Veritas 3

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WATCH ALL VIDEOS, research and analyze cultural/gender insensitivities shown.

From your research, find the origin of one's behavior towards other people, such as
racism and inequalities.


You will also write your answer on the space provided


Asian hate - this is the particular cultural insensitivity shown from the video, we were
able to deliberate that people are hating Asians because American movies used to
stereotype a lot of Asians characteristics. And since most Americans watched a lot of
movies, it was already embedded in their minds that Asians are the lower class of the

Michelle Alyssa Go, who was part of the Asian American community, also volunteered and
advocated helping the homeless, was pushed on the oncoming subway in Time Square and
died at the hands of a mentally ill homeless person. Despite assisting the people with her
works through volunteers and advocacies, she herself was not given a proper justice for her
good deeds.Thus, the vigil was made to provide justice, not only for Michelle Alyssa Go, but
for everyone to stop the violence, to stop the crime and to stop Asian hate. We think that
people are hating Asians because American movies used to stereotype a lot of Asians
characteristics. And since most Americans watched a lot of movies, it was already
embedded in their minds that Asians are the lower class of the society.

Another example from the speaker stated that an Asian elderly, who was just casually
walking in the early morning was attacked during the time of the pandemic, died from a brain
hemorrhage. The suspect? A 19 year old man was arrested for his crimes of killing the
elder. These circumstances are the reason why people made the vigil. It is to advocate to
stop Asian hate, and also, to stop racial discrimination. Whatever race a person may be, he
deserves all the respect, love and rights as a human.

Mental Illness Stigma - another cultural insensitivity that was portrayed from the
video, the scene where they are generalizing that people with mental illness are
stigmatized to be violent and barbarous. The origin for this stigma is that people who
are suffering from bipolar disorder, anger management issues or even schizophrenia
tend to have violent actions, hence they generalize that most people who suffer from
mental illness are the same, violent and barbarous people.

The prime suspect of the murder for Michelle Alyssa Go, Simon Martial had mental illness
and was considered heinous. Yet, people should be aware of how we must not stigmatize
the mentally-ill people. We must give them proper treatment psychologically, because these
unjustified actions may be rooted towards their psychological function that needs proper

Racism - Another cultural insensitivity that was introduced from the video was
Racism, the origin of this racism is because of the past superiority complex of the
Americans during the past years where they colonized a lot of different countries with
different backgrounds and races. Black people are considered slaves during that
time, some people were also considered as animals (Filipinos who were small in
height were considered monkeys). This is where racism originated. A superiority
complex of the Americans when they colonized different races.

Most of the people who joined the vigil were all included in their own respective communities
like the Latina, Asian, African, and etc. Therefore, they, as well, are experiencing this kind of
hate, violence, humiliation and crime for just simply living in America. Everyone deserves the
respect, love and rights as a human simply because we all are human. Yet, some people are
just nefarious and inhumane enough to start these crimes towards a person with a different
race and culture. The very common experience of racism in America that led to a historical
movement of the Black Lives Matter was how George Floyd, an African American, who was
considered Black died from the hands of the white American police after helplessly begging
he cannot breathe, he died. Racism has been prevalent not just in America, but all over the
world. Yet, despite the laws that were made to tackle this cultural insensitivity, the trend does
not lessen but rather, continues to increase. As a people, we must all practice love and
awareness, not just for our own culture and race, but for everyone. We are all human living
in this world and we all deserve the rights living as a human.

SECOND VIDEO (Female Staff):

Investor Harassed a Female Staff

In this video, an employee who also happens to be the team manager, was treated poorly
and wsn’t able to present her work just because she’s a woman. when the investor suddenly
stopped her from her words and was irritated that a “woman” was talking. By saying certain
hurtful words—
“Who let the woman speak”; “Why Should I listen to a woman…”. That a woman’s job in a
company was only to give coffee to the boss, and wait for his order. He even asked her
secretary Veronica to give him a massage. So, she helped Bruce, his colleague, to deliver
their proposal. But then after they finally get to be approved by the investor, Bruce takes all
the credit for doing all the proposals when they were asked by Mr. White. When the investor
was about to sign up, Monica barged in and opposed. Until Mr. White was convinced by the
Investor to fire Monica, and that’s when Ms. Veronica Crawford stepped up and revealed that
it was just a test Mr. White’s company suppresses women’s rights.

In the story the there was clearly a gender insensetivity/discrimination. Specifically, Sexism.
Sexism - can be a belief that one sex is superior to or more valuable than another sex. It
imposes limits on what men and boys can and should do and what women and girls can and
should do. In addition, sexism has been seen as contributing to violence against women.
Such violence, whether sexual or otherwise physical, is widely viewed as a global problem. It
is often the product of societal norms based on sexist beliefs, including the idea that males
have the right to discipline females and the idea that women often encourage the violence,
which is frequently blamed on their wearing so-called provocative clothing.

Sexism in a society is most commonly applied against women and girls. It functions to
maintain patriarchy, or male domination. They see women are playthings who cannot
possibly contribute in more ways than just doing the dishes and bearing their children. Male
domination in a patriarchal society refers to the fact that men make all the decisions in both
their family unit and society itself. They hold every position of power and authority possible.
They are considered superior in all ways. An example of male domination in a patriarchal
society would be a man who holds the position of CEO of a company. He goes to work every
day, controlling all aspects of his job, then goes home. While home, he demands that his
wife has dinner on the table at exactly six, and that she takes care of the children while he
sits and watches TV.

The extreme form of sexist ideology is misogyny, the hatred of women. A society in which
misogyny is prevalent has high rates of brutality against women—for example, in the forms
of domestic violence, rape, and the commodification of women and their bodies. Where they
are seen as property or as second-class citizens. For example, a woman who is a victim of
rape might be told by a judge and jury that she was culpable because of the way she was


Human Discrimination - its a particular cultural insensitivity shown from the short video,
That Mr. Cruz was a rich Man and had an important meeting with the owner of the fancy
restaurant. The manager and waiter stop Mr. Cruz because of his skin and he is accused of
being an illegal immigrant and of not paying the bills in the restaurant. Mr. Cruz lost the right
to act as a person. The Manager and waiter call a police officer to arrest Mr. Cruz. The
owner of the restaurant talks to the manager about the place and Mr. Cruz calls the owner to
reschedule the meeting, the owner sees Mr. Cruz has handcuffs with 2 police officers. Mr
Cruz punished the racist manager and waiter until they learned their lesson. Still happening
in the states mostly and some parts of Europe. Some perspective of White people towards
some Black people are discriminating because of their color of skin that white people think
they act suspecious and its very offensive from other people who have a dark skin they lost
some rights as a person. Each person has a right to act freely. Accept and respect colours
that they had. Discrimination is a way of recognizing, considering about, or evaluating
someone or something consistently favourable or unfavourable based on their group
membership, category, or classification rather on their own capabilities. Racism may occur
anywhere and in many different ways. This encompasses animosity, stereotyping, and
discriminated against based on someone else's race, nationality, or place of origin.

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