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Physical Education is a 

vital part of the total opportunity to release excessive energy in a

education of all individuals throughout their healthy process, thus, overcoming stress or
academic journey. Physical education renders depression.
meaningful learning experiences which help in the
enhancements of every student's academic
performance, mental alertness, readiness, and
enthusiasm for learning.  To develop the movement potentials of
LEGAL BASES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION - each individual to an optimum level.
As human beings, our human body consists  To develop a basic understanding and
of muscles used for muscular mobility and will appreciation of human movement.
therefore, require an environment that allows for  To develop and maintain the optimal
continuous bodily movement. Basically, the physical fitness and productivity of the
human body needs not only food, but also individual.
physical activities for maximum functionality.   To develop skills, knowledge and
attitudes active participation engagement
The International Charter of Physical in varied fitness activities.
Education and Sport UNESCO (United Nations
Educations, Scientific and Cultural THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL
Organization) states that the practice of physical EDUCATION
education and sports is a basic right for
Physical Development - Through the carefully
all. The right to improve people's physical,
selected physical activities an individual who
intellectual and moral prowess through physical
participates actively will develop and maintain
education and sport must be ensured within the
good healthy and optimum level of physical
educational system and in other aspects of social
Social Development - Physical education
Article I, International Charter of Physical
provides more than just exercise for students.
Education and Sports, UNESCO Paris, 1978
Students learn communication skills and how
and Recommendation International Disciplinary
to collaborate together as a group.
Regional Meeting Experts on Physical Education,
UNESCO, Brisbane, 1982- Emotional Development - Through physical
education activities the students gradually learn to
“The practice of physical education and sports is
manage their selves and acts wisely with courage
a fundamental right of all...” “And
when exposed in stressful and emotional
this right should not be treated a different in
principle from the right adequate food, shelter,
medical care.” Mental Development - Through physical
education activities the learners acquire
Article XIV, Section 19, 1987 Constitution of
knowledge and understanding of rules and
the Republic of the Philippines
strategies of the games, sports and dance
“The state shall promote physical education and instructions. Varied activities in physical
encourage sports programs league competitions education help the student’s development their
and amateur sports including training for ability to analyze body movements, skills and
international competition to foster self-discipline, game situations.
teamwork, and excellence for the development of
Spiritual Development - Integrated efforts by
a healthy and alert citizenry.”
health and physical education programs can
“All educations institutions shall undertake regular highlight the importance of spiritual concepts like
sports activities throughout the country and in critical awareness, contemplation, purposeful
cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors. living, nature, acceptance, transparency,
awareness, tolerance, resiliency, experience,
Sport is an inherent part of a person’s life. Aside community, and the critical role of the body, mind,
from the enhancement of various physical skills, and spirit to holistic health.
sports also contributes to the development of an
optimistic mind or positive thinking, which
is essential for a person to endure difficulties.
Through sports, people are afforded an
2. Stamina – The ability of body systems to
process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
3. Strength – The ability of a muscular unit, or
 To involve the learner in a wide range of combination of muscular units, to apply force.
movement, knowledge and skill-building
experiences. 4. Flexibility – The ability to maximize the range
 To contribute to the learner’s growing of motion at a given joint.
value system and his/her development of
5. Power – The ability of a muscular unit, or
responsible attitude and behavior
combination of muscular units, to apply maximum
essential to a healthy lifestyle.
force in minimum time.
 To promote understanding of and
appreciation for the differences among 6. Speed – The ability to minimize the time cycle
people in physical activity settings. of a repeated movement.
 To develop the habit of regularly
7. Coordination – The ability to combine several
participating in physical activity as part of
distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct
health-enhancing personal fitness plan.
 To expand options for wise use of leisure
time. 8. Agility – The ability to minimize transition time
from one movement pattern to another.
Fit person - can perform schoolwork, meet home
responsibilities, and still have enough energy to 9. Balance – The ability to control the placement
enjoy sport and other leisure activities. of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its
support base.
Physical Fitness -Being physically fit equates
to having the endurance and strength to carry- 10. Accuracy – The ability to control movement
out daily activities without undue stress and in a given direction or at a given intensity.
still possess sufficient energy to join leisure
activities and be able to face unexpected CATEGORIES OF PHYSICAL FITNESS
CONCEPT OF WELLNESS - An expanded idea Health-related physical fitness consists of
of health. Many people think of health as being components of physical fitness that have a
just the absence of physical disease. But relationship with good health. The components
wellness transcends this concept of health, as are commonly defined as:
when individuals with serious illnesses or CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ENDURANCE - The
disabilities rise above their physical or mental ability of your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and
limitations to live rich, meaningful, and vital lives. blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of your
Some aspects of health are determined by your body's cells while you are being physically active.
genes, age and other factors that may be beyond To improve your cardio-respiratory endurance, try
your control. But true wellness is largely activities that keep your heart rate elevated at a
determined by the decisions you make about how safe level for a sustained length of time such as
to live your life. walking, swimming, or bicycling. 
Factors affecting Fitness – Exercise, Diet, MUSCULAR STRENGTH - It is the amount of
Drug-taking, Environment, Age, Physical force that a muscle can apply in a given
Disability, Stress and Anxiety, Gender, Build. contraction. The key to making your muscles
SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE - A type of lifestyle stronger is working them against resistance,
with no or irregular physical activity (a couch whether that be from weights or gravity. If you
potato). Sitting, reading, watching television and want to gain muscle strength, try exercises such
computer use for much of the day with little or no as lifting weights or resistance exercises.
vigorous physical exercise. MUSCULAR ENDURANCE - is the ability of the
COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS muscles to keep working (contract) over a period
of time. When most people think of muscular
1. Cardiovascular / respiratory endurance – endurance they think of things like running and
The ability of body systems to gather, process, cycling. The fact is, muscular endurance is
and deliver oxygen. important to almost any activity that requires any
use of physical strength and is one of the more Posture - A physically fit person is able to
important aspects of physical fitness and maintain his general posture alignment better
performance. than one with weak musculature
FLEXIBILITY - The ability of the joints to move Relieves low back pain -Lack of physical activity
through their full range of motion. has found to be the major cause for some cases
of pain in the lower back. Most adults who suffer
BODY COMPOSITION - refers to the ration of
from low back pain are relieved of this pain by
lean body tissue (muscle & bone) to body-fat
exercises that strengthen their back and
tissue. A person's total body weight (what you see
abdominal muscles.
on a scale) may not change over time. But the
bathroom scale does not assess how much is Retards Ageing Process - Continued
lean mass (muscle, bone, tendons, and participation in regular exercise of the proper
ligaments). Body composition is important to amounts is of considerable value in postponing
consider for health and managing your weight. the deterioration that usually takes place as a
person grows old.
Skill-related fitness
Physical Fitness and Ability to Meet
AGILITY -Is the ability to change the position of
Emergencies - The body that is accustomed to
your body and to control the movement of your
only sedentary living can usually operates
whole body. Agility is an important quality in many
affectivity even through it is operating at near
sports, because you must change direction
maximum effort.
rapidly and always have your body under control.
BALANCE - Is the ability to keep an upright
posture while either standing still or moving. Good Neuromuscular Skills - The smooth, efficient
balance in essential in many activities like coordination of the muscular system is improved
skating, surfing, skiing, and gymnastics. as a result of regular participation in physical
POWER - Is the ability to perform with strength at
a rapid pace. Strength and speed are both Relaxation - Over active minds, in under active
involved in power. Football players, swimmers, bodies often need physical outlets for
shot-putters, discus throwers, and high jumpers accumulated emotional and muscular tensions
are examples of athletes who typically have a that seem to be relieved by action of the skeletal
high degree of power. muscles
REACTION TIME - Is the amount of time it takes Improvement of Personality and Social Skills -
to start a movement once your senses signal the Participation in games and sports aid in improving
need to move? People with good reaction time the personality and in developing the desirable
can usually start quickly in track and swimming or social skills.
react quickly in ping pong or karate.
Mental Fitness - Because of the mental and
COORDINATION - Is the integration of eye, physical relaxation that often results from physical
hand, and foot movements. This component is activity, regular exercise was taught in many to be
necessary for success in such sports as baseball, considerable value in adding the mental
softball, tennis, golf, and basketball. processes to function with increased efficiency.
SPEED - Is the ability to cover a distance in a General Health - The physically fit person usually
short amount of time. Speed is a very important possesses a high degree of general resistance
factor in many sports and activities. Short runs which enable him to successfully avoid such
are used to evaluate speed. minor illnesses.
Vitality - Muscle is basic for all body action. They
increase in strength with activity and deteriorate
from lack of it. Fit muscles use less energy to
perform the same task, leading to increase in

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