includes and psychological stress may facilitate seizures and
intravenous administration of mainly nitrazepam, status epilepticus. Children with Lennox–Gastaut
phenytoin, diazepam, clonazepam or midazolam. syndrome are particularly vulnerable in an unstable
Intravenous immunoglobulins or corticosteroids and non-stimulating environment in which they
may also be used when the status epilepticus is experience irregular patterns of sleep, diet and
prolonged and resistant to AED. The treatment medication.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 303

Educational management Medical therapeutic support is important, but alone

Almost all patients have cognitive and behavioural is not sufficient to achieve an acceptable quality of
dysfunction, which is often severe, and require extensive life. This requires a coordinated approach involving
educational, behavioural and psychological support. a wide range of healthcare professionals (physicians,
Patients and their families have immense needs from the specialist nurses, psychologists, psychotherapists and
time that Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is first diagnosed. pharmacists), teachers and social workers.

Landau–Kleffner syndrome
Synonym: LKS, acquired epileptic aphasia. The ILAE’s justification for this is that ‘there is
LKS is a partly reversible, epileptic encephalop- insufficient evidence for mechanistic differences
athy of childhood manifesting with acquired verbal between LKS and CSWS to warrant considering them
auditory agnosia and other predominantly linguistic as separate syndromes. It is unknown whether these
deficits that often occur together with other cogni- conditions are idiopathic, symptomatic, or both’.17
tive and neuropsychological behavioural abnor- This is in agreement with the views of Tassinari,
malities.175–187 Seizures are infrequent and not a the leading authority, who has described CSWS
prerequisite for LKS. and epilepsy with CSWS. He considers that LKS is
The Landau-Kleffner syndrome has been expertly a clinical variant of epileptic encephalopathy with
reviewed in a recent Epilepsia special issue (August CSWS and that both syndromes are ‘two facets of the
2009).187 same entity’, in which the type of neuropsychological
dysfunction depends on the location of inter-ictal
foci (frontal in epilepsy with CSWS and temporal in
Considerations LKS).175 However, this syndromic unification creates
a problem with regard to patients with typical clinical
on classification
features of LKS who do not have epileptic seizures and
In the 1989 ILAE classification, this disorder lack the EEG abnormalities of CSWS. Furthermore,
was placed under the descriptive name ‘acquired a recent study found significant differences between
epileptic aphasia’ attached to the eponymic name LKS and epilepsy with CSWS, which led the authors
‘Landau–Kleffner syndrome’.18 It was considered to to conclude that these two disorders could be
be a different syndrome from ‘epilepsy with CSWS’, classified in a dichotomous manner rather than as
although both were classified among ‘epilepsies and two points along a continuum.179
syndromes undetermined as to whether they are focal On terminology, the new ILAE report rightly
or generalised’.18 The new ILAE diagnostic scheme1 abandons the term ‘slow-wave sleep’, following the
discarded the descriptive in favour of the eponymic suggestion made in the previous edition of this book
nomenclature, and retained LKS and epilepsy with discouraging the use of ‘slow-wave sleep’ (stages III
CSWS as separate diagnostic entities, classifying and IV of sleep) in favour of ‘NREM sleep’:
them among the ‘epileptic encephalopathies’.The Continuous spike–wave appears as soon as the patient
new ILAE report, however, now considers them to falls to sleep and continues through all NREM I–IV sleep
be a single entity called ‘epileptic encephalopathy stages. It is interrupted during REM stage and repeats
with CSWS including LKS’.17 the same cycle again in NREM and REM stages.175,180
304 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Demographic data the child may also become entirely mute, failing to
respond to even non-verbal sounds.
Onset is at age 2–8 years (peak at 5–7). There is a
2:1 male to female ratio. One or two cases are seen One of the most puzzling features of LKS is the fluctuating

every year in highly specialised centres. course of the linguistic disturbances, characterised by
remissions and exacerbations.

Clinical manifestations Cognitive and

Our son was normal in every way until approximately
behavioural abnormalities
age 2 years. At first he seemed to be losing his hearing
Cognitive and behavioural abnormalities occur
but not for environmental sounds. We thought that he
in more than three-quarters of patients with LKS.
was going deaf, but the hearing test was normal … Behavioural disorders such as hyperactivity and
When he was 3 years old he didn’t say anything for over attention deficit are common and in rare cases there
a month. He improved for a few months and then we is progression to severe disinhibition and psychosis.
saw a very minor seizure. The relative severity of the linguistic, behavioural
From an internet description by a mother and cognitive problems can vary over time in the
same child and between children. Long-term follow-
All children suffer from linguistic abnormalities, but
only three-quarters of them also have seizures. up studies have shown that LKS is not always
associated with intellectual deterioration.
Linguistic abnormalities
The first symptom is usually verbal auditory agnosia, Seizures
occurring in an initially normal child who had Clinically, seizures occur in three-quarters of
achieved developmental milestones at appropriate patients, but are usually infrequent and of good
ages and had already aquired age-appropriate speech. prognosis. Onset is between 4 and 6 years. Only
Children with LKS become incapable of attributing a 20% of patients continue having seizures after the
semantic value to acoustic signals, thus making them age of 10 years and occurrence of seizures after the
appear hypoacoustic or autistic. The parents notice a age of 15 is exceptional.181
gradual inability of the child to respond to their calls Seizure symptoms and seizure type are not well
despite raising their voices. Verbal auditory agnosia described. They are mainly nocturnal and often
may later progress to complete word deafness and heterogeneous. GTCSs and focal motor seizures
non-linguistic sound agnosia such as not hearing, for (Figure 10.10) are emphasised by the ILAE Com-
example, a doorbell. The diagnosis is often delayed, mission.18 However, atypical absences, atonic
and mistaken for acquired deafness or elective seizures with head drop, minor automatisms and
mutism. Many of these children have an audiogram secondarily GTCSs are reported. Subtle seizures
that is normal. with minor motor or subjective symptoms may be
The language deficit may be initially undermined frequent, but often remain undetected.182,183 A third
because of other behavioural or cognitive problems.
of patients may suffer from a single GTCS or isolated
The onset may be subacute progressive or stepwise
convulsive status epilepticus occurring mainly
(stuttering); it gradually worsens and affects other
around age 5–10 years. Complex focal seizures of
linguistic functions with impairment of expressive
temporal lobe origin are exceptional. Tonic seizures
speech, paraphasias, stereotypies, perseverations and
are probably incompatible with LKS.
phonological errors. Probably all types of aphasia
can occur. The children express themselves in a tele- The frequency and severity of seizures are not
graphic style or in very simple sentences and some determined by the severity of either EEG abnormalities
cases may develop fluent aphasia or ‘jargon’. Finally, or severity of linguistic and behavioural problems.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 305

From a video-EEG recording of an 8-year-old boy

with Landau–Kleffner syndrome before a PET scan

A Awake Asleep

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7

300 μV
1 sec

B Asleep Onset of a right hemiconvulsive seizure

Fp 2 – F 4
Fp 1 – F 3
Fp 2 – F 8
Fp 1 – F 7

Convulsions of right facial muscles, swallowing and eye opening progressing to right hemiconvulsions

Figure 10.10 This boy had infrequent seizures, one of which was incidentally captured on a video-EEG recording before
a PET scan. (A) Inter-ictally, there were clusters of sharp–slow-wave focal discharges, maximal around the left rolandic
regions (left). They became continuous during natural sleep (right). (B) Ictal discharge starts from the left central regions
(black arrow indicates its onset) and rapidly spreads to the neighbouring regions. The first clinical signs consisted of right
facial convulsions (red arrow; also note muscle artefacts on the right) progressing to hemiconvulsions.

Aetiology175,177,184 However, according to some reports, 3% of patients

have an encephalopathy and a variety of abnor-
This is unknown. A family history of epilepsy is malities were found in brain biopsy specimens of
found in about 12% of cases with LKS who also neurosurgical series.185–187
have seizures. This is reduced to 5% in those
cases who do not have seizures. Siblings may be Pathophysiology175,177,178,184–1187
affected. LKS is probably the result of an epileptogenic
Commonly, there is no detectable underlying ‘functional lesion’ in the speech cortex during a
structural abnormality and the MRI is normal. critical period of child development. In other words,
306 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

focal epileptogenic activity is thought to cause a Diagnostic procedures

functional ablation of eloquent speech areas.
Routine brain CT and MRI are often normal, but
LKS and epilepsy with CSWS are considered to
functional brain imaging shows abnormalities in
have a common pathophysiological mechanism.
the temporal lobes.178,194 MRI volumetric analysis
They are both functional disorders occurring at an
demonstrated volume reduction specifically in the
age where cortical synaptogenesis with abundant
planum temporale and superior temporal gyrus
axonal sprouting and elemental functional network
(25–57%), where receptive language is localised.195
is being established in the brain. The number of
Magnetoencephalography studies have suggested
synapses rapidly increases in excess of the ultimate
that in more than 80% of patients with Landau-
number needed. Neuronal activity or synaptic use
Kleffner syndrome, the bilateral epileptic discharges
is critical in determining which of these synapses
are generated in the auditory- and language-related
will be established or discarded before the age of
perisylvian cortex.
10 years. Aggressive epileptic activity, such as that
of CSWS at this active period of brain organisation Electroencephalography
is detrimental for the establishment of appropriate The EEG is characterised by mainly posterior temporal
neuronal connections, normal brain development lobe foci of sharp–slow-wave complexes that are often
and functioning.7 It is likely that epileptic multi-focal and bisynchronous, markedly facilitated
discharges activate and perpetuate synaptic by NREM sleep (Figure 10.11).195–197 CSWS occur at
arrangements that are functionally improper.183 some stage of the illness in almost all cases, but this is
Intense epileptic activity in the dominant temporal not a prerequisite for diagnosis. They may also persist
region would affect linguistic capabilities, as in or deteriorate during REM sleep (a finding that does
LKS.183 Conversely, the mainly frontal localisation not happen in epilepsy with CSWS) (see page 259).197
of CSWS primarily affects higher cognitive and
executive functioning.7,175,186
In my opinion, the idiopathic cases of LKS and Differential diagnosis
epilepsy with CSWS are probably exceptional Many cases of LKS are initially investigated for deaf-
and extreme parts of benign childhood seizure ness or misdiagnosed as autistic or other psychiatric
susceptibility syndrome (BCSSS; see Chapter disorders.
12), which is derailed to an epileptic encephalo- Acute or subacute aphasia in children 2–8 years of
pathy.188,189 This extreme deviation results in a more age with no unilateral acquired paresis or symptoms
aggressive condition of seizures, neuropsychologi- of encephalitis is most probably due to LKS. This is
cal manifestations and EEG abnormalities of because receptive or expressive aphasia is unusual in
various combinations and degrees of severity, as in young children unless they have a bitemporal lobe
LKS, epilepsy with CSWS and APEC.189 The reason dysfunction.
for this derailment of otherwise benign seizure The main differences between LKS and epilepsy
susceptibility is unknown, but may be related to with CSWS are outlined in Table 10.6.
location (temporal spikes in LKS, frontal spikes in
epilepsy with CSWS) or other intrinsic and external
superimposed factors. Additional evidence to Prognosis
support this pathophysiological proposition comes Seizures and EEG abnormalities are age dependent
from the atypical evolutions of the rolandic and and often remit by the age of 15. Language and
Panayiotopoulos syndrome to produce the clinical other neuropsychological disturbances gradually
and EEG features of LKS, epilepsy with CSWS and improve at the same age as the disappearance of EEG
APEC (for more detail, see chapter 12).190–192 epileptiform activity. Only half the patients with
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 307

From a video-EEG recording of a 4-year-old boy referred for possible

‘absence seizures’ because of ‘frequent episodes of inability to understand commands’
Awake Asleep
F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7

500 μV
1 sec

Figure 10.11 The EEG showed clusters of sharp–slow-wave focal discharges maximum around the right posterior temporal
regions (left). Although this was a request for a routine EEG, the technologist allowed time to proceed with a sleep EEG during
which the paroxysms became continuous (right). The possibility of LKS was raised and this was confirmed with appropriate
clinico-psychological testing.

Landau–Kleffner syndrome versus epilepsy with CSWS

Landau–Kleffner syndrome Epilepsy with CSWS

EEG aspects
Main spike localisation Temporal Frontal
Clinical aspects
Symptomatic causes 3BSF _BCOPSNBM.3*

Primary language impairment Verbal auditory agnosia Expressive > receptive aphasia
Psychomotor/behavioural deficits $PNNPO 

Onset of cognitive impairment Verbal auditory agnosia Global


Table 10.6 Linguistic disturbances are a prerequisite for the diagnosis of LKS, whereas an EEG with CSWS is a prerequisite
for the diagnosis of epileptic encephalopathy with CSWS.197
308 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

LKS may be able to live a relatively normal life, with 10– Medical treatment:175,176,185,187 All traditional AEDs as
20% achieving complete normalisation. The other half is well as sleepmodifying drugs such as amitriptyline
left with permanent sequelae that may be very severe. and amphetamine, have been tried. By expert
Outcome is not influenced by the frequency and assessment, valproate is the first line option, usually
type of epileptic seizures. However, there is a strict in combination with clobazam. Ethosuximide,
correlation between the length of the CSWS and sulthiame, clonazepam and, of the newer AEDs,
persistence of language impairment.198 Early onset levetiracetam, topiramate, vigabatrin and zonisamide
of LKS is related to the worst prognosis with regard have been used, mainly in combination regimens, and
to language recovery. there have been case reports of success, particularly
Conversely, a recent study showed that the age with levetiracetam. High dose diazepam protocols
of onset of language dysfunction does not seem to lasting several weeks have also been used and have
correlate with the prognosis for recovery of language claimed better results than chronic administration of
function.199 other benzodiazepines. It is important to avoid AEDs
such as phenytoin, phenobarbital and carbamazepine
Rarely, spontaneous remissions may occur within weeks
because these drugs may worsen the EEG discharges
or months from onset.
and neuropsychological deficit.189
In the likelihood that optional AED treatment fails
to elicit any signs of clinical and EEG improvement,
Management then ACTH or prednisolone (hydrocortisone may
The goal of management is to: also be used) should be employed (see chapter 7,
a. eliminate or reduce by pharmaceutical or surgical page 229). This is particularly important in new
means the epileptiform EEG discharges, assuming and younger patients who may respond better, need
that these are responsible not only for the seizures shorter corticosteroid treatment and are at a high risk of
but also for the overall clinical manifestations significant residual neuropsychological sequelae. Oral
of LKS. Seizures are infrequent, age limited and corticosteroids are used more often than high doses of
often easily controlled with AEDs. intravenous pulse corticosteroids. There is an empirical
b. treat the linguistic, behavioural and other view that the results depend on early treatment with
neuropsychological abnormalities that make up high initial doses of corticosteroids for at least 3 months.
the majority of these children’s problems with Continuation of treatment after this period depends on
appropriate educational programmes, expert response and side effects. Probably 75% of patients
speech therapy, including sign language, and with LKS respond well to this treatment but around
psychotherapy. Continuous monitoring of these 40% of them relapse, usually upon discontinuation
symptoms is required in order to assess severity, of corticosteroids. The latter patients may need to
progression or remission. continue receiving corticosteroid medication for
years. Corticosteroids are usually combined with
The treatment of LKS is by large empirical and
valproate or benzodiazepines, which continue after the
involves AEDs, corticosteroids, ACTH, intravenous
corticosteroids have been weaned off.
immunoglobulins, ketogenic diet, and surgical
The value of intravenous immunoglobulins
procedures. The results are of variable success and
and the ketogenic diet in the treatment of LKS is
often disappointing. Treatment is usually effective for
equivocal despite some case reports of success.
seizure control and eventual seizure remission. However,
Surgical treatment: In medically intractable cases of
the response for language and behaviour is often poor.
LKS, multiple subpial intracortical transections (see
The effect of treatment should be monitored with page 224) have been used with relative success.183,200
appropriate neuropsychological evaluation and This surgical technique has been designed to eliminate
serial awake and sleep-stage EEGs. the capacity of cortical tissue to generate seizures
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 309

while preserving the normal cortical physiological The ILAE Subcommission for Pediatric Epilepsy
function. Its success depends on the selection of Surgery considers multiple subpial transections as
cases with severe epileptogenic abnormality that can the surgical procedure of choice in LKS.83
be demonstrated to be unilateral in origin despite a
bilateral electrographic manifestation.

Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous

spike-and-wave during sleep
Synonyms: epilepsy with CSWS, encephalopathy with natal illness, neonatal convulsions and neurologi-
electrical status epilepticus during slow-wave sleep. cal abnormalities such as congenital hemiparesis
Epileptic encephalopathy with CSWS175,180,185–187,197, or tetraparesis, ataxia, psychomotor or language
is a partly reversible, age-related childhood epi- deficits.
leptic encephalopathy characterised by the triad of: There are three stages of evolution.
t EEG CSWS (Figure 10.12) The first stage is before the discovery of the CSWS: The
t seizures first seizure is usually nocturnal in half of cases and
t neuropsychological impairment. in 40% consists of unilateral convulsions, often
Continuous spikes and waves during NREM sleep is lasting for more than 30 min (hemiclonic status
a prerequisite for the diagnosis of this syndrome. epilepticus). In others, seizures may be simple focal
motor clonic, complex focal, myoclonic absence
seizures and GTCSs. Seizures are infrequent and
Clarifications mainly nocturnal.
on classification The EEG shows multi-focal spikes and bisynchro-
nous generalised sharp or spike–wave discharges.
See page 251. The second stage (with CSWS) commonly starts 1 or
2 years after the first seizure. The discovery of CSWS
is usually due to an increase in seizures and the
Demographic data
appearance or deterioration of neuropsychological
Epileptic encephalopathy with CSWS is age symptoms that prompt a sleep EEG. The active
dependent, occurring only in children. Onset of duration of CSWS is difficult to assess ranging from
seizures is between 2 months and 12 years, with a several months to up to 6 or 7 years.
peak at 4 or 5 years. The EEG abnormality of CSWS Seizures: The habitual seizures of the patient become
probably starts 1 or 2 years from the first seizure with frequent and new types of seizure emerge. Patients
a peak at age 8 and a range of 3–14 years. There may may have one or multiple forms of seizures. These
be a male preponderance (62%).175 The prevalence is include hemifacial, hemiconvulsive, GTCSs, atypi-
no higher than 0.5% of all children with seizures.203 cal or typical absences, negative myoclonus, non-
convulsive status epilepticus and atonic seizures.
Convulsive seizures are predominantly nocturnal.
Clinical manifestations175 Tonic seizures do not occur at any stage and are
Half the affected children are normal before the probably incompatible with the diagnosis of epilepsy
onset of the disease. The other half have pre- or peri- with CSWS.
310 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

This case supports the links between benign

neonatal seizures, rolandic seizures and epilepsy with CSWS

Awake Asleep
Fp 2

Fp 1


Laplacian montage
200 μV
1 sec

Figure 10.12 From a video-EEG recording of an 8-year-old boy who, at age 8 weeks, had three focal seizures of right-sided
convulsions involving the face and upper limbs (Figure 9.1). Subsequent development was excellent, but at age 7 he started
having rolandic seizures and later developed epilepsy with CSWS associated with impaired scholastic performance (case
17.2 in Panayiotopoulos189). When alert, the EEG shows infrequent clusters of focal sharp–slow-wave discharges (left), which
became continuous during sleep (right).

Over 90% of patients have numerous seizures, Motor disturbances consist of ataxia, hemiparesis
sometimes several a day. Infrequent seizure occur- and dyspraxia. Some children may develop the
rence is unusual (10%). clinical features of ‘acquired epileptiform opercular
Neuropsychological decline: The decline of the neuro- syndrome’ with orofaciolingual deficits of severe
psychological state is the most disturbing clinical oral motor dysfunction, drooling, dysarthria, speech
feature. This is usually of insidious onset and pro- arrest or weakness of the face and tongue.186,205,206
gression, while sudden commencement is rare. The The third stage of clinico-EEG remission starts after
neuropsychological deficits are largely dependent on a variable period of months to usually 2–7 years
spike localisation. from onset. Seizures remit in all patients. The EEG
Frontal or prefrontal CSWS disrupt the higher gradually improves to a relatively normal appearance.
cognitive and executive functioning before damaging The neuropsychological state also improves but
language function, and produce a frontal lobe type children rarely attain average normality. Despite some
of mental and behavioural deterioration. This improvement, many of these children suffer from
presents as hyperkinesia, agitation, disinhibition, permanent complex and severe neuropsychological
aggressiveness and inattention, often leading to impairment.
extensive cognitive decline or psychosis described
as dementia of frontal lobe syndrome.
Temporal lobe CSWS produces mainly linguistic
disturbances with a tendency towards expressive The aetiology is unknown. More than a third of
aphasia rather than the verbal auditory agnosia of LKS. patients with epilepsy with CSWS have an abnormal
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 311

pathology such as unilateral or diffuse cortical atrophy, and between hemispheres to produce diffuse slow
focal porencephaly and malformations of cortical GSWD.
development. Cases of epilepsy with CSWS evolving
from benign childhood focal seizures (see Chapter
12) are well reported.192 Usually, there is no evidence Diagnostic procedures
of familial epileptic disorders and a family history Brain imaging, particularly MRI, is mandatory.
of epilepsy is very uncommon (approximately 10%). More than a third of patients with epilepsy with
However, epilepsy with CSWS and rolandic epilepsy CSWS have abnormal brain imaging. Functional
could, in rare instances, co-exist in members of the brain imaging (PET or single photon emission CT
same family.207 [SPECT]) is usually abnormal even in patients with
a normal brain MRI.
This is similar to that described in LKS (see page Electroencephalography175,179,180,186
305). The neuropsychological impairment is Epilepsy with CSWS is mainly defined by EEG
attributed to the effect of CSWS.7,175,180,186 The CSWS. The testing procedures include routine EEG,
acquired deterioration of cognitive function with prolonged video-EEG recording or ambulatory
CSWS is probably caused by an alteration of the monitoring. The syndrome can be suspected with
maturation of one or several associative cortices, brief sleep EEG recordings (Figure 10.12), but an
primarily involving local interneurones and cortico- all-night sleep EEG is usually needed for proper
cortical associative networks.208 The pattern of quantification.
neuropsychological derangement depends on the EEG in the first stage (before the development of CSWS):
location of the inter-ictal focus. Linguistic impair- The first EEG is usually obtained after the onset of
ment relates to epileptogenic abnormalities over seizures.
one or both temporal lobe regions, whereas mental Inter-ictal awake EEG shows focal or multi-
deterioration and autistic behaviour relates to focal slow spikes in more than two-thirds of
frontal lobe epileptogenic foci. Motor impairment patients, mainly localised in the frontotemporal,
such as dyspraxia and dystonia, are attributed to the centrotemporal and less often in the parieto-
dysfunction of the motor cortex by CSWS and the occipital electrodes. Often these are morphologically
negative myoclonus during wakefulness. similar to the functional spikes of benign childhood
Tassinari and colleagues hypothesised that focal seizures. These are activated by sleep without
prolonged focal epileptic activity during sleep (as altering their morphology. In 80% of cases, there
occurs in epilepsy with CSWS) interferes with local are additional diffuse slow GSWD at 1–3 Hz, often
slow wave activity at the site of the epileptic focus, with an apparent focal driving spike that suggests
impairing neural processes and, possibly, the local secondary bilateral synchrony.
plastic changes associated with learning and other Sleep patterns and the cyclic organisation of sleep
cognitive functions.196,209 In order to emphasise their are normal.
view they proposed to label epilepsy with CSWS as The background EEG varies in accordance with the
the ‘‘Penelope syndrome: Spinning during the day, cause of epilepsy with CSWS. Focal slow waves, fast
spiking during the night,’’ in which the diurnal spikes and polyspikes may occur in symptomatic
‘‘spinning’’ to make up a thread (a neuronal network) cases.
is erased by the ‘‘EEG spiking’’ during sleep.196 EEG in the second stage (with CSWS): The characteristic
The CSWS-generating mechanism is attributed EEG pattern in this stage occurs during sleep. In
to secondary bilateral synchrony (Figure 2.7). wakefulness the EEG is similar to that of the first
Focal epileptogenic foci rapidly propagate within stage, but the abnormalities are more pronounced.
312 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Continuous spikes and waves during NREM sleep stretches or with clearly higher amplitude in relation
are the defining EEG pattern of epilepsy with CSWS. to the others. They are also discernible during the
The classical CSWS consists of NREM sleep- rare short period of fragmented diffuse spike–wave
related, continuous or almost continuous, bilateral discharges in NREM sleep.175
and bisynchronous sharp–slow waves, which are Polyspikes are rare, and fast episodic activity is
morphologically similar to the functional spikes of exceptional.
rolandic epilepsy with a repetitive rate of 1.5–2 Hz NREM-sleep EEG patterns (spindles, K complexes
(faster rates of 3 or 4 Hz may be present). These are or vertex spikes) are seldom discernible during
of higher amplitude in the anterior or central regions. CSWS. However, these are preserved and become
There are significant variations so that the discharges can apparent when CSWS is fragmented, in the late
be grossly asymmetrical, unilateral or predominantly cycles of sleep and in patients with a low SWI. The
focal210 and spikes may be devoid of the slow waves. cyclic organisation of sleep is grossly preserved, 80%
This pattern is generally found between the ages of sleep is NREM and there are no apparent sleep
of 4 and 14 years and seems to develop 1 or 2 years disorders.
after the appearance of seizures. In REM sleep the EEG is very similar to that of
The duration of CSWS is quantitatively expressed as wakefulness.
the spike–wave index (SWI), which is the sum of all
EEG progression towards relative normalisation: Longi-
spike–slow-wave complexes in minutes multiplied
tudinal sleep EEG recordings show a progressive
by 100 and divided by the total duration of NREM
improvement over the years towards normalisation
sleep in minutes. The SWI is usually more than 85%
after an average age of about 11 years. The discharges
(sometimes 100%) of the total duration of NREM
during sleep EEG become shorter, less frequent
sleep. Less stringent criteria of an SWI greater than
and more fragmented. Physiological sleep patterns
50% are also accepted provided that the clinical
become discernible. Rare, focal, sharp–slow-wave
symptomatology resembles that of classical cases and
complexes may persist, particularly in sleep EEG,
the dramatic activation of the epileptiform discharges
long after clinical improvement. Normalisation, if
occurs in NREM sleep rather than wakefulness.
finally achieved, may take more than 15 years.
Patients with an SWI of less than 85% have better
performance tests than those with a higher SWI. In all cases, sleep organisation and sleep stages are
The percentage of CSWS is more marked during the normal after CSWS remission.
first cycle of sleep (95–100%) than in the following
cycles (80–70%). An EEG with mainly anterior spikes Differential diagnosis7,175,186,189
during wakefulness tends to produce a higher SWI
The differential diagnosis of epileptic encephalopathy
(85–100%) than those with posterior spikes (64%):
with CSWS from LKS when CSWS occur in EEG has
As soon as the patient falls asleep continuous bilateral and been outlined in Table 10.6. Briefly, in LKS:
diffuse slow spikes and waves appear, mainly at 1.5–2.5 t acquired aphasia is the most predominant
Hz, persisting through all the slow wave sleep stages. An linguistic impairment
SWI in the range of 85–100%, calculated during all-night t epileptic seizures may not occur
sleep EEG recordings, is considered as an essential feature t the inter-ictal EEG foci are mainly temporal, whereas
for the diagnosis of epilepsy with CSWS. This criterion they are mainly frontal in epilepsy with CSWS.
was useful in identifying the tip of the iceberg.175 The differential diagnosis of epilepsy with CSWS
The diffuse or generalised CSWS frequently originate from rolandic epilepsy and other benign focal sei-
from focal spikes (secondary bilateral synchrony). zure susceptibility phenotypes has been emphasised
These focal spikes are often seen in the inter-ictal in all relevant reviews7,186,189 because of similar EEG
awake or REM sleep EEG, at the onset of spike–wave features, exaggeration of spikes during sleep, focal
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 313

motor seizures, mild cognitive impairment and but recovery is always slow and often only partial.
atypical evolutions (see Chapter 12). The majority of affected children never return to
Differentiating epilepsy with CSWS from Lennox– normal functioning, particularly in the verbal areas
Gastaut syndrome is easy because tonic seizures and and attention.203,212
EEG fast paroxysms are prominent in Lennox–Gastaut Less than a quarter of the patients will resume
syndrome, whereas these are almost completely absent in acceptable social and professional levels, and these
epilepsy with CSWS. Furthermore, focal motor seizures are more likely to include those who had a normal
and remissions are rare in Lennox–Gastaut syndrome. pre-morbid neuropsychological state and a shorter
duration of the active period in CSWS.

Spontaneous resolution of the epileptiform dis- Management
charges and seizures occurs in the mid-teens, which Management is similar to that described for LKS (see
coincides with stabilisation or improvement of the page 308).
behavioural and neuropsychological deficits. The Seizures are not a major problem because their final
persistence and severity of residual behavioural, prognosis is good. The treatment of CSWS, which is
cognitive and linguistic deficits depend on the age responsible for the neuropsychological impairment,
at onset and the duration of the active phase of is entirely empirical and usually of transient efficacy.
electrographic epileptiform activity. The following schemes, alone or in combination,
Seizures gradually become less frequent and less have been proposed:7
severe before they finally remit in all patients, t Oral benzodiazepines (diazepam, clobazam, clon-
commonly at about the age of 10–15. Seizure azepam or lorazepam) combined with valproate.175
improvement may be simultaneous with (30%), Short cycles (3 or 4 weeks each) of diazepam
precede (30%) or follow (40%) the resolution of (0.5 mg/kg) following a rectal bolus of 1 mg/kg of
CSWS. Seizure outcome is independent of aetiology diazepam have been used with some benefit.213
with remission of seizures also in symptomatic t ACTH (80 IU daily with a taper of 3 months) or
cases such as multilobar polymicrogyria.211 Delayed high-dose prednisolone (2–5 mg/kg daily with a
resolution of seizures occurs in patients with more taper of 3 months) when CSWS is diagnosed.7
severe epilepsy, such as those manifesting with The earlier the treatment is initiated, the shorter
generalised motor or atonic seizures or absences. the time for which steroids need to be taken and
The total duration of the active seizure period the better the ultimate outcome.
varies from 4 to 17 years. In cases with severe linguistic impairment, subpial
Cognitive and behavioural abnormalities show a global intracortical transections have been used with
improvement, which starts after the end of CSWS, success.183,200

Myoclonic encephalopathy
in non-progressive disorders
Synonym: myoclonic status in non-progressive t a fixed, non-progressive encephalopathy
encephalopathies, non-progressive myoclonic t recurrent episodes of prolonged and
epilepsy in infancy. erratic atypical myoclonic-absense status
Myoclonic encephalopathy in non-progressive epilepticus.
disorders is characterised by:214–217
314 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Clarifications On electroclinical grounds two main groups are

on classification 1. The first group has a mixed pattern of myo-
Myoclonic status in non-progressive (fixed) clonic absence seizures, inhibitory phenomena
encephalopathies was considered to be ‘a syndrome and cortical myoclonus. The myoclonic status
in development’ in the 2001 diagnostic scheme of is usually sporadic but may also be frequent for
the ILAE.1 It is now believed that there is sufficient years. This pattern occurs mainly in chromosomal
evidence to support it as a syndrome of an impor- abnormalities such as Angelman syndrome.218,219
tant form of epileptic encephalopathy.17 It has 2. The second group shows a marked predominance
been renamed ‘myoclonic encephalopathy in non- of inhibitory phenomena resulting in complete
progressive disorders’.17 motor inhibition. The status is always permanent
throughout the evolution. All patients are females
with unknown aetiology.
Demographic data
Onset is from day 1 of life to 5 years of age (peak at
12 months). There is a twofold female preponder-
ance. Incidence and prevalence are unknown but Half of cases suffer from chromosomal disorders,
may occur in 0.5–1% of a selected population of mainly Angelman and 4p syndromes. Around 20%
severe childhood forms of epilepsy. of patients have prenatal brain anoxia–ischaemia or
malformations of cortical development. The aetiology
is unknown in the remaining cases. A fifth of all
Clinical manifestations patients have a family history of epileptic seizures.
All patients have pre-existing neuropsychological deficits Metabolic diseases such as non-ketotic hyper-
of a fixed encephalopathy characterised by severe axial glycinaemia may present with similar electroclinical
hypotonia, ataxia, continuous jerky movements, tremor, features.
and severe cognitive and learning abnormalities.
The defining seizure manifestation is repetitive and Pathophysiology
long (sometimes for days) episodes of atypical and This is unknown but may be multiple. A loss of
subtle myoclonic status epilepticus, consisting of GABAergic inhibition has been implicated because
myoclonic jerks and discontinuous absences. The Angelman syndrome and some patients with 4p
myoclonic jerks, which involve the eyelids, face syndrome have a chromosomal deletion eliminating
and limbs, are mostly erratic and asynchronous, a cluster of GABAA-receptor genes.216
becoming more rhythmic and synchronous during
the absences. They are often inconspicuous and
babies may just appear to be apathetic and ataxic.
Diagnostic procedures
Myoclonic status epilepticus may be the first seizure As a result of different aetiologies these children
manifestation. In others, onset is with focal motor require brain MRI, chromosomal analysis and
seizures, myoclonic absences, massive myoclonias metabolic screening. Seizures may need confirmation
and, more rarely, generalised or unilateral clonic with video-EEG.
convulsions, recurring in some cases only during
febrile illness. Tonic seizures do not occur. Electroencephalography
Many patients also have frequent and sudden The inter-ictal EEG is diffusely slow with frequent focal
spontaneous massive startle attacks, which consist of or multi-focal abnormalities of slow waves and spikes.
brief and abrupt loss of postural tone and long-lasting The ictal EEG shows continuous or subcontinuous
episodes of positive/negative myoclonus and tremor. brief bursts of diffuse slow spikes and waves.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 315

Differential diagnosis gressively deteriorates to, sometimes severe, neuro-

cognitive deficits. The myoclonic status improves
Myoclonic status epilepticus is often difficult with age but the patients rarely achieve a relatively
to recognise without polygraphic or video-EEG normal state.
recordings because of the severe learning disabilites
and the continuous abnormal movements of these
babies. The diagnosis of non-progressive encephalop- Management
athy needs exclusion of progressive diseases manifes- Stopping myoclonic status epilepticus with ben-
ting with similar seizures/status such as certain forms zodiazepines is often associated with a global
of progressive myoclonus epilepsy (see Chapter 17). improvement of the patient, although commonly
this improvement is transient. In some patients
with chromosomal abnormalities there may be
Prognosis some beneficial effect of valproate combined with
Prognosis is poor even for those who initially appear ethosuximide or clobazam, but ACTH treatment is
only hypotonic. The initial hypotonic state pro- often needed.

Atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood

Atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood Retrospectively, Aicardi considered that it now
(APEC)33,189,220–224 is correctly not recognised as an appears that APEC bears a close relationship to
epileptic syndrome by the ILAE. However, it has been epilepsy with CSWS. It may be a mild and inter-
included in this book for two reasons. First, because it mediate form of epilepsy with CSWS.33
poses significant problems in its differentiation from
some epileptic encephalopathies (Lennox–Gastaut
syndrome, LKS and epilepsy with CSWS), EM-AS
Demographic data
(see Chapter 13) and atypical evolutions of benign Onset is at 2–6 years of age. APEC is rare,
childhood focal seizures (see Chapter 12).33,189,220 probably one case per 130 patients with rolandic
Second, because it is of an intermediate severity epilepsy.225
between LKS and epilepsy with CSWS and benign
childhood focal seizures (see Chapter 12).222
Clinical manifestations
Children have normal development and neurologi-
Clarifications cal examinations before the onset of seizures.
All patients have at least two different seizure
on nomenclature types: atonic seizures and nocturnal focal ‘rolandic-
Aicardi and Chevrie220 used the term ‘benign’ for this like’ seizures.
atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood, not Atonic seizures occur in clusters lasting for 1 week
because of possible similarities with rolandic seizures, to several weeks, usually separated by free intervals
but mainly in order to distinguish it from the Lennox– of several weeks or months. They may involve the
Gastaut syndrome ‘for which it is regularly mistaken’. whole axial musculature and/or both lower limbs
Others have called it ‘pseudo-Lennox syndrome’.222 with multiple daily falls. Atonic seizures may also
316 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

be subtle and localised, manifesting with brief (1 or In contrast with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome,
2 s), abrupt drop of the head or hands. Focal atonia there are no tonic fits.
of transient dropping of one arm may be very brief APEC may also imitate EM-AS because of
(100–150 ms) and is observed when the patients repeated falls, absences and diffuse slow spike–
are asked to keep both arms outstretched in front wave activity mainly in the sleep EEG.33,189,220 The
of the body.226 The brief focal atonia of the arm main differentiating points are as follows:
occasionally progresses to atonic seizures or atonic t nocturnal focal seizures, similar to rolandic
absence seizures. seizures, are often the initial seizure type.
Nocturnal focal seizures similar to rolandic seizures often t EEG centrotemporal and other functional
occur as a presenting symptom and are infrequent.
spikes in various locations.
Diurnal focal sensorimotor fits are exceptional.
Similar to APEC, clinico-EEG features may occur
Other type of seizures: Some patients may also
in atypical evolutions of rolandic epilepsy190,228
have GTCSs, brief absences and, occasionally,
and Panayiotopoulos syndrome,191,192 but these
jerks. In some patients, absence seizures may be
are preceded by typical presentations of these
syndromes (see Chapter 12).
Behavioural and cognitive problems: At the active
A similar but reversible clinico-EEG condition
seizure periods there is some degree of mental
slowing or behavioural disturbance, which is may be induced by carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine
often subtle and disappears during seizure-free or lamotrigine in a few children with rolandic
periods. epilepsy and Panayiotopoulos syndrome.189,229–231
This possibility should be considered in children
with these syndromes who show a dramatic
Diagnostic procedures deterioration after treatment with carbamazepine,
All tests except the EEG are normal. oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine or some other drugs,
The inter-ictal awake EEG shows centrotemporal spikes, such as vigabatrin.
which are often bilateral. Generalised spikes and
waves at 3 Hz are frequent, with or without clinical Prognosis
absences. The sleep EEG is similar or identical to the
The long-term outcome appears to be good with
CSWS. This occurs mainly during the active period of
complete remission of seizures, no gross cognitive
atonic seizures and may disappear in between.
or behavioural sequelae and children attending
The ictal EEG in unilateral, brief (100–150 ms), focal
atonia corresponds exactly with a single sharp–slow- mainstream schools.33
wave complex arising from the contralateral centro-
temporo-parietal region. With progress to atonic
or atonic–absence seizures, the localised epileptic
discharge spreads into generalised discharges.226,227 Most of the traditional AEDs are often ineffective
against the seizures and the EEG paroxysms. ACTH
or corticosteroids were tried unsuccessfully in a
Differential diagnosis few cases. Sulthiame or sulthiame/clobazam has
Atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood has a been recommended as an effective treatment.232–235
good outcome with no evidence of residual mental Lamotrigine236 and phenobarbital237 may have a
or behavioural deterioration. deteriorating effect.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 317

Hypothalamic epilepsy
Synonyms: Gelastic seizures with hypothalamic series of 1500 of both adult and child patients with
hamartoma. seizures, only two had hypothalamic epilepsy.
Hypothalamic epilepsy is a rare epileptic disease of
hypothalamic hamartomas manifesting with gelastic
seizures. This often evolves to a generalised epileptic Clinical manifestations
encephalopathy with severe seizures and cognitive Laughter is the defining, inaugural and starting clinical
and behaviour decline. Despite earlier views to the ictal manifestation of hypothalamic epilepsy.
contrary, there is now good evidence to suggest that Hypothalamic seizures may manifest only with
all these clinical features are caused, either directly laughter, particularly at onset. The laughter may be silent,
or indirectly, by the hamartoma.20,238–245 a facial expression of a smile, or loud, with the natural
A multi-expert authoritative review of hypothalamic vocalisations at various intensities and combinations.
epilepsy has been published in Epileptic Disorders.241 There is no emotional element of pleasure or amusement
associated with this: it is a mirthless laughter. The
attacks come out of the blue, are out of place and are
Clarifications inappropriate. Although unmotivated as a rule, some of
on classification the attacks may be triggered by a pleasant situation and
may not even be recognised as pathological.
The 1989 ILAE Commission18 classified gelastic
Dacrystic (crying) attacks alone or together with
seizures resulting from hypothalamic hamartomas
laughter may occur in 13% of the patients.243
among the ‘symptomatic generalised epilepsies of
Gelastic seizures are usually brief (10–30 s), of
specific aetiologies’.18 The position of the ILAE Task
sudden onset and termination, and occur on a
Force was similar and considered hypothalamic
daily basis. The attacks are usually diurnal, but
epilepsy among ‘an example of a classification of
exceptionally they may also occur during sleep.
diseases frequently associated with epileptic seizures
Subjectively, patients may be conscious of laugh-
or syndromes’.1 The updated ILAE Task Force report
ing, but they cannot prevent it or stop it. They feel
now correctly considers ‘gelastic seizures with
embarrassed about this, often inventing various
hypothalamic hamartoma’ to be an epileptic syndrome
excuses to justify it if this occurs at school, church
and probably a disease (Table 5.2),17 as was proposed
or social meetings.
in the first edition of this book.
A few patients report a warning that they cannot
In the new (unpublished) report of the ILAE
describe well:
commission on classification and terminology,
“hypothalamic hamartoma with gelastic seizures” A 13-year-old girl had onset of gelastic seizures from
represents a clinically distinctive constellation on the age 3 years. The laughter might precede or occur simul-
basis of a specific lesion (hypothalamic hamartoma) taneously with a feeling of her being light as ‘if flying in
rather than an electro-clinical syndrome per se. the air’. The ictal laughter is similar to her natural laughter,
but her parents can recognise the pathological one. MRI
demonstrated a small hypothalamic hamartoma in the
Demographic data right wall of the third ventricle. Despite numerous gelastic
seizures, which became longer and more severe with time,
Onset of habitual seizures typically begins in the neonatal
she remains highly intelligent with normal behaviour.
period or early childhood with a peak at 2 or 3 years.
Boys are twice as likely to be affected. Hypothalamic Other ictal subjective symptoms concurrent with
epilepsy appears to be extremely rare, probably 0.1% laughter include disorientation, localised tingling
among patients with seizures. In my experience of a and auditory sensations.
318 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Gelastic seizures may be associated with impair- epiglottis, hypothalamic hamartoma and endocrine
ment of consciousness in half of patients. The more dysfunction.
common pattern is that of the gelastic seizures
becoming longer with impairment of consciousness Pathophysiology240,249
and other-than-laughter clinical ictal manifestations Hypothalamic hamartomas are directly involved in
such as automatisms. the pathogenesis of gelastic and dacrystic seizures and
Autonomic symptoms associated with the attacks of they have intrinsic epileptogenicity.250 Intracranial
laughter occur in a third of patients. These symptoms recordings documented that the gelastic seizures of
include cardiorespiratory and blood pressure changes, hypothalamic epilepsy arise from the hamartoma
pallor or flushing, pupillary dilatation, sniffing and uri- itself.249 That seizures may also respond to the long-
nary incontinence. Gelastic seizures are accompanied acting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
by an abrupt sympathetic system activation, probably
analogue prescribed for precocious puberty may
due to the direct paroxysmal activation of limbic and
indicate that the epileptogenic generators reside in the
paralimbic structures or other autonomic centres of
same cells that autonomously produce GnRH.251
the hypothalamus and medulla.246
The acquired cognitive and behavioural symptoms
Other types of seizures: More than half the patients (66%)
probably result from a direct effect of the seizures.
also suffer from other types of seizure in addition to
Children with hypothalamic hamartomas and
gelastic attacks. These are usually generalised seizures
such as tonic, atonic, tonic–clonic and absences alone precocious puberty but without seizures do not
or in combination. Complex focal seizures without develop cognitive and behavioural problems.
laughter are less common. These additional seizure
types may start at the same time with laughter attacks
or usually later within 1 year to a few years.
Diagnostic procedures
A small number of patients with hypothalamic A clinical diagnosis of hypothalamic gelastic epilepsy
hamartoma present with infantile spasms (as an would demand confirmation with high-resolution
initial or early seizure type).247 MRI (Figure 10.13).252
Post-ictal state: There are no objective or subjective
post-ictal symptoms in non-convulsive seizures of
hypothalamic epilepsy. Pre-ictal activity continues as MRI showing hypothalamic hamartoma
if nothing had happened. of a child with gelastic seizures

Hypothalamic epilepsy is due to hypothalamic
hamartomas (Figure 10.13). Hamartoma is a non-
neoplastic, developmental tumour-like nodule that
results from aberrant differentiation.248 Mature small
neurones are the most prominent and most consistent
histological feature of hypothalamic hamartomas.
Patients with Palister-Hall syndrome may also
develop hypothalamic epilepsy.241 Pallister-
Hall syndrome is an autosomal dominant
disorder resulting from mutations of GL13. It is
characterised by a spectrum of anomalies that
Figure 10.13 Courtesy of Dr. Rod C. Scott, Institute of Child
include central polydactyly, asymptomatic bifid
Health, London, UK.
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 319

The diagnosis is obvious in patients with Palister- in subcortical generators and secondarily involving
Hall syndrome because of polydactuly and other cortical ones.253 A typical ictal pattern in the surface
apparent anomalies. GL13 is routinely available for EEG consists of low-voltage episodic fast rhythms
genetic testing.241 with simultaneous suppression of background
activity (Figure 10.14).
The inter-ictal EEG is not informative. It may be
normal or more commonly show non-specific and Differential diagnosis
non-lateralising episodic abnormalities. Hypothalamic seizures need differentiation from
Ictal gelastic seizures express rhythms on surface non-epileptic conditions and from seizures arising
EEG compatible with epileptic activity originating from other brain locations. Gelastic seizures may

Surface ictal EEG of a girl aged 3 years and 3 months with normal
neuropsychological development and frequent daily gelastic seizures245









100 μV
1 sec A big, wide smile and a giggle Head falls forwards Unresponsive

Unresponsive Cries

Figure 10.14 First noticed at age 2 years when her parents observed that, when told ‘how beautiful’ she is or ‘come and get
these candies’, she reacted with a ‘facial grimace’, something like a ‘frozen smile’, ‘a smile that freezes’ and ‘right-sided
deviated lips with a smile’. This initially lasted for only a few seconds, occurred every fortnight and was always provoked
as above. Subsequently, within months, this occurred daily, almost every morning, without precipitating factors, became
longer and it was also associated with small giggles.245 At the black arrow, her mother said ‘here is her big smile’. The girl
suddenly had a big and wide smile, which was associated with a mild giggle. This lasted for only a few seconds followed by
head falling forwards and complete unresponsiveness until the end of the seizure when recovery was manifested by a cry
(red arrow). The inter-ictal EEG was normal with a well-organised and symmetrical alpha rhythm. The seizure started (black
arrow) with fast episodic activity at approximately 22 Hz, which is widely spread with some left-sided emphasis. This was
concordant with the gelastic manifestations of the seizure. The rest of the EEG ictal events are self-evident.
320 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

initially be so mild and appear so natural that they are Management19,238,256–259

understandably unrecognised as pathological. (Figure
10.14) It is only after the appearance of other more Medical treatment of hypothalamic epilepsy is
traditional seizure manifestations and impairment of often ineffective with minimal reduction of seizure
frequency. Polytherapy may cause more harm than
consciousness that medical advice is sought.
good.243 Two patients treated with a GnRH analogue
It is difficult to establish exact differential criteria
for precocious puberty became free of gelastic
between gelastic seizures of hypothalamic versus
seizures.251 Further trials with GnRH in patients with
cortical (frontal or temporal lobe) origin. However,
and without precocious puberty are needed.
gelastic seizures of hypothalamic epilepsy are unique
Surgical removal of the hamartoma is technically
with regard to:
difficult, but it is highly effective if successful.
t seizure onset of laugher as the first and often the
Choices include a transcallosal approach (good for
only ictal manifestation
intraventricular lesions), a pterional approach (useful
t daily seizure frequency
for interpeduncular lesions), a transventricular
t lack of mirth
endoscopic approach260,261 or destruction of the
t awareness of ictal laughter.
lesion with radiofrequency probes or gamma knife
This clustering of events does not occur in either
radiosurgery.262 Stereotactic radiofrequency lesioning
temporal or frontal lobe gelastic seizures. For example,
of the hamartoma may result in seizure remission
laughter occurring in the middle of other ictal mani-
with significantly fewer complications than operative
festations, laughter associated with emotions, infrequent
seizures of laughter or gelastic seizures starting in
Complete lesionectomy results in freedom
adolescence are not features of hypothalamic epilepsy.
from seizures and prevents neurobehavioural
deterioration.19 Improvement may occur with
Prognosis incomplete removal.
Depending on procedure, the percentage of
Hypothalamic gelastic epilepsy is often a progressive patients achieving Engel class I or II outcome
seizure disorder. Typically, neonates or children are (seizure freedom, auras only, rare seizures only)
normal before the onset of seizures. Gelastic seizures ranges from 60–66% (endoscopic procedures
become more frequent and longer with associated or transcallosal resections, respectively) to 36–
impairment of consciousness. Later generalised 38% (pterional/frontotemporal approaches to
seizures of any type appear. In addition, most resection/disconnection or Gamma Knife surgery,
patients develop progressive cognitive and beha- respectively) to 27% (stereotactic radiofrequency
vioural impairment.20,254,255 More than half (59%) ablations).238
of patients with hypothalamic epilepsy suffer from In a recent report, MRI-guided stereotactic
precocious puberty.243 radiofrequency thermocoagulation resulted in
In hypothalamic epilepsy of patients with Palister- freedom from seizures in all but 2 of 25 patients
Hall syndrome, seizures start later and are less with hypothalamic epilepsy. More impressively,
frequent and easier to control than those patients 19 patients (76.0%) achieved complete seizure
with isolated (non-syndromic) hypothalamic remission as well as improvement of their
hamartomas.241 behavioural and intellectual states.263
Epileptic Encephalopathies in Infancy and Early Childhood 321

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seizures-hypothalamic hamartoma: severe, potentially reversible F, et al. Epilepsy related to hypothalamic hamartomas: surgical
encephalopathy. Epilepsia 2009;50 Suppl 5:62–5. management with special reference to gamma knife surgery. Childs
240. Tellez-Zenteno JF, Serrano-Almeida C, Moien-Afshari F. Gelastic Nerv Syst 2006;22:881–95.
seizures associated with hypothalamic hamartomas. An update in the 260. Rekate HL, Feiz-Erfan I, Ng YT, Gonzalez LF, Kerrigan JF. Endoscopic
clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Neuropsychiatr Dis surgery for hypothalamic hamartomas causing medically refractory
Treat 2008;4:1021–31. gelastic epilepsy. Childs Nerv Syst 2006;22:874–80.
241. Boudreau EA, Liow K, Frattali CM, Wiggs E, Turner JT, Feuillan P, et
261. Procaccini E, Dorfmuller G, Fohlen M, Bulteau C, Delalande O.
al. Hypothalamic hamartomas and seizures: distinct natural history of
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas with epilepsy:
isolated and Pallister-Hall syndrome cases. Epilepsia 2005;46:42–7.
the stereoendoscopic approach. Neurosurgery 2006;59 Suppl
242. Kerrigan JF, Ng YT, Chung S, Rekate HL. The hypothalamic
hamartoma: a model of subcortical epileptogenesis and 2:ONS336–46.
encephalopathy. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2005;12:119–31. 262. Mathieu D, Kondziolka D, Niranjan A, Flickinger J, Lunsford
243. Munari C, Quarato P, Kahane P, Tassi L, Minotti L, Hoffman D, LD. Gamma knife radiosurgery for refractory epilepsy caused
et al. Gelastic and dacrystic seizures. In: Luders HO, Noachtar S, by hypothalamic hamartomas. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg
eds. Epileptic seizures. Pathophysiology and clinical semiology, pp 2006;84:82–7.
458–71. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000. 263. Kameyama S, Murakami H, Masuda H, Sugiyama I. Minimally
244. Andermann F, Arzimanoglou A, Berkovic SF. Hypothalamic invasive magnetic resonance imaging-guided stereotactic
hamartoma and epilepsy: the pathway of discovery. Epileptic Disord radiofrequency thermocoagulation for epileptogenic hypothalamic
2003;5:173–5. hamartomas. Neurosurgery 2009;65:438–49.
Severe neocortical eleven
epileptic syndromes
in infancy and childhood
The following are severe neocortical epileptic Rightly, hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia epilepsy is no
syndromes with onset in infancy and childhood:1,2 longer recognised as an epileptic syndrome in the
t Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome revised report of the ILAE Task Force.3
t migrating partial epilepsy of early childhood.

Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome
Synonyms: Kozhevnikov type 2 syndrome, Rasmus- to various other forms, such as Kojewnikow1,21 or
sen syndrome. Kojevnikov,2 that have appeared in the literature.
Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome is a severe,
probably acquired, subacute, lateralised encephalitis
of unknown cause, characterised by progressive brain
hemiatrophy, intractable and mainly focal motor on nomenclature
seizures, epilepsia partialis continua (EPC) and pro- There is significant misunderstanding surrounding
gressive neuropsychological deterioration, with hemi- the history and hence the eponymic designation of
paresis, and cognitive and linguistic deficits.4–20 this syndrome.10,19,20
The syndrome has recently been thoroughly
assessed in a European consensus statement, which The formal ILAE nomenclature
is recommended for further reading.13 In 1985, the officially recognised name given for
Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome should not be this disorder in the ILAE classification was:
equated with ‘epilepsia partialis continua’, which is a Kozhevnikov type 2 syndrome: Childhood disorder,
form of focal motor status epilepticus of various causes suspected to be of viral aetiology, has onset between
and prognoses as detailed on page 402. Only 60% 2 and 10 years (peak, 6 years) with seizures that are
of patients with Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome motor partial seizures, but are often associated with
manifest with EPC. other types. 21
Author’s note: The UK spelling of the name Kozhev- However, following a symposium in the Montreal
nikov is used throughout this book, as opposed Neurological Institute (June 1988),6 the name

328 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

‘Rasmussen syndrome’ was introduced into the cur- the previous century with the confirmation of
rently valid 1989 ILAE classification as a synonym, encephalitis, although it is true that it was better
not a substitute, of ‘Kozhevnikov type 2 syndrome’:1 known in France (Dereux’ thesis of 1955 is on
Two types of Kozhenikov’s syndrome are recognized,
100 cases of Kozhevnikov syndrome with many
having chronic encephalitis).23,24
one of which is also known as Rasmussen’s syndrome
t Kozhevnikov described tick-borne spring–
and is included among the epileptic syndromes of
summer encephalitis.14 It is incorrect that Kozhev-
childhood noted under symptomatic seizures.1
nikov’s four patients had tick-borne encephalitis,
The ILAE Task Force preferred ‘Rasmussen syn- a disease described in 1937, 38 years after his
drome’,2,3 eliminating the name Kozhevnikov based death. Furthermore, only one of his four cases
on a misinterpretation of historical information. had acute illness: ‘in all cases the illness developed
little by little’.16 That acute encephalitis or cysticer-
Historical facts cosis was a cause of EPC in patients reported by
Focal motor status epilepticus (EPC) was first other Russian authors, including Omorokow (see
described by Kozhevnikov in 189416 (see the transla- their translations in reference 6), is irrelevant
tion in reference 6). He detailed four patients with to what Kozhevnikov described. In addition,
EPC that he attributed to ‘chronic encephalitis’: Kozhevnikov was practising in Moscow, whereas
In recent years I happened to observe several cases of the cases of Omorokow were seen in Siberia.
cortical epilepsy... that it may be called epilepsia corticalis Despite all these facts,19,20 the relevant official chapter
sive partialis continua, in that here the convulsive of the ILAE Task Force still informs us:
manifestations were continuous... The question of the Both the clinical aspects and the pathological features
nature of the disease process is much more difficult.... (of Rasmussen syndrome) are strongly in favour of
in all cases the illness developed little by little and once an underlying infective cause, as evidenced by the
it had developed persisted for a very long time, so that close resemblance of the clinical picture to that seen
we can postulate only chronic processes here... Thus, in Russian spring–summer tick-borne encephalitis,
of the chronic processes, encephalitis with transition to described by Kozhevnikov (Kozhevnikov 1991).14
secondary hardening of the brain, or sclerosis cerebri,
The historical truth should be at least known.
is almost the only possibility... Thus, not knowing
precisely what we are dealing with, [I propose] the Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome is the only nomen-

presence of chronic encephalitis.16 clature that properly honours both these great men who
independently described this epileptic syndrome of
Rasmussen later superbly refined and documented chronic encephalitis, half a century apart.
this syndrome from 195817 onwards (for further
details see references 6,10,13).

Demographic data
The misconceptions resulting in the removal of Onset is in childhood at ages 1–10 years (median age
Kozhevnikov’s name by the ILAE Task Force are as 6).4 Onset in adolescence or adulthood is rare. Both
follows: sexes are equally affected. Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen
t Kozhevnikov described acute and not chronic syndrome is a very rare disease; one case per year is
encephalitis, which is in direct conflict of his seen in specialised tertiary referral centres.
report, quoted above.16
t Kozhevnikov’s epilepsy was known only in
francophone countries. However, his name
Clinical manifestations13–15,24
was well used throughout the world, including Typically, affected children are initially normal.
in American literature,22 from the beginning of Onset is usually with focal motor seizures, EPC,
Severe Neocortical Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood 329

hemi or generalised clonic or tonic–clonic con- deterioration, is a typical feature of Kozhevnikov–

vulsions, or sometimes complex focal seizures with Rasmussen syndrome.
no automatisms. Status epilepticus may be the In the third stage, the disease appears to abate with
presenting feature in about 20% of patients. Half regard to seizure frequency and severity, as well as
of cases have a history of upper respiratory tract progression of neurological deficits, although patients
infection, otitis media or tonsillitis, which precedes present with serious neurocognitive residuals.
the seizures by about 6 months (see also Takahashi,
et al25).
Initially, the focal motor seizures involve a small Aetiology
group of mainly distal muscles (thumb, fingers, The aetiology is unknown, although lateralised
corner of the mouth or the eye), but with time they chronic encephalitis is believed to be the main
progress to neighbouring regions, become erratic and causative factor, as postulated 100 years ago by
more diffuse, and also persist during sleep. Seizures Kozhevnikov16 and 50 years ago by Rasmussen.17
of any type, usually a combination, gradually Pathology reveals an inflammatory process, which
become more frequent and longer in duration, and is initially relatively localised, but later progresses
are often associated with post-ictal hemiplegia. EPC to more extensive unilateral or bilateral, mainly
occur in 60% of patients and may last for days, often cortical, involvement.27,28 The lesion appears to
interspersed with hemitonic–clonic convulsions, extend in a confluent rather than a multifocal
which may also become generalised. Hemiplegia manner.29 Robitaille30,31 classified the pathological
is initially post-ictal and transient, but gradually specimens into four groups from those of active to
becomes permanent. Histologically confirmed cases those of remote disease. Most of the brain damage
of Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome with no occurs during the first 8–12 months.8
seizures have been reported.26 A more recent report found significant heterogeneity
The clinical course follows three stages.4,5 in the stages of cortical pathology and the multi-
The first stage is characterised mainly by simple focal nature of the disease.32 These stages varied
motor or somatosensory seizures. Less frequently, from early inflammation defined by infiltration of
onset may comprise of EPC, complex focal seizures T lymphocytes and neuroglial reactions, to more
without automatisms or secondarily generalised severe stages with extensive neuronal cell death and
tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs). A combination of cavitation of the cerebral cortex. A greater burden of
these types of seizure may occur. Gradually, over pathology was significantly associated with an early
weeks or months, seizures become more frequent. age at onset and longer duration of disease. The
The second stage is characterised by worsening of burden of pathology was similar in all brain regions
the seizures and progressive neurological symptoms except the occipital lobe, where it was significantly
with mainly unilateral hemispherical involvement. lower.32
This stage usually starts about 3 months after seizure A number of patients with typical Kozhevnikov–
onset, but may be delayed for as long as 10 years Rasmussen syndrome may have, in addition to the
after the first symptoms of the disease. Seizures pathological changes of chronic encephalitis, other
become more frequent and widespread, and last pathology such as vascular abnormalities resemb-
longer. Permanent psychomotor deficits appear ling cavernous angiomas, tuberous sclerosis and
with progressive intensity, consisting of hemiparesis, tumours.33 Familial occurrence of Kozhevnikov–
hemihypoaesthesia, hemianopia with cognitive Rasmussen syndrome is exceptional.34
and linguistic elements (including dysphasia and The causes of the pathological changes are hypo-
dysarthria). thetical and include:
Progressive deterioration of the neurological and t chronic viral infection (but so far no virus has
psychological state, either with or without seizure been isolated)
330 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

t acute viral infection leading to a local immune Gradual disappearance and poverty of physiological
response rhythms (alpha, photic following, sleep spindles
t independent autoimmune process, not linked and drug-induced fast activity) in the affected side
to infection, although results have been both are the rule. Almost all the EEGs show inter-ictal
for and against it; however, it is likely that an spikes or sharp–slow waves. A single focus is rare.
autoimmune process may be important in the Multiple independent foci in the same hemisphere
pathogenesis of this syndrome.11 occur in 50% of patients and, in a third, are bilateral
with lateralised emphasis. In addition, 50% of cases
show bilateral synchronous discharges that are often
Diagnostic procedures13 bifrontal, but also generalised. Again, they frequently
There is no specific diagnostic procedure or predominate on the affected side.
abnormality in Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome. Ictal EEG: The onset of ictal EEG patterns is variable.
At onset, all tests for functional and structural Exceptionally, they remain localised. Commonly,
abnormalities may be normal. It is the progression seizures have a multi-focal onset either confined
of symptoms and signs, and their localisation, that to one hemisphere or, less frequently, moving from
may be consistent with the diagnosis. one side to the other. The discharge appears to
Serial CT brain scans, and preferably MRI, show have higher amplitude in the secondarily involved
progressive hemiatrophy (Figure 11.1). This usually hemisphere. Focal motor seizures may occur without
starts unilaterally in the temporoinsular region concomitant EEG changes. Conversely, ictal EEG
with enlargement of the temporal horn and sylvian paroxysms may frequently occur without discernible
fissure. The abnormalities usually spread from one clinical manifestations.27,38,40
discrete area to an adjacent region or multifocally at EPC is notorious with regard to the lack of clinico-
the same time.35 EEG correlations. The myoclonic jerks do not
Functional brain imaging with single photon have a chronological relationship to the inter-ictal
emission CT (SPECT) and 5-fluoro-D-glucose posi- spikes.27,38,40 It is exceptional to have jerks associated
tron emission tomography (PET) demonstrates with EEG discharges.
inter-ictal hypoperfusion and hypometabolism in Similarly, in electrocorticography, inter-ictal
the affected side, which is widely distributed and epileptiform activity is widespread and the onset
more intense in the rolandic and temporoinsular of seizures occurs in multiple independent sites.38
regions, worsens with progression of the disease and Stereo-EEG correctly identifies the origin of the
may be abnormal at a stage when the MRI scan is discharge and the clinico-EEG sequence.41,42
normal.36 Ictally, there is regional hyperperfusion
corresponding to the epileptogenic locus.37
Differential diagnosis
Antibodies to glutamate receptor GluR3 are
detected in the serum of some, but not all, patients. The diagnosis of Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows non-specific abnor- relies on:13,14,43
malities in 50% of patients. Oligoclonal or mono- t progressive neurological deficit, mainly hemi-
clonal banding may be found. paresis
t progressive hemispherical atrophy on brain
Electroencephalography10,13,38,39 imaging
Inter-ictal EEG: The background EEG may be normal t biopsy evidence of chronic encephalitis, in neuro-
at the onset of the disease. Subsequent abnormalities surgical cases.
consist of focal slow, usually high-amplitude delta A particular challenge is the early recognition of the
waves, which gradually dominate in one hemisphere disease, which is often possible within 4 months of
and often become bilateral with lateralised prevalence. the onset of the first symptoms.9 In most chronic
Severe Neocortical Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood 331

Brain MRI of a 5-year-old boy with

Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome confirmed by histology



Figure 11.1 Progression of the disease in brain MRI before (A,B) and after (C,D) functional hemispheroctomy. The images on
the right (B,D) were obtained 5 months after those on the left (A,C).
Courtesy of Dr. Rod C. Scott, Institute of Child Health, London, UK.

patients (i.e. after a disease duration of >1 year), tumours, tuberous sclerosis, vascular anomalies,
differential diagnoses are few. parasitic diseases (e.g. cysticercosis) and other
In the initial stages (before progressive hemi- infectious disorders (Table 15.2). An EEG is also
atrophy and the progressive loss of neurological mandatory at this stage because it may reveal
functions are evident), the diagnosis is difficult, functional spikes of rolandic seizures or other
particularly in patients with no EPC. High- ictal and inter-ictal abnormalities that may suggest
resolution brain imaging is mandatory to exclude another epileptic syndrome. These tests also play an
other more common causes of focal seizures, such important role as baseline measurements for follow-
as malformations of cortical development, brain up comparisons.
332 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Other more serious diseases, such as MELAS (mito- disease process in most patients at the expense
chondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and of the consequent neurological disability.10,13,44–46
stroke-like episodes), are less likely to cause diagnostic Hemispherectomy should be reserved for patients
difficulties despite the high prevalence of EPC. Acute with profound neurological deficits.13 Limited focal
encephalitis of any cause that leads to hemiplegia and resection is of little lasting benefit.
seizures should also be apparent from the onset. In Anti-epileptic medication is usually ineffective,
endemic areas, Russian spring–summer and other although a reduction of secondarily GTCSs may be
tick-borne encephalitides should also be considered achieved.
in patients with acute onset of symptoms. Antiviral treatments produce no definite benefit.
Corticosteroids, adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(ACTH), plasmapheresis, other immunosuppressive
Prognosis treatments (tacrolimus) and immunomodulatory trials
This is a progressive disorder of increasing seizure with immunoglobulins, alone or in combination, and
frequency and severity with the development of thalidomide may arrest the disease temporarily but
neurological, cognitive and language deficits ranging with no sustained benefits. This may be useful in
from mild to often severe.8,11,13 patients with status epilepticus and in the evaluation
of patients before surgery when residual function may
be unmasked by the reduction in seizure frequency.39
Management These treatments may be more effective if given
There is no effective treatment other than dramatic in the early stage of the disease, before permanent
hemispherectomy, which appears to arrest the neuronal damage has occurred.

Migrating focal seizures of infancy

Synonym: Malignant migrating partial seizures in Demographic data
infancy, epilepsy with migrating focal seizures in
infancy. Less than 50 cases have been reported. Both sexes are
Migrating focal seizures of infancy47–54 is a devasta- equally affected. Age at onset is between the first day
ting syndrome with early onset of almost continuous of life and 7 months of age (mean age 1 month).
multi-focal seizures arising independently from
multiple regions of both hemispheres, and relentless
psychomotor deterioration.47–49,55–57 Clinical manifestations
Patients are normal prior to the onset of seizures and
there are no apparent antecedent factors. Seizures
Considerations manifest with motor and autonomic symptoms, alone or
on classification in combination. Lateral deviation of the head and eyes,
Initially considered by the ILAE Task Force as a new unilateral eyelid and eye jerking, and unilateral tonic
syndrome in development,2 the latest report states or clonic convulsions of one limb are common motor
that ‘this has been sufficiently described by several manifestations that frequently progress to secondarily
independent investigators to merit recognition as a GTCSs. Both sides are alternately affected. Autonomic
syndrome’.3 manifestations of apnoea, cyanosis, flushing, hiccups,
Severe Neocortical Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood 333

sweating and hypersalivation are striking, and may not over time, with alternating side emphasis from one
be recognised as seizure symptoms. The same patient EEG to the next. Spikes are initially sparse, but soon
has mild or severe, short or prolonged seizures and become frequent and multi-focal.
status epilepticus, with a variable clinical expression and Ictal EEG discharges involve multiple independent
a polymorphous combination of ictal manifestations. sites randomly, moving from one cortical area to
Epileptic spasms are exceptional (one reported case). another in consecutive seizures. Morphologically,
Within a few weeks of onset, the seizures get they consist of rhythmic alpha or theta activity,
relentlessly worse in frequency, duration and spreading to involve an increasing area of the cortical
symptomatology. They usually occur in clusters, surface. Consecutive seizures overlap and the next
mainly on awakening and during drowsiness, and seizure starts before the end of the previous one,
finally become virtually continuous. with the topographical ictal onset markedly shifting
from one area to another on either hemisphere.
Aetiology Illustrated cases with video-EEG recording can be
seen in the companion CD of Panayiotopoulos20 and
The aetiology is unknown but a functional or in Hahn, et al.59
metabolic disorder is suspected. There is no family
history of epilepsies or neurological disorders. In two
of three patients examined, mutational screening of Prognosis
the CLCN2 gene revealed a homozygous mutation
All children regress developmentally and develop
G2003C (exon 17), leading to a serine/threonine
severe psychomotor abnormalities. They become
substitution at codon 668.53 However, the same
quadriplegic with major axial hypotonia, pyramidal
variation was found in 38 of 100 control alleles.
and extrapyramidal signs, and athetosis.
In two cases, postmortem brain pathology showed
Death often occurs soon after onset of the disease,
only severe hippocampal neuronal loss and accom-
panying gliosis, but this was normal in another case.58 within 1 year or, rarely, after a few years. Control of the
seizures and normal development are exceptional.

Diagnostic procedures48,53,56
CT and MR brain scans are normal. Electroretino-
graphy and evoked potentials are normal. Anti-epileptic drug (AED) treatment and a ketogenic
diet are ineffective.60 Potassium bromide,49 stiripentol
Electroencephalography combined with clonazepam61 and, more recently,
The inter-ictal EEG shows slow activity from the levetiracetam62,63 have had a temporary beneficial
onset of the seizures, which becomes rapidly worse effect in individual cases.

Hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia epilepsy
Hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia is a rare dramatic an otherwise normal child, often during a febrile
sequence comprising a sudden and prolonged unilat- illness. Subsequently, 80% of patients develop focal
eral clonic seizure, followed by permanent ipsilateral epilepsy of what is considered to be the complete
hemiplegia.57,64–72 The event occurs suddenly in ‘hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia epilepsy’.
334 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Considerations Leiden factor V mutation has been implicated in

two cases.76 Elevation of CSF interleukin-6 (IL-6)
on classification to levels seen in patients with encephalitis has been
The ILAE diagnostic scheme2 recognised ‘hemi- reported 2 hours after seizure onset in a child.77
convulsion–hemiplegia epilepsy’ as a syndrome, However, frequently no cause is found, even though
but this has now rightly been discarded in the new the family history may reveal a high incidence of
report,3 in line with the 1989 ILAE classification1 febrile seizures.
and as suggested in the first edition of this book.

Diagnostic procedures
Demographic data Diagnostic procedures should include examination
Peak age of onset occurs in the first 2 years of life of the CSF, which is probably mandatory in children
(range of 5 months to 4 years). This may be an younger than 18 months in view of the high
extremely rare condition today, with improved possibility of a CNS infection. Routine investigation
emergency care for status epilepticus. There was only for Leiden factor V mutation has been suggested.76
one (0.06%) equivocal case in the National Institute If possible, brain imaging should precede lumbar
of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and puncture. In the acute stage, there is usually evidence
Stroke Collaborative Perinatal Project in the USA.73,74 of oedema in the affected hemisphere. Later, a
Although Gastaut initially reported 150 cases,64 the rather characteristic, uniform hemiatrophy follows
number of reported cases dramatically decreased in prolonged episodes (Figure 11.2). SPECT reveals
subsequent reports.66,67,71 hyperperfusion during the acute stage, followed
later by hypoperfusion.78

Clinical manifestations Electroencephalography72,79

Hemiconvulsions occur suddenly, out of the blue, An EEG is not important in the acute stage, because
and consist of unilateral, often asynchronous, clonic it will simply confirm the clinical situation without
jerks that last for hours or days if not appropriately offering any specific clues to the underlying cause
treated. If very prolonged, convulsions may spread and development.
to the other side or more rarely change sides. Eye Ictal EEG consists of a mixture of high-amplitude
and head deviation may occur or be the first seizure rhythmic slow waves of 2 or 3 Hz, mixed with
symptom. Consciousness may be intact. spikes, sharp waves, spike–wave complexes and
By definition, severe ipsilateral post-convulsive episodic fast activity of 10–12 Hz. The amplitude is
flaccid hemiplegia follows in all cases. It lasts for higher and spikes predominate in the affected hemi-
more than 7 days and becomes permanent in more sphere with posterior emphasis. There is no consis-
than 80% of cases. The face is always affected and tent relationship between clonic convulsions and
aphasia is present if the dominant side is involved. EEG discharges.
These signs distinguish acquired post-convulsive
from congenital hemiplegia.75
The prognosis depends on the cause and speed
Aetiology of effective acute management. Focal seizures of
The initial hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia event usually temporal, extratemporal or multifocal origin appear
occurs in the course of a febrile illness that is often within 1–5 years of the acute episode in 80% of
due to a CNS infection, such as herpes encephalitis. patients. Most patients also have secondarily GTCSs
In a few cases, the cause may be traumatic or vascular. and often convulsive status epilepticus. Seizures
Severe Neocortical Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood 335

Severe hemiatrophy in a are usually intractable to anti-epileptic medication.

patient with long-standing Learning difficulties are probably the rule.
hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia epilepsy

Immediate control of the seizure is a medical
emergency as in status epilepticus detailed in
Chapter 3. A benzodiazepine, usually intravenous
diazepam or lorazepam, is probably the first choice.
Treatment of the fever and the underlying illness is of
equal importance. In the few cases with Leiden factor
V mutation, careful consideration should be given to
therapeutic and prophylactic anticoagulation, because
this may improve the long-term outcome.76 Apart from
conservative management of the residual neurological
deficits, little can be done after the establishment of
Figure 11.2 Courtesy of Dr Rod C. Scott, Institute of Child hemiplegia. Hemispherectomy or other modes of
Health, London, UK. neurosurgical intervention may be beneficial.80

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Benign childhood
focal seizures and
related epileptic syndromes
Benign childhood focal seizures and related epileptic The term ‘functional spikes’ refers to transient
syndromes are the most common and probably the focal EEG abnormalities of sharp waves that occur
most fascinating and rewarding topic in paediatric in children with or without epileptic seizures and
epileptology.1 They affect 25% of children with non- which disappear in the late teens.13
febrile seizures and form a significant part of the Functional spikes of childhood are of low epileptogenic
everyday practice of paediatricians, neurologists and potential and they occur in 2% to 3% of normal children
clinical neurophysiologists who care for children (Table 12.1).
with seizures. Rolandic seizures are widely recog-
nised. Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS), a previously
unrecognised common disorder with dramatic Considerations
clinical and EEG manifestations, has now been
formally recognised by the ILAE.2,3 It has further
on classification
been highlighted by editorials4,5 and reviews in The ILAE Task Force recognises three syndromes of
medical journals,6,7 examined in an expert consen- ‘idiopathic childhood focal epilepsy’ (Table 5.2):2,3
sus,8 featured as the main theme of a recent issue 1. benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal
of Epilepsia7,9–12 and is becoming more readily spikes (BCECTS) (rating score 3)
diagnosed by physicians. Less common phenotypes, 2. early onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy
such as the idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos type) (3)
of Gastaut (ICOE-G) and idiopathic photosensitive 3. late-onset childhood occipital epilepsy (Gastaut
occipital lobe epilepsy, have also been recognised type) (2).
and defined. Furthermore, there are also children The rating score in parenthesis reflects on the
who present with seizures of predominantly affective certainty with which the ILAE Core Group believed
symptoms, and claims have been made for other that each syndrome represents a unique diagnostic
benign childhood seizures associated with certain entity on a range of 1–3 (with 3 being the most
inter-ictal functional EEG foci, such as frontal, midline clearly and reproducibly defined).3
or parietal, with or without extreme somatosensory The 1989 ILAE classification recognised three ‘age-
evoked spikes (ESESs). All these conditions may related and localisation-related (focal, local, partial)
be linked together in a broad, age-related and age- epilepsies and syndromes’ (Table 5.1):
limited, benign childhood seizure susceptibility 1. BCECTS
syndrome (BCSSS), which may also constitute a 2. childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms
biological continuum with febrile seizures and (which is now called ‘late-onset childhood
benign neonatal and benign infantile seizures. BCSSS occipital epilepsy [Gastaut type]’)
should be properly re-examined and redefined. 3. primary reading epilepsy.

340 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

EEG functional spikes in normal children (% median and range)

Age (years) Centrotemporal spikes Occipital spikes Frontal spikes Generalised discharges
5–12 2.25 (0.7–3.5) 0.15 (0.0–0.4) 0.10 (0.1–0.6) 1.00 (0.1–1.1)
1–5 0.40 (0.3–0.4) 0.90 (0.8–1) 0.05 (0–0.1) 0.20 (0.1–0.3)

Table 12.1 Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos (1999).1

‘Reading epilepsy’ is now rightly classified as a reflex seizures’.14 BCECTS and PS are age limited (not
epileptic syndrome (Table 5.2). ‘chronic’) and at least a third of patients have a
Considerations on classification and nomencla- single (not a ‘recurrent’) seizure. They should be
ture are detailed in the individual description classified among ‘conditions with epileptic seizures
of each syndrome. Overall, benign childhood that do not require a diagnosis of epilepsy’, which
focal syndromes and their main representatives, is a new concept in the ILAE diagnostic scheme
BCECTS and PS, do not fulfil the diagnostic criteria that incorporates ‘febrile, benign neonatal, single
of ‘epilepsy’ defined as ‘chronic neurological seizures or isolated clusters of seizures and rarely
condition characterised by recurrent epileptic repeated seizures (oligoepilepsy)’ (Table 5.2).2,3

Benign childhood
epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
Synonyms: BCECTS, rolandic seizures, rolandic t the word ‘temporal’ is misleading because
epilepsy. children with this form of epilepsy do not have
BCECTS1,15–22 is the most common manifestation symptoms from the temporal lobes
of benign childhood seizure susceptibility syndrome t BCECTS may occur without CTSs and
(BCSSS). conversely CTSs may occur in children with-
out seizures or other clinical phenotypes of
Considerations t similar clinical features may appear in patients
on nomenclature with spikes in locations other than at centro-
I use the terms ‘BCECTS’, ‘rolandic seizures’ and temporal sites.
‘rolandic epilepsy’ synonymously, although I prefer
the term ‘rolandic seizures’ for the following reasons:
Demographic data
t the term ‘rolandic seizures’ has long been
established and is better known than BCECTS Onset is from age 1 to 14 years; 75% start between
among paediatricians 7 and 10 years (peak 8 or 9 years).1,17 There is a 1.5
t most ‘centrotemporal spikes’ (CTSs) are rolandic male predominance. Prevalence is around 15% in
spikes; they are rarely located in the temporal children aged 1–15 years with seizures. Incidence is
electrodes 10–20 per 100,000 children aged 0–15 years.
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 341

Clinical manifestations Hypersalivation is often associated with oropharyn-

golaryngeal or pure hemifacial seizures. Hyper-
The cardinal features of rolandic seizures are salivation is not just frothing:
infrequent, often single, focal seizures consisting of:
t unilateral facial sensorimotor symptoms (30% of Suddenly my mouth is full of saliva, it runs out like a

patients) river and I cannot speak.

t oropharyngolaryngeal manifestations (53% of Ictal syncope may occur, probably as a concurrent

patients) symptom of PS (page 349):
t speech arrest (40% of patients)
She lies there, unconscious with no movements, no
t hypersalivation (30% of patients).1
convulsions, like a wax work, no life.
Hemifacial sensorimotor seizures are often entirely
localised in the lower lip or spread to the ipsilateral Consciousness and recollection are fully retained in
hand. Motor manifestations are sudden, continuous more than half (58%) of rolandic seizures:
or bursts of clonic contractions, usually lasting from I felt that air was forced into my mouth, I could not speak
a few seconds to a minute. Ipsilateral tonic deviation and I could not close my mouth. I could understand well
of the mouth is also common. Hemifacial sensory everything said to me. Other times I feel that there is
symptoms consist of numbness in the corner of the food in my mouth and there is also a lot of salivation. I
mouth. cannot speak.
Hemifacial seizures are often associated with an
Secondarily generalised tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs)
inability to speak and hypersalivation:
are reported in around half of children with rolandic
The left side of my mouth felt numb and started jerking
seizures. Primarily GTCSs are not part of the
and pulling to the left, and I could not speak to say what
syndrome of rolandic seizures (ictal EEG recordings),
was happening to me.
although the new ILAE report makes the unverified
Oropharyngolaryngeal ictal manifestations are unilateral comment that ‘some patients with this condition
sensorimotor symptoms inside the mouth. Numb- may have primarily GTCS as well’.3
ness, and more commonly paraesthesias (tingling, Rolandic seizures are usually brief, lasting for
prickling, freezing), are usually diffuse on one side 1–3 min. Three-quarters of seizures occur during
or, exceptionally, may be highly localised even to non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, mainly at
one tooth. Motor oropharyngolaryngeal symptoms sleep onset or just before awakening.
produce strange sounds, such as death rattle, gargling,
grunting and guttural sounds, and combinations: Status epilepticus
In his sleep, he was making guttural noises, with his Although rare, focal motor status or hemiconvulsive
mouth pulled to the right, ‘as if he was chewing his status epilepticus is more likely to occur than
tongue’. secondarily generalised convulsive status epilepticus,
which is exceptional. Opercular status epilepticus
We heard her making strange noises ‘like roaring’ and
usually occurs in atypical evolutions of BCECTS24–29
found her unresponsive, head raised from the pillow, eyes
or, exceptionally, it may be induced by carbamazepine
wide open, rivers of saliva coming out of her mouth, rigid.
or lamotrigine,30,31 and may last for hours to months.
Arrest of speech is a form of anarthria. The child It consists of continuous unilateral or bilateral
is unable to utter a single intelligible word and contractions of the mouth, tongue or eyelids, positive
attempts to communicate with gestures. There is no or negative subtle perioral or other myoclonus,
impairment of the cortical language mechanisms: dysarthria, speech arrest, difficulties in swallowing,
My mouth opened and I could not speak. I wanted buccofacial apraxia and hypersalivation (see page 82).
to say I cannot speak. At the same time, it was as if These are often associated with continuous spikes
somebody was strangling me. and waves on an EEG during slow-wave sleep.
342 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Aetiology CTSs amplify during stages I–IV of sleep by a factor of

two to five times without disturbing sleep organisation.
BCECTS is genetically determined, although After sleep, the most common form of activation of
conventional genetic influences may be less important CTSs (10–20%) is somatosensory stimulation, mainly
than other mechanisms, which need to be explored.32 of the fingers and toes (Figure 12.1).1,40–47 These
There is evidence of linkage with chromosome 15q14.33 are extreme (giant) somatosensory evoked spikes
Autosomal dominant inheritance with age-depen- (ESESs), which correspond to mid- or long-latency
dent penetrance has been reported for subjects with
somatosensory evoked potentials with peaks at 35–
CTSs on an EEG, and not for the clinical syndrome
80 ms, depending on the height of the individual
of BCECTS (see review in Panayiotopoulos1).34,35 A
and location of the site of stimulation (Figure 12.1).
recently published study found that the CTS EEG
ESESs persist during sleep and, like spontaneous
trait in rolandic epilepsy maps to Elongator Protein
CTSs, occur in children with or without seizures and
Complex 4 of chromosome 11p13.35
disappear with age. They may be detected in EEGs
Siblings or parents of patients with BCECTS
with or without spontaneous CTSs or other functional
may rarely have the same type of seizures or other
spikes of childhood.
phenotypes of BCSSS, such as PS (page 350).
Febrile seizures are common (10–20%) before
Practical note
rolandic seizures.
See also the unifying concept of benign childhood Elicitating ESESs in clinical EEG practice
seizure susceptibility syndrome on page 365.1,36 In clinical EEG practice, asking the child to tap together
the palmar surface of the tips of his or her fingers of
both hands is an easy method of testing for ESESs. The
Diagnostic procedures
child should be instructed to strike them with sufficient
Apart from the EEG, all tests are normal. strength and at random intervals of varying frequency.
Brain imaging is not needed for typical cases, This may elicit either bilateral or unilateral ESESs
although 15% of patients with rolandic seizures may (Figure 12.1).
have abnormal findings because of static or other
brain diseases unrelated to the pathophysiology of Rarely, children with rolandic seizures may have a
BCECTS.37,38 normal EEG: the spikes may be very small or CTSs
The presence of brain lesions has no influence on appear only during sleep stages (3–35%).1 In serial
the prognosis of rolandic seizures.37 EEGs, CTSs may appear right or left, infrequently or
frequently, small or giant, and alone or with functional
Electroencephalography spikes in other locations. The reported prevalence
Inter-ictal EEG: CTSs are the hallmark of BCECTS of generalised discharges in rolandic seizures varies
(Figures 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3). They are age- from as low as 0% to as high as 54%.1 In my studies,
dependent, appearing at a peak age of 7–10 years, generalised discharges occurred in about 4% of
often persisting despite clinical remission and usually patients with rolandic seizures, and consisted of brief
disappearing before the age of 16 years. Although 1–3 s generalised bursts of 3–5 Hz slow waves, mixed
called CTSs, these are mainly high-amplitude, sharp with small spikes.1 These brief generalised discharges
and slow-wave complexes localised in the C3–C4 are identical to those seen in PS (Figure 12.4).
(central; Figure 12.2) or C5–C6 (midway between Dipole and magnetoencephalography (MEG)
central and temporal) electrodes.39 CTSs may be studies show that the main negative spike compo-
unilateral, but are more often bilateral, independently nent of CTSs can usually be modelled by a single
right or left. They are abundant (4–20/min) and and stable tangential dipole source along the rolan-
usually occur in clusters. dic region, with the negative pole maximum in
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 343

the centrotemporal region and the positive pole the initial central dipole including the face or hand
maximum in the frontal regions.48–51 The tangential area. A second dipolar source was mostly consistent
dipole and the location of CTSs have been confirmed with propagated activity.54
with MEG.52,53 More recently, combined spike-related The frequency, location and persistence of CTSs do
functional MRI (fMRI) and EEG multiple source not determine the clinical manifestations, severity and
analysis (MSA) were applied.54 EEG MSA confirmed frequency of seizures or the prognosis.

Video-EEG of an 11-year-old girl with rolandic seizures who has been

in remission since the age of 8 years

A Girl aged 11 with rolandic seizures in remission B

Awake EEG Sleep EEG
F p2–F4
P4–O2 –
F p1–F3
C3–P3 –
F p2–F8
F8–T4 +
F p1–F7
F7–T3 150 μV
0.5 sec

100 μV
200 MV
1 sec
1 sec
C Tapping right fingers Left fingers Toes of right or left foot D

O2 +

Cz 50 μV
20 msec
Laplacian montage
200 μV
1 sec

Figure 12.1 (A) High-amplitude CTSs (in fact, these are central spikes) occur independently on the right and left, and are
markedly exaggerated during natural sleep. (B) Typical morphology and polarity of CTSs in laplacian montage. (C) ESESs,
which are evoked by tapping fingers or toes. Note that their location corresponds to the location of the activating stimulus
(black arrows). (D) ESES from another patient, which was evoked by electrical stimulation of the right thumb (onset at red
arrow). Peak latency of the somatosensory evoked spike is 58 ms.
344 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

CTSs are mainly rolandic not temporal spikes1,39

A F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7


F p2–Avg
C F4–Avg

F p1–Avg

Cz–Avg 100 μV
Pz–Avg 1 sec

Figure 12.2 The same EEG sample is shown in three different montages. This is from an 8-year-old boy referred for an EEG
because of: ‘recent GTCSs and a 2-year history of unilateral facial spasms. Previously, the EEG and CT brain scan were
normal. No medication. Focal seizures with secondarily generalised convulsions?’ (A,B) The EEG showed frequent clusters
of repetitive CTSs on the left. As the spikes appeared to be of higher amplitude in the temporal electrode (T3) (black arrows),
the technician rightly applied additional electrodes at C5 and C6 (rolandic localisation) (C). This showed that the spike is of
higher amplitude in the left rolandic region (C5) (red arrows). Another EEG 16 months later showed a few small spikes in the
right frontal and central midline electrodes (not shown).
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 345

Video-EEG of a 10-year-old girl with rolandic seizures

A Inter-ictal EEG
F p2–F4

F p1–F3

F p2–F8

F p1–F7

150 μV
B Ictal EEG 1 sec

Onset of the discharge 150 μV

0 1 sec

Onset of clinical manifestations

5.46 6.61 200 μV

End of seizure 1 sec

Figure 12.3 Case 5.1 in Panayiotopoulos.1 (A) High-amplitude right-sided CTSs (C5 and C6 electrodes were not applied).
(B) Onset of ictal discharge in the right centrotemporal regions during sleep (black arrow). Red arrow shows onset of clini-
cal manifestations that started with contractions of the left facial muscles (note muscle artefacts on the left), progressing to
a prolonged generalised clonic seizure, which lasted for 6.31 minutes from the ictal electrical onset. See video-EEG of this
seizure in the companion CD of A Practical Guide to Childhood Epilepsies.59
346 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

CTSs may also occur in normal children. ioural problems that require intervention (see review
It should be remembered that CTSs: by Nicolai, et al67).66,68–73 However, the effect of anti-
t occur in 2% to 3% of normal school-aged children, epileptic drugs (AEDs), bias in selection of the most
of whom less than 10% develop rolandic seizures serious cases and other factors were not taken into
(Table 12.1)1,55–58 consideration in most of these studies (see the note
t are common among relatives of children with of caution).
rolandic seizures A few patients (<1%) may progress to atypical
t occur in a variety of organic brain diseases with evolutions of more severe syndromes of linguistic,
or without seizures, such as cerebral tumours, behavioural and neuropsychological deficits, such as
Rett syndrome, fragile X syndrome and focal Landau–Kleffner syndrome, atypical benign partial
epilepsy of childhood or epilepsy with continuous
cortical dysplasia
spike-and-wave during sleep.27,28
t may incidentally be found in non-epileptic
The development, social adaptation and occu-
children with various symptoms, such as
pations of adults with a previous history of rolandic
headache, speech, and behavioural and learning
seizures are normal.1,62,63
The combination of a normal child with infrequent
Note of caution
seizures and an EEG showing disproportionately severe
focal epileptogenic activity is highly suggestive of There is an increasing number of reports emphasising
BCSSS.1 cognitive, linguistic and behavioural abnormalities of

Ictal EEG: There are very few reports of ictal EEGs of children with rolandic epilepsy. I am not in a position to
dispute such findings. However, in most of these studies
rolandic seizures. One example captured with video-
the findings are based on statistical comparisons of a
EEG is shown in Figure 12.3. There is an initial paucity
group of children with rolandic epilepsy with matched
of spontaneous CTSs before the onset of the ictal
normal control children. My reservations are that the
discharge, which appears in the ipsilateral rolandic
groups of children with rolandic epilepsy include patients
regions and consists of slow waves mixed with fast
who are on AEDs, patients who may represent the
rhythms and spikes. This ended with a SGTCS.
worst spectrum of the disorder (i.e. hospital-based
populations) or patients who have suffered bullying at
Evolution and prognosis school and social discrimination because of the stigma
of ‘epilepsy’ with which they are often labelled. It is only
The prognosis for rolandic seizures is invariably if these factors are eliminated in studies of unbiased and
excellent, with a risk of developing infrequent newly diagnosed patients that we will learn of the true
generalised seizures in adult life of less than 2%; dimensions of the problem.20
absence seizures may be more common than
Remission occurs within 2–4 years of onset and
before the age of 16 years. The total number of Management
seizures is low, the majority of patients having fewer Children with rolandic seizures may not need AEDs,
than ten seizures; 10–20% have just a single seizure. particularly if the seizures are infrequent, mild or
About 10–20% may have frequent seizures, but nocturnal, or the onset is close to the natural age
these also remit with age. of remission of this age-limited disorder. Patients
Children with rolandic seizures may develop with either frequent seizures and secondarily
reversible linguistic and cognitive abnormalities GTCSs or comorbid conditions may need medica-
during the active phase of their disease.1,64–66 Mainly tion.74 Some AEDs may significantly reduce GTCSs
hospital-based studies emphasise learning or behav- without reduction of focal seizures.75 Empirically,
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 347

carbamazepine is the preferred AED. Recent studies Within days after re-introduction of carbamazepine,
found levetiracetam to be highly effective.76–78 she suffered nearly continuous, brief atonic attacks of
Some children might experience learning difficul- head and arm drop and also absences (case 17.3 in

ties, aggravation and new types of seizures when Panayiotopoulos1).

receiving either carbamazepine1,30,31,78,79 or lamotri- For details see ‘Management of benign childhood
gine.80,81 focal seizures’ on page 368.

Panayiotopoulos syndrome
Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS) is a common, which is often not the first ictal symptom, may
childhood-related, idiopathic, benign susceptibility to originate in the occipital lobes
focal, mainly autonomic seizures and autonomic status t inter-ictal occipital spikes may never occur
epilepticus.4–12,20,23,82–101 Autonomic manifestations t even ictal EEG has documented anterior or
are the cardinal seizure symptoms in PS, and have posterior origin.
immense pathophysiological, clinical and treatment Currently, most authors prefer the eponymous term
implications, with all functions of the autonomic system ‘Panayiotopoulos syndrome’ to include all patients
possibly being affected during the ictus. Autonomic with this syndrome, irrespective of EEG spikes
status epilepticus occurs in half of all patients. or topographical terminology,4,5,23,90–94,97 as in the
A recent expert consensus defines PS as: original study.83 In this study, of the 21 children
A benign age-related focal seizure disorder occurring in
with ictal vomiting and normal neurological state
early and mid-childhood. It is characterized by seizures,
evaluated,83 12 had occipital spikes ‘epilepsy with
often prolonged, with predominantly autonomic
occipital paroxysms’98 and nine had extra-occipital
symptoms, and by an EEG that shows shifting and/or
spikes or normal EEG.99
multiple foci, often with occipital predominance.8
PS has been confirmed in long-term studies of over Demographic data
1000 children worldwide. The importance of this
Onset is from age 1 to 14 years; 76% of cases start
syndrome and its impact on paediatric epileptology
at 3–6 years of age (peak 4 or 5 years). Both sexes
is signified by the June 2007 issue of Epilepsia, which
are equally affected.90 Prevalence is around 13%
featured PS as its main theme.7,9–12
in children aged 3–6 years with one or more non-
febrile seizures, and 6% in the age group 1–15 years.
Considerations In the general population, two to three of every
1000 children are affected. These figures may be
on classification higher if cases currently considered to have atypical
PS has been recognised by the ILAE as ‘early onset features are included.6,90
benign childhood occipital epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos
type)’.2,3 However, PS is not ‘occipital’ epilepsy:7–
11,20,90 Clinical manifestations
t onset is with autonomic manifestations, which Seizures comprise an unusual constellation of
are unlikely to be of occipital origin; of all the autonomic, mainly emetic, symptoms, behavioural
other seizure symptoms, only eye deviation, changes, unilateral deviation of the eyes and other
348 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

more conventional ictal manifestations. Conscious- Cyanosis is less common than pallor and occurs
ness and speech, as a rule, are preserved at seizure principally during the evolution of the seizures,
onset. The seizure commonly starts with autonomic often while the child is unresponsive.
manifestations (81%), which are mainly emetic Urinary and faecal incontinence occurs when
(72%). In a typical presentation, the child is fully consciousness is impaired before, or without,
conscious, able to speak and understand, but is convulsions:
complaining of feeling sick and looks pale: He became unresponsive and incontinent of urine.
He complained of nausea and he looked pale. Five
Mydriasis is sometimes so prominent that it may be
minutes later he vomited while still standing… He
reported spontaneously:
gradually became disorientated, but was still able to
walk. However, 10 minutes from onset his eyes turned Her pupils were as big as her eyes.

to the right and he became unresponsive. Miosis is rare and occurs with other severe autonomic
Ictus emeticus: The full emetic triad (nausea, manifestations while the child is unresponsive.
retching, vomiting) culminates in vomiting in 74% Hypersalivation is also rare in PS, which is in contrast
of seizures; in others, only nausea or retching occurs to its common occurrence in rolandic seizures.
and, in a few cases, emesis may not be apparent. Combined speech arrest and hypersalivation, as in
Emesis is usually the first apparent ictal symptom, rolandic seizures, is even rarer.
but it may also occur long after the onset of other Cephalic auras, although rare, are of interest because
manifestations. they are considered to be autonomic manifestations
The initial manifestations do not suggest an and because they may cause diagnostic confusion
epileptic seizure, as the child simply complains of with migraine if they are not properly evaluated.
feeling sick and being unwell, and vomits: Cephalic auras commonly occur with other auto-
nomic symptoms, mainly nausea and pallor, at seizure
On returning home from school, she looked tired and
onset. Occasionally, the child may also complain of
had a nap. After half an hour, she woke up looking
‘headache’ but whether the complaint of ‘headache’
pale and complained of feeling sick. She ran to the
is a true perception of pain, discomfort or some odd
toilet and vomited repeatedly. Then her eyes deviated
sensation in the head is uncertain:
to one side and she became unresponsive and flaccid
for 10 minutes. Soon after, she started recovering, ‘Funny feeling in my head’, ‘warm sensation’, ‘pressure’,
answering simple questions and by 1 hour later she was ‘headache’.
playing again as if nothing had happened. Coughing may occur as an initial ictal symptom
Autonomic manifestations other than ictus emeticus either with or without ictus emeticus. It is described
may occur concurrently or appear later in the course as ‘strange coughing’ or ‘cough as if about to vomit’.
of the ictus. These include pallor or, less often, Thermoregulatory changes: Raised temperature may
flushing or cyanosis; mydriasis or, less often, miosis; be subjectively or objectively documented during the
cardiorespiratory and thermoregulatory alterations; seizure or immediately post-ictally. Whether this is a
coughing; urinary and/or faecal incontinence; and coincidental finding, a precipitating factor or an ictal
modifications of intestinal motility. Hypersalivation abnormality is uncertain, as it could be any of these.
(probably a concurrent rolandic symptom) may However, pyrexia recorded immediately after seizure
occur. Headaches and, more often, cephalic auras onset is probably an ictal autonomic manifestation.
may occur, particularly at onset. Abnormalities of intestinal motility: Diarrhoea (3%)
Pallor is one of the most common ictal manifesta- is occasionally reported during the progression of
tions. It occurs mainly at onset, usually with emetic seizures.
symptoms. Pallor may be among the first symptoms Breathing and cardiac irregularities are rarely reported,
with no apparent emesis. but may be much more common in a mild form.
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 349

Breathing changes before convulsions include start and end solely with autonomic symptoms.
descriptions of ‘heavy, irregular, abnormal breathing’ In all other seizures, autonomic manifestations are
or ‘brief cessation of breathing for a few seconds’. followed by the conventional seizure symptoms
Tachycardia is a consistent finding, sometimes at the listed below.
onset of ictal EEG (Figure 12.5). Impairment of consciousness: Although initially
Cardiorespiratory arrest is rare, probably occurring in fully conscious, the child gradually or suddenly
1 per 200 individuals with PS.8,90,100 becomes confused and unresponsive. Impairment
Ictal syncope (or syncopal-like symptoms) is a common of consciousness may be mild or moderate, with
and important ictal feature of PS.6,8,10,90 In at least the child retaining some ability to respond to verbal
a fifth of seizures, the child becomes ‘completely commands, but often talking out of context occurs. In
unresponsive and flaccid like a rag doll’ before diurnal seizures observed from the onset, cloudiness
convulsions. Two-fifths have no convulsions or occur of consciousness usually starts after the appearance
in isolation with no other symptoms. of autonomic and behavioural symptoms. Good
While talking to her teacher, suddenly and without warning, awareness may be preserved throughout the ictus in
she fell on the floor pale, flaccid and unresponsive for 2 about 6% of seizures.
minutes. She had a complete recovery, but 10 minutes Deviation of the eyes: Unilateral deviation of the
later she complained of feeling sick, vomited repeatedly eyes is common, but it seldom occurs at onset.
and again became unresponsive and flaccid with pupils This pursuit-like deviation of the eyes may be brief
widely dilated for 1 hour. She had an unremarkable (minutes) or prolonged (hours), continuous or less
recovery and was normal after a few hours’ sleep. frequently intermittent.
Deviation of the eyes may occur without vomiting
She complained of ‘dizziness’ and then her eyes
in 10–20% of patients and, in some children, the
deviated to the left, she fell on the floor and she became
eyes may be open wide and remain in the midline
totally flaccid and unresponsive for 5 minutes.
before other convulsions occur.
I proposed the descriptive term ‘ictal syncope’90,101 Other ictal symptoms are, in order of prevalence,
to describe this state, because ‘unresponsiveness speech arrest (8%), hemifacial spasms (6%), visual
with loss of postural tone’ is the defining clinical hallucinations (6%), oropharyngolaryngeal move-
symptom of syncope.102,103 However, ‘syncopal-like ments (3%), unilateral drooping of the mouth (3%),
symptoms’ may be more appropriate.104 eyelid jerks (1%), myoclonic jerks (1%), and ictal
Ictal behavioural changes usually consist of restless- nystagmus and automatisms (1%). These probably
ness, agitation, terror and quietness, which appear reflect the primary area of seizure discharge genera-
at the onset of seizures, often together with emetic tion. The seizures may end with hemiconvulsions,
or other autonomic manifestations. These symptoms
often with jacksonian marching (19%) or secondarily
are similar to those occurring in ‘benign childhood
generalised convulsions (21%).
epilepsy with affective symptoms’ (page 363).
Ictal visual symptoms, such as elementary visual
At age 9 years, on returning from school, he looked tired hallucinations, illusions or blindness, occur after
and pale. He said that his head was killing him, ‘something more typical seizure symptoms of PS.
that would cause me to be sick’. In 10 minutes, he started Seizure variations: The same child may have seizures
screaming and banging his head on the wall. Within the with either marked autonomic manifestations or
next 20 minutes, he gradually became disorientated and inconspicuous or absent autonomic manifestations.
floppy ‘like a rag doll’. He was staring. Seizures with no autonomic manifestations are
rare (7%) and occur in patients who may also have
Conventional seizure symptoms additional autonomic seizures.90
In PS, pure autonomic seizures and pure autonomic The clinical seizure manifestations are roughly the
status epilepticus occur in 10% of patients. They same, irrespective of EEG localisations, although
350 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

there may be slightly fewer autonomic and slightly (personal communication with J. Livingston). These
more focal motor features at onset in children with data indicate that SCN1A mutations when found
no occipital spikes.90 contribute to a more severe clinical phenotype of PS.
Duration of seizures and autonomic status epilepticus:
Almost half (44%) of the seizures last for more than Pathophysiology
30 min and can persist for many hours (mean about Autonomic symptoms of any type are often
2 hours), constituting autonomic status epilepticus. encountered in seizures, whether focal or general-
The rest of the seizures (56%) last from 1 to up to 30 ised, in adults or children, and they are implicated
min with a mean of 9 min. Lengthy seizures are equally in occurrences of sudden death.106,107 However,
common in sleep and wakefulness. Even after the most autonomic seizures and autonomic status with ictus
severe seizures and status, the patient is normal after emeticus and ictal syncope, with the symptoma-
a few hours of sleep. There is no record of residual tology and sequence detailed here, are specific in
neurological or mental abnormalities. The same child childhood.101 This clinical picture does not occur in
may have brief and lengthy seizures. Hemiconvulsive adults: only about 30 cases of ictal vomiting have
or convulsive status epilepticus is exceptional (4%). been reported, and not in the same sequence as in
Circadian distribution: Two-thirds of seizures start in children – adult patients usually have amnesia about
sleep; the child may wake up with similar complaints the vomiting, which often occurs after the seizure has
while still conscious or else may be found vomiting, started with other symptoms.107–110 An explanation
conscious, confused or unresponsive. The same for this is that children are vulnerable to emetic
child may suffer seizures while asleep or awake. disturbances as exemplified by ‘cyclic vomiting
Precipitating factors: There are no apparent precipi- syndrome’, a non-seizure disorder of unknown
tating factors other than sleep. Fixation-off sensitivity aetiology that is also specific to childhood.111 Ictal
is an EEG phenomenon that may not be clinically syncope is even more difficult to explain.
important. Many seizures have been witnessed while Symptoms at the onset of seizures are important,
a child is travelling in a car, boat or aeroplane. There because they indicate the possible location of the
are two explanations for this: (1) the seizures are epileptic focus. However, autonomic and emetic
more likely to be witnessed during travelling; and disturbances are of uncertain value with regard to
(2) children are more vulnerable because travelling localisation in PS and may occur in seizures starting
also precipitates motion sickness, to which children from the anterior or posterior regions. The locali-
are particularly susceptible. sation of ictal vomiting in adults (the non-dominant
temporal lobe) does not appear to apply to children.
Clinical and EEG findings indicate that, in PS,
Aetiology there is a diffuse and multifocal cortical hyper-
PS, similar to the rolandic seizures, is probably genet- excitability, which is related to maturation. This
ically determined. Usually, there is no family history of diffuse epileptogenicity may be unequally distri-
similar seizures, although siblings with PS or PS and buted, predominating in one area, which is often
rolandic epilepsy have been reported.9,23,84,87,91 There posterior. The preferential involvement of emetic
is a high prevalence of febrile seizures (about 17%), and other autonomic manifestations may be attri-
and there may be a high incidence of abnormal birth buted to epileptic discharges triggering temporarily
deliveries, although these all need re-evaluation.90 A hyperexcitable low threshold central autonomic
mutation in the SCN1A gene was recently reported in networks of vulnerable children.90,101 In other words,
two siblings104 and in a single case of severe PS with it is likely that in these children a ‘weak’ epileptic
many febrile precipitants of seizures.105 However, no electrical discharge (irrespective of localisation)
such mutations were found in another couple of siblings activates, at its onset, susceptible autonomic centres
with typical PS and no febrile seizure precipitants to produce autonomic seizures and autonomic status
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 351

epilepticus. This happens before the generation Electroencephalography

of clinical manifestations from brain regions that Inter-ictal EEG shows great variability. In about 90%
are topographically related to the ictal electrical of cases, the EEG reveals functional, mainly multi-
discharge (occipital, frontal, central, parietal and focal, high-amplitude, sharp–slow-wave complexes
less often temporal) with clinical seizure thresholds (Figure 12.4). Spikes may appear anywhere, often
higher than those of the autonomic centres.20 shifting from one region to another in a series of
Koutroumanidis has proposed a modern view that EEGs. Occipital spikes predominate but these do
PS is an important electroclinical example of benign not occur in a third of patients. Spikes often appear
childhood system epilepsy.7 independently in the same or the contralateral
hemisphere. Clone-like, repetitive, multifocal spike–
wave complexes may be characteristic features when
Diagnostic procedures they occur (19%).90
Small, and even inconspicuous, spikes may appear
Neurological and mental states and MRI are
in the same or a previous EEG of children with
normal. The most useful laboratory test is the EEG
giant spikes. Although rare, positive spikes or other
(Figure 12.4).
unusual EEG spike configurations may occur.90 Brief
The determinant of neurodiagnostic procedures generalised discharges of slow waves, mixed with
is the state of the child at the time he or she first small spikes, may occur either alone (4%) or more
presents medically, as follows:90 often with focal spikes (15%).
1. The child has a typical brief or lengthy seizure Whatever their location, spikes are accentuated by
of PS, but has fully recovered before arriving at sleep. EEG spikes may be stimulus sensitive; occipital
the accident and emergency department (A&E) paroxysms are commonly (47%) activated by the
or being seen by a physician. A child with the elimination of central vision and fixation,whereas
distinctive clinical features of PS, particularly CTSs may be elicited by somatosensory stimuli.
ictus emeticus and lengthy seizures, may not Occipital photosensitivity is an exceptional finding.
need any investigations other than an EEG. The background EEG is usually normal, but diffuse
However, as about 10–20% of children with or localised slow-wave abnormalities may also occur
similar seizures may have brain pathology, MRI in at least one EEG in 20% of cases, particularly
may be indicated. post-ictally.
2. The child with a typical lengthy seizure of PS EEG spikes may persist for many years after clinical
has partially recovered, although he or she is remission or appear in only one of a series of EEGs.
still in a post-ictal stage, tired, mildly confused A single routine EEG may be normal in 10% of
and drowsy on arrival at A&E or when seen by patients. This should prompt a request for a sleep
a physician. The child should be kept under EEG.
medical supervision until full recovery, which, The frequency, location and persistence of spikes do not
as a rule, occurs after a few hours of sleep. Then determine clinical manifestations, duration, severity and
guidelines are the same as in (1). frequency of seizures or prognosis. The clinical seizure
3. The child is brought to A&E or is seen by a manifestations are roughly the same irrespective of EEG
physician while ictal symptoms continue. This spike localisation.
is the most difficult and challenging situation. The multifocal nature of epileptogenicity in PS has
Symptoms may dramatically accumulate in been also documented with dipole analysis.112,113
succession, and demand rigorous and experi- Ictal EEG: Ictal video-EEG has unequivocally
enced evaluation. A history of a previous documented the epileptic nature of the autonomic
similar seizure is reassuring and may help to manifestations in PS.85,93,114–116 These may start long
avoid unnecessary investigation. after the onset of the electrical ictal discharge and
352 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

present as tachycardia, breathing irregularities, may not appear at all. The seizure discharge mainly
coughing or emesis, which would be impossible to consists of rhythmic theta or delta activity, usually
consider as seizure events without an EEG. Other mixed with small spikes. Onset is unilateral, often
recognisable conventional seizure symptoms such posterior, but may also be anterior and not strictly
as convulsions appear later in the ictal phase or localised to one electrode (Figures 12.5 and 12.6).

EEG variability in Panayiotopoulos syndrome




150 μV
1 sec
Laplacian montage




200 μV 100 μV
1 sec 1 sec

Figure 12.4 Samples from EEGs of six children with typical clinical manifestations of PS. Spikes may occur in all electrode
locations, and they are usually of high amplitude and frequent or repetitive (clone-like repetitive multifocal spike–wave
complexes), although they may also be small and sparse. Brief generalised discharges of small spikes and slow waves may
be present.
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 353

From a video-EEG of a 4-year-old boy with

autonomic status epilepticus recorded from start to finish

A Asleep
F p2–Avg
F p1–Avg

200 μV Onset of electric discharge
2 sec
F p2–Avg
F p1–Avg


10 min 12 min 13 min Onset of clinical symptoms with 3 or 4 coughs

Figure 12.5 (A) High-amplitude spikes and slow waves are recorded from the bifrontal regions before the onset of the
electrical discharge, which is also purely bifrontal (black arrow shows onset of ictal discharge). (B) First clinical symptoms
with three or four coughs and marked tachycardia appeared 13 min after the onset of the electrical discharge (red arrow),
when this had become bilaterally diffuse. Subsequent clinical symptoms were tachycardia, ictus emeticus (without vomiting)
and impairment of consciousness. No other ictal manifestations occurred until termination of the seizure with diazepam
70 min after onset. Another lengthy autonomic seizure was recorded on video-EEG a year later. The onset of symptoms was
different with mainly tachycardia and agitation.
Modified with permission from Koutroumanidis, et al (2005).114
354 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ictal EEG in Panayiotopoulos syndrome (A) and ICOE-G (B)

A Girl aged 8 years with PS; ictal EEG of a lengthy autonomic seizure

F p2–C4



F p1–C3




90 pulses/min 120 pulses/min

Onset 1 min 9 min

50 μV
1 sec

B Boy aged 7 years with ICOE-G; ictal EEG of a brief visual seizure

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




Scintillating phosphenes followed after 4 s by a bundle of coloured balloons swinging in

his right hemifield. After 40 s, during the slow activity, he complains of clouded vision

Figure 12.6 (A) Samples of continuous EEG recordings from the onset to the end of a 9-min seizure during sleep stage II in
an 8-year-old girl. Clinically, the seizure manifested with awakening, eyes opening, frequent vomiting efforts and complaints
of frontal headache.116 The ictal EEG started with remission of the inter-ictal occipital paroxysms and the appearance of
occipital sharp rhythms progressing to monomorphic rhythmic theta activity in the bioccipital regions, mainly involving the
right hemisphere in a wider posterior distribution. The slow activity slowed down with the progress of the seizure and ended
with no post-ictal abnormalities. The ECG showed significant tachycardia during the ictus.116 (B) Ictal EEG during a visual
seizure in a boy with ICOE-G. The seizure starts in the left occipital region with fast spikes associated with visual symptoms.
This spreads, 4 s later, to the parietal regions and the child sees a bundle of coloured balloons swinging in his right hemifield.
This lasted for 40 s and was followed by slow waves that progressively became slower and diffused over the whole brain.
At this stage, he complained of clouded vision. This boy was normal physically and intellectually, and also had a normal CT
brain scan. At the age of 3 years, he had a nocturnal, left hemiconvulsion. His first EEG showed occipital paroxysms with
fixation-off sensitivity. From the age of 4 years, he had started having frequent, brief, visual seizures (simple, coloured, visual
hallucinations) provoked by sudden darkness.
Modified with permission from Beaumanoir (1993).116
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 355

MEG in Panayiotopoulos syndrome of frontal origin


300 fT
1 sec


Figure 12.7 The patient had seizures typical of PS from the age of 4 years. EEGs initially showed occipital spikes, but at age 13
the EEG had bifrontal spikes and MEG was performed. His younger brother also had PS preceded by febrile seizures and
followed by rolandic seizures. (A) MEG wave forms. The reversed coloured MEG wave forms in white in the vertical dark zone
were analysed. (B) Magnetic source images revealed clustering equivalent current dipoles of spike discharges alongside the
right inferior frontal sulcus, but the orientations were not so regular. All MRIs are T1-weighted. The pale-coloured solid circles
and tails represent the locations and orientations of equivalent current dipoles of the spike discharges. The early somatosensory
evoked field was modelled using a single equivalent current dipole approach to estimate the spatial source of response, whereas
the dark-coloured solid circles and tails indicated by red arrows represent the locations and orientations of somatosensory
evoked fields (N20).
Reproduced with permission from Saitoh, et al (2007).119

Magnetoencephalography PS escaped recognition for many years and is still

MEG revealed that the main epileptogenic areas in misdiagnosed for a number of reasons:
PS are along the parieto-occipital, calcarine or central t ictus emeticus was difficult to accept as a seizure
(rolandic) sulci.117,118 A more recent report of three event
children with PS (two were brothers) and frontal t encephalitis or other acute cerebral insults were
EEG spikes, showed equivalent current dipoles the prevailing diagnoses in the acute stage of a
clustering in the frontal lobes (Figure 12.7).119 deteriorating level of consciousness followed by
t cardiogenic syncope, atypical migraine, gastro-
Differential diagnosis enteritis, motion sickness and a first seizure were
PS is easy to diagnose, because of the characteristic the likely diagnoses when seizures were brief or
clustering of clinical seizure semiology, which after recovery from the acute stage.
is often supported by inter-ictal EEG findings. Similarly, ictal syncope has only recently been recog-
However, despite sound clinico-EEG manifestations, nised as an important clinical manifestation of PS; it
356 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

may be misdiagnosed as cardiogenic syncope, pseu- A fifth of children with PS develop mainly rolandic
doseizure or a more severe encephalopathic state.90 seizures (13%) and less often occipital or other types
The main problem is to recognise emetic and other of seizures during childhood and the early teens.8,90,95
autonomic manifestations as seizure events, and not to These are also age related and remit before the age of
dismiss them or erroneously consider them as unrelated 16 years. The risk of epilepsy in adult life appears to
to the ictus and as a feature of encephalitis, migraine, be no higher than in the general population.8,90
syncope or gastroenteritis. Findings of subtle neuropsychological deficits in
some studies123 may be a genuine syndrome-related
It should be remembered that 10–20% of autonomic
symptom in the active phase of PS, but are more
seizures and autonomic status epilepticus are due to
probably the result of AEDs (most of the children
heterogeneous cerebral pathology and are also restricted
were on AEDs, including phenobarbital and
to childhood. These cases are betrayed by abnormal
neurological or mental symptomatology, abnormal vigabatrin)123 and/or other contributing factors.
brain imaging and background EEG abnormalities. Although the syndrome is benign in terms of its
PS is significantly different from rolandic seizures evolution, autonomic seizures are potentially life
and ICOE-G (page 362) despite some overlapping threatening in the rare context of cardiorespiratory
features.20 See also the unifying concept of benign arrest.8,90,100 It is probably reassuring that normal
childhood seizure susceptibility syndrome on page children with epilepsy do not have an increased risk
365. of death compared with the general population.124
PS should also be differentiated from febrile
seizures, with which many of these children are Diagnostic tips
diagnosed. However, febrile seizures are usually
Paediatricians should be alerted by lengthy autonomic
GTCSs from their onset. Conversely, GTCSs in PS
occur only in a third of patients and happen after the seizures, and electroencephalographers by frequent

onset of significant ictal autonomic manifestations multifocal spikes in a normal child with one or a few

(secondarily GTCS). seizures.

In terms of the EEG, it is important to remember
An EEG demonstrating multifocal spikes may be indis-
that frequent epileptogenic foci in a normal child with
pensable in the diagnosis of patients with PS if clinical
infrequent seizures should raise the possibility of benign
information is inadequate or emetic manifestations are
childhood focal seizures.

Prognosis Management 6,8,10,20,90,101

This syndrome is remarkably benign in terms of its Current guidelines for febrile seizures, if appro-
evolution.8,23,83–88,90–92,95,99,120 A quarter of patients priately modified, may provide the basis for similar
with PS have a single seizure only and half have guidelines for PS. Education about PS is the corner-
two to five seizures. The remaining quarter have stone of management. Prophylactic treatment with
more than six or sometimes very frequent seizures. anti-epileptic medication may not be needed for
Remission often occurs within 1 or 2 years of onset. most patients. Autonomic status epilepticus in the
Autonomic status epilepticus imparts no residual acute stage needs thorough evaluation; aggressive
neurological deficit. Atypical evolution of PS with treatment may cause iatrogenic complications inclu-
the development of absences, drop attacks and ding cardiorespiratory arrest.
epilepsy with continuous spikes–waves during slow- See page 368 for details of the management of
wave sleep is extremely rare.121,122 benign childhood focal seizures.
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 357

Idiopathic childhood
occipital epilepsy of Gastaut
Synonyms: ICOE-G, Gastaut-type of childhood occi- Clinical manifestations
pital epilepsy, late-onset childhood occipital epilepsy
(Gastaut type), childhood epilepsy with occipital Seizures are purely occipital and primarily manifest
paroxysms. with elementary visual hallucinations, blindness
ICOE-G is a pure but rare form of idiopathic child- or both (see also the detailed symptomatology of
hood occipital epilepsy.1,20,95,125–129 occipital lobe epilepsy in Chapter 15, page 474).
They are usually frequent and diurnal, develop
rapidly within seconds and are brief, lasting from a
Considerations few seconds to 1–3 min, and, rarely, longer.
Elementary visual hallucinations are the most
on classification common and characteristic ictal symptoms, and
This purely ‘idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy’ are most likely to be the first and often the only
has been recognised in the new diagnostic scheme2 clinical manifestation. They consist mainly of small
as ‘late-onset childhood occipital epilepsy (Gastaut multicoloured circular patterns (Figure 12.8) that
type)’ replacing the previous name ‘childhood often appear in the periphery of a visual field,
epilepsy with occipital paroxysms’.130 Also note becoming larger and multiplying during the course
that ‘benign’ (used in all other benign childhood of the seizure, frequently moving horizontally
focal seizures) is not included in the descriptive towards the other side (see Chapter 15):
terminology of this syndrome because ICOE-G is of I see millions of small, very bright, mainly blue and
uncertain prognosis.2,130 Furthermore, the certainty green coloured, circular spots of light, which appear on
by which the ILAE Core Group believed that this the left side and sometimes move to the right.
syndrome represents a unique diagnostic entity has
Other occipital symptoms, such as sensory illusions
been lowered to 2 on a score of 1–3 (3 being the
of ocular movements and ocular pain, tonic devi-
most clearly and reproducibly defined).3 My view is
ation of the eyes, eyelid fluttering or repetitive eye
that ICOE-G is a definite but relatively rare epileptic
closures, may occur at the onset of the seizures or
syndrome of BCSSS.
appear after the elementary visual hallucinations.
The term ‘idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy
Deviation of the eyes, often associated with ipsilateral
of Gastaut’ was chosen to (1) precisely describe that
turning of the head, is the most common (in about
this is a purely occipital epilepsy, (2) honour this great
70% of cases) non-visual ictal symptom. It is often
epileptologist (Gastaut syndrome is an appropriate
associated with ipsilateral turning of the head and
alternative but may be confused with Lennox–Gastaut
usually starts after visual hallucinations, although it
syndrome) and (3) emphasisethat there is no other
may also occur while the hallucinations still persist.
type of idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy.
It may be mild, but more often it is severe and
progresses to hemiconvulsions and GTCSs. Some
children may have seizures of eye deviation from
Demographic data the start without visual hallucinations. It is likely
Onset is between 3 and 15 years of age with a mean that these cases have a better prognosis and shorter
of around 8. Both sexes are equally affected. The seizure lifespan than those with ICOE-G.128
disorder accounts for about 2–7% of benign child- Forced eyelid closure and eyelid blinking occur in
hood focal seizures. about 10% of patients, usually at a stage at which
358 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

consciousness is impaired. They signal an impending Elementary visual hallucinations

secondarily GTCS. as perceived and drawn
Ictal blindness, appearing from the start or, less by patients with visual seizures
commonly, after other manifestations of occipital sei-
zures, usually lasts for 3–5 min. It can occur alone and
be the only ictal event in patients who could, at other
times, have visual hallucinations without blindness:
Everything went suddenly black, I could not see and I
had to ask other swimmers to show me the direction to
the beach.1,82

Complex visual hallucinations, visual illusions and other

symptoms resulting from more anterior ictal spreading
rarely occur from the start. They may terminate in
hemiconvulsions or generalised convulsions.
Ictal headache, or mainly orbital pain, may occur and
often precedes visual or other ictal occipital symp- Figure 12.8 Figure reproduced with permission from
toms in a small number of patients.1,131 Panayiotopoulos (1999).1
Consciousness is not impaired during the visual symp-
toms (simple focal seizures), but may be disturbed
or lost in the course of the seizure, usually before eye every day or weekly). However, propagation to other
deviation or convulsions. seizure manifestations, such as focal or generalised
Ictal syncope is rare.90 convulsions, is much less frequent (monthly, yearly
Occipital seizures of ICOE-G may rarely progress to or exceptionally).
extra-occipital manifestations, such as hemipara-
esthesia. Spread to produce symptoms of temporal
lobe involvement is exceptional and may indicate a
symptomatic cause.1 There may be an increased family history of epilepsies
Post-ictal headache, mainly diffuse, but also severe, (37% of cases) or migraine (16% of cases),126 but a
unilateral and pulsating, or indistinguishable from family history of similar seizures is exceptional.132
migraine headache, occurs in half the patients, in ICOE-G is considered to be a late-onset phenotype
10% of whom it may be associated with nausea and of BCSSS (page 365).
I then have a left-sided severe throbbing headache for
The seizures are of a purely occipital lobe origin.20,90
an hour or so.1,131
The mechanisms for post-ictal headache, which is
Circadian distribution: Visual seizures are predomi- a common event after minor idiopathic or symptom-
nantly diurnal and can occur at any time of the day. atic visual seizures, with or without a predisposition
Longer seizures, with or without hemi or general- to migraine, are unknown. It is likely that the occi-
ised convulsions, tend to occur either during sleep, pital seizure discharge triggers a genuine migraine
causing the patient to wake up, or after awakening. headache through trigeminovascular or brain-stem
Thus, some children may have numerous diurnal mechanisms.131,133
visual seizures and only a few seizures that are exclu- The occipital paroxysms are bilateral and synchron-
sively nocturnal or occur on awakening. ous when they occur, because they are activated in
Frequency of seizures: If untreated, patients experience the bioccipital regions by the elimination of fixation
frequent and brief visual seizures (often several and central vision (Figure 12.9).90,134 They are not
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 359

due to thalamocortical activation, as proposed by and giant somatosensory evoked spikes may occur,
Gastaut and Zifkin.126 although less often than in PS. Whether or not
occipital photosensitivity is part of this syndrome is
debatable (see Chapter 16).
Diagnostic procedures Occipital spikes are not pathognomonic of a
By definition, all tests other than the EEG are particular syndrome, because they also occur in
normal. However, high-resolution MRI is probably a variety of organic brain diseases with or without
mandatory because of the high incidence of symp- seizures, in children with congenital or early onset
tomatic occipital epilepsies with the same clinico- visual and ocular deficits, and even in 0.8–1% of
EEG manifestations. normal preschool-age children (Table 12.1).55,134–136
They are common in young children, with a peak
Electroencephalography age at first discovery of 4–5 years, and ‘tend to
The inter-ictal EEG shows occipital paroxysms, often disappear in adult life, and the subsidence of the EEG
demonstrating fixation-off sensitivity (Figure 12.9). abnormality is usually accompanied by a cessation of
However, some patients may only have random seizures’.55,135
occipital spikes, whereas others may have occipital Ictal EEG, preceded by regression of occipital parox-
spikes only in the sleep EEG, and a few may have ysms, is characterised by the sudden appearance of
a consistently normal EEG. Centrotemporal, frontal an occipital discharge that consists of fast rhythms,

Occipital paroxysms in their classical form with

fixation-off sensitivity in a 10-year-old boy with ICOE-G

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




100 μV
1 sec

F p2–F4
Fixation off



F p1–F3




Figure 12.9 Case 26 in Panayiotopoulos.1 Occipital paroxysms occur as long as fixation and central vision are eliminated
by any means (eyes closed, darkness, +10 spherical lenses, Ganzfeld stimulation). Under these conditions, eye opening
cannot inhibit the spikes. Symbols of the eyes open or closed without glasses denote that the recording was made with
the lights on and whenever fixation was possible. Symbols of the eyes open or closed with glasses denote that the
recording was made when fixation and central vision were eliminated by any of the above means.
Reproduced with permission from Panayiotopoulos (1999).1
Main features of rolandic epilepsy, Panayiotopoulos syndromes and idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut

Rolandic epilepsy Panayiotopoulos Idiopathic childhood

syndrome occipital epilepsy of Gastaut
Prevalence amongst children aged 1–15 years 15 6 0.5–1
with non-febrile seizures (%)
Peak age at onset (years) 7–10 3–6 8–11
Male to female ratio 1.5 1 1
Seizure characteristics
Typical onset with Hemifacial sensory-motor or Autonomic symptoms Visual symptoms mainly with
oropharyngolaryngeal symptoms mainly with emesis elementary visual hallucinations
Hemifacial sensory-motor symptoms Common and often from onset Rare and not from onset Rare and not from onset
Oropharyngolaryngeal symptoms Common and often from onset Rare and not from onset Have not been reported
Speech arrest Common and often from onset Rare and not from onset Has not been reported
Hypersalivation Common and often from onset Rare and not from onset Has not been reported
Ictus emeticus Rare and not from onset Common and often from onset Rare and not from onset
A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Autonomic disturbances other than vomiting Exceptional and not from onset Common and often from onset Exceptional and not from onset
and hypersalivation
Visual symptoms Have not been reported 7% but exceptional from onset Common and often from onset
Deviation of the eyes Frequent during sensory-motor Common but rarely from onset Common but rarely from onset
Ictal behavioural changes Exceptional and not from onset Common and often from onset Have not been reported
Duration for 1–3min As a rule Rare As a rule
Duration of more than 5min Rare Common Rare
Partial status epilepticus (>30min) Exceptional 40% Exceptional
Total number of seizures 1–15 As a rule As a rule Rare
Single seizures only (%) 10–20 30 Exceptional
Frequent seizures (%) 10 10 90
Nocturnal (sleep only) (%) 70 64 Exceptional

Table 12.2 Continues on facing page.

Main features of rolandic epilepsy, Panayiotopoulos syndromes and idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut

Rolandic epilepsy Panayiotopoulos Idiopathic childhood

syndrome occipital epilepsy of Gastaut
Febrile seizures (%) 18 17 10
Prognosis Excellent Excellent Uncertain
Remission within 1–2 years from first seizure Common Common Exceptional or rare
Seizures after the age of 13 years Rare Exceptional Common
Interictal EEG
Centrotemporal spikes alone As a rule and characteristic Rare Have not been reported
Occipital spikes Have not been reported 65% Probably 90%
Spikes in other locations Probably uncommon Frequent Exceptional
Brief generalised discharged of 3–5Hz 5 10 Exceptional
slow waves with small spikes (%)
Somatosensory evoked spikes Common Rare Have not been reported
Fixation-off sensitivity Has not been reported Rare May be less common than reported
Photosensitivity Has not been reported Exceptional Probably 20–30%
Normal EEG or focal slow after first ~10 ~10 ~10
seizure (%)
Ictal EEG Slow activity with spikes Slow activity with spikes Fast spikes and fast rhythms
Ictal onset Rolandic regions Anterior or posterior regions Occipital regions

Table 12.2 Continued from facing page.

Reproduced with permission from Panayiotopoulos et al (2008).20
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes
362 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

fast spikes or both (Figure 12.6).116,125,126,137–141 This vomiting may occur in ICOE-G but this follows the
is of a much lower amplitude than the inter-ictal appearance of visual symptomatology, as occurs with
occipital spikes. Elementary visual hallucinations reflex photosensitive occipital seizures, and the same
are related to the fast-spike activity. Complex visual patient usually has frequent brief occipital seizures.
hallucinations may occur when the discharge is Conversely, visual symptoms in PS, when present, are
slower. In oculoclonic seizures, spikes and spikes not the sole manifestation of a seizure or stereotypical;
and waves are slower, and a localised ictal fast spike only exceptionally (1%) are they reported at seizure
rhythm may occur before deviation of the eyes. Ictal onset.9,84,90 From the EEG standpoint, the occipital
EEG during blindness is characterised by pseudo- spikes that characterise ICOE-G are also common in
periodic slow waves and spikes, which differ from PS, but these often occur with extra-occipital spikes and
those seen in ictal visual hallucinations. with shifting locations in sequential EEG (Figure 12.4).
There are usually no post-ictal abnormalities. Further, ictal EEG is markedly different between these
syndromes (Figure 12.6). Some reported difficulties
in differentiating ICOE-G from PS144 may arise when
Differential diagnosis emphasis is unduly placed on individual symptoms that
The differential diagnosis of ICOE-G is mainly may overlap, rather than on a comprehensive synthetic
from cryptogenic or symptomatic occipital epilepsy, analysis of their quality, chronological sequence and
coeliac disease, migraine with aura, and basilar or other clustering features in the respective electro-clinical
acephalgic migraine where misdiagnosis is high.1,131 phenotypes, which is the basis for precise differential
The differential diagnosis from migraine should diagnosis in clinical practice. If any other diagnostic
be easy if all clinical elements are properly assessed approach is followed, then even non-epileptic disorders
and synthesised (Table 4.4), as described on pages such as migraine with aura could be deemed as
125–130. overlapping with ICOE-G (visual hallucinations and
Basilar migraine with occipital spikes does not exist; headache), PS (lengthy duration and vomiting) or both
the relevant reports described cases with genuine (age, family history of epilepsies). It may be because of
ICOE-G (see Chapter 4, page 130) imitating basilar these limitations and the retrospective character of their
migraine.131,142 study that Taylor et al. (2008)144 found that only one of
Symptomatic occipital epilepsy often imitates their 16 patients was typical in all respects of PS and that
ICOE-G; neuro-ophthalmological examination and ICOE-G was as frequent as PS, which contrasts with all
brain imaging may be normal. Thus, high-resolution previous prospective studies cited in this chapter. Such
MRI is required to detect subtle lesions. a discrepancy may indicate that PS is still unrecognised
Occipital seizures of mitochondrial disorders, even by epileptologists and that the study does not
Lafora disease and coeliac disease143 should be con- represent the vast majority of typical PS. Further, the
sidered (for details, see Chapter 15).1 commonly quoted argument that PS is not essentially
different from ICOE-G, “considering that the younger
Differentiating ICOE-G from PS the children are, the less likely they are to describe visual
The differentiation here is straightforward and symptoms,” is not tenable: (i) more than two-thirds of
statistically validated.1 The seizures of ICOE-G are children with PS are older than 4 years and therefore
purely occipital and as such start and often end only able to describe their visual experiences and (ii) there is
with occipital lobe symptomatology. Further, seizures no difference in seizure presentation between younger
are mainly brief, frequent and diurnal. Rarely, seizures and older children with PS. A few patients with either PS
may be longer and also occur in sleep, but these are or rolandic epilepsy may later develop purely occipital
also fundamentally different to the rolandic epilepsy seizures as of ICOE-G. These cases are easy to diagnose
or the autonomic seizures and autonomic status and indicate the intimate links of these disorders within
epilepticus of PS (Table 12.2). Exceptionally, ictal the framework of BCSSS (page 365).
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 363

Prognosis patients with ICOE-G and control groups, patients’

performance scores for attention, memory and
The prognosis of ICOE-G is unclear, although intellectual functioning were lower.147
available data indicate that remission occurs in
50–60% of patients within 2–4 years of onset.
Seizures show a dramatically good response to Management
carbamazepine in more than 90% of patients.
In contrast to other phenotypes of the BCSSS,
However, 40–50% of patients may continue to
patients with ICOE-G often suffer from frequent
have visual seizures and infrequent secondarily
seizures and therefore medical treatment, mainly
GTCSs, particularly if they have not been appro-
with carbamazepine, is likely to be mandatory.1,131
priately treated with carbamazepine. Rarely, atypi-
Secondarily GTCSs are probably unavoidable with-
cal evolutions to epilepsy with continuous spikes
out medication.
and waves during slow-wave sleep and cognitive
A slow reduction in the dose of medication 2 or
deterioration have been reported.145 Also rarely,
3 years after the last visual or other minor or major
children with ICOE-G may manifest with typical
seizure should be advised, but if visual seizures
absence seizures, which usually appear after the
reappear, treatment should be restored. See details
onset of visual seizures.146
in the section on Management (page 368).
Although no significant differences were found
in basic neurophysiological functions between

Other phenotypes of BCSSS1

There are well-documented reports of children Clinical manifestations
suffering from benign childhood focal seizures with Seizures manifest with terror and screaming, auto-
clinico-EEG manifestations that cannot be classified nomic disturbances (pallor, sweating, abdominal
as typical cases of rolandic epilepsy, PS or ICOE-G. pain, salivation), chewing and other automatisms, mild
Their existence verifies the unified concept of BCSSS. impairment of consciousness and arrest of speech.
They may represent atypical presentations of the The predominant seizure symptom is sudden fear
recognised syndromes within the BCSSS. or terror:
This terror was expressed by the child starting to
Benign childhood seizures scream, to yell or to call his mother; he clung to her
or to anyone nearby or went to a corner of the room
with affective symptoms hiding his face in his hands. His terrorised expression
Benign childhood epilepsy with affective symp- was sometimes associated with either chewing or
toms29,148 is a rare clinical phenotype of the BCSSS swallowing movements, distressed laughter, arrest of
with features common in both PS (behavioural and speech with glottal noises, moans and salivation, or
autonomic symptoms) and rolandic epilepsy (arrest some kind of autonomic manifestation, such as pallor,
of speech and hypersalivation). sweating or abdominal pain, that the child expressed
by bringing his hands onto his abdomen and saying
Demographic data ‘It hurts me, it hurts me’. These phenomena were
Onset is between 2 and 9 years of age. Both sexes are associated with changes in awareness (loss of contact)
equally affected. Prevalence may be very low. that did not amount to complete unconsciousness.148
364 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The seizures are brief, lasting between 1 and 2 min, BCSSS. Defining features are EEG spikes in parietal
with a maximum duration of 10 min. regions, which are often elicited by tactile stimu-
Half the children have frequent (several times a day) lation. However, ESESs (see page 342)1,40–42,45,46,90
seizures from the onset of the disease, which may are not specific for any syndrome because they also
occur with the same semiology, whether awake or occur in 10–20% of children with rolandic seizures
asleep. Some children may have brief and infrequent (Figure 12.1),45 in a few patients with PS1,90 and in
nocturnal rolandic seizures at the same time as the children with no seizures.150
affective attacks. Generalised seizures do not occur. Clinically, patients suffer from versive seizures
of the head and body, often without impairment
Aetiology of consciousness. These are mainly diurnal and
This is probably a rare phenotype of BCSSS or may be infrequent. Multiple daily seizures and focal status
atypical presentations of PS and rolandic epilepsy. epilepticus are exceptional.
A fifth of patients have febrile seizures, and a family Remission usually occurs within 1 year of seizure
history of undefined types of epilepsy are common onset, but EEG abnormalities may persist for longer.

Diagnostic procedures Benign childhood focal

All tests, apart from the EEG, are normal.
seizures associated with
Electroencephalography29,148 frontal or midline spikes
The inter-ictal EEG shows high-amplitude functional
spikes located around the fronto- and parieto- Benign childhood focal seizures associated with fron-
temporal electrodes. These are exaggerated by sleep tal1,151,152 or midline spikes1,153 have been described
and may be associated with generalised discharges. and long follow-up reports have confirmed a benign
Ictal EEG discharges are localised to the frontotemporal, course, although no systematic studies have been
centrotemporal or parietal areas, or may be diffuse. published. However, it should be remembered that
They are stereotypical in each individual patient. EEG spike foci of various locations are also seen in
rolandic epilepsy and more commonly in PS. Midline
Prognosis spikes are more common in children than in adults
Remission occurs within 1 or 2 years of onset. At and they are not specific for any type of epilepsy.154,155
the active stage of the disease, behavioural problems Of six children with at least one EEG having only
may be prominent, but subside with the seizures. midline spikes, five had normal development with
The response to treatment is excellent. febrile seizures (one case), rolandic epilepsy (one
case), PS (one case), a single complex focal occipital
Management seizure (one case) or brief seizures with loss of
In the active phase of the disease and because of the consciousness only (one case). The only symptomatic
frequent seizures, anti-epileptic medication, mainly case had generalised convulsions.155
carbamazepine, may be needed.

Benign infantile focal

Benign childhood epilepsy with midline spikes
epilepsy with parietal and waves during sleep
spikes and frequent ESESs Benign infantile focal epilepsy with midline spikes
Benign childhood epilepsy with parietal spikes and and waves during sleep (or benign focal epilepsy
frequent ESESs40,45,149 may be another phenotype of in infants with central and vertex spikes and waves
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 365

during sleep) has been recently described as a new diurnal (but may also occur during sleep), they may
BCSSS.156–159 In terms of age, this is borderline occur in clusters and are generally infrequent (one
between benign infantile seizures of Watanabe- to three seizures per year). There is a strong family
Vigevano syndrome (page 365) and BCSSS. Age at history of undefined types of epileptic seizures, with
onset is in the first 3 years of life and both sexes benign epilepsies prevailing.
are equally affected. Infants are normal and all tests Inter-ictal EEG abnormalities are seen only in
other than the EEG are normal. Seizures consist NREM sleep and consist of small, mostly singular,
mainly of staring, motion arrest, facial cyanosis, loss midline spikes and waves.
of consciousness and stiffening of the arms. Clonic The prognosis is excellent, with remission of
convulsions and automatisms are rare. Duration seizures, normal development and normalisation of
of seizures is from 1 to 5 min. Seizures are mainly the EEG before the age of 4.

Benign childhood seizure

susceptibility syndrome: A unified concept
Benign childhood focal seizures with focal EEG with foci from other cortical areas or brief general-
sharp–slow-wave complexes are probably a group of ised discharges, and are exaggerated in sleep stages
syndromes of one nosological continuum.1,20,36,90 They I–IV. A normal EEG is rare and should prompt a
share common clinical and EEG characteristics. Seizures sleep EEG study. Similar EEG features, which resolve
are infrequent, usually nocturnal and remit within 1–3 with age, are found in normal school-age children
years of onset. Brief or prolonged seizures, even status (Table 12.1) and 1% of children who have had an
epilepticus, may be the only clinical event in the patient’s EEG for reasons other than seizures.
lifetime. Ictal autonomic manifestations, such as hyper- There is no justification for suggesting that all these
salivation, emesis, headache and ictal syncope, which syndromes differ merely because an ‘epileptogenic’
are unusual in other epileptic syndromes or in adults, focus is a little anterior or posterior, or lateral or medial
are frequent and may occasionally appear in isolation. to the centrotemporal regions. A unified concept of
The clinical and EEG characteristics of one syndrome benign childhood focal seizures is also suggested by the
may evolve into another or a child may simultaneously frequency of more than one type of benign childhood
develop features of another form of benign childhood focal seizures in an affected child, siblings or both.
focal seizures. In all probability, all these conditions are linked
Febrile seizures are common. Neurological and together by a common, genetically determined, mild
intellectual states are normal, but some children may and reversible, functional derangement of the matu-
experience mild and reversible neuropsychological rational process of the brain.1,36 This derangement is
problems during the active stage of the disorder. Brain often clinically silent and presents in more than 90%
imaging is normal. There are usually severe EEG with EEG sharp and slow waves that are age related.
abnormalities of spikes, which are disproportionate The remaining minority have infrequent focal
to the frequency of seizures. Epileptogenic foci, seizures with symptoms that are localisation and age
irrespective of their location, manifest as abundant, related and dependent. A few of these children, with
high-amplitude, sharp–slow-wave complexes which or without seizures, could also possibly have minor
occur mainly in clusters. They are often bilateral, and fully reversible neuropsychological symptoms
independent or synchronous, frequently combined that are rarely clinically overt and can be detected
366 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

only by formal neuropsychological testing. Finally, Febrile seizures and BCSSS

there may be a very small number of patients (<1%)
in whom this derangement of brain maturation may One of the most interesting aspects of benign chil-
be further derailed to a more aggressive condition dhood seizures is their striking age-related sequence.
with seizures, neuropsychological manifestations Benign neonatal and infantile seizures, febrile
and EEG abnormalities of various combinations seizures, rolandic epilepsy, PS and other clinical
and various degrees of severity, such as atypical phenotypes of BCSSS are specific to children and do
benign focal epilepsy of childhood, Landau–Kleffner not occur in adults. That children are particularly
syndrome and epilepsy with continuous spike-and- susceptible to seizures is well documented.
slow-wave during sleep (see Chapter 10). There are three main periods of age-related
My overall impression and appeal is that benign childhood susceptibility to benign seizures (Figure
childhood focal seizures, and their clinical and EEG 12.10):
manifestations and evolutions, need appropriate 1. Febrile, mainly generalised, convulsions first
prospective studies, such as those performed for appear in early childhood at a peak age of around
febrile seizures. 18–22 months.

Figure 12.10 Reproduced with permission from Panayiotopoulos (2002).90

Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 367

2. PS covers the intermediate period, occurring at of late childhood, brain epileptogenicity shrinks
a peak of 4 or 5 years, and presents with mainly to around the rolandic regions to produce the
autonomic seizures. distinctive clinical and EEG manifestations of the
3. Rolandic focal seizures occur in late childhood rolandic syndrome.
at a peak age of 7–8 years. These are incontrovertible facts about the develop-
It is probably beneficial to analyse this further, as it ing brain that have not yet been explored, and we
is likely to aid our understanding of the disordered should also consider the neonatal and early infantile
age-related maturational processes: periods, because they have their own peculiarities, as
t In the first or early period (febrile seizures), the indicated by the benign neonatal seizures that occur
brain is vulnerable to seizures that are triggered during the first few days of life, and the benign infan-
by fever and mainly present with convulsions tile focal seizures of Watanabe–Vigevano syndrome.
that are commonly generalised. This point is exemplified by reports of children
t The second or intermediate period (PS) consists with neonatal seizures who later developed rolandic
of spontaneous seizures that are often prolonged syndrome160 or PS.91 Maihara, et al160 described a
for hours and present principally with autonomic family with benign familial neonatal seizures in
and mainly emetic symptoms. which two siblings later developed rolandic seizures
t The third or late period (rolandic seizures) con- and EEG CTSs. Lada, et al91 reported an otherwise
sists of spontaneous focal sensorimotor seizures. normal boy who first had benign neonatal seizures,
These three periods of clinical seizure susceptibility and then two febrile seizures at the age of 18 months
also have peculiar EEG accompaniments. The EEG is and 3 years. This was followed by a nocturnal auto-
almost normal in the first period of febrile seizures, nomic seizure of PS with ictal vomiting and devi-
shows mainly posterior and multifocal spikes in the ation of the eyes at 6 years of age; the EEG showed
intermediate period of PS, and rolandic spikes in the occipital paroxysms. I have also described a boy
late period of rolandic seizures. who, at 8 weeks, had three focal seizures of right-
All these indicate that the brain in early childhood sided convulsions involving the face and upper limbs
has a low threshold to generalised convulsions (benign infantile seizures of the Watanabe–Vigevano
provoked by fever, with a relatively silent EEG spike syndrome). Subsequent EEGs were normal and treat-
capacity. Subsequently, the autonomic system, and ment was stopped at the age of 10 months. He was
in particular the emetic centres, become vulnerable, well until the age of 7 years when he started having
the seizure discharges may be self-sustained and the rolandic seizures and later developed epilepsy with
cortex exhibits a diffuse multifocal epileptogenicity, continuous spike-and-wave during sleep (Figures
which is unequally distributed and mainly affects 9.1 and 10.12). The brain MRI was normal (case
the posterior regions. Finally, in the third period 17.2 of Panayiotopoulos1).

Benign (isolated) focal seizures of adolescence

Benign (isolated) focal seizures of adolescence161–168 Considerations
constitute an idiopathic, short-lived and transient period
of seizure susceptibility during the second decade of life. on classification
The seizures are single or occur in a cluster of up to five Benign (isolated) focal seizures of adolescence may
seizures over 36 hours, never to occur again.168 be considered among ‘conditions with epileptic
368 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

seizures that do not require a diagnosis of epilepsy’.2 Diagnostic procedures

They are not an ILAE-recognised syndrome.
Laboratory tests and brain imaging are normal.
The EEG may show some minor, non-specific
Demographic data abnormalities with no spikes or focal slowing. In
a recent report, nine of 37 cases had functional
The seizures start and end within the second decade
of life with a peak onset at 13–15 years, and a 71.2% spikes,165 which is incompatible with this
male preponderance. They may account for between syndrome; these patients probably suffered from
7.5%169 and 22%164,168 of patients who have simple benign childhood focal seizures as described
focal seizures in the second decade of life. Around earlier.
200 cases have been described.162,164,165,170,171
Differential diagnosis
Clinical manifestations These patients are difficult to diagnose,
The syndrome manifests with a single seizure or a because there are no specific features at onset
cluster of two to five focal seizures. There are no to differentiate them from others with similar
epileptic events before or after this limited seizure clinical manifestations, but with different
period, which lasts for no more than 36 hours. The aetiologies, such as symptomatic or cryptogenic
physical and mental states of patients are normal. focal epilepsies. My practice is to investigate all
Motor seizures, usually without jacksonian mar- adolescents with onset of focal seizures using
ching, and somatosensory seizures are the most MRI and EEGs, which, if normal, would make
common types. Visual, vertiginous and autonomic the diagnosis of benign focal seizures of adoles-
symptoms are reported in a fifth of cases. Temporal cence more likely. A definitive diagnosis cannot
lobe seizures almost never occur, and most of the be made until the patient has been free of seizures
seizures are diurnal (87%). for 1–5 years.162,164
The teenager is fully aware and can give a reliable
account of the onset of the clinical manifestations Prognosis and management
(simple focal seizures) in the majority of episodes
(88%). However, consciousness rarely remains intact The prognosis is excellent and no drug treatment
throughout the whole event; the seizures usually is required because only one or a cluster of two to
evolve to impaired cognition and/or secondarily five focal seizures (which cannot be predicted) occur
GTCSs, which occur in half the cases. within 36 hours.

Management of benign childhood focal seizures

Short- and long-term treatment strategies of benign therapies, continuous anti-epileptic medication is not
childhood focal seizures are empirical.20 Current recommended for children who have had only one or
practice parameter guidelines for febrile seizures,172,173 brief seizures. Most clinicians treat recurrent seizures
if appropriately modified, may be the basis for similar with carbamazepine, but in exceptional cases this
guidelines in benign childhood focal seizures.20,90 may worsen seizures. Lengthy convulsive seizures are
Based on the risks and benefits of the effective a medical emergency; rectal or buccal benzodiazepam
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 369

is prescribed for home administration. Recurrent and AEDs may be effective in preventing a recurrence. There
lengthy seizures create anxiety in parents and patients is no convincing evidence, however, that any therapy
and, as such, appropriate education and emotional will alleviate the possibility of recurrences. In deciding
support should be provided. management for a child with benign childhood focal
seizures, the following should be considered:
t Most children have an excellent prognosis: about
Acute management of a 10–30% of patients may have only a single
child with prolonged seizures seizure, and seizures may be infrequent (usually
2–10) in 60–70%. However, 10–20% of patients
Control of the seizure is paramount. On the rare
may have frequent seizures, which are sometimes
occasions that the child is febrile, treatment of any
resistant to treatment.
fever and the underlying illness is also important.
t Remission of benign childhood focal seizures
Autonomic status epilepticus needs thorough
is expected in all patients by the age of 15, or
evaluation for proper diagnosis and assessment
16 years at the latest.
of the neurological/autonomic state of the child.
t The possibility of future epilepsy is a most
Aggressive treatment should be avoided because
unlikely event and probably not higher than that
of the risk of iatrogenic complications, including
cardiorespiratory arrest.8,10 in the general population.
t There is no evidence that the long-term prognosis
Long-lasting convulsive seizures (>10 min) or
convulsive status epilepticus (>30 min to hours), is worse in untreated children, although they may
although rare, constitute a genuine paediatric not be protected against seizure recurrences.
emergency that demands appropriate and vigorous t Some children become frightened, even by simple
treatment (see treatment of status epilepticusin focal seizures, and some parents are unable to
Chapter 3). Benzodiazepines, in intravenous, rectal cope with the possibility of another fit despite
or buccal preparations, are commonly used to firm reassurances.
terminate status epilepticus. t Persistence and frequency of EEG functional
Early parental intervention is more effective than spikes do not predict clinical severity, frequency
late emergency treatment. or degree of liability to recurrent seizures.
Continuous prophylaxis consists of daily
monotherapy using any AED that has proven
Prophylactic AED treatment efficacy in focal seizures and minimal adverse
of benign childhood focal effects in children. The 2006 ILAE treatment
guidelines found that ‘no AED had level A or level
seizures B efficacy and effectiveness evidence as initial
Continuous AED treatment is not usually recom- monotherapy’ in rolandic epilepsy.174 Of older AED
mended. Although there are effective therapies that most authorities prefer carbamazepine in USA175
could prevent the occurrence of additional seizures, and valproate in Europe,176 though these may have
the potential adverse effects of such therapy are not equivalent efficacy with phenobarbital, phenytoin
commensurate with the benefit. The great majority and clonazepam;17,84 carbamazepine may exaggerate
of children with benign focal seizures do not need seizures in a minority of children with BCSSS
AED treatment even if they have lengthy seizures or including PS177 and valproate is associated with
more than two recurrences. The risks are small and significant ADRs. Recently, sulthiame (available only
the potential side effects of drugs appear to outweigh in a few countries) has been revived as an excellent
the benefits. drug for the treatment of rolandic epilepsy with EEG
In patients with recurrent seizures and/or when parental normalisation178–180 but this may be associated with
anxiety associated with seizures is severe, small doses of cognitive abnormalities.181 Recommended newer
370 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

AED include levetiracetam,76–78,182,183 oxcarbazepine77 are young and inexperienced and often think that
and gabapentin.184 Lamotrigine is also used175 though their child is dead or dying.187
this drug have been associated in a few reports with In my study of parental attitude and reaction in
seizure exacerbation and cognitive deterioration in benign childhood focal seizures and particularly PS,187
rolandic epilepsy.79–81,185 the most common fears and expressions were:
I thought he/she was dying, choking, asphyxiated,
electrocuted, never to come around again.
Stopping medication
I thought he had a stroke.
Strategies of withdrawing medication differ among
I was terrified, petrified.
experts, although all agree that there is no need to
continue medication 1–3 years after the last seizure The doctor told me that because the seizure was longer
and certainly not after age 14 when most benign than half an hour this may affect his brain and that time
childhood focal seizures remit, or age 16, when they will tell.
are practically non-existent. My practice is to start We sleep with our daughter in between us on a large
the gradual withdrawal of medication 2 years after bed, and we keep an eye on her as she enters and exits
the last seizure, making sure that the child does not sleep.
have any minor seizures.
The following are the most dominant points emer-
However, I do not adhere to fixed rules and may
ging from that study:187
continue medication until age 13–15 years depending
t Uncertainty of what this event was: Most parents
on the severity, frequency and age at onset of seizures.
felt uncertain about what had happened and
Thus, in a child with frequent, severe and difficult-
that they were not given sufficient information
to-control fits in early childhood, I would not stop
or reassurance; some were told that the child
medication if the child had a seizure-free period of 2
had not had a seizure. Initially, some children
or 3 years by age 7. Conversely, for a child who had were diagnosed as having encephalitis, atypical
three or four nocturnal seizures at age 11 and 12, I migraine, fainting, gastroenteritis or motion sick-
would slowly discontinue medication after a 2-year ness. Some parents of children with recurrent
seizure-free period. I advise very slow withdrawal, seizures found the correct diagnosis through
reducing the dose in monthly steps until complete their own research on the internet and in medical
discontinuation. I follow this procedure because I literature.
expect that any possible seizure recurrence during the t Anxiety about what caused the event: This was
process of very slow drug withdrawal would manifest often associated with a feeling of guilt – of
with mild, brief and simple focal seizures with no parental acts directly associated with the event
secondarily GTCSs. In the case of phenobarbital and (child relatively unattended, preceding parental
benzodiazepines, slow withdrawal of medication is arguments, child involved in leisure activity
mandatory to avoid risking withdrawal seizures. that may have caused the attack), heredity or
with previous events in the child’s development
(birth, trauma, illness, family history of illness).
Parental attitude t The effect of the seizure in the child’s development: ‘Is
and education this going to affect his or her brain?’ The majority
of parents were reassured that one brief seizure
By Thalia Valeta would not affect the child’s development. How-
Benign childhood focal seizures, like febrile ever, some parents of children with lengthy sei-
convulsions,186 despite their excellent prognosis, are zures were left with the impression that because
usually a dramatic experience for those parents who the seizure was prolonged, it may have had some
Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes 371

adverse effect on the child and that only ‘time Parents of young children should be given general
will tell’. information about benign childhood focal seizures
t Lack of advice regarding relapses: No specific and, in particular, PS, in which seizures may last
advice was provided about the possibility of for many hours, and which is compounded by
relapses and what the parents should do if such physicians’ uncertainty over diagnoses, management
a seizure recurred. and prognosis. Parents who have watched their
These results indicate that there is a need for child during a fit need specific information and
supportive family management, education and psychological support to overcome anxiety and
specific instructions about emergency procedures panic. Anxiety may result in overprotection,
for possible subsequent seizures. Demonstrations which interferes with parent–child separation and
of first aid practices for seizures are necessary. independence.187,188

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generalised epilepsies
The idiopathic generalised epilepsies (IGEs) consti- Treatment of IGEs with older11 and newer12 anti-
tute nearly a third of all epilepsies.1 They are epileptic drugs (AEDs) is demanding. There are two
genetically determined and affect otherwise healthy main reasons for this. First, some AEDs of benefit
people of both sexes and all races.2 IGEs manifest with in focal epilepsies are contraindicated in the IGEs.13
typical absences, myoclonic jerks and generalised Second, efficacy of AEDs differs even within seizures
tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs), alone or in varying of IGEs. IGEs usually respond well to appropriate
combinations and severity (see Chapter 2 for details AEDs, but treatment is often life-long. Advice
of seizures).3 Seizure-precipitating factors and regarding circadian distribution, lifestyle and seizure
photosensitivity are common.4 Most seizures occur precipitants is as important as drug treatment.14
on awakening, particularly after sleep deprivation. Avoidance of precipitating factors and adherence to
Absence status epilepticus is frequent (see Chapter 3 long-term medication is essential to avoid seizures.
for details).5 Syndromes of IGE usually start in Children and women with IGEs merit special
childhood or adolescence, but some have an adult concern and management. The fact that nearly half
onset.6,7 They are generally life-long, although a few of patients with IGEs are currently taking ‘ill-advised
are age-related. AED’ medication15,16 is a grave problem that needs to
The diagnosis of IGE is usually easy, although IGEs be addressed.17 Misdiagnosis and inappropriate AED
are frequently misdiagnosed as non-epileptic or as treatment are confounding factors accounting for
other focal and symptomatic epileptic disorders.8,9 avoidable intractability, morbidity and sometimes
The EEG is the most sensitive test in the diagnosis mortality.
and confirmation of IGE.10 The EEG shows The IGEs have been extensively reviewed in a recent
expert multi-authored supplement of Epilepsia,18
generalised polyspike–wave discharges (GPSWD)
including a thorough historical account by the
and/or generalised spike–wave discharges (GSWD),
outgoing President of the ILAE, Peter Wolf.19
either ictally or inter-ictally. These discharges are
frequently precipitated by hyperventilation, sleep
deprivation and intermittent photic stimulation Considerations
(IPS). Inconspicuous clinical manifestations become
apparent on video-EEG and with breath counting on classification
during hyperventilation. The EEG is unlikely to be The classification of IGE is controversial. There are
normal in untreated patients. In suspected cases two schools of thought with diversely opposing
with a normal, routine awake EEG, an EEG during views:
sleep and awakening should be obtained. Molecular 1. IGE is one disease.
genetic analyses have led to important breakthroughs 2. IGE comprises many distinct syndromes.
in the identification of candidate genes and loci; In practical terms the view that ‘IGE is one disease’
genetic heterogeneity is common.2 would be an overall easy clinical diagnostic approach,

378 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

but this would discourage diagnostic precision. The On the surface, syndromes of IGE may look alike
view that ‘IGE comprises many distinct syndromes’ if their clinico-EEG manifestations are not prop-
would be more demanding diagnostically, sometimes erly analysed. For example, juvenile myoclonic
requiring exhaustive clinical and video-EEG data, but epilepsy (JME) and juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE)
this is often a price that we have to pay as physicians in both manifest with absences, myoclonic jerks and
pursuing accurate diagnosis, which is the golden rule GTCSs. However, severe absences are the main and
in medicine. This view also (1) satisfies ‘maximum the most disturbing seizure type in JAE; myoclonic
practical application to differential diagnosis’, which jerks may not occur or may be randomly distributed.
is a main reason for reorganising the classification Conversely, myoclonic jerks on awakening are the
of epileptic syndromes, and (2) takes advantage of defining symptom of JME; absences are mild and
‘significant advances in our understanding’ of IGEs, occur in only a third of patients. In addition, video-
which constitute a third of ‘epilepsy’. EEG studies have documented that the clinico-
Along these lines there is no justification for EEG features of typical absence seizures (TAS) are
the proposed unification of ‘IGEs with onset in syndrome-related.22,23 Unifying all TAS as a single
adolescence’.20 The major conceptual problem in this type is of no benefit to any cause.
proposition is that it takes ‘age at onset-adolescence’ In genetic terms, animal studies have documented
as the most significant, almost defining factor, which numerous syndromes of IGEs24 and this is likely to
is at variance with the definition of a syndrome.21 also be the case in humans,23 where new genetic
Furthermore, the same IGE syndrome may start in technologies are rapidly identifying specific genes
childhood, adolescence and occasionally adult life.21 responsible for IGEs.

Syndromes of IGE recognised by the ILAE

The following are IGEs as listed in the new ILAE t epilepsy with myoclonic absences (MAE)
classification scheme25 in accordance with the age at t childhood absence epilepsy (CAE)
onset (Table 5.2): t IGEs with variable phenotypes
t benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (see – juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE)
Chapter 9) – juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME)
t epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (EFS+; see – epilepsy with GTCSs only
Chapter 9) Video-EEG documentation of many patients with
t epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures these syndromes can be found in the companion CD
(EM-AS) of references.23,26

Epilepsy with myoclonic–astatic seizures

Synonym: EM-AS, Doose syndrome. and exclusion criteria (Table 13.1). Its characteristic
EM-AS23,27–36 is considered as an IGE in the new symptom, myoclonic–astatic seizures, is shared
ILAE diagnostic scheme.25 The diagnosis of this by many other childhood syndromes, particularly
syndrome requires careful application of inclusion epileptic encephalopathies.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 379

Diagnostic criteria for idiopathic EM-AS29,30

Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
t %

Table 13.1

Considerations epileptic syndromes and particularly the epileptic

encephalopathies, which may manifest with
on classification myoclonic–astatic seizures. This particularly refers
The new ILAE Task Force considers EM-AS as an to Dravet syndrome, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and
IGE,25 a view which is similar to that of Doose:29 atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood. Cases
of benign and severe myoclonic epilepsy in infants
EM-AS belongs to the epilepsies with primarily
may have been included in EM-AS.29 Other myo-
generalised seizures and thus stands in one line with
clonic epilepsies with brief seizures reported as inter-
absence epilepsies, JME, as well as the infantile and
mediate cases between EM-AS and Lennox–Gastaut
juvenile idiopathic epilepsy with GTCS. Like these
syndrome probably prove this point.37
types of epilepsy, EM-AS is polygenically determined
However, it is generally accepted that some
with little non-genetic variability. The disease is
children with myoclonic–astatic seizures are other-
characterised by the following criteria: genetic
wise normal with no discernible causes other than
predisposition (high incidence of seizures and/or
a strong genetic epileptic background and these
genetic EEG patterns in relatives); mostly normal
probably represent the genuine, idiopathic syndrome
development and no neurological deficits before onset;
of EM-AS (of Doose syndrome to distinguish them
primarily generalised myoclonic, astatic or myoclonic–
from symptomatic or cryptogenic epilepsies with
astatic seizures, short absences and mostly GTCSs; no
myoclonic–astatic seizures). Kaminska, et al. (1999)38
tonic seizures or tonic drop attacks during daytime found evidence that EM-AS is distinct from Lennox–
(except for some rare cases with a most unfavourable Gastaut syndrome, ‘and the distinction appears from
course); generalised EEG patterns (spikes and waves, the first year of the disorder’.
photosensitivity, 4–7 Hz rhythms), no multifocal EEG- Another important point to remember is that
abnormalities (but often pseudofoci). this syndrome mainly manifests with myoclonic–
Doose (1992)29 on EM-AS atonic seizures and these are not synonymous with
This contrasts markedly with the previous myoclonic–astatic seizures (see Chapter 2, page 49).
classification of 1989 where EM-AS was listed as a
‘cryptogenic/symptomatic’ generalised epilepsy in
the same group of disorders as that of the Lennox–
Demographic data
Gastaut syndrome.21 Prevalence may be about 1% to 2% of all childhood
The problem may reflect a lack of specific diag- epilepsies; two-thirds are boys. Onset is between
nostic criteria and undefined boundaries of certain 7 months and 6 years (peak 2–4 years).
380 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Clinical manifestations like fall. The patient collapses on the floor irresis-
tibly. In brief and milder attacks there is only head
EM-AS is characterised by myoclonic–astatic seizures nodding or bending of the knees.
that often occur together with atonic, myoclonic Myoclonic jerks precede or less often intersperse with
and absence seizures; myoclonic–astatic status the atonic manifestations (Figure 13.1).
epilepticus is common. Absence seizures alone without clinical symptoms,
Children are normal prior to the onset of seizures. other than impairment of consciousness, are excep-
In two-thirds, febrile and afebrile GTCSs appear tional. However, more than half of the cases have
first, several months prior to the onset of myoclonic– brief absence seizures often together with myoclonic
astatic seizures. jerks, facial myoclonias and atonic manifestations.
Myoclonic–astatic (in fact, myoclonic–atonic) seizures Tonic seizures are an exclusion criterion.
are the defining symptoms (100% of the cases).29 Non-convulsive status epilepticus (myoclonic–atonic
These manifest with symmetrical myoclonic jerks status epilepticus) lasting for hours or even days
immediately followed by loss of muscle tone (post- (Figure 13.2) is common, affecting a third of patients.
myoclonic atonia; Figure 13.1). This manifests with varying degrees of usually severe
In addition, atonic and absence seizures occur cognitive impairment or cloudiness of consciousness
frequently, sometimes many times per day in the interspersed with repetitive myoclonic and atonic
active period of the disease. fits. Facial myoclonus of eyelids and mouth may
Atonic seizures of sudden, brief and severe loss of be continuous, together with irregular jerks of the
postural tone may involve the whole body or only limbs and atonic seizures of head nodding or falls.
the head. Attacks are brief, 1–4 s and frequent. Myoclonic–atonic status epilepticus may occur
Generalised loss of postural tone causes a lightning- several times during a period of 1 or 2 years.

Boy aged 6 with myoclonic–astatic epilepsy





1 sec

Figure 13.1 Samples from video-EEG of a 6-year-old normal boy with EM-AS. The background activity was normal but there
were frequent (at least every 10 s) 3–6 Hz GPSWD with anterior maximum. They were brief for 1–4 s. These were frequently
associated with single jerks of mainly the shoulders but also, on other occasions, of the thumb or eyelids. The jerks occurred
simultaneously with the first or the second polyspike–wave complex of the discharges. Some jerks were followed by atonic
attacks. The EEG also showed brief (<0.5 s) abortive 1.5 Hz GPSWD with anterior maximum and an alternating but not
consistent side emphasis. There were no clinical manifestations. The paroxysmal discharges occurred with eyes opened and
closed, spontaneously and during overbreathing. IPS did not evoke photoparoxysmal responses.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 381

Boy aged 8 in myoclonic–astatic status epilepticus













'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

˜7 Sleep
1 sec

'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 

˜7 ˜7
1 sec
1 sec

Figure 13.2 Samples of video-EEG of a boy in myoclonic–astatic status epilepticus. (A) The EEG showed electrical status
epilepticus during wakefulness and sleep. This consisted of nearly continuous 2.5–3 Hz GPSWD. This pattern occasionally
alternated with relatively normal background activity lasting <30 s. The main clinical manifestations were frequent facial subtle
myoclonias (eyelid fluttering, upwards deviation of the eyes with spontaneous eye opening associated with fast eyelid fluttering,
subtle facial twitches) and a few massive myoclonic jerks occasionally with some atonic components. Clinically, there was no
apparent impairment of consciousness. (B) Details of the EEG shown in (A) (note calibration: higher sensitivity and faster speed).
(C) The video-EEG 1 month later was normal during wakefulness with a few myoclonic jerks only during sleep.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Aetiology Differential diagnosis

EM-AS may be genetically determined in a multifactorial Differential diagnosis of EM-AS is mainly between
polygenic fashion with variable penetrance.27,29,34 A benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy, Dravet
third of patients have familial seizure disorders and syndrome, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and late-onset
mainly IGEs.27,29,34 Of significant interest are the clinical West syndrome. In general, children with EM-AS are
and molecular studies of EFS+, where myoclonic– normal prior to the development of seizures, have
atonic seizures are common (see page 265).31 EFS+ a strong family history of IGE, and the background
has strong genetic links with Dravet syndrome (see EEG and brain imaging are normal.
page 266). However, mutations in the SCN1A gene are
rarely found in patients with EM–AS.31,38 Diagnostic tips


By definition all tests other than EEG are normal.

Inter-ictal EEG may be normal at the stage of febrile
or afebrile GTCSs. Rhythmic theta activity in the
parasagittal regions may be the only significant Progressive myoclonic epilepsies, such as myoclonic
abnormality. Subsequently, when myoclonic–atonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres, Lafora and
seizures appear, there are frequent clusters of 2 or Unverricht disease, may initially imitate EM-AS.
3 Hz GPSWD interrupted by high-amplitude slow However, their associated relevant neurological
waves in cases with predominant atonic or myo- abnormalities and, often, their relentless progres-
clonic–atonic seizures. In children with predomi- sion and deterioration will establish the diagnosis
nantly myoclonic seizures, paroxysms of irregular (see Chapter 17).
spikes or polyspike–wave complexes prevail. Atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood (see
The ictal EEG of myoclonic and atonic seizures Chapter 10) may also imitate EM-AS, because of
manifests with discharges of irregular spike–wave or repeated falls, absences and diffuse slow-spike–wave
polyspike–wave complexes at a frequency of 2.5–3 Hz activity mainly in the sleep EEG. The main differen-
or more (Figures 13.1 and 13.2). Atonia is usually tiating point is that these children also have nocturnal
concurrent with the slow wave of a single or polyspike– focal seizures similar to the rolandic seizures that
wave complex, and the intensity of the atonia is are often the presenting symptom. Also, the EEG
proportional to the amplitude of the slow wave. Drop shows centrotemporal and other functional spikes
attacks are associated with diffuse electromyography in various locations.
(EMG) paucity indicating their true atonic nature.30 Atypical evolutions of rolandic epilepsy41,42 and
The myoclonus of EM-AS appears to be a primarily Panayiotopoulos syndrome43,44 may present with sim-
generalised epileptic phenomenon, which differs from ilar features as EM-AS, but these follow the typical
that of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome,40 which originates presentations of these syndromes (see Chapter 12).
from the frontal cortex spreading to contralateral and A similar, but reversible, clinico-EEG condition may
ipsilateral cortical areas. be induced by carbamazepine,45 oxcarbazepine46 and
In myoclonic–atonic status epilepticus, the EEG lamotrigine47 in a few children with rolandic seizures
shows continuous or discontinuous and repetitive or Panayiotopoulos syndrome.48 This possibility
2–3 Hz GPSWD (Figure 13.2). should be considered in children with benign focal
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 383

seizures and dramatic deterioration after treatment function, dysarthria and poor language development
with these AEDs. may emerge.
Children with ‘epilepsy with continuous spike-and-
wave during sleep’ (see Chapter 10) may also have
drop attacks due to atypical absences or negative Management
myoclonus. Drug therapy is dictated by the type of seizure.
Non-epileptic myoclonus may rarely raise a diagnostic Valproate, which is effective in myoclonic jerks,
problem with EM-AS. atonic seizures and absences, is the most efficacious
of the AEDs. Add-on small doses of lamotrigine have
a beneficial pharmacodynamic interaction with val-
Prognosis proate. Topiramate reduces the frequency of atonic
Prognosis is unclear, probably because of different seizures49 and levetiracetam may be an effective
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Half of patients therapeutic option.12,50
achieve a seizure-free state and normal or near- In resistant cases, ketogenic diet, alone51 or followed
normal development. These may correspond to the by adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and etho-
idiopathic form of EM-AS (of Doose syndrome). suximide, have been found to be highly beneficial.52
Spontaneous remission with normal development Benzodiazepines, acetazolamide, sulthiame and even
has been observed in a few untreated cases but bromides are also used.
these may belong to myoclonic epilepsy in infancy. Carbamazepine, phenytoin and vigabatrin are
The others, probably belonging to symptomatic or contraindicated (Table 13.7).
cryptogenic cases or other syndromes continue with In myoclonic–atonic status epilepticus, intravenous
seizures, severe impairment of cognitive functions benzodiazepines are often efficacious, but may, rarely,
and behavioural abnormalities. Ataxia, poor motor precipitate tonic status epilepticus.

Childhood absence epilepsy

CAE23,53,54 is the prototype IGE of typical absence characterised by very frequent (several to many per
seizures (TAS).55 It is genetically determined, age day) absences. The EEG reveals bilateral, synchronous
related and affects otherwise normal children. symmetrical spike–waves, usually 3 Hz, on a normal
Table 13.2 lists inclusion and exclusion criteria. background activity. During adolescence, GTCSs often
develop. Otherwise, absences may remit or more rarely,
persist as the only seizure type.21
Considerations The new ILAE reports initially classified CAE
on classification as an IGE,25 but later simply listed it among other
syndromes of childhood (Table 5.2).56
The ILAE Commission of 198921 defines CAE by age
The ILAE definition21 is very broad and requires
at onset and the frequency of absences:
revision.55 Otherwise, any type of frequent absence
CAE (pyknolepsy) occurs in children of school age seizures occurring in childhood would be errone-
(peak manifestation age 6–7 years), with a strong ously equated with CAE. Because of this ambi-
genetic predisposition in otherwise normal children. guity, the epidemiology, genetics, age at onset,
It appears more frequently in girls than in boys. It is clinical manifestations, other types of seizure,
384 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for CAE

Inclusion criteria for CAE

t #
t &

Exclusion criteria for CAE

t &
t #

Table 13.2 Reproduced from Loiseau and Panayiotopoulos.54

long-term prognosis and the treatment of CAE that t ictal EEG with bilateral, synchronous and sym-
are reviewed in this chapter may not accurately metrical 3 Hz GSWD, on a normal background
reflect the syndrome of CAE. It is also because of activity (that presumably excludes fragmented,
this ambiguity that some authors: (1) have divided asymmetrical and asynchronous 3–5 Hz GSWD
patients with childhood-onset absence seizures into with intra-discharge variations)
‘sub-syndromes’, including those who remit, those t GTCSs accepted only if they develop later in
who persist into adolescence and develop GTCSs, adolescence.
and those who develop both GTCSs and myoclonic Also, the ILAE Commission (1989),21 by accepting
seizures during adolescence;57 and (2) consider that ‘epilepsy with myoclonic absences’ as a separate
CAE ‘evolves’ into JAE or JME.58 syndrome, differentiates myoclonic absences from
The inclusion and exclusion criteria of Table 13.2 typical absences of CAE. It is along this line that
proposed by Loiseau and Panayiotopoulos54 for CAE eyelid myoclonia (which is a predominantly myo-
should not be taken as an extreme position. They clonic and less of an absence syndrome) is counted as
do not differ significantly from the ILAE (1989)21 an exclusion criterion. Whether, perioral myoclonia
criteria of CAE with: or single violent jerks during the ictus of an absence
t age at onset in childhood seizure is an exclusion criterion may be debatable.
t very frequent (several to many per day) However, their presence indicates a worse prognosis
absences, presumably with severe impairment of (see relevant syndromes). The same applies to
consciousness polyspikes (more than three spikes per wave), which
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 385

also indicate a bad prognosis,57,59 or the coexistence of consciousness is not stated. Impairment of
of myoclonic jerks or GTCSs.22 consciousness (absence) is a prerequisite of any
Furthermore, by accepting ‘typical absence seizures definition of TAS. This may be associated with
consistently provoked by specific stimuli’ as a other clinical symptoms (myoclonic, atonic,
specific type of reflex seizures, the ILAE Commission clonic, autonomic), but these do not constitute
(1989)21 indicates that these may be a separate group TAS without clinically detectable impairment of
from CAE. consciousness.
A recent report on CAE60 well reflects the misunder- t The diagnostic criteria for CAE applied in
standing surrounding this syndrome (Table 13.3). It the report are clearly different, not only from
is used here as an example to emphasise the points those in Table 13.2, but also from the 1989
made in this chapter and for the differentiation of ILAE definition;21 the age range was lowered to
IGEs with absence seizures in general:55 include children as young as 2 or 3 years old and
t The report defines TAS ‘as a clinical change the seizure frequency was broadened to include
associated with generalised spike-and-slow-wave ‘daily’ absences, but not ‘several per day’ (i.e.
activity or multiple-spike-and-slow-wave activity pyknolepsy).
with a frequency of >2.5Hz at onset’. Whether t No follow-up is provided despite the original
this clinical change always involved impairment presentation of the patients between 1992 and

Electroclinical features of a heterogeneous group of children thought to have CAE60

Electroclinical features* No. of Epileptic syndromes Exclusion

patients that these features are criterion of CAE?
more likely to manifest

$ /
% .
& 1

Table 13.3 *The electroclinical features listed were used by Sadleir, et al60 to define CAE. †Onset of absences (first 1 or 2 s)
used by the authors for the measurement of the frequency of spike–wave discharges is usually unreliable to make this and
other assessments because of variable clinical and EEG manifestations that do not persist in the remainder of the ictal
discharge (Figure 13.3).22 The same patient may have different onsets of consecutive absences even within the same EEG.
Myoclonic jerks, disorganised discharges, more than three spikes per spike–wave complex and fast or slow spike–wave can
all occur in the first second of absence seizures in CAE. In accordance with well-documented video-EEG studies, JME is
likely to have features A, C, F and G; epilepsy with myoclonic absences (MAE) or perioral myoclonia with absences (PMA)
certainly have D; and eyelid myoclonia with absences (EMA) has A–G.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

1997. It is to be expected that most of them will Aetiology

now be in remission (as for ‘true’ CAE) or will
have developed the full features of other IGEs and Although CAE is genetically determined, the precise
conditions with absences starting in childhood, mode of inheritance and the genes involved remain
as suggested in Table 13.3.55 largely unidentified.2,63 In monozygotic twins, 84%
had 3 Hz GSWD and only 75% of pairs had clinical
absence seizures. These events occurred 16 times
Demographic data more often than in dizygotic twins.64
Recently, loci at various chromosomes (1p, 8q24,
Onset is between 4 and 10 years of age (peak at
5q31.1 and 19p13.2) have been identified in families
5–7 years). Two-thirds are girls. Prevalence is about
with absences of childhood onset (not necessarily
10% and annual incidence rate is approximately
equated with CAE). Furthermore, current evidence
7/100,000 of children with epileptic seizures
suggests that mutations in genes encoding GABA
younger than 15 or 16 years of age.
receptors65 or brain-expressed voltage-dependent
calcium channels66,67 may underlie CAE.
Clinical manifestations Acquired factors may play a facilitating role.

CAE manifests with the most classical example of

TAS.55,61 Absences are severe and frequent, with tens Diagnostic procedures
or hundreds per day (hence the term pyknolepsy).62
In typical cases, only EEG is needed.
They are of abrupt onset and abrupt termination
(Figure 13.3). Their duration varies from 4 to
20 s, although most of them last around 10 s.
Inter-ictal EEG in CAE has normal background, with
Clinically, the hallmark of the absence is abrupt,
frequent rhythmic posterior delta activity, which
brief and severe impairment of consciousness with
may be a good prognostic sign.68 Focal spikes are
unresponsiveness and interruption of the ongoing
voluntary activity, which is not restored during the
ictus. The eyes spontaneously open, overbreathing,
Diagnostic tips
speech and other voluntary activity stops within the
first 3 s from the onset of the ictal electrical discharge. TAS of CAE are easy to diagnose
Automatisms occur in two-thirds of the seizures but and reproduce by hyperventilation
are not stereotyped. The eyes stare or move slowly. "OZDIJMEXJUITVEEFO CSJFGBOEUSBOTJFOUDFTTBUJPOPG
and eyelids may feature in CAE in the first 1–3 s of BCTFODFTXJUIUIFIZQFSWFOUJMBUJPOUFTUBOEUIFFWFOUT
the absence. However, more severe and sustained TIPVMECFWJEFPSFDPSEFE4FFCMVFCPYPOQBHF
myoclonic jerks of facial muscles may indicate other
IGEs with absences. Ictal discharges consist of 3 Hz GSWD. Spikes are
The attack ends as abruptly as it has commenced, single, double or occasionally triple in the spike and
with sudden resumption of the pre-absence activity slow-wave complexes (Figure 13.3).22 The GSWD
as if it had not been interrupted. TAS are nearly are rhythmic at around 3 Hz (2.5–4 Hz), with a
invariably provoked by hyperventilation. gradual and regular slow down of the frequency by
Other seizures are not compatible with CAE. The only 0.5–1 Hz from the initial to the terminal phase of the
exception is febrile convulsions prior to the onset discharge. The opening phase of the discharge, 1 or
of absences and solitary or infrequent GTCSs long 2 s from the onset, is usually fast and unreliable for
after the onset of TAS (usually in adolescence after these measurements. There are no marked variations
absences have remitted). in the relation of spike to slow wave, no fluctuations
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 387

in the intradischarge frequency and certainly no perform the hyperventilation test as this will provoke an
fragmentations of the ictal discharges (Figure 13.3). absence in as many as 90% of those who suffer from it.
CAE is not synonymous with any type of absence
seizures starting in childhood. Therefore, other epilepsy
Differential diagnosis syndromes with absence seizures that may be life-long
CAE should be the easiest type of epileptic syndrome and have a worse prognosis should be meticulously
to diagnose because seizures have abrupt onset and differentiated from CAE.
termination, have daily frequency and are nearly Diagnosis should improve with heightened aware-
invariably provoked by hyperventilation. A child ness and video-EEG studies. Exclusion criteria for
suspected of typical absences should be asked to CAE are significant (Tables 13.2 and 13.3).

Video-EEG of an 8-year-old boy with classical CAE


'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 

1 sec

'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

˜7 1 sec

Figure 13.3 He was referred for an EEG because of ‘blanks and day dreaming’. The diagnosis had been overlooked despite
frequent absences for 2 years, which also interfered with his scholastic performance. The illustrated seizure had all the
characteristic features of typical absences in CAE. Initially there was some brief eyelid flickering in the opening phase of the
GSWD followed by opening of the eyes, eyes and head deviating upwards and to the right, and simultaneous cessation of
breath counting. He remained unresponsive during the rest of the GSWD. Counting was restored immediately after the end of
the GSWD. Note, the fast and asymmetrical onset of the GSWD in the opening phase during the first second. Subsequently,
the GSWD was entirely rhythmical and regular with abrupt termination to clinical and EEG normality.
388 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Automatisms have no significance in the diag- grey matter volumes of the left orbital frontal gyrus as
nosis. They should not be taken as evidence of com- well as both left and right temporal lobes compared to
plex focal seizures, which require entirely different children without epilepsy.72 Male gender and an earlier
management (Table 2.7). age of diagnosis may be associated with the need for
two medications for seizure control in CAE.73
Management 54,74,75
For myself I shall be well satisfied if I have made it appear
probable to you that there does exist a form of epilepsy in Monotherapy with either valproate or ethosuximide
children which is distinguishable by its clinical features controls absences in 80% of patients.75 Another
and in which the prognosis is always good. option is lamotrigine monotherapy, although this is
Adie (1924)62 on pyknolepsy (CAE) less effective with around half of patients becoming
seizure free.75–77
By applying strict criteria for diagnosis, the prognosis
If monotherapy fails or unacceptable adverse reac-
of CAE is excellent,54,61,70 as Adie had found.55 Remis-
tions appear, the used drug should be replaced by
sion occurs before the age of 12 years. Less than 10%
of the patients may develop infrequent or solitary another. Adding small doses of lamotrigine to valproate
GTCSs in adolescence or adult life. It is exceptional may be the best combination in resistant cases.
for patients to continue having absence seizures in There are anecdotal reports that children may
their adult life. not respond to syrup of valproate despite adequate
Poor social adjustment of patients with CAE has levels, but seizures stop if this is replaced with
been reported.61 A more recent report71 found that of tablets of valproate.75 Sometimes seizures stop only
69 children diagnosed but not necessarily suffering with maximum tolerated doses of valproate. It is
from genuine CAE, 25% of had subtle cognitive my experience that once seizure cessation has been
deficits, 43% linguistic difficulties, 61% a psychiatric achieved, valproate may be safely reduced to more
diagnosis, particularly attention deficit hyperactivity moderate doses without relapses.75
disorder and anxiety disorders, and 30% clinically Contraindicated drugs, either because they are inef-
relevant attention and somatic complaints, followed fective or make seizures worse, are carbamazepine,
by social and thought problems. Duration of illness, gabapentin, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbi-
seizure frequency, and AED treatment were related to tal, pregabalin, tiagabine and vigabatrin.
the severity of the cognitive, linguistic, and psychiatric Withdrawing anti-epileptic medication: in the pure form
comorbidities.71 The same authors in another report of CAE, drug therapy can be gradually withdrawn
found that brain MRI showed significantly smaller (over 3–6 months) after 2 or 3 years free of seizures.

Epilepsy with myoclonic absences

Epilepsy with myoclonic absences (MAE)78–82 is Considerations
a rare IGE syndrome of childhood that demands
scrupulous exclusion of other forms of symptomatic on classification
and cryptogenic cases manifesting with the same Myoclonic absences (the seizures) may feature
seizure (myoclonic absences). either in normal or neurologically and mentally
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 389

abnormal children.61,80–82 MAE was previously Diagnostic procedures

categorised among the ‘cryptogenic or symptomatic
generalised epilepsies and syndromes’.21 The By definition, in MAE all other tests but EEG should
new ILAE diagnostic scheme considers only the be normal. Brain MRI and chromosomal testing83 are
idiopathic form (Table 5.2),25 which probably needed for the detection of symptomatic cases.
represents less than a third of the whole spectrum Electroencephalography
of epileptic disorders manifesting with myoclonic Background EEG is usually normal at onset but may
absences. The others are symptomatic or probably deteriorate or be abnormal in symptomatic cases. In
symptomatic cases.21
half of cases, inter-ictal EEG shows brief, generalised,
focal or multifocal spike and slow wave.
Demographic data Ictal EEG shows rhythmic 3 Hz GPSWD even in
those with unilateral or asymmetrical clinical mani-
Onset varies from the first months of life to the early
festations (Figure 13.4). Polygraphic studies have
teens (peak 7 years). Boys predominate. MAE is very
revealed that each myoclonic jerk coincides with the
rare. I have seen only three cases over a period of
spike component of the discharge.80,82
15 years out of nearly 200 patients with video-EEG-
recorded TAS.22,23
Differential diagnosis
Clinical manifestations The differential diagnosis of MAE from other syndromes
The myoclonic absences are the defining symptom of with absences is easy because of the characteristic type of
MAE (Figure 13.4). These manifest with impairment myoclonic absences. The difficulty is between idiopathic
of consciousness, which varies from mild to severe, and symptomatic/cryptogenic cases that manifest
and rhythmic myoclonic jerks, mainly of the with the same seizure type (myoclonic absences).
shoulders, arms and legs, with a concomitant tonic Symptomatic cases often have an abnormal neurological
contraction. Eyelid twitching is practically absent but state, abnormal background EEG and abnormal brain
perioral myoclonias are frequent. The jerks and the MRI. Chromosomal abnormalities are common.83 Addi-
tonic contraction may be unilateral or asymmetrical tionally, absences with rhythmic myoclonic jerking but
and head/body unilateral deviation may be a constant less than 2.5 Hz GPSWD and other characteristics of
feature in some patients. The tonic contraction atypical absences may occur in epileptic encephalop-
mainly affects shoulder and deltoid muscles that athies,84,85 and these may account for some of the cases
may cause elevation of the arms. The duration of the with chromosomal abnormalities.83
absences varies from 8 to 60 s. Myoclonic absences
occur many times per day.
Absence status epilepticus is rare.
Other seizures, such as GTCSs or atonic fits, Nearly half of children with MAE have impaired cognitive
occur in two-thirds of patients, often predicting functioning prior to the onset of absences, but these are
an unfavourable prognosis (these are probably probably symptomatic cases. However, half of those
symptomatic cases). who were normal prior to the onset of absences develop
cognitive and behavioural impairment. This may mean a
deteriorating effect of the EEG discharges on cognition.
Myoclonic absences (the seizures, not the syndrome)
are due to idiopathic, cryptogenic or symptomatic
causes including chromosomal abnormalities.83 A Myoclonic absences are often resistant to treatment.
third are idiopathic and only these belong to this Half of patients (probably the symptomatic ones)
syndrome. continue having seizures in adult life, developing
390 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Samples from video-EEG of idiopathic and symptomatic myoclonic absence seizures


'Q  o ' 









1 sec


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




1 sec

Figure 13.4 (A) A video-EEG of a normal boy aged 8 years with myoclonic absences from age 6. The illustrated absence
occurred during hyperventilation with breath counting (annotated) and it was terminated with somatosensory stimuli by
tapping his shoulder (red arrow). Myoclonic absences were frequent, hundreds per day, and manifested with rhythmic
myoclonic jerks and unresponsiveness. Valproate failed to achieve control, but absences ceased completely when
ethosuximide was added to valproate at age 8. Medication was withdrawn at age 11. No further seizures occurred in
the next 8 years of follow-up and he is academically successful. (B) Girl aged 15 months with myoclonic absences due
to birth anoxia. Typical absence seizures started at 15 months of age. These were many per day, lasted for 8–10 s and
were characterised by synchronous and bilateral myoclonic jerks of limbs and head with apparent loss of consciousness.
Subsequently, she developed frequent, mainly nocturnal GTCSs, while myoclonic absences continued. These were
intractable to any appropriate medication. At age 14 years she has significant learning difficulties, spastic paraparesis and
numerous epileptic seizures. See video-EEG of these cases in the companion CD of The Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes
and Management.23
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 391

features of other types of epilepsy such as Lennox– ment. Treatment frequently requires high doses of
Gastaut syndrome or JME. valproate often combined with ethosuximide or
Early control of absences may prevent subsequent small doses of lamotrigine. Clonazepam and aceta-
cognitive deterioration and secure normal develop- zolamide may be used in polytherapy.

Juvenile absence epilepsy

Juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE) is an IGE syn- JAE as part of a broader syndrome of IGE in
drome21,25,86 mainly manifesting with severe adolescence. 20,25
TAS. Nearly all patients (80%) also suffer from The 1989 ILAE classification broadly defined JAE
GTCSs and a fifth from sporadic myoclonic by frequency of absences (less frequent than of
jerks.22,23,87,88 CAE) and age at onset (around puberty).21 These are
insufficient criteria for the categorisation of any syn-
drome.74 Thus, epidemiology, genetics, age at onset,
clinical manifestations, other types of seizure, long-
on classification term prognosis and treatment may not accurately
The ILAE Task Force has not yet reached reflect the syndrome of JAE. JAE can be accurately
definite conclusions regarding the definition of defined on a cluster of video-EEG-studied clinical
JAE, although there is a tendency to consider and EEG manifestations (Table 13.4).22,86

Main inclusion and exclusion criteria for JAE

Inclusion criteria for JAE


Exclusion criteria for JAE


Table 13.4
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Demographic data usually occur in the afternoon hours when the patient is
tired, rather than in the morning after awakening.86,93
Peak age at onset is 9–13 years (70% of patients) but range Absence status epilepticus is truly generalised non-
is from 5 to 20 years.86,88 Myoclonic jerks and GTCSs convulsive (without any type of jerks or convulsions)
usually begin 1–10 years after the onset of absences. and occurs in a fifth of patients.94
Rarely, GTCSs may precede the onset of absences.86,87
Both sexes are equally affected. Exact prevalence of JAE Seizure-precipitating factors
is not known because of variable criteria. In adults older Mental and psychological arousal is the main
than 20 years, prevalence of JAE may be around 2% or precipitating factor for typical absences. Conversely,
3% of all epilepsies and around 8–10% of IGE.89,90 sleep deprivation, fatigue, alcohol, excitement and
lights, alone or usually in combination, are the main
precipitating factors for GTCSs.
Clinical manifestations Some authors reported that 8% of JAE patients
Frequent and severe typical absences are the char- suffered from photosensitivity clinically or on EEG.87
acteristic and defining seizures of JAE (Figure 13.5). However, clinical photosensitivity, which is a consistent
The usual frequency of absences is approximately one provocation of seizures (absences, GTCSs or jerks), may
to ten per day but this may be much higher for some be incompatible with JAE. These patients may belong
patients.86–88 Nearly all patients also develop GTCSs and to other IGEs.86 EEG photosensitivity that is facilitation
a fifth of them also suffer from mild myoclonic jerks. of absences by IPS may not be uncommon.
Typical absences are severe and frequent, often daily, and
very similar to those of CAE, although they may be
milder. The hallmark of the absence is abrupt, brief and Aetiology
severe impairment of consciousness with total or partial JAE is determined by genetic factors but its mode
unresponsiveness. Mild or inconspicuous impairment of transmission and relation to other forms of IGE,
of consciousness is not compatible with JAE. The particularly CAE and JME, has not yet been established;
ongoing voluntary activity usually stops at onset but a single Mendelian mode appears to be unlikely.
may be partly restored during the ictus. Automatisms There is an increased incidence of epileptic disorders
are frequent, usually occurring 6–10 s after the onset of in families of patients with JAE and there are reports
the EEG discharge (Figure 13.6). In JAE, mild myoclonic of monozygotic twins with JAE.22,88,95 A proband with
elements of the eyelids are common during the absence. JAE was found in three of 37 families selected because
However, more severe and sustained myoclonic jerks of at least three members were affected by IGE in one
facial muscles may indicate another IGE with absences. or more generations.96 However, only one sibling also
Severe eyelid or perioral myoclonus, rhythmic limb had JAE, while other members mainly had GTCSs.96
jerking and single or arrhythmic myoclonic jerks of JAE may be linked to chromosome 8,97 21,98 1899 and
the head, trunk or limbs during the absence ictus are probably 5.99 Heterogeneity may be common. Autopsy100
probably incompatible with JAE. and MRI studies101 found microdysgenesis and other
Duration of the absences varies from 4 to 30 s but cerebral microstructural changes in patients with JAE.
it is usually long (about 16 s).
GTCSs are probably unavoidable in untreated patients.
GTCSs occur in 80% of patients, mainly after awak- Diagnostic procedures
ening, although nocturnal or diurnal GTCSs may also All but EEG tests are normal.
be experienced.86–89,91,92 GTCSs are usually infrequent
but they may also become severe and intractable. Electroencephalography
Myoclonic jerks occurring in 15–25% of the patients The EEG in untreated patients is abnormal with
are infrequent, mild and of random distribution. They absences easily elicited by hyperventilation (Figure
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 393

13.5). The background inter-ictal EEG is normal. Automatisms are equally prominent in both. Limb
Focal epileptiform abnormalities and abortive asym- myoclonic jerks (not during the absences) and/or GTCSs
metrical bursts of spikes/polyspikes are common. in the presence of severe absences, indicate JAE.
The ictal EEG shows 3–4 Hz GPSWD. The frequency JAE is distinctly different from Jeavons syndrome
at the initial phase of the discharge is usually fast of very brief seizures marked with rapid eyelid
(3–5 Hz). There is a gradual and smooth decline in myoclonia (Chapter 16), perioral myoclonia with
frequency from the initial to the terminal phase. The absences (PMA) of rhythmic perioral myoclonia
discharge is regular, with well-formed spikes and during the absence, and MAE of rhythmic myoclonic
polyspikes, which retain a constant relation with the jerks.
slow waves (Figure 13.5). In adolescents, the differential diagnosis should
not be difficult between JAE and JME (Table 13.5).
Severe absences are the major problem in JAE;
Differential diagnosis myoclonic jerks are the main seizure type in JME.
In general, and particularly in adults, absences Absences in JME are mild and often inconspicuous.
are often misdiagnosed as complex focal seizures,
although their differentiation is easy (Table 2.7).102
The differentiation of JAE from other IGEs with
absences may be more difficult without appropriate JAE is a life-long disorder although seizures can be
video-EEG evaluation.22,86 In children, it is often difficult controlled in 70–80% of patients. However, there is
to distinguish between CAE and JAE, because their a tendency for the absences to become less severe
features overlap and manifestations are similar. In JAE in terms of impairment of cognition, duration and
absences often start at a later age, usually they are less frequency with age and particularly after the fourth
frequent and impairment of cognition is less severe.22 decade of life. GTCSs are usually infrequent, often

Woman aged 26 with JAE and onset of absences from 11 years


'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

18 secs
1 sec

Figure 13.5 From video-EEG of a 26-year-old normal woman. She started having frequent (tens per day) typical absence seizures
with severe impairment of consciousness at age 11 years. At age 14 years she had her first GTCS. Since then, long absences of
20–30 s continue daily. Also she has three to five GTCSs every year, mainly in the morning after awakening. These are preceded
by clusters of absences. Occasionally, she also has random, infrequent and mild limb myoclonic jerks, which started at age 20.
Treatment with various appropriate anti-absence drugs resulted in minor improvement, but compliance varies.
394 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Key differences between JME and JAE

PDDVSJOBUIJSEPGQBUJFOUT and occur in all patients
GTCS 5IFZNBJOMZPDDVSBGUFSBTFSJFTPG They mainly occur independently or less
o)[(148% XIJDI -FOHUIZ oT

Table 13.5

precipitated by sleep deprivation, fatigue and alcohol (particularly if GTCS is the problem) or ethosuxi-
consumption. Myoclonic jerks, if present, are not mide (particularly if absences persist) may further
troublesome for the patient. A fifth of the patients improve or control the situation.
have frequent and sometimes intractable absences and Control of absences is usually (90%) associated
GTCSs, and this figure may be higher if appropriate with good control of GTCSs and it is adversely
treatment is not initiated at early stages of JAE. affected by the frequency and the duration of GTCSs
before starting valproate treatment.
Levetiracetam is formally indicated for GTCS
Management and myoclonic jerks of IGEs as documented
The treatment of IGE is detailed from page 411. In with RCTs.103,104 Recent evidence suggests that
JAE, the consensus is that, because of the frequent levetiracetam is also effective in absences seizures of
combination of absences and GTCSs, the drug of choice IGEs including juvenile absence epilepsy.105–108
is valproate, which controls all seizure types in 70–80% The role of other newer drugs such as topiramate
of the JAE patients. Lamotrigine, which controls absence and zonisamide has not been properly evaluated.
seizures and GTCSs in around 50–60% of patients, is Patients should be warned regarding precipitating
probably another good monotherapy option in cases, factors of GTCS.
for example in women, where valproate is unsuitable. Treatment may be life-long because attempts to
If monotherapy with valproate is partially effective, withdraw medication nearly invariably leads to
add-on treatment with small doses of lamotrigine relapses, even after many years free of seizures.

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

Synonym: JME, Janz syndrome. Demographic data
This syndrome is one of the most important IGEs
that is genetically determined.109–113 The frequent The triad of absences, jerks and GTCSs shows a
errors in its diagnosis and management are avoid- characteristic age-related onset. Absences, when a
able. feature, begin between the ages of 5 and 16 years.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 395

Myoclonic jerks follow 1–9 years later, usually about may be violent enough to cause falls. A fifth of patients
the age of 14 or 15 years. GTCSs normally appear a describe their jerks as unilateral, but video-EEG shows
few months later than the myoclonic jerks, although that the jerks affect both sides (Figure 13.6).115,117
they can occasionally appear earlier. Both sexes are Some patients (<10%) with mild forms of JME
equally affected. Prevalence is 8–10% among adult never develop GTCSs.112
and adolescent patients with epilepsies.1,23,112 Typical absence seizures: A third of patients have typi-
cal absences, which are brief with subtle impairment
of consciousness (Figures 13.7 and 13.8). They
Clinical manifestations are different from the absence seizures of CAE or
JME is characterised by: JAE.22,114,118
t myoclonic jerks on awakening Absences appearing before the age of 10 years
t GTCSs in nearly all patients may be more severe. They become less frequent and
t typical absences in more than a third of the severe with age.22,114,118
patients. A tenth of patients do not perceive absences, despite
GPSWD lasting for more than 3 s.112,118 However,
Lots of blanks and jerks; then I had a grand mal...
on video-EEG with breath counting during hyper-
I usually have fits when rushing after getting up; usually
ventilation, such EEG discharges often manifest with
does not happen later in the day.109
mild impairment of cognition, eyelid flickering or
Myoclonic jerks occurring after awakening are the most both (Figures 13.7 and 13.8).75
prominent and characteristic seizure type (see also GTCSs usually follow the onset of myoclonic
Chapter 2).11,112,114–117 They are shock-like, irregular jerks.111,112,114–116,119
and arrhythmic clonic movements of proximal and Myoclonic jerks, usually in clusters and often with
distal muscles mainly of the upper extremities. They are an accelerating frequency and severity may precede
often inconspicuous, restricted to the fingers, making a GTCS, a so-called clonic–tonic–clonic generalised
the patient prone to drop things or look clumsy. They seizure.115

Woman aged 33 with JME and erroneous treatment with carbamazepine

'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 


Figure 13.6 Samples from the video-EEG of a woman with JME but on erroneous AED treatment with carbamazepine. Violent
myoclonic jerks occur with generalised polyspike discharges (see also Figure 13.9 of the same patient).
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Video-EEG of two patients with JME

'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




1 sec


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




1 sec Stops 3FTVNFT Continues uninterruptedly

Figure 13.7 (A) GPSWD are not associated with apparent clinical manifestations (but these may have been revealed if breath
counting was performed during hyperventilation). (B) GPSWD are associated with mild impairment of cognition.
Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos, et al (1989).22

Status epilepticus: Myoclonic status epilepticus is Seizure-precipitating factors

probably more common than appreciated.112,120 This Sleep deprivation and fatigue, particularly after
almost invariably starts on awakening, often pre- excessive alcohol intake, are the most powerful
cipitated by sleep deprivation, or missing medication. precipitants of jerks and GTCSs in JME.
Consciousness may not be impaired, although in
Sleep deprivation means a late night followed by a
some patients absences are often interspersed with
brief sleep suddenly interrupted by either compulsory
myoclonic jerks (Figure 13.9).
early awakening in order to go to work or on a trip. An
Pure absence status epilepticus94 is very rare.
unscheduled telephone call early next morning may
Generalised tonic–clonic status epilepticus is infre-
frequently have disastrous effects.
quent. For further details on status epilepticus, see
Chapter 3. Photosensitivity is confirmed with EEG in more
Circadian distribution: Seizures, principally myo- than 30% of patients but this may be of no clinical
clonic jerks, occur within 30 min to 1 hour of awak- significance. Probably less than a tenth of patients
ening. Myoclonic jerks rarely occur at other times have seizures induced by photic stimulation in daily
unless the patient is tired. GTCSs occur mainly on life (Figure 13.8).
awakening preceded by clusters of myoclonic jerks, Other common and prominent seizure-precipi-
but may also be purely nocturnal or random. Absence tating factors include mental stress and emotions,
seizures rarely show a circadian predilection. in particular excitement, concentration, mental
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 397

Sample from a video-EEG of a woman,

aged 28 years, who had suffered from JME since the age of 9 years


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




1 sec

'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 





1 sec

'Q  o ' 

1 sec

Figure 13.8 This woman was referred for a routine EEG because she had experienced ‘probable IGE-absences from age 9 until
age 18 years. Myoclonus as a teenager when sleep deprived. Recently suffered her first ever GTCS following sleep deprivation.
No absence or myoclonus for 10 years. Treatment with valproate was withdrawn at age 18 years.’ The video-EEG documented
that she still had brief absences, which manifest with mild impairment of cognition and eyelid jerks. These were spontaneous,
or induced by (A) hyperventilation and (B) intermittent photic stimulation. Note the polyspike–wave of the discharges and the
irregular intradischarge frequency (C). Also note the bifrontal spike-slow wave discharges (A, red arrows).
398 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Myoclonic absence status epilepticus in JME


'Q  o '  'Q  o ' 

'Q  o '  'Q  o ' 

 'o$  'o'

 'o$  'o'[

 $o1  '[o'

 $o1  'o'

 1o0  "o5

 1o0  5o$

'Q  o '   $o$[

'Q  o '   $[o$

 'o5  $o5

 'o5  5o"

 5o5  5o1

 5o5  1o1[

 5o0  1[o1

 5o0  1o5


Figure 13.9 Video-EEG of a woman with classical JME, but on carbamazepine at the time of this recording (see also
Figure 13.6 from the same patient). The patient was mildly confused with continuous jerking of the hands (middle) and,
rarely, the eyelids. The ictal EEG consisted of repetitive and discontinuous frequent GPSWD interrupted by brief intervals
of relative normality. Each GPSWD consisted of varying numbers of polyspikes/spikes–wave in various combinations and

and psychological arousal, failed expectations or gene, or the possibility that different genotypes
frustration. with different modes of inheritance underlie the
Personality, behavioural, cognitive and psychological phenotype.130
aberrations have been frequently reported in patients Families with autosomal125 or dominant125,127 men-
with JME.114,121–124 delian inheritance have been described, but these
may be rare.
Molecular studies favour a susceptibility locus
Aetiology for JME in chromosome 6p11–12 (EJM1)129 or
JME is a genetically determined syndrome.2,111,119,125 15q14 (EJM2).131,132 A gene, C6orf33, in the EJM1
Around 50–60% of families of probands with JME region has been identified.133 An association of JME
report seizures in first- or second-degree rela- with an HLA-DR allele134,135 was not replicated.136
tives.119,126 Inheritance is probably complex.127–129 Genetic heterogeneity of JME is a possible expla-
The proposed models of inheritance include poly- nation for such discordant observations.
genic with a lower manifestation threshold for It has been hypothesised that JME is a frontal
females, autosomal dominant with variable pene- lobe variant of a multi-regional, thalamocortical
trance, a two-locus model with a dominant gene on network epilepsy rather than a generalised epilepsy
chromosome 6p and an as-yet-unknown recessive syndrome.137
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 399

Diagnostic procedures JME is a serious medical error because JME defies

all aspects of general advice regarding ‘epilepsy’.
All tests except EEG are normal. Using new MRI Diagnosis should improve with heightened medical
technologies, abnormalities involving mesio-frontal awareness. Physicians should be ever alert to the
cortical structures have been reported in some possibility of JME.
patients with JME.123,138 The rate of misdiagnosis of JME is as high as
90%.139,140 Factors responsible include lack of
familiarity with JME, failure to elicit a history of
The EEG in untreated patients is usually abnormal,
myoclonic jerks, misinterpretation of absences as
with 3–6 Hz GPSWD, and with intradischarge frag-
complex focal seizures, misinterpretation of jerks as
mentations and unstable intradischarge frequency
focal motor seizures, and high prevalence of focal
(Figures 13.7 and 13.8). A third of the patients show
EEG abnormalities.
photoparoxysmal responses. A third may also have
JME is easy to diagnose because of a characteristic
focal EEG abnormalities of single spikes, spike–wave
clustering of myoclonic and other generalised
complexes or slow waves.22
seizures of IGEs, circadian distribution, precipitating
A normal EEG in a patient suspected of having
factors and EEG manifestations. Patients are
JME should prompt an EEG during sleep and
otherwise normal and there is no mental or physical
deterioration if properly diagnosed and treated.
The typical EEG discharge of a myoclonic jerk is a
generalised burst of polyspikes of 0.5–2 s duration
(Figures 2.9 and 13.6). Diagnostic tips
The ictal discharges of absences in JME are
distinctly different from those in CAE and JAE.22,118
They consist of spike/double/treble or polyspikes
usually preceding or superimposed on the slow
waves (Figures 13.7–13.9). Polyspikes consist
of up to eight to ten spikes with a characteristic
‘worm-like’ or compressed capital W appearance
(‘Ws’). The number and amplitude of spikes shows
considerable inter- and intradischarge variation.
The intradischarge frequency of the GPSWD
varies from 2 to 10 Hz, with a mean of 3–5 Hz.
The frequency is often higher in the first second
from onset. Fragmentations of the discharge are Of other IGEs, JAE may be more difficult to
common and characteristic. Ws and fragmentation differentiate because this syndrome may also mani-
of discharges are observed in all patients, but fest with similar clinical and EEG manifestations.
vary quantitatively between patients and between The main differentiating factor is that absences
discharges (Figures 13.7 and 13.8). with severe impairment of consciousness, not the
Brief discharges are far more common than long myoclonic jerks, are the main seizure type in JAE
ones, and most of the discharges last for 1–4 s. (Table 13.5). Myoclonic jerks, if they occur, are mild
and random often lacking the circadian distribution
of JME.
Differential diagnosis Another formidable situation is when JME starts
JME is a typical example of a frequently mis- with absences in childhood prior to the develop-
diagnosed common epileptic syndrome resulting ment of myoclonic jerks. There are no prospective
in avoidable morbidity.139,140 Failure to diagnose video-EEG studies of these patients. Retrospectively
400 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

examining EEG and clinical manifestations of these Management

patients, I am of the opinion that their absences are
distinct from CAE or JAE in that they are usually Advice regarding life-style, avoidance of precipi-
shorter and milder, and ictal EEG often contains tating factors and long-term medication is essential
GPSWD. Certainly, this situation is not CAE pro- for a patient with an incontrovertible diagnosis
gressing to JME as some authors reported.141 It is of JME. Avoidance of alcohol indulgence and
JME starting with absences prior to the development compensating for sleep deprivation is mandatory.
of myoclonic jerks. Some patients with mild forms of JME have GTCSs
or myoclonic jerks only after excessively violating
Diagnostic tips these factors.

Revealing myoclonic jerks is an Pharmacological treatment

essential part of diagnosing JME All formal current recommendations discourage or
&MJDJUBUJPO PG UIF DIBSBDUFSJTUJD IJTUPSZ PG NZPDMPOJD practically prohibit the use of valproate in women
KFSLT JT TPNFUIJOH PG BO BSU *U JT PGUFO OFDFTTBSZ UP of childbearing age but provide no documented
QIZTJDBMMZ EFNPOTUSBUF NJME NZPDMPOJD KFSLT PG UIF alternatives for their treatment in JME, where valproate
mOHFST BOE IBOET  BOE UP JORVJSF BCPVU NPSOJOH has been the first line AED for the last 30 years.
DMVNTJOFTT BOE USFNPST 2VFTUJPOT MJLF AEP ZPV Converging evidence from multiple and independent
TQJMM ZPVS NPSOJOH UFB  BOE AEP ZPV ESPQ UIJOHT sources indicate that levetiracetam is the first choice
JO UIF NPSOJOH   UPHFUIFS XJUI B TJNVMUBOFPVT AED in the treatment in at least women with JME.
Valproate is the most effective AED in the treatment of
JME, but is humbled by serious adverse reactions in
women and has not been yet compared with levetirace-
tam in face to face RCTs. However, it may still be
considered as first line AED therapy in men with JME.
Levetiracetam is the likely candidate to replace
valproate in the treatment of JME:
a. In non¬control independent studies, 62–67% of
patients with intractable JME, including those that
have failed with valproate, became seizure free
with levetiracetam monotherapy or polytherapy.
This high rate of response to levetiracetam has
been confirmed in recent more systematic studies
of monotherapy146 or conversion to monotherapy
from polytherapy (including valproate failures).147
Prognosis b. Levetiracetam is the first and only newer AED
All seizures are probably life-long, although licensed for the treatment of myoclonic seizures
improving after the fourth decade of life.143 JME may in JME (adjunctive therapy in adults and
vary in severity from mild myoclonic jerks to frequent adolescents) because of its efficacy and safety
and severe falls and GTCSs if not appropriately tested in RCT.148
diagnosed and treated. c. It appears to have a favourable profile in women
Seizures are generally well controlled with appro- and pregnancy (see Chapter 7, page 208).
priate medication in up to 90% of patients.109,112,115,144 d. It has high and sustained efficacy, fast action,
Patients with all three types of seizure are more likely good safety profile, and lack of clinically
to be resistant to treatment.145 meaningful interactions with other drugs.12,149
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 401

Lamotrigine is widely used in JME because: Contraindicated drugs include vigabatrin, tiagabine,
(a) It was the first of the newer AEDs that appeared gabapentin, pregabalin, phenytoin, oxcarbazepine and
to be effective in JME, but this was mainly in carbamazepine. Carbamazepine is not effective in jerks
combination with valproate; its promyoclonic effect and absences but it is possibly effective on GTCSs of
as monotherapy became apparent much later150,151 IGEs.
(b) It was promoted as the only alternative to See details of the treatment of IGEs on page 411.
valproate in women; its interactions with
hormonal contraception and pregnancy that Prevention of GTCSs
may lead to seizure deterioration or toxicity, and termination of myoclonic and
as well as the uncertainties surrounding its absence status epilepticus
teratogenic potential, only recently have been It is important to remember that patients with JME
reported (see chapter 7 page 208).152–156 often experience myoclonic jerks or myoclonic-
Considering all this new information, compounded absence status epilepticus long before terminating
with the high rate of idiosyncratic ADRs, necessity for to a GTCS. This can be prevented by home
slow titration and drug-to-drug interactions, lamo- administration of an appropriate benzodiazepine
trigine monotherapy in JME patients is questionable. preparation, as detailed in Chapter 3.
Clonazepam administered in small doses (0.5–2 mg
at night) is probably the most effective treatment for Duration of AED treatment
myoclonic jerks. However, clonazepam alone may and withdrawal of medication
not suppress GTCSs.112,157 Furthermore, clonazepam Life-long treatment with proper AEDs is usually
may deprive patients of the warning of an impending considered necessary in patients with JME. Withdrawal
GTCS provided by the myoclonic jerks.112,157 In mild of appropriate medication results in relapses, even in
JME with myoclonic jerks only, clonazepam alone patients who have been seizure free for many years
may be recommended. with an appropriate AED.112 In mild forms of JME, it
When cost is of concern, phenobarbital is the best may be safe to reduce the dose of medication slowly
option. It is effective in about 60% of patients. over months or years, especially after the fourth decade
Topiramate and zonisamide are by far second options, of life.143 Persistence or recrudescence of myoclonic
particularly in women. jerks necessitates continuation of medication.

Epilepsy with GTCS only

GTCSs are a common feature in IGEs and occur detected only by meticulous history taking and video-
predominantly on awakening (see Chapter 2). Overall, EEG. A patient with a first GTCS has often suffered
GTCSs are reported to occur on awakening (17–53% from minor seizures (absences, myoclonic jerks or
of patients), diffusely whilst awake (23–36%), during both), sometimes many years prior to the GTCS.
sleep (27–44%) or randomly (13–26%).158 It is undeter-
mined what proportion of these patients also has other
generalised seizures (jerks or absences). Considerations
GTCSs are the most severe forms of epileptic
on classification
seizures, while absences and myoclonic jerks may
be mild and sometimes inconspicuous to the patient IGE with GTCS was only considered a syndrome in
and imperceptible to the observer.159,160 They are often the new ILAE diagnostic scheme,20,25 and incorporated
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

‘epilepsy with GTCS on awakening (EGTCSA)’ patient is still in bed or having his breakfast or upon
previously recognised as a separate syndrome.21 arriving at work. Seizures may also occur during
In the previous edition of this book, it was emphasised relaxation or leisure.158,163,164
that ‘IGE with GTCS only’ has not been precisely Janz described patients with EGTCSA as unreliable,
defined by the ILAE Task Force.25 Its name implies unstable and prone to neglect.164,165 The sleep patterns
that it includes only those patients with GTCSs alone of EGTCSA patients are particularly unstable and
(ie, without absences and/or jerks) and that these may modifiable by external factors (eg, AEDs), and the
occur at any time. However, it is more likely that it is patients may suffer from chronic sleep deficit.158,163,164
a broader category (rather than a syndrome) of ‘IGE
with predominantly GTCS’ (also including patients Seizure-precipitating factors
with mild absences, myoclonic jerks or both). Sleep deprivation, fatigue and excessive alcohol
The new ILAE report56 has now revised its position
consumption are the main seizure precipitants. Shift
and specifies the following:
work, changes in sleep habits, particularly during
Epilepsy with GTCS only is not a syndrome, and the Core holidays and celebrations, predispose to GTCSs on
Group was unable to agree on any syndrome with this awakening. A quarter of patients are reported to
feature: the consistent diurnal pattern of seizures in some show photosensitivity on EEG.158
patients needs further investigation. Whether epilepsy with
GTCS on awakening exists as a distinct entity is unclear.
A genetically determined syndrome of ‘intractable Aetiology
childhood epilepsy with GTCS’ (see Chapter 10, There is a high incidence of epileptic disorders in
page 285) is probably unrelated to the ‘epilepsy with families,158,164 and a link to the EJM1 locus has been
GTCS only’ covered in this chapter. reported.166 Conversely, adolescent-onset idiopathic
GTCS epilepsy with GTCS at any time, whilst awake
Demographic data was not linked to the EJM1 locus.166 Severe IGE of
infancy with GTCS is often related to mutations of
Age at onset varies from 6 to 47 years with a peak at 16
the SCN1A gene.
or 17 years; 80% have their first GTCS in the second
decade of life. Men (55%) slightly predominate over
women, probably because of differences in alcohol Diagnostic procedures
exposure and sleep habits. The prevalence of IGE
with GTCS only is unknown. In my studies with By definition all tests other than EEG are normal.
strict criteria (GTCS only)23 this may be very small
(0.9% of IGEs), but others have given a prevalence
of 13–15% among IGEs.161,162 EEG shows GPSWD in half of patients with pure
EGTCSA (Figure 13.10) and 70% of those with
additional absences or myoclonic jerks preceding
Clinical manifestations GTCSs.
By definition all patients suffer from GTCSs but this A normal routine EEG should prompt a video-EEG
syndrome has not been examined in its entirety. performed on sleep and on awakening. Myoclonic
Only EGTCSA has been extensively studied163–165 jerks or, more frequently, brief absences will often
and is presented in this chapter. be revealed. Focal EEG abnormalities in the absence
Patients suffer from GTCSs, which occur within of generalised discharges are rare. Photoparoxysmal
1 or 2 hours after awakening from either nocturnal responses are reported in 17% of females and 9% of
or diurnal sleep. The seizure may occur while the males with EGTCSA.158
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 403

Man aged 19 years with two GTCSs at age 14 and 18 on awakening after sleep deprivation

'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




1 sec

Figure 13.10 Asymptomatic GPSWD on video-EEG of a 19-year-old university student who had two GTCSs at age 14 and
18. They both occurred half an hour after awakening from a brief sleep during exam periods. There was no clinical history of
any other types of seizure and there were no other symptoms preceding either of the GTCSs. Note that the discharges may
start from right or left. Also note focal spikes at various locations.

Differential diagnosis of treatment.158,163 Characteristically, the intervals

between seizures become shorter with time, the
The differential diagnosis is mainly from patients precipitating factors less obvious, and GTCSs may
with other IGEs, which share with EGTCSA the become more random (diurnal and nocturnal), as a
same propensity to seizures after awakening and result of either the evolution of the disease or drug-
the same precipitating factors. JME and JAE are induced modifications.
examples of IGE syndromes, which may cause
diagnostic difficulties. Rarely, secondarily GTCSs
of focal epilepsies may also consistently occur on Management
Patients should be warned of the common seizure
precipitants – sleep deprivation with early awaking
Prognosis and alcohol consumption – and when possible
should avoid occupational night shifts. Patients, after
As in all other types of IGE with onset in the mid- adjusting their life styles, may become seizure free.
teens, EGTCSA is probably a life-long disease with Drug treatment is the same as for IGE with GTCSs
a high (83%) incidence of relapse on withdrawal (see page 411).
404 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Other probable syndromes of IGE to consider

Implicitly, one must be prepared to split before one in whom recurrent, unprovoked, typical absence
can lump. Thus we must always be on guard against status epilepticus was the main clinical feature.169
unwittingly lumping because we are unaware of Most patients also had infrequent GTCS or absence
certain characteristics on which we should have split. seizures (including phantom absences) which
Berg and Blackstone (2003)167 sometimes appeared many years before the onset
Probable syndromes of IGE that are not officially of absence status epilepticus. Thus, these patients
recognised by the ILAE are:
probably represent heterogeneous syndromes such
t IGE with absences of early childhood as IGE with phantom absences, IGE with GTCS or
t perioral mycoclonia with absences other IGEs with absence status epilepticus, which
t IGE with phantom absences were often the result of prior inappropriate AED
t monogenic IGE syndromes treatment.
t Jeavons syndrome (eyelid myoclonia with absen- Video-EEG documentation of most of the
ces), which is described with the reflex epilepsies syndromes described in this section can be found
(Chapter 16). in the CD companion to references 23 and 26. Their
“Absence status epilepsy” has been recently proposed diagnosis in clinical practice is significant at least for
as a new IGE syndrome based on 11 adult patients genetic and prognostic reasons.

IGE with absences of early childhood91,170–173

Typical absences starting from early childhood (a few diagnostic skills, applying inclusion (eg, including
months to 5 years of age) are not a specific expression absences and GTCSs) and exclusion criteria (eg,
of a distinct syndrome. This may be the first excluding CAE, EM-AS, MAE, PMA and possibly
manifestation of MAE, perioral or eyelid myoclonia symptomatic cases) it appears there there is such
with absences, EM-AS, CAE or more severe forms
an idiopathic generalised epilepsy that we have to
of generalised epilepsies. By excluding all these, it is
define more precisely.
realistic to propose that there is a syndrome of IGE
that starts in early childhood primarily manifesting Based on currently available data, this is an IGE
with absences, often combined with GTCSs and (occurring in otherwise normal children) with the
possibly with myoclonic jerks. following features:
Doose,171,172 having studied 140 cases with onset t absences are markedly different from CAE;
of absences in early childhood rightly concluded clinically they are less severe and less frequent
that ‘this is an heterogeneous subgroup within IGE. t GTCSs are common (two-thirds) and often the
There is a distinct overlap with early childhood
first seizure type
epilepsy with GTCS and myoclonic–astatic epilepsy
t myoclonic jerks and myoclonic–astatic seizures
on the one side and with CAE on the other. Thus it
should not be regarded as a special syndrome.’171,172 occur in 40%
I am in complete agreement with this statement. Age t absence status epilepticus is common and may
at onset of absence seizures alone, cannot define lead to cognitive impairment
an epileptic syndrome. However, with improved t boys are more likely to suffer GTCSs than girls
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 405

t ictal EEG 3 or 4 Hz GPSWD is very irregular and t long-term prognosis is worse than in CAE
termination is not abrupt but often fades with t strong family history of IGE and GPSWD in EEG
slow spike–wave of unaffected members, particularly mothers.
t background EEG shows a moderate excess of
slow waves

Perioral myoclonia with absences174,175

Typical absences with motor symptoms of perioral myoclonia, which consists of rhythmic contractions
myoclonia is a non-specific symptom. However, this of the orbicularis oris muscle that cause protrusion
often combines with a clustering of other clinical and of the lips, contractions of the depressor anguli oris
EEG features suggestive of an interesting syndrome resulting in twitching of the corners of the mouth
of PMA within the IGEs. or, rarely, more widespread involvement, including
the muscles of mastication producing jaw jerking
Considerations on classification (Figure 13.11). Impairment of consciousness varies
PMA has been recognised neither as a seizure type from severe to mild. Most patients are usually aware
nor as a syndrome by the ILAE.21,25 That absences of the perioral myoclonia. Duration is usually brief,
with perioral myoclonia is a discrete seizure type lasting a mean of 4 s (range 2–9 s). Absences of
has been unequivocally documented with video- perioral myoclonia may be very frequent, occurring
EEG recordings.23,174,176–179 The symptom of perioral many times per day, 1–2 per week, or they are rare.
myoclonia may also rarely occur in absence seizures All patients suffer GTCSs, which often start before or
of other IGEs and, as such, perioral myoclonia alone soon after the onset of clinically apparent absences.
cannot be taken as sole evidence of the syndrome Exceptionally, GTCSs may start many years after the
of PMA. However, there is often a non-fortuitous onset of absences. GTCSs are usually infrequent (range
clustering of other symptoms indicating that these once per lifetime to 12 per year) and are often heralded
absences may often constitute the main symptom of by clusters of absences or absence status epilepticus.
a syndrome within the broad spectrum of IGE, which Absence status epilepticus is very common in
we proposed to call PMA. Other manifestations of PMA (57%) and frequently ends with a GTCS
this syndrome include: GTCSs, which often start (Figure 13.11). It is more common than in any other
early prior to or together with the absences; frequent syndromes of IGE with typical absences.94 Perioral
occurrence of absence status epilepticus; resistance myoclonia may be more apparent than impairment
to treatment; and persistence in adult life.174,175 of consciousness or vice versa.
Demographic data Aetiology
Onset varies from 2 to 13 years (median 10 years). Half of patients have first-degree relatives (mainly
Girls are far more frequently affected than boys. The siblings) with IGE and absences.174,180
prevalence of PMA is small in children (<1% with
typical absences) but, because it fails to remit, it is Diagnostic procedures
higher in adults (9.3%) with TAS. All tests are normal except EEG.

Clinical manifestations Electroencephalography

TAS with perioral myoclonia are the defining Inter-ictal EEG frequently shows (1) abortive
symptom. The characteristic feature is perioral bursts or brief <1 s of 4–7 Hz GPSWD – these
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Video-EEG of two patients with PMA misdiagnosed as focal motor seizures




















'Q  o ' 




1 sec

Figure 13.11 (A) From video-EEG recording of a woman with perioral myoclonia with absences (case 6 in Panayiotopoulos,
et al174). She was referred because of ‘focal motor seizures and secondarily GTCS’. She had onset of GTCSs and absences
at age 11 years. Seizures continued despite treatment with appropriate AED combinations such as valproate, ethosuximide,
clonazepam, lamotrigine and acetazolamide. Absences were frequent, often in daily clusters and consisted of brief, about 5 s,
moderate impairment of consciousness with violent rhythmic jerking of the jaw. GTCSs occurred between one and ten times per
year, usually after awakening, preceded by clusters of absences with the jaw myoclonus spreading to limb jerks prior to generalised
convulsions. She was more concerned about the absences because they interfered with her daily life ‘everyone notices the jerks of
my jaw’ and less with the GTCSs, which usually occurred at home. The initial misdiagnosis of ‘focal motor seizures’ was because
the jaw jerking was described by her mother as unilateral. (B) From the EEG of a 23-year-old woman while in perioral myoclonia
absence status epilepticus (case 2 in Panayiotopoulos174). She was mildly confused with continuous perioral twitching. This ended
with a GTCS. Initial presentation at age 11 years was with GTCS. Absences with perioral myoclonia were noted at the same time
and were diagnosed as focal motor seizures.

are usually asymmetrical and may give the The ictal EEG consists of 3–4 Hz GPSWD with frequent
impression of a localised focus; and (2) focal intradischarge irregularities in terms of numbers of
abnormalities, including single spikes, spike– spike in the spike–wave complex, fluctuations in spike
wave complexes and theta waves with variable amplitude and the occurrence of fragmentations.
side emphasis. There is no photosensitivity.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 407

The main differential diagnosis is from CAE, JAE or

Diagnostic tips IGE with phantom absences depending on the age
at onset. Video-EEG invariably reveals perioral myo-
clonia that sometimes may be subtle, particularly in
treated patients.
Absences and GTCSs may be resistant to medication,
unremitting and possibly life-long.

Differential diagnosis Treatment is with valproate alone or combined
Patients with PMA are frequently erroneously diagnosed with ethosuximide, small doses of lamotrigine or
as having focal motor seizures, because of (1) the clonazepam.
prominent motor features of the absences which are Absence status epilepticus, for which most
often reported and sometimes recorded as unilateral; patients are aware, should be terminated with
and (2) inter-ictal focal EEG abnormalities. However, immediate self-administered medication of oral
this error is unlikely to happen if the EEG is properly midazolam or rectal benzodiazepines (see Chapter
obtained and interpreted. Also, patients with focal 3, page 83).
motor seizures are unlikely to suffer status epilepticus,
which is common in PMA.

IGE with phantom absences159

Phantom absences are typical absence seizures (see Phantom absences have not been considered in any
page 51) with the mildest form of impairment of previous ILEA classification,21,25 but this may now
consciousness.159 change. The recent ILAE report26 makes the follow-
IGE with phantom absences159,160 is characterised ing reference:
by a triad of: Phantom absences are likely to be a result of brain
1. phantom absences maturation.
2. GTCSs, which are commonly the first overt
clinical manifestations, usually starting in adult- Furthermore, there is reasonable evidence to support
hood and are infrequent that phantom absences are not only a discrete seizure
3. absence status epilepticus, which occurs in half but may also constitute the main symptom of a
of the patients. syndrome within the broad spectrum of IGE. There
is non-fortuitous clustering of other symptoms such
Considerations on classification as GTCSs of usually late onset, frequent occurrence
Phantom absences are mild absence seizures, of absence status epilepticus and persistence into
causing only inconspicuous impairment of adult life.159 That these patients have IGE is beyond
cognition. Although not classical, they fulfil the any doubt as they all are of normal intelligence and
ILAE criteria of TAS with GPSWD of more than physical state, high-resolution MRI is normal, the
2.5 Hz.55,159 EEG shows GPSWD and the seizures are generalised.
408 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The syndrome of IGE with phantom absences has to the observer.159 They are disclosed by video-EEG
not been recognised by the ILAE.21,25 Accordingly, recording and breath counting during hyperventilation.
these cases are probably categorised among unde- The absences manifest with interruption, delays or errors
fined IGE or other syndromes of IGE. of counting and occasionally with eyelid blinking. Ictal
EEG shows brief (usually 3 or 4 s), 3–4 Hz GPSWD
Demographic data (Figure 3.1 and 13.12). Phantom absences may be
The first overt clinical manifestations of GTCSs more common than appreciated in patients with IGE
appear in adult life, although absences may have
(particularly adults) but are often unrecognised.
started much earlier. Men and women are equally
GTCSs are usually the first overt clinical manifestation.159
affected. Prevalence has been estimated at 15% among
These are of late onset, infrequent and without consistent
IGE with typical absences, 10% of IGE and 3% of
circadian distribution or specific precipitating factors.
410 consecutive patients older than 16 years with
Absence status epilepticus: Half of patients suffer from
epileptic seizures.159 Genton181 reported that, among
absence status epilepticus, which often lasts for many
253 consecutive cases of IGE, 32 (15.4%) patients
had rare GTCSs with GPSWD in the inter-ictal EEG. hours alone or prior to a GTCS (Figure 3.1). This
manifests with cognitive impairment, which is usually
Clinical manifestations of mild or moderate severity. The patient communi-
This syndrome manifests with phantom absences, cates poorly, is slow, feels strange and confused, makes
GTCSs and, often, ASE. errors at work, looks depressed but does not become
Phantom absences denote TAS, which are so mild that unresponsive. More commonly than usually appreciated
they are inconspicuous to the patient and imperceptible are experiential, mental and sensational symptoms. The

Video-EEGs in two patients suffering from IGE with phantom absences







   o    oops 77

1 sec




 17 18 19     

Figure 13.12 The numbers denote the actual breath counting during hyperventilation. Note that errors, when they occur (arrows),
are only related to these brief discharges. Errors consist of hesitation in pronouncing the next consecutive number, repetitions
and erroneous counting sequence. These absences are impossible to detect without breath counting and video-EEG.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 409

patient is often aware of the impeding GTCS and tries to t absence status epilepticus
find a safe place to have it. There may be some post-ictal t differentiation from other syndromes of IGE.
recollection of the events (see also Chapter 3). It is essential to take a careful clinical history and
to interpret symptoms correctly, which may be
Aetiology suggestive of typical absences and absence status
IGE with phantom absences is probably genetically epilepticus.
A history of altered consciousness preceding GTCSs

Diagnostic procedures should not be taken as evidence of complex focal

All tests are normal except the EEG. seizures, depression or an unspecified seizure prodrome.
Absence status epilepticus is more likely.
The background activity is normal but half of patients Other forms of the so-called ‘adult-onset IGE’ may
be otherwise typical examples of JME, JAE or other
have EEG focal paroxysmal abnormalities consisting
IGE syndromes that start or become clinically
of short transient localised slow, sharp waves or
identifiable after the age of 20 years.183,184 Some of
spikes or both, occurring either independently or
the patients described may suffer from IGE with
in association with the generalised discharges.159,182
phantom absences.
EEG photosensitivity is exceptional.
IGE with phantom absences is also different from
Ictal EEG consists of 3–4 Hz GPSWD with
IGE with GTCS. In IGE with GTCS, phantom
occasional fragmentations (Figures 3.1 and 13.12).
absences do not occur, GTCSs tend to occur on
They are typically brief (2–4 s) lasting usually no
awakening and episodes of absence status affect half
more than 5 s. Mild cognitive impairment manifested
as many patients than of IGE with phantom absences.
by hesitation, discontinuation and errors in breath
There is no evidence for a maturational influence on
counting is the only clinical ictal symptom during the
the duration of GSW in either syndrome.160
generalised discharges. A few patients may also have
mild ictal eyelid fluttering.159,182 Hyperventilation is Prognosis
a major provocative factor. IGE with phantom absences may be a life-long
During absence status epilepticus, the EEG shows propensity to seizures that is of undetermined onset
continuous 3 Hz GPSWD (particularly adults) and remission. Patients are of normal intelligence,
(Figure 3.1). which does not show any signs of deterioration. In
addition, phantom absences, although frequent, do
Differential diagnosis not appear to affect daily activity.
The diagnostic and management errors involved
in adult patients with IGE and TAS have been well Management
reported.102,159 The magnitude of the problem is There are many questions to answer in deciding
worse in IGE with phantom absences, in which the whether patients with phantom absences need
absences are very mild, absence status epilepticus is treatment. All patients of IGE with phantom
misdiagnosed as non-epileptic events or temporal absences had a normal life without medication until
lobe epilepsy, and GTCSs are of late onset. This is their first GTCS, probably many years after the onset
compounded by frequent EEG focal abnormalities and of frequent daily mild absence seizures. We do not
the current practice of most EEG departments not to know how many people in the general population
appropriately test cognition during brief GPSWD.55 with the same problem will never develop GTCSs
The main features to consider in IGE with phantom or absence status epilepticus. However, for those
absences are: that will eventually have GTCSs, treatment may be
t the first overt unprovoked GTCS appears in needed. Drugs of choice are those of IGE with absence
adult life seizures; these include valproate and lamotrigine.
410 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus

and epilepsy
IGE syndromes with Mendelian (monogenic) inheri- fine shivering of the fingers and hands intensified
tance have been described in the past decade. by posture, fine movement, and emotional and
Of those with autosomal dominant inheritance, physical stress. The majority of patients also suffer
‘autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus from cortical myoclonus manifesting with distal,
and epilepsy’ (ADCME) is the more common.185–188 arrhythmic and erratic jerks of mainly the hands
Familial infantile myoclonic epilepsy is of autosomal and fingers. These are also exaggerated by posture,
recessive inheritance.189,190 fine movement, and emotional and physical stress.
ADCME is a term used recently to include a Most patients (80%) also have infrequent GTCSs
number of familial autosomal disorders manifesting in periods of worsening myoclonus. GTCSs are
with cortical tremor, myoclonus and epilepsy, usually precipitated by sleep deprivation and photic
such as benign familial adult myoclonic epilepsy, stimulation. Rarely, in some families, additional
familial adult myoclonic epilepsy, familial essential complex focal seizures may occur. Mental and
myoclonus and epilepsy, familial cortical tremor neurological states are usually normal. Families
and epilepsy, and autosomal dominant cortical with members having concurrent migraine or
myoclonus and epilepsy. It has been described blindness have been reported.
mainly in Japanese and Italian families. They all
have a similar phenotype and the condition may Diagnostic procedures
be a single relatively benign non-progressive The EEG shows generalised polyspikes and waves
autosomal dominant IGE syndrome with high and photoparoxysmal responses. Photomyogenic
penetrance and genetic heterogeneity.185,186,191 responses may also be present. Somatosensory and
Its categorisation by some authors192 among visually evoked potentials are of very high ampli-
progressive myoclonus epilepsy is questionable tude. Consistent with cortical myoclonus, long-
(see Chapter 17). loop C-reflexes are enhanced and cortical spikes
precede the rhythmic jerk on jerk–locked EEG
Epidemiology back-averaging.186 Surface EMG shows irregular,
Age at onset of cortical tremor and myoclonus varies arrhythmic or semirhythmic EMG bursts at around
from 11 to 50 years. ADCME is probably the most 10 Hz. These EMG bursts last about 50 ms and are
common of all autosomal IGE syndromes. usually synchronous between agonist and antagonist
muscles, without the regular agonist/antagonist
Aetiology alternation of the essential tremor.185,186
ADCME, as the name suggests, is of autosomal
dominant inheritance with high penetrance and Prognosis
genetic heterogeneity. The genes for ADCME have been ADCME is a non-progressive disorder. Epileptic
mapped to 8q24 in Japanese193,194 and 2p11.1-q12.2 seizures are usually infrequent, but cortical tremor
in European families.185,186,195 Conversely, none of these and myoclonus may sometimes be severe. Occasion-
loci were found in a large French family with ADCME ally, mental decline is reported in old age.
linked to chromosone 16pl3.188
Differential diagnosis
Clinical manifestations Cortical tremor may be misinterpreted as essential
Adult-onset cortical tremor and myoclonus are tremor from which it is clinically and electrophysio-
the defining symptoms. Cortical tremor looks like logically different.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 411

Management gine, gabapentin, tiagabine and pregabalin, because

This is with AEDs that have anti-myoclonic activity, of pro-myoclonic action, are contraindicated.
such as valproate, phenobarbital, clonazepam and Genetic counselling, as with the autosomal domi-
levetiracetam.7,185,186,196 Piracetam in high doses is nant disorders (see Chapter 14), is part of the man-
often beneficial for the cortical tremor. Lamotri- agement.

AED treatment of IGEs11,12,17,23

IGEs demand different treatment strategies from the Important established documentation to remember
focal epilepsies.11,12,17,23 Ignoring this fact results in is that:
avoidable intractability, morbidity and sometimes (A) Many AEDs licensed for the treatment of focal
mortality. Nearly half of patients with IGEs are treated epilepsies are contraindicated in IGEs (Table 13.7).
with inappropriate AEDs. Practising physicians have a t tiagabine and vigabatrin are major pro-absence
colossal task in not only properly diagnosing IGE, but agents
also in deciding which of the many older and newer t carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine and phenytoin
AEDs are the most suitable (Tables 7.12 and 13.6) exacerbate absences and myoclonic jerks
and which are contraindicated (Table 13.7) for the t gabapentin and pregabalin are ineffective in all
seizures and preferably the syndromes of IGEs. types of idiopathic epileptic seizures and may
exacerbate some of them, particularly myo-
The management of women with IGEs at childbearing
clonic jerks.
age has been significantly affected by the revelations of
(B) A drug efficacious in one type of generalised
valproate adverse reactions and its practical exclusion in this
seizure may be ineffective or exaggerate another type
specified group of patients. What are the alternatives?
of generalised seizure. Even among the AEDs licensed
Important clinical facts to remember are: for the treatment of primarily GTCSs (Table 13.8):
t GTCSs are the more likely cause of referral. The t carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine and phenytoin
first task of the physician is to properly diagnose exacerbate absences and myoclonic jerks
whether these are of generalised onset (primarily t clonazepam is the best choice of drug for
GTCSs) or of focal-onset (secondarily GTCSs), myoclonic jerks, but is ineffective in primarily
which have different responses to AED treatment. GTCSs
Table 13.8 lists AEDs licensed for the prophylactic t lamotrigine is effective in primarily GTCSs
treatment of primarily GTCSs in the USA or and absences, but may exacerbate myoclonic
Europe or both. AEDs licensed and recommended jerks.150,151,200,201
for secondarily GTCSs are listed in Chapter 15. (C) A drug efficacious in ‘generalised’ seizures
t Absences and myoclonic jerks are other types of of childhood epileptic encephalopathies may be
seizure in IGEs that should be detected. These may ineffective or exaggerate IGEs:
often occur long before the first GTCS and/or may t vigabatrin is the drug of first choice in the treat-
be the main seizures, as for example with absences ment of West syndrome, but its use is contra-
of CAE and JAE, and the myoclonic jerks of JME. indicated in IGE.
t Photosensitivity is a common precipitating or (D) A drug found to be efficacious in secondarily
facilitating factor of seizures occurring in a third GTCSs, may be ineffective in primarily GTCSs or
of patients with IGEs. deleterious in IGEs:
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Efficacy and safety of primary AEDs used in

the treatment of IGEs, the triad of their seizures and photosensitivity

AED Myoclonic GTCSs Absences Photo- Serious Titration Drug–drug

jerks sensitivity ADRs* interactions†














Table 13.6 *See Chapter 7 and references 197,198; †see Pharmacopoeia and reference 199. ‡Enzyme inducers may decrease
its plasma levels by 20–30%. §Sometimes the first dose is therapeutic.

AED contraindicated in the treatment of IGEs*

t $



t 5


Table 13.7

t gabapentin and pregabalin are AEDs licenced t tiagabine, an AED licensed for the treatment of
for ‘the treatment of focal and secondarily focal and secondarily GTCSs, is a potent pro-
GTCSs’, are ineffective in primarily GTCSs absence agent that induces absence seizures
and may aggravate other types of IGE seizures, and provokes absence status epilepticus, often
particularly myoclonic jerks ending with GTCSs in IGE.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 413

AEDs licensed (FDA, EMEA or both) for

the prophylactic treatment of primarily GTCSs

AEDs licensed for Other types of seizure

primarily GTCSs
(sole or adjunctive)


Table 13.8

(E) In patients with primarily GTCSs, an AED that Chapter 7. Diagnosis should first establish that the
abolishes another type of seizure (i.e. absences or patient has genuine epileptic seizures and then:
myoclonic jerks) does not necessarily reduce the t ensure that this is IGE and not focal epilepsy
frequency of primarily GTCSs. This contrasts with t define the types of seizure that the patient suffers
secondarily GTCSs, where AEDs that abolish focal in order of severity and risk to the patient
seizures also eradicate secondarily GTCSs: t define, if possible, the IGE syndrome.
t ethosuximide is a first option AED for absence
In choosing the first AED to be recommended from
seizures and negative myoclonus but is ineffective
Table 13.6, efficacy and adverse reactions have to be
in GTCSs
carefully balanced, because treatment is often life-long.
t clonazepam is the most effective anti-myoclonic
AED, but its effect in absences is weak and may Therefore, also consider long-term effects such as:
aggrevate GTCSs. t adverse drug reactions (ADRs) on growth and
(F) IGEs are often easily treatable, which means that development of children
a small dose of an appropriate AED is as good as a t hormonal changes and ADRs on the reproductive
large dose.202 life of a woman, including teratogenicity.
t no difference in the control of various types of The management and AED treatment specific to each
JME could be demonstrated between 1000 mg syndrome of IGE can be found in the description of
and 2000 mg of valproate.203 the epileptic syndromes of this chapter.

IGEs: RCTs and evidence-

Treatment of based recommendations
newly diagnosed IGEs There is an especially alarming lack of well-designed,
The treatment of newly diagnosed patients with IGEs properly conducted RCTs for patients with generalised
should follow the same general principles detailed in seizures/epilepsies and for children in general.205
414 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

In the 2006 ILAE authoritative evidence-based review was significantly better than lamotrigine (HR 0.68;
and analysis of the efficacy and effectiveness of AEDs 95% CI, 0.53–0.89), but there was no significant
as initial monotherapy for epileptic seizures,205 no difference between valproate and topiramate. Leveti-
AED reached the high level A (AED established as racetam has not been assessed.
efficacious or effective) or B (probably efficacious or In addition to other methodological problems
effective) required for an AED to ‘be considered for (see pages 190–193), this RCT did not study the
initial monotherapy – first-line monotherapy’ in: effects of the AEDs on the different seizure types
t adults and children with GTCSs of IGE (absences, myoclonic jerks or GTCSs) or
t children with absence seizures IGE syndromes. This contradicts the aforemen-
t juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. tioned principles of AED therapy of IGEs, which
Myoclonic seizures or other IGEs could not even be are in agreement with the authors’ statement: ‘an
assessed. overall analysis, ignoring epilepsy type, might lead
to an erroneous conclusion that a new drug is not
Clinical note inferior to a standard’.206 In addition, like in all
other RCTs, ‘misclassification of patients’ epilepsy
Do all primarily GTCSs of different
type’207 and ‘questionable selection of patients’208
syndromes have the same responsiveness?12
may have confounded the results of RCTs examining
the effect of AEDs in IGE, particularly on primarily
PG*(&T)PXFWFS QSJNBSJMZ(5$4TPGGFCSJMFTFJ[VSFT For the levels of evidence supporting the recommen-
BSFNBJOMZSFTQPOTJWFUPQIFOPCBSCJUBMBOEWBMQSPBUF  dations proposed in this section, see Chapter 7.
PG TZNQUPNBUJD FQJMFQTJFT EP OPU IBWF UIF TBNF Of the older AEDs effective in the treatment of IGEs
SFTQPOTJWFOFTTBTUIFQSJNBSJMZ(5$4TPG*(&T the position is as follows (the AEDs are listed in
,OPXJOH UIF BOTXFS UP UIFTF RVFTUJPOT NBZ IBWF B order of efficacy in primarily GTCSs).
TJHOJmDBOU JNQBDU JO UIF JOUFSQSFUBUJPO PG DFSUBJO 3$5T Valproate has superior efficacy in all seizures and syn-
"&%JOTPDBMMFEQSJNBSJMZ(5$4TJONJYFEQPQVMBUJPOT absence seizures and myoclonic jerks in about 75%
and GTCSs in 70% of patients with IGE. Valproate
is the first-choice AED in IGEs for men. However,
valproate is undesirable in women because of its
teratogenic effects and its tendency to cause weight
gain and polycystic ovary syndrome (see Principles
of therapy in women with epilepsy; Chapter 7). The
risk for major congenital malformations (MCMs)
with valproate monotherapy is three to five times
higher than the background rate. This is higher with
In a recent class 3 RCT involving patients with increasing doses of valproate, and it is double or more
IGE,206 valproate was significantly better than in combination with other AEDs, particularly with
both lamotrigine (hazard ratio [HR] 1.55; 95% lamotrigine (10%).209,210
confidence interval [CI], 1.07–2.24) and topiramate Phenobarbital is the preferred drug for the treatment
(HR 1.89; 95% CI, 1.32–2.70) for time to treatment of primarily GTCSs and JME when cost is of concern.
failure. For time to 12-month remission, valproate It worsens absences.
Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsies 415

Phenytoin is effective in primarily GTCSs. It worsens nancy153,155,216 and hormonal contraception;217 and
absences and possibly myoclonic jerks. possible teratogenicity (see Principles of therapy in
Carbamazepine is effective in primarily GTCSs, but women with epilepsy, Chapter 7).156,210
aggravates absences and myoclonic jerks. Topiramate218 is another broad-spectrum AED that is
Clonazepam, even in small doses of 0.5–1 mg, is probably effective in primarily GTCSs205 and myoclonic jerks,
the most potent antimyoclonic drug with some anti- with some weak action on absence seizures.219 In the
absence effect; it is ineffective in primarily GTCSs or, IGEs, including JME, it appears to be less effective
by suppressing myoclonic jerks, deprive patients of the than valproate but more effective than lamotrigine.206
warning symptoms of an impeding GTCS.157 Topiramate is unlikely to achieve monotherapy status
Clobazam has not been evaluated in primarily in the long-term treatment of IGEs, mainly because
GTCSs of IGE, but it may be effective in some cases. of its many ADRs and its relatively inferior efficacy in
Clobazam is a very useful AED in focal epilepsies IGEs compared with valproate and levetiracetam. More
and secondarily GTCSs. However, in IGE, I have recently, concerns have also been raised about possible
found clobazam to be far inferior to clonazepam in teratogenic effects (page 208) in women with epilepsy
controlling myoclonic jerks, and may have only a and that in animal experiments topiramate may damage
very weak effect on absences. the retina, similar to vigabatrin.220
Acetazolamide has been used for treating primarily Zonisamide is also a broad-spectrum AED, but its role
GTCSs in cases resistant to conventional treatment, in IGE is largely uncertain.221 It probably has a weak
although its use may induce nephrolithiasis.211 beneficial effect in primarily GTCSs, absences and
Ethosuximide is a potent anti-absence AED controlling jerks, although a few patients may have an excellent
70% of absences in monotherapy. It may improve response.222 ADRs may be particularly troublesome
in children (see page 612).
myoclonic seizures (particularly negative epileptic
Monotherapy with one of the AEDs listed in
myoclonus), but is ineffective in GTCSs.
Table 13.6 is unlikely to fail if it is appropriately
Newer AEDs useful in IGEs evaluated and chosen for the particular IGE syndrome
Of the newer AEDs, only levetiracetam, lamotrigine, and individual patient. Monotherapy should not be
topiramate and zonisamide (in order of efficacy) abandoned before making sure that the maximum
appear to be effective agents in IGEs. All others tolerated dose has been achieved.
– vigabatrin, tiagabine, gabapentin, pregabalin and
oxcarbazepine – are contraindicated in IGEs. Management of patients
Levetiracetam, because of its efficacy in primarily
GTCSs,103 myoclonic jerks104 and photosensitivity with difficult to treat IGEs
and its safer ADR profile, appears to be the most IGEs have a better prognosis, and a more favourable
probable substitute for valproate in at least JME and response to, appropriate AEDs than symptomatic and
women.146–148,212 focal epilepsies: ‘most patients with IGE are easily
Of significant importance in the treatment of controlled with appropriate medication, refractory
women with IGEs are the reported results of the UK patients are rare’.223 Prevalence of intractable IGE
Pregnancy Registry (see Table 7.15).214 may be in the order of 10–30% and this is mostly
Lamotrigine is effective in primarily GTCSs215 and due to delayed or inappropriate treatment.224
absence seizures,205 whereas it aggravates myoclonic Management of patients with difficult to treat
jerks.151 It has important pharmacodynamic inter- IGEs, providing that they truly suffer from epileptic
actions with valproate. Problems with lamotrigine seizures, should follow the same principles as
include: a high incidence of idiosyncratic reactions detailed in Chapter 7:
that are more prominent in children and can t Based on clinical and EEG evidence, establish the
occasionally be fatal; marked interactions with preg- type or types of seizures (absences, myoclonic
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

jerks and GTCSs alone or in combination), the IGEs are probably life-long and confront the usual
and make sure that these are primarily and not textbook advice of withdrawal of medication after 2
secondarily generalised. Previous EEGs, particu- or 3 years from the last seizure because relapses are
larly in untreated stages, are invaluable. probably unavoidable. However, if seizures are mild
t Establish precipitating factors and circadian and infrequent, drug withdrawal may be attempted.
distribution as well as their effect regarding This should be in small decrements, probably over
intractability. years, warning the patient that re-appearance of
t List in chronological order all AEDs previously even minor seizures such as absences or myoclonic
used, and in what doses and combinations. jerks mandates continuation of treatment. EEG
Establish which drugs were beneficial and which confirmation of the seizure-free state is needed during
made the situation worse. the withdrawal period.
t Consider thoroughly the current situation regar-
ding: (1) seizures – which are the more predomi- Useful reminder
nant and more disturbing; and (2) AEDs – which
are definitely or possibly effective, ineffective or 4NBMM EPTFT PG UIF BEEFE "&% BSF TPNFUJNFT WFSZ
contraindicated with respect to seizures and FGGFDUJWF
t Consider thoroughly all the above, including sex, JOBTJOHMFTNBMMEPTF oNH
age and compliance, in making a definite plan of BESBNBUJDCFOFmDJBMFGGFDU75
which AEDs with adverse effects (seizure efficacy *ONFOPOWBMQSPBUF BEEJOHTNBMMEPTFTPGMBNPUSJHJOF
and patient tolerability) should be withdrawn o NH
and which of the indicated AEDs should be OBNJDJOUFSBDUJPOTCFUXFFOUIFTFESVHT
increased in dosage or added to the scheme.
t Of the newer AEDs, those which are likely to be
effective as monotherapy are also the most likely to Management of
be suitable in polytherapy. The order of priority as
determined by efficacy, safety, drug–drug interactions status epilepticus in IGEs
and other parameters are levetiracetam, lamotrigine, IGEs have a high prevalence of absence status
topiramate and zonisamide. All other newer AEDs epilepticus, which often goes undetected or is
– gabapentin, oxcarbazepine, pregabalin, tiagabine misdiagnosed as a prodrome or focal non-convulsive
and vigabatrin – are contraindicated. status epilepticus (which is less common than absence
status epilepticus).225 Conversely, generalised tonic–
clonic status epilepticus is less common in IGEs than
Drug withdrawal other epilepsies.
In CAE, treatment may be slowly withdrawn 1–3 years The management of status epilepticus is detailed
after controlling all absences. All other syndromes of in Chapter 3.

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Familial (autosomal
dominant) focal epilepsies
In the past two decades, significant progress difficult, particularly in small families in which
in molecular and statistical genetics has led to there are insufficient numbers of individuals to
breakthroughs in the mapping and identification identify a specific pattern. Berkovic et al.8 have
of gene variants of genetic diseases that follow recently provided clinical guidelines for this
Mendelian patterns of inheritance in humans. Of task, “which will eventually be supplanted by
more than 500 genetic loci associated with Mendelian specific molecular diagnosis”.
genetic diseases that have been mapped to specific
chromosomal locations, almost 100 gene variants Recommended
have been cloned on the basis of their position. The websites on genetics
cloning and sequencing of these gene variants has
helped elucidate the function and cellular biology of Definitions, glossary and details on genetics can be
their gene products. found through appropriate websites, of which the most
Similar advances have been made in identifying the important are those provided by the National Human
genetic and molecular basis of: 1–7 Genome Research Institute (, the
(a) many diseases that are frequently associated with National Center for Biotechnology Information (www.
epileptic seizures such as metabolic, storage,, the Online Mendelian Inheritance in
and mitochondrial disorders and symptomatic Man (OMIM;, the Human
epilepsies of malformation of cortical develop- Genome Organisation (HUGO) Gene Nomenclature
ment. Direct molecular diagnosis is now possible Committee (
in several of these inherited diseases, such as html) and Swiss-Prot (
Lafora disease (see chapter 17). The GeneTests website (
(b) various syndromes of focal and generalised sites/GeneTests/?db=GeneTests) is a publicly funded
epilepsies (as detailed in the description of each medical genetics information resource available at no
of them in this book). Most of these have a charge, which provides current, authoritative information
polygenic complex inheritance due to multiple on genetic testing and its use in diagnosis, management
susceptibility genes; a number of genes may and genetic counselling, with an illustrative glossary. This
each make a subtle contribution to the disease is now hosted at the National Center for Biotechnology
and genes may determine how a person Information.
reacts to environmental factors contributing
Familial (autosomal dominant) focal epilepsies are
to the disease. However, a few are monogenic
monogenic forms of epilepsy identified in large
Mendelian (single gene) epileptic syndromes
but rare families, with an epileptic trait segregating
and have been successfully identified, mainly
in the absence of environmental factors. In these
by Berkovic and his team.1,4,7,8 Identification of
the various forms of familial focal epilepsy is families, phenotypes are determined by mutations

424 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Table 14.1 (A) Pedigree illustrating autosomal dominant inheritance pattern: autosomal dominant conditions are often seen
in multiple generations; mothers and fathers are equally likely to transmit or inherit the disorder; sons and daughters of an
affected parent are equally likely to inherit and transmit the disorder. (B) Probability of transmitting an autosomal dominant
gene mutation to offspring (R = autosomal dominant mutant gene; r = normal gene).
Adapted with permission from Panayiotopoulos (2007).9

in susceptibility genes, some of which have The following syndromes have been recognised
been identified or localised. Most of the genes (Table 5.2):
discovered code for either voltage-gated or ligand- t benign familial neonatal seizures (Chapter 8)
gated ion channel subunits, which indicates that, t benign familial infantile seizures (Chapter 9)
at least in part, familial (autosomal dominant) focal t autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe
epilepsies are a family of channelopathies. Familial epilepsy (ADNFLE)
lateral temporal lobe epilepsy was the first non- t familial temporal lobe epilepsy:
ion channel disease in this group to be described. – familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Marked phenotypic variability and genetic – familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy
heterogeneity underlie all known monogenic t familial focal epilepsy with variable foci
epileptic syndromes. (syndrome in development).
Familial (Autosomal Dominant) Focal Epilepsies 425

Useful glossary

Autosomal dominant: a pattern of inheritance in which an af- mitosis or meiosis in eukaryotes), and hence the greater the
fected individual has only one copy of a mutant gene and one probability that they will be inherited together.
normal gene on one of the 22 pairs of autosomal (nonsex) Linkage map: A map of the relative positions of genetic loci on a
chromosomes (Figure 14.1). One mutated copy of the gene chromosome, determined on the basis of how often the loci are
is sufficient for a person to be affected. Each affected person inherited together. Distance is measured in centimorgans (cM).
usually has one affected parent. The chance of passing the Locus (pl. loci): The position on a chromosome of a gene or
gene to offspring is 50% for each pregnancy. other chromosome marker; also, the DNA at that position. The
Chromosome: The self-replicating genetic structure of cells use of locus is sometimes restricted to mean expressed DNA
containing the cellular DNA that bears in its nucleotide se- regions.
quence the linear array of genes. In prokaryotes, chromosomal Mendelian inheritance: Inheritance pattern based on a single
DNA is circular, and the entire genome is carried on one chro- affected gene. The inheritance pattern of a Mendelian disease
mosome. Eukaryotic genomes consist of a number of chro- depends on whether it is autosomal dominant, autosomal re-
mosomes whose DNA is associated with different kinds of cessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, or Y-linked. Also
proteins. related but not truly Mendelian are some of the rarer inheritance
Chromosome region p: A designation for the short arm of a patterns (e.g. mosaicism, anticipation, triplet repeat).
chromosome. Monogenic disorder: A disorder caused by mutation of a single
Chromosome region q: A designation for the long arm of a gene.
chromosome. Mutation: Any heritable change in DNA sequence.
Gene: The fundamental physical and functional unit of hered- Penetrance: The probability of a gene or genetic trait being ex-
ity. A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a pressed. “Complete” penetrance means the gene or genes for
particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a a trait are expressed in all the population who have the genes.
specific functional product (i.e. a protein or RNA molecule). “Incomplete” penetrance means the genetic trait is expressed
Gene mapping: Determination of the relative positions of genes in only part of the population. The percentage penetrance also
on a DNA molecule (chromosome or plasmid) and of the dis- may change with the age range of the population.
tance, in linkage units or physical units, between them. Phenocopy: A trait not caused by inheritance of a gene but
Genetic screening: Testing a group of people to identify indi- appears to be identical to a genetic trait.
viduals at high risk of having or passing on a specific genetic Phenotype: The physical characteristics of an organism or the
disorder. presence of a disease that may or may not be genetic.
Genetic testing: Analysing an individual’s genetic material to Polygenic disorder: Genetic disorder resulting from the com-
determine predisposition to a particular health condition or to bined action of alleles of more than one gene (e.g., heart dis-
confirm a diagnosis of genetic disease. ease, diabetes, and some cancers). Although such disorders
Genome: All the genetic material in the chromosomes of a par- are inherited, they depend on the simultaneous presence of
ticular organism; its size is generally given as its total number several alleles; thus the hereditary patterns usually are more
of base pairs. complex than those of single-gene disorders.
Genotype: The genetic constitution of an organism, as distin- Recessive gene: A gene which will be expressed only if there
guished from its physical appearance (its phenotype). are 2 identical copies or, for a male, if one copy is present on
Insertion: A chromosome abnormality in which a piece of DNA the X chromosome (Figure 17.1).
is incorporated into a gene and thereby disrupts the gene’s Sequencing: Determination of the order of nucleotides (base
normal function. sequences) in a DNA or RNA molecule or the order of amino
Linkage: The proximity of two or more markers (e.g., genes, acids in a protein.
RFLP markers) on a chromosome; the closer the markers, the Single-gene disorder: Hereditary disorder caused by a mutant
lower the probability that they will be separated during DNA allele of a single gene (e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy,
repair or replication processes (binary fission in prokaryotes, retinoblastoma, sickle cell disease).
426 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Patients and their families should be offered genetic investigations and diagnostic uncertainties in these
counselling as for autosomal dominant disorders of patients. Similarly, identification of LGI1 mutations
known aetiology and gene mutations. in the familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy and
The heterogeneity of mutations described to date
nicotinic receptor abnormalities in ADNFL is
has precluded the development of simple diagnostic
clinically valuable.2 Currently, testing for these genes
tests for familial autosomal dominant focal
epilepsies.7 However, identification of a KCNQ2, is not routinely available in clinical practice and is
KCNQ3, or SCN2A mutation in neonatal autosomal- expensive because of their size and the distributions
dominant epilepsies can prevent unnecessary of mutations.2

Autosomal dominant
nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
ADNFLE10–17 is the first distinctive syndrome of movements, bipedal and fencing postures), or
focal epilepsy to be described with a single gene tonic stiffening of the limbs and the body, often
inheritance pattern.18 with superimposed clonic components. Patients
may be thrown out of bed or find themselves
prone in a crawling position. Injuries may occur.
Demographic data Paroxysmal arousals or awakening during non-
Onset is mainly in late childhood at 7–12 years of rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep may also
age (mean 11 years), although it ranges from infancy represent mild seizures that may or may not be
(2 months) to adulthood (56 years). Overall, 90% associated with transient dystonic posturing. Two-
of patients have their first seizure before the age thirds of patients experience a non-specific aura
of somatosensory, sensory, psychic and autonomic
of 20. Men and women are equally affected. The
symptoms. Consciousness is usually preserved.
prevalence is unknown, but the increasing number
Sleep is abruptly interrupted, but immediately
of publications from 1994 indicates that ADNFLE
resumes with the end of the seizure. The post-ictal
may not be an uncommon disease.
state is entirely normal.
Secondarily generalised tonic–clonic seizures
Clinical manifestations (GTCSs), which occur in two-thirds of patients, are
very infrequent, nocturnal and are mainly seen in
ADNFLE manifests with frequent (almost every untreated patients or after withdrawal of medication.
night) clusters of brief (20–50 s) nocturnal motor ADNFLE shows marked intra- and interfamily
seizures with hyperkinetic/dystonic features and/or variability in severity. Affected family members
tonic manifestations. These hypermotor seizures of usually have clusters of seizures with a weekly or
ADNFLE are identical to those of the supplementary monthly frequency, but some patients have attacks
sensorimotor area (SMA) as detailed in Chapter 15 every night; a few individuals have mild and rare
(page 459). attacks that are identified only during systematic
Seizures are of sudden onset and their termination study of the family. However, in one study the clinical
is devoid of post-ictal symptoms. Motor symptoms phenotypes were homogeneous in two families and
consist of thrashing hyperkinetic movements and difficult to separate on clinical grounds, irrespective
dystonic posturing (shoulder or pelvic thrashing of chromosomal linkage and mutations.19
Familial (Autosomal Dominant) Focal Epilepsies 427

Circadian distribution rhythmic, slow-wave activity in another 47%

Seizures are most likely to occur in the hypnagogic of patients.23 Molecular genetics testing reveals
state of sleep or shortly before awakening. Diurnal mutations in CHRNA4 or CHRNB2 in about 20–30%
attacks are rare. of individuals with a positive family history and
fewer than 5% of individuals with a negative family
Precipitating factors history.14 Brain imaging is normal.
Stress, fatigue and alcohol increase the frequency of
fits. Seizures in children provoked by movement and
sound stimulation are reported.11 Prognosis
Seizures are lifelong, although in mild cases they
may appear for only a brief period. Spontaneous
Aetiology remissions and relapses occur. Some patients have
ADNFLE is an autosomal dominant disorder. frequent attacks that are refractory to medication.
Penetrance is about 70%, although it can be much Attacks may become milder in the fifth or sixth
lower in some families. decade of life and be described as fragments of
Initially, two human ADNFLE gene loci were previous seizures.
identified: CHRNA4, which encodes the neuronal
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) A4-sub-
unit protein and is located at chromosome region Differential diagnosis
20q13.2–q13.3; and CHRNB2, which encodes the Misdiagnosis of seizures as benign nocturnal para-
nAChR B2-subunit protein and is located at chro- somnias, night terrors, nightmares, or psychiatric
mosome region 1q21.3. The nAChRs are members and medical disorders is common (around 80%
of a superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels of patients).23 ‘Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia’24
that mediate fast signal transmission at synapses. and ‘hypnic tonic postural seizures of frontal lobe
Later, in other families with ADNFLE, the above origin’25 are certainly frontal lobe seizures and most
genes were excluded and one family was linked to patients probably have ADNFLE.
chromosome 15q24.20 Symptoms of awakening with the feeling of
Recently, a large pedigree segregating sleep-related choking, abnormal motor activity during sleep and
epilepsy has been reported in which seizures are excessive daytime sleepiness are relatively common
associated with fear sensation, tongue movements in both obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and
and nocturnal wandering, closely resembling night- nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. All-night video-
mares and sleep walking. The identified gene for polysomnographic monitoring is needed to provide
this familial sleep-related focal epilepsy is CHRNA2, a firm diagnosis.23
which encodes the neuronal cholinergic receptor On clinical and EEG grounds, ADNFLE may be
A2-subunit protein and is located on chromosome identical to non-familial symptomatic or cryptogenic
8p21.6,21 frontal lobe epilepsy from the supplementary SMA
Current evidence indicates that ADNFLE manifests (Chapter 15, page 459). Family history in ADNFLE
with considerable genetic heterogeneity despite its and MRI abnormalities in symptomatic SMA epilepsy
homogeneous clinical features.22 are the main distinguishing features.

Diagnostic procedures Management

The diagnosis of ADNFLE is based on clinical Management is the same as for the focal epilepsies.
history. Video-EEG during sleep shows ictal frontal Carbamazepine monotherapy is effective. A third
discharges in 32% of patients and ictal, anterior, of patients are resistant to treatment. Levetiracetam
428 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

may be a first option (Table 15.3). Add-on clobazam Nicotine patches, together with appropriate anti-
may be useful, or lamotrigine and topiramate may be epileptic drugs (AEDs), may be of benefit in some
individuals with ADNFLE.16,27 Seizure freedom was
effective. Cognitive impairment due to topiramate
significantly associated with tobacco use.16
appears to be easily overlooked and underestimated Genetic counselling as per the autosomal disorders
in patients treated with this drug.26 should be carried out.

Familial (autosomal
dominant) temporal lobe epilepsy
Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is largely acquired and 1. familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
caused by lesions, such as hippocampal sclerosis, (FMTLE)
tumours, trauma, vascular or malformations of 2. familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy (FLTLE),
cortical development. The genetic involvement in which is also described as ‘partial epilepsy with
some forms of TLE has been elucidated only recently. auditory symptoms’.29
Familial TLE is of autosomal dominant inheritance Both these forms of familial TLE begin in adolescence
and has two types:28 or adult life and usually have a benign course.

Familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy

FMTLE is an autosomal dominant disease character- Clinical manifestations
ised by seizure symptomatology of mesial TLE, such
Seizures are generally mild, infrequent and well
as déjà vu, experiential and autonomic manifestations controlled with AEDs. Simple focal seizures (90%)
(see Chapter 15).1,30–36 are far more common than complex focal seizures
(66%) and may be the only seizure type (18%). The
main ictal manifestations consist of déjà vu, other
Demographic data experiential phenomena and hallucinations (almost
Onset is typically in teenage or early adult life with all) alone or together with autonomic disturbances.
Emotional symptoms of fear and panic, visual
a median in the middle of the third decade of life.
and auditory illusions of distortions of light and
No children under the age of 10 years have been
sound, and somatosensory sensations of diffuse, not
identified with this disorder. Women (58%) may be localised, numbness and tingling are other common
affected more than men. Epidemiology is unknown. ictal symptoms.
Berkovic proposes that this may be a common Ascending epigastric sensation does not occur in
condition.30,31,34 familial mesial TLE.
Familial (Autosomal Dominant) Focal Epilepsies 429

Secondarily GTCSs occur in only two-thirds of followed by oral automatisms and impaired aware-
patients with FMTLE and, in 50% of cases, they occur ness. No lateralised EEG changes occurred in
before initiation of appropriate treatment. GTCSs are the other seizure, which started with an aura and
infrequent with the worst possible scenario of one early left-sided dystonia that rapidly progressed to
GTCS per year. secondarily generalised convulsions.
Patients are neurologically and mentally normal, and
the condition does not appear to affect their other-
wise normal life, particularly when on medication. Differential diagnosis
The main difficulty is probably in differentiating
patients with very mild and infrequent seizures of
Aetiology predominantly déjà vu from normal phenomena.
Autosomal dominant inheritance with reduced This may be impossible in individual cases without
penetrance (60%) is the most likely mode of inheri- other overt seizure symptoms or other family
tance.31,33,36 A recent study identified a genetic locus members with TLE.
for FMTLE on chromosome 4q13.2-q21.3, spanning FMTLE should be mainly differentiated from
a 7-cm region.35 hippocampal epilepsy. The main differentiating
features in favour of FMTLE are:
t onset in the teens or early adult life
Diagnostic procedures t no febrile convulsions or other antecedent factors
MRI is often normal,30,31,35 but in severe cases hippo- of epilepsy
campal atrophy can be found, as well as some rare t no ictal symptoms of rising epigastric aura
examples of familial hippocampal sclerosis.30,37 t mild and infrequent seizures that may remit
Minor and non-specific abnormalities, which mani- t usually normal MRI (see however reference 38).
fest as diffuse, small, high signal areas on T2-weigh- Table 15.1 shows the key differences between mesial
ted images, may be seen. However, in a recent study and lateral temporal lobe epilepsy.
hippocampal atrophy was present in 90% of cases
of FMTLE and in 83% of cases of non-familial
Inter-ictal FDG-PET may show ipsilateral temporal The prognosis is usually good. A sixth of cases
hypometabolism in patients with active seizures. with mild simple focal seizures alone (16%) would
never know that they have an epileptic disorder if
Electroencephalography other family members were not affected. Of the
The inter-ictal EEG is usually normal (50% of cases), cases with more overt seizure manifestations,
and shows mild, focal, slow waves (28%) or sparse, only 66% have complex focal seizures and GTCSs
usually unilateral (22%), sharp–slow-wave complexes that are again rather infrequent and respond
localised to the temporal region.31,39 Sleep may well to AEDs. It is rare for seizures to continue
occasionally activate epileptiform abnormalities. after drug treatment (10–20% of cases). The
Only three seizures have been recorded.34 In one cross-sectional nature of the study of Berkovic,
seizure, a right temporal ictal discharge appeared et al30,31,34 precluded accurate determination of
during the attack, which began with fear and remission rates, but the histories of affected
was followed by loss of awareness, staring, swal- individuals suggested that long remissions, with
lowing and left-hand automatisms. The two other or without therapy, were common. Conversely, in
seizures occurred in the same patient. No definitive the Montreal series, drawn largely from patients
epileptiform changes were recorded in one seizure, considering surgical treatment for epilepsy, a more
which comprised an aura of buzzing in the ears, severe clinical spectrum was observed.33,40
430 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Management have a good surgical outcome when unilateral or clearly

asymmetrical hippocampal atrophy are identified.40
Seizures are usually easily controlled with carbamaz- Pre-operative investigation should be the same as that
epine or phenytoin.30,31,34 Patients with refractory FMTLE in patients with sporadic refractory FMTLE.40

Familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy

Synonyms: partial epilepsy with auditory symptoms, Aetiology
autosomal dominant focal epilepsy with auditory
FLTLE has autosomal dominant inheritance with
high penetrance (about 80%). Mutations of the
‘Familial (autosomal dominant) lateral temporal
leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1 (LGI1)/epitempin
lobe epilepsy (FLTLE)’ and ‘autosomal dominant
gene on chromosome 10q are responsible for the
focal epilepsy with auditory features’ are the same
syndrome.45,47,48,50,51 FLTLE is genetically heteroge-
disorders caused by defects in the same gene.41–48
neous. LGI1 mutations are specific for FLTLE but do
Their symptomatology is of lateral TLE (see page
not occur in all families.
454). FLTLE is the first non-ion channel familial
epilepsy to have been discovered.
Diagnostic procedures
Demographic data EEG and MRI are often normal or show usually
mild and non-specific abnormalities. Inter-ictal EEG
Onset of FLTLE is typically in teenage or early adult epileptiform abnormalities rarely occur.
life, but may be earlier (5–10 years of age) or later.

Clinical manifestations
The prognosis is excellent. Patients are neurologically
FLTLE is characterised by: and mentally normal, and the condition does not
t mild seizures with mainly auditory hallucinations appear to affect their otherwise normal life, particu-
t mainly nocturnal and infrequent GTCSs larly when on medication. However, a recent report
t excellent response to treatment. describes a family with documented FLTLE with
Seizures are generally mild, infrequent and well drug resistant seizures and recurrent episodes of
controlled with AEDs. Simple focal seizures are the most status epilepticus with dysphasic features.52
common of all. They mainly consist of simple auditory
hallucinations such as ringing, humming, clicking
or unspecified noises. Other sensory symptoms, Differential diagnosis
such as visual (lights, colours and simple figures), FLTLE should be differentiated from other struc-
olfactory, vertiginous or cephalic features, are frequent. tural causes of lateral TLE (page 455), which lack a
Autonomic, experiential and motor symptoms are similar family history. FLTLE is markedly different
less common. Infrequently, simple focal seizures may from hippocampal and other types of FMTLE (see
progress to complex focal seizures. FLTLE with mainly Table 15.1). Auditory hallucinations are the main ictal
brief aphasic seizures has also been described.49 symptom of FLTLE, but may not occur in some patients.
Secondarily GTCSs are rare and predominantly Conversely, déjà vu and other experiential phenomena
nocturnal. are the predominant seizure manifestations of FMTLE.
Familial (Autosomal Dominant) Focal Epilepsies 431

Management monotherapy very effective. Usually, the response

to carbamazepine is excellent. Levetiracetam is the
Management is the same as for the focal epilepsies next AED option. Drug-resistant cases have been
(Table 15.3). Most authors found carbamazepine described.52

Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci

Familial focal (partial) epilepsy with variable foci markers D22S1144 and D22S685.8,55,57 However, in the
is an autosomal dominant syndrome characterised original Australian family, the disorder was not found
by focal seizures originating from different brain to be linked to chromosome 22, indicating genetic
regions in different family members in the absence heterogeneity. In this family, a genome-wide search
of detectable structural abnormalities.8,53–57 failed to demonstrate definitive linkage, but a sugg-
estion of linkage was found on chromosome 2q.53

Demographic data
Age at onset varies markedly (range from months to
Diagnostic procedures
43 years), although the mean age at onset of seizures Neuroimaging is usually normal.
is 13 years. To date, the disorder has been reported
in around eight unrelated families. Electroencephalography
Inter-ictal focal epileptiform abnormalities occur in
most patients. Their locations vary between family
Clinical manifestations members and may occur in the temporal, frontal,
The defining feature of this syndrome is that different centroparietal or occipital regions, but for each indi-
family members have focal seizures emanating from vidual a single focus remains constant over time. These
different cortical locations, including temporal, abnormalities are facilitated or brought on by sleep.
frontal, centroparietal and occipital regions. Each Clinical seizures are concordant with EEG localisation.
individual patient has the same electroclinical pattern EEG severity varies significantly in different individuals
of single location focal epilepsy. Seizures are often and does not correlate with seizure frequency. Normal
nocturnal, and there is great intrafamilial variability. family members may also have an EEG spike focus,
Severity varies among family members: some are which indicates that this is likely to be a marker for the
asymptomatic manifesting with only an EEG spike- familial partial epilepsy with variable focal trait.
focus; and most are easily controlled with AEDs, but
a few may be intractable to medication.
Development is usually normal.
Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci is a rare
inherited syndrome with autosomal dominant
inheritance and penetrance of about 60%. In two The effects of the AEDs described in Chapter 18 have
families, the disease has been mapped to a locus in a not been evaluated directly, but carbamazepine and
3.8-cM interval on chromosome 22q11-q12, between phenytoin appear to be effective (Table 15.3).
432 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Other possible familial (autosomal

dominant) focal epilepsies not yet recognised
Of those syndromes not yet recognised by the ILAE repeat. Molecular studies on this syndrome, where the
Task Force, the most important and well documented inheritance pattern is clear, could also be relevant to
are: identifying a gene for benign rolandic epilepsy where
t autosomal dominant rolandic epilepsy and anticipation does not occur and the mode of inheritance
speech dyspraxia58,59 is uncertain.58
t focal epilepsy with pericentral spikes and evi-
However, the clinical presentation of these patients
dence for linkage to chromosome 4p. with a permanent neurological deficit, sometimes
preceding the seizures, can hardly be considered
Autosomal dominant as ‘resembling benign rolandic epilepsy’ or ‘epito-
mising the archetypal benign rolandic epileptic
rolandic epilepsy attack’. A new family with autosomal dominant
and speech dyspraxia58,59 rolandic epilepsy and speech disorder has been
recently described.61
‘Autosomal dominant rolandic epilepsy and speech
dyspraxia: a new syndrome with anticipation’ appears
to be a rare hereditary condition that was described Focal epilepsy
by Berkovic, Scheffer and associates.58 They exten-
sively studied a family of nine affected individuals
with pericentral spikes
in three generations with nocturnal oro-facial focal Focal epilepsy with pericentral spikes is based on
seizures, secondarily GTCSs and centrotemporal the study of a single family.60 All affected members
epileptiform discharges, associated with oral and manifested a variety of seizure types, including
speech dyspraxia and cognitive impairment. The hemiclonic, hemitonic GTCSs, and simple focal
speech disorder was prominent, but differed from (stereotyped episodes of epigastric pain) and
that of Landau–Kleffner syndrome and epilepsy with complex focal seizures consistent with temporal
continuous spike-and-wave during sleep. Patients in lobe semiology. The syndrome is benign, either it
previous generations were not so severely affected, does not require treatment or it responds to a single
but they also had neurological deficits, mainly of AED. Seizure onset is in the first or second decade
oral and speech dyspraxia with no evidence of of life, with seizures persisting up to the age of
dysarthria. 71 years and documented EEG changes up to the
The authors assessed that: age of 30 years. A key feature of this syndrome is a
The electroclinical features of this new syndrome of characteristic EEG abnormality of spikes or sharp
autosomal dominant rolandic epilepsy resemble those of waves in the pericentral region (centroparietal,
benign rolandic epilepsy, a common inherited epilepsy centrofrontal or centrotemporal). The syndrome
of childhood. This family shows clinical anticipation may be overlooked, because of the variability
of the seizure disorder, the oral and speech dyspraxia, in penetrance and seizure types among affected
and cognitive dysfunction, suggesting that the genetic family members. There is evidence for linkage to
mechanism could be expansion of an unstable triplet chromosome 4p15.
Familial (Autosomal Dominant) Focal Epilepsies 433

23. Oldani A, Zucconi M, Asselta R, Modugno M, Bonati MT, Dalpra

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epilepsy due to a new LGI1 mutation. Epilepsia 2005;46:118–23. 60. Kinton L, Johnson MR, Smith SJM, Farrell F, Stevens J, Rance JB, et
52. Bonaventura CD, Carni M, Diani E et al. Drug resistant ADLTE and al. Partial epilepsy with pericentral spikes: A new familial epilepsy
recurrent partial status epilepticus with dysphasic features in a family syndrome with evidence for linkage to chromosome 4p15. Ann
with a novel LGI1mutation: electroclinical, genetic, and EEG/fMRI Neurol 2002;51:740–9.
findings. Epilepsia 2009;50:2481–6. 61. Kugler SL, Bali B, Lieberman P, Strug L, Gagnon B et al. An autosomal
53. Scheffer IE, Phillips HA, O’Brien CE, Saling MM, Wrennall JA, Wallace dominant genetically heterogeneous variant of rolandic epilepsy and
RH, et al. Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci: a new partial speech disorder. Epilepsia 2008;49:1086–90.
Symptomatic and fifteen
cryptogenic (probably
symptomatic) focal epilepsies
Symptomatology The new ILAE diagnostic scheme further classifies
focal epilepsies according to whether they are limbic
and classification or neocortical (Tables 2.3 and 5.2).2,3 Simple and
Focal (anatomical, topographical or localisation complex focal seizures may account for 60–70%
related) epilepsies manifest with seizures that ema- of all epilepsies, and almost half originate from
nate from an epileptogenic focus anywhere within temporal lobe structures.4–6
the brain.1 Ictal symptoms, particularly at onset, are There are numerous causes of symptomatic and
determined by localisation and not aetiology. How- cryptogenic focal epilepsies, such as:
ever, specific anatomical localisation is sometimes t benign or malignant tumours
difficult, as, for example, when seizures originate t viral and other infectious and parasitic diseases
from clinically silent epileptogenic regions. t cerebrovascular disorders
The ILAE Commission (1989)1 classifies focal t malformations of cortical development
epilepsies, according to their topographical/anatom- t genetically determined brain and metabolic
ical origin (Table 5.1), as: disorders
t temporal lobe epilepsies (TLEs) t trauma and other injuries.
t frontal lobe epilepsies The exact prevalence of these aetiological factors in
t parietal lobe epilepsies various types of focal epilepsies has not been precisely
t occipital lobe epilepsies. estimated, and certainly varies significantly between
These epilepsies may be idiopathic, cryptogenic developed and developing countries; for example,
or symptomatic. The new diagnostic scheme con- cysticercosis and tuberculomas are among the most
siders symptomatic and probably symptomatic common causes of epilepsies in resource-poor coun-
(cryptogenic) focal epilepsies as a separate group tries but have a minimal prevalence in developed
countries. Malformations of cortical development,
from idiopathic focal epilepsies (Table 5.2).2 This
which are a significant cause of focal epilepsies, are
distinction is important in practice because the
often revealed only by high-resolution MRI.7
prognosis and treatment of the idiopathic focal
epilepsies differ significantly from those of the sym-
ptomatic focal epilepsies. There is now concrete Terminology
evidence to classify, diagnose and treat certain focal
The terms ‘focal’ and ‘partial’ seizures are synonymous
epilepsies on the basis of their aetiology rather
and interchangeable. Focal seizures or focal epilepsies
than, simply, their localisation. Mesial temporal
are the preferred terms.
lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-
HS), which is one of the more common and most The idiopathic and hereditary forms of focal epilepsies
distinct epileptic syndromes, is a striking example have been thoroughly described in Chapters 9, 11,
of this. 12 and 14.

436 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Useful recommendation for further reading and video-EEG presentations

All focal epileptic seizures and syndromes8 and their edited by C.P. Panayiotopoulos, S.R. Benbadis, and S.
aetiology, diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis Sisodiya. These volumes also contain numerous real-life
and management9 have been recently detailed by expert video presentations edited by C. P. Panayiotopoulos, P.
authorities in two volumes of a multimode publication Thomas and E. Hirsch.

Temporal lobe epilepsies

TLEs share the same topographical seizure onset Simple focal seizures manifest with subjective
(the temporal lobe), but they are often of diverse symptoms that last from a few seconds to 1 or 2 min.
aetiology, age at onset, prognosis and response to They commonly progress to complex focal seizures
medical or surgical management. They constitute during which objective symptoms appear. Secon-
30–35% of all epilepsies. darily GTCSs may be frequent or rare and a tenth
Anatomically, TLEs are broadly divided into those of patients may never experience a GTCS. Post-ictal
originating from the lateral or mesial regions of the fatigue and drowsiness are common.
temporal lobe (Figures 15.1–15.3).
The ILAE Task Force classifies temporal lobe Subjective ictal clinical manifestations
epilepsies as:2 Subjective ictal clinical manifestations constitute
1. Limbic TLE: a galaxy of various simple or complex internal
a. MTLE with hippocampal sclerosis sensations of illusions, hallucinations or both. These
b. MTLE defined by specific aetiologies symptoms are experienced by almost all patients
2. Neocortical epilepsy: (>90%) with TLE. They can be the only ictal
a. lateral TLE (LTLE) symptom of a focal seizure, but frequently progress
Limbic TLE make up two-thirds of TLE. to other manifestations of complex focal seizures.
Epigastric aura and fear are the most common and
are frequently the initial manifestations of MTLE.
Semiology of TLE Simple or complex auditory hallucinations mainly
TLEs manifest with the following: characterise LTLE. Complex internal sensations are
t simple focal seizures common in both.
t complex focal seizures Subjective ictal symptoms of temporal lobe seizures,
t secondarily generalised tonic–clonic seizures in order of prevalence, include:
(secondarily GTCSs) t ascending epigastric aura
t focal non-convulsive status epilepticus (limbic or t complex internal sensations:
neocortical) – fear and panic
t secondarily generalised convulsive status epilep- – déjà vu or jamais vu and their variations
ticus. t auditory hallucinations and illusions
Ictal clinical symptoms of TLE can be subjective t olfactory and gustatory hallucinations
(aura), objective or both. t other symptoms including autonomic disturbances.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 437

MRI of two patients with lateral (A) and mesial (B) temporal
lobe epilepsy due to dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours


Figure 15.1 (A) Coronal FLAIR MRI showing a discrete ring-like lesion in the lateral aspects of the right middle temporal gyrus
consistent with a small neoplasm. Pathology revealed a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour. (B) Coronal T2-weighted
MRI showing a large dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour occupying most of the left mesial temporal lobe.
Figure A courtesy of Dr Ruben Kuzniecky, NYU Epilepsy Center, New York, USA.
Figure B courtesy of Dr Rod C. Scott, Institute of Child Health, London.

Ascending epigastric aura is stereotypical in each individual. Most patients use

Ascending epigastric or visceral aura is by far the most the terms ‘fear’ and ‘panic’ synonymously. It is not
common symptom of MTLE.10–12 It is usually felt in directed towards any particular circumstance, event or
the upper half of the abdomen. It is a strange ‘difficult- person. It is just fear or panic that may be the first, and
to-describe’ sensation of emptiness, rolling, whirling, sometimes the only, ictal symptom (Figure 15.4).
tenderness, fluttering, butterflies, pressure, burning, I am scared, I have my panic.
emptiness and their variations.10 An epigastric aura More often, fear appears with other symptoms at the
is often initially described as pain, but genuine pain, beginning or during the course of the seizure.
sometimes excruciating, is exceptional and usually lasts
It starts with my panic and that stomach feeling, and
for 2–10 s. Irrespective of quality, this sensation often
then I pass out.
moves upwards (ascending) and when it reaches the
level of the throat the patient loses consciousness. A Fear is not specific only to MTLE. Although it is
downwards movement towards the feet is exceptional. mainly associated with amygdaloid, periamygdaloid
and hippocampal stimulation, neocortical areas can
Fear also be responsible. A typical example is the fear of
Fear is the most common aura after epigastric sensa- frontal lobe seizures (see page XXX). However, there
tions in MTLE. The intensity and quality of ictal fear is a major difference between the fear of TLE and the
vary considerably from patient to patient, although it fear of frontal lobe epilepsy:
438 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

EEG of a woman aged 24 with lateral temporal lobe epilepsy

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8

100 μV
1 sec

Figure 15.2 Note the marked focal abnormalities of slow waves and sharp–slow-wave complexes around the right anterior-
midtemporal regions.

t Fear in MTLE is predominantly subjective ‘I am of ‘fear and panic’ or a mild sense of depersonalisation
scared, I am in a terrible panic’, which is not (e.g. ‘who am I?’), which may also be experienced by
apparent to the observer. normal people who do not have seizures. On other
t Conversely, in frontal seizures, ‘fear’ is predomin- occasions, these symptoms may be more complicated
antly expressive, such as ‘his face is fearful’. with a complete distortion of time, space, morphology,
Briefly, ‘fear’ is mainly felt emotionally in mesial temporal direction, experience and normality.
lobe seizures and is mainly expressed facially in frontal
lobe seizures. Nomenclature issues

Complex internal sensations ‘Complex internal sensations’,13 ‘dreamy states’,

(experiential, mental, intellectual ‘psychic or mental symptoms’, ‘intellectual aura’ and
or psychic symptoms, dreamy states) ‘experiential phenomena’ are the terms most widely
Complex internal sensations13 of TLE are complex used to denote symptoms of temporal lobe seizures
perceptual distortions of hallucinations, illusions or that uniquely relate to the patient’s personality regarding
both. They may involve any faculty of the human identity, experience, emotion, thought and memory.
mind: thinking, emotion, memory and recollection, These terms are not necessarily synonymous, because
chronological assessment and order, speed, sensation, they are used in the relevant literature to encompass
reality and unreality, and their interactions with either limited or much wider ictal manifestations.
past, present and imaginary experiences. Events and
experiences may be reproduced intact or disturbed: the The complex internal sensations of temporal lobe
present may be misplaced to the past, and the past to the seizures typically combine elements of perception,
present; real may be seen as unreal and vice versa; time memory and affect, which, as in real life, are often
may be speeded up or slowed down; and shape and encompassed in a unified subjective symptom.14
other morphology may be natural or unnatural, and Perceptual, mnemonic or affective aberrations usually
deformed or undistorted. They may be very simple and cluster in various combinations and various degrees
natural, such as the ‘déjà vu’ phenomenon, a sensation of disturbance. However, one aberration may be
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 439

EEG samples from two patients with hippocampal epilepsy

A Left hippocampal sclerosis B Right hippocampal sclerosis
Runs of monomorphic theta activity Sharp–slow-wave focus
Fp 2
F 4
P 4
F 8
T 4
T 6

Fp 1
F 3
P 3
F 7
T 3
T 5

F z
C z 100 μV
P z 1 sec

Figure 15.3 (A) Discrete runs of monomorphic theta activity are localised in the left anterior temporal regions in this patient with
left hippocampal sclerosis. There were no spikes or other ‘conventional’ epileptogenic abnormalities. (B) The conventional
epileptogenic focus of sharp–slow-wave complexes is localised in the right anterior temporal electrode. The patient had right
hippocampal sclerosis.

more involved than another; sometimes, one may whether the content is visual, auditory or of any other
be exclusively affected and may occur in isolation. sensorial presentation. The patient may say ‘that it is as
Depending on the predominant mental aberration, they if I have seen, heard or lived this before’, but more often
are subdivided under various names, such as ideational the expression is ‘it was so familiar to me’.15,16
(impairment of thoughts), dysmnesic (impairment Extreme familiarity with people and surroundings, as if I
of memory), affective (emotional impairment) and knew them well, as if they were close friends or relatives,
dyscognitive (impairment of perception, cognition). intimate relations, as if it was my everyday experience.
It is more of a feeling of knowing them well than of visual
Déjà vu
or auditory recognition and experience.
‘Déjà vu’ is a subjectively inappropriate impression of
familiarity of a present experience with an undefined Seizures start with a strong feeling of extreme familiarity
past. ‘Déjà vu’ (already seen) is commonly used, in a with what I see, hear or what is happening at that
much broader sense, to include ‘déjà entendu’ (already moment. The feeling is so intense and vivid that on one
heard) and ‘déjà veçu’ (already lived, experienced), as occasion when this happened while playing cards with
a false feeling of having seen, heard or experienced my wife, I thought that I knew exactly the next sequence
something before that is actually happening now. In of cards to be played.
déjà vu, the physical recognition is correct, but it is Déjà vu is a natural event that has been experienced
inappropriately connected with mental, emotional, by most people and the term is used in everyday
experiential and timing processes that are associated with life. In TLE, déjà vu is a common ictal symptom that
other physical presentations. The feeling of familiarity is recognised as abnormal by the presence and the
supervenes. It is mainly a feeling of immense and vivid sequence of other epileptic events that may precede,
familiarity with the present situation, irrespective of coincide or follow it.
440 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Jamais vu, jamais entendu and jamais veçu they usually combine with other visual or mental ictal
Jamais vu (never seen), jamais entendu (never heard) symptoms of the ‘dreamy state’. These are mainly elicited
and jamais veçu (never experienced before) are by activation of the associated auditory cortex. Auditory
illusions during which the subject’s surroundings, hallucinations of hearing a voice are almost always
even when familiar, are no longer recognised, although without semantic content, even though the voice may
they are clearly perceived by the subject. Jamais vu is sound familiar and may be identifiable.17 The affective
commonly used in a much broader sense to include tone of the voice is, however, often recognised.
jamais entendu and jamais veçu. It is a false feeling of
‘It is a clear voice of a woman, she says something that I
unfamiliarity (has not been experienced, seen or heard)
do not remember’, ‘conversations of people talking next
with something that has been previously encountered.
door’, ‘a hoarse voice of a man saying that I have to go’,
Jamais vu is much rarer than déjà vu, but it is well
‘sounds of human voices and animals’, ‘I hear the same
described by some patients with TLE. Similar to
voice saying the same thing. I know it at the time but I
‘déjà vu/familiarity’, in ‘jamais vu/unfamiliarity’, the
cannot recall it afterwards’, ‘a voice filtered as if spoken
feeling of unfamiliarity is stronger than the visual,
through a handkerchief’, ‘it is my own voice talking to
auditory or other sensorial component. Visual,
myself’, ‘voices through an amplifier or a loud speaker’.
auditory or any other physical recognition is correct,
but the connections to the mental and emotional Hearing music, often the same piece for every seizure,
processes associated with them are missing. is uncommon, although it is frequently cited in the
I know that she is my mother but I do not feel that she is. literature and can be reproduced during electrical
Her features do not change. She is still my mother but I stimulation studies.18–21 A song, usually a nursery
do not have the same human attachment to her. She is rhyme, may be more common than music.
a stranger with the looks, the voice and the manners of Auditory illusions are altered perceptions and
my mother. She is a stranger. interpretations of sounds, voices and conversations
in the actual environment during the seizure. This
Auditory hallucinations and illusions may refer to simple changes of intensity, resonance,
Elementary or complex auditory hallucinations are spatial orientation, tone, echo and clarity, or be
attributed to LTLE. more complicated. Sounds and voices may appear
Elementary auditory hallucinations are crude and de- louder/deafening/ear-splitting or dim/faded, nearer
scribed as buzzing, ringing, hissing, fizzing, whistling, or further away, clearer or disturbed, higher or lower
humming, shrilling, sizzling or clicking auditory sen- pitched, echoed and variations of all of these.
sations. High pitch noises are more frequently reported.
‘The voices fade away’, ‘my hearing is heightened so I
They mainly originate from the activation of Heschl’s
can hear everything loud and high pitched’, ‘as if talking
auditory cortex in the superior temporal gyrus.
from a distance’, ‘the voices become hoarse’, ‘a woman’s
For many patients, this ‘buzz’ is the aura and the
voice sounds like a man’s voice or like that of an animal’,
start of the seizure itself.
‘the sounds become so intense as if somebody has put
Here it is again. That buzzing in both ears. It is just buzz. the radio at maximum volume next to your ears’, ‘I hear
I cannot describe it. A buzz. There is nothing else. No the echo of the voices’, ‘as if you are in an empty church,
voice, no identifiable noise that simulates anything else,
you hear the sounds and their echoes’.
just a buzz.

Complex auditory hallucinations consist of voices, music Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations
or other sounds that may be familiar or unfamiliar, Olfactory epileptic auras are rare, constituting
friendly or aggressive and offensive, clear or indefinable, approximately 0.9% of all auras, and are typically,
meaningful or incomprehensible. Complex auditory but not necessarily, unpleasant.22–24 The amygdala is
hallucinations are rarely the first ictal symptom and the most likely symptomatogenic zone of olfactory
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 441

auras. Tumours22 and hippocampal sclerosis24 are disagreeable, character; often there is, too, an epigastric
common causes. sensation which may account to actual nausea. Then
comes that peculiar mental state which Jackson called the
‘A strong smell of gas or something like this’, ‘a smell
‘dreamy state’ or ‘intellectual aura’ characterised by a feeling
of rotten leaves’, ‘a smell of perfume’, ‘a peculiar odour
of unreality of the present or familiarity with the events of
that I cannot describe’.
the moment as though they had been experienced before.
Gustatory epileptic auras are hallucinations of taste Often visions, which the patient associates with the past
that are usually unpleasant (rotten food) or strange. come up. A patient whom I had under observation always
They are usually generated in the insula or superior saw, in this stage a woman with a red cloak approaching
bank of the sylvian fissure.23,25,26 nearer and nearer until, as the spectre reached her, she lost
‘A strange taste of food in my mouth’, ‘a taste of burnt consciousness. In other cases, the vision may be of a scene
food’, ‘a taste of rotten food’, ‘taste of funny food in my tinted with a tone of familiarity, a building or a similar
mouth’. object. In such cases the visual hallucinations, for to these
the term hallucination can be applied, is only part of the
Visual hallucinations and illusions intellectual aura of Jackson and is obviously the result of
Visual hallucinations and visual illusions are detailed more complicated cerebral and psychological processes
in the discussion of occipital lobe epilepsies (see than the perception and projection of lights and colour.
page XXX). Gordon Holmes (1927)27
Elementary visual hallucinations originate in the
visual cortex (see page XXX). They do not feature in Other subjective ictal manifestations
temporal lobe seizures except after secondary spread Other subjective ictal manifestations include auto-
to the occipital lobes. nomic disturbances such as nausea and urinary urge.
Complex visual hallucinations originate from the occipito–
parietal–temporal junction and therefore may be part of Objective ictal symptoms
any seizure that starts from or spreads to this area. Objective ictal symptoms of TLE usually occur when
Complex visual hallucinations may take the form of consciousness is impaired. The patient is seldom
people, animals, objects, figures or scenes. They may aware of them. They are described by witnesses or
be static or moving, real or unreal, normal or distorted captured on video recordings.
in size, shape and dimension. They often progress to Objective ictal symptoms in order of prevalence
more complex visual hallucinatory experiences. They include:
may be familiar or unfamiliar, friendly, frightening t automatisms
or grotesque. They may be related to a past visual t autonomic disturbances, including ictal vomiting
experience or connected with past events. t speech disturbances
Usually, auditory and visual hallucinations occur t head and eye deviation as well as dystonic postures
together. These are complex hallucinations of a t motor arrest with staring
scene, people, animals, objects, voices, music or the t unilateral ictal paresis
noise of a train. The content of these hallucinations t unilateral eyelid blinking.
usually appears familiar, but it may be entirely In general, almost all of these ictal symptoms are not
strange or unidentifiable. specific to temporal lobe seizures. Recent reviews and
reports of TLE have emphasised objective symptoms
More complicated subjective visual phenomena associated
only because of their lateralising value.
with local lesions in the neighbourhood of the uncus of the
temporal lobe are different in origin and nature to those Automatisms
of occipital epilepsy. These uncinate epileptic seizures Oro-alimentary automatisms, which are often followed
frequently begin with subjective smells and tastes, which are by gestural automatisms, are characteristic of MTLE
almost invariably of an unpleasant, usually of an extremely only if preceded by epigastric aura, fear and complex
442 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

internal sensations, alone or in combination.28–34 They seizure: exceptionally, fragmentary, primitive, infantile, or
are more likely to begin in the first part of a complex antisocial behaviour may occur.38
focal seizure after the aura, and are attributed to Simple automatisms, devoid of behavioural changes,
seizures originating in the amygdala and periamyg- manifest with simple involuntary movements and
daloid region, and not in the hippocampus. However, include the following types:
hippocampal after-discharges invariably spread to t Oro-alimentary: lip smacking, lip pursing,
the amygdala, which explains the high prevalence of chewing, licking, tooth grinding or swallowing.
these automatisms in MTLE. t Vocal: single or repetitive utterances consisting of
Simple automatisms, devoid of behavioural changes, sounds such as grunts or shrieks.
are of no diagnostic significance in TLE. They are t Verbal: single or repetitive utterances consisting
among the most common symptoms in childhood and of words, phrases or brief sentences, such as
juvenile absence epilepsy (see Chapter 13). They are uttering, shouting, talking or singing words,
differentiated by clustering of other symptoms, duration sentences or phrases.
and EEG manifestations. t Gestural: often unilateral: (1) fumbling or explo-
ratory movements with the hand directed
Definitions of automatisms towards self or environment; fiddling, fumbling,
Automatisms are coordinated, involuntary, simple picking, tapping, patting or plucking, rubbing or
movements or more complex acts performed by a scratching the face, and other gestural movements;
patient who is unaware of them, because conscious- and (2) movements resembling those intended to
ness is sufficiently impaired. The patient is completely lend further emotional tone to speech.
amnesic of this behaviour. t Ambulatory: well-coordinated acts, such as walk-
Automatisms are defined by the ILAE as: ing straight or in circles, continuing cycling or
even driving.
A more or less coordinated, repetitive, motor activity
t Manual or pedal: bilateral or unilateral fumbling,
usually occurring when cognition is impaired and
tapping or manipulating movements. Bicycling
for which the subject is usually amnesic afterwards.
movements are also common in extratemporal
This often resembles a voluntary movement, and may
consist of inappropriate continuation of ongoing pre-
t Mimetic: facial expression suggesting an emo-
ictal motor activity.35
tional state, often fear.35
According to Jackson: Complex (behavioural) automatisms: Rich in behav-
They have one common character – they are auto- ioural changes with complex acts performed without
matic; they are done unconsciously, and the agent is apparent awareness. Semi-purposeful or well-organised
irresponsible. Hence... the term mental automatism.36,37 exploratory or inappropriate behavioural manifestations,
such as embarrassing actions, undressing in public,
In the Dictionary of Epilepsy38 automatisms are:
chewing objects that are not edible, wandering or
More or less coordinated adapted (eupractic or dyspractic) running inappropriately, or aggressive behavioural acts.
involuntary motor activity occurring during the state of Spontaneous and interactive automatisms: (1) sponta-
clouding of consciousness either in the course of, or after neous are stereotyped, involve only self and are
an epileptic seizure, and usually followed by amnesia for virtually independent of environmental influences;
the event. The automatism may be simply a continuation and (2) interactive are not stereotyped, involve more
of an activity that was going on when the seizure occurred, than self and are environmentally influenced.
or, conversely, a new activity developed in association Verbal automatisms of coherent speech are
with the ictal impairment of consciousness. Usually, the associated with seizure onset in the non-dominant
activity is commonplace in nature, often provoked by the hemisphere.39,40 Ictal vocalisation probably has no
subject’s environment, or by his sensations during the lateralising value.40 Both ictal vocalisation and verbal
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 443

automatisms can occur in extratemporal epilepsies, common in children with Panayiotopoulos syndrome
such as frontal lobe seizures; they often occur in (see page XXX).
childhood and juvenile absence epilepsy.41 In adults, there have been no more than 30 reported
Complex automatisms rich in behavioural aber- cases of ictal vomiting, which chiefly emanates from
rations are common in TLE, but they also occur the non-dominant temporal lobe and usually occurs
in extratemporal seizures; they are exceptional in after seizure onset, together with other symptoms; the
typical absence seizures. patient is amnesic of the events.47,52–55 Conversely, ictus
Spitting, as either an ictal or post-ictal event,42 emeticus in children is very common, usually occurs at
and bicycling movements43 are also common in the onset of the seizures and the patient has a good
extratemporal seizures. recollection of the event.64–66
Automatisms involving masturbation or other sexually
related behaviour are uncommon, although they are Language and speech ictal disturbances
often mentioned, even in brief textbook reviews; I In addition to vocal and verbal automatisms, speech
have never encountered them. Ictal penile erection and arrest and language disturbances are frequent
ejaculation are autonomic disturbances.44,45 manifestations of temporal lobe seizures. The most
It is generally considered that unilateral automatisms common is the inability to speak.
are ipsilateral to the seizure onset.39 However, this has ‘I know what is going on and I understand what they are
been debated by Elger46 and does not apply in patients saying, but I cannot speak’ is much more common than
with bilateral independent temporal spikes.47 ‘I know what it is but I cannot find the word’.
Autonomic disturbances Ictal aphasia and ictal speech arrest have been
and ictus emeticus47,52–55 attributed to seizure onset in the language-dominant
Autonomic disturbances of any type are among the temporal lobe.67 Clear ictal speech and quick
most frequent ictal symptoms of TLE.49,56–59 recovery mainly characterise seizures of the non-
Cardiovascular symptoms, mainly tachycardia and dominant temporal lobe,29,39 while post-ictal aphasia
arrhythmias, and less often bradycardia, asystole (Figure and prolonged recovery are mainly features of
1.2) or hypertension, are very common and may be a seizures of the dominant temporal lobe.39
common cause of sudden death in TLE.45,48,49,59–63
Motor arrest, staring
A brief respiratory arrest, sigh or gasp is common
and temporal lobe absence
in the initial part of complex focal seizures. Motor and speech arrest, together with staring and
Hyperpnoea, hypopnoea or even apnoea may occur loss of consciousness, may be the first objective
in the late seizure phase.45 symptom of a temporal lobe seizure. As a rule, they
Mydriasis, sometimes asymmetrical, is a frequent follow other subjective symptoms, but, in about 10%
symptom associated with the arrest reaction.39,45 of patients, they may occur alone from the beginning
Miosis and hippus pupillae are also common.45 of the seizure. These symptoms are clinically similar
A feeling of ‘shivering cold’ is sometimes associated to those of generalised absence seizures when
with piloerection.45,50 Salivation is common, but examined in isolation. For this reason, this type of
lacrimation and nasal secretion are rare.45 focal seizure is also called ‘temporal lobe absence’,
There are occasional reports of penile erection, and a term that should be discouraged to avoid confu-
even ejaculation or other sexual ictal manifestations.44 sion with ‘generalised absence seizures’, which are
Flushing or, more often, pallor is commonly completely different if other symptoms and duration
encountered.45 are considered in their entirety (Table 2.7).
Ictus emeticus (nausea, retching and vomiting), The duration of motor arrest, staring and loss of
and particularly ictal vomiting, are exceptional in consciousness varies, but usually lasts for 1 min.
adult patients with temporal lobe seizures, but very Occasionally, this may be the only manifestation of
444 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

the seizure. The patient usually recovers without occurs during the seizure. Other cognitive functions
other concurrent symptoms, such as automatisms. are preserved and patients interact normally with
their physical and social environment.75
Motor manifestations
Pure amnesic seizures of TLE never represent the
Motor manifestations include eye and head
only type of seizure in a patient. This may suggest that
deviation, as well as dystonic postures that occur
they result from selective ictal inactivation of mesial
in about a fifth of patients. These symptoms,
temporal structures without neocortical involvement.
which are also detailed in other chapters, are not
Amnesic seizures occur most often in patients with
specific to temporal lobe seizures. Thus, eye and neuropsychological and EEG evidence of bilateral
head deviation is a common symptom in frontal and dysfunction of mesial temporal lobe structures. More
occipital lobe seizures. Dystonic postures are more rarely, in unilateral dysfunction, amnesic seizures
often related to the frontal than the temporal lobe. may result from seizure discharge limited to the
Motor manifestations, despite their insignificance mesial temporal structures on both sides, probably
for pure anatomical localisation, are of value with as a result of contralateral spread from one to the
respect to possible lateralisation. other through the dorsal hippocampal commissure
Early and casual deviation of the eyes and head, in the (see the brief reminder below).75
setting of other more typical mesial temporal lobe
ictal symptoms, may be ipsilateral to the epilep- Catamenial temporal lobe seizures
togenic focus.39,68–70 Conversely, it is almost always Some women have exclusively catamenial seizures,
contralateral if it occurs during the progression of which may demand different management.76–78
the seizure, when it is also more violent and often
followed by secondarily GTCSs.32 A brief reminder
Unilateral tonic or dystonic posturing of arm, leg and
face was described by Ajmone-Marsan and Ralston71 ‘Catamenial epilepsy is often vaguely defined as the
who called it ‘larval M2e’ to differentiate it from that occurrence of seizures around the time of menses
of frontal lobe seizures. It is often associated with or an increase in seizures in relation to the menstrual
ipsilateral automatisms. It is reliably contralateral to cycle.’76 Catamenial seizures increase in approximately
the epileptogenic focus.39 a third of women with focal or generalised epilepsies,
Unilateral eyelid blinking is ipsilateral to the epilepto- but only a small proportion of these patients suffer from
genic focus.72 pure catamenial epilepsy (i.e. seizures occurring only in
Unilateral ictal paresis is contralateral to the origin of relation to their menses). Catamenial epilepsy may be
the seizure.73 perimenstrual, periovulatory or luteal.78 The diagnosis is
based on careful assessment of menstrual and seizure
Gelastic seizures of TLE diaries, and characterisation of cycle type and duration.
Ictal laughter is rare in TLE.74 The clinical Of a variety of mechanisms proposed, hormonal influ-
descriptions are variable; the laughter being natural ences are the best established and exert significant effects
or forced, unmotivated, associated or even reactional on seizure threshold. Oestrogens have a proconvulsant
to a pleasant event or feeling. In 50% of cases, other effect, whereas progesterone has mainly anticonvulsant
types of seizures occur concomitantly or precede the properties.76 However, in contrast to focal and secondarily
gelastic seizures.74 GTCSs, progesterone may exacerbate absence seizures
See also hypothalamic (gelastic) epilepsy on page and generalised spike–wave discharges (GSWD).78,79
XXX (Chapter 10). The most common therapies proposed in small,
uncontrolled or anecdotal reports include acetazolamide,
Amnesic seizures the cyclical use of benzodiazepines (mainly clobazam) or
In pure amnesic seizures, the only clinical manifestation
anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), and hormonal therapy.76
is the patient’s inability to retain in their memory what
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 445

Post-ictal symptoms Marked post-ictal manifestations may follow

seemingly mild attacks and vice versa.
Post-ictal symptoms are common, often characteristic
and some may be of lateralising value. Such symp- I am so drained and exhausted with irresistible

toms include mental and physical fatigue, drowsiness, drowsiness. I write the rest of my day off.

headache, language aberrations, an inability to con-

centrate and confusion to varying degrees, which is Differentiating temporal lobe
often severe and associated with automatic behaviour seizures from other extratemporal
of which the patient may be amnesic. Some patients seizures on the basis of post-ictal symptoms
may wander about in the streets, behaving normally Post-ictal symptoms are far more common after
or in a socially unacceptable manner, and have no temporal lobe than extratemporal seizure onsets.
recollection of the events when they recover. Post-ictal confusional states and automatisms are
In an attempt to reorient to the current situation, an exceptional in extratemporal seizures. In frontal
embarrassing smile, coughing, spitting and sighing lobe seizures, the patient immediately recovers after
are early post-ictal symptoms (Figure 15.4).46,80 the fit with no post-ictal manifestations (see page
Post-ictal symptoms may be disproportionately XXX). In visual occipital seizures, the only post-ictal
more severe than the ictal manifestations and may abnormality is the severe migraine-like headache
last for hours. that often follows (see page XXX).41

Mesial TLE with hippocampal sclerosis

Synonym: MTLE-HS, hippocampal epilepsy. working class people who live a normal life, some
MTLE with hippocampal sclerosis is the most with minor focal seizures, but others with an
common and distinct epileptic disease. It has defined occasional secondarily GTCS often controlled with
underlying hippocampal pathology shown on MRI, AED monotherapy. A more complete clinical picture
rather characteristic clinical seizure features and is expected to emerge now that MRI enables an
frequent neurosurgical cure or post-resection seizure in vivo diagnosis of hippocampal sclerosis/atrophy
improvement. (Figures 6.4 and 15.5).81,82
The clinical features and prognosis of MTLE-HS A recent expert ILAE report83 discusses the
derive almost exclusively from neurosurgical series definition, natural history, pathological features,
of medically intractable cases. Therefore, they may pathogenesis and electroclinical, neurophysiological,
not accurately represent the clinical spectrum of neuropsychological, and structural and functional
MTLE-HS, particularly with respect to severity and imaging findings of MTLE-HS.
prognosis. The neurosurgical cases may represent
the tip of the iceberg and the worst cases (about Clarifications
20%). The vast majority of cases (80%) are not
seen in these specialised neurosurgical centres, and on classification
some cases may be very mild and easily controlled The ILAE Commission (1989)1 classifies MTLE-HS
with appropriate AEDs. I have seen an impressive among other temporal lobe epilepsies under the
number of professionals (physicians, nurses, solici- name ‘amygdalo-hippocampal (mesiobasal limbic or
tors, successful businessmen, teachers) and ordinary rhinencephalic) seizures’.
446 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ictal EEG of two patients with hippocampal epilepsy

A Boy aged 6 years with right hippocampal sclerosis – video-EEG

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7

200 μV
1 sec 0 min:0 sec I have my panic

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7
1 min:14 sec End 2 min:26 sec
During the attack he is able to describe his symptoms. There are no ictal objective manifestations and he looks normal

B Man aged 40 years with left hippocampal sclerosis Video-EEG during natural sleep stage I

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
0 sec 10 sec 19 sec
F p2–F8
F p1–F7

Opens his eyes

100 μV
1 sec
Automatisms Clonic convulsions End Spits

Figure 15.4 (A) This was the second EEG of a boy aged 6 years, referred for episodes of panic attacks and a recent GTCS. The resting
EEG was entirely normal but one of his seizures was recorded from onset (0 min:0 s; red arrow) and lasted for 2 min and 26 s. The child
looked disturbed, complaining, ‘I have my panic’ (black arrow). He was able to communicate well during the whole seizure. Speech
and cognition were normal. Brain MRI documented right hippocampal sclerosis. (B) Sample of video-EEG during a brief seizure of
a man aged 40 years with increasing numbers of complex focal seizures typical of hippocampal epilepsy. The MRI documented
left hippocampal sclerosis. Note that towards the end of the attack the patient had mild right-sided clonic convulsions (see muscle
artefacts), although he never had a GTCS. Also note that he immediately spits after the cessation of the seizure.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 447

MRI findings in hippocampal sclerosis


Figure 15.5 (A) Coronal T1-weighted MRI scan showing right hippocampal sclerosis (arrow). (B) Coronal T2-weighted and
magnified T1-weighted MRI scan showing left hippocampal sclerosis.
Courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, London, UK.

The new ILAE reports consider MTLE-HS to be common epileptic syndrome, probably accounting
an epileptic syndrome among the limbic epilepsies, for around 20% of patients with epilepsy and for
but not a disease.2,3,83 I would support that this is a 65% of patients with TLE.84 Of children with TLE,
disease because of its common pathology.83 30–60% appear to have MTLE-HS.85,86
MTLE-HS is usually described under the heading
‘mesial temporal lobe epilepsy’, although only 65%
of patients have mesial temporal lobe seizures due Clinical manifestations
to hippocampal atrophy. The remainder are the Many patients with MTLE-HS usually have a
result of mesial temporal lobe pathology other than previous history of febrile seizures, trauma,
hippocampal sclerosis. hypoxia and intracranial infections before the age
The term ‘complex focal (partial) seizures’ has been of 5 years.83 Complex focal seizures or generalised
erroneously used as a synonym of ‘temporal lobe convulsions are the initial non-febrile seizure types
epilepsy’.2 Ictal impairment of consciousness in focal that attract medical attention. As a rule, they are
epilepsies is a symptom of either neocortical or limbic preceded by simple focal seizures that may have
seizures. been considered, sometimes for years, as normal
Epigastric aura, fear and oro-alimentary automa-
Demographic data tisms are the most common ictal symptoms.
Onset usually occurs between 4 and 16 years of age. It starts with that strange stomach feeling and my panic,
Both sexes are equally affected. MTLE-HS is the most and then I pass out.
448 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Simple focal seizures Complex focal seizures

Simple focal seizures are the most frequent seizure Complex focal seizures usually emerge as a pro-
type in MTLE-HS, and occur in more than 90% gression of simple focal seizures with gradual or
of patients. They mainly start with an ascending abrupt impairment of consciousness that is typically
epigastric aura and less often with fear. The complex associated with oro-alimentary automatisms in about
internal sensation of déjà vu and its variations occur, 70% of cases.
but not as commonly as in other extrahippocampal The initial objective symptoms in this stage of
epilepsies. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations impairment of consciousness are staring, motor rest-
occur less often. lessness or motor arrest, oro-alimentary automatisms
Ascending epigastric or visceral aura is by far the more and unforced head deviation. The patient has no
common aura (around 80% of cases), and the most recollection of this phase, but may still be responsive
characteristic of all other ictal symptoms of simple (70% of cases in one study).46 Gestural automatisms,
hippocampal seizures. other forms of automatisms, vocalisations and dystonic
Ictal fear is the second most frequent aura after posturing may occur soon after. Hypersalivation
epigastric aura, but only accounts for about 20–30% (dominant hemisphere) is exceptional.
of cases. It is not specific to hippocampal seizures Complex focal seizures last for 2 or 3 min, occur on
alone. average once or twice a week and usually appear in
Complex internal sensations occur less often than clusters of two or three. They may also occur during
epigastric aura and fear. sleep and, in some women, they are exclusively or
Unspecified somatic sensations or olfactory and gustatory predominantly catamenial.
hallucinations may occur. Elementary or complex Oro-alimentary automatisms are characteristic of
visual and auditory hallucinations do not occur.32 MTLE only if they are preceded by epigastric aura.
Urgency to urinate is exceptional and associated with Autonomic manifestations of any type (see page XXX)
right-sided foci.87 are among the most frequent ictal symptoms of
Language impairment during simple focal seizures MTLE-HS.45,49,56–59,83
has not been examined thoroughly. Most patients
are able to understand conversations fully, but they Lateralising signs of
are unable to speak or carry on conversations; they ictal and post-ictal symptoms
answer monosyllabically or with movements of the Dystonic posturing occurs in 20–30% of patients and
head or hands. is contralateral to the side of seizure onset.39,88,89
I know well what they say, but I cannot speak or I reply Head deviation early in the seizure is usually
in the simplest possible way with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ until I am ipsilateral to the seizure focus, but head deviation
back to normal again in a minute or so. late in the seizure is contralateral and often a prelude
to generalisation.39
Simple focal seizures may be the only seizure type,
Ictal or post-ictal aphasia and prolonged recovery
sometimes for years, and can vary in duration from a
are mainly seen after seizures in the dominant
few seconds to, although rarely, 1 or 2 min. They may
temporal lobe,39 whereas clear ictal speech and
be entirely inconspicuous to the observer, although
quick recovery mainly characterise seizures of the
close relatives or friends are able to recognise them
non-dominant temporal lobe.29,39
when they occur.
It is generally considered that unilateral automa-
‘He has it now’, the relative points out. The patient tisms are ipsilateral to the seizure onset.39
and the EEG confirm it, but nothing significant can be Although non-specific for right or left disease,
detected on the video record of events. impaired consciousness,46 motion arrest,46 escape
Simple focal seizures may be the only seizure type, automatisms46 and fear58,90 occur more often in
although they often progress to complex focal seizures. patients with left rather than right MTLE-HS.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 449

Hyperventilation during the seizure is rare and also be seen in MTLE due to other mesial temporal
occurs in left mesial onset.46 Vocalisations,46 motor lesions.83 Many other psychiatric and psychological
restlessness,46 staring,46 oral automatisms,39 pupillary problems, especially depression, have been reported
dilatation,39 impaired consciousness39 or generalised to be more prevalent in MTLE-HS, but there is
rigidity39 do not predict the side of origin. inadequate information to determine the extent
to which these disturbances are a direct biological
GTCSs result of either the hippocampal sclerosis or the
Secondarily GTCSs are usually infrequent in patients mesial temporal lobe seizures, or of a non-specific
receiving appropriate AEDs.83 They are not uniform in biological result of brain injury or a consequence
their clinical presentation, but are more stereotyped of external psychological and social factors.83 More
in their final phases than the initial clinical signs of recent studies on MTLE-HS have shown that for
generalisation.91 Some patients (probably around depression:
10%) may never have GTCSs. t the extent of hippocampal dysfunction is a more
important factor than seizure frequency or the
Post-ictal symptoms degree of disability98
Post-ictal symptoms of complex focal seizures in
t relative preservation of the contralateral amyg-
MTLE-HS are very frequent and often severe.
dala is more significant than hippocampal
Complex focal status
t it has significant positive relationships with both
epilepticus of temporal lobe origin
the right and left amygdala.100
Complex focal status epilepticus (also called
dyscognitive or psychomotor status epilepticus)3
Febrile convulsions and
is characterised by continuous or rapidly recurring
other initial precipitating events
complex focal seizures that may involve temporal
Of patients with MTLE-HS, 90% have a previous
or extratemporal regions (see Chapter 3). Cyclic
history of prolonged febrile convulsions (a third)
disturbance of consciousness is considered charac-
or other cerebral insults in early life (see page
teristic of complex focal status epilepticus of
XXX).83,101 Patients with a prolonged febrile seizure
temporal lobe origin. However, its differential
before 5 years of age are likely to have unilateral
diagnosis from that of frontal lobe origin is often
hippocampal atrophy and a good neurosurgical
a challenge.92 In a third of cases, a frontal lesion is
Complex focal status epilepticus features,
particularly in untreated patients with TLE. It is Aetiology
less common than the absence status epilepticus
of idiopathic generalised epilepsy (IGE), but its By definition, all patients with MTLE-HS have
prevalence may be underestimated.94–96 It may also hippocampal sclerosis. Conversely, hippocampal
be confused with transient global amnesia.97 sclerosis is found in only two-thirds (65%) of
patients with MTLE.84,103 Hippocampal sclerosis is
Neurological, predominantly unilateral in about 80% of neuro-
mental state and behaviour surgical series. A third of patients have functional
Neurological examination is usually normal; facial and structural extrahippocampal abnormalities.104
asymmetry contralateral to the epileptogenic zone Other mesial temporal lobe structures may also be
may be apparent in some patients. Specific baseline affected.45,104
and follow-up memory testing are necessary. The only ‘Dual pathology’ is common105 and includes micro-
clearly defined behavioural disturbance in MTLE-HS dysgenesis, temporal lobe malformations of cortical
is a material-specific memory deficit, but this may development and indolent tumours, such as dys-
450 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

embryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours. Patients Pathophysiology

with ‘dual pathology’ are more likely to have bilateral How does this ‘atrophic’ and ‘sclerotic’ hippocampus
hippocampal atrophy.105 become one of the most powerful and common
A genetic predisposition may be found in MTLE- epileptogenic agents in human epilepsy?
HS, but this is not a uniform process.83 Usually, there The role of the hippocampus in epilepsy is due
is no increased family history of similar hippocampal to synaptic remodelling and reorganisation of the
seizures and hippocampal sclerosis does not occur hippocampal region. An enhanced sensitivity to
in clinically unaffected twins.106 glutamate may be important.111 These changes
predispose surviving hippocampal neurones to
Hippocampal sclerosis abnormal hypersynchronous discharges that then
A hypocellular and gliotic (hence the word ‘sclerotic’) propagate to other limbic and non-limbic structures,
hippocampus is the pathological substrate of MTLE- producing the manifestations of complex focal
HS. Hippocampal sclerosis presents with a unique seizures.
pattern of cellular loss that is not found in other Engel, et al112 summarised the current state of our
brain diseases:84 knowledge as follows:
t Selective regional hippocampal, mainly CA1,
Most current parallel human/animal invasive research
pyramidal cell loss occurs (about 30–50% of indicates that epileptogenesis in MTLE-HS is initiated by
cases), predominantly involving the hilar region specific types of cell loss and neuronal reorganisation,
and dentate granule cells. Somatostatin and hilar which results not only in enhanced excitation,
neuropeptide-Y-containing neurones are particu- but also in enhanced inhibition, predisposing to
larly susceptible. Preservation of the subiculum hypersynchronisation. Also, evidence is found for more
is pathognomonic. than one type of ictal onset, and individual seizures
t GABA neurones and terminals are relatively well can demonstrate a transition from one ictal mechanism
preserved. CA2 are relatively spared. to another. In vivo and in vitro parallel, reiterative
t Dispersion of dentate gyrus granule cells and investigations in patients with MTLE-HS, and in rats
sprouting of their axons (mossy fibres), which with intrahippocampal kainate-induced hippocampal
form aberrant monosynaptic excitatory feedback seizures, have revealed the presence of interictal
synapses on to the dendrites of granule cells. epileptiform events, termed ‘fast ripples’, which appear
t Changes in neuropeptide Y and somatostatin to be unique in tissue capable of generating spontaneous
expression and reorganisation that occur. seizures.

Hippocampal sclerosis and temporal

lobe epilepsy: cause or consequence?107
The cause of hippocampal sclerosis is unknown. Diagnostic procedures
There are two opposing views: A clinical diagnosis of MTLE-HS demands confir-
t The traditional concept is that prolonged febrile mation with high-resolution MRI and EEG. CT brain
convulsions and other cerebral insults in early life scanning is unrewarding.
cause hippocampal sclerosis and hippocampal The serum prolactin concentration may rise
epilepsy. markedly 10 min after seizure onset in three-quarters
t A current trend is that pre-existing hippocampal of patients.113
abnormalities predispose to febrile convulsions. MRI is the most important investigational tool
If these are prolonged, they may cause further (Figures 6.4 and 15.5).83,114
hippocampal damage evolving to mesial tempo- With improvements in MRI techniques, modern
ral sclerosis, which may manifest with MTLE- MRI scanners are of sufficiently high resolution to
HS.108–110 allow in vivo visualisation of hippocampal sclerosis
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 451

and other structural ‘dual pathologies’ in all Ictal EEG

patients.82,115 The ictal scalp EEG may be ‘normal’ or inconclusive
In straightforward cases of incontrovertible uni- in around 60% of cases at seizure onset in MTLE-HS.
lateral MTLE-HS confirmed by MRI, other tests may A typical ictal EEG pattern consists of rhythmic,
be unnecessary. However, the following should be crescendo-like theta activity with decreasing fre-
remembered: quency and increasing amplitude (Figures 6.1 and
MRI evidence of hippocampal sclerosis is not neces- 15.4). It first appears over the affected temporal
sarily related to seizure severity and may occur in lobe; it usually starts around 30 s before subjective
individuals who have never had seizures.116
or objective clinical seizure manifestations and
commonly spreads to neighbouring and other
Functional brain imaging and magnetoencephalography regions.45 Simultaneous EEG and clinical onsets are
(MEG) provide insights in neurosurgical cases for uncommon.121
which further information about lateralisation is Onset with regional attenuation of background
required (Figures 6.11–6.13). Invasive intracranial rhythms and disappearance of the inter-ictal spikes
recordings are necessary in exceptional cases. is less common.45 There are no fast spikes or fast
rhythmic discharges in the ictal EEG of hippocampal
Important points seizures, and spikes are relatively absent (Figures 6.1
and 15.4).
Diagnostic procedures
Concordant outpatient EEG and unilateral MRI
High-resolution MRI provides in vivo visualisation of
hippocampal atrophy would obviate the need for
hippocampal sclerosis in almost all patients.
inpatient EEG monitoring.115
A single routine inter-ictal EEG is more likely to be
normal (two-thirds of patients) than show the classic
spike–wave focus in the anterior temporal lobe electrode Differential diagnosis
(a third of patients).
MTLE-HS needs to be differentiated from non-
epileptic conditions (see Chapter 4) and from
Inter-ictal EEG seizures arising from other brain locations.
Routine inter-ictal EEG shows the classic sharp– or Non-epileptic conditions: The diagnosis of hippocam-
spike–slow-wave focus in nearly a third of patients pal seizures should be suspected from their very brief
(Figure 15.3). Thus, in two-thirds of patients with duration, the ascending character of the epigastric
MTLE-HS, a single, routine, 30-min EEG recording sensations, the occasional nocturnal appearance
may be normal or show mild and non-specific and often an associated feeling of depersonalisation.
abnormalities. The yield is doubled in repeat EEG, However, simple focal seizures of epigastric aura
particularly when a longer sleep recording is made. and ‘panic attacks’ are unlikely to raise suspicion
Epileptiform abnormalities nearly always occur of epilepsy (Figure 15.4). These patients are often
during prolonged monitoring.117 investigated for gastroenterological and psychological
The traditional ‘epileptogenic complexes’, when disorders122 or hypoglycaemia until more salient
present, are unilateral in two-thirds of patients and seizure features appear with the development of
occur independently, on the right or left, in the complex focal seizures and secondarily GTCSs.
other third.45,117 Regional temporal lobe inter-ictal Patients are often reassured by normal relevant tests
runs of slow waves, which are of lateralising value, or told that their symptoms are the result of anxiety.
are recorded in about 50% of patients (Figure It is rare, at this stage, for a general physician to
15.3).118–120 request an EEG, but again, if this is normal (as is the
Bilateral GSWD do not occur, although occasion- case in two-thirds of patients), a diagnosis of stress-
ally bilateral fronto-polar spikes may be seen. related events would be reinforced.
452 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Non-epileptic paroxysmal events (NEPEs) may Dystonic motor manifestations are common in both
be difficult to differentiate. An increase in serum TLE and frontal lobe epilepsy. However, in frontal
prolactin level post-ictally may be helpful in differen- lobe seizures, these manifestations are usually the
tiating between epileptic seizures and ‘pseudo- very first symptom; they are brief and often occur
seizures’.123 without severe impairment of consciousness, mainly
‘Please exclude temporal lobe epilepsy’ is the most during sleep and with no post-ictal symptoms. There
frequent reason for requesting an EEG for any kind are no preceding symptoms of rising epigastric
of transient behavioural aberration; it is often an sensations, oro-alimentary automatisms, olfactory
impossible task. About two-thirds of patients have a and gustatory hallucinations, or mental illusions and
normal routine inter-ictal EEG or show non-specific hallucinations.
abnormalities with an excess of slow waves in one Typical absence seizures are more likely to be
temporal lobe. misdiagnosed as complex focal seizures than vice
Mesial temporal epilepsy with aetiologies other than versa (Table 2.7).124
hippocampal sclerosis: The differential diagnosis
of hippocampal from other MTLE aetiologies is
practically impossible without MRI (Figure 15.5). Prognosis
Hippocampal versus other temporal lobe seizures:
Despite the high prevalence and known pathology,
The rising epigastric aura and early oro-alimentary
the prognosis and many other important aspects of
automatisms predominate in MTLE-HS compared
with other neocortical temporal lesions (Table 15.1). MTLE-HS are largely unknown.
Conversely, MTLE-HS is unlikely when seizures
Neurosurgical series
manifest with early focal motor, somatosensory,
The neurosurgical cases show a specific clinical
visual or auditory ictal symptoms or frequent
pattern.32,83 Seizures are initially relatively well
secondarily GTCSs, or if they occur in patients with
controlled with AEDs for several years. Seizures
neurological or cognitive deficits other than memory
impairment. relapse in adolescence or early adulthood, occurring
Hippocampal versus familial MTLE: The main differ- several times per week or usually several times
entiating features in favour of familial MTLE (see per month, and become refractory to medication.
page XXX) are: Memory and behavioural disturbances may occur.
t onset in teenage or early adult life and familial Neurosurgery is probably mandatory at this stage,
occurrence because spontaneous remission is unlikely, drugs do
t no febrile convulsions or other initial precipitating not work and polypharmacy makes it worse.
t no ictal symptoms of rising epigastric aura Community studies
t mild and infrequent seizures that may remit Community-based studies have shown that 10–40%
t usually normal MRI. of patients with TLE may go into remission.125
Hippocampal versus extratemporal epilepsies: A single Overall, it is probable that:
ictal symptom makes no significant contribution to t About 50% are intractable and require neuro-
topographical diagnosis; for example, head deviation surgical evaluation and management.
can occur in seizures from many brain locations, t Around 30% are relatively well controlled with
which are identified by other concurrent symptoms, appropriate AEDs. These patients may have
such as elementary visual hallucinations in occipital simple or complex focal seizures and occasional
seizures, epigastric and other auras in MTLE, and GTCSs that interfere with their daily life, but
stereotypical and rather violent jerks of the head in without significantly disturbing their function
frontal lobe seizures. within their families and their jobs. How many
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 453

Mesial versus lateral temporal lobe epilepsy

Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy Lateral temporal lobe epilepsy

Epigastric aura, fear and early Predominate Rare

oro-alimentary automatisms
Non-specific auras, early focal Rare Predominate
motor, somatosensory, visual or
auditory symptoms
Contralateral hand dystonia Common Less common
Whole body rotation Rare Common
Early clonic activity after Rare Common
GTCSs Infrequent Frequent
History of febrile seizures Predominates Rare
Inter-ictal EEG Ipsilateral anterior temporal Ipsilateral middle and posterior
spikes temporal spikes
MRI Hippocampal sclerosis Neocortical lesions, such as
malformations of cortical development

Table 15.1

of these patients need or would accept neuro- MTLE-HS are negligible. Polypharmacy with more
surgical intervention is uncertain. than two or three AEDs, even when rational, will
t The other 20% of patients are otherwise normal, add more misery, memory problems and drowsiness
with occasional simple or complex focal seizures rather than any benefit. These patients, even in
for which they may be treated or untreated. These childhood, need urgent evaluation for neurosurgical
patients may come to our attention because of an treatment, for which they are the best candidates of
occasional GTCS, a lengthy or severe complex all the symptomatic focal epilepsies and the most
focal seizure or an EEG performed for reasons likely to have excellent and sustained benefit.
other than epilepsy.
Neurosurgical treatment
With early surgical intervention, patients have an
Management excellent chance of cure and, subsequently, leading
Medical treatment of MTLE-HS with AEDs may be a normal life.83,126–129 After anterior temporal lobe
relatively effective in half of patients; for the other resection with hippocampectomy, around 60% of
half (or possibly more) with intractable seizures, patients become seizure free even after all AEDs have
neurosurgical resection of the offending epilepto- been withdrawn, 20% will need to continue with
genic region is usually successful. AEDs and may have reduced numbers of seizures,
10% will have no benefit, and 10% may have
AED treatment neurosurgical complications and get worse.
Drug treatment is similar to that for any other type A class 1 RCT of surgery for MTLE-HS found that
of focal seizure (see page XXX). Carbamazepine and 64% of those who received surgery were free of dis-
levetiracetam are the first choice (Table 15.3). abling seizures compared with 8% free in the group
If treatment with one or two of the main AEDs fails, randomised to continued medical therapy. Quality
the chances of achieving pharmaceutical control in of life and social function significantly improved in
454 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

the patients who underwent surgery; morbidity was The quality of life after surgical treatment depends
infrequent and there was no mortality.126 In general, on psychosocial factors, as well as pre-existing
‘the benefits of anteromesial temporal lobe resection vocational and interpersonal skills.130 Attention
for disabling complex partial seizures of temporal to psychosocial and possible memory deficits is of
lobe epilepsy is greater than continued treatment paramount importance. Appropriate rehabilitation
with AEDs, and the risks are at least comparable’.126 after successful surgery is needed.

MTLE defined by specific

aetiologies other than hippocampal sclerosis
In MTLE with aetiologies other than hippocampal Structural causes include malignant and benign
sclerosis,32,45,46,88 seizure symptomatology is the tumours (i.e. astrocytomas, gangliogliomas, dys-
same irrespective of cause and location within the embryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours), vascular
mesial temporal lobe structures. Thus, seizures of abnormalities (i.e. cavernous and venous angiomas,
hippocampal sclerosis are indistinguishable from arteriovenous malformations), malformations of
those caused by other lesions in the mesial temporal cortical development, trauma and other injuries,
lobe. Their differentiation is also practically impos- viral and other infective agents, and cerebrovascular
sible using surface EEG. High-resolution MRI disease.
provides anatomical evidence of localisation in Drug treatment is similar to that for any other type of
almost all symptomatic cases. The sensitivity of MRI focal seizure (see page XXX).
in the diagnosis of tumours and other lesions of the Neurosurgical intervention often provides an excellent
temporal lobe is estimated to be around 90%,81 but chance of cure and a subsequent normal life in
this will soon be exceeded. certain pathological conditions of MTLE.

Lateral temporal lobe epilepsy

LTLE1,46,80,88 is neocortical, as opposed to MTLE, Language disturbances occur in dominant hemi-
which is a limbic epilepsy. sphere focus.
Motor ictal symptoms include clonic movements
of facial muscles, grimacing, finger and hand auto-
Clinical manifestations matisms, dystonic posturing of an upper extremity,
Simple seizures of LTLE are characterised by leg automatisms, restlessness and unformed vocali-
auditory hallucinations (ringing, humming, click- sations. Rotation of the whole body is common and
ing, unspecified noises) or illusions, vestibular of value in differentiating lateral from mesial TLE.
phenomena, mental illusions, hallucinations and Symptoms may progress to complex focal seizures
visual misperceptions of complex internal sensations. by spreading to mesial temporal or extratemporal
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 455

structures. Impairment of consciousness is not as Scalp inter-ictal EEG shows unilateral or bilateral
pronounced as in MTLE.46 mid-temporal or posterior temporal spikes (Figure
See also familial (autosomal dominant) lateral TLE 15.2).1,46 However, this is often indistinguishable
(page XXX). from MTLE.
Ictal EEG is not significantly different from that of
MTLE.131–133 It mainly consists of regional ipsilateral
Aetiology rhythmic 4–7 Hz activity (Figure 15.4). Attenuation
The structural causes of LTLE are similar to those of of the background rhythms and remission of the inter-
MTLE apart from hippocampal sclerosis. ictal spikes is common in MTLE and uncommon in
LTLE.131 In one study, the ictal EEG in LTLE revealed
a lower mean frequency of lateralised rhythmic
Diagnostic procedures activity, which frequently had a hemispherical
MRI often determines structural causes of LTLE distribution, whereas in MTLE seizures this was
(Figures 15.1 and 15.6). maximal over the ipsilateral temporal region.80

Differential diagnosis
Axial proton density-
weighted MRI showing left temporal Lateral temporal lobe seizures usually lack the
lobe cavernoma in a patient with LTLE features commonly exhibited in MTLE (Table 15.1).
Patients with MTLE have an earlier onset of habitual
seizures and are more likely to have a prior history
of febrile seizures and other initial precipitating
Eye blinking, aggressive behaviour, dystonic
posturing, early or late oro-alimentary automatisms
and hypersalivation, which are common in MTLE,
do not occur or are rare in epilepsy of non-mesial
onset.44 Furthermore, impairment of consciousness
is not as pronounced as in MTLE.
Arrest reaction, vocalisation, speech, facial grimace,
post-ictal cough, late oral automatisms and late motor
involvement of the contralateral arm and hand occur
with similar frequency in mesial and lateral TLE.88

Drug treatment is similar to that for any other type of
focal seizure (see page XXX).
Neurosurgical treatment provides an excellent chance
Figure 15.6 Courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and of cure and a subsequent normal life in certain
the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, London, UK. pathological conditions of LTLE.
456 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Frontal lobe epilepsies

Frontal lobe epilepsies manifest with seizures ‘Frontal lobe epilepsies are characterised by simple
originating from a primary epileptic focus any- partial, complex partial, secondarily generalised sei-
where within the frontal lobe. The clinical and EEG zures or combinations of these. Seizures often occur
manifestations vary greatly and depend on the origin several times a day and frequently occur during
and spread of the epileptogenic focus.134–144 sleep. Frontal lobe partial seizures are sometimes
The frontal lobe occupies 40% of the cerebral mistaken for psychogenic seizures. Status epilepticus
cortex and is the largest of the brain lobes. On the is a frequent complication.
basis of cyto-architectural and functional studies, A number of seizure types are described below;
the frontal lobe can be subdivided into the primary however, multiple frontal areas may be involved
motor cortex, premotor cortex, prefrontal cortex, rapidly and specific seizure types may not be
and limbic and paralimbic cortices,140 with distinct discernible.
cortico-subcortical organisations and immense Supplementary motor seizures: In supplementary mo-
connections with the temporal and parietal tor seizures, the seizure patterns are postural, focal
cortices.137,145 Complex and varied patterns in the tonic, with vocalisation, speech arrest and fencing
spread of seizure discharges explain the variability postures. See details on page XXX.
in the clinical and EEG manifestations of frontal Cingulate: Cingulate seizure patterns are complex
lobe seizures.136,146 Also, exact localisation is often partial with complex motor gestural automatisms at
hindered because of the rapid propagation of seizures onset. Autonomic signs are common, as are changes
within the frontal lobe from and to extrafrontal areas. in mood and affect.
It is difficult to assign the origin of seizures with pre- Anterior frontopolar region: Anterior frontopolar sei-
and post-central symptomatology to the frontal or zure patterns include forced thinking or initial loss
parietal lobe. Such overlap to adjacent anatomical of contact and adversive movements of head and
regions also occurs in opercular epilepsy.1 eyes, with possible evolution including contraversive
Seizures arising from the primary motor cortex and movements and axial clonic jerks and falls and
the supplementary motor area (Figures 15.7 and autonomic signs.
15.8) have been relatively well defined, but seizures Orbitofrontal: The orbitofrontal seizure pattern is one
generated in other regions of the frontal lobe are less of complex partial seizures with initial motor and
well specified. gestural automatisms, olfactory hallucinations and
illusions, and autonomic signs.
Dorsolateral: Dorsolateral seizure patterns may be
Considerations tonic or, less commonly, clonic with versive eye and
head movements and speech arrest. See page XXX
on classification for further details.
The seizures of frontal lobe epilepsy were included Opercular: Opercular seizure characteristics include
in the 1989 ILAE classification1 among the ‘locali- mastication, salivation, swallowing, laryngeal symp-
sation-related (focal, local, partial) epilepsies and toms, speech arrest, epigastric aura, fear and auto-
epileptic syndromes’ (see Chapter 12). Frontal lobe nomic phenomena. Simple partial seizures, in
epilepsies other than epilepsia partialis continua particular partial clonic facial seizures, are common
(EPC) of Kozhevnikov and Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen and may be ipsilateral. If secondary sensory changes
syndrome have not been detailed in the new ILAE occur, numbness may be a symptom, particularly in
diagnostic scheme.2,3 The 1989 classification defines the hands. Gustatory hallucinations are particularly
the frontal lobe epilepsies as follows. common in this area.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 457

MRI of two patients with symptomatic frontal lobe epilepsy


Figure 15.7 (A) Coronal FLAIR MRI showing focal cortical dysplasia in the supplementary motor area of the left frontal lobe.
Note the tail extending down towards the frontal horn of the lateral vehicle. This patient was 60 years old and had experienced
left SMA seizures for 7 years. All previous MRI studies were negative. (B) Axial T2-weighted MRI showing a heterogeneous
lesion in the left precentral area. The signal changes are consistent with haemosiderosis suggestive of a cavernous angioma.
Figure A courtesy of Professor John S Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, London, UK.
Figure B courtesy of Dr Ruben Kuzniecky, NYU Epilepsy Center, New York, USA.

Motor cortex: Motor cortex epilepsies are mainly multilobar). Intracranial recordings can sometimes
characterised by simple partial seizures, and their distinguish unilateral from bilateral involvement.
localisation depends on the side and topography of In frontal lobe seizures, various EEG patterns can
the area involved. In cases of the lower prerolandic accompany the initial clinical symptomatology.
area there may be speech arrest, vocalisation or Uncommonly, the EEG abnormality precedes the
dysphasia, tonic–clonic movements of the face on seizure onset and then provides important localising
the contralateral side, or swallowing. Generalisation information, such as: (a) frontal or multilobar, often
of the seizure frequently occurs. In the rolandic bilateral, low-amplitude fast activity, mixed spikes,
area, partial motor seizures without march or rhythmic spikes, rhythmic spike waves, or rhyth-
jacksonian seizures occur, particularly beginning mic slow waves; or (b) bilateral high amplitude
in the contralateral upper extremities. In the case single sharp waves followed by diffuse flattening.
of seizures involving the paracentral lobule, tonic Depending on the methodology, intracranial recor-
movements of the ipsilateral foot may occur as well dings may provide additional information regar-
as the expected contralateral leg movements. Post- ding the chronologic and spatial evolution of the
ictal or Todd’s paralysis is frequent.’1 discharges; localisation may be difficult.’1
‘In frontal lobe epilepsies, the inter-ictal scalp
recordings may show (a) no abnormality; (b) some-
times background asymmetry, frontal spikes or
Demographic data
sharp waves; or (c) sharp waves or slow waves Frontal lobe epilepsies may start at any age and both
(either unilateral or frequently bilateral or unilateral sexes are equally affected. They are probably rare,
458 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Hypermotor seizure of the sensorimotor supplementary area

Sample of a hypermotor seizure during all-night video-EEG recording

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

I am OK now

Abrupt and explosive right hand and leg posturing, body turning 180° to the left side from supine to prone position
100 μV
1 sec

Figure 15.8 Sample from one of ten stereotypical hypermotor seizures recorded during an all-night video-EEG. Note the
abrupt and explosive character of the seizure, which lasted for only 14 s. There are no discernible ictal EEG abnormalities,
although occasionally some bilateral slow waves precede the onset of the seizures. Frequent EEGs, ictal and inter-ictal, over
a 20-year period, failed to reveal any conventional epileptogenic abnormalities. The patient is an intelligent man who has
experienced numerous nocturnal hypermotor seizures from the age of 4 years. He is fully aware of the attacks, but he cannot
speak during them, although he hears and understands. He has a somatosensory aura of ‘a tight sensation in my chest and
a feeling that I cannot breathe as all the holes of my body are closed’. All possible drug treatments had failed. High-resolution
brain MRI and PET scans were normal.

accounting for about 1% or 2% of all epilepsies, bilateral.1 Certain clinical features of frontal lobe
although they are second in prevalence after TLE in seizures have lateralising value.148
neurosurgical series. In a prospective community- The following are the most common frontal lobe
based study,147 the prevalence of frontal seizures seizures.
(22.5%) among focal epilepsies was comparable to
that of temporal lobe (27%) and central sensori- Seizures from the motor cortex
motor (32.5%) localisation. Seizure onset from the Seizures from the motor cortex are mainly simple
frontotemporal (5.6%), parietal (6.3%) or posterior focal motor seizures.
cortex (6.3%) was less common.147 Simple focal motor clonic or tonic–clonic seizures with
or without jacksonian march: These seizures manifest
with localised, rhythmic or arrhythmic, clonic move-
Clinical manifestations ments that may affect the thumb only, the thumb and
According to their origin within the frontal lobe, ipsilateral side of the lips, the hand, the whole arm or
various seizure patterns have been recognised, any other body part contralateral to the focus. Distal
although multiple frontal areas may be involved. segments are more frequently affected than proximal
Rapid and specific seizure types may not be segments. The hand (mainly the thumb) and face
discernible.1 (mainly the lips) are preferentially affected because
In general, frontal lobe seizures are short with of their larger cortical representation (homunculus
prominent tonic or postural motor manifestations of Penfield). These ictal motor manifestations may
(90% of frontal lobe seizures) and often with minimal remain highly localised for the whole of the seizure
or no post-ictal confusion. Rapid secondarily or march in an ordinary anatomical fashion to
generalisation occurs more commonly than in TLE. neighbouring motor regions, which constitute the
Frequent falling occurs when the ictal discharge is classic jacksonian (or Bravais–Jackson) seizure.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 459

Usually there are a few jerks of the right corner of my raised and semi-extended above the head, whereas
mouth and the right thumb. That is all. However, the the other remains by the body semi-flexed at the
jerks may become more intense and spread gradually elbow. Bilateral asymmetrical posturing is the most
to my eye and my fingers on the same side. Then my common.
elbow and shoulder also start jerking violently and this M2e posture is another term used to describe flexion
may also go to my leg. The whole right side of my body of the elbow of one arm, abduction of the shoulder
is jerking and jerking, and there is nothing I can do to 90º, with associated external rotation.71 The
before this stops suddenly or I lose consciousness and head looks at the postured hand, and the opposite
I have whole body convulsions. arm shows slight flexion. The leg ipsilateral to the
Myoclonic seizures that may be unilateral or bilateral involved arm extends, whereas the opposite leg
are predominantly facial or distal in the limbs. EPC flexes at the hip and knee. M2e of SMA seizures is
of Kozhevnikov is one type of myoclonic seizure (see different from ‘larval M2e’ of MTLE (see page XXX).
page XXX). Posturing is extremely variable among patients
Tonic postural motor seizures associated with clonic with SMA seizures, but it is stereotypical for each
movements are asymmetrical, unilateral or bilateral. individual patient.
This variability of hypermotor seizures is reflected
Seizures from the well by other descriptive terms of SMA seizures,
supplementary sensorimotor area such as complex gestural automatisms, extreme
Seizures from the supplementary sensorimotor motor restlessness, complex motor automatisms
area (SMA) have distinct and characteristic clus- and agitation, frenetic complex motor automatisms
tering of symptoms, and are usually stereotyped of both arms and legs, intensely affective vocal
(Figure 15.7).149–154 These are hypermotor seizures and facial expression associated with powerful
with bizarre movements and vocalisations. They are bimanual–bipedal and axial activity, repetitive
characterised by: rhythmical and postural movements accompanied
t abrupt onset and abrupt termination by bizarre vocalisation, complex motor automatisms
t nocturnal circadian distribution; they rarely with kicking and thrashing, and complex and global
occur in awake states gesticulations.
t high frequency, sometimes many per night
Somatosensory or other ill-defined auras
t lack of post-ictal confusion.
(not epigastric), vocalisations and speech
Hypermotor seizures155 of bizarre bilateral, arrest that are common ictal manifestations
asymmetrical tonic posturing and movements Somatosensory auras are described by more than
Hypermotor seizures consist of ’complex, organised half and probably about 80%156 of patients, mainly
movements which affect mainly the proximal at onset. Unilateral somatosensory sensations usually
portions of the limbs and lead to a marked increase accurately predict contralateral lateralisation.159
in motor activity. Consciousness may be preserved. Cephalic sensations are probably more common.158
They are most frequently associated with frontal Auras are described as: pressure on the chest,
lobe epilepsy’.155,156 difficulty breathing, floating away, paraesthesia of a
The characteristic hypermotor seizure of the SMA hand, dizziness and light-headedness, cephalalgia or
consists of sudden and explosive, bilateral and electrical sensation in the head, discharge in the whole
asymmetrical tonic posturing of limb girdles at body, sensation of body heat, feeling of coldness or
shoulder and pelvis, often with contraversion of the heat in the back and the head, vertebral column
eyes and head, vocalisation or speech arrest. shivering, moving outside oneself, or crawling
Fencing posturing157 is the best known descriptive sensation in both legs, one leg or somewhere in the
term for these SMA seizures, although it may not body.155,157,160,161
be common.154 In fencing posturing, one arm is Epigastric auras do not occur.
460 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Vocalisations their clinical and EEG manifestations (Figure

In a third of patients, seizures manifest with vocali- 15.9).162,163
sations that may vary from a brief deep breath or Negative motor seizures manifest with ictal loss of
air expiration and palilalic vocalisations to the most localised muscle power or inability to produce a
bizarre, loud and scaring noises. voluntary movement.
Speech arrest is a well-documented and frequent
ictal manifestation. Pure paroxysmal speech arrest Focal status
without other motor activity is exceptional. epilepticus of frontal lobe origin
Consciousness is usually well preserved; as a rule, Focal (non-convulsive) status epilepticus of frontal
these are simple focal seizures. lobe origin is of undetermined prevalence.92,93
It manifests with prolonged impairment of con-
Other frontal lobe seizures sciousness and inappropriate behaviours (Figure
of particular clinical interest 3.2).92,93,164 Symptoms fluctuate in intensity and
Dorsolateral seizure patterns may be tonic or, less severity over time. Concurrent turning of the head
commonly, clonic with versive eye and head and focal jerking may occur. It commonly ends
movements and speech arrest. Seizures are often with GTCSs. Ictal EEG shows repetitive frontopolar,
characterised by unusual symptoms of ‘forced frontocentral and frontotemporal epileptiform dis-
thinking’ and ‘forced acts’. The patient is forced into charges with unilateral emphasis. It is difficult to
an obsessive thought (forced thinking) associated with differentiate from frontal or idiopathic absence status
a fairly well-adapted attempt to act on this thought epilepticus without an EEG (Figures 3.1 and 3.2).
(forced acts), with ‘eye-directed automatisms’ and See also Chapter 3 on status epilepticus.
‘pseudo-compulsive behaviour’.136,142
The patient is compulsively ‘forced to fix on something Aetiology
with the eyes’, ‘the brain commands him to do
something that he should not do’, ‘a sensation of being
Frontal lobe epilepsies may be symptomatic,
forced to open the eyes’. This is often associated with
probably symptomatic or idiopathic. Two-thirds of
forced bizarre actions of hypermotor seizures.136,142
patients in neurosurgical series are symptomatic165
as a result of malformation of cortical development
A 30-year-old man, holder of a karate black belt, had a (57.4%), tumours (16.4%), or trauma and other
cluster of 30–50 such seizures while dozing in the waiting lesions (26.2%).166
room of my clinic. Each seizure, which lasted for 10–15 s, Of the idiopathic forms, autosomal dominant
was of sudden onset and termination. His facial expres- nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is detailed in
sion was very aggressive and he would perform various Chapter 14.
karate acts, often kicking or punching objects in the office
(without damaging them), with simultaneous and irregular
roaring and other vocalisations. Immediately, after each Diagnostic procedures
attack, he would go back and sit in his chair, and fully
High-resolution brain MRI is mandatory. This reveals
aware of what was happening he would then apologise, ‘I
abnormalities in around two-thirds of patients
cannot resist doing this. It will be OK after a while’, before
(Figure 15.7).
jumping off again to perform a similar enforced act. The
Functional neuroimaging and MEG are important for
staff and the other patients were terrified and maintained
localisation in the presurgical evaluation.167,168
a safe distance from him, while I had to put on a brave
Serum prolactin concentration (>700 μU/ml) may be
face to approach him until he recovered.
raised after frontal lobe seizures, with or without
Frontal absences are similar and often indistin- secondarily GTCSs. However, failure of prolactin
guishable from generalised absence seizures in levels to rise does not help in the clinical differenti-
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 461

ation of frontal lobe complex focal seizures from Differential diagnosis

psychogenic NEPEs (see Chapter 4).
Ictal and inter-ictal surface EEG has a notoriously low The typical motor seizure with or without jackson-
yield. They are often normal (50–60% of cases), ian march is unlikely to impose any diagnostic
particularly when seizures originate from the mesial difficulties. However, hypermotor seizures with
frontal regions.1,143,166,169 The EEG of patients with the bizarre movements, posturing and vocali-
lateral seizures is far more revealing than that of sa tions aetiology are frequently misdiagnosed
mesial frontal seizures (Figure 15.10). Prolonged as psychogenic173 or other movement non-
video-EEG recording increases the EEG yield.170 epileptic paroxysmal event disorders.144,154
Normal EEG is often misinterpreted as evidence of Usually, normal inter-ictal and often ictal EEGs
non-epileptic attacks. reinforce this error. Nowadays, this should be an
A video-EEG carried out over two nights of one of my
unlikely misdiagnosis, because the constellation
patients showed ten violent clinical SMA seizures but of hypermotor seizures is probably unique with
was entirely normal, except for a single, left frontal, their sudden onset and termination, stereotypical
giant sharp and slow wave that occurred only once. appearance in each patient and nocturnal
occurrence in clusters.
If abnormal, inter-ictal EEGs may show background
Chapter 4 details the differentiation of frontal
asymmetry, frontal spikes or sharp waves (either
lobe seizures, particularly of the SMA, from
unilateral or frequently bilateral or unilateral
non-epileptic paroxysmal movement disorders
multilobar).1 Generalised discharges of 3 Hz spike–
(psychogenic movement disorders, familial
waves may occur with or without evidence of
secondary bilateral synchrony (Figure 15.9). paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis, paroxysmal
Abnormal ictal EEG patterns consist of the following: kinesiogenic choreoathetosis and episodic
t Frontal or multilobar, often bilateral, of low ataxia type 1) and from sleep-related movement
amplitude, fast activity, mixed spikes, rhythmic disorders (pavor nocturnus in children or rapid
spikes, rhythmic spike–waves or rhythmic eye movement [REM] behaviour disorder, and
slow waves (Figure 15.10). Ictal, fast, rhythmic other parasomnias detailed in Chapter 4).
paroxysms may be of very high frequency
(>50 Hz) and low amplitude, requiring special- Misconceptions
ised recording systems with fast sampling rates
So-called ‘paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia’ or ‘hypnogenic
and high sensitivity.171
paroxysmal dystonia’ is frontal lobe epilepsy and not a
t Bilateral, high-amplitude, single sharp waves
movement disorder.
followed by diffuse flattening. Uncommonly,
this EEG abnormality precedes the seizure onset,
Symptomatic frontal lobe absences may have similar
providing important localising information.1,172
clinical and EEG features to typical absence seizures
Even when the EEG is abnormal, its localisation value
(Figure 15.9).174–176
is often unreliable without focal ictal paroxysmal
patterns at seizure onset. This is probably because of:
t early seizure spread within and outside of the
frontal lobe
t widespread distribution of the epileptogenic Seizures of frontal lobe epilepsies are frequent and do
brain tissue not usually remit. In addition, poor seizure outcome
t secondary bilateral synchrony and secondary is often associated with poor behavioural outcomes
epileptogenesis. and learning disabilities.177 Compared with patients
Although seizures predominately occur in sleep, with TLE, these patients have less pronounced
sleep organisation is normal. memory and language but more pronounced atten-
462 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Typical absence seizures of late onset due to frontal lobe glioma

Woman aged 27 with late-onset absences and GTCS EEG 1989 Video–EEG 1995

F p2–F4




F p1–F3




CT brain scan 100 μV 100 μV

Minor absences with eyelid flickering
1 sec
Low-grade glioma 1 sec

Figure 15.9 (A) Brain imaging showing a right-sided frontal glioma in a woman who started having absences at 28 years of
age (1989). (B) Initially, the EEG GSWD were entirely symmetrical; there was nothing to suggest that these were symptomatic
absences. Clinically, during the GSWD, the woman made minor and occasional errors on breath counting, with consistent
eyelid flickering. In her daily life, these were manifested as ‘losing control of thoughts, repeating simple phrases and occasional
mild jerking of the head to the right’. This could last from a few seconds to 1 min and once she had non-convulsive status
epilepticus with mild confusion and expressive dysphasia. (C) A video-EEG 6 years later showed that she continued to have
similar GSWD with right-sided asymmetry.

tion and behaviour problems associated with learn- lobe MRI lesions and pathological abnormalities
ing disabilities.177 correlate strongly with good outcome. In contrast, less
favourable results are reported in patients with normal
MRI and gliosis or normal pathology. Multilobar MRI
Management abnormalities have the poorest outcome.
The focal seizures of frontal lobe epilepsies are com- Surface EEGs and location of abnormality have no
monly resistant to AEDs, but AEDs usually protect predictive value in neurosurgical cases. However,
patients against secondarily GTCSs. Drug treatment generalised epileptiform discharges and generalised
is similar to that for any other type of focal seizure inter-ictal slow activity indicates a poor neurosur-
(see page XXX). Topiramate may be a first option.178 gical outcome.166 The absence of generalised EEG
Neurosurgery has limited success,152,179 which may be abnormality is the most predictive variable for a
improved by proper selection criteria.180 Focal frontal seizure-free outcome.166

Epilepsia partialis continua of Kozhevnikov

Synonyms: Kozhevnikov syndrome type 1, EPC of Clarifications
EPC of Kozhevnikov is a rare type of epileptic
on classification
seizure/status epilepticus of heterogeneous causes in The 1989 ILAE classification considers EPC as
children and adults.181–185 ‘Kozhevnikov syndrome type 1’.1 Rightly, the new
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 463

EEGs of two patients with frontal lobe epilepsy

A Inter-ictal EEG of a boy aged 14 with malformations of cortical development in the right frontal lobe
F p2–F4
F 8–Fp2
F p1–F3
F p1–F7
C3–P3 F7–T3

P3–O1 F 4–Fp2

F p2–F8 Fp2–Fz
F8–T4 Fz–Fp1
T4–T6 F p1–F3
T6–O2 F3–F4
F p1–F7 T4–C4
F7–T3 C4–Cz
T3–T5 Cz–C3

100 μV
1 sec

B Ictal EEG of a man aged 30 with focal motor seizures

F p2–F4
F p1–F 3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7

100 μV
Onset Left eyelid twitching End of seizure
2 sec 0 1 min 3 min

Figure 15.10 (A) Inter-ictal EEG of a 14-year-old child with malformations of cortical development in the dorsolateral aspect of
the right frontal lobe. The same EEG sample is presented in different montages. Note frequent clusters of high-amplitude spikes
intermixed with slow waves in the right frontopolar electrode (Fp2). (B) Ictal EEG of a 30-year-old patient with left-sided focal motor

diagnostic scheme recognised ‘epilepsia partialis Clinical manifestations

continua of Kozhevnikov’ as a seizure type/status
epilepticus and not as a syndrome (Table 3.1).2,3 See The defining symptom of EPC is ‘spontaneous
Chapter 11. regular or irregular clonic muscle twitching of
cerebral cortical origin, sometimes aggravated by
action or sensory stimuli, confined to one part of the
Demographic data body, and continuing for a period of hours, days or
Onset occurs at any age. A third of cases start before weeks’.186 In other words, EPC is a lengthy segmental
16 years of age. Both sexes are equally affected. myoclonic seizure lasting a few milliseconds repeated
Prevalence is extremely small, probably less than almost every second for hours, days or months. The
one per million population.181 twitching is limited to a muscle or a small group
464 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

of contiguous or unrelated muscles on one side independently, or precede or follow the appearance
of the body. Agonist and antagonist muscles are of EPC. More often, motor focal seizures are
simultaneously contracted. Facial and hand muscles interspersed with EPC (Figure 15.11).
are preferentially affected.
The muscle twitching of EPC is characterised Neurological signs and symptoms
by location, frequency, intensity, duration and Varying degrees of muscle weakness and neurological
coexistence with other types of more conventional s signs occur during EPC.160,182,185 Permanent neuro-
eizures.160,181,182,185,187,188 Activation, reflex, by move- logical and mental deficits may be static or progres-
ment or other means, is characteristic in some sive, and precede or follow the appearance of EPC.
patients.181,186,189 Patients with localised neoplastic, vascular or
Location: EPC may involve one muscle or a small infectious brain lesions may have neurological deficits
muscle group of agonists and antagonists. These may and isolated seizures before the onset of EPC.160 In
be in the same region (corner of the mouth, thumb non-ketotic hyperglycaemia or drug-induced EPC,
and other fingers) or occur simultaneously in other the onset is sudden.189
locations on the same side without direct anatomical
continuity. Thus, a patient may stereotypically
experience twitching of the eyelid and the shoulder
or abdominal muscles simultaneously, leaving other There are multiple and diverse causes of EPC
facial or limb muscles unaffected (Figure 15.11). (Table 15.2). Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome
Facial and distal muscles of the upper limbs are more and malformations of cortical development are
commonly affected than proximal or leg musculature. the main causes in children (see Chapter 11);
Single truncal muscles on one side may be involved. cerebrovascular disease and brain space-occupying
EPC that involves both sides of the body alternately lesions are the main causes in adults. Non-ketotic
is exceptional.190 hyperglycaemia is the most common reversible
Frequency: Typically, every jerk occurs about once cause. Other metabolic, mitochondrial or hereditary
every 1–5 s.181 EPC usually persists during slow-wave disorders are well described.
sleep, although it is often of diminished frequency Dereux (1955),192 in a thesis comprising 102 cases,
and intensity. It may be reduced or exaggerated found that more than 50% were caused by an
during REM.191 ‘encephalitic process’.
Intensity: Commonly, the jerks in EPC are not violent. Russian spring–summer tick-borne encephalitis
Intensity varies from almost inconspicuous to clearly is a rare cause that occurs in endemic areas. This
visible repetitive rapid movements. condition is overemphasised based on the erroneous
Duration is lengthy, ranging from hours to assumption that it caused the cases of EPC described
months, although each jerk lasts for only a few by Kozhevnikov (see page XXX).193,194
Activation: EPC is sometimes ‘aggravated by action Pathophysiology
or sensory stimuli’.186 Movement or other means of
activation of the affected muscles may be a charac- The current consensus is that EPC is primarily of
teristic feature in some patients.189 cortical origin and emanates mainly in the primary
motor cortex.181
Other types of seizures
About 60% of patients exhibit, in addition to EPC,
other types of seizures, such as motor focal seizures
Diagnostic procedures
or secondarily GTCSs and, more rarely, complex The yield of investigative procedures is cause
focal seizures.160,181,182,185,187 These may occur dependent (Table 15.2). Around two-thirds of
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 465

Aetiology of epilepsia partialis continua

Chronic or acute encephalitis Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome

Acute encephalitis including tick-borne encephalitis
Human immunodeficiency virus infection
Renal and hepatic encephalopathy
Anti-Hu-associated paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
Metabolic disturbances Non-ketotic hyperglycaemic diabetes mellitus, particularly when
associated with hyponatraemia
Alpers syndrome
Kufs’ disease
NADH–coenzyme Q reductase deficiency
Lesional diseases of the brain Cerebrovascular disease, brain tumour, abscess, trauma, metastasis,
granuloma, cysticercosis, haemorrhage, infarct, arteriovenous malformation
and cortical vein thrombosis
Malformations of cortical development
Multiple sclerosis
Drugs Penicillin and azlocillin–cefotaxime (and the old contrast media metrizamide)
may induce EPC
Others Mitochondrial disorders, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
Unknown (20%) –

Table 15.2

patients have abnormal brain MRI scans and EEGs, twitching of EPC. EEG may or may not be useful.
which get worse in progressive disorders such as A normal ictal EEG does not exclude this diagnosis.
Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen syndrome. Ictal EEG Brain imaging may or may not be abnormal. The main
may or may not show epileptiform abnormalities difficulty is in differentiating between the genuine
concomitant with the jerks (Figure 15.11). Typically, cortical and non-cortical cases, and this is often a
jerk-locked back-averaged cortical potentials appear formidable task without appropriate neurophysio-
in the contralateral primary motor area preceding logical examinations illustrated in Figure 15.12
the jerks by a few milliseconds; sensory evoked (jerk-locked back averaging, somatosensory evoked
potentials are of high amplitude (Figure 15.12) responses and sequential electromyography). In
and there is a rostro-caudal pattern of muscle clinical terms, the coexistence of other types of
recruitment with co-contraction of agonist and focal epileptic seizures practically identifies cortical
antagonist muscles. Positron emission tomography EPC.
(PET) and single photon emission CT (SPECT) scans Tremors, ticks and extrapyramidal disorders
often localise the abnormal region, but they are not rarely, if ever, have this constant, unilateral and
specific. Screening for metabolic and mitochondrial highly localised appearance of EPC (see Chapter 4).
disorders may be necessary and a few cases are of However, difficulties may be imposed by ‘hemifacial
unknown origin. spasm’, which is probably due to ipsilateral facial
nerve root compression and segmental demyelina-
tion. Hemifacial spasm, similar to EPC, manifests
Differential diagnosis with unilateral painless, irregular and continuous
There are not many other conditions that exhibit clonic twitching of the facial muscles. It affects
the characteristic segmental, continuous muscle mainly women, aged 50–60 years, without known
466 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ictal EEG of epilepsia partialis

continua progressing to hemiconvulsions

Normal girl aged 12 years with frequent episodes of EPC from age 4 years – video-EEG

F p2–F4

F p1–F3

F p2–F8

F p1–F7

Jerking of eyelids mainly on the left Tonic deviation of the head to the extreme left Left hand raises up

Left clonic convulsions of head and left arm Marked bilateral eyelid jerking Seizures ends

100 μV
1 sec Left hand flaccid and weak

Figure 15.11 Sample from a video-EEG of a girl aged 12 years. She has EPC, which started at the age of 4 years
and continues to date with increasing frequency and duration. Fast (3–10 Hz) twitching of the left eyelids occurs
simultaneously with the left rectus abdominis (she points close to the midline by the umbilicus) and a muscle in the
armpit (probably the latissimus dorsi). This lasts from hours to 2 or 3 days and is continuous day and night. This is
interspersed with left-sided, focal tonic–clonic motor seizures mainly affecting the face and upper limb. Additionally,
there is post-ictal, and probably ictal, left hemiparesis mainly of the upper limb. She does not lose consciousness
during these attacks and communicates well. She is also able to understand, but cannot speak during the focal motor
seizures. She has never had a full-blown GTCS. Initially the seizures occurred once or twice per year, but now occur
every 2 weeks. Neurological and mental status is normal. High-resolution brain MRI was normal. All appropriate tests
for metabolic or other diseases associated with EPC were normal. Drug treatments have failed; only rectal diazepam
provides temporary relief during the attacks. Differential diagnosis: EPC is a non-specific seizure type that may occur
in a number of diverse conditions and have a number of different causes. In a child, the first syndrome that comes to
mind is Kozhevnikov–Rasmussen chronic encephalitis. However, her good clinical status over the years, as well as the
normal MRI and the lack of background EEG abnormalities, is rather against this diagnosis, although some unusual
cases in which deterioration occurs 10 years after onset of EPC have been recorded.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 467

Figure 15.12 Neurophysiological investigations in a

Neurophysiological abnormalities in a man aged 26 years with onset of EPC at the age of 25.
patient with epilepsia partialis continua This consisted of continuous and arrhythmic twitching
of various muscles of the left leg and particularly the
A Dermatomal somatosensory evoked potentials (DSSEP) toes. There was great variation in intensity, spread
Right DSSEP Left DSSEP and severity. It was exaggerated on dorsiflexion of the
foot and improved when resting. On five occasions,
L2 this progressed in a jacksonian manner to GTCS.
The clonic movements of the toes spread to the foot
and then to the knee for 5 min prior to GTCS. On
L3 neurological examination, there were mild pyramidal
signs of the left leg. All possible tests to discover the
cause of this were negative, including high-resolution
L4 MRI and PET scanning, and cerebrospinal fluid with
appropriate metabolic screening. Mitochondrial disease
was also excluded. After a short course of steroids and
drug treatment with mainly clonazepam, the situation
improved dramatically. Ten years later, he is well, although
he has some infrequent clusters of irregular twitching
L5 of the toes of the left leg and is still on clonazepam.
(A,C) Dermatomal and somatosensory potentials are
gigantic on the right side (from stimulation of the left).
1 μV Note that the maximum amplitude of the dermatomal
potentials is obtained when the S1 dermatome is stimu-
lated. (B) C reflex of around 65 ms latency is obtained
only from muscles of the left leg stimulating the
S1 peroneal nerve (similar responses were also obtained
2 μV – from other left-sided leg muscles by stimulating other
1 μV +
left leg nerves or by tapping for the knee jerk). (D) Jerk-
10 msec 10 msec
locked back-averaged cortical potentials appear in the
B C reflex recorded from vastus lateralis
contralateral primary motor area preceding the jerks by
Right Left vastus lateralis 25 ms (positive peak).

5 μV + –
5 μV +
10 msec 10 msec
C Somatosensory evoked potentials from the tibial nerve

Right SSEP Left SSEP

antecedent causes other than Bell’s palsy in a few
cases. The spasms usually begin in the orbicularis
oculi and gradually spread to other facial muscles

and the platysma of the face. They may be induced
– 2 μV +
5 μV +
or aggravated by voluntary and reflex movements of
10 msec 10 msec
the face.195
A 50-year-old woman had almost continuous
D Backwards averaging from L quadriceps muscle jerks
twitching in the left side of the face for 2 months.
The diagnosis of hemifacial spasms was made by
eminent neurologists. However, MRI and subsequent
surgery revealed a large glioblastoma in the right side

of the brain.
2 μV +
10 msec Once the diagnosis of EPC is made, the underlying
cause should be thoroughly sought (Table 15.2).
468 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Prognosis Management
The long-term prognosis of EPC is cause dependent EPC is resistant to treatment with AEDs. Clonazepam,
and usually poor (Table 15.2). Most patients will valproate, carbamazepine and new broad-spectrum
continue with intractable EPC and also develop AEDs, such as levetiracetam and topiramate, are
neurological and mental defects. Only a few patients probably the most effective. Successful treatment
may have a remission. Drug-induced EPC or EPC with multiple subpial transections has been reported
occurring in the setting of non-ketotic hypergly- in only a minority of operated patients.181,184
caemia is reversible once the offending agent has
been removed or the metabolic defect corrected.

Parietal lobe epilepsies

Parietal lobe epilepsies manifest with seizures Clinical manifestations
originating from a primary epileptic focus anywhere
within the parietal lobes.1,196–202 Seizures emanating from the parietal lobes are mainly
The clinical seizure characteristics, EEG findings and simple focal without impairment of consciousness.
results of neuroimaging studies have been established They manifest with subjective symptoms (auras),
mainly in neurosurgical series of patients with a which are, in order of prevalence:
carefully documented seizure of parietal lobe origin. t somatosensory
The report by Kim, et al201 is an excellent description t somatic illusions (subjective disturbances of
of the modern approach to parietal lobe epilepsies. body image)
t vertiginous
t visual illusions or complex formed visual halluci-
Clarifications nations
t receptive or conductive linguistic disturbances.
on classification
Clinical seizure manifestations are usually related to
Parietal lobe epilepsies have not yet been detailed in the epileptogenic location, anterior or posterior, of
the new ILAE diagnostic scheme.2,3 The 1989 ILAE the dominant or non-dominant parietal lobe. Onset
Commission classifies parietal lobe epilepsies among with sensorimotor symptoms is usually associated
the ‘localisation-related (focal, local, partial) epilepsies with anterior parietal lobe foci, whereas more
and epileptic syndromes’, but describes parietal complex symptomatology emanates from posterior
seizures rather than parietal lobe syndromes.1 parietal lobe regions. Approximately 50% of patients
experience more than one type of seizure.201
Demographic data Somatosensory seizures
Parietal lobe epilepsies may start at any age. Both Somatosensory seizures are by far the most common
sexes are equally affected. Age at onset is much later type (around two-thirds of cases).199
in patients with tumours199 than in those without Quality: Various types of paraesthetic, dysaesthetic
tumours.198 Parietal lobe epilepsies are relatively rare and painful sensations are described, such as
and probably account for 6% of all focal epilepsies in tingling, numbness, thermal, burning, tickling,
neurosurgical series.203 pricking, creeping, tight, crawling, electric and their
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 469

variations. Tingling may be the most characteristic be common if tested during the seizure; for example,
symptom (76% in one study).204 There may be a patient of Penfield’s, while undergoing electrocor-
tongue sensations of crawling, stiffness or coldness. ticography under local anaesthesia, had an electrically
They all start with a tingling sensation around the left side
induced seizure restricted to the parietal lobe.18 The
of my lip. This lasts for 10–20 seconds before spreading
patient was unaware of any specific symptoms,
to my left arm. Then I lose coordination and power in
but two-point discrimination was impaired in the
my left arm, which may start convulsing with little if any
contralateral hand and returned to normal at seizure
manifestations from my leg. The whole seizure lasts for
approximately one and a half minutes. During this time,
Disturbances of body
I am able to talk and understand.
image and somatic illusions
Pain, sometimes excruciating, is experienced by 25% Disturbances of body image and somatic illusions are
of patients with somatosensory seizures.198,199,205–208 the second most common ictal symptoms of parietal
Pain is usually unilateral, but may be cephalic or lobe seizures. They include illusions of distorted
abdominal.205 When lateralised, the painful symptoms posture, limb position or movement, a feeling
are contralateral to the side of seizure origin.205 that an extremity or a body part is alien or absent,
Symptom location: The face (mainly the lips and tongue) dissociations and misperceptions of location and
and hand (mainly the thumb) and arm that have body part identity. Patients describe sensations of
the largest cortical representation (homunculus of twisting, swelling, shrinking, turning or movement
Penfield) are more likely to be involved. Facial sensory in one extremity or in the body, a feeling that one leg
phenomena may occur bilaterally.209 Symptoms is absent and displacement of a limb or the body:
may be static and remain confined to their region
Having my body bend toward the left, I just sort of
of origin during the whole seizure (40% of cases).
Somatosensory symptoms often march in a manner
similar to the jacksonian motor seizure. A bilateral or Most patients have paraesthesia associated with
discontiguous manner of spread is rarer. Unilateral these illusions. Ictal somatosensory hallucinations
somatosensory seizures are usually contralateral to are rare.18,212
the epileptogenic zone. Seizures ipsilateral to the side Ictal somatic illusions probably reflect seizure
of seizure origin are exceptional.210 discharges in the inferior parietal lobule and superior
part of the postcentral gyrus of the non-dominant
It is numbness or a hot feeling restricted to the corner of
my left lip of the size of no more than a 2-pence piece.
Somatoagnosia (soma = body; agnosia = ignorance,
This lasts for 1–3 seconds and comes approximately
inability to recognise) is the inability to recognise
once every week. On rare occasions, this numbness
the affected body part as one’s own. Somatoagnosia
spreads to my left hand for a second and at the same
and most of the somatic sensations occur more
time I am unable to articulate words. This also may be
frequently with dysfunction of the non-dominant
followed by ‘shaking of the lips’. On eight occasions in
cerebral hemisphere.213–215 Ictal limb agnosia and
14 years, this was followed by convulsions.
phantom limb sensations (the sense that the limb is
Ictal sensations in the genital areas and the rectum, in a position that is not the true position) probably
and orgasmic seizures are infrequent, but patients originate in the posterior parietal region.216,217 Neglect
may be embarrassed to report them. Peri-ictal or is more commonly associated with the right rather
post-ictal true masturbation may happen.211 Sexual than the left inferior parietal lobe. These auras may
dyspraxic automatisms (i.e. fondling the genitals) reflect ictal impairment ‘in the body image mechanism
occur only in the post-ictal phase of seizures. of the posterior parietal lobe’.216
Objective ictal somatosensory deficits: Objectively Illusions of movement are often typical of pari-
demonstrable transient somatosensory deficits may etal lobe seizures,218,219 whereas the sensation of
470 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

a desire to move emanates from the precentral parable to EPC, but without any motor manifesta-
gyrus.220 tions, have been reported18,198,199 and this condition
may be misdiagnosed as psychogenic NEPEs.225
Other ictal subjective symptoms
Vertigo and other vertiginous sensations of an illusion Post-ictal manifestations
of rotatory motions of the body are well reported Post-ictal manifestations are usually short,224
and probably about 10% are ictal manifestations of although Todd’s paralysis (22%) and dysphasia (7%)
parietal lobe seizures.198,199,208,221 They are elicited may be common.198
predominantly from the temporoparietal border.222,223
Visual illusions and complex formed visual hallucinations Epileptogenic localisation
occur in about 12% of patients with parietal lobe Seizures of the primary sensory cortex typically
epilepsy. Images may appear larger or smaller, closer produce contralateral positive or negative symptoms.
or further away, or moving though static. Ictal visual However, focal sensorimotor phenomena at the onset
illusions, such as micropsia, metamorphopsia, auto- also occur with seizures emanating from posterior
scopia and palinopsia, most probably emanate from parietal regions.203 This means that the primary epi-
the non-dominant parietal regions. leptogenic focus is clinically silent and that symptoms
Linguistic disturbances: Dominant temporoparietal are produced by spreading of the ictal discharge to
lobe seizures are associated with a variety of linguistic the eloquent ictal symptomatogenic zone of the
disturbances, alexia with agraphia and significant postcentral gyrus.18,201 Bilateral sensory symptoms
calculation defects. Non-dominant parietal-occipital- usually derive from the secondary sensory area.18,225
temporal seizure activity usually results in significant Ictal sensations in the genital areas usually emanate
from the parietal paracentral lobule.1,198,208 Ictal pain
spatial disturbances.
is usually reproduced by stimulating area 5a, behind
Inhibitory motor seizures, ictal hemiplegia207 or negative
the postcentral gyrus.198,199,226,227
motor manifestations, including drop attacks,198 are
exceptional. An inability to move one extremity or
Precipitating factors
a feeling of weakness in the hand contralateral to
Seizures may be provoked by movements of
the epileptogenic zone may be more common than
the affected part of the body, tapping or other
somatosensory stimuli.228,229 These are exceptional
On most occasions my left hand becomes numb, but in neurosurgical series.198
in a few other instances, it becomes heavy and I am
In one patient, seizures frequently occurred when she
unable to move it for a minute or so.
was trying to open a container or package.205,207,208

Accidental finger amputation resulted in seizure control

Seizure spreading
in a boy whose seizures included ictal sensory loss in
to extraparietal regions
one arm provoked by using cutlery while eating.230
Simple focal seizures often spread to extraparietal
regions, producing unilateral focal clonic convul- Sensorimotor seizures may also be triggered by
sions (57% of patients), head and eye deviation music231 or toothbrushing.232
(41%), tonic posturing of usually one extremity Giant EEG spikes evoked by somatosensory stimuli
(28%) and automatisms (21%). in benign childhood seizure susceptibility syndrome
Most patients also suffer from secondarily GTCSs, are detailed in Chapter 12.
but these are usually infrequent.201

Duration of seizures Aetiology

The duration of seizures varies from a few seconds to The aetiology is diverse and includes sympto-
1 or 2 min.224 Prolonged isolated sensory auras com- matic (Figure 15.13), cryptogenic and idiopathic
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 471

causes.198,199 Malformations of cortical development, Electroencephalography

mild or severe, are probably the most common Surface inter-ictal EEG may be normal, non-specific
cause.201,204 or misleading.201,210 Inter-ictal spikes (Figure 15.14)
should be interpreted cautiously with regard to
localisation because they may appear in areas other
Diagnostic procedures than the parietal regions, involving frontal, temporal
Neurological examination is usually normal in or occipital electrodes. Of patients with intractable
patients with non-tumoral parietal lobe epilepsy or parietal lobe epilepsy, 16% do not have epileptiform
the abnormalities are mild. Sensory deficits, such as discharges.198 In these patients, secondary bilateral
impaired two-point discrimination or stereoagnosia synchrony may be common (32%).198 In symptomatic
(of which patients may be unaware), mild limb patients, localised slow waves may be the only inter-
atrophy and inferior quadrantic visual field defects, ictal abnormality. 198,199,210
should be sought. Patients should also be examined The ictal EEG may be normal in 85% of simple focal
for disturbances of written language, aphasia, sensory seizures.204 The prevalence of scalp EEG
spatial orientation and right–left disorientation.203,204 changes in simple focal seizures with predominant
Patients with tumoral parietal lobe epilepsy have sensory symptoms is only 15%, as opposed to 33%
similar neurological deficits, but mild contralateral when motor symptoms are present.233
weakness is common (38%), whereas unilateral limb Localised parietal seizure onset is rare (11%).198,210
atrophy is exceptional.199 Ictal onset may be distant from the area of the predom-
Brain imaging, preferably with high-resolution inant inter-ictal spiking,209 and ictal EEG patterns
MRI, is mandatory for any patient with parietal are occasionally difficult to interpret,229 particularly
lobe epilepsy and may be abnormal in around 60% when seizures rapidly become generalised.
of patients (Figure 15.13).199 Other brain imaging Post-ictal EEG may have some localising value when
modalities, such as FDG-PET and ictal SPECT, are attenuation of background activity or spike activation
useful in neurosurgical evaluations.201 occurs.234

MRIs of symptomatic causes of parietal lobe epilepsies


Figure 15.13 (A) Coronal and axial T1-weighted MRI demonstrating parietal subcortical heterotopia (arrows). (B) Coronal
T2-weighted MRI demonstrating bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. (C) Coronal inverted T2-weighted MRI demonstrating
abnormal signal changes (post-traumatic in nature) in the left parietal lobe involving the white matter.
Figures A and B courtesy of Professor John S. Duncan and the National Society for Epilepsy MRI Unit, London, UK.
Figure C courtesy of Dr Ruben Kuzniecky, NYU Epilepsy Center, New York, USA.
472 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Inter-ictal EEG of a 5-year-old girl with extensive

right-sided porencephaly due to brain anoxia at birth

F p2–F4
F p1–F3
F p2–F8
F p1–F7

100 μV
1 sec

Figure 15.14 Severe right-sided abnormalities of spikes, sharp and slow waves are mainly focused around the parietal
regions. Clinically she had frequent and intractable focal sensory-motor seizures.

Differential diagnosis ischaemic attacks are the most likely diagnostic

Simple somatosensory seizures alone, whether brief
or prolonged, are a challenging proposition. Even
if reported, they are likely to be misdiagnosed as Management
psychogenic NEPEs, transient ischaemic attacks or
Drug treatment is similar to that for any other type
migraine with aura, in that order (see Chapter 4). for focal seizures and is usually effective (see page
Commonly, it is only when they progress to motor XXX).
symptoms or impairment of consciousness that In intractable cases, neurosurgery is associated with
genuine seizures are suspected and appropriate a high proportion of patients achieving a seizure-
investigations are initiated. free state or remarkable improvement (>65%).198,201
Differentiating pure somatosensory seizures from MRI abnormality, concordance of different diag-
psychogenic NEPEs or psychiatric disturbances may nostic modalities and completeness of resection of
be extremely difficult;225 even ictal EEG changes are the epileptogenic zone correlate with better out-
not seen in 85% of patients.204 Ictal pain, sensory come.197,200,201,210 However, because the parietal
EPC, and genital and orgasmic manifestations are lobe contains highly eloquent areas, resection may
unlikely to be diagnosed as epileptic seizures. lead to deficits in vision, language, praxis, attention
Sensory jacksonian seizures may imitate migraine and higher cortical function, which make surgical
with sensory aura.235 In older patients, transient resection problematic.201
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 473

Occipital lobe epilepsies

Occipital seizures originate from an epileptic occipital in which case they are usually coloured spots or
focus that is triggered spontaneously or by external circles.251
visual stimuli.206,208,236–242 These epilepsies may be Photopsias (phos = light, opsis = appearance) are
idiopathic, symptomatic or cryptogenic (probably unformed flashes of light and sparks.
symptomatic). Scintillating scotoma (scintilla = spark, skotos = darkness)
This chapter is primarily based on an extensive is used because of the sparking appearance of the vis-
review of the available literature to date, as well as ual hallucinations of migraine (brilliant flashes of light
studies and numerous illustrative cases that have in the periphery of dark areas in the visual fields).
been included in a previous monograph,206 which Teichopsia (teichos = town wall, opsis = appearance)
has been updated appropriately.243–245 was coined by Airy252 ‘to represent the bastioned
form of transient hemiopsia which I have been
describing, not without a reminiscence of some
Clarifications words of Tennyson’s:
on classification as yonder walls
The 1989 ILAE Commission classifies occipital lobe rose slowly to a music slowly breathed,
epilepsies among the ‘localisation-related (focal, a cloud that gather’d shape.’
local, partial) epilepsies and epileptic syndromes’, but Visual hallucinations are subjectively experienced
describes occipital seizures rather than occipital lobe images in the absence of an actual external stimulus:
syndromes.1 Occipital lobe epilepsies have not yet t elementary visual hallucinations consist of simple,
been detailed in the new ILAE diagnostic scheme.2,3 usually geometric forms, spots or lines
t complex visual hallucinations consist of objects,
faces or scenes
Autoscopia (or heautoscopy) means viewing one’s own
Visual illusions are misinterpreted false percepts of
image, viewing oneself.246,247
real images.
Fortification spectra in migraine are visual
hallucinations with similarities to the bastioned,
star-patterned, pentagonal fortifications and not the Demographic data
castellated appearances of battlements.248,249 A bastion
is a projecting part of a fortification, consisting of Symptomatic occipital seizures may start at any
an earthwork in the form of an irregular pentagon, age and at any stage after or during the course
having its base in the main line or at an angle of the of the underlying causative disorder. Idiopathic
fortification. Spectrum is used by Gowers250 to mean occipital epilepsy usually starts in late childhood.
an ‘apparition and not a coloured band of light’. Occipital epilepsies account for about 5–10% of all
Pallinopsia (visual persevereness) is the persistence epilepsies.206 In neurosurgical series, the prevalence
or recurrence of visual images after the exciting is about 5%,239 which is comparable to the 6% seen
stimulus has been removed. in demographic studies.253
Percept is the mental image or product of perception
of any object in space.
Phosphenes are subjective sensations of light due to
Clinical manifestations
non-luminous stimulation of the retina. Phosphenes Ictal clinical symptoms of occipital lobe epilepsies
are also used to denote visual percepts from stimu- are subjective, objective or both. The cardinal symp-
lation of the visual cortex with an electrical stimulus, toms are mainly visual and oculomotor.
474 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Visual subjective symptoms include: of migraine256,257 and reviewed them exhaustively.243

t elementary and less often complex visual The main conclusions of these studies are briefly
hallucinations described here.
t blindness Ictal elementary visual hallucinations are defined
t visual illusions by colour, shape, size, location, movement, speed of
t pallinopsia appearance and duration, frequency and associated
t sensory hallucinations of ocular movements. symptoms of progression.
Ocular subjective symptoms comprise of: Colour, shape and size: The predominant patterns
t ocular pain. are coloured, usually multicoloured, and circular.
Objective oculomotor symptoms are: Bright red, yellow, blue and green prevail. Shapes
t tonic deviation of the eyes (pursuit-like rather are mainly circular; i.e. spots, circles and balls.
than oculotonic) Individual elements are multiple and rarely single.
t oculoclonic movements or nystagmus Their size varies from ‘spots’ to rarely the size of a
t repetitive eyelid closures or eyelid fluttering. ‘small ball’. Square, triangular and rectangular or star-
Some of these ictal manifestations, such as elementary like shapes, alone or in combination with circular
visual hallucinations, are generated in the primary patterns, are less frequent; they are usually coloured.
visual cortex; others, such as visual illusions, emanate Flashing or flickering achromatic lights, shades or
from the neighbourhood of the occipitoparietal and non-circular patterns are rare. The components of
occipitotemporal regions. Seizures may spread from visual hallucinations increase in number, size or
the occipital to other more anterior regions of the both with progression of the seizure, particularly
brain, generating symptoms from the temporal, before other non-visual symptoms.
parietal and frontal lobes and secondarily hemi or
Multi-coloured blue, yellow and red, circular flickering
generalised convulsions. Ictal or post-ictal headache
patterns closely packed together and multiplying in the
is frequently associated with occipital seizures.
left lateral hemifield. Then it seems that the environment
moves slowly and stepwise from left to right.
Elementary visual hallucinations
Elementary visual hallucinations are the most com- A ‘rainbow’ of all colours with dust blocks of shadow-
mon, characteristic and well-defined ictal symptoms like bricks in the periphery of the right eye.
of occipital lobe seizures (Figures 4.1, 12.8 and Location: Their location at onset is usually uni-
15.15). They are usually the first, and often the only, lateral, mainly in the temporal visual hemifield
ictal symptom during a seizure and may progress (Figure 15.15). They may appear in a normal, blind
to other occipital and extra-occipital manifestations or damaged hemifield.258 Central or undefined
and convulsions. localisation occurs in 10–30% of patients.
Elementary visual hallucinations of visual seizures are Movement: The components of elementary visual
mainly coloured and circular, develop rapidly within hallucinations usually multiply and become larger
seconds, and are brief in duration. They often appear in without any particular movement other than
the periphery of a temporal visual hemifield, becoming changing positions and luminance within their
larger and multiplying in the course of the seizure, and visual territory (Figures 12.8 and 15.15). Flickering
frequently moving horizontally towards the other side. or flashing is common. Movement towards the
They are fundamentally different from the visual aura of centre of vision or the other side is less common.
migraine for which they are often mistaken.241,254,255 Rarely, the movement is spinning, circling, rotatory,
I have studied the elementary visual hallucinations random, approaching or moving away from the
of idiopathic and symptomatic occipital seizures patient.18,258,259
in a qualitative and quantitative chronological Visual movement was more frequently present than
manner,241,255 differentiated them from the visual aura absent. The image might remain still, but more often
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 475

Visual seizures as perceived and drawn by a patient

with an interesting form of symptomatic occipital epilepsy


Figure 15.15 Visual seizures as perceived and drawn by a patient with symptomatic occipital epilepsy of cortical dysplasia
and angiodysplasia with foci of acquired ischaemic necrosis and chronic inflammation (case detailed in Thom, et al264).
Reproduced from Panayiotopoulos (1999)241 with the permission of the Editor of Epileptic Disorders.

it moved slowly in a certain direction or it danced, I would wake up from sleep either with elementary visual
flickered or whirled.260 hallucinations or with white blindness (all white), before
a generalised convulsion.
There are three or four concentric spherical rings of red
and yellow moving from the left to the right of my vision, Stereotypical appearance: Ictal symptoms of elemen-
and repeating the same course again and again after tary visual hallucinations are stereotyped, particu-
their disappearance on the right.206 larly at onset, in all aspects other than duration.
Exceptionally, the same patient may experience
Lateralisation: The side of unilateral elementary visual
different types of seizures.
hallucinations is contralateral to the epileptogenic
Progression to other occipital or non-occipital seizure
focus. Conversely, this is ipsilateral to the epilepto-
manifestations: Elementary visual hallucinations may
genic focus for unilateral visual hallucinations, moving
be the only seizure manifestation, but they often
horizontally towards the other side.259,261
progress to other ictal symptoms, such as complex
Vision: Ictally, vision may be obscured only in the
visual hallucinations, oculoclonic seizures, tonic
area occupied by the visual hallucinations. However,
deviation of the eyes, eyelid fluttering or repeti-
some patients may even be able to read through
tive eye closures, impairment of consciousness,
them. Blurring of vision at onset, with or without
experiential phenomena, hemi-anaesthesia, and
visual hallucinations, may be a common mild form
unilateral or generalised convulsions. On other
of visual seizure (see page XXX).
occasions, they progress to extra-occipital seizure
Duration: Visual seizures develop rapidly within
manifestations by spread to the temporal, frontal or
seconds and they are usually brief, lasting from
parietal regions.
a few seconds to 1–3 min, rarely longer.241,255,256
Exceptionally, they last for 20–150 min, sometimes Bright, multicoloured, blue, red, yellow and green spots

constituting focal visual status epilepticus without of light in the periphery of the right eye multiply rapidly

other ictal symptoms.27,243,262,263 and occupy the whole right visual field, though I can

As a rule, elementary visual hallucinations are see through them. They cause me a pleasant feeling

longer before secondarily generalisation. ‘because of the colours’. These are sometimes followed

Frequency and circadian distribution: Visual seizures by distortion of the surrounding objects and persons as

occur, often in multiple clusters, daily or weekly. if ‘through the mirrors of a theme park’.

Commonly, several may occur a day. They are A spinning ball filled with mainly red and yellow colours
usually diurnal, but some patients often wake up on the right. This could be followed by visions of
with elementary visual hallucinations. distorted bodies.
476 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Complex visual hallucinations, in one colour (monochromopsia), hazy and dark or

visual illusions and other symptoms highly illuminated and bright. Motion and speed may
from more anterior ictal spreading be affected with or without distortion of direction
These mainly occur in progression of the seizure, (horizontal, vertical or rotated, approaching or moving
which may terminate with hemiconvulsions or away). Movement is faster or slower. Moving objects
generalised convulsions. They may be the first ictal may appear stationary and vice versa.
symptom, but more often follow elementary visual Visual illusions also entail changes in spatial
hallucinations. interpretation affecting stereoscopic vision:
Complex visual hallucinations may take the form of Far objects appear near, near ones far, and convex ones
people, animals, objects, figures or scenes. They may concave, or vice versa.266
be familiar or unfamiliar, friendly or frightening, and
simple or grotesque. They may appear in a small or Ictal visual illusions may occupy part or the whole
large area of a hemifield, or in the centre and the visual field, and are probably more likely to be
whole of the visual field. They may be static, move associated with symptomatic than with idiopathic
horizontally, expand or shrink, approach or move occipital seizures.
away. In patients with visual field defects due to
structural brain lesions, complex visual hallucinations
Palinopsia, which is the persistence or recurrence
appear in the defective visual field. Complex visual
of visual images after the exciting stimulus has been
hallucinations of occipital seizures do not have the
removed, is an interesting form of visual illusion
emotional and complicated character of temporal
associated with right posterior parietotemporal
lobe seizures.241,255,265
Sudden awareness of rapidly oscillating, vague, dark,
I looked at a small video display unit and, after I looked
disproportionate, face-like, frightening figures moving
away, the image of the screen persisted in the right
forwards and backwards in the temporal field of my left
upper corner of my vision and nearly simultaneously
started flashing at a rate of 3–5 Hz for 2 seconds. This
An interesting, but extremely rare, ictal complex was followed by visual illusions of the walls and the
visual hallucination is autoscopia (or heautoscopy), passengers closing in on him, ending within 5 seconds
which means viewing one’s own image/viewing with GTCSs.
oneself.246,247 This mirror self image looks ‘real’ and
is usually undistorted, silent, brief or recurrent,
Sensory hallucinations
from the present time or from the past, framed or
of ocular movements
performing complex tasks.
Sensory hallucinations of ocular movements, which is
Complex visual hallucinations including ictal
a sensation of ocular movement in the absence of
autoscopia probably originate from occipitoparietal
detectable motion, is rare.
and occipitotemporal junction areas.
Visual illusions are misinterpretations, false percepts, ‘This involuntary movement of the eyes to the left and
of real external images. These distorted images at a slight tilt upwards causes the pain. The motion to
(metamorphopsia) involve changes in size, dimension, the left seems out of your control. It can be resisted
shape, proportions, position, colour, illumination but this adds to nausea and general pain.’ Neither he
and movement, alone or in combination. Changes in nor the witnesses could confirm any such movement
perception of object size are common, the percepts of the eyes.
being smaller (micropsia) or larger (macropsia) than the
real image. Objects may be distorted in shape, pulled, Ictal blindness
compressed or rotated in lateral or vertical directions. Ictal blindness (ictal amaurosis) may follow the
They may appear in black and white (achromatopsia), visual hallucinations and progress to other epi-
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 477

leptic symptoms, but often occurs as a starting The epileptogenic focus is more likely to be
or only ictal seizure manifestation with abrupt contralateral to the movement of the head and the
onset.241,243,255,257,267 eyes if consciousness is not impaired.
I usually have millions of small, very bright, mainly blue Ictal nystagmus (epileptic nystagmus) is mainly
and green coloured, circular spots of light, which appear horizontal and rarely vertical. The quick phase of
on the left side and sometimes move to the right, but on the nystagmus is opposite to the epileptic focus, in
one occasion suddenly everything went black, I could the same direction of eye and head deviation, which
not see and I had to ask other swimmers to show me may coexist, precede or follow.
the direction to the beach.206,268
Repetitive eyelid closures,
The duration of ictal blindness is usually longer eyelid fluttering and eyelid blinking
(3–5 min) than ictal visual hallucinations; Repetitive eyelid closures, eyelid fluttering and eyelid
occasionally, blindness may last for hours or days blinking are an interesting ictal clinical symptom
(status epilepticus amauroticus).269–271 Ictal blindness of symptomatic and idiopathic occipital epilepsy.
and, less frequently, ictal hemianopia occur in a
They usually occur after the visual hallucinations
third of patients with symptomatic and two-thirds of
phase, at a stage when consciousness is impaired
patients with idiopathic occipital epilepsy.
and herald the impending secondarily generalised
An interesting rare variation of ictal blindness is
convulsions. However, they may also occur alone, be
‘white ictal blindness’.241,243 The patient cannot see
inconspicuous in appearance and not be suspected
because everything is white.
as seizure events, documented only by video-EEG
I cannot see, like a white sheet in front of my eyes. recordings in occipital photosensitive patients. See
It is all white. also eyelid myoclonia with absences (Chapter 16).
Eyelid opening, or ‘eyes widely opened’, is another well-
Blurring of vision as an initial seizure manifestation
described symptom in occipital epilepsy, but it may
before visual hallucinations may be common if
also be a symptom associated with other cerebral
locations. Widened palpebral fissures with fixed
It starts with a momentary flickering or blurring of staring and dilated pupils are among the typical
vision (always in the left temporal field only) (case 7.2 in symptoms of mesial temporal lobe seizures.272

My sight deteriorates very slightly as it does before Consciousness

the aura, but flashing does not start. It is a reduction Consciousness is not impaired during the elementary
of visual awareness of around 10% (case 30 in and complex visual hallucinations, blindness and
Panayiotopoulos206). other subjective occipital seizure symptoms, but
may be disturbed or lost in the course of the seizure,
Tonic deviation of the eyes, oculoclonic usually at the time of eye deviation or eyelid closures,
seizures and epileptic nystagmus and generally before convulsions.
Tonic deviation of the eyes often, but not necessarily,
followed by ipsilateral turning of the head is the most
Ictal or post-ictal headache
Ictal or post-ictal headache is frequently associated
common (40–50% of cases) non-visual symptom
with occipital seizures.241,243,255,257 Ictal pain is mainly
of occipital seizures. This is similar to a voluntary,
pursuit-like turning of the eyes to one side. This orbital. It is described as a sharp, stabbing, retro-
usually follows visual symptoms and mainly orbital pain, a sensation of bifrontal pressure, a vague
elementary visual hallucinations, but it may also ache in the head or a sensation of electricity.
occur from seizure onset. Consciousness is often, but The visual hallucinations consist of vivid, flashing
not invariably, impaired when eye deviation occurs. multicoloured lights and circular patterns that occupy
478 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and obscure my vision. Severe unilateral throbbing Metabolic or other derangements, such as
headache follows 1 or 2 minutes later, lasts for hours eclampsia, may have a particular predilection for
and is often associated with vomiting (case 7.1 in the occipital lobes and cause either occipital ‘seizures
Panayiotopoulos206). that do not require a diagnosis of epilepsy’ or permanent
Post-ictal headache, often indistinguishable from occipital lesions leading to symptomatic occipital
migraine, is far more common in occipital (occurring in epilepsy.276 There is an interesting association
more than 50% of cases) than in any other focal between coeliac disease and occipital lobe epilepsy.277
epilepsy,273,274 and may occur even after brief visual Occipital seizures may be the first manifestation
seizures.241,255 Also, post-ictal headache often occurs of a devastating course, as for example, in Lafora
3–15 min from the end of the visual seizure, a situation disease278–280 or mitochondrial disorders.281
known in migraine as the ‘asymptomatic interval’
between the end of migraine aura and the onset of Coeliac disease and occipital epilepsy
headache.275 The association between occipital seizures and
coeliac disease, with or without bilateral occipital
Post-ictal hemianopia may occur.
calcifications, has been well documented.282 Diverse
When the visual hallucinations ceased completely, I had epileptic conditions with onset in childhood and
almost no vision in the left eye, only blackness (case 7.2 early adolescence have been reported in patients
in Panayiotopoulos206). with symptomatic or asymptomatic coeliac disease.
These conditions include severe epilepsies, such as
Seizure spreading Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, and myoclonic epilepsies
Seizures may spread from the occipital to other more with ataxia, but more commonly symptomatic
anterior regions of the brain, generating symptoms occipital epilepsy.
from the temporal, parietal and frontal lobes and Age at onset of epilepsy is 1–28 years, but most
secondarily hemi or generalised convulsions. Infra- commonly occurs between 4 and 13 years. Occipital
calcarine occipital foci will propagate to the temporal seizures are by far the most common, although
lobe, causing complex focal seizures, whereas supra- other focal fits, GTCSs and absences may occur
calcarine foci tend to propagate to the parietal and from the onset of epilepsy. In most patients, seizures
frontal areas, giving rise to predominantly motor start before the detection of coeliac disease and
seizures. the institution of a gluten-free diet (GFD), which
Progression to temporal lobe seizure symptomatology seems to control the seizures if started soon after the
is rather exceptional in idiopathic cases. onset of epilepsy and early in childhood. However,
seizures may also start after a GFD, in which case
they are more likely to be symptomatic, drug-
Aetiology resistant occipital epilepsy manifesting mainly with
Aetiology may be idiopathic, symptomatic (structural elementary visual hallucinations. A few cases may
or metabolic) or cryptogenic.241,243,255,257 have a benign course, but most progress to other
In symptomatic occipital epilepsy, lesions may seizure types and an epileptic encephalopathy with
be congenital, residual or progressive, resulting delayed mental development, despite an initial
from vascular, neoplastic, metabolic, hereditary, relatively good response to treatment. The severity
congenital, inflammatory, parasitic or systemic of the epileptic seizures is not proportional to the
diseases and infections. Malformations of cortical severity of the cerebral calcifications.
development are a common cause, which is being EEG abnormalities initially consist mainly of
increasingly recognised with MRI, as is the case today occipital paroxysms, occipital spikes or generalised
in all focal symptomatic or probably symptomatic discharges. Activation of occipital spikes by inter-
epilepsies (Figure 15.7).239 mittent photic stimulation (IPS) is not uncommon.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 479

Multispike discharges in the sleep EEG often betray areas, and visual illusions from the non-dominant
their symptomatic character. parietal regions.206
A history of gastrointestinal symptoms, nutritional
Ictal blindness probably results from contralateral
problems, a positive family history of coeliac disease
seizure spread to involve both occipital lobes
and an atypical Sturge–Weber syndrome without a
or inhibition of the visual cortex by the seizure
cutaneous nevus should raise the possibility of this
syndrome. Occipital seizures in Sturge–Weber syndrome
Because of the frequent occurrence of post-ictal
are rare.
headache in occipital epilepsy, it is reasonable
to suggest that occipital seizures often generate
migraine-like attacks and that the occipital lobes are
Eclampsia and occipital seizures
preferentially associated with the trigeminovascular
There is a selective vulnerability of the occipital lobes
or brain-stem mechanisms responsible for migraine
to eclamptic hypertensive encephalopathy. Neuro-
headache.285 Post-ictal headache of occipital seizures
logical symptoms of eclampsia include seizures,
may be related to serotoninergic mechanisms and
headache, blindness and impairment of conscious-
respond to oral sumatriptan.286
ness. Seizures may be GTCSs or focal visual seizures
I have emphasised on many occassions that an
with secondarily GTCSs. Seizures persisting after
‘occipital seizure–migraine’ sequence241,255,257,287
recovery from eclampsia are rare.276 Recent reports
appears to be much more evidence-based and more
indicate that eclampsia may also be a risk factor for
common than the previously prevailing view of
‘migraine visual aura triggering epileptic seizures’ or
‘migraine–epilepsy syndromes’ or ‘migralepsy’ (see
Lafora disease and occipital seizures
Chapter 4).288–290
In Lafora disease (see Chapter 17), occipital seizures
occur in 30–50% of patients, may be spontaneous
or photically induced, and consist of complex Diagnostic procedures
and elementary visual hallucinations. Occipital
involvement is indicated by occipital polyspikes The discovery of the underlying cause in symptomatic
and visual seizures, but these rarely occur without occipital epilepsies may require haematological and
coexisting myoclonic seizures, GTCSs and EEG- biochemical screening for metabolic disorders,
generalised discharges that are also often induced molecular DNA analysis, or even skin or other tissue
by IPS. Background EEGs may be abnormal before biopsy.206 High-resolution MRI is necessary in all
onset of seizures, but may also be normal in the initial patients with occipital lobe epilepsy.206 Unsuspected
stages of the disease. Cognitive decline is relentless residual or progressive lesions, tumours, vascular
either before or soon after (i.e. within months of) the malformations and malformations of cortical
onset of seizures, and death is unavoidable within development can all be detected by MRI. CT
1–10 years. scanning is still a useful form of brain imaging
(Figure 15.16), although it is far inferior to MRI and
Lafora disease should be suspected when the onset of
insensitive to focal cortical dysplasia. Calcifications
occipital seizures is combined or followed by myoclonus
of coeliac disease or of other causes may be missed
and progressive mental decline.
with MRI. Functional brain imaging for localisation
is of practical value in neurosurgical cases.291
Elementary visual hallucinations are generated from Electroencephalography
the primary visual cortex, complex visual halluci- EEG is essential, but certain limitations should be
nations from the occipitoparietotemporal junction recognised.
480 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

CT brain scans documenting discrete occipital lesions of cysticercosis in two

patients with typical occipital visual seizures misdiagnosed as migraine with aura

Figure 15.16 This figure serves as a reminder that cysticercosis is still a main cause of focal epilepsies in resource-poor
countries and that visual seizures are often misdiagnosed as migraine.
Reproduced with permission from Menon (2007).292

Inter-ictal EEG fast spiking or both, localised in the occipital regions

In symptomatic cases, the background EEG is with occasional gradual anterior spreading and
usually abnormal with posterior lateralised slow generalisation with irregular spike–wave discharges
waves. Unilateral occipital spikes or fast multispikes or monomorphic spike–wave activity (Figures 12.4
and, occasionally, occipital paroxysms occur. There and 15.17). Brief occipital flattening may be seen
may be occipital photosensitivity.206 Worsening of before the fast rhythmic pattern. Often, in patients
the background EEG is significant in the diagnosis with symptomatic occipital lobe epilepsy, the ictal
of progressive causes. discharge is more widespread than of a precise
In idiopathic cases, such as idiopathic childhood occipital localisation. Usually, there is no post-ictal
occipital epilepsy of Gastaut and photosensitive localised slow activity unless the seizure is prolonged
occipital epilepsy, the background inter-ictal EEG or progresses to secondarily GTCS.
is normal (see Chapter 12).206 Occipital spikes In a third of patients (30%), the ictal surface EEG
and occipital paroxysms, spontaneous, evoked or does not show any appreciable changes in occipital
both, are often abundant. They disappear with seizures.206
age frequently long after cessation of the occipital

Ictal EEG
Differential diagnosis
Surface ictal EEG in occipital seizures, irrespective of Occipital seizures should not be difficult to diagnose,
cause, usually manifests with paroxysmal fast activity, but should first be differentiated from migraine,
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 481

Ictal video-EEG of an occipital seizure

Fp 2








Fp 1











100 μV Severe orbital pain

1 sec

Figure 15.17 The electrical discharge of this seizure started with fast spikes in the right occipital electrode (black arrow) with
rapid spread anteriorly and contralaterally. The patient complained of severe pain behind both eyes (red arrow) 2 s after the
onset of the ictal discharge.

normal phenomena and psychogenic NEPEs or experience, supplemented by relevant reports in the
other causes unrelated to seizures.206 literature.
The differentiation of visual seizures from In occipital epilepsy, the deviation of the eyes is
migraine, which is the main cause of diagnostic usually pursuit-like or tonic, and rarely clonic and
error, is detailed in Chapter 4; see also Figures 4.1, different to the oculoclonic ictal symptoms that are
12.8 and 15.15. often seen in focal motor seizures of extra-occipital,
mainly frontal origin. Occipital oculotonic seizures
are similar to a voluntary, pursuit-like turning of
Differentiating ictal deviation the eyes to one side, which, by itself, could not be
of eyes of occipital considered as an abnormal movement by witnesses.
versus extra-occipital origin Such seizures usually follow visual symptoms and
I am not aware of any study that has compared mainly elementary visual hallucinations, but may
ictal deviation of the eyes, head or both of occipital also occur from the start. At this stage, consciousness
origin with that of extra-occipital origin. The is often, but not invariably, impaired. This phase
following conclusions are derived from my personal may progress to unilateral clonic seizures of the face
482 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and the extremities, with or without progressing to resolution MRI with the new generation scanners
GTCSs. are used.206,239
Conversely, ictal eye movements of extra-occipital
origin are more violent and look unnatural.
Ipsilateral eyelid tonic or clonic convulsions are Prognosis
commonly associated with upward deviation of the Frequency, severity and response to treatment vary
eyeballs. It is simultaneous, and precedes or follows considerably from good to intractable or progressive,
tonic or clonic convulsions of other facial, neck
depending mainly on the underlying cause and
and shoulder muscles of the same side (e.g. as in
extent of the lesions.206
hemifacial rolandic seizures).

Differentiating idiopathic from

symptomatic occipital epilepsy
The visual seizures of symptomatic and idiopathic AED treatment is similar to that for any other type
occipital epilepsy are indistinguishable.241 How- of focal seizures (see page XXX), is usually effective
ever, symptomatic visual seizures more frequently and should be initiated as soon as possible.206
progress to other extra-occipital seizure manifesta- Carbamazepine is the drug of choice.
tions such as temporal lobe symptoms, which are The post-ictal headache of occipital seizures may
almost exclusively seen in symptomatic occipital respond to oral sumatriptan.286
epilepsy. A normal neurological state (including Neurosurgery is performed for selective sympto-
visual fields) and brain imaging may be misleading matic cases and may be effective in around 70% of
and suggest an idiopathic cause, unless high- patients, with 30% becoming seizure free.196,284,293–295

AED therapy of focal epilepsies

The mainstream treatment of focal epilepsies is with Physicians now have to choose amongst 9 AEDs
AEDs, with which almost 80% of patients achieve licensed for monotherapy (discussed below) and
reasonable sustained remission. Only 15–30%296,297 an additional 11 AEDs licensed for adjunctive
of those with newly diagnosed focal epilepsy (of any treatment of focal epilepsies. The optional choice
cause) fail to achieve reasonable sustained remission depends on a number of factors intrinsic to the
specific AED and to the individual patient. This
with optimal AED medication. However, the figure is
requires the prescribing physician to be extremely
significantly higher (35%) for those with symptomatic
familiar with the pros and cons of each AED as well
focal epilepsy.296 Of those failing to respond, 25–50%
as the requirements of the particular treated patient
develop intractable disease; i.e. continuation of seizures
with regard to epileptic seizures, syndrome, sex, age,
beyond 2 or 3 years, despite optimal AED treatment. possible comorbidities and genetic predispositions.
Secondarily GTCSs are more easily controlled than Best treatment is achieved via a thorough knowledge
complex focal seizures.298 For 25–50% with a symp- of AED properties combined with expert assessment
tomatic focal epilepsy in which AEDs have failed, of the patient’s health – a very difficult task for a
neurosurgical options are often life saving. physician.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 483

As emphasised in Chapter 7, all efforts have been is better tolerated than carbamazepine, but
made in this book to provide the best existing carbamazepine has a clinically important advantage
evidence for AED treatment in clinical practice. in time to remission and time to first seizure.’303 These
results are questionable as masterly highlighted in the
accompanying editorial by French:302
RCTs and evidence-
To show convincingly that one drug is preferable to the
based recommendations in other, one would have to be certain that each drug is
focal epilepsies being used to its maximum advantage. For example, if
lamotrigine had been titrated too rapidly, an increase
“Unfortunately, a fully evidence-based approach to the in the incidence of rash would be expected. In an early
treatment of epilepsy is hampered by the fact that the study of lamotrigine therapy for migraine, the drug was
vast majority of randomised active-control trials in this started at 200 mg per day with a 39% incidence of rash.
area have significant methodological shortcomings... Similarly, if carbamazepine was started at full dose,
Therapeutic outcome in many epilepsy syndromes has rather than titrated, the dropout rate due to adverse
never been evaluated in controlled trials.... Because of events would be extremely high.
this, drug choice cannot be based solely on results of Second, all of the studies enrolled patients with
therapeutic trials, and a broader range of information generalized onset seizures, one as much as 50%.
must be taken into account.”299 Carbamazepine can exacerbate some types of general-
The problems with RCTs in epilepsies are detailed ized onset epilepsy. In contrast, lamotrigine is broad-
on pages 17–20 and reviewed in a recent editorial.300 spectrum, and a more appropriate choice. Clearly,
These are also well illustrated in the RCTs and meta- inclusion of generalized onset seizure patients limits
analyses comparing carbamezapine with the newer the external validity of the trial results.
AEDs. All five trials included in the meta-analysis303 were
Carbamazepine is the superior older AED for sponsored by the manufacturers of lamotrigine.302
focal epilepsies, and is used as the comparator The results of a contentious RCT comparing standard
drug in RCTs evaluating newer AEDs. However, (carbamazepine) with newer (gabapentin, lamotrigine,
carbamazepine has been handicapped in many (if oxcarbazepine and topiramate) AEDs (SANAD)304 were
not all) RCTs (and consequently, their resultant similar to that of the meta-analysis.303 This should be of
meta-analyses) by poor study designs and execu- little surprise because in SANAD, like in the RCTs of the
tion, including broad intention-to-treat populations meta-analysis, carbamazepine was at a disadvantage in
or interpretations that give a maximal advantage to comparison with lamotrigine with regard to efficacy (as
its competitors.300–302 mixed populations with focal and generalised seizures
Carbamazepine’s best efficacy is for focal epileptic were included), tolerability (due to the mode of use)
seizures and its best tolerability is with ‘start low and interpretation of the results (which contained
and go slow’ titration schemes. Consequently, certain presumptions unsubstantiated by the data,
carbamazepine is undermined when its efficacy is subsequently invalidating evidence-based medicine
compared with a broad-spectrum AED in mixed reports), as detailed in three recent editorials.300,301,305
populations of patients with focal and generalised
The SANAD results only reflect clinical practice in
epileptic seizures. Likewise, it is at a disadvantage in
the UK and they should only be used to encourage a
studies using a rapid titration scheme (which results
lower titration of carbamazepine and discourage its
in high drop-outs with carbamazepine).302
use in generalised epilepsies. Other conclusions and
These points are well exemplified by a recent meta-
generalisations are inappropriate.
analysis of RCTs comparing patient responses to
lamotrigine and carbamazepine monotherapy.303 The Furthermore, SANAD was already partly outdated
primary outcome of the analysis was that ‘lamotrigine by the time of its publication. Levetiracetam, now
484 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

licensed as monotherapy for focal seizures in patients by the indiscriminate use of valproate based on the
aged 16 years or older, was not evaluated in either message that this AED treats focal as well as general-
SANAD or the meta-analysis. A recent RCT compared ised epilepsies. This promoted suboptimal treatment of
levetiracetam with controlled-release carbamazepine focal epilepsies with valproate and suboptimal treatment
in patients with newly diagnosed partial or primarily of generalised epilepsies with carbamazepine.
GTCS.306 At per-protocol analysis, 73% (56.6%) of Phenytoin is as effective as carbamazepine but its use
patients randomised to levetiracetam and 72.8% is falling dramatically, mainly because of chronic
(58.5%) receiving controlled-release carbamazepine toxicity.
were seizure free at the last evaluated dose for Phenobarbital and primidone, which are less effica-
6 months or greater (mean of 1 year). Most patients cious, have been practically eliminated in developed
achieved remission at the lowest dose level for either countries, mainly because of their adverse effects on
drug. Withdrawal rates for adverse events were 14.4% cognition.
with levetiracetam and 19.2% with carbamazepine. Clobazam is a very useful AED, both as monotherapy
However, in this RCT, like its other predecessors, and polytherapy, in focal epilepsies, although it is not
carbamazepine was again at a disadvantage in
licensed in the USA.314–317 It is neglected in current
comparison with levetiracetam because of the
clinical practice mainly because tolerance to clobazam
inclusion of patients with primarily GTCSs, which
has been overemphasised. Clobazam is also erroneously
favours a broad-spectrum AED (i.e. levetiracetam)
considered to be of similar efficacy with regard to
over a narrow-spectrum AED (i.e. carbamazepine).
seizure type as clonazepam (a main anti-myoclonic
AED). Clobazam should be tried in all drug-resistant
Older AEDs focal epilepsies at 10–30 mg at night. Probably only
10% will have clinically significant improvement but
Carbamazepine has been rightly considered to be this may be very dramatic and sustainable.
the gold standard for controlling focal seizures in
more than 70% of patients (around 10% of the
patients develop idiosyncratic reactions). It has Newer AEDs
a narrow spectrum of efficacy and should not be
Of the newer AEDs, only the following are now
used in IGEs.
licensed for monotherapy of focal epilepsies:
Valproate, a superior drug in generalised epilepsies,
t gabapentin
has inferior efficacy in focal epilepsies and significant
t levetiracetam
ADRs, particularly in women of childbearing age.
t lamotrigine
Considering its adverse reactions, inferior efficacy
t oxcarbazepine
and the introduction of some safer and more effective
t topiramate.
AEDs, valproate has a very low priority and should
All other AEDs – eslicarbazepine acetate, lacosamide,
only be used as an adjunctive AED in focal epilepsies.
pregabalin, tiagabine, vigabatrin and zonisamide –
It is still the first choice in generalised epilepsies.
are licensed for adjunctive treatment only.
Despite its significant implications for patient
management, this view has only recently been adopted in
current recommendations and expert publications. That Monotherapy
valproate was an AED suitable for generalised and not for
focal epilepsies122,302–309 was dramatically overshadowed
of focal epilepsies
in the early 1990s by influential RCTs310,311 and meta- Monotherapy is the primary aim in the treatment
analyses 312,313
suggesting that valproate was of similar of all epilepsies, including the focal epilepsies (see
efficacy and tolerability to carbamazepine. Thus the ‘Starting AED treatment in newly diagnosed epilepsy’
physicians’ choice, particularly in the UK, was influenced on page 12).
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 485

Before starting AED, the following should be As noted in Table 15.18, levetiracetam is the only
thoroughly considered: AED that fulfils all the desirable properties (with
t Whether the patient has definite epileptic seizures the exception of cost) for a near-ideal AED in focal
(at least a fifth of patients treated for epilepsy do epilepsies. Accordingly, it challenges the concept of
not suffer from epileptic seizures). carbamazepine as the gold standard of AED mono-
t Whether the patient has focal and not generalised therapy in focal epilepsies. Levetiracetam does not
epileptic seizures (a third of patients with IGEs need slow titration and therefore would have an
are misdiagnosed with focal epilepsy). immediate advantage in RCTs with carbamazepine or
t Whether the patient needs AED medication lamotrigine (both of which are AEDs that require slow
(most of the benign childhood focal epilepsies titration) if these are introduced rapidly.
do not need treatment). The main advantages of carbamazepine over
t What is the best AED choice? This crucial ques- levetiracetam are:
tion has rarely been considered in recent guide- t it is cheaper
lines, which usually provide a list of AEDs efficient t it has been exhaustively tested in clinical practice
in focal epilepsies without prioritising them. for nearly 50 years in adults, children and
The best choice among AED licensed Conversely, the main advantages of levetiracetam
for monotherapy in focal epilepsies over carbamazepine are:
AEDs licensed for monotherapy of focal epilepsies t it has a broad spectrum, which is of practical
have shown a variable degree of efficacy, tolerability, significance, particularly for clinicians who may
safety profiles, pharmacokinetics and drug–drug not have special expertise in the differentiation of
interactions, which should be taken into account focal from generalised epileptic seizures
when choosing one drug over another. Table 15.18 t it does not cause clinically significant idiosyncratic
compares AEDs licensed for monotherapy in the reactions or other serious ADRs
focal epilepsies in accordance with the selection- t it has superior pharmacokinetics (96% out of a
prioritising factors detailed in Table 7.3. Desirable 100% of a perfect score)
properties are in red and these should be preferred t it does not need slow titration and the starting
to others. dose is often therapeutic
Strength of efficacy (Table 15.8): In RCTs, all newer t it does not need laboratory tests (such as drug
AEDs were found to be of almost equal efficacy to monitoring or blood screening for ADRs)
carbamazepine, phenytoin and valproate. t it is easier to use if polytherapy is necessitated
Spectrum of efficacy (Table 7.1): This is significant (lack of drug–drug interactions and a novel
only when the differentiation between focal and mechanism of action)
generalised epileptic seizures cannot be certain. In t it does not interact with hormonal contraception
such cases, narrow-spectrum AEDs such as carba- and is a pregnancy category C drug.
mazepine should be avoided because they are usually
ineffective or aggravate other types of seizure such as Rational polytherapy in focal epilepsies
absences or myoclonic jerks. Rational polytherapy is often needed for the treatment
Other factors include safety, tolerability, adverse of intractable focal epilepsies. Table 15.19 compares
reactions (Table 7.2), need for as little titration the newer AEDs licensed for adjunctive treatment of
as possible (Table 7.10), need for less laboratory focal epilepsies in accordance with the prioritising
monitoring (Table 7.11), pharmacokinetic and factors detailed on Table 7.3.
pharmacodynamic interactions with other AEDs If treatment with carbamazepine or levetiracetam
(Tables 7.5 and 7.6),337–340 as well as mechanisms of in maximal tolerated doses fails, other pragmatic
actions (Table 7.9).340–342 options include any other AED from the list
Comparison of licensed AEDs for monotherapy in focal seizures with and without secondarily GTCSs*


Efficacy in add-on RCTs318 High High Low Low Medium Medium High High Medium

Spectrum of efficacy*,319 Narrow Broad Broad Narrow Narrow Broad Narrow Broad Broad

Tolerability*,318 Medium Excellent Excellent Excellent Medium Poor Poor Poor Poor

Pharmacokinetics320 Inferior Superior Moderate Superior Moderate Inferior Inferior Moderate Inferior
(% of perfect score)†,321,322 (50) (96) (73) (89) (77) (57) (50) (79) (52)

Titration323 Slow Fast Very Fast Slow Slow Slow Very Slow
slow slow

Need for laboratory tests Maximal Minimal Maximal Minimal Maximal Maximal Maximal Maximal Maximal
(1 and 2)†,‡,323–325 (1 and 2) (1 and 2) (1 and 2) (1 and 2) (1 and 2) (1 and 2) (1)

Main mechanisms of Na+ Novel SV2A Na+ Modifying Na+ Multiple Na+ Multiple Multiple
A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

319,326–328 67 2+
action ligand Ca channels

Significant drug–drug Yes Not clinically Yes Not clinically Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
interactions significant significant

Interactions with hormonal Significant No Significant No Significant Significant Significant Dose No

contraception related

Pregnancy category D C From C to D?335 C C D D C D

Parenteral formulation No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes

*Efficacy in In RCTs, all newer AEDs are of approximately the same efficacy; none showed better efficacy than carbamazepine.
monotherapy Valproate is slightly less efficacious than carbamazepine and phenytoin and may be inappropriate for women with focal seizures.

Table 15.18 Desirable properties are in red. CBZ, carbamazepine; GBP, gabapentin; GTCS, generalised tonic–clonic seizure; LEV, levetiracetam; LTG, lamotrigine;
OXC, oxcarbazepine; PB, phenobarbital; PHT, phenytoin; RCT, randomised controlled trial; TPM, topiramate; VPA, valproate. *For more information, see Chapter 7,
Pharmacopeia and summary of product characteristics. †The % of perfect score is based on a customised rating system of 16 parameters to evaluate the pharmacokinetic
profile of AEDs.320,321 ‡(1) Monitoring for adverse drug reactions; (2) therapeutic drug monitoring.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 487

provided in Table 15.19 according to a rational which rarely may be fatal, are a realistic threat.353
order of priority. Combining carbamazepine and Important drug–drug interactions, including with
levetiracetam should be the first preference according hormonal contraception and in pregnancy, are a
to the evidence provided in Tables 15.18 and 15.19. significant disadvantage. Recent evidence of prob-
Other combinations should include the AEDs listed able teratogenicity and interaction with pregnancy
in Tables 15.18 and 15.19. contradict its previous promotion as a women-
A review of long-term open-label studies showed friendly AED.
that after 1 year of treatment, levetiracetam had The recent proposal by the authors of SANAD that
the best retention rates (60–75%) in comparison in clinical practice ‘lamotrigine and possibly oxcar-
to lamotrigine and topiramate (40–60%) and bazepine, rather than carbamazepine’ should be the
gabapentin (20–25%).349 first-choice AED for epileptic seizures304 is highly
Lacosamide has particularly attractive properties for contentious and may be detrimental to patient
combined AED treatment because of proven efficacy care.
and a high rate of retention in difficult to treat patients, Degrading carbamazepine to a third place after
an excellent pharmacokinetic profile, minimal drug to lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine would be as serious
drug interactions, good safety with less sedative effects an error as the promotion of valproate in focal
than most other AEDs and a novel mechanism of epilepsies (see page XX), which may have resulted
action.349,350 Its parenteral formulation is particularly in suboptimal treatment of these patients with the
useful when oral administration is compromised; additional risks of teratogenicity of unborn babies
there is 1:1 dose conversion when switching between exposed to the drug.
oral/parenteral lacosamide formulations with no need Oxcarbazepine is among the first-choice AEDs for
for dose adaptations351,352 (Table 15.19). monotherapy. However, oxcarbazepine does not have
Clobazam often has high and sustained efficacy and high priority in co-medication with carbamazepine
should be considered prior to other AED options in and phenytoin, because of drug–drug interactions
polytherapy (see page XXX). and added adverse reactions.
Lacosamide appears to fulfil most optimal properties
Conclusions in the use of of an AED in add-on treatment of difficult to treat
newer AEDs in focal epilepsies patients (see facing column).
Taking all existing evidence and all the parameters Topiramate, despite its significant efficacy, has the
listed in Table 7.3 together, levetiracetam is far disadvantage of frequent and sometimes serious
superior to other newer AEDs, either as monotherapy ADRs (cognitive effects, sometimes relentless weight
in newly diagnosed focal epilepsies (Table 15.18) loss, acute angle-closure glaucoma, nephrolithiasis
or as adjunctive AED treatment (Table 15.19). and others, such as hypohidrosis). It is by far
It is the only current AED that may challenge the least-tolerated AED (21.5% intolerability;354
carbamazepine. see considerations of ADRs, page XXX). Drug–
Levetiracetam is the first-line AED fulfilling the best drug interactions, including with hormonal
possible requirements with regard to strength and contraception, are an additional disadvantage.
spectrum of efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetic and Zonisamide is one of the most popular drugs in
pharmacodynamic properties, and ease of use for Japan, but it is associated with significant drug–
physicians and patients. drug interactions and ADRs, some of which may
After levetiracetam, the other newer AEDs are as be severe, such hypohidrosis, hyperthermia and
follows, and are listed in order of priority: Stevens–Johnson syndrome. Nephrolithiasis occurs
Lamotrigine is one of the best AEDs with regard in 4% of patients.
to cognitive adverse effects, but has relatively Eslicarbazepine acetate has been developed with
low efficacy and frequent idiosyncratic reactions, the intention that it should be a better AED than
Comparison of newer AEDs as adjunctive treatment in difficult to treat focal epilepsies*


Efficacy318 Low Medium High Low Medium Low Medium High Medium

Tolerability318 Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Medium Medium Good Poor Good

Serious ADR336 No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Pharmacokinetics (% of Superior Superior Superior Moderate Moderate Superior Inferior Moderate Inferior
perfect score)†,322,343,344 (89) (96) (96) (73) (77) (89) (67) (79) (67)

Titration323 Fast Slow Fast Very slow Slow Fast Slow Very slow Slow

Need for laboratory Minimal Minimal Minimal Maximal Maximal Minimal Minimal Maximal Maximal

Mechanism of Modifies Ca2+ Novel‡ Novel Na+ Na+ Modifies Ca2+ GABA Multiple Multiple
action346–348,328 channels SV2A66 channels
A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Significant drug–drug No Minimal Minimal Yes§ Yes No Yes§ Yes No


Interaction with No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

hormonal contraception

Parenteral formulation No No Yes Yes No No No No No

Table 15.19 Desirable properties are highlighted in red. GBP, gabapentin; LCM, lacosamide; LTG, lamotrigine; LEV, levetiracetam; OXC, oxcarbazepine; PGB pregabalin;
TGB, tiagabine; TPM, topiramate; ZNS, zonisamide. *For more information, see Chapter 7, Pharmacopoeia and summary of product characteristics. †The % of perfect
score is based on a customised rating system of 16 parameters to evaluate the pharmacokinetic profile of AEDs. ‡Selectively enhances slow inactivation voltage-
gated sodium channels, and may be binding to collapsin response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2). §Their plasma levels are increased or decreased depending on the
concurrent AED.
Symptomatic and Cryptogenic (Probably Symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies 489

carbamazepine with fewer ADRs and drug–drug Tiagabine use is probably limited to the treatment
interactions. However, so far this appears to be an of severe forms of focal epilepsies that have failed
unfulfilled promise because of its many drug–drug to respond to other AED combinations. Treatment-
interactions and treatment-emergent ADRs such as emergent non-convulsive status epilepticus has been
rash, hyponatraemia and ECG changes. reported in a significant number of patients.
Gabapentin has very low efficacy in RCTs and the Vigabatrin use in epilepsies other than West syndrome
clinical experience of most epileptologists with is probably prohibited because of the high risk of
gabapentin318 is disappointing. visual field defects, which RCTs failed to identify355,356
Pregabalin has failed to gain ground as an AED even after they were reported.357 Patients on vigabatrin
probably because of similarities with gabapentin, should undergo formal visual field perimetric
high incidence of weight gain and treatment- examination at least every 6 months for the duration
emergent myoclonic jerks. of treatment.358

15. Bancaud J, Brunet-Bourgin F, Chauvel P, Halgren E. Anatomical origin

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Reflex seizures and

related epileptic syndromes
Epileptic seizures can arise in a ‘spontaneous’ t epilepsy with generalised tonic–clonic seizures
unpredictable fashion with no detectable precipi- (GTCSs) only
tating factors, or they can be provoked by certain t reflex epilepsies
recognisable stimuli. t febrile seizures plus (FS+)
Factors and stimuli that contribute towards the t familial focal epilepsy with variable foci.
initiation of a seizure are provided by the individ-
Reflex epilepsies: Although idiopathic photosensitive
ual’s internal and external environment. Hormones,
occipital lobe epilepsy, primary reading epilepsy
electrolytes, state of consciousness and body
and hot water epilepsy in infants are syndromes, it
temperature are examples of internal factors that
is unclear whether other reflex epilepsies constitute
alter the epileptogenic threshold. External factors
unique syndromes.6
may be sensory, electrical or biochemical. A complex
interaction between external and internal factors
may explain why the effectiveness of a well-defined Definitions
seizure-precipitating stimulus may vary and why Reflex seizures are:
a patient may experience both ‘spontaneous’ and Objectively and consistently demonstrated to be evoked
‘reflex’ seizures. by a specific afferent stimulus or by activity of the
Reflex seizures have a 4–7% prevalence among patient. Afferent stimuli can be: elementary, i.e. unstruc-
patients with epilepsies. Their aetiology may be tured (light flashes, startle, a monotone) or elaborate
idiopathic, symptomatic or cryptogenic (probably i.e. structured. Activity may be elementary, e.g. motor
symptomatic). (a movement); or elaborate, e.g. cognitive function
(reading, chess playing), or both (reading aloud).7

Clarifications on classification Reflex epilepsy syndrome is:

A syndrome in which all epileptic seizures are precipi-
Reflex or stimulus-sensitive, or triggered or sensory
tated by sensory stimuli. Reflex seizures that occur in
evoked, epileptic seizures are synonyms denoting
focal and generalized epilepsy syndromes that are also as-
epileptic seizures that are consistently elicited by a
sociated with spontaneous seizures are listed as
specific stimulus.1–4 ‘Reflex’ is the preferred name
seizure types. Isolated reflex seizures can also occur in
in the new ILAE diagnostic scheme5 and report6
situations that do not necessarily require a diagnosis
(Table 16.1).
of epilepsy. Seizures precipitated by other special
The ILAE report classifies reflex epilepsies under an
circumstances, such as fever or alcohol withdrawal, are
unspecified category of ‘special epilepsy conditions’.6
not reflex seizures.5
The list of special epilepsy conditions is:
t symptomatic focal epilepsies not otherwise Reflex epilepsies are determined by the specific pre-
specified cipitating stimulus and the clinico-EEG response.1,2,8

498 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Precipitating stimuli and reflex seizures

and syndromes listed in the ILAE classification scheme5,6

Precipitating stimuli for reflex seizures

Visual stimuli
Reflex seizures
Reflex epilepsies*


Startle epilepsy†

Conditions with epileptic seizures that do not require a diagnosis of epilepsy

Table 16.1 *Numbers in parenthesis indicate rating of confidence regarding the certainty with which the ILAE Core Group
believed each syndrome represented a unique diagnostic entity (3 being the most clearly and reproducibly defined). †The new
ILAE report6 rightly no longer considers startle epilepsy to be an epilepsy syndrome. ‡Hot water epilepsy in infants has been
newly considered an epileptic syndrome by the ILAE.6
Modified with permission from Engel (2001)5 and (2006).6

The precipitating stimulus t complex, such as reading or music.

The stimulus evoking an epileptic seizure is specific The latency from the stimulus onset to the clinical
for a given patient and may be extrinsic, intrinsic or or EEG response is typically short (1–3 s) with
both. simple stimuli or long (usually many minutes) with
Extrinsic stimuli are: complex stimuli.
t simple, such as flashes of light, elimination of Intrinsic stimuli are:
visual fixation and tactile stimuli t elementary, such as movements

t elaborate, such as those involving higher brain Secondarily GTCSs from focal, simple or complex
function, emotions and cognition (thinking, seizures are much less common than primarily
calculating, music or decision-making). GTCSs.
Absence seizures are common, constituting the res-
Author’s note ponse to a variety of specific stimuli, such as photic,
pattern, fixation-off, proprioceptive, cognitive, emo-
*OUIFEFmOJUJPOPGSFnFYFQJMFQTZTZOESPNFT AallTFJ[VSFT tional or linguistic stimuli.9 It is recognised that
.PTU QBUJFOUT BMTP TVGGFS GSPN TQPOUBOFPVT TFJ[VSFT Focal seizures are exclusively seen in certain types
4IPVMEAallCFSFQMBDFECZAall or nearly all  of reflex focal or lobular epilepsy, such as visual
5IF UFSN AQSFDJQJUBUJOH TUJNVMVT TIPVME CF EJGGFSFO seizures of photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy or
UJBUFEGSPNAGBDJMJUBUJOHTUJNVMVT*ODFSUBJOQBUJFOUTXJUI complex focal temporal lobe seizures of musicogenic
GPSFYBNQMF &&( epilepsy.
events and the role of the EEG
The electroclinical events may be strictly limited

to the stimulus-related receptive brain region only
(such as photically induced EEG occipital spikes),
The response to the stimulus spread to other cortical areas (such as in photo-
The response to the stimulus consists of clinical and sensitive focal seizures that propagate in extra-
EEG manifestations, alone or in combination. EEG occipital areas) or become generalised (e.g. in the
activation may be electrographic (subclinical) only, photoparoxysmal responses [PPRs] of an IGE).
i.e. without overt clinical manifestations. Conversely, Furthermore, the electroclinical response to a specific
ictal clinical manifestations may be triggered without stimulus may correspond to activation of regions
conspicuous surface EEG changes. other than those of the relevant receptive area, such
as in primary reading epilepsy, which manifests
Clinical types of reflex seizure with jaw myoclonic jerks. Conversely, reading may
Reflex seizures may be: elicit electroclinical events strictly confined to the
t generalised, such as absences, myoclonic jerks or brain regions subserving reading, such as alexia,
GTCSs associated with focal ictal EEG paroxysms. There is
t focal, such as visual, motor or sensory. great variability in the interindividual responses to
Reflex generalised seizures occur either independently the same stimulus.
or within the broad framework of certain epileptic The role of the EEG is fundamental in establish-
syndromes. The same patient, in response to the same ing the precipitating stimulus in reflex epilepsies,
specific stimulus, may have absences, myoclonic because it allows subclinical EEG reflex abnor-
jerks and GTCSs alone, or in various combinations. malities, or minor clinical ictal events, to be repro-
Usually, absences and myoclonic jerks precede the duced on demand by application of the appropriate
occurrence of GTCSs. Patients may have reflex and stimulus without risk to the patient. However, there
spontaneous seizures. are cases in which the stimulus–seizure relationship
Myoclonic jerks are by far the most common, and is difficult to document, as in video game-induced
manifest in the limbs and trunk or regionally, such seizures (see page 503). Only 70% of these patients
as in the eyelids (eyelid myoclonia with absences). have EEG confirmation of photosensitivity with PPRs
GTCSs may occur from the start, constituting the to IPS, and in the other 30% seizures may be due to a
first clinical response, or more commonly they single or a variety of other precipitating or facilitating
follow a cluster of absences or myoclonic jerks. stimuli. Sleep deprivation, mental concentration,
500 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

fatigue, excitement, borderline threshold to photo- to have ‘unprovoked’ seizures that mainly occur
sensitivity, fixation-off sensitivity (FOS), proprio- during sleep (see Chapter 12).12
ceptive stimuli (praxis), or more complex visual or Table 16.2 provides an analytical list of reflex
auditory stimuli, alone or in combination, are all seizures, related reflex epileptic syndromes and their
possibilities that are difficult to document objectively precipitating stimuli. Some of these, such as photo-
with an EEG.10–12 There are also epileptic syndromes sensitivity, are well known and common, but others
in which EEG ‘epileptogenic activity’ is consistently are extremely rare in humans, although they may be
elicited by a specific stimulus with no apparent common in animals, such as audiogenic seizures.
clinical relevance. This is exemplified by certain In this chapter, common and principal forms of
cases of benign focal childhood seizures in which simple and complex reflex seizures and epilepsies are
somatosensory (tapping) or visual (elimination reviewed with particular emphasis on the syndromes
of fixation and central vision) stimuli consistently listed in the new ILAE diagnostic scheme.5 Classic
elicit spike activity, although these children appear references or reviews are cited for the remainder.

Visually induced seizures and epilepsies1,2,8,13–16

Seizures triggered by visual stimuli are the most within seconds) time period between stimulus and
common type of reflex seizure. Visual seizures response. Photosensitivity and pattern sensitivity
are triggered by the physical characteristics of the are genetically determined.
visual stimuli and not by their cognitive effects. Video-EEG samples of many patients with photi-
Photosensitivity and pattern sensitivity are the cally induced seizures or other reflex epileptic
two main categories (with frequent overlap) of seizures can be seen in the CD companion of refer-
simple reflex epilepsies, with a short (typically ences 57–60.

Photosensitivity, epileptic
seizures and epileptic syndromes
Photosensitivity, an abnormal reflex EEG parox- Clarifications
ysmal activation by photic stimulation (PPR),
is a genetically determined trait. Reflex photic on classification
EEG activation may be asymptomatic throughout
Photosensitivity epilepsy was classified among the
life or manifest with clinical epileptic seizures.
‘Photosensitive epilepsy’ is a broad term comprising generalised epilepsies by the ILAE Commission.4
numerous heterogeneous disorders in which This is for the following reasons:
seizures are triggered by light. It is not an epilepsy t PPRs were considered to be primarily general-
syndrome. Some recognised epileptic syndromes ised,1,13,61,62 although the initial occipital onset of
show a high incidence of clinically manifested epi- the discharge was well reported63,64 and recently
leptic seizures and, more frequently, PPRs without appreciated.3,13,65 The evidence is that photo-
clinical seizures. sensitivity in humans is mainly generated in

Reflex seizures, related reflex syndromes and the precipitating stimuli

I. Simple somatosensory stimuli



II. Visual stimuli




III. Auditory, vestibular, olfactory and gustatory stimuli25,44


IV. Seizures induced by high-level processes (cognitive, emotional, decision-making tasks

and other complex stimuli)44,49

Table 16.2 For further details, see the literature.1–3

Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos (1996).8
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

the occipital lobes and therefore it is a regional Clinical manifestations

(occipital lobar) epilepsy.
t A quarter of patients with spontaneous seizures These vary considerably depending on syndrome
and EEG photosensitivity belong to a variety and severity of photosensitivity. Of seizure patients
of epileptic syndromes of IGE, such as juvenile with PPRs:
myoclonic epilepsy (JME).8,66 A high preva- t 42% have only photically induced reflex seizures
lence of photosensitivity is also found in certain without spontaneous seizures (pure photosensitive
forms of symptomatic generalised epilepsies, epilepsy)
such as Dravet syndrome (70%), and Unverricht t 40% have spontaneous and reflex photosensitive
disease. seizures
Occipital photosensitivity only recently came into t the remaining 18% have spontaneous seizures
prominence, although it has been well known only.
from the time of Gowers (1881).67 This was over- Some recognised syndromes of IGE, such as JME,
shadowed by the prevailing view that photosensitive show a high incidence of clinical, but, more often,
epilepsies are mainly generalised. Indeed, with the EEG photosensitivity.
application of IPS as a provocation method in EEG, Generalised seizures are much more common than
it was discovered that most photosensitivity patients occipital ones; any other focal seizures from other brain
had generalised discharges and suffered mainly regions are exceptional at the start.
from IGEs.68,69 That occipital spikes often preceded
generalised discharges63,64,70 was ignored. Reports
Generalised seizures
of photically induced occipital seizures with or
Myoclonic jerks, absences and GTCSs can occur, in this
without secondary generalisation were scarce. The
traditional view that occipital seizures precipitated order by prevalence, in photosensitive patients. Some
by photic stimuli (OPSs) are rare contrasts with patients may have only one type, but most have any
recent findings.71–73 In one report alone,74 45 of 95 combination, particularly myoclonic jerks and GTCSs.
patients had occipital seizures precipitated by visual That myoclonic jerks are by far the most common may
stimuli. There are two recommended, extensive appear contradictory to the ordinarily stated view that
reviews on OPSs.12,75 GTCSs prevail.13 Thus, GTCSs are reported far more
frequently (55–84%) than absences (6–20%), focal
seizures (2.5%) and myoclonic jerks (2–8%). This
Demographic data13,76,77 prevalence is based on clinical historical evidence,
The onset of photic reflex seizures can occur at which is likely to over-exaggerate GTCSs in relation to
any age, but they mainly start at 7–19 years with a minor seizure events, even though they predominate.
peak at 12 or 13 years. Two-thirds are women.13,76 In 75% of patients with photosensitivity, PPRs are
PPRs occur in 1/4000 of the population and 5% associated with ictal impairment of consciousness or
of patients with epileptic seizures.78,79 The overall motor symptoms (opening of the eyes, eyelid or other
annual incidence of cases with a newly presenting myoclonic jerks), although these are not reported
seizure and unequivocal photosensitivity in the UK by a third of patients.81,82 In my personal experience
is 1.1/100,000 (2% of all new cases with epileptic with video-EEG, PPRs are commonly associated with
seizures). When restricted to the age range of 7–19 eyelid manifestations (a blink, fluttering, flickering,
years, the annual incidence rises to 5.7/100,000 myoclonia) and less often with jerks of the head, eyes,
(10% of all new cases with epileptic seizures in body or limbs. Absences followed in prevalence and
this age group).78,79 In healthy males aged between only one patient had an accidental GTCS. Patients are
17 and 25 years, EEG photosensitivity is very low often unaware of minor seizures, although some of
(0.35%).78–80 these may be sufficiently obvious and marked. These

facts have been illustrated on many occasions in this There is a twofold preponderance of girls. Seizures
book (see, for example, Figures 1.3 and 13.8). are more likely to occur when the patient is watching
a faulty (i.e. flickering) television set, or is sitting very
Focal seizures near to the television screen. Myoclonic jerks often
Photically induced occipital seizures are much more precede the GTCSs and the history taken reveals that
frequent than was originally appreciated before the these may have occurred in the past without GTCSs.
use of IPS in EEG testing. These may occur alone or
First she jerked a few times, head and hands, and then
progress to symptoms from other brain locations and
she had the convulsions. I thought she was electrocuted
GTCSs. See also ‘Idiopathic photosensitive occipital by an electric fault of the television.
lobe epilepsy’ (page 509).
Extra-occipital focal seizures from the onset are A substantial number of these patients also have
exceptional.83 spontaneous attacks. In pure television epilepsy, one
or a few overt television-induced seizures occur
without evidence of any other type of spontaneous
Useful note
seizure or seizures induced by other means.
Subjective symptoms during PPRs Ten per cent of patients are ‘drawn like a magnet’
5IFTF BSF PG EPVCUGVM TJHOJmDBODF TPNF BSF JDUBM to the screen and when they have reached a
QIFOPNFOB CVU NPTU BSF OPU14 Many people cannot certain nearness they have a GTCS.13 This is called
QIPUPTFOTJUJWJUZ He was watching television and then suddenly, off he
goes towards the set, eyes fixed in the picture, and he
had the fit a few inches away from the screen.
Precipitating factors
By definition all patients are sensitive to flickering I do not know what happened. My eyes suddenly fixed
lights. Many artificial or natural light sources can to the picture, I could not move them away and then I
provoke epileptic seizures. Video games, television, passed out.
visual display units of computers, stroboscopic lights
in discotheques and natural flickering light are com- Self-induced photic reflex seizures32,85–87
mon triggers, in that order of prevalence. Self-induction is a mode of seizure precipitation
Video game-induced seizures can occur not only with employed by mentally handicapped or normal photo-
games using an interlaced video monitor (television) sensitive individuals. Its prevalence is debatable.
but also with small hand-held liquid crystal dis- Techniques include waving the outspread fingers in
plays and non-interlaced 70 Hz arcade games.10,84 front of a bright light, viewing geometric patterns
Most patients (87%) are aged 7–19 years. There is a or slow eye closure. Absences and myoclonic jerks
preponderance of boys, probably because more boys are the most common seizures in self-induction.
play video games than girls. Two-thirds of patients Whether eyelid blinking or compulsive attraction
are photosensitive; for the other third there are other to television or bright sun is mainly an attempt for
triggers such as sleep deprivation, fatigue, decision- self-induction or part of the seizure is disputed,
making, excitement or frustration, and praxis, although both may be true. In my opinion, in the
which may all operate alone or in combination.11 A majority of such cases these events are reflex seizure
third of video game-induced seizures are occipital onsets.85
seizures and these occur in patients with or without
Television epilepsy denotes seizures triggered by tele-
vision and it is not a syndrome. Television-induced Photosensitivity is genetically determined. In
seizures mainly affect children aged 10–12 years. particular, the genetic basis for PPRs has been
504 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

well documented. Monozygotic twin studies have

shown an almost 100% concordance. Family
studies indicate a sibling risk between 20% and 1SPMPOHFE QIPUJD TUJNVMBUJPO UIBU NBZ FYQPTF UIF
50%, the latter when siblings are studied between QBUJFOUUPBNBKPSDPOWVMTJWFTFJ[VSFTIPVMECFUPUBMMZ
5 and 15 years of age with one of the parents also EJTDPVSBHFE5IFSFJTOPUIJOHUPMFBSOPSCFOFmUGSPN
being affected. These indicate autosomal dominant UIJTQSBDUJDF5IFSFBSFQMFOUZPGFYBNQMFTPGJOEJWJEVBMT
inheritance with age-related reduced penetrance in IBWJOHBO*14JOEVDFE(5$4EVSJOHBO&&(UIBUXBT
PPR-positive patients who have seizures and in non- QFSGPSNFEGPSSFBTPOTPUIFSUIBOFQJMFQTZ5PDPOUJOVF
seizure individuals. However, PPRs also occur in a B USBJO PG QIPUJD TUJNVMBUJPO BGUFS UIF BQQFBSBODF PG
number of autosomal recessive diseases.88 In one &&( JDUBM EJTDIBSHFT PS JDUBM DMJOJDBM NBOJGFTUBUJPOT JT
study of 32 clinically photosensitive mothers with VOBDDFQUBCMF
67 children, 13 children (20%) had PPRs and four
also had clinical photosensitive seizures. Nine other The practical objective of IPS is to determine the
EEG-examined children did not have PPRs.89 following:
In recent studies of photosensitivity, linkage was t whether seizures (of any type) are aetiologically
found with chromosomes 7q32 and 16p1390,91 linked with environmental photic stimuli (tele-
or 6p21.2 and 13q31.3.92 The gene encoding vision, video games and others); if PPRs occur,
NEDD4-2, a ubiquitin protein ligase, has recently this confirms photosensitivity
been implicated in some families with photosensitive t whether PPRs are associated with ictal events;
generalised epilepsy.93 this requires video-EEG recording, otherwise
The role of exogenous factors is indicated by the minor events such as eyelid or limb jerks are
example of two monozygotic twins with PPRs. Only likely to escape.
one developed clinical photosensitive epilepsy after
a period of weekly exposures to high-intensity light Useful note
The duration of PPRs and
A European consortium on the genetic analysis of
their relationship to the IPS train
photosensitivity and visual-sensitive epilepsies is in
Properly applied IPS during EEG is the most
important test.
IPS techniques vary significantly between publica-
tions and departments. I follow the recommenda-
tions made by Jeavons.13 To be provocative, the IPS
has to imply all potent physical characteristics of the PPRs are broadly categorised as:13,98
stimulus (intensity, frequency, contrast) and combine t Generalised spike/polyspike–waves: They are of
flash with patterns, and central vision is mandatory higher amplitude in the anterior regions, but
(the patient should look at the centre of the strobo- onset – particularly if patterned IPS is employed
scope). IPS on eye closure should be tested.13,95,96 – is often with occipital spikes. They are highly
Monocular stimulation is usually ineffective. Adding associated (90%) with clinical photosensitivity,
a quadrille pattern of small squares (2×2 mm) of fine particularly if they outlast the stimulus train
black lines (0.33 mm) in the front of the stroboscope (Figure 16.1). Generalised PPRs often (60%)
increases the possibility of obtaining PPRs.97 associate with clinical events such as jerks,

impairment of cognition or subjective sensa-

Clinical note
tions, but their detection may require video-
EEG.98 Differentiation between eye-
t Posterior (temporoparieto-occipital with occipital closure and eyes-closed state (Figure 16.3)
emphasis) spike/polyspike–waves: This is the mild- Eye closure is the transient state that immediately
est form of PPRs and does not spread to the GPMMPXT UIF DMPTJOH PG UIF FZFT  MBTUT MFTT UIBO  T
anterior regions. It consists of occipital spikes, BOE EPFT OPU QFSTJTU JO UIF SFNBJOJOH QFSJPE PG FZFT
polyspikes or slow waves mixed with small, DMPTFE &ZF DMPTVSF JT NVDI NPSF QPUFOU UIBO AFZFT
spikes are often time-locked to the flash with a *14 +FBWPOT TZOESPNF JT B UZQJDBM FYBNQMF PG FZF
latency of approximately 100 ms, coinciding with DMPTVSFSFMBUFE TFJ[VSFT BOE &&( BCOPSNBMJUJFT *O
the positive P100 of the visual evoked response TPNF QIPUPTFOTJUJWF QBUJFOUT  113T PDDVS POMZ BGUFS
(Figure 16.2).63 Half the patients with posterior FZFDMPTVSF
Ictal clinical manifestations during PPRs may be SFMBUFETFJ[VSFTBOE&&(BCOPSNBMJUJFT
one of the most important factors with regard to
risk of seizures, but this has not been studied and
emphasised in expert consensus.95,96
Clarification Prognosis is usually good but varies significantly in
accordance with the type of photosensitivity. It may
The effectiveness of eyes open, be excellent with only one clinical epileptic seizure
eyes closed and eye closure during IPS or be severe with continuing life-long seizures.89
5IF TUBUF PG UIF FZFT EVSJOH *14 JT QSPCBCMZ UIF NPTU Photosensitivity generally declines after the age of
FZFMJET8IFOMJHIUXJUIBEJGGVTFSJTBQQMJFE FZFTPQFO In pure photosensitive seizures, avoidance of the
JTBHBJONPSFFGGFDUJWFUIBOFZFTDMPTFECFDBVTFPGBO provocative stimulus may be adequate, e.g. patients
JOUFOTJUZMPTTCZUIFDMPTFEFZFMJET with television-induced seizures should be advised
to view television in a well-lit room, maintain a
The resting EEG of patients with idiopathic photic maximum comfortable viewing distance (typically
reflex seizures is usually normal or frequently >2.5 m for a 19-inch screen), use the remote control
(20–30%) shows eye closure-related paroxysms and – if it is necessary to approach the screen – cover
occurring within 1–3 s after closing of the eyes. one eye with the palm and avoid prolonged watching,
These are usually brief EEG paroxysms lasting for particularly if sleep deprived or tired. Occlusion
1–4 s and have similar features to those elicited by of one eye is also advised when photosensitive
IPS for each individual patient. They disappear if eye individuals are suddenly exposed to flickering lights
closure occurs in total darkness. such as in discotheques.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Examples of photoparoxysmal responses

'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




*14 100 μV
1 sec

B 'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 





100 μV
1 sec
C 'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




100 μV
1 sec

Figure 16.1 (A) Generalised 3–4 Hz spike/polyspike–waves associated with an absence. The discharge outlasts the duration
of the stimulus. (B) Generalised polyspike discharge in a patient with symptomatic spontaneous and photically induced
seizures, mainly GTCSs, which are resistant to appropriate anti-epileptic medication. This type of discharge is usually
associated with myoclonic jerks, which did not feature in this case. Note that the discharge occurs only after eye blinks or
eye closure, and does not outlast the stimulus train. (C) Typical occipital spikes time-locked to each flash of IPS. The patient
is a woman with idiopathic occipital epilepsy (probably a variant of idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut), who
never had attacks precipitated by lights (case report in Agathonikou, et al99).

Occipital spikes and their relation to the P100 component of

the visual-evoked response (VER) in photosensitive patients with generalised PPR


'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 
9  10

 'o$ 9  


X1 7 

 1o0 X1 8 

100 μV *14
1 sec

Figure 16.2 (A) Patterned IPS (2×2 mm graticule superimposed on the glass of the stroboscope) evoked occipital spikes,
which are time-locked to flash at 6 flashes/s of a patient with spontaneous and photically elicited GTCSs. Higher flash
frequencies of 9–30 Hz elicited generalised PPRs of spike–wave, briefly preceded by occipital spikes.64 (B) Emergence of
occipital spikes from the P100 VER component with increasing flash rate. The patient had spontaneous and television-induced
GTCS. On the EEG, time-locked occipital spikes were apparent only at 5 flashes/s, while higher flash rates of 6–26 Hz elicited
generalised discharges of spike–wave briefly preceded by occipital spikes. The three upper traces show the average VERs
to 2, 3.5 and 4 flashes/s. The occipital spikes evoked at 7 and 8 flashes/s (black arrows) are shown in the two lower traces.
The vertical line crosses the negative component of the occipital spikes and the Vb component of the P100 component of the
VER. The horizontal line indicates time in ms. The red arrow indicates the onset of flash.
Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos, et al (1970).70

Patients with video game-induced seizures should spontaneous seizures, and the particular epileptic
attempt to go without video games, or the time of syndrome.
playing should be significantly restricted and confined Valproate, levetiracetam, lamotrigine and clonazepam
to periods when patients are not sleep deprived. suppress photosensitivity in that order of efficacy.106
Conditioning treatment or wearing appropriately Valproate is effective for all types of photically or
spontaneously induced seizure.
tinted glasses104 has been recommended. A new com-
Levetiracetam is effective for all types of photically
mercially available blue lens, named Z1, was found
or spontaneously induced seizures. It is very much
to be highly effective in controlling PPRs in photo-
more efficacious in myoclonic and GTCS than
sensitive epilepsy patients.105 absence seizures.
Lamotrigine is effective for all but myoclonic types
AED treatment of photically or spontaneously induced seizure.
AED prophylactic treatment is needed for patients Its efficacy in PPRs has been studied mainly with
with continuing photically induced seizures and for valproate107 and may be due to their pharmaco-
those who also have spontaneous epileptic seizures. dynamic interaction (see page 181). Lamotrigine
The choice of an AED depends on their specific effi- may be particularly useful in absence seizures when
cacy on photosensitivity, the type/types of reflex and valproate is ineffective or undesirable.
508 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Samples from video-EEGs to illustrate the differentiation

between (A) eye-closure and (B) eyes-closed abnormalities
















1 sec
















1 sec

Figure 16.3 (A) Eye-closure-related abnormalities in a patient with Jeavons syndrome.101 High-amplitude, generalised
discharges occur within 1–3 s of closing the eyes in a lit room. These are of brief duration, do not continue in the resting
period that the eyes are closed and are totally inhibited in complete darkness. (B) Eyes closed-related abnormalities in a
woman who probably has cryptogenic epilepsy with seizures related to FOS.36,102 The EEG paroxysms last as long as the eyes
are closed. They are abruptly inhibited when the eyes are opened. The response to fixation-off and fixation-on were similar,
irrespective of the means by which they were elicited (eyes closed, darkness, +10 spherical lenses, Ganzfeld stimulation).
The best practical means for testing FOS is with underwater goggles covered with opaque tape.

Clonazepam is effective in photically or sponta- epilepsies and by the FDA in the treatment of
neously induced myoclonic seizures (but is symptomatic myoclonus. It has high efficacy in
ineffective against and may exaggerate GTCSs). PPRs, which are reduced or abolished in all tested
Brivaracetam (UCB-34714) is a new AED that has doses (10–80 mg).108
been granted orphan medicinal designation in Most of the other AEDs (i.e. carbamazepine,
Europe for the treatment of progressive myoclonic gabapentin, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, pregabalin,

tiagabine and vigabatrin) are contraindicated either addition to depriving patients of appropriate
because: AED treatment)
t they are ineffective (i.e. they induce side effects t they may worsen the seizures.
without providing any therapeutic benefit in

Idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy

Idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy Contrary to this is the view that ‘reflex triggering of
(IPOE)5,12,73,75,109,110 manifests with focal seizures of seizures have not been reported’ in ICOE-G.75
occipital lobe origin, which are elicited by photic Depending on severity, there may be three
stimuli. significant groups of OPSs:12,109
1. OPSs may occur in patients with a low occipital
epileptogenic threshold to IPS that manifests
Clarifications on classification with seizures only under extreme exposure to
Occipital seizures precipitated by photic stimuli the offending stimulation. These are ‘seizures
were overshadowed in the 1989 ILAE classification that do not require a diagnosis of epilepsy’.5
by the prevailing view that photosensitive epilepsies Accidental single isolated occipital seizures
are mainly generalised (see page 502).4 The new in normal young people112 or patients with
ILAE diagnostic scheme5 recognised IPOE as a new migraine112 during IPS are most likely, due to
syndrome of reflex epilepsy with age-related onset. a low threshold to such events, and may not
This is also maintained in the new ILAE report but happen again.
with less certainty; IPOE was rated 2 on a score 2. OPSs in patients with idiopathic occipital
of 1–3 (3 being the most clearly and reproducibly epileptogenicity, which probably constitute the
defined) indicating the certainty with which the major part of IPOE. Patients, usually children,
ILAE Core Group believed that each syndrome have clinical PPRs elicited by various environ-
represented a unique diagnostic entity.6 mental light stimulation (video games are far
The boundaries of this syndrome of IPOE are more common than television).
genuinely uncertain. OPSs may start in adulthood, 3. OPSs occurring in patients, usually children,
be part of idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of with idiopathic focal or generalised epilepsies
Gastaut (ICOE-G),111 develop later in children with other than IPOE. These are often demanding
rolandic seizures or occur accidentally during IPS cases with regard to diagnosis and manage-
of normal individuals or those with migraine.12,109 ment.
Gastaut111 included IPOE in his syndrome: 4. OPSs with bizarre ictal symptomatology mim-
t seven of 63 patients had IPS evoked occipital icking hysterical attacks or migraine are well
spikes, ‘not seen in the resting EEG’ and ‘unrelated reported.12 That these symptoms, even the very
to eye opening and closing’ prolonged and unusual ones, are ictal has been
t seven other patients with typical occipital parox- documented with ictal EEGs.73
ysms had generalised PPRs, which sometimes Considering all of these, the data presented in
were associated with myoclonus (see also case 11 this chapter may not accurately represent a single
in Gaustaut et al111). syndrome of IPOE.
510 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Demographic data109,113 type of focal seizures to be followed by headache,

nausea and vomiting. The headache is usually mild
Onset of the first provoked seizure may range and diffuse, but may also be severe and throbbing,
from 15 months to adulthood (peak 12–14 years). occurring 10–20 min after the end of the visual
Whether females predominate110,113 is debatable.109
hallucinations. Post-ictal headache may also be
Prevalence is reported as low, at around 0.4% of
associated with vomiting, lasting for several hours.73
all epilepsies.109 However, OPSs reached epidemic
proportions in Japan among children watching the Precipitating factors
animated cartoon television programme Pokémon By definition, all patients with IPOE are sensitive
(Pocket Monsters).74 to flickering lights. Depending on the severity of
photosensitivity in some patients, seizures may be
elicited by minimal photic provocation; in others,
combined pattern and photic or prolonged exposure
manifestations12,73,75,109,110 may be responsible, whereas in others still (probably
Occipital seizures precipitated by photic stimuli are most cases of IPOE) photic stimuli are effective
induced by video games and less often by television only if combined with other precipitating factors
or other photic stimuli. These reflex seizures contain such as excitement or frustration, fatigue and sleep
all the elements detailed in the spontaneous seizures deprivation.11
of occipital lobe epilepsy (see Chapters 12 and
15).73,114–116 OPSs commonly manifest with visual
hallucinations, blurring of vision or blindness, alone
Diagnostic procedures
or in combination. Less often, these visual symptoms All except the EEG are normal.
may follow other ictal occipital manifestations, such
as deviation of the eyes and head, eyelid fluttering Electroencephalography12,73,75,109,110
and orbital pain. By definition, all these patients are photosensitive
Visual symptoms may be the only ictal mani- and IPS elicits abnormal EEG paroxysms of spikes
festations, usually lasting for seconds and frequently or polyspikes, which may be entirely confined to
1–3 min. When longer (5–15 min), other ictal the occipital regions, or PPRs of generalised spike–
manifestations also occur.73,114 Consciousness is not wave discharges (GSWD), which predominate in
impaired during the phase of visual symptoms. the posterior regions (Figures 16.4 and 16.5). Spon-
Progression of visual seizures to other ictal symptoms: taneous, mainly posterior, spikes often appear in the
Autonomic symptoms, such as those occurring in resting EEG. Centrotemporal spikes may coexist.
Panayiotopoulos syndrome (mainly retching and Occipital spikes and other posterior abnormalities
ictal vomiting), often follow the occipital symptoms induced by IPS are considered to be of much lower
and may end with secondarily GTCSs.73,75 epileptogenic capacity than generalised PPRs. They
Other type of seizures: Patients with IPOE may have may occur in 50% of patients who do not have
exclusively OPSs. Others may also have spontaneous seizures.13 Occipital spikes precede generalised PPRs
visual or other types of seizures. These vary from in 90% of photosensitive patients when light and
eyelid fluttering, myoclonic jerks and absences to pattern are combined during IPS.13,117,118
GTCSs that occur independently of the occipital Ictal EEGs have documented the occipital origin and
seizures.109,113 In some cases, spontaneous secondarily spreading of the discharges to the temporal regions.75
GTCSs occur only during sleep.12 Rarely, patients In my experience with video-EEG recordings, most
with rolandic seizures may later develop OPSs.12,115 patients with IPOE also have other types of seizure
Post-ictal symptoms: OPSs, like the spontaneous induced by IPS such as eyelid, limb, body or finger
occipital seizures, are more likely than any other myoclonic jerks, eyelid flickering or brief absences

that are sometimes mild and may escape detection Visual evoked potentials are always of abnormally high
without video-EEG and if cognition is not tested amplitude,75 as indeed they are in any type of photo-
(Figure 16.4).12 sensitive epilepsy (Figure 16.2).

Samples of spontaneous EEG paroxysms and PPRs in two children with probable IPOE


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




100 μV
1 sec
100 μV
1 sec


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




100 μV
1 sec

Figure 16.4 (A) Spontaneous occipital spikes/polyspikes and generalised discharges are associated with eyelid fluttering, which
is conspicuous on video-EEG. Neither the patient nor her relatives were aware of these. (B) IPS consistently elicited posterior
spikes, which were also associated with ictal eyelid fluttering. This patient (A,B) had typical multicoloured visual seizures from
the age of 5 years (case 12.1 in Panayiotopoulos12). They were elicited by environmental lights and occasionally progressed to
GTCS. She improved over the years but at 20 years of age, while on medication with valproate, she had a visual seizure with
GTCS while watching television from a nearly touching distance. High-resolution MRI was normal. (C) Spontaneous occipital
paroxysms without discernible clinical manifestations. (D) IPS consistently elicited PPRs with maximum posterior emphasis.
These were often associated with conspicuous eyelid fluttering. This patient (C,D) illustrates the links between IPOE and the
benign childhood seizure susceptibility syndrome (case 12.2 in Panayiotopoulos12). She initially had typical rolandic seizures
and then developed frequent visual seizures, often with secondarily GTCSs. These were sometimes photically induced, but
more often occurred during sleep. High-resolution MRI was normal.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Aetiology alone or in combination with other factors, was

apparent in only two patients. Seizures were diurnal
By definition, idiopathic photosensitive occipital in all but one patient. According to the inclusion
lobe epilepsy is idiopathic with genetic influences. criteria, all patients had EEG occipital spikes elicited
Some patients have a family history of IPOE or
by IPS (Figure 16.5). Neurological and intellectual
IGE. Overlapping with JME has been reported.113
states, as well as brain imaging, were normal.
Symptomatic occipital photosensitivity119 is not part
of IPOE.
Differential diagnosis Frequency of seizures and overall prognosis vary
significantly among affected individuals. This
The differential diagnosis of IPOE includes migraine
depends on the severity of photosensitivity and
(rarely an actual problem if symptoms are appro-
exposure to the offending visual stimuli. There
priately analysed), ICOE-G, IGE (probably of man-
are rare case reports of normal young people112 or
agement importance) and non-epileptic paroxysmal
patients with migraine112,122 having an occipital
events (sometimes very difficult to differentiate).
seizure during IPS.
The differential diagnosis of visual seizures from all
Some patients may have only one or two occipital
types of migraine with visual aura has been detailed
seizures in their life despite exposure to precipitating
elsewhere (see Chapter 4). Some seizures of IPOE
factors and no drug treatment.12,73,75 Others, particu-
may be prolonged, also progressing from visual
larly those who also have spontaneous seizures,
symptoms to nausea and vomiting with altered
may need medication for 1–3 years, together with
consciousness.73,120 The spread of the discharge from
strict avoidance of or cautious exposure to insulting
the occipital cortex can be slow, and responsiveness
stimuli. However, other patients may have frequent
may be maintained while the patient is vomiting.73,120
spontaneous and elicited occipital fits alone or in
These seizures may be erroneously diagnosed as
combination with other types of seizures, which
migraine proper.
In children and adolescents, the differentiation of include myoclonic jerks, often of the eyelids,
IPOE from ICOE-G may not be needed if they are infrequent absences or GTCSs.12
the same syndrome.
Differentiation of IPOE from generalised photo-
sensitive epilepsies should rely on clinical criteria.
Occipital spikes often precede generalised discharges Advice about avoidance of precipitating factors is
in photosensitive epilepsies. essential, and is similar to that given to patients with
In adults we have reported occipital photosensi- any type of photosensitivity. Particular emphasis is
tivity in patients aged about 30 who presented with needed about video games and television. Com-
a late-onset first GTCS (often preceded by visual mercially available blue lenses, named Z1, that are
symptoms).121 Of 1550 patients with seizures, three highly effective in controlling PPRs105 may be of
women and two men (0.3%) had EEG occipital value.
photosensitivity and onset of solitary (three patients) The effectiveness of valproate has not been tested
or infrequent seizures in adulthood (median age in OPSs as it has in generalised photosensitive
31 years, range 26–35 years). All five of these seizures. Patients with IPOE who are resistant to
patients had generalised convulsions, which were valproate became seizure free with add-on carba-
preceded by blurring of vision or elementary visual mazepine.12,99 Levetiracetam or clobazam are
hallucinations in four cases. Precipitation by lights, possible alternatives.

Adult-onset idiopathic photosensitive occipital epilepsy


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 





'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 





100 μV
1 sec

Figure 16.5 (A) Sample from an EEG of a man who had his first seizure at the age of 35 years while in a lift cradle at work.
His vision became blurred, he felt dizzy and, within 2 min, he had a GTCS. No further seizures occurred in the next 6 months
of follow-up. MRI was normal. (B) Sample from an EEG of a woman who had her first seizure at the age of 31 years. There
was a cluster of precipitating factors; she had consumed a few alcoholic drinks, was sleep deprived, 4 months pregnant and
dancing exposed to flickering discotheque lights until the early hours of the next day. She first experienced whirling lights
in front of her eyes, visual perception became disturbed and within 1 min she had a GTCS. She was well during the next
4 months of follow-up. MRI was normal.

Jeavons syndrome
Synonym: eyelid myoclonia with absences. Considerations
Jeavons syndrome101,109,123–129 is one of the most
distinctive reflex IGE syndrome characterised by the on classification
triad of: Jeavons syndrome refers to an idiopathic reflex
t eyelid myoclonia with and without absences epilepsy, which has unique clinical and EEG features;
t eye closure-induced seizures, EEG paroxysms or eyelid myoclonia is the defining seizure type. The
both ILAE has not yet recognised Jeavons syndrome
t photosensitivity. despite overwhelming evidence.101,109,123–129 Instead,
514 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

‘eyelid myoclonia’ has been accepted as a unique Myoclonic jerks of the limbs may occur, but are
seizure entity with the comment that ‘the degree infrequent and random.
to which these recurrent events (5 or 6 Hz) are Eyelid myoclonic status epilepticus, either sponta-
associated with impairment of consciousness has neous (mainly on awakening) or photically induced,
not been adequately documented, and should be. In occurs in a fifth of patients. It consists of repetitive
some patients they can be provoked by eye closure’.6 and discontinuous episodes of eyelid myoclonia
However, it is well established that eyelid myoclonia with mild absence, rather than continuous non-
may occur: convulsive absence status epilepticus (Figure 16.6).
t with and without absences (see the clinical mani-
festations below) Precipitating factors
t in many epileptic conditions of idiopathic The most potent precipitating factor is eye closure,
(Jeavons syndrome), symptomatic or probably whether voluntary, involuntary or reflex. Most and,
symptomatic causes.129 in some patients, all of the seizures are induced
Whether or not their pathophysiology and anatom- immediately after closure of the eyes in the presence
ical substrates are distinct (to constitute a unique of uninterrupted (non-flickering) light. Eye closure
seizure diagnostic entity)6 is unknown. in total darkness is ineffective.
Contrary to other forms of photosensitive epilepsies
that are sensitive only to flickering lights (IPS),
Demographic data101,109 patients with Jeavons syndrome are also sensitive to
Onset is typically in childhood with a peak at age bright, non-flickering lights. This is probably due to
6–8 years (range 2–14 years). There is a twofold the enhancing effect of bright light on the sensitivity
preponderance of girls. The prevalence of Jeavons of eye closure.
syndrome is around 3% among adult patients with
Self-induction in Jeavons syndrome
epileptic disorders and 13% among those with IGEs
Most relevant reports and the majority of epilep-
with absences.101
tologists unquestionably consider the eyelid myo-
clonia of Jeavons syndrome as a manoeuvre used
Clinical manifestations by patients to self-induce IPS and elicit seizures (see
misconceptions on page 517). My view, based on
Eyelid myoclonia, not the absences, is the hallmark numerous video-EEG recordings and interviews with
of Jeavons syndrome (Figures 16.3 and 16.6). 17 patients, is that eyelid myoclonia is an ictal event
Eyelid myoclonia consists of marked jerking of (15 patients) and that self-induced seizures in Jeavons
the eyelids often associated with jerky upwards syndrome are rare (possibly two patients).85 After all,
deviation of the eyeballs and retropulsion of the these patients do not need IPS to induce seizures.
head (eyelid myoclonia without absences). This may Closing the eyes (there is no need for forceful slow eye
be associated with or followed by mild impairment closure) in the presence of uninterrupted light may
of consciousness (eyelid myoclonia with absences). be more powerful than IPS in provoking a seizure.
The seizures are brief (3–6 s), and occur mainly In physiological terms, these clinical manifestations
after eye closure and consistently many times a day. are likely to be similar to an ‘attraction movement’ to
All patients are photosensitive. light and other manifestations of the ‘optic fixation
GTCSs, either induced by lights or spontaneous, reflexes’, when volitional movements of the eyes are
are probably inevitable in the long term and are unattainable or weak.130
provoked particularly by precipitating factors
My eyes flicker as a reflex to the light.
(sleep deprivation, alcohol) and inappropriate AED
modifications. Typically, GTCSs are sparse and Patients consider eyelid myoclonia as a socially
avoidable. embarrassing condition, they are relieved when the

Video-EEG samples from two women with Jeavons syndrome



14 15  17 18 14 15  
100 μV



1 sec







100 μV
1 sec

Figure 16.6 (A) Brief GSWD with similar characteristics are induced by IPS (left) or eye closure (right). They occasionally occur
spontaneously (middle). In all illustrated occasions, these GSWD were associated with marked eyelid myoclonia denoted by
the black arrows. Also note that there is no impairment of counting (numbers). (B) Repetitive discontinuous seizures of eyelid
myoclonia occurred on awakening when the patient was erroneously treated with carbamazepine. These lasted for more
than 30 min. There was only mild interruption of speech and counting during the GSWD. The patient was fully aware of her
condition. (C) Long video-EEG of a woman with Jeavons syndrome while taking valproate. There were frequent eye-closure-
related GSWD of mainly polyspikes, often associated with fast eyelid jerking, which could be mild or violent. They were totally
inhibited in complete darkness (complete darkness implies that any form of possible light was totally eliminated). Symbols of
eyes indicate when the eyes were open or closed.
Video-EEG samples of these and other patients with Jeavons syndrome can be seen in the CD companion of references 57–59.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

seizures improve with AEDs and they show excellent GSWD are also enhanced by hyperventilation.
compliance with their treatment. Eyelid myoclonia of varying severity often occurs
It has been proposed that patients with Jeavons with GSWD.
syndrome may not be deliberate ‘self-inducers’, but PPRs are recorded in all untreated young patients,
may suffer from compulsive ‘self-induction’ similar but may be absent in older patients or those on
to the phenomenology of Tourette syndrome.124 medication. Photosensitivity and FOS may coexist.
This is because some patients may have various Sleep EEG patterns are normal. GSWD are
compulsive or tic-like symptoms, including pre- more likely to increase during sleep, but may also
monitory sensations, compulsive and difficult-to- decrease. In sleep, the GSWD are shorter and devoid
resist urges and a sense of relief associated with of discernible clinical manifestations of any type,
the attacks.124 even in those patients who have numerous seizures
during alert states.
The EEG and clinical manifestations deteriorate
Aetiology consistently after awakening.
Jeavons syndrome is a genetically determined A normal EEG is rare, even in well-controlled
homogeneous syndrome, with a high prevalence of patients.
similar seizures in family members.131,132

Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis

It is possible that in patients with Jeavons syndrome The diagnosis of Jeavons syndrome is simple
the α-rhythm generators malfunction, and that because the characteristic eyelid myoclonia, if seen
both the magnocellular and parvocellular systems once, will never be forgotten or confused with other
are functionally disturbed. We do not know the conditions.109 Furthermore, the EEG with the charac-
physiology of the epileptic phenomena and the teristic eye-closure-related discharges and photo-
alterations that may occur in the brain of patients sensitivity leaves no room for diagnostic error.
with Jeavons syndrome, under the continuous bom- As a simple rule of thumb, eyelid myoclonia is
bardment from electrical discharges almost every highly suggestive of Jeavons syndrome. This becomes
time that they close their eyes. Age at onset may be more likely when eyelid myoclonia is combined
significant. with photosensitivity, and it is pathognomonic of the
syndrome when it also occurs after eye closure.
Nevertheless, eyelid myoclonia is often misdiag-
Diagnostic procedures nosed as facial tics, sometimes for many years. In
All tests apart from the EEG are normal. addition, eyelid myoclonia should not be confused
with either of the following:
Electroencephalography t the rhythmic or random closing of the eyes, often
Video-EEG is the single most important procedure seen in other forms of IGE with absences
for the diagnosis of eyelid myoclonia with or without t the eyelid jerking that may occur at the opening
absences. It shows frequent high-amplitude 3–6 Hz or initial stage of the GSWD in typical absence
GSWD of mainly polyspikes (Figures 16.3 and 16.6). seizures of childhood absence epilepsy.
Typically these are: Persistent, frequent, non-epileptic, paroxysmal eye-
t related to eye closure, i.e. they occur immedi- lid movements that occur in patients with PPRs are
ately (within 0.5–2 s) on closing the eyes in a source of diagnostic confusion that can be avoided
an illuminated recording room and they are with video-EEG recordings.133
eliminated in total darkness The main diagnostic problem, which is probably
t brief (1–6 s, commonly 2 or 3 s). iatrogenic, is self-induction. This is a diagnosis that

should not be made without taking a proper history treatment and occurs many times a day, often without
because it is often wrong (see misconceptions apparent absences and even without demonstrable
below). photosensitivity.
The symptom/seizure of eyelid myoclonia alone is
not sufficient to characterise Jeavons syndrome, as
it may also occur in symptomatic and cryptogenic Management109,129
epilepsies, which are betrayed by developmental Based on anecdotal evidence, the drugs of choice are
delay, learning difficulties, neurological deficits, and those used for other IGEs (see page 411).
abnormal MRI and background EEG.134 Valproate alone, or most probably in combination
with clonazepam, levetiracetam, lamotrigine or
Misconceptions ethosuximide, appears to be the most effective
regimen. The choice of the second drug depends
on the main seizure type. Clonazepam is highly
efficacious in eyelid myoclonia and myoclonic jerks;
some patients achieve relatively good control with
clonazepam monotherapy.
Of the newer AEDs, levetiracetam may be the
most effective, because of its antimyoclonic and
antiphotosensitive properties. Lamotrigine is very
effective in absence seizures but may exaggerate
myoclonic jerks.
Carbamazepine, gabapentin, oxcarbazepine,
phenytoin, pregabalin, tiagabine and vigabatrin are
Lifestyle and avoidance of seizure precipitants are
Prognosis important.
Jeavons syndrome is a lifelong disorder, even if Non-pharmacological treatments used for photo-
seizures are well controlled with AEDs. Men have sensitive patients (such as wearing special glasses
a better prognosis than women. There is a tendency or the newly commercially available blue Z1 lenses)
for photosensitivity to disappear in middle age, but should be employed in Jeavons syndrome when
eyelid myoclonia persists. It is highly resistant to photosensitivity persists. 105,136

Pattern-sensitive epilepsy
Pattern-sensitive epilepsy13,14,33,34,77,137,138 refers to 30% of clinically photosensitive patients are also
epileptic seizures induced by patterns; it is not a sensitive to stationary, and 70% to appropriately
particular epileptic syndrome. Pattern seizure sensi- vibrating, patterns of stripes. Patterns enhance the
tivity is closely related to photosensitivity. Almost effect of photic stimulation, whether under test
all patients with clinical pattern sensitivity epilepsy conditions or in real life. Pattern sensitivity without
show PPRs (Figures 16.7 and 16.8). Conversely, photosensitivity, sensitivity to non-geometric pat-
518 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

terns and self-induced pattern-sensitive epilepsy the pattern stimulus. Self-induced pattern-sensitive
are all rare. epilepsy has been reported (Figure 16.7).35,139

Environmental stimuli
Demographic data Environmental stimuli that induce seizures in
Pure pattern-sensitive epilepsy with clinical attacks pattern-sensitive patients are those that best match
induced only by patterns is rare;34 it probably the properties of the provocative patterns used in
occurs in 0.2% of patients with onset of non-febrile relevant EEG testing, and best suit and create the
seizures between birth and 15 years of age.109 This conditions of their spatial and directional presen-
is despite the relatively high incidence of pattern- tation to the eyes. These are striped clothes, such as
induced EEG paroxysmal activity in photosensitive shirts, jackets or ties, and escalators, wallpaper and
patients. furnishings, Venetian blinds, air-conditioning grills
and radiators. Any activity visually involved with
these patterns, such as ironing, is likely to induce
Clinical manifestations seizures. Less direct, but often very significant, is the
Clinical manifestations have not been well studied in role of patterns in more complex stimuli, such as
pure pattern-sensitive epilepsy.13,34 All types of gener- television viewing and video games.13,14,33
alised seizures have been described. My impression Patients, caregivers and physicians recognise pattern
is that absences are more common than GTCSs and as a seizure precipitant less often than environmental
myoclonic jerks, and GTCSs are more common than flicker or specific agents, such as the television,
myoclonic jerks. I am not aware of patterns inducing discotheque lighting or video games. Direct question-
occipital seizures, although they should exist con- ing implicates pattern as a seizure trigger in 6–30%82,140
sidering that the visual cortex is the primary target of of photosensitive individuals.

Generalised 3 Hz spike or polyspike–wave associated

with clinical absence in two patients with self-induced seizures


F p2–F4




F p1–F3




"CTFODF 100 μV "CTFODF 100 μV
1 sec 1 sec

Figure 16.7 (A) Absence seizure induced by IPS. This patient had spontaneous, photically induced and noogenic seizures.
He used noogenic processes for self-induction (see Koutroumanidis, et al51). (B) Absence seizure induced by a pattern
with vertical lines. This patient with learning difficulties had mainly self-induced pattern-sensitive epilepsy. She was also
photosensitive (see Panayiotopoulos35).
Modified with permission from Koutroumanidis, et al51 and Panayiotopoulos.

Aetiology t the trigger requires the physiological activation

of a critical area of cortical tissue.
Pattern sensitivity, similar to photosensitive epilepsy,
is a genetically determined trait.
Diagnostic procedures
The EEG with appropriate pattern presentations is the
Elaborate and intelligent methodological studies,
key test (Figure 16.8). Pattern sensitivity depends on
mainly in patients with photically induced seizures, the spatial frequency, orientation, brightness, contrast
revealed many aspects of pattern seizure suscepti- and size of the pattern. An optimally epileptogenic
bility and its pathophysiology:14,33 pattern consists of black-and-white stripes of equal
t seizures are triggered in the visual cortex width and spacing (see the literature14,33,109). As in
t synchronisation of neural activity is necessary photosensitive patients, binocular is much more
t the trigger involves one cerebral hemisphere or potent than monocular stimulation, and the patient
both hemispheres independently should fixate on the presenting patterns.

Samples from a video-EEG of a child aged 14 years

with pure pattern-sensitive epilepsy from the age of 7 years


'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

'Q  o ' 

100 μV 1BUUFSO
1 sec

Figure 16.8 (A) Only patterned IPS (2×2 mm graticule superimposed on the glass of the stroboscope)64,97 elicits PPRs.
(B) Paroxysmal discharges were consistently elicited by various linear patterns. The child is of normal development and
scholastic performance. He has brief 4–10 s absence seizures consisting of mild-to-moderate impairment of consciousness
and concurrent upwards rolling of the eyeballs with eyelid flickering. The seizures are invariably elicited by patterns with
grids or stripes, such as escalators, and the dotted lines of microwaves, radiators or cloths. On five occasions, the absence
seizures were followed by GTCSs. He is also drawn like a magnet to the television screen, although he is not photosensitive.
Spontaneous absence seizures occur only after awakening. A characteristic feature is that when patterns appear in his visual
field, his eyes fixate (freeze) to them and he is unable to turn away. He says that he finds patterns ‘hypnotic’, but not pleasant.
He would avoid patterns if he could and does not seek them out. This behaviour was considered as ‘self-induction’, but this
was not the opinion shared by Dr A. Wilkins (a renowned expert in pattern and photosensitive epilepsies) and myself who
examined him together.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Prognosis Management
The prognosis of pattern-sensitive epilepsy has not Management may be similar to that of photosensitive
been systematically studied but may be worse than epilepsy, but pattern-sensitive epilepsy may be much
that of photosensitive epilepsy. more difficult to treat.

Fixation-off sensitivity

FOS is a term that I coined to denote the form(s) of are women of borderline normal intelligence with
epilepsy and/or EEG abnormalities that are elicited frequent eyelid myoclonia (with or without atypical
by elimination of central vision and fixation.36,102,109 absences), absence status epilepticus and GTCSs.
‘Elimination of central vision and fixation’ is a The eyelid myoclonia manifests with fast, small
specific precipitating stimulus, which, even in the amplitude clonic movements of the eyelids associated
presence of light, induces high-amplitude occipital with tonic spasm of the eyelids and eyes that
or generalised paroxysmal discharges. occasionally spread to the neck muscles.102 Absence
FOS is suggested in the routine EEG by abnor- status epilepticus is preferentially catamenial.141
malities, which consistently occur as long as the eyes Another of our patients also has catamenial
are closed, but not when the eyes are opened. absence status epilepticus, ‘always coming with her
menstruation’ every month.141 This lasts for 1–3 days
when ‘she is vacant, eyes rolling up, feeling slow,
Clinical and EEG correlations drowsy and depressed but also aggressive and not in
in patients with FOS control of herself’. She had four to five GTCSs in her
life, probably after an absence status and indulgence
FOS, similar to photosensitivity, is a reflex EEG in alcohol.141
activation with some preference for certain epileptic EEG-FOS abnormalities consist mainly of diffuse
conditions. α-like rhythms at 7 Hz, mixed with bisynchronous
From clinical and video-EEG documentation, there sharp and spike/polyspike components. These are
are three types of patients with seizures and EEG often associated with clinical ictal manifestations
abnormalities of FOS:36 (Figure 16.3B). Patients are not photosensitive and
1. Patients with occipital paroxysms such as those seen differ markedly from those with Jeavons syndrome
in EEGs of some patients with Panayiotopoulos (eyelid myoclonia with absences).
syndrome and more frequently in patients with 3. Patients with IGEs and photosensitivity.109,142 The
ICOE-G, which are the model examples of FOS. It FOS abnormalities are often diffuse and not associ-
was in these cases that FOS was first documented as ated with overt clinical ictal manifestations.
a new type of activating stimulus in reflex epilepsies In the second and third types, the typical abnor-
(Figure 12.9). malities related to FOS are mainly diffuse/generalised,
FOS-induced abnormalities are mainly localised with ‘dropout’ in sleep stages simultaneous with the
in the occipital regions and are not associated with α-rhythm.
overt ictal clinical manifestations. FOS may occur in individuals without seizures.143
2. A rare but ‘pure’ and distinct clinical form of FOS In an example of such an asymptomatic adult with
cryptogenic generalised epilepsy (Figure 16.3B). Patients FOS, continous bilateral occipital paroxysms during

elimination of central vision were associated with Techniques for

transitory cognitive impairment, demonstrated by
neuropsychological testing.143 documenting FOS36
The range of EEG abnormalities and clinical mani- First, it is essential to confirm that the EEG abnor-
festations associated with FOS may be extended if malities observed in routine EEG recording are
FOS is tested as part of routine clinical practice of related to the eyes-closed state. The patient is asked
EEG departments. to open and close his or her eyes every 5 s, six times
consecutively. Instructing the patient to look at
Pathophysiology a fixed point, such as the tip of a pencil, ensures
The underlying mechanisms of FOS are not known, fixation in the eyes-opened state.
but they may be related to an abnormality of the
α-rhythm generators.36
FOS has the opposite EEG characteristics of photo- Important practical note
sensitivity epilepsies (Table 16.3), but conversion
from one to the other may occur, albeit rarely.36
FOS paroxysms studied with functional MRI
(fMRI) were correlated with activation of parieto-
occipital and frontal brain areas,143 and a significant
increase of blood oxygen level-dependent signal in
the extrastriate cortex.144 Magnetoencephalography
(MEG) of visual evoked fields in FOS revealed
abnormal activation of the visual corticocortical
pathway via the insular cortex.145
Second, FOS is evaluated by instructing the patient
to perform the same sequence of eyes-opened and
Scotosensitive epilepsy eyes-closed states in conditions that eliminate central
Scotosensitivity (skotos = darkness) denotes forms vision and fixation. There are many practical ways
of epilepsy, seizures or EEG abnormalities that to achieve this, such as asking the patient to wear
are elicited by the complete elimination of retinal underwater goggles covered with opaque tape (this
stimulation by light. Pure scotosensitive patients achieves complete darkness) or semitransparent tape
are rare.146 Most patients described as scotosensitive (which allows light in, but obscures any other visual
probably have FOS.36 input).

FOS versus photosensitivity

FOS Photosensitivity

Table 16.3
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Complex reflex epilepsies1,2,65

Seizures induced by thinking and praxis49,52,65,147

Thinking-induced (noogenic) seizures occur in other board games or with a Rubik’s cube. Decision-
response to high non-verbal cognitive functions making, spatial tasks, and heightened attention and
such as mathematical calculations, solving problems, stress are essential elements in seizure provocation.
playing games that need mental effort (e.g. chess) and There is significant overlap between thinking- and
ideation, alone or more often in combination. Praxis- praxis-induced seizures and these usually occur in
induced seizures are triggered by similar mental the context of an IGE.147 They generally start during
activities accompanied by execution of movement adolescence and manifest with myoclonic jerks,
(praxis) such as drawing, and playing cards, chess, absences and GTCSs; focal seizures are rare.

Primary (idiopathic) reading epilepsy

Synonyms: idiopathic reading epilepsy (see Author’s Demographic data
note below).
Onset ranges between 12 and 19 years with a peak
Primary (idiopathic) reading epilepsy is a distinctive
in the late teens, which is long after reading skills
form of a reflex epilepsy syndrome, which mainly
have been acquired. There is a male preponderance
manifests with myoclonic jerks of the masticatory
of 1.8/1. The prevalence may be very low (0.2%
among patients with onset of non-febrile seizures
Reading (the stimulus) is a well-documented
between birth and 15 years of age).109
provocative, seizure-inducing stimulus in idiopathic
(primary reading epilepsy) and less often crypto-
genic/symptomatic epilepsies (Figure 16.9).37–41,148–151 Clinical manifestations
In some patients with mainly symptomatic causes
Seizures are elicited by reading and consist of brief
reading provokes focal seizures that are relatively
myoclonic jerks mainly restricted to the masticatory,
longer than those of the primary reading epilepsy and
oral and perioral muscles. They are described as click-
manifest with alexia and possibly dysphasia without
ing sensations and occur a few minutes to hours after
jaw myoclonus (Figure 16.9C).40
reading. If the patient continues reading despite jaw
Author’s note: In ILAE terminology, idiopathic has jerks, these may become more violent, spread to the
replaced the word primary and this should also trunk and limb muscles or generate other seizure
apply to idiopathic (primary) reading epilepsy. manifestations before a GTCS develops. This is usually
the first and last GTCS in the patient’s life, because the
condition is effectively treated and the patient learns to
Clarifications on classification
stop reading or talking when oral/perioral jerks occur.
Primary reading epilepsy is classified in the 1989 It is extremely rare for patients with reading epilepsy
ILAE classification4 among the ‘idiopathic, age- and to have more than one to five GTCSs or spontaneous
localisation-related (partial) epilepsies’. The new ILAE seizures unrelated to reading. Other types of ictal
diagnostic scheme (Table 16.1) now rightly categorises manifestations (mainly visual hallucinations) rarely
‘reading epilepsy’ as a syndrome of reflex epilepsy.5 occur. One of my patients, a 23-year-old woman with

Two types of reading-induced seizures: jaw myoclonus and alexia


'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 




100 μV



Figure 16.9 (A) The EEG of a woman with jaw jerks (arrow) while reading (case 8 in Koutroumanidis, et al40). She is successfully
treated with clonazepam 0.5 mg at night. Her sister also suffered from jaw jerks, mainly when involved in argumentative and fast
talk. (B) Video-EEG of another woman with jaw jerks (bars) while reading (case 10 in Koutroumanidis, et al40). The EEG shows no
detectable abnormality during jaw jerks and possible changes are obscured by muscle activity. (C) Video-EEG of a 24-year-old
man with simple focal seizures manifested with alexia (inability to understand written words) and four nocturnal GTCSs (case 17
in Koutroumanidis, et al40). The inter-ictal EEG during reading showed sharp and slow waves focused in the left posterior
temporal regions (red arrow). When the patient indicated his inability to understand text (arrow), the EEG showed low-amplitude
fast rhythms (around 10 or 11 Hz), which were localised in the left posterior temporal regions (red arrow). This lasted 70 s before
clinical recovery. MRI and a PET scan were normal. The patient was effectively treated with carbamazepine.
Modified with permission from Panayiotopoulos (1996).8

primary reading epilepsy, had olfactory hallucinations Precipitating factors

after repetitive jaw myoclonus induced by prolonged The stimulus is reading silently or aloud, partic-
reading or argumentative talking. Occasionally, absences ularly texts that are difficult to understand or are
may occur. unusual. Approximately a quarter of patients may also
Hand myoclonic jerking is common among those have similar jaw jerks that are provoked by talking
with seizures precipitated by writing (graphogenic (particularly if this is fast or argumentative), writing,
epilepsy).43 reading music or chewing. Clinically identical seizures
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

can also be provoked by other linguistic activities, thus may show abnormalities in the dominant posterior
justifying the term ‘language-induced epilepsy’.40,43 temporal area.40
An unusual gyrus branching anteriorly off the left
central sulcus has been shown with fMRI.151
Idiopathic reading epilepsy is probably genetically Electroencephalography40
determined, and has been reported in identical twins The inter-ictal EEG is usually normal.
and among first-degree relatives.37 Ictal EEG manifestations are often inconspicuous
Focal epileptic seizures provoked by reading that because of jaw muscle artefacts. Ictal EEG changes
manifest with alexia without jaw jerks and last for are variable in terms of morphology and topography.
minutes are probably of cryptogenic or symptomatic Commonly, they consist of bilateral sharp waves
cause (Figure 16.9C).40 in the temporoparietal regions with left-sided
emphasis (Figure 16.9). Ictal discharges of alexia
Pathophysiology (symptomatic seizures) are prolonged and entirely
Ictogenesis in reading or language-induced epilepsy is focal in the language-dominant temporoparietal
attributed to reflex activation of a hyperexcitable net- regions.
work that subserves the function of speech and extends
over multiple cerebral areas on both hemispheres.
The parts of this network responding to the stimulus
may drive the relative motor areas producing the The prognosis of idiopathic reading epilepsy is good,
typical regional myoclonus.40 The main mechanism because seizures are usually mild and related to a
is attributed to the transformation, transcoding precipitating stimulus that can be modified.
written linguistic symbols into phonematic, loud or
silent speech.37,150 This may be enhanced by other
superimposed factors, such as proprioceptive impulses Management
from oral, perioral and eye muscles involved in reading, Modification of reading and talking habits may be
and difficulty in transcoding script into speech.37 successful.
Brain opioid-like substances may be involved in Clonazepam 0.5–1.0 mg at night is highly effective.
the termination of reading-induced seizures.148 Some authors use valproate but this may not be
needed for the majority of patients who do extremely
well on clonazepam alone.
Diagnostic procedures Focal seizures with alexia as a main manifestation
All tests apart from the EEG are normal. In do not usually respond to clonazepam or valproate
symptomatic and cryptogenic forms, brain MRI and may also be resistant to carbamazepine.

Startle seizures
Synonym: startle-induced seizures, startle epilepsy. sensitive to one sensory modality. Sudden noise is
Startle seizures are induced by sudden and unex- the main triggering stimulus, but somatosensory
pected stimuli.56,152–158 The startle (unexpected and and, less often, visual stimuli also effectively trigger
sudden presentation of the stimulus) is the provoking seizures in some patients. Habituation to repetitive
factor, although, rarely, patients may be specifically stimulation occurs.

Clarifications on classification Spontaneous seizures are common (probably all

patients), but infrequent and may precede or follow
The 1989 ILAE definition for startle seizures is: the startle-induced seizures.
Epileptic seizures may also be precipitated by sudden
arousal (startle epilepsy); the stimulus is unexpected in
nature. The seizures are usually generalized tonic but Aetiology
may be partial and are usually symptomatic.4 Startle-induced seizures usually occur in patients
The ILAE diagnostic scheme considered ‘startle with a variety of localised or diffuse static brain
epilepsy’ to be a syndrome, although most realisti- pathology (symptomatic startle seizures). Typically, the
cally this is a type of startle-induced seizure that insults are pre- or perinatal, or occur within the first
occurs in a heterogeneous group of patients of 2 years of life. Startle-induced seizures appear to be
variable aetiologies and EEG correlates.157 This, as common in Down syndrome.159
was suggested in the previous editions of this book,
has now been corrected in the new ILAE report, Diagnostic procedures
which does not include ‘startle epilepsy’ in the list
of proposed epileptic syndromes (Table 16.1).6 A variety of focal and diffuse, usually atrophic
and often large, cerebral abnormalities are found.
Brain MRI is necessary even in those patients
Demographic data with normal neurology.154 The abnormalities are
found predominantly in the lateral sensorimotor
Onset is in childhood or early adolescence (1–16
years). Both sexes are equally affected. The prevalence
is very low. Electroencephalography
The inter-ictal EEG shows a variety of diffuse or
Clinical manifestations56,154,157 focal abnormalities reflecting the underlying brain
structural lesions.
Most patients have static neurological and The ictal EEG consists of an initial vertex discharge
intellectual handicaps. Infantile hemiplegia followed by diffuse relative flattening or low-voltage
predominates. rhythmic activity of about 10 Hz, which begins in
The startle response is brief (up to 30 s) and consists the lesioned motor or premotor cortex, and spreads
of axial tonic posturing, frequently causing falls, to mesial frontal, parietal and contralateral frontal
which can often be traumatic. The seizures are regions.152,154,155 On the surface EEG, this is often
asymmetrical in approximately a quarter of obscured by muscle artefacts.
patients. In hemiparetic patients, the seizure starts
with flexion and abduction of the paretic arm and
extension of the ipsilateral leg, and rapidly involves Differential diagnosis
the contralateral side. Concurrent symptoms, The main diagnostic confusion is with hyperekplexia
such as marked autonomic manifestations, (also called startle disease), which is a non-epileptic
automatisms, laughter and jerks, may occur. disorder (see page 113).
Less commonly, startle-induced seizures may be Seizures induced by touch, tap or sudden dousing
atonic or myoclonic, particularly in patients with with hot water may have a startle component, but
cerebral anoxia. Seizures are frequent, occurring this is not a prerequisite for their provocation. In
many times a day, and sometimes progress to addition, these reflex seizures are mainly myo-
status epilepticus. clonic, the ictal EEG shows generalised discharges,
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

patients are otherwise normal and there are no Management

structural brain abnormalities.
There is no established drug of choice, and therapy
is often unsatisfactory. Clonazepam, clobazam and
carbamazepine are frequently used. The role of
The prognosis is often poor, particularly for those with the newer AEDs in startle seizures has not been
severe pre-existing encephalopathies. The mortality rate investigated. Lamotrigine160 and levetiracetam161
is increased compared with that of the general popula- have been found to be very effective in small series
tion. Total control of the seizures is almost impossible. of patients.

Hot water epilepsy

Synonyms: water immersion epilepsy, bathing epilepsy. Half of patients have their first seizure during the
Hot water epilepsy is a term used to encompass a first decade of life but in a third, this happens after
reflex epileptic condition characterised by epileptic the age of 18 years. Male patients outnumber females
seizures elicited by pouring hot water (40–50°C) in a ratio of 3:1. Boys are two- to three-times more
over the head.24,162–170 Thus, this mode of reflex frequently affected than girls. The prevalence is very
epilepsy requires a specific thermal cutaneous (i.e. low.
pouring of very hot water over the head) stimulus. Hot water epilepsy has been mainly described
Less often, seizures may occur while using a
in India and Turkey but case reports have been
shower, during tub bathing or exceptionally with
published from many other countries.
cold water.171 A particular type of soap and entry of
In India, estimated incidence is 60 per 100,000 in
water into the mouth are unusual triggering factors.
Bangalore and 255 per 100,000 in Yelandur.163,170
At a later stage in the natural history, 5–10% of
these patients have seizures during a bath even when This high incidence may be due to a racially
water is not poured over the head.170 determined genetic trait, bathing habits or both.
Self-induction occurs in 10–20% of patients.169,171

Clinical manifestations
Clarifications Hot water-induced seizures are predominantly (80%)
on classification simple or complex focal with (25%) or without
(75%) secondarily GTCSs.24,163,168,170
The ILAE Task Force core group has introduced
Onsets are described as staring, incomprehensible
‘hot water epilepsy in infants’ as a new reflex epilep-
tic syndrome with a relative confidence level of 2 speech, déjà vu, fainting-like sensations, tinnitus,
(Table 16.1).6 nausea, vomiting, confusion, feeling of pleasure or
Authors’s note: I do not endorse ‘in infants’ as part fear, relaxation or calmness, visual, auditory, olfac-
of the nomenclature of this syndrome because of its tory (taste of soap) hallucinations and complex
wide age range at onset. automatisms.
Primarily GTCSs are reported much less often and
certainly not more than in a fourth of patients.
Demographic data The seizures may occur at any time during the
Age at onset of the first reflex seizure is from 2 months bathing, even at the beginning of it. Their duration
to 58 years with a mean of 13 years.24,168,170 is usually 30 s to 3 min.

Generally, the frequency of these seizures depends induced by repeated hot water stimulation in a male
on the frequency of head bathing.170 Wistar albino rat model.173 Following 8–12 episodes
One fourth to a half of patients also have spontane- of hot water stimulations there was progressive
ous seizures (some of them are nocturnal GTCSs), epileptic activity173 manifested in the form of:
which begin within 1–6 years after the onset of the t a lowering of rectal temperature thresholds from
reflex seizures.24,168,170 One such patient had IPOS.24 41.5°C to 40.0°C
Self-induced seizures: 10–20% of patients experience t a drop in latency for developing seizures from
intense pleasure (sometimes described as sexual 185 s to 118 s
pleasure) during the seizures.24,170,172 They self-induce
t an increase in duration of hippocampal seizure
seizures by increasing the temperature of the water and
discharge from 15 s to 140 s
pouring more hot water over their head until they lose
t a progressive increase in complexity of EEG after
consciousness. Self-induction mainly occurs towards
the end of the bath. Contrary to other patients with self-
t an increase in behavioural seizure severity from
induced seizures, such as in photosensitive epilepsy,
Grade 1 to 5 in all the rats
these patients are not embarrassed talking about
their self-induced experiences (including feelings of t neuronal sprouting observed in the supragranular
arousal)24 and details of the methods of self-induction. molecular layer and stratum lacunosum.

Aetiology Diagnostic procedures

Almost all cases of hot-water epilepsy are seen in Brain imaging is usually normal, although abnor-
otherwise healthy children with normal neurological malities have been described in a few cases.174 One
examination and normal brain imaging. patient out of 25 had MRI findings consistent with
Febrile seizures do not appear to be higher among hippocampal sclerosis.24
these patients. However, almost half of them have
other family members with various but non-defined Electroencephalography24,168,170
types of epilepsy. Familial cases with more than The inter-ictal EEG may be normal for half of the
one member having hot water epilepsy have been patients. The others show mainly unilateral temporal
reported in 18% of the patients from India170 and in lobe abnormalities of spikes, sharp waves or slow
10% from Turkey.168 Because of the high frequency waves only.
of consanguineous marriages in these countries, The ictal EEG starts with focal, usually unilateral,
autosomal recessive inheritance is likely.169 rhythmic slow-wave activity of high amplitude,
In a recent study169 of a large four-generation family often intermixed with spikes.170,175
with autosomal dominant inheritance of hot water
epilepsy, significant linkage was detected on chromo-
some 4q24-q28, with the highest two-point LOD Differential diagnosis
score of 3.50 at recombination value (theta) of 0 for
The differential diagnosis includes heat-induced
the marker D4S402. The critical genetic interval spans
vagal syncopes, febrile seizures and breath-holding
22.5 cM and corresponds to about 24 megabases of
syncopal attacks (see Chapter 4).
DNA. Suggested candidate genes for hot water epilepsy
include NEUROG2, ANK2, UGT8 and CAMK2D.169

In a recent experimental study, kindling was demon- Hot water epilepsy usually has a good prognosis and
strated in association with hyperthermic seizures is self-limited.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Management seizure control. AEDs are only indicated when these

stimulus-modifying or -preventing measures fail or
Altering the bathing techniques, by lowering water when spontaneous seizures also occur. Intermittent
temperature, showering or sponging instead of oral administration of clobazam before a hot water
pouring water over the head, and reducing the bath has been found to be effective.176 Withdrawal of
duration of the bath are usually sufficient to achieve medication should start upon remission of seizures.

21. Deonna T. Reflex seizures with somatosensory precipitation. Clinical

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frequently associated
with epileptic seizures
Any functional or structural cerebral derangement is Progressive myoclonic epilepsies: Detailed within this
a potential cause of epileptic seizures. Axis 4 of the chapter.
ILAE Diagnostic Scheme (Table 1.1)1 is to specify the Neurocutaneous disorders: Tuberous sclerosis com-
aetiology of epilepsies when known.1,2 plex, neurofibromatosis, epidermal nevus syndrome,
The aetiology can consist of: hypomelanosis of Ito, Sturge–Weber syndrome.
t a specific disease derived from a classification Malformations due to abnormal cortical developments:
of diseases frequently associated with epileptic Isolated lissencephaly sequence, Miller–Dieker syn-
seizures or syndromes, which is the topic of this drome, X-linked lissencephaly, subcortical band
chapter heterotopia, periventricular nodular heterotopia, focal
t a genetic defect, examples of which are detailed heterotopia, hemimegalencephaly, bilateral perisylvian
in Chapter 14 as well as this chapter syndrome, schizencephalies, unilateral polymicrogyria,
t a specific pathological substrate, as, for example, focal or multifocal cortical dysplasia, microdysgenesis.
with the symptomatic focal epilepsies discussed Other cerebral malformations: Aicardi syndrome,
in Chapter 15. PEHO syndrome, acrocallosal syndrome and others.
Definite or probably definite symptomatic focal and Tumours: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour,
generalised epileptic syndromes of known aetiology gangliocytoma, ganglioglioma, cavernous angiomas,
are specified in the ILAE report (Table 5.2) and in astrocytomas and others. Hypothalamic hamartoma
various chapters of this book. is the cause of a specific hypothalamic epilepsy (see
Symptomatic focal epilepsies not otherwise specified are Chapter 10).
classified among the special epilepsy conditions.2 Chromosomal abnormalities: Partial monosomy 4P or
These are caused by epileptogenic lesions that are Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome, trisomy 12p, inversion
localised, diffuse but limited to one hemisphere or duplication 15 syndrome, ring 20 chromosome and
multifocal, and which do not constitute specific others.
syndromes per se but can be defined according to Monogenic mendelian diseases with complex patho-
their seizure type, the underlying pathophysiological genetic mechanisms: Fragile X syndrome, Angelman
disturbance, if known, and the location of the lesion(s) syndrome, Rett syndrome and others.
if they do not fit into a described syndrome.2 Inherited metabolic disorders: Non-ketotic hyper-
Diseases frequently associated with epileptic seizures are glycinaemia, D-glyceric acidemia, propionic acidemia,
numerous in aetiology, manifestations, laboratory sulphite-oxidase deficiency, fructose 1-6 diphospha-
abnormalities and management; any brain disease tase deficiency, other organic acidurias, pyridoxine
probably has the potential to cause epileptic seizures. dependency, aminoacidopathies (maple syrup urine
The ILAE diagnostic scheme provided a preliminary disease, phenylketonuria, other), urea cycle disorders,
list of diseases which are more likely to manifest with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, disorders
epileptic seizures (Table 17.1) and these are: of biotin metabolism, disorders of folic acid and

534 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Groups of syndromes frequently associated with epileptic seizures or syndromes

t 1


Table 17.1 Modified with permission from Engel (2001).1

B12 metabolism, glucose transport protein deficiency, is the subject of extensive books, monographs
Menkes’ disease, glycogen-storage disorders, Krabbe and reports. These can be found in text books of
disease, fumarase deficiency, peroxisomal disorders, medicine, neurology, paediatrics and metabolic,
Sanfilippo syndrome, mitochondrial diseases (pyruvate chromosomal and genetic disorders, and most of
dehydrogenase deficiency, respiratory chain defects them are also detailed and updated in very useful
and MELAS [mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic dedicated websites, as recommended in Chapter 4
acidosis, and stroke-like symptoms]). (page 97), Chapter 14 (page 423) and on page 535
Prenatal or perinatal ischaemic or anoxic lesions or in this chapter.
cerebral infections causing non-progressive encephalop- Only progressive myoclonic epilepsies (PMEs) are
athies: Porencephaly, infections causing non-progres- detailed in this book.
sive encephalopathies, periventricular leucomalacia,
microcephaly, cerebral calcifications and other
lesions due to, for example, toxoplasmosis, cerebro-
vascular incidents, HIV. on classification
Postnatal infections: Cysticercosis, Herpes encepha- The 1989 ILAE classification recognised ‘sympto-
litis, bacterial meningitis and others. matic generalised epilepsies of specific aetiologies’
Other postnatal factors: Head injury, alcohol and that are ‘only diseases in which epileptic seizures
drug abuse, stroke and others. are the presenting or a prominent feature... These
Miscellaneous: Coeliac disease (epilepsy with occipital diseases often have epileptic features that resemble
calcifications and celiac disease), Coffin–Lowry syn- symptomatic generalised epilepsies without specific
drome, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington disease, aetiology, appearing at similar ages’.3 These included
Alpers’ disease. Northern epilepsy syndrome is a type only two main aetiological categories:
of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (see page 542). a. Malformations such as Sturge–Weber syndrome,
It should be realised that this list is endless and Aicardi syndrome, lissencephaly/pachygyria and
each group, and often each individual disease, hypothalamic hamartomas.

b. Proven or suspected inborn errors of metabolism the 1989 classification (Table 17.1)3 and that
described according to the age at onset and includes they manifest with focal as well as symptomatic
non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia, phenylketonuria, generalised epileptic seizures (see Chapter 10).
Tay–Sachs disease, ceroid lipofuscinosis, infantile However, in the 2006 ILAE report, only the PMEs
Huntington disease, Lafora disease, Unverricht were considered, and these are now listed among
disease and others. various other epileptic syndromes according to age
The new ILAE report1 rightly considers that these at onset (Table 5.2).2
diseases are more extensive than those listed in

Progressive myoclonic epilepsies

Synonyms: progressive myoclonus epilepsies (the PMEs are often encompassed under the inclusive
adjectival form ‘myoclonic’ is grammatically more term ‘catastrophic epilepsies’, which, as the name
correct than ‘myoclonus’ epilepsy), PMEs. implies, are invariably associated with significant
PMEs comprise a group of rare, heterogeneous neurological morbidity and often early death.
genetic (mainly autosomal recessive) disorders However, the catastrophic epilepsies include all severe
(Figure 17.1).4–11 PMEs are characterised by cortical forms of progressive epilepsy including some, but not
myoclonus, other types of epileptic seizures and pro- all, epileptic encephalopathies and the PMEs.19
gressive neurocognitive impairment (Table 17.2).
Recommended websites

Clarifications 4FF $IBQUFS  QBHF 


Also see:
On pathological grounds, PMEs were initially UIF 64 /BUJPOBM -JCSBSZ PG .FEJDJOF XXXOMNOJI
classified into three subsets: HPW



The term degenerative was used for disorders in which HMPTTBSZ IUUQHISOMNOJIHPWHISQBHF(MPTTBSZ

light microscopy of the brain revealed only neuronal t ( FOF3FWJFXT IUUQXXXODCJOMNOJIHPWTJUFT

loss and gliosis, without evidence of intracellular neu-
ronal storage material. The current recognition of
specific PME disorders is based on advanced patho-
logical, biochemical and clinical analyses, and, mainly,
the application of modern molecular genetics.
The ILAE classifies PMEs among ‘diseases frequently

associated with epileptic seizures or syndromes’.1 In

a broader classification, PMEs are classified among
symptomatic myoclonus, which comprise any form of
myoclonus (epileptic or non-epileptic) caused by any The new ILAE reports2 consider PMEs as a
type of identifiable underlying disorder (see page 72). syndrome (although these are a group of disorders
536 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment


Figure 17.1 Examples of autosomal recessive inheritance where (A) one parent is affected (homozygous for the mutant
gene) and the other is normal (homozygous for the normal gene), (B) one parent is an unaffected carrier (heterozygous for
the mutant gene) and the other is normal (homozygous for the normal gene) and (C) both parents are unaffected carriers
(heterozygous for the mutant gene). Autosomal recessive is a pattern of inheritance in which an individual is affected by the
disease only when two copies of a mutant gene (homozygous for the gene mutation) on one of the 22 pairs of autosomes
(non-sex chromosomes) are present. Carriers are individuals who have only one copy of the mutant gene (heterozygous
for the gene mutation); they do not exhibit the disease because the gene is recessive to its normal counterpart gene. Note
that autosomal recessive diseases are usually seen in a single generation of a pedigree and they are more likely to occur in
populations with consanguineous marriages. R = autosomal recessive mutant gene; r = normal gene.

and not a syndrome) that ‘is different from the others rather than epilepsy syndromes. However, because
in that it consists entirely of specific diseases, and it is a very helpful concept for diagnostic purposes...
might be considered under diseases with epilepsy it is still included in the list’ (Table 5.2).2

Unverricht disease
Synonyms: Unverricht–Lundborg disease, progressive and tracing the affected family back to the 1700s.
myoclonic epilepsy 1 (EPM1), Baltic myoclonus, Lundborg’s view that ‘the future belongs to the racially
Mediterranean myoclonus. fine people’24 and his influence on the Nazi ideology
Unverricht disease is the most common, purest and acts overshadows his contribution to medicine.
and least severe type of PME.11,20–23
This syndrome was first described by Unverricht in
1891. The doctoral dissertation of Herman Bernhard
Demographic data
Lundborg in 1903 was considered a groundbreaking In 86% of patients, myoclonic jerks first appear at
work in medical research, describing the disease 9–13 years of age (range 6–18 years). The sexes are

Progressive myoclonic epilepsies

Common and classical forms




Less common forms



Other disorders included among the PMEs

(These are either extremely rare or epileptic myoclonus, when it occurs, is an occasional
and exceptional clinical feature)

t "

Table 17.2

equally affected. Unverricht disease mainly occurs Cortical myoclonus is the first symptom in at least
in Finland (incidence 4/100,000), Sweden, Mediter- half of patients. The myoclonic jerks are focal and
ranean countries and North Africa. multifocal, affecting the face, body and limbs (proxi-
mal more than distal). They are small and mild, and
often become violent.
Clinical manifestations GTCSs are usually infrequent and may not occur
in all patients.
Unverricht disease is primarily characterised by:
Myoclonus and GTCSs progressively worsen over
t cortical myoclonus
the 3–8 years following the onset of the disease.
t generalised tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs) Severe action, reflex and spontaneous myoclonus
t mild progressive ataxia. predominate and become the most incapacitating
Patients are initially neurologically normal and symptom. It takes the form of continuous shivering-
many remain so for many years after onset of the like, small amplitude myoclonus affecting every
disease. muscle of the body, including the tongue and mouth.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Violent myoclonic jerks erupt out of this ‘background These ‘good periods’ tend to shorten as the disease
myoclonic noise’, causing falls and injuries. progresses.11
Mild ataxia progresses slowly. Mild cognitive Disease severity may vary among affected individuals
deterioration probably occurs.25 within a family who have apparently similarly sized
A characteristic feature of Unverricht disease is repeat expansions.
relative remissions of symptoms for days to weeks.

Gene Chromosomal locus Protein
OMIM entries
 $ZTUBUJO# $45#

Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;

Unverricht disease is an autosomal recessive disorder Biochemical abnormalities have not been
(Figure 17.1) caused by mutations of the CSTB gene, demonstrated.
which is located in chromosome 21q22.3. CSTB
encodes an inhibitor of lysosomal cysteine proteases.
Nearly all patients have an unstable expansion of a 12- Differential diagnosis
nucleotide (dodecamer; 5ʹ-CCC-CGC-CCC-GCG-3ʹ) At onset, Unverricht disease should be differen-
repeat unit on at least one disease allele; most indi- tiated from juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME).
viduals have two expansions causing disease. The Other PMEs usually manifest with relatively rapid
expanded repeat results in significantly reduced neurocognitive impairment.
production of CSTB mRNA.26 There is no apparent
correlation between the mutant repeat length and
disease phenotype. Prognosis
The prognosis of Unverricht disease improved
after the toxic effect of phenytoin for these
Diagnostic procedures patients was realised. Withdrawal of phenytoin
Detection of CSTB gene mutations confirms the has led to a marked improvement. 27 It is
clinical suspicion of Unverricht disease. debatable whether cognitive impairment occurs
The EEG is always abnormal (Figure 17.2).21,22 even with improved anti-epileptic drug (AED)
Theta activity becomes increasingly more prominent, manage ment. 22,25
and alpha activity gradually disappears. Generalised Life expectancy may not be affected.
spike/polyspike–wave discharges are abundant and
are often associated with the myoclonic jerks. Photo-
paroxysmal responses occur consistently. Specific
neurophysiological testing is abnormal, as with GTCSs are relatively easy to control, but the
cortical myoclonus (Figure 15.12). myoclonus is usually the disabling factor. Valproate,

EEG in Unverricht disease


'Q  o '  'Q  o ' 

 'o$  'o$

 $o1  $o1

 1o0[  1o0[

'Q  o '  'Q  o ' 

 'o$  'o$

 $o1  $o1

 1o0[  1o0[

'Q  o '  'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 
'Q  o ' 







Figure 17.2 Frequent spontaneous jerks are seen following generalised bursts of spikes (red arrows), but these can also
occur without EEG changes (black arrow). A generalised burst of polyspikes (blue arrow) during 0.5 Hz IPS is elicited
by eye closure rather than the flash.
Courtesy of Dr Stewart G. Boyd, Great Ormond St. Hospital for Children, London.

clonazepam, piracetam and mainly levetiracetam28,29 vagal nerve stimulation in a single case is doubt-
are the main AEDs. ful because follow-up was brief and the thera-
The early use of antimyoclonic drugs, such as peutic effect could be explained by spontaneous
piracetam and levetiracetam, could further reduce remission.31
the final disability level of patients with Unverricht In Unverricht disease, the myoclonus is briefly
disease.22 abolished by alcohol,32 increased by nicotine and
Topiramate and zonisamide may be effective, but decreased by the C6-type nicotinic antagonist meca-
have cognitive adverse effects. mylamine.33
N-Acetylcysteine, a sulfhydryl antioxidant, has Avoid contraindicated AEDs, such as phenytoin,
been beneficial in the treatment of four siblings carbamazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin, lamotrigine,
with Unverricht disease.30 The beneficial effect of tiagabine and vigabatrin.11
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Lafora disease
Synonyms: Lafora body disease, PME with poly- but accounts for 10% of patients with PME. It is more
glucosan bodies, progressive myoclonic epilepsy common in Mediterranean and southern European
(EPM2A and EPM2B). countries, the Middle East and south-east Asia.

Demographic data Clinical

Lafora disease is a severe and relatively common manifestations6,10,11,34,35
Symptoms start at 13–15 years of age (with a range Disease onset is marked mainly by myoclonic
of 8–18 years). A rare adult-onset form probably exists and occipital seizures, and sometimes by GTCSs.
and this is associated with a more benign course. Males Behavioural changes or cognitive decline may be the
and females are equally affected. Lafora disease is rare first manifestations.

Video-EEG documentation of negative myoclonus in a patient with Lafora disease

'Q  o ' 




'Q  o ' 












Figure 17.3 This is from a video-EEG of a 17-year-old boy while holding his hands outstretched in front of his chest. The EEG
was diffusely slow with frequent, nearly continuous brief bursts of polyspikes. During the recording, the patient had negative
myoclonic drops of the fingers and hands with suppression of the EMG activity (arrows) and some inconsistent association
with the EEG polyspike bursts. Onset of the disease was at 14 years of age with simple focal occipital seizures of elementary
visual hallucinations and generalised convulsions. Progressive and severe cognitive deterioration started soon after onset of
the epileptic seizures. Valproate, piracetam and clobazam had only a transient beneficial effect on seizures. Lafora disease
was confirmed with axillar biopsy, which showed Lafora bodies.
Courtesy of Professor Pierre Thomas, Hopital Pasteur, Nice, France.

Myoclonic seizures are cortical in origin. They are and manifest with complex and elementary visual
brief, massive, synchronous and are usually limited hallucinations.
to one or more muscle groups. The seizures are Neurocognitive decline is relentless either before or within
spontaneous, reflex or action precipitated. Falls months of the onset of the seizures. The end stages of
result from violent positive or negative myoclonus the disease are marked by severe dementia, spastic
(Figure 17.3). quadriparesis and almost constant myoclonus.36
Focal visual occipital seizures occur in 30–50% of In some cases, Lafora disease may present pre-
patients and may be the early presenting symptom. dominantly as dementia with relatively infrequent
They may be spontaneous or photically induced, seizures.

Gene Chromosomal locus Protein

OMIM entries

Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;

Transmission is autosomal recessive (Figure 17.1). detection of the characteristic Lafora bodies in
At least three genes underlie Lafora disease, two of tissue biopsy.
which have been isolated: EPM2A on chromosome The skin biopsy appears to be consistently positive.39
6q24 and EPM2B (NHLRC1) on 6p22.3. It should be deep enough to include entire sweat
The EPM2A gene product is laforin. The EPM2B gland ducts. The axilla should be avoided as a biopsy
gene product is malin. site, because PAS-positive bodies may normally occur
Patients with mutations in EPM2A and EPM2B there. Cryostat sections stained with PAS are best
have similar clinical manifestations but the EPM2B for demonstrating the inclusions. It is advisable to
mutation produces a milder course.37,38 confirm the diagnosis by electron microscopy.
As the biopsy may be negative due to a sampling
Pathology error, the diagnosis should be confirmed by genetic
Lafora bodies are periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive, testing of EPM2A and EPM2B and screening for
diastase-resistant polyglucosan inclusions. They are carriers. However, the lack of mutations in EPM2A
found in the brain and various other tissues with and EPM2B does not exclude Lafora disease, because
some histochemical and morphological differences mutations may occur in non-coding or non-tested
in the storage material between organs. regions, or at least one additional gene associated
with Lafora disease may be present.
Background EEG may initially be normal, but
Diagnostic procedures rapidly deteriorates. Epileptiform abnormalities are
The diagnosis of Lafora disease is based on generalised or focal or multifocal, and predominate
family history, clinical findings and primarily the in the posterior cerebral regions (Figure 17.3).
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Photosensitivity is common. Fixation-off sensitivity as dementia with relatively infrequent seizures, or

may also occur.40 Neurophysiological abnormalities when it imitates symptomatic generalised epilepsy
are consistent with cortical myoclonus. with mild myoclonus.
H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy is more sensi- Non-epileptic myoclonic disorders can also be
tive than structural MRI to detect brain involvement. differentiated based on clinical and pathological
The greatest metabolic changes are seen in the frontal characteristics.
cortex, cerebellum and basal ganglia.41

Differential diagnosis Lafora disease is a rapidly progressive disorder. Most
In the initial stages, Lafora disease may imitate occi- patients reach the end stages of the disease and death
pital lobe epilepsy or JME. However, occipital seizures within 1–10 years (mean of 5 years) of the onset of
are often combined or followed by myoclonus and, symptoms. The mean age at death is 20 years.
with progression, the myoclonus becomes severe and
multifocal. Progressive cognitive decline is relentless.
Recognition of Lafora disease in its fully developed
form is not difficult. Laboratory documentation is Currently, Lafora disease is incurable. See page 556
important in cases where the disease presents mainly for the management of PMEs.

Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses

Synonyms: Batten disease is the juvenile form, NCLs are extensively described by Sara Mole in
although the eponym is often used to encompass all a continuously updated website (http://www.ucl.
forms of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs).
There are many types of NCL with a number of
identified human genes.10,11,42–50
Classically, based on the age of onset, there are four Demographic data
prototypical types of NCL: Onset commonly occurs in infancy and childhood.
1. Infantile NCL (Santavuori–Haltia disease) Adult onset is rare. Both sexes are equally affected.
begins between 6 months and 2 years of age NCLs, although relatively rare, are the most com-
and progresses rapidly. mon of the lysosomal storage diseases worldwide.
2. Late infantile NCL (Jansky–Bielschowsky dis- Incidence of NCL is 1.2/100,000 live births (range
ease) begins between 2 and 4 years of age. 1–7/100,000 live births), with a prevalence of
3. Juvenile NCL (Spielmeyer–Vogt–Sjogren or Batten approximately 1/25,000 in various European coun-
disease) begins between 5 and 8 years of age. tries and the USA.51,52 In Finland, the infantile form
4. Adult NCL (Kufs disease and Parry disease) alone has an incidence of 1/13,000 live births.51
generally begins before the age of 40 years.
Several additional variant forms of NCL have been
described and many NCL forms divide into distinct
Clinical manifestations
genetic subgroups sometimes associated with specific Patients are usually normal initially, but this is
countries of origin. followed by rapid and progressive neurocognitive

deterioration. Visual loss due to retinal atrophy is a teens by myoclonus, other types of seizure, cognitive
prominent feature in all but an adult form of NCL. and speech impairment, ataxia or clumsiness and
Myoclonus and other seizures, when they develop, parkinsonian-like symptoms. Behaviour abnormalities
often become refractory and disabling. of aggression and anxiety, mood disturbances and
Infantile NCL manifests with failure to thrive, myo- psychosis may become problematic at this time. As the
clonus, psychomotor regression and deterioration, disease progresses, myoclonus and other symptoms
autistic features, acquired microcephaly and progres- rapidly deteriorate to complete loss of all communica-
sive retinal blindness.53 Myoclonus and other seizure tion skills, mobility and self-help. Some mutations cause
types occur early. Often children have characteristic a mild or more protracted disease in which visual failure
hand movements similar to those of Rett syndrome. occurs relatively early, but other symptoms are delayed
Spastic paraparesis worsens later in the illness. well into adulthood. This form progresses less rapidly
Mobility, vision and language skills are rapidly lost and ends in death in the late teens or early 20s, although
and children do not survive until late childhood. some individuals may live into their 30s. Patients may
Late infantile NCL manifests with massive myoclonias experience heart and circulation problems.
and myoclonic–atonic seizures, usually from onset Adult NCL causes milder symptoms of relatively slow
of the disease and mainly between 2 and 4 years of progressive myoclonus, ataxia and dementia. Blindness
age.54 Other seizure types include focal myoclonias, does not occur in the Kufs disease subtype. Although
GTCSs, atypical absences, and simple motor and com- age of death is variable, life expectancy is shortened.
plex focal seizures. Visual impairment occurs later. Northern epilepsy syndrome (progressive epilepsy with
Extreme irritability is common. Limb spasticity with mental retardation) is a newly identified NCL in north-
truncal hypotonia and loss of head control are often ern Finland.55 GTCSs begin at 5–10 years of age, are
prominent. Death occurs around 10 years of age. often triggered by fever at onset and, by the time of
Juvenile NCL is characterised by visual impairment that puberty, become very frequent with many occurring
progresses over 2 or 3 years to an appreciation of light each week or day. Myoclonus is not a clinical feature.
and dark only. A pigmentary retinopathy occurs, which A third of patients suffer from visual impairment.
may be diagnosed as retinitis pigmentosa or cone dys- Patients may reach 50–60 years of age, but are
trophy. Visual symptoms are followed in the early significantly mentally and physically disabled.

Gene (locus) Chromosomal locus Protein

CTSD $-/
PPT1 $-/
TPP1 $-/
CLN3 $-/
CLN5 $-/
CLN6 $-/
CLN8 $-/

Continued overleaf
544 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

OMIM entries

Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;

NCLs are mainly autosomal recessive (Figure 17.1) CLN5, CLN6, CLN8 and other, as yet unknown,
lysosomal storage disorders. So far, seven human genes cause variant late-infantile NCL. A specific
NCL gene loci have been identified. The function mutation in CLN8 (chromosome 8) also causes
of most of the encoded proteins is unknown. Most northern epilepsy or progressive epilepsy with
mutations result in a classic morphology and disease mental retardation.
phenotype, but some mutations are associated with CTSD encodes cathepsin D. Mutations in this gene
disease that is of later onset, less severe or protracted cause congenital NCL and NCL at later ages of
in its course, or with atypical clinical presentations. onset.
Seven common mutations exist, some of which have Not all cases of NCL presenting in late infancy have
a worldwide distribution, while others are associated been genetically defined. Rare cases of congenital
with families originating from specific geographical NCL occur, but their cause is unknown.
regions.42 Adult NCL may be inherited in an autosomal
CLN1 (chromosome 1) encodes palmitoyl-protein recessive (Kufs disease) or, less often, an autosomal
dominant (Parry disease) pattern. In most cases of
thioesterase 1 (PPT1), an enzyme which removes
adult NCL, the gene defect has not been identified,
palmitate residues from proteins. Mutations in this
although a few are caused by mutations in CLN1 or
gene cause NCL with a wide clinical spectrum and
typical onset in infancy, and, rarely, in adulthood.
Recent studies have shown a link between the
CLN2 (chromosome 11) encodes the lysosomal
juvenile form of NCL and the autoimmune system.
enzyme tripeptidyl-peptidase I (TPP1), which is
This link is not yet fully understood, but may have
a member of a recently defined family of serine-
some treatment implications with regard to immuno-
carboxyl proteinases that remove tripeptides from
suppressant drugs.
the N-terminus of small proteins. Mutations in the
CLN2 gene cause classic late-infantile NCL and, Pathology
rarely, a more protracted disease with later onset. NCL is characterised by the intracellular accu-
CLN3 (chromosome 16) accounts for cases of juvenile mulation of autofluorescent storage material specific
NCL; 73% are caused by a common intragenic to the NCL called lipopigments (lipos = fat). They
deletion. The remainder are the result of other accumulate in brain cells, eyes and other tissues.
defects of the same gene, usually in combination The ultrastructural morphology of the lipopigments
with this common mutation. The function of CLN3 on electron microscopy mainly depends on the form
is unknown. of NCL. They can be:

t granular osmophilic deposits (resembling sand activity and diffuse paroxysms of spike/polyspikes
or gravel) in infantile NCL and waves, multifocal spikes and, less often,
t predominantly curvilinear bodies (like half- focal spikes predominating in posterior regions.54
moons or commas) in late-infantile NCL Intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) at single or
t fingerprint profiles in juvenile NCL. low flash frequency (1–8 Hz) elicits giant (300–
Mixed types of inclusion are found in adult-onset 450 μV) polyphasic occipital spikes (Figure 17.4).
NCL and in some late-infantile variant forms. The ERG is small and becomes unobtainable
within a few months of the onset of the disease.
VEPs are big and wide throughout the course of
Diagnostic procedures the disease. The SSEPs may also become large.
The diagnosis of NCL is based on clinical findings, t In juvenile NCL, the EEG background activity
electron microscopy of tissue biopsy and, in some progressively deteriorates with dominant slow
instances, assays of enzyme activity and molecular activity and diffuse paroxysms of spike/polyspikes
genetic testing. Identification of the specific genes and waves that are facilitated in slow-wave sleep.
for most forms of NCL has led to the development of There are no photoparoxysmal responses. The ERG
DNA diagnostics, as well as carrier and prenatal tests. and VEPs gradually become smaller and vanish,
Electron microscopy – preferably of a skin biopsy – while the SSEPs may increase in amplitude.
typically reveals lipopigments (see Pathology). t In adult NCL, the EEG background activity
Enzyme assays of white blood cells, fibroblasts and progressively deteriorates with dominant slow
chorionic villi are available only for PPT1 (CLN1) activity and diffuse paroxysms of spike/polyspikes
and TPP1 (CLN2). There is no PPT1 or TPP1 enzyme and waves. There are marked photoparoxysmal
activity in patients with mutations in the relevant responses to low frequency IPS. The ERG and
genes. A carrier of a mutation in PPT1 or TPP1 VEPs are normal, while the SSEPs are often large.
typically has 50% of normal enzymatic activity in
PPT1 or TPP1, respectively.
Differential diagnosis
Molecular genetic testing for the CLN1, CLN2, CLN3,
CLN5, CLN6 and CLN8 genes is now clinically The differential diagnosis of the various types of NCL
available. The identification of a mutation in both is often challenging. Onset with myoclonus occurs
copies of an NCL gene provides a definitive diagnosis in many other idiopathic or symptomatic epilepsies,
of NCL and its clinical type. and developmental regression and deterioration are
Brain imaging reveals progressive brain and cerebellar common in many disorders. Retinal visual impair-
atrophy. ment is also a symptom of various ophthalmological
The EEG, electroretinogram (ERG), visual evoked diseases. However, a combination of myoclonus,
potentials (VEPs) and somatosensory evoked potentials progressive developmental abnormalities and visual
(SSEPs) are usually abnormal, but this varies impairment should raise a high index of suspicion
according to the type of NCL: of certain types of NCL. A family history of similar
t In infantile NCL, there is a progressive flattening disorders is the key to diagnosis.
and disappearance of biological rhythms, the so-
called ‘vanishing EEG activity’. The ERG is small
with severe loss of the b-wave53 and becomes
unobtainable within a few months of the onset NCLs are progressive and most are fatal disorders.
of the disease. The VEPs are also small and even- The final stage depends on the type of NCL type;
tually disappear 2 or 3 years after disease onset. in severe forms, patients become blind, bedridden
t In late-infantile NCL, the EEG background activity and unable to communicate soon after the onset of
progressively deteriorates with dominant slow the disease.
546 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

EEG in late-infantile NCL


 'o$  'o$

 'o$  'o$

 $o"  $o"

 $o"  $o"

 "o5  "o5

 "o5  "o5

 5o0[  5o0[

 5o0[  5o0[

 1o0[  1o0[

 1o0[  1o0[




Figure 17.4 Inter-ictal EEG (A) in a case of late-infantile NCL compared with responses to photic stimulation at 1 Hz (B). Note
the generalised spiking associated with the end of photic stimulation at 1 Hz (red arrow). This is preceded by a series of
small occipital spikes, which appear time-locked to the flash stimulus (black arrows). Such an unusual abnormal response to
photic stimulation is often more overt, but, when such a diagnosis is suspected, it must be actively sought out in the EEG.
Courtesy of Dr Stewart G. Boyd, Great Ormond St. Hospital for Children, London.

Management improvements in vectors used for delivery of the

Currently, NCLs are incurable. Management is only A safety trial of gene therapy in patients with
supportive and palliative (see page 555). mutations in TTP1 is in its early stages.
The development of therapy for NCLs is Stem cell therapy clinical trials (Phase I) have been
challenging and still at a very early stage. The goal initiated in a small number of children.
is to halt or delay the progress of the various types Immunosuppressive treatments have also been tried
of NCL, with complete cure as the ultimate aim. or are under way.
Gene trials in animal models have been started Other therapeutic targets include storage material
with some preliminary promising results and degradation and inhibition of cell death.

Sialidoses (type I and II)

Common synonyms: sialidosis type I – cherry-red spot Clinical manifestations
myoclonus syndrome, normosomatic type of neura-
minidase deficiency; sialidosis type II – dysmorphic Sialidoses type I usually starts with impairment of visual
type of neuraminidase deficiency. acuity, myoclonus and other types of generalised
Sialiodoses49,56–59 are rare diseases of PME that epileptic seizure. Cherry-red spots in the macular
mainly manifest with: region of the fundus appear early (Figure 17.5).61 The
t visual impairment of macular degeneration myoclonus is predominantly facial, affecting mainly
t cortical myoclonus and often with the perioral muscles. It persists in sleep and becomes
t mild cerebellar ataxia and cognitive impairment progressively worse and debilitating. Cerebellar ataxia,
There are two forms of sialidosis: cataracts and colour and/or night-blindness may
t sialidosis type I – the milder form58,60 develop. Vision gradually deteriorates into blindness.61
t sialidosis type II – the more severe form of the Cognition is either mildly or not affected.
disease. Sialidosis type II manifests with all the symptoms of
sialidosis type 1 but in a more severe and more pro-
gressive manner. Additional manifestations include
Demographic data dysmorphic features (distinctive coarse facial features,
increased head size, short trunk with relatively long
Sialidosis type I usually starts between 8 and
legs and arms) and skeletal malformations (dysostosis
15 years. Sialidosis type II starts very early and
multiplex). Ascites, hepatosplenomegaly and hernias
sometimes before birth. Both sexes are equally
are common. Sensorineural hearing loss, cataracts
affected. Sialidoses are extremely rare disorders.
and joint stiffness are other associated symptoms.
Patients may also have dyspnoea. Cardiac problems
and dilated coronary arteries may occur in con-
genital sialidosis type II. Nearly all patients show
progressive mild-to-severe mental deterioration.

Gene Chromosomal locus Protein
OMIM entries

Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;

Sialidoses result from inherited deficiencies of the Several different mutations significantly reduce or
lysosomal enzyme A-N-acetylneuraminidase (neura- almost completely eradicate lysosomal neuramini-
minidase or sialidase) due to mutations in the gene dase activity. The clinical phenotype and its severity
NEU1, which is located on chromosome 6p21.3. depend on the specific mutations in the gene.
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Cherry-red spot in a patient with (A) sialidosis and (B) Tay–Sachs disease


Figure 17.5 Figure A courtesy of Professor Antonio Federico, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Siena, Italy.
Figure B courtesy of Dr John H. Livingston, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK.

Diagnostic procedures storage disorders (GM1, GM2 gangliosidosis,

Niemann-Pick type C).59
The detection of the cherry-red spot (Figure 17.5)
Differentiating between the two types of sialidosis
is essential when sialidosis is suspected clinically.61
The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of is easy, because the skeletal and facial abnormalities
high levels of sialyloligosaccharides in the urine and cognitive impairment do not feature in the type I
and lysosomal enzyme deficiency in leucocytes or form of the disease.
cultured fibroblasts.57
Brain MRI is normal in the early stages but, as the
disease progresses, cerebellar, pontine and cerebral Prognosis63
atrophy become apparent.62
Sialidosis type II has a poor prognosis; the earlier the
Radiographic changes in sialidosis type II are
onset, the shorter the life expectancy.
similar to those seen in the mucopolysaccharidoses,
with beaking of the lumbar vertebrae, broadening of In sialidosis type I, the course of the disease may
the ribs and thickening of the skull. be long and most patients have a near-normal life
The EEG background activity initially shows low- expectancy. However, there is progressive visual
voltage fast activity, but slow waves gradually pre- impairment and the myoclonus may be progressively
dominate with progress of the disease. Massive myo- debilitating; falls induced by myoclonic seizures can
clonus is associated with trains of 10–20 Hz, small, be fatal.
vertex-positive spikes preceding the electromyo-
graphic artefact.
The amplitude of VEPs becomes smaller, whereas Management
that of the SSEPs is high.
Currently, the sialidoses are incurable. Therefore,
management can only be supportive and palliative
Differential diagnosis (see page 555).
The triad of myoclonus, macular degeneration and Enzyme replacement therapy may be a possible
ataxia occurs in other PMEs and different metabolic approach in the near future.64

Myoclonic epilepsy
associated with ragged-red fibres
Synonym: MERRF syndrome. the progression of MERRF. Myopathy is usually mild.
MERRF is a multisystem disorder18,65–67 characterised Exercise intolerance is sometimes prominent.
by: Any kind of exertion brings on fatigue. Sometimes I get
t cortical myoclonus up in the morning and I just have no energy at all... It’s
t ataxia hard to explain. Just simple daily functions are very
t mild myopathy tiring.
t cognitive impairment.
Other common manifestations include sensorineural
hearing loss, peripheral neuropathy, short stature,
Demographic data lactic acidosis and optic atrophy. Less common
clinical signs include cardiomyopathy with Wolff–
MERRF usually starts at 3–10 years of age, but adult Parkinson–White syndrome, pigmentary retinopathy,
onset in the late 50s has been reported. The age of pyramidal signs, ophthalmoplegia, pes cavus and
onset varies considerably, even in the same family. multiple lipomas in the neck and shoulders.
Both sexes are equally affected. Occasionally, young patients with MERRF also
MERRF is a rare disorder that is found worldwide. have strokes as in MELAS (mitochondrial enceph-
The prevalence of the main A8344G mutation in alomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke). Spinocere-
northern Europe is less than 1.5 per 100,000 of the bellar degeneration and Leigh disease are unusual
population. manifestations in MERRF families.
Patterns, sequence and severity of symptoms show
marked variations even among affected members of
Clinical manifestations
the same family, because they often inherit different
Early development is normal. percentages of mutant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
Cortical myoclonus affects the head, limbs and body, The phenotype of an individual with an mtDNA
and may be spontaneous, reflex or action-induced. mutation results from a combination of factors such
Focal seizures may occur. Progressive ataxia and as severity of the mutation, the percentage of mutant
other cerebellar symptoms may be mild or the main mitochondria (mutational load) and the organs and
cause of disability. Cognitive impairment occurs with tissues in which they are found (tissue distribution).

Gene Chromosomal locus Protein
OMIM entries


Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

MERRF is caused by mutations in mtDNA and Cerebrospinal fluid protein may be mildly elevated to
is transmitted by maternal inheritance. Clinical no more than 100 mg/dl.
severity is not proportional to the degree of muta- Electromyography and nerve conduction studies may
tion in muscle. However, the latter might not reflect show signs of myopathy, axonal neuropathy or both.
the degree of mutation in the central nervous system. EEG background activity is slow with generalised
polyspike–wave discharges. Focal epileptiform dis-
charges are common. A quarter of patients show
Diagnostic procedures photoparoxysmal discharges.
At presentation patients should have complete neuro- SSEPs and other neurophysiological tests relevant to
logical, cognitive, ophthalmological, audiological cortical myoclonus are abnormal (Figure 15.12).
and cardiological evaluations.
Muscle biopsy is the best diagnostic test to confirm
MERRF diagnosis. Ragged-red fibres on modified
Differential diagnosis
Gomori trichrome stain are the defining histological The differential diagnosis depends on the clinical pres-
feature. In over 90% of MERRF patients, a modified entation of MERRF. Cortical myoclonus, other epileptic
Gomori trichrome stain shows ragged-red fibres in seizures and ataxia should be differentiated from other
the skeletal muscle biopsy. Increased numbers of types of PME. The multisystem involvement, lactic
morphologically abnormal mitochondria are found acidosis, maternal inheritance and the muscle biopsy
on electron microscopy. with ragged red fibres are characteristic of MERRF.
Biochemical analysis of respiratory chain enzymes
in muscle extracts usually demonstrates decreased
activity of respiratory chain complexes containing
mtDNA-encoded subunits, especially cytochrome c MERRF is gradually progressive but prognosis is
oxidase deficiency. The muscle mtDNA should be extremely variable. Patients may have a normal life
screened for mutations associated with MERRF. span but others may, for example, die in middle
Lactate and pyruvate at rest are commonly elevated childhood. The major complications are seizures and,
and may increase dramatically after moderate less commonly, ataxia, blindness and cardiac failure.
exercise. Renal or liver dysfunction may be found.
Mutations are usually present in all tissues. Blood
leucocytes should first be screened for the mtDNA Management
point mutation. However, the occurrence of Currently, there is no curative treatment for the
’heteroplasmy’ in disorders of mtDNA can result in genetic defect. Therefore, management is only
varying tissue distribution of mutated mtDNA. Hence, supportive and palliative.
in individuals having few symptoms consistent with Coenzyme Q10 (50–100 mg three times a day) and
MERRF or in asymptomatic maternal relatives of an L-carnitine (1000 mg three times a day) have been
affected individual, the pathogenic mutation may be used, although probably unsuccessfully, to improve
undetectable in mtDNA from leucocytes and may mitochondrial function.
only be detected in other tissues, such as cultured For myoclonus, most authors use valproate, even
skin fibroblasts, urinary sediment, oral mucosa though it should be used with caution in MERRF
(from mouthwash), hair follicles or, most reliably, because of its interaction with mitochondrial respi-
skeletal muscle. ration and metabolism.69 Conversely, levetiracetam
Brain MRI often shows brain atrophy and basal is highly beneficial for myoclonus without altering
ganglia calcification.68 mitochondrial function.69–70
ECG may reveal pre-excitation, but heart block has Aerobic exercise has been recommended by some
not been noted. authors in MERRF and other mitochondrial diseases.71

Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
Synonym: DRPLA, Naito–Oyanagi disease. according to the age at onset. However, cerebellar
DRPLA72–76 is an autosomal dominant disorder ataxia and dementia are principal features irrespective
(Figure 14.1) associated with myoclonus, other epi- of the age at onset.79
leptic seizures, ataxia, choreoathetosis and cognitive Early onset of DRPLA (before the age of 20 years)
deterioration progressing to dementia.
manifests with cortical myoclonus and other epileptic
seizures, cerebellar ataxia, progressive intellectual
Demographic data deterioration and behavioural changes.79,80 Myoclonus
is severe and progressive. Other forms of generalised
Age at onset varies from 1–62 years of age with a
peak at 30 years. The age at onset and disease mani- seizures include tonic, clonic, tonic–clonic, atonic
festations are closely correlated (see clinical mani- and absence seizures.
festations). DRPLA demonstrates anticipation, which The later onset DRPLA is a relatively milder
means that in each successive generation the disease and non-PME phenotype. It manifests with
starts at a younger age and presents with more severe cerebellar ataxia, choreoathetosis, cognitive
symptoms.77 Both sexes are equally affected. and psychiatric disturbances. Seizures are less
DRPLA mostly affects the Japanese with a prevalence
frequent in individuals with disease onset between
of 2–7 per million population. Haw River syndrome,
20 and 40 years of age, and extremely rare in
seen in the USA, is genetically the same as DRPLA but
individuals with onset after the age of 40 years.
the phenotype does not manifest with myoclonus.78
In some patients, involuntary movements and
severe cognitive deficits mask the presence of
Clinical manifestations ataxia. Psychosis may sometimes be a presenting
The patients are normal before the onset of the disease feature.81 Cervical dystonia and corneal endothelial
and the clinical manifestations vary considerably degeneration have been reported.

Gene symbol Chromosomal locus Protein
OMIM entries

Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;

The DRPLA gene ATN1 is located on the short arm of expansion of the trinucleotide CAG repeats to over
chromosome 12. The molecular defect consists of an 49 (normal = 6–35).
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The number of repeats increases from one generation Differential diagnosis

to the next, and their length depends on the length
of the parent’s repeat and the sex of the transmitting DRPLA is easy to diagnose because of a positive
parent.77 Paternal transmissions result in a more severe family history of the disease, characteristic clinical
increase in CAG repeats than maternal transmission. findings and an expansion in the CAG repeat of
Early onset and severe symptoms become more the DRPLA gene on DNA testing. Both parents of
marked as the number of CAG repeats increases. affected individuals should be thoroughly evaluated
because, in so-called sporadic cases, asymptomatic
Pathology fathers have a mildly expanded CAG repeat length.
Brain autopsy reveals a uniform pattern consisting Early onset DRPLA with myoclonus should be
of combined degeneration of the dentatorubral and differentiated from other forms of PME.8 Adult-onset
pallidoluysian systems. DRPLA without myoclonus should be differentiated
from Huntington disease and the various forms of
autosomal dominant ataxia. The presence of cerebellar
Diagnostic procedures ataxia provides evidence against Huntington disease,
The diagnosis of DRPLA is based on a positive family but in some patients with DRPLA choreoathetosis
history, characteristic clinical findings and DNA- may mask the presence of ataxia. On MRI, atrophy
based testing, which is 100% sensitive and is widely of the caudate nucleus favours the diagnosis of
available. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis Huntington disease. It is often necessary to perform
of the CAG/polyglutamine repeat expansion seen in DNA tests for both Huntington disease and DRPLA
ATN1 is performed on a small blood sample. in individuals with unexplained progressive dementia
A CAG repeat length of 17 or higher (usually 20–35) and involuntary movements.
is more common in healthy Japanese individuals than
On MRI, the degree of atrophy is related to the patient’s
age and the length of the expanded CAG repeat.82 The earlier the onset of DRPLA, the worse the
Inter-ictal EEG depends on the type, severity and prognosis.
stage of DRPLA. Early onset DRPLA usually manifests
with generalised atypical spike–wave complexes, and
a third of patients have photoparoxysmal responses.
The background EEG activity becomes progressively Currently, management is only supportive and
slower.83 palliative (see page 555).

Angelman syndrome
Synonyms: happy puppet syndrome, marionette myoclonic status epilepticus. It is not a PME,
joyeuse, pantin hilare. although some authors consider it as one.5
Angelman syndrome84–90 is presented here because The salient features of Angelman syndrome have
it is a common non-progressive genetic disorder best been summarised in a recent expert consensus
frequently manifesting with myoclonic jerks and statement.84

Demographic data Patients are hyperactive and constantly keep their

hands or toys in their mouth and move from one
Developmental regression and delays appear at about object to another.
6 months of age. Other clinical features start later, The first symptoms may be sucking difficulties,
at 1–3 years of age. Both sexes are equally affected. delayed gross motor milestones, hypotonia or speech
The prevalence of Angelman syndrome is high. It is delay. The children have ‘flat heads, jerky movements,
estimated to occur in 1 per 12,000–20,000 of the protruding tongues, and bouts of laughter’, as was
population and 1 per 15,000 births. first described by Angelman in 1965.91
More than two-thirds of patients have focal and
generalised epileptic seizures, of various types, which
Clinical manifestations84 may become intractable.86–88,92–94 Quasi-continuous
Development is usually normal before the onset of rhythmic myoclonus mainly involving the hands
the disease. and face, with spontaneous, rhythmic, fast-bursts of
Angelman syndrome is characterised by: cortical myoclonus is a prominent feature.93 Some
t severe developmental delay with mental retar- patients also have seizures with ictal vomiting. Of
dation those patients with myoclonic status epilepticus in
t severe speech impairment, gait ataxia, tremu- non-progressive encephalopathies (Chapters 3 and
lousness 10), 50% have Angelman syndrome.95
t myoclonic jerks Sleep disorders are common with a decreased need
t other epileptic seizures for sleep, frequent night waking and early awakening.
t a happy demeanour with excessive chortling or Microcephaly develops in 50% of children by
paroxysms of laughter. 12 months of age. Strabismus may also occur.

Gene symbol Chromosomal locus Protein
OMIM entries

Data from HUGO (genes;; OMIM (chromosomal locus; and
Swiss-Prot (protein;

Angelman syndrome was the first recognised single- maternal de novo deletion (approximately 70% of cases).
gene disorder of the ubiquitination pathway. The Paternal unipaternal disomy with maternal deficiency
syndrome is caused by the failure of the expression for 15q11-q13 and normal parental chromosomes
of the maternal copy of the imprinted UBE3A gene on is much less common (3–5%). Thus, although the
chromosome 15q11-q13, which arises as a result of genetic mechanisms of Angelman syndrome vary in
one of at least five different known genetic mechan- their aetiology and inheritance risk, they all cause a
isms.85,96–100 The UBE3A gene encodes E6-AP ubiquitin- lack of proper expression of the UBE3A gene.101
protein ligase (also known as ubiquitin ligase 3A).
Most cases of Angelman syndrome result from the Prader-Willi syndrome is a clinically distinct disorder resulting
lack of a maternal contribution to this same region by from paternal deletion of the same 15q11-q13 region.99,100
554 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Diagnostic procedures85 The EEG shows prolonged runs of high-amplitude

delta waves with superimposed spike and slow-wave
The clinical features of Angelman syndrome are discharges, which predominate in the anterior regions,
often characteristic.84 Genetic testing identifies and high-amplitude, rhythmic 4–6 Hz activity with
alterations in 85–90% of patients (78% by analysis spikes, which are prominent in the occipital regions
of parent-specific DNA methylation imprints in the and are facilitated when eyes are closed (Figure
15q11.2-q13 chromosome region and 11% by UBE3A 17.6).93,94, 102,103 SSEPs and C-reflexes are normal.
sequence analysis). In 10–15% of suspected cases of
Angelman syndrome, a genetic abnormality cannot
be identified, which leaves clinicians and families Differential diagnosis
with an uncertain diagnosis and inheritance risk. The differential diagnosis encompasses such entities
Diagnostic yield may improve with the introduction as cerebral palsy, static encephalopathy, PMEs and
of new methods.85,97,99 syndromes of severe epilepsies, Rett syndrome (in infant
Brain MRI may show mild atrophy and mild girls), Prader-Willi syndrome, Mowat syndrome, autism
demyelination, but no structural lesions. spectrum disorder and pervasive developmental delay.

EEG samples of a 2-year-old girl with Angelman syndrome

A 'Q  o $ 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o $ 
'Q  o ' 

B 'Q  o $ 
'Q  o ' 
'Q  o $ 
'Q  o ' 

Figure 17.6 (A) Runs of slow waves mixed with spikes occur asynchronously between the two hemispheres. Note that the
background activity lacks physiological rhythms. (B) Same EEG in slow speed.
Courtesy of Dr Perrine M. Plouin, Hopital Necker Enfants Malade, Paris, France.

Prognosis Valproate alone or in combination with clonazepam

is commonly used. Piracetam significantly improved
Most patients with Angelman syndrome have severe myoclonus in five patients.88 Levetiracetam is a
physical (10% are unable to walk) and mental favourable option.104
disabilities. Epileptic seizures are often intractable, Clinical trials involving the use of high-dose,
but frequently improve during late childhood and orally administered folate and betaine are ongoing.
puberty. Adult patients are incapable of independent The therapeutic rationale is to augment DNA
living. Life expectancy appears to be nearly normal. methylation pathways and possibly increase UBE3A
expression of the paternal allele in the central
nervous system.
Management88 AEDs that are contraindicated include phenytoin,
Management is only supportive and palliative (see carbamazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin, tiagabine
below). and vigabatrin.

Management of myoclonus
Good management of myoclonus demands a t the AED chosen should possess true anti-
thorough clinical and investigative approach in order myoclonic efficacy and should also be beneficial
to identify its cause and the needs of the patient.105–111 for any other types of coexisting seizure
Myoclonus will usually resolve if the offending agent t the AED safety and adverse drug reaction (ADR)
is withdrawn (drug- or toxin-induced myoclonus), if profile is of paramount importance and may vary
the metabolic disturbance is corrected (e.g. hypona- significantly depending on the neurocognitive
traemia or non-ketotic hyperglycaemia) or the stage, age and sex of the patient
treatment of the underlying disease is effective (e.g. t monotherapy is preferred, but polytherapy is
bacterial or viral encephalitis). For myoclonus of often unavoidable, particularly in patients with
other aetiologies, management depends on whether PME either because of worsening myoclonus with
it is epileptic or non-epileptic, severe or mild, static the progression of the disease or the presence of
or progressive, or occurs alone or in combination multiple types of seizure
with other types of seizure (focal or generalised, t more than half of the current AEDs make
convulsive or non-convulsive). Current management myoclonus worse or do not treat it effectively.
also includes measures to achieve optimal health- Drugs with antimyoclonic efficacy: Clonazepam, val-
related quality of life with regard to the physical, proate, levetiracetam, topiramate and zonisamide
mental and psychological functioning of the patient are AEDs with antimyoclonic efficacy. Piracetam is
within his/her family, and educational and social specifically effective against cortical myoclonus of
environment.112 PME and myoclonus of hypoxic encephalopathy.
Ethosuximide is mainly effective in negative myo-
clonus. Clobazam and phenobarbital are second
Epileptic myoclonus options. Lamotrigine monotherapy may worsen
AEDs are the basis of the symptomatic treatment of myoclonus, but it can be used in combination with
epileptic myoclonus. However, the selection of an another antimyoclonic AED for the control of other
AED and its dosage is demanding: types of coexisting seizure.
556 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

AEDs licensed (FDA, EMEA or both) for the prophylactic

(sole or adjunctive) treatment of myoclonus*

Drug Efficacy ADRs in children Use in PMEs


Table 17.3 *See the pharmacopoeia (Chapter 18) for exact indications and for specified aged groups, ADRs (which are also
shown in Table 7.2) and a recommended published volume of reference.128 †Mainly for negative myoclonus. ‡Not for any other
types of seizure.

Fast-acting benzodiazepines are used for temporary Table 17.3 lists drugs licensed (FDA, EMEA or both)
relief of myoclonus during social events and the treat- for the prophylactic (sole or adjunctive) treatment

ment of myoclonic status epilepticus (Chapter 3).116 of epileptic myoclonus and their best application in
Chloral hydrate can be used to control daytime
myoclonic exacerbations.113
Ketogenic diet should be considered for patients
with severe myoclonic epilepsies such as Dravet
syndrome.114 myoclonic epilepsies11
Contraindicated drugs: Carbamazepine, oxcarbaze- Currently, there is no preventative or curative
pine, phenytoin, gabapentin, pregabalin, tiagabine treatment for most PMEs (see the individual diseases
and vigabatrin may worsen myoclonus and should for further details). Despite significant recent
be avoided. advances in the management of some aspects of

PMEs, the neurological manifestations are resistant Antimyoclonic

to any treatment. For example, bone marrow
transplantation may be curative for Gaucher disease pharmacological agents
type 1 and enzyme replacement therapy may be
successful in reversing systemic manifestations, Older antimyoclonic AEDs115
but neither of these has proved to be beneficial in The indications and contraindications for older
preventing the neurodevelopment deterioration of antimyoclonic AEDs have been established through
Gaucher disease type 3 or myoclonus. numerous prospective and retrospective studies, and
Management of PME is therefore often only clinical experience over many years of use.108,115–117
supportive and palliative. It includes: Valproate has been recognised as the most effective
t symptomatic treatment of myoclonus and drug for treating generalised epileptic seizures of
other epileptic seizures with appropriate all types and causes. In JME, for example, valproate
AEDs monotherapy controls absence seizures and myoclonic
t appropriate management of psychiatric jerks in about 75% and GTCSs in 70% of patients.
problems, including treatment with psycho- The major problem with valproate is that it is
tropic medications (which sometimes exacer- unsuitable for use in women (see page 206). Hepatic
failure resulting in fatalities occurs mainly in children
bate or induce myoclonus and other epileptic
receiving polypharmacy and with organic brain
disease; the risk is 1/600 before the age of 3 years.
t adaptation of educational programmes and
Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis is another rare, but
physical therapy to the patient’s physical and
serious, adverse effect of valproate in children and is
cognitive abilities
seen particularly with polytherapy (see valproate in
t supporting the family
the pharmacopoeia [Chapter 18]).
t genetic counselling.
Clonazepam is probably the most effective antimyo-
Medical therapeutic support is important, but
clonic drug for any type of epileptic myoclonus of any
alone is not sufficient to achieve an acceptable
cause.115 However, it has a narrow spectrum of efficacy
quality of life.
and, for this reason, is usually prescribed in polytherapy.
Symptomatic treatment of myoclonus usually
Clonazepam monotherapy may be the first choice in
starts with a single appropriate antimyoclonic myoclonic epilepsies in which other types of seizure
AED, but this is often effective only in the initial do not occur or emerge from clusters of myoclonic
stages of the disease. Subsequently, the myoclonus jerks, such as reading epilepsy, myoclonic epilepsy in
becomes relentlessly worse and requires multiple infancy and mild forms of JME. Clonazepam alone may
combinations and high doses of AEDs. This may, not suppress GTCSs. Furthermore, clonazepam may
in turn, increase the number of adverse effects, deprive patients of the warning of an impending GTCS
and worsen the already disturbed neurological provided by the myoclonic jerks.
and mental state of the patient. Small doses of clonazepam (0.5–2 mg at night), are
Valproate, clonazepam and piracetam are usually sufficient in most patients with myoclonic
established antimyoclonic drugs in PMEs. jerks of idiopathic generalised epilepsy (IGE).
Levetiracetam is increasingly reported to be of However, in PME, doses of 20–30 mg/day are often
particular value because of its high efficacy in required with the worsening of the disease or the
myoclonus, its broad-spectrum of efficacy in all development of tolerance to the drug.
types of seizure and its excellent safety profile Clobazam is an extremely useful AED in focal
(see page 587). Apart from the drugs mentioned epilepsies. It is, however, far inferior to clonazepam
above, most AEDs are contraindicated and their in controlling myoclonic jerks or other types of
prescription may constitute a medical error. generalised seizures.115
 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ethosuximide is probably as effective as valproate in in clinical photosensitivity and the photoparoxysmal

the treatment of absence seizures. It is also a useful EEG discharges.138,139
adjunct for the treatment of negative myoclonus,118 The results of treatment with levetiracetam in JME
certain types of myoclonic epilepsy119 and drop are very impressive (see page 400). Levetiracetam
attacks. It does not control GTCSs. is the only one of the newer AEDs with FDA and
Phenobarbital has moderate efficacy in controlling EMEA approved indications for adjunctive therapy
GTCSs and myoclonic jerks, but may exacerbate in the treatment of myoclonic seizures in adults and
absences.115 It is the AED of choice for JME when adolescents 12 years of age and older with JME.140 It
cost is of concern. Its use is humbled by serious is available in oral and intravenous formulations.
sedation and age-related, mainly cognitive and Topiramate141–143 is another broad-spectrum AED
behavioural ADRs in children. Therefore, the use of that is highly effective in focal epilepsies. It also has
phenobarbital in children with learning difficulties significant benefit in primarily GTCSs,144,145 but has a
is significantly problematic. In adults with JME, a weak action in absence seizures.146 In a small number
single dose of 100–200 mg of phenobarbital before of open studies, topiramate was found to be useful in
going to sleep is often sufficient. Some patients may myoclonic epilepsies, mainly Dravet syndrome.147–150
be controlled with 60–90 mg at night. Irrespective of efficacy, the major problem with
Piracetam120 has been widely used for 30 years as a topiramate is the high incidence of ADRs, some
‘nootropic drug’ with the debatable promise of enhan- of which are very serious and include significant
cing learning and memory, and providing neuro- cognitive disturbances (see page 602).151–153
protection without sedation or behavioural changes. Zonisamide143,154–156 is a broad-spectrum AED and is
often effective in PMEs.157–160
Its antimyoclonic efficacy has been documented in
Lamotrigine is a very useful AED because of its efficacy
many open studies and controlled trials, particularly in
in controlling GTCSs, and absence and focal seizures.
cortical myoclonus and PME.121–124 Piracetam has also
However, lamotrigine is often a promyoclonic AED that
been found to be effective in the myoclonus of IGEs,
may exaggerate myoclonic jerks.128,161–168 Its role in the
opsoclonus–myoclonus, and palatal and other types of
treatment of myoclonic epilepsies may only be as an
myoclonus. In PMEs, high doses of up to 35 g/day are
adjunct to antimyoclonic drugs, particularly valproate.115
often used and are remarkably well tolerated.120–124
Furthermore, recent evidence documents significant
Piracetam is licensed in many countries both as a
problems with lamotrigine in women of childbearing
nootropic and antimyoclonic drug. It is not licensed
age and during pregnancy (see page 205).
in the USA.
Newer antimyoclonic AEDs AEDs in development
Levetiracetam125–130 fulfils all expectations as probably The antimyoclonic AEDs currently being developed
the best new AED for the treatment of myoclonus. include: the levetiracetam analogue; the valproate-like
It is the likely candidate to replace valproate in the agents valrocemide, valnoctamide, propylisopropyl
treatment of epileptic myoclonic disorders, because acetamide and isovaleramide; and the felbamate
of its high and sustained efficacy, fast action, good analogue flurofelbamate, a dicarbamate.169
safety profile and lack of clinically meaningful Brivaracetam (UCB-34714) has been granted orphan
interactions with other drugs. Levetiracetam has medicinal designation in Europe for the treatment
a potent antimyoclonic effect,70,106,125–132 even in of PMEs and in the USA for the treatment of
severe myoclonic epilepsies, such as Unverricht dis- symptomatic myoclonus.170
ease,28,29,133 MERRF69 and other PMEs.70 Levetiracetam
is effective in cortical127 and negative,134 as well as Other pharmacological agents105,111
non-epileptic myoclonus.135–137 Also, levetiracetam is There is considerable doubt about the efficacy of
the only newer AED with well-established efficacy other pharmacological agents apart from AEDs in

myoclonus and, in fact, some may worsen myoclonic Anticholinergic drugs, such as trihexyphenidyl, are
symptoms or cause unwanted and occasionally mainly used to treat myoclonic dystonia syndrome.
serious ADRs. Dopamine agonists, such as apomorphine, are used to
Serotonergic drugs include 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan treat photosensitive cortical reflex myoclonus.
(L-5-HTP), sumatriptan and fluoxetine. Treatment Dopamine antagonists, such as tetrabenazine, are
of myoclonus with the serotonin precursor useful in dystonia, chorea, tic disorders and spinal
L-5-HTP (often administered with carbidopa in myoclonus.
order to reduce ADRs, such as cramps) has been GABA agonists, such as baclofen, are used in spinal
reported to be beneficial in some cases of mainly myoclonus and occasionally PME.
progressive myoclonus, posthypoxic myoclonus and Lisuride has both serotonergic and dopaminergic
photosensitive cortical reflex myoclonus.105 However, properties and is used in PME.171,172
other patients have deteriorated and the drug may, Dextromethorphan has been used for non-ketotic hyper-
in susceptible individuals, induce the eosinophilia– glycinaemia173 but with disappointing results.174
myalgia syndrome, which is a serious and sometimes Melatonin has been used in Dravet syndrome and
fatal condition. non-epileptic myoclonus.175,176

A467T and W748S POLG mutations: a study of 26 cases. Brain

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This pharmacopoeia is mainly based on information provided by the package insert (PI) in accordance with
the US FDA approval, and the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) of the EMEA for each drug used
in prophylactic treatment of recurrent epileptic seizures. This is supplemented with extensively cited, recent
published reports and expert clinical advice . It is not a substitute of the PI or SmPC, which are the legal and
most complete single sources of information on a drug. Rather, it is a concise guide for the properties and
clinical applications of each AED in a friendly-use template that physicians may consult in their wish to best
treat patients with epileptic seizures.
The authorised indications in the SmPC and PI discussed in this revised edition have been updated to
November 2009. In many cases they differ from those that formed the basis of the original 2nd edition of
this book in 2007.

This is a pharmacopoeia of all antiepileptic drugs local regulatory authorities but do not have an
(AEDs) currently used in the prophylactic treatment EMEA or FDA approval. There is a constant flow
of epileptic seizures around the world. It includes of information relating to AED therapy, especially
older and newest generation AEDs. Most of these for adverse drug reactions (ADRs), interactions with
AEDs have authorised indications in the USA other drugs, and warnings and precautions that
(FDA-PI) and Europe (EMEA-SmPC), which may may impact labelling. Therefore, physicians should
be different and in fact some AEDs are licensed in
consult the authorised indications and product
Europe but not USA (for example vigabatrin) and
information found in the approved prescribing
vice versa (for example felbamate). Further, in
information for the country in which they practice
Europe, some AEDs, such as valproate, phenytoin
medicine before making a decision as to whether a
and lamotrigine, do not have a centrally approved
license by the European Commission and each particular AED is appropriate for their patients.
country in which an AED is licensed within Europe Note: Brivaracetam, carisbamate, and retigabine are
may have slightly different licensed indications. newest AEDs that may be soon licensed for adjunctive
In these cases, the information provided is from therapy of focal epileptic seizures. However, it is
the UK-SmPC. In addition, some AEDs, such as beyond the remits of this pharmacopoeia to detail
sulthiame, are licensed in some countries through them until their approval by the FDA or EMEA.

566 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Recommended sources of information

For information regarding the PI and SmPC of AEDs, gov/. is a registry of federally and
some suggestions have been made in Chapter 7 (page privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United
XXX). The package insert (PI) can be obtained from http:// States and around the world. The summary The Handbook of Epilepsy Treatment1 by Simon Shorvon
of package characteristics (SmPC) can be obtained in is highly recommended. The synonymously titled books,
any European language from http://www.emea.europa. Treatment of Epilepsy,2,3 and Pediatric Epilepsy: Diagnosis
eu/htms/human/epar/a.htm. In the UK these are also and Treatment4 are other recommended sources that
available from provide more detailed AED information.
Information about clinical trials (purpose, who may AEDs in development and updates on newer AEDs
participate, locations, and phone numbers for more have been recently detailed by the Ninth Eilat conference
details) may be searched for in http://www.clinicaltrials. held in June, 2008.5

Acetazolamide, an heterocyclic sulfonamide, is a Children: 10–20 mg/day.
carbonic anhydrase-inhibiting drug used predomi- Dosing: two or three times daily.
nantly for the treatment of glaucoma. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM): not needed.
Reference range: 10–14 mg/l (400–700 μmol/l).
Authorised indications
UK-SmPC: second-line drug for both tonic–clonic Main ADRs
and focal seizures. It is occasionally helpful in Frequent and/or/or important: flushing, lethargy,
atypical absence, atonic and tonic seizures. anorexia, nausea, vomiting, paraesthesiae and
FDA-PI: adjunctive treatment of centrencephalic increased diuresis.
epilepsies (petit mal, unlocalised seizures). Serious: idiosyncratic reactions, as with other sulfon-
amides (rash, aplastic anaemia, Stevens–Johnson
Clinical applications syndrome), renal failure; nephrolithiasis in chronic
Acetazolamide has limited use as an adjunctive ther- treatment and metabolic acidosis, as with other car-
apy for a variety of seizures, but mainly absences.6 bonic anhydrase inhibitors (see also topiramate).
However, it also controls myoclonic jerks, generalised
tonic–clonic seizures (GTCSs) and focal seizures. It Mechanism of action
is particularly used for intermittent administration Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase-inhibiting
in catamenial epilepsy (5 days before the expected drug that reversibly catalyses the hydration of CO2
onset of menses and continued until termination and the dehydration of carbonic acid. It blocks
of bleeding);7 it is not recommended if there is a the action of brain carbonic anhydrase, resulting
likelihood of pregnancy. in an elevation of intracellular CO2, a decrease of
intracellular pH and depression of neuronal activity.
Dosage and titration
Adults: start treatment with 250 mg and increase to Pharmacokinetics
500–750 mg. Oral bioavailability: >90%.
Pharmacopoeia 567

Protein binding: 90–95%.

Metabolism: does not undergo metabolic alteration.
Useful clinical notes
Elimination half-life: 12–14 hours. t $PNCJOBUJPO XJUI DBSCBNB[FQJOF PS PYDBSCB[FQJOF
increases the risk of hyponatraemia.
Drug interactions
Not significant: reduces carbamazepine levels;

salicylates increase levels of acetazolamide due to
competition at the renal tubule for secretion.
Main disadvantages
Unpredictable seizure efficacy, development of
tolerance and idiosyncratic reactions that excep-
tionally may be fatal.

Benzodiazepines are a group of two-ring heterocyclic t diazepam, lorazepam and midazolam are exclu-
compounds consisting of a benzene ring fused sively used in the treatment of status epilepticus
to a diazepine ring. The first benzodiazepine, (Chapter 3).
chlordiazepoxide, was introduced in clinical practice as
anxiolytic and hypnotic in 1960 under the brand name Main ADRs
Librium. Diazepam (Valium) followed in 1963. There Sedation (sometimes intolerably severe), drowsiness,
are today over 30 benzodiazenines (15 are marketed in fatigue, hypersalivation, behavioural and cognitive
the USA) used for anxiety, panic, insomnia, agitation, impairment, restlessness, aggressiveness and coordi-
nation disturbances.
seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a
premedication for medical or dental procedures.
Tolerance, dependence and withdrawal
In epilepsies:8,9
t clonazepam (see page XXX) and clobazam (see
Benzodiazepines are addictive and regulated in sched-
page XXX) are the most useful of all benzodiaze- ule IV of the Substance Controlled Act. Long term use is
pines for preventing recurrent seizures; clonazepam associated with benzodiazepine tolerance, dependence
is the main drug used for myoclonic jerks, whereas and withdrawal syndrome. Benzodiazepine tolerance
clobazam is more effective in focal seizures. manifests with decreasing efficacy over time so that
t Nitrazepam is another long-acting benzodiazepine larger doses are required to achieve the same effect as
which has been used as an AED, mainly in with the original dose. In benzodiazepine dependence
epileptic encephalopathies and particularly in West a person becomes dependent on benzodiazepines
syndrome. Its usefulness is very limited because physically, psychologically or both. Benzodiazepine
of severe sedative ADRs, sialorroeia, hypotonia, withdrawal is similar to the barbiturate or alcohol
development of tolerance and its low efficacy withdrawal syndrome. Administration of therapeutic
in relation to other more appropriate AEDs. doses of benzodiazepines for 6 weeks or longer can
Nitrazepam is not discussed further in this book. result in physical dependence, characterised by a
568 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Useful note
GABAergic AEDs concentration of GABA, or to increase the time that the
GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It receptor remains open. GABAA receptors are the main binding
is synthesised in the presynaptic terminals of inhibitory neu- TJUFTGPSCFO[PEJB[FQJOFTBOECBSCJUVSBUFT#FO[PEJB[FQJOF
rones and degraded by GABA transaminase (GABA-T). Of EFSJWBUJWFT FH DMPCB[BN  DMPOB[FQBN BOE EJB[FQBN

the GABA receptors, GABAA and GABAC are ligand-gated increase the frequency of the Cl– channel openings, whereas
ion channels, whereas GABAB receptors are G-protein- barbiturates (e.g. phenobarbital) prolong the opening time of
The action of GABAergic AEDs is mainly through the also enhance the affinity of the GABAA receptors for GABA.
 BOE The GABAB receptors are metabotrophic transmembrane
SFDFQUPST receptors for GABA that are linked via G-proteins to
When GABA binds to GABAA receptors, chloride (Cl–) potassium channels. Thalamic GABAB receptors modulate

channels open and allow increased entry to Cl ions, which BCTFODF TFJ[VSFT #BDMPGFO  B ("#"B receptor agonist,
ultimately cause hyperpolarisation of the neurone or inhibition. QSPNPUFTBCTFODFTFJ[VSFT
5IFSF BSF UISFF CBTJD CJOEJOH TJUFT UP UIJT DPNQMFY ("#"A Tiagabine and vigabatrin increase GABA and cause non-
barbiturate site within the ion channel. Most drugs affec- GABAB (thus aggravating absences) receptors. The anti-
ting the GABAA receptor act to modulate it rather than to epileptic effect of most other AEDs with GABA-ergic activity
EJSFDUMZFYDJUFPSJOIJCJUJU5IJTNPEVMBUJPOHFOFSBMMZBDUTUP (e.g. gabapentin, pregabalin and valproate) is probably in
increase the probability of the channel opening for a given combination with other anti-epileptic properties.

withdrawal syndrome when the drug is discontinued. Main mechanism of action

With larger doses, the physical dependence develops GABAA-receptor agonists (see useful note above).
more rapidly.

Carbamazepine is an iminodibenzyl derivative Note: Carbamazepine is not usually effective in
designated chemically as 5H-dibenzo[b,f]azepine- absences (petit mal) and myoclonic seizures. Moreover,
5-carboxamide. It is structurally related to the anecdotal evidence suggests that seizure exacerbation
tricyclic antidepressants. It was first introduced into may occur in patients with atypical absences.
clinical practice in 1962, mainly for the treatment of FDA-PI: Carbamazepine is indicated for use as an
trigeminal neuralgia prior to becoming the main AED anticonvulsant drug. Evidence supporting efficacy
for focal epilepsies. of carbamazepine as an anticonvulsant was derived
from active drug-controlled studies that enrolled
Authorised indications patients with the following seizure types:
UK-SmPC: Epilepsy – generalised tonic-clonic and 1 Partial seizures with complex symptomatology
partial seizures. Carbamazepine Retard is indicated (psychomotor, temporal lobe). Patients
in newly diagnosed patients with epilepsy and in with these seizures appear to show greater
those patients who are uncontrolled or unable to improvement than those with other types.
tolerate their current anti-convulsant therapy. 2 Generalized tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal).
Pharmacopoeia 569

3 Mixed seizure patterns which include the toxicity due to carbamazepine epoxide may occur
above, or other partial or generalized seizures. without increases in carbamazepine levels.
Absence seizures (petit mal) do not appear to Reference range: 3–12 mg/l (12–50 μmol/l). Carba-
be controlled by carbamazepine. mazepine epoxide: up to 9 μmol/l.
Developing diplopia may be a good indicator of maximum
Clinical applications
tolerated carbamazepine levels or epoxide toxicity when
Carbamazepine is the superior drug for the treat-
carbamazepine levels are within the target range.
ment of focal epilepsies of any type (idiopathic or
symptomatic) with or without secondarily GTCS. It
is also licensed for the treatment of primarily GTCSs. Main ADRs
In numerous comparative studies, no other drug Frequent and/or important: sedation, headache, diplopia,
showed better efficacy than carbamazepine in focal blurred vision, rash, gastrointestinal disturbances,
seizures. However, carbamazepine is ineffective and ataxia, tremor, impotence, hyponatraemia and
contraindicated in idiopathic generalised epilepsies neutropenia. CNS-related ADRs are usually dose
(IGEs) and epileptic encephalopathies. It is probably related and appear on initiation of treatment.
ineffective in neonatal and febrile seizures. Dose-related reduction in neutrophil count occurs in 10–
20% of patients treated with carbamazepine, but it
Dosage and titration rarely drops below 1.2×109 The vast majority of cases
‘Start low and go slow’ is important when initiating of leucopenia have not progressed to the more serious
carbamazepine treatment in order to minimise ADRs. conditions of aplastic anaemia or agranulocytosis.
Adults and children over 12 years of age: start treatment Nonetheless, complete pretreatment haematological
with 200 mg/day in two equally divided doses and testing should be obtained as a baseline. If a patient
increase at weekly intervals in increments of 200 mg/ in the course of treatment exhibits low or decreased
day up to a total of 800–1200 mg/day. Rarely, higher white blood cell or platelet counts, the patient should
doses of up to 1800 mg/day are needed. be monitored closely. Discontinuation of the drug
Children 6–12 years old: start with 100 mg/day in should be considered if any evidence for significant
two equally divided doses and increase at weekly bone marrow depression develops.
intervals in increments of 100 mg/day up to a total Hyponatraemia occurs in around 5% of treated patients
of 600–1000 mg/day. (see oxcarbazepine). Most physicians advise obtaining
Children under 6 years: start with 10–20 mg/kg/day blood counts at baseline and every 6–8 weeks for the
in two or three divided doses and increase at weekly first 6 months of carbamazepine treatment.
intervals in increments of 10–20 mg/kg/day up to a Other: Carbamazepine has shown mild anticholinergic
maintenance dose of no more than 35 mg/kg/day. activity; patients with increased intraocular pressure
There is a significant difference between the carba- should therefore be warned and advised regarding
mazepine dose given as monotherapy and that used in possible hazards.
combination with other AEDs. Higher doses may be Serious: allergic skin rash is the most common
necessary in polytherapy with enzyme-inducing AEDs, idiosyncratic ADR that occurs in 5–10% of patients
which increase the metabolism of carbamazepine. (probably reduced by half with slow titration of
Dosing: two or three times daily. controlled-release carbamazepine). This is usually
Fluctuations in the levels of carbamazepine can be mild and develops within the first 2–6 weeks of
reduced by the use of sustained-release preparations. treatment. Carbamazepine should immediately be
The clearance of carbamazepine in children is faster withdrawn if a skin rash develops in order to prevent
than in adults and therefore three- and, sometimes, serious and sometimes life-threatening conditions,
four-times daily dosing may be required. such as anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.
TDM: useful but substantial diurnal variation in Hepatotoxicity usually occurs in the setting of a
plasma concentrations is common and symptoms of generalised hypersensitivity response.
570 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

HLA-B*150210–13 in individuals of Han Chinese and and reduces synaptic propagation of excitatory
Thai origin has been shown to be strongly associated impulses. Its main mechanism of action appears to be
with the risk of developing Stevens-Johnson syndrome the prevention of repetitive firing of sodium-dependent
when treated with carbamazepine. Whenever possible, action potentials in depolarised neurons via use- and
these individuals should be screened for this allele voltage-dependent blockade of sodium channels.
before starting treatment with carbamazepine. If these Whereas reduction of glutamate release and
individuals test positive, carbamazepine should not stabilisation of neuronal membranes may account for the
be started unless there is no other therapeutic option. antiepileptic effects, the depressant effect on dopamine
Tested patients who are found to be negative for HLA- and noradrenaline turnover could be responsible for
B*1502 have a low risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, the antimanic properties of carbamazepine.
although the reactions may still very rarely occur. It
is not definitely known whether all individuals of Pharmacokinetics
south east-Asian ancestry are at risk due to lack of Oral bioavailability: 75–85%. It is unaffected by food
data. The allele HLA-B*1502 has been shown not to intake. Bioavailability may be reduced by up to 50%
be associated with Stevens-Johnson syndrome in the when stored in hot humid conditions. The slow release
Caucasian population. formulation shows about 15% lower bioavailability
The risk for aplastic anaemia and agranulocytosis is five- than standard preparations. After oral administration,
to eight-times greater than in the general population, absorption is relatively slow and often erratic, reaching
which is very low. peak plasma concentrations within 4–24 hours; 75–
Cardiac conduction disturbances are rare and mainly 85% of orally ingested carbamazepine is absorbed.
occur in susceptible patients (those with pre-existing Absorption and bioavailability vary among different
cardiac abnormalities and the elderly). These carbamazepine formulations. Slow-release formulations
are re-assessed14,15 in view of cardiac conduction show about 15% lower bioavailability than standard
abnormalities now highlighted with newer AEDs preparations and have a prolonged absorption
(see cardiac ADRs in chapter 7 page xxx). phase. Syrup formulations reach maximum plasma
concentration faster than chewable or plain tablets.
FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking or
starting on carbamazepine for any indication should There are significant diurnal variations in the plasma
be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that concentrations of carbamazepine. This is greater in

could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal children than in adults, which can result in intermittent

thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx). ADRs that demand adjustments to the daily dosing.

Protein binding: 66–89%.

Considerations in women Metabolism: carbamazepine is extensively metabolised in
Pregnancy: category D. Contrary to previous studies, the liver. The predominant elimination pathway leads
recent pregnancy registries are consistent in the to the formation of carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide,
finding that risk of teratogenicity with carbamaze- which is a stable and pharmacologically active agent
pine is relatively small.16 In a recent study the major with its own anti-epileptic activity and ADRs.
congenital malformation (MCM) rate for pregnancies Carbamazepine epoxide makes a greater contribution
exposed only to carbamazepine was 2.2% (1.4–3.4%), to the pharmacological effects (both beneficial and toxic)
which is less than the MCM rate for women with of carbamazepine in children than in adults. This is
epilepsy who had not taken AEDs during pregnancy because children metabolise carbamazepine more rapidly
(3.5% [1.8–6.8%]; n=239).17 See Table 7.15. than adults and this results in carbamazepine epoxide
concentrations approaching those of carbamazepine.
Main mechanisms of action Carbamazepine is a potent enzyme inducer. It
Carbamazepine stabilises hyperexcited nerve also induces its own metabolism (autoinduction)
membranes, inhibits repetitive neuronal discharges, by simulating the activity of the cytochrome P450
Pharmacopoeia 571

(CYP) subenzyme 3A4. Autoinduction is usually Concomitant use of carbamazepine and

completed within 3–5 weeks. The half-life of carba- levetiracetam has been reported to increase
mazepine decreases considerably from 18–55 hours carbamazepine-induced toxicity.
to 6–18 hours as autoinduction takes place. In
With non-AEDs
practical terms, this means that carbamazepine levels
Major: carbamazepine increases the metabolism and
fall significantly (by about 50%) after several weeks
therefore decreases the efficacy of a wide variety of
of treatment, which may result in seizure recurrence
drugs, such as oral contraceptives, theophylline, oral
within this period of autoinduction.
anticoagulants and beta-blockers.
Elimination half-life: 5–26 hours. In combination
Macrolide antibiotics, such as erythromycin,
treatment, the elimination half-life of carbamazepine
inhibit carbamazepine metabolism and have
is reduced by enzyme inducers and increased by
been associated with carbamazepine toxicity.
enzyme inhibitors.
Carbamazepine toxicity is observed shortly after
Drug interactions18–20 starting erythromycin therapy, is rapidly reversed
on withdrawal of the antibiotic, but can be severe if
With other AEDs
not recognised early.
Carbamazepine metabolism is highly inducible by
Combination therapy with monoamine oxidase
certain AEDs.
inhibitors should be avoided, because carbamazepine
Enzyme-inducing AEDs, such as phenobarbital,
has structural similarities with tricyclic antidepressants.
phenytoin and primidone, cause significant reductions
Potential: additive cardiotoxicity with calcium
in plasma concentrations of carbamazepine. Further-
channel blockers and beta-blockers.
more, AEDs exacerbate and often double the diurnal
variation of plasma carbamazepine concentrations,
Main disadvantages
thus increasing the risk of transient ADRs.
Idiosyncratic and other ADRs, drug–drug inter-
Valproate markedly increases carbamazepine epox-
actions, the need for laboratory testing and relatively
ide levels (sometimes fourfold) without concurrent
narrow spectrum of anti-epileptic efficacy.
changes in carbamazepine plasma concentration.
Although carbamazepine is the best AED in the
Co-medication with lamotrigine may cause neuro-
treatment of focal seizures and secondarily GTCSs,
toxic symptoms of headache, nausea, diplopia and
it offers no benefit in most other epilepsies, where
ataxia, probably as the result of a pharmacodynamic
it is either ineffective or seizure exacerbating. It
interaction and not by increasing carbamazepine
exaggerates myoclonic jerks, absences and atonic
epoxide (as originally suggested). Conversely,
seizures.21–23 Exceptionally, carbamazepine may exag-
carmabazepine decreases plasma levels of
gerate seizures in Panayiotopoulos syndrome and
rolandic epilepsy and may induce non-convulsive
status and features of serious atypical evolutions.24

Clobazam was the first 1,5-benzodiazepine and FDA-PI: not licensed.
was designed to have a chemical structure with a
different pharmacological profile from that of the Clinical applications
1,4-benzodiazepines. Clobazam is a very useful AED, both as polytherapy
and monotherapy.25–35 It is neglected in current
Authorised indications clinical practice, mainly because it is erroneously
UK-SmPC: adjunctive therapy in epilepsy. considered to (1) induce high dependence/tolerance
572 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and (2) be of similar effectiveness regarding seizure studies.37–39 More than a third of patients do not
type to clonazepam. develop tolerance. When clobazam is effective, most
The main clinical applications of clobazam are: patients continue to benefit for years without drug
t Adjunctive medication in all forms of drug-resist- dependence or unwanted ADRs.
ant epilepsy in adults and children. It is particu-
larly effective in focal rather than generalised Main mechanism of action
seizures. Clobazam was found to have equivalent GABAA-receptor agonist (see note on page XXX).
efficacy to carbamazepine and phenytoin mono-
therapy in childhood epilepsies.25,34 Pharmacokinetics
t Intermittent administration 5 days prior and Oral bioavailability: 90%.
during the menses in catamenial epilepsy35 is the Protein binding: 85%.
most popular textbook recommendation. Metabolism: hepatic oxidation and then conjugation.
The CYP2C19 genotype had an impact on the N-desmethyl clobazam (norclobazam) is its
metabolism, efficacy and ADRs of clobazam.35,36 principal and active metabolite.
Elimination half-life: 20 hours, but this is about
Dosage and titration 50 hours of its principal metabolite, norclobazam.
Adults and children over 12 years: start treatment
with 5–10 mg/day at night and increase at weekly Drug interactions
intervals in increments of 5 mg/day up to a total of Minor and not clinically significant. Potentiates the
40 mg/day. In my experience 10 mg taken before effect of CNS depressants such as alcohol, barbitu-
sleep is often therapeutic in focal seizures. I do not rates and neuroleptics.
use a dose of more than 20 mg in children.
Children under 12 years: start with 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/day Main disadvantages
and slowly increase at weekly intervals in increments Sedation and development of tolerance (though the
of 0.1 mg/kg/day up to a total of 0.8 mg/kg/day. latter may have been exaggerated).
Dosing: once or twice daily; a smaller dose in the day
time and a larger dose prior to sleep.
Useful clinical notes
TDM: not useful except when unusual ADRs
Reference range: norclobazam (active metabolite) 60– in all drug-resistant epilepsies at a dose of 10–30 mg
200 μg/l (200–670 nmol/l).
nocte (half this dose in children >5 years old). It is more
effective in focal than generalised epilepsies and can
Main ADRs
also be used as monotherapy. Probably only one out of
As for all benzodiazepines (see page XXX), but
ten patients will have a clinically significant improvement,
much milder than with most. Somnolence may be
but this may be very dramatic and render the patient
partly prevented by administering the drug in small
doses 1 hour prior to going to sleep. The cognitive TFJ[VSFGSFF

and behavioural effects of clobazam appear to be 6OMJLFDMPOB[FQBN DMPCB[BNJTNVDIMFTTFGGFDUJWFJO

similar to those of standard monotherapy with NZPDMPOJDKFSLTBOEBCTFODFT

carbamazepine or phenytoin.25 Avoid overmedication. Small doses 10–20 mg given 1
Severe aggressive outbursts, hyperactivity, insomnia hour prior to going to sleep may be therapeutic and well
and depression with suicidal ideation may occur, tolerated.
particularly in children. Withdrawal should be very slow, occurring over months.
Tolerance may develop, but this aspect has been 3BQJEEJTDPOUJOVBUJPONBZMFBEUPXJUIESBXBMTZNQUPNT 
largely overemphasised, as documented in many TFJ[VSFTBOETUBUVTFQJMFQUJDVT
Pharmacopoeia 573

Clonazepam is a 1,4-benzodiazepine. Dosage and titration
‘Start low and go slow’ is essential, both in adults
Authorised indications and children.
UK-SmPC: all clinical forms of epileptic disease and Adults: start treatment with 0.25 mg/day at night
seizures in infants, children, and adults, especially and increase at weekly intervals in increments of
absence seizures, including atypical absences; 0.25 mg/day up to a total of 8–10 mg/day. In my
primarily or secondarily generalised tonic–clonic, experience, 0.5–2 mg of clonazepam taken before
tonic or clonic seizures; focal seizures; various forms sleep is often highly effective in controlling myo-
of myoclonic seizures, myoclonus and associated clonic jerks either as monotherapy or as adjunctive
abnormal movements. therapy in resistant cases.
FDA-PI: alone or as an adjunct in the treatment of Children: start with 0.01–0.02 mg/kg/day and slowly
the Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (petit mal variant), increase up to 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/day.
akinetic and myoclonic seizures. In patients with Dosing: once or twice daily; a smaller dose in the day
absence seizures (petit mal) who have failed to time and a larger dose prior to going to sleep.
respond to succinimides, clonazepam may be useful. TDM: not needed.
Lower age limit is not specified. Reference range: 20–80 μg/l (80–250 nmol/l).

Clinical applications Main ADRs

Clonazepam is the most effective AED in the treat- Frequent and/or important: sedation, drowsiness,
ment of myoclonic jerks (superior to valproate), and hypersalivation, hyperactivity, lack of concentration
is also effective in absences (although much more and incoordination. Sedation is more serious than
inferior to valproate and ethosuximide)6 and focal with clobazam. This may be partly prevented by
seizures (it is much more inferior to carbamaze- administering the drug in small doses 1 hour prior
pine and any other appropriate drug for this type to going to sleep.
of seizures). Opinions about its effectiveness in Serious: withdrawal syndrome after chronic use.
See also benzodiazepines.
GTCSs are conflicting and range from beneficial41 to
Main mechanism of action
Clonazepam is the main AED for myoclonic jerks in all GABAA-receptor agonist (see useful note on page
forms of idiopathic or symptomatic and progressive XXX).
epilepsies (monotherapy, but mainly adjunctive
therapy). Pharmacokinetics
Oral bioavailability: >80%.
Clonazepam monotherapy is probably the first
Protein binding: 85%.
choice in reading epilepsy (better than valproate). It
Metabolism: hepatic.
is particularly effective in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Elimination half-life: 20–80 hours.
(JME) if myoclonic jerks are not controlled by other
drugs. Adding small doses of clonazepam (0.5–2 mg Drug interactions
prior to going to sleep) to valproate, levetiracetam or Minor and not clinically significant. Potentiates the
lamotrigine is highly beneficial and may prevent an effect of CNS depressants such as alcohol, barbitu-
unnecessary increase of the main concomitant drug. rates and neuroleptics.
It is widely used in epileptic encephalopathies, but
may also be responsible for benzodiazepine-related Main disadvantages
ADRs (e.g. sialorrhoea and lethargy). Sedation and development of tolerance.
574 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Useful clinical notes

NZPDMPOJD KFSLT FJUIFS BT NPOPUIFSBQZ JG UIJT JT UIF A rapid discontinuation often leads to withdrawal

sleep may be effective and well tolerated.

Eslicarbazepine acetate43–45
Eslicarbazepine acetate [(S)-(--)-10-acetoxy-10,11- individual response, the dose may be increased to
dihydro-5H-dibenz[b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide] 1200 mg once daily.
is a prodrug of eslicarbazepine (S-9-(-)-10- Dosing. Once daily.
acetoxy-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenz/b,f/azepine-5- Therapeutic drug monitoring. Unknown.
carboxamide) and shares with carbamazepine and Reference range. Unknown.
oxcarbazepine the dibenzazepine nucleus bearing
the 5-carboxamide substitute, but is structurally Main ADRs
different at the 10,11-position. Eslicarbazepine Frequent and/or important. Dizziness, somnolence,
acetate is the latest AED to be licensed in Europe headache, ataxia, inattention, diplopia, tremor,
(April 2009) with the brand names Exalief and nausea, vomiting.
Zebinix (it will trade in USA as Stedesa). Serious. Rash in 1.1% and hyponatraemia in 1% of
total treated population.
Authorized indications The use of eslicarbazepine acetate is associated
SmPC. Adjunctive therapy in adults (≥ 18 years of with increase in the PR interval. Adverse reactions
age) within the treatment of focal seizures with or associated with PR interval prolongation that include
without secondary generalisation. atrioventricular block, syncope and bradycardia may
FDA. Not yet licensed. occur. No second or higher degree atrioventricular
block was seen.
Clinical applications
Eslicarbazepine acetate is the newest AED licensed for Considerations in women
adjunctive treatment of focal seizures. Considering Pregnancy. Category C. Studies in animals have
its similarities with carbamazepine, eslicarbazepine shown reproductive toxicity.
acetate may be contra-indicated in generalised Breastfeeding. Unknown but possibly excreted in
seizures, though this has not been assessed. breast milk (animal data).
Interactions with hormonal contraception.
Dosage and titration. Significantly decreases the effectiveness of hormonal
Adults. The recommended starting dose is 400 contraception by decreasing levonorgestrel and
mg once daily which should be increased to 800 ethinyloestradiol levels, most likely by inducing
mg once daily after one or two weeks. Based on CYP3A4.
Pharmacopoeia 575

Main mechanisms of action Also, eslicarbazepine has inhibiting properties with

Probably similar to carbamazepine – that is, respect to CYP2C19 and therefore interacts in co-
inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels. Both medication with drugs that are mainly metabolised by
eslicarbazepine acetate and its metabolites stabilise CYP2C19.
the inactivated state of voltage-gated sodium Concomitant administration of eslicarbazepine
channels, preventing their return to the activated acetate with
state and thereby sustaining repetitive neuronal t phenytoin significantly decreases exposure
firing. to eslicarbazepine (most likely caused by an
induction of glucuronidation) and increases
Pharmacokinetics exposure to phenytoin (most likely caused by
Oral bioavailability: high – the amount of metabolites
CYP2C19 inhibition)
recovered in urine corresponded to more than 90%
t lamotrigine is expected to lead to interactions
of an eslicarbazepine acetate dose.
because glucuronidation is the major metabolic
Protein binding: 30%
pathway for both of these drugs. However, their
Metabolism: Eslicarbazepine acetate is rapidly and
co-administration in healthy subjects showed
extensively biotransformed to its major active metabolite
a minor average pharmacokinetic interaction
eslicarbazepine by hydrolytic first-pass metabolism.
Eslicarbazepine acetate metabolites are eliminated from (exposure of lamotrigine decreased 15%)
the systemic circulation primarily by renal excretion, t topiramate mildly decreases exposure to
in the unchanged and glucuronide conjugate forms. topiramate (most likely caused by a reduced
Minor active metabolites in plasma are R-licarbazepine bioavailability of topiramate)
and oxcarbazepine. Eslicarbazepine acetate does not t carbamazepine significantly increases the risk of
affect its own metabolism or clearance. diplopia, ataxia and dizziness. Carbamazepine
Elimination half-life: 12–20 hours. increases eslicarbazepine clearance and vice versa.
Concomitant administration with valproate or
Drug interactions levetiracetam appeared not to affect the exposure to
Drug interactions may be significant. Eslicarbazepine eslicarbazepine.
acetate may have an inducing effect on the metabolism
of drugs which are mainly eliminated by metabolism Main disadvantages
through CYP3A4 (carbamazepine, phenytoin, Eslicarbazepine acetate has been developed with
phenobarbital, topiramate) or conjugation through the intention that it should have less interaction
the UDP-glucuronyltransferases (lamotrigine). potential with other drugs than its parent drug
When initiating or discontinuing treatment with carbamazepine and no auto-induction by preventing
eslicarbazepine acetate or changing the dose, it may the formation of toxic epoxide metabolites such
take 2 to 3 weeks to reach the new level of enzyme as carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide. However, this
activity. This time delay must be taken into account when appears to be an unfulfilled promise because
eslicarbazepine acetate is being used just prior to or in eslicarbazepine acetate has many drug interactions.
combination with other drugs that require dose adjustment Whether it will match the success of carbamazepine
when co-administered with eslicarbazepine acetate. is too early to assess.
576 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Ethosuximide (A-ethyl-A-methyl-succinimide) is the Severe: haemopoietic complications (aplastic anae-
main survivor of the succinimides.46–48 It was first mia), Stevens–Johnson syndrome, renal and hepatic
introduced in clinical practice in the early 1950s for impairment, and systemic lupus erythematosus.
the treatment of ‘petit mal’.49
Considerations in women
Authorised indications Pregnancy: category C.
UK-SmPC: primarily useful in absence seizures. Interaction with hormonal contraception: none.
When GTCSs and other forms of epilepsy co-exist
with absence seizures, ethosuximide may be admin- Main mechanisms of action
istered in combination with other AEDs. Ethosuximide exerts its anti-absence effect by either
FDA-PI: control of absence (petit mal) epilepsy. reducing thalamic low threshold calcium currents,
probably by a direct channel-blocking action that is
Clinical applications voltage dependent,54 or through a potent inhibitory
Ethosuximide is still a valuable AED for the treatment effect in the perioral region of the primary somato-
of typical absence seizures and has a 70% seizure-free sensory cortex.55
success rate as monotherapy.6 It is recommended in
childhood absence epilepsy (monotherapy) and IGEs Pharmacokinetics
with intractable absence seizures (adjunctive therapy). Oral bioavailability: 90–100%.
Ethosuximide is also useful as adjunctive treatment Protein binding: 85%.
in negative myoclonus,50 drop attacks51 and certain Metabolism: hepatic oxidation and then conjugation.
types of myoclonic epilepsy.52 An anecdotal view that Elimination half-life: 30–60 hours.
ethosuximide does not control GTCS has recently
been challenged.53 Drug interactions
Commonly, there are no clinically significant drug–
Dosage and titration drug interactions. Ethosuximide may raise the plas-
Titrate slowly to avoid ADRs, mainly gastrointestinal ma concentration of phenytoin. Valproate has been
disturbances. reported to both increase and decrease ethosuximide
Adults and children over 12 years: start treatment levels.
with 250 mg/day and increase slowly in 250 mg
increments every 4–7 days, to up to 750–1500 mg. Main disadvantages
Children under 12 years: start with 5–10 mg/kg/day t Narrow spectrum of anti-epileptic activity.
and increase slowly to 20–35 mg/kg/day. t It sometimes exhibits severe adverse idiosyncratic
Dosing: two or three times daily. reactions.
TDM: mostly not needed. t Abrupt withdrawal in patients with absences
Reference range: 40–100 mg/l (300–700 μmol/l). may precipitate absence status epilepticus.

Main ADRs Other available succinimides

Common and/or serious: gastrointestinal symptoms Methsuximide is a broader spectrum drug than etho-
include anorexia, vague gastric upset, nausea and suximide (but with a weaker action) and is also
vomiting, cramps, epigastric and abdominal pain effective in focal seizures. ADRs are more frequent
and diarrhoea. Drowsiness, weight loss photophobia, and may be more serious than with ethosuximide.
euphoria, hiccups, headache and, less often, Phensuximide is rarely used because its effect is
behavioural and psychotic disturbances may occur. inferior to other succinimides.
Pharmacopoeia 577

Felbamate56–59 Author’s note: The stated numbers in the above

quotation cannot be used as evidence of effectiveness
In 1993, felbamate, a 2-phenyl-1,3-propanediol because they are influenced by factors other than
dicarbamate, became the first AED since 1978 to be efficacy.
approved by the FDA with the brand name Felbatol.
Unlike its dicarbamate analog meprobamate, it has Dosage and titration
Adults (14 years of age and older): start felbamate at
minimal anxiolytic and sedative-hypnotic effects in
1200 mg/day in three or four divided doses while
therapeutic doses.
reducing present AEDs by 20% in order to control
Authorised indications plasma levels of concurrent phenytoin, valproate,
UK-SmPC: not licensed. phenobarbital, and carbamazepine and its metabolites.
FDA-PI: alone or as an adjunct in the treatment of Further reductions of the concomitant AEDs dosage
may be necessary to minimise side effects due to drug
focal seizures in adults and as an adjunct in focal and
interactions. Titrate in increments of 1200 mg /day
generalised seizures of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome in
at weekly intervals to a maintenance dose of 3600
mg/day. Higher doses of 5000–6000 mg/day may be
Warnings apply: felbamate should only be used in patients used. If the patient is not taking enzyme-inducing
who respond inadequately to alternative treatments AED, then a slower titration is recommended.
and whose epilepsy is so severe that a substantial Children with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (2–14 years of
risk of aplastic anaemia and/ or liver failure is deemed age): start felbamate at 15 mg/kg/day in three or four
acceptable in light of the benefits conferred by its use. divided doses while reducing present AEDs by 20% in
order to control plasma levels of concurrent phenytoin,
Clinical applications valproic acid, phenobarbital, and carbamazepine and
The clinical use of felbamate as an AED practically its metabolites. Further reductions of the concomitant
ended 1 year after its FDA approval, when it became AEDs dosage may be necessary to minimise side
apparent that felbamate is associated with a high effects due to drug interactions. Titrate in increments
incidence of aplastic anaemia and hepatic failure, and of 15 mg/kg/day at weekly intervals to a maintenance
also with some fatalities. 60–63 In addition, felbamate is dose of 45 mg/kg/day.
difficult to use because of its narrow therapeutic range Dosing: Three to four-times daily.
TDM: It is mandatory because of its many interactions
and significant drug– drug interactions. Currently,
with other AEDs.
the use of felbamate as an AED is cautiously limited
Reference range: 50–110 mg/l (300- 750 umol/l)
to severe cases of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, mainly
with atonic/astatic seizures, and with bi-monthly Main ADRs
follow-up of transaminases and blood cell counts. It is because of serious ADRs that felbamate has been
Possibly, the risk of using felbamate in Lennox– downgraded in its license indications and clinical
Gastaut syndrome outweighs any benefits, which, practice.
even if they occur, are short lived. Frequent and/or important: insomnia, anorexia,
However, an expert panel concluded in 2006 that nausea, dizziness, headache, vomiting, weight
“although felbamate is not indicated as first-line AED, loss, irritability, hyperactivity and behavioural
its utility in treating seizures that are refractory to disturbances.
other AEDs is undisputed, as shown by the number Serious: Aplastic anaemia and hepatic failure which
of patients who continue to use it. New exposures to are usually seen during the first 6–12 months of
felbamate number approximately 3200–4200 patients felbamate therapy.
annually, and it is estimated that over the past 10 years, Aplastic anaemia: Aplastic anaemia (pancytopenia
approximately 35,000 new starts have occurred.”57 in the presence of a bone marrow largely depleted of
578 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

hematopoietic precursors) occurs with felbamate at an death or transplant per 75,000 patient years of use.
incidence that may be more than a 100 fold greater than This rate may be an underestimate because of under-
that seen in the untreated population (i.e., 2 to 5 per reporting. Of the cases reported, about 67% resulted in
million persons per year). The risk of death in patients death or liver transplantation, usually within 5 weeks
with aplastic anaemia generally varies as a function of its of the onset of signs and symptoms of liver failure. The
severity and aetiology; current estimates of the overall earliest onset of severe hepatic dysfunction followed
case fatality rate are in the range of 20–30%, but rates subsequently by liver failure was 3 weeks after initiation
as high as 70% have been reported in the past. There of felbamate. Some reports described dark urine and
are too few felbamate-associated cases, and too little nonspecific prodromal symptoms (e.g., anorexia,
known about them, to provide a reliable estimate of malaise, and gastrointestinal symptoms) but in other
the syndrome’s incidence or its case fatality rate or to reports it was not clear if any prodromal symptoms
identify the factors, if any, that might conceivably be preceded the onset of jaundice. It is not known whether
used to predict who is at greater or lesser risk. Most of or not the risk of developing hepatic failure changes
the cases of aplastic anaemia with felbamate occurred with duration of exposure. It is also not known whether
in women over the age of 17 years with a history of or not the dosage of felbamate or concomitant use of
idiosyncratic reactions to other AEDs or a history of other drugs affects the incidence of hepatic failure.
cytopenia, allergy and underlying autoimmune disease It has not been proved that periodic serum transaminase
previous to felbamate use.57 It was not reported in testing will prevent serious hepatic injury but it is
children younger than 13 years. generally believed that early detection of drug-induced
In managing patients on felbamate, it should be hepatic injury along with immediate withdrawal of the
borne in mind that the clinical manifestation of aplastic suspect drug enhances the likelihood for recovery. There
anaemia may not be seen until after a patient has been is no information available that documents how rapidly
on this drug from 5–30 weeks. However, the injury to patients can progress from normal liver function to liver
bone marrow stem cells that is held to be ultimately failure, but other drugs known to be hepatotoxins can
responsible for the anaemia may occur weeks to cause liver failure rapidly (e.g., from normal enzymes
months earlier. It is not known whether or not the risk to liver failure in 2-4 weeks). Accordingly, monitoring
of developing aplastic anaemia changes with duration of serum transaminase levels is recommended at
of exposure. Consequently, it is not safe to assume that baseline and periodically thereafter. Felbamate should
a patient who has been on felbamate without signs of be discontinued if either serum alanine or aspartate
haematologic abnormality for long periods of time is transaminase levels become increased ≥ 2 times the
without risk. upper limit of normal, or if clinical signs and symptoms
It is not known whether or not the dose of felbamate suggest liver failure.
or concomitant use of AEDs and/or other drugs affects
the incidence of aplastic anaemia. FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking

Aplastic anaemia typically develops without pre- or starting on felbamate for any indication should

monitory clinical or laboratory signs, the full blown be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that

syndrome presenting with signs of infection, bleeding, could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal

or anaemia. Accordingly, routine blood testing cannot thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).

be reliably used to reduce the incidence of aplastic

anaemia, but it will, in some cases, allow the detection of Considerations in women
the haematologic changes before the syndrome declares Pregnancy: category C.
itself clinically. Breastfeeding: unknown but excreted in human
Hepatic failure: this has mainly occurred in young breast milk.
children. The reported rate of hepatic failure with Interactions with hormonal contraception: Significant
felbamate in the US has been about 6 cases leading to reduction of the efficacy of hormonal contraception.
Pharmacopoeia 579

Main mechanisms of action metabolites and conjugates. About 15% is present

These are unknown and but are likely to be multiple. as parahydroxyfelbamate, 2-hydroxyfelbamate, and
The most probable mechanisms are (a) potentiation felbamate monocarbamate, none of which have
of GABA responses via its interaction with a site
significant antiepileptic activity.
on the GABAA receptor that is distinct from the
Elimination half life: 20 hours (without enzyme-
benzodiazepine recognition site and (b) inhibition
of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors via a inducing drugs).
channel-blocking action and also possibly by distinct
effects on channel gating. Drug interactions
Felbamate has weak inhibitory effects on GABA These are numerous. Felbamate significantly
receptor binding and benzodiazepine receptor binding increases the plasma levels of phenytoin, valproate,
and is devoid of activity at the MK-801 receptor binding carbamazepine epoxide (but decreases carbamazepine)
site of the NMDA receptor-ionophore complex.
and phenobarbital. Conversely, phenytoin,
However, felbamate does interact as an antagonist at
the strychnine-insensitive glycine recognition site of carbamazepine and phenobarbital approximately
the NMDA receptor-ionophore complex. double the clearance of felbamate and, therefore, their
addition causes a significant decrease in the plasma
Pharmacokinetics levels of felbamate. Valproate probably does not affect
Oral bioavailability: 90%
felbamate. Felbamate’s interaction with newer AEDs is
Protein binding: 22% to 25%
Metabolism: Felbamate is metabolised by the hepatic not well studied, but the elimination of felbamate is
CYP3A4 system and it is an enzyme inhibitor. strikingly reduced in co-medication with gabapentin.64
Following oral administration, about 40–50%
of absorbed dose appears unchanged in urine, Main disadvantages
and an additional 40% is present as unidentified Probably more disadvantages than advantages.

Gabapentin (1-[aminomethyl]-cyclohexaneacetic FDA-PI: (1) adjunctive therapy of focal seizures with
acid) first received marketing approval as an adjunc- and without secondary generalisation in patients
tive AED for the treatment of focal epilepsies in over 12 years of age; (2) adjunctive therapy of focal
1993.65,66 seizures in children aged 3–12 years.

Authorised indications Clinical applications

UK-SmPC: (1) monotherapy in the treatment of focal Recommendations for gabapentin as an AED are
seizures with and without secondary generalization limited to focal seizures. It is the least effective of
in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and above all the other newer AEDs, even at higher doses of
and (2) adjunctive therapy of focal seizures with around 3000 mg/day.67 However, it is considered
and without secondary generalisation in patients 6 relatively safe with few ADRs. It is mainly used for
years of age. non-epileptic disorders such as neuropathic pain.
580 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

It is contraindicated for generalised-onset seizures of Interaction with hormonal contraception: none.

any type (absences, myoclonic jerks, GTCSs) because Others: weight gain may be of particular importance
it is either ineffective or may exaggerate them.68–70 to women because of the associated risk for poly-
cystic ovary syndrome.
Dosage and titration
Adults: start with 300 mg/day and increase rapidly Main mechanisms of action
in increments of 300 mg/day up to a typical adult The mechanism of action is uncertain. Gabapentin
maintenance dose of 900–1800 mg/day given in was developed because of its structural similarity to
three divided doses. Doses of up to 3600 mg/day GABA and its ability to cross the blood–brain barrier.
have been used. However, it does not appear to be a GABA agonist.
Children: start treatment with 15 mg/kg/day and increase The mechanism responsible for its anti-epileptic
to 30 mg/kg/day within a few days. The recommended activity and the relief of neuropathic pain is probably
maintenance dose is 50–100 mg/day. Children require due to a modulating action of gabapentin on voltage-
relatively higher doses than adults, because clearance gated calcium channels and neurotransmitter release.
of gabapentin is greater in children than in adults.
Dosing: three times daily. Pharmacokinetics
TDM: usually not needed; its dose-dependent absorp- Oral bioavailability: low <60%. Gabapentin is rapidly
tion increases its pharmacokinetic variability.71,72 absorbed and reaches peak plasma levels within
Reference range: 2–20 mg/l (12–120 μmol/l). 2–4 hours after oral ingestion. Bioavailability is
less than 60%, but is dose-dependent; absorption
Main ADRs is progressively reduced with an increasing dosage.
Gabapentin has a relatively good adverse reaction Food intake does not influence absorption.
Protein binding: none.
Frequent and/or important: increased appetite and
Metabolism: gabapentin is not metabolised and is
weight gain is a problem. Other reactions include
excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form. Renal
dizziness, ataxia, nystagmus, headache, tremor,
impairment reduces drug clearance and raises
fatigue, diplopia, rhinitis and nausea. Significant
plasma gabapentin concentrations.
behavioural disturbances, such as aggression,
Elimination half-life: 5–9 hours.
hyperexcitability and tantrums, have been reported,
mainly in children.73 Caution is recommended in Drug interactions
patients with a history of psychotic illness.
There are no significant interactions with other
Serious: rarely, rash (0.5%), leucopenia (0.2%) and
AEDs. However, see the note on renally eliminated
ECG changes and angina (0.05%).
drugs below.
Gabapentin may unmask myasthenia gravis.74
Cimetidine reduces the renal clearance of
FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking gabapentin and antacids reduce the absorption of
or starting on gabapentin for any indication should gabapentin by 20%.
be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal Main disadvantages
thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx). A narrow-spectrum and low-efficiency AED that is
limited to the treatment of focal seizures.
Considerations in women Therapeutic efficacy is weak in relation to other
Pregnancy: category C but with teratogenic effects in AEDs, the number of responders is disappointingly
animal exposure.75 low even when higher doses are used and it is
Breastfeeding: it is excreted in breast milk, but the unusual for patients with severe focal epilepsies to
effect on the nursing infant is unknown. derive much benefit.
Pharmacopoeia 581

Lacosamide is a functionalized amino acid (R)-2- A maximum dose of 300 mg/day is recommended by
acetamido-N-benzyl-3-methoxypropionamide. It is the FDA for patients with mild or moderate hepatic
one of the latest AEDs to be licensed (at the end of impairment; no such upper limits are recommended
2008), under the brand name Vimpat. by the EMEA.
Lacosamide injection (without further dilution or
Authorised indications mixed in compatible diluents) should be administered
SmPC: adjunctive therapy in the treatment of focal intravenously over 15–60 minutes. When switching
seizures with or without secondary generalisation from oral lacosamide, the initial total daily intravenous
in patients with epilepsy aged 16 years and older. dosage should be equivalent to the total daily dosage
Solution for infusion is an alternative for patients for and frequency of oral lacosamide. When used as short-
whom oral administration is temporarily not feasible. term replacement for oral lacosamide, intravenous
FDA: (1) tablets are indicated as adjunctive therapy lacosamide was well tolerated when administered as a
in the treatment of focal seizures in patients with 15-, 30- or 60-minute infusion.
epilepsy aged 17 years and older and (2) injection Dosing: twice daily
for intravenous use is indicated as adjunctive TDM: unknown.
Reference range: unknown.
therapy in the treatment of focal seizures in patients
with epilepsy aged 17 years and older when oral Main ADRs
administration is temporarily not feasible Frequent and/or important: Dizziness, headache,
diplopia, nausea, vomiting and blurred vision.
Clinical applications
Serious: A small, asymptomatic, dose-related increase
Based on RCTs, lacosamide is a useful addition to our
in the PR interval measured on ECG has been
armamentarium in the treatment of epilepsy. This is observed in clinical studies (see also eslicarbazepine
also supported by experience since its introduction and Chapter 7, page XXX). However, atrioventricular
in clinical practice. block is uncommon, with an occurrrence of 0.7%,
Lacosamide has proven efficacy and a high retention 0%, 0.5% and 0% for lacosamide 200 mg, 400 mg,
rate (77% in a year) in difficult to treat patients. It is parti- 600 mg or placebo, respectively. No second or higher
cularly important in adjunctive AED therapy because of degree atrioventricular block was seen in lacosamide
its excellent pharmacokinetic profile, minimal drug to patients. Also, the incidence rate for syncope did not
drug interactions, good safety and novel mechanism/s differ between lacosamide (0.1%) and placebo treated
of action, which is different than any other AED co- epilepsy patients (0.3%). However, caution is needed
medication. It is considered as having less sedative effects in patients with known conduction problems or severe
than most other AEDs. Intravenous solution is important cardiac disease, in the elderly and in comedication with
when oral drug administration is impossible. drugs known to be associated with PR prolongation (e.g.
carbamazepine, lamotrigine, pregabalin, eslicarbazepine
Dosage and titration or class I antiarrhythmic drugs), though an increased
“Start low and go slow” magnitude of PR prolongation has not been found so far
Adults: Start with 50 mg twice daily (100 mg/day). in comedication with carbamazepine or lamotrigine.
Increase at weekly intervals by 100 mg/day to 200–
Considerations in women
400 mg/day.
Pregnancy: category C.
The maximum recommended dose of lacosamide is Breastfeeding: unknown but possibly excreted in
400 mg/day because higher doses may be associated breast milk (animal data).
with CNS and gastrointestinal ADRs. Interactions with hormonal contraception: none.
582 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Main mechanisms of action CYP isoforms 1A1, 1A2, 2A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9,
Not fully elucidated but two mechanisms are possible: 2C19, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4 in human hepatocytes at
(a) lacosamide selectively enhances slow inactivation therapeutic concentrations, although inhibition of the
of voltage-gated sodium channels, resulting in CYP2C19 iso-enzyme was noted at concentrations
stabilization of hyperexcitable neuronal membranes 15-times higher than therapeutic concentrations.
and inhibition of repetitive neuronal firing (Figure 7.1) Elimination half-life: 13 hours.
and (b) lacosamide may bind to collapsin response
Drug interactions
mediator protein–2 (CRMP–2), a phosphoprotein
These are minimal and probably of no clinical
which is mainly expressed in the nervous system and
significance. From available evidence, lacosamide does
is involved in neuronal differentiation and control of
not affect plasma levels of carbamazepine or its epoxide
axonal outgrowth. The role of CRMP-2 binding in
metabolite, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam,
seizure control is unknown.
oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, topiramate, valproate and
zonisamide or the oral contraceptive levonorgestrel/
ethinylestradiol, metformin and digoxin.76
Lacosamide has near-ideal pharmacokinetics (score
Carbamazepine, phenytoin and phenobarbital may
96 out of maximal best 100).
decrease plasma levels of lacosamide by 15–20%.
Oral bioavailability: 100%. Omeprazole (a CYP2C19 inhibitor) did not produce
Protein binding: <15% any clinically significant changes in lacosamide plasma
Metabolism: Primarily eliminated by renal excretion concentrations.
and biotransformation. Its metabolism has not been
fully elucidated but CYP-2C19 is involved in the Main disadvantages
demethylation of lacosamide. Lacosamide showed Not yet exposed to lengthy clinical practice but its
no potential to induce or inhibit the activity of use so far has met with favourable results.

Lamotrigine is a 3,5-diamino-6-(2,3-dichloro- drug to start with in Lennox Gastaut syndrome. (2)
phenyl)-as-triazine of the phenyltriazine class. It was Children and adolescents aged 2 to 12 years: (a)
first licensed for clinical practice in 1991. Lamotri- adjunctive treatment of partial seizures and generalised
gine is one of the best newer AEDs, although there seizures, including tonic clonic seizures and the
are now concerns for its use in women and myo- seizures associated with Lennox Gastaut syndrome
clonic epilepsies. and (b) monotherapy of typical absence seizures.
FDA-PI: (1) adjunctive therapy for focal seizures
Authorised indications and primarily GTSC in patients 2 years of age;
UK-SmPC: (1) Adults and adolescents aged 13 years (2) adjunctive therapy for the generalised seizures
and above: (a) adjunctive or monotherapy treatment of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome; and (3) conversion
of focal seizures and generalised seizures, including to monotherapy in adults (16 years of age) with
tonic clonic seizures and (b) seizures associated with focal seizures who are receiving treatment with
Lennox Gastaut syndrome. Lamotrigine is given as carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone
adjunctive therapy but may be the initial antiepileptic or valproate as the single AED.
Pharmacopoeia 583

Safety and effectiveness of lamotrigine have not mainly rash, that can become very serious are a
been established (1) as initial monotherapy; (2) significant disadvantage.107–109
for conversion to monotherapy from AEDs other Exacerbation of seizures: increase in seizure frequency,
than carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, mainly myoclonic jerks, has been reported in JME
primidone, or valproate; or (3) for simultaneous and Dravet syndrome.
conversion to monotherapy from two or more
concomitant AEDs. Dosage and titration
‘Start very low and go very slow’ is essential in both
Clinical applications adults and children.
Lamotrigine is an effective broad-spectrum AED Dosage and titration vary considerably between
for the treatment of all types of seizures except monotherapy, co-medication with valproate and co-
myoclonic jerks.85–92 It has been recommended for medication with enzyme-inducing AEDs. For this
all focal or generalised, idiopathic or symptomatic reason the manufacturers have provided detailed
epileptic syndromes of adults,88–90 children85,86 and tables to be followed in each of these circumstances
neonates.93 Exceptions to this are syndromes with in children and adults. The following are some
predominantly myoclonic jerks. examples:
In monotherapy of focal seizures and primarily Adults and children over 12 years (monotherapy): start
GTCSs, lamotrigine has less efficacy than carbama- with 25 mg once daily for 2 weeks, followed by 50 mg
zepine but it is better tolerated.94,95 The conclusions once daily for 2 weeks. Thereafter, the dose should
of a recent meta-analysis94 and the SANAD report65 be increased by a maximum of 50–100 mg every
comparing lamotrigine and carbamazepine have 1 or 2 weeks until the optimal response is achieved.
been debated,96–99 as detailed on page XXX. The usual maintenance dose to achieve optimal
In polytherapy, lamotrigine is at its best efficacy response is 100–200 mg/day given once daily or
when combined with valproate, because of beneficial as two divided doses. Some patients have required
pharmacodynamic interactions (increased therapeu- 500 mg/day to achieve the desired response.
tic efficacy),100 although it may also be detrimental Adults and children over 12 years (add-on therapy with
(increased risk of ADRs and teratogenicity). This valproate): start with 25 mg every alternate day for
combination may be ideal for drug-resistant gener- 2 weeks, followed by 25 mg once daily for 2 weeks.
alised epilepsies including those with myoclonic Thereafter, the dose should be increased by a
seizures.101 Usually, small doses of lamotrigine added maximum of 25–50 mg every 1 or 2 weeks until the
to valproate may render previously uncontrolled optimal response is achieved. The usual maintenance
patients seizure-free.6,100,102,103 dose to achieve optimal response is 100–200 mg/day
Other major advantages are that it lacks significant given once daily or in two divided doses.
cognitive and behavioural ADRs and it is non-sedating Adults and children over 12 years (add-on therapy
with improved global functioning, which includes with enzyme-inducing AEDs): start with 50 mg once
increased attention and alertness, which has been daily for 2 weeks, followed by 100 mg/day given in
reported in both paediatric and adult trials.87,104,105 two divided doses for 2 weeks. Thereafter, the dose
Adjunctive lamotrigine significantly improved should be increased by a maximum of 100 mg every
anger-hostility subscale scores relative to adjunctive 1 or 2 weeks until the optimal response is achieved.
levetiracetam in patients with focal seizures at the The usual maintenance dose to achieve optimal
end of 20 weeks and similar improvement with response is 200–400 mg/day given in two divided
lamotrigine versus levetiracetam was observed for doses. Some patients have required 700 mg/day to
other mood symptoms.106 Idiosyncratic reactions, achieve the desired response.
584 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Children aged 2–12 years (with valproate co-medication): now been revised (see useful note).71,72,111 More
start treatment with 0.15 mg/kg given once daily for specifically, TDM for lamotrigine is particularly
2 weeks, followed by 0.3 mg/kg given once daily for useful in pregnancy,112–114 in conjunction with
2 weeks. Thereafter, the dose should be increased by hormonal contraception115 and post-operatively.116
a maximum of 0.3 mg/kg every 1 or 2 weeks until the Reference range: 1–15 mg/l (10–60 μmol/l).
optimal response is achieved. The usual maintenance
dose to achieve optimal response is 1–5 mg/kg given Main ADRs
once daily or in two divided doses. Common and/or important: skin rash, headache,
Children aged 2–12 years (co-medication with enzyme- nausea, diplopia, dizziness, ataxia, tremor, asthenia,
inducing AEDs): start with 0.6 mg/kg/day given anxiety, aggression, irritability, insomnia, somnolence,
in two divided doses for 2 weeks, followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, confusion, hallucinations and
1.2 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks. Thereafter, the dose should movement disorders.
be increased by a maximum of 1.2 mg/kg every 1 or Serious: an allergic skin rash is the most common
2 weeks until the optimal response is achieved. The and probably the most dangerous ADR, prompting
usual maintenance dose to achieve optimal response withdrawal of lamotrigine.108,109 Skin rash occurs in
is 5–15 mg/kg/day in two divided doses. approximately 10% of patients, but serious rashes
leading to hospitalisation, including Stevens–
Cautionary note Johnson syndrome and anticonvulsant hypersensi-
tivity syndrome, occur in approximately 1 out of
A slower dosage titration probably reduces the risk of
300 adults and 1 out of 100 children (<16 years of
skin rash and possibly reduces the risk of generalised
age) treated with lamotrigine.108
hypersensitivity reactions.108 Therefore, it is mandatory
Nearly all cases of life-threatening rashes associated
to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers
with lamotrigine have occurred within 2–8 weeks
regarding initial dose and subsequent slow-dose
of treatment initiation. However, isolated cases
escalation of lamotrigine.
have been reported after prolonged treatment (e.g.
Conversion to monotherapy from polytherapy with 6 months). Accordingly, duration of therapy cannot
valproate or with enzyme-inducing AEDs should fol- be relied on as a means to predict the potential risk
low appropriate guidelines provided by the manu- heralded by the first appearance of a rash.
facturers of lamotrigine. There are suggestions, still to be proven, that
If lamotrigine has to be replaced by valproate, a sat- the risk of rash may also be increased by: (1) the
isfying outcome has been found after suddenly and co-administration of lamotrigine with valproate;
completely withdrawing lamotrigine and introducing (2) exceeding the recommended initial dose of
the valproate maintenance dosage rapidly.110 lamotrigine; or (3) exceeding the recommended
dose escalation for lamotrigine. However, cases
Useful note have been reported in the absence of these factors.
The incidence of skin rash can probably be reduced
TDM of newer AEDS that are metabolised71.72 by starting treatment with a low dose spread over
For newer AEDs that are metabolised (felbamate, longer intervals, particularly in patients receiving
 concomitant valproate, which inhibits lamotrigine
of the older AEDs, mainly because of pronounced inter- Although benign rashes also occur with lamotrigine,
individual variability in their pharmacokinetics. it is not possible to predict reliably which rashes will
prove to be serious or life threatening. Accordingly,
TDM: it was not recommended initially for lamotrigine should ordinarily be discontinued at
lamotrigine and other newer AEDs, but this has the first sign of rash, unless the rash is clearly not
Pharmacopoeia 585

drug related. Discontinuation of treatment may not FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking
prevent a rash from becoming life threatening, or or starting on lamotrigine for any indication should
permanently disabling or disfiguring. be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal
Patients should be advised to immediately report any
thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).
symptoms of skin rash, hives, fever, swollen lymph
glands, painful sores in the mouth or around the eyes,
Considerations in women
or swelling of lips or tongue, because these symptoms
Pregnancy: category C. However, there is recent
may be the first signs of a serious reaction.
evidence of teratogenicity that resulted in lamotrigine
Cardiac arrhythmia and sudden unexpected death being downgraded to category D in the Australian
(SUDEP): a recent report described SUDEP of four PI (see page XX in chapter 7). For example, an
women with IGE treated with lamotrigine mono- increased risk for non-syndromic cleft palate among
therapy.117 Lamotrigine inhibits the cardiac rapid de- infants exposed to lamotrigine during pregnancy122
layed rectifier potassium ion current (IKr). IKr-blocking (not replicated in other pregnancy registries)123 and a
drugs may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and dose-related effect with MCMs have been reported.17
SUDEP. The authors of the report called for a systematic The risk for MCMs in women on a combination of
study to assess whether lamotrigine may increase the lamotrigine with valproate is around 10%.17,124
risk of SUDEP in certain groups of patients117, which Breastfeeding: significant amounts of lamotrigine
generated an interesting exchange of views.118,119 In the (40–60%) are excreted in breast milk. In breast-fed
SANAD study, four of ten deaths related to epilepsy infants, plasma concentrations of lamotrigine reached
occurred in patients treated with lamotrigine, three levels at which pharmacological effects may occur.
with oxcarbazepine, two with gabapentin, one with Interactions with oral hormonal contraception and
carbamazepine and none with topiramate.95 A recent pregnancy: oral contraceptives are not affected
study found that therapeutic doses of lamotrigine by lamotrigine. However, pregnancy112–114,125 and
(100–400 mg daily) were not associated with QT hormonal contraception115,126 significantly lower
prolongation in healthy subjects.120 Also, clinically lamotrigine levels (by more than half). Patients may
significant ECG changes were not common during suffer breakthrough seizures, mainly during the first
trimester of pregnancy (if lamotrigine levels are not
treatment with either lamotrigine or carbamazepine
corrected) or toxic effects postpartum (if lamotrigine
in elderly patients with no pre-existing significant AV
levels are adjusted during pregnancy, but not after
conduction defects.121 See cardiac ADRs in chapter 7.
delivery). Gradual transient increases in lamotrigine
Other potentially serious ADRs: there have been
levels will occur during the week of no active
reports of haematological abnormalities, which
hormone preparation (pill-free week).
may or may not be associated with anticonvulsant
Liver function tests should probably be monitored
hypersensitivity syndrome. These have included
in infants of lamotrigine-treated mothers, as G-gluta-
neutropenia, leucopenia, anaemia, thrombo-
myl transpeptidase enzyme elevation might suggest
cytopenia, pancytopenia and, very rarely, aplastic liver damage.127
anaemia and agranulocytosis. Elevations of liver func-
tion tests and rare reports of hepatic dysfunction, Main mechanisms of action
including hepatic failure, have been reported. Hepatic The precise mechanisms by which lamotrigine
dysfunction usually occurs in association with hyper- exerts its anti-epileptic action are unknown. The
sensitivity reactions, but isolated cases have been most likely mechanism is inhibition of voltage-
reported without overt signs of hypersensitivity. gated sodium channels, thereby stabilising neuronal
Very rarely, lupus-like reactions have been reported. membranes and consequently modulating pre-
586 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

synaptic transmitter release of excitatory amino acids t Enzyme inducers, such as carbamazepine,
(e.g. glutamate and aspartate). phenytoin and phenobarbital, accelerate its elim-
ination, but lamotrigine itself has no effect on
Pharmacokinetics hepatic metabolic processes.128
Oral bioavailability: <100%. Lamotrigine is rapidly When lamotrigine is added to carbamazepine,
and completely absorbed from the gut with no symptoms of carbamazepine neurotoxicity (head-
significant first-pass metabolism. ache, diplopia, ataxia) may occur (probably because
Protein binding: 55%. of pharmacodynamic interactions rather than ele-
Metabolism: lamotrigine is predominantly metabol- vated carbamazepine epoxide levels); this necessi-
ised in the liver by glucuronic acid conjugation. tates a reduction in the carbamazepine dose when
UGT1A4 is the main enzyme responsible for N-glu- lamotrigine is introduced.
curonidation of lamotrigine. The major metabolite is Oxcarbazepine and levetiracetam do not affect the
an inactive 2-N-glucuronide conjugate. Lamotrigine clearance of lamotrigine.
is a weak UGT enzyme inducer.
Elimination half-life: 29 hours, but this is greatly Main disadvantages
affected by concomitant medication. Mean half- t High incidence of idiosyncratic ADRs, which,
life is reduced to approximately 14 hours when exceptionally, may be fatal.
t Very slow titration.
given with enzyme-inducing drugs and is increased
t Significant interactions with other AEDs requiring
to a mean of approximately 70 hours when co-
complex schemes of dosage and titration.
administered with valproate alone. Valproate is a
t Frequent TDM and dosage adjustments before,
potent inhibitor of UGT-dependent metabolism
during and after pregnancy112–114,125 and
of lamotrigine, while enzyme-inducer AEDs are
hormonal contraception.115,125,129 Risk for seizure
potent inducers of UGT-dependent metabolism
deterioration in pregnancy.
of lamotrigine, which is the reason for different
t Pro-myoclonic effect in syndromes with predom-
schemes of lamotrigine dosage and titration when
inant myoclonic jerks, such as JME,130–132 Dravet
combined with these AEDs.
syndrome133,134 and progressive myoclonic
Furthermore, the half-life of lamotrigine is generally
shorter in children than in adults, with a mean value
of approximately 7 hours when given with enzyme-
Useful clinical notes
inducing drugs and increasing to mean values of
45–50 hours when co-administered with valproate t 3FDFOUFWJEFODFPGUFSBUPHFOJDJUZBOEJOUFSBDUJPOXJUI
alone. pregnancy and hormonal contraception contradict the
previous promotion of lamotrigine as a female-friendly
Drug interactions AED.
The metabolism of lamotrigine is badly affected t -BNPUSJHJOF EFNBOET TJHOJmDBOU DMJOJDBM BUUFO
by concomitant AEDs, which makes its use in tion in polytherapy, hormonal contraception and
polytherapy problematic: pregnancy.
t Valproate inhibits the metabolism of lamotrigine, t -BNPUSJHJOF BMTP IBT TJHOJmDBOU QIBSNBDPEZOBNJD
doubling or tripling its half-life,107 whether given interactions with valproate.
with or without carbamazepine, phenytoin, t 5IF VTF PG MBNPUSJHJOF TIPVME GPMMPX UIF NBOV
phenobarbital or primidone. Also, valproate facturer’s recommendations regarding titration and
seems to reduce the induction of lamotrigine include a proper warning to the patient or guardians
metabolism associated with pregnancy or use of for immediate medical attention if suspicious rashes
contraceptives.125 appear, unless the rash is clearly not drug related.
Pharmacopoeia 587

Levetiracetam is a single enantiomer, (S)-A-ethyl-2- be used to treat all focal or generalised, idiopathic or
oxo-pyrrolidine acetamide. Levetiracetam, licensed symptomatic epileptic syndromes in all age groups.
in 1999, is probably the best of all the newer Levetiracetam is the first-choice AED in
AEDs.136–144 It is chemically unrelated to any of the monotherapy and polytherapy of focal epilepsies
other current AEDs. (see page XXX), where it is the main challenger of
carbamazepine. It is also the likely candidate to
Authorised indications replace valproate in the treatment of JME and IGEs
EMEA-SmPC: (1) monotherapy in the treatment of in general (pages XXX and XXX).
partial onset seizures with or without secondary The main advantages of levetiracetam include the
generalisation in patients from 16 years of age with following:
newly diagnosed epilepsy; (2) adjunctive therapy (a) in t it is broad spectrum, which is of practical
the treatment of partial onset seizures with or without significance, particularly for clinicians who
secondary generalisation in adults, children and infants may not have special expertise in differentiating
from 1 month of age with epilepsy (the concentrate for between focal and generalised epileptic seizures
solution for infusion is indicated for adults, adolescents t it has a relatively good safety profile145–147 and
and children from 4 years of age), (b) in the treatment
does not cause significant idiosyncratic reactions
of myoclonic seizures in adults and adolescents from
or other serious ADRs
12 years of age with JME, and (c) in the treatment of
t it has superior pharmacokinetics (96% versus
primary generalised tonic-clonic seizures in adults and
100% of perfect score)148
adolescents from 12 years of age with IGE.
t it does not need slow titration, the starting dose
Levetiracetam concentrate is an alternative for patients
is often therapeutic for all forms of seizures
when oral administration is temporarily not feasible.
and epilepsies (including the difficult-to-treat
FDA-PI: (1) adjunctive therapy in the treatment of
myoclonic seizures);149 its action starts 2 days
partial onset seizures in adults and children 4 years
after drug initiation150
of age and older with epilepsy; (2) adjunctive therapy
t it does not need laboratory tests (such as routine
in the treatment of myoclonic seizures in adults and
TDM or blood screening for ADRs)
adolescents 12 years of age and older with juvenile
t it is easier to use if polytherapy is necessitated
myoclonic epilepsy; and (3) adjunctive therapy in the
(a lack of clinically significant drug–drug inter-
treatment of primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures
in adults and children 6 years of age and older with actions18,151 and a novel mechanism of action)
idiopathic generalized epilepsy. t it does not interact with hormonal contraception
Levetiracetam injection is an alternative for adult and is a pregnancy category C drug
patients (16 years and older) when oral administration t it does not interfere with liver function (a
is temporarily not feasible. major problem with most other AEDs that are
metabolised in the liver).
Clinical applications Levetiracetam has a significant and sustained
Levetiracetam is probably a major breakthrough proven efficacy for newly diagnosed or intractable
in the treatment of epilepsies, similar to that of focal seizures with or without secondarily general-
carbamazepine and valproate in the 1960s. It is a isation.152–162 Addition of levetiracetam to standard
highly effective, broad-spectrum, newer class of medication seems to have a positive impact on
AED with a unique mechanism of action, and can health-related quality of life.145
588 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Its effectiveness in generalised epileptic seizures of 60 mg/kg/day has been used) given in two equally
and at any age has been documented in experimental divided doses.137,180–183
and observational studies, postmarketing experience Based on weight, the maintenance dose for children
and RCTs. This includes IGE, JME, myoclonus should be 30–40% higher than that for adults. The
and photosensitivity (see management sections in reason for this is that levetiracetam clearance in children
relevant chapters). 163–167 is 30–40% higher than in adults.184,185 The increase,
Levetiracetam is the only one of the newer AEDs to compared with adults, is even higher in infants.186,187
have been successfully submitted to a prospective RCT Levetiracetam administered by intravenous infusion
in JME and other IGEs with myoclonic jerks. The study at dosages and/or infusion rates higher than those
concluded that ‘levetiracetam proved to be highly proposed are well tolerated in healthy subjects, and
efficacious in the treatment of refractory patients with the pharmacokinetic profile is consistent with that
IGE experiencing myoclonic seizures. Levetiracetam’s for oral levetiracetam.188,189
outstanding tolerability profile was also confirmed.’163 Dosing: twice daily. Dose adjustment is required for
Its efficacy on primarily GTCSs has also been patients with renal dysfunction, but not for patients
documented with RCTs.164 That levetiracetam is a with liver disease.
first-class AED in syndromes of IGEs has also been TDM: usually not needed (see useful note on page
XXX) and can be efficacious from the starting dose.
more recently confirmed.165–167
However, pregnancy appears to enhance the elimin-
Levetiracetam also appears effective in benign
ation of levetiracetam, resulting in a marked decline
childhood focal epilepsies,168–170 as well as epileptic
in plasma concentration, which suggests that TDM
encephalopathies such as Lennox–Gastaut,171,172
may be of value.190
Landau–Kleffner173 syndrome and myoclonic
Reference range: 6–20 mg/l (35–120 μmol/l).
As expected by its favourable pharmacokinetic profile, Main ADRs
levetiracetam was found to be effective, well tolerated Levetiracetam is probably the AED that is most free
and safe in patients with epilepsy and other concomitant from ADRs. Few major ADRs were reported in the
medical conditions, including brain tumours.175,176 clinical trials and, overall, their incidence in the
Considering also its relatively safe profile, levetiracetam levetiracetam-treated groups was little higher than
may be a first-choice AED in the elderly.177,178 that in the placebo groups.191
Levetiracetam is available in oral and intravenous Frequent and/or important: the most common ADRs are
formulations. Parenteral formulations are needed when somnolence, asthenia and dizziness, which are dose-
oral administration is temporarily not feasible.179 dependent and reversible. Others include headache,
infection (common cold or upper respiratory infections,
Dosage and titration which were not preceded by low neutrophil counts that
Adults: start treatment with 1000 mg/day (twice-daily might suggest impaired immunological status), anorexia,
dosing), which may be sufficient for seizure control. If behavioural disturbances, pharyngitis and pain. No
needed, levetiracetam can be titrated in steps of 500 mg/ withdrawal-related behavioural ADRs were reported
week to a maximum of 3000 mg/day. Personally, I during the cross-titration period.136,137 Levetiracetam
recommend starting with 250 mg twice daily and interferes with rapid motor learning in humans due to
titrating upwards according to the response. suppression of excitatory activity in the motor cortex.192
Children: start with 5–10 mg/kg/day, which may be Caution should be exercised when administering
sufficient for seizure control. If needed, levetiracetam levetiracetam to individuals who may be prone to
can be titrated in steps of 5–10 mg/kg/week to a usual psychotic or psychiatric reactions (see disadvantages
maintenance dose of 20–40 mg/kg/day (a maximum on page 530).
Pharmacopoeia 589

In an uncontrolled study, add-on levetiracetam The apparent absence of any direct interaction with
was associated with a paradoxical increase in seizure conventional mechanisms involved in the action
frequency, particularly in mentally retarded patients of other AEDs parallels the discovery of a specific
and those with difficult-to-treat focal-onset seizures binding site for levetiracetam. Recent experiments
treated with high doses of levetiracetam.193 This may have shown that the synaptic vesicle protein 2A
be avoided by using a lower initial dose and a slower (SV2A) is the binding site of levetiracetam.199,200
dose escalation than recommended. Studies in mice lacking SV2A indicate that this
FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking or
protein has a crucial role in the regulation of vesicle
starting on levetiracetam for any indication should
function, probably involving a modulation of
be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
vesicle fusion. These mice seem normal at birth, but
could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal
develop unusually severe seizures by 1 or 2 weeks
thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).
of age and die within 3 weeks after birth.199 Brain
membranes and purified synaptic vesicles from mice
lacking SV2A did not bind a tritiated derivative of
Considerations in women
levetiracetam, indicating that SV2A is necessary for
Pregnancy: category C. Recently, in the UK Epilepsy
levetiracetam binding. Levetiracetam and related
and Pregnancy Register of 117 pregnancies exposed
derivatives bind to SV2A, but not to the related
to levetiracetam (39 in monotherapy and 78 in
isoforms SV2B and SV2C expressed in fibroblasts,
combination with at least one other AED), only three
indicating that SV2A is sufficient for levetiracetam
infants (all in the polytherapy group) had a MCM
binding. In contrast, none of the other AEDs tested
(2.7%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9–7.7%) (see
revealed any binding to SV2A.199
also Table 7.15).194
The severe seizures observed in mice lacking
Breastfeeding: there is an extensive transfer of leveti-
SV2A support the interpretation that this protein
racetam from mother to foetus and into breast milk.
influences mechanisms of seizure generation
However, breast-fed infants have very-low levetiracetam
or propagation. Furthermore, there is a strong
plasma concentrations, suggesting a rapid elimination
correlation between the binding affinity of a series
of levetiracetam190,195 (see also Table XX in Chapter 7).
of levetiracetam derivatives such as brivaracetam
Interaction with hormonal contraception: none.
and their anticonvulsant potency in the audiogenic
seizure mice model. These results suggest that
Main mechanisms of action
levetiracetam’s interaction with SV2A provides a
It has a novel mechanism of action that is distinct
significant contribution to its anti-epileptic activity.
from that of other AEDs by targeting a synaptic
vesicle protein in presynaptic terminals.196–198 Its anti-
epileptic activity does not involve a direct interaction
with any of the three main mechanisms of the other The pharmacokinetic profile of levetiracetam closely
AEDs. Thus, levetiracetam does not modulate Na+ and approximates the ideal characteristics expected of an
low voltage-gated (T-type) Ca2+ currents, and does not AED, with good bioavailability, rapid achievement of
induce any conventional facilitation of the GABAergic steady-state concentrations, linear and time-invariant
system. In contrast, levetiracetam has been observed kinetics, minimal protein binding, and minimal
to exert several atypical electrophysiological actions, metabolism.201
including a moderate inhibition of high voltage-gated Levetiracetam, comes especially close to fulfilling the
N-type Ca2+ currents, reduction of intracellular Ca2+ desirable pharmacokinetic characteristics for an AED:
release from the endoplasmic reticulum, as well as (1) it has a high oral bioavailability, which is unaffected
suppression of the inhibitory effect of zinc and other by food; (2) it is not significantly bound to plasma
negative allosteric modulators of both GABA- and proteins; (3) it is eliminated partly in unchanged form
glycine-gated currents. by the kidneys and partly by hydrolysis to an inactive
590 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

metabolite, without involvement of oxidative and tubular reabsorption. The metabolites have no
conjugative enzymes; (4) it has linear kinetics; and (5) it known pharmacological activity and are also
is not vulnerable to important drug interactions, nor does renally excreted.
it cause clinically significant alterations in the kinetics Elimination half-life: 6–8 hours. It is shorter in
of concomitantly administered drugs. Although its half- children and longer in the elderly and subjects with
life is relatively short (6–8 hours), its duration of action renal impairment.
is longer than anticipated from its pharmacokinetics in
plasma, and a twice-daily dosing regimen is adequate to Drug interactions
produce the desired response.151 Unlike the majority of other AEDs, levetiracetam has
no clinically meaningful drug–drug interactions.
Oral bioavailability: 100% and it is unaffected by
Other AEDs: levetiracetam does not influence
food. Levetiracetam is rapidly and almost completely
the plasma concentration of existing AEDs. In
absorbed after oral administration with peak plasma
addition, levetiracetam does not affect the in vitro
concentrations occurring in about 1 hour. The
glucuronidation of valproate. Enzyme inducers may
pharmacokinetics are linear and time-invariant, with
decrease levetiracetam plasma levels by 20–30%.202
low intra- and inter-subject variability.
Other non-AEDs: levetiracetam has no known inter-
Protein binding: <10%. Levetiracetam is not appreciably
actions with other drugs such as oral contraceptives,
protein-bound nor does it affect the protein binding of
warfarin and digoxin. It does not reduce the effec-
other drugs. Its volume of distribution is close to the
tiveness of oral contraceptives.
volume of intracellular and extracellular water.
Metabolism/elimination: the major metabolic Main disadvantages
pathway of levetiracetam (24% of dose) is an There are some reports of increased behavioural and
enzymatic hydrolysis of the acetamide group. psychiatric abnormalities, particularly in children or
This is not dependent on the hepatic CYP system. patients that may be prone to such problems.203–206
Further, levetiracetam does not inhibit or induce An explanation for this may be the fast titration
hepatic enzymes to produce clinically relevant recommended by the manufacturers. A recent
interactions. Levetiracetam is eliminated from short-term study found that add-on levetiracetam
the systemic circulation by renal excretion as an in patients with intractable focal epilepsies has
unchanged drug, which represents 66% of the a favourable neuropsychological and psychiatric
administered dose. The mechanism of excretion impact.207
is glomerular filtration with subsequent partial

Oxcarbazepine (10,11-dihydro-10-oxo-5H-dibenz- Authorised indications
[b,f]azepine-5-carboxamide) is a 0-keto derivative UK-SmPC: monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for
of carbamazepine, but these two AEDs have some focal seizures with or without secondarily GTCSs in
significant differences.208 The anti-epileptic activity patients 6 years of age.
is mainly exerted via its major metabolite, hydroxy- FDA-PI: (1) monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in the
10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzazepine-5-carboxamide treatment of focal seizures in adults and as monotherapy
(MHD). It was first licensed as an AED in 1990 in in the treatment of focal seizures in children aged 4 years
Denmark. and above with epilepsy, and (2) as adjunctive therapy
in children aged 2 years and above with epilepsy.
Pharmacopoeia 591

Dosing: twice or three-times daily.

Note TDM: because of striking pharmacokinetic changes,
Oxcarbazepine versus carbamazepine
and clinical response, oxycarbazepine levels should
be monitored throughout pregnancy and the
epileptic efficacy and main mechanisms of action.
However, it is better tolerated and has fewer interactions
Reference range: MHD, 4–12 mg/l (50–140 μmol/l).
with other drugs because it does not undergo meta-
Main ADRs
Frequent and/or important: the most common CNS
adverse events are headache, dizziness, fatigue,
nausea, somnolence, ataxia and diplopia. Most of
has a lower incidence of idiosyncratic reactions than
these are dose related, they usually occur at the start
of therapy and subside during the course of therapy.
Serious: the reported rate of skin rash with oxcarba-
zepine is around 2% (adults) and 5% (children),
as opposed to 5–10% with carbamazepine. Multi-
organ hypersensitivity disorder and Stevens–Johnson
Clinical applications syndrome have been reported.
Oxcarbazepine is a first class AED for monotherapy, Cross-reactivity with carbamazepine is approximately 25%
conversion to monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for (i.e. of the patients who have skin rash with carbamazepine,
all types of focal seizures with or without secondarily 25% will also have skin rash with oxcarbazepine). Therefore,
GTCSs.209–211 This has been documented in a series given the availability of other AEDs, oxcarbazepine
of clinical trials and by extensive clinical use. In may not be a good option for patients who developed
2003, it became the first AED to be approved by the idiosyncratic reactions with carbamazepine or other AEDs
FDA in 25 years for use as monotherapy in children e.g. lamotrigine and phenytoin.
with focal epilepsy.
Hyponatraemia (serum sodium level <125 mmol/l)
Dosage and titration occurs in 3% of patients on oxcarbazepine. This
Adults: start treatment with 150 mg/day and increase develops gradually during the first few months of
by 150 mg/day every second day until a target dose of treatment. It is usually benign and can be reversed by
900–1200 mg/day is reached. Others start with 600 mg/ fluid restriction or a reduction in the dose of oxcar-
day and increase weekly in 600 mg increments until a bazepine. Acute water intoxication is rare. Measure-
maintenance dose of between 1200 and 2400 mg/day ment of serum sodium levels are needed for patients
is reached. I would recommend the principle of ‘start with renal disease, those taking medication that may
low and go slow’ to avoid ADRs and particularly rash. lower serum sodium levels (e.g. diuretics, oral contra-
In patients with impaired renal function (creatinine ceptives or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or
clearance <30 ml/min), oxcarbazepine should be if clinical symptoms of hyponatraemia develop.
initiated at one-half of the usual starting dose and Consumption of large volumes of any fluid should
increased slowly until the desired clinical response be discouraged.
is achieved or ADRs appear. Oxcarbazepine is contraindicated in patients with a
Children: start with 10 mg/kg/day in two or three history of atrioventricular block.
divided doses. The dosage can be increased by FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking or
10 mg/kg/day at approximately weekly intervals to starting on oxcarbazepine for any indication should
a maximum of 30–46 mg/kg/day. be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
592 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal contraceptives and lamotrigine, and increases the
thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx). plasma concentration of others, such as phenytoin.
Conversely, strong inducers of the CYP enzyme
Considerations in women system, such as carbamazepine and phenytoin,
Pregnancy: category C. Seizure control may be lost lower plasma levels of MHD by 29–40%.
during pregnancy in women on oxcarbazepine.129 Combination therapy with monoamine oxidase
The concentration of oxcarbazepine and its inhibitors should be avoided, because oxcarbazepine
metabolite decrease markedly during pregnancy and has structural similarities with tricyclic anti-
may increase several fold after delivery.212,213 depressants.
Breastfeeding: oxcarbazepine and its active metabolite
are secreted in significant amounts in breast milk. Main disadvantages
Interaction with hormonal contraception: yes. t Oxcarbazepine is contraindicated in generalised
seizures, such as absences or myoclonic jerks in
Main mechanisms of action syndromes of IGE.214 It may not be effective in
Oxcarbazepine exerts its anti-epileptic activity neonates and children <2 years of age.
primarily through its major metabolite MHD. Like t One out of four patients have cross sensitivity to
carbamazepine, blockade of voltage-sensitive sodium idiosyncratic reactions with carbamazepine or
channels is its main mechanism of action. Others other AEDs.
include reduction of the release of excitatory amino t Although it is among the first-choice AEDs
acids, probably by inhibiting high voltage-activated for monotherapy in focal epilepsies, its use as
calcium currents. An effect on potassium channels polytherapy is less satisfactory because of drug–
might be clinically important. drug interactions.
t Unless levels of oxcarbazepine are adjusted,
Pharmacokinetics seizures may increase during pregnancy and
Oral bioavailability: >95% and peak concentrations toxicity may appear postpartum.
are reached within 4–6 hours. Absorption is
unaffected by food. Useful clinical notes
Protein binding: only 38% of the MHD is bound
to serum proteins, as compared with 67% for the t $POWFSTJPO UP PYDBSCB[FQJOF GSPN DBSCBNB[FQJOF
parent compound. or phenytoin is complicated by the initial need for
Metabolism: oxcarbazepine is rapidly metabolised IJHIFSEPTFTPGPYDBSCB[FQJOFUIBOOFFEFEMBUFSBT
in the liver to form the pharmacologically active monotherapy.
MHD. This is then conjugated to a glucuronide com- t " DBSCBNB[FQJOF EPTF PG  NH BQQFBST UP CF
pound and excreted in the urine as a monohydroxy FRVJWBMFOUUPNHPGPYDBSCB[FQJOF
Elimination half-life: 8–10 hours. This is shorter in PYDBSCB[FQJOFBCSVQUMZ VTJOHBEPTFSBUJPPGNH
children and longer in the elderly. DBSCBNB[FQJOF UP  NH PYDBSCB[FQJOF  XJUIPVU
As a neutral lipophilic substance, the active metab- the need for titration.215 A lower ratio 1:1 or 1:1.25
olite MHD of oxcarbazepine is able to diffuse rapidly is usually better tolerated, especially if the conversion
through the various membranes and the blood–brain JTGSPNTMPXSFMFBTFQSFQBSBUJPOTPGDBSCBNB[FQJOF
Drug interactions DBSCBNB[FQJOF
The oxcarbazepine–MHD complex lowers plasma
concentrations of some drugs, such as hormonal
Pharmacopoeia 593

Phenobarbital was introduced into clinical practice Considerations in women
in 191249 and is still a widely used AED, particularly Pregnancy: category D.
when cost is a problem.216–219 It is highly effective in Breastfeeding: phenobarbital is secreted in significant
all seizure types except absences.216–219 amounts in breast milk (40% of the plasma
concentration) and may cause sedation to the
Authorised indications: baby. However, avoiding breastfeeding may cause
UK-BNF for Children: all forms of epilepsy except withdrawal symptoms to the neonate.
absence seizures in patients of any age, including Interaction with hormonal contraception: yes.
USA: focal seizures and GTCSs in patients of any Main mechanisms of action
age, including neonates. Phenobarbital exerts its anti-epileptic activity
through multiple modes of action. Its primary effect
Current main applications
is probably through its post-synaptic binding to
Phenobarbital is still a main AED for neonatal
GABAA receptors. It also blocks voltage-sensitive
and febrile seizures (if treatment is needed) and
sodium and potassium channels, reduces presynaptic
established convulsive status epilepticus. It is the
calcium influx and possibly inhibits glutamate-
main monotherapy AED in resource-poor countries.
mediated currents.
In small doses at night, phenobarbital is useful
as adjunctive therapy in many forms of epilepsies
other than absences. It is still used in some European
Oral bioavailability: >90% and peak concentrations
countries in the treatment of JME.
are reached within 8–12 hours.
Protein binding: 20–50%.
Dosage and titration
‘Start very low and go very slow’ is particularly Metabolism: phenobarbital is metabolised in
important. the liver, mainly through hydroxylation and
Maintenance dose: adults 50–200 mg at night (initial glucuronidation, and induces most isozymes of the
30 mg/day) and children 3–5 mg/kg/day. CYP system.
Dosing: once daily prior to going to sleep. Elimination half-life: 2–7 days. It is a very long-acting
TDM: necessary. barbiturate.
Reference range: 10–40 mg/l (43–172 μmol/l).
Drug interactions
Main ADRs Phenobarbital, a potent enzyme inducer (CYP2C,
Frequent and/or important: the most common CYP3A, microsomal epoxide hydrolases and UGTs),
CNS adverse events are drowsiness, sedation or has marked and clinically significant interactions
aggression, depression, behavioural disturbances with other drugs including AEDs and hormonal
and impairment of cognition and concentration. contraception. It lowers the plasma concentration
Hyperkinesia (hyperactivity) is a major problem in of carbamazepine, clonazepam, lamotrigine, pheny-
children. toin (but may also raise phenytoin concentration),
Serious: hepatitis, cholestasis, thrombocyto- tiagabine, valproate and zonisamide. Plasma levels
penia, agranulocytosis; skin rash and multi-organ of phenobarbital decrease in co-medication with
hypersensitivity disorder and Stevens–Johnson enzyme inducers; they increase with valproate,
syndrome. felbamate and dextropropoxyphene.
594 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Main disadvantages Other available main barbiturate

ADRs are the main disadvantage of phenobarbital. agents
It is primarily unsuitable for children and elderly Primidone probably has similar ADRs to phenobar-
patients. bital and is of no better efficacy.
UK-SmPC: management of grand mal and psycho-
Useful clinical notes motor (temporal lobe) epilepsy. It is also of value in
the management of focal and jacksonian seizures,
myoclonic jerks and akinetic attacks.
in well-controlled patients unless it is associated with
FDA-PI: sole or adjunctive therapy in the
control of grand mal, psychomotor and focal
at long intervals because of the risk of withdrawal epileptic seizures in adults and children. It may
TFJ[VSFT control grand mal seizures refractory to other
 "WPJE IJHI EPTFT NBYJNVN JO Barbexaclone is of similar effectiveness as pheno-
adults 200 mg). barbital, but less sedative.221

Phenytoin was introduced into clinical practice Clinical applications
in 193849 and is probably the most widely used Phenytoin is still very useful in neonatal seizures (if
AED.222 It is highly effective in focal seizures and phenobarbital fails), focal seizures and GTCSs (no
GTCSs.216–218,220 It is contraindicated in absences and other AED had superior efficacy than phenytoin
myoclonic jerks, progressive myoclonic epilepsies in RCTs, but ADRs are hindering its use), and
such as Unverricht syndrome, and probably in
established convulsive or focal status epilepticus
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome and other childhood
(often considered as the first choice).
epileptic encephalopathies (but may be effective in
tonic seizures). Dosage and titration
Maintenance dose: adults 200–400 mg nocte (initially
Authorised indications
UK-SmPC: control of tonic-clonic seizures (grand 50–100 mg/day) and children 5–10 mg/kg/day.
mal epilepsy), partial seizures (focal including Dosing: once daily.
temporal lobe) or a combination of these, and the TDM: necessary, mainly because of its narrow thera-
prevention and treatment of seizures occurring peutic range and saturable kinetics (see metabolism).
during or following neurosurgery and/or severe Reference range: 10–20 mg/l (40–80 μmol/l).
head injury.
FDA-PI: control of generalized tonic-clonic (grand Main ADRs
mal) and complex partial (psychomotor, temporal Serious early non-dose related: anticonvulsant hyper-
lobe) seizures and prevention and treatment of seizures sensitivity syndrome that may be fatal (Stevens–
occurring during or following neurosurgery. Johnson and Lyll’s syndrome).
Pharmacopoeia 595

Dose-related: ataxia, drowsiness, lethargy, sedation Drug interactions

and encephalopathy. These are multiple. Phenytoin, an enzyme inducer,
Chronic use: gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism and significantly affects plasma levels of other drugs,
dysmorphism. including AEDs and hormonal contraception, and vice
Other reactions: haematological, neurological (e.g. versa. It lowers the plasma concentration of clonazepam,
peripheral neuropathy and cerebellar atrophy) and carbamazepine, lamotrigine, tiagabine, topiramate,
others, such as systemic lupus erythematosus. Its effect valproate, zonisamide and the active metabolite of
on cognition is probably similar to that of carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine. It often raises the plasma concentration
but much better than that of phenobarbital. of phenobarbital and sometimes lowers the plasma
concentration of ethosuximide and primidone (by
Considerations in women increasing conversion to phenobarbital).
Pregnancy: category D.
Breastfeeding: small amounts are excreted in breast Disadvantages
milk. t Acute and long-term ADRs hamper its use.
Interaction with hormonal contraception: yes. t Long-term use of phenytoin is unsuitable for
women because of aesthetic reasons and terato-
Main mechanisms of action genic properties.
Blockade of voltage-sensitive sodium channels is the t Therapeutic range is narrow and close to the toxic
main mechanism of action of phenytoin. range requiring frequent monitoring of plasma
levels. After a certain dose (100–200 mg/day),
further increases should be small (25 mg/day)
Oral bioavailability: 95% and peak concentrations
and over longer intervals (every 2–4 weeks).
are reached within 4–12 hours. Absorption may be
erratic; food and small bowel disease significantly
alter its absorption. Useful clinical notes
Protein binding: >85%.
Metabolism: phenytoin is metabolised in the liver,
secondarily GTCSs, but it is often contraindicated in
mainly through para-hydroxylation by the hepatic
generalised epilepsies.
P450 system. Its metabolism is dose-dependent
because of hepatic enzyme saturation kinetics. At
higher drug concentrations, phenytoin kinetics are Other available phenytoin-related
non-linear and thus a small increase in dose may agents
lead to a large increase in drug concentration as Phosphenytoin for intramuscular and intravenous use; it
elimination becomes saturated. is preferred to phenytoin because it does not produce
Elimination half-life: 7–40 hours. This is plasma level adverse tissue effects (see Chapter 3, page XXX).223–228
and co-medication. It is shorter in children and Ethotoin and mephenytoin probably offer no advantage
longer in the elderly. over phenytoin.
596 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Pregabalin [(S)-3-(aminomethyl)-5-methylhexanoic Main ADRs
acid, also known as (S)-3-isobutyl GABA] is struc- Significant weight gain was noted in 5.6% of
turally related to gabapentin. It was introduced into pregabalin-treated patients in all trials (see also page
clinical practice in 2004 for the treatment of certain XXX).
types of peripheral neuropathic pain, generalised The most commonly reported (>10%) ADRs in
anxiety disorders and as an adjunctive therapy placebo-controlled, double-blind studies were
for focal seizures with or without secondarily somnolence and dizziness. Other commonly repor-
generalisation. ted (>1% and <10%) ADRs were increased appetite,
euphoric mood, confusion, decreased libido,
Authorised indications irritability, ataxia, attention disturbance, abnormal
EMEA-SmPC: adjunctive therapy in adults with focal coordination, memory impairment, tremor, dysar-
seizures with or without secondary generalisation. thria, paraesthesiae, blurred vision, diplopia, vertigo,
FDA-PI: adjunctive therapy in adults with focal- dry mouth, constipation, vomiting, flatulence, erec-
onset seizures. tile dysfunction, fatigue peripheral oedema, feeling
drunk and abnormal gait.
Clinical applications229–232 There have been reports in the postmarketing
Post-marketing experience is still very limited and it experience of hypersensitivity reactions, including
appears that pregabalin is a narrow-spectrum AED cases of angioedema and Stevens Johnson syndrome.
that exaggerates myoclonus. Therefore, pregabalin Hypoglycaemic medication may need to be adjusted
should be only used in rational polytherapy in in diabetic patients who gain weight.
adults with intractable focal seizures who have failed FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking
to respond to other preferred AED combinations as or starting on pregabalin for any indication should
detailed in Chapter 15 (page XXX). be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal
Treatment-emergent myoclonic jerks, even in patients
thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).
with focal seizures,233,234 may be a warning sign against
the use of pregabalin in generalised and other myoclonic
epilepsies, where myoclonus is often a prominent Considerations in women
symptom to treat. Pregnancy: category C.
Others: weight gain, which is often significant, may
be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Dosage and titration
Adults: start treatment with 150 mg/day and, based on Main mechanisms of action
individual patient response and tolerability, increase to The precise mechanism of action of pregabalin is
300 mg/day after an interval of 7 days, and to a maxi- still unclear.235 Despite being an analogue of GABA,
mum dose of 600 mg/day after an additional 7-day pregabalin is inactive at GABAA and GABAB receptors
interval. The maintenance dose is 150–600 mg/day in and it has no effect on GABA uptake or degradation.
either two or three divided doses taken orally. Pregabalin probably decreases central neuronal
Dosage adjustments are necessary in patients with excitability by binding to an auxiliary subunit (A2D
renal impairment and the elderly. protein) of a high-voltage-gated calcium channel
TDM: probably not needed (see useful note on page on neurones in the CNS. It reduces the release of
XXX). certain neurotransmitters including glutamate,
Reference range: not determined. noradrenaline and substance P.
Pharmacopoeia 597

Pharmacokinetics function when co-administered with oxycodone (an

Oral bioavailability: >90%. opioid), and it potentiates the effect of lorazepam
Protein binding: does not bind to plasma proteins. and ethanol.
Metabolism: pregabalin is not metabolised in the liver Patients with galactose intolerance, glucose–
and does not induce hepatic enzymes. It is excreted galactose malabsorption or Lapp lactase deficiency
renally. should not take pregabalin.
Elimination half-life: 6 or 7 hours.
Main disadvantages
Drug interactions It is still early to make any predictions for the role of
Pregabalin does not affect the plasma concentration pregabalin in the treatment of focal epilepsies. However,
of other AEDs.236 In addition, it does not interact with the high incidence of weight gain (consider the decline
a number of other drug types, including hormonal in the use of valproate because of this side effect and
contraception. its causative relation with polycystic ovary syndrome
However, pregabalin appears to have an additive in women), treatment-emergent myoclonic jerks and
effect on the impairment of cognitive and gross motor similarities with gabapentin237 are not promising signs.

Rufinamide238–242 is a triazole derivative structurally 2 days, to up to a maximum recommended dose
unrelated to any currently marketed AED. of 1800 mg/day (in the 30–50 kg weight range),
2400 mg/day (50.1–70 kg) or 3200 (>70 kg).
Authorised indications Children <30 kg not receiving valproate: start with a daily
EMEA-SmPC/FDA-PI: adjunctive treatment of dose of 200 mg, which may be increased by increments
seizures associated with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome of 200 mg/day as frequently as every 2 days, up to a
in patients 4 years and older. maximum recommended dose of 1000 mg/day.
Children <30 kg also receiving valproate: start with
Clinical applications
a daily dose of 200 mg, which after a minimum
Rufinamide is one of the latest AEDs marketed
of 2 days may be increased by 200 mg/day, to the
for the treatment of epileptic seizures. Its licenced
indications are for Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, maximum recommended dose of 400 mg/day.
but the next step will probably be for adjunctive Dosing: twice daily. Tablets can be crushed and
treatment of intractable focal epilepsies. administered in half a glass of water.
TDM: unknown.
Dosage and titration Reference range: unknown.
A lower maximum dose of rufinamide is recommen-
ded for patients being co-administered valproate, Main ADRs
which significantly decreases clearance of rufina- Frequent and/or important: headache, dizziness,
mide, particularly in patients with a low body weight fatigue, somnolence, ataxia and gait disturbances.
of <30 kg. Serious: status epilepticus has been observed during
Adults and children >30 kg: start treatment with a clinical development studies, which led to the
daily dose of 400 mg, which may be increased by discontinuation of rufinamide in 20% of cases and
increments of 400 mg/day as frequently as every none in the placebo group.
598 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Idiosyncratic reactions and hypersensitivity Excretion: predominantly renal (85% of the dose).
syndrome (rash and fever with other organ system Elimination half-life: 6–10 hours.
involvement; e.g. lymphadenopathy, liver function
test abnormalities and haematuria may rarely occur Drug interactions
with rufinamide). Rufinamide does not have clinically relevant effects
Rufinamide is contraindicated in patients with on other AEDs but may decrease phenytoin clearance
familial short QT syndrome (see discussion of cardiac and increase average steady-state plasma concen-
ARDs in Chapter 7). Formal cardiac ECG studies trations of co-administered phenytoin.
demonstrated shortening of the QT interval (by up However, other AEDs significantly affect rufinamide
to 20 msec) with rufinamide treatment. Reductions plasma concentrations, which are decreased by co-
of the QT interval below 300 msec were not observed administration with carbamazepine, phenobarbital,
in the formal QT studies with doses up to 7200 mg/ primidone, phenytoin or vigabatrin.
day. Moreover, there was no signal for drug-induced Conversely, rufinamide plasma concentrations
sudden death or ventricular arrhythmias. significantly increase with valproate co-administra-
tion and these are pronounced in patients of low
Considerations in women body weight (<30 kg).
Pregnancy: category C. No significant changes in the concentration of
Breastfeeding: unknown but it is likely to be excreted rufinamide are observed following co-administration
in the breast milk.
with lamotrigine, topiramate or benzodiazepines.
Interactions with hormonal contraception: yes.
Patients treated with drugs that are metabolised
by the CYP3A enzyme system should be carefully
Mechanism of action
monitored for 2 weeks at the start of, or after the
Rufinamide reduces the recovery capacity of neuronal
end of, treatment with rufinamide or after any
sodium channels after inactivation, prolonging their
inactive state by limiting neuronal sodium-depen- marked change in the dose. A dose adjustment
dent action potential firing. of the concomitantly administered drug may
need to be considered. These recommendations
Pharmacokinetics should also be considered when rufinamide is
Oral bioavailability: is dose dependent; as the dose used concomitantly with drugs with a narrow
increases, the bioavailability decreases. Food increases therapeutic window, such as warfarin and digoxin.
the bioavailability of rufinamide by approximately No data on the interaction of rufinamide with
34% and the peak plasma concentration by 56%. alcohol are available.
Protein binding: 34%. Rufinamide interferes with hormonal contra-
Metabolism: rufinamide is extensively metabolized ception. Women on hormonal contraceptives are
but has no active metabolites. The primary advised to use an additional safe and effective
biotransformation pathway is carboxylesterase(s)- contraceptive method.
mediated hydrolysis of the carboxylamide group
to the acid derivative CGP 47292. There is no Main disadvantages
involvement of oxidizing cytochrome P450 enzymes Development of status epilepticus, idiosyncratic
or glutathione in the biotransformation process. reactions that may be serious and significant
Rufinamide is a weak inhibitor of CYP 2E1. It did interactions with enzyme inducers (they reduce its
not show significant inhibition of other CYP enzymes. plasma concentration) and valproate (it increases its
Rufinamide is a weak inducer of CYP 3A4 enzymes. plasma concentration).
Pharmacopoeia 599

4,4-Dimethyl-1-[3,4-(methylenedioxy)- Considerations in women
phenyl]-1-penten-3-ol was selected for possible Probably not relevant for this drug as it is licensed
antiepileptic effects from a series of alpha-ethylene for Dravet syndrome only.
alcohols. Stiripentol has been known for over 30 Pregnancy: category C.
years but because of significant problems, it was Breastfeeding: unknown but possibly excreted in
only licensed in 2009 in Europe as an adjunct- breast milk (animal data).
AED for Dravet syndrome, under the brand name Interactions with hormonal contraception: yes.
Main mechanisms of action
Authorised indications Not fully elucidated. Direct antiepileptic effect is
SmPC: use in conjunction with clobazam and attributed to increase GABA levels in the brain through
valproate as adjunctive therapy for refractory inhibition of synaptosomal uptake of GABA and/or
generalized tonic-clonic seizures in patients with inhibition of GABA transaminase. Its indirect efficacy
severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet in polytherapy is through increasing levels of other
syndrome) whose seizures are not adequately AEDs.
controlled with clobazam and valproate.
FDA :Not yet approved. Pharmacokinetics
Oral bioavailability: easily and quickly absorbed but
Clinical applications absolute bioavailability is unknown.
Limited to GTCS of Dravet syndrome. There are no Protein binding: 99%
clinical study data to support it as monotherapy Metabolism: extensively metabolized mainly through
in Dravet syndrome or other epilepsies. Studies in demethylenation and glucuronidation (see below for
adult patients are disappointing. drug interactions). Most is excreted in the urine.
Elimination half-life: 4.5 hours to 13 hours, increasing
Dosage and titration with dose.
Patients aged 3–18 years: Start with 10–20 mg/
Kg/day in 2–3 divided doses and increase over 3 Drug interactions
days using upwards dose escalation to reach the Multiple, complex and of high clinical significance.
recommended dose of 50 mg/kg/day administered Stiripentol inhibits several cytochrome P450
in 2 or 3 divided doses in conjunction with isoenzymes such as CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4
clobazam and valproate. and thus interacts with many AEDs (phenobarbital,
There are no clinical study data to support its safety phenytoin, carbamazepine, diazepines, tiagabine,
at doses greater than 50mg/kg/day. valproate) and other medicines (theophyline,
Dosing: two or three times daily. antihistamines such as astemizole, chlorpheniramine
TDM: unknown. and many others), increasing their plasma levels with
Reference range : unknown. potential risk of overdose. It inhibits the metabolism
of clobazam and its N-desmethylclobazam
Main ADR biotransformation, thus increasing their plasma
Frequent and/or important: anorexia, weight loss, concentrations.
insomnia, drowsiness, ataxia, hypotonia, dystonia
and vomiting. Main disadvantage
Serious: rash, potentiation of serious ADRs of Extremely difficult to use because of numerous drug
valproate in young age groups. Transient aplastic interactions and of doubtful efficacy other than for
anaemia and leukopenia have also been reported. its limited licensed indication.
600 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

The story of sulthiame’s transition from a disgraced Dosing: two or three times daily.
to a useful drug is interesting.249–253 TDM: not needed.
Sulthiame is a sulfonamide derivative with carbonic Reference range: it has not been precisely determined
anhydrase-inhibiting properties (it is only one-sixteenth but may be around 4.1 mg/l (2.2–6.1 mg/l).
as potent as acetazolamide). It was first introduced as Clearance of sulthiame in children is higher than
an AED in the 1960s, but its use was largely abandoned in adults and thus a higher dose/kg of sulthiame is
in the 1970s on the assumption that it had little, if needed to obtain an effective plasma concentration.
any, anti-epileptic activity when used alone. Its anti-
epileptic action was attributed to raised levels of Main ADRs
concomitant medication (phenytoin, phenobarbital Frequent and/or important: unsteadiness and giddiness,
and primidone).254,255 The significant improvement numbness, nausea, paraesthesiae of the face and
in the disturbed behaviour of mentally handicapped limbs, hyperventilation (rapid or deep breathing),
patients was debated and attributed to the sedative loss of appetite and weight loss, and rash.
effect of sulthiame.254 Reports that sulthiame, even in Serious: idiosyncratic reactions as with other sulfon-
monotherapy, was a very effective drug in intractable amides; metabolic acidosis and nephrolithiasis as
epilepsies of infancy and childhood256 were ignored. with other carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (see topira-
Recently, sulthiame appears to have experienced mate, page XXX).
a revitalisation with reports (including class 1
evidence) that it is probably the most effective drug Considerations in women
in benign childhood focal epilepsies with regard to Pregnancy: category D.
its effect in suppressing seizures and EEG abnor-
malities.250–253 Sulthiame has also re-emerged as an Mechanism of action
AED in adults.249 The main mechanism of the anti-epileptic effect of
sulthiame is unclear and may be multiple. Sulthiame
Authorised indications inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in glial
It is licensed in Australia, Germany, Ireland, Israel,
cells, increases the carbon dioxide concentration
and some other countries, but not by the EMEA or
and leads to an acidification of the extracellular
FDA or in the UK.
fluid. This results in a reduction of the inward
Clinical applications currents operated by NMDA receptors and calcium
Mainly in benign childhood focal epilepsies,250–252 currents, causing a depression of intrinsic neuronal
and epileptic encephalopathies, particularly those excitability. Sulthiame has also been found to
with EEG continuous spike–wave during sleep.253 It inhibit voltage-gated sodium channels, reduce the
may also be useful in some myoclonic epilepsies.256 concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter
glutamate in the hippocampus of rats and guinea
Dosage and titration pigs, as well as the concentration of GABA in
Adults: start treatment with 250 mg and increase to cerebral hemispheres of mice.
750–1000 mg. The recommended doses are much
lower today than they were in the 1970s (200–600 Pharmacokinetics
mg/day compared to 600–3600 mg/day). Oral bioavailability: 100%.
Children: 10–20 mg/day (this may also be high; a Protein binding: 29%.
daily dose of 5 mg/kg is usually very efficacious and Metabolism: hepatic.
safe in children). Excretion: renal.
Pharmacopoeia 601

Elimination half-life: 5–10 hours (in children younger so these drugs are elevated to ‘therapeutic’ or
than 12 years) and 9–15 hours (in patients older ‘toxic’ levels, or rise steeply when sulthiame is
than 12 years). introduced.255

Drug interactions Main disadvantages

These are significant. Sulthiame inhibits the metabo- Serious drug–drug interactions and lack of licensed
lism of phenytoin, phenobarbital and primidone, indications by the FDA and EMEA.

Tiagabine [(R)-N-(4,4-di-(3-methyl-thien-2-yl)-but- TDM: not useful.
3-enyl)nipecotic acid hydrochloride] was first licen- Reference range: 80–450 μg/l (50–250 nmol/l).
sed as an AED in 1998.257
Main ADRs
Authorised indications Frequent and/or important: fatigue, headache, dizziness,
EMEA-SmPC/FDA-PI: adjunctive therapy for focal tremor, cognitive impairment, disturbed concentration,
seizures in patients 12 years of age. depression and word-finding difficulties.
Serious: none. Concerns that tiagabine, like vigabatrin
Clinical applications (another GABAergic AED), may cause visual field
The anti-epileptic efficacy of tiagabine is limited defects have not been substantiated.260,261
to focal seizures. Its role in clinical epileptology Seizure exacerbation: treatment-emergent absence status
is probably limited to adjunctive medication epilepticus has been reported in a significant number
in severe forms of focal epilepsies that failed to of patients (see page XXX). An opinion by a panel of
respond to other AED combinations.258,259 It may experts that ‘treatment with tiagabine in recommended
also be effective in epileptic spasms of epileptic doses does not increase the risk of status epilepticus in
encephalopathies. patients with partial seizures’262 probably refers to focal
status epilepticus and not to generalised absence status
Dosage and titration epilepticus, where the main risk lies.263,264
Dosage and titration depend on co-medication. All patients who are currently taking or starting on
Adults: start treatment with 4–5 mg/day for the first tiagabine for any indication should be monitored for
week. Titrate in increments of 4–5 mg/day every week notable changes in behaviour that could indicate
in two divided doses up to a total of 30–45 mg/day the emergence or worsening of suicidal thoughts or
(in co-medication with enzyme-inducing drugs) or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).
15–30 mg/day (with non-enzyme-inducing drugs).
Children: start treatment with 0.1 mg/kg/day and Considerations in women
titrate in increments of 0.1 mg/kg/day every 1 or Pregnancy: category C.
2 weeks up to a total of 0.5–2 mg/kg/day. Interaction with hormonal contraception: no.
Children eliminate tiagabine more rapidly than
adults. Main mechanisms of action
Dosing: twice or preferably three and sometimes four Tiagabine is an AED specifically designed to increase
times daily. GABA longevity in the synaptic cleft. It is a potent
602 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

and selective inhibitor of GABA uptake into neurones Drug interactions

and glial cells. This brain GABAergic-mediated inhi- Enzyme-inducing AEDs (phenytoin, carbamazepine
bition of tiagabine explains its anti-epileptic effect and phenobarbital) significantly lower the plasma
on focal seizures and also explains its pro-absence concentrations of tiagabine by a factor of 1.5–3 and
effect (see useful note on page XXX).263,264 shorten its half-life.
Valproate displaces tiagabine from its protein-
Pharmacokinetics binding sites.
Oral bioavailability: <96%. High fat meals slow the Tiagabine does not affect other AEDs or hormonal
rate of absorption. contraception.
Protein binding: 96%. Salicylic acid and naprofen
displace tiagabine. Main disadvantages
Metabolism: tiagabine is metabolised by hepatic CYP t Narrow-spectrum anti-epileptic efficacy against
before conjugation to inactive metabolites excreted focal seizures only. Its use is prohibiited in IGE
in the urine and faeces. It is neither an hepatic with absences because tiagabine is a pro-absence
enzyme inducer nor an inhibitor. drug.
Elimination half-life: 7–9 hours, which decreases t Multiple drug interactions and complicated
to 2 or 3 hours in the presence of hepatic enzyme dosage and titration schemes.
inducers. The metabolism of tiagabine is reduced in
patients with hepatic dysfunction, thus prolonging
its half-life to 12–16 hours.

Topiramate is a sulfamate-substituted monosac- was demonstrated in a controlled trial in patients with
charide designated chemically as 2,3:4,5-di-O-iso- epilepsy who had no more than 2 seizures in the 3
propylidene-B-D-fructopyranose sulfamate. It was months prior to enrollment. Safety and effectiveness
first introduced into clinical practice in 1995. in patients who were converted to monotherapy
from a previous regimen of other anticonvulsant
Authorised indications drugs have not been established in controlled trials;
UK-SmPC: (1) monotherapy in patients 6 years (2) adjunctive therapy for adults and pediatric
of age with newly diagnosed epilepsy who have patients ages 2–16 years with partial onset seizures,
GTCSs or focal seizures with or without secondarily or primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and
generalised seizures; (2) adjunctive therapy in in patients 2 years of age and older with seizures
patients 2 years of age who are inadequately associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
controlled on conventional first-line AEDs for focal
seizures with or without secondarily generalised Clinical applications
seizures, seizures associated with Lennox–Gastaut Topiramate is a highly efficacious new, broad-
syndrome and primary GTCSs. The efficacy and safety spectrum AED, but significant ADRs hinder its
of conversion from adjunctive therapy to topiramate clinical use.265–273 It is probably the most effective
monotherapy has not been demonstrated. of all the newer AEDs in focal seizures. In clinical
FDA-PI: (1) initial monotherapy for focal onset or use, topiramate has been recommended for all types
primary GTCSs in patients 10 of age; effectiveness of seizures – focal or generalised, and idiopathic
Pharmacopoeia 603

or symptomatic – in adults and children including post-marketing studies.265,277 On the positive side,
difficult-to-treat epileptic encephalopathies, such as topiramate lacks significant idiosyncratic reactions.
West and Lennox–Gastaut syndromes. Frequent and/or important: somnolence, anorexia,
fatigue and nervousness are common as in other
Dosage and titration AEDs, but most of the other frequent ADRs are of
‘Start very low and go very slow’ is particularly concern.
important. Treatment with topiramate should be Serious: ADRs are numerous and diverse.
initiated at a very low dosage and be titrated at a very Abnormal thinking, consisting of mental slowing and
slow pace. If the patient is unable to tolerate the titration word-finding difficulties, has been reported in 31% of
regimen, smaller increments or longer intervals patients with titration rates of 100 mg per week.278,279
between increments can be used. Maintenance doses Difficulty with concentration/attention, memory
are usually reached in 2 months. impairment, psychomotor slowing and speech disorders
Adults and children over 16 years: start with 25 mg are often very severe, even when treatment starts
nocte for the first week and then titrate in increments with small doses and titration is slow.
of 25 or 50 mg/day in two equally divided doses at Behavioural and cognitive problems are a limiting
1 or 2 week intervals. The recommended mainten- factor in some children. Topiramate was reported to
ance dose is 200–400 mg/day. Some authors recom-
have a negative impact on cognition with impairment
mend a maximum dose of 800 mg/day, but this is
of performance on tests requiring verbal processing,
rarely tolerated.
which was consistent with subjective complaints of
Children 6–16 years: start treatment with 25 mg or
1–3 mg/kg/day nocte for the first week. Titrate with
Weight loss (10% of patients) may be considered as
increments of 1–3 mg/kg/day in two divided doses at
beneficial by some women, but is sometimes relentless
1- or 2-week intervals to a recommended maintenance
and extremely problematic.265 A dietary supplement
dose of 5–9 mg/kg/day in two divided doses.
or increased food intake may be considered if the
Children 2–6 years: start with 0.5–1 mg/kg/day
patient is losing weight or has inadequate weight
nocte for the first week and then titrate as for older
gain while receiving topiramate.
Treatment-emergent paraesthesiae and abdominal pains
Renally impaired patients: half of the usual dose is
may be confused with other systemic disorders.
recommended. Patients with moderate or severe
Metabolic acidosis: hyperchloraemic, non-anion gap,
renal impairment may take 10–15 days to reach
steady-state plasma concentrations compared with metabolic acidosis (i.e. decreased serum bicarbonate
4–8 days in patients with normal renal function. below the normal reference range in the absence
Tablets should not be broken. of respiratory alkalosis) is associated with use of
Therapy should not be withdrawn suddenly topiramate. The incidence of persistent treatment-
because of the risk of aggravating seizures. emergent decreases in serum bicarbonate is high
Dosing: twice daily. and rises significantly with increasing topiramate
TDM: probably not needed (see useful note on page dosages. Generally, the decrease in bicarbonate
XXX). occurs early in treatment, although it can occur at
Reference range: 9–12 mg/l (15–60 μmol/l). any time during treatment.
Markedly abnormal low serum bicarbonate levels
Main ADRs (i.e. an absolute value of <17 mEq/l and >5 mEq/l
Topiramate is an inferior newer AED with respect to decrease from pretreatment levels) occurred in 11%
ADRs, which are common, multiple and sometimes of children receiving topiramate 6 mg/kg/day and
severe or potentially fatal.274,275 Withdrawal rates 3% of adults receiving 400 mg/day. In placebo-
were low in controlled trials (4.8%),266,276 but appear controlled trials of migraine prophylaxis in adults,
to be much more frequent in non-comparative and markedly abnormally low serum bicarbonate levels
604 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

occurred in 11% of those receiving 200 mg/day, 9% Acute myopia with secondary angle-closure glaucoma is
on 100 mg/day, 2% on 50 mg/day and <1% with a syndrome reported in adults and children treated
placebo. with topiramate.282 Symptoms typically occur within
Diseases or therapies that predispose to acidosis, 1 month of the start of treatment and include acute
such as renal disease, severe respiratory disorders, onset of decreased visual acuity and/or ocular pain.
status epilepticus, diarrhoea, surgery, ketogenic diet Ophthalmological findings include bilateral myopia,
or certain drugs (e.g. zonisamide) may be additive to anterior chamber shallowing, ocular hyperaemia
the bicarbonate-lowering effects of topiramate. and increased intra-ocular pressure with or without
Manifestations of acute or chronic metabolic mydriasis. There may be supraciliary effusion
acidosis may include hyperventilation, non-specific resulting in anterior displacement of the lens and
symptoms, such as fatigue and anorexia, or more iris. Discontinuation of topiramate should be as
severe sequelae including cardiac arrhythmias or rapid as is clinically feasible. Immediate specialist
stupor. advice should be sought. If left untreated, elevated
Depending on the underlying conditions, appro- intra-ocular pressure can lead to serious sequelae,
priate evaluation, including serum bicarbonate levels including permanent visual loss.
is recommended with topiramate therapy. Oligohidrosis and hyperthermia: hypohidrosis or,
more seriously, anhidrosis associated with hyper-
Chronic, untreated metabolic acidosis may increase the
thermia, which infrequently results in hospitalisation,
risk of nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis, and may also
has been reported in association with topiramate.
result in osteomalacia (rickets in paediatric patients)
Symptoms include decreased or absence of sweating,
and/or osteoporosis with an increased risk of fractures.
elevation of body temperature, red face and tiredness,
Chronic metabolic acidosis in paediatric patients may
which worsen with exertion.
also reduce growth rates. A reduction in growth rate
The majority of the reports have been in children and
may eventually decrease the maximal height achieved.
have occurred after exposure to hot environmental
The effect of topiramate on growth and bone-related
conditions. Patients, especially children, treated with
sequelae is unknown and has not been systematically
topiramate should be monitored closely for evidence
of such symptoms especially in hot weather.
Nephrolithiasis: around 1.5% of adults and 0.6% Caution should be used when topiramate is pre-
children in clinical trials of topiramate developed scribed with other drugs that predispose patients
renal stones. Risk factors for nephrolithiasis include to heat-related disorders, such as zonisamide (such
prior stone formation, a family history of nephro- a combination should probably be avoided), other
lithiasis and hypercalciuria. None of these risk carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and anticholinergic
factors can reliably predict stone formation during drugs.
topiramate treatment. In addition, patients taking FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking
other medication associated with nephrolithiasis, or starting on topiramate for any indication should
such as zonisamide, may be at increased risk. be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
Topiramate, like other carbonic anhydrase inhibi- could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal
tors, reduces urinary citrate excretion and increases thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).
urinary pH.
Patients receiving topiramate should increase their Considerations in women
fluid intake because this may reduce the risk of: Pregnancy: category C. There is no reliable infor-
(1) developing renal stones; and (2) heat-related adverse mation on human teratogenicity (see Table 7.15,
events during exercise and exposure to particularly chapter 7), but in animals even subtoxic doses of
warm environments. topiramate are teratogenic.283
Pharmacopoeia 605

Breastfeeding: breastfeeding is not recommended hydrolysis and glucuronidation. There is evidence of

because of extensive secretion of topiramate into renal tubular reabsorption of topiramate.
breast milk. Elimination half-life: 21 hours.
Interactions with hormonal contraception: there is a
dose-dependent decrease in ethinyl estradiol exposure Drug interactions
with topiramate doses between 200 and 800 mg/day, The following anti-epileptic drug–drug interactions are
which may result in decreased efficacy of hormonal of clinical significance with topiramate co-medication:
contraception or increased breakthrough bleeding. t In co-medication, phenytoin plasma levels may
increase by 25% and topiramate decrease by
Main mechanisms of action 48%. Carbamazepine may decrease topiramate
The anti-epileptic effect of topiramate is probably plasma by nearly a half.
due to multimodal mechanisms of action. These
t There is probably no interaction with lamotrigine
include blockage of voltage-dependent sodium
and levetiracetam, and interactions with valpro-
channels, augmentation of the inhibitory activity
ate are minimal.
of GABA at some subtypes of the GABAA receptor,
t Concomitant use with other carbonic anhydrase
antagonism with the AMPA/kainate subtype of the
inhibitors, such as zonisamide, should probably
glutamate receptor, and inhibition of the carbonic
be avoided.
anhydrase enzyme, particularly isozymes II and IV.
See also interactions with hormonal contraception.
Oral bioavailability: >80%. Main disadvantages
Protein binding: 15–41% over the blood concentra- Despite high efficacy, the current and future role of
tion range of 0.5–250 μg/ml. The fraction bound topiramate as a major AED is questionable, because
decreases as blood concentration increases. of its very-poor profile in terms of multiple and severe
Metabolism: topiramate is not extensively metabolised ADRs. The most important of these reactions are those
and is primarily eliminated unchanged in the urine that occur in children, some of which (metabolic
(approximately 70% of an administered dose). Six acidosis) may have predictable detrimental growth
metabolites have been identified in humans, none of and bone-related sequelae in long-term use.
which constitutes more than 5% of an administered Its use may be limited to severe epilepsies intract-
dose. The metabolites are formed via hydroxylation, able to other, better tolerated, AEDs.

The introduction of valproate as an AED in the early Authorised indications
1960s revolutionised the treatment of generalised UK-SmPC: In the treatment of generalized, partial or
epilepsies.284–285 Valproic acid (2-propyl pentanoic other epilepsy.
acid, 2-propyl valeric acid) is a short-chain branched FDA-PI: (1) monotherapy and adjunctive therapy in the
fatty acid. Prior to the serendipitous discovery of its treatment of patients with complex partial seizures that
anti-epileptic activity in 1963, valproic acid was occur either in isolation or in association with other types
used as an organic solvent. of seizures and (2) use as sole and adjunctive therapy in
Valproate is a general term used to include all available the treatment of simple and complex absence seizures,
forms of valproic acid, such as sodium valproate, and adjunctively in patients with multiple seizure types
magnesium valproate and sodium divalproex. which include absence seizures.
606 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Simple absence is defined as very brief clouding of Dosing: twice or three-times daily, and once daily for
the sensorium or loss of consciousness accompanied slow-release formulations.
by certain generalized epileptic discharges without TDM: often not useful, because of poor correlation
other detectable clinical signs. Complex absence is between valproate dose and plasma levels. However,
the term used when other signs are also present. because of significant drug interactions, monitoring
Valproate sodium injection is indicated as an of valproate and AEDs given concomitantly may be
intravenous alternative in patients for whom oral helpful when enzyme-inducing drugs are added or
administration of valproate products is temporarily withdrawn.
not feasible. Reference range (measures valproic acid): 50–100 mg/l
(300–700 μmol/l).
Clinical applications
Valproate is one of the most effective broad-spectrum Main ADRs
AEDs for all types of seizures and epilepsies. It has Valproate is associated with serious ADRs, particularly
superior efficacy in all types of generalised seizures
in children and women. Acute liver necrosis and acute
(idiopathic and symptomatic), all syndromes of IGE
pancreatitis, which may be fatal, are rare and more
and photosensitive epilepsy compared with any
likely to occur in children receiving polypharmacy.
other drug so far, with the probable exception of
An estimated 1–2% risk of neural tube defects,
levetiracetam. The efficacy of valproate has been well
predominantly spina bifida aperta, in babies of women
documented in long-term and worldwide clinical
on valproate is well established,288,289 and the overall
practice and controlled studies.
risk of major teratogenic effects with valproate is two-
However, valproate is (1) far inferior to carbamaze-
to three-times higher than the background prevalence
pine and some newer AEDs in the treatment of focal
of major non-syndromic congenital anomalies (Table
epilepsies and (2) has serious ADRs in women of
7.15).16 This together with polycystic ovary syndrome290
child-bearing age and in patients of early childhood.
and other endocrine ADRs,291 makes the use of valproate
Unlike many other AEDs, valproate appears to have
in some women undesirable.
a very low potential to aggravate seizures.287 When
seizure aggravation occurs with valproate, it is in a CNS-related ADRs: in contrast with other older AEDs,
specific clinical context, such as overdose, encepha- valproate is not usually associated with drowsiness
lopathy, or hepatic or metabolic disorders.287 and fatigability or significant dose-related effects on
cognition or behaviour. Valproate encephalopathy is
Dosage and titration exceptional.
Adults: start treatment with 200 mg/day in two equally Tremor is the more troublesome CNS adverse effect
divided doses for 3 days. Titrate in increments of of valproate. There is great individual susceptibility
200 mg/day every 3 days to a maintenance dose of to the development of tremor, which is usually mild,
usually 1000–1500 mg/day (maximum 3000 mg/day) but may become very intense, socially embarrassing
given in two equally divided doses. Higher initial dosage and disabling. It is reversible and declines when the
and faster titration rates are usually well tolerated. dose is lowered.
Children: start with 10 mg/kg/day. Titrate in incre- Systemic: the most serious are fatal hepatotoxicity
ments of 10 mg/kg/day every 3 days. The typical and acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis.
maintenance dose in childhood is 20–30 mg/kg/day Hepatic failure resulting in fatalities is primarily
in two equally divided doses. age-dependent and occurs mainly in children
Combined therapy: it may be necessary to increase the dose receiving polypharmacy and with organic brain
by 30–50% when used in combination with enzyme- disease. The risk is 1/600 before the age of 3 years.
inducing AEDs, such as phenytoin, phenobarbital and The incidence of fatal hepatotoxicity decreases
carbamazepine. On withdrawal of these AEDs, it may considerably in progressively older patient groups
be possible to reduce the dose of valproate. (range 1/8000–1/10,000 between 3 and 20 years
Pharmacopoeia 607

of age) and in monotherapy with valproate. Weight gain occurs in 20% of patients and is some-
Hepatic failure has usually occurred during the first times marked; women are more vulnerable. This is
6 months of treatment. The diagnosis is based on usually reversible if valproate is withdrawn early.
clinical criteria with non-specific symptoms, such as Hair loss and changes in hair texture or colour are
malaise, weakness, lethargy, facial oedema, anorexia, relatively rare; they usually occur in the early months
vomiting and loss of seizure control. Liver function of valproate treatment and may resolve spontane-
tests should be performed prior to therapy and at ously despite continuation of the drug.
frequent intervals thereafter, especially during the Other ADRs concern the gastrointestinal system (e.g.
first 6 months. However, this may not be helpful anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, stomatitis) and
because: urogenital system (e.g. urinary incontinence, vaginitis,
t benign elevation of liver enzymes is common dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea and urinary frequency).
during valproate treatment
FDA warning: All patients who are currently taking
t severe hepatotoxicity is not preceded by pro-
or starting on valproate for any indication should
gressive elevation of liver enzymes.
be monitored for notable changes in behaviour that
Raised liver enzymes are common during treatment could indicate the emergence or worsening of suicidal
with valproate, particularly if used in conjunction with thoughts or behaviour or depression (see page xxx).
other AEDs. These are usually transient or respond
to dose reduction. Patients with such biochemical Considerations in women
abnormalities should be reassessed clinically and liver Valproate treatment in women raises many issues, as
function tests should be performed more frequently.
has been detailed on many occassion in this book.
An abnormally low prothrombin level, particularly in
Pregnancy: category D.288,289,293 Valproate is teratogenic.
association with other relevant abnormalities, requires
It crosses the placenta and causes a spectrum of
withdrawal of valproate. Any concomitant use of
congenital anomalies, such as neural tube defects,
salicylates should be stopped, since they employ the
craniofacial malformations and skeletal defects. The
same metabolic pathway.
incidence of these anomalies is much higher when
Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis with markedly valproate is given as co-medication with other AEDs
increased amylase and lipase levels is another rare, (Table 7.15).
but serious, adverse effect of valproate treatment. It Breastfeeding: There appears to be no contra-
develops within the first 3 months of treatment, is indication to breast feeding; excretion in breast milk
more prevalent in children and with polytherapy. is low and with no clinical effects.
Hyperammonaemic encephalopathy, which is some- Interaction with hormonal contraception: none.
times fatal, has been reported following initiation Other issues: see endocrine abnormalities.
of valproate therapy in patients with urea cycle
disorders. When urea cycle enzymatic deficiency Main mechanisms of action
is suspected, metabolic investigations should be The main mechanism of action is unknown and
performed prior to treatment with valproate. a combination of several mechanisms may be
Thrombocytopenia and other haematological abnor- responsible:
malities:292 it is recommended that platelet counts t reduction of sustained, repetitive, high-
and coagulation tests are performed before initiating frequency firing by inhibiting voltage-sensitive
therapy and at periodic intervals, because of reports of sodium channels, activating calcium-dependent
thrombocytopenia, inhibition of the secondary phase potassium conductance and possibly by direct
of platelet aggregation and abnormal coagulation action on other ion channels
parameters. Evidence of haemorrhage, bruising or a t valproate has a GABAergic effect through eleva-
disorder of haemostasis/coagulation is an indication tion of brain GABA by various mechanisms, such
for reduction or withdrawal of valproate. as inhibiting GABA-transaminase (GABA-T),
608 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

enhancing GABA-synthesising enzymes, increa- Elimination half-life: this is variable, but generally
sing GABA release and inhibiting GABA uptake. appears to be 8–12 hours (range 4–16 hours). It is
However, this GABAergic action is observed shorter in patients receiving enzyme-modifying AEDs
only at high valproate levels and may explain or in long-term valproate treatment of children and
its efficacy in other, but not absence, seizures. adults. Many antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs
GABAergic drugs that affect GABAB receptors result in competitive metabolism or enzyme inhibition
have a pro-absence action because they potentiate when given as a co-medication with valproate.
absences (see useful note on page XXX). Another
explanation for the effect of valproate on absence Drug interactions
seizures is that this drug, like ethosuximide, There are numerous drug interactions with valproate
reduces a low threshold (T-type) calcium-channel because:
current,294 but this effect has not been supported t its metabolism is sensitive to enzymatic induction
by other studies.295 t it inhibits the metabolism of other drugs
t it has a high affinity for serum proteins; it may be
Pharmacokinetics displaced or displace other drugs.
Oral bioavailability: almost complete. Absorption of Effect of other AEDs on valproate: enzyme inducers,
valproate varies according to the formulation used. particularly those that elevate levels of UGTs, such as
Absorption is rapid and peak levels are reached phenobarbital, phenytoin and carbamazepine, may
within 2 hours after oral administration of syrup or increase the clearance of valproate, thus reducing
uncoated tablets. This is longer (3–8 hours) with plasma valproate levels by 30–50%.
enteric-coated tablets. The addition of ethosuximide may reduce the
Protein binding: valproate is highly protein bound plasma concentration of valproate.
(about 90%). However, if the plasma level of Effects of valproate on other AEDs: valproate does not
valproic acid rises above 120 mg/l or if the serum interact with most of the newer AEDs. A notable
albumin concentration is lowered, the binding sites exception is lamotrigine.296 Valproate is a potent
may become saturated, causing the amount of free inhibitor of UGT-dependent metabolism of lamotrigine,
drug to rise rapidly, out of proportion to any increase and doubles251 or triples76 its plasma half-life.
The addition of valproate to ethosuximide or
in dosage. Valproate may displace phenobarbital or
phenobarbital may double the plasma concentration
phenytoin from plasma protein-binding sites.
of these AEDs with concomitant toxicity.
Metabolism: hepatic. Valproate has a complex metabo-
lism. It is rapidly and nearly totally eliminated by There is evidence of severe CNS depression, with
hepatic metabolism with numerous metabolites that or without significant elevations of barbiturate or
contribute to its efficacy and toxicity. Two metabolites valproate plasma concentrations. All patients receiving
of valproate, 2-ene-valproic acid and 4-ene-valproic, concomitant barbiturate therapy should be closely
are among the most pharmacologically active and monitored for neurological toxicity. Plasma barbiturate
have a similar potency to the parent drug. They are concentrations should be measured, if possible, and
both produced by the action of CYP enzymes induced the barbiturate dosage decreased, if appropriate.
by other AEDs. They are eliminated primarily in the Plasma levels of carbamazepine decrease to around
urine. 17%, while those of carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide
The major elimination pathway is via glucuronida- increase by 45% on co-administration with valproate.
tion (40–60%). The remainder is largely metabolised Valproate displaces phenytoin from its plasma
via oxidation pathways, B-oxidation accounting for albumin-binding sites and inhibits its hepatic
30–40% and V-oxidation, which is CYP depen- metabolism. Valproate significantly increases the free
dent. Only 1–3% of the ingested dose is excreted fraction of phenytoin and reduces its total plasma
unchanged in the urine. concentration.
Pharmacopoeia 609

Valproate does not interact with hormonal contra- t young children, particularly those <2 years, who
ception. are at a considerably increased risk of developing
fatal hepatotoxicity, especially those on multiple
Main disadvantages anticonvulsants or with congenital metabolic
The superior efficacy of valproate in generalised disorders, mental retardation or organic brain
seizures is hindered by serious acute and chronic disease.
ADRs. It is particularly unsuitable for: Valproate is the superior AED for generalised
t women, because of hormonal changes, weight epilepsies, but its use in focal epilepsies is of very
gain and teratogenicity; it is virtually impossible limited value, because:
to prescribe valproate to young women today. t the doses of valproate required to be effective
There are increasing numbers of litigations against are much higher in focal than generalised
physicians and health authorities by parents of epilepsies
children with foetal valproate syndrome (even if t ADRs , particularly in some women, make its use
the risks were appropriately explained to them) undesirable
on a scale characterised by the media as ‘bigger t there are other, more effective and safer drugs for
than thalidomide’. focal seizures (see Chapter 15).

Vigabatrin (G-vilyl-GABA; 4-amino-hex-5-enoic Dosage and titration
acid) was a result of a rational approach to design Adults: start treatment with 500 mg/day and titrate
compounds that enhance the effect of the inhibitory in increments of 500 mg/day every week. Typical
neurotransmitter GABA.297–314 adult maintenance dose is 1000–3000 mg/day
given in two equally divided doses.
Authorised indications Because the excretion is mainly renal, the
UK-SmPC: (1) monotherapy in the treatment of infantile dose should be reduced in patients with renal
spasms and (2) treatment in combination with other insufficiency and creatinine clearance <60 ml/l.
anti-epileptic drugs for patients with resistant partial Children with infantile spasms: start treatment
epilepsy with or without secondary generalisation, with 50 mg/kg/day and adjust according to the
where all other appropriate drug combinations have response over 7 days, up to a total of 150–200
proved inadequate or have not been tolerated. mg/kg/day.
FDA-PI: not yet licensed, but expected soon. Dosing: despite its short half-life (5–7 hours), viga-
batrin may be given once or twice daily, because
Clinical applications inhibition of GABA-T results in a relatively long
The use of vigabatrin as an AED is, in clinical duration of action, and GABA levels in the CSF can
practice, limited to infantile (epileptic) spasms for remain elevated for up to 120 hours after a single
which it is the initial treatment of choice.297 oral dose.
Exceptionally vigabatrin may be used cautiously in TDM: unnecessary; useful only to check com-
the treatment of patients with intractable focal seizures pliance.71,72
that have failed to respond to all other appropriate Reference range: 6–278 μmol/l, which is irrelevant in
AED combinations and surgical procedures.297,298 clinical practice.
610 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

Main ADRs Metabolism: it is not metabolised and 70% is excreted

Visual field defects are the main concern.305,312 Other unchanged in the urine. It is eliminated by the
ADRs include sedation, dizziness, headache, ataxia, kidneys by glomerular filtration.
paraesthesiae, memory, cognitive and behavioural Elimination half-life: 5–8 hours (not clinically
disturbances, weight gain and tremor. There is no important).
evidence of idiosyncratic ADRs.
Visual field defects: there is a high prevalence of Drug interactions
visual field defects occurring in around one-third of There are no drug interactions of any clinical
patients (adults and children)312 treated with vigabat- significance, except for lowering the concentration
rin. Vigabatrin also produces retinal electrophysio- of phenytoin.
logical changes in nearly all patients.260,311,312
Visual field loss resulting from vigabatrin is not Considerations in women
usually reversible. However, visual acuity, colour Pregnancy: category C.
vision and the loss of amplitude on the electro- Breastfeeding: only small amounts of the drug are
retinogram may be reversible in patients with minimal excreted in breast milk.
or no visual field loss. There is some evidence that Interactions with hormonal contraception: none.
visual field defects remain stable with continuous
treatment. It is, therefore, feasible to continue Main disadvantages
treatment with vigabatrin in these cases, provided Visual field defects have virtually eliminated viga-
visual field monitoring is performed regularly.311 batrin from common clinical practice except for
In one study involving 24 children treated with infantile spasms.
vigabatrin, visual field constriction or abnormal Aggravation of seizures: vigabatrin is a pro-absence
ocular electrophysiological studies were seen in over agent which aggravates absence seizures and pro-
50% of cases.312 vokes absence status epilepticus.310 This alone
The mechanism of vigabatrin-induced visual field would prohibit use of vigabatrin in IGEs with
defects are probably due to reversible oedema of absences.
the myelin in the optic nerves, retinal cone system Vigabatrin, in addition to its aggravation effect on
dysfunction or both. typical absence seizures, may also exaggerate atypical
absences (such as those occurring in Lennox–
Main mechanisms of action Gastaut syndrome) and myoclonic seizures (such as
The anti-epileptic activity of vigabatrin is by selec- those occurring in progressive or non-progressive
tive and irreversible inhibition of GABA-T, thus myoclonic epilepsies).
preventing the breakdown of GABA. Vigabatrin pro-
duces dose-dependent increases in GABA concen- Useful clinical note
trations in the CSF and decreases in GABA-T activity.
Raised brain GABA levels inhibit the propagation of Visual field defects may not be clinically detectable.
abnormal hypersynchronous seizure discharges. Therefore, patients should be monitored with perimetry
Vigabatrin may also cause a decrease in excitation- prior to and every 6 months during vigabatrin treatment.
related amino acids. Electrophysiological testing is considered to be more
accurate than perimetry for the direct vigabatrin effect
Pharmacokinetics on the outer retina.314 The manufacturers provide a
Oral bioavailability: 80–100%. procedure for testing children <9 years of age for visual
Protein binding: none. field defects.
Pharmacopoeia 611

Two lessons to be learned from vigabatrin

First lesson: Numerous RCTs failed to detect common UPMFSBUFEUIBODBSCBNB[FQJOF3063FTVMUTPGQSPQFSUFTUJOH

and serious visual field defects for visual field defects are not given; that the patients did
7JHBCBUSJO XBT VTFE BT BO BEKVODUJWF NFEJDBUJPO JO UIF not have abnormalities on visual confrontation testing is not
treatment of focal epilepsies from 1989, when it was SFBTTVSJOH8IFOTVDI"%3TDPNFUPMJHIU HPPEDMJOJDBM
first licensed in Europe. Concern over neuropathological practice mandates that patients are informed and offered
findings of microvacuolisation of white matter in animals the appropriate testing. Visual field testing performed by a
caused trials of vigabatrin to be halted in 1983, but trials protocol amendment post hoc (after termination of another
were resumed when a lack of evidence (including visual- 3$5
of ‘therapeutic articles’)299–306 were all consistent in their Second lesson: Authorities failed to warn of the pro-
conclusion that vigabatrin was a ‘relatively safe drug with absence effects of vigabatrin
a relatively benign adverse-effect profile’. They all failed to That vigabatrin is a pro-absence AED should be evident
identify vigabatrin-associated irreversible visual field defects. by its action on GABAB receptors. No such warning was
It was astute clinicians who first reported these serious given to practising physicians,309 who only discovered this
"%3T 305 but even after this report had been published, a FGGFDU XIFO QBUJFOUT XJUI *(&T FYQFSJFODFE TJHOJmDBOU
DMBTT*3$5GPVOEWJHBCBUSJOUPCFAMFTTFGGFDUJWFCVUCFUUFS deterioration and absence status epilepticus.310

Zonisamide is a synthetic 1,2-benzisoxazole deri- is efficacious in focal seizures with or without GTCSs,
vative (1,2-benzisoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide). primarily and secondarily generalised seizures
It is chemically classified as a sulfonamide with a including epileptic spasms of West syndrome,
structural similarity to serotonin. It was first intro- other epileptic encephalopathies such as Ohtahara
duced as an AED in Japan in 1989.315,316 syndrome, and probably progressive myoclonic
Efficacy, dose and mean plasma levels were similar epilepsies such as Unverricht syndrome.
in multi-centre studies with Japanese and Caucasian
subjects.315,317 Dosage and titration
‘Start low and go slow’ is an important part of treatment
Authorised indications with zonisamide.316 Significant adjustments are needed
EMEA-SmPC: Adjunctive therapy in adult patients with in co-medication with hepatic-enzyme inducers.
focal seizures with or without secondary generalisation. Adults: Start with 100 mg/day in one or two equally
FDA-PI: Adjunctive therapy in the treatment of focal divided doses. After two weeks, the dose may be
seizures in adults with epilepsy. increased to 200 mg/day for at least two weeks. It
can be increased to 300 mg/day and 400 mg/day,
Clinical applications318–332 with the dose stable for at least two weeks to achieve
Zonisamide appears to be an effective broad- steady state at each level. Evidence from controlled
spectrum AED with extensive clinical use in Japan. It trials suggests that zonisamide doses of 100–600
612 A Clinical Guide to Epileptic Syndromes and their Treatment

mg/day are effective, but there is no suggestion of t nephrolithiasis in 4% of patients on prolonged

increasing response above 400 mg/day. zonisamide therapy
Because of the long half-life of zonisamide, up to t oligohidrosis and anhidrosis often accompanied
two weeks may be required to achieve steady state by hyperthermia, especially in children and hot
levels upon reaching a stable dose or following dosage environments.
adjustment. Some experts prolong the duration of Additional severe ADRs are those seen with the
treatment at the lower doses in order to fully assess the sulfonamides, such as rash, Stevens–Johnson syndrome,
effects of zonisamide at steady state, noting that many toxic epidermal necrolysis and major haematological
of the side effects of zonisamide are more frequent at disturbances including aplastic anaemia, which very rarely
doses of 300 mg per day and above. Although there is can be fatal. The incidence of rash requiring discontinuation
some evidence of greater response at doses above 100– of therapy has been approximately 2% in clinical trials.
200 mg/day, the increase appears small and formal
Depression and psychosis may be common, particu-
dose-response studies have not been conducted.
larly in children. In one study, 14 of 74 patients
Marked renal impairment (creatinine clearance
experienced psychotic episodes within a few years
<20 ml/min) requires slower dose escalation and
of commencement of zonisamide.323
lower maintenance doses.
Seizure exacerbation: treatment-emergent status
Dosing: once or twice daily.
epilepticus has been reported in 1.1% of treated
Children: start with 1–2 mg/kg/day for the first week
patients, compared to no reported cases in placebo-
and titrate in increments of 1–2 mg/kg/day every 2
treated individuals.298,301
weeks. Usual childhood maintenance dose is 4–8 mg/
kg/day (maximum 12 mg/kg/day) in two equally Considerations in women
divided doses. Pregnancy: category C.
TDM: useful, although there is insufficient evidence Breastfeeding: the transfer rate of zonisamide through
to support a clear relation between the plasma breast milk is high at about 50%.
concentration of zonisamide and clinical response.317 Interaction with oral hormonal contraception: none.
Zonisamide monitoring may be needed in order to
adjust the dosage in co-medication with phenytoin, Main mechanisms of action
phenobarbital or carbamazepine. The anti-epileptic mechanism of zonisamide is prob-
Reference range: 15–40 mg/l (45–180 μmol/l). ably multimodal. Zonisamide blocks the sustained
repetitive firing of voltage-sensitive sodium channels
Main ADRs and reduces voltage-dependent T-type calcium
Zonisamide causes many ADRs. current without affecting the L-type calcium current.
Frequent and/or important: sedation, somnolence, It has mild carbonic anhydrase activity and inhibits
fatigue, dizziness, agitation, irritability, anorexia, excitatory glutamatergic transmission. It exhibits
weight loss, nausea, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, dry mouth, free radical-scavenging properties.
slowing of mental activity, depression, ataxia, visual
hallucinations, photosensitivity, resting and postural Pharmacokinetics
hand tremors. Bioavailability: 100%.
Potentially serious: some of the ADRs are similar to Protein binding: 40–60%.
those of topiramate. These are: Metabolism and route of elimination: zonisamide
t cognitive impairment, including word-finding is metabolised in the liver and eliminated by
difficulty; this is worse in children with plasma the kidneys. It is metabolised partly by CYP3A4
concentrations >140 μmol/l (reductive cleavage), and also by N-acetyl-transferases
t weight loss and anorexia that may become very and conjugation with glucuronic acid; therefore,
severe substances that can induce or inhibit these enzymes
Pharmacopoeia 613

may affect the pharmacokinetics of zonisamide. It of carbamazepine epoxide when added to carba-
does not induce hepatic enzymes. Nearly half of mazepine.
zonisamide is excreted unchanged in the urine. Concomitant administration of carbonic anhydrase
Elimination half-life: 60 hours, which decreases to 27– inhibitors, such as acetazolamide or topiramate,
38 hours in the presence of hepatic enzyme inducers. is probably ill advised because of the increased
potential for renal stone and metabolic acidosis.
Interaction with other drugs
Plasma concentrations of zonisamide are altered by Main disadvantages
drugs that either induce or inhibit CYP3A4. Pheny- Zonisamide has significant ADRs, some of which
toin, phenobarbital and carbamazepine increase may be severe such as cognitive, psychotic
zonisamide plasma clearance and reduce its half-life episodes, anhidrosis and hyperthermia,
to 27–38 hours.324 Valproate also reduces its half-life nephrolithiasis and Stevens–Johnson syndrome.
to 46 hours. It also has many interactions with other AEDs in
Zonisamide does not appear to affect phenytoin, polytherapy.324
but significantly increases the plasma concentration

15. Saetre E, Abdelnoor M, Amlie JP et al. Cardiac function and

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