Origin of Life

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* Origin of Life

Life is an inherit capacity that an organism

possesses to maintain and reproduce itself.
The origin or beginning of life is a unique
event in the history of universe.

Fig 1.2: Basic model of origin of life

The origin of life an be explained in following

The universe is almost 20 billion years
Huge clusters of galaxies comprise the
Galaxies contain stars and clouds of gas
and dust.

Fig.1.3: The Early Earth

A scientific theory called big bang theory
explains that, the unimaginable large
explosion created the universe.
As the universe expanded and cooled, the
temperature came down and materials
condensed under the influence of
gravitation to form present day galaxy.
Our galaxy is called Milky Way formed
4.5 billion years back.
Milky way

There was no atmosphere on early earth.

Water vapour, methane, carbon dioxide
and ammonia released from molten mass
covered the surface.
The UV rays from the sun broke up water
into Hydrogen and Oxygen and the
lighter H
Oxygen combined with ammonia and
methane to form water, CO and others.
The ozone layer was formed, as it cooled,
the water vapour fell as rain, to fill all
the depressions and form oceans.
Life appeared 500 million years after the
formation of earth, i.e., almost four
billion years back.
Different scientists had put different
views about the origin of life.

Fig.1.5: Detailed view of Milky Way Galaxy

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