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The technology made our life to be easier and convenient without the needs of lifting our whole

body just to work something we need/want to be done during the day . We became dependent on
them and forgot to live a righteous life from which the Kingdom of God leads its purpose to have
a meaningful day to every one of us . Are we happy for/with the technology or if they made our
life not enjoyable to the point of not knowing how to appreciate the creations of God once in a
while . Nowadays , through the technology , young people are into the popular things they had
seen in social media from which pique their attention and response to them immediately . But not
working their purpose given by God to help in establishing the Kingdom as it will come . They
divert their attentions to the things that someday will not exist anymore but in the Kingdom of
God , it remains forever and the Salvation of God is better than those man-made things which
have definite happiness .

1.  Read the following modern-day parable on the Kingdom written by Philip Tantoco, a
sophomore at the Ateneo De Manila High School. 


2. Compose your own modern-day parable. Compare the Kingdom of God to something popular
to young people today. 

The Parable of the Technology

Technology made your life to be convenient and at the same time, fulfill what you
wanted/needed to be done within the day, week, month or even a year. In today’s world, you had
seen people became dependent on the technology which most of them are lazy to the point that
they don’t want to stand up or work their body in different things. You forget how to appreciate
the creation around you, how God made it for you just to have a wonderful life.

Technology has made your life to be convenient and at the same time, accomplish what you
want/ need to be done throughout the day, week, month, or even a year. In today’s world, you
had seen people become dependent on the technology which most of them are lazy to the point
that they don’t want to stand up or work their body in different things. You forget how to
appreciate the surrounding creation, how God made it for you just to have the things that you
will need to lead a good life, and work your purpose like leading a righteous life and helping
other people. 

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