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Lecturer : Emy Rahmawati Isfatin K, S.S., M.Hum.

Compiled By:
Hafiez Ilman Nafi’an 225030200111099
Bagas Agung Prawetyo 225030207111181
Dimas Okto Ramadhani 225030207111175
Achmad Zidny Fadillah 225030200111104

University of

First of all, let us say praise and gratitude to God Almighty, because with His
blessing, we were able to finish this paper which is an English assignment about business
interviews in Malang.
We have an interest in businesses in Malang, whose popularity and existence is
growing rapidly compared to other years. last year. This happens because of changing needs
in an increasingly modern world. In this article, we will conduct a survey of one of the many
coffee shop businesses in Malang. We are interested in knowing how it works, the benefits it
brings to the surrounding environment and much more. We hope to provide useful
information for readers about business projects, especially in Malang.
We also realize that this paper that we have created is far from perfect. Therefore, we
expect criticism and suggestions from readers to be our reference and evaluation for the
future in writing
Daftar Isi

Daftar Isi .................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Background of the Paper .................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Purpose of Paper............................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Problem Formulation........................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................... 5
Theory and discussion ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Janimani as coffee shop that has innovation .................................................................... 5
2.2 Janimani's competition with coffee shops in Malang ...................................................... 5
Chapter III .................................................................................................................................. 7
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Paper

As a form of business, a coffee shop is a place (a shop) that serves processed espresso
coffee and small snacks. Along with its development, in addition to providing coffee as the
main product, this shop provides small meals and heavy meals.
Coffee shop or what is familiar to our ears is usually called a cafe, which has shifted
its meaning. Terminologically, the word café comes from French, namely coffee, which
means coffee. In Indonesia, the word café was then simplified back into a cafe. The literal
meaning refers to (drink) coffee, which is then known as a place to enjoy coffee with various
types of other non-alcoholic drinks such as soft drinks and other snacks.
Coffee Shop is a restaurant that at first only provided a place to drink coffee and tea
quickly, but because of the development and customer needs which are very complex and
endless, so the development of a coffee shop as it is today
1.2 Purpose of Paper
1. How does janimani coffee shop operate
2. How can janimani provide innovation that is different from other coffee shops
3. How does janimani market their products
1.3 Problem Formulation
1. to find out how janimani coffee shops operate
2. to find out how janimani can provide different innovations from other coffee shops
3. to find out how janimani markets their products
Chapter 2
Theory and discussion
2.1 Janimani as coffee shop that has innovation
2.1.1 Business profile
The word Janimani comes from the Balinese language which means today and tomorrow, as
his hopes for janimani are for today and in the future. Janimani creates a cafe with a Balinese
feel, and some materials are imported directly from Bali, the place / view is supportive
because it is in the Ubud area, and this cafe has a Balinese nuance in the middle of the city.
The word Janimani comes from the Balinese language which means today and tomorrow, as
his hope for Janimani is for today and in the future. Janimani Creates a cafe with a Balinese
feel, and some materials are imported directly from Bali, the place / view is supportive
because it is in the Ubud area, and this cafe has a Balinese nuance in the middle of the city.
2.1.2 Business History
Janimani is a business engaged in FNB. Janimani itself was established in 2021.
Janimani hopes that in the future in one area there will be many other businesses such as bars,
boutiques, tattoos, and so on like in Bali and have nuances or connections with Bali. Mas
adip is sure to make janimani, because he believes that in this area of ubud it can attract many
buyers of various ages.
2.1.3 services and target market
Janimani coffee shop sells various kinds of drinks and snacks, such as milk coffee, chocolate,
matcha, french fries and many other menus. The uniqueness of this cafe is in its place which
is like Bali, and the target of this cafe is students and people who live around Ubud area.
2.1.4 outstanding product
Janimani flagship product of course, their milk coffe which has distictive taste, and Jenar that
have refreshing taste. Otherdrinks such as the fresh Mocktail and the creamy Matcha are no
less delicious than the milk coffee. Their snacks are no less delicious, such as fried potatoes
that are crispy on the outsideand soft on the inside
2.2 Janimani's competition with coffee shops in Malang
2.2.1 marketing strategy
Has 2 marketing strategies, namely, online and offline. For online marketing on Instagram,
Janimani makes campaigns such as work from ubud, and for offline marketing through
sponsors or events that can be held at janimani, sometimes also invites celebrities.
2.2.2 Turn-over
At the beginning of the establishment of janimani, they were quite difficult due to the covid
pandemic which is still quite rampant in Indonesia. But for now in 2022, the gross income
from Janimani coffee shops can reach 1,500,000-2,000,000 per day, if there is an event or
sponsorship, Janimani will get even bigger profits.
2.2.3 Future Expectation and innovation
Janimani in the future will replace plastic cups with glasses that can be used repeatedly and
use more environmentally friendly straws to reduce plastic waste. All plastic disposal is
collected in one of the containers that work with Janimani so that later there will be feedback
given so that it is not free. in the future in one area there will be many other businesses such
as bars, boutiques, tattoo artists, and so on like in Bali and have nuances or relationships with
2.2.4 Closing Statement
So Janimani Malang is a F&B business that sells coffee and other beverages as its main
products. They offer affordable prices and continue to make new innovations for their
products, and in the future janimani will create new businesses such as boutiques, tattoo
artists, bars and other businesses
Chapter III
it can be concluded, janimani is one of the successful cafes in Malang with unique
promotions and future innovations and also very big goals. Product quality and cafe
atmosphere also have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at janimani
coffee shops. This means that the improvement of product quality and cafe atmosphere
together will improve consumer purchasing decisions at Kubik Koffie.

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