Soal Ujian Semester Genap Kelas 8

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :
Kelas : VIII Pukul :

1. Tulislah nama/nomor ujian di sudut kanan atas lembar jawaban!
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum dijawab!
3. Laporkan pada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan pada naskah soal kurang jelas, rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang!
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal yang dianggap mudah!
5. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas!

1. He ….. up at 5 o’clock every day.

a. Got c. gets
b. Get d. gotten
2. Arrange the sentences below !
Sleep – bedroom – we – in the – every night
a. 3-1-4-2-5 c. 4-2-1-3-5
b. 3-2-4-1-5 d. 5-3-1-4-2
3. Peter : are you sick? You look so pale
Boby : no, …..but I am so hungry.
a. I was not c. I were not
b. I am not d. I do not
The following paragraph is for question number 4-6
About me
I am Rumi. My full name is Rumi Anita. I am first grade of junior high school. I am
12 years old. My birthday on August 3 th. In my family, I am the only child. I don’t have
brother or sister.i live with my parents. My father is civil servant and my mother is house
wife. My hobbies are sing a song and listen to the music. My dream in the future is to be
4. How old is Rumi Anita? She is…..
a. 13 years old c. 14 years old
b. 12 years old d. 15 years old
5. What is Rumi’s father job?
a. A teacher c. a pilot
b. A doctor d. a civil servant
6. What is Rumi’dream in the future?
a. A dancer c. a police
b. A singer d. a painting


What is she doing ?

a. She is drinking water
b. She drunk water
c. She drink water
d. She drinking water


Arman is playing football

The interrogative the sentences is ..?

a. Arman is playing football

b. Is arman playing football?

c. Arman is play football

d. Arman is not playing football

9. Complete the sentence Mrs.Smith ….the kitchen curry now.

a. Cooked c. . is cooking

b. Cooking d. cook

10. Mathew ….going to school because he was school.

a. Are not c. is not

b. Do not d. does not

Dialoque for number 11 to 12

Tya : hello, Andini.

Andini : hi, tya

Tya : what are you doing andin ?

Andini : ok, wait for few minute

Tya : ok

11. What is the dialoque about..

a. Making a cake c. playing football

b. Drawing d. playing badminton

12. Really. I like it .

The underlined word refers to…

a. Candy c. soto

b. Soup d. cake

13. Adi : Which planet in our solar system in the biggest?

Nia : Jupiter is the …… planet.
a. Larger c. Small
b. Largest d. Large
14. Arka : nabilais 150 cm and Amanda is 148 cm
Nada : what about stella?
Arka : Stella is 139 cm
From the dialoque,which girl is shortest?
a. Stella c. Nadia
b. Nabila d. Amanda

Question 15-17 refer to the following the dialoque!

Mother : Ryan, I think you must buy new shoes again.
Ryan : what’s wrong with my shoes, mum? I think they are still good.
Mother : it’s not about good or not. But your foot looks bigger and longer before you
shoes will be not comfortable to wear, dear.
Ryan : You are right mum.
Mother : let’s buy new shoes for you. I know a place where we can get best quality
shoes with a cheap price. The name of the shop is Dinora shop. How about tomorrow ?
Ryan : I’m sorry mum, but tomorrow I have music course. How about Sunday?
Mother : I’m worried about the highway. It will be more crowded on Sunday.
Ryan : Are you sure, mum?
Mother : Of course. How about Saturday night?
Ryan : Okay,mum. We will go at 07.00 p.m on Saturday.
Mother : All right.
15. What does ryan need to buy a pair of a new shoes?
a. Because Ryan got a good score in a test.
b. Because Ryan feet are getting bigger
c. Because Ryan’s shoes are already worn out
d. Because Ryan doesn’t like his shoes

16. Why does mother choose to buy shoes on Saturday night?

a. Because is open at Saturday night
b. Because there are will be a discount for a limited day for Saturday night
c. Because on Sunday the highway is often crowded
d. Because it is more comfortable to shop a night

17. What is the comparative degree of the underlined word?

a. Good c. Better
b. Bad d. Worst

The following table is for question number 18-23.

Item Price
Tape recorder Rp 575.000,00
Television Rp 775.000,00
Refrigerator Rp 1.250.000,00
Air conditioner Rp 2.375.000,00
18. Based on the table above, we can be inferred that…
a. Tape recorder is more expensive than television
b. Tape recorder is more expensive than refrigerato
c. Television is more expensive than tape recorder
d. Television is more expensive than refrigerator

19. Which item is the cheapest?

a. Tape recorder c. refrigerator
b. Television d. Air conditioner
The following table is for question number 20-23.
No Name Age Height
1 Amanda 11 years 150 years
2 Mita 10 years 155 years
3 Andra 12 years 160 years
4 Sandi 12 years 160 years
5 Natalia 11 years 165 years

20. Natalia is the …… of all

a. Tallest c. oldest
b. Shortest d. youngest
21. Andra is ….than Mita
a. Taller c. slimmer
b. Fatter d. shorter

22. Amanda is ….. than Mita

a. Slimmer c. taller
b. Thinner d. shorter

23. Amanda is ….. Natalisa

a. Older than c. as young as
b. Younger than d. oldest

Choose the correct answers by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D Text for no 24-28

Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts of my school had their first fun
camping outside the school. They left for Sianok at 5 a.m. After a long and thrilling
drive they arrived at the village and found a good camping site.
“let’s set up our tents there,” said the leader while pointing at the garden. Then they
started to work. In a short time the tents were ready and they put a small flag on the top
of each tent. After that, some girl scout made a fire while some others cooked their
lunch. The boys were busy working. The lunch was ready at 03.00 p.m. and they
immediately started to eat. After that, they took a little rest.
At 04.30 p.m. the leader blew his wistle and all the girl scouts and the boy scouts
gathered around to start their fun camping programs.
They enjoyed their time. After joining all the programs, they came back home around
6 o’clock. They sang together on the bus. They were tired. They were very pleased.

24. What is the writer’s intention wriiting the text?

a. To describe Sianok Village
b. To report the camping programs
c. To retell the writer’s experience
d. To explain the procces of setting up tents

25. What did the scouts begin their fun camping programs?
a. At night
b. In the evening
c. In the morning
d. In the afternoon
26. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. The scouts set up their tents
b. The scouts came to the camping site
c. The scouts prepared everything for camping
d. The scouts started their activities in camping site
27. “They were tired. They were very pleased.” (see last paragraph)
Based on statements, they are implied that…….
a. Although they were tired but they were pleased
b. Due they were tired and they were pleased
c. Because of they were tired and they were pleased
d. Eventough they were tired or they were pleased

28. “…….and some others cooked their lunch.”(paragraph II)

What does the underlined phrase refer to?
a. The teachers
b. The girl scouts
c. The boy scouts
d. The leader scouts

29. Rearrange these jumbled sentences tobe a good paragraph.

1. Aftter finishing it, I changed my mind. I wanted to join another one
2. I had to run 10 kms to complete it. It was hard but I learned valuable thing from
joining it
3. Last year, I joined Tugu Muda Marathon, my first marathon
4. At first, I just wanted to get the experience of joining marathon
5. I thought it would be one life time experience
a. 3-2-4-5-1 c. 3-5-4-2-1
b. 3-4-5-1-2 d. 3-1-2-4-5

30. I… the cinema last week

a. Go c. Gone
b. Went d. Goes

31. He….his friend after dinner last night

a. Call c. Calls
b. Called d. Calling

32. Ana…to class yesterday

a. Didn’t come
b. Didn’t take
c. Didn’t arrive
d. Didn’t visit

33. The good arrangement of the words is…………

Some – at the market – Siti – Souveniers – bought – for - yesterday – her sister
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 1-4-3-5-2-6-8-7 c. 1-4-2-6-7-3-8-5
b. 3-5-1-4-6-8-2-7 d. 3-7-6-4-2-1-8-5
34. Watched - Last Night – Drakor - We
1 2 3 4
a. 4-1-3-2
b. 4-3-1-2
c. 4-2-3-1
d. 4-3-2-1

35. Wore – she – dress – the beautiful – on – last night – the opera
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 c. 2-1-4-3-5-7-6
b. 5-4-3-2-1-7-6 d. 2-4-1-7-6-3-5

This announcement for question number 36-

Due to extreme weather, our school is closing 4 hour earlier, at 11.00 a.m. If you pick
up your child, please be at school no later than 10.30 a.m. Buses will follow their
normal routes.
36. What time will classes be over?
a. 10.30 a.m.
b. 11.00 a.m.
c. 03.00 a.m.
d. 04.00 a.m.
37. Why will the school be closing earlier?
a. There are fewer school activities
b. There is a threat of terrible weather
c. Parents want to pick up their children soon
d. School buses have new routes and schedules
38. “Due to extreme weather,…….”
a. Mild
b. Warm
c. Pleasant
d. Serve

After Semester Test, our school will hold a writing short story contest on
Saturday, July 8th 2020 in school hall. The contest will start at 8 a.m. Every class must
present a student to join the contest. The topic will be informed before the contest
begins. It’s free for registration.

Thank You
39. What is the text about?
a. Advertisement
b. Announcement
c. Recount Text
d. Invitation
40. When will the contest be held?
a. Before semester test
b. After Mid Semester Test
c. July 8th 2020
d. June 13th 2020
41. Who can join the contest?
a. The students
b. The teachers
c. The Headmaster
d. All members of the school

To: Nancy
Your Dad and I are visiting your Grandma. Have your lunch and don’t wait for us.
Water the flowers at 5 a.m. and don’t forget to always lock the gate. We’ll be back in
the evening.


42. What is the text about?

a. Announcement
b. Advertisement
c. Notice
d. Short Message
43. Who writes it?
a. Nancy’s Father
b. Nancy’s Mother
c. Nancy’s Grandma
d. Nancy

To: Members of volley Ball Team

Please come on time for intensive training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The
Team will match SMP Lazardi on November 1th 2020.

44. The purpose of the text?
a. To announce a new volley ball team
b. To invite the team to join volley match
c. To advertise a volley ball big match
d. To inform schedule of intensive training

45. Who should be on Monday and Friday for training?

a. Members of volley ball team
b. Trainer of the football team
c. Team of SMP Lazardi
d. Trainer of volley team

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