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Rolling Stones

Rachel Brady, Mackenzie Moyes, Sam Gerry, Kathryn Ryken

Rachel Brady Makenzie Moyes

Kathryn Ryken Sam Gerry

For all of our results our second tests we consumed less Earths than our first because
we realized that we could be more resourceful in the future. One pattern that we found was that
when we decrease our private transportation use and use public transportation, then our
resources used decrease significantly as well. Therefore, transportation has a large impact on
results and how fast resources are consumed. All of our results decreased by at least two or
three Earths when we tested for our lives in our 30s. For example, when you look at Sam’s
results, the consumption of resources decreased greatly from the first attempt to the second.
This is mainly due to the fact that Sam answered with the most logical and eco friendly ideas.
For our first attempt, we were all surprised or shocked by the fact that we use so many
Earth resources currently. Also, we realized how small decisions for everyday lives, such as
how much we drive or where our food comes from, matter more than we thought they did. After
going over all our thoughts on the survey we all had different things we would want to change:

Rachel​ - I would change how much meat I consume on a daily basis in the future because it
has a large impact on the environment and is something simple that I can do to help.
Makenzie​ - In the future I would change my meat intake and be more resourceful with water.
Sam​ - In the future I would probably try to use public transportation more often, and to also
minimize the amount of processed food I eat on a daily basis.
Kathryn​ - I’d like to live in a place where I could use public transit more often instead of driving
my car everywhere, since my carbon footprint was the largest portion of my consumption.

After discussing our results, we realize that our Earth is valuable and that it is important
to use the resources we have wisely through the decisions we make on a daily basis.

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