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Assignment No.


Programme Name: MBA Semester: III

Course Title: Information System Course Code:20ODMBT722

Submitted Date: Last date of Submission:30th Nov, 2021

Max. Marks: 30 Weightage: 15 Marks

 Sec-A is compulsory which consists of Ten Short Answer Questions (1 mark per
question). Answer length should be approximately 100 words.
 Attempt any Five questions from Sec-B out of Seven questions (4 marks per question).
Answer length should be approximately 800 words.

Section –A (10 Marks)

1. Discuss importance of information quality.

Answer. Quality can be characterized from both maker and client points of
view. From the viewpoint of the maker, quality connotes conformance to
determinations or the shortfall of variety from those particulars. The particulars for
a phone may incorporate one that expresses the strength of the telephone ought to
be to such an extent that it won't be marked or in any case harmed by a drop from a
four-foot stature onto a wooden floor.

2. Do you agree “Information systems are too important to be left to computer

specialists”. Why or why not?
Answer. Information systems are too important and cannot be left to computer
specialists only because computer specialists can’t finish this work solely, but it
will be a collaborative work among an integrating team consisting of the computer
specialists, the business specialists, and the hardware and telecommunication
3. Explain procedure to create tables and records.
Answer. A relational database like Access usually has several related tables. In
a well-designed database, each table stores data about a particular subject, such as
employees or products. A table has records (rows) and fields (columns). Fields
have different types of data, such as text, numbers, dates, and hyperlinks.
• A record: Contains specific data, like information about a particular employee or
a product. • A field: Contains data about one aspect of the table subject, such as
first name or e-mail address. • A field value: Each record has a field value. For
example, Contoso, Ltd. or

4. What are validation rules in property of Field?

Answer. Field validation rules Use a field validation rule to check the value
that you enter in a field when you leave the field You can use a field validation rule
to specify a criterion that all valid field values must meet. You should not have to
specify the current field as a part of the rule unless you are using the field in a
function.  Restrictions on types of characters to be entered in a field may be easier
to do with an Input Mask. For example, a date field might have a validation rule
that disallows values in the past.
5. Discuss details of field properties.
Answer. The properties of a field describe the characteristics and behavior of
data added to that field. A field's data type is the most important property because
it determines what kind of data the field can store.
6. How has computer security evolved into modern information security?
Answer. Computer security consisted of securing a system's physical location with
badges, keys, and facial recognition. To ensure total security, the information
itself, as well as the hardware used to transmit and store it, needed to be protected.
7. Make differentiation between different ways to deal with data framework.
Answer. The difference between theoretical and conceptual frameworks is scale --
referring to the Big Ideas and the smaller ones. The conceptual framework is a set of
specific ideas that can be used within the larger theoretical framework. A theoretical
framework may contain many ideas that are not explored within the paper or experiment
it structures. However, by definition, all aspects of the conceptual framework are used in
the process of research.
Note that a theoretical framework often informs the conceptual framework. For instance,
a Freudian psychologist is likely to place a great deal of importance on early childhood
data from their subjects. On the other hand, the theoretical framework may also
determine what ideas are not considered by a conceptual framework: A behaviorist is
unlikely to consider a subject's dreams.
8. What are the challenges encountered in building a delivering a user-friendly
decision support system?
Answer. DSS is an information system application that helps in decision-making.
DSS is used in planning and analyzing alternatives. DSS differs from most
traditional information system in that each DSS is distinct from the other information
system and is specifically made for managers. All though it is used by managers it
is part of organization‟s MIS. A DSS is prepared for a specific managerial task and
special problem and thus its use is limited to that problem. Decision support
systems tend to be designed to serve management control level and strategic
planning level managers.
9. How does business intelligence support decision make?
Answer. Business Intelligence helps companies make informed decisions on
strategic issues by providing crucial information on current and historical
performance of the company along with future trends, expected demands,
customer behavior etc
10.Illustrate how does a decision support tool helps in supporting a decision?
Answer. A decision support system gathers and analyzes data, synthesizing it to
produce comprehensive information reports. In this way, as an informational
application, a DSS differs from an ordinary operations application, whose function
is just to collect data.
The DSS can either be completely computerized or powered by humans. In some
cases, it may combine both. The ideal systems analyze information and actually
make decisions for the user. At the very least, they allow human users to make
more informed decisions at a quicker pace.
Section –B(20 Marks)

1. What is privacy in an information security context?

Answer: Security information management is a type of software that automates the collection of event
log data from security devices, such as such as firewalls, proxy servers, intrusion-detection systems and
anti-virus software. The short form of Security information management is SIM. The SIM translates the
logged data into correlated and simplified formats. Many SIM architecture provides security reporting,
analysis and reporting for Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, Basel II, FISMA and Visa CISP compliance audits.
A SIM automates collection and analysis of information from all the security components in a network.
Rather than having to look at logs and alerts from firewall, IDS, anti-virus, VPN, and other security
systems, a security manager can obtain all of this information from a single SIM console. Some SIMs
simply aggregate reports from these various components; others correlate the information to improve the
quality of overall security information.
All Security Information Managements gather information from the sources within the network. Some
will gather information from external sources as well, ranging from public threat identification services to
proprietary correlation networks. A Security Information Management, to a great extent, adds value with
its capability of finding patterns in network traffic. This activity requires two primary traits: the capability
of gathering data from a various places and the intelligence to turn all that data into meaningful
information. Both are critical. Just as the Security Information Management must draw information from
all of the important components of your network, the correlation data must come from sources you trust.
The benefits of a Security Information Management (SIM) product can be difficult to justify. SIMs don’t
provide a direct security benefit in the way that anti-malware products do. Users don’t touch them, like a
new SSL VPN concentrator. And unlike a firewall, it’s not a foregone conclusion that everyone large or
small needs one.
With a high incidence of severe threats and attacks on information assets, IT security has become a
priority at organizations’ highest levels. In addition to mitigating threats to mission-critical network
systems, enterprises must also comply with a wide range of federal and industry regulations that require
them to implement — and verify the effectiveness of — security information management controls.
In a network of any size, the Security Information Management will be dealing with a large quantity of
data. Precisely where and how the data is processed will be the key to know whether a particular Security
Information Management can keep up with the data generated by your network.
However, a SIM can bring tremendous value by providing total visibility into your security posture, and
by leveraging security products you already have. Regulatory compliance has been a top driver for SIM
purchases, but there are a number of less obvious advantages that should be considered when selecting a
product. The key to realizing the full value of a SIM is to understand all of its advantages and leveraging
the product in a way that brings maximum benefit.

2. Distinguish between data processing and database management.

Answer. Information preparing alludes to the way toward performing explicit procedure on a bunch
of information or a data set. A data set is a coordinated assortment of realities and data, like records on
workers, stock, clients, and possible clients. As these models propose, various types of information
handling exist and serve assorted applications in the business setting.
Information handling essentially is performed on data frameworks, a wide idea that includes PC
frameworks and related gadgets. At its centre, a data framework comprises of information, handling, and
yield. Moreover, a data framework accommodates criticism from yield to enter. The information system
(like a console, scanner, receiver, or camera) accumulates and catches crude information and can be either
manual or robotized. Handling, which additionally can be refined physically or consequently, includes
changing the information into helpful yields. This can include making examinations, making elective
moves, and putting away information for some time later. . The objective of these preparing exercises is
to transform a tremendous assortment of realities into significant chunks of data that would then be able
to be utilized for educated dynamic, corporate technique, and other administrative capacities.
• Data and Information
Information comprises of crude realities, for example, client names and addresses. Data is an assortment
of realities coordinated so that it has more worth past the actual realities. For instance, a data set of client
names and buys may give data on an organization's market socioeconomics, deals patterns, and client
faithfulness/turnover. Transforming information into data is a cycle or a bunch of sensibly related errands
performed to accomplish a characterized result.
• Characteristics of Valuable Information
With the end goal for data to be important it should have the accompanying attributes: i. Accurate. Exact
data is liberated from blunder. ii. Complete. Complete data contains the entirety of the significant
realities. iii. Economical. Data ought to be generally economical to create. iv. Flexible. Adaptable data
can be utilized for an assortment of purposes, not only one. v. Reliable. Solid data is reliable data. vi.
Relevant. Significant data is essential to the leader. vii. Simple. Data ought to be easy to discover and
comprehend. viii. Timely. Ideal data is promptly accessible when required. ix. Verifiable. Evident data
can be checked to ensure it is exact.
• Data Management
Information is coordinated in a pecking order that starts with the littlest piece of information utilized by a
PC—for reasons for this conversation, a solitary character like a letter or number. Character’s structure
fields like names, phone numbers, locations, and buys. An assortment of fields makes up a record. An
assortment of records is alluded to as a document. Incorporated and related records make up an
information base. An element is a class of individuals, items, or spots for which information are put away
or gathered. Models incorporate workers and clients. Subsequently, information is put away as elements,
like a representative data set and a client data set. A quality is a trait of an element. For instance, the name
of a client is a trait of a client. A particular estimation of a characteristic is alluded to as an information
thing. That is, information things are found in fields.
• Data Organization
Information association is basic to ideal information use. Thus, it is imperative to arrange information in
such a way as to reflect business tasks and practices. In that capacity, cautious thought ought to be given
to content, access, sensible construction, and actual association. Content alludes to what information will
be gathered. Access alludes to the clients that information is given to when proper. Consistent
construction alludes to how the information will be orchestrated. Actual design alludes to where the
information will be found.

3. Explain features of Group Decision Support System.

Answer. A cooperative choice emotionally supportive network (GDSS) is an intuitive PC based
framework that encourages various chiefs (cooperating in a gathering) in discovering answers for issues
that are unstructured in nature. They are planned so that they take contribution from different clients
interfacing at the same time with the frameworks to show up at a choice as a gathering.
A cooperative choice emotionally supportive network (GDSS) meeting includes various stages, like
thought age, conversation, casting a ballot, vote checking, etc. The facilitator oversees and controls the
execution of these stages. The utilization of different programming instruments in the gathering is
additionally constrained by the facilitator.
A cooperative choice emotionally supportive network (GDSS) is made out of 3 principal parts,
specifically equipment, programming instruments, and individuals.
Equipment: It incorporates electronic equipment like the PC, hardware utilized for systems
administration, electronic presentation sheets and varying media gear. It likewise incorporates the
meeting office, including the actual set up – the room, the tables, and the seats – spread out in such a way
that they can uphold bunch conversation and cooperation.
Programming Apparatuses: It incorporates different instruments and methods, like electronic polls,
electronic conceptualizing devices, thought coordinators, devices for setting need, strategy development
device, and so on the utilization of these product devices in a gathering meeting helps the collective
choice creators to design, arrange thoughts, assemble data, build up needs, take choices and archive the
gathering procedures. Thus, gatherings become more beneficial.
Individuals: It bargains the individuals taking an interest in the gathering, a prepared facilitator who
assists with the procedures of the gathering, and a specialist staff to help the equipment and programming.
The GDSS segments together give a great climate to completing gathering gatherings.

4. Explain benefits of business intelligence.

Answer. An effective BI program creates an assortment of business benefits in an association. For
instance, BI empowers C-suite heads and office supervisors to screen business execution on a progressing
premise so they can act immediately whenever issues or openings emerge. Investigating client
information helps make advertising, deals and client assistance endeavours more powerful. Store network,
assembling and circulation bottlenecks can be identified before they cause monetary damage. HR
administrators are better ready to screen worker efficiency, work costs and other labour force information.
Generally, the key advantages that organizations can get from BI applications incorporate the capacity to:
• Speed up and improve dynamic. • Optimize inner business measures. • Increase operational
effectiveness and efficiency. • Spot business issues that should be tended to. • Identify arising business
and market patterns. • Develop more grounded business systems. • Drive higher deals and new incomes. •
Gain a serious edge over rival organizations.
BI activities likewise give smaller business benefits - among them, making it simpler for project
supervisors to follow the situation with business projects and for associations to assemble serious
knowledge on their opponents. Likewise, BI, information the executives and IT groups themselves profit
by business knowledge, utilizing it to break down different parts of innovation and investigation

5. Explain the role of system in MIS in detail.

Answer. The word framework is gotten from the Greek word "systema" which implies the
coordinated relationship among the working units. In any case, the word framework consistently
accompanies a descriptor, at whatever point we talk about a framework like instructive framework,
political framework, bookkeeping framework and so forth Yet, in the event that we cautiously assess
these frameworks, we can find that there are a few highlights regular to every one of the frameworks.
These are the attributes of the framework which assist us with understanding the working meaning of the
word framework.
Definition - A system is an organized collection of independent components that are connected together
according to a predetermined plan to achieve a specific goal. The system elements, their properties, and
relationships define all of the system's characteristics.
Outputs and Inputs
• A system's main objective is to generate an output that is useful to its user. • The information that enters
the system for processing is referred to as inputs. • The product of processing is production.
• The processor is the component of a framework that includes the genuine change of contribution to
yield. • It is the operational segment of a framework. Processors may adjust the info either absolutely or
part of the way, contingent upon the yield detail. • As the yield particulars change, so does the preparing.
Now and again, input is likewise altered to empower the processor for taking care of the change.
• The control component directs the framework. • It is the dynamic subsystem that controls the example
of exercises overseeing info, preparing, and yield. • The conduct of a PC Framework is constrained by the
Working Framework and programming. To keep framework in balance, what and how much info is
required is controlled by Yield Particulars.
• Feedback gives the control in a powerful framework. • Positive criticism is standard in nature that
empowers the presentation of the framework. • Negative criticism is instructive in nature that gives the
regulator data for activity.
• The climate is the "super framework" inside which an association works. • It is the wellspring of outside
components that strike on the framework. • It decides how a framework should work. For instance, sellers
and contenders of association's current circumstance, may give imperatives that influence the real
presentation of the business.
Boundaries and Interface
• A framework ought to be characterized by its limits. Limits are the limits that distinguish its parts,
cycles, and interrelationship when it interfaces with another framework. • Each framework has limits that
decide its authoritative reach and control. • The information on the limits of a given framework is vital in
deciding the idea of its interface with different frameworks for effective plan.
Structure and order are indicated by organization. It is the arrangement of components that aids in the
accomplishment of predetermined goals.
It is determined by how the components communicate with one another. In a company, for example, the
purchasing department must work with the production department and the payroll department with the
personnel department.
The interdependence of a system's components refers to how they rely on one another. The components
are coordinated and connected together according to a predetermined schedule for proper operation. The
output of one subsystem is needed as input by another subsystem.
The way a device part is related is what integration is all about. Even if each component performs a
specific purpose, it ensures that the system's parts work together within the system.
The goal of the device must be in the centre. It may be correct or incorrect. It's not uncommon for an
organization to declare one goal and then work toward a different one. Users must consider the main
purpose of a computer programme early in the analysis for a successful design and conversion.

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