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1. Show that the sequence defined by an =3n2+1 is not an A.P

a) 6n+3 b)6n- 3 c)3n+2 d) 3n-2

2. Find the middle term of A.P : 4, 9, 14,…….,149.

a) a15= 72, a16=78
b) a15= 74, a16=79
c) a15= 71, a16= 77
d) a15=70, a16= 75

3. The nth term of sequence is (2n-3), find its 15th term

a) 0 b)21 c)27 d) 6

4. For what value of n, the nth term of A.P.: 63,65,67………and nth term of
A.P.: 3, 10, 17,……….are equal to each other?
a) 10 b) 5 c) 60 d) 13

5. How many three-digit natural numbers are divisible by 7?

a) 896 b) 128 c) 10 d) 24

6. Solve the equation: 1+3+5+……..+x= 10000

a) x=7 b) 1999 c) 199 d) 9

7. The angles of a triangle are in A.P. If the greatest angle is twice the least,
find all the angles.
a) 40 degrees, 60degress, 80 degrees
b) 10degrees, 20degrees, 30 degrees
c) 30degrees, 60degrees, 90 degrees
d) all of the above

8. The angles of a polygon are in A.P. with common difference 5 degrees. If

the smallest angle is 120 degrees, find the number of sides of the polygon.
a) n= 11 or 9 b) n= 12 or 4 c) n= 17 or 9 d)n=16 or 9

9. The ratio of the sum of n terms of two A.Ps is (7n+1):(4n+27). Find the ratio
of the 11th term.
a) 14:11 b) 148:111 c) 41:110 d) 410:114

10. The sum of 5th term and 9th term of an A.P. is 30, if its 25th term is three
times the 8th term of an A.P. Find the A.P.
a) a=3, b=2 b) a=1, b=3 c) a=2, b=3 d) a=3, b=1

11. If the 10th term of an A.P. is 21and the sum of its first 10 terms is 120. Find
its nth term
a) 2n-1 b) 7n+1 c)2n+1 d) 7n-3

12. The first and last terms of an A.P. are 7 and 49 respectively. If the sum of
all its terms is 420, then find the common difference.
a) 3 b) 5 c)7 d) none

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