2018 P2 Eng SA2 Full Set

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A Melhodlst Institution
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Name: (. )_ Class: Primary 2 _

Duration of paper: 1h 30 min
Date: 22 October 2018

Parent's/Guardian's signature

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m.. siittucTioN§{ iie mATEs.

.. -·-

No. Conten Mar Marks

ts ks ed

1. Oral 16
2. Listening Comprehension 12
3. Composition 12
4. Language Paper 40
.. Total Marks 80
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Vocabulary MCQ (5 x l mark each = 5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question and write its number
in the brackets provided.

1. Dan cried because he was that he hod lost

his water bottle.

(1) upset

(2) jealous

(3) excited

(4) pleased ( )

2. Jack tripped on a rock ahd · down the hill.

(1) walked

(2) strolled

(3) climbed

(4) tumbled ( )

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3. The children · because Mrs Lim told them a funny

{1) sobbed

(2) laughed

(3) groaned

(4) screamed ( )

4. My father works as a atarestaurant. Many

people like the food that he cooks.

(1)" chef

(2) waiter

(3) cashier

(4) butcher (

5. When a strong wind blew tow qs John, he with

cold in his thin shirt.

(1) swayed

(2) rocked

(3) shivered

(4) fluttered ( )

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rammar MCQ (5 x 1 mark each = 5 marks)
£hoose the correct answer for each question and write its number
in the brackets provided.

6. Would_ you like to sprinkle -- -- pepper on your


(1) many

(2). some

(3) little

(4) much ( )

7. ------ is Bala? He told me to wait for him here.

(1) What

(2) Which

(3) Where

(4) Whose .... ( )

8. The choir sang

the dinner party last night.

(1) at

(2) by

(3) on

(4) with ( )

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Editing {6 x 1 mark each = 6 marks)
Read each sentence carefully and correct the errors in the
punctuation and spelling. A circle denotes a punctuation error.
An underlined word denotes a grammatical or spelling error.
Fill in each box with the correct word or punctuation.

I (11)

Last .Sunday,. Nick and Jim went.to the pet store. Nick .buys

a bag of food for his dog. The shop owner was feeding the turtles.

I (12)
The turtles ate the food hungry. Jim looked at the turtles and

I (13)
saed, "I wish I can take one home!"

I (14)

Before the boys left. they played with the kittens (1) Nick

I <•s) I (16)
and Jim had an an joyabel time at the pet store. Soon, it are time

to go home. They decided to visit the pet store again next week.

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Grammar Cloze - Passage A (4 X 1 mark each = 4 marks)
From the list of words given, choose the most suitable word for
each blank. Write its letter (A to F) in the blanks provided.


(B) his (D) their (F) they

One cold morning, Tom woke up and went to the kitchen.

He saw a fire in the kitchen. Tom quickly woke _


parents up. The three of them rushed out of the house in a hurry,

but forgot all about their dog. Tom heard the dog

barking in the house and was worried for safety.


Soon, the fire engines arrived. Tom's parents told the firefighters

that the dog was still inside house. It was finally


rescued by the firefighters. Tom was grateful to them.

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Grammar Cloze - Passage A (4 X 1 mark each = 4 marks)
Frotn the list of words given, choose the rnost suitable word for
each blank. Write its letter (A to F) in the blanks provided.


(A) above {C) behind (E) into

(8) along {D) from (F) on

Aaron was walking home from school. Just then, he heard a

strange noise coming from him. He was afraid t9

turn around, so he continued walking. He did not see a big drain in

front of him and fell it. He had a deep cut

his _kn_e . Aaron screamed for help but no one
came to his rescue. He looked up and saw a few birds flying

thterees. Just then, he heard someone walking

towards him. He knew he would be rescued soon.

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Vocabulary Cloze {6 x 1 mark each = 6 marks)
From the list of words given, choose the most suitable word for
each blank. Write its Jetter (A to J) in the blanks provided.


(A) cook (D) ingredients (G) recipe

(B) delicious (E) long (H) short

(C) food (F) police (J) tasteless

Uncle Tan is a hawker. He has- a chicken rice stall in the

neighbourhood centre. He has been selling chicke

ric:e for many years.

Uncle Tan learnt how to ------ chicken rice when

he was fifteen years old. He got the from his
father and cooked it often for his family.

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(A) cook (D) ingredients (G) recipe

(B) delicious (E) long (H) short

(C) food (F) police (J) tasteless

Uncle Tan's chicken rice is ------. He believes in


using only the best tomake the dish taste great.


Many people have heard of his famous chicken rice. Every afterno(?n,

there will be a queue in front of his stall. His


customers will queue for hours just to eat his chicken rice.

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Comprehension {10 marks)

Read the passage below and answer questions 31 to 36.

Ken was about to reach his school when it started to rain

heavily. He ran quickly into the school to seek shelter. As he

dashed into his classroom, he slipped and fell.

"Ouch!" Ken cried in pain. His ankle was injured. His friends

crowded around him and helped him up. They took him to the sick 5

bay to have his wound treated. While resting alone in the sick
bay, Ken thought about the soccer match that he was going to

miss at.-recess. Ken was upset. He had promised his friends that

he would join them in the game.

Ring! It was time for recess. The rain had stopped. Thomas 10

came to the sick bay and exclaimed, "Ken! Look at what I have

found in the school garden!" Thomas held up a jar with_ a

butterfly in it. He wanted to cheer Ken up. Thomas knew that

Ken was upset because he could not play soccer with them. Ken

was delighted to see the butterfly. 15

Just then, there was a rainbow outside the window. "What

a beautiful butterf.ly! Its wings are as colourful as the rainbow!"

Ken said as he smiled. Thomas was glad to see a smile on his
friend's face.


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Answer the following questions.

31. Why did Ken run into his school? (2 marks)

32. For each of the statements, tick( ) "True" or "False".

(2 marks)

Statement True False

a. Ken hurt his arm when he slipped and
b. Ken was looking forward to playing
soccer with his friends.

33. Write the word from paragraph 2 that has the same meaning
as "gathered". (1 mark)

34, Why was Ken upset at first? (2 marks)


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35. Why was Thornas at the sick bay? (2 marks)

36. Sequence the following sentences based on the story.

Number the sentences 1, 2, 3 and 4. (1 mark)

Thomas showed Ken a butterfly:


Ken saw a rainbow. '


Thomas visited -Ken in the sick"bay.

Ken was hurt. 1

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YEAR 2018


Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 QS Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 QlO
1- 4 2 1 2 3 1 3 4

Qll Q12 Q13 Ql4 QlS

bought lrungrily said en_joyable
Q16 Q17 Q18 Ql9 Q20
was his they its their
Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25
Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30
-- ••·•••·- ·,r -• •·-•••~·' ~----- ..

31) It was raining heavily and he wanted to seek shelter.

32) (a) False

(b) True

33) crowded

34) He had injured his ankle and could not join in the soccer game with his

35) He wanted to cheer Ken uo and show him the butterfly he had found in
the school garden.

36) 3


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Paper1 Paper 2 Paper3 Paper 4 Total Marks




Total Time: 1hour

Do not open the booklet until you are told to do so.
Follow all instructions carefully.
Answer all questions.

Name: ( )
Class: Primary 2 _

Date: 23 October 2018 40

Parent's signature: _

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Section A: Grammar MCQ {5 X 1 mark)
Choose the most suitable answer to complete each sentence. Write its number in the
brackets provided.

1. · Mrs Lee ---her plants daily.

(1) water
(2) waters
(3) is watering
(4) are watering

Z, · ,:he doorbeTJ raog _ -- Mother was co king dinner.:

(1) so
(2) but
{3) when
{4) because

3. Looking up, Josh exclaimed, "Look! The aeroplane is flying the houses."

(1) in
(2) on
(3) from
(4) above

4. As _Mr Goh was leaving for work, daughter ran up to him and gave him a

(1) his
(2) her
{3} him
(4) them { )

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5. are·you holding in your handsr Linda asked Peter, pointing at his
clenched fists.

(1) How
(2) Who
(3) What
(4) When

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Section B: Vocabularv MCO I 5 X 1 mark) . . .
Choose the most suilabfe answer to complete each sentence. Write rts number tn the
brackets provided.

6. Cheryl yelled when a worm_. pasl her feet.

(1) leaped
(2} wriggled
(3} slithered
(4) bounced ( }

< 7... · When the strong wind blovls, .the kites fly._ --,-· into the.sky.

(1) taller
(2) lighter
(3) higher
(4) deeper )

8. The teacher reminded the students, MAfter you have completed your work, you must
check it

(1) easily
(2) safely
(3) carefully
(4} attentively }

9. Jenny was reading about the wonders of magnets. She was eager to find out more

----facts about them.

(1) easy
(2) boring
(3) difficult
{4} interesting )

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Section C: Visual-Text Comprehension (5 x 1 mark}

Study the poster below carefully and answer the following questions.

Thomson Kids Club proudly presents

run Carnival
at Thomson Mall
from 15 October to 14 November 2018

Lucky·Draw Highlights
•one lucky draw chance for •Magic shows
··every $50spent •Food tasting booths
The first prize is a television set! •Game booths
•Consolation prizes include
shopping and book vouchers.

Free balloons for children

8 years old and below!

Spend $200
and redeem a cute plush toy.

for more information. please visit the website at w w w. m a l l . s g . You can also callX
Mr David Tay at 6987 1234 or email i n f o @ m a l l . s g .X

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11. What is the name of the event held at Thomson Mall?

It is

12. What is the top prize of the lucky draw?

The top prize is'----.,.-----,----::-------------

l3. State one highlight of the event.

It is '----'-'---.,.-- ---.,.-----------'-----

14. How can someone redeem a plush toy?

He needs to to redeem the plush toy.

15. Who can the visitors call if they need more information?

They can call a6t9871234.

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§.ectlon O: Grpmm•r Cloxe (8 x1 mark}

hoo lhe co,rocl word from the words given in the box and
Road Its
passages f IIY· C
write (A to earn
F) inuoach blank. Use each wofd ONCE ont-;

paseaga 1
{B) plays (C) played
(A) play

(E} is playing (F) was playing

(D) playing

Tom loved to play. He enjoyed (16) with his class mates

during recess. Tom would (17) --··· ...·.. -·---·- games with his classmates at the

field. Jn the evening, Tom and his neighbours, met at the playground near his house and

(18-) -------------------------------games like hide-and-seek.

Once, while Tom (19) _ hide-and-seek, he hid in a box and no

one could find him. He only came out from his hiding place when he realised that everyone

Written by Mrs Ang

was looking for him.

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Passage 2
{B) behind (C) by
(A) along

(E} into (F) with

(D) in

Many people do not like snails as they are moist and slimy. Snails can be found

(20) _
gardens and ponds. Snails have soft bodies protected

(21} _
hard shells, When the snail is disturbed. it pulls itself


(22) ,...,. its shell and hides.. Snails produce slimy mucus to make a

slippery track. With this slime, snails can even crawl (23) _ a tree

branch upside down. Isn't that amazing ?

Source: http:l..www.sclenceklds.co.rrzlsclencefactslanlma/s/snail.html

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Section E: Editing for Spelling (3 x 1 mark)
Correct each word in boJd for spelling. Write the correct word in the boxes provided.

Daniel and Ling Ling cut the cloth they had bought. They were making costumes for

(24) I
a performance so tney their best to make sure the sewing was done properly. Finally,

(25) .,_I

the costumes were ready. The children were dilighted.

(26) I
Daniel and Ling Ling put on the costumes, picked up the brooms and pretanded to
be soldiers marching smartly in the field.

. .
UOne, two, one, two," Ling ling chanted proudly. Daniel and Ling Ling were pleased

that their costumes were ready for their performance.

Written by Mrs Ang

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Section F: Word Order (2 x 2 marks}
Arrange the words in the correct order. Then write the sentence on the lines provided.

27. surprised

a birthday cake he saw

It is to

brush my: teeth good habit


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Section G: Comprehension (10 marks)

Read the passage below and answer the questions carefully.

It was one week before the Show-and-Tell presentation. Ramli's presentation script was ready but he had not bee11 practising. Spending more ti
mother, Mrs Siti, was worried.

. .

'Harnli, it's time to stop piaying and start practising!" Mrs

sternly. Walking over to Ramli, she confiscated his handheld gam

Siti ignored Ramli's protests and began practising with him

After days of practice with his mother, Rarnli became more confident about presenting in front of his c
had also recited his speech numerous times in front of his mother. At times, Mrs Siti 10 would give him gen
ready for the big day.

Feeling grateful, Ramli thanked his mother and gave her a hug. If not for his mother, he would not be
when he received an excellent grade from his teacher. 15


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29. Why did Ramli not prepare for his Show-and-Tell? (1m)
He did not prepare for his Show-and-Tell because _

(1) his presentation script was not ready

{2) his teacher would give him an excellent grade
{3) he spent too much time playing on his game console
(4) he was not confident about presenting in front of his classmates

30. . , Which wor<f in p ragraph 1 has th same meaning as '.rehearsing'? (1ffi)

31. Writ 1,. 2 and 3 in the blanks below to indicate the order of events that occurred in
the passage. (1m)

,Mrs Siti reminded Ramli to look at the audience.

amli's 1eacher gave Ramli a good grade for his presentation.

Ramli prepared his presentation script.


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For question 32, 33 and 34, put a tick ( ) inthecorrect column.The firsl example has been
done for you. (3m)

Example Mrs Siti was Ramli"s mother.

32. Ramli had only one more week to prepare for Show-and-Tell.

33: Mr Siti kept Ramli's handheld game cohsole.

34. •Ramli practisedfor Show-and-Tell on his own.

35. Why did Ramli feel more confident after. the practices with his mother? (2m)

36. How did Ramfi show that he was grateful to his mother? (2m)

-End of Paper -


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YEAR 2018

Ql 1 It is the Fun carnival.

Q12 The top prize is a tel vision set.
Q13It is the game booths.
Q14 He needs to spend $200 to redeem the plush toy.
Q15 They can <:all Mr David Tay at 69871234.

DAC 20 DCE 24
F 21 A


Q27 Paul was surprised when he saw a birthday cake.

Q28 It is a good habit to brush my teeth everyday.

Q29 ( 3)
Q30 practising

2 Mrs Siti reminded Ramli to look at the audience.

1 Ramli

Q32 True
Q33 True
Q34 False

Q35 Ramli had memorised his script and recited his speech numorous times.
Q36 Ramli showed that he wasgrateful to his mother by giving her a hug
and thanked her.


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"'"' ._,,E(llllud
Ii. :h. ,...,.#




Name: ( )

Class: Primary 2 _

26 October 2018




Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so.
.Follow all instructions carefully.
Answer all questions.

This paper consists of 9 printed pages excluding the cover page.

Parent's Signature: _ Date:

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Section A: Vocabulary MCQ (5 x 1 mark)
Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets

1. The boy infear when questioned by the Discipline

Master about the stolen wallet.

(1) glared
(2) smiled
(3) giggled
(4) trembled ( )

2. Please use· toloosen the soil before sowing the

a seeds.

(1) hose.
(2) spade
{3) bucket
(4) wheelbarrow ( )

3. I ... I ... don't know," Raja timidly when the teacher

asked him a question he could not answer.

(1) shouted
(2) moaned
(3) screeched
(4) stammered ( )

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4. The ant is a insect as it is able to carry something
that is heavier than its body weight.

(1) tiny
(2) busy
(3) strong
(4) hardworking ( )

-· .
5. The· firemen sprayed water at the burning house to _
the fire.

(1) puton
(2) put out
(3) put down
(4) put away ( )

Section B: Grammar MCQ (5 x 1 mark}

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets

6. Mary fell and her leg at the playground just now.

(1) hurt
(2) hurts
(3) is hurting
(4) was hurtjng ( )_

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7. "Is there food for me to eat?" asked the hungry

(1) any
(2) few
(3) most
(4) many ( )

8. toys that I am holding in my hands are not for sale.

(1) This
(2) That
(3) These
(4) Those ( )

9. The twins the same hobby of reading but they like

to read different types of books.

(1) share
(2) shares
(3) shared
(4) are sharing ( )

10. Paul wanted to buy the expensive toy he did not

have enough money in his wallet.

(1) or
(2) so
(3) but
(4) because ( )

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Section C: Grammar Cloze (8 x 1 mark)

Passage 1
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct word
or phrase from the box. Use each word or phrase ONCE only.

cook cooked co'oking

cooks is cooking was cooking

Mr Brown loves to eat. He loves to (11) too.

He {14)· ------.....,..
,- for his family every day.·.

Last evening,. Mr Brown .(13) a big·feast . to

celebrate his son's birthday. While he (14) ,

he accidentally burnt his finger. Luckily, it was only a small injury.

Passage 2
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct word
from the box. Use each word ONCE only.

at for in
into out to

It was a long journey. Finally, we arrived (15}

the hotel. After checking in, we changed (16)----------------------------our

swimsuits and went swimming.

An hour later, we were hungry so we went (17) _

lunch. Then we spent the rest of t e day watching television in the room.

That night, we went (18) _ forward to going to the

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zoo early the next day. bed early. We looked

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Section D: Combining Sentences (2 x 2 marks)
Rewrite the sentences using the connectors provided. Y ur answer must
be in one sentence.

19. They closed all the windows. They left the house.


20. The children laughed happily. They saw the clown.


Section E: Word Order (2 x 2 marks)

Rearrange the words to form a sentence. Write the sentence on the lines

21. can have or he a popcorn a muffin

22. some for her clothes bought Amy)s mother new

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Section F: Comprehension Cloze (4 x 1 mark)
Fill in each blank·with themost suitable word of your own. The first letter
of each word has been given.

Yesterday, when I was playing soccer with my brother, I broke

Mother's vase accidentally. It was her favourite vase

(23) b --- - iwtas a gift from her beloved

grandmother. I was afraid to tell Mother so I (24) h the pieces of the

broken vase in a box under my bed.

When Mother (25) c ----- home after work that night,

my brother ran quickly to her and told her, "Mum, Tim broke your vase!"

I gathered my courage and apologised to Mother.

Mother looked at me, patted my head and said, "I am so glad that

(26)y _told me the truth. It's alright. I forgive

you." With tears in my eyes, I gave Mother a hug.

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Section G: Comprehension (10 marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer t e questions that follow.

Joe hardly slept last night. He had tried to sleep early after taking

some medicine but the pain did not go off. He could not bear the pain

ariymore. Although he feared the idea of visiting the dentist, he knew

that Dr Goh was the only person who could help him. He made his way
to the dental dinic which was quite far away.

'When Joe reached the derital clinic, he saw many patients waiting

patiently for their turn. He waited anxiously after getting a queue

number. Time seemed to pass slowly and his fear began to grow. He

was ashamed of himself for eating too many sweets which had caused

the toothache.

When it was Joe's turn, he took a deep breath before going into

the dentist's room. He was greeted by a friendly Dr Goh who put him at

ease in no time. He examined his teeth and said that one tooth needed

to be extracted. It was the one which was causing Joe much pain. Dr

Goh applied some medication on the gum. Joe closed his eyes tightly as

Dr Goh extracted the tooth. To his surprise, there was no pain.

Dr Goh praised Joe for being brave·and reminded him to brush his

teeth after every meal. When Joe walked out of the clinic, he had one

tooth less but he was a happier person.

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For Q27 and 28f choose the most suitable answer and write its
number in the brackets provided. (2x1m)

27. Joe could not sleep the night before because he _

( went to bed late

(2) had a toothache
(3) forgot to eat his medicine
.(4) was afraid of going to the dentist )

28. Joe did not want to visit the dentist because ------"---

· {1) he was scared

(2) he was unfriendly
(3) he had not slept well
(4) the clinic was far away )

For Q29 and 30, read each statement and tick ( ) 'True' or 'False'.
Refer to paragraph 2 to help you. The first example has been done
for you. (2x1m)

29. Joe regretted eating too many sweets

30. Joe was the first in the queue to see the


31. Which word in paragraph 2 has the same meaning as 'nervously'?


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32. Write 1, 2 or 3 in the blanks below to show what Dr Goh did first,
next and last in paragraph 3. (1m)

He checked Joe's teeth.

He pulled out Joe's tooth.

He put some medication on Joe's gum.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (2x2m)

33. Why was Joe surprised when Dr Goh extracted his tooth?

34. What did Dr Goh advise Joe to do?

Remember to check your work.

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Name: ( )

Class: Primary Two





Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so.
Follow all instructions carefully.
Answer all questions.

This paper consists of printed pages excluding the cover page.

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Section A: Vocabulary MCQ (5 x 1 mark)
Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets

The butterflies
----from one flower to another.
(1) flitted
(2) soared
(3) jumped
{4) galloped (

2. My father uses a to look at the tiny insects more


(1) telescope
(2) binoculars
(3) reading glasses
(4) 'magnifying glass ( )

3. Farmer Adrian reared a-----------------of chickens on his farm.

(1) herd
_ (2).
troop-- (3)·
(4) gaggle ( )

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4. Daryl is feeling about the Speech and Drama
performance. He cannot waittoperform.on stage.

(1) upset
(2) scared
(3) excited
(4) nervous ( )

5. The clown had to balance and--------,..-.- three baffs while riding

a unicycle.

(1) juggle
(2) wriggle
(3) waggle
(4) squiggle ( )

Section B: Grammar MCQ (5 x 1 mark)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets

6. Rachael and her sister church every Sunday.

(1) attend
(2) attends
(3) attended
(4) is attending ( )

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7. Bala's father gave him money to buy books at the
book fair.

(1) any
(2) few
(3) many
(4) some (

8. "Benedict, please bring books on that table to me,"

said Mrs Chan.

(1) this
(2) that
(3) these
(4) those ( )

9. Jane's books are with me. I will return to her

(1) it
(2) us
(3) her
(4) them ( )

10. "Did you your school bag?" Mother reminded


(1) pack
(2) p_acks
. {3) packed
. (4) packing ( )

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Section C: Grammar Cloze (8 x 1 mark)
Passage 1
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct word
or phrase from the box. Use each word or phrase ONCE only.

invitation invite invited

invites inviting was inviting

Cheryl is going to celebrate her eighth birthday next month. Her

parents are (11) _ some ·friends and relatives to


house for the celebration. Cheryl wants to (12) her

classmates. In fact, she (13) her form teacher, Mrs

Tan last week. She has made beautiful (14) cards

for all her guests. Cheryl hopes that everyone can attend her birthday


Passage 2
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct word
from the box. Use each word ONCE only.

from in into
of to up

It was a beautiful Monday evening. Dawn was washing the dishes .

(15) _ the kitchen. Suddenly, she felt something

crawling (16) _ her leg. She screamed and jumped

in fear. The mug that she was holding slipped (17) her

hand. It shattered (18)

------- pieces. Dawn then saw a
cockroach skittering under the kitchen cabinet.

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Section D: Combining Sentences (2 x 2 marks)
Rewrite the sentences using the connectors provided. Your answer must
be in sentence.

19. Ben was sick. He went to see the doctor.


20. Alan likes to read. Alan likes to listen to music too.


Section E: Word Order (2 x 2 marks)

Rearrange the words to form a sentence. Write the sentence on the lines

21. the doorbell answered rang he nobody but

22. a hole dug some Ahmad near bushes

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Section F: Comprehension Cloze (4 x 1 mark)
Fill in each bfank with the most suitable word of your own. The first letter
of each word has been given.

During the March holidays, we visited the Gardenia factory. When

we (23) a _ at the factory, our guide, Mr Lim,

welcomed us warmly. Then he took us to the baking room.

He explained to us how {24) b was made. We

learnt that the marn ingredients used were sugar, oil

and frour.

We could (25) s _ the heavenly aroma

of the freshly baked bread. Mr Lim gave us some bread to try. We really

enjoyed our (26) v tothe factory. We hope to

go there again.

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Section G: Comprehension (10 marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Mr Tan drives the taxi 12 hours every day. One day, Mr Tan drove to
the school where his wife was working as a teacher. It was a long and
tiring day of work and he was in a bad mood.

"The world is full of dishonest people!" he grumbled angrily.

Concerned. his wife asked him what had happened. Mr Tan told her that
he had received a fake ten-dollar note from one passenger earlier that
day. The passenger had alighted at a crowded taxi stand of a shopping
mall and walked off before Mr Tan could notice that the note was fake.

Mrs Tan then asked him to show her the note.

"Oh, I just got rid of it! I used it when I bought noodles from the hawker at
the coffee shop. He was too busy with his customers to notice it!" Mr Tan.'

His wife frowned when she heard that and scolded him. "That was
dishonest of you too!" she remarked.

Mr Tan thought for a moment and hung his head in shame. He

realised that he was in the wrong. He should have gone to the police
station to make a report instead of passing on the fake note to the

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For 027 and 28, choose the most suitable answer and write its number
in the brackets provided.

27. What was Mr Tan's. occupation? He was a . [1m]

(1) hawker
(2) teacher
(3) taxi driver
(4) police officer ( )

28. Why was Mr Tan angry when he returned home? [1m]

(1) He had received a fake note.

(2) He had lost a ten-dollar note.
(3) He had worked for many hours.
(4) He had been scolded by his wife. ( )

29. Which word from paragraph 2 has the same meaning as

'complained'? [1m]

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For 030 to Q32, tick( ) whether the statements are true or false. Refer
to paragraphs 2 and 3 to help you. The first example has been done for
you. [3m]

Statement True False

Example The passenger gave Mr Tan a fake note.

30. Everyone in the world is dishonest.

Mr Tan kept the fake note to show his
Many people were waiting at the taxi

For Q33 and 34, answer in complete sentences.

33. Why did the hawker not realise that the ten-dollar note was fake?

34 r How do you know that Mr Tan's wife was not happy with him?

Remember to check your work.

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Section A: Vocabulary MCQ (5 x 1 mark)
Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets

1. The young boy angrily to himself when the teacher

told him to stay back after school.

(1) groaned
(2) bellowed
(3) grumbled
(4) stammered ( )

2. The construction worker loaded the with ·huge bags

of sand and pushed it into the construction site.

(1) crane
(2) pulley
(3) wheelbarrow
(4) watering car} ( )

3. "Look at the pack of roaming in _the wild!" yelled

Timothy excitedly.

(1) ants
(2) wolves
(3) gorillas
(4) kangaroos

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4. Ravi wore a pair of -----before he dived into the sea.

(1) boots
(2) flippers
(3) slippers
(4) stockings

5. The chef
some chilli powder on the fried chicken to
make it hot and spicy.

(1) spread
(2) sprayed
(3) sprinkled
(4) squeezed
( )

Section B: Grammar MCQ {5 x 1 mark)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets

6. The lift - down just now.

(1) break
(2) broke ..
(3) bre.aks
(4) is breaking ( )

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7. Ali finished of the pineapple juice as it tasted really

(1) any
(2) few
(3) most
(4) many ( )

8. "Victor, please bring boxes that are over there to

me," said Uncle Ben.

(1) this
(2) that
(3) these
(4) those ( )

9. Amy rushed 4:"'t. toilet because she had a bad

stomach ache.

(1) on
(2) into
(3) over
(4) through ( )

10. My parents will take me for a swim Icomplete

my homework.

(1) _ or
(2) but
(3) after
(4) while ( )

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Section C: Grammar Cloze (8 x 1 mark}
Passage 1
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct word
or phrases from the box. Use each word ONCE only.

fed feed feeding

feeds is feeding was feeding

Grandfather keeps birds as pets. He C "' J them

every morning. After (12) _ them, he cleans up

the cage. Sometimes, when I visit Grandfather on Sundays, I will help

him to

(13) the birds.

Last Friday, Grandfather (14) the birds. He

accidentally left the cage open. One of.the birds flew away!

Passage 2 _
Read the passage below carefully. Fill in the blank with the correct word
from the box. Use each word ONCE only.

behind from in
on to
I into

It was a hot Monday afternoon. Anne got home

( 5) school late. She found out that her younger

brother had drawn.{16) her worksheets.

Anne shouted loudly (17) anger. She marched

to her room and slammed the door hard (18) her.

She started crying as she was worried that she would get a scolding

from her teacher the next day.

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Section D: Combining Sentences (2 x 2 marks)
Rewrite the sentences using the connectors provided. Your answer must
be in one sentence.

19. Jim boarded he bus. He _allowed the passengers to alight first.


20. Exercise is important for children. It helps to keep them healthy

and fit.


. Section E: Word Order (2 x 2 marks)

Rearrange the words to form a sentence. Write the sentence on the lines

21. his uniform raining heavily was so very wet it was

22. always our we cooking mother's enjoy

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Section F: Comprehension Cloze (4 x 1 mark)
Fill in each blank with the most suitable word of your own. The first letter
of each word has been given.

Harun -was walking towards his flat. Suddenly, he

(23)h _a foud scream. Kaylee, his neighbour, ran out

of her house. There was smoke coming out from the house.

"My grandpa is in the house!" sobbed Kaylee as

(24)t _ rolled down her cheeks. Harun caned for the

fire brigade. Soon, the (25) f _ on duty came and put

out the fire as a team.

Kaylee felt (26) r when she saw her grandfather.

She thanked Harun for helping her.

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Section G: Comprehension (10 marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

A maid named Maya was working in a rich man's home. One day,
someone knocked on the door. Maya opened the door and saw an old
monk who looked dirty and tired. He asked for some food as he was
hungry.: Maya gave him some buns. The old monk thanked Maya for her
kindness and left.

The rich man's daughter, Juni saw what she had done. j'How dare
you give our food to a stranger?'' she reprimanded Maya loudly. She
ordered Maya to take the buns back from the monk immedrately. Maya
went to look fo the monk reluctantly.

The old monk saw Maya crying. He gave Maya a handkerchief. He

told her that it had the power to show the true colours of a person who

used it. A kind person would look pretty while a ,:,er.son with an evil heart
would look ugly.

Maya used her handkerchief to wipe her face daily. Everyone

noticed that Maya was looking prettier every day. Jun1 saw Maya using
the handkerchief and grabbed it. Juni wiped her face_ with it. When she

looked into the mirror, she screamed in horror. and fainted . at the sight
her ugly face!

Adapted from Times Asian Folktales From Japan by Margerie Kahlenberg -Williams

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For 027 and 28, choose the most suitable answer and write its number
in the brackets provided.

27. Why did Maya give the buns to the old monk? [1m]

(1) He was old.

(2) He was dirty.
(3) He was tired.
(4) He was hungry. (

28. The old monk felt to Maya for her kindness. [1m]

(1) upset
(2) grateful
(3) satisfied
(4) remorseful ( )

29. Which word from paragraph 2 has the same meaning as

'unwillingly'? [1m]

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For Q30 to Q32, tick ( ) whether the statements are true or false. Refer
to paragraphs 2 and 3 to help you. The first example has been done for
you. [3m]

Statement True False

.Example Maya cried after Juni scolded her.

Juni wanted Maya to give more buns to

the monk.
Juni scolded Maya for giving away the
The old monk gave Juni a magic

For Q33 and 34, answer in complete sentences.

33. What.would happen when ltind person used the handkei:chief?


34. Why did Juni look ugly after wiping her face with the
handkerchief? [2m]

Remember to check your wo_rk.

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YEA.:R 2018


Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Ql0
1 4 3 3 1 1 4 4 4 1

- -
Qll Q12 Q13 014
invitin invite invited invitation
QlS Q16 Ql7 Q18
in up from into

19) . Ben s sjck so he went to see the doctor.

20) Alan likqs to read and listen to music.

21) He rang the doorbell but nobody answered.

22) Ahmad dug a hole near some bushes.

Q23 024 Q25 Q26 027 Q28

arrived bread· smell visit 3 1

29) grumbled

30) False

31) False

32) True

33) He was too busy with his customers.

34) She frowned and scolded him.

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Ql Q4 QS Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 QlO
3 2 3 2 3 4 2 3

Qll Q12 Q13 Q14

feeds feedin2 feed fed
Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18
from .O.D ln behind

19) Before Jim boarded the bus, he alJowed the passengers to alight first.

20) Exercise is important for children because it helps keeps them healthy
and fit.

21) It was raining heavily so his uniform was very wet.

22) We always enjoy our mother's cooking.

Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28

heard tears firemen relieved 4 2

29) reluctantly

30) False

31) True

32) False

33) The kind person would loolVpreUy.

34) She had an evil heart.


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Name: { )

Class: 2 _ Parent's Signature:·

Date: 29 October 2018

. Duration of Paper: 1 ho.ur

Section A - Vocaaulory MCQ (5 X 1 m,ark)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided.

1. I love the omelette rice in the canteen. It tastes

(1) delicious
(2) attractive
(3) disgusting
{4) enchanting ( )

2. We had to_get a to repair the leaking pipe in the


(1) baker
(2) plumber
(3) butcher
(4) carpenter ( \

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3. Willy and Hugh loudly when their teacher told the
closs a joke.
(1) smiled
(2) whined
(3) laughed
(4) whispered ( )

4. The robber ran into the narrow between two

buildings to escape from the police.

(1) -alley
(2) forest
(3) meadow
(4) corridor ( )

5. The brave and firemen put out the fire in no time and
carried the injured people out of the house.
(1) silly
(2) strong
(3) selfish
(4) strange ( )

Section 8 - Grammar MCQ (5 X 1 mark)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided.

6. "Ziyong's tooth fell out during recess. He togo to

the dental clinic now," Devi informed her teacher.
(1) need
(2) needs
(3) needed
(4) needing ( )

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7. Sue was at the park yesterday when she her

(1) meet
{2) meets
(3) met
(4) meeting ( )

8. "You should complete 'fOUr homf!work by _,"Mrs

See reminded her son.

(1) myself
(2) himself
(3) yourself
(4) themselves · ( )

9. "Please take pile of books,·over there to the staff

room later," Mr Collin reminded the class monitor.

(1) this
(2) that
(3) these
(4) those ( )

10. Ben was feeling thirsty. He asked his grandmother for _


(1) few
(2) many
(3) some
(4) plenty ( )

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Section C - Vocobulgry Cloze (4 ,c 1 mark)
Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box. You may use the words
only ONCE.

request humongous plants

demand plant creatures

Once there lived a helpful giant. Her name was Lora. She enjoyed lending a

helping hand to those around her. She was tall and (11) ., with a

big head and strong arms. She worked in a huge garden and enjoyed the company

of small (12) like snails and slugs.

One day, a villager came to Lora. He told her politely that he needed help

to (13) ----- some trees in his garden. Lora agreed to help him.

She granted the villager's (14) and finished the job in two


The grateful villager cooked a big pot of stew to thank the giant.

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Section [) - 6rcunrnar Cloze (6 x 1 mark)

Passage 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box. You may use the words
only ONCE.

around from in

of out through

It was a Monday night. Mike and his family were having dinner

when the lights went (15) _ suddenly. It was pitch-dark.

Mike's father stood up immediately to check the switches

(16) _ the kitchen. He took a torchlight

(17} _ thdreawer to light the way . Mike was afraid

of the dark and started crying. His mother held his hands and told him that his

father would switch on the lights soon.

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Passage 2

Fitl in the blanks with the most suitable word from the box. You mciy use the
words only ONCE.

is are was were

Aidan, Ben and Charlie enjay fishing. It (18)


favourite pastime.

- One sunny morning, they (19) fishing at a nearby pond.

After a while, Charlie felt something pulling on his line. He

(20) ----- very excited and began shouting. He tried pulling the line

in but the fish got away.

In the end, the boys went home without catching any fish.

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Section E - Editing (6 x1 mark)
Read the passage and fill in the boxes with the correct spelling.

Last night, I had a terrible dream. I dreamt that I was in a faraway land

1 21. 122. 1
where there were mgny diferrent creatures. Eagles swouped low and owls hooted

· loudly. All the other animals I saw were running for th ir lif s. There was a huge

eomotion and I started running too.

At last, I found a small cave. I 5hivred in the cold and stared into the

darkness. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me, "Sally, is that you?" The voice

drew closer and closer.

"Mum!" I exclaimed and ran over t'o cardle her tightly. I heaved a sigh of

relief and woke up to realise it was just a dream.

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Section F - Word Order (4 x 1 mark)
Rearrange the words to form a complete sentence. Begin each sentence with a
capital letter and end it with a full-stop or question tnark.

went with morning Tom his swimming this friend

28.1 this Bala a watch is for new brand

29. feast
guests the chef a delicious

the prepared for

bees the flew angry of hive

swarm their out of

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Section 6 .. Comprehension (10 mClr'ks}
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

A baker was on his way to the market to buy some flour when he found a

package on the ground. To his surprise, it contained a stack of money. He went

home quickly and showed his mother the money. She told him, "You should return


"But we can buy many things with this!" the son said. ·Anyway, I don't know

who to·return the money to. I found it on the road."

"Return itl" his mother said fiercely. "Go back to where you found it. The

_ owner will turn up."

His mother was right. A money changer was looking for his money. The baker

returned the package with all the money to him. A passer-by asked the money

changer to reward the baker. However, the money changer refused and said, "I

lost $300. There is only $100 here!"

_ The men started fighting. A policeman saw them and took them to a judge.

The judge said to the money changer. "You insist that you have lost $300. Then it

is clear that this money found is not yours. You have lost your money somewhere

else." The judge passed the money to the policeman and thanked the baker for his

honest act.

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fop Questions 31 and 32, wri.te 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the brackets.

31. Based on the passage, which of the following words best describes the
baker's mother? [1m]

(1) sweet
(2) gentle
(3) honest
(4) beautiful ( )

32. The policeman brought the men to the judge because ,


(1) he saw them fighting

(2) he wanted the money
(3) the judge asked him to
(4) the men fought with him (

33. Based on the passage, use a tick ( ) to state whether each sentence below
is True or False. [ 4m]

Sentence True False

a) The baker found $300.

b) The baker to keep the money that he
had found at first.

c) The baker's mother asked her son to keep the


d) The baker went to the market after finding

the money.

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34. These are the events in the story. Put them in the right $equence,
according to what happened in the story. Write 1, 2 and 3 on the lines.

The judge gave the policeman the money.

The baker gave the money to the money changer.

--- The .baker showed his mother what he had found.

35. Which word in paragraph 4 tells us that the money changer did not want to
reward" the baker? [lm]

For Q36, write your answer in compfete sentences.

36. Do you think that the money changer was a grateful person? Why?

- End of PaJJ£r ~
Please check your work carefully.

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YEAR 2018

I ;1 I2 I 3 I ;4 I5 I 6 I ;7 I8 I9 I ;10
Q11 humongous Q17 from Q23 Jives
Q12 creatures Q18 is Q24 commotion
Q13 plant Q19 were Q25 shivered
Q14 request QiO was Q26 cuddle
Q15 out Q21 different
Q16 in Q22 swooped

Q27 Tom went swimming with his friend this morning.

Q28 This is a brand newwatch for Bala.
Q29 The chef prepared a delicious feast for the guests.
Q30The angry swarm of bees flew out of their hive.

Sentenee True False
a) The baker found $300.
b) The baker wanted to kee themoney that he found at first.
c) The baker's mother asked her son to keep the money.
d) The baker went to the market after findin themoney.

Q34 .3. The judge gave the policemen the money,

2. The baker gave the money to the money changer.
1_The baker showed his mother what he had found.

Q35 refused
Q36 No, he was not a grateful person , because he did not thank the baker
for returning the money.


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Maha Bodhi School
2018 End-of-Year Examination
Primary Two
English Language

Name ( ) Marks

Class : Primary 2
Duration : 1 hour
Date : 23 October 2018

Section A: Voiobulqry (8 x 1 mark)

Read each question nd look at the pichre. Then choose the correct
answer and put a tick ( ) in the box beside it.

l) Ali placed his painting on the .


2) Joe took out a box of tocolour his drawing.

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1 C3J

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3) The teacher picked up the of books from the table.


4) Jack's paper was ashe had forgotten to put it in his


crashed ·l

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- The BEST website to download FREE exam papers, notes and other materials from Singapore!
Choose the correct word or group of words from the box to fill in
each blank. Use each word or word phrase once only.

hung up famous paintings scene bright·colours

Last week, our teacher, Miss Tan, took our class to the art museum.

We were there to look at the 5) --------.=- ---------------·------------ -------------

drawn by the well-known artist, Vincent Van Gogh. AU the pajntings were

6) on the wall. Miss Tan told us not

to touch them. We were very earef ul.

The paintings ere beautiful. Most of them were painted with

7) ----- ----------------------::--= ,,.--.,------------ . Colours like yellow, orange and

red were used. My favourite painting was The Starry Night. It was a

8) • of the night sky. It was an

- .,·

enjoyable learning journey.

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Section 8: Grammar (12 x 1 mark}

Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense form of the verb.

Last week, Joey and her classmates went to a special concert. It was

performed by the deaf. The performers could play music even though they

could not hear. She 9) -------- ----;------------------· (think) it was strange.

She was curious so she 10) ------------------ ·------------· (ask) one of her

friends, Nina. Nina 11) -------------.,.------------------· ( tell ) her that the

performers cou,d play the music by feeling the vibrations the instruments

made. Joey had learnt more about the deaf.

Circle the correct verb that ogrees- ith the subject.

Muthu is a police officer in Napville town. Every morning, he

12) ( patrols , patrol )· the neighbourhood. Sometimes, he

13) ( take , fakes ) his buddy. Glee, the police dog along. Th y -
14) ( works , wo-rk ) welf together. Everyone in the

neighbourhood knows Officer Muthu and Glee. They can look for them

when they are in trouble.

. 4

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Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifier .

much a few many a little

Helen is preparing some snacks for her family. She opens the

refrigerator to see what she has. There are only 15) : ·· .

slices of ham. There may not be enough to make sandwiches. Then, she

picks up a box of cereal and gives it a shake. It feels light. There is

not 16) left. Then she notices that there are

17) ---------------------------- eggs in the tray. Twenty of them! She

decides to make scrambled eggs for her famiJy.

Circle the correct comector.

Every Sunday, my sister and I wake up early to go to the beach. We

like to catch the su rise 18) ( and , but . while ) exercise. I like

to ride on my scooter 19) ( while , because , but ) it moves fast. It is

exciting! My sister prefers to put on her roller blades. She swings her

hands 20) ( white , because , however ) she glides'on her blades. I love

spending Sundays with my sister.

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Section C: Punctuation (5 x 1 mark)
There is one punctuation mistake or missing punctuation in each
sentence. Circle the punctuation mistake or missing punctuation and
rewrite the correct punctuation on the lines provided.

Examples: @likes togo to the library.

She likes to read booksQ

21) My brother, hakim, wants to trick everyone .

22) He puts on his costume.... make-up and a hat .

,.,..,. - - -- - - -- :.-

23) then, he wears a patch over one_eye .

, r

24) Finally., he pastes a moustache above his Lip.


25) Who do you think he disguises himself as_....


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Section D: Comprehension
PGSSGge 1 (5 x 1 mark)

Read the passage.

During holidays, I would spend my time with Uncle Pete. We would

usuaHy go camping while Hope, my sister, would stay at home. However,

this time, Hope wanted to folfow.

I said, "Camping is hard. Can you do everything on your own?"

"I can. Please let me go with you, Sophia," Hope pleaded.

I frowned but Uncle Pete agreed.

Uncle Pete drove us to the forest. We took our backpacks and hiked

towards a lake. Five minutes later, Hope was so tired that we had to stop.

Uncle Pete and I pitched our tent while she watched us.

Then, Uncle Pete said, "Let's go fishing. Put some worms.on the hook."

..That's gross. I will not do it.If said Hope.

!Jncle Pete helped Hope put the worm on the hook. While fishing, she
felt a tug. I helped her pull the fish out of the water.

That night, Uncle Pete cooked the fish and it tasted great.

I smiled and said to Hope, "I am glad you came. You caught our dinner."

Adapted from I Want to Go Camping by Ann Rossi

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26) Sophia would usually go camping with .


Unde Pete

Uncle Pete and Hope

27) The first thing they did when they reached the forest was to

h;ke -·

--- -

pitch a tent

28) Hope found putting the worm on the hook _



disgusting .,

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29) Uncle Pete helped Hope to _

carry her backpack

put the worm on her hook

pull the fish out of the water


30) Sophia was happy t_hat ber sister, Hope, came along because

she cooked the fish

she pitched the tent

she caught their dinner


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Blank Page

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Passage 2 (5 X 2 marks)

Read the passage.

Last month, Marilyn saw th musical, Alice in Wonderland, at the

theatre. It was a wonderful perf ormanee.

Mr Randall, the stage manager, invited her to meet Mrs Brown who

performed as the-character, Queen of Hearts. Marilyn was thriHed. At

that moment, she wanted to be an actress.

One day, Mr RandaH invited Marilyn to try out for a role in a new

play. He asked Marilyn,to read a few lines from the play. After reading,

the director smiled and said, "You will play the role of the daughter."

Marilyn was delighted.

Every day. Marilyn practised her lines.

Finally, it was the night of the performance. Marilyn_ saw the crowd

and her hands felt cofd. Then, she felt a pat on her shoulder. It was Mrs

Brown. Mrs Brown knew how she felt. She totd her a way to overcome her


"Try pretending that.no one is here. Think of me when you say your

Jines. I·know you will do well," Mrs Brown said.


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It was time for Marilyn to say her lines. She walked to the centre of the stage and spoke. T
enjoyed playing her rore.

Adopted from The Play by Caroline Majors

Answer the questions in complete sentences. Your answer must be

based on the pas age,

31) Which character did Mrs Brown play in the musical? (2m)
- ,. •a -- . ----•------ --------• ------------ --- ~------ --•--•------•-•••--

32) What did Marilyn have to do before she was g;ven a role in the play?


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33) How do you know that Marilyn was scared when she saw a huge crowd?

·••,•;,•. .c .- . ....... . ,

34) Who encouraged Marilyn before her performance? (2m)

-.1---.------i.,...- ---,.. -- .... -- . - - ---- .,,,

35) Complete the table below (2m)

Sentence True or False

------- I How do you know? I
Give one detail.
Marilyn did not make -------. ---- -----------·
any mistake on the
- ------ ---- ---- ------ ------
night of. the
. . .

------------.....------- ·---------------

_- End of Paper -
Please remember to check your work thoroughly.
This is the propeMy of Maha Sodhi School. No part of this should be
duplicated without permission from the school.


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YEAR 2018
Qt easel
Q2 crayons
Q3 pile
QS famous paintings
Q7 bright colours

Q12 patrols
Q13 takes
Q15 a few
Q19 because

Q21 My brother, (Hakim), wants to trick everyone.
Q22 He puts on his costume(, ) make-up and a hat.
Q23 (Then), he wears a patch over oneeye.
Q24 Finally, he pastes a moustache above his (lip)
Q25 Who do you think he disguises himself as(?)

Q26 Uncle Pete
Q28 disgusting
Q29 put the worm on her hook
Q30 she caught their dinner
Q31She played as the character , Queen of Hearts.
Q32 Marilyn had to read a few times from the play.
Q33 Marilyn saw the crowd and her hands felt cold.
Q34 Mrs Brown encouraged Marilyn.
Q35 True - Herperformance was perfect.

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Name: ( )

Class: Primary 2 _ Total

Marks: l40
Date: 29 October 2018

Parent's signature & date

Total Time: 1 hour


1. Write your name and register number in the space provided.

2. Do not turn over the page until you are told to do so.

3. Follow afl instructions carefully.

4. Read and answer all questions carefully.

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Section A: Vocabulory (5 x 1) marks
Read each sentence carefulfy. Choose the most suitable answer and write
1, 2, 3 or 4 in the brackets provided.

1. My favourite pet is the rabbit because I like to pat its


(1) furry
(2) slimy
(3) .spiky
(4}_ wiggly ( )

2. "I ... I. .. don't,.. don't know....," Peter when the teacher

asked him a question.

(1) squeaked
(2) squawked
(3) screeched
(4) stammered ( }

3. The children go for a swim every day during _

because it is very hot.

(1) spring
(2) winter
(3) autumn
(4) · summer { )

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4. The billy goat uses its pointed topush the mean
troU into the river.

- _(1) hoofs
(2) teeth
(3) horns
(4) beard

5. Th re is thunder and Jightning. Most likely, we are going to have a


(1) sunny
(2) cloudy
(3) frosty
(4) stormy ( )

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Section B: Grammar (5 .x 1) marks
Read each sentence carefully. Choose the correct answer and write 1, 2, 3
or 4 in the brackets provided.

6. My brother and I have many toy_cars. We display _

toy cars on the shelves.
(1) my
(2) his
(3) our
(4) -their ( )

7. "Come here and try delicious cupcakes," Mother

told Alice.

(1) this
(2) that
(3) these
(4) those ( )

8. I found this balI the table. It must have rolled

there when you kicked it.
(1) in
(2) over
(3) under
(4) between ( )

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9. We have to·11ur!')' we will be·tate for school.
(1) or
(2) and
(3) when
(4) before ( )

10. Th girl.s danced and the audience cheered for

(1) soundly
(2) bravely
(3) patiently
{4) gracefully ( )

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Section C: Grammar Cloze (8 x 1) marks
Read the passage carefu,lly. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable answer
from the words in the box. You may use each word only ONCE.

Passage 1

I he it we you

Alan, Ben and Mike are good friends. They live in the same

neighbourh-ood near their school. They go to school together every day.

One morning, Ben asked Alan,. 'Shal/ (11) go


kite-flying after school?"

. would love to go," Alan answered.

Ben waved when (13) saw Mike coming towards them

from a distance.

"Mike; would (14) like to join Alan and me after

school?" n a$kt1a; "We are going kite-flying."

'.. .

Mike agreed immediately. The three boys had a lot of fun that

afternoon. It was a perfect day for kite-flying as it was very windy.


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Read the passage carefully. Circle the correct answ r in the brackets.

Passage 2

Kelly has a strange but interesting hobby. She likes 'to

(15) ( collect collects ) used pieces of dothing such as shirts,

jeans and dresses. Her friends (16) ( know ,. knows ) about her

unusual pastime and they gladly hand over their ofd clothes to her from

time to time.

After Kelly gets the used clothes, she washes them and makes

sure that they (17) ( is • are ) clean. Then she cuts and

(18) ( turn turns ) them into something useful. She has made

pencil cases, bags and cushion covers from the clothes that she collects.


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Section D: Vocabulary Cloze (5 x 1) marks
Read the passage carefuUy. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable
answer from the words in the box. You may use each word only ONCE.

carefully crashed decided fast

hit joy pain quietly

On Jim s birthday, his parents bought him a bicycle as a birthday


present. Jim was over joyed as he had always wanted to have a:bicycle. He

(19) totryout his bicycle in the park near

his house. His father went with him.

_ Jim was so engrossed that he did not realise that he was cycling too

(20) . Before he could stow down, Jim had

(21) ·--------- into a big tree. Jim cried in

(22) ------- as he had hurt his right knee. His

father heard his cries and ran towards him to help him up. He also advis ff

Jim to

· cycle (23) in future. Jim nodded his head.


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Section E: Editing for Grammar and Punctuation. [I x 1) marks
Read the passage carefully. Fill in the correct punctuation in the circles
provided. Circle the correct word in bold for grammar.

Tim woke up in the middle of the night as he was hungry. Quietly, he

tiptoed into the kitchen and (24) ( opens / opened ) the refrigerator,

hoping to ,find something to eat.

He saw a pie, a few (25) ( apple / apples ) and a chocolate

cake. He knew that his mother had baked the cake for his little-

(26) ( sister' / sisters' ) birthday as she was turning five.

"What shall I eat (27)0" Tim wondered as he looked at the cake

and the pie. Finally, he chose the cake because it was

(28) ( big I bigger ) than the pie. Moreover, he loved cakes.

Very soon

(290 )
Tim finished eating the whole cake. 'My sister

(30) ( is / was ) going to scold me tomorrow," Tim told himself.

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Section f: Comprehension {10 marks)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Your answers
must be based on the given text.

Once, there was a farmer who had four sons. One day, the

farmer became very sick. He was worried about his sons' future as I
they were lazy and did not like to work. He decided to teach them a

lesson before he died. He told his four.sons about the treasure that

was hidder:i in the farmland. 5

After the farmer's. death, the four brothers dug lip the
farmland every day. "Where is the treasure?" one of the brothers

asked. "This is-just an empty land!" complained another brot er.

A passer by heard them. When he saw the whole farmland, he
suggested to the brothers, "Young men, since you have dug up the 10

farm, why don't you grow some seeds in the ground?"

The farmer's so.ns disliked the idea but they felt that there

was no harm doing it. So, they planted some seeds. Before long, the

seeds grew in-to heal-thy crops. The four brothers sold the crops in

the market and received a good sum of money in return. 15

With this, the four brothers realised what their father was

trying to teach them. They cheered, ' 50, this is the treasure Father

was talking about." From then on, they worked hard for their future.

Adapted from The Farmer and his Four Sons

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31. Choose the best option and write its .number in the bracket provided.

Why did the farmer want to teach his four sons a Jesson?

(1) They did not know how to work.

(2) He did not want them to be greedy.
(3) He wanted them to learn to be hardworking.
(4) He wanted to teach them to look for treasure. ( )

32. Choose the best option and put a tick ( ) in the box provided. (1m)

The farmer told his sons about the treasure in the farmland before
he _

□ died

D fell sick

D became worried

D taught them a lesson

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33. Based on the passage, state whether each statement in the table is
true or false. (2 x 1m)

The farmer's sons believed their father when

. (a) they were·toJd about the hidden treasure in the

The farmer's sons did not plant any seeds in the

(b) farmland because they did not like the idea.

34. Write 1, 2 and 3 in the blanks below to indicate the order in which
the events occurred in the passage. (lm)

The seeds grew into healthy crops.

The farmer's sons dug up the farmland every day.

The farmer's sons earned a lot of money./


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Write your answer in the space provided. All answers must be in complete
sentences. ( 2 x 2 marks )

35. What did the brothers find after digging up the farmland?

36. How did the four brothers show that they worked hard for
their future after their father's lesson?

~ End of Paper ~


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YEAR 2018

IJ1 li 11 1 4 li 1 6 I 1 8 IJ9
2 3 5
li 10

Q11 we Q18 turns Q25 apples

Q12 I Q19 decided Q26 sister's
Q13 he Q20 fast Q27 ?
Q14 you Q21 crashed Q28 bi er
Q15 collect Q22 pain Q29 I

Q16 know Q23 . carefully Q30 is

Q17 are Q24 opened Q31 3

Q32 died
Q33 a) True
b) False
Q34 _Z The seeds grew into healthy crops.
1 Thefarmer's sons dugup the farmland every day.
3 The farmers sons earneil a lot of money.

Q35 They did not find anything

Q36 They continued to plant·seeds and sell the crops.

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Name: ( )

Class: Pr 2 { )

Parent's Signature: _

ORAL /16m

BOOKLET A Listening Comprehension and Dictation /10m

BOOKLET 8: Language Use and Comprehension /40m


Instructions to pupils:
1. Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so.
2. Follow all instructions carefully.
3. Answer all questions.
Anyquery on marks awarded should be raised by 5 Nov 2018. We seek your understanding in this matter as any delay in the confirmation of marks will lead t

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Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets

provided. (5 x lm = Sm)

1. Although they are twins, Megan and Kate like different things

and nohtave the same hobbies.

(1) do (2) does (3) did ( )

2. Sandy and Tom fotrheir drawing class later this

(1) have gone (2) are going (3) were going ( )

3. "This is hotel room. We will be staying here for the

week," Father told us.

(1) his (2). their (3) our ( )

4. I do not know people in that car.

(1) this (2) these (3) those ( )

5. This wallet is than the other one.

(1) cheap (2) cheaper ( 3) cheapest ( )

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Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets

provided. (S x lm = Sm)

6. ·"Stop running!'' the policeman atthethief.

(1) mumbled (2) bellowed (3) jeered ( )

7. The deer scampered away when it heard a loud

gun shot.

(1) quickly (2) slowly (3) merrily ( )

8. The child infear at the sight of the fierce dog.

(1) quaked (2} stomped (3) shuffled ( )

9. Tania sealed the toher birthday party in

an envelope and mailed it to her best friend.

(1) sign {2) notice (3) invitation ( )

10. The isthe person who draws the pictures in

a story book.

{1) author (2) narrator (3) illustrator ( )

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For questions 11 to 18, read the passages below carefully.

Choose the answers from the words given in the box. Each word

is given a letter (A to F). Write the letter for the correct word in

each blank. ( 8 x1 m = Sm)


Passage 1

(A) at (8) for (C) from

(D) in (E) on (F) to

It was raining heavily. I was on my way home (11) _

school. Unfortunately, I had left my umbrella (12) _

home and was thoroughly drenched.

Once I reached home, I took a quick shower. After the shower,

I lay {13) he sofa to rest as I felt sick. My head

started spinning. Somehow, I managed to reach (14) _

thpehone to call my mother. I quickly dialled her number.

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Passage 2

(A) her (8) his (C)

(D) their (E) we (F) you

It was a Sunday morning. Jane and (15) _

parents were at a food centre when she saw a sign. Father said

that the sign encouraged people to clear (16) _

tables after eating.

Just then, Jane saw a man leaving (17) dirty

plates on a table. He did not seem to have noticed the


"Do {18) think we should remind him to clear

up the table?" Jane asked Mother. Mother nodded in reply.

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Write the correct spelling of the underlined word in the box above
it. ( 4 x lm = 4m)

19. Vivian was exsited to hear that she had been selected

for the singing competition.

20. We had a sumptous meal for dinner.

21. We could not complite our homework in time.

22. Paul loves baking and enjoys collecting reciepes for cakes.

SECTION E: WORD ORDER (2 x 2m = 4m)

Arrange the words in the correct order to form a sentence or

question. Begin with the underlined word.

23. night mother cooked last My eggs

dinner for

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24. going my camp for are the of All


Rewrite the two sentences of each question below into a

sentence by using the word given.

25. It had rained heavily. The beach was muddy.

....,.....- ecause


26. The doorbell rang suddenly. She jumped out of her seat.

....,..- when

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Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Adam tossed and turned in his bed. No matter how hard

he tried, he still could not solve the riddle David had told him

after dinner. "Why can't David just tell me the answer?" Adam

wondered as he stared at the big, bright moon outside his


Adam was about to fall asleep when he heard loud banging

sounds. He looked around his room to find out where the sounds

were coming from. The toilet door moved as something banged

on it from the inside. "Who's there?" Adam asked nervously.

The toilet door continued to shake. Adam jumped out of

bed. He ran into David's room and shook David awake.

"Th re_'s something in my toilet!" Adam shouted.

Unwillingly, David followed his younger brother into his

bedroom. David switched on the light and walked towards the

toilet. He opened the toilet door and Apple, their cat, scurried

"Apple has been trapped in the toilet the whole evening! It

must have hidden itself under the sink when I was having my

shower before dinner!" Adam laughed.

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27. At first, Adam could not sleep because . (lm)

(1) he was afraid

(2) the moon was too bright

(3) he wanted to solve David's riddle ( )

28. The loud banging sounds came from . (lm)

(1) Adam's bed

(2) Adam's toilet

(3) Adam's window ( )

29. I
The to i et door moved as something banged on it from the
inside. "Who's·there?" Adam asked nervously.

Which word in the sentences above tells you that Adam was

scared? (lm)

30. Puta tick beside each sentence to indicate ifitis true or false. (2m)

Sentence True False

a) David was Adam's older brother.

b) David and Adam slept in the same room.

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31. What was David doing when Adam ran into his room? (2m)

32. Write 1, 2 and 3 in the brackets below to show the order of

events that took place in the passage. (lm)

( ) David told Adam a riddle.

( ) Apple hid in the toilet.

( ) Adam had dinner with his family.

33. Why did Adam not know that he had locked Apple in the

toilet? (2m)

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YEAR 2018


Booklet B

QI Q2 Q3 Q4 OS Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9
1 2 3· 3 2 2 1 1 3
QlO Qll Q12 Ql3 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18
3 C A E B A D B F

Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22

excited sumptuous complete recipes

23) My mother cooked eggs for dinner last night.

24) All of my fricn4s are going for the camp.

25) Th.e beach was muddy because it bad rained heavily.

26) She jumped out of her seat when the doorbell rang suddenly.

27) 3

28) 2

29) nervously
30) (a) True
(b) False

31) David was sleeping.

32) 3, 1 , 2

33) Apple hid under the sink when Adam was bathing.


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Time: 1 h

Name: ( ) Paper 1
Class: Primary 21 _
Paper 2
(Lang Use and Compre)
Date: 25 October 2018
Paper 3
English Teacher: _ (Listening Compre)

Paper 4

Parent's Signature:



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Section A: Vocabulary (5 x 1 mark)
For QI to 5, four options are given. Choose the correct answer and write
its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided.

1. Tim wrote a long tohis parents to tell them why

he wanted a pet.

(1) letter
(2) recipe
(3) poster
(4) brochure ( )

2. On a day, you can see many people carrymg

umbrellas to keep themselves dry.

(1) fair
(2) ramy
(3) windy
(4) sunny ( )

3. My father our bedroom walls.a bright yellow.

(1) drew
(2) wrote
(3) painted
(4) scratched ( )

EL ; P2 I SA i Paper 2 f 2018 -' Page l of l 3

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4. "I. ..can't. I...don't know how," Lisa nervously
when it was her tum to ride the new bicycle.

(1) shouted
(2) bellowed
(3) grumbled
(4) stammered ( )

5. The guard found a of keys at the carpark.

(1) team
(2) pack
(3) bunch
(4) swarm ( )

Section B: Grammar (5 x 1 mark)

For Q6 to 10, four options are given. Choose the correct answer and write
its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided.

6. Billy patiently for his friend to finish talking

before he spoke.

(1) wait
(2) waits
(3) waited
(4) were waiting ( )

EL/ P2 / SA : Faper 7 I 2018 / Page 2 uJ l 3

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Section C : Vocabulary CJoze (4 x 1 mark)
Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box given below.

Use each word ONCE only.

caught fought immrdiately

lively saved quietly

"Oh, no!" cried the queen. "Our daughter has been taken away

by that witch! She crept in (11) while we were

sleeping and took her away."

The king was shocked: All the soldiers were sent out

(12) . They had to go through the thick forest to

look for the princess. They (13) the witch with

their swords bravely.

After three long days, they captured the witch and

(14) the princess. The queen rewarded each soldier

handsomely with a bag of gold.

EL I P2 ; SA i Paper 2 i 2018 i Page t1 of l J

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Section D: Grammar Cloze (8 x I mark)
Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box given below.

Passage 1

Use each word ONCE only.

at her him

next to we

Dear Huixin,

School has started. We like our new teacher, Mrs Lee.

She spends time to explain her lessons when (15) _

donot understand. vVhen I grow up, I would like to be a teacher just like (16) _

There is a new boy in my class and I am sitting

(17) to him. During recess, we play

(18) _ the choo] field. He is friendly.

I hope you are enjoying school too.


EL, P7; .SA i Pilper :' / 2013 1 Page 5 of !3

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Passage 2

Read the passage carefully. Underline the correct word from the words
given in the brackets.

Charlie is a cook who owns a restaurant. He (19) [ enjoy I enjoys]

cooking for people who (20) [ love I loves ] to eat. My parents

(21) [ take / takes J us to the restaurant every Sunday. Our favourite dish (22) [ is I are
enjoy this delicious dish.

ELI P2. I SA I Paper 2 / 1018 i Page 6 of 13

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Section E: Editing (4 x I mark)
Read the sentences below. Wrong or m1ssmg punctuation marks are
circled and grammatical mistakes are underlined. An apostrophe is
indicated by 's ors'. Put the correct punctuation mark or word in the boxes

23. The cook wanted to make a special dish so he looked Jii the internet

for recipes.

24. The butterfliG wings are Wet when they emerge from the


25. Mother gry her hair before going to bed last night.

26. "May I go to the toilet, please Q" asked Lisa.

F.L / P2 I SA! Paper 2 I 20 lo I Page 7 of l 3

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El .:r2.'SA1P2per2;70l8.'Pagt:8ofl3

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Section F: Visual Text Comprehension ( 4 x 1 mark)

Look at the flyer below and answer Q27 to 30.

Green Poster Contest

Come! Join our Annual Art Contest for kids!
The Lion Club is supporting the Green Poster Contest. This year's theme is "Recycle, Reduce, Reuse"_


The 10 finalists will have their posters exhibited at community centres.

: The grand prize winner will receive:
A cash reward of $500
4 tickets to the Slngapore Zoo

Each of the 9 merit winners will receive:
A cash reward of $100

Information for Green Poster Contest

Get your entry forms at community centres.
Submit completed entry forms and posters by 1 November 2018.
·Call Mr Lee at 6444 3221 for more information.

EL ; P2 i SA i Paper 2/2018 f Page 'J of 1 3

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Refer to the given flyer and answer the following questions.

27. What is the theme for the Green Poster Contest?

The theme is

28. When should the completed forms and posters be submitted?

They should be submitted by

29. Where can you get the entry fonn from?

I can get it from _

30. What will a merit winner receive?

A merit winner will receive

lL, P2 ; SA ; Paper 2 / '.20 l 8 ; l'agc 10 l'f 13

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Section G: Comprehension (10 marks)
Read the passage carefully and answer Q31 to 40.

It was an ordinary Monday afternoon. I lived on the third floor and enjoyed walking up the stairs. It was quicker
Once I reached my home, I dashed to the telephone. My 5

heart pounded madly as I told the pelice what I had seen.

Soon, two policemen arrived at my block. I walked excitedly to the second floor. To my surprise, the polici?men we
the man was the owner of the flat. He had lost his keys earlier 10 that day. I felt embarrassed and apologised
"It's okay. Thank you for being a good neighbour. It could

have been a real burglar,'' he said with a kind smile.


EL, P2 ! SA/ Paper 2 1 2018 / Page 11 of 13

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Once I reached home, I dashed to the telephone.
(A) (B)

For Q31 and 32, put a tick( ) in the box beside the correct answer.
(2 x l mark)

31. The author walked up the stairs to his home because _

h enjoyed doing so

the lift was out of order

he wanted to take his time


32. The author was shocked to see a.1nan a flat.

walking into

climbing into

coming out of
I - ". ---

33. Which word has the same meaning as "ran'?

(Jm) Circle either (A) or (B).

34.. V/hich three-word phrase tells us how the author felt when he called
the police? Refer to paragraph 2 to help you. (1m)

EL: P2 ! SA l Paper 2r2018 r Page 12 of l 3

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For questions 35 to 37, read each statement and tick "True" or "False"
next to each of the following statements. Refer to paragraphs 3 and 4 to
help you. (3 m)

Statement True False
Example The author called the police.
35. The policemen were friendly with the -
36. The •burglar' was actually the owner of the
II 37. The owner of the flat was upset with
the author.

38. Write I, 2 and 3 in the blanks })elow to indicate the order in which
the events occurred in the passage. (1 m)

Thaeuthor apologised to the owner of the flat.

---- The author spotted someone climbing into a flat.

The author called the police.

Answer Questions 39 and 40 in complete sentences.

39. Why did the mvner of the flat have to climb through the window into
.his flat? (1 m)

40. \Vhat did the author do to make him a '-good neighbour'? (ln1)

- End of Pap r -

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YEAR 2018

I 1
I 3 I ;4 I i5 I 6 I 7 I8 lr I i10
Q11 quietly Q16 her Q21 take
Q12 immediately Q17 next Q22 is
Q13 fought Qi8 at Q23 up
Q14 saved Q1'9 enjoys Q24 butterflies'
Q15 we Q20 love Q25 dried
Q26 ?

Q27 The theme is " Recycle , Reduce , Reuse" .

Q28 They should be submitted by 1 November 2018.
Q29I 'Can get it from community centres .
Q30A merit winner will receive a cash of $100.

Q31he enjoyed doing so

Q32 climbing into
Q33 (B)
Q34heart pounded madly.
Q35 True
Q37 False

3 The author apiffogised to the owner of the flat.
1 The author spotted someone climbing into a Oat.
2 The author caned the police.
Q39 The owner of the flat have to climb thtougb the window because he
had lost his keys earlier that day.
Q40The author thought the owner of the tlat was a real " burglar", he
quickly called the police.



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Out of
40 marks
Semest.rol Assessment 2· (2018)
Name: ( )
Class: P2.

2:2 October 2018 ENGUSH LANGUAGE Duration: lh

Section A: (5 x 1 mark)
, the most suitable word and write its ·number in the brackets.

1·. The alarm dock rang and Jackson was togeotut of

bed as he was very tired.

:(l) ha;ppy (3) eGger

(2) bored (4) reluctant ( )

2.. The pedestrian's head was bleeding after he

. got hit by a car and had to be taken to the hosp"itot·

fl) quiet1y :(3) ;richly

(2) p:rofus,ely (4) carefuHy (

3. SaUy's shoes broke whHe s:he was walking to work. She had to look.
for a tomend her shoes.

(1) cobbler (3) carpenter

(:2) mechanic (4) w,aiter { )

:RG?:5/20l8lSA2lP2 Page 1 ,of m

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Section B: (5 x 1 mark)
Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.

4. WilHatn :got up .nervous]y, a few words .a. nd

•quick1y dashed ou,tof thedoor.

(1) giggled (3) laughed

(2) mumbled (4) bellowed )

5. The choir scmg in the World Choir competitio:n

and won ,a goJd medat

(1) horribly (3) beautifully

(2) foudJy (4) sifently ( )

6. Gerald ran as fast as he could, he still did not win

the race.

(1) or (3) so
(2) but (4) because ( )


(1) buy (3) bought

(2) buys (4) buying ( )

'\Amber! cm, you climb up the ladder quickly and get

thtereehouse?" yelled Li Li.

{1) w,ith (3) until

(2) into (4) after ( )

RGPS/201:8/5A:2/P2 'Poge 2 of lO
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9.. "Ca,n y,ou get me a pieces of tissue paper?" asked
M:rs Rahman.

(l) few (3) lot

(2) little (4) whole )

10. I a.m sitting with my cat in the park is my cat.

(1) This (3) These

(2) That (4) Those ( )

'R.GPS/2018/SA2/f>:2Pa9e 3 of 10
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Section C: (8x 1 mark)
Choose the correct word from the box to fill in each b1ank Us,e each
word once only..

Passage .A

on to over of

It was re-ce·ss. The st,udent:s made thei;r way (11) the

canteen. Katie was feeling hungry and deCided to join the queue at

the noodle stall. Katie's classmate, Suzy, was {12) _ the

same queue. Suzy waved at Katie to go (13)

tohesirde at the front of the q,ueue.

Some ,of the other students in the queue were not happy that

Katie jumped in front (14_) thqeueue. :Katie felt

embarrassed-and decided to go to the hack of the queue ,and wa:it fo,r

her turn. Everyone must be gracious and queue up for her turn in the


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RGPS/2018/SA2/P2 Page 4 ,of 10

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Passage B

hers mine their our y:our

W:e were going on a hoHday to Malays.i-a. It was {15)

first lime going o:n a trip as a family.

"You must remember to pack (16) 1uggag:e before

the trip," M:other said to my sister and me.

I trJok out two jnckets from the drawer nnd handed my

sist.er fl 7)

I wiU be bringing another jacket. You can wear


(18) ifyou want to," my sister said to me.

I had always lov,ed the co:lour.s and desJgn ,of my sister's Jacket. I

would be.g,J:od to.wear Jt on my first trip to Malaysia w:ith my


R::GPS./2018/S.A2/.P2 P:agl! '5 of 10

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Section D: Ed1tJng (7 x 1 mark)
Read the passag,e aarefuHy. Spelling mistakes are undedined. Write the correct word in the box ab:oV:e it . .A

It was the first day of the semester. PauHne woke up Jate and as

she jumpe,dout of bed., she .scream:ed, "'Oh ,dear. I am going to be

Jate (190'' She brushed her teeth {20):Qwashed her

face and changed into her :school uniform.

Pauline cou d not find her schtJoJ bag, so she (21) ramaged her

room for it. FinaJly, Pauline found iit and :she ran out of her house.

When she reached her dassroom f22)Q her teacher had

already started the lesson.

"Why are you late for school {23)QJ/ herteacher asked.

l I
Pauline hung her head in sham,eand ( 4) apoHogisea to her tea.cher. She

w,alked to her seat and sat down (25)Q She m:ade a promis,e to

herself never to wake u:p f.at,e for schoo'I again.

RGPS/20t8/S.A2/:P'2 Page 6 of 10

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Section E: VocabuJa:ry CJ02e (5 x Lmark)
FiH in each blank with th:e correct word from the box. Use each w,ord
:once oniy.

bridge reflection struggled tumbled

wonderful wooden

Barkie, the dog, fov-ed to pJoy in the bjg, open fie,Jd he.hind his

home. One dmy, he dedded that he w,ou'/d crcs.s the {26) _

toget to the other s1de of the r:iver.

He ran towards t!he river and onto the (:27) _

bridge that led across the slow moving water. As he wafked o;n the

bridge, he :noticed his (2:8) in the water. He made a

funny face and laughed at himseH.

jBarki,e then cornti,nued hi.sway to 'ifhe·other ,side .of the river. He

decided t•o dimb the hHL He almost reached the top, but he started to

fee'I tired. He (29·) ------ all the way to the top and stood

under a tree. The breeze blew on his face, nnd Ba:rkie fe,lt a

{30) feeling overcome himself as he stood proudly

on the hilL

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RGP:Sl201'8/SA2/P2 Page 7 ,of tO

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Section F. Comprehension (10 marks)
Read the passage befow ea ref uUy and answer the questions

Alice was using her paintbrush to put the finishing touches on her
pai.nt:ing. She stepped back and admired her work,"Wow, my painting
looks great!"

She placed her unused paint and paintbrush down ,on the table and
decided to have a good rest. AHce went to the kitchen to make a cup of
tea and a sandwich. Litt,le did she know, a little mouse w,as hungry aind

looking for food.

The mouse scampered out of Tts ho)e when it smelled the nice

arotna of Alice's tea and sandwich. It climbed up the table and nibbled

on her sandwich. Suddertily, Ailice saw the mouse. She let out a scream
and chased the mouse out of the kitchen.

The mouse was too quick fror A liioe. It ran under the painting and

back In'to its ho:1.e. AJk:e lost her hailance and tripped over the table,
causing all of the unused pa:int to spill onto her compJeted pa:i:nting.

"Oh no, my painting is ruined!"' exdaimed Alice. After all the

commotion, she deaned up the mess a:nd made herself another

sandwich and tea.

RGPS/2018/SA2/P2 Poge '8 .of 10

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Choose the correct answer for ,each question and :put_,a tick ( ) in
the box p,rovided :(3x1:m)

31.. Alice ste;pped back and admired her _



unused paint

32. AHce wanted to have a good after she placed _

her unused paint and brush down..




33. The mouse scampered ,out of its when ,it smeHed

the nice aroma.




RGP5/201.:B/SA2/:F'2 f>ag,e 9 ,of 10

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Circle True (T) if the statement is co·rrect or False (F) if the
statement is w,rong (2x1m)

34. Alice made_ a cup of tea and a sandwich. (T / F)

35. The mous:e was too quick for Alice and she lost her balance, (T / F}

Arrange these sentences in the correct order-as it happened in the

story beginning with 1 and ·so on. Write the numbers in the
brac'kets provided. (lm)

36. ( } Alice was upset that the unused paint had spilt on her
( ) Alice completed her painting.
( ) A mouse climbed up the table and nibbled on the sandwkh.

Answer question 37 in a complete sentence. (2m)

37. What did Alice do when she saw the mouse?

38. Which word in the last paragroph teUs us that the paintiri9'·wt1s
spoilt? (2tn)

RGPS/2018/SA2/P2 Page 10 of tO

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YEAR : 2:018

Q4 2 QS 3

I :Q:8
Ii I

l I1
Qll) to
Ql2) in
Ql3) over
Q14) of
Q17) hers
Q18) mine

Q19) :!
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Q21) rummaged

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Q24) apologised

Q26) bridge
Q27) wooden
Q28) reflection
Q29) struggled
Q30) wonderful

Q3 l)
painting Q32)
rest Q33)
hole Q34)T
Q36) 3 >1 >2
Q37) She let out a scream and chased the mouse out of the kitchen.
Q38) ruined


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Name: ------,-- - ------( )

Class: Pr 2-

Duration: 1 hour
Date:26. October 2018 Parent's Signature:

Instructions to Pupils:

1. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

2. Follow all instructions carefully._

Maximum Marks Obtained

Grammar 13

Vocabulary 12

Comprehension 15 c•

Total . 40

* This paper consists of 1-2 pages altogether (including this page).

This paper is not to be reproduced in part or whole without the permission of the Principal.

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. ...w...;_--w..:.._.. .

Blank Page

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....:....:.....,;,•; ..r•. ·_.,-·•.._: ._·.:.:."'(J • • f ··· -,, --r•..-:,rp,- & SJ-..· ···· · .......••&• .•. ......._\,...•·

Sec.tio,nA: Grammar MCQ (5_x 1 mark) .

Choose the most suitable answer and write it-s· number·in the brackets

1. I had a ham and - sandwich for breakfas-t yesterday. It

very delicious.

(1) is (2) are

{3) was (4) were

( )

2. When the school bell every morning, the students

arealready in the.hall_.

(1) ring (2). rings

(3) rang (4) is ringing

3. Look at butterfly over here! rts wings are


(1) this (2) that

(3) these (4) those

( )

4. John and Mary placed water bottles on the ground

and ran off to play.

(1) my (2) his.

(3) her · (4) their

·( . )

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5. The chicks were still hungry. They did not have _
food to eat

(1) many (2) much

(3) some (4) a little

( )

Section B: Grammar Cloze

Grammar- Cloze 1 (4 x 1 mark)

Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the most suitable
preposition from the box. Use each preposition only ONCE.

along at through
over into off

Last Saturday, my mother had _a_big surprise for my sister and me.

She told us to get dressed quickly. Excitedly, my sister and I got ready

before getting (6) thecar. As my mother drove


the road, I realised that we were going to the airport!

When we arrived (8} _ theairport, my father

was already there waiting for us. He had just come back from his

trip to


My parents took us to the viewing gallery to watch the planes land

and take (9) .Before going home, we had lunch at

the food court.

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Gramm.or Cloze 2 (4 x 1 mark)·
Read 'l'he passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the correct-·
conjunction from the box. Use each conjunction only ONCE. ·

1------w-:-:-"---------b-:-f:-:-e----11--- b_ea_c:- -s_e - - -11

Sue has a huge umbrella that she uses on rainy days. The umbrella is

big enough for four children!

Sue shares her umbrella with her friends (10)

they forget to bring theirs. Her friends look. forwar to rainy days .

(11) they enjoy walking together in the rain under he·r _


(12) Sue got this huge umbrella, she u<ied to run

home on rainy days. She would fall ill (13)

- ----- be absent
from school for many days.

Now, Sue is never absent from school and she enjoys sharing her

umbrella with her friends.

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; - ••,._.-.:c•• •.-•" ,._•••·:-•C.·•••,, .·_.,_.;,•?'"'.<",,•.• '·•;;:;.":: _,::_•.;_ ,::_,:,, :..!.''-' C..t.1..>;.·•• ·.,., ••••--•• •---- .•.;_,:_,: :-_<'",. a,: ,:_.;;_::.:.,-:._:..,_-::_:;,'.....:..,:"_-.:,;.,c.:...:;,C;.=-:..r.:. l • "- • -.·" •-"'--'"-"" -::S:::::• :;,:.;_•- ---•.·-••.:&.. .•=: - • ,_ .. •C :,-,.i .,.,.:.,_, .,:.,•- ,.•-•,J:_•· --•

. Section C: Vocabulary Multiple Choice Questions (6 x l mark)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its. number in the brackets

14. "Which tool should we use to

wood?u the teacher asked the boys.
------- the nails into the

(1) fix (2) lower

(3) screw (4) hammer

( )

15. She is leading the horses back into the _

(l)stable (2) kennel

(3) burrow (4) aquarium

( )

16. My little brother is .He is always the first to

wake up every morning.

(1) a bookworm (2) an early bird

(3) a blind bat (4) a white elephant

( )

17. The performance started when the on the stage


(1) nets (2) masks

(3) cloaks (4) curtains

( )

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18. . Grandpa Jones was angry with the children. They all
the plants in his garden:

(1) dug up (2) fifled in

(3) turned in (4) tucked into :--

( )

19. -· The pupils were amazed to see a large ------ of oJd

stamps in the museum.

(1) row (2) team

(3) bunch {4) collection

( )

Section [): Vocabulary Cloze l (3 x 1 mark)

Read the passage bel carefully. Choose the most suitable word
from the box and write the answer in the blank. Use each word only

clumsy oud sJippery

playful uiet fast

When Aunt Sally opened the kitchen cabinet, she saw a rat on the

top shelf. She tried to stand on a stool and used a broom to hit it. She

was so (20) _ that she fell. The rat disappeared. Then Aunt

Sally took a piece of cheese and threw it out of the kitchen door. The rat

came out of hiding and ran out of the kitchen as {21) _


cheetah. Aunt Sally was so (22) smiled. She had gotten rid

of the pest.

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of herself that she

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Vocabular, Cloze 2 (3 x 1 mark)
Re d· the ·. passage · below carefully. Choose the most· suitable
word from the box and write the answer in the blank. Use each word only

protect trail lift

. flight different enormous

A snaiJ has a soft and sHmy body.
. It has a hard shell on its back to

(23) _ itsoft body. The shell of a snail comes in (24)

...:,·,.,_-_--'----"----- shapes. Its shell can be round and spiral or long and


A snail moves along on its flat bottom. It leaves behind a

{25) · of sticky slime when it moves. This sticky slime

helps the snail to move easily across all kinds of surfaces.

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Sec1ion E: Visual Text Comprehension (5 x 1 mark)
Study the poster below and answer questions 26 to 30. Choose the
correct answer and write its number in the bracket provided.

Rosyth School

rruity Challenge week

12to 16November2018.
Activity Place What Is happening
- - {Term 3 Week 8)
Fruity Art Room Dress up like a fruit and take a photograph of
Costume yourself.

Fruity Cords Canteen Collect a sticker for e':E:ry fruit you buy

Sharity Fruit Classroom Bring an extra fruit to share with a friend

Wild Fruit Read the posters to learn facts about 6

Chase different kinds of fruits and complete a game

► For more information,

ref er to the Health
Education and PE notice

- •o,,a:_ l•i\<1)t,c1};;t·, •.

------- ---------------J

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26. The activities during the Fruity Chall nge Week are planned to
encourage the pup_iJs to ·

(1) share a fruit

{2) eat more fruits
--(3-) dress up like a fruit
(4) learn facts .about fruits ( }

27.. Fruity Challenge is held ov,er days.

(1) - six
(2) five
(3) three
(4) eight ( )

28. ·The Wild Fruit Chas activity will be held at the _

(1) Canteen
(2) Art Room
(3) Classroom
(4) Indoor Sports Hall ( )

29. The winner of the Wild Fruit Chase game will receive a _

(1) sticker
(2) photograph
(3) fruity card
(4) fruity keychain ( )

30. Pupils can sign up for Fruity Costume by giving their names to their

(1). Ar:t
. (2)
(3) English ·
(4) Health Education ( )

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Sec1ion F: Comprehension (10 marks)
Rea<i the passage carefully and answer questions 31 to 37.

Tom asked his mother if he could ride his· bicycle to the park.
She allowed him to but he had to wr his helmet while riding.

When Tom got to the park, he was surprised to see that it was
. .
crowded. He thought there was a carnival..He spotted many of his
teachers·and friends there. Everyone was holding a garbage bag.

Tom asked his friend, Mina, what was happenir1g and;.she

replied, "Everyone is here to dean the park." Then she asked him if
· he would like to help. Tom nodded his bead and said, "This is going to
be fun!"

Tom and his friends picked up food wrappers, empty drink cans
and even unfinished food! In one hour, their garbage bags were filled
with a lot of rubbish. They were so busy that they did not have time
to horse around.

When everything was done, the teachers loaded the garbage

bags onto a truck. Everyone was pleased. The park looked clean and
green again. Then, Tom and his friends helped to put up signs around
the park to remind everyone to throw rubbish into the bins and to
. keep the park clean.

Soon, it was time for lunch. To thank everyone for their hard
work, the teachers bought pizza and drinks. Tom was glad that he
was there to help.


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For Question 31, read the sentence -carefully and ·cirele 'True' or
31. Tom wore his helmet when he cycled to the park. (Im)

True / False

32. Which word in paragraph 2 tells us t.hat there were many people at
the park? (1m)

.... . _I
,'· J
33. Why were Tom's friends and teachers-at the park? (2m)

For Question 34, choose the correct answer and write its number
(1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided (lrn).

34. Tom and his friends did not have time to horse around because they

(1) were playing at the carnival

(2) had to hold the garbage bags
(3) had to pick up a lot of rubbish
(4) had to load the bags onto the truck ( )


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35. List two things-that people left behind in the park. (2m)

ca>I, .I

(b) , I JI

36,.. How did the teachers thank everyone for their hard work? (2m)

37.. Write 1, 2 and 3 in the blanks below to indicate the order in which
the events occurred in the story. (lm)
. . .
It was time for lunch.

The children put up the signs.

The garbage bags were put into a truck..

**End of Paper,....
Please check your work.


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YEAR 2018

Q6 into Q9 off Q12 Before
Q7 along Q10 when Q13 and
Q8 at Q11 because
I i14 I ;15 I ;17 I Q18 I
1 . 4-
Q19 _[

Q20 clums Q22 roud Q24 different
Q21 fast Q23 protect Q25 trail


I 26 I 27 I 28 l 29 I 30
Q31 True
Q32 crowded
Q33 They were there to clean the park.
Q35 a)foodwrappers
b) empty drink cans
Q36 The teachers bought pizza and drinks.

;l It wastime fo.r lunch.
I The children put up the signs.
1The garbaDebagswere putintoa truck.


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- The BEST website to download FREE exam papers, notes and other materials from Singapore!

.. Name:· ------'----'-.......... _ Date: 19 October 2018

( Time: 1-hour
Class: Primary 2 SY / C / G / SE I P / GR

Section A (1O marks)
For each question from 1 to 10, four options are given. One of them is th
correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and shade the correct oval
(1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet.

1. Mr Lee bought erasers for the boys as a

for their
excellent teamwork. ------
(1) bribe
(2) reward
(3) souvenir
(4) punishment

2. When the little boy saw that his favou.rite. toy truck was broken, he

(1) wailed
- .- : - . - -(2) cheered -
(3) whistled
(4) whispered C-

3. The girl enjoys telling everyone that she is very

strong in Mathematics.

(1) brave
(2) humble
(3) boastful
(4) impatient

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4. Wendy ate up_all the cookies on the plate. She did not
share the_co.okies with hE:r-sJbl ngs. _

- (1) kindly--_
_ (2) selfishly
·(3) ··miserabfy
(4) generously

5. Uncle Alex felt very when he could not find ·his car
keys. He was going to be late for work.

(1) hurt
(2) calm
(3) happy
(4) anxious

6. The boy was worried when he saw the large crowd. He held on
-------,-- to his father's hand.
(1) easily
(2) tightly
(3) closely
(4) severely

7. ·vou nottell anyone about what I told you. It is a secret. -

0 -

(1) will
(2) may
(3) must
(4) could

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8. Dt.Je to the heavy downpour, the plane half an hour later.

{1} tool(in ·
(2) took.off
.. (3) took over ·
(4) took away.

9. This is the dress in the shop.. 1 must buy and wear it on

my birthday!

(1) pretty
(2) prettily
(3) prettier
(4) prettiest

10. During our Art lesson, some of the paint splashed my

face. I spent a long time trying to clean my face.

(1) into
{2) onto
(3) above
(4) between

0 -


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Name: (
Date: 19 Octobe·r·2018
Class: Primary 2 SY / C / G / SE / P / GR
Time: 1 hour

Marks Possible Parent's signature:

Components Marks
Bookl tA 10

Booklet B 30
Total 40


Section A (8 marks)
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word in the brackets. (4 marks)

Mrs Ong lives in the flat next to ours. She is a very kind and helpful neighbour
to look after our pet fish when we travel. Sometimes, she also bakes cookies for

us. During Lunar _New_Y ar,_ he_ would invite _

· (12) ( love /loves) to eat all her delicious dishes as s

a very good cook. DuringDeepavali,

(13) ( prepare I prepares ) a pot of chicken curry for Mrs Ong and her family. They will come over to ou
my neighbours!

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Read the passage carefully. Choose the correct word from the words·
given and fill in the blank . · ._(4 marks)

,·._I ·_h e .o_.u r ·_s_h_e_· ._·t_h_e_y -._-·_us_· w_e ·- _.··I

My brother and love our pet hamsters very much. Our

parents gave (15) a pair of hamsters as our

birthday present Every day, my brother and I will take turns to feed

the hamsters with dried seeds and water. {16) _

also enjoy watching our hamsters run around in their cage.

Our father showed us how to clean the cage. First,

(17) cleaned the cage using some soap and

wc:tter. After that.we helped.himJodrythe. eage with.. apiece of ..

cloth. My parents we.re very proud of the both of us and

· (18) beamed with pride when they saw us being

0 -

so responsible. My brother and I are proud of ourselves too!

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Section B (8 marks}
Correct each underlined word for spelling. Write the correct word in th
relevant box. ··
A·wrong or missing. punctuation-mark.·is shown - by. a- :circle ·Put·the .
correct punctuation ·matk in the· releva·nt box:.

Dara and Hamid skipped their way towards the big pond. Th_ey were very

(19) I'---'-------=---
excited as it was their first time catching guppies at a fish farm. Ghere we e

(20). I ,
many children and their parents were crauding around the pond. Every child was

(21) I._ .
holding a net and they were all trying to catch some guppies Q
(22) I _ (23) I. .
....·--·.... --- ...... -----@mtd·cb ldo.t·wait to catch some fish! He took _a net and tried to scuup

the guppies from the pond. Dara was looking at the guppies in the ponc:f. She

(24) 1 (25) 1 - --- 1

remmambered her teacher teHing l,er that the knlourful guppies were males ancf- -
0 -

the dull guppies were females.


"Will you catch the female guppies for meQ " Dara asked Hamid. Hamid

promised to try his best.

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Section C (4 marks}
Rearrange the words to make complete and meaningful se11tences;. ·
-B-eghreach sentence with a capital letter and end itwith a full stop or a·.·
question mark

27. .not finishing her was reprimanded her mother

QY vegetables

28. recess clean going for can you

the classroom before to

0 -

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Section D (10 marks)

· R_ead the·passage_bel.ow..an:d answe_rth Qll sUon·s that follow. ·

A biack crow lived in the ·forest and he was a happ{bird. However, he

. -

became sad after he saw a swan singing sweetly by a pond.

UYou are so b autiful and whfte. I have only black feathers. You must be
the happiest bird in the world. I wish to be you," he told the swan.

"Actually," the swan replied,. "I felt that I was the happiest bird around 5

until I saw a parrot. The parrot has red and green feathers! So now I think the
parrot is the happiest bird in the world." The crow went to look for the parrot.

The parrot explained, "I lived a very happy life until I saw a peacock.
only have red and green feathers but the peacock has feathers of many

. · The crow then visited a peacock in the zoo and saw people admiring the
peacock in its enclosure. After the people had left, the crow approached the

"Dear Peaeock," the crow said, "you are so beautiful. Thousands of

people_ come to see you daily. When people see me, they will try to chase me 15
. away immediately". 1 thinl<·you-must be the-happiest bird oh ttie planet." - ..- .

The peacock sighed deeply and replied, "Because of my beauty, I am _

trapped in this zoo. I wish to be a crow instead because that is the only bird
which is not kept in a cage. I want to be free and roam everywhere."

The crow realised his foolishness. He realised that he will only be truly 20
happy when he is contented with what he has.

Adapted from: https:/lwvttw.moralstories.org/happy-peacockl

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29. Tick the chosen answer.

Why did the'crow want to be a swan?· ·

- The swan (1mark)

can sing well

has red and green feathers

has beautiful white feathers

For question 30, write 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the bracket.

30. Why was the swan unhappy?

The swan wanted to -------- (m1ark}

(1) be free
(2) have black feathers
(3) have red and green feathers
(4) have many people admire its white feathers
( )

For questions 31 to 33, read each statement and tick 'True" or "False". Refer
to the passage to help you. The first example has been clgn Jor yqu,.
··- ········ (3 _marks)

Stat em. _- ent True False

- - -
- - - .
-.- -

Example The crow has black feathers. 0 -

31 The parrot was a contented bird.

The peacock was sad to be kept in an


Many people visited the zoo to admire the

parrot's feathers.

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· 34: Why was the peacock unhappy? (1.,:nark) .

35. Choose words from paragraph 5 and 7 which have similar meanings
to the words below. (2 marks)

moved towards


36. What lesson did the crow learn after talking to the birds? (2 marks)


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YEAR. 2018


- Booklet A
-- -···-

Ql Q2 Q3 ''
! Q4 I! Q Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 I QIO
2 I 3 _ _J 2 ;
4 2 3 2 4 I 2

Booklet B
-- --- -
I Qll Ql2 ···•·•
Ql3 Q14 QIS Q16 Ql7 I QIS
helps Jove prepare have
us \Ve he thev
Q19 Q20 I Q21 Q22 Q3 i Q24 QZS Q - ----
T crowding • H scoop remembered colourful ?

27) Betty was reprimanded by her mother for not finishing her vegetables.

28) Can you help to clean the classroom before going for receefs?

29) V has beautiful white feathers

30) 3

31) False

33) False

34) It wanted to be free and roam everywhere.

35) approached

36) The crow learnt that he will only be truly happy when he is contcnt·cd with
what he has.

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Name: { )

Class : Primary 2


Primary 2
Semestral Assessment
22 October 2018

English Language
Listening Comprehension and Paper 2

Duration of Paper: 1 hour 15 minutes

44 questions
52 marks

Instructions to Candidates:
Do-not turn the page until you are told to do so.
Follow all instructions carefully.
Answer all questions.

Parent's Signature: _

This booklet consists of 14 printed pages and 1 blank page.

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Section C: Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Questions (5 x 1 mark)

Read each question carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and write
its number in the brackets provided.

13. Mrs Tay hung a onthe gate to warn pupils not to enter
the dangerous area.

(1) bolt
(2) sign
(4) handle ( )

14. Wem played t_he role of a warlord, so he put on a over his

uniform before he stepped onto the stage.

(1) hat
(2) sock
(3) gong
(4) cloak ( )

15. Rashid dreamt of a

-----otter which was thrice his size.
(1) tiny
(2) mini
(3) huge
(4) minute )

16. Meimei _ to her teacher, "I'm sorry, Mrs Lim. I have forgotten
to bring my homework again."

(1) muttered
(2) screamed
(3) screeched
(4) complained ( )

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17. The ground and the things on the table began to fall:'

{1) jiggled
(2) quaked
(3) wriggled
(4) shivered ( )

6 □
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Section D: Grammar Multiple-Choice Questions (5 x 1 mark)

Read each question carefully. Choose the most suitable answer and write its
number in the brackets provided.

· 18. I was wiping the dining table my father returned from work.

(1) or
(2) so
(3) but
(4) when ( )

19. The train sped thuenderground tunnel in a few seconds.

{1) up
(2) under
(3) behind
(4) through ( )

20. This box is for you but boxes at the other end of the
room are for my relatives.

(1) this
(2) that
(3) these
(4) those ( ) .

21. Tina felt very nervous the morning of the art competition.

(1) at
(2) on
(3) for
(4) onto (

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Section E: Grammar Cloze 1 (5 x 1 mark)

Fill in the blanks with the helping words below. Use each word ONCE only.

me his it its

my their them they

There were three goats. The first was the youngest. It had brown hair.

The second one was grey and the last one was proud of (23)

white hair.

One day, after they had grass for (24) breakfast, they

walked to a bridge. Under the bridge lived a horrible troll. His favourite food was


The troll licked (25) lips and he grunted, "You're not

getting past {26) _

!"i like goat pie for (27). tea."

Trembling, the goats pleaded, "Please don't eat us."

Adapted from 'The Three Little Pigs and Other Stories' by Nick Sharratt and Stephen Tucker

9 □
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Section F: Grammar Cloze·2 (5 x 1 mark)

Fill in the blanks with the helping words below. Use each word ONCE only.

is throw hop start

are throws hops starts


Hopscotcl) is a popular game. Usually, each square (28) _

drawn with chalk. Players (29) pieces of rock onto the


A player stands outside Squar 1 and(30) a rock into it.

The player hops back to Square 1 to pick up the rock and hops out again. On

the second turn, the player throws the rock into Square 2. Then the player

(31) into each square and back to the start.

If the players miss a square when tossing, they (32)

again. The first player to complete hopping in and out of all the squares wins.

Adapted from 'Hopscotch around the World' by Mary D. Lankford

10 □
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Section G: Vocabulary Cloze (4 x 1 mark)

Fill in the blanks with the helping words below. Use each word ONCE only.

quivered terrible tigerish stew

yelled mumbled nectar powder

It was a special day in Davy's neighbourhood - 'No Rules Day'. Davy

looked into the pot of chicken (33) that Mother was cooking.

He uttered, "I don't want to eat this. I want custard with lots of sugar." Mother

told him what she cooked was good for him, but he (34) to

himself, "It's No Rules Day," and ate bowls of custard greedily.

Soon, his stomach hurt so his parents had to rush him to a doctor.

However, they could barely get beyond the door. No one was fo!lowing the

rules. Cars were driven at high speed. People were not paying for the food they

ate at restaurants. Shoppers were not paying for the things they bought.

Crowds of people were angry and (35) at one another.

It was (36) everywhere in the neighbourhood. "Father,

you're right. A life without rules will never be happy," Davy sighed.

Adapted from 'Mayor for a Day' by Carl Sommer

11 □
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Section H: Word Order (3 x 2 marks)

Rearrange the words to form a complete sentence or question. Begin each

sentence with a capital letter. Use the correct punctuatio.n mark where
necessary and at the end of each sentence.

37. the grew and caterpillar turned

- into a butterfly

38. was my neighbour an interesting book the library in reading

39. the street put a helmet John and on his head cycled down

12 □
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Blank Page


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Section I: Comprehension
Multiple-Choice and Open-Ended Questions (5 x 2 marks)

Read the passage carefully and answer questions 40 to 44.

An unkind potter wanted to get his neighbour, the washerwoman,

into trouble.

One day, the potter went to tell the king that the washerwoman coulcl

wash his grey elephants as white as snow. That - afternoon, the--

washerwoman was called to the palace by the king. Surprisingly, she 5

accepted the job. The next day, she took a long piece of string to find out

how long the elephant was. With the help of the soldiers, she went to the

first elephant and placed the string from its trunk to its back. She repeated

the steps with the second elephant.

1 need two things before I can get to work," the washerwoman said. 10

"What do you need?" the king asked.

"I must have two, pots to soak each of your elephants. I do not have

pots that are gigantic and strong enough to hold the elephants overnight,"

the washerwoman answered. ·

The king ordered the potter to make two pots that were the largest 15

and strongest. The potter gasped and his mouth fell open in shock.

Quickly, the potter hurried home. Then he packed his bags and left the

village before the king could send soldiers asking for the pots.

Adapted from 'A Jar of Pickles and a Pinch of Justice' by Chitra Saundar


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For questions 40 to 41, choose the most suitable answer and write its
number in the brackets provided. Answer question 4:2 using a word.
Answer question 43 in a complete sentence. For question 44, tick the two
correct answers.

40. The elephants belonged to the _

(1) king
(2) potter
(3) soldiers
(4) washerwoman ( )

41. The washerwoman used the string to .s.

(1) guess the price of the elephant

(2) check the colour of the elephant
(3) record the mass of the elephant
(4) measure the length of
the elephant ( )

42. Which word in paragraph 2 tells you that the washerwoman_ performed
the same actions twice?

43. What kind of pots did the washerwoman ask for to soak the elephants?

44. Why the potter¼eft.the village? Tick( ) two correct reasons.

He did not want to be unished b .

He felt the washerwoman into trouble.
He was an as the washerwoman was smarter than him.
He was unable to make the pots that the king wanted from him.

------ End of Paper------


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Q34) mumbled

Q35) yelled

Q36) terrible


Q37) The caterpillar grew and turned into a butterfly.

Q38) My neighbour was reading an interesting book in the library.

Q39) John put a helmet on his head and cycled down the street.




Q42) repeated

Q43} The washerwoman asked for two pots to soak each of the King's

Q44) He was unable to make the pots that the king wanted from him.



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Name: ( )· Date: 12 October 2018

Class: Primary 2 ( ) Time: 10.30 a.m; -11.15 a.m.

Parent's signature: _ Duration: 45 minutes

.- --- ---·.,---·••:---------- ····-----··:·-- -- ---··········- -

.•... _. -_ ---- .'


(1) · Write your name, class and register number.
(2) Do not tum over this page until you are told to do so.
(3) Follow all instructions carefully.
(4) Answer all questions.


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Section A Graminar ( 6 1 mark) - -

correct' answer "and· write Its numb Jn·the brackets.

_.• -· -...:· ·.
. Cho'ose the

(1) Farmer McQuire dug deep the ground looking for

insec1s and worms.

(1) into
(2) onto
(3) over
(4} across

(2) Grandmother has gone to the market to some meat

and vegetables.

(l) buy (2) buys

{3} buying (4) bought ( ) - ...-..-. -- ..
....... ..-...... ••-•••- • •• ••---------••••••H"""

(3) 11 ....... ·••····· ....... ···-·········"·······

ore we watching the movie with on Wednesday?"

Meiling asked Mother.

0 -
(l) Who {2) When
(3) What {4) Where


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[4)· · .Mrs Tan_had to s·pr6y the insecticide at the ohts·in:the-cupboard·..•

· because there· were just too --_·_,_ orthem.··

(1) few
(3) much (2) little
(4) many

(5) Ali
his favourite soccer boots to the football motch j u st
-- -
(1) wear
(2) wears
(3) wore
(4) worn

{6) Sally and my brother are at the librarynow. l winbe-joining.


..(ll ..: ..US...... ----- _ -----------·-- (2) him

(3) her (4) them


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. Section B -·vocabulary {4 x 1· mark) .
. . ·-···.-.·.FlilIn ·each·bianic•w.ftthhe co_rred answer g ven in the·box .
. ,. U e .eQcfJ-- or<:f.onc.e.only.. ..... _ ..

·begged - help hungry important

need thirsty unfortunate yelled

Teresa was born into a poor family in China. The family were often (7) because there was no food for th
(8. lesson on love and kindness.

One evening, a thin and dirty-looking woman came knocking at Teresa's door. She was carry
woman {9)'----------- for food saying that she and her child

. . . ,,.,.......---···· .. ·············--·······-···""' .............. ···------ ...................

had not eaten for two days. Without a word, Teresa's mo

ga_ve them a small sweet potato. It was the only food they
- .•
turning to her daughter, Teresa's mother said, "They need the foo
0 -

more than we do. We must always help those in

· (10), ." With this lesson learnt, Teresa continued fo help many peopl

Adapted from Love & Shere - Memoi,s Of A C6nte


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· Section c -·synthesis c2·x·2 marks) -_
Rewrite the given sentences uslrig thee word provided. yOUf' answer
. ·-be ln902 sentence. The f'.Tleanlng of-your sentence .mu,t be· the-same as- -
the meaning of the given sentences.

(11)- Ravi can have curry for lunch. Ravi can have salad for lunch.

. or

{12) Gina could not find her parents. Gina cried.


0 -


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"Mummy! He keeps taking away the toys!" Benny screamed

as be threw a teddy bear at his brother.

"You took them fi!'5t!" Danny yelled and kicked the stuffed toy

Section - Comprehension
away. Open-ended (3 x 2 marks)

·.. Recid
"Share, the following
boys!" passgge
Mrs Teo shouted from carefony: an wer
the kitchen and ..... ·.·_..
what she was doing. "The dinner has to wait now," she complained. Quickly, she went to the living r
.. CJ e on t pas_sage.·· · · ··

·- . . --···---··-· ----·•- ---- -- ------ --- - --······•·····-- ·.

Seeing the two boys quarrelling, Mrs Teo hugged them. ·

"You should always love each other and share your things," she scolded. "Besides, Emma is sleeping in the bedroo
to woke her up, do you?"

The brothers apologised to each other_unwillingly and promised

to share.

Just then, a baby's cry was heard.

Your sister's-hungr;. Let's feed her," suggested Mrs Teo. The

boys' eyes lit up. They nodded and followed her into the bedroom.


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YEAR :. : 2018·· •- ·


I !I.! I Q2 ]_1_. ---'-l----""Q 3_LI_I_---'-QI-=-4 ,_j _4---'----Q'=-5 _

3,_j ,


Q7) hungry
Q8) important
Q9) begged
Ql0) need


Qll) Ravi can have curry or salad for lunch.

Q12) Gina cried as she could not find-her parents.

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:· - ·:_Q13) Mrs Teo· was ·P: epa- i g dinner-.· -. ·

_ Q14)·Mrs Teo hugged th-e boys and asked them to love each other. -
QlS) Emma was the boys' sister

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