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WEEK 5:What do you mean by a policy?

Here are some examples of

common workplace policies that could assist your workplace: types of
government regulations on business

Mg. Mario Araujo Gamero


What do you mean by a policy?

Policies are rules, principles, guidelines or frameworks

that are adopted or designed by an organization to
achieve long term goals. ... Policies are formulated to
direct and exert influence on all the major decisions to be
made within the organization and keep all activities
within a set of established boundaries.

WORK A workplace or place of employment is a

PLACES location where people perform tasks, jobs and
XXXX projects for their employer. Types of
XXXX workplaces vary across industries
Here are some examples of
common workplace policies that
could assist your workplace:
•code of conduct. Código de conducta.
•recruitment policy. política de contratación.
•internet and email policy. política de Internet y correo
•mobile phone policy. electrónico.
•non-smoking policy. política de telefonía móvil.
•drug and alcohol policy. política de no fumadores.
•health and safety policy. política de drogas y alcohol.
•anti-discrimination and política de seguridad y salud.
harassment policy. política contra la
discriminación y el acoso
Laws are written by Congress, the legislative branch of the
government, to define conduct for those aspects of daily
life that operate under the authority of the government. ...
Regulations (also called rules) are written by agencies to
implement laws passed by the legislative branch.

Here's a rundown of the different types of government regulations on
•Tax Code. For most small business owners, government regulation
questions almost always begin with taxes. ...
•Employment and Labor Law. ...
•Antitrust Laws. ...
•Advertising. ...
•Email Marketing. ...
•Environmental Regulations. ...
•Privacy. ...
•Licensing and Permits.
Rules sentence example
• The rules are there for a reason. ...
• Everyone has to believe there are rules and that they apply to everyone. ...
• No one will play the game if the rules only apply to one team. ...
• No house rules were broken.
Required sentence example
• Quinn was required to pick up extra classes when an older professor passed away suddenly. ...
• Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul. ...
• Alex and Jonathan had a relationship that required few words. ... Examples of 'in compliance with' in a sentence in compliance with
• Lawyers for the couple said that they were in compliance with government ethics rules. ...
• Brexit can only happen in compliance with our values. ...
• We believe that our trading was legitimate and in compliance with applicable law.
• Fixing supper required several.
'in compliance with' in a sentence Examples

. Lawyers for the couple said that they were in compliance with
government ethics rules. ...
• Brexit can only happen in compliance with our values. ...
• We believe that our trading was legitimate and in compliance with
applicable law.
Rules sentence example
• The rules are there for a reason. ...
• Everyone has to believe there are rules and that they apply to everyone. ...
• No one will play the game if the rules only apply to one team. ...
• No house rules were broken.
Required sentence example
• Quinn was required to pick up extra classes when an older professor passed
away suddenly. ...
• Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul. ...
• Alex and Jonathan had a relationship that required few words. ... Examples of
'in compliance with' in a sentence in compliance with
• Lawyers for the couple said that they were in compliance with government
ethics rules. ...
• Brexit can only happen in compliance with our values. ...
• We believe that our trading was legitimate and in compliance with applicable
• Fixing supper required several.
The right to the pursuit of happiness. The right to live your life free of
discrimination. The right to control what happens to your own body
and to make medical decisions for yourself. The right to freely exercise
your religion and practice your religious beliefs without fear of being
prosecuted for your beliefs
• basic human rights (things like food, clean water, and not being made
into a slave by anyone)
• civil rights (not being discriminated against or treated badly by the
• the right to remain silent (for someone who is arrested)
Grant verb to give or allow someone something, usually in
an official way

• The mayor refused to grant my request for an interview.

• The court granted the motion for a new trial.
Permit to allow something
• The regulations do not permit much flexibility.
• The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month.
• The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct
• As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass
of champagne.
• "For now“
is an idea of saying that the thing or idea is subject to change but with time for a notice to be made.
For now, the boy will stay in the orphanage. This is saying that a person will let him know if anything
is changing before it changes, like he is getting adopted.

"For the time being"

is suggesting that at this moment in time, this is what is happening/what is occurring/where we are,
but could change with a simple "You can't stay" or "This won't work.“
For the time being, he will live in the box. This demonstrates that his box-living could change
suddenly by let's say, a nice person found him and took him to an orphanage
Pass a law aprobar una ley
• The report on Peru indicated the need to promulgate and pass a Law of Public Service
El informe sobre Peru señaló la necesidad de promulgar y sancionar la Ley de la Función Pública

Bill proyecto de ley

The bill has been presented to the senate for a vote
Se presentó el proyecto de ley en el senado para someterlo a votación
Code normativa
The board approved the firm's new code yesterday.
La junta directiva aprobó ayer la nueva normativa de la empresa.
• Apply aplicar
The judge applied the law in a narrow sense instead of interpreting it.
El juez aplicó la ley en sentido estricto en lugar de interpretarla
• Comply cumplir
Not complying with the contract would be the height of irresponsibility.
No cumplir el contrato sería el colmo de la irresponsabilidad.
Require requerir
Licences for carrying and collection require separate procedures.
Licencias de portación y colección requieren trámites distintos
Should deber
People should not waste natural resources.
La gente no debe desperdiciar los recursos naturales.
Ougth to debería
Fundamental rights for disabled passengers when travelling by air ought to
be something we take for granted.
Los derechos fundamentales de los pasajeros con discapacidades, a la hora
de utilizar el transporte aéreo, son algo que deberíamos dar por descontado
Regular (ed)
Answer a question

Why are policies important in a worplace?


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