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Module 1

1. Title of the Module

Introduction to Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design

2. Introduction
In this module, the definition of basic terms will be learned by the architecture
students including the correct water cement ratio to be able to have a concrete mixture
with the greatest strength. The sizes of bars in millimeter and inches and conversion of
the sizes will also be learned by the students. A part of this will also be devoted to the
discussion of the minimum concrete cover for the reinforcing bars in different structural
members to for longer service life of the reinforced concrete structure. Loads and
loading arrangements will also be taken up for them to know the how to position the
live loads top give the worst condition for a continuous beam or frame.
3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a. define important terms on reinforced concrete design
b. differentiate strengths of concrete depending on the water cement ratio
c. write correctly the sizes of bars in mm and identify bars just by visual inspection
d. discuss the minimum concrete cover for different types of structural members
e. be familiar a with the NSCP 2015 provisions on loads and loading arrangements

4. Learning Content
It contains readings, discussions, questions and sets of activities that students can work
on individually or by group.
Topic 1 Important terms
Topic 2 Water cement ratio
Topic 3 Metal reinforcement
Topic 4 Minimum cover and
Topic 5 Loads and loading arrangements
2. Introduction
As with most like mass, concrete has a very high compressive strength but have a very
low tensile strength. As a structural member, concrete can made to carry tensile
stresses (as in beam in flexure). In this regard, it is necessary to provide steel bars to
provides the tensile strength lacking in concrete. The composite member is called
reinforce concrete.

Concrete is a mixture of water, cement, sand, gravel, crushed rock, or other aggregates.
The aggregates (sand, gravel, crushed rock) are held together in a rocklike mass with a
paste of cement and water.

Aggregates used in concrete may be fine aggregates (usually sand) and coarse
aggregates (usually gravel or crushed stone). Fine aggregates are those that passes
through a No. 4 sieve (about 6 mm in size). Materials retained are coarse aggregates.
The nominal maximum sizes of coarse aggregate are specified in Section 5.3.3 of
NSCP. These are as follows: 1/5 narrowest dimension between sides of forms, 1/3 the
depth of slabs, or ¾ the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars
wires, bundles of bars, or prestressing tendons or ducts. These limitations may not be
applied if, in the judgment of the Engineer, workability and methods of consolidation are
such that concrete can be placed without honeycomb or void.

According to Section 5.3.4, water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from
injurious amount of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials, or other substances that
may be deleterious to concrete or reinforcement. Mixing water for pre stressed concrete
or for concrete that will contain aluminum embedments, including that portion of mixing
water contributed in the form of free moisture on aggregates, shall not contain
deleterious amounts of chloride ion. Non-potable (non-drinkable) water shall not be
used in concrete unless the following are satisfied; (a) Selection of proportions shall be
based on concrete mixes using water from the same source and (b) mortar test cubes
made with non-potable mixing water shall have 7-day & 28-day strengths equal to at
least 90 percent of strengths of similar specimens made with potable water
Proportions of materials for concrete shall be established to provide:
(a) workability and consistency to permit concrete to be worked readily into forms and
around reinforcement under conditions of placement to be employed, without
segregation or excessive bleeding, (b) resistance to special exposures and (c)
conformance with strength test requirements.

With different materials are to be used for different portions of proposed work, each
combination shall be evaluated. Concrete proportions, including water – cement ratio
shall be established based on field experience and / or trial mixtures with materials to be

Concrete lighter in weight than ordinary sand-and-gravel concrete is used principality to
reduce dead load, or for thermal insulation, nail ability, or fill. Disadvantages of
lightweight structural concretes include higher cost, need for more care in placing,
greater porosity, and more drying shrinkage. For a given percentage of cement, usually
the lighter the concrete, the lower the strength

Table 1.1 Approximate Weights of Lightweight Concrete
Without Sand 13.4
With Sand 17.3 – 18.1
Shale or Clay 14.1 – 17. 3
Pumice 14.1 – 15.7
Scoria 14.1 – 17.3
Perlite 7.9 – 12.6
Vermiculite 5.5 – 11.8

Concrete weighing up to about 60.5 kN/m3 can be produced by using heavier-than-
ordinary aggregate. Theoretically, the upper limit can be achieved with steel shot as fine
aggregate and steel punching as coarse aggregate. The heavy concrete is used
principally in radiations shield and counterweights.

Concrete made with barite develops an optimum density of 36.5 kN/m3 and
compressive strength of 41.35 Mpa; with limonite and magnetite, densities from 33 to
35 kN/m3 and strengths of 22 Mpa to 39.3 Mpa; with steel punching and sheared bars
as coarse aggregate and steel shot as fine aggregate, densities from 39.3 to 45.3
kN/m3 and strengths of about 38.6 Mpa.
Unlike steel and other materials, concrete has no definite modulus of elasticity. Its value
is dependent on the characteristics of cement and aggregates used, age of concrete
and strengths.

According to NSCP (Section 5.8.5), modulus of elasticity Ec for concrete for values of
wc between 1500 and 2500 kg/m3 may be taken as

Where fc is the 28-day compressive strength of concrete in Mpa, wc is the unit weight
on concrete in kg/m3. For normal weight concrete,
Ec = 4700 Modulus of elasticity Es for nonprestressed reinforcement may be
taken as 200,000 Mpa.

Ec = wc1.5 0.043 √ f‟c ( in Mpa) Eq. 1- 1

Table 1.2
Values of Modulus of Elasticity for Normal Weight Concrete
f „c (Mpa) Ec (Mpa)
20.7 21,760
24.1 23,503
27.6 25,130
31.0 26,650
34.5 28,030

Depending on the mix (specially the water-cement ratio) and the time and quality of
curing, compressive strengths of concrete can be obtained up to 97 Mpa or more.
Commercial production of concrete with ordinary aggregates is usually in the 21 to 83
Mpa range with the most common ranges for cast-in-place buildings from 21 to 41 Mpa.
On the other hand, precast and prestressed applications often expect strengths of 27.6
to 55.1 MPa

The 28-day compressive strength of concrete can be estimated from the 7-day strength
by formula proposed by W.A. Sater:

S28 = S7 + 2.5 Eq. 1-2

Where S28= 28 day compressive strength, MPa
S7 = 7 day compressive strength, Mpa

Concrete strength may increase significantly after 28 days, particularly when cement is
mixed with fly ash.

The stress-strain diagram for concrete of a specified compressive strength is curved line
as in Figure 1.1. Maximum Stress is reached at a strain of 0.002 mm/mm, after which
curve descend

Concrete strength is influenced chiefly by the water-cement ration; the higher this ratio,
the lower the strength. In fact, the relationship is approximately linear when expressed
in terms of C/W, the ration of cement to water by weight. For a workable mix, without
the use of water reducing admixtures.

Proportioning by Water-Cement Ratio

With the absence of any required data, concrete proportions shall be based on water-
cement ratio limits in Table 1.3, if approved by the engineer.

Proportioning by Water-Cement Ratio


0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

01 02 03 04

Figure 1.1 Stress-strain curves for Concrete

Proportioning by Water-Cement Ratio

Table 1.3 Maximum Permissible Water Cement Ratios for concrete when strength data
from field experience or trial mixtures are not available
Specified Compressive Absolute water-cement ratio by weight
Strength, Non – air – Air – entrained
fc Mpa Entrained Concrete
17 0.66 0.54
20 0.60 0.49
25 0.50 0.39
30 0.40

Proportioning by Water-Cement Ratio

Table 1.4
Estimated Compressive Strength of Concrete for
Various Water-Cement Ratios
Water-Cement 28-day Compressive Strength, Mpa
Ratio by Air-Entrained Concrete Non-Air – Entrained
Weight Concrete
0.40 29.6 37.2
0.45 26.9 33.8
0.50 24.1 29.6
0.55 21.4 26.2
0.60 18.6 23.4
0.65 16.5 20.7
0.70 15.2 18.6

Required Average Strength

Required average compressive strength fcr used as the basis for selection of concrete
proportion shall be the larger of Eq. 1-5 using a standard deviation calculated in
accordance with Sec. or Sec. of the Code.

Where s = standard deviation, MPa

f cr = f c + 1.34s Eq. 1-4
f cr = f c + 2.33s – 3.5 Eq. 1-5

Required Average Strength

Table 1.5
Estimated Compressive Strength of Concrete for
Various Water-Cement Ratios
Specified Compressive Required average compressive
Strength, f cr MPa strength, f cr Mpa
Less than 20 Mpa f c + 7.0
20 to 35 f c + 8.5
Over 35 f c + 10.0

Metal reinforcement in concrete shall be deformed, except that plain reinforcement be
permitted for spiral or tendons; and reinforcement consisting of structural steel, steel
pipe, or steel tubing. Reinforcing bars to be welded shall be indicated on the drawing
and welding procedure to be used shall be specified. PNS reinforcing necessary to
conform to welding procedures specified in “Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing
Steel” (PNS/AWS D 1.4) of the American Welding Society and/or Welding of
Reinforcing Bars (PNS / A5-1554) of the Philippines National Standard.

Plain bars for spiral reinforcement shall conform to the specification listed in Section of NSCP. For wire with specified yield strength fy exceeding 415 Mpa, fy
shall be the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35 percent if the yield strength
specified in the design exceed 415 Mpa.

Table 1.6 Weight, Area, and Perimeter of Individual Bars
Bar Diameter Weight Area Perimeter
No. in. mm kg/m mm2 mm
3 0.375 9.52 0.560 71 30
4 0.500 12.70 0.994 129 40
5 0.625 15.88 1.552 200 50
6 0.750 19.05 2.235 284 60
7 0.875 22.22 3.042 387 70
8 1.000 25.40 3.973 510 80
9 1.128 28.65 5.060 645 90
10 1.270 32.26 6.404 819 101
11 1.410 35.81 7.907 1006 113
14 1.693 43.00 11.384 1452 135
18 2.257 57.33 20.238 2581 180

Table 1.7 Reinforcement Grades and Strength
Referenced Min.Yield Ultimate
ASTM Types Grade Strength Strength Size
Standard fy (Mpa) fu (Mpa) Restriction
A615-85 Billet Steel Grade 40 276 483 #3 to # 6 only
Grade 60 414 620
A615-85 Rail Steel Grade 50 345 551 #3 to # 11 only
Grade 60 414 620 #3 to # 11 only
A617-85 Axle Steel Grade 40 276 483 #3 to # 11 only
Grade 60 414 620 #3 to # 11 only
A706-84a Low alloy Grade 60 414 551
A496-85 Def. Wire Reinf. 517 586
A497-79 Fabric 483 551
A82-85 Cold-Drawn Reinf. 483 551
wire Fabric 448,386 517,483


According to Section 5.7.6 of NSCP, the minimum clear spacing between parallel bars
in a layer should be db but not less than 25 mm. Where parallel reinforcement is placed
in two or more layers, bars in the upper layer should be placed directly above bars in
the bottom layer with clear distance between layers not less than 25 mm. In spirally
reinforced or tied reinforced compression members, clear distance between longitudinal
bars shall be not less that 1.5 db nor 40 mm.

In walls and slab other than concrete joist construction, primary flexural reinforcement
shall be spaced not farther apart than three times the wall or slab thickness, nor 450

Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to act as a unit shall be limited to
four in any bundle. Bundled bars shall be enclosed within stirrups or ties and bars larger
than 32 mm shall not be bundled in beams. The individual bars within a bundle
terminated within the span of flexural members should terminate at different points with
at least 40db stagger. Since spacing limitations and minimum concrete cover of most
members are based on a single bar diameter db bundled bars shall be treated as single
bar of diameter derived from the equivalent total area.

Figure 1.2 Bundled-bar arrangement

Diameter is single bar equivalent to bundled bars according to NSCP to be used for
spacing limitation and concrete cover.

3 – 25mm Equivalent Diameter, D

Precast concrete (Manufactured Under Plant Conditions). The following minimum concrete
shall be provided for reinforcement:
Minimum cover, mm
(a) Concrete exposed to earth
Wall Panels:
32 mm bar and smaller 20
Other members:
20 mm through 32 mm 40
bars 30
16 mm bar, W31 or D31
wire, and smaller
(b) Concrete not exposed to
weather or in contact w/ ground
Slabs, wall, joist: 15
32 mm bar and smaller
Beams, Columns: db but not less than 15
& need not exceed 40
Primary reinforcement
Ties, stirrups, spirals
Shells, folded plate members: 15
20 mm through 32 mm 10
16 mm bar, W31 or D31
wire, and smaller
Prestressed Concrete

The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for prestressed and
nonprestressed reinforcement, ducts and end fittings
Minimum cover, mm
(a) Concrete cast against and 75
permanently exposed to earth
(b) Concrete exposed to earth or
weather: 25
Wall panels, slabs, joists 40
Other members
(c) Concrete not exposed to
weather or in contact w/ 20
Slabs, walls, joist 40
Beam, Columns:
Primary reinforcement 25

Ties, stirrups, spirals 10

Shells, folded plate members
16 mm bar, W31 or D31 db but not less than 20
wire, and smaller

Other reinforcement

Bundled Bars

For bundled bars, the minimum concrete cover shall be equal to the equivalent diameter of
the bundle, but need not be greater than 50 mm, except for concrete cast against and
permanently exposed to earth, the minimum cover shall be 75 mm.

The term standard hook refers to one of the following:
(a) 180o bend plus 4 db extension but not less than 65mm at free end
(b) 90o bend plus 12 db extension at free end of bar
(c) For stirrups and tie hooks:
(1) 16mm bar and smaller 90o bend plus 6 db extension at free end of bar, or
(2) 20mm and 25mm bar, 90o bend plus 12db extension at free end of bar, or
(3) 25 mm bar and smaller 135o bend plus 6db extension at free end of bar.


The diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar, other than for stirrups and ties in
sizes 10 mm through 15 mm shall not be less than the following:
(a) 6db for 10 mm to 25 mm bar,
(b) 8db for 28 mm to 32 mm bar and,
(c) 10db for 36 mm bar.
The inside diameter bend of stirrups and ties shall not be less than 4db for 16 mm bar
and smaller. For bars larger than 16 mm, the diameter of bend shall be in accordance
with the previous paragraph.

The most important and most critical task of an engineer is the determination of the loads
that can be applied to a structure during its life, and the worst possible combination of these
loads that might occur simultaneously. Loads on a structure may be classified as dead
loads or live loads.

Dead loads are loads of constant magnitude that remain one position. This consists mainly
of the weight of the structure and other permanent attachment to the frame.

Live loads are loads that may change in magnitude and position. Live loads that move
under their own power are called moving loads. Other live loads are those caused by wind,
rain, earthquakes, soil, and temperature changes. Wind and earthquake loads are called
lateral loads.


Live loads may be applied only to the floor or roof under consideration, and the far ends of
columns built integrally with the structure may be considered fixed. It is permitted by the
code to assume the following arrangement of live loads:
(a) Factored dead load on all spans with full factored live load on
two adjacent spans, and

(b) Factored dead load on all spans with full factored live load on
alternate spans.

Table 1.8: Uniform and Concentrated Loads (NSCP2010)

USE OF OCCUPANCY Uniform Concentrated
Category Description Load, Pa Load, N
1 Armories 7,200 0
Assembly areas & Fixed seating 2,400 0
2 auditorium and areas
balconies Movable seating 4,800 0
therewith & other areas
Stage areas and 6,000 0
enclosed platform
3 Cornices, 3,000 0
marquees &
4 Exit facilities 4,800 0
General storage 4,800
5 Garage &/or repair
Private pleasure 2,400
car storage

Table 1.8: Uniform and Concentrated Loads (NSCP2010)

USE OF OCCUPANCY Uniform Concentrated
Category Description Load, Pa Load, N
6 Hospitals Ward and Rooms 2,000 4,500
Reading Rooms 3,000 4,500
7 Libraries Stock rooms 6,000 6,700
Light 3,600 8,900
8 Manufacturing Heavy 6,000 13,400
9 Offices 2,400 8,900
Press rooms 7,200 11,200
10 Printing Plants Composing & 4,800 8,900
linotype rooms

Table 1.8: Uniform and Concentrated Loads (NSCP)

USE OF OCCUPANCY Uniform Concentrated

Category Description Load, Pa Load, N
11 Residential 2,000 0
12 Rest rooms Not less that the
load for the
occupancy with
which they are
associated but
need not exceed
24 Pa
13 Reviewing stands,
grandstands and 4,800 0

14 Roof deck Same as area

served for the type
of occupancy

15 Schools Classrooms 2,000 4,500

Table 1.8: Uniform and Concentrated Loads (NSCP)

USE OF OCCUPANCY Uniform Concentrated
Category Description Load, Pa Load, N
16 Sidewalks & Public access 12,000
Light 6,000
17 Storage Heavy 12,000
18 Stores Retail 3,600 8,900
Wholesale 4,800 13,400
19 Low cost housing 1,500 0

Table 1.9: Minimum Roof Live Loads (NSCP)

Tributary Loaded Area for Structural Member
ROOF SLOPE 0 to 20 m2 61 to 60 m2 Over 60 m2
1 Flat or rise less
than 1 vertical to 1000 Pa 800 Pa 600 Pa
3 horizontal; Arch
or dome with rise
less 1/8 of span
2 Rise 1 vertical per
3 horizontal to 800 Pa 700 Pa 600 Pa
less that 1
horizontal; Arch
or dome with rise
1/8 of span to
less than 3/8 of
3. Rise 1 Vertical to 600 Pa 600 Pa 600 Pa
1 horizontal; Arch
or dome with rise
3/8 of span or
4 Awnings, Except 250 Pa 250 Pa 250 Pa
cloth covered
5 Green Houses, 500 Pa 500 Pa 500 Pa
lathhouses and
Table 1.10: Special Loads (NSCP)
USE Vertical Lateral
Category Description Load Load
Pa Pa
1 Construction, Walkway, Canopy 7,200
public access at
the site (Live
2 Grandstands, Seats and 1,750
reviewing stands footboard
and bleacher (live
Gridirons & fly 3,600
3 Stage Loft block wells 3,650 3,650
accessories Head block wells 3,650 3,650
& sheave beams
4 Ceiling framing Over Stages 1,000
All uses except 500
over stage

Table 1.10: Special Loads (NSCP)

USE Vertical Lateral
Category Description Load Load
Pa Pa
5 Partition & 250
Interior Walls
6 Elevator & 2
dumbwaiter By total loads
(Dead load & Live
7 Mechanical & Total load
8 Cranes (Dead & Total load 1.25 0.10
Live load) including impact By total loads By total loads
Exit Facilities 750
9 Balcony railings, serving an
guardrails and occupant load
handrails greater than 50
Other 300
10 Storage racks Over 2.4 m Total load
5. Teaching and Learning Activities
Answer the following questions for mastery of the basic things about reinforced

Part 1. Define the following terms:

a. Concrete
b. Reinforced concrete
c. Fine aggregates
d. Coarse aggregates
e. Water
f. Lightweight concrete
g. Heavy weight concrete
h. Plain reinforcement
i. Deformed bars

Part 2. Answer the following questions that are related to the topics presented above:

1. What is the title of the structural code that came out last in the year 1972?

2. What was the acronym of the code that came out in 1987?

3. Write the edition of the NSCP 2001.

4. What edition if the NSCP 2015?

5. In what year this the first edition of the structural code came out?

6. Who is the author of the structural code in our country?

7. Earthquake provisions adopted from UBC 1997. What does UBC stand for?

8. Wind provisions were also adopted from ASCE 7-05..What is ASCE?

9. Reinforced concrete provisions in our structural code were also adopted from ACI
318-08. What is ACI?

For steel and iron, provisions in the code were adopted from AISC 05 and AISI S100-
2007. What is

10..AISC and
11. AISI ?

12. What is the new occupancy category for school buildings, hospitals and evacuation

13. What do you call that earthquake recording instrument that must be installed in
buildings as required by the the NSCP 2010?

14. What is the new I, Importance factor for essential facilities in th NSCP 2010?

15. What was the old value of this importance factor, I in NSCP 2001?

16. In NSCP 2010, what zone does Isabela belong?

17. How about Palawan, what zone does it belong in the wind map of NSCP 2010?

18.. What is Kd symbol in the computation of the wind velocity pressure?

19. What do you call Na, Nv, Ca and Cv which are used to determine earthquake
forces acting on structures?

Our structures in the country are always designed for

20. What greatest intensity ? and

21. what greatest magnitude?

22. In the design of steel structures, LRFD was adopted in NSCP 2010. What is LRFD?

23. what is that method which was retained as an alternative method?

24. In NSCP 2010, a section on wood or timber design was added for MGL. What is

25. What was the largest wind velocity being considered in NSCP 2010?

26. In NSCP 2015, what is the largest wind velocity that must be used in the design
buildings in the country? (to the nearest hundred kph only)

27. Can we use 80mm as minimum cover of steel reinforcement if concrete is cast
permanently on earth?

28. For slabs, what is the minimum concrete cover in mm?

29. Which will give greater moment in a part of a continuous beam, is it

A. when the beam is loaded with factored live load on all the spans?
B. when the beam is loaded with live load on alternate spans?

30. What is the single bar equivalent diameter of four 20mm diameter bars?

31. Can we bundle 2-32mm diameter bars? yes or no?

32. Why ? for your answer in no. 31.

33. Can we also bundle 2-36mm diameter bars? yes or no

34. Why? For your answer in no. 33.

35. The clear spacing between parallel bars in a layer can also 30mm as per NSCP
2015. Yes or no

36. Grade 40 rebars has an fy of ________ MPa

37. Grade 60 rebars has an fy of ________ psi.

38. Concrete has its maximum strength attained after ______ days.

39. A concrete mixture with high water cement ratio has greater strength than that
with lower ratio. Yes of no.

40. The unit weight of normal concrete in KN per cubic meter (in 2 decimal places).

6. Recommended learning materials and resources for supplementary reading.

Reinforced Concrete Design by Gillesania, Chapter 4, Short Columns
Design of Concrete Structures by Nilson et. al.

7. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted

Remote asynchronous (modules, exercises, problem sets, etc…)

8. Assessment Task
On this part, students are given Self-assessment Questions (SAQs) and asked to
consider broader aspects of the different topics taken up. Quizzes have been prepared
for this part and can be found in the original module by the author.
9. References
Civil Engineering Review Manual by Dindo Esplana 2015
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Besavilla 2016
National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015
Reinforced Concrete Design by Nilson 2010
Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd Edition by DIT Gillesania 2015

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