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A Thesis proposal

presented to the

Faculty of the Hospitality Management

Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez

Institute of Science and Technology

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the subject

HPCRESH1 (Research in Hospitality 1) Leading to the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management







Working on cruise ships is frequently viewed as an ideal

job, and this is often the case. But there were also many

instances when it felt like a living nightmare, despite the

fact that most people associate cruise ships with fun in the

sun, waves, wonderful itineraries, and nightlife. Very few

individuals consider the effort required to make a cruise

successful and pleasurable for passengers.

The cruise line industry comprises a part of the global

travel industry and performs operations throughout the globe,

including the Philippines. This industry attracts a lot of

people in the country because it gives them a lot of benefits

at work, like being able to travel to different places and

getting paid a lot (Davis, 2019). It is difficult to compare

life aboard a cruise ship to working on land, as it is

absolutely unique and extraordinary. Few careers provide the

opportunity to travel the world, see unusual sites, and

interact with people from all over the world. Obviously, such

an experience will make you a more well-rounded and

globalized individual, and you will have a better

understanding of global concerns, individuals from all over

the world, their culture, and their way of life. There is

much more to a cruise ship career than just a paycheck. It is

an exciting experience with several benefits and advantages.

Crew members on cruise ships can travel and get benefits like

free travel for themselves and their families. They can also

save money by living on the ship for free and make friends

from all over the world.

A cruise ship's crew is organized into numerous departments,

the most important of which are Deck, Engine, Hospitality,

Culinary, and Entertainment. People are required to work in a

variety of positions in each department. With your

qualifications and expertise, cruise ship salaries are higher

than what you would make on land. There is no income tax on

your profits, and you are provided with free accommodation

and food, allowing you to save the majority of your earnings.

Working aboard a cruise ship is a once-in-a-lifetime

opportunity. You will have the opportunity to go to various

locations across the world. Even though you must do your

duties when the ship is onshore, you are entitled to shore

leave after your duty hours.

As stated by Opazo (2020), everybody has different reasons to

go on board. Most people need this job to support their

families back home. But there are a bunch of us that are in

this business because we like it, we want to travel, or we

already have the crew member's disease, that one that makes

you come back, contract after contract. There are people who

have to work 6–8 months away from home just to bring food to

their relatives' tables. Even though there is a negative side

to crew life, there is also a positive one. But the belief

that everybody should have this experience once in their


This research used the Input-Process-Output (IPO) scheme

which guided the researchers in the conduct of the

investigation as shown in figure 1 on the next page.

The Input (I) consists of the reading materials such as

books, journals/periodicals, theses, and online sources;

survey results on the Benefits of Working in Cruise Line It’s

Perception of Hospitality Management Graduates.

The Process (P) includes gathering of data through a

survey questionnaire, statistical treatment of data,

analysis, and interpretation of data.

The Output (O) is to describe the Benefits of Working in

Cruise Line It’s Perception of Hospitality Management

Input Process Output

- Readings
take from
odicals, - Gathering - Describe
Theses and survey the Benefits
Online through of Working in
sources questionnaire Cruise Line
Perception of
- Survey - Statistical Hospitality
results on treatment of Management
sustainable the data Graduates.
strategies of
selected al - analysis, - presenting
fresco presentation, recommendatio
restaurants and n for
in Quezon interpretatio improvement
City n of the Data of the study

- Respondents
of the study
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Hospitality Management

graduate student’s perception of the Benefits of Working in

the Cruise Line in Metro Manila. The researcher will

determine how the benefits of working in cruise line are

perceived by the Hospitality Management Graduate Student’s.

To obtains all the essential information and data that will

explain the relevance of graduate student’s perception to the

Benefits of Working in Cruise Line and this study sought to

answer as follows:

1. What are the demographic profile of Hospitality

Management Graduate Student’s in terms of the following:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Year Graduated

1.3 Specialization

2. What are the perceptions of the respondents of the

benefits of working in Cruise Line in terms of:

2.1 Travel
2.2 Accommodation

2.3 Compensation and Medical Benefits

2.4 Cross cultural Understanding

3. What is the most perceived and least perceived

benefits of working in Cruise Line by the respondents?

4. What is the most benefits in the Cruise Line

operations desire by the respondents?

5. Given the benefits of working in Cruise Line, are the

respondents decided to work in the industry?


This study hypothesizes that there is no significant

difference in the assessment of the two group respondents on
the Benefits of Working in Cruise Line It’s Perception of
Hospitality Management Graduates.

Scope and Limitations of the study

This research is focused on finding out the student
perceptions about the benefits of working in the Cruise Line.
This study will be conducted around Metro Manila. The profile
of the respondents is based on the Statement of the Problem
that includes age, gender, year level, and specialization.
The research instrument that will use in this study is survey
questionnaires. The result will assist the researchers in
analyzing the study's findings of the most common Hospitality
Management student perception about the benefits of working
in the Cruise Line. The limitation of this study, it
addresses the "what" questions since it is descriptive
research. The researchers will interpret the findings of this
study. The research will be carried out during the academic
year 2022 - 2023.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study will contribute beneficial
factors and insights to each of the following:

Students. This research will aid future college students who

plan to specialize in cruise line operations by providing a
glimpse of what they can expect when they begin their cruise
line operations careers.

Future researchers. Future researchers can use this study to

learn about the opinions of Graduates students who chose to
work in Cruise Line regarding the advantages of working for a
cruise line. This research can also be used by future
researchers as a source of information for their own cruise
line operations research.

Teachers. This study can help the teachers on how they teach
the student because they see the interpret of those student
who want to work on cruise ship.
Future Workers. This study will help those future workers in
Cruise Line to know the benefits and advantages as a staff in
Cruise Line.

Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined operationally to provide a
common frame of reference.
Confidentiality Refers to the investigator's agreement
with participants, when applicable (i.e., through
participants' informed consent), about how their identifiable
private information will be handled, managed, and
Cross Cultural Understanding Someone's cultural
awareness is their understanding of the differences between
themselves and people from other countries or other
backgrounds, especially differences in attitudes and values.
Compensation Act of compensating for service, loss, or
Cruise Industry It refers to all businesses that are
involved with facilitating pleasure voyages via the use of
cruise ships. This would include cruise operators and cruise
lines, as well as businesses that are involved with the
manufacture of cruise ships. In addition, it includes certain
entertainment companies specializing in cruise entertainment.
Cruise Line It refers to a company that operates cruise
ships that operate on ocean or rivers and which markets
cruises to the public. Cruise lines are distinct from
passenger lines which are primarily concerned with
transportation of passengers.
Cruise Ship Tourism It can be defined as a luxurious
form of travelling, involving an all-inclusive holiday on a
cruise ship of at least 48 hours, with a set and specific
itinerary, in which the cruise ship calls at several ports or
Data analysis The process of systematically applying
statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and
illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.
Data collection The process of gathering and measuring
information on variables of interest, in an established
systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research
questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.
Descriptive Analysis Is the type of analysis of data
that helps describe, show or summarize data points in a
constructive way such that patterns might emerge that fulfill
every condition of the data.
Hospitality Management It refers to a career path that
typically falls under the hotels, resorts, and lodging
industry. Professionals in this field create and run many
aspects of the guest experience. They also often manage teams
that include front desk staff, housekeeping, and sales.
Likert Scale A rating scale used to assess opinions,
attitudes, or behaviors. Likert scales are popular in survey
research because they allow you to easily operationalize
personality traits or perceptions.
Measures of Frequency in descriptive analysis, it’s
essential to know how frequently a certain event or response
is likely to occur. This is the prime purpose of measures of
frequency to make like a count or percent.
Online survey A structured questionnaire that your
target audience completes over the internet generally through
a filling out a form. Online surveys can vary in length and
Passenger ship It refers to a ship whose primary
function is to carry passengers on the sea.
Perception It defined as awareness, comprehension or an
understanding of something.
Research Design Refers to the overall strategy that you
choose to integrate the different components of the study in
a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will
effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the
blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of
Research Ethics The application of fundamental ethical
principles to research activities which include the design
and implementation of research, respect towards society and
others, the use of resources and research outputs, scientific
misconduct and the regulation of research.
Research Instrument a tool used to collect, measure, and
analyze data related to your research interests. These tools
are most commonly used in health sciences, social sciences,
and education to assess patients, clients, students,
teachers, staff, etc. A research instrument can include
interviews, tests, surveys, or checklists.

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