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ICSJC 2007/08 - Rohith

As the 27th Interact President in ICSJC history it gives great pleasure and honour to pen a few
words for the recently revived Retrospective Interact magazine.
During my year as President, we chose the theme “Bringing back the Legacy of Interact” and
with 18 other talented interactors we strived to achieve this very goal. Over the numerous
projects that were conducted throughout my final year some of the most unforgettable initiatives
were the” Robin Hood Campaign”, which was a series of fund-raising projects with the tagline
“Taking from the rich and giving to the poor”. The funds raised from these projects were in turn
used to support and finance various ongoing community service projects.
We were fortunate enough to partner with other likeminded Interact Clubs and co-hosted a very
successful Interact District Assembly alongside the Interact Clubs of St. Bridget’s Convent & St
Thomas’ College. Also not forgetting working alongside the Interact Club of Bishop’s College to
produce yet another unforgettable Globe Trotterz.
Being a part of the Interact Club was a huge factor in moulding me during my formative years
and I can without a doubt say that it had a major influence in my growth as both a student &
young adult. The values instilled within us as an Interactor is what has helped me successfully
navigate through all the challenges and obstacles in life after school and develop the soft skills
that are vital for a successful corporate career.
Nothing beats the fact that as a teenager when driving a project, it is your ability to work as a
team, problem solve, keep calm under pressure, manage the school administration and the
other stakeholders, working within a budget, vendor management, operate on minimal sleep,
balancing studies and extra curriculars are some of the transferrable skills that will help you
overcome any obstacle life throws at you.
I would firstly like to thank my 2006/07 Board for being a pillar of strength during my Presidential
year, the Interact Past Presidents Radhik, Asanga, Chris & Geethika who I have had the fortune
of working under and not to forget the mother of SJC Interact, Nimala Teacher for all the
guidance and encouragement she has given me during my years in the Club.
My memories throughout my Interact career will always be some of my most cherished
memories during my school years. The projects completed, the lifelong friendships struck, the
positive impact on society, the lessons learnt are some of the most rewarding experiences in my
life to date.
I wish every success to the new board at ICSJC and hope the Club grows from strength to
strength in the years to come.

Best Wishes,
Int PP. Rohith Wijesooriya

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