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Hasn’t everyone at some point in their life has been peer pressured? Attention grabber
Teenagers all across the world face it everyday . It ranges from cheating
on a test to robbing a convenient store. Peer pressure is a serious life
situation that everyone encounters at a certain point in their life. And let’s
face it, just say no is not always that easy.
Good afternoon to my fellow friends and lecturer, I am standing here Greetings,
today to deliver a speech called ‘Effects of Peer Pressure on Teenagers’ introduce topic
and I will specifically tell you about how peer pressure can affect so much and specific
in teenagers’ life. purpose

These days, I have heard a lot of teenagers involving in an inappropriate Credibility

cases which makes me curious on how teenagers can be easily peer
pressured on and this lead me to make a research about it.

The word “peer” according to is one belonging Background

to the same social group especially based on age, grade or status. The information
word “pressure” is described as the burden of physical mental distress. For
example, a study by researchers at the Columbia University proclaims that
teens are six times more likely to have had a drink if their friends often
drink alcohol.
There are two effects of teenagers being peer pressured on which is Central Idea
substance abuse and emotional peer pressure.

Let me tell you how peer pressure can bring effects in teenagers’ life. Transition
According to an article written by, a young person can Main point 1
experience peer pressure in varying degrees. Sometimes their peers may
proactively influence them to behave in certain ways and at other times
they may be just following along. The number one form of effects of peer
pressure is substance abuse. For example, tobacco, alcohol and illegal
drugs are all substances that teenagers are pressured and abused to using
it. Most teenagers who try alcohol do so around at the age of 15, 6 years
before the legal drinking age. Approximately 30% of teenagers are
offered, given or sold drugs in high schools. These are some very
disturbing statistics.
Second, one of the most emotional peer pressures we experience is over Main point 2
our appearance, such as how we dress, our body weight, how we act, and
who we hang out with. All of these factors combine to make us feel Elaboration
compelled to change. Bullying and teasing are closely linked to our self-
esteem. When peer pressure forces us to modify who we are, our self-
esteem suffers greatly.
It all boils down to a desire to fit in. The main reason we surrender to peer
pressure is because of this. Rejection is a natural fear for teenagers. They
want to feel included and cool. While it's natural to desire to fit in, it
doesn't mean you have to change who you are or give up your principles.
You lose yourself if you surrender to peer pressure. To be like someone
else, you're giving up your freedom of choice and voice.
In conclusion, peer pressure happens to everyone at some point, whether Repeat
its substance abuse or in emotional form. To reduce the negative effects of
central idea
peer pressure, you just have to think wisely before deciding and choose
your circle carefully. Thank you. Suggestion

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