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Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022

INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration


Sample Introduction to Business administration test

Full Name: Duration: 60 minutes

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Lecturer: Nguyen Duc Tri Anh


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A Selected A Unselected A Reselected

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 1 A B C D Question 26 A B C D

Question 2 A B C D Question 27 A B C D

Question 3 A B C D Question 28 A B C D

Question 4 A B C D Question 29 A B C D

Question 5 A B C D Question 30 A B C D

Question 6 A B C D Question 31 A B C D

Question 7 A B C D Question 32 A B C D

Question 8 A B C D Question 33 A B C D

Question 9 A B C D Question 34 A B C D

Question 10 A B C D Question 35

Question 11 A B C D Question 36
Question 12 A B C D Question 37

Question 13 A B C D Question 38

Question 14 A B C D Question 39

Question 15 A B C D Question 40

Question 16 A B C D Question 41

Question 17 A B C D Question 42

Question 18 A B C D Question 43
Question 19 A B C D Question 44

Question 20 A B C D Question 45

Question 21 A B C D Question 46

Question 22 A B C D Question 47 A B C D

Question 23 A B C D Question 48 A B C D

Question 24 A B C D Question 49

Question 25 A B C D Question 50

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 1: A key characteristic of entrepreneurs is that they:

A. Are willing to accept the risks involved in starting and managing a business.
B. Have a high level of scientific and technical expertise.
C. Possess a great deal of personal wealth
D. Have experience in running large, complex organizations.
Question 2: Elizabeth owns a printing business in her home town. The printers, computers,
and copying machines represent examples of:
A. Natural resources
B. Intangible resources
C. Current assets
D. Capital
Question 3: Taxes and government regulations are part of the ________ environment of
A. Economic and legal
B. Competitive
C. Social
D. Technological
Question 4: _________ is the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and
consumers over the Internet.
A. E-commerce
B. Intrapreneurship
C. Telecommuting
D. I-commerce
Question 5: InterCom is an Internet-based company that provides online support services for
businesses that need help in setting up and maintaining their websites. InterComp is an
example of a company that is engaged in:
A. B2C e-commerce
B. N2Y e-commerce
C. Y2K e-commerce
D. B2B e-commerce

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 6: Collectively, the customers, employees, stockholders, suppliers, creditors, and

the local communities in which a business operates are known as the firm's:
A. Market
B. Economic environment
C. Stakeholders
D. Social dependents
Question 7: As a salesperson for Bi-State Direct, Jack enjoys the freedom and flexibility he
has to better meet the needs of his customers. Jack's experience suggests that Bi-State
A. Centralized management
B. Outsourcing
C. Enfranchisement
D. Empowerment
Question 8: Jill is looking into the possibility of opening up a day care center in her
community, because she is aware of many two-income families that need a place for their
children to stay while the parents work. However, she is concerned about the long-term
prospects for such a business. Jill believes the future of her center will depend on whether
birth rates and the number of two-income families remain high. These concerns illustrate how
businesses can be affected by:
A. Econometric trends
B. Demographic trends
C. Regulatory trends
D. Psychographic trends
Question 9: More efficient distribution systems around the world have led to:
A. Increased world trade
B. Decreased world trade
C. Decreased international competition
D. Reduced standards of living around the world

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 10: In recent years, almost all new job creation in the United States has occured in
the _____ sector.
A. Service
B. Manufacturing
C. Agricultural
D. Telecommunications
Question 11: Socialism is a system under which economic activities are controlled by the:
A. Government
B. Price mechanism
C. Market mechanism
D. None of these
Question 12: Primarily goal of socialism is
A. To earn profit
B. To minimize expenditures
C. To promote social welfare
D. all of these
Question 13: Price is determined by:
A. Forces of supply
B. Forces of demand
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
Question 14: In the present world, there are most economies are:
A Socialist economies
B Mixed economies
C None of these
D Capitalist economies

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 15: In which type of economic system, desire to earn profit is the chief motive of
all economic activities?
A Capitalism.
B Socialism
C Mixed Economy
D None
Question 16: Macroeconomics is
a. the study of market regulation
b. the study of economy-wide phenomena
c. the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact
d. the study of money and financial markets
Question 17: The consumer price index is used to
A. track changes in the level of wholesale prices in the economy.
B. monitor changes in the cost of living.
C. monitor changes in the level of real GDP.
D. track changes in the stock market.
Question 18: The term inflation is used to describe a situation in which
a. incomes in the economy are increasing.
b. stock market prices are rising.
c. the economy is growing rapidly.
d. the overall level of prices in the economy is increasing.
Question 19: Fiscal policy affects the economy
a. only in the short run.
b. only in the long run.
c. in both the short and long run.
d. in neither the short nor long run.
Question 20: Deflation is a time period during which
a. prices fall
b. inflation falls
c. output falls
d. output and prices fall

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 21: The “invisible hand” directs economic activity through

a. prices.
b. mass media.
c. subliminal messages.
d. government regulations
Question 22: Profits do not have to be shared. This statement refers to
a. Partnership
b. Family business
c. Sole proprietorship
d. Company
Question 23: Which of the following is the popular form of business organisation in
Vietnam? (2021)
A. Partnership
B. Limited liability
C. Joint stock Company
D. Sole proprietorship
Question 24: Which of the following business organisation requires less capital?
A. Sole proprietorship
B. Partnership
C. Joint stock Company
D. Cooperative societies
Question 25: Consider the following statement(s). Which of the statement(s) given above
is/are correct? (case is supposed in Vietnam)
I. There are separate laws that governs sole proprietorship.
II. As sole proprietorship is the least regulated form of business,
III. Its firms can be easily started and closed without any legal formalities.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. All of these

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 26: Which of the following is probably the most important reason for
A. limited liability of shareholders.
B. more money for investment.
C. increased flexibility.
D. shared management.
Question 27: Which of the following is an advantage of a sole proprietorship?
A. ease of starting a business.
B. being your own boss.
C. pride of ownership.
D. all of the above.
Question 28: The most effective form of business organization for raising capital is the:
A. joint venture.
B. partnership.
C. corporation.
D. proprietorship.
Question 29: The major advantage of a franchise is:
A. training and management assistance.
B. personal ownership.
C. nationally recognized name.
D. all of the above.
Question 30: The main disadvantage of a general partnership is:
A. the unlimited liability of the partners.
B. disagreement amongst partners.
C. shared management.
D. difficulty of termination.

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Question 31: What do you understand by the term unlimited liability?

A. The personal assets of the owner can be sold when the assets of the business are not
B. The personal assets of the owner cannot be sold at all
C. The personal assets of the owner can be sold, according to the wish of the creditors
D. The personal assets of the owner can be sold, only to a limited extent
Question 32: The manager generally uses a stepwise method to arrive at decisions that are
logical and that is used to maximize the achievement of the desired objective. Which decision
making model does this manager use?
A. Political decision-making model
B. Experimentation process
C. Rational decision-making model
D. Trial and error method
Question 33: What leadership style is used to maintain a strong control in the department?
A. Laissez- faire
B. Democratic
C. Collegial
D. Autocratic
Question 34: Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?
A. Strengths and Weaknesses
B. Opportunities and Threats
C. Strengths and Opportunities
D. Weaknesses and Threats
Use the following information to answer from Question 35 to Question 38 by filling in the
blank with the suitable words
According to the Labor and Employment department report of Vietnam, COVID-19 pandemic
has affected the momentum of job restoration as well as income of workers in the second
quarter of 2021. Accordingly, in the second quarter of 2021, there were 12.8 million people
aged 15 years and older who were negatively affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, including
those who lost their jobs, had to take rest/rotational leave and reduced working hours- reduce
income … More specifically, the labor force from 15 years old to 65 years old was estimated
at 51.1 million people, while the amount of labor force in the second quarter of 2021 was 49.9
million, down 1.2 million people from the previous quarter. The unemployment rate of working
age, in addition, in the second quarter of 2021 was 2.62% increase of 0.2% compared to the
first quarter of 2021 and a decrease of 0.23% over the same period in 2020.

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

A good job is not only something that can make money but also something that nourishes
people's dreams. However, not everyone can find a job that fits their needs. As the
representatives of the IU WORKS, we understand the psychology and needs of employees and
especially new graduates who are at a disadvantage in the process of working experience. We
have created an app that can reduce the anxiety of candidates. Through this app, we want to
give more opportunities for candidates to be able to choose exactly where they belong to. In
addition, the application will allow businesses access to upload their requirements for the
participants. On top of that, our services are extended to a variety of industries and bring real
value to users.
With slogan: “Your success- Our happiness”, our service commit to find a job quickly –
suitably- Fast and neat procedures to help people receive their work as soon as possible.
=> You are the CEO of IU WORKS. Apply the knowledge that you had learned from
Introduction to Business Administration course, you have conducted a short SWOT analysis to
making the suitable plans for your development in the future:
………………… (Question 35) -Our organization employs software - IU Works - this
software has the capability of combining the essentials of both employers, making it simple for
us to locate each other's essentials. We constantly improve the program and bring out the most
appropriate and innovative features for this industry, with the purpose of being fast, relevant,
and accurate.
………………… (Question 36) -Currently, the number of training institutions for various hot
sectors is expanding, which is related to the number of graduates but also to the high
unemployment rate. Or the company's business demands are increased due to the newness,
mistrust, or misdirection of current young people. To develop trust - and volunteer to be part
of our customers - we rely on the psychology of applicants and employers.
………………… (Question 37) -The only thing that slows down our work development is
candidates that use false identities. However, we are currently modernizing the software and
connecting with the Human Administration Department in order to comply with the
requirement that applicants use their genuine names. Employ labour legislation to safeguard
the interests of both employees and corporations. We will also be unable to maintain long-term
consumer loyalty.
………………… (Question 38) While external forces such as politics, the economy, and
technology help our organization to some extent, it is also a problem that keeps us on the point
of slipping behind. If you do not update information, procedures, and security information in a
timely manner to avoid becoming embroiled in privacy regulations, customer identification
will be jeopardized. In addition, you need to face with your competitors such as Vietnamworks,
Careerbuilder, Mywork, … which are familiar with other students and provide various
functions to their customers.
Question 39- Question 42: Match the concept with suitable definition
Concepts Definition
A. Planning 1. the process of measuring performance and making sure things turn out as intended
B. Organizing 2. the process of setting objectives and determining how to accomplish them.
C. Controlling 3. the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.
D. Leading 4. the process of arranging people and other resources to work together to accomplish a goal.

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Answer Question 41 to Question 44 by filling in the blank with the suitable words
……………… (Question 43) are “about how things need to happen”. This type of planning
typically describes the day-to-day running of the company. Single use plans are created for
events and activities with a single occurrence (such as a single marketing campaign). Ongoing
plans include policies for approaching problems, rules for specific regulations and procedures
for a step-by-step process for accomplishing particular objectives.
……………… (Question 44) are all about why things need to happen. It includes a high-level
overview of the entire business. It’s the foundational basis of the organization and will dictate
long-term decisions. Its scope can be anywhere from the next two years to the next 10 years.
Important components of a strategic plan are vision, mission and values.
……………… (Question 45) are about what is going to happen,”. It supports the strategic
planning. It includes tactics that the organization plans to use to achieve what’s outlined in the
strategic plan. The scope is less than one year and breaks down the strategic plan into actionable
……………… (Question 46) are made when something unexpected happens or when
something needs to be changed. It can be helpful in circumstances that call for a change.
Although managers should anticipate changes when engaged in any of the primary types of
planning, it is essential in moments when changes can’t be foreseen.
Question 47: An organization chart showing vice presidents of marketing, finance,
manufacturing, and purchasing all reporting to the president is depicting a ________ structure.
a. functional
b. matrix
c. network
d. product
Question 48: A manufacturing business with a functional structure has recently developed
three new product lines. The president of the company might consider shifting to a/an
____________ structure to gain a stronger focus on each product.
a. virtual
b. informal
c. divisional
d. network

Vietnam National University – HCMC Semester 02, Academic Year 2021-2022
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Course: Introduction to Business administration

Answer Question 49 to Question 50 by filling in the blank with the suitable words
…………….. (Question 49): These types are made up of members from various
departments. These teams tackle specific tasks that require different inputs and expertise.
……………. (Question 50): These teams are made up of people who work in
different physical locations and who rely heavily on collaboration tools to get things done
Words suggested: Cross- functional teams, Project teams, Self- managing teams, Virtual


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