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My computer becomes slow after I open 7 applications or software on my

computer because I think of the consumption of memory by each application.
2. After I open my task manager, I see many components here like disk, memory,
CPU, GPU, and network. I will know how much memory is consumed by that app
and how fast my internet is.


6. On my observation, my PC can't run well if the components are missing. For
example, if the memory is missing, my PC can't run well because you can't see
the display of your computer. That's why we need a complete set of components
to run the computer. That's why this is important.

7. Linux-Since March 1994, all releases of the Linux operating system have come
with the Linux Credits file. It includes details on those who contributed to the
kernel development of the Linux operating system. It is possible to track the
development of the Linux developer community by looking at how the Credits file
has changed over time. For instance, the geographic spread of the core Linux
developer community can be described using the location information found in
the Credits file. This data can be combined with data from other sources to
investigate the various factors that have influenced the growth of the Linux
developer network.

Android OS -Android is an open source mobile operating system that was

created specifically for touchscreen mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
It is based on a modified version of the Linux kernel. It is an operating system for
battery-powered, low-power devices that are jam-packed with technology like
cameras, GPS receivers, light and orientation sensors, Wi-Fi, LTE (4G
telephony), and touch screens. Android offers a specified environment for
applications and, like all operating systems, allows applications to utilize
hardware characteristics through abstraction. Background and history, Android
architecture, the kernel and start-up process, deadlock CPU scheduling, memory
management, storage management, and I/O battery optimization are all covered
in this research.

9. A process divided into a number of smaller tasks each

task is called a thread. A number of threads within a
process executed at a time is called multithreading in
OS. It divided into four categories described further.
10. For me, a counting semaphore can support N processes concurrently but a
binary semaphore can only keep the numbers 0 and 1. Semaphore used for
counting does not have the mutual exclusion characteristic. Because they only
permit one process to enter at a time, binary semaphores possess the mutual
exclusion property.
11. We can execute numerous threads simultaneously using a multithreaded
process. Multithreading is used to improve performance. Linux has a restriction
on the number of threads for best performance. To guarantee that the number of
threads per process is never greater than or equal to specified limit, the threads-
max kernel option can be set. The number of threads assigned to a process,
however, may also be indirectly influenced by other parameters like virtual
memory usage and stack size.
12. In an interactive application, multithreading may enable a program to keep
running even if a section of it is stalled or doing a time-consuming task, improving
responsiveness to the user.

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