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Brian Limage

English 109H
Ms. Martin

Genre Analysis

Have you ever thought you can get cramps from doing anything unathletic like

walking or just sitting? Well that is something athletes upcoming and returning have to

be tested on whether you can get on the track or any of the medical treatment. If it

comes back positive they have to do special treatment so they won’t cramp or do a

different workout that will reduce the amount of times they cramp. If the test is negative

you have access to everything without any worry and you can continue to workout and

get medical treatment anytime you want.

As an athlete you have to take a lot of tests to make sure you are healthy and

physically capable of doing workouts and not have anything happen to you while

working out that the health physicians didn’t pick up. Why do we take a Sickle Cell

Screen w/RFX Hemoglobinopathy test and what's the purpose of the report, who has

access to it, and what happens if the lab report comes back positive? These are

questions incoming athletes ask because of the way the test is given and the list of

things you have to do before the test. The tone of the lab report is informative and very

professional because other doctors and patients have to see this so it has to be

presented in a professional manner and how the lab report is formatted in a different
way than others. The genre of the lab report is confidential because it’s a report by the

doctors that isn’t public to other people. You need credible information to see the

information and it’s only shared with the patient and the people who order the report, in

this case it’s the coaches and McKale medical trainers. The target audience for my lab

report is coaches and health physicals within University of Arizona sports.

The format and the organization of the lab report is basic and tells you the

information right of the paper. The format is on top has the patients information like

name, ID, sex, DOB, and who ordered the test. After the patient's information is the

results of the test and if it’s negative or positive and if anything in your blood is a flag or

spotted. At the end it just says the performing laboratory information just where was the

test done, who was the director of and who exactly took your blood when you took the

test. The lab report is set up in a way that is easy to read and understand with your

health physician. There are no images in the report and it is very basic, just tells you

your information and the results of your test.

The purpose of the lab report is to find out if you are positive or negative about a

disease that makes you get cramps without doing anything. If you are positive you are

fine to do any treatment that won’t affect you in any way and if you come negative you

have to wait to do any treatment because you will get a cramp from it and be unable to

move and stop your cramps. We have to take this test because it is orderby the NCAA

to make sure everyone is medically cleared to do their sport in an efficient way. If we

don’t do this test we can't play our sport and will be medically ineligible in the eyes of

the NCAA which means you can’t compete, practice, or do anything with the team.
The lab report is like you would get from a regular doctor because the ones who

took the are so the accessibility to the lab report is very confidential and you need a

login to access the lab report itself. The lab report is only accessible to me, my coaches,

health physicians that work at Campus Health, and the medical trainers at the McKale

Center. The reason why these people get access to it is because at the end they sit

down with our coaches and tell us our results whether they are positive or negative and

the coaches have access to this at anytime because like the NCAA they have to know

our results to see if we need special treatment if tested positive or if we are eligible right

away when tested negative.

One thing that is scary like any test you take at the doctors is what if it comes

back positive and the procedures you have to take to be negative. For Sickle Cell

Screen w/RFX Hemoglobinopathy test the procedures when the test comes back

positive isn’t bad but it’s hard to recover and takes time for your test to come back

negative the second time. When testing positive you start cramping when doing basic

things like walking, running, and even just standing. So they will make you drink a

special kind of fluid that will increase your electrolytes and salt so they body will stop

absorbing the sugar in your body. While you do this you can’t exercise you deem

ineligible so you can’t workout with the team until you are medically cleared which can

take time.

In conclusion we take this test so we know exactly what our bodies are doing and

if we have excess and unexpected cramps from doing anything unathletic. When the lab

reports it well tells you who has access to it and if their test is positive or negative. We

take the test to make sure we can do our sport at a skill level that will make us
successful in the pac-12 and compete at a higher level. Who has access to the lab

report is ourselves, coaches, medical trainers that work at McKale Center, and the

health physicians that work at Campus Health. The procedures to be negative and

eligible are just drinking a special fluid to increase your electrolytes and salts so your

body doesn't consume the water in your body too fast.

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