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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

Blank Quiz
Internal Exam: SS BE III Electronics
Communication Theory (Date: 29/4/2021)

Name of Student:

Toms Jiji Varghese



Email Id:

If the random variable X follows the below distribution, what is the value of 1 point

a ? f(x) = ax2(a into x square) from x = 0 to 1

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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

The Gaussian distribution is a proper probability distribution of a 1 point

continuous random variable, the total area under the curve f(x) is:

More than one

Equal to one

Less than one

Between -1 and +1

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What would be the probability of an event ‘G’ if H denotes its complement, 1 point

according to the axioms of probability?

P (G) = 1 / P (H)

P (G) = 1 – P (H)

P (G) = 1 + P (H)

P (G) = P (H)

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Let X and Y be continuous random variables with joint PDF given by f(x,y) = 1 point

8xy, for 0 < x < y < 1 and f(x,y) = 0, otherwise The correlation coefficient
between X and Y is given by




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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

The spectrum of the sampled signal may be obtained without overlapping 1 point

only if

fs is less than equal to fm

fs is less than equal to twice fm

fs is greater than equal to twice fm

fs is greater than equal to fm

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The expected value of a discrete random variable ‘x’ is given by ___________ 1 point

Summation of (x.(P(x))


Summation of P(X)

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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

If E denotes the expectation the variance of a random variable X is denoted 1 point



Option 3

Option 2 Option 1

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A repeater is a device that operates only in the 1 point





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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

What does the central limit theorem state? 1 point

if the sample size increases sampling distribution must approach Gaussian


if the sample size decreases then the sample distribution must approach Gaussian

if the sample size increases then the sampling distribution much approach an
exponential distribution

if the sample size decreases then the sampling distribution much approach an
exponential distribution

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Which of the following is false with respect to pulse modulation? 1 point

Less power consumption

Can transmit analog as well as digital waves

Degraded signal can be regenerated

Low noise

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Which is/are true statement/s? 1. Flicker noise is the one appearing in 1 point

transistors operating at low audio frequencies. 2. Flicker noise is

proportional to the emitter current and junction temperature and inversely
proportional to the frequency.

None of the above

Only (1) is correct

Both are correct

Only (2) is correct

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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

For a three stage cascade amplifier, calculate the overall noise figure when 1 point

each stage has a gain of 12 dB and noise figure of 8dB.




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The noise voltage (Vn) and the signal bandwidth (B) are related as 1 point

Vn is directly proportional to square root of bandwidth

Vn is directly proportional to bandwidth

Vn is inversely proportional to bandwidth

Vn is inversely proportional to absolute temperature

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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

Which is/are true for Noise temperature? 1.The available noise power is 1 point

directly proportional to temperature and it is independent of value of

resistance. This power specified in terms of temperature is called as noise
temperature. 2. It is denoted by Te. 3.The available noise power is inversely
proportional to temperature and it is independent of value of resistance.
This power specified in terms of temperature is called as noise

only two is correct

(2) and (3) are correct.

only one is correct

(1) and (2) are correct.

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In order to minimize the noise power that is presented to the demodulator 1 point

of a receiving system, a filter is introduced

before the demodulator

before antenna

after the demodulator

None of above

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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

Which statement is wrong? 1 point

Gaussian noise is applied to the input of a filter, the output is also Gaussian.

The spectral component associated with the kth frequency interval is nk(t)= ak
cos2πkΔft+ bksin2πkΔft, where ak and bk are correlated

The noise may be added to the signal is called additive or the noise may be multiply
the signal is called fading.

The spectral component associated with the kth frequency interval is nk(t)= ak
cos2πkΔft+ bksin2πkΔft, where ak and bk are ucorrelated.

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What is the spectral density of white noise? 1 point



varies with frequency

varies with bandwidth

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Low frequency noise is 1 point

Transit time noise

Shot noise

Flicker noise

None of the above

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4/29/2021 Blank Quiz

Which is correct statements? The Noise Factor for cascaded amplifiers 1 point

(FN) is given by (F1, F2, F3 .. FN, G1, G2, G3….GN) are the noise factors and
the gains of the amplifiers at different stages:

FN = F1 + (F2 – 1)/ G1 + (F3 – 1)/ (G1+G2)+ ..+(FN – 1)/ (G1+G2+G3+…+GN)

FN = F1 + F2/ G1 + F3/ G1G2+ ..+ FN/ G1G2G3GN

Option 5

FN = F1 + F2/ G1 + F3/ (G1+G2) +…+ FN/ (G1+G2+G3+…+GN)

FN = F1 + (F2 – 1)/ G1 + (F3 – 1)/ G1G2+…+(FN – 1)/ G1G2G3GN

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For RC low pass filter R=1Kohms and C= 0.1 µF with a white noise of 1 point

magnitude ƞ=0.001µW/Hz, what is output noise power?

5.5 µW

4.5 µW


2.5 µW

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