July 4, 2022

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1 Republic of the Philippines

2 Province of Samar
4 -oOo-
5 Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
10 Present:
11 Hon. HONESTO M. ZETA -Municipal Vice Mayor / Presiding Officer
16 Hon. PERICLES L. CINCO -SB Member
17 Hon. ARIEL P. DURAN -SB Member
18 Hon. ALUDIA C. DURAN -SB Member
19 Hon. ELNORA C. QUEBEC -SB Member
21 Hon. JEYV ANNE M. LOZANO -SK Fed. Pres. / SB Member
26 (The Presiding Officer, Hon. Honesto M. Zeta calls the session to order at 10:36 in the morning.)
27 Secretary – Good morning everyone, may I request the Sangganiang Bayan members to please stand.
28 Presiding Officer – Our inaugural session is now called to order. Hon. Quebec, will you please lead the prayer? (Hon. Quebec leads the Opening
29 Prayer). Thank you, Hon. Quebec. Pakitaas ang kanang kamay and read together the Councilor’s Creed (The council reads the Councilor’s
30 Creed).
34 Presiding Officer – Madam Secretary, will you please call the roll?
35 Secretary – Yes, Mr. Chair, may I call the roll; Hon. Honesto M. Zeta, Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos, Hon. Dorleen Joy E. Cabantac, Hon.
36 Joquint Manuel L. Orejola, Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III, Hon. Pericles L. Cinco, Hon. Ariel P. Duran, Hon. Aludia C. Duran, Hon. Elnora C.
37 Quebec, Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada, and Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano. Mr. Chair, majority of the Sanggunian Bayan members are present,
38 only Hon. Lozano who is not yet around.
39 Presiding Officer – Thank you, Madam Secretary. Good morning everyone! This is our first and this is our inaugural session, so, we only have
40 one agenda which is the Adaptation and amendments of the Internal Rules and Procedures of the Sanggunian Bayan. I understand that we all
41 have the copy of the Internal Rules, it is the pleasure of the chair na mag-recess anay kita to read the internal rules for 15 minutes, ngan after ma-
42 proceed na kita hit adoption, pilia niyo dida kay it iba madagmit naman la maintindihan. Kon karuyag niyo iton ig-amend para madiretso nala
43 kita hit dire niyo karuyag.
45 RECESS: 10:42 A.M.
47 RESSUMPTION: 10:54 A.M.
49 Presiding Officer – Session resumed.
50 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Mr. Chair, I would like to avail the privilege hour in this inaugural session because I have something to say,
51 I have prepared my speech in this inaugural session with the permission of the august body.
52 Presiding Officer – Kay as I have said, we cannot give you now the privilege hour in the order of business because we are not in a regular
53 session, this order of business is for the regular session, we are only in inaugural session. An aton la an internal rules, once ma-adopt ta yana an
54 aton internal rules, that’s the time na makada na kita hit order of business ngan mag-iisschedule na kita kon ano tat mga bubuhaton. (Hon. Labuac
55 is recognized).
56 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Since the rules of this inaugural session has been resumed, I have a question on the internal rules under Rule
57 Number Three, Section Four, about the Official Uniform to be worn…..(interrupted)
58 Presiding Officer – Excuse me, Hon. Labuac, amo ngani nga titikangan ta hit tinikangan, we are already on process now of understanding hini
59 nga aton internal rules, so, usa-usahon ta nala, pero kon waray na kuan han pagkasunod sunod, kon waray niyo comments or suggestions,
60 madiretso nala kita ngadi hit sunod para dire kita mag-iha. Siguro hini nga composition waray man comments hini, and Rule No. Two, Powers,
61 Duties, and Functions of the Sangguniang Bayan, waray man gihapon. (Hon. Cinco is recognized).
62 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Mr. Chair, can I make a comment on the duties and responsibilities of the Sangguniang Bayan? Gusto ko la mayda ig-
63 add ha section, dire la ak maaram kon ikakain ini nga section, base han ginyakan ha aton kanina han meeting, an ginsiring han aton MLGOO, Sir
64 Zino Llarinas, gusto ko gad idugang Mr. Chair, didi hit aton duties and responsibilities of the Sangguniang Bayan that every member should
65 attend the flag ceremony of the municipal government, as mga empleyado, sugad man nga mga Municipal Officials kita, nga mag-attend kita han
66 ceremony.
67 Presiding Officer – Didi han Rule Three.
68 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Oo, poydi gihap, Rule III under Duties and Responsibilities of the Sangguniang Bayan, siguro idugang ta nala ha usa
69 nga section.
70 Presiding Officer – Section Five. So, what is the pressure of the body? (Hon. Ariel Duran is recognized).
71 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Mr. Chair, as mandated because we are public officials, it is our duty to attend the flag ceremony na kahit hindi na natin
72 yan ilagay sa rules, kunbaga, we are mandated to attend as a public official in the flag ceremony, but if it is a call of everyone to put it in a
73 writing, then I second the motion with te suggestion.
74 Presiding Officer – Any other suggestion for the suggestion of Hon. Cinco?
75 Hon. Aludia C. Duran – Suggest ko la, Vice to put this on writing.
76 Presiding Officer – Amon a ngani kay kon mag okay kamo, igbubutang ta iton.
77 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Kase nagiging obligatory satin lahat to attend if to put this in writing, nasa konsensya naman natin kon mag-aattend tayo
78 o hindi, we are officials, we are mandated by our office to attend every Monday the flag ceremony, so, if it is necessary to put it in writing, then
79 so be it, let’s have it in writing. (Hon. Quebec is recognized).
80 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair, I agree with the suggestion of Hon. Cinco and also of Hon. Duran that as employees and public
81 official we are serving as models to all employees of Basaynon and sometimes we tend to forget this responsibility, so, therefore, if it’ll be
82 written maybe it could be section four, official uniform should be section five, so, section four is all about mandating to attend the flag ceremony

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83 at least even only in flag raising ayaw na kita hit Friday nga flag lowering, Monday Flag Raising, so, I agree with the suggestion that it will be
84 written here including as section number four.
85 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Ponferrada is recognized).
86 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – Mr. Chair, kon igpu-put in writing iton dire la konta flag raising, sugad hit activity; Rizal Day, kon ano la
87 dida, kay base han akon na-oberbaran han hadi kay dire man kita ngatan, siguro poydi na naton iton ilayon, dire la flag ceremony ka diba danay
88 mayda kita mga activity nga kinahanglan kita.
89 Presiding Officer – Pero kon ha akon, dire na gad iton kinahanglanon. (Hon. Orejola is recognized).
90 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Mr. Chair, point of clarification, with the suggestion of my fellow members of this august body, whether we
91 put or mandating or say pagpursigi nga pag-attender it members hit Sanngunian ha aton flag ceremony, I would like to ask to the proponent of his
92 amendment, are we going to, if we put mandating or pagpursigi hit mga konsehal pag-attender hit flag ceremony, are we going to compel or
93 penalized the members of this august body kon dire makaka-attend?
94 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Cinco is recognized).
95 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – It’s up to us kon ibubulig naton an penalty an mga dire ma-attender, pero as Municipal Officials, bisan ngani siring pa
96 ni Hon. Duran, bisan dire na naton isurat didi, pero mas mauru-upay nga isurat ta didi kay base ha eksperyensya ko, although nag-inattenderon
97 ako pero nakikita ko nga bagan mayda mga panahon nga wara may na-attender para mas mauru-upay ngan makit-an kita nga nagkaka-urusa ngan
98 seryoso gud kita hit aton trabaho.
99 Presiding Officer – Kay makuri gudman pareho hiton nga makabayular kita hit katungod hit tawo kon karuyag niya dire mag-attender, so, poydi
100 man siguro iton, but mandatory nga mag-attender kay siring pa ni Hon. Duran, tagsa tagsa nagud iton bast empleyado ka, mandated kana gud
101 hiton mag-attender hit flag ceremony pati na hiton nga mga programa nga sugad hiton Indepence Day, Rizal Day, an kuan nala hiton siguro salit
102 magkakamay-ada hin Executve Order, requesting nga mag-attender kita hiton nga mga programa, kay iton nga pag attendance hit flag ceremony,
103 amo ngani during han yana nga nakalabay nga sayod man kamo han daan nga amo iton ginrerenequest ha iyo nga kon poydi mag-attender kamo
104 hit flag ceremony kay makaarawod an nakadto usahay mayda gad, although para-attend hi Hon. Quebec, Hon. Duran, pero an iba baga talagsa la
105 amo iton nga narequest ako ha iyo nga kon poydi umattender.
106 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Mr. Chairman, just to add with my previous manifestation, my dear colleagues, this august body, since we
107 are talking about internal rules and procedures of this august body of the Sangguniang Bayan Basey, so, I think, for me, it’ not anymore
108 necessary for us to put in our internal rules regarding the attendance of flag raising ceremony kay base ha akon observation bisan ha senate, ha
109 congress an ira pagfla-flag ceremony ada ha ira session, kunbaga part hiton order of business an prayer, tapos an flag raising ceremony, in which
110 gusto ko gihapon ig-imphasize nga konta aside hit aton flag ceremony ha gawas, mayda gihapon kita flag ceremony dinhi mismo ha aton session
111 hall prior doing the order of business.
112 Presiding Officer – Actually, amo gad iton hadto, kay gindara ngadto ha gym an amon bandera pati an burtangan, waray na ig-uli amo waray na
113 kami hiton makagkuan, katapos, naukoy la iton kay mayda naman kita hiton nga pangadi takay kay nagka-problema man an chord, so, naukoy
114 liwat iton. Kon karuyag niyo iton, ngan plano ko liwat iton ig-utro. Mahihimo gad naton iton nga mga session. Siguro kon igpadayon ta iton nga
115 aton gintikangan, kon karuyag niyo hin ma amendments kay bangin dire kita hini mahuman bisan ma-duha pa ka-session, so, ambot la ha iyo kon
116 karuyag niyo igkuan la anay niyo an iyo mga suggestions or amendments, i-take note, tapos kon willing kamo ig-adopt ta la anay ini, igbabalik ta
117 nala para magtitinikang kita hin session mayda ta na adopted internal rules. (Hon. Estorninos is recognized).
118 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – With due respect with the suggestion, actually, all Filipinos especially the local officials, government officials, a
119 local service law, we are required to attend the flag ceremony on Mondays and flag retreats on Fridays, but considering that we have special
120 privileged as a Sangguniang Bayan members, we can conduct our own flag ceremony for that matter, why not we have to reword it as much as it
121 will not be mandatory to attend the flag ceremonies, anyway we shall still conduct our own, what I am thinking of, the wordings or that is; as far
122 as our patriotic duty, as a member of the Sangguniang Bayan shall endeavor to attend the flag ceremonies on Monday, sugad la ada. Inhirit
123 naman iton ha mga programs, an akon la, on Mondays ceremonies which is actually to be observed in accordance to the civil service pros.
124 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Estorninos, amo ngani an karuyag ko, nga kon poydi i-take note ta nala qn karuyag ta igbalhin, an
125 karuyag ta igdugang an aton internal rules katapos mase-set nala kita, sunod nga session liwat para ig amend ta or additional hit aton internal
126 rules kay kon sugaron ta yan nagbabalik balik la, susugaron ta hin yana, makakausa, kon mayda suggestion an usa, mayda karuyag kay pamati
127 ko, ngada pa hit aton ika-tulo nga session ta dire kita hini mahuhuman, an mga importante gud, kukuanon ta la yana.
128 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, I move for the restoration of the flag and also the restoration of the podium kay waray na gudman kita
129 gin-gagamit para privileged hour.
130 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Labuac. Actually, iton nga pagkuan hit nga flag, aadi na iton hit akon huna-huna pagpalit hin flag,
131 asya na iton konta, salamat nala nga ginpahinumdom. (Hon. Orejola is recognized).
132 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – With the suggestion of Hon. Estorninos, I strongly agree with his manifestation in which, it is not anymore
133 necessary for us to attend the flag raising every Monday. So, with the suggestion of Hon. Cinco, I think, it is also my humble opinion that this
134 august body will suggest to our Local Chief Executive, our mayor to make a memorandum kaupod an aton mga employees pag-attender hit aton
135 flag raising ceremony. Anyway, parte liwat hit aton flag raising dinhi hit aton session man kita section or portion hit aton internal rules which is
136 the rule number ten; order of business na kon diin ha atin session poydi na naton isuod ha order of business an aton gihapon pagconduct hin
137 pagsing han National Anthem before magconduct hit aton session ngan aton invocation. That’s all, Mr. Chair.
138 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Duran is recognized).
139 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – I object with the suggestion of Hon. Orejola, the proposed memorandum coming from the Chief Executive that
140 mandating the legislative to attend in the flag ceremony, the focus here is, are we officials? The official of legislative is mandated to attend the
141 flag ceremony amo man an aton focus pero kon an aton focus maggagawas hin memorandum coming from the executive to attend the flag
142 ceremony, I object, Mr. Chairman because we’re separate body, we are the legislative and they are an executive, so, I am in favor of Hon.
143 Estorninos that to put it in writing but not a mandatory, but a memorandum to release, to give a memorandum, I object in that suggestion, Mr.
144 Chairman.
145 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Duran. It is the treasurer of the chairman, pamati koi ton nga aton gin-iiro-istoryahan pamati ko
146 halaba na, iton nga mga iba i-set aside ta nala anay iton focus la anay kita hit aton agenda yana nga amo an adoption and amendments, so, para ha
147 akon, basahon ta nala ini ngatanan i-take note nala niyo an karuyag niyo balhinon, suggestion, correction, kahuman hiton makadi kita hit
148 adoption, kon ma adopt ta na ini, anyone can move for an amendments of a certain section kay sugad ngani hini yana nga pira na ka-oras an aton
149 na-consume, hasta dire lugod kita hini makakagtrabaho. Kon mayda niyo karuyag kuhaon, balhinon. Sige, what is the pressure of the body?
150 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – I move, Mr. Chair to read line by line and after which let’s comment if we amend or not. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
151 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – I second the motion, Mr. Chair.
152 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – May we request our Madam Secretary to read the proposed internal rules.
153 Presiding Officer – Yes, anyway, kon gul-an na tat secretary poydi man tat stenographer.
154 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Considering that madugay na ini nga ginhatag haat nga internal rules, so dapat ginpapasa ta nala yana, diretso na konta.
155 Presiding Officer – Amo ngani an akon karuyga iton, bisan kon ginhatag na ini ha iyo an copy, gintagan ko kamo kanina hin 30 minutos, amo na
156 adto nak paghatag hin 30 minutos nga pagbasa kay para nagdidiro-diretso na kita ngada han may mga pagkukuanon na konta.
157 Secretary – Mr. Chair, may I say something, actually I gave the draft copy of the internal rules and procedures to process every section of the
158 draft and if ever there are corrections it is the right time now to raise those questions and kon mayda mga amendments and ini liwat, Mr. Chair
159 nga chairmanship of the different committees, asya konta it activity yana.
160 Presiding Officer – Amo ngani, amo an akon siring nga dire kita hini mahuhuman kay upod ini hiya han adoption an aton assignment han
161 different committees.
162 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, can I proceed now with my suggestions on the section four under rule number three?
163 Presiding Officer – Anay, Hon. Labuac, approve na ha ira nga basahon ta ini, ipdayon ta nala ini kay para pag-abot hiton nga iyo kuan,
164 igtakenote nala iton kay kahuman ta hini ngatanan, ka-adopt ta hini, poydi kana magmotion kon ano it karuyag.

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165 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Yes, Mr. Chair, I do understand but this matter each member has ideas with the section number four, wearing a
166 proper uniform, we have a different ideas and I want it to discuss on the floor.
167 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Mr. Chair, can we move forward cause there’s a motion and seconded to read line by line so that Hon. Labuac’s raising
168 the section four.
169 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank Hon. Duran, yes, there is a motion and it was seconded, we will now proceed with the rules.
170 Secretary – Yes, Mr. Chair, do still have to read the rule number which includes the composition of the Sangguniang Bayan members, ABC
171 President and SK Federation President.
172 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – No objection, please do proceed.
173 Secretary – (SB Secretary reads the Rule No. II – Powers, Duties and Functions of the Sangguniang Bayan and Rule No. III – Duties and
174 Responsibilities of the Sangguniang Bayan, sections 1, 2, 3 and 4). I think Hon. Labuac has something to say.
175 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, I do recommend to wear a Barong Uniform during the session every Monday, long sleeve barong.
176 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Pareho hit kan Hon. Estorninos?
177 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Yes, like that. Mr. Chair, usually napagkakamalan kase it SB Member nga bagan regular employee la dinhi hit
178 aton munisipyo labi na kon mayda kita visitors nga gin-invite with the other departments, especially ha Region. So, it could be good to present
179 that we are in proper uniform, Mr. Chair.
180 Presiding Officer – Okay. (Hon. Cinco is recognized).
181 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Ha akon liwa nga bahin, Mr. Chair, an gusto magbarong hin long sleeve, poydi, pero padayon la
182 gihap an modern barong, short sleeve. It akon yana modern polo barong man. Iconsider gihapon naton it aton klema kay usahay na-flag ceremony
183 ngani kita, ginpapamalhas na ako hin duro.
184 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Cinco. Amo na ini tak sinisiring kay mabalik na naman kita nga i-take note ta nala iton kay kon
185 sugad hiton yana nga dre kita nag-aagree hiton either sleeve or long sleeve makinahanglan iton ha aton kon dire kita.
187 SUSPENSION: 12:36 P.M.

189 RESSUMPTION: 1:16 P.M.


191 Presiding Officer – Presiding Officer – Thank you, Hon. Dela Cruz. Any other? Yes, Hon. Estorninos is recognized.
192 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Go back to page 2, line 63, just a matter of corrections, Mr. Chair; elected officials are mandated to attend the
193 flag raising and flag lowering, it’s not lowering, flag retreats.
194 Presiding Officer – The proper term is flag retreat?
195 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Yes, flag retreat. Mr. Chair, allow me to say something, during the inaugural session of the august body, after
196 reading the different committees, there is an important committee that should be included among the committees, the Committee on People’s
197 Participation and Civil Society Organization which is an essential element in the full implementation of the devolution of the basic services under
198 Mandanas Ruling, there should be an interruption between government and it is premise on the needed interruption between the government and
199 the people community, that is why, all programs and privates must emanate, must come from the bottom, meaning, from the people itself, so that
200 there is a need of this committee should be created in order to be realistic in so fact the mandate of the government concern in need of the
201 implementation of devolution under the Mandanas Ruling and there is this juncture I would move that this committee be created and incorporated
202 in the internal rules of the august body.
203 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Estorninos. I think, we can do that after we approve our minutes and adopted so you can move an
204 amendment for inclusion of that committee, so, for now, we will focus on the adoption and correction of the previous minutes. Yes, Hon. Orejola
205 is recognized.
206 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Thank you, Mr. Chair. So, we can move to the privilege hour for some concerns of some members of this
207 august body and having no other corrections to the minutes prepared by our Secretary, Mr. Chairman I would like to move of its adoption, I so
208 moved, Mr. Chair.
209 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – I second, Mr. Chair.
210 Presiding Officer – There is a motion of Hon. Orejola for the adoption and approval of our previous minutes last July 4, any objection to said
211 minutes? Hearing none, the motion is carried and approved. So, we will now come to the Privilege Hour. Is there anyone who wants to avail the
212 privilege hour?
213 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Estorninos is recognized).
214 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As what I have said a while ago, I noticed in the approved internal rules that the
215 various committees created, one important committee was not included that is the Committee on Community Participation and Civil Society
216 Organizations, this committee shall handle the investment of various people’s participation of people organization for community organization or
217 people’s organizations because it is vital in the full implementation of the devolution law especially now in the newly mandated Mandanas
218 Ruling, in fact the Local Government Code mandated despite before that there was no Mandanas Ruling yet having that understanding mandanas
219 ruling only enhance or increase the NTAs or the National Tax Allocation to the Local Government Units, now, the 40% allocation is already
220 mandated to the released directly to the various Local Government Units throughout the country, now, there is a need of collaboration between
221 among the people and government, we have to encourage people’s organization up the community level so that the government will not be blind
222 of the real needs of the people in so far as there need is concern, it is in consonance with the mandate to achieve people empowerment for our
223 people, I do believe that this committee is indeed necessary in the true implementation of devolution in our jurisdiction. Thank you your honor.
224 So, at this juncture, I so move that this committee be created and incorporated in the newly approved internal rules of procedures.
225 Presiding Officer – Thank you. Hon. Estorninos for that very good concern. I suggest that when we come to the first reading, you move that for
226 inclusions so that it will be referred that to the proper committee for deliberation. So, after our first reading ig-move nala iton para ma-tackle ta
227 iton and we will refer that to Committee on Rules so that we could include that committee. Okay, thank you, Hon. Estorninos. (Hon. Quebec is
228 recognized).
229 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair. This has something to do with sports ordinance which I sponsored long time ago, since I am no
230 longer a member of this committee, I would like to suggest to the chairman, Madam Jeyv Anne Lozano to make amendments and to call for a
231 public hearing, because the sports ordinance did not go through a public hearing it was only a committee hearing because at that time, may
232 lockdown, so, I mention this during this privilege hour so that the sports ordinance will be used, to be a foundation for all activities not only for
233 this fiesta but for all activities and also to control certain practices, for example, on that ordinance, it was speculated that every team should have
234 their own uniform which should be worn all throughout just like what the NBA, PBA are doing para dire malako, every time there is a need
235 mayda LIGA, nagre-renew hira hin uniporme, that’s just an example. So, I would like to suggest to the committee to review the ordinance and
236 then make amendments on depending of the need and if possible, call a public hearing. That’s all, Mr. Chair.
237 Presiding Officer – Thank you, Hon. Quebec. I think, you can have a proper endorsement that to Hon. Lozano and ig-brief nala hiya para
238 masayod liwat hi Hon. Lozano kon ano it iya dapat trabahuon.
239 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Okay, thank you.
240 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Labuac is recognized).
241 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – On the continuous hi-tide flooding at the side of the commercial area of the Brgy. Baybay especially in our
242 poblacion, I do suggest that this committee, this body to come-up with this kind of natural circumstances to address the issue especially affected
243 continuous hi-tide flodding on the commercial area, Mr. Chair especially the Committee on Infrastructure, I think that we need to address this
244 issue. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
245 Presiding Officer – Thank you, Hon. Labuac. Okay, it is proper that you move for inclusion on the first reading so that we could refer it to the
246 Committee on Infra. Oka, thank you. No more privilege? (Hon. Cinco is recognized).
247 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Going back the official uniform, to be more specific, Mr. Chair, may I suggest, or should I say,
248 I move that on first and third Monday to wear long sleeve barong, and then on second and fourth Monday, short sleeve and special sessions.

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249 Makuri kon pareho yana han flag raising, may naka long sleeve, may naka short sleeve, so, sugaron ta nala, first and third Monday; long sleeve,
250 second and fourth; short sleeve plus mga special sessions; short sleeve gihapon.
251 Presiding Officer – You can move revision or amendment para uniform. Poydi naman la iton kon long sleeve; Type A, kon Type B para tibyaw
252 tapos masiring nala kita nga Type A or Type B.
253 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – an kada Lunes gihapon, first and third Monday; i-long sleeve naton.
254 Presiding Officer – Kay waray gad hiton problema basta pagka-urusahan ta, sige. Ibutang ta iton dida hit aton internal rules.
255 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – So moved, Mr. Chair.
256 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – May I say something, Mr. Chair. Siguro, ig-improvised ta nala, optional nala, optional nala an short sleeve,
257 poydi ka magsul-ot, para han karuyag mag longs sleeve, maglo-long sleeve, optional la an short sleeve.
258 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Dire, oblegaron na gudla kay uniform balit para maupay pagkit-on.
259 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Cinco. (Hon. Dela Cruz is recognized).
260 Hon. Aludia C. Duran – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Regarding la han oras han aton regular session, nagbalik na kita han previous?
261 Presiding Officer – Sige, kay ada naman iton, kon karuyag niyo ibalhin ma-amend na naman kita hiton. As is, 10A.M., pero maaram kamo
262 sugad hini yana nga natabo, kay kon kompleto naman kita han 9 o’clock, ano pa man it rason nga dire kita magtikang?
263 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Sugaron ta nala, not later than 10 o’clock, poydi ma timprano basta pag alas dyes, kinahanglan magsession gud
264 kita, paro yana tirok naman kita han alas noybe, poydi na kita magsession.
265 Presiding Officer – Kon ano la anay an aton napag-urusahan, kon ano an aton gin-aprobaran nga internal rules, sugaron ta la anay hiton, if you
266 want to change that, magkuan nala kita hin move hiton.
267 Secretary – Mr. Chair, if they want to change the scheduled time, poydi man iton ig-amend, so that mayda necessary amendments.
268 Presiding Officer – Total aada naman kita han oras ngan han uniform, para matibway na ini nga aton gin-aproban.
269 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Anyway, Mr. Presiding Officer it has not concern about the public, it is only the convenience of the members of
270 the august body and as so far with the uniform.
271 Presiding Officer – Urusahon ta nala lugod anay iton nga aton mga amendments kay as of now tutulo it aton concerns, an usa an additional
272 committee, an usa an parte han uniform, ngan an ika-tulo an parte han time han pag start. So, urusahon ta nala iton, ig schedule naton iton hit next
273 meeting. Okay la ha iyo?
274 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Mr. Chair, if it is the concern of the body, why not considering it now?
275 Presiding Officer – Kay we have scheduled agenda for today. Kay it akon, it pag-motion hit sugad hiton, ikakada ta man iton ha committee
276 level, committee hearing.
277 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Kay internal rules man ini, we can amend it now, para the next meeting.
278 Presiding Officer – Okay, since it is the pressure of the body, we will suspend the session and have a deliberation on the topic. Session is
279 suspended for 30 minutes.
281 Suspension: 2:07 P.M.
283 Resumption: 3:08 P.M.
285 Presiding Officer – Session resumed. Yes, Hon. Labuac is recognized.
286 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Last Monday, nag-conduct kami hin meeting regarding han incoming fiesta celebration, they have schedule some
287 part of the program especially in the religious activities, from the month of September. The youth will conduct a separate event especially on the
288 Rayhakan Plaza which is previously in the year 2019 we held a separate event called a Rayhakan Plaza, it was a successful event , and then the
289 council decided that the Rayhakan Committee will be separated from the Fiesta Committee to further conduct activities especially in the live
290 band activities, some other karaoke activities especially in concept of some different kind of activities that includes the small business enterprise,
291 the tourism and especially the barangays. I would like to suggest that kon hino man it interested participants especially the interested councilors
292 to join the Rayhakan especially from the sports committee, the federation of SK and the federation of the barangay captains, I duly invite you to
293 join the meeting this 1P.M. at the Mayor’s Office and some interested councilors would like to join.
294 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Labuac. So, any other? Okay, Question Hour? None. We will now come to the First Reading and
295 referral.
296 Secretary – Continue reading the Rule XXI – Disciplinary Action.
297 Presiding Officer – I think, we can’t deliberate it without the draft resolution.
298 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Mr. Chair, I have to clarify because I do believe that the Item No. 2, as it has the same purpose with the concern
299 of Hon. Quebec, because it treats the same issue regarding the saltation of the Basey rivers, we have to reconcile this resolution and yours so that
300 we could come up with one resolution only, probably they can just furnish the Regional Director of NEDA and DPWH on this matter because as
301 you see, our governance especially on matters which is a big problem, it would entail the assistance of the hi-ups. If could directly go to the
302 DPWH director and NEDA director, I do believe they would also request the governor and the congressman of our province, so I necessarily
303 drafted this resolution so that the higher-ups governor and the congressman it would be notifies for advice on this matter, so, I propose, Mr. Chair
304 that to duly furnish the DPHW Director of this resolution, then probably this will be as I propose before that resolutions not be approved by the
305 ACE except the AIP and the LDIP, so, I proposed that a resolution would be participated in to by our Municipal Mayor, at the bottom, it’s either
306 concurred by or noted by as long as her signature appears in our resolution, then maaram naman kita nga despite hit resolution mayda hiton cover
307 letter, the cover letter will not explain which is to be time to endorse to the Municipal Mayor be highlight of this resolution as what you said,
308 technical services is needed by TESDA and DPWH.
309 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Mr. Chair, can I explain too. That’s a good suggestion, however, we have already started it, I have given a copy of
310 this, tikang ini ha NEDA, I have it photocopied, so, nagrespond na hira, and then, the letter was forwarded to our vice mayor, kay bali resolution
311 man adto naton, siguro 2018, if I’m not mistaken, timprano pa, and then, amo’t hira, nagsiring hira nga and Regional Development Council under
312 NEDA, nasiring hira they respectfully requesting for an official endorsement of the said resolution of our Hon. Municipal Mayor duly
313 acknowledging that the proposal resolution is consistent and also with Municipal land use plans, moreover, they are also requesting for a copy of
314 the proposed copy document or profile if available, this concern is reflected in the AIP 2023, pero dire la hiya exclusive an iya pagpresent hit
315 discussion nga ginmention la nga nasiring la nga nakinahanglan hin dredging, so, I think the MPDC know this. It karuyag sidngon, dapat it
316 executive department maghimo hira hin proposal kon aanuhon it pagdredge saltation hit aton mga rivers kay kunbaga dire naman ini aton
317 trabaho, an aton trabaho nagka-come-up with the resolution with legislative measures, so, ikakadto ta na ini nga responsibility ha executive
318 department para makahimo hira hin proposal nga talaga asya ini it kinahanglanon, amo la ini it akon hini dinhi kay kunbaga maaram na it
319 Regional Development Council, nag-ano na hira hit aton need for dredging, so, yana, dapat mag-aano na it executive department para ma inform
320 ngadto, paghatag na kita hiton nga document ngahin para maforward na iton ngadto ha DPWH and I also received feedbacks nga mayda mga
321 municipalities nga ginpapahuram hit aton dredging machine, like Calbiga, sige na it ira dredge, so, hi kita dinhi waray pa kita hiton makakag-
322 dredge kay it tubig hiton dida hit dagat nakada na ha Baybay, nasulod na.
323 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Mr. Chair, in that case, we would revise the content of the resolution, is need directly addressed to the
324 Provincial Governor, we will address the resolution, directly to NEDA and DPWH, then, revised now a copy furnished to the provincial
325 Governor and Congressman, sugad nala hiton.
326 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – In addition lang dyan sa comment.
327 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Duran is recognized).
328 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Thank you, Mr. Chair, that we have a resolution in regards to the dredging, it akon la hini kay nagpatawag ako hin
329 meeting this afternoon with the Municipal Engineer naton, most likely nahingadayan ini ni Engr. Cesar niyan nga kulop, so, my point is, since
330 mayda anman ngay-an resolution, how can we treat because the Infrastructure Committee-Chair most likely be involved in this, kunbaga mga
331 preliminary meetings with our Infrastructure Project in Basay from the Land Use, Infrastructure man gihapon ito, iton nga dredging, so papano?

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332 How can we merit this resolutions or proposals, kay sigurado niyan ma-eexplain iton ni Engr. Wong kase pinapaano naton kon ano an mga
333 projects na on-going yana han Basay or proposed, so, that’s only my question, Mr. Chair, on how we can merit for this three proposed projects?
334 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, siguro ini nga dha nga resolution nga nahimo naton, it’s a good step para combat hit climate change,
335 mas maupya ngani nga an aton duduha nga mga senior na gud hira manggud ini an naghihimo hin way nga maatubang naton ini nga climate
336 change, that’s a good decision kunbaga, ha kon pakiana la konta, waray ma ada hiton natong magiging problema kon duha iton nga resolution.
337 Presiding Officer – Okay, waray ta hiton problema kay na suggest na ngani hi Hon. Estorninos nga sponsored hadi na usa nga pag-usahon nala,
338 so, it aton anla bubuhaton kay ginmanifest man iton dinhi nga kon poydi committee as a whole, so, kon makakatry kamo. Hon. Quebec and Hon.
339 Estorninos, matry niyo paghimo hin usa nala nga resolution para trataron dida hit aton pag schedule hin committee as a whole kay dire man kita’t
340 poydi mag iniri-istorya hit yana kon wara draft resolution, so, maybe we can kon available na it iyo draft resolution on our next session poydi ta
341 iton ma tackle, kon available na iton, i-ano nala hit aton secretary para maupod hit aton agenda. Okay, Madam Secretary. Yes, Hon. Orejola.
342 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Just for clarification. Mr. chairman, the Hon. Quebec earlier wanted to move agenda for inclusion of our
343 order of business which in regards hit aton urgent and necessary, so, that is why, I suggested earlier to her to make a formal motion that the said
344 agenda be certified urgent, so that we could proceed to the deliberation, I am asking that the said chair that we cannot proceed to the deliberation
345 because of the absence of the draft resolution, I would like to ask the chair on Rules if can we proceed to the deliberation in as much that the draft
346 resolution is not yet present considering that said manifestation or said motion is categorized as in certain motion, I think, at this motion, poydi
347 siguro ada ini pagdiskutan hit body bast i-certify naton as urgent and necessary kon magkaada hin motion an usa nga proponent bisan waray an
348 presensya han draft resolution.
349 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Mr. Chair, considering that we have our strict rules, the draft resolution should first be deliberated, I agree with
350 the honorable chair that considering that we don’t have the draft resolution yet, as of now, there is nothing to deliberate, anyway, we will just
351 prepare that to the committee so that it can be deliberated, we will submit the draft resolution to the committee, Mr. Chair so that it could be the
352 basis in the deliberation, probably in next session, we can approve immediately, outright under second reading which is allowed by the rules.
353 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Again, I would like to reiterate my question, this regard with in the motion, diba may while ada kita hit
354 session, nakakahuna huna kita nga magsubmit hin usa nga resolution nga kinahanglan desisyonan dayon hit body, siguro parte hit draft
355 resolution, not all the time siguro kinahanglan hin usa nga draft resolution depended siguro hit usa nga agenda or topic nga aton gusto i-decide or
356 sample ini nga resolution parte hin paghimo hin manifestation hi kita mabalhin hin opisina, siguro an draft resolution ig-finalize nala naton kon
357 ano it magiging desisyon hit kabug-usan nga body, akon ponto, kon poydi natn matikangan pag-discuss without the draft resolution, anyway, an
358 resolution, an nakabutang pala dida an whereas, waray pa an mga rason, an mga rason mabubutang naton kon ano an magawas nga
359 recommendation han Sanggunian.
360 Presiding Officer – The request for inclusion, hiton nga resolution was already referred to the Committee on Tourism.
361 Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola – Actually, as a suggestion to Hon. Quebec, the proponent wanted to deliberate the said measure just with this
362 session, kon dire oa niya kaya i-presenta yana, it’s up to her para i-move for deliberation.
363 Presiding Officer – Okay, what is the pressure of the body?
364 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Mr. Chair, in regards to the draft, I think, it would be ready by that time, Imean, by next Monday on next session,
365 however, we already discussed this superficially, very light discussion when we had our executive session, so, in regards to the improving the
366 draft, we can still have that in the next session, in the second reading, so, I was just manifesting the urgency kay kon gusto kita bumalhin ngadto,
367 like, we are just 3 years as konsehals, so, therefore, we have to be more ready, and we have to do it earlier kay siguro next year, we can already
368 transfer because there are certain things to be addressed, amo gud iton especially kon mayda na nira mga plano hiton aton engineering office, so,
369 magkakada kita hin discussion with the executive department, amo iton hiya, so, anyway, poydi man iton hiya next meeting nala, next session, on
370 Monday I will be ready with the draft. Thank you.
371 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Quebec.
372 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, inclusion, bali ini nga akon inclusion, usa ini hiya nga nag-transpire dida han aton ELA which is dida
373 han sub-sector, usa ini hiya nga dako nga priorities, this resolution is for the Local Chief Executive as well as also with the Provincial Governor,
374 and then the DPWH, Provincial Office for the Road Irrigation located at the Commercial Area at Brgy. Baybay, Basey, Samar. So, it is in
375 response of the devastation of climate change, I hope that this resolution be considered by the august body nga yes, all suggestions are correct
376 with the tide embankment, dredging, all of the can be addressed on the issues situation of the climate change, but in response to that, I would like
377 to suggest that we need steps directly to combat the climate change, especially Brgy. Baybay during high tide almost up of the road is submerged
378 by the water, so, I move that this resolution for the Road Irrigation Plan which included in the ELA that can be considered by the august body.
379 So, I would like to include this in the second reading, resolution to the LCE as well as the Provincial Governor, the DPWH Provincial Office for
380 the Road Irrigation located at the commercial area at Brgy. Baybay, Basey, Samar. I so moved, RM. Chair.
381 Presiding Officer – So, your resolution referred to the Committee on Infrastructure, pero next meeting you also have to submit the draft
382 resolution.
383 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Okay, thank you.
384 Presiding Officer – (Hon. Estorninos is recognized).
385 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Mr. Chair, with due respect, on the manifestation of Hon. Orejola regarding approval of resolutions on first
386 reading or debating or deliberating an agenda on first reading without the necessary draft resolution or ordinance, I am not in accord with that, the
387 last that have not approve because accompanied by a corresponding draft resolution, we should not have accustomed with adopting resolutions or
388 ordinance without the necessary draft because as if we are blinded, the members of the august body is blinded with the content of that resolution,
389 so, it is proper that we to abide with our rules, so that everybody basically informed with the content of the resolution or ordinance. Probably, if
390 there is already a draft resolution, then, the body may move for the urgency of that resolution, if there is already a draft resolution, then, probably
391 again since we already draft a resolution, we can deliberate that because it is urgent and necessary on second reading and likewise approved the
392 same, I do believe that we must be accustomed, all of us, members of the august body, to have draft resolution in submitting it to the august body
393 for deliberation or in the agenda, that is all.
394 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you, Hon. Estorninos. Kay man gad, during first reading, no discussion and deliberation, it is only in second
395 reading, wherein we can discuss and deliberate such resolution, the resolution nga ginkuku-an ni Hon. Orejola was still in the first reading, it was
396 not moved yet for second reading. okay, thank you. Yes, Hon. Lozano is recognized.
397 Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano – Mr. Chair, I move for the inclusion in the order of business for first reading, (Ordinance of the Sangguniang
398 Kabataan).
399 Presiding Officer – That is an ordinance?
400 Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano – Yes.
401 Presiding Officer – Okay, the ordinance which is requested to be included on first reading is referred to Committee on Rules and Committee on
402 Youth and Sports Development. Noted, Madam Secretary?
403 Secretary – Yes, Mr. Chair.
404 Presiding Officer – Okay, thank you. Since we have no more.
405 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – An akon motion kanina, an ini hiya nga creation, adto pala ini hiya hit send reading, so gusto ko i-move for the
406 approval a second reading han kanan creation han kanan department.
407 Presiding Officer – Once may-ada na final draft, amo na it akon pag approve hiton. Okay Unassigned, none. Announcement, none. Any motion
408 for adjournment?
409 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – I move for adjournment of the session.
410 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – I second the motion.
411 (Session is adjourned at 3:27 in the afternoon)

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