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Srr.Z"IDA 1tI) 1'01( ~ ~ N V ..I I ~ O. . N M ~ ~TESTING

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)fsdt@%m SD:QM-333. Issue': March 2010
I<;ltlio 'l'ransniissic~~i : QM-?3?/lssue-I-Se~~~er1iLx1
ISLII)C*I~SCCIS 1990) I'riccd Publication
Description Page Nu.

---.--- .
Seclion .-2 13quipn1tn1environn1:nt calegor~esand applicab!~tests with recommended
-- ---
Tesi N o . I . Low temperature (Cold Cycle) 17
-.- --
Test No. 2 : High temperature (Dry Heat Cycle)
- 23
-- -.- -.---- - --
---- -- 29
Tesl No. G;Vibration Test 32

- 34

---- 37
--- ---- -- -- - -- - -- - -
Test No. 1 i:Topple test 43
- ----
Test No. 12:Fall tesr 44
----..-- ----
1 3 : B ~ ~I pRoadability 45
'lest No. 14:Rain Test 48
------ -
I'est No. 15:Dust Test
-- - ---- - 50
- .
Srclion-4 Stundud of climatic cha~nberand v~btationgenerator
--- --- - ---.--- ---- 52

[. List of tleviations with

.- r e s ~ c to
t GR clnuses for. O r ~ t d o o rB'l'Ss.
F l GR. Cln~tsedescription - 7 F a r r 7
N 0.
1. Control card redundancy not provided as per tlie require~neutsof GR Devintion.
~1,hpseNos.2.4.1,2.8.5, 3.43and 4.11
ds BSC as per tlie Deviatio~~.
supports 2MHz analog clock for syncluon~sationas per Deviation.

walls (adjustable) as Deviation.

-1 lOdBm. As per the 1,ilnitntion of test

ested up to -109 dBm facility.

6. BTS does not suppo cotlecs in AMR-HR. It supports only 5 Devintio~t.

codecs as per GR
7. Clause No 6.1.38 r and vice versa could L i ~ n i t n t i o ~ of
l test
not be tested due t facility.

11. List of deviatio~lswit11 respect DTR clrr~sesfor Outcloor DTSs.


DTR Clause descri ion

4.9.2 The BTS supplied sliall be of two es with respect The BTS supplied is of sillglc I
to RF power outp~ltat the Ante~lnaport of TS. type with respect to RF power
of maximuln 19.95 Watts
(ii) BTS wit11 mil~imum poiver outp+of 30
Wattslcarrier when BTS is configured in 41414.
Not co~i~pliecl
\ Mi niniu111guara~ireedpower
output is less than 20Watts per

2. 4.9.3 The sensitivity of city BTSs shall be better Tested up to

tlBm without cliversity and that for HW BTSs - 109tlBni o ~ i l y
better than - 1 13 dRm witl~outdiversitv.
3. 4.9.5 The entire city BTSs shall be assumed to be\ Not Corliplied
logically star connected at the BSC. However, pliysically
the BTSs sl~allbe in a self healing SDH rillg. Necessary
ADM shall fonli part of tlie HTS tratls~nissionecluipment.
In case of Highway, 4 BTSs sllall be assumed to be daisy
chained on closed loop. Two terminations for every set of
4 HW BTSs shall I I providecl
~ in the DSC. 5% of the total
tenliinations sl~all be kept spare i l l the BSC Tot- Titt~tre
- use/rearrangeiner1tss - -
4. 4.9.8 RTS shall have automatic shi~tdownfeatures witli
programmable automatic timer to increase the battery This feathe is not available
--- -. --- ..

-: ? ,. : i i..;,j : SI , .I
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I'r . I . .. .. , ..

The QM-353lIssr1e-h4arcl1 2010 for environmental testing of'
Liarlled b y
Tel~~r.orr~~~rtirri~~trfiorr Engineeriilg
Ccntre (TEC-I). considering climstalogical conditions prevalent in different pjrts of
l~idiii. This sl:tndard has bccn framed, kccping in view that certain amount of ~ i s k
rnonagc~nent of failures bas to be uod~rtaben in teclu~ological developnient and
bnlanced with cost effectiveness. This standard provides for test conditions for
assessi~~g the design capability of cquiplncnt for clualification o f manufacture
and associatsd process.
It is not illtended to be arl accelerated test for reliability assessnlent, nor is it intended
lo be an electronic stress screen, altllough the cycles provide for some amount of
stTess screening under sto~age.It is lo be kept in 111indthat the basic aim of the
standard is qualification of desigr~ a ~ ~ cthe i ability to perfom) under different
clilnatological corrditions.
It 11;:s bee11 the experience that the rcsults of such c~lvironnlentaltests provide close
COJ-rclatio~~ to iicceplable p e r f o r ~ n a ~ ~ofc cthe equipment in the field during the life
Lime-of the cquiprner~t. Tllerc may also be cases where t l ~ efield observations do not
co-relate with the satisfactoi-y perfoilnanw during envi~.o~~mental test. Such cascs
will have to be viewed carefully by analysing the sequence o f events which gave rise
to the n~isrnatch,though found excel)tio~~ally.
The: Qhl-333 standard is to be applied in general for most types of
Teleconlmurlicatior~equipn~ent. Tl~cl-e.could be products whose standards preclude
the applicatio~lof sorne portion of the test cycle. The application of this tesl cycle
will have to he studied in such cascs :ultl exceptions rnade, if oecessary.
The test i:lauses given in the individual Equipment's Generic Requirements (GR)/
'Tender1 Purchase Order Standard issued by Telecom Engineering Centre or
Purchaser will have ovei~idingauthority to any of the test clauses of this standard, if
they are found to be a1 variance.
1.2.0 SCOPE
1.2.1 This standard describes standard procetlures and conditions for environme~italtests
for 'Telccommu~~icationequipment and all other type of equipment used in the Indian
Telecom Network. S~ibsysternswhich are being used in equip~lleiltshould also meet
these standards.
1.2.2 This standard includes environrnel~talconditions obtainable in the laborilto~ysuch
Ihat if equipment is exposed to thzse cor~ditiunsa ~ l dif continues to operate in a
sa:ishctory m a n n a , a high degree of confidence would have been established, that
tlie equipmeilt would su~vivethe field envirollment during ils expected operational
and storage life. The tests describzd herein are not to be interpreted as an exact and
conclusivt: ~.:'prcsentation of actual. operational and storage conditions. It is also the
J~IT-pose o r this docun~entlo standardise environmental tests in order to obtaln as
inuch a; possible, r.epruduc~bletest ~c:;ultsand to serve as a grliJe for those engaged
in the design of equipment and sub assemblies. This standard should therefore be
used at all ti111esin conjunction with tl~estandards for the equipment to be tested.
1.2.3 The acc-ptable perl'ormance limits of the equipinent when subjected to
environmental test are not included in this standard. 'The relevant equipmellt
standard shall define the acceptable performance lin~its.
1.2.4 The environniental categories and tests included in this standard do not cover all
contirigencies n ~ ~operational
d and storage environments. Any additional tests
deemed necessary in partic~~lar cases may be specified in the relevant equipment
standard at the time of procurement, drawing reference to current Indian or
'hternational Standards applicable. The relevant equipment standard may also
stipulate where the special environmental conditions provided herein will apply, and
lnay specify the deviations in tcst procedure which may be warranted or necessary
when applying any of these tests or may lay down special procedures which may be
1.2.5 'l'he standard defines the requirements for environmental conditions under which the
equipment must be tested, so as to ensure their satisfactory operation in service,
transportation or storage. It also defines the environmental tests to which the
equipment will be subjected to ensure satisfactory operation of the equipment under
normal environmental' conditions with a margin of safety to meet extreme
environmental conditions applicable to particular equipment at some time of the
service 1 storage life. They consist of a series of operations in order to determine the
effect of znvironmental conditions on the equipment.
1.2.6 The tests prescribed in this standard are not meant as reliability tests but as quality
tests. The tests are non-destructive and the equipment is reusable at the end of the
tesu. Components for the equipment should have been adequately qualified before
hand. The periodicity of application of tests prescribed in this standard shall be as
per the relevant equipment standard or shall be laid down by the acceptance
huthority for the equipment.
1.2.7 I.;'
Alternative methods of demonstrating that the equipment will meet the objectives in
a manner at least as rigorous as that specified herein are acceptable by negotiation i'.:c
and agreement with the issuing authority. ;,;+
i , $9

1.2.8 There shall be an analysis of the failure, revealed during the application of the $8
standard, so t!~at the technical causes of the failures are understood and corrective j ft
action is taken on that basis with tlle approval of the user. ii;$ul
1.2.9 In order to distinguish the equipment that it has undergone environnlental tests, it ;,'$
wouid be preferable for the manufaoturer to provide a distinct indelible marking on ',:i'!
all the lnodules and bays.
1 I

1.3.0 DEFCNITIONS !j ,

1.3.1 Equipment :..
' -
For the purpose of this standard, equipment is any functional unit, other than i;:
component and sl~allinclude priuted circuit boards, sub-assemblies, and finished
equipment configured in a fashion as they would normally operate in service.
', ,

;I,. . ' ' .

A test i s a cornplete series of operations and will nornlally corrsist of the following:
a ) Pre-condirionir~g(when required)
b) Initial measurements
r) Conditioning
d) lntennediate measurement
e) Recovery (when tequired)
f) Final n~easurernents
A particular test Inay speciFy irltermeciiatc: measurelnenls during conditioning ant1 i I

or recovery. Pre-ccnditioning
PIC-coudition~~lg is the t~eatmentof equipment with the object of removing or partly
counteracting the effects of its previous history. Where called for, it is the first
process in the test procedure.
I .3.2.2 Burn-in t -
For the 17urpose of this document, bu111.-inis a condition where the equipment is kept
under pseudo simulated conditions as envisaged during its storage 1 service for a
du~atlonof 168 l~oursor at 50' C for a duration of 72 hours under laboratory I
coqditions oi. any other test co~~ditiotls
mutually agreed upon. I Visual cxamiuation i
Visual e.ra~ilil~ation
IS generally made before aiid affer the conditioning in each test
and fonn a part of Imtial and Final Measurcmeals. During the visual examination of
the cquipn~ent,defects in construction, the presence of foreign bodies, moisture, dust i
I .
eti, corrosiotl of metal parts and m y fc~mof deterioration of materials and finishes,
disto~tionor mechanical imperfectioils shall be noted. i
1.3,2.4 Defect Classification List (DCL):
a) Verification of equipment with doc.unlents
b) Check of component approval status 1
c.) Check uf workmanship such as mountit~gof components, quality of soldering,
marking and identification etc. Initial illeasurer~lellts

'Il~isconsists of inspection by, DCL (Defect Classification List) and testing of the
equipn1::nt for the star1dal.d guaranteed or specified critical operative parameters

prior to oor~ditionrng to determine Ihe characteristics of &he equipment. The

parameters so selected shall be such that they indicate the overall health of the
equipment under tesl and shall be nieasurable in a stipulated tirne. This also irlcludes y
checking any physical para1netcl.s when specified. % Condirioniug 1
c-onditioning is the exposure of the equipment h a n environn~entalcondition in
older to dctcrn:it~e the eiffct of such a cor~ditivnon it. 1
1 Iutermediate mcasttrrrnent
This is a measurement taken during or at the end of the conditioning period. The
intermediate measurerncots are of hvo types.
For currying orrr rhese measurements, the equipment may be removed from the
environnlcntal test clian~berordy under unavoidable circumstances. Standard check 6 :
'l'he eqi~iplne~it shall be tested electrically for specified crltical parameters, those
s~lectcddu~inginitial measurements as per The paramelers measured sfrall
(.omply svirfr the relr:va~~tstandard. The duration of standard check shall not be more
than o ~ r cIrorrr. Bnnctiuaal check 1' I.

The equipment shall be tested electlically for specified critical parameters, those
selected during initial measurements as per 1.3 2.5. The equipment shall remain
operational without any irreversible damage. The duration of functional check shall

be 3s s h o ~as
t possible 1
1 Recovery
Recovery is the treatment of the equipment after co~~ditioning in order that the
properties of the equipment may be stabilised before final rneasurernent. ,c-'
?!.. irreversible damage

'L'his means that the equipment does not recover on its own to its norntal operating
conditi1.m without making any change in hardware or software part of the equipment
or witlinut rcsetting the input supply to the equipment. Final exnnlination and measurement
T11is consists of inspection by, DCL (Defect Classification List) and testing of the
. cquipll~entfor tlie standards guaranteed or specified critical .operative parameters at
the conclusiol~of il test, so that a comparison with the initial measurements will
show the cffect of the test on. the equipment. This also includes changes in physical
parameters when specified. Resulrs of Ei11a1examination and ~neasuremcntsmade a1
!he end of one test may be taken its the initial examination and measurements for the
snbbser!!lent test. it , ::
1.3.3 Temperature equillbrirrm 1
1 . '
Te~uper"rc equilibriu~nis considered to have been reached when the temperature/ '
of ai) part of the equipment In the non-energiscd condition is with1112' C of fh.1.
temperature of the immediate surroundings. In the case of large test
however, wllere i 2 O C tolerances may not be attainable, it shall be acceptable
permit f 3' C limit es equilibrium condition.

hleasurements and mechanical c1:ccks may be carried out at any cornbination of

teniperaturc,, relative hurnitlir). and plejslrre within the following limits:-
- ---- - -. - .-----
1 Tc~nperaluie 7 i . c t o 3 3c. c
-.- - - - -
Kclalive I~u~niditg 45 % to 75 %
Air pressure 86 to 106 kPa

1 . The temperature larlge may be extended beyond these limits, say, up to 10" C to
40' C fur laigc equipment.
2. The limits of variatioils of temperature arid relative lru~niditydurimg a series of
.. rn:asarcn~ents carried out as part of o r ~ etest on ally equipment shall, if necessary,
be specified in the relevant equipment standard.
3. W h ~ r r .it ir; impracticable to c a q out measurcliients within the limits of the
ii' standard atmospheric condit~o~is for testing, a note to this effect stating the actual
I!. conditions of tests shall be added to the test report.
. Standard Reference condiliuns
&. i ) If the patameters to be measured depend on temperature arid I or pressure and if the
law of dependence is known, the values are nieasured at conditions specified under
i.3.4.1 and if necessary, corrected by calculation at the following reference values:
Temperature : + 20" C
.' Air picssure : 101.3Wa
Nate: T\jo requirelnent for relative humidity is give11 because a correctio~l by
calculation is generally not possible.
ii) I T ilie parameters to be measured deper~don temperature and / or air pressure and if
the law of depe~~derice is unknown, the measurements shall be made under the
followillg conditions: -
Temperature : 25"C+1°C
Relative humidity : 50%*20/0
Air 1'ressul.e : 86 to 106 kPa
Note: hr the case of large equip~nentor test chambers where temperature and
relative humidity and / or air 111-es!;ure limits specified above are difficult to
main tail^, wider tolerance shall be pern~issible. In such cases, the actual
values used shall he given ill the test rrpo?. Standard Recovery couditions
The standard lecovery conditions shall be the actual laboratory conditions. When
diCferent recovery conditions are needed fur the interval after conditioning and /or to
be used for pre-cuntlitioning, or at arty other time in order to bri~lgthe state of the
equipment to a standard condition, these recovely conditions shall be specified under
each test.
1 .4 VOLUME OF C ~ ~ ~ E ~
Equipment undergoing test should be placed centrally in the test chamber. The
volume of the test chamber is as per C1. 4.2.1. under Section 4. In case this is not
practicable, this can be mutually agreed between the supplier and the acceptance
.authority after a teclmical examination of the constraint due to inadequate volume of


A document specially drawn-up or provided, this lays down the characteristics and r ,'
pcrformancev of an equipment under specified conditions of use.
Where an option in test severity is permitted, the relevant equipment standard sh
specify the approxin~ateseverity of the test. .
For the purpose of acceptance decision, a lailure is a condition where the equipment
fails to fully meet the specified performance.
An analysis of hilute and a sludy of its effect on the performance should be carried
G U for
~ considering acceptability of equipment. Frequent failures or major failures
may entail the terminalion of the tests. In case of infrequent or minor failures, tests
may continue by replacing the sub-assembly or components at the discretion of
acceptance authority. However, in all cases of failures, analysis of the causes of the
failures shall be conducted. This may rcquire additional testing of the particular sub-
assembly where failures have occurred.
'The :ele\lant equipment standard may define if nccessaty specific terms as to what
constitutes a failure under each of the environmental stress conditions.

* (

2.1 CATEGOIUES: 'The Table 2.1 givcs the categories in which Telecommunication
ccluipment can bc divided, based on operating c~~vironnue~lt.

Table 2.1 .

Lvcattoo R : I ~ exposure
- 'The lisi is not exhaustive and the rclevant standard
-..- --..----.- siiould be refe'errkd
Typlcally: Equipment such as Electronic Switching .
Ir~stalled in air-conditioned
which Exchanges of capacity of 500 lines or more; Ground
lemperatu,.e hulnidity communication equipment For Satellite Earth Sta.tion
Air-conditioning (Main and Primary); WLL system, Base Station
, failiure of less than 2 hours Controller (BSC), Base Transceiver Station (BTS) for
duralioru at a time is Indoor use 9r Mobile Swilchiug Centre (MSC) of
Mobile Network for CDMAIGSM based Wireless
l,avf- -- - - -
I Sy5tems; Network Matlage~nerktSystetn etc.

131-Bililding wilh air Typically: I'C drivcn hardware and its peripherals;
cvndition with possibility of Optical Fibre Line Temlinal Equipment; Digital
1 ' 1 l ' a ~ l ~of~ rair
e conditioning for lvIultiplex equipment; Radio Terminal Equipnlent;
1 1 I a dur;iti~nof 2 hours or more UHFIVI-IF and other wireless svstems: Transmission
i I I I at a ti~ne I Reueliter eauiornent inside b~~ildines: Hub Stations of 1 I

1 1_
VE&T ~ ~ s t e l nHubs , Stations (Indoor) Eyvipment for
other Satellite Services. Base Transceiver Stntion
(ITS) for CDMA 1 GSM based Wireless
- - - systerns.
1 II
Electronic Switching Equipment of
than 500 lines. SDH systems; Digital

Telephone I~~strurne~~ts
(EPBTs) (please see note 4),
all kinds of Network Terminals, VSAT terrn~nals .
(indoor) MCPCISCPC remote tc~n~inals,Satconi
equipment required for extended satellite derived
circuits to TAX. Optical and Electrical Meusuring
Instruments; SMPS Power Plants, Inverter, UPS and 1
I VRLA Batteries
Optical Telephones; Optical Fibre Splicing machines;
Hand .Held Terminals for Control of Transmission
I Eauiument. Hand Held and Fixed Wireless Te~minals

i -. -- __ 1 _ - --L-
Satellite Earth Station Equip~nentIbr stations located
ia Isla~tJs& Coastal Areas.
-- ---. -- J /
10 - i
Typically: Underground
I I .
I 1 installed in rnanholes

buried enclosures.
Typically: Pole
I i containers c ~ r . huts pcoteeted equipmenl
I fioln direct sunlight without
outdoor antenna sub systems (LNA etc.) for VSATs,
I any ventilation
I Panels etc. Base stations and remote rernlinal of
WLL & GSM system.
Outdoor equipment for VSA'T Hub Stations, VSAT
Knnorc ternlinals, other satellite equipment.
Other eqrlipment I~oused in enclosl~resworking in
open atmosphere.
Typicnlly: Fibre Distribution Frames;
Distribution Frames;

/ undergrour~d/ overground Joint Closures; VHF /
Feeds; Feeder Cable; Waveguides;
Cables; PIJF Cables; PLB HDPE
Insulation accessories &
accessories all other

Ncte I:. J f t h e is possibility of equipment being used in more that1 one category, the mosl:
severe of the test conditions will be applied.
l i;
Note 2! It sl~ouldbe noted that categorisatian of a product under Category A, B1or B2 is;'
based on m assersnlent of the practicability of providing air-conditioned:
<nvironlr,ent, thus rzdircing the burden on the product design. Where it if
' iinpracticable to provide air-conditioned environment in the dispersed areas of,
: operation of the equipment, the burden has necessarily to be transferred to'tld
pioduct design for ensuring that it will conform to standards in the more difficul/i..,
non air-conditioned environment. In any case, provision of air-conditiond
el~vironrnentto any electronic product during its operational life will have the
of prolonging the useful life of the product.
Nnte 3: The geneial environment categories detailed above may need to be qualified
particular cases by Ihz presence of special environment conditions such as salt-lad
atmosphere In sea-coast areas or the equipltlent may be required to function at hi
ground altitudes (higher than 3000 meters above mean sea level). Some of
equipment may also be pressuiised even at normal altitudes and operation. It will
proper to recognise these different environmental conditions in the matter
determination of the climatic and durability tests to be applied.
Nok 4 In case of all types of telephone instruments, the environmental tests Hhall
contlucted as per relevant equipment standard. 1
Table 2.2 presents the recommended srqluence of Enviroument Tests, the C b a t i c and 1)urabili~Tests, to be spplicrtl to the equipment
of different categories for Environmental T a t as per thls standard. It shall be acceptable, however if tbe equipment supplier and the
accEptancr authority by mutual agreement modify the test sequence depending upon the iocnl conditicrn.

I I 1 En.;irunmentYt I Category ofEquipmenr

/ S e q ~ e n c ei Tesr No I Tesr
' .XG.
I i I
c3 D
- I

Under I
I 1 i
I i I I A! Ground
; 01. 1 1 I Lbw Temperature i YES YES ! M S . 1 YES 1 P:O NO i RO i
I i (cold) I j I -- I
-. I I
i 02. ! 2 IHighTernpaature(Dry! YXS Y!3 1 Y!5S 1 YES 1I NO 1I NO [ NO 1
1 I heat) !; i i 1
03, 1 3 Tropical Exposure
@amp Heat Cyclic)


NO i

04. 1
4 1Rapid Temperature
! Note3 1 Note-3 !
1 Y Eole-?,

1 05. 5 Damp Heat Steady YES YES Y",S YES YES YES YES
1 State hote3 Note-) 1 Note-3
1 06. 6 Vi brdtion 1 YES ,YES ' YES YES YES f' YES 1"ES I
' '
1 Note-2 I
Note.18~2 Note-l&2 1
Note-l&2 ( Notc-1&2 Note-l&2 Nole-12~2
07. 7 Sealing (gas tightness)/
High Altitude test I
Note-4 I Note4 i YES
Note-2 -;
8 Water Immersion NO I NO . \ . - Y E S . I YES i NO , NO YES I
I I I Note4 1 Nute-l 1 /
9 -
Corosion salt NO YES
YES 1 YES YES 13s 1
, Note-5 Note5 Note-5 I -
10. 10 Drop test YES
Noted 1 YES
Noted i. YES
Note-6 .
Note-6 I
Note2 1 YES
N o t e - J : For category A, the temperature and humidity condition corresponds only 1 '
o p s r s l i . ~ n a lcondifions ~vithoutirreversible damage. Ambient rnearuremcnfs can b$
! ~ k c PnC 30" C and 30-95% Relative FIunlidity (RH), ensuring that condensalion d
no1 take place.
Vote-2: Thi. tolcratlce in temperature is2' C in the case of small test chambers, but wh
single large walk-in test chamber is employed, the temperature tolerance value
be 3" C.
N1~t.t-3:Tile figlire of 50% RH Max. applies in cases where the nominal temperatu
chamber i s 35"c or less. At temperatures higher than 35' C, it shall be permis
maintain an absolute hun~idityof 20gm/m3 in case of test chamber limitation
realisation of 50% RH maximum. These limits apply to Dry Heat, Dry
Rapid Temperature Cycle Tests.
Notc-4: M:lximum rclative humidity shall be 35% for the Damp Heat Cycles and s
!ess than 90% at any point of test chanlber at any time of the conditio
calling for this rnaximum humidity.
Note-5: For equipment falling under category D, successtid pe~forma
Environmental Tests over the following temperature shall be satisfact
thail98% locations and time in the country.
1 Guarantee Range : 0" C to 55" C

i Operational Range
Storage ~ a & g e
-5" C to 60' C
-5" C to 60' C
1 Location in India which require tests of higher severity for low temperatur
i arocnd Srinagar and Leh.
Notc ti: For equip~nc~ltthlling under catcgory B1, results will be examined i f failures
I and discussed between the manufacturer and acceptance authority.

2.4.1 Recor~~lnended
climatic test sequence
'T!ie reco~nmendcdsequence for clirnatic testing shall consist of the follo
applicable vide table 2.2 in the order given below. .,
1. Cold (Low Temperature)
2. Dry Heat (High Temperature)
3. Damp Heat Cyclic (Tropical Exposure)
4. Rapid Temperature Cyclic
5. Damp Heat Steady State
2.4.2 Interval between tests
As far as possible, an interval of not more than 3 Jays is pemiittad between any two of
these test cycles.
2.4.3 Equipment performance aud operathlu
The range of ambient temperature and the maximum relative humidity over which the
equipment performance and operation shall be met are given in Table 2.3.
3.1.1 Object
I'he ol~jccti\,eso l this test are:
J) T o determi~~e the suitability of the equipment for use at spcciticd low arnbient
telnpcraturc in accordance with a particular environn~entalcatego~y.
b) Whethcr or not the ecluipnir~~t cari be switched ON and hnction during low
te~nperatul-econditions; and
c) The influtr~ceof low terr:peratu~.t:conditions, after a specified pcriocl of exposurc
11.c ohcrationa~perfor~nanccof [he eclrtipmsnt.

I 3.1.2 Test charnbcr

The conscructiou of [he test chamber usod for Lile test shall comply with the
rcql~irementsgiven in Scction 4.

I hc equipment sliall bc visually examined, electrically tested and mecl~anically
checked under standard atmospheric conditions as ~equired by tlie relevant
nlrasurcmeJlt standard. All (IIC test results sllall be recordecl as per relevant
equipment standard I ''ile cquipn!e~rlunder telit in unpacked '~eadyfor use' condition a ~ at
~ the
d ambient
tcrnpe~ntureshall be introdi~cedin10 the chamber which is at thc salrre ambient
tcnlpua!ure. At the ueginr~ingcl the test, the equipment shall be in 'switched off
t conditior~.
3.:.4.2 The temperature within the cl~anlbershall Ll~enbe odjusted to the lower temperature
r at \\~hicll, the equipment is required to remain operational and at which, no
; irrevel-sible damage is to occur (as per Table 2.3). The rate of change of temperature
/ averaged over a period of not mure than 5 minutes. '
shall [lot erceed l o C per iiii~~utc
i 'fie relstivc I~\~ulidityshall not wceed 50% KH. .I.tlc cquipn;znt shall be exposed to thc low ten~peraturecondition as in I
1 within the tnlerance glvzu until tcniperature equilibrium is reached. The equipmerlt
shall the11 be switched ON and checked to ascertain whether il is capable of
: opernli~lgar~dshall 1t1e11remaln in an operating condition for a iurther period of
j atleaat two hours. Any c o o l i ~ ~org I~eatingarrangement nonnally used w ~ t hthe i
cquipnlent in actual scrvice shall be used during this period of the test. !
3.1.414 At the end of the hbro hour period snd while still at this temperature, the equipment -1
. sliall be checked to be functio~~al (operational) - Functior~alCheck. Any failure of I
ope~atioasl~ullbe noted. The cquiprnellt shall then be switched OFF The duration
I of fi~nctionalcheck shall be as short as possible. II

3.1:i.~ Tbo ternperntur- within the cl~an~kershall then be adjusted to the temperature within I
the tolerance at which the cquipnlent is required to meet thc standards (as per Tablc !
3 . The rate of change of tcrnperanlre sIra11 nut exceed IuC per 111i11ote averaged
uver a period of not more than 5 mi~~utes.After it has yeached equilibrium, thc

equipnlcnt shall be switched C)N and then exposed at that temperature Tor a furthcr ;
period of at least two I~c~nrs.Any cvoling or heating ~ ~ o ~ r n aused l l y with the
cquipsncnt iu a.ctual senrice shall be used during this period ai test. . .'
J.1.4.G At the end of ( l ~ i sp?riod cnd whilc still lit the low tetnperatrlrz, the equipment shall
be e1ectric;tlly tested in nccordai!ce with the relevant standard-Stnndard Check. Any
d e p a ~ t t ~ rliom
c the requirenien~ this standard shall be noted. The dwation of
star~dardcheck shall not be more than orit? I ~ o u r . The teiriperature of thz chamber, w ~ t hthe equipment energised, shall be gradually
increaseti until i t is within the limits vf standard atmospheric conditions for testing.
The equipment shall then he switched 3FF.
3.1.5 ttecovery
shall be removed, if required, from the
At the end of this period, the equip~i~ent
chamber and subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for recovery for a period
of I to 2 hours.
3.16 Final examination and nleasurenlenlv
$ : . ',
The equipment shall be virlially examined, electrically tested and mechanically '.

ci.~ec.kedas required by the relevant standard- Sfntrdnvd Clfeck. The results of the I!'
messitren~entsshall be ccnipated with the result of initial meast~ren~ents.
3.2.1 Object
?he object of this test is:
a) To detennint: the suitability of equipment for use under conditions of high
arnblent temperature in accordance with a particular environmental category.
b) Whether or not the equipment call be switched ON an3 function during the high : *
temperature conditions and
I he influence of high temperature conditions after a specified period of exposure
cq the operational perfonnance of the equipment.
3.2.2 Test Chamber
The consttuciiorl of the test chamber used for the test shall cornply with the
requirements given in Section 4.
3.2.3 tt~itialexn~ninationand nlensurernent
The equipment shall be visually examined, electrically tested and mechanically
checked under standard atmospheric conditions as required by the relevant

measurement standard. All the test results shall be recorded as per relevant
equiprnellt standard.
3,2.4 Conditioning and Intermediate M.ensurenients
3:2.4.1 The equipment undet test is unpacked, 'ready for use' condition and at the ambient
temperature shall he introtluced into the chamber which is at the same ambient
temperalure. At the beginning of the Lest, the equipment shall be in 'switched OFF'
I condi t ~ o n . The temperature within the chamber shall then be adjusted to the higher temperature
, at which the equipment iu required to remain operational and at which, no
j irreversible damage is to occur (as per table 2.3). The rate of change of temperature
shall not exceed 1 "C per minute averaged over a period of not more than 5 minutes.
The relalive humidity shall not exceed 50%. T l ~ eequipmeat shall be exposed to the high temperature condition as in 3.2.4.
withill the tolerances given until temperature equilibrium is reached. The equipme
shall then be switched ON and checked to ascertain whether it is capable
operating and sliall then remain io an operating condition for a further period of
least Lwo hours. Any cooling or heating arrangement normally used with t
equipment in actual -service shall be used during this period of the test. At the end of the two hour period and while still at this temperature, the equipme
shall be checked to be functional (operational) - Functional Check The duration
functional check shall be as short as possible. Any failure of operation shall
noted. The equipment shall then be switched OFF. The maximum surfa
temperature of components or materials in the equipment shall be measured a
recorded, wherever possible. The temperature within the chamber shall then be adju
the tolerance at which tht: equipment is required to
7.3). The rate of change of temperature shall not exc
p c ~ i o dof not more than 5 minutes. Alter it has rea
shal: be switched ON and then exposed at that tt:


Iwu l~orlrsto cl~eck111atr ~ oil
ul s t n r ~up. A r ~ ycooli~lgor hcatiug ; ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ gllurntally
c n ~ e ~used
~ t swith the cquipntent
ill i~clui~ scrvicc
l sl~ttllbe usccl tlul-ill&the period of test. At the end o f !tiis period and while still at t~igtltcrnperature the e i l u i p ~ ~ t csltall
r ~ l be
electrically testccl in accordance will1 the releva~ltstandu~d- Sfnrrdar.d C'lteck. A n y
fro111the rcrluircnicrtt of this sta~lclarclsltall hc noted.
3.2.:1.7 I hc- t c ~ n p c ~ a t 01' ~ ~thr:
l c cl~arlll>er,wit11 tlic c q u i p ~ ~ ~c~tergized,
ent sl~allbc gradually
l o \ \ ~ ~ r eud~ t t i l i t I S within t11c liri~i(sof standard atmuspheric collditions for testing
'l'l~c.cqllrprr~elltsltall be then switcllr:d 01:I;.
3.2.5 12ecovcry
At [lie elid 01' Illis period, t l ~ eequipnic~~t
shall be removed f ~ o mthe chamber, il'
required, and subjecled lo standard atrnosplleric conditions for recovery for a period
of 1 to 2 hours.
3.2.6 Final examination aucl rneasurcmeuts.
shall be v i s ~ a l l yexamined, electrically tested alld 1nccl1anically
T1.e cquipl.~~cnt
cl~eckedas requirecl by llte ~.(:leviintsti~ndard-Standard Check. 'The results of the
mensurenients shall be co~npnrcdwith the result of initial mcasuremcnts.

'=: '1 - 3.3.1

T o determi~lethc suitability of equipment for use alter storage conditioris of high
Ournidity w h e n combined witlr cyclic temperature changes.
I'est Cbambcr
The corlstiuction of the test charnibel. used for the test shall co~nplywith the
requirements given in Section 4.
3.3.3 Initial examillation and tueasuremeuts
The equipment shall be visually examined, ciectrically tested and mechanically
checked ur~derstandard atmospheric conditions as required by the relevarlt standard. 1
411 the test lesults shall be recorded as per relevant equipment standard. t'
~':onditiontngand Iuterruediate Measure~neots ;.

'The equipment at ambient ternpesatnre shall be iiltroduced into the chamber which is i:
also at the an~bienttenlperature in the uhpncked, switched-off condition, assembled
in its linal Fun11 *ith all panels and covers in place and with sealing arrangeme~lts,, . 1
wlirrc applicable intact, ur as otherwise specified in the relevant standard. The
mounting positio~~ will be prescribed in the standard. Where no specific mounting is
prescri'ied, the them~alconduct.ion of the mounting shall be low.
Tile temperature of the eq~~ipnient ur~dertest shall be established at 25 f. 3 Deg. C by i

adjusting and n~ail~taining the temperature of the test chamber to this value after the
introduction of the equipment. The relative humidity during this phase shall be
between 45% and 75% (standard testing conditions). Pre-heating of equipment
should be done before injection of humidiry. Tlle relative humidity shall then be

increased to not less than 95% within a period not exceeding one hour.
Cornmer~cing the cycle horn here, the temperature of the chamber shall be
conririuously raised to the appropriate upper limit prescribed for storage or 40 deg. C
whichever is lower over a period of 2 to 3 hours. During this period, the relative
huniid~tyshall not be less than 93 f 2% except during the last 15 minutes when it
shall not be less than 90%.
171e chnrnber shall be maintained at the above upper limit temperature within the
prescribed tolerance for a duration of G to 8 hours. Uuril,g this period, the relative
hurrridity shall be 93 + 2 % except for the first and last 15 minutes when it shall be
betwecn 90% aid 100%. Condel~sationrnust not occur during the last 112 hour.
?he tetnyerature of the chamber shall then be lowered to 25 t 3 deg.C within 3 to 6 .
hcurs. Dur inp the period of temperature [all, the relative humidity shall be not less
tlltin 95% except Cor the last 15 minutes when it shall not be less that1 90%. The
te~nperatureshall be lnaintained at 25 -+ 3 deg. C with relative humidity not less than
95% until the 24 hour cycle is complcted. The equipment rnay be switched ON after
3 to 6 hol.lrs and checked for operation without irreversible damage (~unctional .
3.3.4 5 , f i e prc~ccdurein thc paras, & will be repeated for the next ::
3 . ~ y < l e sexcept
, that the stabilisation part and period which includes maxirnunl one

exist when commencing the subsequellr cycles.

3.3.5 Recovery

rhan 30 nlinutes.

3.3.6 Final exadnation and nieasurements

clinures of the end of recovery.

0 C - D E
i In, UlG OlD
ST -5°C -5°C -5°C -15°C -5°C '-5°C -15°C
c ~U.C 1 Goc 60°C 6O'C 6O'C 60°C 60°C
3.4.1 Object
To determirte the ability OF equipment to withstand rapid changes of temperature in
air, such as nray occur during storage, transportation and subsequent use.
3.4.2 Test chambers
Ordinarily, two chambers shall be used for this test, a
ctharnbcr. The test c l ~ a r ~ bshall
e r confoml to the requir
shall, Ilc\wever, he permissible to employ single lest chamber for both the hot and
co1.l tests, provided thal the changeover fro
and vice versa can be performed at the rate of
test and the required low and high tempera
maximum tolerance of +3 deg. C.
3.4.3 Initial Examination and Measurement
The equipment. sliall he visually examined, electrically tested and mechanically
checked as required by the relevant standard. All the test results shall be recorded as
per relevant equipment standard.
3.4.1 i:ondltioniog
3 . 4 . 'The eqiripmcnt shall be subjected to the test in the unpacked and switched OFF
conditioll. The equipmenl under test, while.being at the laborato
introduced into the cold chamber which is maintain

i specified for the er~vironmentalcategory of the equi

I therein for n period of 3 hours.
3.4.!4.3 The equipment shall then be transferred to the dry
! nlaxi~~lurn temperature as specified for the ellviron
j 'llle transfer shall preferably take 2 to 3 minlites a
: minutes. Where a single test chamber is used, th
: the minimum to ~naxirnulnva1u.e or back sh
values within the shortest possible time, taking in
dharnber hnd the thermal capacity of the equipm
! C per n1111ute averaged over a peridd of not m
meet the stipulation in the case of all equip
chamber is employed. The equipment shall b
of 3 hours. ?'he procedure in paras and c
shall be subjected to a second cycle of temper
minutes interval allowed for the transfer from hot to cold chamber or cold to hot '7
ch;?ml)er (appropriate rate of variation of temperature being made in case of a single .!
test chamber).

3.4.5 Iteco very
The equqmlent may be lernoved, if required, from the hot test chamber at the end of
rhe conditiontng period and is subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for
recovery for a period of I to 2 hvrlrs
3.4.6 Vi~ialr,,xan~inatiorralld nlessuf ernents
'rile cquipnlent shall be visually exanli~led, electrically tested and lnechanically
che.:kcd as required by the leIevant srandards (Sta~tdardCheck) at the end o f
recover/ pe~iod. The result; shall be compared with the results of initial
oramination and measurements.






EQ P'l
To taler mine the suitability of the equipment for use and stoiage under conditic~nsof
rl~a:,iniui;~relative hllmidity applicable to {lie environmental category of the
equipment under test. 'Tl~atest is priniurily intended to permit the observation of the
efcccts of high lrumidity at constant tcrnperature over a prescribed period.
3.5.2 Test Chamber
'I'lie conslruction of the lest chamber used for the test shall comply with the
requirements given in Section 4.

l 3.5.3 Initial I-eiluirements

'The equipment shall be visually examined, elechically tested and mechanically
cticckecl us requited by tlit relevant standarcl(slarldatcl clieck). All the test results
l l rtcoidsd as per relevant equipment standard.
~ I ~ at)c
3.5.4 Couditio~ring Chainber
The chamber used for this test shall be capable of maintaining the following
conditions in ally region where the equipment is placed.
Ten~pcratore : 35 f 2 deg. (7
Relative humidity -
: 95 + 0 or 95 2% irr the fentpernfrrre
nrrrpe The equipment shall be sub.jected'to this test in its unpacked and normal operating
and switched ON coildition with the cover plates of the equipment kept in closed

to the chamber temperature, if necessary. temperature equilibrium has been attained, these conditions shall be
nlaintained f ~ four
r days or any other pcriod specified by the relevant equipment

14. 0'l.E:
I . [luring this period of 4 days saturation of water vapour shall not occur in the
2. Any cooling or heating armngen~entnormally used with the equipment in actual
service shall be used during this period of test. During rhc above period 014 days the equipmellt shall be tested for its guaranteed
performance at appropriate intervals as required by the relevant equipnlent
standard (StarrJard Clreck) except in the case of category A. Any departure Frorn
standard sllall be noted.


To deterr~~inethe mechanical reliability of sub-assemblies in tlie form it is
triinsyortcd to witllstand vibrations such as would be ei~countered during
trtnsportatlon and/or at the place of installation where it has to work adjacent lo
cnyine ga~erntors,heavy load traffic, etc.
Tcstiug equlpmeut
' r l ~ echaracteristics required for the vibration generator and fixture when loaded f o ~
the conditiot~ingprocess shall be as given in Section 4.
The equiprne~ituilder test ill the unpacked and ready for use or packed and shipment
condition or both, depending rlpon the applicntion shall be mounted 011 the vibration
spparatuu, so as to simulate nolmal csage. Any co~lnectionsto the equipment such
as cables, wires, pipes, etc. shill be so arranged that thcy do not impose any
1est1ic;tion ill executing tlie test.
In case of larger equipment which cannot bc mounted ns a wl~ole,the equipillent can
be divided irito parts as subrasks, modules, etc. and n~ountedseparately in packed or
unpacked condition as per the application one by one or in sets depending upon
packing methodology and vibration table characteristics.

'Tile equipment shall be visually examined, electrically tested and rl~echanically

checked as required by the relevant standard (Standard Check). All tests shall be
recorded as per relevant equipment standard.
\'lsual exarniuation
Visual examination is generally made before and after the conditioning it1 each test
and form a part of Initial and Final Measurements. During the visual examination of
the equipment, defccb in construction, the presence of roreign bodies, nloisture, dust
ctc, conusiun of nletal palts and arly'form of deterioration of materials and finislies,
distortion or mechanical iniperfections shall be noted.
Test severity
Tlle frequency range and amplitude. shall be as given in Table 3.1. The relevant
standard shall prescribe the frequency.
.I a. '1'0 detenn~nethe cfkctiveness of sealing of electrontc equipment.
b. 'To dctennine the al~ilityof equipment to withstand the at1nosphe1.i~
pressure at
high alti!udes during its operation.

i>esldes the climatic test chaml?er constructed a s per general requirements of

Scctior! 4, the following items will be required:
a) A vacuurn pump capable o l pruducing vacuum equivalent to all air plessure of'
atleast 25 kPa.
b) A setirtt~vepressure gauge with reading accuracy of 0.7 kPa or less.

4 c) A ~y1n:derof dry air / nitrogel1 with pressure regulating a~~angernent.

1: dj Assorted nozzles, valves, connecting hoses, ctc.

I capable o1'1naintnining air pressure equivalent to altitude in excess
e ) 'The cha~r~ber
uf 3000 metres.

$7.3.1 'Tile tests shall be according to the followil~g,as required

; a) Procedure-1: Sealing test -Vacuum and / or
, -
b) IJrocedure-2: Sealing te'st Pressure and 1 or
I c; Procedure-3: High Altitude test
l'rocedure-; shall be appIied wheiu: equipment with sealed relays, crystals or
pressure sensitive colnponcnts is operated at altitudes in excess of 3000 ]metres.
Procedure-2 shaIl be applicable in the case of any equipment which is pressurised
wit11the requirenierlt to retain pressure in normal operation.
I1rocedul.e-3 shall be applied where any Telecom equipment, without sealed relays/
crystals/l~ressuce serlsitive componenls or with no requirement of retaining
pressure, is expected to operate at altitudes in excess of 3000 metres.
' A suitable nozzle should be available or provided on the equipment for making
conneclion to vacuum pump /dry gas cylinder pressure gauge etc.
3.7.4 Procedure 1.: Sealing test (vacuum)

3.7.42 ' nozzle shall be connected to a vacuum pump and a pressure gauge.
The equipment teniperature shall be slabilised at 20+2 deg. C. 'Thc equipment shall be evacuated until a vacuuln corresponding to air pressure
equal to 25Wa is achieved. The equipment shall then be sealed off from the pump
and allowed to stand for 30 minutes aRer which the reading on the pressure gauge
3.7.5 Prozedurr 2: Sei~llrrl;test (Presu~~rc)
3 7.5.1 I'l~ccqurpr~~elit:;l~nll be subjcu~cd lo tfris test in ?he uripacked, 'switched off
conrli~ii~n. .[
t Thc c.iuilxncnt shall he cor~ncc~crl ICI it dry gas (air ur nitrogen) cylinder and a

sensitive prcssulc guuye. 'rile tzsr xhall be conductd at the highest operating .:
temperJLare and then at tlre lowest opctati~lgtemperature of the equipment (W ptr
cable 2.3). 171eplcssure within tlre cql~ipmentshsll be adjusted accurn~ely10 double
the speclficrl operating val~icn f t c ~srnbiliwtion of the tclnperature and rhe time shall
bc noted. Tlic prcsn~risingdry yns source shall have k c n nrrncd off when the
spc~ificctplessure llas k n attained. 'The rate of f:rtl of illternid pressure shall be determind horn rneasurernents with the I

Frcssurc gauge dr regular intervals. Generally the test slinll be continued until the L

pressure has fallen by nt least 1:lkPn lhcre shall be no r~oticcablcTall in pressure in -

a pericxi ol'Z-1 ho~lrs,nuking allowctncc for any temperature variation.
7 Prncedure 3: High Altitude Test Irrltial rrarnluutlan nud rneosuren~ent
The equipn:znt shall be visually examined, clcctrically tested and mechanically
chcckd i111cler slatdad atmospheric conditions M required by the relevant
equipntenr standard. All the test results shall be recorded as per relevant equipment
standard. Contll~iouingand Iutermdlate Meast~rernents T)le cquiynrent under test in unpickzd 'ready for use' condition and at lhc ambient
teliiperarurt dlall be intmducd into the chambcr which is at the mme ambient
iempewturo. At the bcginriing of the teat, dm equipment shall be in 'switched off
cc~rwli[inn. Thc pressure within the chamher shall I'nen bc adjusted to the atmospheric pressure a

rqui\alenr to the aliitude of above 3000 Mtrs as given in the table below or as called
for in the relevant equipmelit shndcird. Thc tempmatun inside the chamber shall bc: lht: ;.quip~rtcnt shill1 bc cxposnl to the p m u r a condition ns in until

Ilreir,surecquilihtium is leached. TIE equiynlerrt siball then be switclled ON and
chzzkerl t u ascertain whether it is capable of operating and sllall then remain in an
operating cc>ndilion SLJ~,I minirnunl perid of one hour. Any cooling or heotiag
arrangancnt nornlelly used with tire equipinen1 in t ~ t u a scrvicc
l shnll be used during
th19period of the test.
3.7.6 2.4 At tlic crid of [hi3 pcriod and *hrle siill at Ore pressure equivalent 10 3000 Mtr~
s!lrtudc, the c i ~ u i p n ~ cshnll
n ~ be clccfrically tested in accordance with !he relevant
3.7.7 f112 pressure; and terrlpcratrlre i ~ ~ s i dthe
y chamber, wit11 the equipment el~c~gized
colldirion, stla11 he gradually a d j u s t e ~until i t is within the limits of standard
iitmcspheric conciitions (equal tu outside atniospheric pressure and temperature).
' f i e equipment sl~allthen be switched OFF.
3.7.8 Recovery
At ihe end of this period, the squipment shall be removed. if required, from the
chamber and subjected to standard ;ihnospheric conditions for recovcry for a period
of 1 to 2 hours.
3.7.9 Fiual exaruinatic~uautl rneasurcnleots
I71c e;luiprnent shall be visually rxamined, electrically tested and ~nechanically
checkej as required bv the relevant standard (Standard Clteck). Tile results of thc
niilus~~remcntssliall be c.ornpared with the result of initial measurements.
3 8.1 OBJEC'I'
To detemliite the water tightrless of casing with telecom equipment when subjected
to immersion in water :rnder stated cotlditions of pressure and time. 1. I

3.8.2 2
k : ilnmersior~
~ !dl& o f sufficient dimensions to take in the equipment under test and
to provide the specitied hend of water above the topmost point of the equipment
shall be used, besides the source of supply of water required for test for the test.
LII the immersion tank, a specific depth of water shall be measured above the
topmost p ~ i n of
t the equipment.
3.8.3 Test procedure Pre-conditioniug:
Pre-conditioning of the equipment artd seals shall be carried out as required. Initial measurements:
T l ~ equiprne~rt
~i shall be visually examined and shall be electrically and mechanically
checked ns specified. A11 sealing features shall be checked to ascertain that they
have bcen correctly mounted. All the test results shall be recorded as per relevant
equipment standard.
3111.3.3 Cuuditioning:
1 The equipment shall be sul?jecled to this test in its 'unpacked' and 'switched off
I condition.

3 The water used for this test shall be at a temperature between 15°C & 35°C.
318.3.3.2 The equipment tentperature shall be 5 to 10°C above the temperature of the water
1 immediately before the start of the test
<,8.3.3..3 The equipment shall be placed in :he attitude specified and shall be completely
! irr\mersed in the water. 'rhe depth of immersion froin the top most point of the .
i equipr~lentshall be adjusted at the specified value. If no value of depth is specified,
I the d2pth can bz taken as 1.5 rntrs. The duration of immersion shal! be 2 hrs. Unless o
ilnmersion, the equipment under test shall not be in
shall be in 'switclted off' condition. At the end of the period of test, the equipment sh
immersion tank acd its external surfaces shall he thoroll
applying a blast of air at room temperature, unless othenvise specified. Recovtry
Thc equipment shall then be allowed to remain under st
fbr a period o f 2 hrs.


COI<RC)!$IOb'- S.4 LT

f >I-ject
r.0 detcrn;ine the suitability r ~ t.quiptrrent
f / sc
a n d I or tritiispo~tin salt-laden atrnospItkre.
Test cha~rtbrr
A salt-n~istclranlber constiuctrd to meet th
. sliall be used for the salt mist exposu
test cllanlbet. for the storage part of conditioning.
separate hui~~idiiy
The ;<rlt mist c11:unber should be so constn~c
i.,wer part 3f the chamber which is connec
E ~ U ~ ~ I I Ii s~ Iexposed.
! Tht: chai~lber~ 1 1 ~ 1be
1 coiist~~ctedfrom non-corrosion
materizl.: so as nor to be arfected I,y the salt mist. (It shall not influence
corrosive crfects of' :he salt mist). It shall b
build-up and allow ~tnirorrndismbtttio~lof salt fog.
'llie spray shall be prod~lcedby one or mom
tioln all impurities. The atomizers shall be
efficiently ;~to~nized and the diipping of t
negligible. The quantity of solution sprayed
thz volume of the chamber.
'rile cejliilg, walls and other parts of the chamber shall be so constructed
equipnlcnt under test so arranged, 1h;lt no condensate can drip on the equip
be ;~llowedto be rccirculated.
11' used also for the storage part of the conditioning, the chamber shall be
n~a;r.t;lin'1 tzrnperature of 35 :t 3 deg. C and RH 90% to 95% within its
:;r.acefor the duration of the storirge period.
The equipnient under test shall not have been put through any of the env
tests and shall be given a minimum of handling, particularly on the
s~~rfaces and shall be prepared Ibi test irnrnuliately before exposure.
olhenvise specifietl, all siirfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil, gr
Lornporaty protective coating. The cleaning methods used shall not interfere
effect of the sal: mist on the test itc~nnor introduce ally secondaiy corrosion
portions of the item which collie in contact with the support and cut e
,surfaces uc~trcquired to be coated h a l l be protected with a suitable coatin
cjl. sitn~larinaterial inlpe~viousto nioisture parts, finishes, materials and c
To aid i l l exa~ninatiunsalt deposits, if any, may bc removed with a wet so
Salt solutior~
.I'he requisite volunie of salt solution in distilled water shall consist ofthe
q ~ ~ m t i t i eofs the following salts within It 10% tolerance per litre of solut
vie1.i lo sinttilrrte sen water. .
a) S d u m Chloride : 26.5 gms
b) Magnesium Sulphate : 3.30 gms
c) Majgiesium Chloride : 2.40 grns
cl) Sodir~mBicarbonate : 0.20 gms.
e ) Calcium Chloride : 1.1Ogms
f) Sodium nronlide . 0.28 gus
g) I'otassium Chloride : 0.73 gms

Fresh solution shall be used for each spray. Sufficient quantity of the solution shall
be made to suit the capacity k i n g used,

3.9.5 I~rilialmeasurements
'I'he equipment shall be, visually examined, electrically tested and mechanically
checked 3s requircd by the relevant stundard.
3.9.6 Conditioulng

The equipment shall then be visually examined, electrically and mechatlically

=hecked as required by the relevant standard. Any deviation in
observation shall be recorded.




?'o determine the ability of telecom equipment to withstand the shocks normally.
induced ivhen it is dropped or ro~lghlyhandled during its use. A 111.-.y~icst platform meeting the reqiiiremenis of and shall be used
f o ~rllls test.
' I. l'he drup test pld!form shall consist of a steel plate not less than 6.51nln thick which:
ha$ bcen wet floated on and bolted down to a fully set concrete block ntleast 460m
. ..
f, 3
3.10.23 The surface tlirnensions of the stecl plate prepared as in shall be larger thar
the largest surface of the equipment under test. >.

3.10.3 Test procedure

The aclqipment shall be visually exami~led, electrically tested and mechanita

checked as requisecl by the relevant standard. All the test results shall be record8&4
: specified. li I... !::i
3.i0.3.2 Conditionlue" :.
! 'The equipment shall be subj
I condition.
i (
3.J0.3.2.2 The ecluipn~entshall be placed or-,the test platfonn in the unpacked, ready-t
condition and in its normal position of use with the covers, cable forms, 1
3110.3.2.5 llsing one edge as a pivot, tl)
ont of the following conditio

it) The bottoal surhce of the equipment under test form; an angle of 45" with
l~orizontaltest platform. i -,-l

b) The lifted edge of the equipmeilt has been raised lOOmm above the ho*
te:;t platform. [i <

~ <

C) Tlie lifted edge .

- of the e a r ~ i ~ r n eisl ~iust
a t helovr the ooint of aerfect
F - - ~ - balance.?
~ 'I'l!e equipment s!rall then b

3.i0.3.2.5 T'ht: ~~roccdu;.egiven in 3. I
pracrical edges of the same horizontal face of the equipment as pivot points
i ,otal of four drops i

3,10.3..! l;ili:~lC X ~ L I I I I I I ~ I i111d
~ ~ O I111cas11.t.crt~ctlts

'J'ltc cquilmicnt s l ~ a l li ~ c\ . i s t ~ a l l yL ' S ~ I I I ~ IC~I CC

C I'I J. I C, ; I I I ~ ICSICCI and ili~ci1~1li~;iIly rcclttircd I?? ~ h sc ( ~ ~ t t l ai~nnledinlcly
~J itf\cr corni?lctic~~~ of'~ l l e j elcsts.
I IIV ~.esul(:; ,.vill) Iht. I - C S I I ~ LoSf initial r x ; ~ n ~ ~ ~ i a t i o [ i .
s i ~ n l lI;c. c,clit~l~;~rcJ
'L'ESI' NO. 1 1

3.11.1 OBJEC'I'
'rv derci.mine the ability of telecum rquiprnent to withstand the knocks ant1 jolts
lil:cly to occur during repair work a d rmigh handling in its use.
3.1 J 2 Test r c l ~ ~ i p n ~ e u t i\ ~oppletest platform meeting the requirements of 3.1 1.2.2 and 3.1 1.2.3 shall be
used for tl~istcst. 7be topple Lest platform shall consist of a steel plate not less than 6.5mm thick
bvhich 113s been wet floated on and bolted down to a h l l y set concrete block atleast
460mm thick.
3.1 1.2.3 Thc surface dinlensions of the steel plate prepared as in shall be larger than
the lergest sllrface of the equipment ~ ~ n dtest.
3. I3 Test procedure

'rlle equipment shall be visually examined, electrically tested and mechanically fI

checked as required by the ~elevantstandard. All the test results shall be recorded as
per relevart equipment standard.
3.1 1.3.2 Conditioning
3.11..<.2.1 'i'he equip~nzatshall be subjected to this test in its 'unpacked' and 'switched OFF'
3.i1.3.2.2 The equipn~eritsl~allbe placed O I I the test pliitfo~min llle uapacked, ready-to-use
condition and in its ncrmal position of use with the covers, cable forms etc. in place.
3.1 'I'lie equipmen1 standing In i t s nsr~nalposition, using one edge as a pivot, the !a

g ~ppositesdge of [he equipment shall be lifted llntil it reaches a position of ;"

'i! instah~lity. It is then allowed to fall over freely frum this position on to an adjacent
)./ f:lce. The equipment shall be sutiected to one topple about each of the four bottom .,
3.1 Final examination
Tlie equipment shall the11 be visually examined and shall be electrically and i
I rne~l~anically
ctlecked as specified (Standard Check).
.- *!
'TEST NO. 12 ..
.. ..f ,
. ,...
. ,
3.12.1 ODJEC'T
'ro determirle the ability of the equipment to withslar~dthe shocks normally induced f
wt:cn it falls fiwn a height or roughly handled dulillg its use. I;
3.11.2 Test equlplnent A f i l l trst platform m c e t i ~ ~11g1e recluirements of JZ shall be used for
this test.
3.12.?.2 'Che 011 trst platform shall colisist of il steel plate not less than 6.5mn thick which
has been wet floated on and bolted down to a fully set concrete block at least ~COmnl
thick. The sul.5ice dimensions of the steel plate prepared as in shall be larger tllall
ihe largest surface of thc equipnlcnt under test. -

3.12.3 '1'~styrocedure
3.1 2.3.1 Initial nteasuremeuts
'lhe equipr~lentshall be visually examincd, electrically tested and mechanically
checked as required by the relevm~tstandard. All ;he test results shall be recorded as
per re!evant equiprncnt standard.
3.12..3.2 douditiuttioe -(he equiprnci~t under t ~ s tshall be subjected to this test in its 'unpacked1 and
'Switched OFF' c
. . 'q'he cqtlipmcnt shall be allowed to fall Freely on the test platform from a height of
'000cms(1 mctre).
)I 'he height o f drop shall be measured from the point of the equiplnent, nearest to the
sul.fasa: of the steel plate when suspended prior to drc~pping. fl;e nleihud of releasing the equipment to the fall test platform from the desired
height shall be such as to allow free fall from the position of suspension, wit11 a
~ninimumof dishlrbance at the moment of release. shall be subjected LO such fall test once on each of h e four edges (sides)
. I
,and once on base or topside of the equipment.
3.11.4 I Final examination: 1
' l h e eq~riyrnentshall be visually inspected, electrically tested and mechanically
' checked as required by the relevant standard immediately after completion of this
iest(Standa;d Check). The test results shall be compared with the results of initial
~neasurenlents. I
'TEST NO. 13
To detennine the ability of telecon~cq~ripmentto withstand repeated bumps without
inalfunctioi~ingand n~echanicaldan~nge. Characteristics of Bump Macltine 1.

.4 Bump machine shall be used for illis test. When the bump machine and fixtures
arc Iuaded with the equipment aird dny other necessary load for the testing, the
hpplied bunips sliall, at the monitoting points, have the characteristics specified
Ijasic Pulse shape: The bump nlachine shall be capable of generating a pulse
'~pprr~xiniatingto one half cycle of a sine wave. The nominal pulse shall have a peak
acccleratio~iof 400m/s2 with a duration of 6 ms.
b) Repetition race: The bump repetition
relative motion within the equipment
, acceleratiun at the monitoring point s
: of 1 to 3 bumps per second is usua
i mir~iniurn.
c.) i Velocity ciiange: The actual veloci
1 cuiresponding to the nominal pulse i s . , 1.50ds.
djj Trolisverse motion: The positive o
/ point pe~pendicularto the intended
1 70% of the nominal value ofthe pea ' Test procedure
3.13.1 ..?.I; Initial n~crasurernent
The equipment sl~allbe visually e
! checked as specified. Mounti~ng
i The 11nit.s!cards of the equipment
i packing cases depending upon the capacity of the bump machine. Thz packing shall
! ha as per equipment packing s h
dispatching the equipment. No
for this test.
The packed cases then sliall b
machine and the test procedure completed for each packing case separately.
(In case of large equipment w
capacitors are mounted, the wl
described in 4.13.2 below). Conditioning
3.1 3.1 .!.>.I Ll'llei-e the attitude of' fhe equil~~nent when rnoui~tedarid transported is known, and
sillcc h l i ~ r ~ pare
s generally of greatest sigilificance in one direction (usually vertical),
ti:(: spcl:if~ed number of bun~psshall be applied in that direction and atlitude only.
tifi\+evc-r,v~herethe atritude i:; unlnown, the specified number of burnps should be
npplied in each (IF the directio~lsspecified. In this case, three n ~ u t u d l yperpendici~lar
~Ji~ruttons ace usually adequate.

400 i- 40 mlsz(40 * 4 g).

3.15.1..3.4 Firlal teeasurelnents
The equipment shall be visually exa~ninedfor any mechanical damage and shall be
electrically and n~echanicallychecked a?specified.
To crlsure that the system shelter assemblage shall be capable of wilhstanding the
~ibratioclsand other djnan~icduresses nomlally induced during transportation.

Test t r a ~ k trials formulated to ir~clude movelnent over the types of terrain

representative of more severe coilclition of deploynlent are more realistic than

vehicle. Thc vehicle used shall Ia-fe capability to be mobile on highways and
unimproved cross country terrain.

The equipmerlt shall be visually examined and checked electrically and mechanically
checked as specified. hlountiug
'The rquiplnent packed in the normal way as it is tra~isported{nay bc loaded in the
truck and fasteried suitably.
3.1'3 2.3.3 C'onditioniug
The tyre pressure of the vali or shelter trailsport vchicle shall be adjusted for tactical
(off load) cross country service. The vellicle shall be checked for mobility.
R ~ : ~ ~ ~ i : ~ e ras n t s in clause 3, l~etbresubjecting the equipnlent for roadability
n e giveti

I'rocedure 1
'I'he system stielter assenlblage shall he driven for thc following distances, over a
of track in following brder a t specified speed, to assess reliability o f
<quipmen[r~ivuntedand mounting arrangements. This constitutes one cycle.

4 passes each on ' 16 km/h
5cm & lOcm crest
height of 4OOm

20 rounds (4.8km) Maximum

4 passes (1.2km) 8kmlh

Procedure 2

below :

10 knlph.

Test sever!ties
'l'cstcondition 'A' One cycle
'Test condition 'B ' Three cycles

I c i n ~ lmeasurements

with the results of initial n~easurements.

TES1' RO. 14

the suitability of electror~icand elccmcal equipmcnt under conditions

3.14.2 Test c h a m b e r
A Jnlring rain chamber urith following standzrd if available call be uscd fur this test. -[he chamber shall be capable of spraying water under laboratory atmospheric
conditions at a static pressure of 200 LSa *I5 % from eight shower heads. The static
pressure shall bc measured nearest to each sl~owerhead. I t shail be possible to direct thz spray from four of these shower heads downwards,
at an dngle of 4S0,at each of tht: !'our uppermost comers of tlle equipment under test
and fron~:hz remaining four shower heads, horizontally at the centre of t l ~ earea of
each of the four sides of the eyuiprncnt without excessive overlap from the adjacent
shower heads. It shall also be possible to locate the sllower heads at such a distance
that the illtensity of water spray at the equipmen1 under test shall be not less than the
equivalent of the rainfall of 250 nlm per hour. .
Use of such shower head will result in water consumption of approximately 450

I ' n e eqaip~nentshall bc subjected to this test in its 'unpacked' and 'switched OFF' i 'me erluiprnent under test, shall be under normal atmospheric conditions and shall be
suitably positioned in its nornlol operation attitude as specified. Tap water at laboratory temperritur-eshall be sprayed for otle hour or any other period . Spray k o m the s h o ~ e heads

r shall be directed From all sides of the equipment under At the cotc,lus~on of tht; period specified in, the equipment shall be
removed From the chamber and if required, a perfornlance check shall be carried out.
Unlew othelwiae spzcified, the external surlaces of the equipment shall be dried by;
w ~ p m gor by applyng d bliist of air tit roonl temperature
. 3
3.14.6 Final measurement: , -'
. :j
T1:c oqu~prnrntshall then be vlsuolly examined and electrically and n~echanicdlly[ I
c11zcke.jas specified : 1
3.15.1 OBJECT

To deternli~~e
the suitability of [elecorn equipment for use and or storage in a dust
laden environment.
3.15.2 Test Equipment A dust ctarnber capablc of circulzliilg dust in its working space in such a manner as
t o pl.oducc specified dust c o ~ ~ c e n t ~ a t ishall
o n be used. 'The chamber shall also be
capable of maintaining its working space at a ternperaturt: of 40 deg. -i 3 deg C with
relative ltuinidity not exceeding 50%. The dust used for the test sl~allbe dry iind particle size must satisfy that
a) 100% passes through 1Somicron IS sieve
b) 98-dust passes through 106 micron IS sieve and
c) 75 2 % dust passes through 45 micron IS sieve.
IS : 460 (Part I), 1978 specifies the wire cloth test sievcs (second revision)
Chernical cornposition of the dust sliall be 97 to 99 percent by weight of silicon

dioxide, with trace of oxides of iron, itluminum, titanium and magnesium to make up
the bala ce.
3.15-2.3 h suitadle dust measuring device, such us in IS: 9000 (Part Xn), 1981 for this test,
shall bd placed in the dust chamber to measure the dust concentration therein. The
specifiep value o f dust concentration is to be deemed to have been attained when,
after citculation of the air for 5 minutes and allowing the dust to settle down, the
of dust collected in the device is 25 k 5 gms.

be permissible to change the gaskets in the equipment for this test after it has
ed from the sealing test.
3.15.4 Zuitial /examination and measurements
The e uipnlent shall be visually examined, electrically tested and mechanically
checked as required by the relevant standard. All the test results shall be recorded as
per relevant equipment standard.
3.15.5 ~ondikionine
The equipment in its unpacked, ready for use but 'switched OFF' condition and at
the ardbient temperature shall be irltroduced into the chamber which is at the same
urnbierit temperature. Sufficient quantity of dust shall also be introduced into the
= ,:
. .l*l1i' temperature of the chamber shall then be raised to 40 deg. -t 3 deg. C with the , .
<. ,'
relative I~umiditymaintained at not inore than 50% 1 . i

. Aftel tem1)erature stability has been attained, the equipment shall then be subjected
to a stiram of dust-laden air fur a period of one hour. The dust concentration during
1 '
this period shall be n~aintainedas specified in 3.15 2.3. i ihr eqitipnicr~tshall bc switched ' O N ' and performance checks carried out 30
l ~ l l ~ ~ uaIter
t e s commzncement of the agitation and circulotiol~of dust The: citcularion of dust shall be discontinued at the end of one hour an
temperature of the chamber shall be restored to the laboratory atnlos
3.13.6 Rrcovwy
?he .er:uil,mellt sllall be removed from the chamber and allowed to recover
s t a ~ d a r dairnospheric condition for atleast 2 hours.
3.1 5.7 Final exa~ni:intionaud ~neasurements
'Tile equipzent shall be visually exnmined, noting any local accumulatio
After renloval of the accumulated dust by brushing, wiping or shaking, electri
mechan~calchecks are made and the results compared with the results
msasurements. No air blast or vacuum cleaning shall be permitted for the
the accumulated dust.

4.1 The climaric. cests may be camcd out either in one test chamber capable of achieving
the rttqukd kmptxature and humidity conditions or in separate chambers for dry heat,
damp heat and rapid temperature cycling ~ s t s . The standards of teat chambers are
given below:-
4.2.1 Volume of test chamber
The volume of test chamber shall be such that the bulk of the equipment under test
shall not interfere with the control and maintenance of test conditions in the working
space of the chamber and any heat dissignted from the equipment undm test shall not
appreciably influence the conditions in the .chamber.

4.2.2 C:oatrd of temperature and relative hurhldity
Wd and dry bulb thermometers of mercury-in-glass type or thermocoupIes or
equivalent sensors shall be used to control' or determine the specified chamber
tcmperaturz and relative humidity, These sensors shall be centrally located within the
test chamber, wherever possible, or in the return air-stream and shall be bamed or
otherwise protected against direct imyinge~nentof supply air and against radiation
effects. 'l'he desired rate of change of temperahue and relative humidity should be
prjssible to be achieved if a single test chamber is employed for all climatic tests.
4.2.3 Stability ilud rate of change of temperature
Unless otherwise specified, the rate of change of tehperature within the test chamber
shall riot exceed l o C per minute, averaged over a period of not more than 5 minutes.
, I'he chamber sliall be capable of maintaining within its working space, appropriate
I nigh and low temperature wilfiin rt: 2 O C . In the case of a single large chamber for all
/ climatic tests, the temperature tolerahcs for eq&libriw condition will be f 3' C.
4.2.4 Uniformity of conditions in Test Chamber
Necessary measures shall be taken tu ensure that conditions throughout the chamber'
i are homogeneous and are as near as possible to thosd prevailing in the immediate
vicinity of the temperature and relative humidity sensors. The high 1 low temperature
' conditions inside the chamber, should tlxrcfore be achieved only by circulating hot !
cold air. The air in the chamber shall be continuously agitated, but not so vigorousIy
: a3 to cause undue cooling of the equipment under test.

4.2,5i Heat source in Test Chamber

The h a t source of the test chamber shall be so located that the radiant heat does not
fall directly on the equipment under test except where radiant heat is one of the test
D ~ C I Heat
P C'linn~ltcr
liarnp heat c h ~ m h e sllall
r be capahlc of maintaining nt any point in its working space a
tc~njaerzturewit;] rolera~~ce. of k O.f°C, 6.' any valut: 11p to 40+2°C with a relative
hl~rniriityol'ncl less thin 9W 9i%.
Condensed w;iter sliaI1 be corltinuously drained from the chamber and shall not be
used again ul~[ilit has been pucified.
\5/[1en tile relative humitlity cor~ditions in the chamber are obtained by using
c!:n~ineralised water, this shall have a resistivity of not less than 500 Ohm metres.
of the chamber shall be monitored by sensing
T l ~ eterrrpi:i.oture and relative huri~id~ty
device3 surtably located in the workirlg sitace.
In case [ ~ l ' i ' d r n p lieat chambers e r ~ ~ l > l u ysteam
i ~ ~ ginjectron, the air velocity at the point
accassible to the wet bulb thennotneter shall be not less than 3niis.
P.njl condensed water horn the walls and roof o f thc chamber shall not fall on the
13asic motion shall be sinusoidal arrd such that all tlre fixing points of the equipment
arc moving substantially in phase and in straight parallel lines except as permitted by
C1.No. 4 4.2 below.
Transverse motion - Maximum vibration amplitude on the fixed points of the
in any direction normal to the intel~dedone shall not exceed 25% o f the
specified amplitude.
Distc;rti!,n - The total rrns harrnoilic content of the acceleration, at the fixing point of
iht: equipntent, shall not exceed 25% o f the acceleration corresponding to the specified
amplitude at the fi~r~damental drive frequency.
'I'hc vibration generator should be capable of c o n t i ~ ~ u o usweeping
sl~ the f~equency
range o f 5-350-5 IIz logaritl~micallyor with a linear band approximation in a time of
1 5k1 niinutes.
Tlle vibration gct~eratorsl~ottldbe cal:ahle of continuously sweeping the frequency
rdr,ge of 5 - 5 5 - 5 Hz logarithmizally or with a line'iir band approximation in a time of
51-1 minutes.

The time taken to sweep from the lowest to the highest frequency and vice versa sliall
IJC np~~~oxinta!rly

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