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The Crucible Act 1 Discussion/Study Questions

Find specific passages to support your answers. Don’t forget to jot down page numbers for reference.

1. Why was Abigail asked to leave the Proctor’s home? What are Abigail’s feelings for John Proctor? For
Elizabeth Proctor?
As Elizabeth suspected that she had an affair with the Proctor, Abigail asked to leave the Proctor’s home. Also,
while Abigail’s feeling for John are love and respect, her feeling’s toward Elizabeth was decipeses
[She hates me, uncle, she must, for I would not be her slave. It’s a bitter woman, a lying, cold, sniveling woman,
and I will not work for such a woman! – Line 65/Page 570]

2. Why do the Putnams start talking about witchcraft? What do they and others mention as signs of witchcraft?
Putnams start talking about witchcraft because when Parris was in the unaware state she suddenly wake up an
screams “going up to Jesus” [are heard in the psalm. and BETTY claps her ears suddenly and whines loudly –
Line 207/Page 579].
The others doubtful about the death of seven children is it “natural” or witchcraft [Is it a natural work
to lose seven children before they live a day? Line 354/Page 589]

3. How is Proctor described as he first enters the stage? (Be sure to include his view of himself.)
He had a strong body, “sharp and biting way with hypocrites”. Struggling because he is one himself, he has
sinned because of an affair
[Line 165/Page 576]

4. Why does Mr. Putnam oppose Reverend Parris? Despite his opposition to Parris, why does he take his side
when Parris mentions calling Reverend Hale?
Mr. Putnam oppose Reverend Parris because he didn’t become the minister of Salem. He takes Parris' side
because he thinks Hale might find witchcraft in the town .[ Page 583 ]

5. What does Proctor have against Reverend Parris?

Proctor wants to hear Reverend preaching about heaven not hell
[Can you speak one minute without we land in Hell again? I am sick of Hell! - Line 274/ Page 583]

6. What does Proctor mean when he says, “Society will not be a bag to swing around your head, Mr.
If they go looking for devil and witchcraft they might find it which may cause trouble.

7. Discuss the significance of Rebecca Nurse’s line: “There is prodigious danger in the seeking of loose spirits.
I fear it, I fear it. Let us rather blame ourselves…” (Consider characterization and theme.)
If they go looking for Devil and witchcraft they might find it and it will cause trouble.

8. Discuss the importance of this dialogue between Parris and Proctor:

Parris: There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning.
Proctor: Can you speak one minute without we land in hell again? I am sick of Hell.
Parris: It is not for you to say what is good for you to hear!
Proctor: I may speak my heart, I think!
Parris: What, are we Quakers…?
Quakers believed in religious freedom and tolerance. They use religion as a fear tactic to get people to stay.

9. How is Hale described when he comes to Salem? (Specifically deal with his attitude and view of self.)
He is describe as “eager-eyed intellectual” [Line 306/ Page 584]
10. Why is the story about Hale not indicting the woman in Beverly for being a witch important?
Shows he is very thorough in his investigation and won't just assume that it is witchcraft. He does not take it
lightly because a woman's life was on the line. [However, that experience never raised a doubt in his mind as to
the reality of the underworld or the existence of Lucifer’s many-faced lieutenants - Line 306/Page584]

11. Why does Reverend Hale believe Abigail over Tituba?

Hale believe Abigail over Tituba because Tituba is a slave and she would did these kind of dark magic. [Page

12. How is Tituba led into confessing and naming people?

She being told that she would be forgive if she tell the truth. As the result, she given the 2 names Goody Good
and Goody Osbourn.[Page 595]

13. By the end of Act 1, the girls dancing in the woods (and dabbling in other things they should not have been
doing) turned into a litany of people being charged with witchcraft. Who, in your opinion, is most
responsible? You may pick up to two people, but you must explain, using both quotations and actions from
the act. Whom do you blame for the hysteria that occurs, and why do you blame him/her/them?
I think Abby is the most suspicious, since she was the first one who blaming for "Tituba & Ruth did," & "I
saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil." [Page 595]

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