Rules On Cybercrime Warrants

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RULE ON CYBERCRIME WARRANTS 1. Offenses against Confidentiality, Integrity, and

A.M. No. 17-11-03-SC Availability of Computer Data and Systems (i.e.,
Judge Myra B. Quiambao illegal access, illegal interception, data
RTC Branch 203 interference, system interference, misuse of
Muntinlupa City evidence, and cyber- squatting
2. Computer- related Offenses (i.e., computer-
Basic Framework on the Rule on Cybercrime Warrants related forgery, fraud and identity theft)
3. Content- related Offenses (i.e., child pornography
 Special rule of procedure on judicial warrants committed through a computer- system, cybersex
 Respond to the specific procedural innovations and libel)
introduced by RA 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention
 New modes of evidence- gathering  Principle: Cooperation must be provided to the
 Passed in view of Philippine's accession to Budapest widest extent possible
 Budapest convention requires member- states to  Some measures:
adopt certain procedural measures at the national
level 1. Extradition
 Philippines intended to accede, thus, it passed RA 2. Mutual Assistance (Mutual Legal Assistance
10165 Treaties or MLAT)
3. Central Authority (DOJ- Office of Cybercrime)

 Pioneering international Legal Instrument on PROCEDURAL LAW

Cybercrime  Prescribes Procedural Powers and Measures that
 November 8, 2001: Convention on Cybercrime should be adopted at the National Level for criminal
adopted in Budapest, Hungary by the member states investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes
of the Council of Europe, Canada, Japan, South Africa
and the United States  Article 14 of the Budapest Convention:
 Response to technological developments, ease of
information accessibility, borderless exchange and Article 14- Scope of Procedural provisions
dissemination Cyberspace as common space subject
to misuse 1. Each party shall adopt such legislative and other
 Criminal law needed to keep abreast of measures as may be necessary to establish the powers
technological developments and procedures [provided for in this section for the
 Only a binding international instrument can ensure purpose of specific criminal investigations or
the necessary efficiency in the fight against these proceedings
new phenomena
 Hence, the SC Issuance of the Rule on Cybercrime

1. Criminalize and classify cybercrimes (Substantive  The Rule on Cybercrimes Warrants (RCW) became
Criminal Law) - Cybercrime prevention Act of 2012) effective on August 15, 2018
2. Formulate procedural tools for investigation and
securing evidence (Procedural Law) - Rule on
3. International Cooperation (Philippines' accession to
Budapest Convention)  The RWC provides for the specific procedure for the
application and grant of warrants and related
SUBSTANTIVE CRIMINAL LAW (Cybercrime Prevention orders involving
Act of 2012)
– Preservation
 Identifies which acts should be criminalized at the – Disclosure
national level as Cybercrimes – Interception
– Search, seizure, and/or examination
 Some Categories – Custody
– Destruction


Of computer data, as provided under RA 10175, the 2. All other crimes defined and penalized by the
Cybercrime Prevention Act Revised Penal Code, as amended, and other special
laws committed by, through, and with the use of
ICT as provided under Section 6, Chapter II of RA
 The RWC only supplements the existing Rules of 10175
Criminal Procedure
 Shall be filed before the regular courts or other
 Thus, the Rules of Criminal Procedure shall continue specialized regional trial courts (Family Court or
to govern the preliminary investigation and all Environmental Court), as the case may be.
stages of prosecution of criminal actions involving
violations of RA 10175, including all crimes defined WHERE TO FILE AN APPLICATION FOR A WARRANT
and penalized by the Revised Penal Code, as
amended, and special laws, committed by, through,  An application for a warrant under this Rule
and with the use of information and concerning a violation of Section 4 (Cybercrime
communications technologies (ICT) Offenses) and/or Section 5 (Other Offenses),
Chapter II of RA 10175 shall be filed by the law
 Remedies provided under existing procedural rules enforcement authorities before any of the
shall, whenever applicable, be made available to any designated cybercrime courts of the province or
party who seeks relief against any of the orders the city where the offense or any of its elements
provided under the RCW (Section 1.32 RCW) has been committed, is being committed, or is
about to be committed, or where any part of the
VENUE OF CRIMINAL ACTIONS (Sec. 2.1) computer system used is situated, or where any
of the damage caused to a natural or juridical
1. Violation of Section 4 (Cybercrime offenses) person took place.
and/or Section 5 (Other Offenses), Chapter II of
R.A. 10175  However, the cybercrime courts in Quezon City,
-Designated cybercrime court of the province or the City of Manila, Makati City, Pasig City, Cebu
city: City, Iloilo City, Davao City and Cagayan De Oro
City shall have the special authority to act on
1. Where the offense or any of its elements is applications and issue warrants which shall be
committed, or enforceable nationwide and outside the
2. Where any part of the computer system Philippines.
used is situated, or
3. Where any of the damage caused to a  For violation of Section 6, Chapter II of RA 10175
natural or juridical person took place. (all crimes defined and penalized by the Revised
Penal Code, as amended, and other special laws, if
Provided, that the court where the criminal action committed by, through, and with the use of ICT)
is first filed shall acquire jurisdiction to the shall be filed by the law enforcement authorities
exclusion of the other courts with the regular or other specialized regional trial
courts, as the case may be, within its territorial
What are cybercrime offenses under Section 4 of the jurisdiction in the places above-described.
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012?
 Once a criminal action is instituted, a motion to
1. Illegal access quash and other incidents that relate to the
2. Illegal interception warrant shall be heard and resolved by the court
3. Data interference that subsequently acquired jurisdiction over the
4. System interference criminal action.
5. Misuse of devises
6. Computer- related forgery  The prosecution has the duty to move for the
7. Computer-related fraud transmittal of the records, as well as the transfer
8. Computer- related identity theft of the items' custody to the latter court, which
procedure is set forth in Section 7.2 of this Rule.
Other cybercrimes
 Before issuing a warrant, the judge must
1. Cyber- squatting personally examine in the form of searching
2. Cybersex questions and answers, in writing and under oath,
3. Cyberlibel the applicant and the witnesses he may produce,
on facts personally known to them and attach to

the record their sworn statements, together with  It refers to the content of the communication, the
the judicial affidavits submitted. meaning or purported meaning of the
communication, or the message or information
being conveyed by the communication, other than

 Any warrant issued under this Rule shall only be WHAT IS SUBSCRIBER’S INFORMATION?
effective for the length of time as determined by
the court, which shall not exceed a period of ten  Refers to any information contained in the form of
(10) days from its issuance. computer data or any other form that is held by a
service provider, relating to subscribers of its
 The court issuing the warrant may, upon motion, services, other than traffic or content data, and by
extend its effectivity based only on justifiable which any of the following can be established:
reasons for a period not exceeding ten (10) days
from the expiration of the original period. 1. The type of communication service used, the
technical provisions taken therewith, and the
 Failure to timely file the returns for any of the period of service
issued warrants under this Rule or to duly turn- 2. The subscriber's identity, postal or geographic
over to the court's custody any of the items address, telephone and other access number, any
disclosed, intercepted, searched, seized, and/or assigned network address, billing and payment
examined as prescribed hereunder, shall subject information that are available on the basis of the
the responsible law enforcement authorities to an service agreement or arrangement or
action for contempt, which procedures shall be 3. Any other available information on the site of the
governed by Rule 71 of the Rules of Civil installation of communication equipment that is
Procedure, insofar as they are applicable. available on the basis of the service agreement or

 For persons or service providers situated outside  It refers to any computer data other than the
of the Philippines, service of warrants and/or content of the communication, including, but not
other court processes shall be coursed through the limited to, the communication's origin,
Department of Justice - Office of Cybercrime, in destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or
line with all relevant international instruments type of underlying service.
and/or agreements on the matter (Through
 What is Preservation?
TYPES OF CYBERCRIME WARRANTS – It refers to the keeping of data that
already exists in a stored form, protected
1. Warrant to Disclose Computer Data (WDCD) : from anything that would cause its
Section 4 current quality or condition to change or
2. Warrant to Intercept Computer Data (WICD) : deteriorate.
Section 5 – It requires data to be kept safe from
3. Warrant to Search, Seize Computer Data modification, alteration and deletion.
(WSSCD) : Section 6
4. Warrant to Examine Computer Data (WECD) :  Pursuant to Sec 13, Chapter IV of RA 10175, what
Section 6 should be kept, retained and preserved by a
service provider?
RELEVANT TYPES OF DATA – Integrity of traffic data and subscriber’s
information for a maximum period of 6
 Content data months from the date of transaction
 Subscriber’s Information (non-content) – FB – Content data for 6 months from the date
Account, IP address, domain name, billing address of receipt of the order from law
 Traffic Data (non-content) – Transactional data enforcement authorities requiring its
(log-ins, check-ins, time zones) preservation.

WHAT IS CONTENT DATA?  May there be an extension for the preservation of

computer data?

– YES. Law- enforcement authorities may 6. Manner or method by which the disclosure of
order a one-time extension for another 6 the computer data or subscriber's
months information is to be carried out, if available;
– Provided, that once computer data that is and
preserved, transmitted or stored by a 7. Other relevant information that will persuade
service provider is used as evidence in a the court that there is a probable cause to
case, the receipt by the service provider of issue a WDCD.
a copy of the transmittal document to the
Office of the Prosecutor shall be deemed a WHEN SHALL A JUDGE ISSUE THE WCDC?
notification to preserve the computer data – If he/she is satisfied that there is probable cause
until the final termination of the case to believe that the facts upon which the
and/or as ordered by the court application for WDCD exists

 Pursuant to Section 20, Chapter IV of RA 10175, AUTHORITIES UPON SECURING A WDCD, PURSUANT
failure to comply with the provisions of Chapter TO SECTION 14, CHAPTER IV OF RA 10175?
IV, specifically the orders from law enforcement – Law enforcement authorities shall issue an order
authorities, shall be punished as a violation of requiring any person or service provider to
Presidential Decree No. 1829, entitled "Penalizing disclose or submit subscriber's information, traffic
Obstruction Of Apprehension And Prosecution Of data or relevant data in his/her or its possession
Criminal Offenders." or control within seventy-two (72) hours from
 The criminal charge for obstruction of justice shall receipt of the order .
be filed before the designated cybercrime court – NOTE: Once the law- enforcement authorities had
that has jurisdiction over the place where the non- secured the WDCD, it is the law- enforcement
compliance was committed. authorities that issues the order to disclose
computer data directly to the person or service

– Is an order in writing issued in the name of the WHAT IS THE DUTY OF THE AUTHORIZED LAW-
People of the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AFTER IMPLEMENTATION OR
application of law enforcement authorities, AFTER EXPIRATION OF THE WDCD?
authorizing the latter to issue an order to disclose
and accordingly, require any person or service – Within 48 hours from implementation or after the
provider to disclose or submit subscriber's expiration of the effectivity of the WDCD,
information, traffic data, or relevant data in whichever comes first, the authorized law
his/her or its possession or control. enforcement officer shall
1. Submit a return on the WDCD to the court
The verified application for a WDCD, as well as the 2. Simultaneously turn over the custody of
supporting affidavits, shall state the following the disclosed computer data or
essential facts: subscriber's information.

1. The probable offense involved; – Law enforcement authorities are allowed to

2. Relevance and necessity of the computer data retain a copy of the disclosed computer data or
or subscriber's information sought to be subscriber's information subject of the WDCD
disclosed for the purpose of the investigation; which may be utilized for case build-up or
3. Names of the individuals or entities whose preliminary investigation purposes, without the
computer data or subscriber's information need of any court intervention; that the details
are sought to be disclosed, including the thereof are kept strictly confidential and that the
names of the individuals or entities who have retained copy shall be labelled as such.
control, possession or access thereto, if
available; - The retained copy shall be turned over upon the
4. Particular description of the computer data filing of a criminal action involving the disclosed
or subscriber's information sought to be computer data or subscriber's information to the
disclosed; court where such action has been instituted, or
5. Place where the disclosure of computer data if no criminal action has been filed, upon order of
or subscriber's information is to be enforced, the issuing court under the procedure set forth in
if available; paragraph 3 of Section 8.2 (Destruction and

Return of Computer data in the custody of the  Interception may be carried out only by virtue of a
Court) court issued warrant, duly applied for by law
enforcement authorities.
- Upon its turn-over, the retained copy shall always  The verified application for a WICD, as well as the
be kept, destroyed, and/or returned together with supporting affidavits, shall state the essential facts
the computer data or subscriber's information similar to those in Warrant to Disclose Computer
that was originally turned over to the issuing Data.
court.  except that the subject matter is the
1. to ascertain if the return has been made;
2. if none, to summon the law enforcement officer to CONTENTS OF THE VERIFIED APPLICATION FOR WICD
whom the WDCD was issued and require him to 1. The probable offense;
explain why no return was made 2. Relevance and necessity of the computer data or
*without prejudice to any action for contempt as 3. Names of the individuals or entities whose
provided under Section 2.6 of RCW for non- computer data or communication sought to be
compliance. intercepted;
4. Particular description of the computer data or
WITH THE ORDER TO DISCLOSE ISSUED BY LAW 5. Place where the disclosure of computer data or
ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES? communication is to be enforced, if available;
1. Contempt; 6. Manner or method by which the disclosure of the
2. Said non-compliance shall be deemed non- computer data or communication is to be carried
compliance with the WDCD on which the said out, if available;  and
order is based 7. Other relevant information (Sec. 5.3)


It is an order in writing issued in the name of the People of If the judge is satisfied that there is probable cause to
the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon application of law believe that the facts upon which the application for WDCD
enforcement authorities, authorizing the latter to carry out exists.
any or all of the following activities:
(a) listening to, RETURN ON THE WICD
(b) recording,
(c) monitoring, or - Within forty-eight (48) hours from
(d) surveillance of the content of communications, implementation or after the expiration of the
effectivity of the WICD, whichever comes first, the
including procuring of the content of computer data, either authorized law enforcement officers shall submit a
directly, through access and use of a computer system or return on the WICD to the court that issued it and
indirectly, through the use of electronic eavesdropping or simultaneously turn-over the custody of the
tapping devices, at the same time that the communication intercepted communication or computer data.
is occurring(Sec 5.2)
- It is the duty of the issuing judge to ascertain if the
WHAT IS INTERCEPTION? return has been made, and if none, to summon the
law enforcement officer to whom the WICD was
It refers to listening to, recording, monitoring or issued and require him to explain why no return
surveillance of the content of communications, including was made, without prejudice to any action for
procuring of the content data, either contempt as provided under Section 2.6 of the
 directly, through access and use of a computer RCW. (Sec. 5.5)
system, or
 indirectly through the use of electronic WHAT ARE THE DUTIES OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT
eavesdropping or tapping devices, at the same AUTHORITIES AFTER THE FILING OF THE RETURN ON
time that the communication is occurring;  THE WICD?

WHEN MAY INTERCEPTION BE CARRIED OUT? The authorized law enforcement officer has the duty to
notify the person whose communications or computer


data have been intercepted of the activities conducted well as limit their search to the place specified in the
pursuant to the WICD: warrant.
 Within thirty (30) days from the filing of the
return; OR Off-site search - may be conducted, provided that a
 The lapse of the forty-eight (48)-hour period to forensic image is, nevertheless, made, and that the reasons
file the return, if no return is filed for the said search are stated in the initial return. (Sec 6.4)

WHAT IF NO RETURN HAS BEEN FILED?  A Forensic image (forensic copy), is a bit-by-bit,

The notice shall state the details of the interception sector-by-sector direct copy of a physical storage
activities, including the contents of the intercepted devise, including all files, folders and unallocated,
communication or computer data. free and slack space.
 Forensic images include not only all the files
MAY THE PERSON WHOSE COMMUNICATIONS OR visible to the operating system (OS) but also
COMPUTER DATA HAVE BEEN INTERCEPTED, deleted files and pieces of files left in the slack and
CHALLENGE THE LEGALITY OF THE INTERCEPTION? free space. Forensic imaging is one element of
computer forensics, which is the application of
Yes. Within ten (10) days from notice, the person whose computer investigation and analysis techniques to
communications or computer data have been intercepted gather evidence for presentation in court.
may challenge, by motion, the legality of the interception  Forensic images can be created through
before the issuing court. (Sec. 5.6) specialized forensic software (FTK Imager, write
WARRANT TO SEARCH, SEIZE AND EXAMINE  In the case of cybercrime, additional evidence may
COMPUTER DATA (WSSECD) be discovered other than what is available
through an operating system in the form of
It is an order in writing issued in the name of the People of incriminating data that has been deleted to
the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon application of law prevent discovery. Unless the data is deleted
enforcement authorities, authorizing the latter to search secretly and overwritten, it can be recovered with
the particular place for items to be seized and/or forensic or life recovery software.
examined.(Sec 6.1)


- The verified application for a WSSECD, as well as
the supporting affidavits, shall state the essential A person whose computer devices or computer system
facts similar to those in Section 4.3 of this Rule, have been searched and seized off-site may, upon motion,
except that the subject matter is the computer seek the return of the said items from the court issuing the
data sought to be searched, seized, and examined, WSSECD: Provided, that a forensic image of the computer
and all other items related thereto. data subject of the WSSECD has already been made.
The court may grant the motion upon its determination
- In addition, the application shall contain an that no lawful ground exists to otherwise withhold the
explanation of the search and seizure strategy to return of such items to him. (Sec 6.4)
be implemented, including a projection of whether
or not an off-site or on-site search will be ALLOWABLE ACTIVITIES DURING THE
conducted, taking into account the nature of the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WSSECD (SEC 6.5)
computer data involved, the computer or 1. The interception of communications and
computer system's security features, and/or other computer data: Provided, that the interception
relevant circumstances, if such information is activities shall only be limited to communications
available. (Sec 6.2) and computer data that are reasonably related to
the subject matter of the WSSECD; and that the
- If the judge is satisfied that there is probable cause said activities are fully disclosed, and the
to believe that the facts upon which the foregoing relation duly explained in the initial
application for WSSECD exists, he shall issue the return. (Section 15 Chapter IV of RA 10175)
WSSECD. (Sec 6.3)
2. Law enforcement authorities may order any
OFF-SITE AND ON-SITE PRINCIPLE person, who has knowledge about the functioning
of the computer system and the measures to
On-Site search - if the circumstances so allow, endeavor to protect and preserve the computer data therein, to
first make a forensic image of the computer data on-site as provide, as is reasonable, the necessary


information to enable the undertaking of the  One of the main uses of Hash Values is
search, seizure and examination.  to determine the integrity of any Dta
(which can be a file, folder, email,
1. Initial Return  The most wonderful character of Hash
2. Final Return Value is that they are highly unique. No
two data can be theoretically have same
Within ten (10) days from the issuance of the WSSECD, the  Example: a video has the original hash
authorized law enforcement officers shall submit an initial value of
return that contains the following information: c262935cfc3af3f0a5cc5c5cdf3c0b26
 But another video which is being
1. A list of all the items that were seized, with a circulated on FB or you tube with the
detailed identification of: (a) the devices of the same content has a different hash value
computer system seized, including the name, after being computed by fciv.exe tool –
make, brand, serial numbers, or any other mode of 0811cc1438b9c0691a26de96843c8654
identification, if available; and (b) the hash value  This shows that the original Data is
of the computer data and/or the seized computer altered and Data Integrity is
device or computer system containing such data; compromised

2. A statement on whether a forensic image of the It is the duty of the issuing judge to ascertain if the
computer data was made on-site, and if not, the initial return has been made, and if none, to
reasons for making the forensic image off-site; summon the law enforcement authority to whom
the WSSECD was issued and require him to
explain why no initial return was made, without
3. A statement on whether the search was conducted prejudice to any action for contempt.
on-site, and if not, the reasons for conducting the
search and seizure off-site After the initial return is submitted to the court
pursuant to the WSSECD, the court shall issue an
4. A statement on whether interception was order fixing the period to conclude the
conducted during the implementation of the examination of all the items seized, which period
WSSECD, together with (a) a detailed may be extended not exceeding thirty (30) days,
identification of all the interception activities that upon motion, for justifiable reasons. (Sec 6.7)
were conducted; (b) the hash value/s of the
communications or computer data intercepted;
and (c) an explanation of the said items' FINAL RETURN
reasonable relation to the computer data subject  Within forty-eight (48) hours after the expiration
of the WSSECD of the period to examine as provided under
Section 6.7 of this Rule, the authorized law
5. 5. List of all the actions taken to enforce the enforcement officers shall submit a final return on
WSSECD, from the time the law enforcement the WSSECD to the court that issued it
officers reached the place to be seized until they
left the premises with the seized items and  and simultaneously turn-over the custody of the
reached the place where the items seized were seized computer data, as well as all other items
stored and secured for examination; and seized and/or the communications or computer
data intercepted in relation thereto, following the
6. A reasonable estimation of how long the procedure under Section 7.1 of this Rule.
examination of the items seized will be concluded
and the justification therefor. (Sec 6.6) WARRANT TO EXAMINE COMPUTER DATA (WECD)
- Upon acquiring possession of a computer device
 A Hash value is a numeric value of a or computer system via a lawful warrantless
fixed length that uniquely identifies arrest, or by any other lawful method,  law
data. enforcement authorities shall first apply for a
 Hashing refers to the use of hash warrant before searching the said computer
functions to verify that an image is device or computer system for the purpose of
identical to the source media. Hashing obtaining for forensic examination the computer
is like a digital fingerprint for a file or a data contained therein. (Sec. 6.9)
digital DNA.

- The verified application for a WECD, as well as the

supporting affidavits, shall state the essential facts 5. The names and positions of the law enforcement
similar to those in Section 4.3 of this Rule, except authorities who had access to the computer data
that the subject matter is the computer data from the time of its seizure until the termination
sought to be examined. of the examination but prior to depositing it with
the court,  and the names of officers who will be
- In addition, the application shall disclose the delivering the seized items to the court; 
circumstances surrounding the lawful acquisition
of the computer device or computer system 6. The name of the law enforcement officer who may
containing the said computer data. be allowed access to the deposited data. When the
said officer dies, resigns of severs tie with the
- If the judge is satisfied that there is probable cause office, his/her successor may, upon motion, be
to believe that the facts upon which the granted access to the deposit; and
application for WECD exists, he shall issue the
WECD. 7. A certification that no duplicates or copies of the
whole or any part thereof have been made, or if
- The initial and final returns, as well as the period made, all such duplicates or copies are included in
to examine under a WECD, shall be similarly the sealed package deposited, except for the copy
governed by the procedures set forth in WSSECD. retained by law enforcement authorities pursuant
to paragraph 3 of Section 4.5 of this Rule.
- Interception of communications and computer
data may be likewise conducted during the ACCESS TO AND USE OF COMPUTER DATA
implementation of the WECD under the same - The package containing the computer data so
conditions stated in WSSECD. deposited under Section 7.1 of this Rule shall not
be opened, or the recordings replayed, or its
DEPOSIT AND CUSTODY OF SEIZED COMPUTER DATA contents revealed, or, in any manner, used as
- Upon the filing of the return for a WDCD or WICD, evidence,  except upon motion duly granted by the
or the final return for a WSSECD or WECD, all court.
computer data subject thereof shall be
simultaneously deposited in a sealed package with - The motion for the purpose shall state:
the same court that issued the warrant. 1. The relevance of the computer data sought
to be opened, replayed, revealed, or used as
- It shall be accompanied by a complete and verified evidence; and
inventory of all the other items seized in relation 2. The names of the persons who will be
thereto, and by the affidavit of the duly authorized allowed to have access thereto, if the
law enforcement officer. (Sec 7.1) motion is granted.


CONTENTS OF THE AFFIDAVIT  Section 17, RA 10175 uses the word “destroy” in
1. The date and time of the disclosure, interception, reference to preserved “traffic data, subscriber’s
search, seizure, and/or examination of the information & content data” under Sec. 13, and to
computer data, as the case may be. If the examiner searched, seized & examined computer data under
or analyst has recorded his/her examination, the Section 15.
recording shall also be deposited with the court in  Being essentially “electronically stored
a sealed package and stated in the affidavit; information” (ESI), it cannot easily lend to
2. The particulars of the subject computer data,  Thus, the use of the words “remove and delete” in
including its hash value; tandem with “destroy”

3. The manner by which the computer data was DUTY TO DESTROY

AUTHORITIES, as the case may be, shall
4. Detailed identification of all items seized in immediately and completely destroy the computer
relation to the subject computer data, including data subject of preservation and examination,
the computer device containing such data and/or upon expiration of:
other parts of the computer system seized, 6 months
indicating the name, make, brand, serial numbers,  From the date of transaction – (traffic
or any other mode of identification, if available; data or subscriber’s information)

 From the date of receipt of order o Brach clerk of court, or other person duly
requiring its preservation (content designated by the court;
data) (Sec 3.1, RCW) o The accused or the person/s from whom
such items were seized, or his/her
- Upon MOTION and DUE HEARING, the court may, representative or counsel,
for justifiable reasons, order: o Law enforcement officer allowed access
to such items as indicated in the
 the complete or partial destruction, or inventory, or his/her duly authorized
 return to its lawful owner or possessor, representative

of the computer data or any of the related - WITHIN TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURs from the
items turned over to its custody. destruction of the computer data,
 the Branch Clerk-of-Court or the witness duly
- The court may, MOTU PROPRIO, and upon written designated by the court shall issue a sworn
notice to all the parties concerned, order: certification as to
 the complete or partial destruction, or o the fact of destruction; and
 return to its lawful owner or possessor, o file the said certificate with the same
of the computer data or any of the related court.
 The storage device, or other items turned over to
- IF NO PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION or the court's custody, shall be destroyed by
CASE  involving these items has been instituted o shredding,
after thirty-one (31) days from their deposit, or o drilling of four holes through the device,
o prying the platters apart, or
- IF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN SO o other means in accordance with
INSTITUTED within this period, upon finality of international standards that will
the prosecutor's resolution finding lack of sufficiently make it inoperable.
probable cause.

- The Court may conduct a clarificatory hearing to

further determine if there is no reasonable
opposition to the items' destruction or return.

DESTRUCTION of DISCLODES computer data subject of

If the destruction or return of disclosed computer data is
justified, the court shall:
o Issue an order directing the law enforcement
authorities to turn-over the retained copy (Sec 4.5.
par 3. RCW)
o Upon its turn-over, the retained copy shall be
simultaneously destroyed or retuned with the
computer data or subscriber information
originally turned over to issuing court.


- If allowed after hearing or motu proprio, Branch Clerk
must issue:
 Written notice to the accused, or the person/s
from whom items were seized, his/her
representative or counsel, as well as the law
enforcement officer allowed access as per
 At least three days prior to the scheduled date of
 The following should be present;


DAWN RAIDS: INVESTIGATING VIOLATIONS OF THE - While economics provides the tools for
PHILIPPINE COMPETITION ACT determining or proving whether such legal
standards have been met
- Section 19, Article 12 of the 1987 Constitution - In other words, it is economic analysis within a
states: legal framework

SECTION 19. The State shall regulate or  3 TYPES OF PROHIBITED ACTS UNDER THE PCA (3
prohibit monopolies when the public interest PILLARS)
so requires. No combinations in restraint of
trade or unfair competition shall be allowed. 1. Anti- competitive agreements (Section 14)
2. Abuse of dominant position (Section 15)
- In Tatad v. Secretary of Energy [346 Phil 321 3. Anti- competitive mergers and acquisitions (M &
(1997)], the SC struck down the Downstream Oil A’s) (Section 16)
Deregulation Act of 1996 for being in violation of
Sec. 19, Art. 12 of the 1987 Constitution - Engaging in any of these acts may result in
criminal, administrative and civil liabilities.
- The SC identified, emphasized and “underlined in
scarlet” the fundamental principle behind Sec. 19,  TEST: SUBSTANTIAL LESSENING OF COMPETITION
Art. 12: competition (SLC)

- According to the SC, in the words of Chief Justice - In determining whether there is a violation of the
Puno, “the desirability of competition is the reason PCA, the overall test is whether the agreement or
for the prohibition against restraint of trade, the act has the object or effect of substantially
reason for the interdiction of unfair competition, preventing, restricting, or lessening competition
and the reason for regulation of unmitigated (“SLC”)
monopolies. - 3 components of SLC:
1. Object or effect
- The advantage of competition is that the public is 2. Prevention, restriction or lessening of
better off with open markets, rather than with an competition
economy concentrated in the hands of a few. 3. Substantial
Through competition, consumers’ needs and
wants will be met at the lowest price while  ANTI- COMPETITIVE AGREEMENTS (SEC. 14)
sacrificing the fewest possible resources.
- Anti- competitive agreements are prohibited
- Competition encourages businesses to provide
consumers with a wider array of choices. Thus, a - Sec. 14(a) & (b) are agreements more commonly
highly competitive market benefits consumers as known as cartels.
it results in lower process, better products and
services, and more options. - These are agreements between competitors or
entities on the same level of the supply chain
- This policy which has been constitutionally (manufacturer to manufacturer; distributor to
recognized has been realized in a landmark piece distributor)
of legislation: The Philippine Competition Act (RA
No 10667) - Agreements are either per se anti- competitive or
based on their object or effect
- Inasmuch as competition is primarily an economic
concept, the PCA is a unique piece of legislation in - Per se anti- competitive agreements:
that it is a merger of two disciplines: law and 1. Price restriction or price- fixing
economics agreements
2. Bid rigging agreements
- As a legal instrument, the PCA provides for the
legal standards, i.e. what are the prohibitions, the - Object or effect rule:
tests for determining violations, and the penalties. 1. Output restriction agreements
2. Allocation or market sharing agreements



- Contrary to its name, dawn raids are not

- Dominance is the position of economic strength in necessarily conducted at dawn.
a market enjoyed by an entity or two or more
entities. - A “dawn raid” is an unannounced search of
business premises of entities subject of an
- Sec 15 prohibits dominant entities from engaging investigation.
in predatory pricing, imposing barriers to entry,
tying and bundling, refusal to deal, price - It provides direct access to documentary evidence
discrimination, imposing restrictions on lease, or that can establish conspiracy or to other pieces of
contract of sale, or trade of goods, unfair purchase evidence that may support acts of anti-
or selling price, or limiting production, markets, or competitive agreement or conduct. These pieces of
technical development to the detriment of evidence would otherwise be conceded or
consumers. destroyed by the involved entities.

- It constitutes an abusive conduct

(SEC. 16) - Most competition authorities all over the world
have the power to conduct dawn raids or
- M&As are not prohibited by the PCA. inspections. In some jurisdictions, the competition
agency can conduct an inspection under its own
- What is prohibited by the PCA are M&As that are authority. In most others, a court order is required
likely to result in SLC. as the best international practice.

- This may happen for instance in a highly - In the Philippines, as provided for in the PCA, the
concentrated market with only a handful of Philippine Competition Commission is granted
players and one of them acquires its competitor, that power to “upon order of the court, undertake
reducing the number of competitors and the inspections of business premises and other offices,
choices of consumers. land and vehicles, as used by the entity, where it
reasonably suspects that relevant books, tax
 DAWN RAIDS: AN INVESTIGATIVE TOOL IN records, or other documents which relate to any
COMPETITION CASES matter relevant to the investigation are kept, in
order to prevent the removal, concealment,
- Investigating competition cases is challenging and tampering with, or destruction of the books,
different from criminal investigations. records, or other documents” [Sec 12 (g)].

- For one, a common crime leaves physical evidence - Pursuant to the requirement of a court order
of the corpus delicti. The corpus delicti also tends under Sec 12 (g) of the PCA, the SC promulgated
to bear traces of direct evidence that link the the Rule on Administrative Search and Inspection
culprit to the crime, e.g. fingerprints, DNA. Order under the PCA. (AM No. 19-08-06-SC)

- But, corpus delicti in a competition case is more

abstract – the competition that previously existed
was lost. Physical and direct evidence is elusive.

- Several layers of proof are necessary: proof of

conduct, the entity responsible for the conduct,
and that the conduct adversely affected
competition, which in turn requires proof of the
competition that was lost, lessened, restricted or
prevented by such conduct.

- To address this challenge, competition authorities

all over the world have utilized an investigation
tool known as “dawn raids”.


A.M. No. 19-08-06-SC  upon application of the Philippine Competition

RULE ON ADMINISTRATIVE SEARCH AND INSPECTION Commission (PCC), through its duly authorized
10667)  authorizing the PCC and any law enforcement
agency that may be deputized by the PCC to assist
LEGAL BASIS: in the execution of the order,
- Article VIII, Section 5, par.5, 1987 Constitution,  to search and inspect business premises and other
Re: Judicial Power of the Supreme Court offices, land and vehicles,
 for information to be examined, copied,
“Promulgate rules concerning the protection and photographed, recorded, or printed, in order to
enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, prevent the removal, concealment, tampering
practice, and procedure in all courts, the with, or destruction of such information.
admission to the practice of law, the Integrated
Bar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged. RULE ON ADMINISTRATIVE SEARCH AND INSPECTION
Such rules shall provide a simplified and UNDER THE PCA
inexpensive procedure for the speedy disposition
of cases, shall be uniform for all courts of the same
grade, and shall not diminish, increase, or modify
substantive rights. Rules of procedure of special
courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain
effective unless disapproved by the Supreme
Who may apply for an inspection order:
- Article III, Section 2, 1987 Constitution, Re: Right 1. The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC),
against unreasonable searches and seizure through its duly authorized officer,
2. authorizing the PCC and any law enforcement
“The right of the people to be secure in their agency that may be deputized by the PCC to assist
persons, houses, papers, and effects against in the execution of the order,
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever 3. Designated officers from:
nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and o Competition Enforcement Officer
no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue o Mergers and Acquisitions Office
except upon probable cause to be determined
personally by the judge after examination under
oath or affirmation of the complainant and the SECTION 3. WHERE APPLICATION IS FILED
witnesses he may produce, and particularly  Enforceable nationwide.
describing the place to be searched and the o Special Commercial Courts in Quezon
persons or things to be seized.” City, Manila, Makati, Pasig, Cebu City,
Iloilo City, Davao City and Cagayan De Oro
SECTION 12(G), RA NO. 10667 OR THE PHILIPPINE  Within territorial jurisdiction
COMPETITION ACT (PCA) o Special Commercial Courts in the judicial
regions where the place to be inspected is
“Upon order of the court, undertake inspections of located shall have concurrent jurisdiction
business premises and other offices, land and vehicles,  Multiple locations
as used by the entity, where it reasonably suspects that o Quezon City, Manila, Makati, Pasig, Cebu
relevant books, tax records, or other documents which '1 City, Iloilo City, Davao City and Cagayan
relate to any matter relevant to the investigation are De Oro City and Special Commercial
kept, in order to prevent the removal, concealment, Courts in the judicial regions of the places
tampering with, or destruction of the books, records, or to be inspected.
other documents.”


SECTION 2. THE INSPECTION ORDER. (1) the subject of the administrative
 An inspection order is an order in writing issued investigation;
in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, (2) the premises, other offices, land or vehicles,
signed by a judge, as used by the entity, sought to be searched or
inspected; and


(3) the information sought to be examined, o Competition law is a combination of law

copied, photographed, recorded, or printed, and economics
and their relevance and necessity to the o Competition law violations usually
investigation. detected through:
 Market surveillance
 Inspection may be conducted during the early  Market studies analyzing the
stages of the investigation competitive conditions and the
 In the application, the description of the behaviour of the players in that
investigation cannot be too detailed as to provide market
the entities involved or the exact modus or o Where the economic analysis reveals
scheme indicators of anti-competitive conduct or
 Sector + presumed violation under the PCA is practice, an investigation may be pursued
enough to gather evidence.
 Example:  Hearing conducted by the judge:
o Minutes of the Meeting from 2013 to o The application must be acted upon
2015 within the 24 hours from filing of verified
o Emails between Mr. X and Mr. Y from application
years 2015 to 2016 o Ex-parte
 What are the information sought to be examined? o Held in the chambers of the Judge
o Information shall include, but shall not be o Confidential
limited to, books, tax records, documents, o According to the Annotations, failure of
papers, accounts, letters, photographs, the judge to act within the 24-hour period
objects or tangible things, databases and shall result to administrative sanctions
means of accessing information contained
in such databases, and electronically ELEMENT OF SURPRISE
stored information as defined in the rules  The hearing on the application is done ex parte
of procedure of the PCC, which relate to and the processing are kept confidential
any matter relevant to the  The most important feature of dawn raids is the
administrative investigation covered element of surprise
by this Rule.
 Entity has no opportunity to conceal or destroy
 The court must examine in the form of searching
questions and answers, in writing and under oath
or affirmation, the applicant and the witnesses he
The inspection order shall be issued if the court finds that
may produce on
there is a reasonable ground to suspect that:
o facts personally known to them; or
o on facts based on (1) the applicant's or (1) the information is kept, found, stored, or
witnesses' training and/or experience; accessible at the premises indicated in the
(2) authentic records; (3) verifiable data; application;
or ( 4) economic analysis. (2) the information relates to any matter relevant to
 Training and/or Experience of the Applicant the investigation; and
o The purpose of an inspection is to gather (3) the issuance of the order is necessary to prevent
information relating to a suspected the removal, concealment, tampering with, or
violation of the PCA, its IRR and other destruction of the books, records, or other
competition laws documents to be inspected.
o Thus, it is not necessary that the facts be
known to the applicant or the witness
based on personal knowledge SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF INSPECTION
o It would be sufficient if the applicant or ORDER.
witness can attest to the facts based on  Effective for the length of time as determined by
the applicant’s or witnesses’ training the court, which shall not exceed fourteen (14)
and/or experience days from its issuance.
 How should the judge consider economic  The court may, upon ex parte motion, extend
analysis? the effectivity of an inspection order for a


period not exceeding fourteen (14) days from the 2. Provide PCC with all reasonable facilities
expiration of the original period. and assistance for the conduct of the
 Extensions may be sought when: inspection.
o The inspection cannot be carried out 3. Disclose the location of the information,
within the 14-day period access codes, or passwords.
o The entity refuses to allow PCC, deputies 4. Certify faithful reproduction of the copies,
or agents despite valid service of the photographs, recordings or printouts
court order made by PCC officers, deputies or agents.
 In such instances, the PCC may  The following persons are required to certify the
seal or secure the area and information inspected by the PCC:
equipment, gadgets or devices 1. By person designated by entity; or
 Seek relief with the court by 2. Highest ranking official or employee
instituting contempt proceedings present if the entity fails to designate a
 Pending the decision on the person
contempt case, the period of  Effect of Certification. The information shall be
effectivity of the inspection admissible as evidence for the purpose of the
order may be extended until administrative proceedings
the court resolves the matter
o No limit on the number of extensions that REFUSAL TO CERTIFY
may be allowed by the court based on its  PCC may institute contempt proceedings
reasonable discretion  The PCC may seal or secure the area and
equipment, gadgets or devices until the person
certifies such copies, photographs, recording or
 Served in the presence of a duly designated
officer of the court PLAIN VIEW – Other information found in plain view
 During business hours of the premises, or at any may be examined, copied, photographed, recorded or
time on any day, as may be determined by the printed if:
court for compelling reasons stated in the 1. The presence of PCC officers, deputies or
application. agents in the premises is pursuant to an
inspection order;
2. The discovery of the information in plain
SECTION 9. PERSON WHOSE PRESENCE IS REQUIRED view is inadvertently made in the course
DURING INSPECTION. of implementing the inspection order; and
 Person designated by the entity: 3. It is immediately apparent to the officer
1. Compliance officer that the item he observes may be
 Any officer of the entity evidence of a violation of the PCA, its
designated or appointed by the implementing rules, or other competition
entity to represent the latter on laws.
government regulatory matters
or any compliance officer for any  WHAT ARE THE POWERS OF THE PCC DURING
regulatory body (e.g. General THE INSPECTION?
Compliance Officer) 1. Enter, search and inspect the premises
2. Legal counsel indicated in the order;
2. Examine, copy, photograph, record, or
Any unreasonable delay, failure, or refusal to designate a print information described in the order;
representative by the entity shall not prevent the PCC 3. Examine and copy electronically stored
officers, deputies and agents from implementing the information, databases, and means of
inspection order. accessing information contained in such
databases that are kept, found, stored or
accessed in the premises indicated in the
SECTION 10. MANNER OF INSPECTION order may be examined and copied by
 Persons designated by the entity have the copying the information, whether through
following duties: forensic imaging or other means of
1. Cooperate and render assistance to PCC in copying, photographing or recording the
order to facilitate the search and electronically stored information, or by
inspection printing out its contents;


4. Require that such electronically stored certify the faithful reproduction of such
information and databases be produced in information.
a form that is visible and legible, and may
be copied, photographed, recorded, or
5. Ask explanations on facts or documents ORDER.
relating to the subject and purpose of the
inspection and record the answers; If the PCC officers, deputies, and agents, are refused
6. Secure or seal the area and equipment, admittance to the premises after giving a notice of their
gadgets or devices where the information purpose and authority, may use reasonable force to gain
is located or stored; entry to the premises, land, vehicle, or any part of the
7. attach to them a tag or label warning all building or anything therein, for the purposes of:
persons from tampering with them, until 1. to enforce the inspection order; or
the examination, copying, photographing, 2. to liberate themselves or any person lawfully
recording, or printing is completed, but in aiding them when unlawfully detained therein.
no case beyond the effectivity of the
inspection order; and SECTION 12. RETURN.
8. Examine, copy, photograph, record or  Within three (3) days from the enforcement of the
print other information believed, on inspection order or after the expiration of the
reasonable grounds, to be evidence of a period provided under the inspection order,
violation of the PCA, its IRR or other whichever comes first, the authorized officer of
competition laws. the PCC shall make a verified return to the court
which issued the order.
 SECURING AND SEALING THE PREMISES  A return is a report to the court that issued the
WHERE THE INFORMATION IS LOCATED IS inspection order informing it on the results of the
NECESSARY WHEN: execution of the order
 During the extended inspections (e.g.  The return shall be accompanied by the following:
inspections which last more than a o A list of information copied, photographed,
single day) recorded, or printed; and
 To avoid the loss, removal or o Affidavit of the authorized officer of the PCC,
otherwise destruction of the which contains the following:
information 1. The date and time of examination and
 If the entity refuses to allow the copying of the documents, electronically
examination, copying, photographing, stored information, databases, or means
recording of information of accessing information contained in
 The area and equipment, such databases;
gadgets or devices shall remain 2. The particulars of the documents,
sealed until the entity complies electronically stored information,
with the inspection order. databases, or means of accessing
 If entity refuses to certify faithful information contained in such databases,
reproduction of the copies including its hash value; and
3. The manner by which the documents,
 WHAT ARE THE DUTIES OF THE ENTITY’S electronically stored information,
EMPLOYEES? databases, or means of accessing
1. Employees or individuals located within information contained in such databases
the search premises shall not move was copied, including a list of all actions
documents, remove files or otherwise taken to enforce the inspection order.
destroy information, access their
workspace or destroy seals or labels  Duty of the Issuing Judge: ascertain if the return
during the conduct of the inspection. has been made, and if none, to summon the PCC
2. The PCC may ask employees or any officer and require him to explain why no return
individual in the premises on facts or was made.
documents relating to the subject and
purpose of the inspection
3. The PCC shall provide a list of all SECTION 13. WHEN AN INSPECTION ORDER IS
information copied, photographed, IMPROPERLY ISSUED OR IMPLEMENTED.
recorded or printed to the person
designated by the entity who shall then

Before a return is filed, the person or entity whose violations under the Philippine Competition Act and other
premises were inspected may file a written motion with competition laws.
the issuing court to quash the inspection order on the
ground that it was improperly issued or implemented.

The motion shall be resolved in a summary hearing by the

issuing court after due notice to the PCC.



The court which issued the inspection order shall keep a

distinct and separate logbook therefor.

The logbook shall be under the custody of the Clerk of

Court wherein the filing of applications for inspection
orders and other particulars thereof shall be docketed and
entered within twenty-four (24) hours after issuance of
the inspection order or denial of the application therefor.
All the subsequent proceedings concerning the inspection
order, including the return on the inspection order, shall
be faithfully recorded in the separate logbook.


Any person or entity who fails or refuses to comply with an

inspection order or any provision of this Rule shall be cited
for contempt of court, which procedures shall be governed
by Rule 71 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, insofar as they
are applicable.
 Unreasonably delays, fails or refuses to designate
a representative
 Tampers with, breaks or removes the seal affixed
 Destroys or deletes files or information
 Destroys or tampers with the information subject
of the inspection order
 Interferes with the implementation of the
inspection order



The PCC is not precluded from exercising its powers under

existing laws and rules, when it applies for an inspection

The PCC is likewise not prevented from requesting law

enforcement agencies to assist in the application of a
separate search warrant for criminal violations of the PCA.



The information collected pursuant to the inspection order

shall be used only in administrative proceedings for

REVISED GUIDELINES FOR CONTINUOUS TRIAL OF required under Sec. 8, Rule 112, or
CRIMINAL CASES allowed in inquest proceedings and the
accused failed to participate in the
APPLICABILITY preliminary investigation
- Shall apply to all newly-filed criminal cases, 3. Motion for reinvestigation of the prosecutor
including those governed by Special Laws and Rules, recommending the filing of information once the
in the First and Second Level Courts, the information has been filed before the court:
Sandigabayan and Court of Tax Appeals as of a. if the motion is filed without prior leave of
effectivity date (September 1, 2017) court;
- Shall also apply to pending criminal cases with b. when preliminary investigation is not
respect to the remainder of the proceedings required under Sec. 8, Rule 112; and
- Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, the c. when the regular preliminary
Revised Guidelines shall not apply to criminal cases investigation is required and has been
filed under the Rule on Summary Procedure actually conducted, and the grounds relied
upon in the motion are not meritorious,
SPECIAL LAWS AND RULES COVERED BY THE REVISED such as issues of credibility, admissibility
GUIDELINES ON CTR of evidence, innocence of the accused, or
lack of due process when the accused was
- Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (R.A. actually notified, among others
9165) 4. Motion to quash information when the ground is
- Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 not one of those stated in Sec. 3, Rule 117
- Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases 5. Motion for bill of particulars that does not
- Rules of Procedure for Intellectual Property Rights conform to Sec. 9, Rule 116
Cases 6. Motion to suspend the arraignment based on
- Criminal Cases cognizable by Family Courts and grounds not stated under Sec. 11, Rule 116
Commercial Courts 7. Petition to suspend the criminal action on the
ground of prejudicial question, when no civil case
HEARING DAYS AND CALENDAR CALL has been filed, pursuant to Sec. 7, Rule 111

- Trial shall be held from Monday to Thursday and MERITORIOUS MOTIONS

courts shall call the cases at exactly 8:30 AM and
2:00 PM, pursuant to Administrative Circular No. 3- - Motion that allege plausible grounds supported by
99 relevant documents and/or competent evidence,
- Hearings on motions, arraignment and pre-trial, and except those that are already covered by the
promulgation of decisions shall be held in the Revised Guidelines
morning of Fridays, pursuant to Sec. 7, Rule 15 of
the Rules of Court 1. Motion to withdraw information, or to
- All courts shall ensure the posting of their court downgrade the charge in the original
calendars outside their courtrooms at least 1 day information or to exclude an accused
before the scheduled hearings, pursuant to OCA originally charged therein, filed by the
Circular No. 250-2015 prosecution as a result of a
reinvestigation, reconsideration, and
MOTIONS review
2. Motion to quash warrant of arrest
- Motion for Inhibition – based on grounds provided 3. Motion to suspend arraignment on the
for under Rule 137 shall be resolved immediately or ground of an unsound mental condition
under Sec. 11(a), Rule 116
within 2 calendar days from date of their filing
4. Motion to suspend proceedings on the
- Prohibited Motions- Prohibited motions shall be
ground of prejudicial question where a
denied outright before the scheduled arraignment
civil case was filed prior to the criminal
without need of comment and/or opposition.
case under Sec. 11(b), Rule 116
5. Motion to quash information on the
1. Motion for judicial determination of
grounds that the acts charged do not
probable cause
constitute an offense, lack of jurisdiction,
2. Motion for preliminary investigation filed
extinction of criminal action or liability, or
beyond the 5- day reglementary period in
double jeopardy under Sec. 3, par. (a), (b),
inquest proceedings under Sec. 6, Rule
(g), and (i), Rule 117
112, or when preliminary investigation is


6. Motion to discharge accused as a state b. 30 calendar days from the date the court
witness under Sec. 17, Rule 119 acquires jurisdiction (either by arrest or
7. Motion to quash search warrant under voluntary surrender) over a non-detained
Sec. 14, Rule 126 or motion to suppress accused, unless a shorter period is provided
evidence and by special law or Supreme Court circular
8. Motion to dismiss on the ground that the criminal
case is a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public WAIVER OF READING OF THE INFORMATION
Participation under Rule 6 of the Rules of
Procedure for Environmental Cases - In multiple cases, the court, upon personal
examination of the accused, may allow a waiver of
MOTION FOR POSTPONEMENT the reading of the information upon the full
- It is prohibited, except if it based on: understanding and express consent of the accused
1. Acts of God; and his/her counsel, which consent shall be
2. Force Majeure; or expressly stated in both the minutes/ certificate of
3. Physical inability of the witness to appear and arraignment and order of arraignment
testify - The court shall explain the waiver to the accused in
the language or dialect known to him/her, and
- If the motion is granted based on such exceptions, ensure the accused’s full understanding of the
the moving party shall be warned that the consequences of the waiver before approving the
presentation of its evidence must still be finished on same
the dates previously agreed upon.
- A motion for postponement, whether written or
oral, shall at all times be accompanied by the Plea Bargaining
original official receipt from the Office of the Clerk
of Court evidencing payment of the postponement - If the accused desires to enter a plea of guilty to a
fee under Sec. 21(b), Rule 141, to be submitted lesser offense, plea bargaining shall immediately
either at the time of the filing of said motion or not proceed, provided the private offended party in
later that the next hearing date private crimes, or the arresting officer in victimless
crimes, is present to give his/her consent with the
- The Clerk of Court shall not accept the motion conformity of the public prosecutor to the plea
unless accompanied by the original receipt bargaining
- Thereafter, judgment shall be immediately rendered
PRIVATE PROSECUTOR in the same proceedings.
- In cases where only the civil liability is being
prosecuted by a private prosecutor, the head of the Plea of Guilty to the Crime Charged in the
prosecution office must issue in favor of the private Information
prosecutor a written authority to try the case even
in the absence of the public prosecutor. The written - If the accused pleads guilty to the crime charged in
authority must be submitted to the court prior to the information, judgment shall be immediately
the presentation of evidence by the private rendered, except in those cases involving capital
prosecutor in accordance with Sec. 5, Rule 110. punishment
- With this authority on record, the court may set the
trial in the case and in other cases tried by private
prosecutors with delegated authority on separate CONDUCT OF PRE-TRIAL
days when the presence of the public prosecutor
may be dispensed with. Absence of parties

ARRAIGNMENT AND PRE-TRIAL (CONDUCTED IN THE - The court shall proceed with the pre- trial despite
SAME DAY) the absence of the accused and/or private
complainant, provided they were duly notified of
- Once the court has acquired jurisdiction over the the same, and the counsel for the accused, as well
person of the accused, the arraignment of the as the public prosecutor, are present.
accused and the pre- trial shall be set within:
a. 10 calendar days from the date of the court’s
receipt of the case for a detained accused, and


- Proposals for stipulations shall be done with the d. Grave Slander (Grave Oral Defamation) of
active participation of the court itself and shall serious and insulting nature under Art 358,
not be left alone to the counsels. par. 1, RPC;
e. Simple Slander (Oral Defamation) not of a
Marking of evidence serious and insulting nature under Art 358, par
2, RPC;
- The documentary evidence of the prosecution f. Grave Slander by Deed of a serious nature
and the accused shall be marked. under Art 359, par 1, RPC;
g. Simple Slander by Deed not of a serious
Pre- Trial Order nature under Art 359, par 2, RPC;
h. Incriminating innocent person under Art
- The Pre- trial order shall immediately be served 363, RPC;
upon the parties and counsel on the same day i. Intriguing against honor under Art 364, RPC
after the termination of the pre- trial
4. Liber under RA 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention
Compliance with Rules Act of 2012) where the liability may be civil in
- Courts must strictly comply with the Guidelines
to be Observed in the Conduct of Pre-trial under 5. Criminal negligence under Title 14, RPC, where
AM No. 03-1-09-SC the liability may be civil in nature; and

MEDIATION 6. Intellectual property rights cases where the

liability may be civil in nature
- The following cases shall be referred to mediation
on the civil liability unless a settlement is reached - The referral of the case for mediation to the
earlier in the pre- trial/ preliminary conference: Philippine Mediation Center (PMC) Unit shall be
made only after the conduct of the arraignment and
1. Crimes where payment may prevent criminal the pre-trial/ preliminary conference.
prosecution or may extinguish criminal liability, - The mediation shall be terminated within a non-
such as violations of: extendible period of 30 calendar days from the date
a. BP Blg. 22; of referral by the court to the PMC Uit. After the
b. SSS Law (RA No. 1161, as amended by RA lapse of the mediation period or if mediation fails,
No. 8282); and trial shall proceed.
c. PAG-IBIG Law (RA No. 9679) - Except those cases mentioned above, criminal cases
subject to the Rule on Summary Procedure shall not
2. Crimes against property under Title 10 of the be referred to mediation.
Revised Penal Code (RPC), where the obligation may - After the lapse of the mediation period or if
be civil in nature, such as: mediation fails, trial shall proceed.
a. Theft under Art. 308, RPC, cognizable by the - Therefore, there is no more Judicial Dispute
first level courts; Resolution in criminal cases.
b. Estafa under Art. 315(1), RPC, except estafa
under Art. 315 (2) and (3); PETITION FOR BAIL
c. Other forms of swindling under Art 316, RPC;
d. Swindling of a minor under Art 317, RPC; - If filed after the filing of the information, it shall be
e. Other deceits under Art 318, RPC; and set for summary hearing after arraignment and pre-
f. Malicious mischief under Art 327, RPC trial.
- Petition for bail shall be heard and resolved within a
3. Crimes against honor under Title 13, RPC, where non-extendible period of 30 calendar days from
the liability may be civil in nature, such as: date of the first hearing, except in drug cases which
a. Libel by means of writings or similar means shall be heard and resolved within 20 calendar days,
under Art 355, RPC; without need of oral argument and submission of
b. Threatening to publish and offer to present memoranda, consistent with the summary nature of
such publication for a compensation under Art the proceedings.
356, RPC; - Motion for reconsideration on the resolution of
c. Prohibited publication of acts referred to in petition for bail shall be resolved within a non-
the course of official proceedings under Art extendible period of 10 calendar days from date of
357, RPC; submission of motion.


Evidence in petition for bail malversation, estafa, or other crimes where the
culpability or innocence of the accused can be
- The resolution of petition for bail shall be based established through documents, the testimonies
solely on the evidence presented during the bail of the witnesses shall be the duly subscribed
proceedings by the prosecution. written statements given to law enforcement or
- The prosecution shall present only pieces of peace officers or the affidavits or counter-
evidence that are essential in establishing that the affidavits submitted before the investigating
evidence of guilt is strong prosecutor, and if such are not available,
- The accused need not present evidence to testimonies shall be in the form of judicial
contradict or rebut the prosecution’s evidence affidavits, subject to additional direct and cross-
examination questions.
Non-suspension of the presentation of evidence
- In all other cases where the culpability or the
- The court shall not suspend the presentation of innocence of the accused is based on the
the evidence in chief while awaiting resolution of testimonies of the alleged eyewitnesses, the
the petition for bail or the motion for testimonies of these witnesses shall be in oral
reconsideration. form.


- During the pre-trial/ preliminary conference, the

court shall require the parties to enter into
stipulations on the subject of both direct and cross-
FORM OF TESTIMONY examinations of witnesses who have no personal
knowledge of the material facts constituting the
For First Level Courts crimes, such as forensic chemists, medico- legal
officers, investigators, auditors, accountants,
- In all criminal cases, including those covered by engineers, custodians, expert witnesses and other
the Rule on Summary Procedure, the testimonies similar witnesses, who will testify on the
of witnesses shall consist of the duly subscribed authenticity, due execution and the contents of
written statements given to law enforcement or public documents and reports; corroborative
peace officers or the affidavits of counter- witnesses; and those who will testify on the civil
affidavits submitted before the investigating liability.
prosecutor, and if such are not available, - This rule is without prejudice to allowing additional
testimonies shall be in the form of judicial direct and cross- examination questions
affidavits, subject to additional direct and cross- - If stipulations cannot be had in full, where the
examination questions. adverse party does not waive the right to cross-
examination, the subject of the direct testimony of
- The trial prosecutor may dispense with the sworn these witnesses should be stipulated upon, without
written statements submitted to the law prejudice to additional direct and cross-
enforcement or peace officers and prepare the examination questions.
judicial affidavits of the affiants or modify or
revise the said sworn statement before TRIAL
presenting it as evidence.
- The court shall encourage the accused and the
For Second Level Courts, Sandiganbayan and Court prosecution to avail of:
of Tax Appeals a. For the accused- Secs 12 and 13, Rule 119
on the application for examination of
- In criminal cases where the demeanor of the witnesses for accused before trial and
witness is not essential in determining the how it is made; and
credibility of said witness, such as forensic b. For the prosecution- Sec 15, Rule 119 on
chemists, medico- legal officers, investigators, the conditional examination of witnesses
auditors, accountants, engineers, custodians, for the prosecution
expert witnesses and other similar witnesses,
who will testify on the authenticity, due execution Absence of counsel de parte
and the contents of public documents and
reports, and in criminal cases that are
transactional in character, such as falsification,

- In the absence of the counsel de parte, the - Thereafter, the accused shall immediately present
hearing shall proceed upon appointment by the sur-rebuttal evidence if there is any, and orally rest
court of a counsel de officio. the case in sur- rebuttal after the presentation of uts
last sur- rebuttal witness.

- Thereafter, the court shall submit the case for

One- day examination of witness rule
- The offer of evidence, the comment/ objection
thereto, and the court ruling thereto shall be made - The court shall strictly adhere to the rule that a
orally. A party is required to make his/her oral offer witness has to be fully examined in 1 day.
of evidence on the same day fter the presentation of
his/her last witness, and the opposing party is MEMORANDA
required to immediately interpose his/her oral
comment/objection thereto. Thereafter, the court - The submission of memoranda is discretionary on
shall make a ruling on the offer of evidence in open the part of the court, which in no case shall exceed
court. 25 pages in length, single- spaced, on legal size
paper, using size 14 font
- In making the offer, the counsel shall cite the
specific page numbers of the court record where the - The period to submit memoranda shall be non-
exhibits being offered are found, if attached thereto. extendible and shall not suspend the running of the
The court shall ensure that all exhibits offered are period of promulgation of the decision, thus, with or
submitted to it on the same day of the offer. without memoranda, the promulgation shall push
through as scheduled.
- If the exhibits are not attached to the record, the
party making the offer must submit the same during PROMULGATION
the offer of evidence in open court.
- The court shall announce in open court and include
DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE in the order submitting the case for decision, the
date of the promulgation of its decision which shall
- After the prosecution has rested its case, the court not be more than 90 calendar days from the date the
shall inquire from the accused if he/she desires to case is submitted for decision (For those covered by
move for leave of court to file a demurrer to Regular Rules, including Sandiganbayan and Court
evidence, or to proceed with the presentation of of Tax Appeals), except when the case is covered by
his/her evidence. Special Rules and other laws which provide for a
- If the accused orally moves for leave of court to file a shorter period.
demurrer to evidence, the court shall orally resolve
the same. - For those covered by Special Law and Rules:

- If the motion for leave is denied, the court shall a. Drug cases- 15 days from the date of submission
issue an order for the accused to present and for resolution of the case
terminate his/her evidence on the dates previously b. Environmental cases- 60 days from the last day
scheduled and agreed upon, and to orally offer and of the 30- day period to file memoranda
rest his/her case on the day his/her last witness is c. Intellectual Property Rights cases- 60 days from
presented. the time the case is submitted for decision, with
or without memoranda; and
PRESENTATION OF REBUTTAL AND SUR- REBUTTAL d. Others that may be provided in other Rules and

- If the court grants the motion to present rebuttal

evidence, the prosecution shall immediately
proceed with its presentation after the accused has
rested his/her case, and orally rest its case in
rebuttal after the presentation of its last rebuttal


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