Cog Psych

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Chapter 2 practice quizes

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1. Dentrites Which part of the neuron receives messages from other


2. Positively When the action potential reaches the end of the axon
charged ions terminal, it causes the release of:
that excite the
next cell

3. The brain If you burn your finger, your immediate reaction will prob-
ably involve all BUT which of the following?

4. Somatic nervous If you are typing on the computer keyboard, the motions
system of your fingers on the keys are probably being controlled
by the:

5. The spinal cord Which of the following parts of the nervous system con-
nects the brain to the peripheral nervous system?

6. Myelin The protective sheath that wraps around neurons axon is

made of:

7. Adrenal glands The hormone cortisol is produced by the:

8. Synapse The gap between two neurons is knows as the:

9. They connect the What job do interneurons perform?

sensory neurons
to the motor neu-

10. They strengthen How do hormones produced by the thymus gland affect
the immune sys- the immune system?

11. PET Which of the following techniques uses a radioactive sugar

to look at the functioning of the brain

12. Cerebellum Which brain structure is most responsible for our balance,
posture, and muscle tone

Chapter 2 practice quizes
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13. Hippocampus If you have problems storing away new memories, which
area of your brain is most likely damaged

14. Temporal In which of the following lobes of the cortex would you find
the primary auditory area

15. Frontal Which lobe controls higher mental functions such as think-
ing and problem solving

16. They cannot see Which of the following is true of split-brain patients
objects in their
left visual field

17. Amygdala Which of the following areas of the brain seems to be

responsible for fear responses

18. Association ar- Parts of the brain that are responsible for coordinating
eas sensory information with stored memories,images, and
knowledge are called

19. Stem cells Special cells that can manufacture other cell types when
those cells need to be replaced are known as

20. Neuroplasticity The brains ability to adapt to serve new functions after it
has been damaged is an example of

21. 46 How many chromosomes do humans have in each cell of

their bodies

22. Brown Which of the following is the most dominant hair color

23. Recessive Genes that tend to "fade into the background" when paired
with more influential genes are called

24. The person may If a person is predisposed to burning in the sun, which of
experience sun- the following is true
burns, depend-
ing on environ-
mental factors.

Chapter 2 practice quizes
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25. Nurture over na- A person who believes that our environments and experi-
ture ences are entirely responsible for our personalities, skills,
and behaviors believes in the power of

26. A genetic dis- Which of the following is an example of a hereditary influ-

ease ence

27. Identical in every Twins who grow up with the same prenta in the same
way environment will most likely be

28. Norms A cultures understood rules of behavior are

29. Natural Selection Charles Darwin was the first to propose the theory of

30. Spitting out poi- Which of the following hunan behaviors is most likely an
sonous foods envolved tendency


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