Financial Market and Service

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Financial System purvey short, medium and long-term loans

to corporate and individuals.

“It is a set of institutions instruments and
markets which fosters saving and channels ii) Financial Institution: -
them to their most efficient use
It is classified into categories:-
A Financial System is a composition of
a. Banking Institution:-
various institutions, markets, regulations and
laws, practices, money manager, analysts, It includes commercial banks, private
transactions and claims and liabilities. The bank and foreign banks are operating in
financial system is the network of institutions India. There are 27 Commercial Banks of
and individuals who deal in financial claims Public Sector further, we have
to various instruments Development Banks (ICICI, IDBI),
Agriculture Bank (RRB, Cooperative
1) Financial Market: - Banks, NABARD).
It is a system through which funds b. Non-Banking Institution: -
are transferred from surplus sector to the
deficit sector. On the basis of the duration These are established to mobilize
of financial Assets and nature of product saving indifferent modes. These
money market can be classified into 3 institutions do not offer banking services
types: such as accepting deposit and Lending
Loans. For example LIC, UTI, GIC.
a) Money Market
iii) Financial Instruments: -
IT is the institution arrangement of borrowing
and lending in to two sectors ie organized It includes through these instruments
sector headed by RBI and unorganized sector financial Institution mobilize saving.
no way related with RBI. further depending These are of 2 type’s i.e.
upon the type of instrument used money is
a) Long Term : -
divided into various sub market.
Shares, Debenture, Mutual Funds, Term
b) Capital Market: - Loans.
It deals with long term lending’s b) Short Term: -
and borrowings. It is a market for long
term instruments such as shares, Call Loan (money market), Promissory
debentures and bonds. It also deals with Notes, Bills of exchange etc.
term loans. This market is also dividend iv) Financial Services: -
into 2 types:-
a) Banking service provided by
A) Primary or New Issue Market Commercial banks and Development
B) Secondary Market of Stock exchange.
banks. Accepting Deposits and lending
c) Foreign Exchange market: -
b) Non-Banking Services: -
d) Credit Market- Credit market is a
place where banks, FIs and NBFCs These services are provided by
Non-Banking Companies such as LIC and  Weaknesses of Indian Financial
GIC. They accept saving in different System
modes and mobiles to various
Even though Indian financial system
channels of investments.
is more developed today, it suffers from
c) Other Services: - certain weaknesses. These may be briefly
In modern days banks are providing stated below:
various new services such as ATM,
1. Lack of co-ordination among
Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Electronic
financial institutions: There are a large
Transfer of Funds(ETF),Internet Banking, number of financial intermediaries. Most
E- Banking, off shore Banking.
of the financial institutions are owned by
 Functions/important and role of the government. At the same time, the
financial system government is also the controlling
1. It links the savers and investors. It helps authority of these institutions. As there is
in mobilizing and allocating the savings multiplicity of institutions in the Indian
efficiently and effectively. It plays a financial system, there is lack of co-
crucial role in economic development ordination in the working of these
through saving-investment process. This institutions.
savings – investment process is called
2. Dominance of development banks in
capital formation. industrial finance: The industrial
2It helps to monitor corporate financing in India today is largely through
performance. the financial institutions set up by the
3. It provides a mechanism for managing government. They get most of their funds
uncertainty and controlling risk. from their sponsors. They act as
distributive agencies only. Hence, they fail
4. It provides a mechanism for the
transfer of resources across geographical to mobilise the savings of the public. This
boundaries stands in the way of growth of an efficient
financial system in the country.
5. It offers portfolio adjustment facilities
(provided by financial markets and 3. Inactive and erratic capital market:
financial intermediaries). In India, the corporate customers are able
to raise finance through development
6. It helps in lowering the transaction
banks. So, they need not go to capital
costs and increase returns. This will
market. Moreover, they do not resort to
motivate people to save more.
capital market because it is erratic and
7. It promotes the process of capital enactive. Investors too prefer investments
formation. in physical assets to investments in
8. It helps in promoting the process of financial assets.
financial deepening and broadening.
Financial deepening means increasing 4. Unhealthy financial practices: The
financial assets as a percentage of GDP dominance of development banks has
and financial broadening means building developed unhealthy financial practices
an increasing number and variety of among corporate customers. The
participants and instruments. development banks provide most of the
funds in the form of term loans. So there have a maturity period of one year or less.
is a predominance of debt in the financial Examples are bills of exchange, treasury
structure of corporate enterprises. This bills etc. These short term instruments can
predominance of debt capital has made the be converted into money at low
capital structure of the borrowing transaction cost and without much loss.
enterprises uneven and lopsided. When Thus, money market is a market for short
these enterprises face financial crisis, the term financial securities that are equal to
financial institutions permit a greater use money.
of debt than is warranted. This will make
According to Crowther, “Money
matters worse.
market is a collective name given to
5. Monopolistic market structures: In various firms and institutions that deal in
India some financial institutions are so the various grades of near money”.
large that they have created a
Money market is not a place. It is
monopolistic market structures in the
an activity. It includes all organizations
financial system. For instance, the entire
and institutions that deal in short term
life insurance business is in the hands of
financial instruments. However,
LIC. The weakness of this large structure
sometimes geographical names are given
is that it could lead to inefficiency in their
to the money market according to the
working or mismanagement. Ultimately, it
location, e.g. Mumbai Money Market.
would retard the development of the
financial system of the country itself.  Characteristics of Money Market
6. Other factors: Apart from the above,
The following are the characteristics
there are some other factors which put of money market:
obstacles to the growth of Indian financial
system. Examples are: 1) It is basically an over the phone
a. Banks and Financial Institutions
2) It is a wholesale market for short
have high level of NPA.
term debt instruments.
b. Government burdened with high It is not a single market but a collection of
level of domestic debt. markets for several instruments
c. Cooperative banks are labelled with 3) It facilitates effective
scams. implementation of monetary
policy of a central bank of a
d. Investors confidence reduced in the
public sector undertaking etc., country.
4) It is a market for short term
e. Financial illiteracy.
financial a assets that are close
 MONEY MARKET substitutes of money.

Money market is a segment of 5) Transactions are made without the

financial market. It is a market for short help of brokers.
term funds. It deals with all transactions in 6) It establishes the link between the
short term securities. These transactions RBI and banks.
7) The players in the money market are 3. Existence of sub markets
RBI, commercial banks, and
4. Availability of ample credit
 Functions of Money Market 5. Existence of secondary market
Money market performs the 6. Availability of ample resources
following functions:
7. Demand and supply of funds
1. Facilitating adjustment of liquidity
position of commercial banks, 8. Other factors:
business undertakings and other  Money Market Instruments
non-banking financial institutions.
2. Enabling the central bank to
The money market can be defined as
influence and regulate liquidity in a market for short-term money and
the economy through its financial assets that are near substitutes
intervention in the market. for money. The term short-term means
generally a period upto one year and near
3. Providing a reasonable access to
substitutes to money is used to denote any
users of short term funds to meet
financial asset which can be quickly
their requirements quickly at
converted into money with minimum
reasonable costs.
transaction cost.
4. Providing short term funds to govt.
institutions. Important money market instruments are:
5. Enabling businessmen to invest their 1.Call/Notice Money
temporary surplus funds for short 2.Treasury Bills
3.Term Money
6. Facilitating flow of funds to the most 4.Certificate of Deposit
important uses. 5.Commercial Papers
 Characteristics of a Developed
Money Market 7.MMMF
In every country some types of  Certificate of Deposits
money market exists. Some of them are
highly developed while others are not well Certificates of Deposit (CDs) is a
developed. A well developed and efficient negotiable money market instrument and
money market is necessary for the issued in dematerialised form or as a
development of any economy. The Usance Promissory Note, for funds
following are the characteristics or deposited at a bank or other eligible
prerequisites of a developed and efficient financial institution for a specified time
money market: period. Guidelines for issue of CDs are
presently governed by various directives
1. Highly developed commercial issued by the Reserve Bank of India, as
banking system
amended from time to time.
2. Presence of an efficient central bank
 Features of CDs the borrower repurchases the securities at
the predetermined price. The difference
1. These are unsecured promissory
between the purchase price and the
notes issued by banks or financial
original price is the cost for the borrower.
This cost of borrowing is called repo rate.
2. These are short term deposits of
specific maturity similar to fixed Components / Constituents /
deposits. Composition of Money Market
(Structure of Money Market)
3. These are negotiable (freely
transferable by endorsement and Money market consists of a number
delivery) of sub markets. All submarkets
collectively constitute the money market.
4. These are generally risk free.
Each sub market deals in a particular
5. The rate of interest is higher than that financial instrument. The main
on T-bill or time deposits components or constituents or sub markets
of a money markets are as follows :
 Commercial Paper
1. Call money market
CP is an unsecured promissory note
2. Commercial bill market
privately placed with investors at a
discount rate to face value determined by 3. Treasury bill markets
market forces. CP is freely negotiable by 4. Certificates of deposits market
endorsement and delivery. A company 5. Commercial paper market
shall be eligible to issue CP provided –
6. Acceptance market
(a) The tangible net worth of the
7. Collateral loan market
company, as per the latest audited balance
sheet, is not less than Rs. 4 crore; Features of Commercial Bills

(b) The working capital (fund-based) limit 1. These are negotiable instruments.
of the company from the banking system 2. These are generally issued for 30
is not less than Rs.4 crore and days to 120 days. Thus these are
(c) The borrower account of the company short term credit instruments.
is classified as a Standard Asset by the 3. These are self liquidating
financing bank/s. instruments with low risk.

 Repurchase Agreements (REPO) 4. These can be discounted with a

bank. When a bill is discounted
REPO is basically a contract with a bank, the holder gets
entered into by two parties (parties include immediate cash. This means bank
RBI, a bank or NBFC. In this contract, a provides credit to the customers.
holder of Govt. securities sells the The credit is repayable on maturity
securities to a lender and agrees to of the bill. In case of need for
repurchase them at an agreed future date funds, the bank can rediscount the
at an agreed price. At the end of the period bill in the money market and get
ready money. 3. Introduction of innovative
5. These are used for settling payments
in the domestic as well as foreign 4. Introduction of negotiable dealing
trade. system
Collateral Loan Market 5. Offering of market rates of interest
Collateral loan market is another important Capital Market
sector of the money market. The collateral
loan market is a market which deals with Capital market simply refers to a market
collateral loans. Collateral means anything for long term funds. It is a market for
buying and selling of equity, debt and
pledged as security for repayment of a loan.
other securities. Generally, it deals with
Features or Defects of the Indian Money long term securities that have a maturity
Market period of above one year.
1. Seasonal diversity of money
Capital market may be defined as an
market: The demand for money in
organized mechanism for the effective and
Indian money market is of seasonal
smooth transfer of money capital or
in nature.
financial resources from the investors to
2. Absence of bill market: The bill the entrepreneurs.
market in India is not well
developed. There is a great paucity  Functions of a Capital Market
of sound commercial bills of The functions of an efficient capital market
exchange in our country. are as follows:
3. Limited instruments: The supply
1. Mobilise long term savings for
of short term instruments like financing long term investments.
commercial bills, treasury bills etc.
2. Provide risk capital in the form of
are very limited and inadequate.
equity or quasi-equity to
4. Restricted secondary market: entrepreneurs.
Secondary market for money
3. Provide liquidity with a
market instruments is mainly
mechanism enabling the investor
restricted to rediscounting of
to sell financial assets.
commercial bills and treasury bills.
4. Improve the efficiency of capital
5. No contact with foreign money
allocation through a competitive
markets: Indian money market has
pricing mechanism.
little contract with money markets
in other countries. 5. Disseminate information
efficiently for enabling
Recent Developments in the Indians participants to develop an
Money Market informed opinion about
1. Integration of unorganised sector investment, disinvestment,
with the organised sector reinvestment etc.
2. Widening of call money market 6. Enable quick valuation of
instruments – both equity and
debt. underwriting. It is a contract between a
7. Provide insurance against company and an underwriter
market risk through derivative (individual or firm of individuals) by
trading and default risk through which he agrees to undertake that part
investment protection fund. of shares or debentures which has not
been subscribed by the public. The
Components of Capital Market firms or persons who are engaged in
underwriting are called underwriters.
There are four main components of
capital market. They are: 3) Distribution: This is the function
of sale of securities to ultimate
1. Primary market investors. This service is performed
2. Secondary Market (Details are given by brokers and agents. They
in last module) maintain a direct and regular
3. Government Securities Market (Gilt contact with the ultimate investors.
Edged Security Market)
4. Financial Institutions Methods of Raising Fund in the
Primary Market (Methods of Floating
Functions of Primary Market
New Issues)
The main function of a new issue
A company can raise capital from
market is to facilitate transfer of resources
the primary market through various
from the savers to the users. The savers
methods. The methods include public
are individuals, commercial banks,
issues, offer for sale, private placement,
insurance companies etc. The users are
right issue, and tender method.
public companies and the government.
1. Public Issues
1. Origination: Origination refers to
the work of investigation, analysis 2. Types of Public Issues:
and processing of new project
3. Initial Public Offering (IPO):
proposals. Origination begins
before an issue is 4. Follow-on Public Offering
actually floated in the market. The function
of origination is done by merchant bankers
Participants (or Intermediaries) in the
who may be commercial banks, all India
Primary market/Capital Market
financial institutions or private firms.
2) Underwriting: When a company issues 1 Merchant banker: In attracting public
shares to the public it is not sure that money to capital issues, merchant bankers
the whole shares will be subscribed by play a vital role. They act as issue
the public. Therefore, in order to ensure managers, lead managers or co-managers
the full subscription of shares (or at (functions in detail is given in following
least 90%) the company may pages)
underwrite its shares or debentures. 2. Registrars to the issue: Registrars are
The act of ensuring the sale of shares or intermediaries who undertake all activities
debentures of a company even before connected with new issue management.
offering to the public is called They are appointed by the company in
consultation with the merchant bankers to provided by financial intermediaries are
the issue. called financial services.
3. Bankers: Some commercial banks act  Characteristics or Nature of
as collecting agents and some act as co- Financial Services
ordinating bankers. Some bankers act as From the following characteristics
merchant bankers and some are brokers. of financial services, we can understand
They play an important role in transfer, their nature:
transmission and safe custody of funds.
1. Intangibility: Financial services are
4. Brokers: They act as intermediaries in intangible. Therefore, they cannot be
purchase and sale of securities in the standardized or reproduced in the
primary and secondary markets. They same form. The institutions
have a network of sub brokers spread supplying the financial services
throughout the length and breadth of the should have a better image and
country. confidence of the customers.
5. Underwriters: Generally investment Otherwise, they may not succeed.
bankers act as underwriters. They agreed They have to focus on quality and
to take a specified number of shares or innovation of their services. Then
debentures offered to the public, if the only they can build credibility and
issue is not fully subscribed by the public. gain the trust of the customers.
Underwriters may be financial institutions, 2. Inseparability: Both production and
banks, mutual funds, brokers etc. supply of financial services have to
 FINANCIAL SERVICES be performed simultaneously.
Hence, there should be perfect
Financial services refer to services
provided by the finance industry. The understanding between the financial
finance industry consists of a broad range service institutions and its
of organisations that deal with the customers.
management of money. These 3. Perishability: Like other services,
organisations include banks, credit card financial services also require a
companies, insurance companies, match between demand and supply.
consumer finance companies, stock Services cannot be stored. They
brokers, investment funds and some have to be supplied when customers
government sponsored enterprises. need them.
Financial services can also be called 4. Variability: In order to cater a
financial intermediation. Financial variety of financial and related needs
intermediation is a process by which funds of different customers in different
are mobilised from a large number of areas, financial service organisations
savers and make them available to all have to offer a wide range of
those who are in need of it and products and services. This means
particularly to corporate customers. There the financial services have to be
are various institutions which render tailor-made to the requirements of
financial services. In short, services customers.
5. Dominance of human element: service industry facilitates capital
Financial services are dominated by formation by rendering various
human element. Thus, financial capital market intermediary
services are labour intensive. It services. Capital formation is the
requires competent and skilled very basis for economic growth.
personnel to market the quality 4. Creation of employment
financial products. opportunities: The financial
6. Information based: Financial service industry creates and
service industry is an information provides employment
based industry. It involves creation, opportunities to millions of people
dissemination and use of all over the world.
5. Contribution to GNP: Recently
information. Information is an
essential component in the the contribution of financial
production of financial services. services to GNP has been
increasing year after year in
 Role/Importance of Financial almost countries.
Services 6. Provision of liquidity: The
The importance of financial financial service industry
services may be understood from the promotes liquidity in the financial
following points: system by allocating and
1. Economic growth: The financial reallocating savings and
service industry mobilises the investment into various avenues
savings of the people, and of economic activity. It facilitates
channels them into productive easy conversion of financial assets
investments by providing various into liquid cash.
services to people in general and Types of Financial Services
corporate enterprises in particular.
In short, the economic growth of Financial service institutions render
a wide variety of services to meet the
any country depends upon these
requirements of individual users. These
savings and investments.
services may be summarized as below:
2. Promotion of savings: The
1. Provision of funds:
financial service industry
mobilises the savings of the (a) Venture capital
people by providing (b) Banking services
transformation services. It (c) Asset financing
provides liability, asset and size
(d) Trade financing
transformation service by
providing huge loan from small (e) Credit cards
deposits collected from a large (f) Factoring and forfaiting
number of people. In this way 2. Managing investible funds:
financial service industry
(a) Portfolio management
promotes savings.
3. Capital formation: Financial
(b) Merchant banking
(c) Mutual and pension funds The fund based or asset based
services include the following:
3. Risk financing:
1. Underwriting
(a) Project preparatory services
2. Dealing in secondary market
(b) Insurance
(c) Export credit guarantee
3. Participating in money market
4. Consultancy services: instruments like CPs, CDs etc.
(a) Project preparatory services
4. Equipment leasing or lease financing
(b) Project report preparation
5. Hire purchase
(c) Project appraisal
6. Venture capital
(d) Rehabilitation of projects
(e) Business advisory services II. Non-fund based Services

(f) Valuation of investments Today, customers are not satisfied with

mere provision of finance. They expect
(g) Credit rating
more from financial service companies.
(h) Merger, acquisition and reengineering Hence, the financial service companies or
5. Market operations: financial intermediaries provide services on
(a) Stock market operations the basis of non-fund activities also. Such
services are also known as fee based
(b) Money market operations
services. These include the following:
(c) Asset management
1. Securitisation
(d) Registrar and share transfer agencies
2. Merchant banking
(e) Trusteeship
3. Credit rating
(d) Retail market operation
4. Loan syndication
(e) Futures, options and derivatives
5. Business opportunity related services
6. Research and development:
6. Project advisory services
(a) Equity and market research
(b) Investor education A. Asset/Fund Based Services
1) Equipment leasing/Lease financing:
(c) Training of personnel
2) Hire purchase and consumer credit:
(d) Financial information services
3)Bill discounting:
Scope of Financial Services
4)Venture capital:
The scope of financial services is
very wide. This is because it covers a wide 5) Housing finance
range of services. The financial services 6) Insurance services
can be broadly classified into two: (a)
7) Factoring
fund based services and (b) non-fund
services (or fee-based services) 8)Forfaiting:
I. Fund based Services
Mutual fund: Mutual funds are financial prospects. In short, credit rating means
intermediaries which mobilise savings from assessing the creditworthiness of a
the people and invest them in a mix of company by an independent organisation
corporate and government securities. The 3. Stock broking: Now stock broking has
mutual fund operators actively manage this emerged as a professional advisory
portfolio of securities and earn income service. Stock broker is a member of a
through dividend, interest and capital gains. recognized stock exchange. He buys, sells,
The incomes are eventually passed on to or deals in shares/securities. It is
mutual fund shareholders. compulsory for each stock broker to get
Non-Fund Based/Fee Based Financial himself/herself registered with SEBI in
Services order to act as a broker. As a member of a
stock exchange, he will have to abide by
1. Merchant banking: Merchant banking its rules, regulations and by-laws.
is basically a service banking, concerned
with providing non-fund based services of 4. Custodial services: In simple words,
arranging funds rather than providing the services provided by a custodian are
them. The merchant banker merely acts as known as custodial services (custodian
an intermediary. Its main job is to transfer services). Custodian is an institution or a
capital from those who own it to those person who is handed over securities by
who need it. Today, merchant banker acts the security owners for safe custody.
as an institution which understands the Custodian is a caretaker of a public
requirements of the promoters on the one property or securities. Custodians are
hand and financial institutions, banks, intermediaries between companies and
stock exchange and money markets on the clients (i.e. security holders) and
other. SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Rule, institutions (financial institutions and
1992 has defined a merchant banker as, mutual funds). There is an arrangement
“any person who is engaged in the and agreement between custodian and real
business of issue management either by owners of securities or properties to act as
making arrangements regarding selling, custodians of those who hand over it. The
buying or subscribing to securities or duty of a custodian is to keep the
acting as manager, consultant, advisor, or securities or documents under safe
rendering corporate advisory services in custody. The work of custodian is very
relation to such issue management”. risky and costly in nature. For rendering
these services, he gets a remuneration
2. Credit rating: Credit rating means called custodial charges.
giving an expert opinion by a rating
agency on the relative willingness and Thus custodial service is the service
ability of the issuer of a debt instrument to of keeping the securities safe for and on
meet the financial obligations in time and behalf of somebody else for a
in full. It measures the relative risk of an remuneration called custodial charges.
issuer’s ability and willingness to repay 4. Loan syndication: Loan
both interest and principal over the period syndication is an arrangement where a
of the rated instrument. It is a judgement group of banks participate to provide
about a firm’s financial and business
funds for a single loan. In loan  Role of Merchant Bankers in
syndication, a group of banks comprising Managing Public Issue
10 to 30 banks participate to provide funds 1. Easy fund raising: An issue manager
wherein one of the banks is the lead acts as an indispensable pilot facilitating a
manager. This lead bank is decided by the public/ rights issue. This is made possible
corporate enterprises, depending on with the help of special skills possessed
confidence in the lead manager. by him to execute the management of
A single bank cannot give a huge issues.
loan. Hence a number of banks join 2. Financial consultant: An issue
together and form a syndicate. This is manager essentially acts as a financial
known as loan syndication. Thus, loan architect, by providing advice relating to
syndication is very similar to consortium capital structuring, capital gearing and
financing. financial planning for the company.
3. Underwriting: An issue manager
 Merchant banks Vs Commercial
banks allows for underwriting the issues of
securities made by corporate enterprises.
1. Commercial banks basically deal in This ensures due subscription of the issue.
debt and debt related finance. Their
4. Due diligence: The issue manager has
activities are clustered around credit
to comply with SEBI guidelines. The
proposals, credit appraisal and loan
merchant banker will carry out activities
sanctions. On the other hand, the area of
with due diligence and furnish a Due
activity of merchant bankers is equity and
Diligence Certificate to SEBI. The
equity related finance. They deal with
detailed diligence guidelines that are
mainly funds raised through money
prescribed by the Association of Merchant
market and capital market.
Bankers of India (AMBI) have to be
2. Commercial banks’ lending decisions strictly observed. SEBI has also
are based on detailed credit analysis of prescribed a code of conduct for merchant
loan proposals and the value of security bankers.
offered. They generally avoid risks. They  Factoring
are asset oriented. But merchant bankers
factoring may be defined as selling
are management oriented. They are
the receivables of a firm at a discount to a
willing to accept risks of business.
financial organisation (factor). The cash
3. Commercial banks are merely from the sale of the receivables provides
financiers. The main activity of merchant finance to the selling company (client).
bankers is to render financial services for Out of the difference between the face
their clients. They undertake project value of the receivables and what the
counselling, corporate counselling in areas factor pays the selling company (i.e.
of capital restructuring, mergers, discount), it meets its expenses
takeovers and many others. (collection, accounting etc.). The balance
is the profit of the factor for the factoring
Functions (Services) of Merchant Bankers
(Scope of Merchant Banking)
 Objectives of Factoring factoring, the factor does not pay any
cash in advance. The factor pays
Factoring is a method of converting
clients only when he receives funds
receivables into cash. There are certain
(collection of credit sales) from the
objectives of factoring. The important
customers or when the customers
objectives are as follows:
guarantee full payment.
1. To relieve from the trouble of 4 Advance Factoring: Here the factor
collecting receivables so as to concentrate makes advance payment of about
in sales and other major areas of business. 80% of the invoice value to the client.

2. To minimize the risk of bad debts Functions of a Factor

arising on account of non-realisation of 1. Provision of finance: Receivables or
credit sales. book debts is the subject matter of
factoring. A factor buys the book
3. To adopt better credit control policy.
debts of his client. Generally a factor
4. To carry on business smoothly and gives about 80% of the value of
not to rely on external sources to meet receivables as advance to the client.
working capital requirements. Thus the non productive and inactive
current assets i.e. receivables are
5. To get information about market, converted into productive and active
customers’ credit worthiness etc. so as to assets i.e. cash.
make necessary changes in the marketing
policies or strategies. 2. Administration of sales ledger: The
factor maintains the sales ledger of
Types of Factoring every client. When the credit sales
There are different types of factoring. take place, the firm prepares the
These may be briefly discussed as follows: invoice in two copies. One copy is
sent to the customers. The other copy
1. Recourse Factoring: In this type of
is sent to the factor. Entries are made
factoring, the factor only manages the in the ledger under open-item method.
receivables without taking any risk In this method each receipt is
like bad debt etc. Full risk is borne by matched against the specific invoice.
the firm (client) itself. The customer’s account clearly shows
2Non-Recourse Factoring: Here the the various open invoices outstanding
firm gets total credit protection because on any given date. The factor also
complete risk of total receivables is gives periodic reports to the client on
borne by the factor. The client gets 100% the current status of his receivables
cash against the invoices (arising out of and the amount received from
credit sales by the client) even if bad customers. Thus the factor undertakes
debts occur. For the factoring service, the the responsibility of entire sales
client pays a commission to the factor. administration of the client.
This is also called full factoring.
3. Collection of receivables: The main
3 Maturity Factoring: In this type of function of a factor is to collect the
credit or receivables on behalf of the manpower, time and effort. Since the
client and to relieve him from all factoring facilitates steady and reliable
tensions/problems associated with the cash flows, client can cut costs and
credit collection. This enables the expenses. It can avail cash discounts.
client to concentrate on other Further, it can avoid production delays.
important areas of business. This also 4. Additional source: Funds from a factor
helps the client to reduce cost of is an additional source of finance for the
collection. client. Factoring releases the funds tied up
4. Protection against risk: If the debts in credit extended to customers and solves
are factored without resource, all risks problems relating to collection, delays and
relating to receivables (e.g., bad debts defaults of the receivables.
or defaults by customers) will be Limitations of Factoring
assumed by the factor. The factor
The main limitations of factoring are
relieves the client from the trouble of outlined as below:
credit collection. It also advises the
1. Factoring may lead to over-confidence
client on the creditworthiness of
potential customers. In short, the in the behaviour of the client. This
factor protects the clients from risks results in overtrading or
such as defaults and bad debts. mismanagement.

Advantages of Factoring 2. There are chances of fraudulent acts on

the part of the client. Invoicing against
A firm that enters into factoring
non-existent goods, duplicate invoicing
agreement is benefited in a number of
etc. are some commonly found frauds.
ways. Some of the important benefits of
These would create problems to the
factoring are summarised as follows:
1. Improves efficiency: Factoring is an
3. Lack of professionalism and
important tool for efficient receivables
competence, resistance to change etc.
management. Factors provide specialised
are some of the problems which have
services with regard to sales ledger
made factoring services unpopular.
administration, credit control etc.
Factoring relieves the clients from
botheration of debt collection. Forfaiting is a form of financing of
2. Higher credit standing: Factoring receivables relating to international trade. It
generates cash for the selling firm. It can is a non-recourse purchase by a banker or
use this cash for other purposes. With the any other financial institution of receivables
advance payment made by factor, it is arising from export of goods and services.
possible for the client to pay off his The exporter surrenders his right to the
liabilities in time. This improves the credit forfaiter to receive future payment from the
standing of the client before the public. buyer to whom goods have been supplied.
Forfaiting is a technique that helps the
3. Reduces cost: The client need not have exporter sells his goods on credit and yet
a special administrative setup to look after receives the cash well before the due date. In
credit control. Hence it can save short, forfaiting is a technique by which a
forfaitor (financing agency) discounts an structure of finance can be determined
export bill and pay ready cash to the according to the needs of the exporter,
exporter. The exporter need not bother about importer, and the forfaitor.
collection of export bill. He can just
4. The exporter is free from many export
concentrate on export trade.
credit risks such as interest rate risk,
 Characteristics of Forfaiting exchange rate risk, political risk,
The main characteristics of forfaiting commercial risk etc.
5. The exporter need not carry the
1. It is 100% financing without recourse receivables into his balance sheet.
to the exporter.
6. It enhances the competitive advantage
2. The importer’s obligation is normally of the exporter. He can provide more
supported by a local bank guarantee credit. This increases the volume of
(i.e., ‘aval’). business.
3. Receivables are usually evidenced by
bills of exchange, promissory notes or
letters of credit. According to Moody’s Investor
Service. ‘Ratings are designed exclusively
4. Finance can be arranged on a fixed or
for the purpose of grading bonds
floating rate basis.
according to their investment qualities’.
5. Forfaiting is suitable for high value
According to CRISIL,
exports such as capital goods,
“Credit rating is an unbiased and
consumer durables, vehicles,
independent opinion as to issuer’s
construction contracts, project exports
capacity to meet its financial obligations.
It does not constitute a recommendation to
6. Exporter receives cash upon buy/ sell or hold a particular security”.
presentation of necessary documents,
Features of Credit Rating
shortly after shipment.
Advantages of Forfaiting The characteristic features of credit
rating are as follows:
following 1. Credit rating is specific to a debt
are the instrument and not for a company
benefits of as whole. It is a process of grading
forfaiting: and analysis of the credit risk
associated with that particular
1. The exporter gets the full export value
from the forfaitor. instrument.
2. The rating is based on the relative
2. It improves the liquidity of the
capacity and willingness of the
exporter. It converts a credit
issuer of the instrument to service
transaction into a cash transaction.
debt obligations (principal and
3. It is simple and flexible. It can be used interest), in accordance with the
to finance any export transaction. The terms of the contract.
3. It is only a guidance to the investors possession of equipment for a specified
and not a recommendation to buy or time and for fixed payments.
sell a security.
2. The document in which this contract is
4. The ratings are expressed in code written.
number (symbols). These are easily
understandable by investors. 3. A great way companies can conserve
Functions of a Credit Rating Agencies
4. An easy way vendors can increase sales.
1. Providing an unbiased opinion
regarding the capability of a
company to service debt obligation. (a) Financial lease

2. Providing quality information on (b) Operating lease.

credit risk. (c) Sale and lease back
3. Providing information to investors at (d) Leveraged leasing and
a lower cost.
Direct leasing.
4. Providing true information to
investors for taking correct Contents of a lease agreement: The lease
investment decisions. agreement specifies the legal rights and
obligations of the lessor and the lessee. It
5. Inducing a healthy discipline on
typically contains terms relating to the
corporate borrowers.
1. Description of the lessor, the lessee,
Meaning and the equipment.

Leasing is a process by which a firm 2. Amount, time and place of lease

can obtain the use of a certain fixed assets rentals payments.
for which it must pay a series of 3. Time and place of equipment
contractual, periodic, tax deductible delivery.
payments. The lessee is the receiver of the
services or the assets under the lease 4. Lessee’s responsibility for taking
contract and the lessor is the owner of the delivery and possession of the
assets. The relationship between the tenant leased equipment.
and the landlord is called a tenancy, and 5. Lessee’s responsibility for
can be for a fixed or an indefinite maintenance, repairs, registration,
period of time (called the term of the etc. and the lessor’s right in case of
lease). The consideration for the lease is default by the lessee.
called rent.
Stock Exchange
Lease can be defined as the following
ways: It is an organized market for the
purchase and sale of securities of joint
1. A contract by which one party (lessor)
stock companies, government and semi-
gives to another (lessee) the use and
govt. bodies. It is the centre where shares, will invest in those securities which
debentures and govt. securities are bought yield higher returns. It promotes the
and sold. habit of saving and investment among
the public. In this way the stock
Characteristics of a Stock Exchange
exchange facilitates the capital
1. It is an organized capital market. formation in the country.

2. It may be incorporated or non- Benefits of Stock Exchange

incorporated body (association or body of
Stock exchange offers the following
individuals). benefits:
3. It is an open market for the purchase
and sale of securities. A. Benefits to Investors
a. The stock exchange plays the
4. Only listed securities can be dealt on
role of a friend, philosopher
a stock exchange.
and guide to investors by
5. It works under established rules and providing information about
regulations. the prices of various
Economic Functions of Stock Exchange securities.
b. It offers a ready market for
The stock exchange performs the following buying and selling securities.
essential economic functions:
c. It increases the liquidity of the
1. Ensures liquidity to capital: The investors.
stock exchange provides a place
B. Benefits to Companies
where shares and stocks are converted
into cash. People with surplus cash a. A company enjoys greater
can invest in securities (by buying reputation and credit in the
securities) and people with deficit market. Image of the
cash can sell their securities to company goes up.
convert them into cash. b. A company can raise large
2. Continuous market for securities: It amount of capital from
provides a continuous and ready different types of securities.
market for buying and selling c. It enjoys market for its shares
securities. It provides a ready market
C. Benefits to Community and Nation
for those who wish to buy and sell
securities a. Stock exchange encourages
3. Mobilisation of savings: It helps in people to sell and invest their
mobilizing savings and surplus funds savings in shares and
of individuals, firms and other debentures.
institutions. It directs the flow of b. It helps in better utilisation of
capital in the most profitable channel. the country’s financial
4. Capital formation: The stock resources
exchange publishes the correct prices
c. It diverts the savings towards
of various securities. Thus the people
productive channels 3. Lame duck : A lame duck is a bear
speculator. He finds it difficult to
Listing of Securities meet his commitments and struggles
Listing of securities means like a lame duck. This happens
permission to quote shares and debentures because of the non- availability of
officially on the trading floor of the stock securities in the market which he has
exchange. Listing of securities refers to agreed to sell and at the same time
the sanction of the right to trade the the other party is not willing to
securities on the stock exchange. In short, postpone the transaction.
listing means admission of securities to be 4. Stag: Stag is a member who neither
traded on the stock exchange. If the buys nor sells securities. He applies
securities are not listed, they are not for shares in the new issue market.
allowed to be traded on the stock He expects that the price of shares
exchange. will soon increase and the shares can
Speculation be sold for a premium.
Speculation takes place in the 5. Wolf : Wolf is a broker who is fast
forward market. Speculation means speculator. He is very quick to
buying and selling of financial instruments perceive changes in the market
(including foreign exchange) with the trends and trade fast and make fast
expectation of a profit from anticipated profit.
changes in the price of securities or
foreign exchange rates. It simply means Factors Influencing Prices on Stock
taking a foreign exchange risk in hope of
making profit. One who is engaged in The prices on stock exchange
speculation is called speculator. His depends upon the following factors :
success or failure depends upon how
a. Financial position of the
correctly he is able to anticipate the
exchange rate variations.
b. Demand and supply position
Type of Speculators
c. Lending rates
1. Bull : A bull or Tejiwala is a d. Attitudes of the FIIs and the
speculator who buys shares in developments in the global
expectuation of selling them at financial markets.
higher prices in future. He believes
e. Govt. Policies (credit policies,
that current prices are lower and will
monetary policies, taxation
rise in the future. policies etc.)
2. Bear : A bear or Mandiwala is a f. Trade cycle
speculator who sells securities with Defects of Stock Exchanges (or Capital
the intention to buy at a later date at Market) in India
a lower price. He expects a fall in
1. Lack of transparency : Many
price in future.
brokers are violating the regulations
with a view to cheating the innocent parties. One party is the insured and the
investing community. No other party is the insurer. Insured is the
information is available to investors person whose life or property is insured
regarding the volume of transactions with the insurer. That is, the person whose
carried out at the highest and lowest risks are insured is called insured. Insurer
prices. is the insurance company to whom risk is
2. High volatility : The Indian stock transferred by the insured. That is, the
market is subject to high volatility in person who insures the risk of insured is
recent years. The stock prices called insurer. Thus insurance is a contract
fluctuate from hour to hour. High between insurer and insured. It is a
volatility is not conducive for the contract in which the insurance company
smooth functioning of the stock undertakes to indemnify the insured on the
market. happening of certain event for a payment
of consideration. It is a contract between
3. Dominance of financial the insurer and insured under which the
institutions : The Indian stock insurer undertakes to compensate the
market is being dominated by few insured for the loss arising from the risk
financial institutions like UTI, LIC, insured against.
GIC etc. This means these few
institutions can influence stock Nature and Characteristics of Insurance
market greatly.
Insurance follows important characteristics
4. Competition of merchant bankers – These are follows
: The increasing number of merchant
1. Sharing of risk
bankers in the stock market has led
to unhealthy competition in the Insurance is a co-operative device to
stock market. share the burden of risk, which may fall
on happening of some unforeseen events,
Some important facts about BSE:
Bombay Stock Exchange such as the death of head of family or on
happening of marine perils or loss of by
 BSE exchange was the first in India fire.
to launch Equity Derivatives, Free
Float Index, USD adaptation of 2. co-operative device
BSE Sensex and Exchange Insurance is a co-operative form of
facilitated Internet buying and distributing a certain risk over a group of
selling policy persons who are exposed to it. A large
 BSE exchange was the first in India number of persons share the losses arising
to acquire the ISO authorization for from a particular risk.
supervision, clearance & Settlement
 BSE exchange was the first in India 3. Large number of insured persons
to have launched private service for The success of insurance business
economic training depends on the large number of persons
Insurance Insured against similar risk. This will
enable the insurer to spread the losses of
Insurance is a contract between two
risk among large number of persons, thus C. Miscellaneous insurance:
keeping the premium rate at the minimum.
4. Evaluation of risk

For the purpose of ascertaining the

insurance premium, the volume of risk is
evaluated, which forms the basis of
insurance contract.
5. Payment of happening of specified
On happening of specified event, the
insurance company is bound to make
payment to the insured. Happening of
specified event is certain in life insurance,
but in the case of fire, marine of accidental
insurance, it is not necessary. In such
cases, the insurer is not liable for payment
of indemnity.
6. Transfer of risk

Insurance is a plan in which the

insured transfers his risk on the insurer.
This may be the reason that may person
observes, that insurance is a device to
transfer some economic losses would have
been borne by the insured themselves.

Importance of insurance
Insurance plays significant role for
not only an individual or for not only an
individual or for a family but it has spread
over the entire nervous system of the
nation. Not only does is serve the ends of
individuals, it tends more and more both
to pervade and transform our modern
social order.

Types of insurances
I. Life Insurance
II. General Insurance
A. Marine Insurance
B. Fire Insurance:

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