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SALVADOR and PERALTA : A Dispute In an effort to control costs of servicing customer accounts, Jaime Salvador, Manager of Systems of an established bank, was instructed to make a study and subsequent recommendations to reduce the operating expense of the department. In one month time, Salvadors recommendations were put into operation. Six months later, costs for operating the department were reviewed against costs for the preceding six-month period. It was found that costs had decreased by 2 Million pesos. This decrease was due primarily on the savings in the salaries charged to the customer service department. During the preceding six-month period, 9,037 customers had been provided service. Under the new system, 4,817 customers had been provided service. The vice-president of the bank reported the savings to the president, Mr. Manuel Peralta. Peralta expressed surprise that the vice-president thought a saving had taken place. The president said, you moved the customer service department from the main floor to the sixth floor so that fewer customers would take the trouble to check their balances and review their statements; furthermore, you require each customer to show positive identification before they can obtain any information about their accounts; on top of this, you have instructed the personnel in customer service absolutely to refuse to give out any banking information to anyone requesting it over the telephone. Its my opinion that you deserve. 1. 2. 3. 4. What can you say on the scenario? What are the communication problem? What are the effects on all parties involved ? What should be done to prevent the problem?

VICKY DUQUE Vicky Duque is a supervisor of the ushering services in one arts company. Her job involves supervision of all ushering staff and personnel during performances/events, and to oversee the conduct of tour in the performing arts venues and the museum and galleries of the company. She has been with the company for five years and in her present job for two years. While she can be transferred and get promoted to a permanent position but not as a supervisor, she decided to try the middle management position. In her job she reports directly to Rose Tagle, the director of the house management. In her stay, Vicky observed what she believed is a great deal of duplication of effort between the museum and galleries venues in the conduct of tour in the various venues, museum and galleries of the company. This she believe has resulted in unnecessary conflicts especially through booking/scheduling of tours/visits. Vicky believe that such can not be a major problem. Thus she decided to try to coordinate her efforts and requested for an interface meeting with the production and exhibition team. She has on several occasions requested information regarding specific procedures and received no reply from Virgie Medina, the supervisor of the production and exhibition. Virgie had been in the with the office for four years, having joined the team after her college graduation. She reports directly to Karen Dadap, the director of the performing, visual and galleries. Below is the organizational structure : Chief Executive Officer & President

Performing, Visual & Galleries Karen Dadap - Director

House Management Rose Tagle - Director

Production & Exhibition Services Virgie Medina - Supervisor

Ushering Services Vicky Duque - Supervisor

It was just recent, Vicky officially put into writing, in the form of memorandum her thoughts and perception that there was no cooperation on all her efforts from the production and exhibition services. She also further added that written requests for information of which has been ignored. She added that she is starting to get frustrated and expressed that her belief may not always be correct, that what she

does was an initiative that may be beneficial to everyone in the company. Thus she wanted to meet with the supervisors and directors. Rose Tagle summoned Karen Dadap and Virgie Medina to a meeting. Virgie Medina was asked why she had not furnished the information that Vicky Duque requested. Too busy, she replied. Her question was out of sight. There was no time for me to answer this sort of request. Ive got job to do. Besides I do not report to her. But Virgie, you dont understand. All Vickys effort is just to improve the present system. She has taken the initiative to work on something that may benefit all of us, Rose Tagle said. Virgie was silent for a moment and replied, It didn't look like that to me. I had also ideas on how to improve the system for quite sometime. Anyway, shes going about it all wrong. 1. What barriers to effective communication is detected in the case? 2. Is anyone wrong in the situation? Vicky Duque on her request of information from Virgie Medina? Virgie Medina on her reaction? What? 3. While communication information vertically up or down does not present a major problem, why horizontal or diagonal communication is more difficult to attain? What would be the recommendation for the management to improve communication in the organization?

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