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Dinalupihan, Bataan

Preliminary Examination in Understanding the Self


Name: Conrad Jhay C. Capulong Date: 9/29/2022

Year/Course: first year B.S Criminology Permit/OR #: 129221
I. Match Column A to Column B

N 1. Multiple vs Unified Self a. Thomas Aquinas
M 2. True Self vs. False Self b. Hinduism
H 3. The theory of the Social Self c. Carl Rogers
I 4. Tabularasa d. Carl Jung
K 5. Cogito Ergo Sum, I Think Therefore, I e. Plato
O 6. Selfless me and i f. Erving Goffman
L 7. The Iceberg Theory g. Charles Cooley
G 8. The Looking Glass Self h. George Mead
F 9. Dramaturgy i. John Locke
D 10. Personal Archetype j. Confucianism
A 11. Hyle and Morphe k. Rene Descartes
B 12. Brahman l. Sigmund Freud
J 13. The Golden Rule m. Donald Winnicot
E 14. Rational, Appetitive and Spirited Soul n. David Lester
C 15. The Self Theory o. William James

II. Identify the following. Choose your answer in the word pool below. Write your answer
on the space provided.
1. ___ID_____- the instinct that seeks pleasure and avoids pain.
2. nirvana - is an individual person as the object of its own reflective consciousness
3. Philosophy with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language
4. Socrates - according to him the unexamined life is not worth living
5. pythagoras - he was the first to use the word Philosophy
6. rational self- composed of reason and intellect
7. tao - commonly regarded as nature that is the foundation of all that exists. The
absolute principle underlying the universe. Not bounded by time and space
8. society - is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical
territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant
cultural expectations
9. Sociology - is concerned with the study of people in a group or social context and
not as isolated individuals

Corruption will only spark and start the moment the students cheat during exams.. Ma’am Olie😊
10. looking glass self - refers to the notion that the self develops through our
perception of others’ evaluation and appraisal.
11. dramaturgy - focuses on how individuals take on roles and act them out to present
a favorable impression to their audience.
12. archetype - area universal, inborn models of people, behaviors, or personality
13. socrate Sanskrit word w/c means inner self or spirit or the soul.
14. Annica means impermanence
15. buddhism Believes that man is just a title for the summation of the five parts
that composed the individual.

Archetype Society Annica Philosophy Id Looking Glass Self

Sociology Dramaturgy Rational Self Socrates Self Atman

Pythagoras Buddhism Tao Karma Brahman Nirvana

III. Choose 1 from the following perspectives and explain how they view "self.". (20 pts)
1. Sociology
2. Psychology
3. Eastern Thought
4. Philosophy

PSYCHOLOGY I can share my ability with others and I am willing to help in everything whether it is housework
or in other ways and also for others if you can help, help even if there is nothing in return. because of the
teachings of my parents, don't base the poverty of others on what your position is, then you will learn to help
the needy
IV. Write your own perspective of the self.. (20pts)

I am a person who has a dream in life and the only way to achieve my goal is to study hard so that in the end my
parents will not be blamed but because of their hard work they were able to study. I hope that when I graduate, I
can also help others in need. and on the way to the dream I will bring what I learned from my teachers

Corruption will only spark and start the moment the students cheat during exams.. Ma’am Olie😊

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