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11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

Chapter 3 Cell Division
30 Questions

1. The structures labeled B are

a) centrioles b) sister chromatids

c) centromeres d) chromopheres

2. The first stage of the cell cycle during which the cell
matures and prepares to divide and copies its DNA; The
stage the cell stays in the most
a) interphase b) prophase
c) metaphase d) anaphase

3. How does cytokinesis differ in plant and animal cells?

a) Cytokinesis only takes place in animal b) Cytokinesis only takes place in plant cells.
c) Plant cells form a cell plate, animal cells d) Animal cells form a cell plate, plant cells
form a cleavage furrow. form a cleavage furrow.

4. Crossing over occurs in

a) prophase of mitosis b) prophase I of meiosis
c) interphase d) during all stages of meiosis I 1/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

5. Which option displays the correct order of the cell cycle?

a) Interphase, Cytokinesis, Mitosis b) Mitosis, Interphase, Cytokinesis
c) Interphase, Cytokinesis, Mitosis d) Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis

6. When an exchanged of genetic material between

nonsister chromatids of its homologous chromosome,
_________________ occurs

a) crossing over b) synapsis

c) bivalent d) tetrad

7. The image shows two different chromosomes. The

structure labeled A is a(n) ____.

a) non sister chromatid b) centromore

c) sister chromatid d) centriole

8. Human ovum has 23 chromosomes. What is the

chromosome number of a person’s cheek cells?
a) 13 chromosomes b) 23 chromosomes
c) 46 chromosomes d) 86 chromosomes 2/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

9. The diagram shows formation of structure X from

vesicles in a plant cell.What is X?

a) Plasma Membrane b) Cell wall

c) Cell plate d) Cleavage Furrow

10. The diagram shows formation of structure A between

two daughter of animal cells.What is A?

a) Plasma Membrane b) Cell wall

c) Cell plate d) Cleavage Furrow

11. The diagram shows a phase of cell division in a cell.

What is the stage of this phase?

a) Anaphase b) Anaphase I
c) Metaphase d) Metaphase I

12. "Homologous chromosomes pair together and cross-

over occurs." The chromosome behaviour is in stage
a) Prophase b) Prophase I
c) Prophase II 3/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

13. the phase of mitosis in which the sister chromatids

separate (pull apart) from each other
a) prophase b) metaphase
c) anaphase d) telophase

14. What is the result of mitosis?

a) 1 cell b) 2 genetically identical cells
c) 2 genetically different cells d) 4 genetically identical cells

15. At the end of mitosis, a cell with 6 chromosomes will

have ____ chromosomes.
a) 6 b) 12
c) 3 d) none of these

16. The process of mitosis most resembles:

a) meiosis I b) meiosis II
c) apoptosis

17. Independent assortment occurs during:

a) metaphase I & metaphase II of meiosis b) metaphase I & metaphase II of mitosis
c) prophase I & prophase II of meiosis d) prophase I & prophase II of mitosis

18. What happen during replication in the S phase of the

cell cycle?
a) The number of chromatids doubled. b) The number of chromosomes doubled.
c) The number of homologous d) The amount of energy in mitochondria
chromosomes doubled. doubled. 4/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

19. Which of the following sentences about meiosis are

correct?I. Meiosis halves the amount of DNA.II. Meiosis
enables sexual reproduction.III. Meiosis results in the
genetic diversity of offspring.IV. The first meiotic division
in eukaryotes is similar to mitosis.V. Meiosis in higher
eukaryotes occurs in somatic cells and gametes.
a) I, II and IV b) I, II and III
c) II, III and V d) II, III and IV

20. the function of mitosis in the life cycle of an organism

include the following except.
a) replacement of old cells. b) repair of injured tissues
c) production of gamete d) asexual reproduction

21. meoisis results in the production of

a) 2 haploid cells b) 2 diploid cells
c) 4 haploid cells d) 4 diploid cells

22. daughter cells produced asexually are

a) identical to each other b) identical to parent cell
c) different from each other d) identical to each other and parent cell

23. which statement correctly describes homologous

a) they are form during meoisis b) they are held together by centromeres
c) they are identical d) they carry the same gene loci

24. A pair of homologous chromosome which undergo

synapsis is called
a) sister chromatids b) bivalent
c) tetrad d) crossing over 5/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

25. Using the chromosome number of Azadirachta indica

(2N= 28), how many chromosomes in Prophase?
a) 0 b) 14
c) 28 d) 42
e) 56

26. Name the process in the diagram. 

a) Meiosis  b) Mitosis 
c) Endocytosis  d) Phagocytosis 

27. Brain cells are known to of through mitosis at a rapid

pace due to constantly learning and development of
skills. Which of the following is not a cell that can go
through mitosis?
a) Heart cell b) Toenail
c) Sperm  d) Liver cell

28. If there are 16 chromosomes in the egg cells of an

organism, how many chromosomes would be found in
its muscle cells?
a) 16 b) 32
c) 8 d) 64

29. If there are 20 chromosome in the egg cells, how many

chromosomes would be found in the sperm cells of the
same species?
a) 10 b) 40
c) 20 d) 80 6/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

30. A cell containing 92 chromatids at metaphase of mitosis,

at its completion produce two nuclei containing how
many chromosome?
a) 12 b) 16
c) 23 d) 46 7/8
11/16/21, 1:39 PM Chapter 3 Cell Division | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. b 9. c 17. a 25. c
2. a 10. d 18. a 26. a
3. c 11. d 19. b 27. c
4. b 12. b 20. c 28. b
5. d 13. c 21. c 29. c
6. a 14. b 22. d 30. d
7. a 15. a 23. d
8. c 16. b 24. b 8/8

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