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Natural Hazard:Mitigation Plan

By:Aaron Jynce Deperio


"Geological Hazard"

*A geological hazard or geohazard is an adverse geologic condition capable of causing widespread

damage or loss property of life.

Examples of Geological Hazard:

1.Volcanic Eruption

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(Lagay mo yung pic na sinend ko)

Staying safe during Volcanic Eruption:

1.Stay inside,if possible,with windows and doors closed.

2.Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants.

3.Use goggles to protect your eyes.

4.Exposure to ash can harm your health,

particularly the respiratory(breathing)track.

5.Keep your car or truck engine switched off.

Staying safe during Landslide:

1.Avoid river valleys and other low areas.

2.Listen to a local news station for updates.

3.Evacuate if it is safe to do.

4.Move out of the path of the landslides as quickly as you can.

5.Curl into a ball if you cannot escape.



*Process or phenomenon of atmospheric,hydrological or oceanographic nature that may cause loss of

life,injury or other health impacts,property damage,loss of livehoods and services,social and economic
disruption,or environmental damage.

Examples of Hydrometeorological Hazard:


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(Lagay mo yung pic na sinend ko)

Staying safe during Typhoon:

1.Stay inside the house.

2.Always keep yourself updated with latest weather report.

3.If safe drinking water is not available boil water for at least 20 minutes.

4.Keep on eye on lighted candles or gas lamps.

5.Do not wade through floodwaters to avoid being electrocuted and contracting diseases.

Staying safe during Tsunami:

1.Head of high ground and inland

2.Stay away from rivers and estuaries Tsunamis can travel up rivers!.

3.If swept up,grab something that floats.

4.If you are on a boat,head to deep waters(higher than 100 meters deep).

5.Go to an upper floor(more than third)of a solid building as a last resort,climb up a strong tree.

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