GRP3 EXP11 Consolidation-Test-1

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When a compressive load is applied to a soil mass, a decrease in its volume takes place. The decrease in volume of
soil mass under stress is known as compression and the property of soil mass pertaining to its tendency to decrease in
volume under pressure is known as compressibility. In a saturated soil mass having its void filled with incompressible water,
decrease in volume or compression can take place when water is expelled out of the voids. Such a compression resulting
from a long time static load and the consequent escape of pore water is termed as consolidation. When the load is applied
on the saturated soil mass, the entire load is carried by pore water in the beginning. As the water starts escaping from the
voids, the hydrostatic pressure in water gradually dissipates and the load is shifted to the soil solids which increases the
effective stress on them; as a result, the soil mass decreases in volume. The rate of escape of water depends on the
permeability of the soil.

Major problem in the soil is the soil subsidence caused by pressure or weight of construction trucks on the surface,
which may be divided into three categories.

1. Elastic deformation
2. Primary consolidation
3. Secondary consolidation

The test is conducted to estimate the settlement due to primary consolidation. It aims to determine:

1. Preconsolidation pressure
2. Rate of consolidation under normal load
3. Degree of consolidation at any time
4. Pressure-void ratio relationship
5. Coefficient of consolidation at various pressures
6. Compression index

From the above information it will be possible for us to predict the time rate and extent of settlement of structures
founded on fine-grained soils. It is also helpful in analysing the stress history of soil. Since the settlement analysis of the
foundation depends mainly on the values determined by the test, this test is very important for foundation design.

To estimate the settlement due to primary consolidation of soil by conducting one dimensional test to determine
the following:
 Preconsolidation pressure
 Rate of consolidation under normal load
 Degree of consolidation at any time
 Pressure-void ratio relationship
 Coefficient of consolidation at various pressures
 Compression index

Undisturbed clay sample from thin-walled sampler OR
Remolded clay

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 1

1. Consolidometer consisting essentially of:
a) A ring of diameter = 60 mm and height = 20 mm
b) Two porous plates or stones of silicon carbide, aluminium oxide or porous metal
c) Guide ring
d) Outer ring
e) Water jacket with base
f) Pressure pad
g) Rubber basket
2. Loading device consisting of frame, lever system, loading yoke dial gauge fixing device and weights
3. Dial gauge to read to an accuracy of 0.002 mm
4. Thermostatically controlled oven
5. Stopwatch to read seconds
6. Sample extractor
7. Miscellaneous items like balance, soil trimming tools, spatula, filter papers, sample containers

Fixed-ring consolidometer Floating-ring consolidameter

Preparation of Soil Specimen

From undisturbed soil sample:

Eject the sample from the sample tube using the sample extractor. Place the specimen ring on top of the ejected
sample. Slowly and carefully push the ring after trimming the edges of the sample in excess of the diameter of the ring.
The sample should project about 1 cm from the outer ring. Trim the sample smooth and flush with top and bottom of
the ring by using a knife. Clean the ring from outside and keep it ready from weighing.

From remolded or disturbed sample:

Choose the density and water content at which sample has to be compacted from the moisture density
relationship. Calculate the quantity of soil and water required to mix and compact. Compact the specimen in
compaction mold in three layers using the standard rammers. Eject the specimen from the mold using the sample

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 2

Consolidation Test


1. Preparation of the soil specimen.

2. Saturate two porous stones either by boiling in distilled water about 15 minutes or by keeping them submerged in
the distilled water for 4 to 8 hours. Wipe away excess water. Fittings of the consolidometer which is to be enclosed
shall be moistened.

3. Assemble the consolidometer, with the soil specimen and porous stones at top and bottom of specimen, providing
a filter paper between the specimen and porous stone. Position the pressure pad centrally on the top porous

4. Mount the mold assembly on the loading frame, and center it such that the load applied is axial.

5. Position the dial gauge to measure the vertical compression of the specimen. The dial gauge holder should be set
so that the dial gauge is in the begging of its releases run, allowing sufficient margin for the swelling of the soil, if

6. Connect the mold assembly to the water reservoir and the sample is allowed to saturate. The level of the water in
the reservoir should be at about the same level as the soil specimen.

7. Apply an initial load to the assembly. The magnitude of this load should be chosen by trial, such that there is no
swelling. It should be not less than 50 g/cm2 (5 kN/m2) for ordinary soils and 25 g/cm2 (2.5 kN/m2) for very soft
soils. The load should be allowed to stand until there is no change in dial gauge readings for two consecutive hours
or for a maximum of 24 hours.

8. Note the final dial reading under the initial load. Apply first load of intensity 0.1 kg/cm2 (10 kN/m2) and start the
stop watch simultaneously. Record the dial gauge readings at various time intervals (and fill in the table). The dial
gauge readings are taken until 90% consolidation is reached. Primary consolidation is gradually reached within 24

9. At the end of the period specified above take the dial reading and time reading. Double the load intensity and take
the dial readings at various time intervals. Repeat this procedure for successive load increments.
10. The usual loading intensity are as follows: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 kg/cm2.

11. After the last loading is completed, reduce the load to half (1/2) of the value of the last load and allow it to stand
for 24 hours. Reduce the load further in steps of 1/4 th the previous intensity till an intensity of 0.1 kg/cm2 is
reached. Take the final reading of the dial gauge.

12. Reduce the load to the initial load, keep it for 24 hours and note the final readings of the dial gauge.

13. Quickly dismantle the specimen assembly and remove the excess water on the soil specimen in oven, note the dry
weight of it.


1. While preparing the specimen, attempts have to be made to have the soil strata oriented in the same direction in
the consolidation apparatus.

2. During trimming care should be taken in handling the soil specimen with least pressure.

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 3

3. Smaller increments of sequential loading have to be adopted for soft soils.


1. Height of solids (Hs) is calculated from the equation:

Hs = Md / GsAγw

2. Void ratio (e) is calculated from the equation:

e = (H–Hs) / Hs = Hv / Hs

3. Preconsolidation pressure, σc. The preconsolidation pressure is estimated following Casagrande’s method (1936). A
plot of void ratio vs logarithmic of consolidation pressure is made.

4. Compression index, Cc. To determine the compression index, a plot of void ratio (e) vs log σ is made. The initial
compression curve would be a straight line and the slope of this line would give the compression index C c.

5. Coefficient of consolidation, cv. The coefficient of consolidation at each pressure increment is calculated by using
the following equations. It is determined by the following two methods:

a. Square root of time fitting method

cv = 0.848 Hdr2 / t90

In the square root fitting method, a plot is made between dial readings and square root of time and the
time corresponding to 90% consolidation is determined. The values of c v are recorded in Table 4.

b. Logarithmic of time fitting method

cv = 0.197 Hdr2 / t50

In the log fitting method, a plot is made between dial readings and logarithmic of time. The time
corresponding to 50% consolidation is determined. The values of c v are recorded in Table 4.


1. Dial gauge reading vs log of time or dial gauge reading vs square root of time.

2. Void ratio vs log σ.

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 4


Year and Section 4CE – D Date Started December 7, 2021

Group Number 3 Date Finished December 21, 2021
Group Members Date Submitted December 21, 2021
Caño, Raphael Nidgil S.
Custodio, Adam P.

Cruz, Melvin C. Custodio, Angelika Mae L.


Empty weight of ring, g - Area of ring, cm2 44.383

Diameter of ring, cm 7.510 Volume of ring, cm3 88.765
Height of ring, cm 2.000 Specific gravity of soil 2.670
Dial gauge - Soil classification -

Table 11.1 Preliminary Data

Pressure intensity,
0.05 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 16.00
σ (kg/cm2)
time, √t Dial gauge reading (10-2 mm)
t (min)
0.00 0.000 - 3.776 4.754 5.422 5.808 6.522 7.116 7.672
0.10 0.316 - 4.120 5.090 5.452 6.078 6.602 7.214 7.798
0.25 0.500 - 4.246 5.134 5.460 6.100 6.628 7.234 7.870
0.50 0.707 - 4.392 5.160 5.466 6.110 6.648 7.260 7.900
1.00 1.000 - 4.500 5.174 5.478 6.126 6.674 7.292 7.908
2.00 1.414 - 4.556 5.190 5.494 6.148 6.710 7.338 7.940
4.00 2.000 - 4.568 5.214 5.518 6.164 6.762 7.366 8.030
8.00 2.828 - 4.598 5.240 5.548 6.214 6.774 7.480 8.088
15.00 3.873 - 4.612 5.282 5.604 6.244 6.914 7.552 8.132
30.00 5.477 - 4.634 5.325 5.682 6.298 6.986 7.598 8.206
60.00 7.746 - 4.660 5.352 5.828 6.332 7.028 7.614 8.206
120.00 10.954 - 6.684 5.364 5.888 6.448 7.046 7.614 8.206
240.00 15.492 - 4.698 5.374 5.926 6.472 7.060 7.614 8.258
480.00 21.909 - 4.716 5.380 5.600 6.482 7.066 7.614 8.298
1440.00 0.000 - 4.754 5.422 5.808 6.522 7.116 7.672 8.332
Unload 0.316 - 8.076 8.134 8.202

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 5


Table 11.2. Water content determination

Before test After test

Mass of ring + wet soil, g 299.33 268.54
Mass of ring + dry soil, g 236.64 -
Mass of ring, g 129.38 -
Mass of dry soil, g 107.26 -
Mass of water, g 62.69 31.90
Water content, % 58.45 29.74
Degree of saturation, % - -



Initial height of specimen, H0, cm Specific gravity, Gs

Height of solids, Hs, cm Water content, %
Area of specimen, A, cm2 Dry mass, Md, g

Table 11.3. Pressure-void relationship

Applied Final
Change in height, Specimen height, Height of voids, Void ratio, e = H /
pressure, dial

ΔH (cm) H = H –ΔH H = H–H H

σ (kg/cm ) reading
0 v s s

0.05 0.3776 0.3776−0.3776=0 2.00−0=2.00 2.00−0.905=1.0950 =1.2099
0.5 0.4754 0.4754−0.3776=0.0978 2.00−0.0978=1.9022 1.9022−0.905=0.9972 =1.1019

1.00 0.5422 0.5422−0.3776=0.1646 2.00−0.1646=1.8354 1.8354−0.905=0.9304 =1.0281

1.00 0.5808 0.5808−0.3776=0.2032 2.00−0.2032=1.7968 1.7968−0.905=0.8918 =0.9854

2.00 0.6522 0.6522−0.3776=0.2746 2.00−0.2746=1.7254 1.7254−0.905=0.8204 =0.9065

4.00 0.7116 0.7116−0.3776=0.334 2.00−0.334=1.666 1.666−0.905=0.761 =0.8409

8.00 0.7672 0.7672−0.3776=0.3896 2.00−0.3896=1.6104 1.6104−0.905=0.7054 =0.7794

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 6

16.00 0.8332 0.8332−0.3776=0.4556 2.00−0.4556=1.5444 1.5444−0.905=0.6394 =0.7065

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 7

Table 11.4. Coefficient of consolidation determination

Time to
Specimen Length of drainage Coefficient of
Applied pressure, reach 50%
height, path, consolidation,
σ (kg/cm ) 2
or 90%,
H (cm) H (cm) c (cm /sec)

t (min)
dr v

( 44.383
)( 10 ) =0.011 2.00
=1.000 - -

( 0.05+0.5
44.383 )
( 10 ) =0.124 1.9022
=0.9511 0.64

( 0.05+0.5+1
44.383 )
( 10 ) =0.349 1.8354
=0.9177 0.16 0.848

( )
0.05+0.5+1+1 1.7968 =0.8984 0.09 0.8984
( 10 )=0.575 2 0.848 =0.1267
44.383 0.09(60)

( 0.05+0.5+1+1+2
( 10 )=1.025 ) 1.7254
=0.8627 0.36 0.848

( )
0.05+0.5+1+1+2+ 4 1.666 0.833
( 10 ) =1.926 1.666 =0.833 0.25 0.848 =0.0392
44.383 2 0.25(60)

( 0.05+0.5+1+1+2+ 4+8
(10 )=3.729 ) 1.6104
=0.8052 0.49

( 0.05+0.5+1+1+2+ 4+8+ 16
( 10 )=7.333 1.5444 ) 2
=0.7722 0.49


Excel Computations:

Table 11.5. Pressure-void relationship

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 8

Table 11.6. Coefficient of consolidation determination

Table 11.7. Void Ratio determination

Figure 11.1. Determination of Square Root of time @0.5

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 9

Figure 11.2. Determination of Square Root of time @1.00

Figure 11.3. Determination of Square Root of time @1.00

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 10

Figure 11.4. Determination of Square Root of time @2.00

Figure 11.5. Determination of Square Root of time @4.00

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 11

Figure 11.6. Determination of Square Root of time @8.00

Figure 11.7. Determination of Square Root of time @16.00

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 12

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 13

A. Apparatus and Supplies

Figure 3.1.2 Consolidation ring and porous stones

Figure 3.1.1 Consolidometer

Figure 3.1.3 Dial Guage

Figure 3.1.4 Loading device consisting of frame and lever system

Figure 3.1.5 Thermostatically controlled oven Figure 3.1.6 Consolidometer Weights

B. Procedures

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 14

Figure 3.2.2 Saturate two porous stones by keeping them submerged in the distilled water for 4 to 8
Figure 3.2.1 Prepare the soil specimen

Figure 3.2.3 Assemble the consolidometer by placing the soil

specimen and porous stones at the top and bottom of the
Figure 3.2.4 Place the mold assembly on the loading frame and center it such that the load is axial.
specimen, with a filter paper between the specimen and the
porous stone.

Figure 3.2.5 Apply an initial load on the assembly. The load

should be left to stand for two consecutive hours, or for a
maximum of 24 hours, until there is no change in dial gauge Figure 3.2.6 Take the dial reading and time reading at the end of the time period stated above.
readings. Take note of the final dial reading under initial load. Increase the load intensity and take dial readings at different time intervals. Repeat this technique

Within 24 hours, primary consolidation is achieved gradually. for each subsequent load increment.

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 15

Figure 3.2.7 After the last loading is completed, reduce the
load to half (1/2) of the previous load's value and leave it for 24
Figure 3.2.8 Reduce the load to the initial load, leave it for
hours. Reduce the load further in 1/4th increments until an
24 hours, and record the final dial gauge readings.
intensity of 0.1 kg/cm2 is obtained. Take the dial gauge's final

Figure 3.2.9 Disassemble the specimen assembly and remove the excess water from the soil specimen in the oven, noting its
dry weight.


Students can be subjected to various hazards or unforeseen circumstances for the consolidation test as
the experiment proceeds. Students should be cautious for the entire experiment, from collecting soil samples until
cleaning the experiment site, to avoid accidents and obtain more precise results.

First, in gathering soil specimens, students are advised to wear gloves, facemasks, and safety goggles as
soil particles can be blown by the wind and can lead to unexpected circumstances. Inhalation of soil particles can
result in nose irritation, allergic reactions, and respiratory problems. These events could hinder the experiment and
may influence the well-being of students. Aside from the risk of inhaling soil particles, sample sources may contain
small debris of sharp objects that can injure the student (i.e., punctured or cut). Wearing protective gloves can
prevent these kinds of accidents.

After collecting enough soil samples, students should be warier in the preparatory work. In saturating
porous stones, either by boiling in distilled water for about 15 minutes or submerging in the distilled water for 4 to
8 hours, wearing heat-resistant laboratory gloves is a must to avoid scalding of hand when transporting the liquid
and the stones. Scalding usually results in minor-degree burns, but this can cause unpleasant sensations, such as
pain and irritation, to the affected area. Consequently, utilizing the laboratory equipment could also cause harm if
poorly executed. Trimming the soil specimen requires sharp-edged equipment, such as wire saws, spatulas, or

CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 16

other materials to scrape off excess samples. Improper handling of these tools could lead to accidents and should
be prevented as much as possible.

Lastly, conducting the experiment could also harm the students, especially when applying the loads in the
assembly. The loads may fall into students' feet if not positioned correctly, leading to minor injuries. Safety shoes
and other personal protective equipment are advisable to protect from the risk of falling objects and other
accidents that may occur during the experiment. Aside from accidents due to falling objects, the experiment
involves water, which could yield slippage. Students should maintain a clean and dry area during and after the
experiment to avoid unwanted events.


The Consolidation Test determines the rate and magnitude of consolidation of a laterally restrained and
axially loaded soil that can be determined using either Oedemeter test or One – Dimensional test specially to
saturated soil specimen and cohesive soils. Consolidation parameters are given to determine the time of
consolidation and the actual consolidation using the given loading state. Experiment 11: Consolidation Test applies
to the ground improvement measure designs using the consolidation parameters that were collected from the
experiment. In this test, it is shown that if the soil volume decreases while on the process of consolidation, it is
important to conduct a consolidation test wherein the researchers and other professionals can determine how will
the soil affect the stability of the structure due to the settlement of the clay layers present in the specimen.
Without the testing proper, soil can cause problems in the structure such as visible cracks, tilting and other
structural problem that can be observed.

Important factors such as height of solids, degree of saturation, height of voids, void ratio, length of
drainage path, and coefficient of consolidation were able to compute using the procedure of this test that is
needed to identify the soil consolidation. The data shows that Cv has a low value, with this we can say that the soil
can be very compressible. This is because the greater decrease in void space in a soil specimen, the more water
can be removed from the soil and thus, lower rate of consolidation can be observed in the data collected by the
group. In addition to that, as observed by the group the higher the pressure applied to the soil, the lower values of
Cv can be obtained which results to soil specimen being more compressible.

In this experiment there could be possible human errors. Some discrepancies and inaccuracies in the data
gathered if the procedures are not properly and carefully done by the researchers. Computation plays a crucial role
in this experiment, with this if some data are miscalculated it can result to difference in the computed coefficient
for soil consolidation. It is advisable to read the experiment procedure before conducting the experiment proper. It
is also recommended that one person from the group double checks the procedure to execute the process
properly to avoid discrepancies in the data. Also, technical errors can be also experience by the researchers since
different apparatuses are used in the experiment. With this, it is important to check the apparatus before using it.
Check if it is working properly and if it is properly calibrated.


Cive 334—Dr Song—Experiment’: Consolidation Test Report—2018—StuDocu. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21,

2021, from


CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 17

Consolidation Test – Properties and Behavior of Soil – Online Lab Manual. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2021,


Consolidation Test of Soil; Its Scope, Apparatus, Procedure. (2018, December 12).



Caño, Raphael Nidgil S. Computations Present
Cruz, Melvin C. Identification of Hazards Present
Custodio, Adam P. Procedures and Illustrations Present
Custodio, Angelika Mae L. Conclusion and Recommendation Present


CE2218L: Soil Mechanics Laboratory | Experiment No. 11: Consolidation Test 18

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