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1 Republic of the Philippines

2 Province of Samar
4 -oOo-
5 Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
10 Present:
13 Hon. JOQUINT MANUEL L. OREJOLA -SB Member / Presiding Officer
15 Hon. PERICLES L. CINCO -SB Member
16 Hon. ARIEL P. DURAN -SB Member
17 Hon. ALUDIA C. DURAN -SB Member
18 Hon. ELNORA C. QUEBEC -SB Member
20 Hon. JEYV ANNE M. LOZANO -SK Fed. Pres. / SB Member
22 Absent:
23 Hon. HONESTO M. ZETA -Municipal Vice Mayor
25 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Good morning everyone. I would like to request Hon. Joquint Orejola to take-over for some concerns. Hon.
26 Orejola, please take-over. Thank you.
27 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – I move that Hon. Orejola be the Pro Tempore.
28 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – I second the motion.
29 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – It has been nominated and seconded that Hon. Orejola will preside the session.
(The Presiding Officer Pro Tempore, Hon. Joquint Orejola calls the session to order at 9:23 in the morning.)
37 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Good morning everyone. Madam Secretary, can you please call the roll.
38 Secretary – Yes, Mr. Chair, may I call the roll; Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos, Hon. Dorleen Joy E. Cabantac, Hon. Joquint Manuel L. Orejola, Hon.
39 Vicente C. Labuac III, Hon. Pericles L. Cinco, Hon. Ariel P. Duran, Hon. Aludia C. Duran, Hon. Elnora C. Quebec, Hon. Perla Perpetua G.
40 Ponferrada, and Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano. Mr. Chair, majority of the members are present.
41 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Majority of the members are present, and now we can transact the business. Order of Business, may we first
42 request our Madam Secretary to read the previous minutes.
43 Secretary – Yes, Mr. Chair do I have to read it during this session?
44 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, I move for the suspension of reading the previous minutes.
45 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – There is motion from a gentleman from Brgy. Baybay to approve our previous minutes. Is there any amendments
46 or comments to the motion?
47 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – No, Mr. Chair my motion is to dispense the reading of the previous minutes.
48 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – There is motion of Hon. Labuac to dispense the reading of our minutes, is there any question or clarification?
49 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Considering the motion of Hon. Cinco, I move to withdraw my motion.
50 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Hon. Labuac withdraw his motion, may we request Hon. Cinco for your amendments of our previous session.
51 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Ig-clarify ko la, Mr. Chair, an nakalinya didi ha page 2, line 149 to 153, may blanko.
52 Secretary – It’s just a numbering Hon. Cinco.
53 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Mr. Chair, kay ugsa adto matawag hi Hon. Labuac, mayda ko hadto ginyakan hadton siguro nababatasan han aton journal,
54 poydi adto mabasa, Ms. Rosenie?
55 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Is there any motion for the approval of the previous minutes?
56 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Having no correction, I move for the approval of the previous minutes. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
57 Hon. Aludia C. Duran – I second the motion.
58 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – There is a motion of the approval of the previous minutes of our regular session seconded by Hon. Duran. Any
59 objection or corrections? Having none, the minutes of our previous session is now approved.
63 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Privilege Hour? Hon. Quebec is recognized.
64 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair. I just would like to share with you a communication letter from the Regional Director Council
65 though the Economic Development Authority, I also made my time while in Manila, gave attention as one of our concerns, last November 21, 2021,
66 we submitted a resolution to the RDC through the Economic Development Authority requesting the DPWH to give attention by means of
67 transportation, so, ira iton nakarawat on June 18, mayda ngay-an nira letter ha aton, from January 11, our Secretary, Ma’am Ava Adona Go wrote the
68 RDC informing the office that we have submitted, that we have said that resolution, so, in response, amo ini hiya received on June 18 ini hiya nga
69 letter, allow me to read this one, it says here (reads the letter to the council). So, ini nga letter June 18 na ini kahatag ha aton that’s why I am
70 reaerating didi hit aton mga discussion nga dapat somebody should follow-up han communication kay dire ka ngani nagpapakita hin duro nga interes
71 dire ginco-consider as urgent, so, yana it ira expectation kon mag-aano na an Office of the Mayor nga magka-ada hin endorsement from the Office of
72 the Mayor and katapos we also have to kunbaga igsa-submit ta iton nga documents to gain our efforts liwat, this is also the concern particularly of
73 Hon. Labuac nga it Baybay naton, commercial areas nasusudlan hin tubig, therefore, I am doing this of the urgency, anyway, bisan nala ini dire
74 ikadto ha first reading if we can do something about this nga maghimo kita, makig-storya kita kan mayor so that this will be given attention by the
75 RDC and if possible yana nga semana makadto ta ha RDC para ma-diretso ta ha DPWH, that is all, Mr. Chair.
76 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Quebec. May we ask our Madam Secretary, na-receive mo ba an surat coming from the RDC.
77 Secretary – No, that’s why I am asking Ma’am Quebec because I have not received that letter coming from RDC.
78 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, Hon. Duran is recognized.
79 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Since, I am the Chairman of Committee on Infrastructure, I would like to request since we already
80 have the chairmanship to review this letter coming from the RDC, so that our programs are aligned, requesting the copy of that RDC letter so that we
81 can immediately action.
82 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – So, you mean you want to ask to schedule a meeting regarding with the concerned departments so that we can
83 discuss that said matter/
84 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Yes, Mr. Chair because we all know that we are just new with this administration, we must know what transpires to that letter
85 before we can approve or proceed.

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86 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Duran. Having said that, may we request the proponent, Hon. Quebec, may we know what’s the
87 pressure of the proponent?
88 Hon. Quebec is recognized. Hon. Duran is suggesting that said matter to tackle it in the Committee Level.
89 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Yes, Mr. Chair because we’re blind what’s the need of the resolution or the letter coming from the RDC since I am the new
90 chairman of the Infrastructure.
91 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Yes, I am okay with that, however, I would like to suggest that we present this first to the Executive Department, to the
92 mayor because, I think the mayor that they are referring to is the present mayor, so, kinahanglan mabaro liwat hiya na amo it mahitabo nga invitation
93 this request resolution. I do not know what is the ano of the body, so, poydi man liwat iton hiya, we can be right away, and then inform the Executive
94 Department about hiton para maklaraduhan it ngatanan. I’m okay with the Committee Meeting with regards to this and then let’s consider nalang kon
95 ano it gusto hit NEDA.
96 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Yes, we can have it parallel naman, ma’am so that we could refer this the Executive Office then we can have a meeting so
97 that we could know how we can solve the problem.
98 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, thank you, Hon. Duran and Hon. Quebec. Okay, Hon. Labuac is recognized.
99 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – regarding with issue, can we request to the Mayor’s Office find out the resolutions that we received from the RDC to
100 make an official post with our LCE.
101 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, thank you, Hon. Labuac. I think, the presiding officer would like to suggest also that maybe this agenda
102 after our session we will go to our Local Chief Executive to discuss hini nga proposal so that maybe next session the Local Chief Executive will send
103 a letter to us to what particular registration nga ginkikinahanglan hit aton RDC so that we can tackle this now or first reading on the next session.
104 Maybe, the suggestion of Hon. Duran is also good mintras ini nga aton agenda gin-eendorse naton kan mayor, at least didi ha SB matikangan ta nga
105 daan. Yes, Hon. Cinco.
106 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Diba, Hon. Quebec it aton mayor membro hit RDC?
107 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Yes.
108 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – So, ano man iton it iya involvement?
109 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – No, kay dire man ngatanan dida nga mayor, not all mayors are involve in the RDC mayda la dida nga mga officers nga
110 they are being asked kon kinahanglanon, so, not all mayors are required to attend only the officers of all means.
111 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Hon. Quebec.
112 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Mr. Chair, you’ve mentioned about communicating with the Executive Department, I would like it, the communication, to
113 be formed it as resolution for official, thank you, Mr. Chair.
114 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Quebec. Okay, Hon. Estorninos, you are recognized.
115 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Regarding this matter, I do believe that the procedures of the government in addressing the
116 problem of the community, ultimately if you submit it directly to RDC which is a higher organization of the bureaucracy in the region it would
117 actually entails so much time, what I have in mind, I prefer first that we refer to inclusion which is han natabo, then, endorse that a copy furnished the
118 Provincial Governor and the Congressman of the 2 nd District, because in so far in funding is concerned of the government, it goes down to the lower
119 level not from the National Government, so, the concern should be address first in the next higher level from the Municipal Government which is the
120 Provincial Government and the representative in the house of representative, because this needs funding, NEDA cannot provide, actually, it is the
121 house representative or congress which ultimately provide the necessary funding or any government initiative.
122 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, Hon. Quebec?
123 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – I just would like to reiterate, to emphasize this communication coming from the Regional Director as of now, Director
124 Bonifacio G. Uy is no longer with the Regional Office, so, anyway, it is stated here that the RDC request for an official endorsement of said
125 resolution by the Hon. Municipal Mayor duly acknowledging that the proposal is consistent and for support the Local Development and LandUse
126 Plans and in other words asya na iton hiya it ginkikinahanglan hit RDC, hit NEDA, so, kon makahatag na kita hiton hit requirement, mapadayon pag-
127 progress ini nga aton resolution, this is based on my experience, so, bahala na iton hira, ma-approve na ngani hit Regional Development Council, hira
128 na it bahala kon diin makadto it papel, just like the tide embankment, iton nga tide embankment amo gihap iton an ginbuhat, nag-ano gihap kita hin
129 resolution tapos hira na iton an RDC and nag-facilitate ngadto ha taga DPWH ngadto ha Regional Office until nga natagan kita han depute ngan
130 natagn kita han budget, an aton trabaho at the Regional Level pagsubmit la hini kay actually, I will just be honest with you, if I may, ngadto hit aton
131 SB Secretary, an aton resolution nga iginsubmit hini waray signature ni mayor, so, karuyag sidngon, in the resolution baga nagawas nga waray umagi
132 ha Office of the Mayor amo nga nasiring hiya nga hini dinhi nga communication nga it should be consistent, it should support the Local
133 Development Plan and Land Use Plans nakinahanglan hiya hin communication liwat coming from the mayor, so, amo it siring h it aton chairperson
134 nga kon poydi naton ini igpresent naton ngadto hit mayor kay huhuna-hunaan, sala nga daan in hiya, this is an infraction to our mayor kay ini nga
135 resolution waray hiya kapasa ha iya, wara umagi ha iya, gindiretso ini ngadto ha Regional Development Council, so amo iton hiya nga gincocorrect
136 nga ikaw ba mayor nasigi kaba hini, so, kon ano man it siring ni mayor, if we will make another resolution maaram it RDC hit aton status, so,
137 kinihanglan ini nga status it tagan hin attention, makig-storya kita kan mayor and she should know nga nagpadara kita hini nga resolution to the RDC
138 kay yana pala ak hini pakasabot nga waray ngay-an didto pirma.
139 Secretary – The resolution was not signed by the Local Chief Executive because it come from the Sangguniang Bayan, anyway, the RDC is just
140 asking for confirmation from the Local Chief Executive that it is within our Local Development Plan, so, dire iton nanginginahanglan nga ngatanan
141 nga resolution maagi kan mayor kay gin-correct na an gin-approve ni mayor nga resolution takay ginbalik man han Sanggunian, so, it will not be
142 signed by the LCE except for the appropriation ordinances, the AIPs, adoption of AIPs and other ordinances.
143 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – To sort that, Madam Quebec, kon mga resolution, there’s no need to sign by the LCE, dire na kinahanglan
144 pirmahan ni mayor kay ini nga resolution natikang manggud ha aton, so, based on the reply by the RDC, waray man didi nasiring, gin-aaroan la kita
145 hin official endorsement ni mayor nga ini nga proposal ini nga aton resolution nga na-allign bah an mga programa ngan priorities hit aton mga
146 government an kanan LGU, so, I think, maybe, the proponent and the chairman of Committee on Infrastructure, siguro spearhead nala ngadto kan
147 mayor nga madiscuss naton ini ha iya nga ini nga resolution nagsubmit kita ngadto ha RDC, nagreply hira ngan siguro amo nala ini it ginhihinulat hit
148 RDC para ma-implementar amo nanginginahanglan hin attention. I think, there’s no need to pass another resolution for this purpose. Thank you,
149 Madam Secretary. Okay, Hon. Estorninos is recognized.
150 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – I’d like to ask the proponent if this concern or matter is included in the Annual Investment Plan of the municipality,
151 the Annual Investment Plan is approved by the Sangguniang Bayan and also with the Municipal Mayor, if it is already included in the AIP we just
152 resend the same in support of that resolution including the imaginal letter of the mayor including of this resolution not necessary mean passing
153 another resolution of the matter.
154 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, that’s correct, Hon. Estorninos, in fact, in the reply of the RDC, klaro kaupay didi han ira reply nga
155 nakinahanglan la hira hin official endorsement, there’s no need any more for us to pass another resolution. Okay, one last. (Hon. Quebec is
156 recognized).
157 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Okay, may I respond to the concern of Hon. Estorninos kon upod ba hiya hit AIP, upod hiya dinhi pero dire hiya bug-os
158 nga external source, so, at least upod hiya hit AIP, so, therefore, masayon la it pag-respond hiton Executive Level, ada na hiya hit AIP 2022.
159 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, thank you. Hon Quebec. Another one, Hon. Labuac is recognized.
160 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Nag-attend man ako han ELA ha Manila, this pertaining to the Economic Development kay hi
161 kami man ni Ma’am an nakatoka ha Economic Sector, an kuan la hini kay an akon reporting na, hi ako nala ada an nakadto nga konsehal, karuyag ko
162 mabatian gihap niyo kon ano an talaga an napag-iristoryahan dida han amon sector, actually, an function han commercial area han bungto han Basay
163 which is it Basay talaga kon aton pa ini papadakuon, ipapa-expand, dadamuro ini it mga business opportunities nga poydi pumasok dinhi ha aton
164 Bungto, mayda na naton mga mall na magtitindog na nganhi and J&F ngan mayda na kita existing nga mall nga nakadto ngani an Liaison Officer and
165 kan BDO Networking Bank nga magbubutang na hira hin branch ha Basay amo ini an mga sigurado nga mga investors dinhi ha aton bungto, iton nga
166 banko nga igbubutang makaka-encourage iton hit iba nga investors na sumakob na ngadi ha Basay ngan safety na it ira kwarta nga idedeposit diretso
167 na ha ira bank account, usa na gihapon ini nga magpapakusog hit ekonomiya hit Basay, an problema kase naton han Bungto is the expansion, so, ini
168 hiya nga committee hit aton DILG kay it aton bungto nakakaulang la manggud ini nga bukid hit sementeryo, magbiling ngani it aton mga investor
169 hin commercial, commercial cite, it nakakaulang it nga bukid nga aada hit may sementeryo, waray gud iba nga expansion area hit bungto hit Basay,
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170 kay mag expand ngani ngadi ha Iba, natatahuban, amo nga nadire liwat it mga investors pag expand. Ini nga aton gin-attenderan ha Manila dire la ini
171 nga Executive and Legislative Agenda ngantan nga agenda han pag-uswag hit Basay it pinaagi pag-uswag, it nga area kase it nga sementery naton,
172 kinhanglan liwat nga makabiling kita hin relocation cite, usa gihapon iton nga ginbutang ha ordinansa nga magbutang kita hin ordinansa iton nga
173 cemetery nga mayda kita bag-o nga cite, tapos iton nga land area hit tabok, an mga dire nagbabayad hin tax, ig expand naton, himuon ta iton dida nga
174 commercial area kay it Basay talaga, kon tutuoron ini, madugay ini nga plano, so kinahanglan gud naton ini ig include ha CBD Plans, adi man hi
175 Ma’am Meldy, ngahin it problema hini it Climate Change, kay ano? Pag-abat ko la, 30 years from now, it Brgy. Baybay masusulod na gud it hiya hin
176 tubig, it bug-os naton nga commercial area, katubigan na it dida 30 years from now, so, ini hiya nga pitad nga pagpa-expand, pagtanggal hit
177 sementeryo dida usa ini hiya nga future plan konta para mapa-uswag pa it ekonomiya ngahin an problema naton ha Baybay inin nga immediate action
178 it aton dapat himuon, usually kon kikitaon naton it Tacloban mayda it nira dredging equipment, ha usa katuig nagdre-dredge it Tacloban, it
179 McDonalds nataob ngani it dida, tubigan la gihap it dida, so, para ha pagkamadali nga solusyon, igpa-elevate iton dida nga kalsada bisan katunga la
180 anay kay asya manla iton it natatauban pirme, makaarawod kitaon hit mga taga Basay nga hi kita waray kita nahihimo nga pitad hiton dida,
181 kaylangan gud iton ma elevate iton dida it kalsada ngan nakita namon gihapon nga waray official nga opisina han aton MTO, kunbaga waray pa
182 ordinance nga pagcreate hin opisina hiton nga item an kanan Tourism kay importante man iton hit economic development, usa gihap it hiya priority,
183 mayda gihap didi long term plan paghimo hiton pabahay hiton golden river, nakita ak hiton nataub ngani kadako hit tubig hiton dida kay taub ngani
184 high tide, hataas it tubig, takay kon nag-iinuran, nagdudungan, it affected hini it Barangay Dawa although dire gud naton nakikit-an gud nga kuan
185 kay kulang man kita hin pondo, pero kon okay la kita isulod ta gihapon ini ha CBD Plans nga it katunga hit hi-way classified na iton hiya nga na
186 build zone, an declaration han tourism cite, an aton kapitan han Tingib ngan Bacubac nagsarabot kami nga ngaranan ta ini hiya hini an Bacubac ngan
187 Tingib nga Mabaysay Beach, diro-diretso iton ha Tingib ngan Bacubac, so, igsulod naton iton hiya Municipal Development naton, nga madevelop
188 iton para ma globally competitive it Basay kinahanglan ta iton ngaranan hin Mabaysay Beach para usa naton iton nga trade mark dinhi Basay,
189 makikilala iton dire la dinhi ha Region kundi ha bug-os nga Pilipinas an aton Mabaysay Long Beach ngan an aton tiarabot nga Rayhakan waray ko na
190 ig-upod kay an Rayhakan han 2019 nanabo man iton, so, pagbulig ini hit mga Basaynon. Amo la iton.
191 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, thank you, Hon. Labuac.
192 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Siguro, Mr. Chair, I would like to request nga dire ta nala ini pagdineregbate-an kay although dapat nakadto kamo
193 hini han akon reporting, so, waray ta naman it mahihimo kay tapos naman an ELA, gin-include naman ini.
194 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, the chair would like to recognize Hon. Labuac for actively participating our ELA in which siguro iton
195 nga mga namention nga mga programa proyekto, siguro masusulod iton ha aton mga plano kay an ginhihingyap naton han Executive and Legislative
196 Agenda nga ma-inline han aton mga ginhihingita han legislative body ngan han aton executive department is in one line to go one direction. Hon.
197 Labuac, again, thank you for being so participative ngadto han aton ELA ngan rest assured ini nga aton Sanggunian Bayan basta parte han ika-uupay
198 han aton munisipyo, magbuburublig kita. Thank you so much. Okay, Hon. Duran is recognized.
199 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Thank you, Mr. Chairman, thank you for that opening statement of Hon. Labuac, but I would like to inquire, where’s now our
200 agenda? Let’s focus on the topic on what we are talking now, because baga natikaharayo na it aton discussion para sunod sunod ba, an mga ad lives is
201 mostly likely in the privilege hour, so, sa susunod na mga meeting, let’s focus on the agenda kay para kita mahuman hit aton topic yana nga adlaw.
202 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, thank you, Hon. Duran for your observation, the presiding officer would like to inform the body, we are still
203 in the privilege hour, so, kon hino an may gusto iyakan or i-discuss outside hit aton agenda, this is the time and proper to share to this august body
204 and kon may-ada man privilege hour, it kada tagsa, siguro amo gihap it time nga danay kita magririnigwa, siguro an perfect time to discuss certain
205 privilege speech, maybe in the agenda proper, that’s all. Okay, Hon. Estorninos, is that a privilege speech? Do you want to avail the privilege hour?
206 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – This is just a re-grinder.
207 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, Hon. Estorninos is recognized.
208 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – The privilege speech of Hon. Labuac, all what have been said by Hon. Labuac can be answered by amending the
209 Municipal Zoning Ordinance, that’s the best how we can address this multifarious problems being raised by the municipality which calls for
210 environmental solutions, so, if the municipal ordinance has not been amended, that the time that we have to address the said Land Use of the
211 municipality because not anybody will just put up his business or building without adherence to the Municipal Land Use Plan, without that, our
212 investors will actually misarrange , they will come of the municipality of this land use plan, so, I would suggest later on, initiatives on this matter
213 should be fully addressed so that all these concerns verbalized by Hon. Labuac be included in the newly amended of this plan, kay just imagine
214 making the carline new cite for development that is a correct strategy, in fact, they have already pabahay there which actually amending already the
215 land use plan because that area there was classified as an agriculture, but then because of the project, the onset of Yolanda, the pabahay was erected
216 in those areas, thus, amending the former land use plan of the municipality, then, that’s the only solution, we got only have one document for that
217 matter and included that in our AIP we can move forward, in fact, the solutions to this raising problems of our municipality.
218 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Estorninos, your manifestation is duly noted by our Madam Secretary. (Hon. Duran is
219 recognized).
220 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – I rejoin also to the manifestation of Hon. Estorninos. Actually, in the planning of that ELA, in our team of konsehals,
221 actually, I proposed for the updating or the upgrading whatever terms for the ordinance and to create a master plan, so, it’s included in our team and
222 most likely by Engr. Wong, so, I am just preparing for an ordinance, to upgrade this ordinance to place the master plan, the long term plan of Basey.
223 Thank you, Mr. Chair.
224 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you so much, Hon. Duran. Siguro, it’s our time for us, this august body nga siring pa han aton mga
225 gentleman didi nga napapanahon na gihapon i-revisit naton an aton mga existing laws ha aton munisipyo, particularly on the zoning ordinance, an
226 aton approved comprehensive land use plan kay siguro hadto pa nga mga lumabay nga tuig, gin-aassume nala gihapon an epekto han Climate
227 Change, pero we never expect liwat nga sugad ka direct ngay-an an epekto. Kay kon dire la ako nagsasayop, an Brgy. Baybay ngan some han mga
228 coastal barangay naton, ginconsider naton iton an mga ligid gud han dagat, gin-identify gud naton nga low areas prone hin storm surge o kon sugad
229 hini katas it tubig hit dagat hit lebel, so, yana kay tungod nga mas malaksi, mas mapapaso an aton kalibutan, mas malaksi siguro matunaw an mga
230 yelo didi ha North Pole nga South Pole, siguro, this is the effect hit Climate Change nga konta kita as legislator, matagan ta gihapon ini hin
231 kasolbaran, bisan na man la ma-address ngan ma-mitigate naton an malaksi nga epekto han Climate Change pinaagi hin mga ordinansa, hin
232 resolutions, salit, kumo part hini nga aton legislative body, kitaon ta an mga policy hini nga mga body, hi kita it mga nahimo hit mga ordinansa ngan
233 mga resolusyon para ma address gihapon an mga iba iba nga mga problema hit aton munisipyo, especially it mga sugad hini nga mga problema,
234 nagkikinahanglan hin tama ngan malaksi nga attention. Thank you for your concerns, members of this august body. (Hon. Labuac is recognized).
235 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, last privilege hour. Nagin usa gihapon nga problema, the biggest problem han aton LGU is the lack of the
236 Municipal information and Communication Office, so, nakita namon han nakadto kita ha Valenzuela, nakita naton, fully centralized tikang han
237 opisina, an city, bisan iton hira magbutang hin annex hall, dako nga City Hall an ira ibutang, tungod nga centralized hira, okay la kay nakakag-
238 observe hira hin damo nga mulupyo ha ira, o bisan ha ira pinakada nga pabahay, mayda nira annex wall. So, ini hiya, nagiging problema hiya pinaagi
239 han communication department to department ngadto ha barangay ngadi hit aton opisina, so, kinahanglan ta ini hiya ma centralized ini nga Municipal
240 Information and Communication Office nga which is dapat an makapot hini baga hin magcre-create kita hin control center nga an mga makapot hini
241 han kanan technology is the main office, kay ano? Sugad hini ka importante, an annex sector, na notice namon, an aton website dire pa gihapon
242 enhanced, problema pa gihapon, an kahingadto ha central sector, asya gihapon an akon na notice, an Basay waray pa kita official website, ngadto
243 gihapon ha industrial sector, asya gihapon waray gihapon official website, so, this is a, kunbaga urgent gud ini nga needs hit aton bungto nga
244 magkaada hin website, an problema, kon magkamay-ada kita website, kinahanglan gud talaga naton magcreate hin office, mamalit hin equipment
245 ngan planuhon ini hiya, pag integrate ngadi hit aton mga government units, so, ini hiya, I do suggest nga matagan manggud ini hin priority ini nga
246 MIC creation office ngan an tourism office, asya gud ini it pinaka importante nga pitad, kay ano, kon hi vice may website, kita, ipopost naton an mga
247 tourist destination dinhi hit bungto hit Basay, makikit-an it aton website tungod ngadi hit tourism tapos ini liwat nga MICP, makikit-an liwat ini it
248 project hit SB, so, tungod hit MICP makikit-an liwat hit aton PESO, karuyag sidngon, usa ini hiya nga dako nga bulig para ma centralized ngatanan,
249 job hiring, ngadi kita hit aton tourist destination, ngadi liwat kita hit nga mga LGU, ngadi hit Barangay Affairs, makikit-an an mga population, an
250 mga barangay resolutions, so, amo ini it missing link, pagcreate hin office nga ma-facilitate han website amo an control center han aton bungto.
251 Thank you, Mr. Chair.
252 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank so much, Hon. Labuac. Any other privilege speech? Hon. Cinco is recognized.
253 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Thank you, Mr. Chair. To accommodate our visitors from MPDO, I do move to suspend the rules.
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254 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, there is a motion of Hon. Cinco to suspend the rules, so that we can accommodate our visitor, MPDC,
255 Ma’am Meldy Adel.
257 SUSPENSION: 10:38 A.M.
260 1. Meldy B. Adel, MPDO
261 2. Evelyn E. Cabantac, Municipal Treasurer
262 3. Daisy C. Dela Cruz, Municipal Assessor
263 4. Alexandra N. Paraleja, Basey II District Supervisor
264 5. Val M. Ducducan, Basey II Teacher Representative
266 RESUMPTION: 11:54 A.M.
268 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – The session is now in order. Let’s proceed to First Reading and Referral.
272 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – First Item under First Reading; Resolution concurring the appointment of Balbino B. Estorninos as Municipal
273 Administrator referred to the Committee on Ways Means and Human Resource. Second Item, an ordinance creating the position of the Municipal
274 Department Head I (Chief Tourism Operations Officer) under Municipal Ordinance No. 40, series of 2018, and providing supplemental budget
275 thereto, thus dissolving the position of Municipal Government Assistant Department Head I (Tourism Officer) under the 2021 and 2022 Municipal
276 Budget referred to Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance and Committee on Human Resource. Madam Secretary, may we ask if
277 there is any certified urgent request? None. Okay, may we proceed to the First Reading, anyone who wish to ask? The first item, Resolution
278 concurring the appointment of Balbino B. Estorninos as Municipal Administrator, is he around or is he appealing to the session, Madam Secretary?
279 Secretary – I did not call him yet. Last session we invited him.
280 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Ano an siring?
281 Secretary – Busy daw hiya han last session, ambot yana.
282 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Can we try if he can attend this session so that we could act to this matter? Okay, as much our visitor is not yet
283 around, may we proceed to the Committee Report.
286 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – First Item Under the Committee Report, the review of Barangay Budget and Annual Investment Plan for CY
287 2022 of the following barangays: Brgy. Old San Agustin, Brgy. Baloog, Brgy. Bacubac, Brgy. Pelit, Brgy. Buenavista and Brgy. Magallanes, may we
288 ask the pressure of the vice-chair committee on finance considering that the chair-committee on finance is the temporary presiding officer.
289 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair. Since it has been seven months ago, when the barangay is expected to submit their AIP and
290 Barangay Budget for CY 2022 for review, perhaps, based on certain rules, we can consider this as approved.
291 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – To conduct a committee hearing parte han proseso han budget preparation han mga barangay, invited ini nga mga
292 department heads nga na-review hit ira mga budget, kay gusto ko ma’am, parte ha akon, kon mayda proseso an mga naglabay nga mga council nga
293 dire nasusunod, siguro it’s our time for us to act kon ano it tama, kon ano it kinahanglan ayuson, ayuson, kon mayda mga suggestion naton, i-suggest
294 naton kay dire matatama it usa nga mali kon dire iton matitikangan.
295 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – Asya iton an amon ginmeetingan ha Cebu, amo na iton, hi Ma’am Meldy nakadto man, hiya an amon
296 speaker, so, nagkaada na iton hin pagkakurusahan hiton nga pagprepare hini nga budget kay dire konta pag-inuli-ulion na kay nakuan hiton nga
297 coding.
298 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Ponferrada.
299 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – So, igpapasabot ko nala liwat hit mga kapitan nga mayda gud date hit aton submission.
300 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Madam Ponferrada. Yes, Hon. Estorninos is recognized.
301 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – I am wondering why the Barangay Budget would pass to this department wher in fact under the Local Government
302 Code, the review is supposed to be conducted by the Sangguniang Bayan, so, the Barangay Budget should be enacted by the barangay, there is no
303 other request but to submit it to the Sangguniang Bayan for budget review, there is no provision evident that the Barangay Budget will pass to other
304 departments, the barangay also should be required that they should submit the budget within the period, an ira man hiton kuan is October 16, paro
305 man ha aton, kon mayor, governor or barangay captain, they must submit the proposed budget as of October 16 every year, later on, deliberation
306 commence if within the year no budget has been approved of the barangay over municipality, automatically magiging reenacted and budget. If the
307 budget was submitted to us late, after the period of December 21, it will already be considered as reenacted.
308 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, thank you, Hon. Estorninos.
309 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – Mr. Chair, han hadto waray iton nga coding coding han PPAs, so asya iton it nakakaulang yana nga pagtaga
310 coding nga danay siring pa naguguluhan.
311 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, may we give the floor to our Madam Secretary.
312 Secretary – Ha akon la view, nasusugad hiton because the barangay nagpre-prepare han budget simultaneous with the AIP, which is not correct, the
313 AIP must be prepared ahead of time dire Dungan han Budget, an MPDC an iya ginre-review, an AIP, dire nagre-review hit budget, asya iton nga
314 nasusugad nga naagi ha iya kay ginpapag-upod man hit barangay Dungan han AIP ngan hit budget.
315 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Amo siguro klaruhon ha aton mga kapitan nga an proseso una anay an AIP.
316 Secretary – That’s why I am requesting the Budget and Local Finance Committee nga magkakamay-ada ngani hira hin orientation hiton nga budget
317 preparation, please invite a representative from the Sangguniang at least the SB Secretary to represent the Sangguniang Bayan kay mas
318 knowledgeable kita hit preparation ngan process, bisan iton nga mga ordinansa ngan memo, nabinalik balik kay dire man hira makaka-shedlight hiton
319 nga mga opisina parte hit ordinansa, budget, amo ito. So, it ira AIP bis nauuna, nag-uupod upod nala hira hit budget, naagi kan Meldy nga duha bis
320 dire na kaylangan umagi kan Meldy, aadto na nag-iiniha kay aadto mag-iinagi agi hit dire na angay agi-an. Dapat macorrect it hiya nga it AIP dapat
321 nauuna, it budget nauurhi.
322 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – So, ipapasabot ko nala iton hit amon ABC Meeting. Thank you. Kay amo gud iton it kamatuoran,
323 gindudungan pirme.
324 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yana ko la liwat nasabutan kap nga usa iton nga mga rason kon kay ano nadedelatar it mga project pagreview
325 naton. Thank you gihap pagshare ngadi ha Sanggunian. Okay, Hon. Quebec is recognized.
326 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Mr. Chair, with regards to this six barangays, I would like to suggest that can be given a chance to be reviewed and an
327 Brgy. Baloog ever since pira na katuig, waray gihapon in hira pakakagpresent, so yana, bangin nira huna-hunaon nga mao nala ini it sistema. So, I
328 would like to suggest if it is possible, amo naman la, specialty nala, if possible, pero kon mahuman man kita hit aton mga barangays to be reviewed
329 this afternoon, magschedule nala kita next Monday afternoon for the six barangays.
330 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, duly noted by the SB Secretary. Okay let’s go to the Item No. 2, an ordinance creating the Office of
331 Internal Audit Services (IAS) referred to Committee on Ways and Means and Committee on Finance. May we give the floor to the proponent of this
332 measure, Hon. Quebec?
333 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair. This is still under request of Local Chief Executive and the draft has distributed already to the
334 different SB Members, so, I would like to suggest that a Committee Meeting will meet this afternoon after the regular session. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
335 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Quebec. Third Item, request for reconsideration of the proposed ordinance establishing /
336 creating a Municipal Nutrition Office in Local Government Unit of Basey referred to the Committee on Legal Matters, Committee on Finance and
337 Committee on Health and of course I would like to give the floor to the proponent of this matter.

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338 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair, the same thing with the proposed ordinance, I think it’s ready, and this has been distributed to the
339 different SB Members. I move that a Committee meeting or Committee Hearing be done this afternoon after the regular session or after the meeting
340 for the Office of Internal Audit Services, I so move, Mr. Chair.
341 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Quebec. Hon. Duran is recognized.
342 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – Mr. Chair, we have a Committee Meeting afternoon with regards to the Route Plan, I think, in conflict with the suggestion of
343 Hon. Quebec.
344 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – So, next week nala.
345 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay. Next item on the Committee Report, the review of Barangay Ordinance No. 001-2021, Barangay Revenue
346 Code of Brgy. Buenavista, Basey, Samar referred to the Committee on Finance and Committee on Barangay Affairs, said item still in the Committee
347 Level. As a chair on Committee on Finance, I would like to request the Barangay Council or any representative coming from their barangay to appear
348 to this office on Monday, after the regular session for a committee hearing, thank you. Next Item under No. 5, resolution approving the
349 reprogramming of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (500,000.00) from Tax Mapping under the 20% Development Fund of CY 2022 and another Five
350 Hundred Thousand Pesos (500,000.00) from the unappropriated balances to Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) implementation referred
351 to the Committee on Finance. The Chair would like to request any motion from the vice-chair of the Committee on Finance for this purpose.
352 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – Thank you, Mr. Chair. A thorough deliberation was done this morning in presence of several resource persons, so, since
353 this is financial character, although it is a resolution, it should be created as ordinance, so, I move that this resolution approving the reprogramming of
354 Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (500,000.00) from Tax Mapping under the 20% Development Fund of CY 2022 and another Five Hundred Thousand
355 Pesos (500,000.00) from the unappropriated balances to Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) implementation be moved for second
356 reading, so moved, Mr. Chair.
357 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – I would like to correct.
358 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, before the chair approving, may we ask first Hon. Estorninos.
359 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Looking now the consonance with what transpire this morning together with department heads that it should be
360 charged to the prior year’s budget under the 20% Development Project, so, 2020 and 2021, because of program balance of six hundred thousand
361 (600,000.00), the five hundred thousand (500,000.00) will be utilized or defocused instead and the remaining one hundred thousand (100,000.00) be
362 reprogrammed to Tax Mapping for the current year.
363 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – So, may we request Hon. Estorninos to rephrase the content of the proposed measure.
364 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – The resolution should be ordered this way: Resolution…
365 Secretary – Mr. Chair, can I say something? Instead of a resolution, it can be a supplemental appropriation.
366 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Okay, so, supplemental appropriation allocating five hundred thousand (500,000.00) from the unappropriated
367 balance of the 20% Development Fund of CY 2020 and 2021 for the CBMS and the remaining one hundred thousand (100,000.00) balance from the
368 prior year’s unappropriated balance of six hundred thousand (600,000.00) be appropriated instead to Tax Maping of the current year.
369 Secretary – Mrs. Cabantac said that it is not needed any more to reupdate the program, the one hundred thousand (100,000.00) because it is intended
370 on Tax Mapping.
371 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – So, the budget will remain and there’s no need of reallocating.
372 Secretary – Yes, no need.
373 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Can I request Hon. Estorninos to proceed for approval for second reading.
374 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – I move that the said motion ordinance be approved.
375 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, there is a motion by Hon. Estorninos and duly seconded by Hon. Ponferrada, any questions or
376 clarifications? Hearing none, the motion is approved. Item No. 6, an ordinance renaming three (3) unnamed streets located at the new Basey Public
377 Market and transport terminal area referred to Committee on Laws and Legal matters.
378 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Remain on committee for public hearing, your honor.
379 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, honorable gentleman. Next Item No. 7, a Comprehensive Municipal Organic Ordinance
380 institutionalizing, promoting, conservation, developing and protection of natural resources referred to Committee on Agriculture.
381 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Still your honor on committee and called for public hearing.
382 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, honorable. Item No. 8, resolution requesting the Department of Education, Samar Division (DepEd)
383 to convert Tingib Elementary School in Barangay Tingib to Tingib Integrated School referred to Committee on Education. Hon. Labuac Estorninos is
384 recognized.
385 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Point of inquiry, I have a confused motion in this matter, I would like to request the rolling of the chair of this item.
386 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, before we proceed, I would like to ask any member of this august body, we are still in the committee report
387 and I would like to suggest that the said item be first approved in the Committee Level for second reading. Later on, don na tayo magmove for
388 second reading. yes, Hon. Estorninos.
389 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Considering the urgency of the initiative as we already learned from the resource persons with the District
390 Supervisor of Basey II, I rather move that the motion of Hon. Labuac push through and instead to be a joint motion of the august body.
391 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Hon. Cinco is recognized.
392 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Mr. Chair, babasehan ba adto naton an aton pag-invite ha iya, adto nga mga pakiana? So, kinahanglan magpasa anay
393 Committee-Chair on Education hin Committee Report, kaylangan paba magpasa?
394 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – As a presiding officer, there’s no need for rendering Committee Report as much as the visitor has already
395 attended our session with this august body in which an mga pakiana nabaton naman ni Ma’am Alex being the District Supervisor han Basey II in
396 charge Brgy. Tingib ELmentary School.
397 Hon. Pericles L. Cinco – Thank you, Mr. Chair.
398 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, Hon. Labuac is recognized.
399 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, for Item No. 8, I move for resurrection of my previous motion last session also including the august body
400 for this approval, Mr. Chair.
401 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – It’s a joint motion.
402 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, there’s a joint motion approving the resolution requesting the Department of Education, Samar Division
403 (DepEd) to convert Tingib Elementary School in Barangay Tingib to Tingib Integrated School duly seconded by all members of this august body,
404 therefore, said item is approved.
405 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – Thank you, everyone.
406 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, Item No. 9, review of Barangay Ordinance providing for a revenue code of Baranagy Pelit, Basey, Samar
407 referred to Committee on Finance and Appropriation, said item will remain in the committee level, also, we would like to request representative from
408 this barangay to appear to this office next Monday after the session for a Committee Meeting, thank you. Next Item, resolution authorizing the
409 Municipal Mayor to sign into Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Provincial Government of Samar for the implementation of Community
410 Based Monitoring System (CBMS) referred to Committee on Finance and Committee on Ways and Means, anyone who wish to comment on this.
411 Okay, said item will remain in Committee Level on the reason that the MOA is not yet available. Okay, let’s go to the Unfinished Business.
415 A. Unfinished Business
417 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – First Item, request of the MPDC to the local sanggunian for the review of the Local Public Transport Route Plan
418 2022-2024 of the Municipality of Basey, anyone who wish to comment? Hon. Duran is recognized.
419 Hon. Ariel P. Duran – We have a schedule for Committee Hearing this afternoon.
420 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, said item still in the Committee Level. Item No. 2, resolution authorizing the Municipal Mayor, Hon. Luz
421 Chu Ponferrada to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) represented herein by its Director

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422 General Secretary Jeremiah B. Belgica, anyone from the members? As agreed by the members with the presence of our visitor earlier said item will
423 remain in the committee level.
424 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, can we refer to the Information Committee?
425 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, that’s a good suggestion, Hon. Labuac. I would like to suggest on our next regular session that said item will
426 remain in the committee level referred to appropriate committee, Committee on Communication and Information. Thank you, Hon. Labuac. Business
427 for the Day – 2nd Reading.
429 B. Business for the Day- 2nd Reading
431 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – first item is the resolution that been reiterated by Hon. Estorninos regarding the CBMS, may we request our
432 Madam Secretary to read the title for proper disposal of measure.
433 Secretary – (reads the title of the resolution supplemental budget for CBMS).
434 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, thank you, Madam Secretary, we are still in the second reading, therefor, said item is subject for questions,
435 deliberations and objections, said item is now ready for deliberation. Anyone who wants to question? Just raise your hand. Having none, I would like
436 to someone for approval of the said measure. Hon. Labuac is recognized.
437 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, I move for the approval of this ordinance of CBMS.
438 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – There is a motion of Hon. Labuac to approve such measure, an appropriation ordinance duly seconded by Hon.
439 Aludia Duran, is there any question, objection? Hearing none, said motion or approval of the appropriation ordinance is hereby approved. Item No. 2,
440 resolution requesting the Department of Education, Samar Division (DepEd) to convert Tingib Elementary School in Barangay Tingib to Tingib
441 Integrated School said item is in the 2nd reading, Mr. Cgiar is ready to accept for deliberation. Hon. Labuac is recognized.
442 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Since the resource has been invited and due to the urgency of this matter and certified urgent and necessary by our
443 Mayor, I move for the approval of 3rd and final reading of the said matter.
444 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Labuac. There’s a motion of Hon. Labuac to approve a certain agenda, the title: resolution
445 requesting the Department of Education, Samar Division (DepEd) to convert Tingib Elementary School in Barangay Tingib to Tingib Integrated
446 School seconded by Hon. Perla Perpetua Ponferrada.
447 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Jointly seconded.
448 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, I stand corrected, there is a joint motion of the body and duly seconded by all, therefore, there’s no
449 objection, said motion is hereby approved. Thank you. I would like to remind items that been approved earlier will not go through with the three
450 reading principle, since said items certified urgent and necessary by our Local Chief Executive. That’s all, thank you.
452 C. Business under 3rd and Final Reading
454 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – We only have one item on 3 rd and final reading, the supplemental appropriation ordinance that was read by our
455 Madam Secretary earlier, the chair is now ready to accept any motion or approval for 3 rd and final reading, any motion? May request our madam
456 honorable, the vice-chair committee on appropriation to make a proper motion for approval.
457 Hon. Elnora C. Quebec – I move for the approval of the resolution on the financial on CBMS for 3 rd and final reading, so moved, Mr. Chair.
458 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Thank you, Hon. Quebec. There is a motion of Hon. Quebec to approve a certain appropriation or ordinance and
459 duly seconded by Hon. Ponferrada for the implementation of the Community Based Monitoring System or the CBMS, said motion is hereby
460 approved. May we follow-up if the municipal Administrator and the Municipal Tourism Office is coming? Hon. Labuac is recognized.
461 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Mr. Chair, mapakiana la ako kan Hon. Estorninos han ginforward nga communication ngadto han ha Cebu nga travel,
462 an ada ha group chat.
463 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Regarding han Budgeting seminar.
464 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Attention to the august body, regarding the concern of Hon. Labuac, according to Ma’am Melsa Cabuquit the
465 Committee-Chairman on Finance is invited and was given a communication, I don’t know han iba, so, an siring kanina, an makadto yana an last day
466 han registration kay dire poydi an walk-in kay an akon kota plano hadto adto nala ako maregister, pero considering an accommodation han rooms,
467 nagkuan kuno an president han Budget Officer, yana an last han pagkarawat han registration para hini nga seminar. Actually, maupay ini nga seminar
468 especially an Committee on Finance kay this is with regards to devolution, kanan mga updates an parte han pagbudget. Siguro, kon mayda man ha
469 iyo mga interesado poydi nala makigsumpayan hit aton Budget Officer.
470 Secretary – Nayakan hi Evelyn makadto kuno hiya pagbayad, so, an ibarayad ihataga nala ha iya para dire na magkinadto.
471 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Okay, announcement.
475 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Any announcement? Hon. Lozano is recognized.
476 Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano – Good morning everyone. Mayda la ako Day Care Worker nga gusto daw nira, mayda nira gusto ipasabot ha aton nga
477 mayda nira concern, una, about han ira salary kay they got only two thousand a month (2,000.00), hit ira pagtinutdo ah barangay naabot nala 80 to
478 100 pesos nala it ira nakakarawat tapos everyday pa hira nakadto, mayda liwat ha barangay tag one thousand five hundred bali three thousand pesos
479 kulang la gihapon, gusto ba nira nga ipasabot nira dinhi, tapos an ika-duha, J.O. hira tapos diba yana waray sweldo han J.O.
480 Hon. Perla Perpetua G. Ponferrada – Iton Day Care, 1 hour la, mayda nira two thousand nga nakakrawat ha munisipyo pero dipende nala ha
481 barangay kon pira, asya la iton it ira nakakarawat, pero one hour manla it ira pagklase. Ha barangay liwat, mayda la it nira allocation hin ten months,
482 two months waray iton hira allocation ha barangay.
483 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, Hon. Labuac is recognized.
484 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – Siguro maupay iton nga manifestation, kon okay la, the august body igbulig iton ha privilege hour, dire igkada ha
485 announcement.
486 Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano – Dire, kanina konta adto, nalibang la ako kay may klase.
487 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – So, igsulod nala iton ha privilege hour bangin mayda documentation an kinahanglanon, bali masakob ha privilege
488 hour.
489 Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano – Kon okay la konta kay kanina pa konta adto kaso kay may klase man ako.
490 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Yes, because she was not able to ano. Waray makahabol, ikada nala ha atn minutes. Regarding that, Hon. Jeyv
491 Anne, are you going to pass a resolution or ordinance.
492 Hon. Jeyv Anne M. Lozano – Igkadto nala ha Committee on Education.
493 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – May we ask the chairman Committee on Education kon ano it poydi buhaton. Okay, Hon. Estorninos, Hon. Jeyv
494 Anne suggested earlier nga regarding han aton mga day care workers kay basta gusto nira mabati ha Sangguniang Bayan regarding han ira
495 compensation kunbaga ha akon pagka-intindi, gusto nira madugangan, so, ano nga pamaagi nga poydi naton mabulig ha ira? I asked the proponent,
496 an iya question kon mahimo ba hin resolution or ordinansa, she suggested na igrefer ha imo committee, kon ano la it imo suhestiyon. Siguro igdaop
497 ta nala ini kan mayor nga an ira honorarium ma increasan.
498 Hon. Wilfredo O. Estorninos – Dipende iton hit mayor kay mayda naman budget kanan 2022.
499 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Siguro, I will suggest to the proponent nga konta maghimo hira hin written a form han written request ngadto kan
500 mayor parte hini nga purpose kay an LGU, especially an mayor, poydi gadla ini verbal nga mga iristoryahon pero mas maganda kon may-ada niyo
501 written request para hiton nga request kay ha akon pagkabaro dire ini madire hi mayor, masige iton kon ano it ungara hit mag tawo, iaaddress iton.
502 Okay, any other announcement? Having none, any motion for adjournment? Hon. Labuac is recognized.
503 Hon. Vicente C. Labuac III – I move for the adjournment.
504 Hon. Aludia C. Duran – I second the motion.
505 Presiding Officer Pro Tempore – Is there any objection? None. Session adjourned.
506 (Session is adjourned at 12:40 in the afternoon).
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