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quadrupedal transformations and even more

challenging ones as becoming possible in our

lifetimes, especially if we get some additional
tailwinds and/or if lifespan extension delivers
on its promises.

Action Update What has led me to shift my beliefs? Well, a

few things.

De-risking in the 3D Anatomy project means

that we are increasingly likely to successfully

What if deliver the promised CAD engineering

program for customizing anatomy. The
Integument Review project is clarifying what

everything goes modifications to the tissue would look like for

skin, fur, scales, and feathers, and appears to
be giving us a more simple to-do list than I

right? was afraid of. The Enhanced Tail project has

already started detecting muscle contractions
in their testing setup, and has a plan for how
by Zennith on Wednesday 19th January, 2022 to engineer more responsive tail movement
using a set of epidermal electrodes, which
gives our organization a critical beachhead
People who have gotten to know me know into eventual permanently attached
that I try my best to be realistic. I'm neuroprosthetics. And finally, work happening
ambitious, sure, but I try my best to consider on the Technical Roadmap project is making
risks, failures, and slipped timelines, and I us realize that we know more about the
strive to avoid over-promising. I occasionally technical challenges needed for a
hop in to conversations to point out transformation than we were giving ourselves
assumptions, problems, risks, caveats, etc, and credit for.
to comment on how long experiments, or how
many resources, it would take to actually Our outreach efforts have also been bearing
accomplish something. These behaviors were fruit. In 2021, we discussed with important
beat into me in graduate school, and they've thought leaders including Hugh Herr, Liz
been useful more times than I can count! Parrish, Max More, and others. Discussions
like those are important so that we can learn
That said, seeing how far we've come in 2021 from leaders' experiences, while
has surprised me in a very good way, to the simultaneously introducing our ideas and
point where I'm having to check my own mission to new people. As well, our social
assumptions. We have some big mountains to media presence, while still small, roughly
climb and some rivers to cross. But...we've doubled in 2021. We're reaching new
crossed our first river and climbed the first stakeholders, and continuing to earn the trust
mountain, and the rest of the mountains in of existing stakeholders, in a sustainable and
front of us don't seem as scary as they used scalable way.
Most importantly, though, the people in our
I believe we will be able to, at minimum, let community and our organization are seriously
people become anthropomorphic versions of big inspirations. We've received a lot of kind
their identities or fursonas well within our and energizing messages about our mission,
lifetimes (speaking as a person in their early our organization, or both. Two that really
30s here). I would even give good chances for stick out to me are: "I can’t believe that there

are people like you that take this so seriously like we have most of the factors needed for
and I am really thankful for that" (Falcon), and ultimate success well within our lifetimes.
"To me, Freedom of form is not 'being what
you want to be', but 'express who you have To return to the heading of this section, "What
always been' " (anonymous). Conversations on if everything goes right?", well, here's a few
the Discord server, on Twitter, on Telegram, things that might (perhaps even "probably"?)
at in-person panels, and elsewhere make it go according to plan:
clear how important and impactful our
● Revenue growth from donations continues
mission is. Similarly, the people in our
to accelerate, letting us hire 1 or more
organization will often talk about the
full-time employees for a mixture of
importance of our mission for them, and you
research, outreach, and administrative
can tell based on how hard they work that
they mean it.
● Some of our research projects become
We are a nonprofit because we believe our products or services that allow for
mission is our #1 priority, and we genuinely non-donation revenues, and reinvestment
want it to be our legacy. As well, many of the in improving those products/services
challenges require a lot of research or (while still of course remaining open
advocacy work that would not work at a source in principle and in substance; we're
for-profit company. These priorities are often not compromising on that!)
incompatible with investors or venture ● We expand further in outreach impacts,
capital. encouraging other research centers
including universities, think-tanks, etc to
Nevertheless, we are still a startup. A start their own research, advocacy, and
nonprofit, but a new, small, and growing even policy/regulatory efforts into
nonprofit that is still heavily dependent on freedom of form.
earning and retaining the trust and support of ● Technical progress allows us to start
core believers in our mission and what we're performing some partial or limited body
building. Simultaneously, as a startup we need modifications (whether in-house or via
to be attentive towards estimating what our outside partners or subsidiaries) in the
"total addressable market" (TAM) is for our coming years.
mission. Numbers are still hard to come by, ● Further technical progress allows for
but we suspect there are greater-than- progressively more ambitious body
coinflip odds that our TAM comprises at least modifications, and for progressively
millions or tens of millions of people. Some smaller costs - we won't rest until
discussions towards the end of 2021 increased everyone has equal access to freedom of
my personal confidence that our suspected form.
TAM is at least that large. I mention this
because these factors are the sorts of things So, then, what if everything goes right? You -
that are highly beneficial to the long-term not just a generic "you", but you - could be
success of an organization. In short: the your fursona or character, at least in anthro
numbers and growth potential are even more form, not just within your lifetime, but in time
promising than I previously believed. for you to enjoy it with many healthy years in
front of you. And, a bit more speculatively, you
I really feel like we can do this. And not just could be able to enjoy your ideal form even if
succeed, but succeed on a reasonable quadrupedal or more difficult, still within your
timeline. Based on progress on research, lifetime. I genuinely believe it's possible, and I
headway in outreach efforts, encouragement won't rest until you can enjoy that.
from community members and volunteers, - And nor will I. - Atha
proof of traction with stakeholders, and an
upwards shift in our estimated TAM, it feels

An Expanding Charity 2022 Preview
by Athamanatha Kitsune on Wednesday 19th By Zennith on Wednesday 19th January 2022
January 2022
We have a lot in store for 2022, and I'm
excited to share an outline of these plans.
While many things are subject to risk, and
more opportunities may arise, we have been
getting much better at making sure that
planning and execution line up successfully.

3D anatomy project:
● Finish implementation of bone, muscle,
and tendon modeling in the engine.
● Add at least 1 new developer or
programmer, and at least 1 new anatomist,
physiologist, or relevant type of biologist.
● Make a pre-alpha user-downloadable
demo program available.

Integument review project:

● Finish discovery and basic
characterization steps for fur, scales, and
● Reorganize information from the project
updates into a digestible summary of how
cell biology and gene regulation function
as a system in the integument. Potentially,
Larger versions of these maps are available on submit this to a peer-reviewed journal
request from Atha. (open access).
We can do more things in parallel now than ● Add at least 1 new biologist, and ideally
ever before, and it’s all thanks to you amazing also add a bioinformatician.
patrons! 2022 is the year you will really start ● Generate hypotheses and outline next
to notice the uptick in our acceleration, as our steps for more specific projects that will
efforts to organise and prepare really begin to follow the integument review project.
gain traction and bear fruit.
Tail project:
We are now also registered in Washington ● Optimize detection of muscle
State so that we can more easily attend contractions
conventions and fundraise in Seattle and ● Implement logic that uses information
other WA locations. This was deemed a wise about muscle contractions to drive
idea owing to our strong supporter base in movement of a motorized costume tail.
the area. Some of our volunteers live there, so ● Work with The Tail Company for making
it is the right time to put some compliance these developments available to the
weight behind them. public.

Technical roadmap project: Lectures:
● Throughout the year, finish up at least the ● Host at least one more (preferably 2 or
"requirements" and "solutions" more) educational seminar, such as about
documentation sections, and post them stem cells.
● Using that information, develop additional Other:
detail about project needs, dependencies ● Identify at least one other educational
between projects, and overall timeline. resources project opportunity, and kick it
● Ask for feedback from experts such as off.
bioengineers, surgeons, and physicians ● Better clarify how the focus of Education
and revise as needed. differs from Outreach, and ensure the
teams working on these efforts have clear
Research presentations: goals so they can work quickly and not
● We will try to have at least 1 presentation step on each others' toes.
by each of the above projects, especially
for 3D anatomy and integument review. Outreach and content creation:
Guest interviews/Q&A events:
Education: ● Have at least two more influential guests
Gender resources project: share their insights. (Ideally, we would
● This is a new and exciting project that I'm have at least one guest who is either a
thrilled to mention here! The project team medical doctor or biomedical scientist).
aims to compile and organize resources This is not at the exclusion of other
for currently available procedures, guests, but in addition to them.
treatments, and accomodations for people
seeking gender affirmation. While many Podcasts:
resources are available, they are uneven in ● At least 4 'chill' or forward-looking
coverage and are hard to find in one place, podcasts during 2022. (The podcast
especially for nonbinary individuals. We format seems to be best for these types of
believe simply compiling these resources discussions!)
could have a very positive impact on
people who are starting to explore their Panels:
options for gender affirmation. ● Host panels at Anthro New England 2022
● Compile resources for female, male, and at least one other convention (such as
neutrois, agender, salmacian*, Midwest FurFest 2022).
hermaphroditic*, and other genders.
● Cover various types of resources such as: Social media:
dispelling myths; describing some basics ● Increase social media activity on Twitter
of assigned sex as well as and LinkedIn.
prospective/ideal sex; and of course, ● Start activity on at least Facebook and
compiling available transition options and Instagram.
expectations for quality of life. ● Improve planning, management, and
coordination of these activities.
*People differ in opinions on usage of these
terms. Both terms are used by a variety of Other content:
people in our community who feel those terms ● More art, and other content we have in
properly describe their gender, and I would the works that would be too much to list
likely object to prescriptive use of exclusively here!
one term or the other.

Community: We value commitment to the long haul,
Events: consistency and trust, to name a few key
● Host more community morphology chats, traits. Qualifications are useful too, but we
which are always fun ways to speculate don’t like to use them as absolute barriers if
and think about the future. you have the equivalent knowledge or can
● Host or help organize more social chats, learn quickly. Be open and honest, and we will
group games, and even IRL events. too. We’re a close knit team and we look after
each other.
● Add at least 1 new moderator, with a Joining for one role does not mean that’s all
special focus on active participation and you’ll do either, there’s plenty of scope for
even leading events enjoying getting involved in other activities
too, for example attending conventions with
I think that covers the most important things us. We look forward to hearing from you.
in terms of our program activities. Separately,
we've been analyzing our expenses from 2021,
and developing a budget for 2022 that should Our volunteering recruitment page
help ensure we're making the right
investments in those activities as well as the
usual obligations it takes to "keep the lights
on". I don't quite feel comfortable discussing
these yet, but we should have these ready
Across The Pond
by Athamanatha Kitsune on Tuesday 11th
before too long. At the very least, I can say
January, 2022
2022 looks promising for the majority of our
spending being put towards program I’m nearly ready to move, bureaucracy is in its
activities. We've been able to increase those
final throes of holding me back. Not long ‘til I
investments while cutting away at more
have my visa now! Should be a matter of days,
overhead costs. Yay!
all being well with postage and the embassy.
Expect me to be a little busy AFK for the next
few weeks or more.
Our research page

The FFF Podcast is back!

by Athamanatha Kitsune on Tuesday 11th
We’re recruiting more January 2022

volunteers! There has been a glut of video and audio

editing affecting throughput of podcast
by Athamanatha Kitsune on Friday 21st
episodes and other audio-video content,
January 2022
preventing timely uploads these last few
months. We’re now getting on top of that.
If you know someone who may fit the job,
That’s why it’s now time to show you FFF
please forward them info on our volunteer
Podcast Episode 13: Space For Learning!
vacancies from these links:

It continues the space theme of episode 12,

UX Engineer
but asks questions around how we can ensure
Scientist in Transcriptomics and/or
people are educated to be ready to face the
realities of space and the freedom of form
Social Media Coordinator
Community Moderator

technologies we’ll make use of to improve life problems. I have been a part of the online
out there. therianthropy community for over 20 years.
My experiences with non-human identity
Coming up soon for your listening pleasure, have led me to an intense curiosity about
we have an interview with the renowned non-human minds and senses. My present
expert on autism and animal behaviour, Prof. research interests include design, control, and
Temple Grandin. We then follow that with a body-ownership of prosthetic devices in
chat with an otherkin amputee as a long support of morphological freedom.
awaited second part to the discussion on
prostheses we started with Prof. Hugh Herr.
Sometime soon after, there’s a conversation
with those who are some of the most affected
We’re on LinkedIn, Youtube, Soundcloud, Google
by the controversial and nuanced movie Podcasts, Breaker, RadioPublic, Spotify, Pocket, iTunes,
featuring species dysphoria, Wolf (Focus Anchor, Twitter, Telegram and Discord!
Features, 2021). There’s plenty more where Why not check out our awesome perks on Patreon or if
this came from too! 2022 is stacking up to be a you prefer, drop us something nice via Paypal. You can
also add us to your Amazon Smile orders in the USA! We
very interesting year!
have a variety of merch on sale in our Redbubble store
FFF Podcast Episode 13: Space For
This edition of the newsletter was brought to you by the
number 2022. It’s numberwang!

Freedom of Form Foundation Inc.

PO Box 400168, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
New Volunteer: Bleddyn 02140, United States of America

by Bleddyn on Sunday 21st November 2021

I’m Bleddyn (pronounced "blayth-in"). I earned

my PhD in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Alberta. I’ve authored multiple
peer-reviewed journal articles and presented
my research at international conferences.
With years of industry experience in product
development, automation, and environmental
sciences, I enjoy the challenge of creating new
technology to address complex real-world

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