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INSTRUCTOR: Aprill Aquino



1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B


Citizenship and its significance in education.

•Citizenship education gives people the knowledge and skills to understand, challenge and
engage with democratic society including politics, the media, civil society, the economy and
the law wherein the democracies need active, informed and responsible citizens - citizens
who are willing and able to take responsibility for themselves and their communities and
contribute to the political process.

Citizenship and its significance in economy.

•Economic citizenship can be used to represent both the economic contributions requisite
to become a citizen as well as the role in which one's economic standing can influence his or
her rights as a citizen. The relationship between economic participation and citizenship can
be considered a contributing factor to increasing inequalities and unequal representation of
different socioeconomic classes within a country. The republican model of citizenship
emphasizes one’s active participation in civil society as a means of defining his or her
citizenship. Initially used to describe citizenship in ancient Greece, the republican notion
focuses on how political participation is linked with one’s indent as a citizen, stemming from
Aristotle’s definition of citizenship as the ability to rule and be ruled.


•Global Citizenship for me nurtures personal respect and respect for others, wherever they
live. It also encourages individuals to think deeply and critically about what is equitable and
just, and what will minimise harm to our planet. And as a Filipino, to become an effective
Global Citizens, we as young people need to be flexible, creative and proactive. We need to
be able to solve problems, make decisions, think critically, communicate ideas effectively
and work well within teams and groups. These skills and attributes are increasingly
recognised as being essential to succeed in other areas of 21st century life too, including
many workplaces. These skills and qualities cannot be developed without the use of active
learning methods through which pupils learn by doing and by collaborating with others.
Because the opportunities of our fast-changing ‘globalised’ world offers us as young people
are very enormous. But so too are the challenges. We as young generations are entitled to
an education that equips us with the knowledge, skills and values we need in order to
embrace the opportunities and challenges they encounter, and to create the kind of world
that we want to live in.



Based on what you have learned on this topic: How can a students like you be a global

•As we know that, since we are in the era of 21st century, the concept of global citizenship
has become universal in terms of education. And the process of globalization is continuing
on a very fast pace, as the people and the things are getting interconnected with each other.
In the ever-growing dynamic community, it has become significant for a person to think
about the role of each and every citizen. That's why as one of a member of younger
generations, there are more opportunities can offered to us but it requires creativity,
flexibility and proactiveness. And in the education of global citizenship, we as young
generation has the capability to solve various problems, make different decisions,
communicate different ideas effectively and efficiently, think critically and work well with
others. Hence, it will help an individual educationally, professionally and personally. Thus, a
global education is considered as prominent inside the classroom that students are more
likely to face issues in regards with the global independence through an economics course
with various cultures and identities and sustainable development in the science
environmental course. Some of the classes offer variety of learning methods to the students
that includes role-playing and debate that has further became necessity for the curriculum
of basic school.


1. A

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. A

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