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Assignment 01

Reading and Writing

For your first assignment, choose a computer science topic that interests you (such as Artificial
intelligence, Internet of Things, Data Mining, Big data, Cybersecurity, Image and signal
processing, Web development, Cloud computing, Networks, ….), then:

1. Choose one or two research papers about the topic you chose.

Tips: You can look up papers using appropriate keywords related to your topic of choice. Visit or to find publically available research

2. Read the papers carefully.

3. Make a list of at least 05 words you learned from the articles.
4. Look the words up, and provide a brief description of their meaning.
5. Write an essay of 300 to 500 words, summarizing briefly the work presented in the
articles you chose, and discussing your opinion and reflections about the work.
6. Use IEEE referencing format when citing your sources1.

Tips: Go back to your lessons for more tips on how to read and summarize articles.
The following questions can help you debate your opinions and reflections:

➔ What specific questions do these articles address?

➔ Is the contribution clearly highlighted?
➔ Is the current state of the art about the topic accurately represented?
➔ Is the research convincing?
➔ Do you find the methodology/research design suitable and justifiable?
➔ Is the analysis of the results appropriate and reasonable?
➔ Is the interpretation of the results convincing and backed by the data?
➔ Are the findings well presented and clearly discussed?
➔ Can think of a better way to tackle the questions or problems that the articles address?

Details regarding referencing formats are available in Part 04

Full name : …………………………………………………..…………………….

Group: ………………………….

List of new words:

Word 1 = (description here)

Word 2 = (description here)

Word 3 = (description here)

Word 4 = (description here)

Word 5 = (description here)

The essay:

Submission Instructions
➔ Follow the template.

➔ The deadline for submission is: December 12th, 2022, at 11:59 PM.

➔ If you miss the deadline, then your grade will be divided by 2.

➔ Your homework should be submitted to:

➔ Make sure you send your work to the right email. No excuses will be accepted if you
submit to the wrong email address.

➔ Include your full name in the email you send.

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