Ce2219 Data Analysis

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Data Analysis


As depicted in the bar graphs of the 2 days, it is as clear as day that each 2 hour interval shows the same
peak volume throughout its duration. Both days show that the volume of cars/taxi/SUV volume during
7-9 am is at its peak at 8am-9am. On the other hand, the afternoon duration peaks during 12nn-2pm.
Both data also show that morning volume is higher than afternoon volume. The data collected by the
group can be said to be precise because of the similar relationship between the hours.

Although regular work hours start at 8am in Korea, the peak volume for cars occurs during 8am-9am.
This is most likely caused by traffic congestion in neighboring intersections. These vehicles have lower
volumes during the afternoon because most private cars are parked inside their respective buildings.
The surge can rather be explained because of the regular lunch break period from 12-1.


For the buses, it can be said that these vehicles are mostly present during the early hours of a day
specifically 7am-8am, then gradually decreases as the next hour progresses. Although the volume is
lower during the afternoon, data still shows that the first hour during this observation period presents
more volume than the succeeding hour.

Buses peak during 7am to 8am. This is because bus drivers need to start early in order to collect people
waiting in different bus stops. Its volume is at its minimum during the latest hour of observation (1pm-
2pm). This is due to the fact that few people use buses during this time. It can also be concluded that
this low volume is caused by lunch breaks among the bus drivers.


Trucks are surprisingly higher in noon hours as compared to morning hours. Data show the consistent
volume of trucks during the 7am-9am observation period for both days. Its volume then spikes during
12-1 and drops back a bit after hitting 1pm.


Motorcycle volume is at its lowest during the first hour of the observation period(7-8am). This then
increases gradually during the next hour. During the afternoon, the resurgence in motorcycle volume is
significant. Its peak volume is during 12-1. Then gradually drops after 1pm.

We think that motorcycles are rarely used in Korea, which explains its low volumes during the early
hours of the day. Its spike in volume during the afternoon may be caused by deliveries from different
companies (Grab food, Foodpanda etc).

Overall it is evident that cars/suvs/taxis are the ones that dominate the streets. Their volumes are high
compared to other types of vehicles (bus, trucks. Motorcycles). Cars and Buses peak at 8am-9am and
7am-8am respectively. While trucks and bikes peak during the afternoon period specifically at 12nn-
1pm. Peak hour volume occurs at the second hour of the early morning period and is closely followed by
the first hour of the afternoon period.

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