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JUDGE.- Abbreviated Procedure, Oral Judgment number 14,

bar 2003. The session is declared open. The Secretary will
read the accusation and defense briefs.

SECRETARY/A.- (Reads the briefs of accusation and

defense, omitting the proposition of proof).

JUDGE.- (Says the name of the accused). Stand up. You are
informed of your right not to testify against yourself and not to
confess guilt. If you are going to testify, answer the questions
of the Public Prosecutor.

PROSECUTOR.- With the permission. (Interrogates the

defendant and he answers his questions, unless the Judge
declares them impertinent, tricky or suggestive, ex officio or at
the request of a party, recording in the record the eventual
protest of the party, in the face of the judicial decision to reject
or not the questions that are contested or intended to be
asked). Your Honor, there are no more questions.

JUDGE.- (Addressing the accused). Answer the questions of

the Lawyer of the private accusatio


permission. (Interrogates the defendant and he answers his
questions, unless the Judge declares them impertinent, tricky
or suggestive, ex officio or at the request of a party, recording
in the record the eventual protest of the party, in the face of
the judicial decision to reject or not the questions that are
contested or intended to be asked). Your Honor, there are no
more questions.
JUDGE.- (Addressing the accused). Answer the questions of
the Defense Lawyer.
DEFENSE LAWYER.- With the permission. (Interrogates the
defendant and he answers his questions, unless the Judge
declares them impertinent, tricky or suggestive, ex officio or at
the request of a party, recording in the record the eventual
protest of the party, in the face of the judicial decision to reject
or not the questions that are contested or intended to be
asked). Your Honor, there are no more questions.

JUDGE.- (If you wish, the Judge can add some questions
addressed to the accused and the parties, at this time, if they
have forgotten any, can address them to the accused, through
the Judge). (addressing the accused). You can sit down. Call
the witness... (name of witness).
The judicial agent leaves the room and calls the witness, who
will have waited outside until that moment, makes him think
and tells

him to stand in the center of the room, handing the witness the
D.N.I to the Secretary ).
(Addressing the witness) Do you swear or promise to tell the

WITNESS.- Yes, I swear/promise to tell the truth.

JUDGE.- Say your name and surnames.

WITNESS.- (Says his name and surnames)

JUDGE. - Profession…?

WITNESS.- (Says his profession).

JUDGE.- Do you know the accused/the private accusation
and do you have any family relationship, close friendship,
manifest enmity or employment relationship with any of them
or do you have any direct or indirect interest in this case?

WITNESS.- (Answers the question).

JUDGE .- (Addressing the witness). Answer the questions of

the Public Prosecutor.
PROSECUTOR.- With the permission. (Interrogates the
witness and he answers his questions, unless the Judge
declares them impertinent, tricky or suggestive, ex officio or at
the request of a party, recording in the minutes the eventual
protest of the party, in the face of the judicial decision to reject
or not the questions that are contested or intended to be
asked). Your Honor, there are no more questions.

JUDGE 2.- (Addressing the witness). Answer the questions of

the Lawyer of the private accusation.


permission. (Interrogates the witness and he answers his
questions, unless the Judge declares them impertinent, tricky
or suggestive, ex officio or at the request of a party, recording
in the minutes the eventual protest of the party, in the face of
the judicial decision to reject or not the questions that are
contested or intended to be asked). Your Honor, there are no
more questions
JUDGE. 2- (Addressing the witness). Answer the questions of
the Defense Lawyer.

DEFENSE LAWYER. 2- With the permission. (Interrogates the

witness and he answers his questions, unless the Judge
declares them impertinent, tricky or suggestive, ex officio or at
the request of a party, recording in the minutes the eventual
protest of the party, in the face of the judicial decision to reject
or not the questions that are contested or intended to be
asked). Your Honor, there are no more questions.

JUDGE 2.- (If you wish, the Judge can add some questions
addressed to the witness and the parties, at this time, if they
have forgotten any, can address them to the witness, through
the Judge). (Addressing the witness). You can withdraw,
leaving the Room or remaining in it, as you wish. (If there
were more witnesses, each one would be treated in the same
(Addressing the Public Prosecutor) Regarding the

PROSECUTOR.- By reproduced.

JUDGE. 2- (Addressing the attorney for the private

prosecution) Mr./Mrs. Lawyer…?



JUDGE. 2- (Addressing the Defense lawyer) Mr./Mrs. Lawyer

DEFENSE LAWYER.- Reproduced.

JUDGE.2 - (Addressing the Public Prosecutor) Regarding the


PROSECUTOR.- Definitely.

JUDGE.- (Addressing the attorney for the private prosecution)

Mr./Mrs. Lawyer…?

JUDGE 2.- (Addressing the Defense lawyer) Mr./Mrs.


DEFENSE LAWYER.- Definitive.

JUDGE 2.- The Public Prosecutor's Office has the floor, in turn
to report.

PROSECUTOR.- With the permission (The Prosecutor

informs, justifying his qualification, summarizing the
evidence and his correspondence with it).

JUDGE.- 2 (Addressing the attorney for the private

prosecution). Mr./Mrs. Lawyer…


permission (The lawyer informs, justifying their qualification,
summarizing the evidence and their correspondence with it).
JUDGE.2- (Addressing the Defense lawyer) Mr./Mrs. Lawyer…

DEFENSE LAWYER.-2 With the permission (The lawyer

informs, justifying his/her request, summarizing the evidence
and his/her correspondence with the former).

JUDGE 2.- The accused stand up. (addressing the accused).

Do you have anything else to say?

ACCUSED.- (Answers).

JUDGE. 2- Seen for sentencing. Clear the Chamber (The

Judge may, if he deems it appropriate, issue a sentence in
voce. In this case, he will ask the parties, in their order, if they
agree with the sentence passed and, if they all express their
decision not to appeal, will declare the sentence firm)

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